CAN ja 0 il. B. MASSE11, EDITOR AND PllOmiETOK. SlsSS"' OFFICE, MARKET STREET, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. CT JTamtl iifi5pnj)cr-Dc)0tru to jjoUUcs, JtHcrnturc, -fttoKilHy, jonffl antt Domestic -funis, Science nni the arts, SJortcuUurr, fHarlicts- Amusements, Vc 3 h 11 1 m:v 8iiii-:s vol. a, Ao. aa. TERMS OF THE AMERICAN. TVi'i':.mMi'Vni,AN" ' P"1'1'"""' evrry Samr.lny o, ' UlU.I.AIiH ncr in , i I,. ia l.,r i.. :. n, wrtuce. N'j r,,cr ilim-mlinui'd until all urrrurugu urn ' A.I commiinii'iit ions or letters on Imsim relating to me oihee, tti insure iiltcnlion, innnl ha 1'UST l'AI L, TO CLUBS. Three copies to one n.Mrets, ff,,nn f-cveii j)4 ,, )() 1-im-cii D,i a0(H) Five clolUr- i aik-niiei; ,v, pa). fl,r lh . b crii.i,,n t n,e American. n S.iimie of in lines, fl limes, l.veiv milisi'ijuent insertion, One riqnnri!, 3 nnnnlis, Six ini'iillm, 1iii yenr. Ilusiiicts Cauls .if Five lines, per ninium, tl no 13 ill HI 600 eno 3011 .i, ' ' iinu nine, nnvcrtlfilnz nv me year, with the privilcgi! of inserting Clri-o'iit mlccrliseinenls weekly. 1000 lltf bnrrroi Atlverlisrincnt, us per nirreemnit. ATTOI1XHY AT I.A W, SUITETJltV, PA. H usincss ntrended to in the Counties of Nor thumberland, Union, Lycoming and Columbia, liefer to l T. A A. KovouJt, ") J. "WIT OC jsairnn, Somcrs & Snodjrrass, J.cynoIiU, Mcl'urland & Co., Spering, Good &. Co., r hi! ail. E. J. WCLVERT0N, AVTTC3.1T3T AT LAV. VF1TCE ill Market street, Sunliury, adjoining the Clllice of tho "American" and opposite the Tost Ollit'e. llusiness promptly attended to in Northumbcr I:i id and llie adjoining Counties. r.crni to : Hon. C. W.Hepfnis and II. Tlan iian. butlsviile; Hon. A. Jordan und II B. Mus ser. f-' miliary. April 10,' 1855 1;-. HENRY B0KT7EL, ATTORNS!? AT XiATO. Otfkc opposite the Court House, EunVary, ITorthunibei'lantl County, Ta. Piompt attention to business in adjoining Counties. W1I. M. R0 CKEEELLER, ATTORN ETT AT LAW MWESl'StV, PA. Pep. 13. 1S51 If. II. L. SIIINDEL. AT7CP.1TSY AT LAY", SUM3URY, PA. Tlprpmbpr 4, 15'J. tf. HA.RRIS3URG STEAM WOOD rj V U N I X O A.N I) !SCKOI,I, SAWIXf! ISllOl'. Wood 'I'lirniii" in nil iu lirniioiips, in pi'y style and at city prices, livery variety of Cabinet and Carpenter work cither on bund or tjri'.pd lo order. lied Posts, llalnsters, Kosptls, Sl it and Quar ter Mouldings, 'I'ablo's, Xewill I'osts. 1'i.t terns. Awning I'osts, W'aifon Hubs, Columns, Hound or Oi'tagou ('bisel Handles, fsr. "tT Thin bop is in M'K.WVaKKUV AT.. J ,1 ; V, near Third Street, and as we. intend lo (lease all our customers who want sod work dune, it U hoped lliat all ihe trade wil' io us a rail. rj Ten-riiis and Teu-rin DalU made lo or der or returned. The attention of Cabinet Makers and Carpen ters i palled to our npw stylo of TWIST M)i:LllNCiS. Printer's K inlets at 1 per 100 ff.,.t. V. O. HICKOK. 1'ibruary 7, lS5i. ly. Svr. MTJUIT uooKfi: 1. 1. k n , Mtrkei Hired, BUNBTJB.T, PA. "J l.'ST received and for sale, a ficsli supply of, r,T.tXCr.B.lfMI. 5EJ'SI nv Singing Schools. He is n!o opening ct tins lime, a lirpe assoilmeut of Hooks, in every han'di of Literature, consisting of Toelrv, lliolory, .Novels, HomancPs, Siienlific Works, I.aiv, Medicine, Kiliool and Children's Iionlis, Uibles; Seltaol, l'o.ket and Family, both with am! without Eni;r.i inirs, and every of vari ety of Minding;. l'r.ier Rooks, of all kinds. .Mm iiift received and for sale, Purdons Di fP!.l of the laws ol iVnnEyhania, edition of 1S51, jrieo nly '88,00. Judge Uculs ediiUm of El.u-lisloncs Commen taries, in 8 vols. 8 vo. formerly sold at $ 10,01), and now ollered (jn fresh binding) at the low price of Sli.lHI. A Treatise on the laws of Pennsylvania re specting the estates of ljecedvnfs, by Thomas F. Cordon, price only SI.I . Travels, Vovaues and Adventures, all ol which will be sold low, either for cali, or coun try produce. 'February, 21, TS5 J. II. Dilwortli, lir.mson 5 Co. iMl'OHTUliS OF DlCALF.IiS IN Forcijiu l)otnt'lic HARDY ARE, CUTLERY, &C. Xu. 59 Market St., 1 iluur bduw 2d St, PHILADELPHIA. NVliera lliev always pen on hand a larire s'.oci of every variety of Hardware, Cutlery, &c. Wm. llilworth, Henry T). I.andis, Fauiuel Ilransrn, James M. Vance. October Hi, 1855. ly. VfAlTTSD. ANTED. Pennsylvania lands from 100 to 20.000 acree tor cash or trade in ex change for City piopcity. PJ' X'0 J. A. L! I UDV. 1C K, Ileal Fslate Uroker, 107 Walnut Sucet, Philailelpbia, January 1, Sii3 5m. k ;oi!Ni.i.ii8. i y. iiAKitn. w. c. bakkr. Cornelius, liaker 05 Co., jMANt fATl RKltsi OF Lamps, Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, &c. STOKi: NO. 176 CHESTNUT ST.. Manufactory No. $i Cherry St., PHILADELPHIA. April 10, 1855. tf. Lvcomin? Mutual Insurance Company, DR. 1. li. MASSER i the local ngeiit lor the .Iikva Insuriinee Comuanv. in N ortliuinber. land county, and is at all time ready lo cll'ect Insurance against lire on real or per-ouui j.iu pcriy. or renewin policies for the same. Kunburv. April 56, 1851. if. CHM. PUMPS A small number of these ' eirelleiit pump have beea received and are offered lor sale by H. B. MASSER Jtunburr. Nov. I, 1853. Original Poetry. FADED FLOWERS. Thfi duwy, blushing, lialf-bluwn ros Anioiio i t li-nvi's of hvinif jjicen, Tlii vitih'i I hut 'mill vordiiin blown The lilly'K pnr and spo'loss slwi-n, Willi lifshni-si biiht, in beanly t lad, May t'liarm us in our joyous Imiiis ; Bin wlipn lln; he-art is loiii? ami sad, Oh bung n.e wienlhsof liiilinj; flower. Thnnph rich Ihe pr-i fiiino blossoms shtj On juicy stems, when hansin lair, Their lading, ilyina leaves will spread Ai sweet a f rugiaiii'e on the air ; Ami bn alhe they sweet odor slill, As fast l In y wither and decay, Nor lose theii aroma until Their very dnsl is blown away, Tims treasured up in memory, The funded leeoilections clin-j, Which, in half dieainin reverie, Will of l to I IV-like bein spiing, Of lovino smile ami lender lonej Of kindly ivoiils of sympathy, Of li iendships, now In i oUness yrowii, And lovf.s deep, wild idolatry, The freshness of our yonlli ilepnrls, lis bijoliliiessi fades, lull slill llieii cleaves, Fiinlialinrd within on- hear! of hearts, Like fiaiance in Ihe uiihered leaves, Afleelious biiyhler, truer far Emotions calmer (jut mine strong, While reason shinelli like a shir, To clio-u ihe liyhl and (him the wrong. Then bri:is tho f.idi:'.2, wiiheied flowers When ere llie heart is sad and lone, Keep for llie briubter ;ayer bonis The livinjf, dew-decked, newly blown ; Their fragile, lleetiii! beauties loll Of onr own evnnvosceiit blooin ; The dead llower's IViirrrance speaks as well Of llie thai ends not in liie tomb. Pui.burv, March 1S03. ZK Skctcl). AFFECTIUQ INCIDENT. FISOM GOV. DltlGC's SPEECH AT LOWELL. I recollect one member of Congress who was always rall ing me aliout our Congres sional Temperance Society. "Jjiiggs' he used to say, "I'm going to join your temperance society, as soon as my demijohn is empty." He always Idled it again. At one time, towards the close of the session, be said to me: "I am going to sign the pledge when I get home. I am in earnest," continued he ; my ib-tnijulin is nearly empty, and 1 am not cuing to till it ajain." He spoke such an air ol se riousness as I had not before observed, and it impressed me; and I asked him what it meant, what had changed his feelings. 'Why,' sai.l he '1 hud, a short, a visit from my brother, who slated to me a fact that mote deeply impressed and afTecled me than any thing I recollect to have heard upon the subj-'it in any tea. per ance spi-ecli I ever heard or rend. In ni v neighborhood is a sentleruan ol my acquaintance, well educated, win) once hal some piouei l y , ion is llinv irnuini poor! He has a beautiful and lovely wife i J . a lady of cultivation and rcunerriiMil at: a most charming liauji'.i'.vr. This gentleman hail become decidedly intemperate in his Siabils, ami had fully alarmed frit'iids in regard to hitr.. At 0''.? titrie when a tuitnber of bis lortner as sociates were together they consulted as lo what could be done for him. Finally one of them said to him, 'why cion't you send your daughter away to a certain distinguished school V which lie named. O I cannot,' said he; 'it is out of lh'.' question. I am not abb; to bear the ex pense. Poor pit' I ! I wish I could.' Wei!,' said his friend, 'if yon will sign the temperance pledge, I will he at all th expense of her atteiidu school for cne year.' What does this mean?' said he. 'Do ll.:. rr,,. Ir. rlin.T,,- l,rn,,ln.r n i,i iiiri I ii ,,uq, i s,, . w u rlriin.-ard" No matter ' Slid his fi iend 'a'jout thai ' now, but I will do as I said.' And I, said another, 'will pay ti:e rent of your farm, a year, if you will sijn the pledge. Well, these oflers are certainly very liberal but what do they mean? Do you think me in danger of becoming- a drunk- ard? V. nat can it mean 7 Lot gentlemen, in view of your liberality I xvill make an of fer. I will Mgn il,e pledge if you xvill.' This was a proposition they had not con sidered, anil were not very Well prepared lo meet; but for bis sake they said, xve wiil, and did sign, a id he with then:. And now for the first time the truth nour- ed into his mind, and he saw his condition, and sat down bathed in tears. Now, said he. centlemen. vou must n-r aim tumiiuinicnie tneselacts lo my wile poor woman! I know she x ill be Had lo k. . r... t . . . near ii, inn i cannot ten ner. jwo of them started for that nnrnnso The lady int Ihem at the door, pale and il rmni i ug, v. nil I'inoiion, What,' she inquired, is the mnller 1 What has happened to my husband V 1 hey bid tier dismiss her lean, assuring her they had come to bring her tidinrrj 0f her husband but good tubings, such as the wouiil lie "jan to near. Your husband has signpd the temper- ance pledge yea, in good faith.' The joyous nexx's nearly overcame her she trembled with excitement-wept freely, and clasping her hands devolionally, she looked up to heaven, and thanked Uoil lor the happy change. 'Now,' said she, 'I have i hus'-iand as he once was; in the days of our early love.' Eu' U i was not what moved me,' aid th gentleman. 'There was in the same vicinity anothergeritlemana generous no ble Boul married well into a respectable family, and the flower or it. Hi wine drinking habits had arouied tht feanof his SUM1UHY, NOimiUMIlKIlIsAM) COUNTY. l'-W EATI IViends, and oneiln)', w hen several of Ihein were together, one said t annther '!el us join the pledge.' 'I will il you will,' said one to another, till all bad agreed to il, and Ihe thintr was clone.' This gentleman thought it nit her a small business, and fell a little sensitive about re vealing to his wife what he had done. liul on returning home, he said to her. 'Mary my dear, I have done what I A-ar will displcasi von.' 'Well, what" is it?' 'Why, I have signed the temperance plpdrre.' 'Have yon V 'Yes, have certainly.' Watching his manner as he replied, and reading itssinceritv, she entwined herarnis around his neck, laid her head upon Iris bo som, and hurst into bars. 1 1 1 r husband was oflected deeply by this conduct uf his wile and said : 'Mary, don't weep; 1 t'id pot I;nov il would alilirt von so, or T would not have done il, I will go and lahe my name oil' immediately.' 'Take votir name cfi'l' said she, no ! no! let it he there. I shall now have no more solicitude in reference to your becom ing a drunkard. 1 shall spend no more wakeful hours, f shail no more steep my nillow in tears.' Now for the first time the trn'h shone up- j "lining distiicls. The anthracite, coal ship on his mind, and he folded to his bosom his ( mem from Ihe comities beloro named has young and beaillilul wile, and Wept with I increased fioni 3(15 tons, in 1S20, to 5,000, her. Now I can't stand these facts, ami I : 000 of tons in 1So5 '.. In addition to ihe am going to sin Ihe pledge. Pieniiiblc passed at a meeiin of the eili- ! Zfiis of Coal township, held March 3r 13.13, ; and adopted at tho I REGULAR MASS MEETING ! of the eiliz"iis of N'oi ! hiiinberlaud countv, j ledd al Siuibniy, on the i ll i:ist., for llie pur- pose (,f lakinrj into consideration ihe subject of the subscription of S5C0.000 by the Com i missione is of said county to the slock ol Ihe i Sii-rpiehaima Uaihoad Company, j We the ciiizens ol Coal lo.vuship, in Nor ' ihilmberlaml county, Pa., assembled for the pin pose of publicly expiessiea (nil s-'iitimenls res pMd iiiy the aei of I he Count j Coiruii ission 1 ei s in lean inn ihe bonds ol I hi - count y lot he amount of 3 200.000 in ihe Susquehanna R.iil : road Company to aid in llu construction of sai.l road. Ami in order lo llie heller uude;s!andit,:iof i llie sol ij 'Ct and a lull i.iterch ing ! of opinion wiih o fellow eitiz-us thiouiioii! llie coon- ! ly. (n:no of whom, as we aie informed, dis- appiove ol sat 1 act.) we invito lln m to j-om us in n calm and dispas-ionale review of a few prominent leiitmcs that have .-.Heeded the pne;i"ss of improvements in the i.ilerior i. four f-:a'e i!:iiin; a peiiod id thiity-five years. This will cany t,s back to the year 1S13, a! which lime, the) tenitmv now torn posini; the eaun'iosof D.h:;.';i;m, S.-l.nj Ikill, C.ribou, Luerne, Columbia Montour anil Nordmmbei l.tml, presented in many places, tor tinny mi; -s i;. exieul ;.n iii.uroiii'ii lore: , ,. i I,.,, ,- : i,., i, :, ., , , l ,, , . !,,,.., r,,.. ., . , i r. the mosl put, empe.ved in cutlinir and lalt- , , " , . r r i ing luriner to mai mrjlliei io uiuiui i, in u in owiinn a n small iron furnaces, SiMlteied over thistcrii- j toiy, we believe, was lie; only In audi of i niannfaciine cauied on exeept domeslie c!o- thing : wiih Lo! few public loads and they ' for the most pait lough and impassable, yet j those roads mid llie livers, du; ieg high water j spring and l'..ll. were llie only avenues lo minuet lor the fitip.iis products id the re- i gioii. Eiston in Nui '.haiupton county and j beading in Leiks, weie the nearest n;ai!;ets ! In a large pmlioii of this district, reached by leam, over b;id mads in distances of from CO to GO miles. The wheat raised in llie vi cinity of liie Susquehanna was mostly ship- pt'd in ams or Hit bo.iit.down the river, which wcte fieqeenllv win-hed and the car i Ti... of u in I be I.... .1 !,-,,. ll 1 1 t!, lllilllifl ill.-li, ,i.n ., ni.,,,: ' ,'' '.; t.. ct ..e I....I..-I The famnis if r,'i,,n,i,n i Sebox Ikiil counties, had on Ina aeil r-iiioxiuul counties, inn an aveiage, CO miles lo P.eading. requilin six days lo make ft trip xv it !: a loam castvir,? porhn ps Ho- bii of xx h--at with two horses, (mil I u t few farmers kept more horses iti those days) and all.iwi d'V man and loam, includi: ' lolls, fir six days being eighteen dollars, de ducted from Ihe load ol wheat leaving a bal 1 Knee of J1S or fifty cents a bushel. If ' we allow him to have a leni-n load of nier ch.mdize for some sloie in his neihbni hood, n: even high pii.-es for c.iri)iugand sufTi 1 cieni to pay al! lh"; evpei ses of bis tiip, yet xve not lose sight of ihu fact thai he is I cue of the ciuumunitv cnntribuiing lo ihe support of thai store by his pa'.ionage ai whatever he mty hive chuged for carrxing the goods is added with interest to llieir o: ig i.ial cosl in Ihe thape of piofils lo the iii'n chant of which llie curlier pajs his s iaii. The pioduets along thn Siisquehat'ita, for the most pait, found iheir way to Hiltimnre. In couise of lime, ihe citizens of Philadel. phui pnqecl the 'enterprise of ennstineling the bebnjlkill navigalion fiom the city of Philadelphin to the Schuylkill pap in the Sharp Mountain, wiih the view of diverling Ihe tiade cf lha Susquehanna, from Ihe confluence of lha Iwo branches of the river. by teams over the mountain to llie head of iheir navigatio,, and theiico to ihe city. Tho people of the Sllo cull;,!lt (he of internal improvement, and iho Legislature i'Ppropuated large ,ms of lniJey ,u car . w ... ...u.. iu.erp,e. A canal cupabld of sixty Ion boaia i, con.irucled aloiv the bank of the Susqudianua in whose tocky channel the pioduct of to much labour hud been wrecked and lot. Anthracite coal is discovered in each of the counties before named, ihe Lehigh it T-TUJLI"l.A.V MS .Hi'. IM-iBUl'V ' mndi' ii slack water navigation and in l-"50 carries Slij Ions of coal lo mail.el, Ihe shipment of coal oh this channel increase rapidly eaeh year. In 1S25 tho Sel.ii) ikiil navigation, piojected lo carry the pmducts or Ihe farm and forest of ihe Siisrjnehaunn country, canies 0.500 tons of coul to :nir!x!t. Various oI'.im- avenues are open ed and tin) coal regions aie lapped al va li ons points. Tho Dauviili) ninl I'ollsviKe Ibiil-ioad, (now known iin llie Piiiladelpliia and Suiihniy) is projected, thu weslern di visjin of which, cxtendina fiimi (Simbury into the Shainokbt coal basin is completed in KS.17, on which coal has been tallied eveiy year since Tho iron mines of Mon lonr li Ige are discovered and eMensive iron winks eieeted and beinj erected in its viiiu i'y and adjacenl to llie Sialo canal which iilfou.'s cheap lraupni for tlii! iion lo tunr k"t. Thu chiiylkill navigation not having much to do in tho way of can vin' usijiio j haima wheal to Philadelphia, is (ound ii suf- licient to carrying all the coal mined in thu Schuylkill collieries, and a donble track Hail Road is constrneled alona side to assist to in carry ina; coal lo Philadelphia und blinking back Ohio wheat and agrii'tillural pioduets of ihe western slates for consumption in Ihe low small charcoal luruaccs sealleicd over a wil l moniitaiiii'us terriUny, e have a number ul I n furnaces and rollio" mills 1 1 i r anthracite coal as fuel, and llie dense . "' n"': tiausaetioos lo tie lotiml ot kecoul p-ipolalom of the coal and iion distiicls af- ! atnoim tle-oiiieial proceedings of tho said fouls a leady maiket at hijli prices fur all j Coininissioneis. the fanner has to sell. Unt if lie.! Kail-roads And whereas il is believed that these ami Canals communicating with Ihe coal Ponds were issued sine,, tho last General and non distiicls weie blotted out of e.yist- ; FJoel ion, and in deli. nice of Ihe ihen well ance, llie npeiuliuns of the mines and iion i known mid cleaily expiessed opposition of woiks would necessarily cease, their pep. i the cilixens of llie c 'iiuly, as show;; by their illation would be sc.atleied abroad, and ma- ! election of a O'ouulv Commissioner opposed nv ol them, become fanners and piodiieers lo a connly subscription, and it is also be instead of consumers, n ml those busy n.arls ; hevod that improper ami hL'hly eiimiual in no'.v consiimio"; the suiplos pioduets of lln; ' llneuee were used to operate upon Ihe Com fanner, would become silent and desolate, mis-ioners lo induce Ihem lo make the sob an I we. would fall back, in a business point seiip-'um and to issue lire bonds, for it is of view, lo the position we occupied ihiiU ! well known lliat prior lo the last election, live years anteiini lo the present. That auv one of sound mind and a line fiiend of onr country and ins! iiiil ions and the honor and inlejriiv of our Plate, sbmhl or could thdih- p,.,i..!v a hall to our presetil pio.peions id oi l";- a backward march. pnvMiss, seems ton; wholly ii'iaeeoiinlabie. We believe til l', one dollar p t.ei fir all 'he coal 1 1 i r i i ! , i ; t . . . 1 Lo a low i .s o::i;e ' ! ' it, ,i yj: ic o:.i; pio.luee cm-Hitee'l in !h miiiiiej i ! I -! i li-l -". y thoso emp yet this low e-'i-nate we p.'rceiv.,! am' !.-it d in lS."2to live millions of doll. .is ivotili o: aei ii-ul'i:;;-.! pio bice lit l';e coal mining il is' i ic's in I l.o counties Ir-lme mi med : and as ibis consumption will i.'icit-asi; pro ruta w ith the increase of coal mined, and ns that has ii.eiensi d lit the into of m aily twenty per cen! aui.uaily dining the lasl tw enty xi ais it is fair lo infer that a like in- ciease will continue in future, this will give ns six millions of tons in 1S53. seven millions and two hundred Ihors.nnl in 1 S 5 4 , cilIiI miKion an I six hondre l thousand in 1S.13, ninl len millions ih'ee himdrrd llioiisand in !:-oG It is admitted by I no liest limited by I no best iMorn s'i'.j 'et, t',,.,1 in onler lo M'.pp'y llii" id demand for coal, it is hull -penfa-es,uy lh :l llio ivj! of the ShamiLin i.e re b;y i an 1 1 Mahaiiov l asii. s. be cauied lo maiket in ge quantities; and in order to dn ibis, llie ur, Ikiil Haven and Mine Uil! 11. 11. Co. are i .xleiiun g t .ir roa lo Ashland in the M.ih. mny basin, Sanbiiry R. R. Co from Ihe 'own of ml the I'hi'ad.nphia imd aie riadiiiiling their road St. l.rmol; m east w an I, with I V ii i lot: s i i a i , c lies ihioiigh the basin and l te- I I'aillUT tO I.iV (loWII II llt'ClVV rOl 11)1111 pnt on I t- cars nml loeomo' ives early tho ensuing . T' The Tievoilon, Mahauoy and Sus- ni har.r.a R.ulroi.I is also in progress ol o in progress ol com- p'c'.ion tapping Ihe same basin fmllier west. Coliieiics are being opened at various than two 1 pninls in Ihe basin ami pitpaialions making , C3 p..r I 0 sen 1 a huge nrr.eniil of coal fiom the la tiiioi Ike ' sin dining the pii-"nt year. And we are confident lhat llie coal shiptnen's fiom Ihe ... . . i.i i ; t .i... i :.. MiamoKiu rasm, xinicn is one in me i s. in , the xvnil I. xvill in n few years amount to tun ny million" cf tons. With the increase ol llr; coal 'rude, ihe p"pn!atin;i of lh" coal re gion miis! ueees-a: i'.y increase an ITievoiion. Slr.irniiki I and Ashland, by Iheir advantage, mis locations will become the rmpei ium and occupy tb" position in rf !.u i ui to the Shamo kin and Mahauoy coal basins, that Pottsxille now occupies io the Schuylkill basin which supplies one-half of Ihe ct;'i,e coal l-ide : And each of those places will be equally as goo I mnikols for agiiciilinral produce ns Pottsville now is. nod twenty-live rnib-s near er In the farmers of Noi thutnbei laud comity. In onb r to carry Ihe coal of tin' Shamokin li.sio I, . ibe maiket. the S ale canals aim g ihe Susquehanna must be improved and rn Urged, and Rail-roads constructed along the same channel as has been done in lln; v i! ley of the Schuylkill : we tbeiefore deem it Ihe most wise and judicious policy that Un people of Northumberland county can adopt nnd lha most promotive of their wealth and prosperity, to contribute every aid in 'heir po.vrr toward the consliiiclion of the S,is quehauna Rail-road, and insure its caily completion in time lo meet Iho demands ol a trade in xx hich the destiny, iho improve ment, xreallh and prosperity of oar w hole connly is involved. And, as by the act of Assembly, it is law. ful for the County Commissionei lo loan ihe bonds ef the County lo the Susquehanna !M)AY, MARCH Stf. 58.1::. Hail-road C.omjiar.y to aid in the cori'liiiciion of said 1-roiul, pledyieir ,. f.i 1 Ib of tho County us neciiiity for llio payment of llie inleiesl on said bends; and wheieas the Cnnimissioiicis of N'orlhumbeilaiid connly, have, in accordance with llie provision of sai.l net of Assembly, leaned In tho said li. It. Co. tho bond of the Countv to the amount of two hundred Ihoiisiuid dollars. The resolutions weio published in last week's American I A I a sieal mass convention of the people of N'oriliumbeiland county, held on the pub lie square, in the b'linniih of Sunbury, the 5;! ol Maich, i'lsl., relative to liu; lalu sub scripiiou of two of the Couimissinneis of the County, l hu following preanililo and lesolu lions wciu lead and adopted : Wheiras, the ciliens uf Northumberland county have lecemly been informed throiiah thu public press, and for ihe fiisl lime, that the Susqin liauiia Kail Koad Company now hold mid for a long lime have held Ihe bonds of this county for 8200.01)0, that these bonds weie executed by only two of the Coinniis.-iiniers nl the Comity, lo w it : Clonics Weaver and William Wilson, ami with coupons attached thereto, all of which weie iillesled by Ihe cleik of Ihe Cnmuiis sioneis, whose name is si-jned 8.200 times, yet that all k now ledye of the proceed mils were concealed fiom this other eomm ission er, Christi.iti Albert, who w as conslanlly at his post attending lo the duties of his office, "no 'hit Iher! is no entiv or tiiemoraiutiim Commissioner Wilson e.vpiessed himself op posed lo any county subset iptiou and issue of bo would Tlii .Is, and declined publicly tint he not agree to It. Conveniioii will i.o!, however, now is-eit that ihe Cie.nuii a.,.1 sijned the bends, .il:l mm ev or othei si.inei s w in) executed weie diieclly biibed ar other Wiltitible lliioL', vet '.osaeliou and their own re re. I si:u;,i ion as lo prnnerty o sod; a suspicion, and if Ihe eenliy in, pi l.v.d Sliooejy Veil i n on lie' sn'o bill the nor is to i-o believ I in evidence we ai"; info r.ied lint nothing i 'i litiUJ HM.I IlicO.'lliptllii'i luieg. i i v of Mr II IS' 111 tl A bei t m eveoleil I he I of the b i nd of Commissioner!', nod himself i fiom becoming as infamous as his late cob I j leagues. And whereas this convention hi li-ves that ill ! Prcsi lei t, Managers ard Compiny ol" the So-qui h lima bail Road nie iguoian, the issue of ihe bonds was not only un known to I l.e citizens of the roui.tx, but :m th.-ii wi-hes. and lln-v fm ther ei.lei- lain Ihe stiongest lhat when the sail Piesidii.t and Dl-eclois shall come to Ihis fact and that lb lb nubs xx ere mir, si'i'ietiV 1 HI m.iiinni i" i in- s. i voin- , , . i. . ... i ... i i i- j missioiier, and lhat l.o'hieg on Record of 1 lu ir i-.-ee exist in the nfiieu of the Comity ! (',,;nnii".-io;ieis; and t!ial Hi" ciieiis me greatly diss iiisfii-d w it I. t lie w hole Iransac ! lion, lhat limy will r-luin the said Ihunls Cti;ce!i,;.l 10 111- pi'seoi v. , on in n-e in-, without waiting to impiiie whether they aio valid or wirihless, and whether the Com missioiiers acted lighfu'ly or frandiileiitly. Unt Ihis Convention u!f ign fiiiiher in lln ii expii'ssiou of conlidence in ihe disposition of Ihe said Piesideiil and Di:ect.,r, and dc claie Iheir belief lhat if ihev had been iriade iiciuain!ed with ihe suspicions cir- cnmslaiices couneclei I will lie! conduct of ;i,,, (,,,,-,ii..ii,.,s who evecute.I the liouds. they would have al once rejected then) wiih j loiilhing and abhorieniv. I IT!., tier of Ibis Hireling w ere pub lished in lasl wick's An, mean Hiding Place or I'.ancc:; and Adams. Tin' house in bin lingloi;,, in xxhich the pan iots J ,hu I l.iiii'.'i-k and J.ih. i A lams sj eieted thems, Ives (or s.:fi-'y on one occasion in ihe "limes thai tiied men's s-juls,'1 is now occupied by Ib-v Mr. Se.xcll. Tlir. Empeior of Rus-ia has despatched an expedition lo Japan, wiih iho rhjeel oLkeep i ig an eye up in the proceedi igs of the Ceiled States' squadron. riirr.E are Ihren thousand iwo lorn bed ami twenty eight McD arinll.- and Jl, ).n at.'s in . . . r . f i lie co mix HI uie .L-.iiiv, t ao.oia. .iniuii'- total pope hit ion of only seventeen thou-ia ,,,i Jacob Uostette!, of Pern township Lances, ter county, nbruil two miles i.oiih of Litis, whilst chopping wood on Wednesday last, fell down and instantly expiied. Tltr. friends of Daniel Webster, in Roston, in honor of the name given to a fine vesiel, have presented her xviih nn elegant boudoir piUO forte costing some 800 or $700. A pragmatical youn fellow, silling ot la ble over against ihe learned John Scot, aked him what difference iheie was belt eeu Scot and tot I "Just tht brtadtk of a tcbli," answer d the other. Tot the S'l'itinry Ant.reua. liisnor ivi;.h. Mr Editor: Tho follow inj extract is taken firun thu ' ,,: tin Kpict pal pa ier published in Philadelphia. It is a part of n letler xv i il I iri by llie Ui.-hop of ihe Dio- eeseof Mississippi. tnthceilitorof' 'Ihe I;!arof gers tmve been attracted to llio city to wil. ibn Union,'' published at Jackson, and up- j nes tho inauguration. Tho hotels, board, peaied in thai paper of ihe llth tilt. Will ! i,:g houses, and piivalo. house have been lil you be so kind ns to give it nil inser- j oially ovci-mn, and thnlisaiids have been fur lion in your paper? A XOIl have pllb- red In make llio n.niiid.i. no, I com.,. m... lisheil several articles on Hie subject. 1 t'.tn sine you will willingly give your reader" thu benefit of it. ' W. W. M. March 4 lb ISS3. When an individual sees fit, from nny cans-', lo withdraw from one portion of the Chinch of Christ, and unite himself to ano ther, it is loo ofien llie casu I lint his la'.o friends and iissociales lorn upon nod rend him xv i i hoot mercy. Willi so unkind and unreasonable n practice I will have nothing lo do. If my biolher or my neighbor prefer the e.xtiemo of Komanisrn on the one hand, or ultia Piiilestantism on the other, to llie saler middle pioiiud of Piimilive Gospel Truth, instead of backbiting and maligning him, I will only pray that llie erroneous creed which lie has chosen may nut prevent him from making his calling and election sure ngaiust llie last day. After ihns declaiiniie' all unkind feeling lowiuds my late I'.iother in th" Kpiscopale. and praxing that in Ihe midst of the spii ilual dangers which now- surround him, his foul may be hi the keeping of llio Good Shepheid, I must respeotlully beg a little fmiher space at our hands, xihi'st I to ielly alludt; to the cause of Bi-hop Ive.' defection, and t's pru pable effect upon his Diocese. And lliat your readers may know how far I am ipiali lied In speak on the subject, 1 w ill simply mention lliat twenty-nine years of my min istry were spent ill North Carolina my native State and that for the far gieaier part of thai lime, I was frequently and inli malely associated with him who forms the subject of this painful commiiuii'ii'.ion. When, therefore, in riccininting for the npos. tacy of Lhshop Ives, 1 pay that I have not, far llie last live or six years, regarded hiin r.s a rvtpoiifiiilc man, I speak fiom personal obser vation j and I iise language, however ser ous, that will be wi 11 nndeislood, nod will CK'nle no surpiise in Ihe Diocese of Neilh Carolina, nor in any other place xhtre the Rishnp has been familiailv known for some time par,:. Nov in sax i"-! thi", I but rep ' it ll. oli Mini viitually made by his confi.lenti il phv siciaii. and by oneofhis most intimati! friends to the Convention of his Diocese io ISS1. Tiies.; quotations are fiom hn piiute.J Journal of the Convention of Ninth Carolina, for ls-ol. and may snfiice to show, in the piu'on of lhat body, the irrrsp'iimdle condi tion of Ih-'ir Kishop. Ard lo Ibis canclulion my mind is diiven by thai elrul'y that 'l.'iprih rdl ihin,"s,'' For could I be in. limed to !; .'.: npui; my erring Biothor in any other light, 1 would be forced, upon many giou-uis of ptmonul l.uoulcthe, to ihii.k of hi.n ns I wish j;of io think of any one who names Ihe name of Christ II would be truly painful lo me lo be compelled to ej.ler into pirlieuiars on this subject. I will only add, lhat the un settled conditio;; of bishop Ives' intellect, or ) rather of his nun, il j'l Igmei.l, has been a crow ing sonice of pain lo his D.oeese fur sev eral xeais, so much sons lo incline many, both of his Cieigy and Laity, to set him aside, or :,', le-i-l, to appoint an "Assistant" to him in ihe Episcopate. And nothing bat his earnest enl real ies. and it-peatcd lecanta lions, joined to llieir own loo kind icgard for his feelings, pievcnted them foul doing so, on mine th in one occasion. As lo the probable i fleet ef the npnsfacy of llishop Ives upon the Diocese, which he has insulted and dcsoi to.l, the follow ing ex- tracts from letters received xxilbui the la'l few days may suince. I To these exiiacls I w ii! only add. on my own par', lint in passing ihiocgh N"i'h Or- i nlitia, in INuv.-mlrrr lasl, I wnsguovinl at ! the heart to see the dlec'i' li ot ill- Pieces i tovvaid iheir llishop, on neeonnt of his inconsistency of conduct, and lo hear, on all sides, the wish ep.en') expressed, thai !" wor.ld lesun his ch. uge, and thus i p ;i the way for a reluru of lluit muui loess in llie faith, mid that mutual line and cu fi lc-nce V bich h id been bequeathed to tlu-ni by lh" honest and roble-heailed llaven-erefl. Iti rtiakitig this Ceiilrnnniei-tie.-i, "If.'or, lliusl lhat I do ro violence lo the Law- i f Charity, cither in I'm inlentioti which pmmpls me to it, or in I jc.age in which I expiess myself. I m,i'..e no atl.'ek on rih, p Ives' ch.uaelei ; tmr do I asou'ee in him any i in pi ire or unwoi'.liy n.'i ive ii ih,;s icnnniieiiig l is high and holy conri, i-.-io-i in I me i nuicn oi i t. ism., nn ,u. ., J'"'r" ' ! 1 may an, i n con.l-'mn niany I lungs ,u n s i j comtucl C ni-cleil w nil Ills iiuai.onooii- ;i - . , , i i the line Catholic faith. Thanking vou sinccicl) for iho spare which xoii have allowed me, and pr i log lor Ihe spread of P.viue luiih am' luxe every- whrre. , 1 remain wiih kind regard, yours, W. M. GREEN, Dishop of Ihe Diocese of Mississippi. Jaciso.n, Fi b- 8, 1S53. IT is nleasii-S ' ,ho m'TiCt" from MatariMs, that the health of Vice Presi dent Kin? has somewhat improved. Tb First Congress convened on the 4ih of Mareh. 1789. Ol.i) :i:u.s vol. j Nt). St3.- COIlli Lsl'UMJI'.M i: Cf TltK AMI:rtlrA. Wasiiinktox, Match 4 h, IPS3. Tho mass of hiirnan beinys corairpiiled in this place for tho last Iweiiiy-four hours i ; immense. Thu calculation has been mado tlnt no less than seveiilj -five Ihousand strnn looms of Ihe capilol llieii lodging places lor the night. Every thing went elf wi ll. Tho inaugural of President Pierce is the finest which has been delivered for twenl)-fivo yeais, not only for ils elevated review of ihe past history of the government, but for the truly democratic sentiments which peivado it. Cungress had been in session all last nigh!, and nieht befoie, and the gallnies weie crowded wiih spectators all the lime. The Senate had under consideialion the Homestead bill, Mr. Rin.lheuds bill giving; 1C0 acres of land to all ihe Soldieis uf tin, lale war, the bill to establish the boundiy of Nebraska, and oilier bills, ail of which wero lost jn the hurry of the hist moments of Con gress. The measure xxhich should most interest Peiinsx Ivauians was an amendment offered by Mr. Mason of Virginia to the civil, and diplomatic bill, repealing the duly on railroad iron. This amendment could not fail to produce an exciting debate in tho Senate, not only on account of the loss of revenue ils iepal would occasion, but for Ihe vital slab which was attempted to be given lo ihe most cherished interests of Pennsylvania. The iron mnnnfacliiries of your slate are just beginning lo reap Ihe pro fits of Ihe present great demand for Iheir material. They have been cramped, and oppressed for years, and now when every channel of business i.s full, and prosperous lo attempt to take Irum ihem the protection which was allowed by liiose, who for their liberal views upon the tariff were styled free traders would be highly censurable. The adoption of the amendment would leave tho z coal and iron in'.eiests of Pennsylvania com plelfly at the meiey of the foreign manufac turer and importer. When this amendment was spuing upon Ihe Senate, Mr. Brodheail remarked that some olher time and occasion should have been taken to intioduce ihi.s measure of repeal. Now xxhen we were xvilhin forty-eight hours cf an adjournment, was not iho time to spring ihis important amendment upon iho Semite. The tatiff laws were at ali times, ihe most i'ltiicate question which the Senate could be called on lo adjust, r-.ud how he aslced could this important subject be examined xvith nny prospect of f.iiraiess, when not two whole; days survived of the Session, and w hen many of ihe ajipropi iation bills were yet to pas; That doty made him stand by the S-nator from Virginia, to keep tho appropri:i'.i.!:i bills free from evry amendment upon ques tions oT coriliovertcd policy not properly be longing io such biil'i, and now at this late hour the Simile wen; call-d upon to legislate on the subject of ihe tat iff, what ho said xvas the necessity for Ihis partial legislation, why not repeal the duties on nil kinds cf iron whv not repeal ihe duties en cotton, sugar, and llie woollen fabrics? They, Mr. Iliod head sai l, i ere in moio common demand among lln; xvhole people lhan railroad iron. Would it not be heller to abolish all kinds o' duties, and conio al once lo direct taxation lhan to single out one particular interest to ciilsh it? The revenue ho said upon rail road iron now amounted lo more lh '.n threo millions per year. Will you lake this away and pas? no law lo si pply ils loss? lb; held H lo be, ihe best policy ul thecounliy to take caie of ils iron interest, for in taking caio of lhat, yon lake care of the coal interest loo The amendment was afterwards lost. J. E. 1). WiTcrii-n xi- r The Chtimbersburg Whig, of the 1 Till uil., relates the following singular instance of Miper.iiiinp, w hich pioves lhat the belief in w .t.hcraft is not yet done away xvith: A correspondent; wi iling from Fti-ten connly. informs us of a singular case of sup posed xx itchcrafl lhat oeenred rear Sidin,r Hill. There is a certain religions s-el in that m-igliboi boo I, calling themselves the Chit--ti.iu Chinch. A lady, one of ihe members, w as taken sick and lay f T some tim", until she finally imagined herself bewitched, and a su- ler in the Chinch was seltle.l upon OS Ihe witch. A nn'eling of the session wa3 called in due season, at which the minister presided, and ibo charge of witchcraft was formally pieferred !ig-iint the lady. Being a new m,, an I we presume, not provided for iti llie ,i.sci'l;r.e, ihe session was pr.zsJed a to Ihe proper ni.innei to proceed in ihe case At length il was piupo.-ed lhat she should ba asked to step over a broom-lick, ns it bad been siid lhat a ilch cnu'd not do so; but Ihe licensed cot over il without apparent d flicnllv. After a consulaiioii it was ihen :i..l(-od that she should he Hied in a pair cf r i : .i. . ....;.... unri a it, n o io oai.inct? uir , . Wvim . --, Hii.i ii sue . ii... , ' I .. .I..I. II. n llll.lri U III 1.1 Uta UU hear v fi r her. Accordingly t-he was taken to a mill, uuJ iho experiment tried; but h proved loo heavy for tho IS. ble. It xvas iuiimated thai probably her clothing preven ted a fair test, and half a bushel o! corn was pal on ihe scales with the Bible, to balance the clothing, but still the ludy was too heavy, and the charge was formally dismissed. Mamufd in Michigan, Mr. Henry Dills to Miss Mary Small. We hope the issuing of small bills is not prohibited in that State, Ambition is like love, i npatient of both delays and rivals.