SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N JOURNAL. SFXECT POETRY. ' ' "Alt ABOUT HER." tes, she rem lovely, she was lair As mild n summer's even ; An angel form, n spirit rara -A star just dropped from Heaven. Well, she? was. And ch ! those bright anil lovely oibs That gleamed wiih Cupid'i fire Thnio taven curls, that ncblo brow ! To see, was Id admire So it wai I 1 knelt before her, and I sworo I'd hare one burning kiss: Shn said '-Uniil you wnsh yonr faco You can't enjoy such bliss " Well, she did! 1 swore she was an angel loo, Who'd fallen from the sky ; She suid "Oh ! lot a pair of wings Onca more to soar on hiali Inriemf. she did I 1 - 'What ! vc hat !" I cried, "and would you thus A lover true desert ; "Oh Heavens!" she said, "the clolhes line's broke, There goes my brother's shirt !;' Well, she did lioss ! 1 felt jnst then ns if I'd dropt From Chimborazo's summit ; I felt my budding passion cropt ; 'Twas plain 1 couldn't come it. No, sir-re-e-e ! And did I quickly snatch my hat Without one thought of kissing ! And did 1 ever after that Come up omonp the missing 1 Well, I did nolhiu' shoiter! "A Penny nival is a Penny Earned." MA1.PLK S BLANK HOOK MAIJTTPACTORY, And Job Book Bindery, Market aluv: Centre Street, Pottsville, Tit. fJT.ANK Docks hound and ruled in any nml every stylo, in the most durable sn.l sub stantial manner, with or without printed Heads. Person in . ant of Ledgers, Dockets,- Day Bonks, Minute Books, Journals, Letter Books, Blotters, Reroipt Books, Coal Ledgers, Ac., Ac., or sny kind or Blank Books, would do well to give me a call as I pledge m self to give salitfac tiou. Paper ruled to any pnttcrn desired. Par ticular attention paid to Binding all kinds of old Boohs, Bil'lei Godcy'e Lady Bonks, Graham's Mnjozine, Sartiiin's Mu;uziuc, Harper's Magazine, jotcphus worts, Im 1825, M. Thiers was printer's devil. Tm Lutherans are building a new Church at Johnstown. Ir you want cheap bargains, deal with those who advertise. LoNcrci.ow calls Sunday "lire golden clasp which closes the volume of the week." i h ere are lour million ol three cent pie ces in circulation. Pants procured on tick are considered 'breeches of trust." A Siberian lynx was shot in Deerfield, N H., last week. His weight was 35 pounds. The average price of a serf in Russia, is seventy-five dollars. It is a mistaken idea thr.t big while lior ses are the best travellers. The fare from Philadelphia to St. Louis is now only $19. Four years ago it was 590. JoHsKennedy was arrested and committed to jail in Covington, Ky., for dealing in coun terfeit money. "A little farm well tilled is to a farmer the next thing to a little wife well willed." Daniel Webster. Pir.GiNfi for the dead is a "grave " busi ness but an artist who cuts on wood is a llvtnn Cooks, (leasnn's Pictorial, Sheet Music, Khakspcnre's works, Lite ol Christ, Law Books, Ac., Ac. Anv of tho above or oilier books bound in full rill, plain or lancv to suit the wishes of customers, I would again call tlic attention of my Menus auu customers, tollio fact that 1 have been a Practical Bool; Binder for the last 18 years, and they can depend on having their work dono in the very best manner, and do the work mysell; 1 use me best paper A. material; please five me a call my charges ore reasonable and fair, but there is no dilhculty ubout prices where work is done satis factorily. X. II. Persons having Boosthcv want bound ran send them by stage directed to mo slating, the the style they wish them bound in: I will do them as low us lliey can lie done any wncre, care fully pack them up and return thrm ; Also per sons can send orders fur Blank Books by mail, which will be punctually attendud to. All work dono at short notice. R. L. MARPLE. Practical Book Binder, rottsville, Nov. G, 1832 Gin. JUST RECEIVED AT THE Saddlery and HarncES Establishment of G. AY. STltOII, Market Street, Sunbury, A new assortment of Silver, ISl'USS Ullll Jiipnuncd Mounting, Which lie will either make up to order or sell separately for cash at prices as low if not lower than can be had anywhere else, SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, TrunUR, Vallcii!!, Carriage Whips, AiC, Constantly kept on hand or manufactured to order. CARRIAGE TRIMMING done on I he shortest notice. . All persons are invited to call and examine foi 'hemselves. All kinds of produce taken in exchange. Sunbury, May 1, IBM. If. JOHN PHILLIPS & SON, No. 47 SotifA Water Street, below Chestnut,' yuir.ADEiii'iiiA. tM PO RE RS of Foreign Fruits, Nuts, Wines, Ac, keep constantly on hnnd the following articles, which they will sell at very low prices for cash. Almonds, Currants, Citron, (iround Nuts, Cream Nuts, Dales, Figs, Vanilla beans, Preserved piii'jcr. amarinds, Lemon Syrup, Firo Crackers, Madeira Wine. Claret Wine, Muscat ' Sweet Malaga Philadelphia, July 3, 1955. ly. LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. J. C. OBKUTEri'FER, S. E. Cor. Ninth and Maple Sts above Race rrnLADELPniA. INVITES the Ladies of the City nnd Country to call end examine his splendid Mock oj NBW STORE. BEN J A MIX 11EFFXER IJESrECFFULLV informs the citizens of It Raisins, Walnuts, Prunes, Filberls, Sweet Oil, Liquorice, Port Wine, Sherry G3-S300 CHALLENGE. WHATEVER concur in the health nd IwipjiinesS of a people is at nil lime of I ho runt vulnuUe import ance, i hike it for grunted Unit every person will do all In llicir power, in rave the livca of their children, and Mmt every person will endtuvor lo promote thtir own health nt all men liens. I feel it to ho iny duty to solemnly iwmire yon thut WOUMS, ftccording to the opiniun of the most oelehrnted Physicians, are the pririmry cnuaea of a tarjfo majority of diseiisea to which children nnd adults are lia ble ;if yon have an appetite continually c ho n gen Me fnrni one kind of food to another, Had 11 real h, Pnin in the St o- irmcn, ricKingnt the INom, iiiinliiess anil ruiincHsoi mo Belly, hty Cough, Slow Fever, Pulse Irregular remoniher thai nil thrso (lunula WOHMS, and yuu aJioakl at once ap ply the remedy : llOBENSACK'S WORM SYRUP. An nrliele fomwled upon Scientific Principles, compound ed wilh purely vi'gelnule sulwluitces. being perfectly rafo when ukeii, u ml en n he given to the most tender Infnnt with dr-citlpil htufiiiiil fiir't. whiTe Bowel O'tlllthint s and Diurrhtra have nmde them wack and dehititalrd the Tonic properties of my Worm hyrup are sucli, thai il stands without mi eqtm'l fn the cnlnlogue of medicines, in g viiift t"ie nnd slrtnjrth to the Moninch, winch mnkes it tilt Iniullihlj Temeily fr those nlllict'ti with Oysp'-psiii, Ihe os!oniliinT en res nerfnrmeil hy this fymp after Phyn emm hnve fmlrd, is the best evidence of' Us superior efti eacy oct all others. THE TAPE WOilMl T!,ii it the most difficult Worm to destroy (All tint lit frst the Imninn system, it grows to on nlmost liuMiiiiW; lenili hcc.tlliine s coilt-d and liistcnrd ill the IiiUastin'S snil Sl nnncli tf:.:ulins the health so Rnlly lis to cause Ft. Vitus Uruu-p. Fits. Ac., Hint tlin-e iillai'tnl seldom il ever su.eel lint it is Tape NVortll hn'pninf; them to an enriy gruve. In order to destroy tins onn, a very merpeue Irrntiu-nt must lie pursuecf, it would therefore lie proper to ta'.e 8 to H ot'inv l.ivrr Pills sons to remove nil I'lutrue lions, that the Worm !Tiipli:iv net ilireet upon the Woim, whirh inuM he taken in ol a l alilespoonluus a nines n d iy these direetious lollowei! hnve never been known to fail m cariuj ll.e most uhstiuulo ce.3e ol' Tape Worm. 0" llOBENSACK'S LIVER PILLS. Ni part of the systrtn is more liiihle to ilisnse thrm the 1.1 Vl'.li. it servinir ns n hitcrcr to piimy the I.I.hkI, or giv mi; the proper secretion to the bile ; so lint tiny v. nmir tie tion of the Liver effects the other important jmrls ( tin sytiletn. nnd results variously, in Liver Complaint. j;tun dice. Dyspfpsii, Ac. We should, then-fore, wntfh every svnipt"in tluit mi&rttt indicrite n wrontr netioii of the These I'ids hein? composed of HOOTS K PLANTS tin- lini hv iKitnre to heio: inc. siek : Aainelv, st, An r..- PKCTtKANT, which nucuients the secret it in from Hi Puluioiinry mucus mendntuu', or prompt es the disehnrire of secreted nintter. tiud, An ALTEUATiVK, which tuiTcs in t iiue inexplicable mid itiftenstole muntiT the rrtnin in-'lhid netion of the nvstcm. Urd, A TONIC Trimmings, wliieli lias been selected with tho ut most earo. Mr. O. bcin? enabled, from his experienee in tile btisiucsg. to take advantage, of tlie wholesale market, is able t sell as low as any other estab lishment. Mr. O. wna fornirrlv ririncilial ron- fSunliurv and vicinity, that ho has opened a .u..ior 0f i,n rxlensivc business of Mr. J. V. new slorc in the room lately occupied by George i Hursttnan, No. 204 t'heslnut Street, and his ex t I.. II. II. ....I ll iiict rff. . . ' 111 l. ...... ........A rtf l.i. whirh cive tone anil slrei";t!i to ti.e nervous svsleni, re uewins he-illli nml vior to nil parts of Ihe u.x!y. 4ta, A - - " CATIIAHTIU. wlneh nets in pentet iinnnony Willi tne l ,,. l .,t,.,u -Sf I it un I v other hwilients, ami opernlii'gon Ihe Bowels, and espel- V--IiCtlJI .III. 111.3 IJ .11.111111) ling l lie wnoie mass ol eorrupt imu viitateti, nun pu rilyitif; ths liljo.1, which destroys and restores Ilea it il. Uright, opposite Bolton's Hotel. He lias just re ceived a handsome assortment of WINTER GOODS, consisting in part of Clotli3, Cassimcrs, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: C'al!cori, Ginghams, I-awits, SiotisscUjic lie I.aincs and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCKUILS of every variety. Also sn assortment of Iill"HVt'C. IrOH ami Steel, Rails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of ttTJEENSWARE, f various styles snd patterns. Also an assortment of HOOTS & SIIOr.5. II ATS & CAPS, a good selection. i?nt. Fish, isc. And a great variety of other articles sucli as arc suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. tlf Country produce, taken in exchange at the highest pri-es. Sunbury, .May 1, 1852 ly. tensive experience will bo a guarantee, of bis ability to do justice to bis customers. His Stock comprises the following. Silk, Worsted, and Cutttm Curtain Fringes, lliiidinir. Tassels and Cord, ilk and Worsted liliud do. Silk. Woollen, and Cotton Hoisery, Gloves, Combs, 11 rushes, Snaps, l'crfumery. &c. Woollen and Cotton Knilline, and Darning Yam forte Munuuies. Furni-'ied Work Hoxcs, llrnce- lets, and Fancy Articles generally. Call und examine for yuursclves. Philadelphia, September 25. 1S52 Cm. E. J. Fry has been elected Colonel of Ihe 2d Regiment Schuylkill Volunteers, in place of Joseph Haughawaut, resigned. Large quantities of lard nru being put up this season at Madison and Cincinnati, in tin cans, which are sealed like cans of oysters. The eyes of needles fire punched by a ma. chine, which, superintended by one boy, can punch twenty thousand a day. A noon fat sheep may be had in Mexico for twenty-five cenls ; but it is not easy Id get twenty-five cents in that country. It is estimated thut theie aie at least lour thousand persons in the L'nilod Slates holdinr; office at tho will of the President. Nothing is so dangerous as to pretend to be in love with a woman the reality is sure to follow. An old sailor, at tho theatre, said he sup posed that dancing gills wore there dresses at half mast as a mark of respect to. departed modesty. The editor of lha Springfield Republican has been presented by a lady with a piece) of cake, in perfectly Rood condition, which was 26 years old last July. Tub City Councils of I'itlsbiirch have pas. ssd a resolution lenderina to the Les'sluture of Pennsylvania an in vita t ton to visit the city. There is a family in Ohio so lazy that it takes two of ihem to sneeze one to llirow the head back, and tho other to make the noise. Nothing was so much dreaded in our chool-boy days as to be punished by silting between girls. Ah! the force of education. Now a days we submit without shedding a tear. . Wealth and widowhood, when united, ire dangerous things to encounter. Money may be called the "widuw, might," whan in large quantities, as in poverty it is in her "mile." Exquisite. A. writer in the Lafayette Re publican, "court" the mines afier I his fashion: "Tn sweet to see the trad, the frog, The lilly and tin pollywog But sweeter far it is to me, To ley my bead on Sail) s knee. The late Amos Law rence, of Boston, gave away during his life morn than five hundred thousand dollars ! On his pocket-book uas inscribed the following words: "what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul." s ... .si THE PUZZLER'S CORNER. For the Suulnuy American. Answer to last weeks Knitim Sunbury American. A FIZZLE. Tkemendovs ExciTEi.irsT ! ! Cusli, Steam, Kleelrieity ! ! 2'Ae Aerial and all ofifr lines out done by the Uglittiln? l ine or IRA T. CLEMENT. WHO, having great fiiili in rapid sales and sniull inofil.s. has iust received alio opened a large assortment of FALL AD WINTER GOODS. At his Sto:e in Market Street, Sunbury, which he offers to the public at the lowest prices. His stock consists of a general assortment o Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimns, Cassinets, Jeans. Drillings, Muslins, Linens. Calieoes, Muslin dc Lains, Launs, Ginghams, licrages. Sii.k Hats. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women ami Children. drorcrics, Sugar, Tea, CotTee, Molasses, Cheese, Spi ces, Fish Salt, Plaster. HARDWARE, Vii : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, &.C. QUEENSW ARE, Tea Setts, l'lulrs, Dishes, Cvps, Saucers, fj'c LIQUORS, Wine. Brandy, bin, Hum, Whiskey, ic- Ctr" Country produeo of all kinds taken in en chance at the highest maiket prices. Jan. 15, 1S5.1. I v. SOWElt HAliNKS, Publishers and Dooksellcrs, No. 84 North Third Street, rniLADstrxiiA. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. tliblM, Pruyois, Hymns, Poetical and Historical Works, Travels, Novels, Ac.', Ice. SCHOOL BOOKS. Every kind In use from a primer upwards. BLANK BOOKS. An clreant assortment from tlie ms Imok upwards, made of superior rainer, and best of binding. WIUTING PAPERS. Cnp, Port, nnd Note Paper, elegant ft) let and quality, fttid varv chuun. Fanny, Plain ami Adhcuive Envelope, Ink, &uh), Wa fers, Steel Pens, Milieu, Pencils, Poite-Mnnruun, Wrap ping Papers of all kinds, Curtniit Pnpers, &c, A. a. Our utock Is nil freb, Irmrftt chnap nnd soldnccnrdmtrly. Particular attention puid ti lt(j..kHclter, liuiitry Mer chants and T ctieliers, however little they mny buy. Sower tc IJrirnes nre I'tihlixlicra of Pi;LTON'rf aefiea of MAGMF1CKNT OUTLINE MAPS Knrh man In ncnrlv SICVKN FKKT SO l AUK, nnd shown the coinparntie size uml rl;iliv p.i!iim ot" every country on the f Mnj. Tliry nre intendrn ti l.c bmhipihUmI in every Jri-hool Knt'in, nnd ii'-t only iniike n pptmdul np pi'jiriineu, ltt nre nuiverwiily ncknowUtlupd to be the IM'.ST MODI- OF TKACICNG (il'.OfiltAPHV ever linmyht i.ut. Tlit-y r ksn inteuded to h. iifml liy t e nr.hoiurs. contninhi; n ronipli-tc epilomr of Unrapliy. nnd routing lest tlinn liiilf tli price ct" ll deoLTaphy nnd At1;tn. The iyftem in in uuivrwil use hi Pfisia nnd tii-rnianyt nnd iins inrt-ady heen intr-ilnoed in turnrd fNtlierr, I'lnl'i df'.phin, the tuh!i: Bi-iir!h of Hosf;n, New York. Piiiln d.lpltint lnliii)i"re, Wnslihifrton, i nd tiifouglumt New Finland, ew York, tit., fee. Our desks nre l'adtd wiih ree iinirviidnfinna from the moi.t tnlentvd nnd seieii- tilie teacherB in every quarter, nnd wherever the system lias l?tm used parents, tcaeliers and scholars unite in prum idg il- 1. Mno of tlie WwrtPrn Tlnniphfre. J. Map of the K4iMi-ni llemisiicre. 3. Map of Nortli Ani'-nca. 4. (ap rf 1he I'nitid Stales. 5. Map of Hiiro;.?. 6. Map of Asi t. ?. MapofP.iutit A marten nnd Al'ricn. livery imp is brilliantly colored, varinsiied, nnd mount ed on ninslin and roller. Wc respcetfiillv invite the earnest attftition of 1 (mcherr. Parents, mid Scht'ml Directors to tlntt I'nvinaitntf mode ot teaching Geography. torVKH A 1 MtM.S. h c ' North Taivd Street. Philadelphia, Anir.2-, 1 V2. tt". LANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY, MASACAfSHTTS. All solrcnl luniks dis ItllODi; ISI.AMJ. All (olvi'iit hunks dis fONNKUTICt'T. All sulvnt Imnks dis NEW YORK. eiTT. All solvent bunks I dis 1 dis UTUk notes miller 83 J dis rorsTBV. 1 111! PKWSYI.VANI A. C1TT or flllLAUELPHIS. (J. t. Honk noira l.i dis All solvent Imnks put eoi xtxv. Hnnk of CliambLTnliurg 1 dis Bunk of Cluster Co. pur Hnnk of Di-I.Co. Chester par rliink of Oerninntnwil pnrj i.iiiik oi uL'tivBonrg Hnnk of I.PvvislnU'n Hnnk of iMiilrllrloun 1 ihfl All solvents kink MoniiroiniTv Co Hnnk par NKW JKKSKY Hank iil'iNorlhilHilierriid pm (trlvnli re Hniik I Honkof l'ittnlinrir 1 dis Comm.'rriiil H:ink dis Hank of Paiivilis . luirlTur. Hunk Mont Holly pnr Carlisle Hank t dis I'". A M., Middletown I'l. pnr Colnmliin Irk A H'geCopar IMorlmni' s' Hk. Ni'wurk par lloychtowu Hunk pnr;Mi-cli. Hk of Hii'liii ;liMi ir I'.aiion Hank ir'M(rli. A Mnn. Ilk '1 ri-'iii p:;r lie Hank 12 ilis Morris Co Hunk 3 'lis I'.xclinnee IVkPi'tslmr); I i!u!Npvnrk Hk'? ft Ins. Co j (lis Kxflmnirn H'k, Hriinrli 1 liis'dntlnre Hunk f dis Furmrrn' H'k, HucksCn pnr'l'eopiii's HI: Patterson J ili Knrmen' Hk. Ijinrimtrf nnrlt'riiiei.'ton Hnnk pur FnriniirB' Hk. Ilnnliiifr p:ir,Siili.n Hankiiie Co, Fnrm. Hk S'linvlkill i'n par fpmerrH Co (l ink V A H. Hk Va'vnnliV I Mm flute Hank ut ('nun Friinl.lin Hk. Wnsirn ltrtin'Smtr Hk KliznlieiM Ilurrinhnri! Hank l'llin flute Hunk .cwnrk 1 dm Stale Ilk, N. par lilS j il i uis Hi mipwivi; pnr N'.'U'ton i ilis llrnli'Hilulc Hrink linnfailcr Hank Lebanon Hnnk jiarl jmiti-ii. .v iiltin. llrniK I ilis Miners' H'k, I'ollsvilla ncr MonmieahHii Hank I dis't7li " "''' " Tnvlorsv'e IMHVCo 15 ilisl Iil'.I.A V.M(i:. Sui(x Hnnk. 'rrenlon Hmikme Co par irnion bank. p..ver I ilis Ynrill.-vvV & 1). IllrCo l.'.din I dis sl Hrnii''h Hank pur Hank of il' v.ik! AVyotr.injr lk, Vilkeli'c wr llai-k ol' r. York Hunk, I ,lin llplawoff I in l' i dis Hk Wili-. 'n Un MAINT.. rnriiHTs" I' Hank of Wl"-llo.-ic Silis I'nii.n Ha "'il Mrrmulil.- Hk. Hnngor lOriisit"?" L iuiei All olviait bnaks 3 ilifo 1 NKW HAMI'SIIIRK. All r Ivi;' Allsilvenl banks t dis IT HI' n vr.UMdXT. it Hank of St Alh-ini 2 dia'AK 'Iv.-.i t'luks All solvent banka J iluCV'l 'iiit-rj'ii. SV.iic l?r nil!' par par par . pill 1 !...,l:i 'J.lis ii nit a-r .'i'l' I dis (' AHOI.IN A. j dis d.s TO FEMALES. :rcnT," 7 o Your Own .TEcchanics. GEOlvGE liENX. ma:.' i :factfi:i:u or FURNITURE AND CI Li IRS Of the most r.isliionalle Style. ntlentinn d assort- t,,.,.,., .... , , i r . -i .' . ra,:ii .1 ' Tiin sulisi-rilier res- ectf.illy ealis the TniOI.i.SALt. nnd Kotuil, nt tlie "Plnhitlel- i I J ,. ....... , , , v. lie of tlie pulilir tu his .i.ire nnd siliinli tilua nl h and Jewelrv More, .o. bo i . 1 Norl!, keond Street, rurnpr of iitwrrv, PhilaJcI- '"t ol cvl'r' 1un!,t' l'r"'C ' Gold Lever Wateli', full jvwrlcd. 1 carat cues, E-.i.'i i ,vl.:,.i. ennnnt fni tj reiomnu'iul itn irtoeverv ni,e j- j wlio will exiuiiine it. on aceouiit of ils dtu-.iM-.Ti'ii! ! workinrtnshlp nnd splendid lii.isli, made up of the l.b'i i l-est stock to lie Inn! ill tlic cilv. No eiVort is spared in tlie mniinfaettire of Ids ware, and tl e pi 1'ini Silver i! fl. Hold Hrai-eWs. iolil IVlK'llS. Yon will find tlise Piila nn invuliml.'l'' mrdirine in mam 1 . . . i . - . . . . 1 u:i a.. r..:t :...Kin.l aoi 10..I.I c.fc.M,.Uu llier Iota 01 oanial. Inrv nave eei rouiu ol ineitinmlili. o 1 r " ( 1 benefit, rest iriinr lbeir t'liuelionnl nrrnnffmieiils to n benl- 1 Silver Lenine, je'.veln, thv nelion. miritVinir llio bl'Hul mill ollipr lluiilfl tto elTeetu I do il l uo. ..11'.. ... ...O 1.. Hi.. (.1 nil n...,iI.t..O.I ...I.l..h .....v nri.. l'r..Ml ' Pllliel ir U UT 1 iei B, T. t Tltill'H ,i?bt, pain in the side, Uek, Ae. ; (,o!,l 1-fH), will, ive am, M.vtr no.,.' r, ., ... , , js ;P;l.rmil,rt t.) keep nil witll tlie Vriee, 25 renls pneli. I t'l'l J ' mper l.mcs, 3. J eents to IJ.-SH; u aun I(ianv :nl)irov(.MI(,nlH ,v!,i,-li am eimstuntlv K-ir None nnine unless sifncil J.N. Ilolieiisaek, nil others 1 Classes, plani, 12J cents ; Itttciil, 1' t I.unet, , ma,ipHi, rtck consists of Mtiliajrany beinir n-ine liiuuilion. o ; oilier ururiri in piojiuiin.u. ..u ,wua ..- IV A'lenla wislimi; new supplies, nml Storf KrepiTi. , rall(,.J tu uc wlint tliev are sold for. l-siroim of "inii'i: Au.'ii' iiu.vt atl.lress the I'ropnelor, w-r t:ii.t.p ir IPI V V J. X. Ilob-nsu.-k, IMiilad.-b l iu. Fn ' , .'Ui reNsoii i . .. v-iniiiiu. On liand, tome flnld nnd Silver Levers and Lepines, still lower tlinn the above prices. August 28, 1S.'j. ly. Bureaus, Sccrclarios, Ei.lctoar.Is, WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. JA.MKS J5. F IDLE It, No. 12 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. Cold Lever Walclics full jewelled hiker Lever do Silver Lepine do " yuartier do Gold pens and pencil und silver halders fcilvi r 'l ea and Table spoons Bracelets, llreast pins L'ur rings Ac.. All warranted and sold at prices as Ur try in the city. November 57. 183S. if. Gil EAT EXCITEMENT. WILLIAM. A. KN01H, gJESPEOTFl'LLV inl'orn.s tlie public pener .4. ally that lie lias just received and opened lie hest and cheapest stock of Tall and Winter Goods, that lias ever been brought to the county. Ilis stock consists of every variety of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Carsimers, Sntlinetts, Vesting, Dril- r . I . . . r . . I n I . I . imps, L.IHCH5, luvsiins, jians. anu an kiiius of Winter Goods. Also a splendid variety of Ladies Dress and Fancy goods, Cidieces, Ginghams, Dc Laines, Shawls, and every rariccy of Guods snitabl fur Lidiis wear. Also, an extensive ussorlm'nt of Silk, heaver, Fur & Slouch Hals A large und well selected Assortment of Boots and Shoes of ev ery ilcscnp ion and si:e. Also, a large assortment of Groceries, Such as Sugar, Cvffee 1 ca$. Molasses. Spurs of all kinds. Also a larrrc assortment of Hardware and Qiiecnswiirc, Fish, Salt and Liquors such as (Jin IJrandy, Hum and Whiskey, besides the largest and most general assortment of all kind of Uoods to he had in the count). All the above nienlioned clods will le sold at such reduced prices as liiey can not be got for elsewhere. Country produce of nil kindi. taken in exchange at the highest market prices. A lso, For sale a two horse spring wagon and a hugi-v. Aiizrsta tw sp., October 'J'J, 1S52 Cm. rXiLCPwiiTCr. JOHN V. MARTIN, "pJKflS leave to inform his fiicnds nnd Ihe pnb lie in general, !h;t he is prepared in every respect to make clothing alter the must Fashionable Styles, nml in the must durable manner, nnd bis prices viill be as reasonable as can be bad in iSunliury or elu-wliere, in cash or approved country produce. He will always have the advantages of tlie latest fadiion plates, and in addition to his acknowl edged skill in cutting, he will be assisted by the direction of the most scientific publications rein ting to that art, now issued from the emporiums of fashion in the 1'nited States. An endeavor will be made always to have woik completed when reqtiiacd. His establishment is situated in .Market Square, Sunbury, nearly opposite the Post Ollicc, in the building formerly occupied by Jacob Painter as a hatter shop, where it will be a pleasure to him lo see bis friends, and make such work for thc:ii as is within the line of his business. Sunbury August 11, 1858 if. I I bv J. V. Frilinir. Snnlittry: Man- IMeCnv. Nor- tlinnibeilaml ; Heisel, Turinilville ; timer, .Milton ; Hilly A Leaker, lieorceiown ; I .eisenrinp A. Wolverlon. Paxi ls icst. incKorv; un cu-uiers in .iieaieinu in mc L'ounlv nml State. AnnH II, tr.M. J Viilu e I'ropoity. Late tlie Estate cf E. P. SHANNON, Esq., CI' ,ortSiiiiiilcriaiil i.T PRIVATE SAL2. rjrMlE subset ibers. Executors of Ihe E-iate of Epliraim 1'. Shannon, lule of Ihu llop IT I .A IT JL onj;h of Norlhnrribi'i himl, oiler til privnlu sale, tliii fulluwing valiiiiblo Ileal Estate, viz: Lot No. 77, corner of Queen run' ''-out Street, on which is erected a twostoiy lirick Huil.liii, formeily occupied by Ihe deceased as a Store and Delliiii.', and now occupied ns such. The io uie also on the. lot two Inline divellintis. &e. Lot No. 5J, silivjled i:i Maiket Street, on which is eiecled a two slory whilo Fiiuiio UivelliiiL', adjniniiia John Taggarl, E?ii.. occupied by Cl.ns. Knous. Lots Nos. C!, 70, 71 &; 72, silimte in Mar fcel Slreel, a two slory while, i'ranie Dwel linej, ocenpiod by James Puiilv, and a ulable is creeled on lots No. 69 & 70. Tin; undivided half of Lol No. ICO, situate on Ihe coiner of Duke and 4th Stierl, on which is erected a two story dwellini occu pied by Joseph McC'allislcr. Lot No. INS, situate in Queen Slreet on which is creeled a two (.lory while Frunm 3 ii i lil 1 1 1 ir. occupied by John Murker! Lot No. fiO, siluait) ut Noilliwav ami Wa ter Sneels, on which nre erected two Frame'lliiios and Siablini;, occupied by w idow Vaiiilliny tiiu! John Vanillin";. Also the undivided fourth part of lot 166, on which is erected a twostoiy Fianio Dwel line;, occupied by John Vaudjke. Also ten acres of cleared land, ndjoinitig lands of John IVshay, on the Easl side of the. Snsipieliaiina, about 'thiee miles below Dan ville. Also tw o adjoining vacant town lots, siln ated on Ihe comer of Second and Oriinu Tit si to:ii DiiiuM-rcan (lullery, 1','J Chestnut Street, T i:ei.;br.-iti (l esliil.ii.'tinient you erin uUvnys pro- nre tlie newest nnd in n't n:.trovel mill- ot D AO I'MU R MOT Y I'K TAI.HuTYl'i: roltTRAITS I ai iron, on lo un j.rr ct. lkss cimt ui.m sn. ii pii-uitcs can lie h:id for elsewhere. Now lb:il yjit imii s"enie je.irli y.erfeel porl nuts of yonr I ived ones nt n mere iioiitinnl rout, don'l ilela.- lest you lose them. I'.yery vniiety of fiiney enses, frnnie. ftr , nn liimn or fnriiisliei to ortl.-r. nn.l every ( ietnrr ninile anliytorv nn.l win runted to be in Ihe best st! ol llic uit or NO ciiaIick Cull nml see ns at l.'i'J t' fct. I.. II. PfHNF.I.I. riiilaiMI;-! i:i July 17, 1'. t v. E1IVKEJ ! So. US Chestm" St., above Sitth, Front of JONES' HOTEL. r-rjY) T1TA VK just received their Prize TlHl Medal, awarded lo them for . .VljtJ.i their left Travelling Trunks ex hibited at the N orld's Fair in London, 151 being the only exhibitors to whom any award was made. Their competition was wiih all the world, ami they have taken Til E PKI21:! TRUNK J, VALISE, DAGS, &c. To be found in this C'itv. and at verv low prices Call nnd see. 11ICKKV cv Tl'LL, Trunk Manufacturers, 1 IS Chestnut St. April 10, 1S..V.'. t!'. The Johnston Ink MANUFACTORY REVIVED l(l!i $ Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA. S8FA, BREAKFAST AM) DIMMJ TAtlXS, and aluo VENETIAN IJLIM.'S, equal to I'hiia ilclplii i luniiifact'.ire. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern nnd price CUPno.MlDS, WOUK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TAI1LES AND EN.TKN.-ION TAULES, j n short, every criicle in this line ef his business. , He also inaiiuf,.ctui'i's all Kinds and ipiulilics of . Oil A IK S, j inelinliii" varieties never before to be had il ; I hunlniry, surli ns MaiiooaM', Hi.ack Wjlxit AMI (yfltl.KII Mai'I.K (illl.CIAN ; AMI WlMlSOIl j I CHAIlis, ami i am v I'iami ri'rom.s, which are j 1 of the l.ilcit styles, and warranted to he cu-eilcd j by none inaiiiifai-turcd in the Ciliisor clscwlicri'. ! j The subset ibcr is determined that there shall ! be no excuse for persons tu purchai-e furniture in the cilice, as every couliiicnce can be ei.U'rtained , about tiie ijualily uud linii'.i of his waie ami ; Chairs. I His urticles will be disposed of on as good i terms as t!;ey can be purchased clsew her. Ci.un- ; trv Produce li'lien in pa incut lor wo.k. ! 'iyj' rNDEUTAEIN'ti. Ilaviic; provided: i himself wiili a haiubo-nu Hi.aiisi;, he is now prepnrxl for I'ndcrt.i!.ing, and allcniliiur fnner- ; als, in t!:ii ieiiiitv, or at any coiivcuii'iit di- tanee from this pl.iee. ! I1i.r' The Wave Iloom is in Market S'.rcci, r below Thompson's Store and Wi a.or's 'i'nvern. fiEor.or. ijenn. Sunburv, Jan. 10, !.V:. If. A CAIL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At tho 'Hblnct U'nre Iloom of SE1VN 1IOUPT & CO. Karket Square, Also ol li comer of Fawn street & the Railroad SL'NDUllV, PA. Thankful for th patronnrre of his friends snj rustoniers during the 17yesrs lie lias been in busi ness in this place, lie solicits from the public s con tinuance of their favors. During this period ha has endeavored to keep up with the improvement of the day, nnd has nccordinsrly extended his busi ness in every branch and variety. The public arr therefore invited to the attention of tha present stock cf CAI1IXET WARE AND CIIAIBSr Manufactured bv SEBASTIAN HOUPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition lo their former stock of tlia establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chaira;. Ijirc Spring Seat Rockintr Chain,. uJiessuifr nureaus, Utnlre Tullesy Marble Top Wash Stand's, and a variety of other new style und Fashionable Furniture. Having secured a lfcarsc snd made the nerss sary arrangements for the purpose, they are now prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Y maids nml niitreae. and haslnnili too, Hcre'a furniture of every i . u,l hue, From side b.mrils down to kilelien tnblea, From rueking clinira tu tonkin; cradlta Slioulil you not hnve the Jonx to pay, We'll wait awhile for a brighter better itxj, Or take potatoes, onto, corn, w heat ami rya j Daik, hoop poles, Haves, or lumber wet and dry, Or any thins but y..kes and threshing flnila, From pig nnd turkiea down to little quaila. Oinie on tlien friends, cm r.nenn.i all, Keep trade a moving, en "piua on tho hall." IsT Orders from a distance promptly attended to nud work of all kinds delivered with dispatch, j Sunbury, March 9, 1830. tf !STA(iK OFFICE. WASIIIMJTOX HOUSE, SUKSUSY, TA. JAIJES COVEIIT, Prepriotor, J'OULD resj.ectfully announce that lie lias taken this well known stand, where ho will be r-ratil'ied to see and entertain bis Irinula nnd the travcllina public generally. This house is now replete with every convenience, comforta ble, pleasantly located, handsomely furnished, well ventilated, rendering it ill every respect a. desirable stopping place. No expense has been spared in filtinp; op tin's house. The chambers are well furniatied snd the table and bar provided with the best tha mn'Vct can afford, The stable accommodations arc extensive and well calculated for travelers. STAGE OFFICE. The staces rt.niiing from Northumberland to Poltsville, stop at this house, where throueli snd way tickets to Philadelphia can be obtained, j Sunbury, March SO, 1350. tf. 221T&Z. & ft ANDELZi. 4 Hi nnd . Irc'i Street, PHILADELPHIA. 07 AVE established n tore where tho tsat trade now resort fjr Household Dry Hood?, French Taney floods. Dress i-'i!!.H and shawls. Hosiery, ( and Mills, Cloths, CasMtiicrs and Vo.-tinjis, Muslins nud Linens by the piece. Damask Tabic Linens and Napkins, Patent liiack ."-'ilks lor Dresses, Full Mock of Mourninc; (ioods. 11. eV L. are constantlv receiving Pare.iins from ! HAHrtlSSUEG EOOK BIKDEiu. v. i.. m r'n-.i; o.. : Silceesr.-m to W". II. iliek.-k, luul lliek"k A '"limine. ! "B0! )K IHNDFIis. MTATIONEIls AND i LLANlv llOOiv MA.M.TACTl REUS. ! The subseiii'Cls lespecll'ully inform llieir friends ! and the publ.e. that tliev are now earrvini; on the CLOTHIIIG ON CREDIT. Notice to ull Dealers in Reedy Made Clothing. IlKXXF.'l' & CO. request all who putetmse. ready inmle I'l illiiiiK on cndil, l:i call ut 'I'OH'EK 1IAI.1. L'lXI'I'III.NU IIAZAAK, and lee the (-lei.t u.lvanliicea Ihey will have by purulmsint; lor cash ul lliia eKIrnaive eatuljltaliiiwni. Xlm, nml tlua only, ii ilia pnueiple on wtiieh they wilk ull llieir liuiueroiiii euHoiiier, w lio Imve milizrtl that ut ll,i hnime ihev ai.urr no eil ni in pr.Kluen.g ihe l.t CI.OTUINO. al il,e lowct p..ible priei-a, ami llmt Hie h.kkI. muile al Una houaa Ure m. iiest eaa.le, in .1 fu.hional.le, and li.nel, ehenr lluui any oilier h,.u ei.n a lo .ell the .,e n,i:,l,.y f (,.!,, ari.i nr from tin, , lre luiiiiiifueiuriiiij ..,,.1 ,n,..,;... ?' "i , ml lli ir .l..tur.,.i m, " " Ill.nuilii III. iirnirn, - .if 1. aaiea ana ami 1 i.rolua. 'Ci..r .....i. ; ... . ' . - N S u o U O Y O G A H PAPS W E R D L U o H T U O Y A C I R E M U N B U R C 0 M M E N E R W E W O D N E W I S L D II- rr cnmplfte. I UC I f Hliu-at tat .... ...... I The nrt....i.r V"tm 1, w il t nre rfom ii..n ..-j : Ib'iiiwlvn. n. we arc it..fil Umt ihev cai.u- fi, to ie'I TOWI-'.lt ud Sixth. the B(l,-iil'it they will have in iuir iintiim f , T niwiiit hall, w markct''S.S,.:,, Oel. U,lt!m,CO ' rr"eora. DAVID C00PER7 COMMISSION MKI.C1IAXT run the Sams op Fisli, lVovisions, c., JVb. 9 North Wharves, PHILADELPHIA April 10, 1853 ly. TM.ANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortgages, llonds, Executions, Summons, Ac., for sale by II. 11. MAfeSKH. Sunbury April 26, 1851. lHESH Vanilla Dean of a superior quality, juat received and for sale by Julv 31 185S II. D. MASSER. J LSTICES' FEE UILI.8 For sale by Sunbury, 18.M 'SB II. D MASSER. TARRIACE CETIFICATES handsomely eieouted for aala at tbu office, single or l.y the doien. Fresh and Spiced Oysters ! WAVING settled nt Northumberland, 1 am now prepaied to furnish Fresh uud spi ced Uvsleis 1111111111 the w hole season al ie luced prices. You can depend upon them beint! fresh, as 1 shall receive ilium daily, (Sundays excepted) and when landed here, lliey are only 10 nours out ol the shell. All persons ut u instance, uiiu are in want of the above article, can have Ihem sent per dozen or sinsle can by addressing V. II. VICKEItV, nt Burr's Hole). Norlhutnbeilan.l. Ue.l. 16, 1S2. BOOKS ! BOOKS!! TL'ST RECEIVED and for sale a new edition ' of PIKES AKITHMETIC. ALSO, a larj;e asaortmeut of Blank Books. M'M. MeCARTV, Bookseller. Sunbury, Iee. 4. 1S5S tf. 1LANK DEEDS printed on the best quality of parchment paper, sold at the lowest price at this oll'ire. by wh dcsule and retail ARNOLD'S WKITINU ELllD and Adhc ve and legal envelopes, for aale by B , IL 1). MASSER. Punhury, Jou 10, 1852 IxTWA7?ye?iI7;; .iT Mr T'e wl,"lr,"r' J ucl, Clleaner lXTRACT CF CINGEl-A fr..v Z2 J J'reee'ved and for sal. at .Ui.'Xef- Pnee 25 cents. tiunbury, Ju.y 12, 1851. AND BILLS neally printed on new tvua promptly executed at Uiis office. Alio blanks, of all kinds on superior paper Huubury, Feb. 14, 1862. SILVER WATCHES. A fcwdouble ca English Silver WaUhea, for aala at very low prices by H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, April IS, 1351- above business at the OLD fTAND occupied by ii:..i.,.i. i. 'Pi n.. l ....i. i'.,.t rjMlh subscriber beKs leave rcs,c fuhy to m- nteM lllt,.nlioi. to b'um.ess. they will merit and -M- form Pii.NTKns generally, he has sue- ; C()limint.1, ,,f llip ,,,.,,. ho ilicr. ceeded to the Business of miinuf ictuin.. iW : av cnjov(1(1 , o!J f:,nJ '"? '.f"-riy "' ?n '-.l'w Cri"',11 1 ""'V' i 'Particular n'tlenlioi, will be paid to the rulintr aim Uianim I uml rutnvr. ana oiutr iuh nnu-ic o uio iruur, i i -...i-.., ..r .l...,;.,.; " t,i ,,.i. t,.... " . , . . -, , .1 i- ; dlltl Ulllllllli Ul tun ll'Plli.uiiill i'l inula. ""r slreels, numbered in the general plat, of Cor- ! without any Purs but wit,, the simp e reliance : (.om:(v tu.tAl.MlK Ulul irlvall. onch. Nns. 215 & 216. I "V l'i? established el.a.actcr It has borne, j,;ivil,Utt, ., cvpIV variotv f fuU d hall Also four vacant lot 4 on 1 bird and Uranpo leclm? coiiii.icni ol us yams nine ui...iuoi. ; . , . . . , , , , , 1. nl ,lio I1..1V I il'lir lino ivllll n C.l . I I IIMS ! . . . ,.ii.ii.vevei:i,n.vvr.iv I liooLs, music, newspapers, 0.:c. cash. v-i' i"" k-"- paltcrn and in any slUe required. April 10, lso.. It. j I,, addition to llic above, have, and will v . . ft a " p j ev I nt nil times keep, a t,encial assoilincut of STA- Ui.ijr.JbN JULfaJSJrb Nil TIONURY, consisting of lYItoIcnlc ni:d Itclnil CIccu the New York and ri.i!i;i!c!phia Auctions, which they sell wholesale and retail very cheap for Nett t'nsh. KinvAiii) E. Eyrk, Washington I. I.AxnrLi , Philadelphia, July It, 1 71. ly. row 2r tn.vrx. MEANS OF THE KETJ-X'ULA- nii'v ... v ..- I.:. ';Vi own i'liyiii inn ! Tuihti- sixtii edition, with up- . .. i r i . i k-i warns oi a uuiiureti en);ra vines, howiu; private dia- i Streets, titiuibeied in the ceneral plan ot suid Bornuyh. Nos. 20a, 21U, 211 k 212. Also four vacant luls friitinr on Market and Si.v.h Slreeis, iiiiining F.ast to un Alley, numbered in tht (lonernl plan ol said lior tiiiiih, Nos. 77, 78, 71) &; 80. Also four vacant lots Ironline; on Oianr;o j Mreet, nnd iiuiiibere.l in Ihe ceneral plan ol said ll.ironph, Nos. 1S5, 186, 187 &. 1S8. The above property will be sold in parts or parcels lo suit purchasers, on reasonable terms. For further particulars apply to John Cake, Ksc., at Northumberland, or to the subscribe rs. ALKRKD KXF.ASS. P . THOMAS STRAW HRIDGE. r'x "' Noithiinilierland. Mav 22, 1852. tf. periodicals, law bound III anv JOHN Ii. TAYLOU, Manufacturer of Monument, Tombs, AND GRAVE STONES OF THE FINEST Italian and Amf.rican Makdi.e. At his Old Stand in Northumberland, Pa. ilE-SPECTFl'LLY inform the public that all 4' work in his line will be made up of the very best material and finished in the latest style of the Eastern cities. Those in want of such articles well made and executed in the best style and at the lowest rates, will do well to call and examine before they pur chase elsewhere. Mav 15. ia5S ly. Win. McCarty, Jlookseller. UESrECTFl'LLY informs bis friends and the public, llinl be has removed his Book Slore, to Market street, to the house occupied by J. Naille. Esq., Attorney at Law, nearly op posile tho Court House, on the norlh side, where keeps for sale constantly on hand a good assortment of books and stationary. For .Sale A large new spring waggon fit for 2, 3 or 4 horses. Punbury, July 24, 1852. tf. BLANKS. LANK.3 of every description can 1 had by applying at the office of the American. ESTABLISHMENT. S. E. Corner Sicond and Chestnut Sts., PIIILAUrLPIIIil. WHERE mav be found, one of the largest and best assortments of Clocks and Time pieces in the 1'nited Stales, in quantities to suit J purchasers, of from a Mimic Clock, lo one thou- . sand Cocks: rinhracins every variety of stvlu and manufacture, suitable for Churches, Halls, I Counting Houses, Puilois, Sleeping A partiiieuts, nnd Kitchens, Steam and Canal Boats, und Rail ; ! Road Cars. Also KCnornl sale Ar.-hI, fir Knpp lately pnt- j enled SciMitilie Niche Oold Pen. Wholesale j anJ Retail (iold nnd Silver Pen Holders, and Pencils, and a variety of Fancy Hoods. Tlioso ) wishini? to purchase will find il to their interest lo call before liurchasius elsewhere. JAMES UARUKR, S. E. Cor. dies tout & 2nd Sts., Phila. April 10, 165i. ly' S0AP & CANDLE MANUFACTORY, No. 19 Wood St., bchceen 2d If 3d Sis., and Slate mill IVeeilll. I .rail I, ne. I", I .ellel l,lllljis,' r. "llf.-', Ceil T.e.e. II .ink (, r..:,iei, rusnrea, .Ve. tTEE BILLS. Juslicea and Constables Fee Bills handsomely printed on cau' paper for sale at this office. nDD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi ' cine for sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury. Jan. 27th. 1849 KNOW AND SPK1INU AIUIU tSK LAT t'HES. An excellent article, for sale al half ihe usual price by J W. FAILING, rtuubury, July 7. 149- 1JATENT BR1TTAN1A STOPPERS for bar bottles for aale by II. B MASSER. Sunbury, April, 15, 1851 An, 17 A'ori BlA Street, I'llll.ADIH.I'UIA. Jolm liancrot't Jr. ami Son, JEsPECTFULLY inform Store-keepers, Mer- ai , .i . .i , e. i - rnallta. are., mat lliev aiaillliaeiurt: uiiu .m.o ! r, . . . . , . . ..... .i n. II. I Ollllirv n.prenallia jm liarlu-n itr v l.elter Paper, Knives, ':il ' Ifllill.-'. Ilriiwinir ' InliRiiii'.W, Trjnsler " 1 1 il 1. 1 alers, r.'ininir ' lihiel; 1:.'., Ill 'Itinir u S.riliii" nx, Meel I'ens, II. ue Ink. .'aniline Ink. r .nviiii.' Ink, Alii'ild's rilinjr I'lalil, T ly paper ruled to pattern, nnd all work war ranted and djue verv cheaply. F. I.. HITTER & CO. March 13, l55. tf. LIBERTY STOVE WORKS, & UIIOU'X STIIEET, Zm above Fourth, PHILABBLFIIIA. 11 E undersigned respectlully Iiilorm Ihe pn'i- lie thut tliev are in full operation at their new foundry, and ready lo execute orders for stoves of every description on the most reasona ble terms. Thrv invite the attention of STOVE DEAL. F.l.'S to llieir lame assortment of S'l'O V Ks. nil ! of which arc entirely new, and got up at great expense. Among which nre the Liberty Air Tight Cook, Complete Conk, Star Air Tipht, Star Franklin, Star Radiator, Jenny l.ind lm p lined. Fire King Radiators, Salamanders. Can nons, liases, Bare Cylinders, Bar Room Stoves, Furnaces, lias Ovens, &r., Ac. ABBOTT ir LAWRENCE ease in every shape and form, and lnulmrinatioiis of the penerative system, i?.v !' Vm. Ywiintr. Tl.c time has now arri- ! ved, that persons suffering from secret diseases, need no more become the victim of hi-ai-sist, as by the prescriptions contained in this book, any one may cure himself without hindrance lo limines, or the knowledge of the must intimate . friend, and with one-tenth the usual expense. In I addition to the general routine of private disease, it fully explains the cause of manhood's early de . dine, with observations on marriage besides many oilier derangements w hich it would not be ! proper to enumerate in the public print. ! IT' Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE ! CENTS, enclosed in a Idler will receive ono copy of this book, by mail, or five copies w ill be i sent fir one dollar. Address, Hit. V. YOl'NG, I No. K5 SPRUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post paid. i 7" Hr. YOl'NCi can be consulted on any of j the Diseases described in his dill'crcnt publica. tiona, nt his Oilier, 132 Spruoc Street, every day between U and 3 o'clock, (Sundays excepted.) I Philadelphia, June 5, 1S5J ly. T for Sale, Palm, While, Variegated, Yellow and Brown Soaps, Mould and Dipped Candles, all of good quality and at reasonable prices. IV Cash paid for Tallow and rough Fat April 10 1852 ly. IjBATHEK. Fritz, AVilliiiins 5 llemlrv, Store, No. 29 JVor'i 3d Street., rilll.AUI'.U'iU.v MOROCCO Manufacturers, Curriers, Import ers, Commission and Ceneral Leather Bus iness. Wholesale and Retail. O?" Manufactory 15 Margaretta Street. Aug. S8, 1852. ly. lnfTLBY'S COCGU CAXUy'. An eTeel. lout remedy tor coughi, colds. For sale atjlhia office. December 4, 1852. IGK aale at this office, Superior Black Ink, Cattle Medicine at 85 cts, Pure Essence of Ginger.25 tenia WRIT1NU FMTU and self sealing Enve lopes, just received and for sale bv April 19. 1851. H. B. MASSER. BLANK NOTES, waiving the exemption law of .$300, for sale by AprU Sfl, 1851 II. D. MASSER. in. lied to call uud examine our assortment. April 10, l6oi. ly. SUNBURY FERRY. ENRY W. Bl'CUER informs the public that he has taken the Sunbury Ferry and aa he is now well prepared with good and suffi cient emits he will be enabled to accommodate the public with promtuess and despatch. April; 10, 1852. tf. Valuable HooKm, I IFE or Cihiist, handsomely hound, D'A- - llfi.Mk's HlSTOUY OK THK RKKUBMiTlOX, Bi.isk Dvt-iiooKs a k ii Lkiickiis, full bounded. For sale al the publishers prices by H. B. MASSKR Sunbury, July 14, 1819 O.SE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this excellcHt arucle for Tetter, d c., just received and tor sale by IIUNUI M.Aaouit. Sunbury. July 28. 1849. OLD PENS with and without cases, of a very surior quality, just received. Also a frou supply of Writing Fluid, for aula b H. B. MASSER. Sunbury. Dee. 87, 1851. fpiSSL'E PAPER. Yellow Tissue pair for 1 coverinn glaaeea, Ac. ,for sale at Utecflice of tHs American. GLASS, DRUGS, PAINTS, &c, wiioi.i:sm: ami uktaii.. HE Philadelphia Window filasa Yare-- house, and Drug, Paint, Varnish, ll and Color Stores, iYos. 33 oik 35 North Fourth Street. East side, has the largest assortment o 1 Window Picture, Coach, Case, Hot-House, and other (1 LASS, in the city; comprising upwards of 15,000 dif ferent sizes, ranging from the smallest sire, up to. US by CO inches of Sheet, and as large as 5 by 7 feel of Plate Class, including' English Crown,. French, German and American, both Single and Double Thick. Also, a large assortment of Very Thick Glass,, for Sky-Lights, Bulk Windows, Ac. The Subscriber having a I envy sloe! en banip is prepared to fill orders :;i ihe shone I notice, and on tho most reasonable terms. l.dJ sixes of any pattern cut to order. Ground White Lead ; Paint, Varnish, of irr. ery description ; Turpentine ; I.inscod Oil, boilw ed and raw; Paint Mills; Putty; Brushes;, Dye Woods, Ac, Ac., &c. And also, a large supply of fresh imported' . DRCGS AND MEDICINES.. j. ii. sphague; Nos. 33 & 35 Noah 4lh Su, E. Side.. April 10, 1852 ly.. . H. ZIMMERMAN, jistiti: OF THE rutcE. Sunbury, Pa.. Office ill Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. 17 Moniaa nollected and ail busineas niomnlly and ears--fully attended lo. April SO, 1850 STONE" Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al monds, P unes and Cream Nuts.. Planes of all kinds. Sail and Plaster. Juat received and for sal by JOHN W. FKILINQ.. Sunhurv, Dse. 29, 1849.