Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 12, 1853, Image 3

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    Mass Meeting
tn pursuance of n resolution paused by
nieelin?g 0f (he citizens of Rush and other
townships, and calls published in the differ,
eut News Papers, Ihs citizens of Northttm.
Jflnd county asssembled, in Mass Meeting,
n Ihe Court House, in Snnbnry, on Saturday
He 51 h inst., for Hie purpose of taking into
consi.leratmii (lie subject of the subscription
CI S200.000 by the Commissioners of said
County to the onpitHl Hock or the Susquehan
nan Rail Road Company.
' Oct motion of Mr Franklin Clark, the fol
lowing nontlemen were unanimously elected.
Prcsidcnt-SKMVEL JOHN, Esq., of Sha-
ft-, nt ii ill
Vice President Dennis Wolverton, of Up
erAuausta; Hon Geoine Weiser. Sunhnrv i
J. Or. Fiii-lc, Northumberland; Daniel Conrail,
Upper Augusta; Conrad Yost, Shamokin ;
Col. Thomas Snvder. I.nwc A,i,t,,.i. rh...
Carr, Rush; Jacob Leisenring? Shamokin,
and William Fugely, of Conl.
Sctretanctbt. U. B. Weiser and John A.
Several citizens opposed to the gubscrip
tmn, enquired whether some of lha Vice
Presidents were not Subscription-men, and
contended that no one should be permitted
to take pait in the meeting who was not nn
atiti-suhsui jptiouist.
J. B. Paeker, Esq , of Sunbury, replied nt
some length, urging upon the meeting the
justice and propiety of hearing both sides of
llio question, lie read the call fur the meet
ing, showing that it was general, for "nil
citizens of ihe County, without distinction of
party," and remarked, that in obedience to
that call, very ninny had intended, who lion
'stly believed the, subscription was rijihl
Many 01 hers, he had no doubt, were just as
honestly opposed it. Here was a differ
ence of opinion upon a matter of common
intereM to them all. and w hat mora rational
modi; could be adoped lo arrive at a correct
decision, than to hear both parties? All that
I tin subscription men desired writ justice;
nn I. as an earnest of this, ulihoujih they be
lieved thev had nuniei ical strenylh sulfieienf
to elect a I'.esident of their own, they had
made no opposition to the election of an null-subscription
man. They relied upon the
justice ol their cau-e, and the liijh diameter
and intelligence of the officers and members
of this meeting, for a liuht decision.
C. Pleasants. Esq , of Snnbnry. look an op
posite view of the subject. He thought no
one hid a right to speak there but those op
ivissd lo the subscription the meeting had
been called by thoin, and no one elj ought
In be heard.
The Piesident remarked that he thought it
was fair both parlies should be permi'.led to
speak; what tjia people wanted was ligv'il
upon the subject, and Ihen they could act mi
li'rstandii!gly. Ii the rail road men thouuhi
lhey could show us ihe subscription was
liuht, let ihem have a fair chance, and do
lh"m justice.
This decision was sustained by merlins
wiili great unanimity, when Mr. Pleasants
nuaiu arose mid called upon all opposed to
the subscription to wilhdiaw
Mr. Packer remarked Ihat he hoped the
speakers upon the other side would not leave.
llr wanted to h"ar Ihem.
Mr. Harvey Campbell, of Augusta, bciit j
called upon, addressed the meeting with
great foico in favor of the subscription.
llrt was lollowpit by ICimber Cleaver, Eq .
of Coal, who, in Ilia course of his retn.iil.s,
lead the following, preamble and resolutions
passed at a meelint; of the citizens of Coal i
township, held on the 3d of March IS53, and j
signed by 162 of Ihem. (We are compelled i
this week to omit the preamble, which is!
very long mid ably presents the reasons in I
support of llio giibeci iption but will give il i
in our next.
Resnlvcd, That in view of tlui vast bene-
fin that will result to the people of this ;
county by Ihe const riid ion of Ihe Susque- '
haniin Hail Road, wo highly approve llui act j
nt ine comity commissioner in executing llio
la to i.-M-1-niiii" mo I
Ihe Susiioehanna '
iiouds of lha county lo
I'.a.l f'rmxa,..- Irt n , I , ,t ll
lir.n ol sail. Hail Koail.
Resolved, That Ihe interests of the farmer,
miner and manufacturer, are mutual and re- j
ciproeal, and Ihat lha farmers of Northurn- :
bei land count v, are equally interested wiih
the coal miller and iron manufacturer, in the
speedy completion of lha Susquehanna Rail
Resolved, That by tho construction of the
Susqudiatuia Rail Road and other rail roads
comiuiiuicaiiiig therewith and extending
into the Shamokin coal basin ; thereby
openino an avenue for carryiuc the coal of
this basin a eood market is thereby open
ed in said basin for a large amount of agri
cultural produce, and Iho farmers of Nor
thumberland county are relieved of Iho un
equal competition of tpamius their products
over the mountain to I'ottsville.
Resolved, That by the construction of the
contemplated railroads, lime for ngiictillural
purposes, can and will be delivered lo the
farmers throughout the county at but little
more than one half its present cost, and plan
ter and every other article of merchandise
consumed by the farmer and working man
brought to bis own door at greatly reduced
pi ices.
Mr. McCarty, of Sunbury, being callled
upon, remarked ha did not desire In make a
speech, but ha would talk to Ihe point and
then read lha following proposition, signed
by himself and seven other eeullcriicn viz ;
A ritoi'osmo.w
The uudetsigiied, citizens ol Northumber
land counly, having understood that some
of iheir fellow citizens are feuiful the sub
seiiplion of 42011,001), recently made by the
Commissioners of Iho county lo Iho capital
stock of the Susquehanna Rail Road, may
lesult in loss '.o Ihe county, and tax
ation upon them; Now, we, lie undersigned
do hereby propose, each lur himself, to the
citizens ol this county, that if lhey will
agree that we shall severally have lha divi
dends and profits of the slock aloies.iid for
lha next twenty ears, lhey will severally
execute and deliver bonds vvith such suie
ties as may be approved of, to wholly in
demnify and savo lha said county ol Nor
thumberland haunless fiuui any loss, for, or
on account of said subscription.
Mr. McCarty also med with fori e
the propriety of tho subscription, and ex-
pressed his fiim conviction that il would be
a source ol ureal revenue to itia county.
J. U. Packer, Esq, being loudly called
for, addiessed the ineelitiu in a neat, abl
nd argumentative speech, of considerable
length, showing the vast advantages I hut
must necessarily arise from the construction
of this road, and the incalculable benefits it
would confer upon lha entiie community
tie discussed ihe whole subiecl thoroui'lily
and wiih convincing power Ha, as well as
Ihe rest of speakers, were frequently and
londlv cheered durinu the course of their
Dr. G. B We iser. of Lower Mahonoy
then moved thai the preamble and resnlo
lions nassed bv the citizens ol Coal lowtn-hil
and rend bv Mr. deliver, as above, be
adorned as Ihe exnressiou of Ihe sense of
this meeiiiiL. which was unanimously agreed
On motion of Mr McCarty, the followin
resolution was adopted.
Resolved. As the expression of ibis meet
in-, that ihe subscripiion of 8200,000, by
the Commissioners of Norlhumbeilaud couu
ly, to Ihe slock of the Susquehanna Railroad
Company, will redound to the advantage and
profit of this county, and that the same
oucnt to D9 confirmed anil adhered to,
On motion, Resolved, That the Secretaries
be requested to lorward a copy of these pro
tesdings to Ihe Commissioners of this coun
ly, with the request Ihat lhey will file the
tame among the archives ol the county
On motion, the thanks of the meeting
wera unanimously tendered to the Presi
dent, Samuel John, Esq., and the other offi
cers of the meeting, for the very able, dig
nified and impartial manner in which they
discharged their respective duties.
On motion, Resolved, That the proceed
ings be signed by the olficers, and published
in the different papers of the count).
On motion, the meeting adjourned with
three cheers for Messrs. Wilson and Wea
ver, the Commissioners who made the sub
scription, three cheers for the officers and
spcakeis, and nine cheers for the Rail Road.
Signed by the officers.
Of the Mass Meeting of the citizens of
Northumberland county, opposed to ihe
inscription of $200,000 by the Commit
sioners, held at Sunbury, March 5, 1S53.
The meeting was called to order by ap
pointing llio following officers:
iVcsirfeif. W. G. SCOTT, of Rush.
Vice Presidents. Isreal S Raker, of Mnho
noy ; John lleiuer, Cameion; Felix Mourer,
Upper Mahrinoy ; Adam Bingaman, Lower
M.ihonoy ; George Geist, Daniel lists
bush, Jackson ; W.n. Deir, Coal ; J. II. Eok
bert, Milton; Joseph Nicely, Delaware: D.
B. Montgomery, Lew is ; Win Follmei' Tor
but. Secretaries. J. H. Reed, Milton; D. !U
Biantigam, G. I. Tagaart, Northumberland
We are compelled lo omit the pieamblo
for want of room ; we will publish it in our
next number
Resolved, That the bonds for 20(1,000
which wo believe have been executed by
Charles Weaver and William Wiisnn, two of
the Commissioners of Northumberland conn
ly, and are held by Ihe Susquehanna Rail
toad Company, were issued in defianeo of
Ihe strong and well known opposition of the
of the citizens of the county. Thai lhey
were executed s icakingly, secretly and inolli
cially and studiously concealed from the
knowledge of Christian Albert, Ihe thiid Coun
ty Omnii-sinner.
Resolved, Tnat Ihe of said bonds
without public sanction, is a bold and o i bi
trary stielch of power which calls for a calm
yet decided ai d firm rebuke by an indig
nant mi I iuMilled people.
Resolved, That tin part of the principal or
interest of the said bonds shall ever be paid
by the county of Northumberland, unless by
compulsion of law.
Res ilt-ed, Thai we will oppose the elec
tion of any man to any county olRee of Nor
thumberland county, who will not pledge
himself to resist by every peaceable means
iho enforcement of the payment of Ihe piin
uipil ur interest of said bonds.
Resolved, Thai the present County Com
missioners, Chiis ian Albert and Joseph
Nicely, bo a committee of this convention,
to address a letter to Ihe President and Di
rectors of Iho said Company, enclosing a co
py of lha preamble nod foregoing icsolu
lions, and requesting to be officially inform
ed by ihem whether lhey do or do not huld
or have held lha bonds ol said county, e.n
cnled by Charles Weaver and Win. Wilson,
and if so for what amount and for what con
sideiatiou lhey wera given. And furiher lo
retpiest the said President and Directors in
case lhey hold such bonds as aforesaid or
have Ihem under their conlttil, to cancel the
came and redeliver llieui to lha Commis
sioners of the county
Resolved, Thai if the said President and
D. lectors neglect or lefusc within a leasoiui
Ida time lo redeliver the said bonds, the said
Commissioners are requested lo have publish
ed for one week in two daily news papeis in
Philadelphia, New tori; and IJalliniore, and I
in two papers at ll.rrri-biirg, this preamble
and lha foiegoing resolutions and next rcso-
Resolved, That there is a legal and valid
lolenee to the recovery of said bonds, and in
, - ,. , . ,' . , ', . I
l'U! ,v,111 ' 'I'0 S!,ltl relusal or neglect I J
HIO V-'OM .l 1 1 1 IU IIHIOI i.ivi KWIIU, ll.t r..t,l
Commissioners art then requested lo employ
able counsel to take Ihe proper measures lo
resist the payment of arid lo delend against
Iheir recovery, and to perpetuate the testi
mony that exists relative lo the fraud and
wickedness al Iheir conception and issue.
Resolved, That John P. Pnrsel Wm. I
Greoriough, Wm. D. Geaihart and Charles
Kmz br a committee to wait upon Chris
lian Albeit, Esq, the third Commissioner,
who did not sien the bonds, to ascertain from
him lha truth of the rumor, that an at
tempt had been made by some person lo
corrupt him and to induce him to sign the
bonds, and if such rumor be true, then tn as
certain the name of such peison and what
oiler was made, and to communicate the
facts circumstantially lo Ihe District Attor
ney for Ihe purpose of having an indictment
preferred against ihe offender and also to
take efficient measures lo bring him to pun
ishment. Resolved, That the citizens nt Iho spring
elections in Ihe different township and bor
oughs, express by a vole whether they ap
piove of or object to the subsciiptiou.
Resolved, That the foregoing preamble
and resolutions be sioned by lha President.
Vice President and Secretaries of Ibis Con
vention and be filed amonir the archives ol
lha County in the Commissioners olliee.
Signed ly the olneers
I know not liettcr talk for Icirurc lionrs,
Tloin news of li:itllt;s rniiir; fir avvny,
Where in tlic sultry eal, soinu rival iuwtr.
Arc rustics.!) c.niteiniint- for the iliy.
You lieat' tlic tiewit nin) tlicn sip up your glin.s,
l.ook frmn your wiu.low on llie river near,
SpriuM.'u vvilli (piicl slitpH. t lien say, Aliist
A sail tiling wnr ! tliank liod tliut vvc livvlicre !
Two fellows on a western steamboat, see
ing tho form of a Methodist preacher extend
ed up-in several chairs, peacefully slumber
ing, drew up and went lo playing euchre on
him. Al last one of them becoming some
what excited, btoughl down his clenched list
on the old man's stomach. He woke up, and
found his cuat w ell chalked. He coolysaid:
"Gentlemen, when you have got through
this coat, 1 have another under it, that is per
fectly at your disposal. Be so kind, howev.
er, as to be a little careful of your gestures.''
LcTHca'siDEi or a Wire. Lnthert mar.
riage was a happy one : "The greatest of all
earthly blessings," said he, " is a pious and
amiable w ife, w ho fears God
family ; one with whom a man may live in
peace, ana in wliom ho may repose perfect
Dodbs says ihat women have "such a way
wiih Iheir lips," that hugging and kissing
lends as naturally to love as champagne doe,
to soda water. That being Ihe case, avoid
Mas. Partington says that she was much
elucidated last Sunday by hearings fine con
course on Ihe prodigious son.
i) i i : i).
In Upper Mahonoy, on Ihe 3J inst., Mr.
BENKVILLE HOLSHL'E, seed aboul 35
In Mahonoy, en the 24th oil., Mil. MARIA
CATHARINE, wife of U Duerger. agedsboui
New Advertisements.
MOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees,
' Creditors and other persons interested In the
Estates of the following named persons, that lh
Executors, Administrators, and Guardians of
aid Estates have filed their accounts with the
Register of Northumberland County, and that
the same will hs presented to the Orphans' Court
of said County, on Tuesday, tho 8th day of A pril,
A. 1)., 1153, in the forenoon, fur confirmation and
Mary Welch, dee'd., settled by lisr Adm'r
David Hull.
Peter Dcnllrr, dee'd.. settled by his Executors,
Thomas Watla, Margaret Dentler, and Ja
cob Dentler,
Ltonard Reed, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r
David Dunklcliergcr.
Jacob Rhule, dee'd., willed by his Ex'r Samuel
II err.
Solome Warner, dee'd., settled hy her Adm'r'
Binion Ltintz.
Deborah Thnrp, t'ee'd., settled by her Adm'r
Jesse Campbell.
Godfrey Drosioos, dee'd., settlsd by his Adm'r
Samuel Rrosions.
John Rcsh, dee'd., settled by bis Adm'r Eliaa
Gilbert Voris, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Win.
T Forsyth.
George I.omr, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor
Ucorpe Buyer.
Elizabeth Dentler, dee'd., settled by her Ex'rs
Geo. F. Miller and John Young.
Matilda Hulilcr, settled by her Guardian,
George Gorman.
Spencer Metier, dee'd., settled by bis A dm' tors
Uenj, Gearhart and Wilson Slcllrr.
Rachel Gomel, dee'd., sullied by her Adm'tor
John Yordy.
Joseph H. Kline, dee'd.. Pinal Acct. settled by
his Adni'r D. C Caul.
Andrew Croihcrs, dee'd., 6cttlcJ by his Adm'r
Alexander Colt.
William McCuv, dee'd., supplemental Acct.
settled by his Adm'r David Tnii tit.
Anna M. llimsickcr. dee'd., settled by her Ex
ecutor David Titeqiirt
Jacob Snyder, dee'd., settled by his F.xecutcrs
John A. Snyder and William Kobacli.
JOHN P. Pl'RSEL, Register.
Kcgister s (.'Ilicc,
Sunbury, March 5, 1832
fit? :.. t.- m
v i.v-niiuiiinviliuiu V.UUIIH) a V illIli 1 ,
D., 1S53.
s.r Vrtrll. .-..1 f A....I'I
George Shiley
vs Ab'm Dunkclbercer's admr'x
Abijah liowrn vs m H 1 lioinpson
Win M Autcn vs Thomas Huser
Tenbrook for Appletun vs James Urass
,-, . , . Jacob 'artmnn's
Henry Klaze & Eve his wife vs , . . . .
J B Massrr vs Barbara Slialler's sx'rs
William McCarty vs Sninuel Hunter
Jacob Keller vs Bank of Northumberland,
James T Sutton cc Co ih Samuel Kyle
Daniel Kliodcs vs Jacob Wrrlnian
Sauincl I, Beck vs Jacob Stiliel
Simon Sovder s George Snyder
Christian Cable vs M Buchman Si F Marklo
.... r . Mover ct Mojer's Gar-
II it, fur vs . , '
Willi. nn Sechlcr vi
vs Jacob Hoirmnil ct al
Wasliimjlon Mutual In
surance Company
State Mutual l'ire Insu-
E Kaufiiian ct al
ranee Company
Jacob B. Mnsser -Albin
Ke'occca Svailz
Kialnli'i Diiener
John I, Y eager
vs Reuben Fcrrcly
vs Thomas Baser
vs Andrew Mcl.analiaii
vs lVter Thomas
vs Georce Brirrht
, r . S Jenks with notice
1) Houts for M uweny vs
' to lern lenulit
Oliver B Hilliaid vs John Mailman
John W I'eul vs Josej li Diminick. ct. at.
Christ & Mcl'uiUlcu vs Susanna lvi.i l
George l!roiot:s vs Daniel K ample
Francis Jo Ian vs David I, Iiljnd
John Hcelv vj George Eclerta adm'r
same vs same
Kendcrton Smith's cx'rs. vs
A. C. A T. G.
ssme vs same
Wendel I. Kefl'er vs John F Wolfinger
William Forsmau et al vs Jolijj, Pars
Frederic Wilhchn vs Henry Wilhrhn
Jane liogar vs George P. Buyers ct al
John Bush and wife
J iV A Rhissler
Nutlmnici Saxton s
adm'rs '
vs Daniel Glenn
vs George W Brewer
vs '1 hoinas Barr
vs John Rosser & Co
vs J. Frv and J- Harman
Rohert Kline
Henrietta Lewis
R Fugely cV Co
Jacob II. Rhsads
Daniel Gibson
Mary Vieerv
J Ott Rockefeller
Ja-ub Reinard and
Wm Kablcr
vs David I.aUba
vs J C Morton
JAMES BEARD, Troili'v.
Protlionotarv's Olfice. i
Stinlniry, March
Ii 5, 1803. (
OH Special Court of Common Pless of
Northumberland Countv to be held o
the 4th Monday of May, A. 1)., 1
Frederick Keener vs Win. Ayrcs
Peler Pnrsel vs Jacob Hildcr
James Graham et al vs Ilucjli Bellas et al
Piatt cc Plait vs Henry Masser
Coni'lli for Win L Ileineinaii sT A Billiiujtdii
Louis Alex. Napoleon L)u
1'anouicr i t. al.
Pcterr Bosipjct
same vs I'iirre Oilier ct. al.
E John for W t'nmp vs Wolverton iV Leisenr'j
Eystcr for Weaver vs Uli'er (iieenouli n't
Joanna 1'eiitlcville vs A E Kapp
-M.iln.lii y and Shamo,.iii
Improvement Go
vs Al'ritliaiu Paul
Sarah 1
vs Abrnhain Brosious
vs Samuel Savida
vs T, A. BiUinston cV
vs Hugh Bellas
Zcrliy liuil and Shamokin
Coni'weallh for S. D,
Henry Donnel rt al
Robert Philips vs
Improvement Company
Protlionotarv's OHice,
Sunbury, March 5, 1852.-
To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of
Qucrler sessions for the county of Northum
berland. The uiuleraisned petitioner respectfully solicits llie Hon
Court to grant Inm a license to keep an Inn oi tuvern in
tlie lurge slons Luiklnig one Mine imi ,w r-iinnuiy. nui won.
in the luuils of llie borougli on llie rouil lending from liar
risourg lo Sunliury. n
rilAni.KS GARINfiKR.
We llie undeisiirnetl citizens ol tlic borough of Sunhtiry,
ill Nortliniiilierlauil counly. being aciUHiutcl with Ihe I'eti
Holier, il certify Unit lie is of good repute for honesty and
teninerniice. and Unit he is well provided Willi house room
suit other conveniences for the acC''ilion of sliangers
mid Inn filers, ami thai an Inn or tavern Ihere is necessary
for the accommodation of strangers and travellers.
II. J. Wolverton, Gee. C. Welkcr, Henry iVnuiel, J. B.
Packer. Kohfrt II. Awl, W. I., llcwurt, Ira T. Clement,
Jiki. I'. I'urscl, Uenj, llelliier, l-.lius Hrosious, J. M. hnup
son, Francis liuctier, Chiis. i. lliuucr.
Sunbury, March fi, l&ij 31.
Flour ami Feed Store.
riHE subscriber respectfully informs his
JL friends nnd llie uublic cnerallv. that hs has
opened a
in Fawn street, in the building formerly occupied
hy Esq. Bower, as his office, where he will con
stantly keep on hand all kinds of Gitxix. Ftut a
sail f can, at the lowest market prices, for Gash
or produce.
Runhury, Xtarch 5, 1853 3m
Wft nte d I nun c d i a t ey .
QORN. Rye, Oats, Buckwheat snd M'heatbran,
lor which ths highest cash price will be paid
b5 , E. WILVERT.
Sunbury, Feb. 19, 18S3, tf.
TNK Boureau's celebrated ink, and also Con
jres Ink for sale, wholjsals and retail by
Dsremler . I860. II U MASSER
To the honorable the Judges of the Court of
Quarter sessions for the county of Aor
thumberland. The amlsrsifniMt pelillnner respsclfnllT Snlirin Ihe lion.
Court tn grant him license to keepmilnn or tnvern at the
h mie ha now occupies, situate In Treverlon, Conl town
ship. h n.vvr.Avr.rt.
W't Ihs nnilenirneil eltisrns of Treverum, lonl town
ship, In N-rrthumherlniKl enunfy, heinr n'-n.imititrd with
the mid Petitioner, docerlify thst he Is of rwid repute l"f
holiest- and temperanen, attd'thnt he is well provided with
house room end other eonvenirnpr s for the nreoinmislntlon
of strniiRer and tnivelleis, mid Ihui an liiiinrtnverii is there
neeeMnfv lnrtlieacrommodiitioiif ttnitgersnndtrnvelters.
Ben), ration, Gottlieb Brymeier, Henry Mirs.ler. P.
Strawser, Andrew A. Heim,'J. I'eiiepiwhrr. Jhn rVhrn.
der. Irane Weiser, Dnniel Tobies, Oilbert tiurkw, Ileruaid
M'Monee, Jneoh Kntinff.
Treverton, March S, lSK). 3f.
To the honorable ihe Judges of the Court of
Quarter sessions for the county of Nor
thumberland. The nnderl-nrd pe.itloner respectfully solicit! the Hun.
Court to grant loin n license to keep nn Inn or tuvern in
Georgetown, Lower Muh:moy township.
We the undersigned citis-Mii of Iiwer Mnhanor towa
ship, in NonhnmlM-rland eoniity, heing acquainted with Ihe
Petitioner ,a)!o certify thai he ii of good repute for honesty
and temperance, nno that he is weli provided with house
room and other conveniences f, the aceomnvKliiliou of
atraui-erR nnil travellers, and that an Inn oi tavern is Ihere
necessary for tlieacconun illation of strangers anil travellers.
O. B. Weiser. Oeorge llnsious, rVilomon Hcstter, Jtilia
Seiler, Michael ijihr, Andrew Ditty. Philip fMih. John II.
Leuker, Philip Spnle, J.eph Ft-utttermacher. sen., John
Vogue. Isreul Wituicr, Jepli llhr, Itauc SlinfltT.
.March 5, leM. 3t.
To the honorable the Judges of the Court of
Quarter sessions for the county of .Vor
HiumbcrLind. The undersigned pctiti ncr respectfully solicits the lion.
Court to crnut him u license to keep nn Inn or tavern at the
Irmsc he n vv occupies situate in Cinner -n township.
I'K'I'KU Vi;iKf'!,.
We the nnuVrsiiinert citizens of the township of Cam
eron, in Norlhuiiihcrland c nnily, In'inir ticqiiiiiutctl with
Ihcviiil Petitioner, do certify Ihiit lie isnfg.xKl repute fir
ti 'lusty and temperance, tiuii th:it he is well provnl-,1 with
house ro-uil mid other conveniences I'.ir the iicconnn-Klreion
ol tt runners atultravetleis. and tlintm Inn oi tavern is.there
n cessary fir llie accomtn il it ion of strangers and travclien.
J doiiviu 11. U"yer, J'eph Groves, John B yer, .Lie i
L mr, (ieoriMS Kerstetler. Ilnrnhiirt Kerstrlter, liiuncl
S hh-iirht, Henry Klock, Michael Armi, David Uillmuu,
Ueorpe M.iuser.
.March 5. 1S53 3t
1,000 liouk Agents Wanted,
81,000 Dollars a Year.
v THE UNITED STATES, active and en
tcrprUiiif. men, to engage in the sale of some of
Ihe best Books published in llio country. To
men or Rood address, possession a small capital
of from Sii-ib to -$100, such inducements will be
oliered as to enable them to make from SU to $5
a dnv profit.
W The Books published by us are all useful
in their clmrncter, extremely popular, and com
mend large sales wherever lhey are olVcred.
For further particulars, address, (postage paid,)
181 William Street.
New York, March 5, 185;i lm,
To the llanorahle the Judges of the Court of
Quarter sessions for the 'eounty of Xorthuw
bcrland :
The undersigned petiti ner resjieclfuf ly silici't the Hon.
Court io pianl him a license to keep an Inn or tnv'ciu in
the house he now occupies ns such in Shamokin town
We fie iind-Tsipiud citizens of fliainokm township, in
Nortliinulierlunfl county, heiue; acquainted vvith the I'eti.
tinner, ilo eeilii y timt lie is of ejood repute for honesty mid
tem;i-ra:iL'c. uuii ttiat he is well provided with house risim
nnil otfer conveniences for the nccoimnodntion of strnneeia
anil liiivi-IJers, ami lital an Inn or tuvern Ihere is nccessury
for lli2 ncc imiuoilution of truntrcrs and travellers.
John Moore, S .l.iinon Kvered, J-ainuel Wilkinson, M.ih
I 'ii Ii -u-jhiier, Francis KlfuiKc, Andrew (ii.n-er. John
Jone. J liu .M:irli, lleorje I'.. Adams, Leonard Wagner,
Ira lones. Icc Arnold.
Mam kin, March, .1, lX3. nt.
Conic niul Hellle.
j'lll'. suliscrilicr llcreliy liotil'es nil persons ill
debtcd to him lo call and settle their old ac
counts, o:i or before llie middle of .March. Tho.-e
who ticdeei litis notice, will most poMiivcly find
their accounts placed in Iho lino,'; of a Justice
for collection. Therefore fail not.
Sunhnrv. March 5, lfo:i. 4'.
BY' virtue of an order of sale, a certain LOT
OF GROUND, situate in Ihe borough of North
unilierland, in said county, liotinded south-west
by Queen street, somli-ca-t by an alley, north-east
by an alley, and noilh-west by lot No. 1V3, and
known in tlic general plan ot said borough, as
lot No. 1?G, containing in front on Que-'n street
CO feet, and in depth 240 feet with the appurten
ances. To be sold on the premises on (lie 29th
of March, at 10 o'clock, as the propcrlv of John
and Jaa. Taggarl.Iata the property of David Tag
gart, dee'd.
WM. B. KIPP, Sliarifl.
Sheriffs Office, Ruubuiy,
Fsb. 6, 185.- 4t.
V OTICE is herebv iriven that thn severs
Courts of Coininon Pleas, General Quarter
Sessions of the peace, and Orphans' Court. Court
of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery,
in and for the countv ol Northumberland, to
commence at the Court House, in the borotu-h ot
Sunbury, at 10 o clock, A. M. on Monday, the
4th dav of April next, and will continue
i'bc coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta
bles in and for the county of Norlhumlierlaiid, are
requested to be then and there in Iheir proper per
sons, with their rolls, records, impositions, and
other remembrances, to do those things to their
several ullices appert ainim; to be done. And all
wiliuses pro.-ieculiu in behalf of the Common
wealth against anv prisoner are also requested and
commanded to be then and there attending in their
proper persons to prosecute aaiuel him, as shall
lie just und not to depart without leave, at their
peril. Jurors are reipicted to be punctual m their
attendance, at tho time appointed agreeable to
their notices.
Given under my li inJ at Sunbury, lha 5th dsv
of March, in ihe year of our Lord one thousand
cifiht hundred and fil'ly-lhree und tba In
dependence of lbs United Slates of America
the 77 lb.
l'ublic Vendue.
ON SATURDAY the 12th day of MARCH
nest, will tic sold at the late residence of Ed
ward Gobin, dee'd., in the Borough of Sunbury,
the following personal propcrlv, to wit:
stoves, lookina-glusscs, lumps, carpeting of all
kinds, an eieht dav dock, and other articles of
Household and Kitchen Furniture, to numerous
to mention.
Terms made known on the day of sale by
Sunbury. Feb. 26, ISSS St.
Estate of SAMUEL HUNTER, dee'd.
"PERSONS who are indebted to the estate of
Samuel Hunter, late of Upper Augusta
township, Northumberland counly, dee'd., are
rcoitcatcd to call on the subscriber, one of the ex
ecutors of the said estate, and make settlement
on or before the first day of May next; and lis
hereby notifies those w lio neglect tins call, mat
after that dav he will place the accounts remain
ing unpaid iii the bands of a Justice of the Peace,
w ho will be authorized to collect them at ones
without further notice.
WM. I.. DEW All I, t-i tor.
Sunbury, Feb. 26, 1853. 6t.
THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends,
anj the publie generally, that hs hss opensJ
ths Lawrence House" on Tuesday, March 1,
1863, sad will do his best endeavors to please ths
Sunbury Peh. ?6, 1853 tf.
Valuable Form for Sale.
aMIE subscriber offers at Public Pale, on
TUESDAY the sad day of MARCH next,
a valuable farm late the cstnte of Wm. Tn;(rrt,
dee'd., situate in Chilisqunqiis township, North
unilierland county, and in Liberty township, Mon
tour county, about 4 miles from Milton, on the
Danville road, containing in all
277 ACRES,
of which about 180 seres is cleared land, vis t
flO acres of meadow and 00 acres plough land.
The balance, of nearly 100 seres, being first rale
limber land. The improvements ire a
a new Frame House, a la rue Bank Barn
cVccV. An apple orchard and peach orchard.
There is also plenty of limestone within a half
mile. A rail road has been surveyed within a
half mile of the premises. The aliove farm offers
great inducements tn persons who wish tn locate
themselves in a -rood farminr- district, as there is
every convenience for making it a very desirable
home, it lieiiitr handsomely situated, and the
Chilisquaque creek runnins through the centre.
A good title- and peaceable possession given on the
1st of Aptil next.
S S. TAGGART, Ex'tor.
Chilisquaque Feb. SG, 1853 tf.
"V'OTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad--"
ministration on the estnlc of Gcorire Haupl,
sen., late of Lower Augusta township, Northum
berland county, dee'd, have been granted by the
Register of said county to the undersigned.
Therefore all persons indebted to said estate will
discharge the same, and those having demands
will present ihem to
Sunbury, Feb. 56, 1833. fit.
Store liooin and Ware House
THE subscriber ofTcrs for rent bis large Brick
Store room lilted up in -rood style, situnted on
Main street, in the central and business part of
the Borough of Milton.
ALSO, a lame Brick Ware House on the same
lot, possession e,iven when reipiiicd.
Millon, rcb. SO, I8-13. ol.
An Apprentice Wanted.
The subscriber wants an apprentice to learn
the business of a Blacksmith. A boy 17 or IS
years old, of good moral character, would find a
good situation hy applying soon at the old stand
of George Zimmerman.
Sunbury, Feb. 12, 1853. -
Itoscndale II vdrnnlic Cement.
4 N excellent article for lining Cisterns, Vaults,
--- Spring houses and Cellars, and for keeping
dampness from wet and exposed walls.
For sale by
N. E. Corner of Front and Willow street
Rail rand.
Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1853. ly.
Laborers Wanted.
rl1IIF. subscribers want immediately on the
-- Railroad and Basin, at Chapman, Union
county, seven miles below Sclinsgrovc, from
to wh im one dollar per dav will pc paid.
Chapman, Union Counly, Feb. 1U.IS53. tf. .
To the honorable the Judges of the Court of
Quarter sessions for the county of .Vw
thumbcrhmd. T!ie ur.ilcrsij-inrrt petitioner renpei-tHlIly s :!;ci s tr.e lion.
C-'ilit to ganiL lutuu licci.sct i kerpiiu tun or Internal the
liou-e he now occupies us such in I 'owl low tislnp.
Ve llie nii'icrsincd cttiZL'iis of tlic townslnpf f lonl,
in Nortliiiia'K.rliuiil c nmtv, benm ariuiiutcd witn tlie sti.I
I'e'ili ncr, d i ci rlify that he is ol" uo.ul reptile for houesiy
nod iciiii'ciioici., anil timt l.e is veil with house
room Mini otlii-i c. .iivcnii'iicrs f r lliu ucC'.uiiti Hlali'.u of mifl travellers, nud tint an Inn ir tnvcru is neces
a irv I -r the HrcoinntodLlion iif siniiiir-rs nnd tinvclleis.
tiuicii S. It.'liins. Win .M. ei,vur, -Milnucl Itanivnn,
'al,-iitiuc l'ai:cty. Philip rllntnUich, j 'Srph Zein, li.A.
A llnnci lean, I. Annuel iimu, John Tll 'ini s Ml, llnniel V.
lt:ms, W'oth. 1. t'riin. Joshua Woo'vcrt 'ii. Frederick
Ibcis. l-.iiton, lliivul f.plilin, II. Ii. Wcaccr, Jacob
ll-ms. J. W. Itr-iss, .biiirs Wnius.
C .ill twfp.. Fell. 21, Itv't.'H.
To ihe Honorable the Jwlpcs of the Court of
Quarter sessions for Ihe counly if Northum
berland. The uudersis''d petitioner respectfully selteits the Hon.
C iurt to giuul linn ti lict use to keep bu Inn or liiveru in
the house now occupied hy hou us such m Augusta town
slop. F.I.IAS KMltlCII.
We the tlildersigucl citiz:lis of Alliflislu township, til
Northumberland county, being acnuuinted with the Peti
tioner, do certify that he is ol go hi repute f.irli.iliesty and
leniicriii!Cc, nud that he is well provided with h"lii.e r.Kin
und olhcr conveniences tor I he ucc iniuiiNlutlril ol si I lingers
und travellers, niul llint uu Inn or tuveru is necessary for
the accoin latl n of simiurers unit truvellers.
J'.hu Schmick, 1'eler .eiloss. Jacob Yirly, Siinuel
Mope, J .tin Kuker, John . inunt-inioi. VV m. A Ku lib, Ja
cob It. t'lurk, llavid Keeser, lJunltl li. Uoinud, JJuniel
.iinuiermim, Ahm r-tiipiuun.
Auguntii, Fth. 'JO 31
To tin Honorable the Judpes of Ihe Court oj
Quarter sessions Jor Hit county ot Northum
berland. The uudersieneil petitioner respectfully ailieils the II n
Court to ariiiil him a hceiihe lo Leep un Inn or tuveiu in
Trcvert-.ii, in the h'. usu formerly ivcupicd as such by
unuici i oiuas.
nr.NJAMiN kxovsk.
We the uudeisigned citizens jfTrcvcilou, in Northum
berland c miity, ticuu: ucipimnti'd Willi the Petitioliil, do
ccriny that he is o( H'skI repute tor homstvahd temper.
Hiice, ami Dial he is well provided with !r .use r'suu and
othei eonvci'ienees f..r lln;ucc 'miniNbtiouof stmnffers and
truveilers. nud tl;;il an Inu or lirveru is uccessar) lor the
aecuninooioion ot sirnncers aim travellers.
llauiel T.'bins, Isreul Uuiisletwruer. Jeremiuhtl. Raker.
Miehiiel Wertiiroi, S;,uiuel llumniel. Jacb tleline, J. I'en.
erher, Andrew A. Iteilll, Il'll.icl Suillll. J. A. uyder, It
u. vv eavr, jjitmei i-crimp, jouu lituii. r. r-trawser.
Treverlon, Feh.Sd, It-A.'). at.
To the Honorable Ihe Judges of the Court of
Quarter sessions Jor Ihe counly of Northum
The umlersiirucd petitioner resneelfiilly sdicifa the lion
Couil lo grant loin u license to keep an Inn r lavaill ill
l,ovur Am-iis'a lowuship, lulliu h -ntc wnere lie now re
antes, on the public lload leading Horn r-uuuury lo linn
V e llie iimtersitmed eilizensol ynvcr Aucuala I..WH.
altiji, iiorliiuiulMrli.iid county, liiit; ncipuiiuted wiih the
I'etilioucr, do ccitify Unit lie is l" good repute for h nesty
and lemiicruur-e, nnd thut he is will provided wiih house
room and other e inveiiiciiccs lor tne accouiiuodniion oi
struners and travellers, anil Ihat an Inn or liiveru laneees-
aarv lor lue uce Hum iliitiou ol siruuvers niul iniveuers.
John li. Coiinul. J. K. K'liid'.uuu. lluiiicl Stt.'lair, Jere-
iniuh Wetzel. C;d, l, I'.ly, I'elel yiK-uin, Jitcob Krel.s, Wd-
Iniiii liroh, Jot,,, lljrl, Ororge eelicr, J , till Mcl'liersoil
fetcr r-nyiter.
l.wcr Aiiguvta, Keb SO, ISM 31.
To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of
Quarter sessions Jor thecounly oj Aotltum
her land.
The undersiL-neJ petitioner respectfully solicits the Hon
Court lo giaul lion a license to keep un but or tavern ill
the house now occupied by hint lu iSuain kiu town, Coal
We ihe undersigned citizens of hliaiuokui, Conl town
ship, in Norlhuinlierland counly, lieiiu; ucquulutcd wiihll.f
Petitioner, do certify Unit he is of tp,.! icpule for honesty
and leuiperiince, and thut ha is well provide,! with house
room and other e. Hiveineuees lor the aecnuu'klHlion of
slruueia uuJ travellns, and Ihut uu Inn ol tuveru la uecca
anry for ilia uecjiuuiiHlaliou oi stiitiMers and tiuvelleis.
r. Aiiiuieriunn, Huuiucl li, t-cliiuink, Jos. 7.eru, Wm. ti.
Weaver, Sumiicl llurrimiil, Mil'.ucin lleton, Vm. Alwntcr,
John C.inrud, Uuniel I vcrl, Jluniel i Hmus, Juculi Ibiaa.
Unleu b. Hoi, us, j.luis l. is, niiurt.
Hlauiio-in.I'eh. M, ls.13 Ut.
To the Honorable the Judges of Ike Court of
Quarter sessions for the county of Northum
berland. Ths undsrsigncd petitimer respe-nfully solicits the Hon.
Cnu't to ruul aim a license lo keep an Inn or tavern iu
the house uow occupied by bun iu tiliuiuokui toau, CutU
We ths nnderairnod citizens of Shanwkiii, Coal town
ahip. in Northumberland oouuty, tieing acquainted with ths
fetilioner, do certify that Urn la of good lepule for honesty
ami leniperancs, and Ihat ha is well iuvitled with house
room and other oonveuiencea foe the acciHnraodatioa of
strauscis and travellera, and Ihat an lmi or taveru is neces
sary for the accommodation of alraiigers and travelleis.
Peter 8 Yeaaer, Galen S. Koiuua, Frederick Haas, Jo.
nas 8. G liner, Joseph Zeru, V. Aimnenuau, William At
water, Joaapb Diinnn. k. Kichard Woolverinii, Bamual U.
Sinlm-k, J u ISiniuck, Daniel P. Haas.
Shouukinlowu, Feb. t, lava Jt,
No. 01 Arch Street, four doors above Second,
Which for style of finish and workmanship esnnot be surpassed. Wholes U and Ret I
at Ihe lowest prices. Also TRANfP.MiF.NT WINDOW SHADES AND SEED L'LIND
3 MURCHANT3 and others srs invited to call snd ets-nine.
Philadelphia, August tl, 1852 ly.
i m 'ii i 1 1 im 1 1 isi iii nn, ij.iii
The Commonwealth of ( tn the Court of Coin
Pennsylvania, iVor- J mon I'leus ol North
lliumbciland co. SS. nmbeilaiid county of
( April T. 1853.
The commonwealth of Pennsylvania lo
Geoige E. Gehrig, Administrator of Geoiiie
Voiikin, lale of Chilistpiaipie township,
dee'd , and Elizabeth Vonkin, widow, and lo
tho heirs and legal representatives of the
said George Ynrikin, ilec'd., viz : Wm. Yon-
kin, ot jwic tiigiin, Christum, iiituimarned
wiih Cook Ciaytcii, of Jerseyville comity, Il
linois, George Vonkin, of Lycoming county,
I'eiisylvauia, and t'eler loukin, (who is now
lec'il. leaving issue three ehildien, Eliza
beth, Peter and George,) and lo all Iho heirs
legal representatives or Ihe said Georgo
Yotidin, deceased.
lou and each of you are herebv notiiied
to be and appear in our said Court at Sunbu
ry, on aloinlay, the 4th day ol April, A. v.,
1853. to show il a 1 1 v tl 1 1 1 1 you tnive or
know lo say why you should mil bu made
parlies lo a certain judgaietit, lately in our
Counly Con it of Common Pleas before our
judges at Sunbury, to wit : in the Term of
August, A. U., 1352, by lha consideration ol
llie said Coin' recoveied against George E.
Gehrig, Administrator as nloresaid of Geargo
lonkin, dee'd., fifty-three 50 100 dollais,
lawful money, which to David Hidden and
Mary Ann his wifo in our said Court were
adjudged for their damages which lhey sus
tained as well by occasion ot the non-per-foimance
of a certain promise and assump
tion by Ihe said George Vonkin in his life-
lime lo the said David llolden mid Mary
nn his wife at said County made, ns for
his costs and charges by them about Iheir
suit in Ihat behalf expended, and why Ihe
said David llolden and Mary Ami his wile
should not have e.eeulion against the bomls
of the said Geoige Vonkin, deceased, for the
debt and damages aforesaid.
Witness Ihe Hon. Alexander Jordan, Pie-
sideut of nnr said Court al Sunbury, this 1st
lay ol February, A. U., 1S53.
fSlierilt 's Oiiico )
Sunbury, Feb. 1, 1653. ) 4
The Comnwntccalth of f Li li.e Court uf Com-
J'cnnsyf eaim, ior- j mon t lease oi iorin
thumberland co .S6'. ; umbeiland comity of
April T. IS53.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, lo
Georrre E. (ehi iff, Adrninisliator of (Jeoriju
Vonkin, l.uo of Chilisnuainiu townshiii, ile-
ceased, and to all the heiis and IcchI icpre
sentatives of the said Gemot; Vonkin of said
County, deceased, vi.: Maty Ann iiileimnr-
ied wild U.iviil lijblen. ol Uiiln-i'iiiqiiti
lownsltip, Peiiiisylvania ; Cliiisliau mlerniar-
rietl wnli took Cl.iyton, ol Jerseyville county,
Illinois; W, Ilium Vonkin, of Michi"an; Georye
Yonkin, (who is now deceased leaving thiee
children, Kliz.ibcth, Peler and Georoe.) and
o all the heirs and legal representatives ol
said deceased.
You and each of you are lieicby notified
to be and appear in our said Couil al Sunbury
on Monday llie 4lh day ol April, A. D., 1 6 53,
to show if any thing you have or know to
say who you should not be rnndo parties to
a certain judgment, obtained lately in our
County Courts of Common Pleas, bcfoieour
Jiuloe at Niiibuiy, to wit: in Hih term oi
April A. D , 1 852, by lha consideration of
the s.iid Court recovered against Gcnroo E.
Gehiiu, Administrator as aforesaid of Geoiye
Vonkin, deceased $16 20 lawful money
which lo D.tvid tluldeu in our saM Court
weto adindoeil for his damages which he
sustained as well by occasion of the non-per
formance ol a certain promise an. I assump
tion by the said Georoe Yonkin in his life
lime Id t he said D.ivid llolden al said county
madtt as for his cots nnd charges by him
aboul his soil in Ihat behalf expended and
why Ihe said David Molden should not have
execution against Iho lands of ihe said Geo
Yonkin, deceased, lor the debt and damages
Witness Ihe Hon Alexander Jordan Presi
lent of our saiJ Court at Sunbury, this 1st
day of hebiuary, A U , IS53.
Slienlfrf Otlice ' " )
Sunbury, Feb. 1, 1853. J 4
In the matter of the Estate of GEORGE
HALL, Deceased,
THE Commonwealth of Peniisvlvania to Ma.
ry Hall, intermarried wiih George Zimmerman,
Catharine Hall widow of iJaniel Zimmerman
the heirs of Piter Hull dee'd., and George Hoey
Peter Iloey, Samuel Iloev, James lloev,
James Hoey, dee'd., by his Guardian Jeremiah
M. Zimmerman, the Ileus of StKunniili lluey
intermarried with William Conrad nud Mary
Hocv widov of .'ieliurd Houghton dee'd., child
ren of Eliiibeth Hall, intermarried vviih John
lloev. lineal deceiidanl of George Hall, ilec'd,
an all other persons interested.
Northumberland County, ES.
You are hereby cited to be and appear before
the Judges of our Orphans' Court to bv held at
Sunbury, on the first Monday of April next, then
and them to accept or refuse the real eslato of
(ieorgo Hull, dee'd., situate in the borough of
Sunbury, Northumberland county, to wit : A
certain Lot of Grouird situate as aforesasd, front
ing on lilackhcrry street, adjoining lauds of Ja
cob Kuble un the East, Edward Y. liright on the
west, by a twenty foot alley on tho north, where
on is erected a story and a half House sod a Miop,
which was valued and appraised at the sum of
Pour hundred and I lly dollars in tho whole, in
pursuance ufa writ of Partition and valuation
issued out of said court, returnable, to January
Term I8S3, oi show cuuse why the suine should
not be sold according to the act of Assembly in
cases made aud provided. And therefore fail not.
Certified from the records of oui said Court at
Sunbury this l'Jlh day of Januuiy A. L). H5'J.
Clk. U; C.
February 12. 1853.
"VXjTICE is hereby fjiveu that a Special
Court of Coiniuou Pleas, in nnd lur the
County of Northumberland, lo commence hi
ihe Courl House, in Iho boroiioli uf Sunbury,
at 10 o'clock, A. M , on Monday the 53.1
day of May next, and Mill continue ON E
Jurors are requested lo be punclttal in
iheir attendance, al ihe lime appointed
noreeablu to Iheir notices.
Given under my hand at Sunbuiv, tha S6:h
day of February, iu the yeai id' our Lord
one thousand eio'ht hundred and fifty-three
and the Independence of ihe United Stales
of America the 77ih.
WILLIAM B. KirP. Sheriff.
God save the Commonwealth.
- snd Porter's Rhetorical Reader, just rceeiv
ed sad for sals If WM. MsCARTV.
Bunbury, May I, 1851..
TIIF, sihseriher offer tn CVr-irav Miirsisrs, Tsiea
sas ami Slrttooi. rnMHllvrKS, one of the twat asaorteil
stocks of tH'HOOI. HOOKS and STATIONARY to he
round in llie City, which lhey art able tn oiler st first
Will find all the leadinr JVliool Itonks, Writiuf and Wrsp.
piim I'arwra, Curlniu Hupers. Ul iet ilia: Papera, and all ordi.
nury Wtntionory. Ulauk Uooks, Pens, Ink, tc., on ths most
iuvuiu.iic icruis.
Trcnens and oTrfsns srsr itssi-ia in qrssTiTtss for
Schools, ore invited to end nnd rxnmine om stock. We
hnve Imd eousidernhle cspericn.e in snnnlvintr ficn'-ol l'is-
trtcls, nnd Items: I'ul.lishcrs of a nuniher of estensively
used M .li'K.I Books, our lucililbs for ;etting each si. si
Amoiiest nnr rublicnlions win be f. nnd the fo owine r
Coinly's Stcj,i Hook, revised edition ;
' J'rnneri V ounp llrnlor :
Guinmcrc!s Snrvcyinp. the srnndrcd Treatise on llns Sci-
ent-c : llomiycutle s .Vlcnsnnitio,,
Anderson's Ilnvcnr-irt's llist-'ryof tie I'nitH States, nsert
in the I'nhlic of e'w York and I'hilaritioltia :
riumineie's Proercs-ivc Spellum B.iok ;
c:oinlv'B r;rnmmcr ; Latin Diciionnrvj
The Uook of Comnieice, Ac , .tr, e.
LlllAll III .m ,v ri.
t Xorlh Fourth Street, Plulailelploa.
rebrunrv Vi, leM, 3in.
DittKoIullon of I'ardicrKliIp.
rXtHE Copnrtncrsliip heretofore exiHtinrr under
1. tho name of Jumcs II. & Win. H. Hart, is
this day dissolved by the withdrawcl of Willinm
Hart. The business of the lute firm will be
settled by either of the undersigned, at No. 2?9.
.vorui id street.
Philadelphia, Jan. t, 1833.
The undersigned, have this dav formed a en.
partnership and will continue the business under
the name of James H. & Thomas Hart. Thank
ful for past favors, they respectfully ask Ihe at
tention of their friends and the public to their
stock of GROCERIES, which will be full and
extensive, and which they will sell at the lowest
market rale.
Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1853 J8, tl.
4th and Arch Streets,
ARE now receiving for spring sales
V Fine Stock of lh-j Gootli,
Ulsek and Colored Silks,
Fashionable Shawls,
New designs of Dres Goods,
Hritish, French and India Goods,
Linen Damask and Furnishing Goods,
A Full stock of American Cotton and Woolen
N. B. Wholesale Covers sutmlied with scares
and desirable Dry Goods it low rKictsrtu kit
February 12, 1953 3m.
Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers in
Confectionary of all kinds,
Vo. 113 .orlli Third St. below Race,
r"rilIE atlention of Lcalcrs is requested to an
A examination of their stock, which will l a
found to be at is ist equal to any in this city.
rniiElliN I- HU ITS ot all kinds in season.
N. U. Orders by mail or otherwise prompt v at
tended to.
February 5, IS53 Cm.
Depot end Manufaetury
G. L. lILLEP. h, CO. a
S. IF. corner Arch and Second Streets
t3'J sale and Retail, such as Scroll, Flower,
Gothic, Vignette, Oil aud Dry Landscapes,
are to be had at the lowest prices for quality of
work. Orders lor Isill, I'lutn store, Lettered snd
other Shades executed al short notice.
Merchants and ethers are invited to give us a
Brasses, Trimmings, 4c, always on hand.
Remember K. . corner SECOND sad
ARCH Streets, Philadelphia.
February 12, 1S03. 0m.
W hat can lie got Tor rive Dollars ! .'
The undersi.ied have entered into sn arrangement by
which thev uree to inrliish the KiiickerlMvker Mncnzine,
(in nt'ltly.) the Home Joiiruul, (week ly.) und the .Musical
World iiii.I Tunes, (weekly,) lo new silhscrineis, al Ihu
very iu xlerute price of five dollurs u yeur I ir the three puh
licaiious; nil orders, eiu'l soil? that amount to i)ycr Ic
Willis, will ha pr luptly uttcuded to.
ruhhaher of the Kuickertjoeker,
Ml IKK IS A 1 1. LIS,
Publisher ..f the Home Journal.
rubhaheis ol Ihe Musical World and Times
Grand Literary & Artibtio Combinations-
Airung'-menls huve licen iiKide to furnish the Ksiesss
itorsKR Maoazisk, tiie IIomk Joirnai., and the .Niiw
Yok Mi'sical W uiilu un Times lo xsw sisscauictiv
f.,r rive noi , abb a yeur '. This is chenp hterulure with a
veuecjiuce. The KMcsatsBucsKS la -:l -r aiuunn thn
Home journal, SJ i nud the .Mcsital WonLn mul Tim
S3 ; niukiii)- 6s n yeui hi the usuul rules. That three sm il
works can he obtained for five Ujllaks a year, is a 1 u t
truly worthy of the Oalouic ait-,, vvhieli u ,Bl .,. .j,
ushered in. Ol the K. 'i. st nnocs. EH .Maoazi.nk edited I v
Lewis Oatloiid CIake, it is unnecessary to speak F. r
iwenty years It bus lu Ihe lu .U (relilal, hum..ruus, and
Pieyn thly" in the world; und the present v 'luiiio
will tie better than any whieii precccilcil it. Thn llova
Jocssal edited t.y I'. Mokeis, und X. p Willis is
well kir. vvnus the lieat family uewapaci in America;
and the MrsicsL Wobld and Times, editil bv lln u.,ki,
Sroam V illis with Lowell Maaox, Ueo il Cietis
Thomas IIastinus, Wm. ti. llRALaeEY, Uko. T H,xt'
aud other musical writers contributing ; aud which cives'
am Hig other ihus, over IsJj worlh of mnsie and a lull
curs ol inatructiou m hanuouy annually, is the vciy Ik-si
uiusicu! Journal aver published. Tiieae three pulieutiona
wdl p. st a unilly up 111 rcgutd to nearly evervlhme worth
kuowinK i Art, Kcieiice, Luemtiu. ; Music, Puinlmr.
Heulpturej luveuil.Mis, lliscveiies ; Wit, Humor, I'ano
?entimenl i toe Xevve.t r'aslo, nnd other attraclloiia for
ladies; th.. ice New . Music for the sVihhaih, the Chuicli,
and the Hresulei Keviewa and Criucisnia of Musical
Worss Periormei; and HeiformaiRs ; in short, lha very
pick and ereum of .Welly, Incident. Ilistorv liioaraph,
An, Llla.ulure and Science; inrludiuit whatever i-au ba
civeu in isenalieaU to promote J,-d,,y A.nuseineni and
, ,, "' "" """", anu neip to make n Better.
WiaiTaiH Happier may , 1HW ollr,, f,
iaes. Address UJ KB i W ILMS. 5j Uroadway
New ok. Kelauaryu Iaa3 ai.
1,000 Men Wanted.
fS the lio. of ih. SCSQLEHANNA RATI..
w ROAD Iwlwecn Uridijeport (opposite llnr
risburrr) and Sunbury, in the Kittle of Peniisvlva
nia. This road is fifty four miles in length runs
through a highly improved country, and will
furnish employment for stone masons, carpenters
and laborer for the next twelve months. A.
large portion of the line is heavy rock excavation,
laborers that are familiar will ihe cfore find ct
tain employment and liberal wages.
, Coiifactorav
February ID. 11-53.
40,000 SlllMJLKS.
GOOD lot of Cf, inrbes hiis f ine Shinglca
for sale al $IOer.K
Sunbury, Jan. IS. IW3. If,