r poetry. VARIOUS PARADISES. AH ORIENTAL PARADISE. A Persian's heaven is eaoily inndo, 'Tit but black eyes ami lemonmlo. (Bjs'oii Transcript. A CELESTIAL PARADISE A Chinese heaven of coomo would be, A heap of fa!, and a cup of lea. (Lynn News. AN ENGLISH PARADISIC. An Englishman's heaven would be, iu chief, A rosy cheek, and a roas'. of beef. (Vox Topuli. A YANK KB PARAllUC. A Yankee's is a dillerent life A soft pine buurd and a sharp jark-ki.ife. (Sunday Mum Nevvr. A YANKEE PARADISE. A Yankee's heaven, we are told, Is a pumpkin pie, and a bag of gold. (Sauk Co Wis. Standard. A BEVERLY PARADISE. A paradise, in Beverly, means A juuk of purk and a pot of beans. (Warsaw Courier. A TAVNTON PARADISE. The Taunlon boys think heaven's begun. As soon as honing and alenives run. (Cayuga Chief. A FRENCH PARADISE. A Fienchmnn's heaven is pood enonph, Willi a handsome fille and a pinch of snufl. Clinton Courant. A LYNN PARADISE. No other heaven would cobblers choose, Than plenty of work and cash for shoes. (Oregon Spectator. AN AMERICAN PARADISE. The Yankee's place of heaven and rest, Is found a little farther west (London Times. A GERMAN PARADISE. A Dutchman's heaven, 'lis very clear, Is pretzel, cheese, and lager beer. (.Vat. Gaz. A MARYLAND PARADISE. Oysters, corn cake, game and fish, Is Maryland's heaven served on the dish. (Bait. Argus. PRINTERS' PARADISE. Plenty of copy, with order lo ,:Iead," Tlenly of "sorts" and plenty of bread. (Day Book. loi-is napoleon's paradise. Louis' heaven is easily told A Spanish wife, and lots of gold. Phila. Sun. A STRING OF ITKMS. Hasty climbers have sudden falls. Unjust resentment is always the fiercest. A man may be known by the adjectives lis uses. To make Hens lay feed them wheat and oats, mixed. The tongue may speak the loudest, but heart the truest. Never utter what is false, nor hesitate to speak what true. A dog that will fetch a bone will take one. No allusion to unlets. Never enter a house with your shoes load ed with mud. Always remove your hat or cap from your head before entering a parlor. Never go flip-shod, with your shoes untied or down at the heel. Recollect youth never comes but once ; if it is neglected, a life of regret may follow. Let those blessed with this world's goods give liberally to all good object- A curiosity, in tho shape of natural "gas work, has been discovered in Holmes county Ohio. Wit is brushwood judgment is timber. The former makes the brighlUh flame, but the latter makes the most lasting heat. It is a custom in Denmark to keep the graves covered with white sand, on which are placed wreaths and flour pots. One of our country exchanges says : "An old sheep gave birth yesterday to a lamb be longing to a widow lady with six legs." The human body is a machine. Spare it sudden changes and shocks, and all will gn s you wish. A clock does not get out of order because it goes, but because it is not wound up regularly. A Lesson to Learners. When oldZash ariah Fox, the great merchant, of Liverpool, was asked by what .neans he contrived to realize so large a fortune as be possessed, his reply was : "Friend, by one article alone, and in which thou mayest deal too, ii thou pleasest it is civility. A Model Speech. Here is a model speech made by the President of the North amptonshire (England) Farming and Grazing Society, on presenting a prue cup to a yo jng man : "Now young man, lake that cup, and re. member also to plough deep and drink thai low." THE TTJZZLER'S CORNER. For the Sunburr American. Answer lo bit weeks Kuigraa Jucob Hunter En el. A MISCFLLAKEOl-S ENIGMA. I am composed of 15 letters. Mr I T 11 8 is a famous Island in Greece. " t II 1 vessel iu roimnoii use. " Hilt n poet of distinction. 4 S It 3 10 I is an eminent divine, S I represeiile grad company of volunteer. . m ijii, rauanl many oilier Uaus. " 7 IS U o la a measure of una. S S 13 is used in practical Gouiurtijr. " 10 t 111 II I in mineral. 10 ia as nrrno. 11 7 10 ia a pfodndiou of ul country. 19 13 10 bmunea almost a iieceaaity. " 13 II 6 3 10 6 suffered punlvrdoin. 14 1 ieadijuiMiveeiijuiictiou. " li 10 7 was a success! ul general iu Europe. My Whole is what I taunot do without. Answer next week. Sxib-ity, Murk , M3 GREAT EXCITEMENT. WILLIAM A. KN01VH, RESPECTFULLY Informs the public grener ally Hint he has just received and opened he best mid cheapest stock of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been brought to the county. His stock consists of every variety of Dry Hoods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers, Saltinetts, Vest hiss. Dril lings, Linens, Muslins, Jeans, and all kinds of Winter Goods. Also a splendid variety nf Ladies Dress and Fancy (owls. Calicccs, G miliums, Di Lo.incs, Shawls, and every variety of Goods suitable for Ladies war. Also, an ftlcnsivt assortm'nt of Silk, Heaver, Fur It Slouch lla's A large and well selected Assortment of Hoots and Slims of ev ery Aescrip ion mid si:e. Also, a large assortment of Groceries, Such us Sit gnr,, Coffee Teas. Molasses, Spiers of all kinds. Also a laree assortment of Hurdwarc and Qucenswnrc, Fish, Salt mid Liipiors such ns Gin Brandy, Hum and Whiskey, besides tho largest and most penernl assortment of oil kind of Goods to be had in t lie county. All the nliove mentioned goods will le sold at such reduced prices as they can not be got for elsewhere. Country produce of nil kinds, taken in exchange at tlic highest market prices. Also, For sale a two horse spring wnon and a buesv. Augrsta tw ep., Octolier 29, 1R52. Cm. CLOTHING ON CREDIT. Xoticc to all Dealers in Ready Made Clothing, UKXNKT lc CO. request nil) who purchase ready made CL.tliinir on credit, to rail nl TOWKIt MALI. tl.OTllINU HA'.AAlt, and see llic Brent ailvmilnttis llicy will luivc by nurchiisiiiK. for cnsli lit this estsnsive establishment. This, and tins only, is the principle on which lliev dent Willi nil their numerous customer, who have realized (hat nt this home they spore no cilort in proilncing the best CLOTIIi.NU, at the lowest possible prict-s, mid tluil the g Is mitile nt ttiis house nre the heft tiuiilu, must fusliioiiiible, and much cheaper tliiui any other house rnn nllord to sell the some fluidity of good., nHsing Iroin their Inrire niniiiifnctiiniia; and hnpoitine rticilitit-a, and their ib'tiTtninutioii tomunUnnthc principle of lartre anles and sinnll prohts. Their stock is most ample mid complete. The pnrticiimr attention of merchniita find dealers IS Invited, who nre requested tocnll and jmlfrc lor themselves, us we are satisfied that they cmulot fail tn see the ndvantaey-s they will have in purchtieinir fot casti. tit TOWKR UA1.L, 13 MAKKliT stiect, between Fifth and Sixth. rtr.NNF.TT CO., Proprietors. 1'litlndclphia, October 18, le.52 flm. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. riIIK Puhsf-riltcf having lenscj the TuUic Hoimf, fur L inerly kii.wn as ihc American Uttnse. No. lb 5. iSixth Hirrct, beiw-t-rii Market and ClicMnut bl recti, ha ctiaugcU Uie uume of the Kinie to THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Tlrgn Irnve to infnrm hid frirmU and the puhliet that thii hMite hus mulrrone n Iluotigh reiruMlullinp, reonirini;, re painting nud repHjH'rinf , fniin Rttic t UiBcment. An en tire new nut fit tif furniture, hethlhur, A.c Ac, ltna been proem ed from the must celebrated iMunuiactuicra in this city. From the centrul locntion, mid ita rlcae proximity to the Rnilrotid lejtn, 8rennibxit LnmlhifiB. Plucea of Amtise nmit, FmthiitnuMe Thoroitchfnrea and PuWir ltiinrta, it oiriT iiiduceinentR to the Merchant veiling the city hi biijtiiieHfl. the Truvellr seeking plenatire. To fuinilira and femah't viaitiny the ritv, every I'nctlity will be nlTvred, and every enmfort regarded to make their visit tigreeable and pleuKiiit. A slinre of th public patronaare respectfully solicited. JACOU 0. I.KBO. JAlti:D HIVIN, SnpTintendftit. Proprietor. Philadelphia, Sept. 4. lS.VJ.6m. LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. J. C. OUEKTEUFFER, S. E. Cor. Ninth and Maple Sts above Hact PHILADELPHIA. INVITES the I.aJios of the City and Country to mil rnil examine his splendid Stock oj Trimmings, which lias been selected with the ut most care. Mr. O. hctng enabled, from liis experience in the liu.itiesK, lo take advantage of the wholesale market, is aide In sell as low as any other estab lishment. Mr. O. was formerly urincirml con ductor of the extensive business of Mr. J. W. Ilurstman, No. 204 Chestnut Street, and his ex tensive experience will be a guarantee of his ability to do justice to his customers. His Stock comprises the following. Silk, Worsted, and Cotton Curtain Fringes, Binding, Tassels and Cord, Silk and Worsted Illind do, ilk, Woollen, and Cotton Hoisery, liloes, Combs, Brushes, Soaps, Perfumery, iScc. Woollen and Cotton Knittina and Darning Yarn, Porte Monnaies, Furnished Work Boxes, Brace lets, and Fancy Articles generally. Call and examine for yourselves. Philadelphia, September 25, 1854. 6m. T.ILCPJ1TG.' JOHN V. 31 A K TIX, XSEGS leave to inform his friends and the pub- lie iu general, that he is prepared in every respect to make clothing after the mo.t Fashionable Styles, and in the most durable manner, and his prices will be as reasonable as can be had in Suubury or elsewhere, in cash or approved country produce. He will always have the advantages of the latest fashion plates, and in addition to his acknowl edged skill in cutting, he will be assisted by the direction of the most scientific publications rela ting to that art, now issued from the emporiums of fashion in the United States. An endeavor will be made always to have work completed when requiaed. His establishment is situated in Market Square, Sunbury, nearly opposite the Post Office, iu the building formerly occupied by Jacob Painter as a halter shop, where it will le a pleasure to him to see his friends, and make such work for them as is within the line of his business. Sunbury August 14, 1852 tf. Fresh and Spiced Oysters ! TIAVING settled at Northumberland, I am " now prepmeJ lo furnih Freehand spi ced Oysteis durina the w hole season at re duced prices. You can depend upon them being fresh, a 1 tthall receive them daily, (Sundays excepted) and when landed hete, they are only 16 hours out of the shell. . All persons at a distance, who are in waul of the above article, can have thein sent per dozen or single can by acldrefsiiij V. ii. VICKERV, at Bun's Hotel. Northumberland. Oct. 16, 152. BOOKS! BOOKS!! JUST RECEIVED and for sale t new edition of PIKES AHITH METIC. ALSO, a large assortment of Blank Books. WM. McUARTV, Bookseller. Sunbury, Dec. 4, 1853 tf. II.ANK DEEDS printed on the best quality of parchment paper, sold at the lowest prices at this ollice. by whleaa!e and retail A UN OLD'S WKITINU FLUID and Adhe sive and legal envelopes, for sale by II. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Jau 10, 1852 EXTRACT OF COFFEE An excellent article more wholesome and much cheaper than Cotl'jo itself. For sale si this oflice. April 17 185 EXTRACT CF GINGER. A fresh supply just received and for sale at this oilice. Price 25 cents. Sunbury, iu'.y 13, 1851. HAND BILLS neatly printed on new type promptly executed at this office. Also blanks, of all kinds on superior paper. Kunburv. Feb. 14, 1852. f AKKIAGE CETIFICATES handsomely 1'A executed for sale at this office, single or by ike dosen. INK Bouresu's celebrated ink, and also Con. gres ink for sals, wholisele end retail by December 19, 1160. H B MAP5IR. SUN BURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. YnlusiMe Property. late the Estate of E. P. SHANNON, Esq., Of Northumberland ATPP.ITATE 3AL2. 1TIIE subscriber, Executor of the Estnte of Enhraim P. Shannon, lute of the Bor ough of Northumberland, oiler nt private sale, the following valuable Real Estate, viz: Lot No. 77, corner of Queen and Sonl Street, on which is erected a twostoty rJrick Building, formeily occupied by the decensed as a Store and Dwellint:, and now occupied as such. There are also on the lot two fiume dwclliitoii. See. Lot No. 52, situated in Market Street, on which is creeled a two story whilo Frame Dwelling, &c, adjoining John Tnggurl, Est., occupied by Cl.as. Knous. Lot Nos. 69, 70, 71 S: 72, situate in Mar ket Street, a two ntnry white Frame Dwel ling, occupied by Jume Dmily, and a stable is erected on lot No. 09 Si 70. The undivided half of Lot No. 120, situate on the cottier of Duke unci 4tli Street, on which is erected a two story dwelling, occu pied by Joseph McCallister. Lot No. 188, situate in Queen Street on which is erected n two story white Frame Bnilditijr, occupied by John liurkert. Lot No. 60, situate nt Noithwny nnd Wa ter Stteets, on w hich nro erected two Frame Dwellings and Stublinfr, occupied by widow Vanillin" nud John Vaiidling. Also the undivided fourth part of lot 166, on which is erected a twostoty Frame Dwel ling, occupied by John Vandyke. Also ten ncies of cleared I'tnd, adjoining lands of John Dcsliay, on the East side of the Stiwitiehaiina, about three miles below D.in villu. Also two adjoining vacant town lot, situ ated on the corner of Second ami Oiuntje streets, numbered in the general plan of Bor ough. Nos. 215 & 216. Also lour vacHiit lots on 1 hint nmi uiance Streets, nunibeied in the ceneral pluil ol said Borough, Nos. 209, 210, 211 & 212. Also four vacant lots fronting on Market and Si.vlh Streets, inniiing East to an Alley, numbered in the general plan of said Bor ouiih, Nos. 77, 78, 79 & 811. Also four vacant lots Ironting on Orange Street, and numbered in the general plan of said Borough, Nos. 1S5, 186, 187 & 188. The above property will be sold in parts or pariels to suit purchasers, on reasonable terms. For further particular apply to John Cake, Es(., at Northumberland, tir to the subscribers. ALFRED KNF.ASS. ) THOMAS STRAWRRIDGE, f Noilhumbeiland, May 22, 1852.- Ex'rs. -tf. JOHN A. TAYLOR, Manufacturer of Monuments, Tombs, AND GRAVE STONES OF THE FINEST Italian and Amkkican Marbi.k. At his Old Stand in Northumberland, Pa. RESPECTFULLY inform the public that all w ork in his line will be made up of the vcrv best material and finished in the latest style of the Eastern cities. Those in want of such articles well made and executed in the best style and at the lowest rates, will do well to call and examine before they pur chase elsewhere. Mav 15, 1352 lv. Wm. McCarty, bookseller. 1 RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and ' tlse public, that he has removed his Rook Store, to Market street, to tho house occupied by J. Naille, Esq., Attorney at Law, nearly op posite the Court HoufC, on the north side, where keeps for sale constantly on hand a good assortment of books and stationary. For S.ile A lure new spiing waggon fit for 2, 3 or 1 horses. Sunbury, July 21, 1S52. tf. JUST RECEIVED AT THE Saddlery and Harness Establishment of G. STKOlf, Market Street, Sunbury, A new assortment of Silver, ItrnNS and Japanned Mounting, Which he will either make up to order or sell separately for cash at prices as low if not lower than can he had anywhere else. SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, Trunks, Va!l cm, Carriage W hips, SiC, Constantly kept on hand or manufactured to order. CARRIAGE TRIMMINU done on the shortest notice. All persons are invited to call and examine foi hemi-elvcs. All kinds of produce taken in exchange. Sunbury, Mav 1, 1852. tf. JOHN PHILLIPS & SON, No. 47 Sot Water Street, below Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA, I MP0RE1W of Foreign Fruits, Nuts, Wines, &.C., keep constantly On hand the following articles, which they will sell at very low prices for cash. Raisins, WulnuU, Prunes, Filberts, Sweet Oil, LiiUorice, I'ort Wine, Almonds, Currants, Citron, Ground Nuts, Cream Nuts, Dates, r tga, anilla beans, Preserved ginger, amariuds. Lemon Svrup, Fire Crackers, Madeira Wine, Claret Wine, Muscat " Sweet Malaaa " Sherry Philadelphia, July 3, 1852 ly. SHELDRAKE'S 4 LLEGIIENY HOUSE, No, 2H0 MA RKET Street, above 6th, Philadelphia. Under the new arrangement the eti which arrive, from Pittsburg, Harrisburg, Ac, will run to the New Depot, corner of Schuylkill Sth and Market. In order to accommodate the public we will always have our Coach at the New Depot on the arrival of the cars to carry Passengers to the Allegheny House, which ia in the centre of the city. Our old friends will please ride down, and all who wish to patronise a House with a Good Table, Clean Ileus, and accommodating assistants, will please give us a call. 2rm, One Dollar per Day. August 21, 1852. Cm. DAVID COOPER, COMMISSION MEKCIIANT l OK THE SALE OF Fish, Provisions, jc., Vo. 9 North Wharves, l PHILADELPHIA. April 10. 1853. ly. ' ' LEATHER, Fritz, Williams Hendry, Store, No. 29 AVA 3d Street., riJILAUKM'illA. f OROCCO Manufacturers, Curriers, Import. iT- ers. Commission and General Leather Bus iness. Wholesale and Retail. Q Manufactory 15 Margaretta Street Aug. 28, 1853. ly. 13 LANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortgages, Douds, Executions, Summons, cVe., for sale by II. B. MASSER. Sunbury April 30, 18S1 IRESII Vanilla Dean of a superior quality, just received and for sals by JuWSI 1851. H. B. MASSER. JUSTICES' FEE 13 1 LI. For sals by II. B MA8SER. twew. IM 'W C3-S500 CHALLENGE. AY rII ATKVl'll c"nfrriia tlic tirnllli nmt bnnninc of a ixMinleisnt all limes of the most vnlunlilc lniVirl. nni B. I kike it tm- irrniitcil Hint every person will do nil In llicir power, In savo tlie lives of their chiMnn, n.. 1 tiiat every person wilt emtenvor to proi'i -le their own lien.t';! lit all anuntiees. 'I feel it to be my ituty lo soleiiinty assure you tluit WOII .MS, aminliiia: lo Hie opinion of tho Heist oelelimtctl Physicians, Bre the prnnnry causes of a hirrrc majority of ihscnscs to wliieli children am! adults nre lia ble ;il' you havo tin appetite eontlunnlly chnuucnlile from one kind of f.siil to another, Hud Hrculli, l'ain ill IheSlo mneh, Picking at the N-'se, Hardness aiul I'ulluess of the llelly. Dry OiiwIi. Slow Fever, Pulse Irmrulnr remember that till these denote WOHMS, aiij you alioaklal once ap ply the remedy : - HOBENSACKTS WORM SYRUP. An nrlkrle founded upnn ffiii(ilicPrinriilc(i,pnipoiiii'l ft wiih iMtrcly Vfgcinl.Ie miSnliuiCfii, licitni pcrlcfHy wile wliit inVrtt, nnd run he eivuii tn the timut ttult-r intrnit with 'lecNiwl IrPiu-ficiiil eirtt-t, uhi;re IMu-fl I'nnijiltiintR niul Oiitrrlia'd Imve umtle them wstik nn'd dululitatcd the 'J'unin prnpertti'B of my V(tnn Syrup nre iiifli. tlmt it itnndfi willitMit nu ft(;ntit in ()n niinlojiiio '(' tniKlicini'F. in g vinjf t"ne mid ilrcnetli P the ttnin,R-h, which inukes it hii lnhi!lih!f ri'inely fur thinc uliiiftfit with ly.p(di:i, th nsioniphiiiTf riiri ncrftrnied hy h'n Syrup nftcr FhyM t'inni Imve linUd, ia ilto brut evitknee ul' ill Bitovriur elli cacy (ivt't all uUicra. THE TAPK WOUM! Thin in (he m mt diilicnlt W4tnn to dentroy of nil Hint In ftst the tiniiiiin nyulrni, it growi Iu mi nlnumt Imletuiile length bi'cniinit n mi led nnd t;ifUnci! in the lutmlincs nnd StoiTinch rtlfLtinttr the lipulth fttdly nn (n cnuwe tt. V.Iuh Dunce. Tils. iVc. that thiic milictcd scld'm it rvcr umpccl tli.il it in l'it jm Wunu li;tBicnittf them toun curly tnive. In nrdcr to U rut my tliia Worm, a very ptiprgctie irrntnit iit munt h! purinnl, it vmild therefore he pmper tn tnke G t 8 nf my l.ivcr Pi I! nous tn rcmnve til clistriu thms, t lint the Wnrmvrun ninv net ihreol i ron he Wut in. which imtht lp lak'.-u in dnses tif a Table, 'ill,s 3 timi a n day thewp liri;eii.ii8 ftt!l.twiJ imve neve'i W n kimwn to tad in curing the mu-il obalinnlc case uf Tdw Wurin. C7" IIOBEN'SACK'S LIVER PILLS. No part of the aynteni ia more Ihiblp tn dispiiae Ihnn the ia i.K, it arrvute nK a tillerer tn mini v the bluwl. tr ctv- ihr the proper aevretinn to the bile ; ao'thnt any wmnc ip tit hi -f the l.ivcr niuets the other i.iimrtmit pnrla i die ayatem, and rcftiilta vurinnalv, in l.iver CoinpJuint. J it it diee, I)ja',iepin, Vp. We afitmhl. therefnre, wittfh 'Viy avnipt'in tlmt miijlit. indieute n wmntr net ion uf the l.iver. These Pilla lieiiifr CiMiiimwiI nf UOOTtS iV PLANTS fur niajirn ny intnrc m hr u ti,,. nw : ntnely, IM, An F.X I'Ki;TOHANT, wliteh nnuuienta the aee'retion from the riilmontirv ninctia niemhr:i;io, or prnnMP tht diwhurf-e nf aceret.-it mutter, lind. An AIn:i(.TlVI' which rhnnfrea in a ue iiipxplinible nnd inn mfiMc nmiiner Hip eiTiiiui iii' 'i i m i niUHMt nl tho ayMPin. lint, A TO.Ml; which j:ivpfl V. me nnd atren'jih t-i the m rvoua ays;ei , re np winy hp'dth nnd vicr to nil pnrta nf the biKly. 4' n A I'A'I'IIAKTIC. which neta in perfect h;iinnny wii i. 'he nther intficdicnta. nnd operiitint; nn tlie U.twcla. mid u'l liiiu the wholr iiinan nt' p.irnipt nnd vitiattil mutter, . pn rifyinti tho Uhiott, which Ueairoys discaae nnd icdt 'iia hculih. TO FEMALES. Y'Mi will find tSrse Iills nn invnlinible medieine (n innnv emnpliiinjs to vlii-h vmi nre siihjeet. lit olmtrni-tii'iis ei ther total ni partial, they have been found of iuejtinml'le benefit, restoring their taneliniial irnuuinuents to n heai- thy neiion. puruyini; l!ie lil.iod nud other lluids so etriein ?Mx lo pul I i tliu'ht nil ctiuitilam's which may nrise from female irreaularitie, vr he.idai lie, giddiness, dullness of ticht. pain in the side, k-tek, &e. Price, 23 cents each. None oeniiine unless signed J. X. IKiheuwk, Ril ntlieis tieiter luiwe Inu'iiitiiMi. IV" Agents wishing; new supplies, nnd Store Keepers defirous of lieeomint: Ai?(uis must udJress tlie Proprietor, J, X. Il'd.eiisaek, I'liilndelphui. I'll. Sold by J. W. Frilinc. Snnlairy ; Mary MeCay, X"r lliuuiherlaiid ; lleisel, 'I'mliutvi'.le:' Itner.' Milton '; l'itly A: I.enker. lieoreelowii ; l.elsenrinp ,V Vob erlon. Viii nos; Wiest, Hickory; ail dealers ill Medicine in the Couulv and State. Aiik'usi II, int. ly. Cheap AVatehes Jewelry, lyilOLKSAl.E ami Retail, at the "Pbiiml.l- " Jiliia Watch utnl Jewelry Store," No. 'Jti North tfecondtrcct, corner of tjuarry, riiilaJcl pliia. Gold l.ever Vatehes, fibl jeweled. IS eamt cases, Sl.OO Silver do. full jeweled, gli jr.old Spectneles, 7 (KI Silver Lepine, jewels, HI Kine Silver do. 1 .fln do di do. 0 (told Hraeelets. IJ.UII Superior (Jiiarlii ia, 7.'! allies' (iold Tencils. 1. 00 liniUition il l. S. Silver Ten spoons, set, 5. Ul tjolU Tens, with Pencil uiitt Silver Iloldir, 1.1.0 li'olJ Finder Kint-s, 37 J cents to $30 ; Watch Glasses, ilain, 12$ rents; Patent, Isj; I, unit, 25 j other articles iu iirojiortion. All goods war ranlcil to be what liny are sold for. ST.M FFKK cV HARI.KV, Successors lo O. C'oiir.ul. dn lianil, some fiolJ and Silver Levers and Lepines, still lower than the above prices. .Unjust 2, ls.VJ. ly. iz CiOitii Ihiuenean Usillerv, 159 Chestnut Street, VT tliis eelelirate.1 estaiilislnnent yotl can always pro cure the newest mid nmst iiatroved styiis ,.f' DAGl Kl'.ltllDTYI'li & TAI.UOTYl'li 1'OItTUAITS at from ill to KM per ct. lhjs cost than suvli nietnu s can be had fur eliewliere. Now Hint yon can serine mii li perfivt pirtraits of v.inr loved nnrs at a mere inniiiiial cost, it m'l det.ii li sl v ai lose tlieln. I'.very vniielv of fancy ease?, frames, Ac, on lined nr furnished to order d every pietnre made satistorv and wai ranted to lie in the liest style of tlie nit or mi ciiakoe Call and see us at loll Chestnut st. L. II PriJNKI.I. Plnladdlpliia July 17, l5. lv. TIIU (.ICC1T I'lJIZi: ntun, ai:. No. 148 Chertma St., above Sixth, Front oj JONES' HOTEL. rTTD 1-'' J""' received their Prize rYETVi Medal, awarded hi them lor I III ) their best Travelling Trunks ex hibited at the World's Fair in London, 1851 being the only exhibitors to whom any award was made. Their competition was with all the world, and they hue taken THE PKIZE! TUUNKS, VALISES, DACS, &c. To bo found iu this Citv, and at very low prices' Call and sec. HICKEV & TI LL, Trunk Manufacturers, HS Chestnut St. April 10, lS5i. tf. The Joints (om Ink MANUFACTORY REVIVED Mft If Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA. rllHE subscriber begs leave respectfully to in form PitixTtits generally, that be lias suc ceeded to the business of manufacturing Print ing hit formerly carried on by his grand Father, and Father, and oilers his article to tho trade, without any 1'i ffs, but with the simple reliance upon the long established character it has borne, I'eeliiiK confident of its giving entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call. Turns Cash. CHAHLE8 ENEU JOHNSTON. April 10, 1803. tf. Wholesale and Ctelail Cloc k ESTABLISHMENT. S. E. Corner Second and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPHIA. ViniERE niay be found, one of the largest ' and U'st assortments of Clocks and Time pieces in the United States, in quantities to suit purchasers, of from a single Clock, to one thou sand Clocks; embracing every variety of style and manufacture, suitable for Churches, Halls, Counting Houses, l'arlois, Sleeping Apartments, and Kitchens, Steam and Canal Uoats, and Kail Road Curs. Also genoral sale Agent, for Papp's lately pat ented Bcisiitific Niche (iold Pen. Wholesale and Retail (iold and Silver Pen Holders, and Pencils, and a variety of Fancy Goods. Those wishing to purchase will lind it to their interest to cull before purchasing elsuwhere. JAMES BAIU1EK. R. E. Cur. dies tuut & 2nd Sts., Phila. April 10, 1852 ly SOAP & CANDLE MANUFACTORY, No. 19 Wood St , between 2d If 3d Sts.. and No. 17 North 6th Street, PHILADELPHIA. John Uancroft Jr. nnd Son, RESPECTFULLY inform Store-keepers, Mer chants, eke, that they Manufacture and have for Sale, Pul.n, White, Variegated, Yellow and lirown Soaps, Mould and Dipped Candles, all of good quality and at reasonablo prices. IV Cash paid for Tallow and rough Fat. April 10 1S3'.:. ly. ILEY'S COUGH cXnDY. tlcHi lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sal at this office. DcoesaWr i. UJt- SOWKIi $ 11A1JNKS, Publishers niul Uooksellcrs, Ao. 81 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. Uihlcs. Pravels. Hvmns. l'oetieal and Historical YVttrlta. Travels, Novels, c, c. SCHOOL BOOKS. Kvery kind in use from n primer upwardY BLANK BOOKS. An elejrant firanrtment from the ;;iaa boyk upwarJs, made of aupciiur pnper, und beat of binding. WRITING PAPERS. Cnp, Piiat, and Note Papcra, elegant at) lea and quality, nmi very clieup. STATIONERY. Fnncy. Phiin nnd Adheaive Kiivclnpca, Ink. fniuT, XV n fera, Steel petia, W itep, J'eneila, Porte-iMnnniea, Vrat pin? PnMrB uf all kimlM, CnrUiin Pnpcrs, Ac., Ac. (Jnr a; Hk i idl fresh, 1ritht eliprip ond aold :ipc rdm-ily. Purtiptihtr nttrntiott p-iid to Hookaellera, CVmntry Aiur clKintaund 'I'tmiicra, howevfr little they nmy buy. S;iwer it Ihirnca nre Pnblisliera of PKIPON'! Beiiua of MAGMF1CKNT OUTLINE iMAPS Knrh mnp ia nearly SKY K.N IT.KT I'MU'AliK, nnd ahowa the eninpurittive ai.c und relntive pnaiti'in of every country on the pli.lm. 'J'hey nro intended l be anvpeiiiieil iii every tSchnul Hoom, und ii-'t only nuike n aplenthd nt renrnnee, hut nra nnivrrnliv ncLin'wlt ittri d to be the liKST MdliK OK TKACl'lINt; (ilUK.U.MMI V ever brought out. They ore keva intended to lie iifed by thp Mit'liirs, c.ntniniii- n cnmpli-te epilnme of O triumph y, and p'-ntiiiK lesa limn half the .riee ol" ieturiipl.y nnd Atiua. The ayatem ia in niiiverpnl use in Prussia unit (itrtiutny, nnd hra nlreiuly been introduced in liirnrd Cnllee, I'hilii. delphin, the public flch.ml nf Ih.Mon, New o'rk, Phila delphi:i, Haliininrc. Wnshiufri hi, nnd tlmmleiut New I'ofjlniul, New York, ftp., c. Our d-al;a are Imth-d Willi rcpotnmnd:itintia I nun Ihenmat InViitt-d tmd acien tifie tenehera in every ipiarter, nud wherever tlie avfO-in h:ia been uned parents, t cache tn and edit dura unite in plain ing it. 1. Map of the cstTii IleiTii.iphere. if. Mnp of ih I'.n't'.Tii I Ii-inisphcre. :. .M.ipt.f Nortlt Anift MM. 4. Map of the I'liitcil Slat' t. fi. Map nf Knrop'J, (. Mnp of Asi-i. 7. Mho -f Soulh Amerionnrd Africa. P.verv niati is hrilltuntlv Cflorml. vavniahetl, anil mount- etl nn iniiahii and ro!! ra. We reapec ndly in; it'1 the etinieaf attcntinn nf Tifihera, Parents, nnd Pehofil Director t thia inwini'ini; niiKle of teaching Otfopnipliv. pOWMK A ll vnM.S. North Thiiit Street, PIiiliMMphin. Aiifr.S4, if. HAEEISBUKG BOOK BIIfDEEY. I'. Ii. HiriTKH & CO.. Successors to V. (I. Ilickolt, und Hiikok .V Cantinc. 3"Ot)i HINDKIIS, STATIONKUS AND ! blank hoow mani r.rn:iii:u.s. j i lie sutiscnnrrs rcsiectlnliv iiilorm t.u ir Inc.tiils h li J the puhlie, th:vt thev nre now cirryint' oil tihovc husiticss at the Ol.U 5TANU uccujiicJ hv Iliikok A Co. 'i'hey H.itter themselves that hy ' careful attention lo husinc?, they will merit nnJ ; receive a continuance of tho patronage so lihcr- , ally enj.ivcd 1 y the old firms. "i. ...i : ... ...:n i. i .i. ...i:.. i , ,. r , ... e it i , i ami liiiKIini; of every ilesciiplion of hlatik hooks: for hnnks, county ollices, iiierchants tinJ private ! iiKliviilnals, nml cvciv variety of full anil half bound blank book. Old books, perio.licals, law books, music, newspapers, Ac., bound in tiny pattern nnd in anv stvlc reipiired. ' In addition to the above, thev have, nnd will ! j.iiii.ut.ii iiiiviiiioii ui i- ir.ii.i 10 i;:v- nuiiii: at till times keep, a e,cnoial assortment of ssTA 'I'KJNEllY, consisting of Letter Taper, Knives, Plates and Pe.ie I .-a.l I'eneil?. I.elter Slanti Inilill Klllilier, Wafers, Hi d Tape, Hiaak Cards, DrawiT " Iiisi:mi''.. Transler " M .tin Wafers, Copvlii" " Hlaek Ink, Hloltiinr " S.alui'.' Wax, S'eel I'ens, Hlne Ink. Carmine In!;, C invinir Ink. Ane 'Ill's Writing FUlid, Krasures, A-e, r i!il-rs, t tT Paper ruled to pattern, and all work war ranted and done vcrv elienplv. ' F. I.. 1 UTTER & CO. March lo, IS33 tf. LIBERTY STOVE WORKS, s. itrt'xT ypi) ti ahme Fuurth, riiii.AUEr.rHiA. BHE undersigned respectfully inform the pub- -"- lie that they urn in full operation at their j new foundry, uud ready to execute orders fur stoves ol" every description on toe most lea.. ma- bie terms. 'J'hey invite the attention of 5TOVK T)KAL ! ri'.Si tli their hirgo assortment of STOVES, nil j of which are entirely new, and got up nt great expense. Among which arc the. Liberty Air ; Tight Cook, Complete Cook, star Air Tight, J Star Franklin, Star I'mlialor, Jenny Lind lm ! p'.ovcd, Flic King Hadiatorit, Sa!a:;iainlers, Can j nuns, i;m's. Li ne C liiidi ls, DurIkuumSlo.es, i Furnaces, U.is Ovens, eve., Ac. AEDOTTkV- LAWRENCE. I N. T. Country merchants are particularly ' invited tu call und examine our ussortuicut. April 1(1, 1S52. ly. I PHIL. AND BEADING RAIL ROAD. Sl.vnillt AHItANtili.UCNT FROM , l'llIL.UH'.l.riilA AND l'OTTSViU.K. mmmt.m.m. I Fares Kctiutftl. Office of the Phila. Heading UuUroad Co. I Philadelphia, March 'Jti, ltol. Two Passenger Trains Dailv, (except Sunday.) I N and after April lit, l-il two trains will I j) be run each way, daily, between Philadel phia and Puttsville. MOHXIXC, I.I XE. ; Leaves Philadelphia at 7J A. M., daily except Sundays. Leaves PotUville at 7J A. M. daily except Sun- , days. j after xonx i.ixi:. ' Leaves Philadelphia at :J o'clock, daily, except ' Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 3J o'clock, daily, except ! Sundays. i FAKI-S, j Between rhihulelphia and Pottsville, $2.75 ; 1st class cars and $2. 25 2d class cars. j Between Philadelphia and Reading, 5 1.75 1st ; class cars and $1.45 2d class cars. Depot in Philadelphia, comer of Bruud and i Vine Streets. ! Pussenirers cannot enter the cars unless provi di d w ith Tickets. I NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baegage will heal lowed to each passenger iu these lines ; and pas sengers arc expressly prohibited lioiu litintf aiiV' thing as baggage but their wearing apparel, w hich win ne at tlic risk ot its owner. By order of the Board of Mainmcrs. S. BRADFORD, April 19, 1851. Secretary, tILVEU WATCHES A few double ease English Silver Watches, for sale at very low prices by H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, April 12, 1851. A TENT BRI'ITANIA STOPPERS for bar bottles tor sale by H. U MASSER, Sunbury, April, 12, 1 85 1 KNOI) AND SPRING MORTISE I.AT CHES.An excellent article, for sale at half the usuul price by J. V. FiilLlNU, eiunbury, July 7. 1S19- LANK NOTES, waiving the exemption law of $1100, for sale by April 2(i, 1851. H. U. MASSER. ADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi cine for sale by HENRY At ASS K If. iSunburv, Jan. 37th. 1R43 STEE DILLS Justices and Constables Fee " Dills baudsoinely printed on can paper l'or sale at this ollice. OR sale at this office, Superior Black Ink Cattle Medicine at 55 cts, Pure Essence of Ginger, 25 cents IJLANKS. BLANKS of every description can be had b 'Pl O'ng at the office of the American. VyRITIXH FLUID and self 7aFngIW T T lopes, just received and for sale by April 19, IS I II. H. MASSER. f I ISSUE PA PEIlil-Yellow 'Ihasue paper for H cowing glasses, 4c. ,lor sale at thecHice of American. DANK NOTK TA15LE. COIlllFCTni' WEEKLY. PKSVI,VAMA; CtTT OP I'lllUDELl'lllA iMAS?ACAt'SETTf. All solvrnl hanks dis tillODK ISLAND. All nlv.'iit lianks dis co..Nia ricLT. All tnlvnt Is.nks i (lis MiW YORK. II. f. Hank nolrs l.i dis All Solvent luniks hii rocx rat. tlantt of (Tlinmhcrslinrg 1 di Hank otCliPslr Co. par1 Hank of Del. Co. Clu'stcr tmrl liankof (icriniinlown narlAII solvent lianks 1 (lis CITY Hank of Oettvslmr? Hunk of I.ivis:.mvii I'.ank of Miildlctiiu n 1 dis!tl'llk n iti s iind. r 9 J (lis COUXTIlY. 1 Jis! All solvents hanks 1 d i MoiitK'imry Co Hunk Hank of Nortlniinlitirnd. pat I Iti'lvidvrc Hank J dis Hinkof PiltsliniK 1 clii. O'lliin-Icial llnnk dis Hunk of Ilanvillo parirar. Hank Mont Itotlv Jir Cnrlisls Hank t din I'- .V.. .M i.ldiitown ft. par Colim lini H i, ft rgt: Co (sir ..M lianirs1 Ilk. .Newark ir Doyvlshnvn Hank pai '.t-vll. L'k of linrlinirtoll mr I'as'nn Hauls ,.;,r Jr,.,.,. Mun. 1IU l'.-..nt nnr lar IN 1 . W .11.1(1.) Krir Hank a ills1 l"ri i Co Haul; i dis Kxcliainic M'k riltsl.tirc I ilit Ncwaik lik'it it Ins. Co dis KxHianirc Il k. Ilia fl'Oranm" Hi nk Farmers' Irk. HncksCo parT-''t"'s Farnicrs' Ilk, timas:vr par IVin'-etn li 1. dis dis !. I,' I'attarS'.n 'Ctin Hank Farmers' Ilk. Ueartim; par Salem Hankmc Co, I-arm. B'c K-hnvlkilt Co par S.-merret Co Hank F Ac 1. 15k Vti'vi-sl,'K i;dis Stale liank at C: len FrttnKliii Hk Wasli'u I.is Stntc Ilk i:iiMl.etli!nn Ilarrisl.nru H:-ak I, lis Slate It ink evnrk par par dis wir ' .lis 3 d,s lliniesd.ne Hank 1 di. Stair Hk, . Hninsiviek par I.Mieater Hank par.S'li-se-l Hank. i:vton J dis i" na 1 nailK p.ir rrenlon tt:iilK ii.ir t;o Mrrrli. A Man. Hank 1 dis I'niial liank. Hover Miners' H'k. lotlsvill per Ver."evv'le i ll. lllrCi M'moiiKaliela Hank I ir L?'Dk' 1 1 t . s nailer !"5 Tiivlorsv'e llellt'eCo 13 ; DCI.AWAHi:. West Hrnneh !.,nk p:,r Haul; of llelmvare W'yomnifr Hk, Wilkesl.'e parll'aak ol Snivnin York Hank, i ,ii, Delaware ciiv Hank dis P 1 .! 1 19 i dis par par par I'jyitcilef not-s I Jis Hk Wilinc'n llrandvw. pai MAINI'. Farmers' Hk St Delaware pur Hiniknf tVheil.K.it rdi.M'iiii ii Hnnk. Wiliiiinaton nnr Mrrenntile Hk. Hang'.r 1(11.1117" Lnder s.'i's j dis AH s i'-ent lianks " J IlltlO. MOW IIA.MI'SHIIill. AH solvent tanks 5 (lis All solvent lianks dis I V Hk le'leo under S's 4 dis 'i:it.MO.NT. NOH'I'll CAKtH.IN'A. Hink of St Allmni 2 dil All s ih eni iMiiks 9 dis All S'llvent banks j J.s.tV I'ndirS's, !ij dis "AID AI7D COHICET," '1 o Yotir Own .eehnniCK. geougk in:;x. M A i; F A C IT n K ii or FURNITURE AM) CHAIRS Of the riost rashicnaHo Style. 'TMIE FtiliscriliiT rrsjiri'tlully culls tlic nttmtio JL of tho inlilic to lits I,irrp nnj Fplcmliil Assort- '"r"t t every n'inlity mid price i f CIA J21.SiT-W A 11 !C tv'.iivli cntmot fail to rctomnicnil itself to every one ' wlio will enmine it, on nccniint of its tliir.il. p j woi'itinnlisliiji anil spli'iiiliJ litiislt, In.ii'.o up of t'.n' he-it stock to lie hnil i:i the cily. N(i eli'irt is i spare, I ill liie iiiniitif.ictiii'c of his ware, end the I sulweril'.er in determitteil to keep up wilii the ' itiiiiiy litiproveineiits v. ineii :uc con.-tuuily hemg i . ,i- . . , . tiiiioe. tils stocK consii.ts ol ..alio:'.anv ' - Sr.l!, B 5i ii 114 :ml IoilitvM, EuTCaun, Cecrctr.l'iCS, Eido'ooarls, UU BREAKFAST Ai) 1)1M.G T IDLES, a,ld aUo i-AEI IAN LI.INUn, eiptal to 1'hila- thlphta mxm.iactuvc. UEDS'ITAD.S, of every pattern every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS. WORK AND CAN DLK STANDS, TOII.KT TABLKS AND EXTENSION TAULES, it short, every article iu this line of his business, lie ulo inaiiut'.icturi's nii kinds and qualities of C1IA11JS, , including vanities never before to be h.-.d ii ! Sunbury, such tt i M mm; is r, I!t. M ii W.umi AMI CfltLKII M.kl'l.K (itli:i'.kN ; ami WlNtlSIIII i CH AIRS, ami I'iimi Stools, which are J of the l.tlt'st styles, and warrmited M be exceih J j l y none iiiauulaituied in the Cities or cbrwherc. J The subscriber is determined that their ohnl! lie nn excuse for persons to puivha.c furniture in the cities, as every coul'di iu e can be entertained about the i;u.il;'.y and finish, of his wave und (. hairs. His articles will l o disposed of on n good terms ns they cm be purchased elsewhere. Couii tiy Produce ta'hen iu payment for wo;l;. IV" 1 N DKRTA KINO. Havii.-? provided himself with a hand. o:ne Ht;nsi:, he is now prcpand for I.'ndi'rtakiug, un,l nttetiding futicr uls, in tins vb-inity, er ut any convenient dis tance from lid.; pi. ice. t Tlie uve Ikii:v.i is in Matei-t Ptrr.-i, Ih'.ow T!i.-nij!- 'ii's St..re .. d Wca.i i's Tavern. CKORliE 11ENN. S'jt.hurv, Jan. 1 0, VWX !!'. J XT CHERRY PECTORAL: for I lie Cure of coughs, ccr.rs, hoahsem-ess, 2211017 ciiiti3, ciioup, asth. ma, vkoopistg-cough A2JI3 COITSUIklPTIOrj. M.iuv vc:irs f triil, iiifttM.l .i iuiPMi.iiir tin- tiu'dif (i.'i nc' m ti.ifl ih'iIm nit-, linn wm) I'm it an ii ptTt-st'iu1 i ji j ami ii ri. l t.y l";r i.-' f.liiit: tU't in l tviii;;!iiiu'' xjkm Ii:- tl nn l im ii iv. M. N tiling Lut its in!i nisi. virim-n nul ; Wit! Illliuivi.ik-:tt lc kcntilt roinciuil oil llfli.4:iin! i ' iufliT- cttnld in 1 v 1 1 itr niul tii.iiiihiiu tli rt-pur.tt i n it fujys. W'lul 111; tn y in: vi i rn m.'iii. it tln uM iijmii ;hl milium niry, li:i'u liHint UU i iircil Mic:u.l.-.I. tins li:.s f;:iui il tni-ml l tv.-ry u iitl, ronuTi t-tt l .n t.; 0 .u t !n- iiiiiu u-il tl can nr -tp it'ijrci. niul T'tluctU ctiniittKi iniimrtiii uml riiiiark i-ti-' to he vr i it-ii 'tii!e it t 11 irii;itl 'n Uu- tn pn-leml tl.at nny 0110 iiiHili.-iue will inmil.tily cure Mill then ahuiuf:iut r( llmt lilC t'lU-HHV i'Kl'ToitAL ll ir ll'it on!v 11 n miHTilJ Jiuij-Jml ului'nt iavuiialiiy curt- llic uiuUvlu-k lor wl.icu it ia cm; I yi tl. As time in:ikfS t!n'Sf f;utH wi.?cr nn'l luMtcr known, tliia m.-'licuir riMluiilty licciuc lla- lut rchrincti of the utliich'tl, rmiu tlit 1 y (viliiii ( titi Aiiuiic:in IVnKiut. tu liic- naliicfb i" l'.un-l.r niul Kliius. Tinoncliinit llti t-miie H(li, 111 t-VL-ry !tiiti. fity, u;nl iuiU-ed ulnuibt rvry hlilllk'l it p iilJUiid, Llll HKV 1'tCIitltAL is kllitWll llic lrt roinotly t-xr.-mt :r I'lwjm.-s ..j" Hit: Tlirmit mxt IsUnijv, nml in n.'Jiiy l'irt'i?n connine. it m Muiim U i.e i'Xti-ii-hiYPiy tisftl ly tlmr ni".H intr.lipi'nt n stciiun. In iiuut Ititaiii, 1'raiire nml deniu'iiv. wlmre tlie iic;il wiriift-H Imve riMcluvl tlieir hmlifrt ncritctifn, t'miUUY 11x1011 a 1. is iniiiMhirrJ, iin.i in iislaui iim in the Aiium-s. Il-ifcjn- till. All!.S ll'tUfilS, Plllitlf lllStlMll-M d, nil.l 111 lI'Mtlt'M.i- ; prji-Mrc. nn the miiest rt-un'tiy llicir nnnnluis I'liyniciant. j enn einpl i'.r tlie in tie ilan-cnnia mlfcti iu W the 1 iiinci. A'ri in tiiihVr ont--s, ami f-x c.iil.lieii i' it mff, 1 plmwiiit nml rilrrtiMl t pn. In i.ut, s n:e if the in-.it I tl:itii:rin2 t-siiiu'iiiai we rtvrive liavt tn-fn irmn jmmiib j who ii.iv. f-iun.l it viiioarl.'U in easii iiailnMlaih- iiifiilen. - tal In chil.fh oil. The Ciiehbt lKCTitit al is ninntiraotiirifl hy a piartiral Chnnist, nud evry ininrmit" it mxii-i hi own p e, with mvunuMe ucinracy nml care, h m ucuW ti ntid (.roiet-ln! hy law from cnintrrtntit. cni.fueiilly can he rtlicJ 011 uj genuine without miuUcritiinn. We have ciulruvore.. here t- fiirujcii the ft.mmnmtv with a uiwlitine of nut-h miriiiKie supt rt. rit v unit worth .n.uni .oiiuiu nti usrii to tiu-ir r mlmVmv. a leinnH' nt r me, neeiy niul i lieelui.l. wltu h thu ha hi renrnt.-.l aiul coumleM triul pioi'e.1 itWf to te . ai(ti 1U h' cre.lt care in pr. panuir it w 11I1 cluinicaUivuracv. of 11'mf.Tin ureiifili tnuiloril l'lni. uu,, n ii. v ntr-iii on winch th v ran rly lr the h.-t romilti, un.l the atneted with u leiuetiy t.l.'ll Wl. ,1,1 t.i. i....... ..II ,1.... 1: : ' "' " "'"I luruil'llie Ciitl no. l'rcparcd and sold hy JAMES C. AYEK, Practical Chemist, Luull, Mass. Sold in Sunhtiry hy II MASSER, and hy Drui-Bists generally throus.u t uhe Mate. Novcmhor 13, lSj-J lyceJmo FESHY. IIENRY V. Bl'CHER informs the puhlie that he has taken the Sunbury Ferry and as ho is now well prepared wilii good and stiffl. cient cralla he will he enahlcd to accommodate the puhlie with prointness and despatch. April 10, ls52 tf. Valuable llooUs, I" IFE or Christ, handsomely hound, D'Av tlCVE's UlSTOHT Of THE R.:iaR ATIII!f . Blank Dat-kooks ascd Lr.m. i:m, full hounded. For tale at the publishers prices liy 11. li. JlAKIi Sunbury, July I I, IS 19 O.SE OINTMENT. A fresh .npi.lv of this Mm.' excellent article for Tetter, be-, just received and for sale by HENKV MASSER. nl lor sale by lit Buiihury. July 23, 1S49 C""1 OLD PENS with and without cases, of a JV very superior quality, just received. Also i fresh supply of VVriliuc Fluid, for aula n. u. mast-ser. I I A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At llifl C abinet Wart Moom of SE1VN TIOUPT & CO Market Square, ' Also at the fton street $ the Railroad Thankful for the pa.tror.nge of his frl'end, anJ customers during the 17 years he has been in busi ness in th.s p ace. I.e solicit, from the public . e.n. linuam-e of the.r favors. During this period b. has endenvorrd o keep up ,vi(, the i.nprovemeut. of tlie day, and has nrcrdinily extottded his bust ness in every branch and variety. 'j'IP nulFic ' Itork of InV" ' "10 at,c",i')" of pr"fnt CAIJINKT WAUK AM) CNAIIIS, J'ANt'FACTfnrn by SEEASTIAN H0UPT & CO. At the Old Saiut, W here in addition to their former stock of th. establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Scat Chair Lrtrxe Sprimr Seal Rocking Chairs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Mnrble. Top Wash Stands, und a variety of other new style und FsiKhlonablc I tirniliu 0. n"; "'rUr,'J ! ' "'d made the nec, pr .n re Vr'r , r rrparetl for Lndertaking i U it, l)ranclt. in vinm.y or at any convenient distance. e mint. , ,lrnK,: ,, ,,,, rcsfnrnitnr, ,,f every,,, Is ,!,., l"ru (low-,, ,ok.,,t t;l,,,' From rocking chair, to loetcingcra.ll-i Pl.or.t.1 roil l.,. l,v , ,,m)v tn '! ' nwhile f"r brishler-Mter dy, ,r V r P c 'r". l.cat at.J ry. , J'srk, !,,, ,,,.,,, ,nVfflj r uliI(;r w t a)d ,r ""' ' ykes a.,,1 thrr-slun? flails, 1 ""' ne mill turkic. iwn to linl,. quail.. Conic m, ll.cn fri,.,s. c,o one unit ail, Kp mat,. m,,vi,;?i , ..j. f,n ta l-s Orders from a .litnnce promptly attended to nud w,k of all kinds delivered w ith dispatch, ounhury, Mnrvh 9, lSoO tf WASHINGTON HOUSE, STTUEUlty, PA. JAKES CO VEST, Proprietor, OI. I,U respectfully announce that he his I taken this well known stand, where be t 1,e Rralif.i'd to see nnd entertain his Irienda ; nnd the travelling public generally. Tliii house : is now replete with every convenience, comforti j bie, plensa.itly located, handsomely furnished, I V('1.1 ventilated, rendering it in every respect a ; desirable slopping place. I No expense has been spared in fitting up this , house. The chambers are well furn'ued and j 1,R ' bar provided with tl.e'bcst the market ea-i afford. '1 be stal.le accommodations arc eitensive ami ! '.veil calculated fur travelcro. STAGE OFFICE, j The stages running from Northumberland lo Pottsville. stop at this house, where through and j way tickets 1 1 Philadelphia can be obtained, j S-'uubury, March 21), l(i Si. If. IHFRaj & I ft NDELL, lilt and .'trc'i Street, PHILADELPHIA. gAI. established a Store where the test trade now resort for Household Dry (.'noils, I'rcilih I'.in.y (Jooils, Dress tiihs nml islnnvls, Hosiery, (.loves und Mitts. Cloth;i, Casimcrs nml Veliusa, Muslins and Linens hy the piece, D:mia:.k Tahle Linens nnd N;.).ki.ist IVent Dhuk Silks fur Dresses, Cull Stock of Moi.rniiu d'omls. E. & L. lire eo.ift i.itlv re. eiv ini; ll.iriMiiii, frm the Ncvv Yoik and Pl.iladi-lphia Auctions, which they tci: whuh'sale und retail vcrv cheap for .N'clt t'ih. j K.mvAtiu E. Eviik, Vaiiivgt...n I. Landkli, 1 iiiititu'ij'iiiiia Juiy ,1, 1H.V. H . ii V MEANS OK THE POCKET .ESLTLA. PII.'S, or Evrry one his Til . . . ... ftss?A v "m" uyieuin : iii.i.ti 'ftt,.Jri -1 sth edition, with up- W?-"' Ijll wards ot' a liuitdrej nigra- iH 1;!v I'll- Jl vin;j.s, shovkinj iirivute li- ease in every s nine anil ai. R.d -21 'yv 00111, "no ini.iiornia loriu, niul i.iiiil'ormatiot.s of 5wf2y the (.'i.oralive svste system, oiuisr. l iie time has now arri ved, that persona sufli-ring Coin secret diseases, need nn mora hecinuc the victim oe m u k. nr, as hy the prescriptions contained iu this book, nny one may cure himself without hindrance to business, or the knowleilie of the most intimate friend, and with one-tenth Ihc usual expense. In iidilitioii to the general routine of private disease, it fully evplains the cause of manhood's early de cline, with observations on marriage beside many other derangement w hich it would not be proper to enumerate iu the public prints. ttf' Any person sendin.; TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, enclosed ill a letter will receive one copy of this book, by mail, or five copies w ill be sent for one dollar. " Address, Dit. W. YOITNG, No. 1.VJ SPRUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post paid. T75' Dr. YOl'NG can he consulted on any of the Di-eascs described in his dilVerent publica tions, at his Office, 152 Spruce Street, every day between U and 3 o'clock, (Sundays excepted.) Philadelphia, June 5, Is..' ly. GLASS, DRUGS, TAINTS, &c vriioi.t:s m: a. iuotail. MIIE Philadelphia Window Glass Yare-J- house, and Drug, Paint, Varnish, v' il and Color Stores, Nos. 33 and 35 iVocA Fourth Street. East side, has the largest assortment o (Window Picture, Coach, Case, Hot-House, and other (1LASS, in the city j comprising upwards of 15,000 dif ferent si.cs, ranging from tlie smallest aiie, up to 38 by (it) inches of Sheet, and as large as S by 7 feet of Plate Glass, including English Crown, French, German and American, both Single and Double Thick. Also, a large assortment of Very Thick Glass, f,r SLy-I.ights, Hulk Windows, te. The Subscriber bavin? a ln-tity 'o,-'; on hand is prepared to fill orders nt the a!., rtr-i notice, and on the most reasonable tortus. t;dd suea of any pattern cut to order. Ground White Lead ; Paint, Vamish, uf ev ery description ; Turpentine ; .Linseed Oil, boil, ed and raw; Puir.t Mills; Putty; Brushes; Dye Woods, &e., &c, Ac. And also, a large supply of fresh imported DRUGS AND MEDICINES. J. II. SPRAGUE. Nos. 33 &. 33 NoitU 4tlt St., E. Side. April 10, 1852. ly. J. H. ZIMMERMAN, JUSTICE OF THE I'E.ICE, Sunbury, Pa. Ollice iu Deer Street, immediately opposite tit ruunc acliool House. VW Monica eottactetl and ail business oioinutlv and Mr. full) atlf.iiliil lo. April SO, lo0 C. TON E Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisirte, AU monda, P unes and Cream Nuts. Danes oi all kinils. fait end Plaster. Just received and for sale JOHN W. FKILINU. Punbury, Dec. 8T, 1941. Suubury, Dec. ?S, 1319.