Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 05, 1853, Image 3

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Thit vessel has, for several daye past,
been Ihe tubject of very general interest,
specially among the Heads of Department
nil oilier distinguished persons in Washing
ton, near which place she is now lying.
The doubts which were felt with regard to
the efficiency of the engines and the new
motive power employed to work them,
hav. been, apparently in a great measure,
o Ter at least as the unlearned public is
concerned, dispelled by the result of her
recent sea trip, nnd there is now supposed
to be reason to authorize the belief that the
use of heated air in the propulsion of boats
may become entirely successful.
The Washington Republic thus spenks of
the visit of President Fillmore and those
Who accompanied him to the ship :
"The parly were received on board of Ihe
calorie ship by Captain Eticsson and its
commander, Capt. Lower, and were at once
conducted to the engines, which had been
put in operation for the purpose of facilita
ting the examination. These were inspect
ed closely, and with the deepest interest.
Questions were asked on every eoneeivahlo
point connected with their construction mid
working j calling forth explanations
appeared to Rive entire satisfaction to all
present. All that was seen on the first and
second experimental trips at New Yoik was
realized again yesterday ; the engine room
quite cool and untainted in its atmosphere ;
the furnaces in full play, w ith a depth of
anthracite coal not exceeding three inches
in each ; the valves in full play, the cylin
der, albeit at woik, so cool that a bare hand
could be placed upon it wi:hout tlisenmfoit any length of time; and the shaft revolv
ing at the rate of about four and a half
times in a rrii ulcs. The ship being at au
di ir, no greal.-r rale could sifely be n't .mi pl
ed. During her trip, however, from New
York, the revolutions per minute were about
nine, and that number did not indicate the
capacity of the engines. Although at work
during three days without interiiiisfiuu, it
was slated, as an illustration of the moder
ate temperature of the. engine room, that
the cylinders were even then not unpleasant
to the touch. The coal consumed on the
trip did not exceed four and a half tons per
"Having listened to Capt. Ericsson's lucid
exposition of Ihe modus operandi ol his in
vention, several of Ihe visi'ois addressed
themselves to Ihe aitificeis and workmen in
attendance. One of Ihe operative etiginreis
stated that he ami neaily all tniplojed in
the department had been previously employ
ed in similar capacities in the Atlantic
steamers, and that nothing could exceed
Ihe contrast. One engineer, one fireman,
and one "greaser" are on duty at a lime) their respective labois, he said, nre
light, and, by comparison, pleasant. He ad.
ded, in reply !o questions put by one of the
naval engineer present, that the heavy wea
ther encountered at sea had not in the
s'iahtest particular disarranged any portion
of the machi'tpry, which worked as smooth
ly effectually in the gale as in ihu
"The practical rye of the spamau had
detected the admirable build of the vpsspI,
and its capacity for the stowage of freight.
Of the caloric engine there was but one
opinion, and thai found expression from the
lips nl the professional men most competent
to judge ; they had doubled but were enn
vinced ; ihey had apprehended exageralion
but had realized a conviction that the warm
est praises bestowed by Ihe friends of Cap
tain Ericsson upon his invention do not ex
ceed its merits."
TilK largest blast pipe nl the Crane Iron
Yorks, Catasanqna, Lehigh county, Pa.,
burst on the Hth ult. Thn works were
damaged lo an extent of $40,000. Two fur
naces, turning out forty tons per day, were
stopped. It will lake three months lo repair
the damages. No one was hurt.
4 USTRALIANGOLD A young American
who has been in lire Australian diggings,
has returned home with Iris pocket full of tire
rich rocks. One of his frr.t sets, on his anixal
here, was to go and invest a small pinch of the
dust in a suit of elegant winter clothes, from
Kockhill &. Wilson's Clothing Store, No. 111.
Chesnut street, corner of Franklin Place, Phila
delphia. That man is bona J to succeed in what
ever he undertakes.
Philadelphia, Nov. C. 1852. ly. cv.
Thousands of parmits who use Vermifuge
com pose. I of Caslor oil, Calomel, fcc. are nut
aware, that while they iippenr lo benefit the
patienl, they are actually laying the founda
tions lor a series of iK'senses, such as saliva
tion, loss of sight, weakness tif limhs, fcc.
In another column will l found the adver
tisement of Hobensai-k's Medicines, to which
we ask the attention of all directly iui.'iested
in their own as well as their Children', health.
In Liver Complaints anil all disorder arising
from those of a bilious type, should make
use of the only genuine "medicine, Hubert
sack's Liver Pills.
CT "Be not deceived," bnt ttsk for Huben
sack's Worm Syrup anil Liver Pills, and rib.
serve that pitch has thn sinattite of the
Proprietor, J. N. IIOBCNSACK, as none
lse are centime.
MAUKli; U.
On the 1st inst., by the Rev. P. fiorn, Mr,
Jiisiah Spacht, of Dauphin eti , to Miss Mary
Ksiichbacm, ot I pper Augusta.
(TI)C iUavkcts.
Philadelphia Market.
March 2, 1853.
Flou and Meal. There is a modeiate
demand for Flour at S3 per Lbl , at which
noiuers are tirm, ami pood lrauds lor city
consumption, at Sol a 5J. Extra Flour is
held at 85,25 a 6,12
No sale of live Flour, and Corn Meal.
Geaik There were no sales White Wheat
refwrteil yesterday. Small sales of Red at
1 13c.. Some 1700 bushels of Pennsylvania
yeirow corn aoui at no Uats steady at is
WHtsstr. Sales ht bbls. are making at
zjje. a xe. ana r.ftiis. at 23 cents.
Baltimore Market
March I, 1853.
GRAIN. Sales of Wheat to-day at 110
111 via. fot good to prima reds, and 110
IIS cts. for whiles,
Corn ia in very good supply Sales to-day of
whit at 65 a 66 cts , and of vellow at 58 a
S9 cts. The la'gt ejuanlity in market, how- j
ever, caused prices lo give wav, and at the
close no more than 64 eta. could be obtained
for yellow.
Sale of Maryland Rye to-day at 80 cts. and
Penna. at 84 ets.
We quote Maryland Oats sells at 87 a
38 cts , and Pennsylvania at 40 a 42 eta.
WHISKEY. Sales of bbls., to-day at 14
ci. We quote hhds. at 23 cts.
Wm.t. 100
Rrt. . .70
Coax. . C2
Oats. 40
Potitoks, 37
Ddttkb. -16
Eans. 12
1'umk. ... 8
Flixsssu. ... 123
Tallow, 10
Beeswax 25
Heckled Flax. 12
DaiED Apflxs. .80
Do. Peaches. - - 200
New Advertisements.
11 hat cnti be got for Five UoIInrs I !
The unctcriijnwl have entered lain en arrangement by
which they agree tn furnish lire Knickerbocker Miisuziiie,
(in nithlv.j Ihe Home Journal, (weekly,) and the Musu-al
World and Timet, (xvecklv.) to new subscribers, nt the
verv m-Hieratc pries of five dollnri year f .r Ihe three pub
liratiuns; ell unlors, end nine thnt amount to Dyur U
Willii, will be promptly nt tended to.
I'nliliaher i if the Knickerbocker,
MOitltlS k Wlt.l.W,
I'uhlisliers of the Home Journal.
Publishers of tlit Musical World and Times.
Grand Literary & Artistic Combinatior.8
Airangeirieiits l.uve lieen mrnle to fumith Ihe Kmckxr-
SOCKllR .MAflAZINl!. the IIOMK Jot'RAl., Bllll Hie iKV
YoKA Mcstc.l. WllSLIt AND TlMKS lo StW SCK-CRlliXltS. rivE dollar, n year ! This is chimp literature with a
vengeance. The KnickkiiRocser is 5r3 per annum; the
Hons Journ.i.. r inui ilie MesirAL World amlTiME.,
S3 ; iiinkinir grt a yeni nt Ihe ustiiil liUes. 'l icit three such
w rks can ha nlitmufil lor five d illatis n year, is a fuel
truly worthy of the Caloric ace, which is just now henig
usiitr.'d in. Of ihe Kmckkhbocker Magazine, edited by
Lkwis liAYLORP Cl.Al'.K, it is uniicet'SSury to speak Kor
lwi-ut years it h:is been the m st retiltil, humorous, and
sniry "in iritlity" in the world; mid the present vo'-iiinc
will tie lietl-r tlinu nuy which proceeded it. The Home
J o t n m a i. edited by (.!ko. V. Morris, and N. P. Wilms, is
well kn m'u ns rl:e best fun. ily newspaper in America;
and the Mimical World aid'Timss, edited by Hiciiaru
f rcrrs Wilms with Iiwell Mason, Geo. H. Ccrti,
Thomas IIastig, Wji B. Uea;ecrv, Oeo. F. Hoot,
and oiler intie.val writers e nlrtbutiriQ' ; nnd wliicii give.,
among other tliiucs, over Sv'o worth of music nud u full
uoursv of insiiucluin in harmony annually, is the very het
nui.-:ica! Joiinuil ever published. These three pulicnttona
will p 'St a Iwniily up iu reiml to nearly everytliinc worth
kiinvir.i; ; An, S.'ieuce, Literature; Mnsie, l'titiilinc,
Sculpture; I.tvi.i:io!is, lliieoveries ; Wit, Humor, Fiuicv.
Sentiment ; the .Newest l-'nshions and oiher attract! 'lis for
Ladies; Cii n.'e New Music for ihe S-ahliutli, tlie Chun-h.
unti the I'iresi.le ; llcviews nud Criticisms of Musical
Work, nnd Perf .rmnuees ; in shorr. tlie very
pick and cicain of .Novelty, Incident, llist ry, liiogrnphv.
Art, Lite. uture and Science; inchidiiio; whHl ever can be
Riven in pepidii-ai to prom 'te iledlliy Amuseinent and
S ili.l Inst rui'll It iu the laniilv. and help to unke it llct'er,
Wiser und tla;'pier, may lie now obtained fur Vlvx HOL
LAR. A.l.lres.. DVLIt & WILLIS. 2i7 Uroodwsy.
New Vork. rcbruary 55 3:3. IK.
TVJ'OTIC'E is hcrcl.y pivi n that lettera of Atl
' niinistiiition on tlic estate of (icora llatipl,
sen., late of Lower Augusta township, Northum
lierlaml conntv. ilec'd. hate keen pisnteJ ky (lie
Krsiter of said county lo the unilemirncJ.
Tlierefore all persons nule'dcd to saiil estate will
discharge the same, and those having i!cmauds
will present them to
Sunkury, Feb. 20, 1S53 Ct.
Store Room and VVtiro House
THE sukscrilier offers for rent his lartje Erick
Stura room fitted up in Rood Rtvlc, situated on
Mailt street, in the central and business part of
tUc Boroupji of Milton.
ALSO, n large Lit ick Ware House on t'.ie same
lot, possession given when required.
Mi'.Lm, Fck. 20, 1 8-13 St.
TTE the undersigned Auditors, duly elcc'oj
' ky llio county, deem it proper to stjtc to
the tax-pa) ers, the cause of the delay tf tiicir re
port for lliejear 1H53.
A special boaid ot Auditors were appointed at
lust August Court to adjust errors that were nl-
K'llgcd to have crept into the public accounts lor
years previous.
1 hey have concluded their labors, and we have
reason to believe ttiat errors ot considerable
amount have keen discovered, which wiil mate
ria ily uller tlie former balutiecs, which we would
have to be governed ky. Their report will kc
iilimilted at the April term for confirmation, and
we will then be able to publish a report that cm,
we think, be relied upon, as we only want correct
balances to complete our statement.
J. H. ZIMMEIi.MAN, S Auditors.
M. J. 1). WITHIN" UTO.N, J
Sunkury, Feb. 20, DS53
Valuable Farm for Sale,
rflIIE subscriber offers at Public Sale, on
-sl TiKSUAV t he Sid iliv of .M AKCJH next.
valuakle farm late Ihe estate of Win. Ta(;;art,
lec'd., situate in Chilisquaqus township, Norlli-
uinberland county, and iu Liberty township, Mon
tour county, about 4 miles from Milton, on the
Danville road, containing in all
277 ACRES,
of which about 180 acres is cleared land, viz t
'JO acres of meadow and 90 acres plough land.
The balance, of nearly 101) seres, hem? first rate
limber land. The improvements are a
a new Frame House, a large Dank flam
Ac,, A. An apple orchard and peach orchard.
There is also p enly of limestone within a half
mile. A rail road hits keen surveved within a
half nii'.e of the premises. The above farm offers
great inducements to persons who wish to locale
themselves in a good larmiug district, as there ts
every convenience for making it a very desirable
home, it lieinc haudsomelv situated, and Ihe
Chilisquaf)tie cret k running through the centre.
A gno.l title and peaceable possession given on the
isi oi April next.
S S. TAfiGART, Ki'lor.
Chiliaqnrme Feb. 26, 18.')3. tf.
To Builders.
PROPOSALS will he received ky the under
signed, at Mount Carmel. TV ovlh Limit, rlanil
1"r otV; "I"'.', 8a,uru".v. he ISth day of March.
.o, ou.iuiiib menty-iive blocks of Miners'
Houses upon the laud, of the Locust Mountain
tLoal and Iron Company.
Each block wHI be 32 by 58 feet, arid U .to
ries high. Proposals will . (or
stone or frame houses j either with or without
furnishing the timber.
Agent for Locust Ml C. i I. Co
February 86, 1 6'oJ St.
"K-uuct!. is nererjy yiven that a Special
Court of Common Pleas, in and tor ihe
County of Northumberland, to comment.,, ,
the Court House, iu Ihe burouuh of Simh,,,.
at 10 o'clock, A. M , on Monday ihe 83,1
day o( May next, and will coniinuoONE
Jurors are requested to be punctual in
their attendance, at Ihe time appointed
agreeable to their notices.
Given under my hand at Sunbnry, the SSih
day of February, in the year of our Lord
one thousand eitht hundred and fifty-three
and the Independence of ihe United Stales
of America ihe 77ih.
Gcirl save Ihe Commonwealth.
T'ltE luhserlhera offer In riuririlT MESrilART. TEACH
X kes and Hcnooi. Committees, oitb of ihe liett nss'Ttetl
st icks of fl'MOOU HoilKH and STATIONARY li be
found in the City, which they are able to uner st oral
Will find all the leadlnf Sehool Hooks, Wnllnf snd Wrap,
ping Panera, Curtain 1'iipert, Hlnttins Papers, ami all ordi
nary Stationary, Ulank Books, Tent, Ink, Ac, on !hs mott
favorable terms.
Skihooit, are Invited to coll and esimiine out si'icE. v
hnva hud e msideralile eitierieme in supply ns SMiuol Uia
tricte, and liems; Publishers of a iiumliei' f izt.nsively
used Sjh silBuoka, our latilitirs for aetlins; such suck ait
uiisnrasaefl. , , . .,
Am .iiirst our Pulillcntlnns will he f. nud the fouv.winj :
Coruly't Spelling Book, revised itl.ti(in
Primer i Young Orutor J , .
Oummere's Surveyinir, the stmi.lrrd Treatise on Hut Bui-
eiice i Uoniiyeastle's Meiisumtimi:
Anderson's Davenport's llist-.ry of the L niteil Plates, used
in the Pnhlie Scho its of New York and I'lulailelplna
Oummere's Progressive Spelling Book :
Comlv's Grutnmer ; I.stin Dictionary
The BoJk of Cununciee, 4c ,.Vc.. Ac.
41 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia.
February SO, 160J, 1m.
Estate of SAMUEL HUNTER, dee'd.
ERSOXS who arc indebted to the eslste of
Pamuel Hunter, late of Upper August
township, Northumberland county, dee'd., are
requested tpcall on the subscriber, one of the ex
ecutors of the said estate, and make settlement
on or before the first tloy of May neit ; and lit
licreliy no'ihes those who neglect this csll, that
after thnt day he will placti the accounts remnin
ing unpaid in the hands of a Justice of the Pence,
who will ne authorized to collect them at once
without further notice.
VM. L. DEW ART, Ex'tor.
Sunkury, Feb. 20, 1S53. 6t.
I'uMie Vendue.
rfcX SATURDAY the IStli day of MARCH
ncxt, will be sold at the late residence of Ed
ward tlobin, dee'd., in the Borough of Sunbury,
the following personal properly, to wit:
stoves, looking-glasses, lamps, carpeting of all
kinds, sn eight day dock, and other snides of
Household and Kitchen Furniture, to numerous
to mention.
Terms made known o-i the dav of sale by
Sunkury, Feb. EC, 185.1. St.
To tht HunorMe Ihe Judges of the Court oj
Quarter sessLns for tin cuunlijof Soi lhum
The unJeraic'ielpftiii mer respectfully t 'licit the II -n
C'lirt to prnnl him a license to keep tin Inn or tavern In
Trcvvrt in, iu the luusy formerly I'Ccupitd as tuch by
Duulct Ti;l;las.
We the undeisi'iiel citizens l'Trevetton. in Nnrihum
berl:nid c iu:i;y, henii; ut'qiiaii.ted with Ihu Petitioner, do
certiiy th:ii tie is or" g nl repute fir h 'iies'y and temper
ance, and that lie is well pr.iviileil with h use room and
olhei eonv eiiiencrs fur the we iliun'Mlalinn of strnngertniid
travellers, unit t'i;il nu Inn or tavern is necessary lor the
aecoiiiinodiitlou of sinmircis nud t.'uvel.'rrt.
D.mifl T .tit;'.. Iir'"il lluiikleheri;er, J?remi:ih II. rtr-ker,
Mich:i'. W'erini iu. ryiniiit-l llnnmi,', Jut-i L Kptii.r. J. I'm.
ei3i-lt'.-r. Aniirew A. Ileiiu. ll'o.iei Siiiilh, J. A. Snvilcr, H.
II Vc:ivr, Iifinie! 1',-ri.iiiir, John Kcmi. P.Slrawsfr.
Trcverl hi, l!i. liti, H-tf,. St.
To tlie lloaoralle the Judges of the Court of
Quarter Sissijiis for the county of Sort hum
lerland. The tind"riigiie.. petiii nor respectfully fliciis Hit-II in
C iuit L i tiruiil inui a lici'iiie lo kee(uu Inn i r tuveru tu
I. uver AucuVu lnwihip, in the h use where he now re
sules. on tlie public Koad IcjJiiij; Hum Suubury lo liurrit
bin g.
We the U'lilersined citizens of Li.wer Auy.isia t"wil
a'liii. iiiTN irthtiiiili..riainl county. l.eniT ncijuQii.tcil wilh the
IVlilioncr, il i cenil v that he Is of j,mi id rejnlte for h itiesty
a:ul tfinjieialice, mill ihit hp well provided Willi Itou&e
r i .rn und other e 'iiveiui'iices for the aecoiuiii.ilutiou ul"
slr.u gcrs unit triivciiers, au.l an Inn it tnvern isnccet
sary lor the ucc 'inui ihttinn of s'.ruurjcrfiiiid lrnvellert.
Jo! u D. C. .i,r...d. J. II. K IJuniel SlClnir, Jere
uuuh Wciz.-l, i;;il i. Illy. Iver Vuiini, J....l. Krcl.s, Wil.
b.un (ji..h. J..hii Karl, Oeorce fceiler, J. hn Mi.i,eis4i,
l'e'cr lSit)(ler,
l...v. r Aiiculn. Fib. 00, :";.'3 Ot.
To the Ifonuruble the Judges of the Court cf
. . i. j- - ..i
i'iumcj .iumuiu j oi tuu'ii J oj tnritiUIH'
The iiii'leislirned pet;ti.'ner respectfully s .Ilcits the IIin
C iuit to cr.uil him it license to keep uu Inn or tavern in
trie h .use n. iw occupied by him iu trhuin ti.ui town, Coal
Fr.nnnnicK ha as.
We Ihe uiiiiersincil citizens of Shiirii'.uui, ('.ml town
shin, in NoilhiuutirrlaiKl c liiity, hems licouiiiiited withthe
i'diiiontr, d t ccrtil'v lii .1 he is ot ao il re.ute for houehty
nii.l ti.iiper.iiice, :nid ihut he is well provi.tcl with houe
r. ioiii nnd ot c inv. iiieiici s for tlie nee ion of't-ra uuil inui lh:it on lun or tuvern is neces
sary lor tlie uccJiuiii iuili nt i t sliuiijie.'s auu travellers.
P. Aniinrruiati, Samut-I B, Schinink. J is. Zrrn, 'I'm. B
Weaver. Samuel ttantvoii, Stil!iii:m tu, Win. Alwulen
J hu C.inrni, Dunn- r 't rt, Daniel 1' Haas, JlcuI) llaua
G ileii tf. Itoli us. r.iiaf l.iai uliall.
Mi:iiiio.,lii,l'eh. Jtt, lc-t:i. Ct.
To the HoiioraUe the Judges of the Court of
Quarter sessions for the county of Xorthum
lerland. ,
The petiii nier respectfully solicits the IIou.
Court 1 1 amil him u ilcer.,- to keep un lun ur lavem :u
tlie h urte iijw cciupied hy him in Sfiiiiio.iu toKli, Coal
We the un iersipn-il citizens nf hluimnkin. "Vnl t ivn
ship. iii Noiri.unilteiiiiiitl e. nntv. Iteiu. acqiiiniitctl with the
etiuonrr, ti icertily itinl lie is ol co nl icj ut.; for h ii;esiy
nd leiiiperaiit-e, unti ttiat he is well provided with h lUite
Kim ami other c inveiiieiircs for the aci-ouun i'u'.i in of
e'ruiiet'is nml traveut rs. antl lint an lun or tin em is neces
sary 1' tr trie uceu-muodatioii of air angers and travplleia.
rterS Yeinji-r. Ciilen S. S-.hins, Frederick Hans, Jo
nas Si. 1 ulcer, J 'St'ph .cm, r. Aiiiinermrut, WiUi.-.iii Af-
witter, J.icj.h Uiiiiuu.-li. Kich.iid W'oo.verton. Samuel U.
bmiiick, J thll Nuiit'-ic, ll.oiiel IV liana.
ftli.un .kil.l .Wii, I eb. SO, l-,3 ct,
To the Honorahle the Judges of the Court of
liuarter sessions Jor tne county ij Northum
lerland. Tne uii'!crsi;;f.l retiti aier respectfully telicill the Hon.
C -tin to emiit inui u net-use to seep an Inn or tavern iu
the house now oe-ciii'led dv linn as sucu lu Ancusta tuwu-
F.LIAS LMItirtl.
We the utidersnetl citiz'lit nf Aui:uslu t wi.s.'.li'. iu
NorihuinlH-rlaiiit c tuoty. living at-titiainled with the Peli-
n itn1!, do ceilil'y tli it tie is o. o il repute f rli jiesty and
leiniK'r nice, inui that lie is well provide.! with h .use room
uatl other e liveiilruet-s ftT ttic ucc ililllt.-dall. ti iif atinii(rcit
anil ir.ivi Ik-rs, riuil thnt uu luiior liiveru it neeesaary fui
the ucc un dan -u ol sirunccrt and tiuvellcrt.
J"h;i Schmick, Peter Zeif-ies, Jncli YoHy, Samuel
:iipe, J .hu ItukeT, J ihu iliiint-llliau. Will. A K lit l,ti, Ja.
'ii It. Clark, llai i.l Itceser, IJuniel V. Coluud, Luuiel
Ziiniiicrinnn, Ainu lui'iiitui.
Augusta, l-'eb. u ,le"i3. lil
To the honorable (he Judges of th Court of
Quarter sessions Jor tne county oj jor
thumbcrlund, Tlie uiitlerVunM pfftitiiner rMpeftfully -Ilci'itne Iln.
Cmrt to gana him a lu'enBrt" k?ipnti lim or luvcniul tl-t
house lie now occupies cieucu m r-wusnip.
We the uiKlrmiffiird citizentnf the t uvni! in i f Cml,
in N'Mtiiutiitterbmlc uiitv, bemc ucqumuu-J vvuli the tnut
Ve'iii nwr. li c-rut'v thnt ite ti nl" u rt-nuttr f ir lH'neiv
and lenn p'ance, ui.d ili;t lie ia weJ provnit-il wilh hu9
rnoin inui oih' l C 'UVrintriirri i r mc mc 'itmi huiii u ti
str.iiicc-rt unti iravt'Mff. mid that an Inn nr tnvern ii neces
tury (nr tlie iiccominiKhition uf it rung -r anJ irnvellen.
fssth-n S. Hohins. in M. :ncr, Kiinu-I liarrmon,
Valentine I'vcly rhiup Mninh-icli. J it li -rt 11, it a
Aiiinienntin, 1. Antmei mail, j.-nn i n m n, j;iuiri r.
!( ; Wnh. I). l'n.. Jnhua Wflv.Tt 11. I rttlmck
II ius, ttillin:iii !--ut . lavirt Kphim, 11. U. Weaver, Jac-jb
IIu-ii. J. W. i;rast Jaiifi ui:.i.
Cnultwii.. l- eu. Us ik;..
7b ihe honorulle the Judges of the Court of
Quarter sessions Jor tne county of Jor-
thumbei Itnd.
The niirit-rslciieil netiti .iier rct:eetfully solicits the II in
r.,nrl Iii txtiint linn u lier.nsc tu keen ail lull IT tttvelll ill
the t il. I Hand wlibelia tuw realties ill tut liurnujll I'f
'y- trc.vf.urn
HJ.Mt i-r-.7 tin-
We the underiipiiM pitizeim'f the U :r-ugli u" sunlury
ill Xitiltniitkl.crl iiiti nnlliilv llt lUL' Hi nuaiutctl Willi tlie I'e.
llllniier, ti t certify III it lie it nf g 1 icpule fur liuiit-tly
tttitl leu. i.r.t., ,...H iln.i h is . il iiri.vltletl Wlla Itouse
riHtiti ui(a tiir,er c .iivi-nicnccs ftir tlie act'miiiuttiitiiiii if
slriu.ien and l a. tllt-is und that an tun nr tavern ia uccsl
suiy lor tlie acc tiiiiU Hlatloll ul Hnunjcit and travellers.
Fred Lazarus'. Juint-a Beard, Kenj. Hendricks, Won I.
Gteeniaiiih, (j M. Yorkl, fia . Mulliil, )'er I'ureel, H.
.villi-prion, w M ll.nuun.J Ji Mutter, v. J. urunar,
J. M. citntiaiii.
February lu, 1833 . 3t.
Wnntetl Immediately.
PJORN, Pye, Oats, Buckwheat and Whealbian,
for which the highest cash price will In psid
Sunbury, Feb. 19, 1853, tf.
GER, a frssh supply just received, and for
Panisiiry, Jn. l, H VJ.
The Commonwealth of f In thn Court of Com
Pennsylvania, JVor- i mon Please ot Norlh
thumberland to. SS. umbcitsnil cimnljr of
April T. 1853.
The Commonweallh of Pennsylvania, to
George) E. Gohrift, Administrator of Georgs)
Youkiii, late of Chilisqnaque township, tl
ceuse.l, and to all the heirs ami h'il tepre
sentHlives of thn saiil George Yonkln of said
County, deceased, vix; Mary Ann intermnr
rieJ wilh David HoMen, of Chilisqnaque
township, Pennsylvania j Christian intermnr
rietl wilh Cook ClHyton, of Jersey ville comity,
Illinois; Willium Voukiii.ol Michifan; George
Yunkin, (who is now ilecensed leaving three
chililr-n, Elizabflh, Peler and Gs-otjiv.) and
:o all ihe heirs und legal representatives of
said dc:ensed.
You and rach of you nre hereby notified
lohHiul appear in our said Court at Suiihury
on Monday the 4th day ol April, A. D.. 1?33,
lo show il tiny Ihiny yon have or know In
sy who yon should not bo made pnrlies to
a cerliiin jiulment, obtained lately in our
Comity Courts of Common Pleas, before iiur
Jmljje at Sutibiirr, to wit: in the lerm of
April A. D, 1852, by Ihe consideration of
Ihu s.iid Court recovered iiititinst Gen'ge K.
Gehiitr, Administrator as ufuresaid ol'Geinj!i;
Youkiii, deceased ?1G SO lawful money
which to D.tvid Hnldeii in our niil Court
weie adjudged for his ditmagcs which he
mist. lined as well by occasion of ihe non-pcr-fonnnncr!
of a cerliiin prnmiso and assump
tion by the snid GVoioe Yonkiu in his Itie
lime tu Ihe said David Hidden at snid con un
made as for his com and chaifes by him
ubout his suit in I ti it I behalf cxpi'inled und
why the said David Hidden shmili! tint have
pxernlioii asjainst Ihe lands of Ihe said Geo.
Youkiii, deceased, for the Jrtbt and damage
u foresaid.
Witness the Hon Alexander Jordan Prpsi
dent nf our sn i J Court at Sunbujy, this 1st
day of Febiuary, A D , 1853.
SherifT Oiliec )
Snnbiiry, Feb. 1, 1853. f 4
4 th and Arch Streets,
ARE now receiving for spring sales
A Fine Stock of Dvy Goods,
Black and Colored Silks,
Fashionable fthawU,
New designs of Dres GnoJs,
British, French and India Goods,
. Linen Liainask snd Furnishing Goods,
A Full stock of Atnericun Cotton and Woolen
W. It. Wholesale Buyers supplied with ecarce
and desirable Liry Goods a t Low ruicssrku xxt
February 12, 1S53. 3m.
1,000 Men Wanted.
fX the li'e ot the SUSQUEHANNA RAIL
ROAD '.ictwecn Briducport (opposite
risbur) nnd Sutibury, in Ihe State of Pennsylva
nia, 'l itis road is filty four miles in leng'h' runs
titrouah a hinhlv improved country, and will
furnish eniployiiH'iit for stone masons, carpenters
snd laborers tor the next twelve n-ontiis. A
laruc portion of the line is heavy rock excavation,
luborers that tire familiar will therefore find cer
tain employment and libcrul wages.
February 19, lfE3.
lJosendalc IlydrnuHc Cvment.
excellent srticle lining Cisterne, Vaults,
Spring houses and Ccllats, and fur keeping
dampness from wrt and cx)iutcd walls.
Tor sale bv
.V E. Corner of Trout and Willow ttreet
PtiilaJclphis. Feb. 10, 1653. ly.
Bridge Letting.
"JTJIiOPOSALS fjr the imilding of a bridge
across bliaiuukin (,'rcck at Lcnjauiiii lien
ilc iik V will be received by the Comuiissiuners of
rirthunilierland cuunty ut their ulrk-e in Suiihu
ry, on Ihe 1 Ith d;iy of March ne.vt, Ictwccti the
hours of 10 A. M , and 13 P. M., of said day,
where a specification and plan of said bridge wilt
be exhibited. .au of said bridge to Le 174 feet.
CIlKlSiT. ALUlUiT, )
til AS. WE A V lilt, Com'rs.
Sunbury, Feb. 13, 18)3. ol.
To the honorable the Judges of the Court of
Quarter scsiiur.s for the county of Korthum
lerland. The untlersi-nttl petitioner respectfully l .licitt tl e Iln.
Court to giaiilliun a license to keeji an Inn cr tavern in
the uiit aland formerly und now occuieil t.y hun iu Joruun
We the midertiitucil citizens ol' J.ird'in loivustiii, in
Noitliiiiiibcriniid c lunty, living acqitiitutcd with the 1'eti
ti net, ii i ccrti!) that lie is ui good repute fur honesty and
temperance, unti thnt lie it Wt ll piovnlrd wilh house room
antl tttiu-r c .uvcuieuct t for the ucc. mini illation i t strui.frert
and tnivvlleis, rind thnt uu lun or .-tveiu is iitcvstar y lor
tlie ucc innii'itu'.i in ol strnnrrirs.-tiHl rritvcllers.
William Slmfct. Vldwimt llaum. I'eter cH-ltwartz, David
tchwnriz, I'c'crK 'bcl. Mit-hitcl bliatcr, J-'tin LlJiuel, Mi
elmel Derk, Oe 'tee Gcise, Oe-jrije A. Trautiiiun, liltua
Schwartz, j ihu l-'Jiliac.
I'lbruary J'J, 1S-S3. 3t.
To the honorable the Judges of the Court of
Quarter demons of ihe county of .o'
tkumberlind. The uuilerticned petitioner respectfully tolicitt the lion
Court lo pruiiihiuiu itrcute to keep an Inn or tavern iu
the old ttautl f. .rinerly and now occupied by liiin iu irna
in 'kin lovvush'p.
1I.L.1A.H juii.m..
We the tiudersicned citizens nf fehuiuokiu l- vu.liin, in
Xorihuulberliiui! c-Miity, tieinj; aeiUainted wilh Ihe Peti
tioner, d t certify thut tie it o repule for honesty and
temperance, aiut that he it well provided with house room
and ollit-r eoiiveniences ( r the ncc itlilll llntiotl nf strnu
pers antl triivcliera, and thnt an Inn or tnvern is necessary
for ihe accoiuin dilioi of ttiiniueitauil trave.tera.
h . 1. Swnrlz. Jocph C li.ihint, Jitct'li riwnuk. J-lin
Roednrinel, Christian tlniist lil.-ig, 9. A. IteriBtrcsFt.r, Jacob
Noeckcr. I'. W Titworih. Ditvnl Ircv. Dnvid .M' Williams,
latac Tieisworlh. John 11 U, Williani Swank. II. A. Unoe
Liel. Iiltailiuh II. t'ainlipt-ll, ilai iel Swank, lt.iac iliil.
February H, Jo-W 3t.
TblVie honorable the Judge uf ihe Court of
Quarter Sessions of the county of Yor.
The undersigned petitioner retpeeifilly ttliciitthe II
Curt tu grunt huu a license 1 1 keep an Inn or tavern lu
the old ttuii'l. formerly und now occupied by him lu Sha
luokin lowusliip.
, , ciiArti.r.9 i.r.isr.NrtiNG.
We the undfrsipied ciiisent. f hiiuiii. kiu township. In
NoriliiiiiiWTwhil t-iunly, Uiiig actiuuiiilrd wits ihs I'eli
tioner, do cciuiy thut he it ol g tt d repule or honesty and
teniK-iancr, and that he la well provided with house room
and oilier eoiAenlencet f ,r Hie accounuodtttloil of tlian
ert and travellers, and I nut uu Inn or tavern ia ntcesaary
lor Ihe accommodation of stninpert and tiuveilers.
K Ziminerinim, Churlet Murrz, It II . Vattine, Benj.
Wtilvert ui, Jests Hensyl, K Hales, Wm. Haaa, . P.
Swanz, Attain Diroiuig, lleubeu Waster, I'eter Miller,
lluvid Muriz.
I'ebruary 10, 1M3 3t.
To the honorable the Judges of the Court of
ijuarter sessions, of the County oVor
thumberland. The uniteitigned petitioner respectfully solicHi the lion.
Court lu grui.l l.liu a license tu keep an luu in invent iu
tne house lie now occupiet kiuwu as the old Gotiuull
tlultd in Cllilikquaque towntlilri.
W e the undrrsigned eilizeus ol Cbilittptiique towuihip,
iu Norlhuuibertund c.iuilly being acquainted Willi lha I'eii.
ti titer, do certiiy that he ia ot gtitid repute fr honcaty and
tein-.eruuce, and thul lie is well provided wilh house room
and other euiivenicncea f tr the uceouunudutioH ot' atran.
gi-rt nud travellers, and thut an Inn or tavern it necessary
tor the at-ciimiuodutiou of ttraiiKtra and travellera.
Daniel P. Caul, George Hutel, A mm Hrmioui, Robert
II. bonis. Wilhaiu Stiver. Ueonrc lluue, Wm. F.Murdrtck.
U II. Millei, Lienuia Buoy, jr., Henry J. Buoy, William
llouacl, I-4. D. VTUllsir, uninwimwia, abjiici j. VSU1,
Wlllmul Cau.
February 10, 1843 St.
Laborers Wanted.
THE subscribers want immediately on th
Railroad and Dasin, at Chapman, Union
county, seven miiss below feelinsgrove, irom
lo whjm ona dollar per day will P Pd.
Chapman, I'lilon feunly, Tb- 1 H9
No. Gi Arch Street, four doors above Second,
Which fot style of finish and workmanship
at the owest or cm. AI.oTP vivaoi ds-tv i.
MERCHANTS and others tr invited
l'liiludelptiia, August tl, 18o2. ly.
The Cummontctalth of ( In the Court of Com.
Pt nmii'OniJ, iVor. mon Pleas of Nor'h-
thumlerland co SS. umbeiland cuuniy of
April T. 1853
Th cnmmonwealih of Pennsylvania to
Ueoige E. Ochrisj, Ailministiator of Georue
Yonkin, late of Chilisq'iai,ue township,
dee'd , and Elizabeth Yonkin, widow, nnd lo
the heirs and legal representatives of Ihe
said Gworce Ycinkiti, dee'd., viit : Win. Ion
kin, of Michigan, Christian, iuteimariied
wilh Conk Clavlcn, of Jersey ville county, Il
linois, Georga Yonkin, of Lycoming county,
Pens)lvauia, and Peler Yonkin. (who i i.otv
ilec'd. leaving issue three children, Eliza
beth, Peler and George,) and lo ull Hip licit
legal repiesentatives of Ihe said Giorye
Yoniliii, deceased.
You and each of you are hereby notified
to be and appear in our said Court at Sunbu
ry, on Monday, the 4th day of Aptil, A. D,
1853. to show if anylhinu; you have or
know to say hy you should imt be made
piirties to a cerltiin judement, lately .in our
County Cnnit of Common Pleas before our
judges al Siinlnirv. to wit : in Iho lerm ol
Amitist, A. IL, 1S3Z, oy me consnieiu.1 i.i
the snid C'oiir! recoveied na.iinst Georae E.
Gehriu, Atlministriitt.r as aluresnid of Gearue
Yonkin, dne'd., lilly-tluee &u iuu nonais,
lawful money, which to David Hidden and
Mary Ann his wife in our said Omit were
HiljutL-ed for their tlnmayes which ihey sus
tained as well by oceaHtin of the non-per-foimnnce
of a curtain promise and ifstunp
lion by Ihe said Georae Yonkin in his life
lima lii the said David Hidden nnd Mary
Ann his wife at said County minle, ns fur
his cosis and chaies by ihem about Iheir
suit in that behalf expended, and why the
said David Hidden and Mary Ann his wife
htinld nul have execution auninst ihe bonds
of the siid Geotge Yonkin, deceased, for ihe
debt and damages ulnresaitl.
Witness Ihe linn. Alexander Jordan, Pie.
fident of our said Court at Sunbury, Ihis 1st
day ol Febiuary, A. D., 1853.
Sheriff's Oliice )
Sunbiny, Feb. 1, 1853. J
In tlio matter of the Estate of GEORGE
HALL, Deceased.
THE Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Ma
ry Hall, intermarried with Gcortro Zimmerman,
Catharine Hall widow of Daniel Zimmerman,
the heirs of Peter Hall dre'd., slid George Hocy,
Peter llocy, Samuel Hoey. James Hocy. son of
James Hoey, dee'd., by his Guaidian Jeremiah
M. Zimmerman, the Ileus of iSusaunnh Hocy,
intermarried with William Conrad and Mnry
Hocy widoy of Kichard H.uihIiIoii dee'd., child
ren of liluibctli Hall, intermarried wilh John
Hocy. lineal descendant uf George Hall, dee'd.,
an all other persons interested.
Northumberland County, SS.
You are hereby cilcJ to be and appear before
the Judijea of oiir Orphans' Court to be held ut
Sunhuiy.on the first Monday of April next, then
snd there to accept or icfuc the real estate of
George Hull, dec'il., situate in the borough of
6-unliury. Northumberland county, to wit : A
certain Lot of Ground situate as aloresasd, front
in s on lilackbcrry stnect, adjniuing lauds of Ja
cob Kulle on the'Eum, Edward Y. Bright on the
west, by a twenty foot alley on the north, where
on is erected a story and a half House and a Shop,
which was valued and appraised nt the sum of
Four hundred and Flty dollars in the whole, in
pursuance of a writ oi' Partition and valuation
issued out of said court, returnable to January
Term 18!i3, or show cause why Ihe same should
not be sold according to the act of Assembly in
cases made sud provided. And therefore fail not.
C'eitilled from the records of out said Court at
Sunbury this 13lh day of January A. D. 1653.
C. 130YD PUKSELl Dep.
Clk. Ui C.
February 12, 1853.
3 CCD3i
I. W. TENKU & CO.,
(Searly opposite Weaver's Hotel, Market St.)
Sunbury, Northum berland County, Fa.
7E invite the particular attention of our
1 fiiends and the public to our FoUbth
supply of fronds just received, adapted lo the winter
season. We have now a much larger assortment
in every department than at any time since we
opened in Itiril last; all of which we aro deter
mined ta sell at tlie same low prices which nave
hitherto secured to us such a generous support
from a discerning public, and for which we bfg
to return our best thanks.
Our stock consists of
Dry Goods,
Hard n.t re, H u re lis wa rc,
Single and Doubled Barrelled Cuns,
Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Carpet JJags,
Umbrellas snd rarasnls, Uouts ami Miocs,
Hats and Caps. Looking Glasses, Wall
Paper for Koom and Window
JJlinds, Lemons. Nuts and
Caudv. Salt, Mackerel,
riain and Fancy Hams and Shoulders, Nnils,
Window Cilsss. Paint Stuff. Oils and Putty, Car
pet Chain, Cotton Lops and Yarn, wilh a variety
of other articles.
N. II. All kinds of ceun'rv produce taken m
exchange at Ihe highest market prices.
1. W. J fc.A Lit . IU,
Sunbury, Dec. 4, ltJ52. ly.c
IVholesule Manufacturers and Dialers in
Confectionary of all kimls
Ne. 11J NorlU Third St. below nacs,
rnllE attenlfon of LValers is requests J t "
X .lamination of their stock, whicli will Is
found to be at it it equal lo any in this city
FOKEICJN FKl 1X3 ot all kuuit 111 season.
N. U. Oidcrsby mail or otharwise promptly at
tended to.
February 5, 16S3. 0m.
An Apprentice Wanted.
Tha subscriber wsnls an apprentice to learn
the business of a Blacksmith. A boy 17 or IS
years old, of good moral character, would find a
good situation by applying soon at the old stand
of George Zimmerman.
Bunbury, Feb. 13, 1853.- -
40,000 SHINGLES.
A GOOD lot of 28 inches white pint Shingles
lor salt al tu per M.
J. D. MA83F.B.
ftn'stri, Jan. 1&. IWiS if.
cannot l a turissaed. tVI,nle..t. .-i f .
ivrvno.u I.. . nol'ssls and KelsH
lo call and axaruiut.
RE.n MI,1,-". '"f"rm ,1,eir ""''
ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of
Tall nnd Winter Goods
that hss ever been brought to Sunbury.
Their slock consists of every varic'y of
Dry (ioods, viz :
C7oi7ij, Cassimeres. Saltinets, Vestings,
Flannels, Wollens, c)c.,
And all kinds of Fall & Whiter Wear.
Also a splendid variety of
Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laincs,
Anil every variety of goods sr.ilablii for La
dies wear.
Also an extensive a-orimriit of
Caps for Men and Dots.
Also a large assortment of CiUOt T:itIEJ,
Sugar, Teas, Cofl'ep, Molasses, Spices
of all kinds.
Also a large assortment of
Eish, Salt and Piaster.
Also a trcsh supply of
Besides Ihe largest mid most ienernl assort
infill of all kinds of goods to bo had in this
Or Country produce of all kinds taken in ex
change at the highest market price.
Sunbury, Nov. IU, 18D2.
Premium Essence of CoftY-e.
I'lllfT,!,? '?' ,:,,'..p7:'l,:i"!!!,ii,l!!'Pliii.
,, ,, ... v.. ..... --itHL-.e i; : , 'M
'l usine ivrupp s ; ix , -oi . :
bsnvDce 01 Lotltv.
l71IY will mon ttc that whicli ii injurious to
" hi hciiltli, wl cn he Is willing to give all
his wealth to rcttoro it when it is lost 1 Stnnpc !
that at least two thirds of the human family will
use ordinal v MJ1 1 l.i. knowing it to bs injuri
ous lo their health.
IsTrupp'si Bsst iiccof C'ciicc
is, beyond doubt the best and most wholesome
preparation of Cuft'tc in the world. livery iioupe
lieej'er should have it. Try it and be convinced
it will save about GO pet cent, besides our health.
Warranted to rentier entire taUoljctioii.
MuuufuctuiCtl and for sale br
" eli Knurr,
C3D North 3d street Philadelphia.
N. H. All the Grocers and Druggists
have it fur sale throughout ihe l.'nited Mutes.
Fur sale by the Aqciit, II. B. M J6aer, Sunbury.
January 1, 1653. Cm.
Trcme.ndous E::ciTi;:rNT ! !
Cash, Steam, Electricity!!
The Aerial and all other lines out done by the
Lightning l ine ol'
"l7'HO, havintr great faith in rapid sales and
' small proliu, bus just received auu oj ei.eil
a large assorluieut of
At I s" Store in Mar.lct Street, Sunbury, which
he odors to the public at Ihe lowest prices.
Ilis stock consists of a general assortment ot
Dry Goods, viz :
Cloths. CarsiMrrs. Cassinets, Jeans. Drillingsl
Muslins, Linens, Culicoes, Muslin dl
Loins, Lawns, Ginghams, Iieragcs.
Silk Hats.
A lar-e assortment of Hoots and Shoes, for
Men, Women and Children.
Sugar, Tea, CofFi-e, Molasses, Cheese, Spi
ces, Fish Sail, Plaster.
Vir : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, &.C.
Tea Silts, l'lutes, Dishes, Cvpt, Saucers, ire
Winr. Brandy, Chi, Rum, Whiskey, Ic
Ity Country produco of all kinds taken in ex-
change at tne inquest niaihci prices.
Jan. 15, 1S5J lv.
C II E A l
Ecpot and Manufactory
G. L. lvCILL3?w & CO.,
S. W. comer Arch and Second Streets
a" VEKY VAltlE I i Ul bflAUEil, Whole-
ij sale and Kitail, such a ccroll, Flower, icnelte.Hilaiiil Drv Landscnnra.
are to be had ut the lowest prices fur cpialitv of
wotk. Ord-rs for tiill. Plain Bturv, Lettered anj
other iStradc executed at th irt notice.
Mciehaiils und et'.iers are invii. tl to give us a
Brasses, I'rimiuiuss, &e., alwavs nn baud.
Remember W. corner CAELUM) and
AHC1I Sirecla, Phil.iJelli:a.
February I J, 1653. (im.
IEI!S(JN!j int'elile.l to the estate of Conrad
- KershniT, late of the bormieli of Kunburv.
Nurthuml erlaud eoiiu'v, dee'd., ure lemiestcd to
call immediately on the subscriber and inuUe set
tleuiciit. 'I he uccounts duo the e.tate will bs
collected by due course of law, uuic.i paid in a
very short nine.
J. 11. iil.l.MUi.MlA., AJm r.
Suiilmrv, Feb. IS, IS..3. St
Ha. 12 South Second Street,
Gold Lever Watches full jowclleil
Silver Lever do
Silver Lepiue do
" Quartier do
Gold pens and pencil antl silver bsIJsrs
Silver Tea and Table tipoona
Bracelets. Bicast pins Ear rings &e
All warranted and sold prices as law as try
In tlie city.
Nimwbsv tl. I93tf
I ' afla , Es-nce of Coffee. "iC -III!,! l! I:
II olio way's Oint merit
AFTr.ll 43 YEARS' SUFFCRIrttt.
Extract of a Letter from Mr. IVnt. Gal pin, of
10, St. Mary's Street, Weymouth,
dated May Wth, J851.
Ti Profesaof llottowsv,
fita, Al tht tge of lb my wifs (who is bow tl) aanitjM
s violent eoltt, which tetLlrtkin her lef;s, atal ever tuna
that time they liavs been m ire or less sore, end gieatly
innHiQctl. Ilt r aiiitnies were distrsctme;. antl lot luonlha
i cttlier she wiit deprived eiiitnlr of rett mnl sleep.
Ecvirieiuedy that medial men v.ns tried, hat
Willi iu'. elTfel j her liaaltn suffered reeerely, and the firt'u
oi her leits w.ts terrible, I be.1 ofir.n rm.l inif Adve f
til.nien'.s, and ndvised her to trv y nr Pilis si'illi'iti'. r
slid, as a lust resource, alter every oii rr rvritVy hi
vett u.rla.t, the conseuiad to do so. Hlie rn iiiri-i t
wetki. ago, end, strange to r-:te, is u iw i:i em j . . ,ib
tier L ira ar piinlcss, without trnm or tear, in .1 lif -1
sound mi I iirxlislsrlM. Cj yon I nve wiuie'. ii t'lt
witerirurs u my wife tlariint the last 43 ycf. i. ul c ne
trttsl th-iil wilh her preieut enjo .rneut of ..-n!lii, von
.touij matm led dcli-litlul .i huvii.ij been the me ti s nl
greatly slljviatUig tin sutTeiimrs ot a . ::,w.eiefi,:.
!''e'l,) WU.I.IAM i.AI.Vi.N.
a rr.itstjN to ykars of A'.i:cui!j:i or .
Copy of a Letter from Mr. Wm. libs, B-.vJ-tr
of aas Oven,, of lluslichjfe, r.ear lh.
dtrsMd, dated Mau'ilst, ISCt
To Pr-.fe...r Ut.LT.uwAT,
Htn, t snfln'-it lor a periit of :,inv -. t . , .
ler II,., rem, ui .5 KM U.S'.ra! -W"'U
'' rsimeil hy sc irhuHc Symplons ' , ,,.
c urse to n vanety t.f n.eilWI advice, Viliioi.l ,
any lent-ht. nnd wn. -vtn Md Dial the le( niutl -Uuetl,
yt. in tipivj.ili.,,, to that upiiiiuii, veer
Ointineiit have trlT.-.. to! n couii lt le cure iu so shoit a
thai few who had iut witiieMtal it would errdit l' 0t
ti. t''T'! WU.I.IAM AUII:
ine triitti of tins sntteip.nT enn lie verihed by Mr. V, V
Kiip,luiid, Chemiut, 13, Market ftieet IluddersUli;'
Extract of a Letter from Mr. Frede'nk Turn
er, oj Pcnhurit, Kent, drted December 13A,
1850. '
Tj Frulcrsi r ITnlloWAT,
Dbab Sie, My wile lied snfl'Ttd from nsd Rrttrtt
nitre linn u mouth-, ami tliu 1113 the whola uen. d n.-.l
the beat iitf.ltiMi uir -ml.ttice. lull y.; to nou-ie. Havinc he
lore healed en iiv.-fui w in n:y own Itir. hy your'nn
ninlled m'.-ilit-in,-. 1 lic-orin ,11 -.i! iicnin 1 1 ij.-a vnnr liit
antl Oiitiitnotit. nnd th'-ri'lore govt tliein r.trutl iu her ensc,
an ) foituuate it v 11s 1 did i, for ,n ..ttlmii a it:- t-, a
perfect cure w is etf.'t'tetl, and the rnefit tint vnrit.ut
er brunches oi" niy iVnuily lutvj tlerivt .l r'r. i-i tiicu mo u
renlly a;toiiisliir.i I r- .w STonc'v re ruin.'t. l lit.-"1 t:.
all my liiiuds (Siciin!) ITllli'iJ Tl'llM'.ll
The Pills should be unci! conjoint'. witu ihe Oiutit.ut
most uf the following uuses :
II id Legs, Chit go-foot,
IJ-id Iircasts, (."liiliii'iins.
Hnrns, Charpetl iinntle,
Muni. ins, O.rirt (Soft)
llile nf Mushe- Canct-ia
Itlandiilir fiwail.r
toes fc Sand-Flics, fthd
Ctco-bay. Stiff Jouiis,
lllephaii'tiusis, Sire Nippies,
Skui-iliseusvs, S-urvy,
Tunloura, Ulcerti,
S ire-heads,
1 .live
Sild at the!iicn: of Professor riolriWAT, 0M,
S'riind. (near Temple lltir, l.'-l.i!o,i.) nml liy ull retpef'iiti'n
llrucirists mnl Dcnh-rs in Nlcilicuius IhroiHrhout Ihe Brush
Kinpire, Sc. th of Ihe l.'nited rjtntcs, in" Hoxcsnt HTJc.,
t-tc. ami $:! 5Ue. inch Who'i'Snie by the priuciiut iJn-f
h 'uses iu the Union, bud by Messrs. A. 11. it D. Ba.nds,
Kci- York,
There is a consideralile saving by tuking tlie lu'get
N. B Directions for the ctiiilanee cf nutientt in evcrv
disinter ure nilixe'l tn ench box.
October -.'3, IrW, ly.
FJF.SrEC'FKl I.I.Y informs the citizens of
Sunbury and vicinity, that ho has opened a
new store in the room lately occupied by (Jeorge.
llriijlil, opposite Iiollou's Hotel, lie has just re
ceived a handsome assortment of
consisting in part of
Clotha, Cassimcrs, Cassinets.
of all kinds, cf linen, cotton and worsted.
CR.tcocg, (li:p;iams, Lawin,
n!uiiisiliiic lie lvalues
and all hliuls of I.miies Dress floods.
GROCF.RIKS of every variety.
Also an assortment of tHavdwarc. Irou
nml Etccl, ITaih, &.c.
Al.-o ati eaiTclleitt iasurtinent of
Qin2EIv'S7AriE, of vaiiotis style and
Also an assortment uf B;;OTS & SHOES.
HATS & CAI'S. a good scleclion.
Stilt, Eisii, e.
And a great variety of other articles such as are
suituble lo the traJc, aiT of which will be sold at
the lowest prices.
2r" Country prunes tjken in exchange at
the pri-e.
Sunbury, .May 1, ISCi. ly.
l'A Venny saved is a Penny Earned."
K A I I U F A C T 0 T ,
And Job Book Bindery,
Market alove Centre Street, Pe'tsvi'.le, Pa.
Tjl"ViI..Nlv Doohs bound and in any till
Ijjj every style, in the must dui.i'. !c and ..!;
ttant'ul milliner, with or without printed licitJs.
I'erunn in want of
I.edi;cr, DoilvCts,
Vy lJouks, Minute T?oM;s,
JouruuU, Letter Imio's,
liioticts, Kcceipl t'ool.s,
Co.i! I.ede.-s. Vc, &c,
or any kind of Ulank Bonks, would do well t .
give me a call r.s 1 pledge myself to kWo sa'.t-.'.i.-lioii.
Pa 1 1 r ru:cd lo any pattern desired. Par
ticular atiir.tkui paid lo Liin.'.iug all kinds of oi.'
Hymn 2ju.i!;s,
Clrnson's Pictorial,
Sluet Music,
Shakspcnre's works,
Life ol t'hriat,
Law Books, & c. See.
(Jodey'a I.ajy Douli,
Grnhar.i's Maaxine.
Saitain's Maguzine,
Harper s .Ma:''"iie,
! Josepbua's works,
Any r.f the above or other books bound in full
gilt, plain or fancy tu suit tlie wishes of customers.
I would aa'm call the attenti m ot my f.iends suit
customers, to the fact that I have been a Practical
j liouk binder fur the last 18 years, and Ihey can
ilc end 011 liavai; their woik done in tne very
best manner, and do ihe work myself; I life t'io
best pajicr cv mrrterial; fJe.ise cite mt a cill my
charges are reasonable and fair, but there is no
difficulty ubout prices where work is doi.e satis
factorilv. 13. TersMis having Doos they want Euurd
i can aei.a llicm ly stape oireciej 10 me siaims. mo
1 the H le they winh them bound in: I will dJ
I tbetn as low as they can he done any where, care-
! folly pack them up and return III ; Also per-
I sons can send oiders fur Blank Books by l iad,
which will be punctually alteiiduil X. All wot
done at siiutt notice.
Piscti.-ttl llook Binder.
Potlsville, Nov. 6, 1S.VJ Cm.
OUsuIutliui vt I'arlnoikUIp.
fBIIE Copartnership heretofore exulin; umler
I lite name of James 11. & Wm. B. Hart, ja
this dav di-xsrilieJ by the withdru'-vcl of William
It. Hart. The hiiMucst of the lale firm will be
aeti'.ed by either of the undersigned, al rso. 20,
ISorth 3d street.
Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1853.
The MnJersiRnrd, have this day formed a cu-
partnerahip and will continue the business cn.;er
ihe name of James II. & Thomas Hart. Th iiiU-
ful fur past lavors, they rcsjieclfully ask the at
teution of their friends and the public fo t! eir
stock of GROCERIES, which will be full and
extensive, and which tliey will sell at the lowest
market rates.
Philadelphia, Jan. !, 1S5S J8,tl.
- and Porter's Rhetorical Reader, just recc.v
eJ and for sale tif WI MOAIU'Y
tiiseuv, Mat I, 19le-