Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 26, 1853, Image 2

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IlARRtSBunn, Feb. 17.
Scnat. Amendment by Ihe House of
Repiesenlativa lo Senato bill No. 128, lo
annex Bradford, and olhtr northern countie
lo Ihe eatlern district of Ihe Supreme Court,
were rend end concurred In.
Mr. Quiggle, ihe petition of the officer cl
Ihe court and mtsniber of the Par of Ly
coming comity, for a change in Ihe 8lh Ju
dicial District.
Mr. Hamlin, of Wayne, a memorial from
citizen of Potter county, in fuvor of a law
imilar to the Maine Liquor Law.
Also, one from citizens of Springfield tp ,
Erie county, in favor of a prohibitory liquor
MrSlifer, a petition signed by six hun
dred ladies of Le isbuijf, Union county, for
a prohibitory liquor live. Alto, a petition
from citizens of Union township. Union co.,
payi ig that the pari of a road in said loan
hip used ns a towing-path, may be kept in
repair by the State.
Mr. Hendricks called up Senate bill No.
24C, supplement lo the net ine.nrpriratiiiiz
the l'armers' Bank of Schuylkill county, on
second reading.
Mr. Forsyth said this bank stood in n
strange predicament. It had already viola
led its charter, and thi bill wns intended lo
cure its defects. Ha read from the report of
the bank to show that its circulation wan
greater than three time Ihe amount of its
assets, and that it had violated its charter in
this respect.
Mr. Darsie thought the Senator took a
false view of the matter. Tho law of 1850
requiring Ihe banks in the interior to keep
their notes at par in the city o( Philadelphia
changed the law in reference to circulation.
To comply with that law, this bank was re
quired to keep a part of its afe: in tho
city. This was the reason why its assets
full short.
Mr. Buckalew said he disliked to say any
thing against this bank, but he was impelled
from a sense of duly to do so. Ho had no
doubt but it was now insolvent, and had vi
dated its charter. It was not properly or
ganized or honestly conducted. A suit was
now pending against it, and he was opposed
to permitting Ihe Legislature lo step in at
this time to its assistance. He spoke nt some
length and expressed the opinion that Ihe
bill was intended to protect it from the con
sequences of its past misconduct.
Mr. Darsie said he had examined the bill
and that it had no such object or etlect as
the Senator apprehended. If it had he
would go with him against it. It was alto
gethcr prospective in its operation.
Mr. Hendricks said he had no anticipated
this opposition to this small bill, tie refer
red to ihe quarrel that existed in Schuylkil
county, in rcferrence lo this institution, ami
stated that he legretted he was compelled
to take any part in reference to the bill.
The quarrel was none of hi. it was a quar
rel among politicians, of long standing, and
he did not desire lo involve himself in it
yet a sense of duty impelled him to state
the truth about the matter, as he understood
it. He related the facts in reference to llie
quarrel at length, and concluded by stating
that the piovisiutis of the bill were only in
tended to apply lo the future, and could not
in the least afreet the past conduct of the
Bank. They were perfectly innocent, and
he couUl see no reason fur the opposition to
the bill.
Mr. Buckalew referred to a memorial
which he had seen, anil which it was inten
ded to lay before the Legislature, containing
prave and serious charges against this bank.
He desired Ihe bill to lay over until this
memorial was printed and laid on their desk
and the question was better understood.
Mr. Kuukel said that after the. statement
of the Senator from Schuylkill (Mr. Hen
dicks) he thought this opposition to the bill
very strange. Ho referred at some length
to the opposition this bank had encountered
in Schuylkill county, the political character
of the quarrel, and the object and effect of
bill pending
The discussion was continued for some
lime between Mr. Uuckalew aad Mr. For
syth in opposition, and Mr. Kuukel in sup
port of the bill
Mr. Forsyth' submitted an amendment
providing that the passage of the bill shall
not effect any proceedings now pending
against llie bank, w hich
Mr. Darsie moved by striking out the pro
ptsed proviso, and insert the word hereaf
ter" in the bill, so as to make it apply dis
liuctly and clearly to future operations
Mr. Forsyth then withdrew his amend
ment, ami
Mr. Kuukel renewed the amendment of
Mr. Darsie, which was adopted, when
Mr. Forsyth renewed hi amendment and
called the yeas and nays on it ; which we
as follow :
Yeas Messrs. Baily, Ruckalew, Forsyth
Haldeman, Byron D. Hamlin, lliesier, Hogp,
M'Caslin, M'Failaud, Quiggle, Sager, San
derson 12
Nays Messrs. Barnes, Carothers, Citibb,
Darsie, Evans, Frick, Hamilton, F.phraim
V. Hamlin, Hendricks, Kiuzer Kuukel, My
ers, M'Murtrici O'Neill, Robertson, Skinner,
Sliler, Carson, Speaker IS.
So the amendment was lost.
The bill then passed esconJ reading, am
a motion was made lo suspend the rule an
lead it a thiid lime, on which the yeas and
nays were again called and were a fol
lows :
Yeas Messrs. Barnes, Carothers, Crabb,
Darsie, F.vans, Fiiik, Haldeman, Hamilton
Ephraim W. Hamlin, Hendricks, Kiuzer,
Kunkel, Meyers, M'Murtiie, O'Neill, Ro.
tertson, bamner, felifer, Carson, Speak
er l.
Nays Messr. Baily, Buckalew, Forsylli
Fry, Goodwin, Byion D. Hamlin, lliesier
M Caslm, M tailand, Quiggle, Sager, Sand
erson IS.
bo llie question ai determined in ih
negative, the motion requiring two-thirds,
and the bill was laid over.
House. -Mr. Kelso moved to reconsider
the vote (liven on the Sunbury and Erie R.
Road bill on it final passage. He said that
be reconsidered. The city of Philadelphia
hail riot at the present lime a cent of sub
stantial interest in the road, and perhaps
never would have. He had received advi
ce to that effect, and being so, the bill
ousht not In be passed.
Mr. Flanigan thought it wa child' play
lo proceed in this way, when it was clear
that if Philadelphai did not make her ub-s-Tiptiun
nbsolute she could have no control
over the Sunbury and Erie road.
Tho motion lo reconsider was lost ; Yeas
36, nays 39.
IlAnRtSBuno, Feb. 18, 1853.
Mr. Quiuale. nresenled rentniinnn nf n
convention nf citizens of Lycoming county,
recommending a change in the 8ih Judicial
District. Also, a remonstrance signed by
fifty one citizen of Huntingdon county,
against the passage of any law to prohibit
Ihe floating of logs on the Mushannon
creek. .
Mr. SUFF.n, (committee on Rail Roads) ns
committed the supplement to the act incor-
pointing the Yoik and Cumberland Rail Road
The supplement lo the net incorporating
the Farmer's Bank of Schuylkill county
came up in order and passed its final read
On motion of Mr. Slifei, Senate bill No.
214, to change ihe venue of a certain case
pending in Dauphin county, to Uniun county
wat taken up on second reading.
Mr. Kunkel moved to strike out Union,
and insert Northumberland coniijy.
Mr. Sliler earnestly opposed the motion.
He related the circumstances of ihe case.
It wa a suit between the administrators of
Col. McFadden, of Union county, and the
Keystone Mutual Life Insurance Company,
of Harrisburg, pending in the Common
I'ieaa of Dauphin county. Col. McFadden
had been insured in this company, and aftei
Ilia death the company relused to pay the
insurance money. Mr. Slifer urged Ihe pro.
priety and justice of carrying the suit to
Union county, where lliu character or the
deceased was known, and w here his child
ren and heirs would be more likely lo be
equitably and justly deal! with. He stated
the facts of ihe case at some length.
Mr. Kunkel replied, answering ihe argu
ments of the Senator, and staling Ihe facts
of the case ns he understood them. He
stated that the grounds of Ihe refusal on ihe
part of the company to pay, were that Mi.
M'Fadden had not given his proper nije in
the policy of insurance. It was not a ques
tion of character, but a question of wilful
mistake. He did not urge the trial of the
nil in Dauphin county, but opposed it in
Union, for the very reason urged by the
Senator, that the deceased was so well
known in that county. A fair and impartial
trial could not be had under Ihe circumstan
ces, in that county, and for thai ieaou he
desired lo remove the case to Northumber.
Mr. Haldeman remarked that it seemed
to him. fiom what hail occurred yesterday
II. H., Editor and Proprietor.
To ADvtSTiitsi. Tin circulation or tli Smibury
American among Ilia different towns on tli Susquehanna
is not exceeded if equalled lijr any paper published in North
ern Pennsylvania.
Business Moltcra.
Gotiir's Laut's Uoott for March, is on ourta
ble. J his number contains embellishments of
every variety steel plates, fashions, patterns for
crochet and netting, &c. The "Hours of Idle
ness'ond The Memory of the Past," are beauti
ful engravings. The literary contents nro from
our best writers. We will furnish it and the
American at $1.
1 lis I EsxstLVASiA Faiim JoiiisAt. for Feb
ruary has been received. It contains a grout va
riety of articles upon the different subjects belong
ing to its department. The publication ofiicc
has been changed from Lancaster lo West Ches
ter, Chester county, Pa.
W e refer our readers to the advertisement of ; ble circumstances, or with means a abun-
Mr. Taggart for the sale of a valuable farm, as I dant as the Susniiehanna road, from Ibis
Some of the mrmben last week were
considerably frightened on finding that
they had pasted a bill with t make in it,
that is a bill that conveyed, by a trick,
some privilege! not intended. The make,
in thi instance, wat the revival of a char
ter, which gave the New Yorkers the right
of constructing a six foot gauge rail road in
Western Pennsylvania. An effort was
made to gel the bill back, out of the hands
ol the Governor, but failed. The membert
are terribly afraid of these snakes, and gen
erally keep a sharp look out for them. The
only kind of terpent that find any favor
with our s.ilons at Hnrrishurg, is a "snake
in the hat," and these are only tolerated
because custom has given them a kind of
prescriptive right to an occasional lodg
ment in the Halls of Legislation. At for
the "old Serpent," he belongs ostensibly to
the "Third House," (the borers) and is fx
officio, Speaker, or the ruling spirit ol that
body. Hi operations are as quiet as they
are extensive, and it is wonderful, what an
amount of influence he exercises over le
gislation through the members of his own
We were not a little surprised, tome dayt
since, to find that the Crly Councilt had
suddenly passed resolutions, requesting the
Mayor to withhold the proposed subscrip
tion of $2,000,000 to the Sunbury and
Erie rail road, until further instruction!
from the Councils. The following proceed
ings, it will be teen, charge Mr. Fallon,
the President of the Company, with a
breach of faith, in regard to the election of
directors. Since then, Mr. Fallon, has
come out in a card, a well written and
temperate article, which putt quite a dif
ferent face on the matter. Mr. Fallon
deniet that he committed any breach of
faith whatever that he desired the Coun
cils to nominate three individuals to rep.
resent the city subscription, although, as
the i ubicription wat conditional, they were
not legally entitled to any, but that he did
not agree, nor was he willing, that they
should dictate the whole ticket. Some of
the city papeis, strongly condemn the pro
ceedinga of the Councils, as hasty and ill
advised. There were also some protests
from the agents ol Erie and Warren Coun
ties, on account of their not being allowed
Susquehanna railroad. a vote at the election of directors. We
There are few rail roads in the country think these gentlemen were more to blame
which have commenced under as favora-
wcll as lo a number of other new advertisements.
Land Warrants. Persons having
Land Warrants for sale, can dispose ot
them lor cash, by applying at this office.
IU" A press of advertising has crowded
out a number of editorial and other articles.
C7The Telegraph line to this place
has been repaired, and is again in operation.
fc-P arade. The Dewart Guards, Capt.
Zimmerman, and the Artillerists, Caps
Martz, were out in full uniform on Ihe 22.
inst., and kept up their exercises notwith
standing the unfavorable slate of the weather.
(DCte.ning or the Canals. The Ca
nal Commissioners give notice that the ca
nals, (the main line we presume) will be
opened on Ihe first of March. The water,
place to Harrisburg. The estimated cost
of the road, to this place, is less than $1,
200,000, and the subscriptions, without this
county, amount to Si, 125,000, viz ; York
and Cumberland Bonds guaranteed by
Baltimore $300,000
Premiums on the tame 17,500
Individual subscription about 250,000
Subscription by the Con
tractors 250,000
Subscription of the Dauphin Si
Susquehanna Railroad 125,000
than the C'ompiny in the mailer. The
following are the proceedings of the Coun
cil. Mr'. Smith offerred the following supple
ment lo an ordinance, passed the 3d day of
February, 1853, authorizing a subscription to
Ihe capital stock of Ihe Sunbury and Erie
Railroad: "Thai the Mayor be nuthoiied
not to make the said subseiiplioii until he be
iustincled from Councils, notwithstanding the
conditions in said ordinance " Adopted.
Mr. Thomas offered the fallowing pream
ble and resolutions, which were adopted :
Whereas, the action of Councils, this
evening, suspending the operation of the or"
dinanre pused at the last stated meeting.
' ! reference to n subscription to the Snnbnrv
5-l,l,JUU ai((1 p,ie Rjiiir,,,,,! Company, unless explained
Thus it will be seen that nearly enough ; may lead to misconstruction : And, where
has already been subscribed to completethe ; "'e postponement of said subscription
rnA r-.v. iki. !.,,.. . n,:.k, ...:n,... 1 not in consequence of any change in Ihe
c., , . opinion of toncils. ill telalion lo the necesfily
iictnir anv nrtel inn nf ll,.. ftriflfl (inn ,n ...L t 1 J
" ' ' mill imnor inifi! to l ie in itps s til rlutn
1st. That Wilson and WeaTer hate be
travail Ihpir eonfidinff constituents, wilfully
and knowingly, an t that hereafter should
receive Ihe reward ol oiaca nenrieu irauorsi
2.1. That Commissioner Albert deserve
the cratittiie of Ihe people of the county for
hi honesty and hrmness in resisnng tne im
portunities nf men (whose namei must be
known) In induce him lo take Ihe aubscrip
lion and sisn the bonds.
3d. That a a majority or tho present
Board nf Commissioner are opposed to thi
wicked measure, we request them lo cive
notice Immediately to the President of Ihe
Susquehanna Railroad Company, thai neither
interest or principle of the said bond will
ever be paid, and request him lo return
4ih. That we hereby pledge ourselves to
oppose, in future, the election of any man,
who advocates or support the said siitisctip
linn, or those who mndu or procured il lo be
made, lo any office within our teach.
5th. That we request the citizens of
Northumberland enmity lo mnel in Mass
Meetinr. without distinction of pariv. nl 1h
Court linns" in Snnbnrv. on SATURDAY
THE 5ih DAY OF MARCH nxl, for the
nuipoB of laki'i!! into consideration the sub
ject of these Rcsnbuions, ami to take such
nctinn to repudiate the payments of the bonds
as they may deem proper. hundred thousand dollars, r,f thp
bonds of Ihe Cattawissa Rail Road Company
and the Ene Company, were sold at auction
in New York, on the 26: h inst., in less than
20 minutes. They brought fiom 92 to 91
cents on the dollar.
ATOTICE .. hereby given ihat SpPri!l
1 Court of Common Pleas, in , f "J
County of Northumberland, lo commence at
iha Court House, in ihe boroimh ,,r Snnbnrv
at 10 o'c lock, A. M , on Monday the 83,'l
ivvvl Mtfr neX'' a"d Wi" co'"'nueONE
V h ht K
Juror aro requested lo be punctual in
their attendance, at Ihe time appointed
agreeable to their notices.
Given under my hand ai Sunbury, ihe 26ih
day of Febiuary, in the year of our Lord
one thousand eiuht hundred ami fifty-lhrre
and the Independence of the United State
of America the 77ih.
WILLIAM B. Kirp. Sheriff.
God save Ihe Commonwealth.
To lite Honorable Ihe Juilpes nf Ihe Court of
Quarter icssions for Iht county of i 'orlhum
berland. Tlie nnderHipneit ptiti'mer respectfully s ilicini ttie H n.
Court to grunt him a lit-cnw- to krrp an Inn .if tavrm in
TrL'vrrt'iii, in lliu huule formerly occupied at tvcli by
Lhiinel T.'!im.
nr.NJAMiN KNorsrr.
We Ihe unrirtr;ne(1 citizens Treveilnn. in Xortlium
bcrltmtl r )tuly, lieinff iieiintiuiteil wirli tin IVtitmiier, ilo
certify lint In i of nl repute for h-im-my rind temper
nuee, nnil tlil lie in well provi.leil with h ue ro"in and
other e invei'ieneet fir thenec mmoiliitioii f etrnnperfl itnii
traveller, nuit that ftil Inu or Invent ia iaury fur llm
aecotiimiHlntlou of ilrnntrerB flint trnvcllera.
lHnict Ti'hins, lurenl UiiithlelHTirer. Jereminh H. Rntter,
Mieh.lel Werlnrm, Siimuel Hummel, Juenli Kptlliff. J. I'en
eMr her, Anilrew A. Ileiin. Pnuirl Suulh.,1. A. fiinler, II.
11 Ve:ivr, IMniel IVrffinj:, John Iteiui. IV StrawMr.
Trevertcn, l- i li. tifl. tf-aj. St.
Tun (hip Italy broke loose from the Flo
rida key and is now floating about with a
cargo of cotton, worth $100 000. Capt. Lor
etle, Charleston, saw her at sea, on Ihe I3ili,
in lat 30 45 long. 79 50.
New Advertisements.
i ..j l . l . Ol. II I , . 1
oeu oy mis anouiu tne I aa.1 icr- : ,el.hia, thai ll-o ui.l.m v and Railroad
niinate here, as it most probably will, if I hi,uM be commenced ami piosecuied to com-
the Sunbury & Erie road is constructed,
then there mav be no occasion to use the
The Contractors are
ll'A ..n.l.M-l I ...ll I I . ' ... .
- ..Ur,.,d, win oe let in ai llie ai.jncy bonds of this count v.
Warn on the 10th of March. abe am re.,ponible men, and will push
CT-Saleop Rail Ro7rTn. Th J 0,1 VVrk ,0 comI'l-'i" in twelve
mouini irom tins lime, me bridge will
reference to this Institution, and what
was stated by the Senator from Union (Mr.
Slifei) in-day, Ihat the charter o( this com
pany ought lo bo repealed. He spoke
briefy in favor of removing tho case to
uioii county.
Mr. Kunkel replied, and after some fur
ther discuss on the amendment was lost,
and the bill passed second and final reading.
On final pass ige the yeas and nays were as
follows :
Yens. 26 ; nays 5.
Moi'sg. Mr. Beale, an act to prevent tak
ing of fifh in certain streams.
Mr. Appleton nn act relating to the pro
tection of vines.
Mr. Thomas, one relating to orchards and
Mr. Toibet, (Inland Navigation) repotted
an act authoriziu; Jabez Stone to construe'
bonds ol the York & Cumberland rail road,
guaranteed by the City of Baltimore for
the use ol the Susquehanna rail road were
taken on Saturday last, by Mrs. Green
way cV Co. of Raltimore, at 103,5.3.' The
bids were nil nbove par and amounted to
over S3,000,000.
rC7" IxsrnrtiicTiox in Italy Late arri
vals from Europe, announce an insurrec
lion at Milan, Italy, headed by Mazzini ;
whose proclamations were posted up in
that city, as well as proclamations by Kos
suth to the Hungarians. The insurrection
was said to be suppressed, but has been re
newed. Troubles are brew inn III Pnrnnn
CCtGl.v. Gno. Kcim has bpen chosen by
it.A ri.. :t.. it i- n ..
nit v,iij v,uuni.iis, iuayor oi neauing, in
the place ol Mr. George Getz, deceased.
Gen. Keim will not only make an excel
lent officer, but is highly esteemed, at home
and abroad, as a gentleman of worth and
nisTs of Pennsylvania is to be held at liar-
a channel in Ihe Wett Branch of the Sns- risburg on the 8th of March iirxt, for the
qnehanna river fiom Farramlsville lo Ihe
first fork of the Sinnatnahoiiing, for the pur.
pose of navigating Ihe same wilh steam.
Mr. Bercsl resser, a bill lelaling to the
Philadelphia and Sunbury Rail Road com
Mr. Horn, an act relative to the Presi
dent and Managers of tho Sunbury Canal
Mr. Henderson, a supplement to Ihe act to
alter and amend the fee bill.
IUiirisbckg, Feb. 21
Mr. IL D. Hamlin read in place, a bill to
amend the charter of the Sunbury and Eiie
Railroad Company.
Mr. Skinner read in place a bill for Ihe as
sessment of taxes on moiteaoe for ihe snip,
port of the poor of tho city and county of
The hour of 12 o'clock having arrived,
Ihe business of the House was suspended,
lor the purpose of going into convention
with the Seriate, pursnant lo adjournment
wilh a view to open Ihe proposals submitted
for Ihe execution of the publio piinlinc.
The Speaker and members of ihe Senate
were shortly afterwards introduced and pro
vided with seats, and the Convention wa
thou called to order by the Senate, (Mr.
Speaker Caison )
Mr. SandiT(.on then moved that the Con
vention adjourn until Monday, the i! 1st day
of March ne.t.
Some disriisMon ensued, and finally Mr.
Evans raised a point of order, that Ihe Con
vention, havinir no pow er to Hiljorn, the mo
tion could not be entertained.
The president decided that the motion
hail been entertained til the last meeting
of tho Convention, and was theieloie in or
der. The question was then further debated at
some length, and the motion finally agreed
The Convention thereupon adjourned un
til Monday, the 21st of March, al twelve
The member of ihe Senate having retir
ed, the ilouso adjourned until 3 o'clock.
Fkb. 22.
Hoi'sc. Mr Berotresser presented two
petition from citizen of Northumberland
eo , prayhij; far the repeal of an act relative
to volinif the. aljp ticket so for a relate lo
.loriniiniDerUnil rounlv; Iwo pelilioi: from
hice ihe bill nassed. matter had lrn.nir,l i ' ? ohamokm tp., Northumbe.laii'l
which rendered i, n.ce.s.ry the vote .hould ..SWu'&rr KptaiT
purpose of taking measure for the estab
lishment of an Agricultural School, con
nected with a farm for-experimental and
practical purposes. An excellent idea.
tO- A Y nit; State Coxvkxtion is cal
led at HarrUburg, on the 2Sth 0r March
next. It is lo nominate candidate for Ca
nal Commissioner, Auditor General, and
Surveyor General.
Supreme Court The legislature
has passed a bill, cutting off' some of the
northern counties ol this district, which are
now attached to the Philadelphia district.
An effort has been making lor years past,
to merge all the districts into one. This
centralization is, of course, (or the benefit
of the few, to the great disadvantage of the
many. The Judge may like it better, be
cause it may prevent many a poor man
from taking up hi, cause, in consequence
of the increased expenses, and the lawyers
will, of course, be in its lavor, because they
can have an excuse lor fleecing their cli
ent more severely. The lime wat when
a great lawgiver supposed he wa conferr
ing a great blessing, by bringing "justice
home to every man's door."
E7"Si-nbcb and Ehie Railroad A
large meeting ol the friends of the Sunbury
and Erie Railroad convened at Philadelphia
on Tuesday evening last, at tne Sansom
street Hall, lor the purpose, at stated in the
call, "ot expressing their tense of the en
lightened and liberal course of the Coun
cils ol I hiladelplua, in agreeing to assist in
the prosecution of this great work, and to
determine upon tuch course at may be
thought necessary, for the purpose or re-
enrirwt i nrr it thi, aclinn r,F t U i .
,.,,,.,,..b ... ,.. .v. i i ue vouncut in
this respect
y The Strike by the operator' &,c. on
the Railroads at Baltimore hat stopped the
Oyster trade lor a few dayt, to the great
detriment of those who look upon oy.tert
at i necessary of life
be constructed over the Susquehanna, 9
miles above Harrisburg, at the termination
ol the Dauphin &. Susquehanna road, that
Company having taken stock sufficient to
cover the cost of the bridge, which will
serve the purposes of both
H7 A correspondent ol Ihe Philadel
phia Ledger of Wednesday last, over the
signature ol "Junior" who date hit letter
at Northumberland, tries hard to write
down the prospects ot this place. No one
could take exceptions lo any remarks on
the natural advantages ol Northumberland!
which we concede are many, but Junior
must be green indeed, if he supposes such
selfish, illiberal, and unjust rcmaiks, in
regard lo this place, can have any weight
wilh sensible or intelligent men, in any
Militia Bill. Mr. M'Caslin, re
ported in the Senate, on the Sth instant, a
bill to enrol the citizens and organize the
volunteers of this Commonwealth. The
bill proposes to repeal the poll-tax of fifty
cents for non-performance of militia duty;
requires all volunteer companies, in respect
to numbers, to conform lo the regulations
ol the U. S. Army ; and to all companies
fully equipped, and provided with an ar
mory, appropriates a certain sum out ol
the county treasury, for armory purpose.
plelion, at ihe earliest day possible: And,
whereas, assurances were given to members
of Councils, as an inducement lo the subset i p
tion, Ihat the Board of Directors, so far as re
I. ties to the member from the city, should
be satisfactory to Councils, which assurance
have not been complied with ; Therefore.
Resolved, That when assurances of the
Board of Directors, as above stated, ate made
satisfactory to Councils, and the conditions of
the ordinance authorizing the subsctiption
are complied with in good faith, the Councils
of Philadelphia will be prepared, and will
cheerfully cany out what they believe to be
the wishes of their constituents, by subscrib
ing two millions of dollars lo Ihe capital cock
of the Sunbuiy and Erie Railroad Compcny.
The supplemental Ordinance, passed by
Select Council, in relation to thu subscription
to Ihe Sunbury anil Erie Kailroad, gave rise
to some discussion. Mr. Diehl made tome
remarks in favor ol the passage of the sup
plement. Mr. Wulborn opposed it, and con
tended thai there had been no breach of
good faith on the part of ihe President of the
Company or others. Messrs. Smith, Hudall
and PoiiUnu advocated the ordinance.
On ihe vote being taken, there were 15
ayes. and 3 nays Messrs. Ileuseil, Walborn
and Suouden. So the ordinance was agreed
j liesolved, That when the subscription lo
the Sunbury and l-iie Kaihoad Company
shall be made absolute, that it thall bo upon
lilt) expiesa condition such legislative
action be obtained as will enable the city,
through dulv authorized agents, to vote for
every shate of slock held by the said city, al
all elections far directors.
The resolution was postponed in Sclcci
To the Honorable the of the Court of
Quarter sessions for the coitnhj of Northum
berland. The unilrriiipiril pctitionir rmpn lfully licils tlir Hoif
Cnuit lo grunt linn a limine In kcrp un Inn or luvern in
Lower Anpusla Inwnnliir. in tins li. imr wlnre he imw re
Mitel, on llie public ttood leading I mm !uiiliury to ilarne
un rg.
VVe tlie nnilemirned citizens of Ljiwer Aiiciimii l-Avii-stiip.
iiiportlnimlierji:il county. heinji nrquniiitt'il with the
I'i'tit inner, tl i rerlity liiut he ti ol io.hI re;mle for h nesly
anil ti'inpcruncr, nnil lh:it he in w wll pnvi'ilt'il with lunian
room nnil other e niveiiii nei'-i i' t the ati'onniKHliilion ol"
triui(irr nnil Irtivellen, mill an I r tnem iiirai.
ary lor the ucc itnin nl;it ol Mrimgera und tmvellira.
John I). Conrnil, J. II. KiiinT.nmi, Duniel !tClnir, Jere
minh Wetzel, Cnleli Kly. l'eter Yi.enm. Jmi lj Krel., Wil
liiim Umh. J 'lin Hurt, Uenrpe Seller, J. Im AltTherami.
I'eler Snviler.
Estate of SAMUEL HUNTER, deo'd. 1-'w" A"u;"- . i3.-3t.
ERSON'S who are iiulclitcd to the estate of ! To the ILmitraUle the Judges of ihe Court of
quarter sessions Jor llie county oj ji.rim
berland. The muli-raicned pet;ti"ner rcai-ertfulty aoliciie tlie Hon.
C iuil to urinit linn ii licenac to keep nn li'ii or tavern in
tlie Ii line now uceupud by I, mi m Miuinnkiii town, Coal
We the aiHtcranrneil ritiznnoi' SliMin..kin, Coal hum.
lii;. III Noi lhiiinliiTlnnil ciinly. I.einji tifiil:niiteil with the
lVlllioiuT. il ivrtifv tli it he is ol ' eo l repute for honem
mill leinperiince. unit Unit lie is well proviiieil with home
room anil oilier c 'tivriiienri's ..r the are imiiodiilioii i f
fttrmiiMTK.-iii I IrnvelliT!.. iml tiint nn Inu 01 tnverit is neces
fcitry lor the ol ulniugers mill travellem.
P. Auiinrrniiin, Sjtiun'1 II. Srlunink. J -a. Z,tii, Win. 11'
Y:ivi-r. iiniili'l llarriMin. Stillnmn 1't t "tl, Win. AlUMlen
J .Im C.inriiil. Otiini'l A V.Tt, lluulel 1' Haul, Jacob jluus
G.ilen S. lloli us, Kliiis KitH-nltnrt.
niiiiioiu.l't'li. 'Jii. ls.VI. :ll.
To Ihe Honorable Ihe Judges of the Court of
Quarter sessions J jr the county of Xurthum
berland. The mi leraijui 't pWiti uer!y solicits tt.e II. ic.
Couil I i ciiint tiiiuu li M' ti keep :oi" Inu or tavern .11
llie h i'e now i.ctli itU by him in inuiiokm tojyii, Coul
I , , WM. M. WrAVKR.
, tW ln- ni..1e:?:'ii'it c,!i;:ers of Slmini.kiu. 0.:il t .vn
l.':i,. in N''riU;lllii'.'rli!.til eo.lnly. Iiiiii n.-rpiHintril with tl..;
I't;1 It u HIT, il rt-rllfy l!;:it i.e ih of i; I.-;, lite lor h .i.rHy
ti.iit t,-i!iper:iin-e. 111, ii l!i:,l l.e is well pinvulril wiili h nie
r iom u:nl otlier r .nvi'iiieni-eH l''ir tl:o I'l.t-omni .,!:iti: 11 f
s'.ruti"! m mul tiuvrlUT. iui.1 lljt nn Inn or tuvi rn h ne:'es
jiy I. T the ilei'O.uin'iil nicll ol" suuneis ln:il trnvi-lleis
IV-i rS Y caper. S. S .I.ii--. l'r.-.lerick Huns. J
nyl tjilircr. J 'h.-;.ii Y.' I'. An"'.T.iiiHi. Wi::ii,ni A'-
wutt r. Itihiiiiu-l.. Inetiiiril lin. erton, S-:Jiiiuel II.
faniucl Hunter, late of I'rper Ainjnst
lownaliip, Northtimlierlaml county, dee'd., ore
reitteatcd to call 011 the sutiscrilier, one of the ex
ecutors of lite said estate, and ttinke settlement I
on or hefore the first day of May next i and It j
hereby notifies those who liealcct tli is call, that
after that day he will place the accounts remain- I
in? unpaid in the hands of a Justice of the Pence,
who will be authorized to collect them at once
without further notice.
v W.M. I,. TjRWAriT, Ex'tur.
Sunbury, Feb. 20, 1833. Ct. j
"JVTOTICE is hereby nivrti that letters of Ad- '
tiiinistrution on the estate ol'(!corje IIaiiit,
sen., late of Lower Augusta towiis!iii, Nnrtliuiii
licrland county, tlcc'd. hue been urnnle I l,v tlie
KenUlrr Cf "aid counlv to tlio tinilersiiicd.
'I'hercl'ore sll persons hideMed to said estate w ill
ilicharKC the same, and tbosc having ilcmamls
will present lliein to
Ci()::CL HA (I'T.
Sunbuiy, Feb. SO, 1SS3 Ct.
rpHE ..,bScrilTrrePectf,dlv ittf.rn, friends, i i'&l
and the politic ccnerollv. that he will onen '
1, lo the Honorable the Judges ef the Court if
the "I.owronce .House" on Tuesday. March
1S53, and will do his best endeavors to please thu
Sunbury Feb. Cri, lso3 tf.
Quarter sessions J'or the cwniy 1 f Sorlhuni'
Tlie unilerti?eit pe:ii"iiiT respi-r:fiil;y solicits the Hon.
C tn rl to ronit ho. 1 11 .(.'..use to ki;, ;i t-i ln.i t.r .,1
the tiuui.c tio-.v oiv!i;.iiJ Ity loin u ufi. iu Antul;t t-.w ,i
t I'.t.lAS I'.MRICII.
I Ve the umtersignit citizens of Anmisni township, in
Norlhlllulierliliiil e.iunty. Iienif-ai-rUliluteit with the Tet;.
lionet, ilo eeitlfy tli:it he is 01 .o ii rrpute l.irhoilesty and
teiupruiiee, mul liuii he is well jiroviMc.1 with house r.N'iii
mul ollu-r e.iiiveiileiiei-s lor the iiL'e.iuiniKliitiou of slimiirers
mul travellers, iiitit ilit 1111 Inu or tavern is iiet-eMur) for
I tne tieetun -ikili .ii ol strmniTs ami triivellers.
Jolui S-hntiek, Peter Xeifoss, Jucoli Yerty. Sannul
Puhlic Vendut.
SATl'RDAV the 15th day of M AIK.'H
'-'iiext, will lie sold at tlie late residence of Ed
ward Ciobin, dee'd., in the Uorouuli of Sauburv,
the following personal properlv, to wit :
Rtoves. looknuT'fflasaes. Innitia. enriietiii of all . Siiiiie. J ilui Ituker, John Xiinnieunaii. Win. A Kiii.hb. Jn
kinds, an eight doy clock, sud other ardcles of i Innn "1"Z Cw'"H''
Household and Kitchen r uruiture, to numerous I Ausuitu, I'eb. -il ,lso3. 3t
to mention.
Terms made known on the dav of sa'e l.y
CHAIiI.Es (io'UX. Ex't'jr.
Sunbury, Feb. '.'6, 185.. ';t.
CT" Breaking Gkoi xd. On Tuesday
last, the 22d inst, the Contractors, Messrs
M'fJrann, Barry & Co., broke ground on
the branch of the Philadelphia ami Sunbury
rail road, extending along Ihe eastern boun
dary of the Borough, to Ihe Basin and
Wharve about lo be erected near the river,
at the upper end of the town. Mr. Cleaver,
the Principal Engineer, with Mr. Killally,
and hi assistants, were present. Mr. Clea
ver cast the first shovel lull ol earth, first
loosened with the pick by Mr. M'Grann.
We take pleasure in thu formally announ
cing the commencement ol a work ot so
much importance to this section of coun
try, and which in a few year will astonish
many by the magnitude of its operations.
The Coal trade, alone, on this improve
ment, will give employment, directly and
indirectly, to thousands of persons, and
create a market for our farmers, second
to none in Pennsylvania. The rail road,
which rs about one mile long, together with
the Basin, Lock, &.C., are to be finished, if
possible, by the first of May next.
CT OrtnATioss on the SusgftiiAXNA
Railroad. Messrs. Fegley, Trego, Seas-
holtz &, Co., who have the lour heavy ec
lions immediately belovr this Borough,
commenced operation on the ame, on
Monday lat. The Contractor are respon
sible and persevering business men, and
will carry on their work with energy, un
lit its completion.
By Rf.qif.i-t
Pursuant lo publio notice a very lare and
anltiiis astio meeting ot the ciiieus ol Hush
township, assembled al the Ivushviile School
House, on Monday eveniui; llie 2 1 l inst., lo
lake into couaideiution tint subject of lliu
subscription of the S200,0U0 Block in llie
Susquehanna Mailio id Company, by the Com
missioners of Northumberland county.
On minion C. P. Geaiharl, llie meeting
wa c.i.l-'d lo order. Win. (J. Scott in the
Chair, assisted by the following gentlemen
Store Iiooin and Ware House
THE subscriber offers for rent bis large llrtck
Storo room fitted up in good stile, situated on
Main street, in tlie central ami business part of
the liorou;li of Miltoii.
ALSO, a lurgc Urick Ware House on the same
lot, possession ijivcn when reiiuire.l.
Milton, Feb. 15, lBfiU. .'it.
To Builders;.
"gJKOPOSAI.K will be received by lac under
signed, at Mount (Jimucl, .Norllinniln rl.tnd
county, until Suturdav, the. I'-ith day of .March,
lR.Vl, for building twenty-live blocks of .Miners'
Houses upon the lauds nl the Locust Mountain
(.'oal and Iron Company.
Each block will be S-J by 2s) feet, and 1J sto
ries high. Proposals will he received lor either
stone or frame houses; either with or without
furnishing the timber.
A. V. RE A.
February 20, 185o. 2t.
j To the honorable ihe Judges of the Court of
I Quarter sessions for the county of Vw-
j Tlie iimlersicMieil petitioner respectful'v a-ilieita tne lion.
' C mrl to pirut linn 11 hrenseto keep nn Inu or Invent al II a
house lie now .K-iupies us suell III I ui tow). stop.
rirrr.u s. vkackk.
We the tiiiCaniffiiei citizens of the township of Cou!,
in irlhuinherriii.! c tlnlv. Iieiuc: tniuuiiitcd with the said
IV iii iner, ilo e irlily tlnl lie is of (t il reptile for hones: y
a-ul tetupei.nife, uml liiut he is well prov uleil wilh h .use
r N1111 mul o!h'-l 1 iivennrnees f -r the ueeoiituiiNliition of
st runners mul tr:o rii.Tfl. noil thnt an Inn or tin ein is uetes
s.iry I'T the iiivoniiiiiHlMtitni of slnm-is unit trnvelleia.
(uleil S. Rot ins. Win M. Weuver. Souiii'l llarr:snn,'iitiue I'liL't'lv. I'lolip Stiiinlsieh. J srph Xeiu, R..V.
Aiiiiii.'i 111:111. 1' Annuel man. John Th 1111 a -ii, J louiel I1,
li'vis. W.-ish. I. Iru-s. Joshun Wtmlvert mi. rreilrnelc
llitus, Siillinun, lluvut Kphiin, II. It. Weaver. Jucob
ll.i-is. J. V. linos, J:iiii-n W'nlliis.
Csiltwap.. l'el. Hi, I'.V1 ill.
ZF" The Miltooian ssyi property it ris
ing in Ihat place. Rel estate ha been
exceedingly low at Milton and must go up.
E7" The Caloric Ship Erricson mad 9
rrile per hour on her trip lo Washington.
VVE 'b undersigned Auditors, duly elec'eJ
' by the county, deem it printer to state to
the tai-payera, the cause of Ihe delay c f their re
port for the year 18.V
A Sliecilll llOnril llf Alt.lltor n-nr. .ni.n'.iln.l nt
s Vice Presidents, viz: James Eckman, ast August Court In adjust errors that were al
isn., Jacob Ilmiou, Wm. Vasline, Jauob , h-dued to have creut into the ....i.iir t. f..r
lieed, John K.ise, Araham Uyan, Luther years previous.
Basset, Josiah Reed, John Geaihart, Sen., 'Phey have concluded their labors, and wc have
Charles Kaso ; J. Stanly Geaibart and Wm
Lattimore ocolt, tsecrelarie.
On motion, Wm. D. Gearhart, Esq , ad
dressed the meeting. A Commute consist-
ina ol Wm. D. Geaihart, J S. li.iosct, Joseph
Sliatpless, John llnrsh, John IVnsyl, C. C.
Kyan ami U. I, ueailiari, reporieti ine toi
lowing, which were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, vve have been informed that
two of the Commissioners nf Northumber
land county, namely WILSON and WEA
VEIl have subscribed $200,000 In Ihe
stock cf the Susquehanna Ion I Road Compa
ny, and immediately after the last October
election, sijjned and issued bonds to that
amount, which are now in thu hands of the
Treasurer of said company, and that no en
try of this oppressive, cinel and sneaking act
appears m any ol" the book of tho county
And Whbkess, it was known to the Com
inissioners, long before the Oclober election
Ihat Ihe citizens ot the county were aunosi
unanimously opposed to the making of ihe
said subseiiplioii, Imvinu so declared iu pub
lio meetings, and having nominated anil
elected, without opposition, a Commissioner
in October, in place of Wilson, whose term
wa then about lo expire, on the pround of
hi having given pledges to oppose the said
And whereas, Wilson and Weaver fre
quently assured individuals ciliren of the
county, Ihat they had not, and would not
make ihe said ubsrriptior. or issue the bond
and one of I hem by hi published card be
fore the October election, mosi aolemnly de.
dared, that he bad not subscribed lo the
slock of said Company, and if ha should
thereafter do o, ihe people of the county
might give him "the reward ef a traitor !"
Therefore, Resolved,
reason to believe that error of considerable
amount have been discovered, which will mate
rially uller the former balances, which we would
have to be governed by. Their report will be
submitted at the April term for continuation, and
we will then be able to publish a report that can,
we think, be relied upon, as we only want correct
uaiaiicca 10 complete our statement.
J. H. ZIMMEHM AN, Auditors
M. J. 1). W1TH1NGTOX
Sunbury, Feb. 20, iHi'J
Valuable Farm tor Sale.
PTMIE subscriber ofl'or for sale a valuable farm,
-- late the estute of Win. Tagzart, ilec'd., shu
ate in Chilisquniiiia township, Northumberland
county, and in Liberty township, Montour coun
ty, about 4 mile from Milton, on the Danville
road, containing in ull
277 ACRES,
of which about 180 acres ia cleared tand, vii :
90 acre of meadow and 90 acre iilousli land.
Tl balance, of nearly 100 acres, bein a first rate
tun tier land. 1 be improvements are a
new Frame House, large Hank Darn
ivc&. An apple orchard and peach orchard
There is also p. euty of limestone witbiir a hall
mile. A rail road has been surveyed within a
hair mile ol the premises. I be above fanrt oilers
great inducements to person who wish to locate
themselves in a guod farming district, as titer is
every convenience for makiag it a very desirable
home, it being handsomely situated, and th
I biltsquaque creek running through the centre.
It will be sold at a bargain, goo,) title and peace
able possession given on the lat of April next.
8.S. TAGGART, IVtor,
Chiliaiuin fb. 58, lio3 tt
rrMIK m)riili r .rtr m Cjvn tiit Mkb iuktk, TFrn
X erh mul ruofi. Cnv mi itkk, fitit oi" the In r ns ru 1
st rks..f i lloiM. B.H.lvS mul SjT'nJ.AltV f l
i.Kiiii! in ttieL'i y, uiiu'li liiey ire uWic U iilcrut 6ist
I"""- .
Wiil fin.l :tt: tlu- lemlint; Sell hi! II him Wrnp
p i Mir t'lirl.iin tt-r. Iil-rl ii 11; I'-ifeii, ik( nil urtli-
n;tr S::ni'itnr. Uiunk ltiKiki, I'citK. iuk, &u. i u '.he moit
laitrao.e irit.-.
Tka iiEn AD ti t k fus riTnt aing is grANTiTiF: f r
In) il, lire liivili-ii lo cull mul twiniHie i'Ui t '. We
lime liuii r umvrni9 exiHriieiw.e in tuprly mr Si li-sfl llin
l!ic:p, iuk! l'ul'lilier u ituiiite. i f xt n;tVily
iitviHt -ti ml li k, 'iir laeihu. .'itr ge.Ui g tuch l vk Him
Aid Miu't rmr TulilirAti in will h? ( uud the following :
Cimily'i -H'lltiijr It-etik, reviftt ttt tuu. ;
Intn r ; unn urait-r ;
Gumii.'-re'! urve t t.'.n:tlreil Treat ife on this
ftiri : It inivi-usi(i-"ai Mi'iiBtinitii'ii ;
An Icr tii'ii I :i r-n i Tl's Hint ry of ttie 1' nited PtalM. Hint
in Vif lic -Ji.i ill nt .New V ik tin-i I'liilttilrli'ltia i
(iiiuiiNfie's I'r t:rcivf Sjellinj Il,xk :
ml (ini'iniitr ; lntui Uictntiiurv;
Tlte Ixik uf t'"mmeice,4e , .-.. A c.
I KIAII IU .NT ft t0,
44 N'trth Found Buret, IMiilmU-Vlna.
Ft;bninr- 50, 3t.
;i hat cau L got fur Five Dollars ! !
Tiie u;nVritg ird have filtered into n arraiif ement by
-li it'll tliev u-rt'e t lurutsu the KimUerUkcr Mnniisme,
(iu nit lily,) 1 he J, uue Journal, (weekly.) ami lite Alii,'al
tVorkl uti.l TniM'f. (u'r-ekly.l tt mw iuliiK'i.b ii, mi lh
very in derate r.-e ttf ti v e dollnri u yenr I r llie three pul-lic.-iii
-us - nil iiriicri, enci- BiMif rhut amount lo lyer k.
W lilts, will l proudly ilfiortJ to.
Pulilmlier ( the KnickorlKKker,
MdHKlHtV WIM.i".
1'nl.liiSe. s r the Home Journal.
ruhliahers ol tlie Mtttrul World and Time.
Grand Litertry & ihti t'c Coi- ua s
A'niiicrTiientt litife heen iiiiu'c i lutnis t K ii ..'-
ROCKKK -MaUaZIMI, (he HiUlE Jlt'UAl, in t. lV
V(hV Mt'ilCAL WlULIl AMI i IMk4 lo NfcW -ti ti-CU llttv KS.
I" if i iva ikii.LK a ywir ! Tina i rhviip lit a ure wait a
-i'iMti-d. The KiikiiKaocKRK ia fr-l ier timimn ; the
llous JtrRL. If J ; uutl the Al i'iital Wohi.o andTiMEtt,
; iKiikitij ii yc it nt Ihr iio;il rates. Thiit three such
w rh tint he olihtined hr ft va D -LtUB a veur, is a I;ict
truly v ri iy ot fhe t'AURiC uj;e, wlilt-h is just il iv lieinti
ukliftvtl in. IX the Knu ki UbockEU Maoai?ic, ediinl hy
t.i-AVia liAVumu CLAHk, it u uiuitvtwry to ku. Fr
ivvtnty y fitis it lias hem the in at prut if, hum rous, and
s,iii ui- iiih.y" iu ihj world i ami ilia present Volume
w i. I Ittlfi Hi ni any vhn h nctd. .l it. The Homk
Joi-hnal rtlitwl hy ligo. 1 Mokkis, and N. P. Willis, in
wvil kii tvu ita the Iwi tnini- Hwsjain-I in America;
uifithe Mimical Woai.D and Tivk, ediittl bv
SrowK Willis wuh l-iiutLL Mawix, lito. Il Cbkti,
I'lltiVAl IfiSTINflf, '3f. ii. HKaUbl KV, tiErt. P ltrOT
uud other inusm uI wntta v m'nhuium ; and which sjivm,
uni 'iiKi'ther thinjra, tver FUj worth ( niusir and u tall
ttmrst) o iHtrut-u u in a irm ajniuahy. is the veiv best
uiiiMK'ulJouriiiil ever uUi.iiel. Tiiese three puUcntiora
will post a fumily up in retrmd (o nearly evrryl!)ii. wnii
kn twinf Art, K.-ien.e, l.itemture ; Mnr, Piiniinif.
Kulpturei l.tveutioits, liiMMvenea ; Wit, Hutnor, Fancy,
tf.iiiiuieiit ; the Newest Fashi uia and otaer alt men -na fof
Indies; Ch tie New Music for the Pahlvuii, the Chimb,
and the Fireside; Kevrrwa and Criiiciania of Musical
V..rks, Perioriiwra and Perf armatieea ; in short, the very
.wk and rea.mof .tveUy, Incident, Hiat-Ty, Biofraphv,
Art, l.ite.ature and Kie-nce ; including whatever ran ba
aiveti in iter'H.iiuU to pnuinta Heihhy Amusement and
S lid InatrurtiiMi iu Ui tsinily, and help lo snuke it Better,
Wiauraud Happier, may la now ohitinut! fr rtva IWL
iaks. Address DVCH ft WILLI;. i7 Ur-adwsy.
.New Vmk, r' ru' S -