SUNHURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOK1N JOURNAL. ZILGIAC LITERATURE. A gentleman who, the Tribune believe', aa a candidate for Congress last Fall, and got quile flallerinrf vole, Iiha just published a "jioem" enlilled: 'Th Classic Uriiiou, Emeneiioe, Chivi-liy and Renown of Daniel Wvbiter, translated into poetry by William J. Coggey, Esq., and isi al a losa which most to admire, the originality of the "poetry" the rhyme or the orthography. We give a specimen : The Nation heart in but Bewailing, that Man of all the Men, That By Brenetirig poxveiful Itirours, Great Lorrclls he did in, Austria flood amazed at the Grandeur, of hie intillocturnl tone, lit grasped the Ameiican Constitution, dis cussed the merits of Thionrs. Hit mind it was a Reservoir, wheie Classic Liquid ilid Bcnnif laie, Hi genius hud a sublime polish, that was no second rate, Kvtry word he said and dropped, was thaped with noble molde He lived to see his Native Land augment, seven and tenfold. The sea of his mtclisenue, unfalhoinrd Tiy the line of time, Like a Barr of pollit-hed steel, his Clursic they did shine Like the surges of the orieon rolein; up the Clill's of natures throne Al a pillor of this Republic; he Coped her with a Classic dome. The Nations heart is loaded down, heaveing like a Lover' throb For that otiee Gigantic Man, that is now a a lili li-s oibe, ; j He departs lln life with Joy, folded in the i tomb of sacred love ; ' He left his Chissic lore Behind, he liovcis ' round the Ihrom above. He isgone to that Seloslial Ilemisphier uheir no petty piince can re who, To take hi place amongst our patiints, n Clay, n Jackson and a Havne The Grinded throne he ever filled, with hu man lurrella mi his head. Is that he fill this day, the jlustriuils Daniel Webster he is Dead ! The longest tunnel in the woild is in Hun. gary it is ten miles. The word "lady" is not to be found in al the Bible. Tut dissipated youth of London number 200,000, and are called City Arab. The Allegheny coal field is 780 miles in length, and 180 to 200 miles in width. The military expenses of the U. Stales are over 20,000.000 a year. A seam of coal, five feet in thickness, w as recently discovered in Ireland. He who purtues an idle wish, Uul ctimln a tree to catch a Cili. City People usually appear to know more than they do; country people less. Sixpence a Day is twenty-three dollais a year, A Tajtt. for Useful Reading is a fortuno to any young man. It is a wonderful safe guard. Fifteen different plans are agitated in Washington for a railroad to the Pacific. In Bremen they carry round gas in casks fur sale. Midnight service is getting into vogue among extreme churchmen in England. A Spirit Level A drunken man in the gutter. It eight men do nothing in four days, how much will six men do in 21 days. Is America, there are 350 daily newspa pers, while in England, there are only ten. The peach trees at Savannah are in full bloom, and many of the buds are open. The GtxTLiMt wtro dine the latnt, Is in our treet esteemed the greatest ; Then inrcly greater than limn all, la he wo never dinei at all. It is stated that 51,30 cent per gallon hat been refused for sperm oil at New Bed ford. Glass and iron pavements will be put down in Cincinnati this spiing in front of tome of the public buildings. Now each member of Congres receive $900 worth of books, or their equivalent in cash. What are the only two letters of the al. phabet that have eye ! A and B, because ABC (see) D. In Paris the theatre have returned the ti tle they bore during the rei-n of the firs'. Napoleon. Can a man be considered "a loose charac ter" who comes home "tight" every even ing ? The copper veins in Connecticut have given indication of a somewhat profitable yield. T. S. Happenny drew a lottery prize of 130,000 at St. Louis, lust week, for which ha paid 5. - A lady correspondent wishes to know which is the mot vulvar, "nibbling a para sol or eating tobacco in church V Both. An unknown man was drowned in the Susquehanna at Harriburg, uu Tuesday IU broke through the ice. Quebec has been five times visited by cholera. In 1832, when there died 3)00 persons, 1834, 2500 ; 1849, 1180; 1851, 2S0 ; IS52, 145. Candlemas Dat. Wednesday last, the 2J insl , was Candlemas Day. It rained much, and in the evening we had thunder and lightning, an unusual occurrence for mid winter. Thi phenomenon argue well fer the farmers, a the old rhyme ay : If Candlemas day be fair and clear All kind of (rain will be very dear ; It Candlemas day bring sturm iuii rain, There wrU be a great pleuty of all una of grain. "Mi, will vou take my arm 1" "La, yes, tir, and you too." "Can't spare but lha arm rr.l," replied the bacholor. "Then" (aid he, "I can't take it, at my motto is, to- 'Go lha whole bog or uo thing !' THE CJLOI1E! Tlin OFFICIAL PAPER OF CONGRESS. CONGRESS lirts made the (Hob it orfcnn of communication with the country. To facil itate this Important object, and diminish the " ne to the people, the CosohrssioxaL OLonit and At-ranni., whic h cmitnin the proceeding of Congress reused ly the members, are licucelurtli to hc convex cd through tho mini fico of postage. The approach of a new ndinlnistriilion imparl peculiar importance, to the next session or Con area. ThroiiRlinul the whole country thero will be solicitude to know what slmiw Congress will endeavor to nive to the national affairs to meet the incomhi administration. The debate of the next session ill, no doubt, a heretofore, fore shadow iis policy. The Coi-,nrs!nvjL fit.otit; nml ArrrnDtx are printed on a double royal sheet in royal quar to form, each number containing sixteen paces. Tho Congressional I flute is made, tip of the daily nriK eedincs of the two house 1 and the Appen dix embracer; the lung speeches withheld by tho speakers for revision, tha, Messages of the Presi dent of tV.e United Stales, and the Reports of the Head of the Executive Departments. TI.e Laws passed during a session, and an In dex to them, nrc printed as soon a possible afler adjournment, and sent to all ub.eriter to the Consrci-ioiial f.ilobe and Appendix. TERMS: For ore copy of the Daily Globe during the next session $2 50 For one copy of the Congressional Globe, Appendix, and Law for the next aes ioii $3 00 The (ubscrihtinn money must accompany the order, else no atlcntisn will be paid to it. f iihscrtpttons should reach here by '.he 15th of December, at farthest to insure all the num bers. I have about five hundred surplus copiesof the Congressional Glob e for the last session, which contain, besides the proceedings of Congress, all laws and joint resolutions pasFcd during the ses sion. The proceedings and laws make S,55'2 pa ges; and the list of appropriations and Index not yet printed, will make about 80 pases more. I will let those who subscribe for the Congressional Globe and Appendix for the coming session have them at the following rates: Price per copy, un bound, three dollars j or bound in three vol times, lucks and corners Russia leather, five dol lars. 'J'hev will be delivered to subscribers at these prices. I sell the bound volumes hero fo four dollars a volume: the three volumes boun 1 for twelve dollars. Every person who takes any part in the politics of this country should possess them. JOHN C. RIVES. Washington, November 11. 1S5J. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. . i yllV. PiibsrriiVr hiivmg lens.l the TuMip Ilonne, for 1 nuTly k n twii aa the Amrricnii, No. Ic !. Sixth turret, hciwtn .MurKfl nml Lheslnuibirccli, has c hanged the name oi (lie a.iiiie to , THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Heps Ifave trt inform hit fr inula mul (lie pnlilir, lltat h'M'e lir.ii uiulrrr me n thtmieh retnocU-llnic. rep-iiiinc, re nnintinff nnf. rM.iinrii.!T. from nine to luivmciii. Am en tire new mt fit i-t luriiittirr, tieddin?. JVf.. Ac, 1ms iVm procured (rum llic nuiHt celebrated Muaui'ucturert in tins citv. I'roin (lie eentrnl toeotinn. mm its elope proximity tnthe Itnilrond Driwts. Slminb nt Lnndinps ri:itTB cf AtmiPf mnt, KuKhi Hinhle Th irMiahiart'i und Tnhltc Scpiarpi, it otTrrn indiu-i'mfiitu t the ,MtTt!Mut viitinij 1 ie city tmtififfi.. th? Trnvrllrr et'ekin? nlenwire To fmniliet und tV"ulM viit ins the eitv, rverv lucility will be nnd every comfort regaidcd to make tlieir Visit ogrceuble niltl pleiiBiht. A clmre of the public patronage rttpeetfnHv uMicited. JACOU ti. I.KIto, JAULD lltVIN, Suttfriiitendnit. IVoprielor. rinl;del(htn, Sept. 4. ISftZ.Am. LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. J. C. OBEKTELWEK, S. E. Cor. Ninth and Mitple Sis above Itact rHILADELPIIIA. INVITES the Ladies of the City and Country t.) call end examine his splendid Stork oj Trimmings, which has been selected with the ut most care. Mr. O. hein; enabled, from his t xperionee in the Inisincris, to take advantage of the wholesale market, is aide in tell as luw as any other estab lishment. Mr. O. was formerly principal con duetor of the extensive business of Mr. J. V. Hurstman, No. 1)4 Chestnut Street, and his ci tensive experience will be a guarantee of his anility to do justice to his customers. Hi tjlock comprises the following. Silk, Worsted, and Cotton Curtain Fringes, Binding, Tassels nnd Cord, Silk nnd Worsted Blind do, Silk, Woollen, and Cotton Iloisery, Gloves, Cornhs, Brushes, Snaps, Perfumery, & e. Woollen and Cotton Knitting and Darning Vorn, Porte Monnaies, Furnished Work Boxes, Brace let, and Fancy Articles generally. Call and examine for yourselves. Philadelphia, September 25, 1R.12 6m. TAILOPJ1TG. JOHN V. 3IAKTIX, TE(tS leave to inform his friends and the pub lie in general, tlmt he is prepared in every respect to make rlothing after the most Fashionable Stiles, and in the most durable manner, nd his prices will he as reasonable as can he had in iSuubury or elsewhere, in cash or approved country produce. He will always have the advantages of the hitest fashion phiteK, and in addition to his acknowl edged fkill in eutring, ho will he assisted by the direction of the most scientific publications rela ting to that art, now issued from the emporiums of fuFTiioti in the I'niled States. An endeavor will be made always to have wort completed when reqniard. His establishment is situated in Market Square, Sunbtiry, nearly opposite the Post Office, in the building formerly occupied hy Jainli I'.iinter as a hatter shop, where it will be a pleasure to him to ere his friends, and make such work for them as is within the line of his husiuesH. fcuubuiy August 14, 1852 tf. J'resk and Spiced Oysters ! flAVING settled at Norlhnmberland, I am 1 now piep.ued lo furnish Fres-h and spi ced Ojsleis during the whole season ill re duced pi ices. Von can depend upon them beiiiir fresh, as 1 shall receive llwm daily, (Sundays excepted) nml when landed hcie, Ihey aro only 16 Innrrs out of Ihe t-hell. All persons lit it distance, who ar in want of lh above article, can have llieiu cent per doeu or single can by nddiessin-f V. II VICKERV. at Bu"'a Hotel. Norlhtimberlaml. (V.I. 16, 132. BOOKS ! B00ZS ! ! JI.-ST HKCEIVEl) and for sale a new edition of PIKE.S ARITHMETIC. ALSO, a larpe assorlment of Blank Boots. WM. McCAHTV, Bco!i.eller. Dee. 4. tf. Punbi JJLAXK DEEDS printed on the best quality at this ollice. bv th len! nml rrlnil ( un r, oi ai i.rc lowest prices A KNOLlt'S UKtmii fl.llU and Adhc and legal envelopes, for :ile hv II. U. MASSER. Suubury, Jau 10, lfl52. JXTKACT OF COFFEE An excellent article tnoie wholesome and mneli r!,ir than Cofl'je iielf. For sale at this oflice. April 17 1R.V IXTKAUT CF fJINUrJK. A fresh .upply MA just received and for ala at tbi. dPTu-m Pi ice 25 cent. Kunbury, Ju.y It, 1851. 1 1 AND BILLS neolly printed on new typ promptly executed at this ofGra. IU, blank, of all kind on superior pspr. f ARRIACE CETIFICATE8 xeout.d for s.1. t o,i, 0iT.c, unci or by Ihe dnren. I iK Uoureu'. celebrated ink, and also Con. area ink foe eala, wboll and r.uil by Dctmlf S8, U60. ti. B MASSED. ValuaMc Property. Late the Estate of E. P. SHANNON, Esq., Of .rlliuiiilicrlan1 AT FP.XYATE SALE. npHE subscribers, Executor of the Estate of Enhrniiri P. Shannon, late of tho Hor nnyh of Noilhnniberlaiiil, oiler nt privnte sale, (lie folluwiiiu valuuble Luul Estate, viz: Lot No. 77, corner of Qnerm and 'ont Street, on which is vrecletl n twostniy tJriik Uuihlintt, formerly occupied by the Ueceatt'd as a Stori and Drtlliiir,', nml now ucenpied n (trch. There aie also on tho lot two frame dwellim:; kc. Lot No. 62, siluulc-d in Market Street, on hicli is erected n two t,jry white Fiame D.velliujj. &c, niljniiiinif John Taggurt, Eq., Oi'iMipimi iiy it.ns. kiiuii. Lots Nns. 69, 70, 71 & 72, situate in Mar kvtSueet, a luostnrv while Frame Dwtd linjf, nci'tipied by James Dnnly, and a ttubla is Piecli'd on lots io. 09 & 70. The undivided half of Lot No. ICO, situate on Ihu corner of Duke nml 4th Street, on wiucn is creeled n two story dwellinir, ticcu pie. i py Josr-pn IMctallisler. i.nt i. l , situate in Uueen Mreet on which is erected a two story white Frame Dnildiiiff, occupied by John Butkert Lot No. 60, situate ut Nonhwav and Va ter Slreels, on which are erected two Frame Dwellings and Stabliiij;, occupied by widow vaniiiini! unci Jolin VhiiiIIiii. AUr the undivided fourth part of lot 1(16. on v men is erectt'ci n iwnstoiy pianro wwei linff. occupied by John Vandyke. Alan ten ncres of cleared land, adjoining land of JdIiii Deshav, on the East side of the Susquehanna, about three miles below Dan Vllle. AImi two atljuininz vacant town lots, situ nlerl on the corner of ecoiKl mid Oiaiijje streets, numbered in the gnneiul plan of Bor tit'ph. Nos. 2t5 & 216. Also four vacant Int., on Third nml Orance Streets, numbered in ihe General plan ol said Boron?h. Nos. 209, 210, 211 & 212. Also (our vacant lots frnmiiro; on Market and Sixth Sirens, running East to an Alley, numbered in the nonernl plan of said Bor- ounli, ISns. 77, 78, 79 & 80. Also four vacant lots fronting on Orange Street, nml numbered in the L"'neral plan of said Unrnnrji, Nos. 1S5, 16. 187 &. 1S8. The irbrivB properly will bo sold in parts or parcels to suit purchasers, on reasonablo terms. For further parlieiilam apply to John Cake, Esq., nt Nniihuiiibeilaiui, or to the subscriber,. ALFRED KNEASS. ) r , THOMAS STHAWHKIDGE. ( tx r'' Norlhnniberland, May 22, 1952 if. JCHN A. TATLOSl, Manufacturer of Monuments, Tomhs, AND GRAVE STONES OK THE FINEST Italian ani Amfrican Marhi.e. At his Old Stand in Northumberland, Pa. fJESPECTFL'M.Y inform tlif puMic that all work in his line will lie mmle up of the very lirst matriidl anil linishcJ in the latest style of the Eastern eitien. Those in want of mteli nrtirle well maile nnJ exrentrj in the Iwst style nnJ nt the lowest rates, will ih well to eall anj examine before they jiur ehnse elsewhere. Mav 15. 18.'i2. 1v. AY in. McCartv, liookseller. 3ESPECTFl."I.LY informs his friemls nivl -" the piihlie, that he has removed his I3ook Store, to Murket street, to the house oeeuj.ied hy J. Naillc, Esq., Attorney at Law, nearly op. posilo the Court House, on the north su!e, wiit;ie keeps for suie eonslnntly on hand a good ussortment of hooks and stationary. For iS.ilc A large new spring waggon fit for 2, 3 or ! horses. Sunhury, July 21. l.'iJ. tf. JUST liKCEIYEl) AT THE Saddlery and Harness Establishment of G. ,V. STIiOII, Market Street, Suubury, A new assortment of Silt rr, ItrnNS and Japanned Mounting, Which he will either make up to order or sell separately for cash at prices as low if not lower than can he had anywhere eUe. SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, Tristikft. Vallcco, Carriage Whip, ti.C, Constantly kept on hand or manufactured to order. CARRIAGE TRIMMING done on tho shortest notice. All persons are invited to call and examine foi 'hemselves. All kinds of produce taken in exchange, feunhury, May 1, IS.VJ. tf. JOHN PHILLIPS & 017, No. 47 South Water Street, luhw Chestnut, PHIL A EELi2:iA, ?MP0RER8 of Foreign Fruits, Nuts, Wines, &.r., keep constantly on hand the following articles, which they will sell at very low prices lor cailr. Raisins, Almonds, Currants, Walnuts, Citron, Ground Nuts, Prunes, ('ream uts, Dates, Filberts, Figs, Vanilla beans, .Sweet Oil, Preserved gin;cr, amariiids, Lirjuorire, I.riirim ."Srup, Fire Crmkcrs, Port Wine, Madeira Wine, Claret Wine, Sherry Muscat ' Sweet Mulsja " Philadelphia, July 3, 1852 ly. SIIELDUAKK'S 4 U.EGIIENY JIOI sE, No, 2S0 MA RKET t-lreet, ahove Fill, Philadtlihiu. I'ndcr the new arrangement the cars which arrive from Piltshure, llarrisliurir. Ac., will run to the New Depot, corner of Schiijlkill 5th und Market. In order to accommodate t lie puhlic we will ulwayt have our Coach at lire New Depot on the arrival of Ihe ears to carry Passengers to the Allegheny llnu-e, which is in the centre of the city. Our old friends will please ride down, nnd all who wi!l tn patroirUc a House wilh a Good Talile, Clean Reds, and ai'cumuiodating assistants, will please cive us a call. Term. One Dollar er Day. Auti'ist SI. I8.Y2. Gin. DAVID COOPEK, COMMISSION M KWCIIANT FOR Tiir. SAI.K OF Fisli, Vvo isions, 5jc, Yo. 9 Jfortk Wharves, PHILADELPHIA. Arid 10, ISoi ly. Fritz, AVilliiiins 5j Hendrv, Store, No. 2'J North 2d Street., FIlll.ADLI.I'HIA. TOROCCO Maniifucliirers, Curriera, Import, i-'-il- era. Commission and ticncral Leather Bus iness. Wholesale and Hclail. 7 Manufactory 15 Murgaretta Street Aug. 1652. ly. r)LA.NK Parchment Prrpcr Deeds and hlank L- MortKages, lionds, Lxecutiooa, feummona, dee., for sale l.y II. D. MASbER. Sunhury April 56, lg.M. BtUESlI Vanilla Bean of a aupcrior quality, jnal receivad and fur aala by Jul 31 186-2. II. B. MA8SER. JLS'I lCLsj' FEE LJLLS tr ot .ale by IL B MAUSER. .aaAfufa, $ '3 (tT8500 CHALLENGE. . "ITrilATnVKR crtnrtrnt Itie hcnlth nnd ImppInrM of a W peTi is lit till Ittupsirf th m ilt TnluarMf) linpnrt- tii'P. 1 luko it ffir emittrtl thnt rvtry pfrit!Mi will d i nil In ihcir power, t wve thr livci of tlnir clnlilrcn, iml tint evury per mi wtlt ciKlrnvor lo pr-nn te llieir mvn Itfitllh itl all tti'TirlffH. t ffrl il to la my duty to mileiiiiily nsnnrc yon lln.t W(-n.Mr. fipc Ttlnm itt the nrnniun of the miwt tulrlniietl riivfniriniiii, arf thj witmiTv cnnw.t (!' Inrr it lujt irit y f (Imt iiBCB t which children nml nilult nre lin bio; il Vtni luue tin nppfhle r xitiiiiinlly elm net?) hie I'mm t'tie kiml f f.MK) ft nii 'thcr. Moil Uivaili, l'nm in the Slt m irli, i'ickirjr nt the None, llunlurn onil Ktilliu-M if the lu-uy, Ury C.iuffh. slm l-evr, i'lilnflrrcirultir remcniher mil mi iiirftf tuiH'te uu.h?, ami you inuakiai once p piy uie renietiy : HOBENSACK'S WOP.M SYRUP. An rrti-'le f mmldl itnnn tf'ieiitificrrit.cinlei,eomrHtind- rrt wivli pii-rly vL-talile Biilmlmn cr, hing pcrlrelly mfe wlfH inkfn, nml i'.mi 1 uiven to t he niont lentler inlniit with ilrciilcit hrncficial ellirl, where 1 wel C nnpltiiiitB nnd Diiirrhipti have m:nie 1 hf in wik nml dbililHti-i the Tini? prnpertie i my Worm tyrnp nrc iiich. Ilmt It t inda Willi nit on equnl in Ihe catnlouue of mwlirinen, in g viinr tone ni id iircnyfli to the Sti inm h, which mitkrs it nti initiinme rntieuy tor tii-r nnhrtt ii Willi UittpcpRin, mt astfiniRiiiiic cure pfrionnett "V Inis rvnin nttrr riivn cimiR Imve tmtat, is me bet eviuunco of ut iuierikr effi cacy ova .i ouicii. THE TAPR WORM! Thin in t!ie tntt difli-ult Worm todcatrov of nil that in frnt the huninti ByBtcm, it ;r wii to nn nlumst lmlfinilt: lenirth hecoininir scoilcd nnd fnfilrnrd in th Inlfrtiiif nnd Stmitic)i I'Hi'otiii? the henith io imlly n to i-iiiim St. Vitus litmce. I lis. Vc., that those milu'trd hIJ in il ever inspect thnt it is Tnpe Vinin h isieniirg tluni to tin rnrly rjrruve. In order to dcrtroy tins Worm, a very encrpetic trentineut must be pursued, it wtntld therefore he prupi-r to tnke 6 to S of my Liver I'illi s ins to remote nil tilst ruc tions, thnt the Worm Hymn inn vtn't direct upon Ihe Wonn, whieh in net tt tnkeii in d mes f a Tuhli-S'.-niiills 3 ttuu-s n diiy these dirwlions foil nved hnve never been known to fail in L-urinj the most ohstumle cisc ol l.ij c urm. Bv- IIOBEXSACK S LIVER PILLS. No pnrt of the lys'em is more lin'ie to disense thnn tl.e I.iv Ml. it serviiiff ns a hltcrer to nuriv the MnhI. or civ- nig the proper secrttion to the bile j to' thnt nny wr 'in; ne lion of the I.tver effects (he other imporlmit irtoi iie system, ai.d resuiis v.""i nslv, i i I.iver Conini.iiiit, J;.i-n dice, Ijys.H-ps;!, A-r. We slrn;M, ihercfore, wnteh every smpt in tiuit niiyht iiul.cnie n wrontT net inn of ihe f ,iver. These Tills heinic e nnposel fif KOOTS k PLANTS lur-iiislie-lbv tvtinrsi ti In-iil the sick : Nninely, 1st, An i:X rKt'ToH AT, witi-li tiinments the secret inn from ihe Pnlni.n;trv mucus mcinnmc, or pmm les the (tischrirc of secieled inntler. 2u, An A l.'l'l-Jt ATIVK, wlii-h clmm;i s in s 'ine inexpiit-iiiile and inseusiMe nriuner the cert.iiti m -it. id netion rf h system, .'ird, A TONIC which pivrs tone nnd s.reuioli to the nervous sstrir, re newins: he:t'h nnd vitr r t I1 pjirts of thebntly. 4di. A CATHARTIC, whieb nets in perfect harmony wuh the othr ingredients, and operuiinp. on the Ilowels, nml excel line the whni muss of e -rrnpt nnd viiintetl m;itter. nnd pu rifying th Uljcd, wSicli ilcstrt.ji d.tcc nud rcilorcs TO FEMALES. You will find these Pills nn invnlnnUe mdlcire in mn y empliitnis to which vou are an Inert. In ohirueii'-ns e(. j Iher t.tul oi part ill, tiiy bnve lufn fu:id of inetiinnbie onent, rrstornni their Itineti nal irrancemen's to n henl I thv fteii'in, purifyinif Ihe hi ood and oilier linit's s t eifeeiu ni:y to put t tlmht n:l O'tiunhiinta whirh may nrise imm leimic irrertiuirnies, ns iicminrue, giduiucss, dunuefci oi lifitt, pain in Ihe Ride, bar It, &c. OCT Prior1, 25 cents e:rcli. Nim r'uiriii'' unions signc-d J. N. Iloliensack, all i-thers tcice Ii5t' liiiitnri'.ii. I V Accurs wii.inn nf-.v Bilpi.ti's. mill St ir Kr-prrs ilf.iri.ns nf lirc 'iniii! Atri-iitn imir inl.lrtss llic lViiiiririur, J N. II l..'rm.i,-k, l'liil:nlfl.liin. Pa. p. 1.1 try J. V. I'rili'iir. Snnlmr)-: Miry Mi-Cay, Nr-Itiuiiit-rrlniKl ; Hfisfl, Tuilititvilli'; nnir. Mitl-in '; llnly K 1.1'iiki.f. lip Tcrt-iwii ; I ..ntiiriM V XVi'lvrrtnn. l'nxi ti s; i'sf . Ilu-k'iry; ull iltuii-rs ia Mriticiue in lit Ounlv nint S'lilr. Aii::uu n, ifc'j ly. Miiiviu ! iviiin t, rilOLESALE and Retail, at the "Pl.ila.lcl- iihin Watch and Jewelry tstore,'' No. U6 North sfecond Strcrt, corner of Quarry, Philaih I phia. Gnlit Lever Walehcs, full jewfVit, IS carat enref, S Silver it. I. full jrwclcit, $l'2.'r. !il Srirtai-!r, T.ll r?i!virr Lepnir, jrwels, o j I'rni Silver ilo. 1 ' ! do il,i it'i. (l ilMVcl llinrrlptn, 3.l'l ' Superior (lunrtiern, 7.! ! nilu-n Gnld IVncils. luniiititm il,i. .1 Silvrr Ti-n spooiic, bcS, 5.(11 UoUl I'i-iu. wilii Pencil ami Silver H"Mit, Gold Finger Jfings, 37J reirts to if 0 ; Watch j Glasses, plain, 12 cents; Patent, ISj; Luiret, j 25; other articles in proportion. All goods war. ranted to he what they are sold for. ST A LITER & HARI.EY, Successors to O. Conrad, rv.t f r.n i t.M. w . yrii iiaoo, sonic riiiiir arm i-iiver i.evers anu i i.epines, siui lower man me uuuvc prices. August 28, 1652. lv. Vn Loan DaguoiTcan (iallcpy, 153 Chestnut Street, i T this ceMimtnl esfal.lisliriif"iit yon enn ntwnvs pro- k l ine inc iicwrai nun 111 i.i iiHprovti styles hi j daoi r.ititiHi rvi'i: a tausotyim: poH ritAiys nt fr nn sn to Kifl per ct. mi cot than such 1'iclurcs can ' he lent f r clm-wlicrc N iwthat vin iin wcuir such pprfi'l porlrnirsnf vour ' I I ivi-it ours ut a lucre nominal cuM, d,n't delay Icsl'yi.u : "f thrnl. j livery vnr iety of fancy vnw. frnmrs, Ac, on Iciml or I , fiiriiihlicil to onlrr, nml cvrry irlnrc niinli. antistory nml ' Tint rinltril to m in Hie hi'SI Ml It ti tin- ml of no . . m: v ! j Call ana Ice lis at 160 I'licrnilt at. I I. h ri RM:i.L. I Pliila.hliphin July 17, TIIKt-lltllT I'JUZC MLUiL ill, im i: i UZCKEir & TULEi, No. US Cifjrint St., above Sixth, Front cj JONES' HOTEL. "JjS 7) IJAVi: just received their Prize VV" V Medal, awarded hi them for I'lTl.l Ihcir lest Trrivelliiiv 'PrnnL. . Iiihited at the World's Pair in Loudon, 1S51 hciriR the only exhihitors to whom any award was mode. Their competition was w ild nil the world, and they hae taken THE PIJIZE! Tl.UNKS, VALISES, BAGS, &c. To he found in this Citv, nnd at very low pticcs Call and see. HICKEY eV Tl'LL. '1 rtiuk Manufacturers, 113 Chestnut St. April It). 1S5-.. if. The Johnston Ink MANUFACTORY REVIVED 10i If Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA. rilME suhscri'.ier hegs leave respectfully to in--- form PiilNTCUS (eneral!y, that he has suc ceeded to the liusiucss of manufacturing Print, ine Ii formerly carried on hy his grand Father, and Father, ami oilers his article to the trade, without any Prirs, hut with the simple reliance upon the lonr; estahhthed character it hus home, fecliu; confident ol its giving entire satisfaction to all who may favor him wilh a cuil. Ti iims Cash. ClIAHLUs EN EL' JOHNSTON. April 10, lfeSS. tf. JAXCES BASSES??" tVIioicisnle und ICelail Clock ESTABLISHMENT. S. E. Comer Sicond and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPHIA. TTfHERE may he found, one of the largest arrd licet assortnrenU of Clocks and 'l ime pic es in the United (States, in quantities to suit purchasers, of from a single Clock, to one thou sand Clocks: emhracins every variety of style and manufacture, surtahle for Churches, Halls, Counting Houses, Parlors, Sleeping Apartment!, and Kitchens, !-Ucam and Canal boats, and Rail Road Cars. Also ecncral sale Agent, for Rapp'a lately pat ented fcicif ntifie. Niche tiold Pen. Wholesale nu,l Retail Uold and Silver Pen Holders, and Pencils, and a variety of Fancy Goods. Those wishing to purchase will find it to ihcir interest to call before purchutiii elsewhere. JAMES HARDER. 8. E. Cur. Che! tuut & 2nd SU., Phila. April to, 1b5J. ly SOAP & CANDLE MANUFACTORY, No. 19 Wood St., between 2d If 2d Sts., and No. 17 North 6th Street, riiiLADixriiiA. John Bancroft Jr. and Son, n ESPECTFL'LLY inform Store-keeeM. Mer chants, &c., that they Manufacture and have for Sale, Palm, White, Variegated, Yellow and Brown Hoaps, Mould and Dipped Candles, all of good quality and at reasonable prices. f3T Cash paid for Talow and rough Fat. April 10 1652 ly. 7ILEYS COUGH CAKDY. An excel. at thii oflice, DefMiaher i, 1113 SOWEll.cj ttAUKKS, Publishers nntl llooksellcrs, No. 84 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. MISCELLANEOUS HOOKS. Ttihtri, TrnvRrs, trvinns. FAielicul arrd Historical Works, irnveri, .tuvers, c, rtc. . SCHOOL BOOKS. Every kind in use from a primer upward!. BLANK LOOKS. An elrpjiit nn .rtnu nt from thf rn bonk upwards, nraile nf aripuriur pr.per. and best ir txniiin. WHITING PAPEKS. Cup, I'ifM, nnd Notir Papem, flrrjairt ilylcs and qualit -. arrd vury clnvtp. STATIONERY. Foney. Tlion nnd Adhesive Envelopes, TnU, Sand, Wh lera. Meel I'ens, M-itea, reucns, r.irie-Mounies, wrap ping Pupera uf all kinds, Curtain Pupers, Ac, Ac. nr stck is nil fresh, bought rhenp nnd Sold nccordimrly Particular niteution paid to IK '!.st ili;rs, O'uutry Aivf chants and Teachers, iiowever iittlc they nmy buy. 8jvcr A lliirncs are Publisheii of pi;irON"H aerie of M AGMKICKNT OUTLINE MAPS Fneh innn ia marly tK )N I KIlT !iM'AKi:, and hows Ihe couipuralive sie nnd re'.Htivn position t-i tvery country on the (ilohe. They ore intvi.ded to Ire snsnendetl in eveiy fcboo lloom, nnd n;t onlv nmkc n snh-ndid niv penrrince, but nr mnvera-illy nelinowledrrtt to be the lii:r'r MOlK OV TKACIHNll t.i:MiItAPI1V ever br-'itelit out. They arc kes inu-uded lobe used by Ihe eh dnrs. containing neoinpfeie epitome o( tieo;raphy. and costing less than liulf the price of ft (ionqrnphy nnd Alias. Ttie s.Ftcin is in universnl use in Prussia and liei ittmiy, atnl has already been intnlueed in (iinird Colter-, lmla delhin, the puiilie iw-hnli nf llrtft n, New "rk, P'ala delpliia, Jl .l.aji tc, Wiiiinpf n, ni.d lriiffli itt Nnv KniIuiid, New York, Ac, Arc. Our desks are hwuh-d with recommendations m an Ihe most laiented nnd scien tific teachers in every tpiaMer, and wherever the system I ins been used parents, teachers nnd frdmiurs unite in proi ir.g it. 1. Mnp of the Wrstrrn lTcmieplicrft, 1!. Mnpoftiie KaMern llemisphcie. !J. Map of North America. 4. Map of tiie I'niled &:uca. 5. Map of Kttrop-, 0. Map of Asn. 7. Map of Smith Amrien nnd Africa, l'very nmp in brilliantly colored, varnished, and mount ed on munlm ami p.1!va. We rt M''v iitvi'e t!:e earnrt' aMenli 'ii of Teachers, Piirents, nnd Scltx'l Directors to tin fns'-itMiit mile ol teaching Geography. rOW A H i:i:s, -l North Third direct, Piuiadtlphin, Au l'i if. HAKMSBUKG BOOK BINDERY. V. If. IIUTTKH 5c CO.. Succcss'-ra l- V. tl. I.ielrok, nnd llrck'ik h f'.iirtine. UJ:Oi)Iv ni.N'DKR, STATIONERS AND III.ANK ROOK M AN FFACTLRERH.. Thn suhsciil ers respectfully inform th-ir friends and the puhlic, that tin y are now c:irr. " the nhnvc husinci'S ut the OLD STAND occupied hy liicknk & Co. They Hatter themselves that hy careful attention to hur.ine??, they will merit and receive n continuance of the patronage iro hher-; ally enjoyed hy the old firms. Particular intention will he paid to the ruiiprr end hirrdin of every dcsciiption ef l iarik hooks fir hanks, county ollices, merchants and private iirilixiduals, und every variety of full an J half' hound Hank hooks. Old hooks, periodicals, law i hooks, limbic, newspapers, Ac, hound ill any I pattern and in any style required. j In addition to the nhnvc, they have, nnd will i r.t nil times keep, n pencial as.-nrtnu'l.t ol Si A TIONEHY, eoii.-.itii.i; of ; Lnierfaper, j -,';villl ',' 'Ii mr, r " Kllivrs, inir.. Il'kf'lli:''", M.ilM V:,f.-rs, Ilil.fW ln', S,-:iiiii3 Wax, llliie Ini:, f 'pvinc I nlc. Shl- not T.-i l.rnil I't'ili-ils, l.r;!i-r Siiiinj . imlin ItllliUT, n f. r. lint Ti.p, H r.i ,1; o,r.!s, icils. i 'pvm;r HI .tin, " Snvl Pens. (.'arinine Ink, K.l.l-rs, Ainolil'a Writing l-'lniil, F.rnsuri'i', Ac. 5"i?" Paper ruled to pattern, and all work war ranted und done verv cheaply. ' F. L. II UTTER & CO. March 13, 1 SS 2. tf. LIBERTY STOVE WORKS, coure 1 ourlli, rEIIfADSr.SHIJ5 . ''gIIC undersigned respectfully inform the pu'i- hc that nrc in full operation at their r.ew foundry, nr.d ready to execute orders for ; Ktoves of every description on the most rciaonu- j hie terms, They invite the attention of .STOVH DEAT- I , , , . . ol wltr.-li are cntrre'v new. nml t'ot no ut erfnt , "i i . t . " niiun.n A i.tirr tvliicT, urn l,i! I li.nrl., Air Amonr; which are tiie Liberty Air Ti'ht Cook, Complete. Cook, Star Air Tkht. 1 11 Star Franklin, St.,r Radiator, Jenny Lind Im proved, Fire Kins Radiators, Salamanders, Can lions, liases. D ire Cylinders, I5ar Room Stows, Furnaces, Oas Ovens, Ac., ie. AlillOTTiV LAWRENCE. N. B. Country merchants arc particularly invited to ca'l und examine our ussjrtincnt. April 10, lS3i. ly. PHIL. AND READING RAIL ROAD. ti.i!.vii:it. AttiiAM;i:uT from l'lill.AUI.I.l'IIIA AMI POTTSVlLI.t;. lures K c d 11 1 1 A . OJflee rf the Phila. ft Rcadi)i: lUiilroad Co. Philadelphia, March -d, IS.) I. I wo Passenger 1 rains Daily, fcvcci.t SundavA ff and after April 1st, l-.")! Inn trairrs will M. V he run each way, daily, between l'luiadil phia and FotKvill,. i.ruj;xixfi lint:. Leaves Philadelphia at 7j A. Sundays. M., daily except Leaves Pottsviile at days. i J A. M. daily except Sun- AFTER XOON I.IXE. Leaves Philadelphia at IjJ o'clock, dail Sundays. , except Leaves Polt.ville at SJ o'clock, daily, except Sundays. FA It ES, Between Philadelphia and Potlsville, 52.75 1st class cars and V-V.'j 2d class cars. L'ctwccn Philadelphia and Reading, S1.75 1st class ears und $1.45 2d class ems. Depot in Philadelphia, corner of Droad and Vine streets. Passenger ennnot enter the cars unless rrovi did wilh Ticki Is. NOTICE. 1 iPy pounds of Lniaj, will he al lowed to each pa.-ie'iisor in these hues ; and pas- ..s. , ,,,, ,v ,rouiiiiicu ii-oin tain'' uny i ...... r i . . .i . . . J. our irieir wearing ajiparcl, w hich will he at the risk of its owner. Iiy order of the Hoard nf ManaL'ers. , ., S. UKADI-'OED, April 19. 1851. Secretary. ILVEU WA'lvilEs.A "few double case Lnglibh Bilier Watches, for sale at very hnv P""' ,l,y . H. U. MASSE iL eunhury, April 12, 1S51. LATENT UHITTANIA STOPPERS fo, bar bottles tor sale by a , ... D MASSER. Sunhury, April, 12, 1851 NOH AND SPRINO MORTISE LT CHES.An hall the usual price by J- W. FA'ILINU, Sunhury, July 7. IS 19- . ail.ANK NOTES, waiving the exemption A v law of lji3U0, for sale by April 20, 1851. II. B. MASER. ADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi eine for sale bv HENRY MANS Fit. Suubury. Jan. 27lh. IMS fTEE BILL8. Justice! and Conttu'ilei Fee DilU handsomely n rioted on cart nauer for " m tiitsnurce. 1011 aale at this office, Superior lilack Ink, Cattle Medicine at 25 cla, Pure Essence ol lJinger.23 cents BLANKS. BLANKS of every description can be had by applying at the otlice of the American. 'iVKITLXO FLUIlTand aelf aealinV Enve- T loies, juat received and for aale by April IB, J8.M II. 13. MASSE R. ritlSSLE PAPER Vellow TUaue par for 1 coverinc lUatu, kc ,(or aale nt the o like of tSe Amerieais. BANK NOTE TABLE. VUKHELTEU WEEKLY. rr.NNHYI.VAMA. MAWACAfSHTTS. crtt or vnri.AniLrink. All fc.lvpii! Imnl:a I din I.T. Illlllk linlf, 15 dig 1111(11)1'. ISLAND. All Ivriit lml i 1 da All aoU-rnt Imnkfl dia NKW YORK. Ail vnvcill ImirK, nnnti nf Clrnmlwrnliurf 1 din Hrink of CliMtcr Co. pnrl ll.riik of llrl.Cii. Chntcr ir ..I . 1 CITY. .........a ... 1 IMIIIIIDWII Itnuk of IJr1lylmrt( llnnk of Itwtstowtl inr'AII nilrrnt Inns I ilia 1 dir. LVUk mtvt $5 i tin ir-uik ol .Miilillptiiun .(j,1 M'!rry Cn llniik pur All lolvr-nlf Li ml a 1 dia Htl TRV, MiW JKKSKY. nnim mi .oriniiiiitferriril. wo II. VliL.rn II... .U S .n riiiiiKoi 1-iin.oiirfr Hrnik of Dinville 1 din OwiinerfiTil ::l:iV l dia Cnrimlf? firink 1 ills I ' . .V M . M i.i.ii....,,,.., I ,r .iliriii. i;Mih ;IUH OI!. IMlf;. Ini, t Hi..n In...., ...,im. n i. .wr ,m'.'i-iiiiiiii-r- nif. iMirvnrk iwir 11 lyrialnvn llnnk parMwIi. Ilk of 1IiiiI.iii.i mi mr Kntoii IWnk mr Mrrh. ft Mini. Ilk Trent r nr l-.rie iiahk a (Iii,M..iii Oi lidnk j iliii f.irlianct n'kPillalinrg I riii. Newark Ilk V ft Im.Cu 3 di Kxchanpe H'k, Hrnuch I dn'Ornure llnnk dia lis Farmers' M k, Iliit ksCo par1 People's Ilk Pntteraoii Furniers1 Ilk, fjineaster parrineelon Hank rarmera1 Mk, Heading par Siiem It.uikinj; fo, Farm. Ilk Sr-hnvlkill f o par Semerret lhmk F A 1. JJk Wnvnesirir Uilis Stale Rank at Camden pnr lur Jd.t Frunklin Ilk. Wasli'u l$d's M:c Itk l:ii ilieihioii Hnrrislinrff llnnk I dis State M ink Newark par din lloiicsoaic Hio i It 1 riis Mate . Id iiiinwtelt pur Ijiiicastcr Hank par, Sussex lis'ik. N'ewhJi j t lis I.elmnon Honk pnriTrcntnn lJiiiikiiic Co pnr Merch. iV Man. Rnnk 1 dislCniou Kank. I lover j tUt Mineii' H'k, Poftsviile perl Ynrtlleyv'le A Dtl l)r C. .m!h M;oioinrhe;a Hook I ilislVUU n i s imiiIi r W dis ? nyjoruv e iei ri c IJ mn ir.r..- aki'j, est ifraneh Hunk par I tank tn Delaware par AvyomnijT If K, ilkesh'e par Hauit oi Mnvnn York Hank. t id !Havvnre Citv Prude t"?Iteiief notes i dtstHk Wihnc'nA id-audyw. t-ni MAINE. M-arimTs Hk St Delaware pur nniik or W ("-tloek o dis ! nn n Hank. ihuinytou pnr AITeruitiie Mrf. i;:tii(?nr inots'lir I imcr s AHs 'hwnt banks ? dis OHIO. N'T.W IIAMI'SHIIti:. I AM anlveni bn tks AH Solvent banks I iMnfT H n't"9 under f VKII.MOXT. NORTH CAltOi fliiiik of St Alltana C dis) Ali olvenl Innlti Allaolvent banka ilis(t"t?L'iKler5st fdis S s 4dn N.. -2 dis "AID AND COMrOUT," To Yonr Own iTSt'tiianic. GEOTiGK liENX. MANtFACTfnrr. OF FURNITURE A XI) CHAIRS Cf the most Fasliiorialie Stjlo. 'T'HE stihscriher respect fully calls lh.- nriruthui of the puhlic to his Inrire nnd splendid assort- meirt of every quniity nnd juice nf if.lISBXEsT-WAESK. whii h cannot fail to ruLOiiiinctrd itself tocvery o;;e who will examine it, on account of i'.s dura! Ic vo,l:ma!iship and splendid iii,ih, n.adc up of t,e l est ttoi l; to he had in the ri' v. No is sj'ared in t'ae mpiirrf !cuirc of his wan, ni l the S'.ili.scvrher is determine. 1 to kriT njj wilh the many iinprocmi'ilts which ru" constantly Icing made. His stock consist-r nf M.;ho Tuny Snlii'i, lit-iS f .iitiirc.H, Burcaas, SccretArirj, Eidctoard?, SRI'A, BKElIirAM ANU lil.M.NS TAU1.HS, and also VENETIAN LI.INDs, cp'ial to i- dclphia manufacture. BEDSTEAD", of every pahci mi.1 priie, CUPBOARDS. WO! JSC AND CANI'LH STANDS. TOil.KT TAP.LKS AM) EXTENSION TAliI.ES, in short, every article in this line of his l"is!nc". lie also iiiriiiul'actures all kinds and ipral'.tics uf CIIAIllS, iirc'uiiins varieties never hn'.re lo !-.a.l Sunhuiy, sucii as Mimitixr, Blaci: Walxit ami Ofli!.Kli Matli: Or::.t n;, ; (Ii Wivnno!: C'lIAIUS, a Nir i-anct Pnvu fcroni.s, which r-.r. it t!:c latest styles, and warranted to he rxeclh-J l.y none niainrthcturi d in ihe Cities or ccv.hcsv. 'J'he suhsciil.t r is deli rnrini d tiiat there. k!i; he no excuse for persons to pun. hurt fnririturc in the cilics, ns eveiy eonfirt.-uce can he eriteitnintd nhout the ijiiaiiry and liiri.,h oi" his wa,c a:.d Chair?. His nrti.hs will he di-jio.-cd of cn ai ..cj terms as they can he pur.-ha-.-d i i-cwl.i :c. try Proihice taken iy puMirrnt forworh. ltiM L'NDEiiTAKINlf. Ilavinir pr.v.hl.-d hirrrsclf v.itii a haiidsoinc Hi.Aiisr, he is now preparixl for Lndcrlakiu', and alien. iins funi r- : ills '" "u vicinitv, or ul any convei.uiit i is, . .... J lance Ironi tins piiiic . 1 I'iT The Ware Rormi is in Market Pfcer, below Thompson's Store und Weaxer's Tr.crn. OEOIiOE KEN'N. Sunhury, Jan. 10, tf. CHERRY PECTORAL: For tUm Cure of COXTGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BIIOIT OHITIS, CHOTJP, STiT. rTA, viroorircrG-cough AMD COrJGUWPTIOI. Mui.y yr-.--s ..f i.-i.i!, iVM,-a ..f iin?;iini.- th-- t o! !lr r mi- frlflUV i.l tl..S ITU ..t " li Ml a, , rcc.:.. i II 3;; 1 ."iri ly l-y I ;ir I'Xd Fdli: m - i..i,i;'juif '.'plu ti Jii "l i'n li,fih!t. ;i.!itiii;; Lilt Its liiMuihir v ir:nr m.A lUv lliimiMn:;,:.!!,:.:-U-'in 111 c.iuu in .i n I t. .i..:ii.i 1 Ki-lU'i- u.n ni iLTiuie i-uii lii.iu.'am tiie rcjiut.-iii nit ti:j"Vb. mi on r r-in.ia-a i:irn-t n;i n tit! r.nmnnsiiy. I.ti I Iks-ii (1:b4-:tnl"(l. t!it ii.n Lat.itti tlv i,. l.a-.n t-.-f-ry U;j!, c. iii'.Tif I !.-iali;, an thr'..;.1i'ii liicy i-;ta li - " l".i,r' t, mill pr i;icfit tun. tut) nu.ncrmii u.iu rciuiuLa bit. I.c i ! r.i;tt-;i W 'n.i.- it .1 a i (:,..! ni lit? m:!.:;- t ;rotl.l thi any on m!:."nie will y (.irfiiMii t:.-if is ainji.(!jtit ',t-H i trie CiiCRKY liCT01tL il ten i i it only ns u Cftier:. Jims.. Iiit iiini al iuvuiiii!'. cure the niJiaU.ts iVr v.i.icii it IS C'HtJ Vi'f. A--; nun; nii!;rs t!if f.t-ts wi.Vr !i-ttrr !:u.'vn. ti.Js l'H.'.r,i.t ti .s!;iily ircint- ii;- 1,-n n-i.nuce tne tll.U'lcil. I iuii) t :e 1 v Oat.lii i A "il.-lit-ail l't-;i liif, j ttip i a.accst Ilnr.'i i; a.itt Kihh, 'I iiru:iui.n: tin i-aine cm.iity. in every Male, cii unci n-Jfcd uiin .jit Pvry Inii.'ct ir i' ii tit u rtiT-'iUL is kr.wii :ts t;,e !)fot rcfiiedy fx'imt :,.r ('ifcns.-s ( tin'iit untl Kui.-s, um.I ni inai.y (.iffiuu caulru-ii, it is c inii, t i lis rxt.-.i. vr y ucftl l-y tiit-.r ui'-st in'.cLi-.-iit !. ,,"iutln. In t.ital Itrilniii, L'ra.ire tu,l lieraiany, vlt- r. t' .- in-tli-a) itrui.crH Uve r H'iifii tlip.r hiyitt-t-t pf ;uvli"ii. t iiririsv I'trrt. hal is iiui-hiii-it). in 'instil, it uv in li.a Auiifs, 11. i., ii- tr.tS. A. il HtUlsfS, 111.. liiMitil.-'hi. ti:i:l in ti'i!r--:,c-prnciicp, hi tnr surcNt rtnic.,y their nitciiriinr 1'iiynrj u:i y i- r tl-e m re iai.-.'fi;inji mTi .: mis ( the I.inci. A'fei in niitiW crisrs, ntul f.-r rini.Ur n H s ruV, !r:t.ui( rjiiil t UVctr.iiI t.t oufi. t i"u-t . fc u-.c ( Hie in. st 11 ittiTniR tr-Mimi'iiii.'s w- rc.-riv' have I p-ii tn-m .Tirni;s w ii'i li u'e t'.tu;ul it e;iicuci'u i.i u.ises ariiculaiii i.K-uie.i. Lit! tn cliuutuxul. 'i'ne Ciiekut rtcTor.AL m imnufat'turrtl l.y n piatu-n! Chemist, tit. 1 1 cv-iy iir.-e t. n.,.1 i l is o: ii v c. Willi nu'nrirti It; ncnriu y iii:d t-nre. It is riJ n'A (imiti tl by law I'rt'in coiuiti-neiis. ,(,.-, ,iiv can be rvitcu on us genuine wuii nit litiultrrtt.ia. have ciulmvoretl here tr furuikh the Pontmtini'y wuh a int-tlieiue of such intrinsic su;hti irity an.i utnihas i it-sfif t,i nit-it poat:i c a n iu'ily at tu..-e Mlf. iptrettv ami cftVetti-,1, n tin, bnf bv rrpratnl ml cu'iitiess trials piovml itM-lf bi be ; and fust by reat care in pri-pani: it w:iii h-'ii.ical iKvurary, t f uiui rin streiii::h to atr-nl riiysu i,Ti h new ni?ent ni which ttn-y iiii rely for tiie; Ih-st rem us, and the a:Iliel wilh a iphip!' that do lr litem ad inut iiitrduine rail ili. Prepared and rtdd bu JAMES C. AY Ell, Practical Chemist, Lomll, Mais. Sold in Sunhury by II MASSEIJ, an 1 by Drurii.ts generally throu.ut llho t'lalc. November 13, 1852. IjceJiuo SUNBURY FEREY. EXRV VV. Bl'CIIER the puhlic that he hai taken tho iSuiihury l'crry and aa he is now well prepared with good and sulli cient crafts he will be enabled to accoinmodute the public with prouitucss and despatch. April 10, 1803. tf. Vuluablo IIooUm, LIFE or Christ, handsomely bound, D'Av Host's HisTour or thi Ki-hibitios, DltH Dtr-iiioii Kir LtliOLKS, full bounded. For aale kt the publishers prices by 11. B. MASSF.U Sunhury, July 14, 1819 OSE OINTMENT. A freah !upply of thi excellent article for Tetter, iVc., just received and lor sale by HENRY MASSEH. Sunhury, July 18, 119 GOLD FENS with and without eaae, of very auierior quality, just received. Also a freab supply of Writing Fluid, for sal by II. B. M A8-SER. Sunhury, Dee. 27, I Ml. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPEES At the Cabinet IT nrc Hooni or SEli'N IIOUPT & CO. Market Srtuare. Also al the corner of Fawn street tf the Railroad Thankful for the pntronnire of hi. f,i..i t customer, durimi the IT year, lie has lieen in husi ness in thisplnei-.hes.hcii, from il)r. puhlic aeon- hnn en. eavored o keep up w-i.h Ihe improvement, of the day, and has according extended his husi. . ss .,, eery nranei, r.u.1 variety. The puhlic an, stock of ' al"c"lion uf ' present CABINET WAHE AND CHAIRS. SEBASTIAN H0UPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their f, rstahlishment they now ninnufucture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs Lnrnt Spring Sent llockinsr Chairs Drtsxiwr Bureaus, Centre Tables ' .Marble Top Wash Stands, ' and a variety of other new style and r.Jiiojia,c rnrnilnre. Having secured a Hearse and made the nece3. sary nrran jements for the purpose, they ar. now prepared for Lndcrtakin, in all it, hrinch.,, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance Ye nnri minims, ., m, hualanila m, Ilcrfs rtiriiitiirs f fvi-ry alvlr nml has, from si.le lrar,l d. o kiuln-n ubles, Pr-m r-K-kiiitr i-lmira to i.-knitr eruills Sh.Hil.1 y,.u t ve llic r,s,ly Joi,, t p,y W c-ll wail aw lull- f .r a l,riKl,ierlrter Or take polaioss, nil., rrn, wltn, nil r)., . llnrk, h,,p r, ,, ,iv,,, r !,,,, wa d',rri Or any t!ih,s l,t y..k nml ihrnlnng Hails, Vfm I'itrs nml Inrliica il.iwn to Inllt iuml.. Come on thru frirmU, c,ime one awl all, Kfip limle a moving, so eann ihe liall.' Orders from a distance promptly attendad to and work of all kinds dditered with dispatch. Sunhury, March 9, 1650. tf STAUK OKF1UK. AVASII!(S'ro house, STJIiEUSY, FA. JAMES COVERT, Proprietor, "?rOI"LD rrspectfully nirnornice that he has f ' tckeit tliin ,. kiiinvn stand, where ha v.'.ll 1 c cnrrilh-d to fee aird entertain his Iriemla ninl t'.rc trivi llin.' jmi'. iir Kenera1ly. This horiso is now rrp'etr with every convenience, comforts. h. pie; sanily locntrd.' handsomely furnished, wi'.i v. ntil.sf rendering it in every re.pect a i!,'sir;ihlr stopriii place. No cT.i'i!sc has hecn spared in filtint nn this :i-e. 1 lie r'.nmicis nrc v., 11 fiirniJ'cd and the I.i and nroi,!td with the licst tha in..rKct cp.n The stable rieee.inmn.lations arc r. tensive and well culciilated lor tvnveiers. STAGE OFFICE. The :tnr;cs riiiiii'tii" from Northumberland to Fotlsvi'le, sl ip t this house, where tlirotiiih and wr.v In I.i Is ti I'hihidelphia ran be obtained. rnruhury, March 2l, l.?,'S. tf. KITFcE Si li NDELL, 4!.'i anlArr't Stmt, PHILADELPHIA. AVE estuhlislied a S tore where tli tf! -" trade now resort for Koi:fcho!d Dry Coods, I'rcinh I'ancy tlootls, l.'rcc.i fc'llUs and Miawls. Hosiery, (ilexes and ?li:i, Clotlis, ( 'i'.p.-:iiics nnJ clii;t.s, Yu. '.ins nnd Linens by the piece, D.iiiras'i Talilc Linens and Mupkiua, F.i'ent Ulai l; ilk for lJresses, l'liii tock of Monriiin (io.ds. 1". iV I., are eoiistantly rcceiMii Rurtrains from the .New York and l'l.iladchhia Aui llons. whuli tin v sell wholesale "a:rd rct.ul verv che.ip for Nell Cash. I'd.vaiiu E. I'vuk. Wasiiim.ton I. LcrLi., Philadelphia, July 3, IS.VJ. ly. ro:: 25 t i:ts. ny means tr the 1 1. or Every one his own Phvsinuii! TiiinTr- witll trp- M '1? tS vvanls oi' a Iiumir Ired enera private ilis- and f.irni. anil!'irlnatii)lis ol :&'tfi'irX '-il the tuer.iiive svstem, -.Vnf JV" I i I 1 111. KlllDT. 'I", e l.iac has ii.c.v arri ved, that jersons snlTcrii:? fro. n weret dii av, need no more become the victim or iii u kiji, in l y the pres, lipiious cor.t.iir.c.l iir this book, r.nv one nray crrre himself witlmi t hindrance is business, or 'the knuwlcdue of the t"'1-' imime friend, r.iid Willi onc t.'irdi the usual expense. In iiddition to the general rmitine of private iheae, il fully evplains the cause of in uih . -l's early de clinc," with ohscivalioiis on tiiarri;i?f lieside inar.y other deranenu rrts which it would not be proper to enumerate in the public I""111,'". I "y " Any person sending TW K.M'i-H1 h CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one copv of this book, bv mail, or live eopita will be sent for one dollar. ' Adoro.. Da. W. YOl 'Nti, No. l.V SPRUCE direct, 1'llILA UE LFHIA. ' Po-t paid. Dr. YOI'Nfi can he consulted on any cf the Di'ea.-ca ilcsciihcd in his dillcrcnt pubhea lions, at his Olii.c l.-i Sprnoc Street, every day between !) ami 3 o'clock, (Sunday! excepted.) Philadelphia, June 5, 18.VJ. ly. GLASS, DRUGS, PAINTS, &c, HllOIXStl.i: AMI Itl.TAIL. THE Philadelphia Window (ilass house, and Drug, Paint, Varnish, il and Color Stores, Nos. 33 in 3S North Fouilh SlreH. East side, has the largest assorlnici.t o I Window Prctuie, Coach, Case, llot-llouse, and other (1 LASS, in the city; eoniprisinj upwards of 15.000 dif ferent sizes, raiinh'S lf'i" S" sm rllcst s,ie, up to US by til) inches of Sheet, and as larjc ns 5 by 7 feet of Plate (ilass, includes Ensli-h Cravvn, French, Ccrinnn and An.eiua i, botli Sincle and Double Thick. Also, n larpe assortment of Very Thick Class, fir Skv-l.inhU. bulk Windows, Ac. The' Subscriber having a heavy Mock on hsnd is prepared to I'll orders at ' ' " ''"'"" ' ' and on the mo.t reasonable turns. I "'' of any pattern cut to ordf r. liiound While Lead ; Paint. Varuhh. of ev. erv description ; Turpentine ; Liiwcd Orl, lull ed and raw; Paint Mills; Put')" i Brushe. live Woods, Ac., cVc, Ac. And also, a lure supply of fresh imported DRUGS AND MEDICINES. J. IL SPRAfiUE. Noe. 53 & 35 Noith 4l!i St., E.Side. April 10, 1K52. ly. " jTlL ZIMMERMAN, JISMCi: r TIIIJ l'EACE, Suubury, Pa. Oflice ill Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. rW Monies aolleeied and ail business nionitlr and cars- full)' attended tfi. April 20, 1850 STONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al monds, F urres and Cream Nut. Planes of all kinds. Salt and Plaster. Just received and for aale by JOHN W. FKItlNO. funlwry, Pee. S, UI8. I