DEPARTURE OF OtN, TIEIICE FROM COMORO. Cokcoiid, N. II., Feb. 14. Gen. Pierce, President elect, left here this flrnoon, for Boston, (e i route for Washington) accompa nied by Sidney Webster, Esq. Numerous friend were present at the station, and took leave of him, but there was no other public demonstration. Ho will remain in Button tc-iiiglii, and be in New York to-morrow night, or Wednesday morning. The Cabinet is definitely and unchangeably foimcil, but none but those selected know it, and proba bly will not un'ill the 4th of March the nowff apcrs to the contrary notwithstanding. Gen. Picrcc'iRksiijekcc in Washington. Washington, Feb. 14. Gen. Pierce, it is said will take a private lesidence, during the spring and summer months, in this city, un til the executive Mansion is repaired and refitted. Condition or Mr. Fuller. Washington, Feb. 14 The condition of Mr. Fuller, who was shot a few days since by Capt. Schmim berg, is much improved, and the probabili ties are in favor of his recovery. MARRIAGE is a subject which has occupied the mind of Louis Napoleon for some time, and while the people of the civilized world have been expecting his union with tho Princess Wssa, ho suddenly wheels around and unites himself with a Spanish Lady, with as little cere mony as aeneililc people use when tliey go to Iiock hill & Wilson's Clothing Store, No. 1 1 1. Chcsnut street, corner of Franklin Place, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Nov. 0, 1S52. ly. cw. !T7PUIS0NIXG. Thousands of parents who use Vermifuge composed of Castor oil, Calomel, &c, are not aware, that w hile they appear to benefit the patient, they are actually laying the founda tions iur a series of deseases, sneh as saliva tion, loss of slight, weukness of limbs, he. In another column will be found the adver tisement of llobeusack's Medicines, to which we nek the attention of all directly inteiested in their own as well as their Chil.l.iMi's health. In Liver Complaints and all disorders Brining from those of a bilious type, should make use of the only genuine medicine, Hnbcn sack's Liver Pills. (7"' l'-Benot deceived,'" but a.k for Iliiben sack's Worm Syrup and Liver I'ills, and ob serve that each tins lh signature of the Proprietor, J. N. I10BENSACK, as none else are genuine. Ill A II It 1 E I), On Tuesday evening last, by the Rev. William While Montgomery, Ciiarlks D. Wharton, to Aliss Mary, daughter of the late Ma 1 1 i ii Iiviu, a'l of Sunbury. With the above notice the printers ac knowledge the receipt of an excellent cake, plump, round and spongy, and in no way curtailed of its fair propoitions. Wishing the happy couple a happy future, they hope they may bear living tcftlinioiiy against the libel of Peter Pindar, who says : Weill K'k'n n saucy. i:ut, fauiilitir Ktrite, AYhcre folks are very npl to tail lia'.e. On the 6lh inst., by John llotT Fsq., Mr. John BnAss, to Miss Sahaii Ki.:ne, both of Coal Township. On the 20th nil., by Uhv. Joseph Fiance, Mr. Andrew IIunyan. of Rush lp., North'd. co , to Miss Sarah Cuarhaht, of Danville. On the 25th ult., by the same, Mr. Tnroi as Nf.sbit of Notth'd. co., to Miss RttlECCA, of Danviilo. On the same day, by the same, Mr. Dan iel Lavcock, of Lewisbur, to Mits Nancy J Pl'ksel, ol Danville. On ihe 20, h ult., by the Rev. Mr, Ball, Mr. Forsyth Pf.triki.n, of Oruupeville, to Miss Maiiy A. Stonkhehulr, of ttiiarccck lp., Columbia no. On the 18th ult., by Jesse Weigel, Esq., Mr. John Low, to Miss Mary Ci.lavlk, both of Franklin tp. On the 20th ult., by the same, Hamiiton F. Clark, to Miss Marcarkt Reader, ull of Rush lp , North'd. co. i i i: u. iii Northumberland, MARY ELIZABETH, wilnf Mr. Philip Shay, and only daughter of Mrs. Elizabelh Wullis, in the 29th year of her aie. 'Leaves nave liieir time to roll, And fVnvers to wittier tit ilic north winds breath, A lid stars to set but all, Thm bast all seal mi for tbine own, Oh Death !" Scarce fifteen months have elapsed since the subject of this notice was led to the a! tar by her now bereaved and lonely partner. She entered upon the duties of her new re lation full of health and hope, and with as fair prospects of a prolonged and useful ca reer, as are ordinarily entertained at that in teresting period of life. And faithfully did the fulfill the sacred obligations their assum ed. But alas ! how quietly has death an nulled the covenant into which she had en tered ! How toon have the hands which decked Ihe happy bride for Ihe marriage alter been required to shroud her cold, un conscious clay in the habiliment of the tomb ! How brief the lapses of lime be tween the bridal salutations, and the lost faint farewell with no return of the penile pressure- of affections hand. But such is life "a vapor which appeareth for a little time nd then vanishelh away." The illness w hich terminated the connec tion of the deceased w ith this world was ra pid in itt progress, and of short duration To the severe tiiflering, w ith which it was attended, she submitted with the utmost pa tience, and with a fo'titude which excited the admiration of all around her. When informed of her critical situation, the intel ligence ai received with entire composure at well at a most manifest disposition to ac. quiesce In Ihe Divine purpose. She expres sed her willingness to live, if such ,was Ihe determination of her heavenly father, and ber readiness to die, if He had ihut appointed. At it became certain that death wat rapidly approaching, the evidence of her preparation for that evenlful change wat rendered more and more apparent. She was enabled by Divine grace to look the King of Terrort not only without fear, but with a complacency which wat marked at tiuusual by be profet tional attendant. Duiing the forenoon of her latt day, the conversed calmly but free ly, and a few fiiendt who were admitted to the "privileged chamber, where the mel net fate." AssuieJ of her title to the heavenly inheritance, and lhat all wat well with her self, the manifetted much coneern for those moat dear lo her heart, calling them one by one to her bedside, the faintly breated into their ear such wordt of affectionate countel, at her rapidly diminishing etrength would permit. For tome hours previous 10 ,lld ciot'ng scene, the powerof utterance wa lost. But the tame calm, resigned and confident expressions of trust in her atoning Saviour, continued to tho latest breath, and even left its peaceful impress upon the tenement of olay where its deathless occupant had fled. Of her it may with truth be said. "SI,o tela, As sets the morning star, which goes not down Bi-lilnl Ilia darkened went, nor hides obtture Among the tempests of the sky, but nulls uwsy Into the light of morning." The deceased possessed an amiable and affectionate disposition, kind and penile manners, and was eminently qualified both by nature and education, lo ilisi-hnryo with fidelity the duties of every relation in life, whether as wife, mother, daughter, sirter or friend. Her unexpected removnl has left a painful void in Ihe happy family of which she was Ihe chief ornament the soie beieavement sustained by her beloved hus band, and Ihe. unspeakable loss to her lender infant son, loo young alas ! lo realize Ihe value of a mothers care, or lo moutn tho loss of a mothers love, Ihe stioke has fallen with great seventy upon anaued and widow ed mother, and an aflectioniite brother. Nor docs the loss stop within the circle of weep, ing fiiemls. Her acquaintances, the society in which she has been piomineut. the com. muniiy in which almost her entire life has been passed, and the Presbyterian Church, of which foi several years she has been an exemplary und valuable member, have all been bereaved by this mysterious dispensa tion of God's inscrutable providence. But we sonow not as those who have no hope. Our loss is her unending gain. '-Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." While we mr urn and lapputfih, They arc freed from anguish, L'eli the forms that now dvcnr, Never are by heaven forsaken, ' For the dead again shall waken, Rise to an immortal day. There m realms supernal, Joy shall be eternal, Sin nor sorrow ere shall come ; Dearcsl friend no more shall sever, They shall dwell with God forever, In that glorious heavenly home.'1 I)C iHavkctj Philadelphia Market. Feb 16, IS53. Flour anu Meal. The market is dull ; sales of fresh ground for export at S5, and coud brands lor city consumption, at SSB a 54. Extra Flour is held ut &5.62 a 6.12 Rye Fiora. Lust sales at S4 i Corn Meal. Last sales ol Penna. at S3 Wheat Sales of prirr.o red at SI 18 ; and white at $125. Rye 1st in demand ; sales at 86e.ts. Coiin Is nrrivini; freely, ami pi ices are something lower; sales of dry yellow at 65 c and of white at 63. ' Oats. Sales of prime Southern at 45 anil Penna. nt 45 clu. Whiskey. Sales of bbls at 25c. and bluls at 244 els. Baltimore market. Feb. 14, 1853. GRAIN. Sales of Wheat to-day at 115 a 117 cts. for good to prime reds, and 118 a 123 cis. (or w hiies, Corn is in very eod supply Sales to-day of v Lite at 6 a 58 cts , and of yellow at 5'J u 61) els. The huge quantity in maiket, how ever, caused prices to give way, and at the close no more than 61 cts could be obtained fur yellow. Sale of Marj land Rye to-day at 80 cts. and Penna. at 84 els. We quote Maryland Oats sells at 40 a 43 cts , and Pennsylvania l 42 a 44 cts. WHISKEY. Sales of bids., to-day at 2U els. We quote hhds. ut 23 4 cts. sun nun y price current WllKAT. - 100 Uik. - -75 CtlllY. C- Oats. - 40 Totatois, 37 Ucttkh. -10 Enos. ... 12 Piirk. ... 8 Klaxskmi. .... 155 Tallow. -10 I)ti.sw - 25 Hei ki.:i Flat. - 12 Uaicn ArrLF.s. SO Do. Pt aches. - - ICO Flax New Advertisements- Assignee' 1'nbllc Sale of Vuluublc COAL LANDS, In teal Towuslilp, Northumberland County, Fa. THE following Tracts of very valuable An thracite Coal Lunila, will he offered ut pn!i. lie sale on THUHSHAY, the 3d day of MARCH, 1853 at 74 o'clock in the evening, at tho I'll lu dclphia Exchange, in the City of l'l iladtliiliia, viz ; No. 1. Part of the Buck Ridge Tract CONTAINING 212 ACRES, strict nifasure, it being the undivided one-fourth part of llucW Hidge Tract, which contains, hy es timate, in all, 848 acres, strict measure. Upon this tract there arc several Mines opened, and thereon are erected Four two story llOL'ULK M FRAME DWELLING HOUSES ; a branch Rail Road, about a quarter uf a mile in length, leading from the Hunluiry and Danville and PotUville Kail Road to the Coal Mines; and other improvements suitable for a colliery. Duck Run passes through the middle of this tract. No. 2. Part of Green Ridge Tract containing 937 ACRES 43 PERCHES, strict measure, it lieinjr the equal undivided half part ol urren Kulce I rait, which contains, by estimate, in all 1874 Acres K7 I'm lien, sl-iit measure. The Kunhury and Danville, an J PotU ville Rail Road passes through it, (near t ie mid dle) and also the IShamokiii Creek. Valuuti.e Mines of Iron Ore, and a great number of Coal Veins have hern discovered and opened upon t'lis tract. The prospect of the early completion of the Rail Road through this region some 30 miles fur ther to PotUville, and a branch of 8 111 lies to Ihe Danville Iron W orks and Ore region, render tlioe lands very desirable for enterprising men and capitalists. Conditions will be made knowo, and attend ance given, at time of sale, by JAMES D. LANG, Assignee of tieo. Heckt-rL Lancaster, February 13. 1853. It An Apprentice Wanted. The subscriber wants an apprentice to learn . . r. Til ...I ...:.!. A k.. 11 n. IS tne business 01 a uiimnu. . -years old, of good moral character, would find a gooo situation vy s,'r"j ' a of Ueorge immerinan. SOLOMO.V STROH. HunhtirT, Feh. 18, 1S3. SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. 7V"OTICE is hereby given that the undersiened appointed hy the Orphans' Court of Nor thumberland County as Auditor in the mutter of the exceptions to the account of Peter Hilcmnn. Administrator of Genrpe Grant dee'd., who was one of the executors of 1' nomas Grant dec d., here by notifies all persons interested in said matter, thst ha will attend to the duties of his appoint ment on Saturday, the 50th day of February 1853, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at his office in the borough of Sunbury. C. J. BRUNER, Auditor. February 12. 1S53. 3t. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The heirs of Abraham Eixlcr, dee'd., and al others interested, will take notii-o lhat the under signed appointed by the Orphans' Court of Nor thumberland County, Auditor to make distribu tion of the monies in Ihe hands of John J. Eistcr, Administrator of Abraham Eistcr, iler il., among the heirs of said dee'd., will attend, for Hint pur pose, at his office, in Sunbury, 011 Monday, the 26th day of February, iutt., at 10 o'clock, A. M. HENRY DONNEL, Auditor. Sunbury, Feb. IS, 1853. 3t. In tho matter of the Estate of GEORGE HALL, Deceased. THE Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Ma ry Hall, intermarried with George Zimmerman, Catharine Hall widow of Daniel Zimmerman, the heirs of Peter Hall dee'd., und George Hocy, Peter Hocy, Samuel Hoev, James Hocy. son of James Hocy, dee'd., hy his Guardian Jeremiah M. Zimmerman, the Ileus ol busannan Hoey, intermarried with William Conrad nnd Mary Hoev wnloy of A'icharJ Houghton dec 1!., child ren of Elizabeth Hall, intermarried with John Hocy. lineal descendants of George Hall, dee'd., an all oilier persons iiilcnstcd. GllLETINC. Northumberland County, S3. You arc hereby citeJ to be and appear before the Judges of our Orphans' Court to be held at Sunbury, on the lirst Monday of April next, then and there to accept or relucc the real estate ol George Hall, dee'd., in the boruui-h of Sunburv. Northumberland coiintv, to wit : A certain Lot of Ground situate as al'orciasd, front- inn on Dtackborrv street, adjoining hnnls of Ja cob Kable on the East, Edward Y. Urighl on the west, by a twenty foot alley on the north, where on is erected a story and a hall" House ond a Miop, which was valued and appraised at the sum ol Four liumhei! and 1 It v dollar in the whole, in pursuance of a writ of Partition and valuation issued out of said court, returnable to January J erm Is-io, or show cause why tbc same should not be sold according to the act of Assembly in cases made and provided. And therefore fail not. C'crtilicd from tho records of oui said Court at Sunbury this 13lh day of Janua.iv A. 1). 1S5U. C. UOYDPL'RSELI Dep. Clk. O; C. February 12, 1S.)3. The Commontccnllh of f In ihe Court of Com- i tuiisijlvauiii, -Mii-j limn fleas ol .unh tkumUrland co urnbeil.uid county ul L April T. 1853 Tho commonwealth of IViiiim Ivania to Gvnigu E. Geluiijj Administrator of Geoioy tonkin, Lit'.- 01 Chilisipnupie tuwuslnp, dee'd , und Elizabeth Youkin, widow, and 10 tho hens ainl leyal representatives of the said Geoio Vonkiii, dee'd., viz : Win. You kin, of Mu-hioan, Christian, inter married with Cook LlaWuu, ol Jerseyville county, Il linois, Geotgu Youkin, ul Lycoming county, Pens) Ivania, nnd Peier Yonkin, (who is now dee'd. leaving issue llireo childien, Eliza beth, Peter and Georye,) and to ull t lie heirs leyal leptesentaiives ol tho said George Youdiii, deceased. You and each of jou are hereby notified to be and nppee.r in our said Cottrl ut Suubu ry, on Slonilav, tho -4 1 1 1 day ol April, A. D., l'sji. to rhuw 11 iitivihiiijj 5011 have or knuw lu say why yon t-ininld not lo; made parties to 11 ceitoiii judgment, lately in our County Coin t ol Common Pleas belure our judges ul Suiibui y, lu it : in thu Term of Anoiist, A. U . IbjJ, by thu coiisideialiou ol the siid Com! recoveu-d inr.iinst Geoiue E. Gehrig, Adiiiinistiator asuluiesaid of Gearyo Youkin, dec',)., liltv-thie.) 00 100 dollars, lavvlul money, which to David lloldetiaud .M iry Ami his wi!u in oil 1 said Limit were adjudged for liieir damages which they sus tained us well by tu'ca-inn of ihe uou-per- Inimaucc ot aceilain piomisit ami assump tion by the said Gooi;;-! Vonkiii in his life time 10 tho sii.l P.tvi.l Holden and Mary Ann Ins wile at sunt Lonuly made, as lor his costs nod clniioca by tln-m about liieir soil in lhat bi'liall expended, and why the said David liolden and M.ny Ann his wife should not have execution noninsl 1 hi bonds of Ihe siid Geoiye Vonkiii, deceased, for ihe lelu and damages alures.iid. Witness tin) Hon. Alexander Jordan, Pie- sidenl uf our said Coint ul Sunbury, Ihis 1st day ol Febiuaiy, A. D., 1S53. JAMES HEARD, Proihv. WILLIAM D. KIP P. MiUs-iiPs Otiu-e ) Sunbury, IV.i. 1, 18:)3. J The Commonwealth of f In ti.c Court of Com. Pennsijlvtuna, .Voi- ,' ninii PU-ase of Noiih thumberland co. SS. "j iinibfilanil mnniy of April T. 1853. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to Georje E. Gfliutr, Ailiniuistiatnr of Geurye i link I il, Ian.1 ot Lliill-nuaiitit), tie- eeaseil, a ul lo all thu huirs ami leaal iepr. seutatives of ihe sal, I (Ji-oiyo Yonkin of said County, ileeease.l, viz : Mary Ann iutennar- liej vvi'.h David llolilin, of Cliilisquaqnt! Inwiihhip, PemiKylvania ; Cliiiiiiin interinar lieil wiit, Cook Cl.iyion, ol Jersey viile county, Illinois; W.lliam Vonkin, ol Miehican; tjeoige Vonkiii, (who is ileeeased leavui" Ihiee childifii, Elizabelh, Peter and George. I ami :o all lliu heirs and legal repivsenlatives ol sai.l du.'eiiM'd. You and each of yon are hereby notified lobe and appear in our s.ii.l Court at Sunbury on Monday ihe 4 1 h day ol April, A. D., 1853, lo stinw it any tiling j on liuve or know to say who you should not Im made, parlies to a eeiiain iii.l'-iiieiii, obtained lately in nur County Courts ol Cuminon Pleas, before our Judu nt Si.nhnrv, to wit: in the term ol April A. D., 1352, by Ihe consideration of Ilia said Court recovered against (icmue E. (ehii;, Adiiiinitrator as i.fires.iid of Geotue Youkin, deceased S16 20 lawful money which to David Hidden in our said Courl weie udjulaeil for his damages which lie sustained as well by occasion of the non-performance of a certain promise and assump tion by Ihe said Geoi;e Yonkin in his life time lo Inn said D.tvid liolden ut said comity made as for his co-t nnd rharses by him about his suit in that behalf expended and why the said David Hidden should not have execution against Ihe lands of the said Geo Yonkin, deceased, for ihe debt and damages uforesaid. Witness Ihe lion Alexander Jordan, Presi dent of nnr rail Court at Sm.bujy, this 1st day of Febiuary, A D,I853. JAMES BEARD. Pmih'v. WILLIAM D. KIPP, ' Sheriil OHiee 1 Sunbury, Feb. 1, 1853. J 4 ATTENTION, FARMERS' iU WElUiXICS' AUT1LLIC1J1STS!! YOU are commanded to meet I Market tjquure, Kunbury, ou TUESDAY, 22dofFeb., at 10 o'clock, A. M., fully equipped for drill. A court of appeal will also be held. By order of the Captain, bOLOMON RTF OH. O. 8- U', Tib. !, 153 . CHEAP WINDOW SHADE Depot and Manufactory L. XAILLE?. & CO., S. W. corner Arch and Second Strtett PHILADELPHIA. rrr very variety or shades, Whole- sale and Retail, such as Scroll, Flows r, Gothic, Vignette, Oil and Dry Landscapes, are to be had at Ihe lowest prices for quality of work. Orders for Gilt, Plain Store, Lettered and other Shades executed at short notice. Merchants nnd ethers are invited to give us a trial. WE WILL TRY TO PLEASE. Ur asses, Trimmiiiis, ic, always on hand. Remember I'. W. corner SECOND and ARCH Streets, Philadelphia. February IS, IbOX (Jin. Notice. A LL persons are hereby cautioned from land jJL i"g or securing logs, timber, Hones, &c., along the shore of our property, below Ihe nar rows, hercto'cro known as the Simonton or Mar tin fuim, below Suubury, without having first ob tained Ihe consent of the subscribers, or the tenant on the premises. GEORGE KEEFER, JOHN EVERT. February 13, 1853. 3t. CONRAD KERSHNER'S Estate. rjEKSONS indebted to the ctnto of Conrad KorshiuT. luteoftlie borough of Sunbury, umiun.iienanu county, dec d., are requested to j cull iinmediAtuly on the sulucriber and muke set- tlemeut. The uccoimU due tho eitute will be II. .1 I - . . . i tuncii-u uy uuo course ol imv, utiles paid in a very short lime. J. II. ZIMMERMAN, AuWr. Sunbury, Feb. 12, 1833. 3t To Ihe honorable the Judges of the Court of Quarter sessions for the county of or thu ruber land. The iimleriiRiHii petiti-mer rrspeetfullj- solicit! the Ilnn. dim t ;rjiti Jiiui a license to kccau Inuor tiivern Ht tlia h mse lie iuw ucciipits uluute m tiic u-T.'ii-li of .Norliium tttrliuid. II EX BY HAAS. We the under hi cued cilizensnf the b-iruth of Nortlmin heriuml, in Xoithuinbprluud c unty, Uing iicqtmmtttl with tliewiid lVlitioiier, du ccitiiv tlmt lie ii of gMid repute fT li"iit:y in id tt'inH'nnicr. hihI llmt lie is well pnividetl with Ii tiife ri-in and other cnnveiiiei.ces dr the uct'oiiniiotlutioii ul' itrntiprri and tniveliem. mid tlmt mi Inn ol luvern ia ne cessaiy t- r I lie ui-oonnncilahtJii c( rtruupcrs and tiuvellem. Win II. Wnples. Jn!. TiifTffnrt, jr. Win. KMiotl, Philip Pliny, A. 1'. Kiipn.'J. It. Print ly. Al. 11 Priestley, W. T. Foisvth, Aduin Ketlcr, John Wliuutiey, Alex. Cult, uuiucl Kllioit. l ehrtiiuy 12, ls53 .It To the honorable the Judges of the Court of Quarter sessions for the county of Aor thumberland. The utidertifrued petiiiiMier repwtfn1ly loliciti the linn. Court to 111111 her a lureuM? to keep un Inn or tuvern nt the li i use sl.t: u j w fecupies, situate in Little Muliuuojr town ship. KI.IZAIIKTII RAKER. Wc the Hii'lersicued citizens Little Muhunoy town ship, in X'-rtlmiiiUetHind r-mntv, benifi ncipininied with (he viid 1'eiitiouct.d certify timt nlie is u( k.hhI repute l"of li "iie!-ty and teinperunt'e, and ll.nt she is well provided with )mute rtKiin and otlicrr 'iiveuieiieeRfof the aecoiiimothition nl' siniiiers and irnvelUis, and th:tt an Inn r tavern is na ccss;n v f r tne accotnin iluti n tit sttaiipers and travellers. Ain-is Reed, (ieiirire Peitcr, Samuel B. DunkletieTper, IL-iiry UornMfc, Jaeou R:iker, Geoie ?wint.liarl, N icholas r.uslor, J E. Vim 11 un, S 1 in'iti li Mi, James tl Swiur hart, Ii ie I), Itakcr, John llensyl. Samuel S. Wagoner, J. DnnkK'her'ri.'r. 1'el ruarv la, Ib."3. 3t. To the honorable the Judges of the Court of Quarter sessions for the county of Yor thumhcrlund. The undiTiiuned petitioner respectfully solicits the Hon. Court to ijrnnt linn a licen&c to keep an Inn or tnv'eru in Ueoriretowii, Iowr Mahanoy township, in the h nse for inurly oeeunicd bv l'lnlin 5iutz. FRANKLIN FRYER. We the iiiiderfi?iic1 citizens of Lower Mahnnoy town ship, in Xorttpuutii-rlutid c unity, Ihiu; acquainted with the Pruvi-iuer, ri t crtnV that he is ot' koikI rejuie for honesty nn 1 te;npT;it:;-e, nnd taat he is wli provu'erl with lions r:-'in in il other ci'iivoiii' in'cs fur f lie ucennnti!iiti'ii uf Uraii-i-Tn and U; ellers. nnd that an Inn 01 tavern l neccs bury for the aceotnni illation uf strangers and travellers. Philip Spat, Andrew IHtty, Jaeih ltins;einun, John ltimei:tan, Isaac Shalj'tT, I wine l'eustcriunrher, Jacb DrriMhi. i IJ. Wriser, J dm H. linker. Joint Seder, Peter It irel, Michael 1-ahr, JusrpU Fcnstefinaclici. l'eliniaty pvij. 3:. To the honorable the Judges of the Court of Quarter sessions for the county oWor ihumberland. The undersigned petitioner respectfully s-l ci s tne Hon. Court to gami her u licftin t keep an Inn or tavern at the hoiiKe she timv cruies, situate in Market s'.reet in the borough of Suuhurv . CATHARINE BOULTON. We the undersiijnet) citizens of the IhtoucIi of Suubury, in Northumberland c mtitv, liein acqiiaiiUfd with the said PctiM ui'tr, ilo certify that hhv is uf fs ni renuie f irh 'uesiy and ti-ur ciance, and that h it is well provided with h nie r-Htiu atnl otht't conveniences f t the ace anmodati' m of straiitrers mid travellers, and that an Inn or tiivcn is nrcci s.iry i. r the aecoiiuiiod .tiou of strung -is and travellers. Jnn P . Piirsrl, Ocn C Welker, Win. II. Kipp. J bn Yoinie, W. T, firant, R. II. Awl, Fred. Iizarus. Win L. I)i va.f, J II. Master, II. 11. MiUtfcr, James Ucard, James Covert. P. Iizains. Smihury ,Fcb. 5. 1Sj3. 3t. rUJJLlCSALli. XN pursunuco of an order of the Orphans Court ot Northumberland couiitv, will be exposed to sale, on SATURDAY, ihe Ktitli day ol FEUItU AI!V inst., at It) o'clock, A. M., at the house of James Lee, in the borough of Northumberland, lie following dcscri-lied property, belonging to the estate of J. 11. lloyd, dee'd. A Lot of Ground, in said Doronli, num'.icred 45 in Ihe plan of the town, bounded north-east by an alley, south east by an alley, soulh-w est by King street, and north, west by lot No. 40. TWO CONTIGIOLS LOTS OF GROUND, in said bnrouch, Nos. .37 and 239, bounded north-east by Hanover street, south-east hy an alley, south-west by an alley, and north-west by lot No. i.'3'J. TWO CONTIGIOLS LOTS OF GROUND, in said borough, Nos. 174 and 175, bounded north-east by Queen street, south-east by lot No. 176, south-west by Duke street, and north-west by Ut No. 173, whereon is creeled a one story LOG HOUSE. J. B. SMITH, Adm'tor dt bonis nan, North'd, Feb. 5, 1853. 4t. SHERIFF SALE. BY virtue of a certain writ of Altai Vtn. Exp. to me directed, will be sold by public vendue, at the Court House, in the borough of tunbury, at 1 o'clock, P. M. on Monday, the S8th of Feb ruary, inst. The undivided three-fourths parts of a certain Tract ol Land, situate in Coal township, Northumberland coun ty, adjoining lands of John Boyd, Wm, Wilson, Peter Maurer, Michael Kroll, and Frederick Kra mer, contuining U67 acres, and 70 perches, with allowances, surveyed October 23, I7U4, and a warrant granted to Matthias Zimmerman, dated, Angnst 27, 1703. Siczcd taken in execution and lo be sold as the properly of John Suavclv. VM. B. KIPP, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Sunbury, i Feb. 5, 1852.- 4t. J NIGHT SCHOOL. 'I'MIE subscrilier respectfully informs the riti tent of Sunbury and vicinity that he has opened u Nilit School in the publie School rooms in this place, for the purpose of teaching the common branches of an English education, but inure particularly Reading, a branch too much neglected. His Terms are $1 for sixteen nights, provided scholars are satisfied. Fuel and Light found by himself. School commenced on Thursday night last to continus every night, until the end of the quarter. HOSE A W. ATWELL. Sunbury, Nov. 27, 1852 tf. EMEKSON'8 AR1THEMETIC Nos. l. 3. nd Porter'a Rhetorical Header, lust reeei d and for sale by VM. MeOARTY. j Pnntury, M7 1, !8JJ. GEORGE W ZIMEUMAN, VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, No. 61 Arch Street, four doors above Second, PHILADELPHIA. CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMEaNT OF BLINDS, Which fur tyl of finish and tvorkmanahip cannot 1 rurpnsd. WholonoU and Rruil at the lowest price. Alao TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES ANU REED BUNCH WHOlsEftALK, AT MAMTACTl'RERS' PRICES. XjT MERCHANTS and other ara invited to call and examine. PliilutV.pliu, August 21, 1S52 It. FUURTII ARKIVAL OF ST THE NEW STORK Of I. Ar. TENEll & CO., Nearly opposite Weaver' Hotel, Market St.) Sunbury, Northumberland County, Fa. Sj flJE invite tlio particular attention of our f f friends and tlio public to our Fourth supply of goods just received, ttlnpted lo the winter season. We have now a much larger assortment in every department than nt any tiino since wa opened in -4pril last; all of which wc are deter mined tJ sell at the same low prices which have hitherto secured to us such a generous support from a discerning public, and for which we beg to return our best thanks. Our stock consists of Dry Good 3, Hard ware, l u reus wn re, GROCERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, Sl.NCLE AND Dot BLED BARRELLED GUM, Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas snd Parasols, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Looking Olnsscs, W all .Paper fur Room and Window lllinda, Lemons, Nuts and Candy, Suit, Mackerel, Plain and Fancy Horns nnd Shoulders, Nails, Window Glass, Paint StulT, Oils and Putty, Car pet Chain, Cotton Laps and Yarn, with a variety of other articles. N. 11. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange at the highest market prices. I. W. TEN tUt & CO. Sunbury, Dec. 4, 18S2 ly.c NDW STORE. 15 EX J A MIX HEFFXER RESPECFFl'LLY informs the eitiicns of Sunbury and vicinity, that he hns oiiencd a new Btore in the room lately occupied by Ueorge bright, oppoi-ilc liolton's Hotel. lie has just re ceived a hundsome assortment of WINTER GOODS, consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: C'nllcocH, Ginghams, I,nwni, DIoiiaNCliiiC Uc Lnlncs) and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every variety. Also an assortment of Hardware. Irou and Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of ftTJEENSWARE, f various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of HOOTS & SHOES. HATS S: CAPS, a good selection. Salt. Fish, ic. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. ft" Country produce taken in exchange at the highest pri-es. Sunbury, May 1, ISS'J. ly. KRUPFS Premium Essence ol CofleC' Msrr! wk'II pro-n: i , ,' : lulu our lives by : '''"'li'lP'Uim,:. 7 HY will man tire that which i injurious to his health, wi en be Is willme to give all his wealth to restore it when it is lost ! lrnnge ! thst at least two thirds of the human fumily will use ordinary COFFEE knowing it to be injuri ous to their health. Krnpp'i llsfcvucc of COtlcc is, bevond doubt the best and most wholesome preparation of Coffee in the world. Every liouse keeper should have it. Try it nnd be convinced it will save aliout GO pet cent, beidey our health. V arranted to render entire sulioljction. Manufactured and for sale bv eli KRurr, 639 North 3d street Philadelphia. N. 1). All the princigal Grocers and Druggists have it for sule throughout the Lulled Mates. For sale by the Agent, H. B. Masscr, Sunbury, January 1, IH53. Cm. Tremcndocs E.ciTE:r.T .' '. Ciish, Steam, Klectricity ! ! The Aerial and ull other lines out done bij the Ltglitnlitn: Line or nxx t. clemj:nt 71IO, havine great faith in rapid sales and ' ' small profits, has just received ana opened a large assortment of FALL AD WINTER GOODS. At his Store in Mar.;et Street, Sunbury, which he oilers to the public at the lowest prices. His stock consists of a general assortment o Dry (iootls, iz : Cloths, Cassimrrs, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings, Jlluslitis, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin d Lams, Lawns, Ginghams, Berages. Silk Hats. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Mch, Women and Children. Grocci leu, Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese, Spi ces, Fish Salt, Plaster. HARDWARE, . Vix : Iron and Steel, Nuils, Files, Saws, &e. Q U E E X S W A R E , Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, c LIQUORS, Wiuf. Brandy, Ciu, Rnm, Whlskry, tc. rF Country produco of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market prices. Jan. 15, 1K53 ly. 40,000 SHINGLES. A GOOD lot of 28 inches white piue Shingles for sale at $10 per M. J. B.MASSER. Sunbury, Jan. IS. 1853. tf. 2MITir8 ESSENCE OF MMaTcTgiN. GER, a fresh supply just received, and for. Ml H. B.MASeSR. , Suarnrr, J. 10, H53. I ; ' I 1 .'-w.'1' uiiinit Krui'p's ' 11:1 .1 i ' ! ANOTHER LATE ARRIVAL OF CHEAP GOODS. FRILING 8l GRANT. RESPECTFULLY inform their customers and the public, that they have just receiv ed and opened the best and cheapest stock uf Fall and Winter Goods that hssever been brought to Suubury. Their stock consists of every varie'y of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimeres, Satlinets, Veslings, Flannels, Wollens, i;c, And all kinds of Full & Winter Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY COODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laiius, ISerages, And everv vaiietv of rouds snit&lila f.r t ... , , o- ... dies wear. Also nn extensive assortment of Caps tor Mts and Boys. Also a large assortment of GKOCEIUES, SUCH AS Sugar, Teas, Coflee, Molassen, Spices of all kinds. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a tiesh supply of niirns in Mrmoivrsi Resides ihe Limual iinil itiiiiurnl nsanrl. inenl of all kinds of goods to be had in this piuue. rV Country nrndiirn of nil Linda ti,ln in r. change at the highest market price. ounuury, iov. id, lb.r.. UA Penny saved is a Penny Eamed.11 MARPLE SliLANK 1JOOK MANUFACTORY, And Job Book Bindery, Market above Centre Street, Pottsvitle, Ta. BLANK Hooks bound and ruled in any and every style, in the most durable and sub stantial manner, with or without printed Heads. Person in want uf Ledgers, Dockets, Dav Bonks, Minute Books, Journals, Letter Hooks, Blotters, Receipt Books, (,'oul Ledgers, eVc., &e., or any kind of Blank Books, would do well to give ine a call as I pledge myself to give satisfac tion. Taper ruled to any pattern desired, l'ur ticular attention paid to Binding all kinds of old Books, Bibles, Hymn .Books, Godcy's Lady Bonks, treason's l'ictoriul, Graham's Magazine, Sheet Music, Sarhiiri's Mugazine, Shakspeare's works, Harper's Magazine, Life of Christ, Josephua's works, Law Books, &c, &LC. Any of the above or other bonks bound in full silt, plain or fancy to suit the wishes nf customers. I would again call the attention of my I'.icmU and customers, to the fact that I have been a Practical Book Binder for the last 18 years, and they can depend on havine their work done in the very best manner, nnd do the work myself; I use tho ltest puper &. material; give me a call iny charges are reasonable and fair, but there is no dilficulty about prices where work is done satis factorily. N. B. Persons having Ii.Ws they want Bound can scud them by stuc directed to mc sluting. the the style they ii-li them bound in: I will do them as low as they cun lie done any where, care fully pack them up and return tin in ; Also per sons can send orders fur Blank Books by mail, which will he punctually attcnd.iJ to. All work done at short nutice. R. L. MARPLE. Practical Book Binder. Poltsville, Nov. 6, IS32 Cm. GREAT EXCITEMENT. WILLIAM A. KNOBB, RESPECTFULLY iii'orrr.s the public gener ally that he has just received and opened the best and cheapest stock of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been brought to the county. His stock consists of every variety of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers, Sattinetts, Vcstimrs, DriU lings, Linens, Muslins, Jeans, and all kinds of Winter Goods. Also a spltndid variety of Lud ies Dressand Fancy goods, Calicees, Ginghams, De Lai net, Shawls, and every raricci) cf Goods suitable for Ladies wear. Also, an extensive assortment of Silk, Beaver, Fur If Slouch 7u'j A Iwae and well selected Assortment of Boots and Shoes of f fi eri descrip ton and size. Also, u larse assortment of Groceries, Such us Supar. Coffee Teas, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a large assortment of Hardware and Quecnswarc, Fish, Salt and Liquors such as Gin Brandy, Rum and Whiskey, besides the largest and most general assortment of all kind ofl'oods to be had in the county. All the above mentioned goods will re sold al such reduced prices as they can not be got for elsewhere. Country produce of all kindi taken in exchange at the highest market prices. Also, For sale a two horse spring wagon and buggv. Augi-statw sp., October 19, 1852 6m. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY. RUB1NCAM AND SELLERS, Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers in Confectionary of all kiiuls, Ne. 113 Norlli Third St. brlow Hare, PHILADELPHIA. TIHE attention of Dealers is requested to an A examinalion of their stock, which will be found to be at 1.K4ST equal to any in this city. FOREIGN FRUITS ot all kinds in season. N. B. Orders by mail or otherwise promptly at tended to. February 5, IS33. Cm. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. JAMES IJ. FID L Kit , So. i South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. Gold Lever Watches full jewelled Silver Lever do Silver Lepine do " Quartier do Gold pens and pencil and siher halJera Silver Tea and Table Spjona Bracelcta, Breast pins tar rings etc.. All warranted and sold M prices as low as try in the city. ' November 5T. !57 tf. KEEE IS YOUR REHILDYI Hollo way's O i n t m cnt. a most MinAciLovs ct rk of bad i-lcs. AFTER 43 YKARS' SL'FFtRI.NO. Extract q( a Letter from Mr, fPm. Galpin, cf TO, St. Mary's Street, Weymouth, dated Mcy 15fc, 1S51. Tv Pr Mtpr XTottoiriT, Sir, At th ege of 16 utf w'f (who it uow 61) t-nttfht violent c'd, which lettieiVm her Irpj. ud rvtf nm-f thtt ti in tin y huv been mutt or lew a.irv, nn-J grestly ihflumcd. Her aguiiici wet tl.'ilrsclmy, and l r month together Bht wni deprived cntirelv of !? and tlpp. Every icincdy that medical men adviaeil vh tried, hut without etTee j her henlth sufi?r?d "irverel)-, nnd llie ttm of bar kga wai tprriblc. I l ad oiirn your Adver tiaeineiits, and advistd hrr to try ynur Vil.a and Ointment; and, at a Lit rrai ( nfter ev:ry othr ramty hud prM ved uieleift, ahe ofm-iued tn d) bo. Slie comt net iced aix weeks and, atrnnfre t' rtlute, is now in triol Iienltli. Her let;e are puinleK. without tenm or near, and her lep sixind and itiidirintid. Could ya In-ve wi(nftd th ulTeriii)fn.f my wiie durinir t!.e lurt yus, uid eon traat thfin with her preat'lit eiij vinent of hmlth, yort wotiM iiideod ftrl deUehtful in Imvinf hceii tha mrrms of ao great I v allviatinr the suGtiirr cf a f-l!w-criaf nrg. (igiieil.) WILLIAM OALPiN. A rCRSO.N 70 YEARS OF AGE Ct RKD OK A HAD LEO, OF 3U YEARS' STANDING Copy of a Letter from Mr. U'm, Alls, Build tr cf Gas Ovens, of RushtliJJe, near Hud dersfitld, dated May 21st. 1S5I. To Prnffftsitr IIollowat, Sir. I au tiered fur a peri ;i1 of OiJrty ycara frrna a had! lee, the result of two ,r thre' UhVcrt ut Sfcidrnta at Qua Works : ocormimnied hy ."rbatir avmntomR. 1 hud ro- courie to a variety of medical udvice, witttnut tJenviny any benefit, nnd wjs evfii to! that 1 Vr leg must he ninpn tnted, yet, in upoaitiiin to tlmt opinion, your Pi Ms and! Ointment have effected a complete cure in w short a time, that few who had uut witnessed it would credit llm (net. (Signed) WILLIAM A MRS. The truth of this statement onn be verified hy Mr. V. P. Mirfiand, vhcniist, ia, Mnrxet Miuet uudueranclri. A DUEADFCL BAD IIRKA3T CURED IN CNF, .MONTH. Extract of a Letter from Mr, Frederick Turr.- ert oj Pcnhurstj Kent, dated December ISrt, 1550. To Prufes r, Drar Sir. Mv wife he:! v iTored from Hnd Krsn T r more ihun six tuoiilli, mid tlurn the vhoe iieri. d h-. the bit Micdieal utt(mi:uice, 1-ut b.i to no nr. Having I-'.-foie healed on awtul wound in my vxvu Iff. I v vuur iim- nvoli'jd inetiicine. 1 dutfrniiuid Hjrnm I ine your Pi.V and Oniniiient, nnd liicr'-fure tftiva tiiem a tritd in hci i tiv, and fortunu'e it wni 1 i.J b. for in h isliiuii a in- ntli n peticct cure wi.s eirfcted, and t lie benefit thut vnrhmr t.'h er hruiipl en o niy tuintly have li-rivcd frmn t'-pir wa reuny a'.onii.iiiii; i ivw strom-iv r .nni!id thpin to an my irituas igiietij 'RKij'K TfRNKR. Tle Pills RiiouM be c nj m-iat of th fotiowinj casjS : iji tlio Oiutrrent Hill I.e;s, ChieiTir-fiwit, Hud Bti-n'., ( hullloti. Ilarus, i;!tui ;.c.l limits, llilnioits, C'Tiij (Soft) TiftuL, (.ut. OLiMiHi'ar Swelling 1 .UI!l!JO Mill ol!- U3:if:c:s t ies & Suiul-l-'iiis, C intrrurieil r::.l Cocn.lmv, Sitilf Jum'., K!iipliantms, Sijri N.IlS, Skiii-t!i:ij'.iSLn, r'iirv; Tuliouie, l.':..rr. , I'lientnntitm Scr.'t's, SfM-o-L'-irns, fi rc-hcad8t WuUlK.S. Yaw a SoM a! the ni!iV.:..l:rr.ciit of I'rjf -jstr Kor.r.owAY, SM, Slruncl, (nirur 'l'oiri.Ic ll::r. l.mloit. ami I .y uil re-,;cr'tl,lo DruifuibtK nii'l llriiliTv it, M'.-Uu-iiR-k throughout tliti UritiKli Killure. .V tliouc ol' tlie t'nitrtl Sntf., in li 'Xesnt 3Vic , 70., anil 1 Olh-. pulIi. Vh,ilfciio l-y tlx." jirtiH'ijxil lruir hotiscs in the L'ui 'ii, autl Ly .Mt.-s; s. A.Ji. & 1J. rAMJ, NevYoik, V9 There Is a eonsidcraliie saving iy tailing ihe larger STZ.-S N. U. Directions for the cjUjulb uf pa'.iiuts in ever disoitlcr are alUxeil to each L''x. OctoUr s), 1-0'.', ly. Thu ou'y True Portrait l,' Was'aing'.un. JL'ST PL'F.LISilED, T. B. Wr.I.CIl S MACMI'KT.NT PORTRAIT OF WASHINGTON, EnMvetl (by permission) from Smart's only original pailraii, in Ihe Alhcuotim, Uutou. fl'UIS superb ptrtur'.. en-imvi-d iiiuUt llu? suprrmtrnd I cat'f ul THOMAS Sit , tiiu eiuiiicnt and highly girt rd artist, is ill? nn! cnci'l liUfiiess id' Wash ingt'tii evr jiuitlilicd. It JiLid bcfii fh.iructermcd as thu prtatt-sfwurk of art ever produced in tins ci'imiry. As to lls tidrlitv, vc r-Mcr t't ihe lct't;r of fii- miuptfd boh i.f WaeThmti'tnii, OKOKOK W ASIll.Nf.TON PAIMv CIS TIS, wlit a h, "it is n laiilii'iil rtrf i' 'i i 'the cel eliruled orit.iVil,n und to CIIIKF JITk K TAMA" of llits Supreme Court of !h L'nited Stolen, win) nays, "As :i work of nrt its exec llenre nnd bemity Mint ftnke every one who seen it ; nnd it is no let-s liapjiy m tts like.icsa to t!ie Fulher of Ids eoimtry It wan my pood fotttiiie t- have seen him in the lUr.sof my b w -d. ai .l wIkIu iitpeuru..te ie y-t Hii'.'iily i:.i.ii's--fd on i:.y tmni'Ty Tiiv ,t'rirait you liave if-vied aiiptMs to mc to be an likeness, reprt'vrniii r I ''rifc'ly ;! c t:pri i-ii -n as wc' i s the lot in and f ;ui;:res of tr.e kt'f;." And vty-.. ATOK "AS. it is a bo-lirtt: r -rr tiitaiioa 01 i-,c 'at-a.i ont.iiid. rilFSlDKA f FlMs.AiMKi: m-. 3, "tlsr w-r.; up L-ars t rue t" irive tuuji admirably rxe.-at'-d niivl cm.iii'pilv wor thy of the paitoaaycf iJ.e ,;.S Uc.' S.i; a .MAHCHANT the tm.uewt pirtrait .t..,u, ai, i tlie puj il of -irt. y ur p: :. l: n.y wind is n.ore r.-Mir!-;:d !e tii.m any o;ifr I have s -fa, fr presenting T "no wimV ui'livi.iit iiity of i'. a onyiaai poriiai, (cbc wi: 1 1 -e noble and diiiitied rc .!. of uir nr.'! i:i';:air. wi;! n n'! t c. rr saw hnn c- i:-fcidi-red n inaik..1 cl.aia; .'.':.-:.(. i-f i .c ii.u5;rioub man .( C.'iineMorateK.' For the pr-nt mer!s i( t! :k p..-' nr. v.-. wu'.i! r it eve ry l ivei oi Wi.Kiiiniin to t tw por.r.i.t itr?lf, tt l-e ee n nt lae o;H'iS i this paper, and to i..; letters of the Mi ; t,, Arlu-i!. Suitt'Hiiit'p. Jt;ri:;tn and arcompan) imr 11, AKT1TS .Ian-irtitt amt F..ot, ! Mt w oik ; Men p!i, lEota rna-l, l.Ljinb iin. oi l'inl;t b-ii !i.a ; Cluster lif'n'.hur, ol ii ; Frn-ier, of ( i,aiit;ton, !.'.; nnd tt the adopted vin of Wacbiiii'ttMi, 1 1 on. (iftrp V. T ifti.i. hmitrir n urtist. TA'i'i.M t :N. His lxeel lenrv .Milliard Filim- re, Msi'or den. Wini.tld K-ott. Hon (teo'ri;! M Dallas, ibm. Wiham 11. King, J lou. Danl.l Don. I. iiiu (J iyd. Il'-n. l.ewin i asw, ni, Win. A. drahaai, lion. John I. Kt-miedvt Hon. It. C. Vuuliroi, 1. 1.. D J I'HlS'l'S H ai. Uojri-r II Tanev, Hon. J. m DntT, Hon J..Iim McLean, lion, lUtus Tlioate. SCIK Ms Aft!. Chnrlea Foiwm, t!. well known Librarian of the ii st! 111 Atlieaeum, who ;. "1 would rather own it than any paiintti ropv i lnve ever seen K. 1. Whip pie. Itiehaid Hd.ircth, (nn. Fdw. Fverett. M,. D , Jnred Sharks, 11.. D . William 11. Fn seotl. I.I. IV, Vash!iatni livinp, liaiph V. F.nerit, l'j.. I'rof. T. C Fphaiu, J. T Ilciidlfv. Fitzdreen H .Medi, H. W. lnnfeliow. W:n. Oilmorf Simtns ; and I'liuM F.I IHU'l., I.oid T.ilfituiJ, T. H. Maenulev, Hr A' Abfcn. Iorrl Mavor of Iuulon, Ac A :. Af. Till; I'ltKSS. tlirouchont the en tire L moil, h ive u ai: o:c v i. c the uicrils of th't superb encravii'tT. To c.'nblr nl; to p. jsess this vntuahla treasure, it issolil ot the I iv pne' of per eopv. Pnhlihed try (H'.ORGK V. ri!II.Dr, N. W. comer of Fiidi m.d An-h vreets, rmladriphia. D. D. HVKIU.V, B de agent for the Simon of ),as. er;i Pennsylvania and Peiaw ire. This Portrait can n:):y be o'.-tulned from MR. BYEIt t.Y, r fr im hisdn'.y nmhonzed ncnts. Arranenit iit h ue U en mn-e with the Post Office Dtv partinent, y whieii copied of Hie portrttit can bo sent ti ttuv point, per mad, in perfecf ttder. peis-ins bv remittiix Five IVt.iaHs to T). D. BY EK LY, rhilniVtphia, wdl )mve a cpy oi the P rtriiit aent to them fice n Pornee. iy Mapnifieiit Framfs. gU up xprwly fr-r tliet Purtrui:a, furnished at tite low nrtce of 5,w each. .'ustIssued, A M APXlI'ICKNT PORTRAIT (if GENERAL JACKSON, Engraved bij T. B. WELCH, ESQ. the original portrait painted bii T, SI L i ESQ. This I'.irtrait will ! a rrnU-! f,r ll'.s Wasliini :rn, a. j ii in every r.-spct hs well trnt up. Price i.iMl ptTCipv. itllrrsialilni. l'hi!;i.lrlpli:a, Oi l. au Ifii CLOTHING ON CHETIT. Notice to all Dealers i t Ready Made Clothing, Ji:N X ET A CO. r.?uit ait, who purrluin n-adV i m I f'i..i,in t.n rr.riii, t call li 'IuWHI CLOTHING BAZAAR, and si the crrot ailtiiLtoeva tlicy wni liavr l-y pur.-ri:iii5 fur iah :.l mis rzleusiva sliiL!lh,r;eiil. '1 his. uurt tins ..:!-, is the prmriina 1.11 winch l,.ey denl with ull their nunii-rous ruskmu-rs wh, havn rt ii.ird thai ut tins Ih.i-ss no tir.ut in pr-durniR inj bst CI.O'i'HIXii, ul the Unvc-t p. prices, and that tire R,.iii ntn.e ut itrs hmise are .ir hrst ni:.ilr, mi i.MiuW-, aud much cheupcr ih.m anv otu.r U use cjiii uflurd lo sell Ihe s:i! quality nf svv,,ls, 'isinii fr i.u their Uirge maiiiifucliirmg unpniu..-,' laciiim,. snd their aeterxinatmu tnmantain the priuci ile of lirtn t:cn is ninsi Sl'lpJe unj "wmplete. Tne riicuisr atrention of merr-hnnts mnA clen.ers is Hv,vil. d, who are rcfjiiesteo loeall and jur'ce l. r Ihemselyes, os we are satisfied thru thev rnniiot fail t,. , " '' uiry win i.v. 111 pure tsi;i,a fnl rn.h at TOW -.11 il.i.i. ff ummV . ' ".: ." audSutil. - ,K,"U ' "U1 nnXNTTT CO.. Proline....... I'htlndrlphin, ll$, l-.'ii.. i,.. IIIkmoIuIIoii of rartnoritlilp. "pHE Coiartnrrshii heretofore umler si Hie name of James II. & Win. li. H ut, ia tins ilay tWuIveJ l,y the williJraw.-l of il,dlll It. Hart. The bunness of the Me- firm will , wtlleil l.y either of the undci si3iiil, at -0. Ci Norl!. 3J street. " JAMES II. HART, WILLIAM U. HALT, , THOMAS HAUT. rhiladelrhia, Jan. I, lis5i The un.lersiRiie.l, have tl,i. ,l,v forrUf j , ro. partnership an J wilt continue the'hUfines. umler Ihe name of James H. i Thomas Haru Thank, rul for r"'ora t!,ryrf lfu, fc , tent on of the.r f,i0at ,nJ the ,.Mie t thcir stock of GB0CERIE8. svhich will full ,n'j wluch Uiey iu JAMES H. HART, THOMAS HAFT. Fh-.!.i!rhia Un. I, IWI ws. t.