Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 19, 1853, Image 1

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    i u m
v i Li m
'.mm mm mi .mmji. ju -.Luuiu.t.-iuiuji;
.i.t.uiiy iifiu'jjjapti- iUciioKD to ijouttrs, iittcr.itutc, iiiointtiy, jjrorttnu aim Domestic Uctos, Science anU the SW3, Slflvfculturr, fHarlvets, (ffimtsrments, &c
MJ.W HtilUUS VOL. s. NO. -IS.
suxnuny. xoirniu.Miu:ni-AM county, pa., satuihiay. February to. is.":?.
THH AMKtllCAX i pnMishnl rvery f;iiunl.y t
TWO IUH.I.A..S per HHiiitin to lie pnid liatf yearly in
advance. Nt paper tliaooniinneil until all rrwirngi ure
All eummtiniciitinui nr lettcm o;i lmsitifM rdnling to
the ortico, to iinure uttentmn, tnuft tw TOST PAID.
Three cpie to one add rem, SnO
fct-ven 11 Dfi liMiO
Fiitern I) i li ttUOO
Five iMlan in aitvmicfl will pef fr tliree yeei'e ul
cnpLinn In Hie American.
On Satiate nr 18 linei, 3 timet, 81 TO
fcveiv BiilrfteiHieiil imcrliun, 25
One 5(iuire, 3 muiiUie, 3j0
Six innnthi, fi(K)
One your, but)
ItitsiiiefB Cnrds nr Five liuet, per annum, 3U(1
Men-h ints nrnl others, tnlvertianiT hy the
ycsir, with the privilege of inserting
jitrjrent udvcrrtismint weekly. 10 00
IV" Larger Advertisement, n per agreement.
11 usiness attended tu in tlio Counties of Nor
thumberland, Union, Lycoming and Columbia,
liefer loi
P. & A. llavoudt,
Lower fc llarron.
Vomers & Snndjrans, rhilad.
Reynolds, McPorland Si Co.,
S tiering, Good &, Co.,
OFFICE in Market street, Sunliury, adjoining
the (Ml'c.c of the "American" and opposite
tlie Tost Office.
litisincss promptly attended to in Nort'.iumbcr
land and the adjoining Counties.
Keren to: Hon. C. W.Hcgins and 13. Han
nan, Pottsviilc; Hon. A. Jordan and II 13. Mas
ter, Sunburv.
April 10,' 1835. ly.
Ojiee opposite the Court House,
Suiibvuy, Northumberland County, Pa.
Piompt attention to business in adjoining
r.B5 i:v, pa.
Tee. 13. 1 Sol. If.
TWemher 4, 1 ?2. tf.
SHOT. Woad Turning in nil its brunches,
in eitv style and at city prices. Every variety of
Cabinet and Carpenter work either on hand or
turned to order.
Hcd routs, Balusters, Kosetts, Slat and Quar
ter Mouldings, Table Lerrs, Newell Posts, Pat
terns, Awning Posts. Wagon Hubs, Columns,
Pound or Octagon Chisel Handle. Are.
rr" This shop is in STIl.WVUKURV AL
LEY", near Third Street, anil as we intend to
please all our customers who want Rood work
done, it is hoped that all the trade wif give us a
jr Ten-Pin and Ten-Pin Balls made to or
der or returned.
The attention of Cabinet Makers and Carpen
ters is called to our new stylo of TWIST
MOULDINGS. Printer'! Kigletatl per 100
ft, V. O. HICKOK.
February 7, 1852. ly.
u (i o k s l'. 1. 1. 1: it t
tWtrkct Slrcrt,
rUST received and ("or sale, a lie-sli supp.y ol
or Singing S.hools. He is also opening at
il, i. time, a large assortment of Hooka, ill every
L r l.itoriillire. eoiiMstiuir of
Poelrv, History. Novels, Uomances, Scientific
AV'orks,', Medicine. School and Children's
i..i.. ltii.l...- S. bool. Pocket and Family, both
wiih and without KngraMiigs, and every ol van
.... ..t iiimliim. l'r.iver Hooks, ol all kinds.
'and sale, Purdous Di
gest of the laws ol Pennsylvania, edition of 1S5I,
lirice omy o,uu.
I. ..!,. Ilrads edition of Blackstonei Conimen
taiies, ill 3 vols. 8 vo. formerly sold at S 10,00,
and now olfcred 0" ftc"u "JiS) ' ,lie low
,.r sr. iiii.
Treatise on the laws of Pennsylvania re
specting the estates of Decedents, by Tliomai F.
Gordon, price only 3M,uu.
v Vnvnwi and Adventures, all
which will be aold low, either for cash, or eoun
trv produce.
'February, 21, 155. U.
Frjni the Boat in Post.
Tjba used in all places or moling and privately under
uti. bruit .'s.
P in v i il jt ! who Innkest on till,
Bull liiL'h an. I low li g-iber,
Accept my t-nrni'st ny hihI rail
Auuinst this Gotham weiilher !
Mv coat i wt't, my liirl nr il.urip,
I've ni-iilier glove or hlo. kinir
I'vi" put llu Hpue, cold iiinl ei.iiup,
And my hat is truly shocking.
My pants now thic k oozins mnH
Weie whilom deemed "consutiinilck,"
I've pot a lever in my l.looil,
Ami a bad pun in my stomach.
My "liiill7' ah! spcret iiidiHii blush,
Who slolii lh poel'a Hnella !
Ili.i tears iliop biiny in thu sln-h
As he tri'.-s obhss tlio fellow.
Ths omnibiisses all are cranimect
li.' u pnu Ilei i-i 'it dreaminp ;
Wii iooki'd I i k u twcniy ul the damneJ
In a private stew bo ateiiminp,
Tin' Ibus idly nil their pole,
Ami iliip with stripy water ;
Thu cli'ik of the wtiulhoi'd iliunk and
At least Pin aure he augiiler !
Do tho.i, Pluvitis, whose kindness grant
Ituhel lor eveiy sparrow,
Lo.ik kindly on my mined pants
A'ld lii-nl my iiiiued ni.inoiv !
TIii-ii will I live so tuilil ;id meek,
And slum nil future shindies,
If j on will only slop the h-uk
Ami sllnl tin. in heavenly w indies.
I'NPLBl-lStlKD I-UTTIirt r.TOsl JOtlS H A"
DUl.l'll UF itu.v.xoiii:.
We have much pleas'ire in laying before
our reaileis, the lnllowin letter lium the
celt'hraleii orator and statesman, John lian
dolph, ol Rjaiioke. The Idler ol the Rev.
.Mr. Tiibtin explains the circumsluncos nti
der winch Mr. Kainlolph's Ictler ivas writ
ten. li's'tingtun Union,
Washington- Citv, Dec. 11, 1S32.
To the Editor ofiic Union.
Di'Ait Sir : Not satisfied to partake
alone of the mingled emotions of pleasure
and sadness, which have been awakened in
reading the following letter from the bril
liant and eccentric orator of Koanoke, I
s 'nd it to you for publication, that the rea
ders of the Union and the public generally,
may share in the sorrowful gratification
which I have experienced in its perusal.
It proves bevond question that, whilst Irorri
disease and other causes, Mr. Randolph cx-
i iited. on some occasions, an trrascibie
and p evish disposition, his heart was, nev-
heh ss, the depository ol some ol the
finest and noblest feelinga of w hich our fal
len nature is capahle. I do not accord lul-
ly with all the sentiments he has here ex
preyed, but in its general tfnor and spirit,
the letter has my most hearty approbation.
t is a heautilul specimen ol fraternal sym
pathy and affection, expressed in terms ol
end'-rness and propriety which I have nev
er si'en excelled. It was written to his
ha'.f-brother, the Hon. Henry St. George
Tin ker, on the occasion of the demise of
his oiliest sun, a youth of sinjular promise,
pos-essinj largely the personal and intellec
tual attractions of his accmplUhed father.
Il is proper to remark that the letter was
found anions the private papers of the dis
tinguished gentleman to whom it was ad
dress tl, bv his son, John Randolph Tucker
Ak, and ye shall receive; seek and ye
shall find ; knock, and it shall be opened
unto you. This was my only support and
stay during years of misery and darkness ;
and just as I had almost begun to despair,
after more than ten years of penitence and
prayer, it pleased God to enable me to see
the truth, to which, until then, my eyes
had been sealed. To this vouclisafement
I have made the most ungrateful returns.
13ut I would notpive up my slender por
tion ol the price paid lor our redemption
Tho following parasmph is published in
a French papef, the Journel dei res'is:
"A few dnyi (inse a young piil, rt'sidinji
npnr Charmes (Vosges.) on reluming fmm
Nancy, here he had been to receive 300
fiancs w hich had been bequeathed to her by
a relative, was overtaken on thu road by u
youiw man and a girl, who fell into a con
versation w i h her. SIk had plants! her mo
ney in a hand basket, and as the young man
yes, brother, our redemption the ransom observed that sho fiequenlly transferred in
of sinners ol all who do not hug their on account of iis weiuht, from one hand to
chains and reluse to come out Irom the ihe other, he oiTeted lo carry it for her, which
House ol bondage I say that 1 would not , ncrented The viiiimr man. nt the same
exchange my little poition in the S ir. of ii,ne ihrusl into si iome Ihinir of hi own, and
D.ivid, for the power and dory ol Ihe Par- i, .., n
... i , ikia i i ins iiiiift'i:. w 1 1 ,i-u ill, tu
r , (I c-
Creveehainp, they ull enlored a public, house
lo tuku some refreshments, and the young
girl, recicviiig the haskut from her male com
panion, placed it on the table by her side.
Tho mistress of Ihe honj, in serving
ihem, struck ncainsl I lift basket, which save
out a metjlio sound. he asked what the
basket contained, us was informed 300 francs
belonuiug to the young woman. The plan
of thu mistress of the house was wiihotit
loubt founed instantaneously, for, making u
si j. ii to the piil to follow her on, she said tu
her when in the passage, ''You are not aware
will) whom yuu have been walkinp; that
younz man is a very had character. Do not
ihink of departing with him." "What am J
lo do then'!" said Ihe ciil. ''Take your
basket and po down tu Iho celier, where you
will lind my husband Yuu can remain there
till the oihers have gone. Tin.' young woman
acted as the woman recommended, mid
when Ihe ticvellei were about lo depait
they inquired for their companion.
She has pone on before yon," said the
woman; You wnl overtake tier. ihe
ynuiilZ man urped ihc.pitl who was vi:h hirn
lu make nil the h.isie she couKI, as ho snn
ted to reeuver his papers. After walking
until late in the evening they over took no
one, but being met by two pendarmes, were
culled on uy them lo pive an account or
themselves. They mentioned what had
thian or Roman empires as described by
Milton in his temptation of our Lord and
S.iviuiir not fur all with which the enemy
tempted the Saviour ol man.
This is the secret of the change of my
spirits, which ull who know me must have
observed within a few years past. After
years spent in humble and coiittite entrea
ty that the tremendous sacrifice on Mount
Calvary might not have been made in vain
forme, the cbielest ol sinners, it pleased
God to speak his peace into my heart
the poace of God which passeth all under
slauding to them that know it not, and even
to them that do. And although I have
now, as then, to reproach myself with time
misspent and faculties misemployed ; al
though my condition has, on more than
one occasion, resembled that ol him who,
having one evil spirit caat out, was taken
possession of by seven other spirits more
wicked than tlie first, and the also ;
yet I trust that they too, by the power and
mercy of God, may be, if they are not, van
quished. Rut where em I running to ? On this
suhp'ct, more hereafter. Meanwhile, a -sure
yourself of what is of small value
compared with that of those who are a
piece of yourself of the unchanged regard
and sympathy of your mother's son. Ah !
my God! 1 remember to have seen her
die, to have followed her to the grave, to
have wondered that the sun continued to
rise and tret, and the order of Nature to go
on. Ignorant of'rc religion, but not yet happened, but the whole slory appeared lo
an atheist,! remember with horror mv im- ihe pendarmes a very unlikely one. Ho
pious expostulations with God upon this ever, the gendarmes apircd to accompany
bereavement "hut not vet an olheist."-
The existence of athe' m has been denied ;
but I was an honest one. Hume began and
llobbes finished me. I read Spinoza and
all the tribe. Surely 1 fell by no ignoble
hand. And the very man ( ) who
ihe young man back to the public, house.
When they arrived there the door was found
closed, and no answer was piven lo lhrn
when they knocked. The pendaimes at
last forced I lie ir way in, and found iiolhirg of
a suspicions character in the rooms above;
but in the celier was discovered the body of
ihe young wo tian cut up into pieces. The
husband and wife, who had perpetrated the
gave me Hume's 'Hssay upon Human Na
ture" to read, administered 'i3eattie upon
Truth" as Ihe antidote Venire treacle
against arsenic and the essential oil of bitter
almonds a bread and milk poultice for the murder, were at once arrested."
bite of the cobra capello.
Had I remained a successful political
leader, I might never have been a Chris
tian. Rut it pleased God that mv pride
should be mortified ; that by death and de
sertion I should lose my friends; that, ex
cept in the veins of a maniac, and he, too,
possessed of a child bv a deaf and dumb
spirit," there should not run one drop of
my father's blood in any livnv' creature be
sides in v self. The death of Tudor finished
mv humiiiati'in. 1 had tried all things but
the refuo;,. () Christ, and to that, with pa
rental stripes, was 1 itiivvn. Oil did I cry
out with Ihe lather of that wretched bov,
"Lord! I believe help thou IIIV unbelief';"'
and the gracious mercy of our Lord lo Ibis
wavering faith, staitreting under the force
Tor. First Nuptial Cii ambfir . Now that
bridal chambeis seem lo hate become a
neee.sary appeudape tu a modem hotel, il
will interest antiquaries lu look liack and
see how ihey were constructed in the 4 poo I
old davs of Adam and Eve." Satin and
L'old, mirrors and lace, me the modern ad
juncts, bul the nuptial chamber ot our lust
p.uei.ts, as described by Milton, wan far u-
peiior :
'lt vn. a placa tiy thu s ivervi;n 1'l.mter, when tie IramcJ.
AH tiling. 1 1 intm'a dviit;!atul usr, the rouf
ill' tliieL.'nt c -vert w.i mwuwii ilmde.
l-iitir, I tiiul myrtle, and wliut higher giew
(l firm iniil liHnuit Itim ; t u tithi-r ftulo
iiavk hk a no unco in A MOM; ST l.
Thcie is an article in the last number of
Putnam's Magiziue, wiitten by Rev. John II.
Hanson, a clergyman of woith, and trans
mitted Id Mr. Putnam by Rev. Dr. Hawks,
going lo how that we have n Uouibnn of the
royal line of Fin nee living unknown amonnst
us. Dr. II. bears testimony to the high
character uf ihe author, ami also lu the repu
tation for 1 1 nlh and piety maintained by the
person w ho is tho main subject of the article.
The object of this Mratite ailiclH is to furnish
evi(leiic that Louis XVII, on cf Louis XVIi
King of France, and of Marie Antoinette, of
Austria, did nut die in prison in 1705, as was
repoited lo ihe Fieuch Convention, but is
still alive and in the Slale of New Voik, in
Ihe person of Rev. Mr. Williams, a clergy,
man of the Piolestant Episcopal church, w ho
has labored chiefly us a missionary among
the Indians, and been generally reaarded as
a half-breed, is no other than Louis XVII.
A mass ul a' rang circumstantial evidence is
furnished evidence so connected, n ml im.
ply consistent, that il seems conclusive lo
show the fale of Louis Ihe seventeenth, and
that ihe Dauphin was secretly conveyed fium
prison to this county, and pli.ced amona ihe
Indu-.ns, in the uoilheru pail ul New Yurk.
"A French cenlleman died at New Oi leans
in 1843, named Coulanger, who confessed on
his death-bed that he was the person who
brniiphl the Dauphin lo Ihiscountiy When
the Prince de Joinvihu visited this country
in Ml. he soiiphl out Mr. Williams, and after
(lemaiulim; it conditional pledf.'" f secresy
from him told hirn he was LouisXVll, and ask
ed him to sin a resignation of his title lo ihe
Crown of France in favor of Louis Philippe
This statement, Mr. Williams nseit lo be
line; and, also, that not only did ihe Prince
de Joiuvillo afiei wards correspond with him
thioiioh his secielaiies, but that Louis Phil
ippe wrole (u him, (Mr. Williams.) with his
uwu hand, after the Prince's return. Louis
Philippe knew ihe Dauphin was alive, and
the name uf the l).iup:ii i was onii ted from
Ihe solemnities for il.e Depai'ed Bouibuna
during Louis Phi'ippe's r, igu. Another piece
of strong evidence is a statement that the
French Ambassador Genet, while in tin'
country in 1818, acknowledped in the pres
ence uf Dr. Fiaeci, and other gentlemen of
this city, that the Dauphin was not dead, but
bioiipht to America. As Ihe Prince de Join
ville, and other parties referred to in the ar
ticle are still alive, their can bi no suspicion
of an attempl M deception, mile. it be on
ihe part of Mr. Williams; and Di. Hawks
says all Ihe precedents of his character are
uulagoni-tic lo ihis idea. Mi, Williams has
not been the active npeut in bringing the
facts befuiu ihe public."
The Cmcord (S. H.) Congregational Jour
nal publishes the following interesting mt
mrvto mori of the lale Master Benjamin
Pierce : The blight and manly little follow,
whose death has awnkened so deep and tini
vetsal sympathy for Ihe desolate parents, was
worthy of all the affection with which they
cheiishi'd hirn, and of nil the hopes they en
teitaincd of him. A mere child ns he was
of only eleven years, he possessed a mind of
such rare sobriely, that it could not bedaz
zled by brilliant scenes opening before bi:n,
and lu which, ns was natural, others around
him were making aihision. It being remaik-
ed lu him, a few weeks ano, by a gentleman
quite intimate with him, lhal he supposed he
must be highly pleased and elated with the
prospect ol leaving dull Concord, and living
in the great ci'y of Washington and the
White House ; he replied he had no wish to
go, and only hoped his father would put him
on a farm and leave him there, as that would
be far more agreeable." Another asked him,
at a different time, w hat profession or busi.
ness he intended to follow. He sai l he
meant lo bo a faimei. But, asked the gen
llemnn how will you buy a farm 1 '-I will
win Is out," was the teply, "and earn money
enonah." Perhaps, said the gentleman, your
faihei will pive you money enoush to buy il.
"No," was the instant reply, ,:I w iil work
out and earn it ; my father has no more mo
ney than he wants; and if he gives me any
I will give it lo the missionaries " He had
received kind relignous in fictions from
his earliest years, which seem to have made
at) impression on his tender mind, and lo
have created in him, llius early an interest
in the cause of Christian benevolence. In
deed, be was often seen at the monthly con
cert in company w ith his parenl. lie was
also a member of ihe Sabbalh School We
are lull Ilia: vhen iheir pastor Bllempled lo
minister ihe consolalion of ihe Gospel to thus.-
heart-biukeu ami overwhelmed parents, soon
fier the fatal ucemrence, the only teply of
the failier was, in the laiipuapc of another,
Clouds and daikuess louud about him ; jus-
lice and judgement lire Ihe habitation u! his
throne." Such it belief in God"s universal
government can ulune sustain the heat I under
a stroke like this. May it be able to sustain
l hem.
Acnuthus :tiul e.icti ml. nous liu.liy shrub
of Ihe hard heart ol unbelief, 1 humbly ho- I t'ci.e.-d uj the vcrduni wall : each beaiit. iua tl iwrr,
of Virginia. Having been Ion associated PHl1 M'"1'1. :" E'1 ' he extended
wilh Ihe family or Judge Tucker in terms
of intimate friendship, I have obtained per
mission from Mr. Reverely Tucker, of this
citv, to dispose of Ihe communication as
mv judgment and sense of propriety might
dictate. I, there, send it to you for publi
cation, and bespeak for it e?picially the at
tention of those who, in the days nf other
years, were associated with its distinguish
ed author in the relations of personal and
palitica) friendship.
Verv respectfully,
Your friend and oli't serv't
Ssitimus Tustin.
Dilwortli, Branson 5 Co.
Import kus or &. Dealers is
Foreign and )umrslic
No. 59 Market St., I door beiow 2d St,
Whcro they always (feci on hand a laYgcstoc of
every variety of Hardware, Cutlery, &c.
Vm. DiHvorlh. H""y Lamhs,
Samuel Uranscn, James M. V auce.
October 10, 1S32. ly.
" ANTED. Pennsylvania lands fiom 100
?! to 20.(100 acres lor cash or traJe in ex
chsnge for ('ity property. AAmdy.OwicKi
Peal Estate Broker,
107 Walnut Sticet,
Philadelphia, January 1, 1353 2m.
lo me also. St. Mark, vii. 17 20,
Throw Revelation asid--, and I can drive
any man, by irresistible induction, to athe.
ism. John Marshall could not resist ine
When 1 say any n an, I mean a man capa
ble of logical and ennsi quenlial reasoning.
Deism is the refuge of those who startle at
atheism, and can't believe Revelation : and
my , (may God have forgiven us both,)
and mvsell used, with Diderot Si Co., to
laugh at Ihe cVistica! bigots who must have
Ins t.11 liu:s. r.ilcK, uml johb iniiii
llrnred UifiU tlii-ir tl iniinln-d hcuil. betwevii and wri-ui;!.l
l iuii: ; umlir fn 1 the vinti t,
Cr ens. unJ InuL-indi with rich inlay
Uriiidcrixl tini gr.iiinil, in re colored than with st'.'ne
Of c 'Sitit-Mt cmVtiit.
-Hurt- in tl ss reeffs,
Wilh ti iwers, guil.imla, unit sweet inuring lifrbi,
Enpouicd dcctieJ firat hor bed '
wriicr on health very jusdy condemns
I ho habit of lotiliping, in which a l.uge num.
R Ct)ItM".I.Il'. I. F. HAKKR. W. C.
Cornelius, litiker cj Co.,
MAM l ATi niatS OF
Lamps, Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, &c.
Manufactory Ko. 181 Cherry St.,
April 10, 1852. tf.
Lycoming; Mutual Insurance Company.
1 K. J. U. MA8SER is Ihe local agent lor the
above Insurance Company, in Northuinber.
land county, and is at all times ready to sffect
Insurances against fire on real or personal pro
perty, or renewing policies for the same.
Sunburv, April 36, 1851. If.
CHAIN PUMPS. A small number of these
excellent pumps ! beea received nd srs
Cfersd for sals by . . MASR.
Jsuoburv, Ne. , 1s5-
May He who has the power.ancl always
the w ill, w hen he earnestly, humbly, and
devotedly entreated, support and comlort
you, my brother. 1 shall not point to the
treasure's lhat remain to you in your sucvi-
viiijj cultured, anu their imiiner, nearer
than all these put together- No; I have
felt too deeplyhow little power have words
that play round the head to reach the
heart, when it is sorely wounthd. The
common places of consolation are at the
tonguci' ends of all the self complacent and
satisfied, from the pedant priest to the
washerwoman. (They who don't feel can
talk.) I abjure them all. The father of
Lord Russell, when condoled with accord
ing to lonn, by the book, replied : "I
would not give my dead son fur any other
man's living may tins tnougnt come
home to youi bosom, too ; hut not on the
same occasion. Mav the Spirit of God,
w hich is not Ihe chimera of heated brains,
t or a dei is ol artful men to Lighten and
cable the credulous, but is as much an ex
igence that can De leu ana unuersiooa as
the whisperings of your own heait or the
love vou bore to him that you have lost
may that Spirit which is the Comforter,
shed His influence upon your soul, and in
rline vour heart and understanding to the
onlv right way. w hich is that of life eter
nal! Did you ever read Bishop Butler's
Analogy 1 If not, I will send it to you.
Have vou read the Book 1 What I say up
on this, I not only believe, but I know to be
true that the Bible, studied with an hum
ble and contrite heart, never yet failed to
do its work, even with these who, Irom
idiosvncracv or dtsoroered mind, have con
ceived that they were cut off ficrna its prom
iifi of t life to come,
J . . ... , i.... ... ; .; - ... i,o,.i.i.
., , , , . . . . ,, Dt'l Ul 1M-. Til E I HI, 11 1 I " le jui ,v i. ii
milk, not being able lo digest meal. All .. ,. , . , , ,
IIO sav ; ' .ill curl i lh'iiiij uitiiiiuw ,b 1.
vustlv moio impmtauce lo health than is
easilv imagined
maintained for
llfisin is derived from licvelation the
laws confessedly. Our own is from the
sinie source so is the la!se revelation of
Mahomet; and 1 can't much blame the
Crooked bodily poi-itions
any lenplh ul lime, ate ul
Turks lor considering tbeFranks andGreiks ways injurious, whether in Ihe silling, lay.
to be idolaters. Leery other idea of one
God that floats in the world is derived from
the tradilion of the sons of Noah handed
down lo their posterity. But enough
and more than enough I can scarcely
guide my pen. I will, however, add lhat
no lukewarm seeker ever became a real
Christian ; for, "Irom the davs of John Ihe
Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven
I . . . I. .1
Hi" or standing posiure. wiieiucr fiecpiup or
. . n . . . i. . i. . . i I : r.
walking. 10 Hi wil l uie nuiit icaiiiup nn
siilTereth violence, and the violent lake it
bv force" a text which I rea I five hun-
red times before I had the slighte.t con
ception of ils true application.
i our brother,
J. R., of Roanoke.
To II. St. G. Tucker, Eq.
wutd on ihe slomach or to one nide, with
the heels elevated to a level wilh the head
is not only in bad lasle, but exceedingly de
tiimi' lo health. It cramps Iho stomach
pi esse lb" vital oipatts, inlenupis ihe fiee
uf thu chest, and enfeebles thu
function of the abdominal and thoiacic or
gans, and, ii: fact, initial. nice Ihu whole
muscular system. Many children become
humpbacked, or severely round houldeted
by sleeping with the head laised on a high
pillow. Wfien a persons finds lis easier lo
sit or stand, or walk or sleep in a crooked
than a siratphl one, such a petgon
At the Guild. hall, on Saturday, JamesGai-
diner and John Haw kins w ere placed at thu
bar, before Sir C. charged with
being fotitid unlaw 'till - in the citv sewers
Puliee constable 137 said be saw the prison
ers coming up Ihioneh one of the sewer gra
tings in Tliiopinoitoii slieel ; and having
(presumed lllein lis tu lln lr object in going
into llu) sewer, ha look I hem into custody,
when he found upon them eighteen live i .it .
and a key with which lliev opened Iho ei.t.
linos Sit C. Maii-h.ill luijiiiied how Ihe
pii-ouets got then living, when Gaidiner,
who (iiulei mik lite iilliee ul spokesman, ni.l
he was a masier ml caic'ier, and thai Ink
was hi us-istani. Ho hid been .it kind
of wink, (.(telling lats lor pailie who sup
p'ied the spoillup penile inc u id tin' wolend
tm a pond many yeais. bin Jack had only
been nine mnlilliS al Ihe pinles-ioii ; ihey
wete, i.evei iheless, veiy i cil in Iheii limit
ing t'Xpi.liliimt iiuilei ground, lieipietitly mu'
cecdilig in I'lpliiiiug iis.m.iuy us lioiu li lt l.i
si.My in uu hour. When ihey pol lulu ihe
sewen. Ihey kepi on lunniug and e.ili bu y
Iho litis us Ihey inn up Ihu v .ill.-, uiul tit
I hem iiiln a bap all nine, and allcru aids sold
1 1 1 -1 1 1 ul 2s. p I doi ii lo the h;miI.ii di ttlci,
who leUtile l Ihein ul 6. per doen. They
never injuied Ihe walls, and when liny iini
ihu conimisMoiieis' iiien in iheii railing ex
cursion Ihey went never lulei fried w ith by
Ihrm. On Ihe piesent occasion ihey euleied
lh.eir wuy ull louud W" hilt chapel and back lo
Cornhill, w hen tin nlh.-er met Ihein i inning
out. In tact they knew then way all through
London uiideipiotind. Sir C. Marshall said,
as iho Coin in issionei of Sew eis or I heir men
lid net complain uf m iuteifeie with the pii.
souers in their cxtiior.liuaiy ticetipaiioii, he
should not do so, ami therefore discharged
Il is said lhal the Emperor Nicholas
bieakfust on a cup of lea and a rusk ; dines
on a little lish, a cutlet of chop, with a bis'
cuil and a pins of sherry and water. In
thu evening he take a cup of tea He nf
fers from an internal disease, and is obliget
In be abstention. Upon this the Providence
Journal moiahzr : "Then what is the use
uf being an Emperor, after all ? With a
table loaded w ith every luxury, w ith cellars
stocked with the choicest w ines, he is oblig-
( ed tu live as modeiattly as a lean with an
iiirume of S 1.000 a year, and save a glass of
herry and wntei, he mipht a well be under
the Maine law, n lo be the En.peror of all
he Pitis-ias. He can make laws fot his
ibj-els as he pleases ; bul nature has made
law lhal is as bimli ig lino. I hi.n ns upon
r meanest self in his dominion. IL may
put to death ihostt w bu disobey Ins laws, but
lii. bey with pel i !, those under
Inch tie live A good niiiielile and health
make ils gratification sale would be poor-
exeh inged loi impel ial hoiiois. I he tiesl
gills ol God ate den lo ull hi cieatiires.
lie lien air ul heaven, the pine water lhat
uing finin Ihe fit till, taste us Ireslily and
as sueclly lo ihe poor man a 10 iho iich
veicise invigiiiiiiis linn, sleep tefieshes
linn, Ihe beauties of n.illire delight linn as
ell, ami in this h.ipjiy country, at least, the
wer id and mural impiovu
nt is a p eat. As humai iiy pingus es,
le diilereiice belweeu an F.mpe.ror und a
ommoii man giows less and less.
While the congregation were collect i:ig at
church, on a ceruin sccasion, nn old dark,
hard featured, skin and bone individual wo
seen wending his way up the aisle, and ta
king his scat near the pulpit. The oflkiptinsr
minister was one of lhat class who dpteMed
written sermons, and as for prayers, he
thought lhat ihey ought tu be Ihe natural nul
pouring of the heart. After the singing was
concluded, the house as usual was culled lo
prayer. The genius we have introduced did
not kneel, but leaned his head devotionally
on tho back of the pew. The msnister be
gan by saying :
"Fulher of all, in every Rge, by saint and
bv savage adored." l:Pupf,'!sa id a low, but
clear voice, near old hard features. The min
ister, after casliri-t an indignant look in Iho
direction of the voice, continued; "whose
throne sitlelh on the adamantine hills of Par"
adise," "Milton," again interrupted tho
voice. Tho minister's lips quiveied for a
moment, but recovering himself, began, ' ro
thank thee most graciuus latl.or, lhat we ara
permitted lo assemble once more in thy
name, while others, equally meritorious, but
less favored, have been cariied beyond lhat
bourne from which no traveller returns, ';
"Shahpeare:' interrupted iho voice; this
was too much, "put thai impudent rascal out,'
shouted Ihe minister, "Original," ejaculate. I
the voice, in the same calm bat provoking
The Law of DtvoncE. The Slate Com
mission to revise the Code have proposed a
law providing that in addition lo the case
now provided by the act of March 13, 1315,
ihe Couris of Common Pleas shall have
power to grant divorces where titlier of the
parlies wore minors at the lime of their
marriage, and il was coulraeted without tho
consent uf the parents or guardians ul such
minor, and has nut been followed by cohab
itation subsequent to such aliened marriage
where such alleged marriage was prucured
by fraud, force, or coeicio:-, and has nut
been subsequently confiimed by the nets of
the injuied parly, and where ihe parlies
have mutually agieed lo a separation, and
such sepaialii.u has taken plnce and been
continued for six years, e.xcepl whetu iho
application is made by ihe pally w Imeo
adullcious practices or ciuel and baihairns
treulmenl may have been the cause uf t'n i
sepaiatiun. The proceedings in such cases
lu be ihe same us those prescribed by the
above net and ils several supplements, with
the like n'jjht of appeal as is therein given.
The Boston Post .iys Miss Goodenow, the may be sure hi muscular )ilorn is badly
deianged ; and Ihe muie caret u' ne Ii lu
preserve a straight or upri jiu position, ui.u
gel back lu nuluiu again, the belter."
Work If vou would His- Richard
Bui lie being found in a reveiie shortly after
an eMrauidinaiy display ul puwers Hilar-
liameut by his bruiher Edmund Hurke, and
niiesiioned by u friend as the cause replied :
"I have been wondering how Ned ha
coutiivcd lo monopoliie all the talents of Ihe
family ; but then again I remember w hen
Alleghauian vocahsl, is man led to Mr. Rubb,
ol San r iiiiicisco.
Oh, ihe wni Oond enough brlcro
Till Calif irniu cunid nine,
And GnrMlcnnw )ie ii no more,
For liyman Uoblx-d licr niuidra name !
We think w e may add in thai :
I'tnuAM 'in GoikI en iufh itdce 1,
For Ihe mum lo turn jolitx-ri,
And visit Culiforuiu'i gklen ill ore,
To people Umu wilh Itons-eri
Chitago Journal.
Importing Cattle. The Cleveland 7cr-
old says lhat the cattle growers ol Madison w wera at play he was always al work."
The force of this anecdote l increased tt
Ihe fact, lhat Richard Uuike was considered
not iufuiiur, in uttluul talent, to his biuthei
yet the one iue to greuliiess, while ihe
other died compartively obscure. Dun'l
trust to your genius, young oie, if you
woulJ rise, bul ork, work I
county, Ohio, have organized a cattle im
pelling company, ihe capital stock, S 10,000,
all taken. The company will shortly segd
one of Ibeir number of England, tu make se
lections aud purchases. A similar company is
being formed in Indiana, wilh a capital of
From the PliiU. sun.
Till! maim: law.
The people of Jersey say, "way down in
There's a law to keep tipplers from drink
ing ; "
And one Mis Carlet, wilh Utter disdain,
Savsshe, loo, ha uKvav been ihuiking,
That il such u law in New Jersey were
And ihe grog shop shut up in a hurry,
The sins of ihe people, which now ate so
Would noi have a tendency to contribute
so much distress h Ihe woild, and people
would gel alung much belter : beside, il
would obviate, or leheve, Ihe sorrow which
her philuulhiopio nature now so miu li wony
George Pesbudit, Esq., ihe rich nud libe
ral American meichant in Loudon, has con
tribuled leu thousand doliais luwurds duftay
ing ihe expenses of ihe expidition in seati-h
of Sir John Fraklin, which is soon to leava
New Vbrk in Mr. Grinnell's ships.
The WonD Ladv, i.v the Bidlb. "Pen
Paste and Scissors,1' erred yesterday morning'
in slating lhat the w ord "lady," was not usr t
in ihe Bible. "A Lady Reader1' corrects,
and infurms him that the term occuis in th
Second Epistle uf John, first verse. Thu
fuse reads as follon s : "The cider unto the
elect lady, and her children, whom 1 love in
ihe truth, and nol 1 only, b'Jt also ull they
that have known the truth."
The remains of Ihe late Major Ro!n !,
who died in Sotilh C.uolii.a, in September
last, were last week taken to New HoKutiJ
for interment.
What h Man ! The Qmrteily Review,
in answer lu the question, "What is man Vt
says, chemically speaking, a man is forly.
ly-live pounds of caibou and nitrogen, dillu"
sed Ihruo-li live and u half pailfuls of wa-tel."
The English papeis tell us that swarms cf
abolition ugeiil aie now traversing England
idling a piteous story uboul Mrs. Stowe,
whom they lepiesent it living in a garret in
i a slate of wrelchcj deslilu'.ion aud sutlei
LoM! The Cupel Ua tell the
slut) of u pieacher who deliphled in long
sermons, and who mice exchanged wi'.hu
bio'ber pieacher who ulnii) deiiveted
'tm t one. At iho usual lutir fur closing
ihe service, Ihe people became, linen)", and
being iuspiiod with the love of w arm din
ner lather than long seinnuis. went out
jiltelly ouu by one, till the preacher was
loll alone w ith ihe sexton. Ihe pieacher
leehng lhal he must do hi duly, still con
tinned lo bl.ize away, till lhat functionary
seeing no piospecl ul a close, walked delib-
lately up Ihe pulpil si.urs, mid handing
linn Ihe key, requested ftc teoiila loct tip ,
i . .... . i. i i .... ... t i . . I
U'nen tie or iiiunri, unu i.ucc iai hey ui hi
house as he went along!
From the IMi.Ii. Sun
ciitK ion HiioMiiiTis.
Dear Sun : By icquest uf jour "Eight
Vear Subsciiber,'' I will endeavor tu give
bun u lew p.iiiiculars, a near as I can.
Fust, lor a child whose swallow is bad, thin
etioiign honey lu moisten and snoibe us
thioai, bul lu those w ho are moie uble lo
swallow, in somo cases imt diluted, but keep
in Ihe Ibroat us long as possible. Niphl or
daino air ought lu be utoidcd us much as
possible. Tu an adull I should lecotnineiid
piece uf flannel in his ciuvut. Honey is
rather scarce this lime uf ihe year. Buy il
any where, if il is pood. I saw some in
Arch, above Ninth, first rale. Lei il be giv
en a often as ymi think il is necessary for
relief. By tho kindness of our editor, which
cannot be said ol every one, yuu will receive
these bile I' rer.iaik
Yours respectfully,
QitCKN Victoria is stated to be in an intet
Mting situation sgain,
Ax old lady once said lhat her idea of a
great man was: "A man who waskeeiful uf
his clothes, did'nt 1 1 ink spirits, kin read ihe
Bible without spelling the words, and kin eat
a cob! dinnei on wash day, lo save thu vtim
mill folks the trouble uf cooking.''
The human bearl is like a featherbed
il miisl be roughly handled, well shaken, and
exposed to a variety of turns, lo prevent its
becoming hard.
Elwiu l"urrel, Ihe tragedian, htis receiv
ed mi otfer fium a New Oilcans Iheattical
manager uf $i,0l)0 per week, to act a series
uf weeks in thu Crescent City.
At the recent poultry exhibition nt Brim-
itigham, se-verul honorable ladies carried o'.f
prize for the best specimens of game fowls,
ducks and hens. Some paiis of favoriio
breeds sold for two hundred dolluis each.
Boston Ice Crop The Boston Transcript
uf Wednesday evening says;
The business uf culling ice fiom Spy Pond,
West Cambridge, was commenced )eteiday
tipoii three seciiun uf ihe pond. Aflei remo
ving the snow from the surface, ice lo ihe
thickness uf leu inches is obtained. The
woik is lube prosecuted day and night as
long as the weather w ill peimil. By the
ul steam power, upwaid of a thousand ions
of ice a day can be obtained. When the
woiks ara in full opeiation, a ton of ice is cut
und housed in n minute.
Fiesh Pond is nol yel entirely closed by
the ice, qniio a large space is open in the
centre of ihe pond. Last year upwards of
Ihiee hundred Ion of ice w as ml and housed
each hour, fiom this pond dining the ice sea.
son. By the improved fuciliiie fur culiin!?
and raising ice iimiii this puiul seven tun id
ice a minute is ths average amount secured
when men, borsst and Bmm are at wcrk.