Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 12, 1853, Image 2

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r.iOCItfcDl.HUS, OF I'lllLAUFLl'lilA CITY
Tkunla;) Evening, Feb. 3, 1833.
Select Council. Mr. smith called up the
following Ordinance, which was offered at a
previous meeting !
An Ordinance to authorise a Subscription 0 i
the part of ihu C ly to Ihe Capital Slock of
the Sunbury nnd Eriu Railroad Company.
Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by
the Citizens of Philadelphia, in Seleot and
and Common Councils assembled. That ihe
Mayor of the Cily be and is hereby uiliori
zed to subsciibe, in the name of (he Mayor,
Aldermen and Citizens cf Philadelphia, foi
ten thousand shares in '.Vie capiml stock of
the Sunbury and Railroad Company,
w henever a like tin m bar of shares excepting
hll subscriptions now already wade, shall
have been tubcribed, in conformity with the
provisions of the charter of said Railroad
Company! and in like manner for an addi
tionul ten thousand shares shall have bsen
subscribed as aforesaid by other.
Mr. Perkins offered the follow ins amend
ment, after tha word "subscribed :" ''No
portion of which shall be obtained from any
of the counties or boroughs which may have
already made subscriptions "
The amendment was agreed to.
The question on the bil1, as amended, was
called up. The yeas and nays weie cal
led : j
Yens Messrs, Cattell, PulTee, Hulchinsom
Perkins, Smith, Thomas, Waterman, and
Wctherill (President)-8.
Nays Messrs Hagart, r and Watt
The bill was psssed.
Common Couscil Council then took np
a resolution fiom the other Chamber, provid
ing for a subscription to the Sunbury and Erie
Railroad Company of one million of dollars,
upon condition of the same amount being
olherw tse subscribed, and an additional one
million upon the same condition.
Mr. Randal submitted an amendment, pro
viding that the City shoul.l be represented in
the Board of Directors of lha Company, in
proportion to the amount of its subscriptions,
and advocated its adoption as a matter of
right, good policy and of interest to the cily,
Mr. Orns expressed the hope that the
amendment would be agreed to, coucurri'g
entirely in the views of Mr. Randal.
Mr. Diehl was decidedly in favor of the
main question arid, in discussing the amend,
ment, ho held lhat the merits of the original
proposition were fair subjects for discussing.
Me took strong ground in fnvnr of the sub
scription. The Sunbury and Erie Railroad
would in his opinion, bring a very large local
trade to the city, beside lhat from the Lukes
-the latter amounting to one hundred and
ninety five millions of dollars ; it would be a
dividend paving stock, nnd was in his opir.ion,
better than that of the Penns) Ivauia Railroad
Company. lie animadverted upon the su
pineness of Philadelphia in not taking advan
tage of the means of making the cily of Phil
adelphia what the ought to be, in influence,
power and wealth, the first city of the Union.
He spoke of the neighboring cities and States
availing themselves of tho trade of the West,
and sucuring ihe means of wealth und powei
by a spirit of enterprise.
Mr. Deihl quoted the adage that 'procrasti
nation is the thief of time,' emphatically ad
ded that procrastination had been the thief of
Philadelphia prosperity. He adverted to Ihe
fact thai Philadelphia hud lost a valuable
trade with various poi Is in Europe and India,
in consequence of her apathy. The time was
when seven vessels, richly laden with goods
from India, arrived in one tide, and now il
would be astonishing to see that number in
seven years. He was opposed to the amend'
ment, because he thought it would em bar.
rsss the proposition.
Mr. Randal renewed his advocacy of the
amendment. He was out and out in favor
of Philadelphia interests, and he believed the
course proposed by him would conduce to
their protection.
Mr. Uriscom was in favor of proposition to
subscribe, and although he liked the features
of the intendment, he would not vote for it,
because it would tend to em bar tats ihe origi
nal proposition.
Mr. Walborn, i ri quite an energetic speech,
advocated the subec.iption. He wanted
Philadelphia to show her magnanimity, and
to go into the weik with spiiit and determi
nation. He said lhat the charter of the Sui
bury and Erie Railroad Company, allowed
the election of members of Council.", whereas
the charter of the Pennsylvania Railroad
Compiny, does not. He was opposed lo the
amendment, which was calculated to clog
and interfere with the original proposition, j
Mr. Randal, after an explanation, with
drew bis amendment.
Mr. Hinman pioposed to amend, by provi
ding thai the subscription shall be made by
a transfer of the bonds of the Peusylvania
Railroad Company hold by the city.
After some debate the que.tion was taken
and the amendment was lost by a vole of -yeas
2, nays 14.
The question then recurring on the first
ection of the ordinance Mr. Orne moved as
an amendment, an additional section, provi.
ding fur an appropriation of one half of one
per cent of the iiveome fiom the subscription
quarterly, to Ihe sinking fund.
Several members opposed it, on the ground
lhat at the proper time tbe necena.y meas
ure would be Uiea to secure appropriating
to the sinking fund. When the amendment
as disagreed to.
The question was tbea taken en the tesolu.
111)11, UlU II WM fUCU VJ BS lUIIOtt'lllg
Yeas Messrs. Abbe, Deihl, rwin, Gris
com, Hausell, Porter, Pohl, Randal, Thornly,
Walborti, and SnowUen, President II
Ntyi Mvn. Copelaud, Hinman, Orne,
Foulsort, Wiekershain 4. And was passed
Rail RoiDs vs. Stumsoits One of the
Idest steamboat ewtwrs ui the North River
has been beard to predict that iu nine year
from the present time, there will not be
eteamer en the Hudson ; they would disap
pear sooner than that, but nine year was
the utmost limit. "Say what you will," said
he, "people prefer the rail reads, end the
boats must die." We, bowerer, prefer the
a of the steamboat.
Louis Napoleon in bis man Lisa with
Madu-ll Montijo, as in his other important
acts, she Ws lhat ha has a decided w ill of his
own, which is not to be moved by the opin'
ions of those who dictate a policy different
from that which pleases himself. Some re
gnrJ his marriage as an act of excessive
weakness, nnd think that he should have
stiengihened his position by an alliance with
a Princess of some of the powerful reigning
families; but Louis believed in destiny, and
it is evident t lint ho considers il his destiny
lo rule Franco by the force of his own grnii.S:
and of borrowing strength, lo be t,ble
to lend iu to all upon whou his Imperial favor
shall happen lo fail. In his speech to the of
ficers of Stnle, he offers very good reasons
why he should please himself I.' so delicate
II. B. MAlSHIt, Editor anil Proprietor.
To Adtmtisshs. Th eirculntlon of ths Bsnhury
American among- til different towns on III Fusquehsmis.
it not exceeded if equalled lijr !? paper putihahed in North
ern 1'eiintylvsnia.
a mutter as the choice of a wife, r.? consid
ers it beneath Ihe dignity of an Emperor, to
liHalnras Notlers,
llnr:n's Mioazijx. Tho February num-
ro beeeiiiL' for a wife, among the scions 01 uer oi wis excellent magazine, coruai...
- . .1 . I I l l I 1 . il.W !.. .fit.. 1.
royally, ond that such marriages usually suo- ai cuapicrs or jacon . nuou s memoir, or me no.
stitule family interests for National wenure. ly i.ane, jonn a. c. adiious OKetcnes oi -spo-
He does not wish an alliance w ith any of leon Bonaparte, and Dickens's Bleak House, all
royal blood that which fills his plebian illustrated with numerous engravings; together
veins being as good as Ihe beat of them. with tho conclusion of Bulwcr's best fiction,
The new made Empress is Ihe daughter ot .y ixovei, and a a variety or original and se-
Count de Tebs, a Spanish nobleman, and lectcu matter nd.ipted to the taste of every class
Miss Mnria Kirkpatrick, the daughter of the of readers. We may truly be said to enjoy the
U. S. Consul at Malaga. The Mother is golden ago" of literature, when so much e-iter-
still living a widow, and is with her daugh. taming and profitable reading can be obtained in
tor iu Paris. The falher died some years 1110 most finished typography, for twenty five
., .! i ..
since, leaving two daughters; me ewer
wears, by marriage, the title of Duchess of Annicus' Hosts Gizbtti is an excellent
No mails were received at this place and
Northumberland from Philadelphia, Har
risburg, &,c, Irotn Sunday until Thursday
last, in consequence of Ihe freshet, which
rendered it, perhaps, impossible on one
route, and inconvenient on the other. The
road along the river to Harrisburg has been,
we are informed, somewhat damaged, but
between this place and Potlsville, we have
heard of no obstacle, excepting the loss o
the Uut bridge over the turnpike, at this
place, which renders it necessary to go a
lew hundred yards out of the way, to get
over the rail road bridge. During Monday
the communication between this place and
Northumberland, though not entirely cut
off, was r.ot open for vehicles, but on Tues'
day carriages passed between the two p1a
ces. But still it was not convenient to car
ry the mail, nnd consequently Ihe Haiti'
more and Harrisburg mails, due here on
Monday morning, were led at Northum
berland until Wednesday and the Philadel
phia mail, by way of Potlsville, did not ar
rive until Thursday.
At the next letting of the mail contracts,
our citizens will insist, that the clause
which is supposed lo exist in th" present
con'ract, viz. "to carry the mail when
convenient," shall be stricken out, and
that the mail contractor be required to car-
Road. The Finegrove and Lancaster Rail
road Company has been organized by the
election of Mr. C. Spangler, an energetic
and wealthy citizen of Philadelphia, as its
President, and we are assured lhat the con
struction of the road will be commenced
next summer, and be completed in about
eighteen months from that lime.
KFThe Dauphin and Susquehanna rail
road which is now making, connects the
Central rail road, six miles above Harris
burg, with tho Philadelphia, Reading and
Potlsville rail road at Auburn, eleven miles
below Potlsville.
Aiva ami nerwica. x no jo,.nS t.uu...p, pm.ncauon anu was ruucu improved in ,he mai)s wh(,nifVer the roads
f rtiii.l ia aKnni 1 icon 1 1 - Fn II f Vftnrc of Annparinra Icsinlsr I '
UVUII Ul 1 W - , I m BUUUI ' " vuij awua j . J J ixvi y I
age, tall and in form, with red
i ble lor common carts, ox-teams, pedlars and
Glkos' Co.Mesio5 The last number of . oran crinders, at a speed which shall not
this pictorial contains the portraits of eighteen of ' be lp lhan a me anJ a ha,f jn an hour
our U. S. State Senators. i .r r .. ; i -i .t j
I anri an nan. uui joKiug asuie, me oay ni
AsstnKR's Sir.s Some valuable coal lands , deliverance is near Bt hand. By May next.
are advertised for sale, in ibis weeks paper. I Wt. shall have rail road communication on
hair and pale complexion, large radiant
brown eyes, and nose and mouth of exquisite
beamy. Endowed with uncommon w it and
spirit, she speaks French, English, Italian
and German with as much fluency as Span
ish. A proficient in exercises of strength and
adJress, she rides wilh the boldest, ond the advertisement of G. L. Miller Sc. co., for an an. p0iigvill which pmM,- n tn har ''" statement, correcting Ihu falsehoods that
( We have been requested to publish
the following statement in regard to the
lale unfortunate occurrence on the West
Branch Bridge at Northumberland, Ly
...l: u - t .i i t . .
which a lenow ocing came near ueni"
hurried into eternity, by violence nnd
bloodshed. As we had no desire to excite
any prejudices against any one in the
statement we gave of the occurrence, in our
paper !asl week, we do not, therefore hesi
tatetogive Mr. Vandyke the full benefit
of his explanation. We are not sufficient
ly well informed, nor have we the inclina
tion, to deny or affirm any of the fads set
forth in Mr. Vandyke's statement, and are
perfectly satisfied to wait until the matter
is legally and fairly investigated by the
proper tribunals.
Feb. 7.
Mr. Bergstresscr, a petition from sundry
citizens of Cameron township, Northumber
land county, praying to change the place of
holding the elecliun in said township.
Mr. Frelz, a bill regulating Ihe salaries
of Associate Judges in ihis Commonwealth-
Mr. Biirgstresser, a bill authorizing the
sila of a school homo in Turbut township,
Northumberland county.
Mr. Kilboum, a resolution relating lo the
final adjournment of the Legislature.
Feb. 8
Mr. ICuiikul reported a bill to amend the
charter of the Pennsylvania Rail Uoad Com-
Mr. Ruckalew reported a bill to increase
tha salaries of this Jodgcs of the Supreme
Court, wilh an amendment.
Mr. Lowery, of Tioga, repotted n bill
from the Judiciary Committee supplementa
ry Id the act regulntiug tho Slate Courts.
Mr. McCuslin, from the Committee on
Militia, the bill lo enrol the citizens and or
ganize tho volunteers, with amendments.
New Aclvcrtisenienti-
To the honorMe the Judge of Ihe Court of
Quarter sessions for Ike county of Aor
The mulprnlfii'd pciitiniirf respocl fully aolicita Ihe TT'-n.
Court to Rniitt him n lii-niae tokrepnnlnn nr favem In
(inirRi-t'M-n, t,"vr Mulimmv t'lwiiahip, in the h use for
merly uccimicd by l'liiltp Spntz.
11 1 FrtANKLIN FrtYEIt.
Vfe th mulei-nianed cilizrn nl Lower iM itmnoy (own
hip. in Niirihnmltrrlfmd c 'itnly. IWriff nrrimiititrd w ilh lha
rrniinner, d-, i-erlily that ho iii nf p't-'il repute f"r h meaty
and Icmpemure, and tlitit he ia well pmvided with liiua
rnom nnd other mnvenieiirea for lite nceonun"da:i n of
triiiinem nntl ImVpl.Vre. nnd thnl nn Inn oi tnverii ia necea
aory lor the arconim -ilniiiiii of atrnitfrera and traveliera.
Philip Ppntr, Andrew Uittv, Jn-h HiiiRrmnn, John
ninpemnn. Iwne SiiTiflir. Iw;ini- l-'pnlilrrmnrlier. Jneob
Dreihrliiie, f II. Weiaer, Inhn I?, tanker, John Seiler,
JVii-r n irel, MiplmH 1,-ihr, Joseph Fi'iiateriuacliol.
Februniy 1853. 3t.
The heirs of Abraliam Eister. ileeM.. and ah
others interested, will take notire th:tt tlie under
signed appointed by the Orjitintn Court of Nor
thumberland County, Auditor to make distribu
tion of tho monies in the lmmla of John J. Litter,
Administrator of Abraham Kister, i1eetil., smonj
the heirs of said dee'd., will attend, for that pur
pose, r.i Ins oinrc, in buniiury, on iMontJav, tha
Stli Oay ol I chrunrv, Inst., at 10 o clock, A. M.
HENRV DON A EL, Auditor.
Sunbury, Feb. 12, 1S33 3t.
drives four-in-hand wilh the most skillful. assortment of Window Shades.
In fact she is called a fast woman, and lather
shocks the nerves of the properly prim, by (7- We are indebted to Messrs. Berg
doing pretty much as it pleases tier own 8,resser Waterbury, and our old friend sue cons.uerao.y J h R. , f legislative favors.
n-v nuntMiiu. qub la a epuuaviumau, hu?iius
the bull fights, weais the most magnificent
costumes, makes speeches at dinners, gives
toasts, (lirts, flounces, and acts altogether like
a spoilt beauty and a high spirited lady. She
onco came near having a matrimonial alii
ance wi'.h the Duke Ossena, the tiche6t
grandee of Spain, but this gallent nobleman,
in a fit of jealousy, threw a chair at her head
for flirting with another, which caused two
or three duels. In Paris her conduct, it is
said, has been more circumspect, but though
As various false arid unjust reports have
been put in ton iu refeieueo to ihu
fight between my young m,. William and A.
V,. SimrunM. ii.-i Hit Wmb, ltr ti R.i. In., ..,
Wisdow SusDr.8 We 'refer our readers to the rreater Dart of the route between this ' Northumberland. 1 feel it mv Jul v 10 ni?blih
and Potlsville, which enables us to bear ; t-inpi.i, correcim? no .ai, tt, a
our present ills.
(IF" Some of our subscribers complain
that they do not receive the Ameiican by
due course of mail. Our papers are all re
gularly and punctually mailed every Friday
Philadelphia has at las', taken a bold and
decided stand in relation to this improve-
On tho evening of the 31. of January, about
nightfall, William, Francis Ueuner and my
sell were crossing liie b.iilge towards North
uinbeiland. William, ns 1 uflerwards ascer
tained, had been diiuking more than was
Assignee's lt:Itic Sale ofValuublc
In Coal Township, Moi-tlitimhi-rland Couuty, Fa
rfIHE followiinr Truirio of erv valuable A 11
lliracite Coal Laiiil. will be oflered at pub
lic STileon TUL'USDAV, the oil Jay uf.MAKCII,
1953 at 7 J o'c lock iu the eveiiinir. at the I'll h
dclpliia Exchuiii-, i.i the t'itv of l'l iiaileljihia,
viz ;
No. 1. Part of the Duck Kiile Tract
strict measure, it l.rin the timliidcd one-fjurth
prut of Itm k Kiilge 'JVact, vliieh contains, by es
timate, iu all, 818 neics, atrii t measure. Upon
this trai t there arc Fcveral .Mines opened, mid
thereon are erected Four two story iHit'HI.K
a branch, about a iiuarter of a
mile in length, leiiilin from thu Suuburv and
Danville uud I'o'.Uvil.c Huil Komi to the Coal
Mines; and other iinrovcieiiU suitubie for a
colliery, liuclt lain imssoj thiouuU the middle
ot tins tract.
j j.o. . I art of (.ireeii Kulo I ra.:t containing
The heavy rains and sudden thaw, on
Friday and Saturday last, caused a flood in
the Susquehanna, which was within IS
excluded from aristocratic circles, she was inches as high as the great flood of 1816.
received at the Elyseo, where she inspired The lower portions ol our town were par-
uou.s wunme passion wmcti lias resulted tiaIy jlulI,dated. The superstructure of
in making her tho Empress of the French.- lhtf Gu, bri(J wa, CBrrid gcvera, huadni
rniia. Ledger.
good for him. Neariho middle of the biidge strict nieaure, it I cii.i; the cijunl uniliviJed half
we met a Horse uml stem h with two men. I part ol lrecn hulcc iia.-t, v.buli c diluiiis, by
metlt. One that will not only redound lo : walking on each nide. Va were on foot, I estimate, iu all 187-1 Acres 87 Perches, slu t
. ,-, , , , . . ... . i our aieion as aneiu o us, tli iven lv another ineesure. l ..c unnurv anu Uanvi k on.l rott
hcrcred.t, but place her m a position in . rwin" Wjiilro oWrvJd t!)(J hr,e " j ville Kail Koad tl.rcuS:, it, (near the mi,:,
regard to the grnat trade of the Lakes, lhat wanted to know what it was iloius lhero. dr) ad also the Shamokui Creel:. Valuab.c
,;il t... ,r.. ik. r!Hodi,l not corno near tho hnre. Al this 1 Mines of lion Ore, and a re .-eat num'rr of (.'o-.l
mil niauit 11 t iu ugi, koililil noun VI c . , -,- . . . , . , ...
. r, . .' lime, Simpson, who was iliivm", made an i ""'' -e been oven d a: d opened e-pcii t .;k
all her rivals. I he city councils have re- iril,i,jn? remaik, eallin- Willi
solved to subsciibe Two millions of dollars ' son of a bitch." This led to nr. niiercation, i Ths r-0"' h? e.-.rly con.i I lion rf tlie
. ,i . i r,u o u i v r -i ; and an utiack by Simpson on William, wilh : I"a'1 i:iJl1 U;j!' f0,lc ll"'is rui"
to the stock of the Sunbury and Erie Rail- ft ,rjittf ' , to Potuvilte. and a brand, of 3 m!te. to the
road, upon condition, it is true, that at ': times. Mv son bein- only a boy, and not . L'aiiMlle Iron orli and Ore regi.m, vender t'ue.e
equal amount shall be obtained from other i ''lf as l.trje as Simpson, I thou-h: il piudent ! '"'' 'r" 'Mo "' 'V'i'm J
1 i lo l:il. turn nwn, i 1 1 . n K. ...... CupivJUS B.
souroei. This additional subscription, it is ! (er nL, jnHnence' of liquor. I did so, and : L'lll'lition will be made k-iuwa, and attend
said, will be obtained without any dithcul- , l'''' mm ul a rapul gait towards the town end ,
i.. ti,:. r. i. .,.':.,. t,J.t ! of tho biidiie, leaving Reuuer considerably ;
IV. ilia, mil uic mu u in uiu uumu, t ni , ,1 c? ,
J . . , r I behind. L'ircctly Simpson, who appeared lo
subscribed, will give the Compiny a capi- i be in liquor, handed tl,a Imeito the man who
! Ul of six millions lo start with. The esti- ! him, and started in pursuit with his
he:i, at tir.:c of eal, by
j :,:i:s u. lank,
A,-i.;ncc of l-eo. flecker'..
Lane t!e.-, Tchrua y IJ. 1S&3. it.
yards down the stream, and the bridge over I . , , ., , . . .... i whip in his hand. Comi.ig up to Francis
Recaptcrino a Slaver. A letter from the Shamokin creek, a mile below town, -,, , , ,
n . I.. .I. N' T . T.... I , . I.i . ". -'rt"-
navana, in uie iew luu rosi siaiea mat was entirely swept away oy tne current
ono of the slavers recently captured by a xhp water rose about six inches over the
dollars, and yet pays more than six per Simpson rat. on, 1.1 full speed, lakin;
cent on that amount.
embankment above town, and inundated a
portion of the low ground. Two or three j
'I ' I L.. il.. C..KU..... 1 T7! . I ...:il lh- nnd rf ll, hri.I,,. SirrtTicitn f.rr,, ,,-iil.
,, ,, .j, , i l j U'Juu'i out me ouiiuuiy unu ii le roau win , , ' -r.-i-.."--" - .-j.
the embankment a foot or two hioher, and . ' ' .. . , . i us, and attacked mv boy with
rr.akins the embankment over the Grant , ' " " m W"P. "lsl 1110 '"V"'1' "ie" w ilh
British war vessel on Ihe coast of Cuba, was
forcibly retaken from the possession of the
prize crew by a party Spanish soldier. Tho
sjldiers boarded the vessel before da) light,
and effected their purpose before resislence
1 I . l Tl - T", l'l. . . , r 1 .
luuiu ue uiiiuu, auo jjiiiiiisu eapiaiii iiiam- I .u . i...
;iir,n nra,,u,l f . Un,..i;,,. ....I farm, would have secured everv nortion nr i
,i,ui.u ,u, iiiiuibuiaig iuuiiu ic, uiiu I 1 ----- --
manned his boats lor that purpose, but the the town front the flood. We heard of but
Eugluh consul interfered, and advised wait- little damage, except the inconvenience of
ing instructions from home. Capl. Hamilton, the fillin!: of a few cellars on Front street.
it is said, consulted wilh Capt llollins, of the an,i iome in lhe neighborhood of the eut.
The rail road and the rail road bridge, suf
fered no injury whatever.
eiiuer. he grab'd him rudely by the shoul-
The New York and i der, ami wanted to know who we were.
r.: dj ...kt-u i, i... I Renner told him ho did not know, that we
I ' ! were stranger, Lut as lha little follow was
. sarr.e trade, coat nearly thirty millions of j intoxicate. I, lis would bei:cr not meddle with
lhri blU-or tllli-L- i.f ll,H Kri.l.T, rj,.dr Ik..,,
There can be no started to run, taking the upper At
th cud cf Ihu bridoe. Simnfton t-.imn nn witli
i us, and attacked mv boy with
i.:. ...i.:. ti i. . i. t t. . . . i . . -. l
A LL prrsj:is ore hereby cautioned from land
XuL ii'S l'r iceuring lo;s, timlcr, ttones, &c,
alon; the t'ooic of i ur properly, below tho nar
rows, hc.cto ere known as the imonlon or Mar
tin l.irni. below Sunbury, without having first ob
tained tho coiifeut of llie subscriVn-ij, or tho
tenant on the premise.!.
i IVbnp.rv 15, IZZ.ZL
Ihe butt end ll had an ivory handle, and
was broken tn pieces on Willium s head. 1
U. S. sloop of war Cyane, who advised lhe
retaking al nil hazards. But ho decided to
await instructions fiom home. The papers
make no mention of lhe event.
TitADE or Japan'
article in
-It is estimated, by an
C7"The late freshet has considerably in
jured the Susquehanna division of the canal
ITtr.KSnK ill,l.'l,!,l t !!, r:-,U. .r I'nnnl
IC7 The TelecraFH Wines stretched I dow" n,'' S'i "Sainst one of the pillars to : JL Kcr.duicr, late ofll.e boroe.jli of Kui.t u:y.
9 it,mlu I lun, Al tin a tnnmnt (I.. ., , , .. .
. ' in ioc ;ortuuiiiiieiianu cotiinv, uec ci., are requested to
apai', and Simpson rushed for my gnu and ; call immediately on the" sulneriber and luuiie s?l
look hold ol it. 1 also look hold of il lo pre- j tlcmcnt. The accounts due the estate will be
yenl his bieaking il or irjuring the boy wilh collected bv due cour.e of law, unless paid iu a
it. They then ran loiiether, and ul ihis time i verv short'tinm.
In the matter of the Estate of GEOEFE
HALL, deceased.
THE Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Ma
ry interiiiarried wilh Cieorgc Ziuimcrman,
Cutharine Hall widow of Daniel Zimmerman,
tho heirs of Peter Hal! dee'd., and George Hoey,
I nter II ucy, Samuel Hoey, James lloey, son of
James Hoey, dee'd., by his Guardian Jeremiah
ul. Aiinmcrinan, the Ileus ol Pusaunah Hoey,
intermarried with William Conrad and Mary
Hoey ttidoy of .'icbard Houghton dee'd., child
ren of Elizabeth Hall, intermarried wilh John
Hoey. lineal descendants of George Hall, dcc'J.,
un all other persons interested.
ITntliumberland Cotinty, SS.
Vou are Hereby crel to bo an . nypeir iielore
the Judges cf our Orphans' Court to be held at
Sunbury, on the first Monday of April ntit, then
and theru to accept or refuse the real estate of
Georgo Hall, dec M., xituute in tho borough of
tSuubtirv, iortlniniberland countv, to wit : A
certain Lot of Ground situate as aforcpasd, front
ing nn lilackberry street, ndjoiiiing lands of Ja
cob Kablc on the Last, Ihlward Y. Bright on the
west, by a twenty fool alley on tho north, where
on is erected a story and a half House and a Shop,
which was valued and appraised at the sum of
Four hundred and Flty dollars in tho whole, i.-t
pursuance of a writ of Partition and valuation,
issued out of said court, returnable to January
Term 18!3, ot show causo why tho same should
not be sold according to lhe act of Assembly iu
cases made aud provided. And therefore fail not.
Certified from the records of oui said Court at
Sun', ury this 13lh day of Janua.iv A. D. 1653.
C. liOVDrUH'sELl l'ep.
Clk. O; C.
February 1!, 1853.
The Commonwealth of f In Ihe Court of Com
Pemisi'fuiiiii, Aor- j mou Pleas ot North
fum!i.i land cu. i'-S.j un.beil.iud county of
April T. 1853
The commonwealth of l'eiiu Ivania to
Guoiya K. Gehrig, Administrator of Geoige
Vonkiu, hit" oi Chilisqu.upie township,
dee'd and Elizabeth Yonkin, widow, and lo
tho heir and legal representatives of Ihe
said Genial! Yonkin, dee d., v;z : Win. Yuu
k in, of Michigan, Christian, inteiinarried
wilh Cool; Clajto.i, of Jersey ville conuiy, Il
linois, Gringo Yonkin, of Lycoming county,
Feus) Ivutiia, und Peter Yonkin, (who is now
dee'd". leaving isma thtee ihihlien, Kiua
belh, 1'iiler uud George.) and lo r.l. the hens
: .... " , .1.. - i
ieal repiccci.iutivua oi uiu. saiu ueoryu
Vo'uliii, deci'UM'd.
You a:,.l em h of jou are h- ri bv nolifie-l
to be and appear in our paid Court at Sunbu
ry, on Moiuluy, the 4h day of April, A. D r
1S53. to show il anything )ou nave or
know to say hy you siumld not be made
Dirties to a eerlani judgment, lately in our
County Coml of Common l';eas belore our
J . . . . . I 1- . r
over the river, between this place and
Northumberland, were sundered by the
freshet on Sunday night last. The wires
originally ran through the bridges, but af
ter the fall of the bridge last spring, they
were stretched across the stream, from the
top of a tree on each side. The river ris
ing very hiiih, the wire, about the centre,
r-i . o r . . , . . , . , I nl it,., J . C I : J 1 I
uc ouw s iveview inai tne traue n mi- muu uam, urai ijcinisiuii-. auu aisu , ,. , , . , ,, . ,
l 7 e Hinnm MVura l.-t in n lh clroam alirt wa
of Japan with this countiy, if she opens her at the Lock, near the Shamokin Dam. At i . , ,, .. . ...
a 1 I rarridH fiuiftt h tt tha fl,rittrirv icd At tr.
....... , . , W J J V,t,l . - v . .a HIV
v illiamsport, the Lycoming Gazelle says, I , . , , . , ... .. .,, . ,
' ' . , " . J bridge has been rebuilt, they will again be
the water rose 21 feet above low water. , ... . .. , ,
lirituy secureu tuiuuu tiic airuuiure.
ports, will be worth 5200,000,000 annually.
This is mote than the entire value of the
annual exports of the United States nnd
Great Biilia.i. The population is 20,000.000
The F.mpire consists of 3,800,50 islands, ly
ing on the coast of China, having an area
about equal to that of Germany, including
Piussia and Austria, or about six limes thai
of lhe State of N. York.
mark, and vast quantities of lumber was
swept away. A portion of the Jersey
Shore bridge and Tine creek acqneduct,
were lodged against the bridge at Williams
port, and somewhat injured the lust or
southern span. The telegraph wires went
down the river with the bridge.
OCT" Looking at the Slate. It has
The followins letter from President Fill
more to a gentleman in N. Yoik, has been been definilivt,y etlIed in th' P'ac that
made public : when a man attemp'j to make his toilet be-
Washington, Jan 22, 1853. fore a slate, hanging against the wall, that
ft 1 .. .1 e : . ... r . . , . , m. . .
my uoar oir : lour noie oi yesieruay rie is not pertecuy sooer. inis Circum-
Icame to hand Ihis morning, and 1 hasten to stance actually occurred, durinz the niiiht
do justice 10 a political opponent who is now o ,he .,. frps..., wv,n . number of voun
l.:. V... .u... :. I '
... ...a Sim., .uu '" men, seeing the river rather hih, resolved
yor presence, that President Polk was, , ... . .
. .i i ii , ., . r l H iu rice:' vu v, mi n, auu swi a nine m'u iiau,
heartless and cold, and lhat one of his cold- I ' r a acts was, that be vacated the While
House several days before the President
elect came to Washington, for fear of open
ing his heart, so as to ask him to his house
and table. It is due to Mr. Polk to sav that
I know this to be untrue. Gen. Taylor and
myself were both invited to dine wilh him,
and did dine with him before he left Ihe
While House, arid I have no doubt all the
civilities ordinarily extended to Ihe incoming
adniiuirtration were extended by President
I oik lo Gen. Taylor, and according to my
recollection, he did not leave Ihe While
House till the 4ih or ralher the 5th of March
which was Monday. The confusion incident
to the close of a session of Congress, and Ihe
oreahing up 0f houaekeeping by the Presi
dent's family, must necessarily pieveul any
i .esiuent trom doing more lhan Mr. Polk
did in the case of Gen. Tavlor. and if I am
tighlly informed, many of his predecessors
did not do as much.
I am, respect'y, yours,
A YcilDETTA PACmiD-lt ,. ale j tha
me l0ient feud, which has exiti-l .;,.
1122 between the two families of the Hills
and Evans, in Kentucky, ha. been .etiled,
, 7 r ... ..B.ieu uealy of peace
It is staled thai h il.. . . .
uuu Dailies, as-
sassinatio, sieges, fce., amonRthem, eight
men ana ooy, nave been killed, .e.erai
erippl.d and maimed for life, Md 48 child.
ran leu laiueriess.
C7 The Legislature has repealed the law
imposing a three mill tax, on the tonnage of
the Susquehanna Rail road.
E7" The Norristown Register was sold
on the 2Sth ult., by the Executors of John
B. Sterigere, dee'd., to Dr. E. II. Acker of
Philadelphia, for $5950.
Q$ Three Cent Pieces. The coinage
of this convenient little coin amounts to
about three millions of pieces monthly, or
thirty six millions per annum. They are
very extensively used as change in the
large cities.
C7 Fire at Lewisrirg. We learn by
telegraph that Thornton & Christ's Drug
store, ft Dr. Wilson's dwelling house, were
destroyed by fire, at Lewisburg, on Monday
night last. J. & J. Wall's store, and the
house of Mr. G ddis were considerably da
maged. The fire, it is said was caused by
matches that took fire in the drug ttore.
Tut N. call. "'Billy Bowlecs"
'" vruiasnanas." This is carry,
inj politeness tome eeruiderable distance.
D The first Section ol the Cattawissa
Railroad, about four and a half miles in
length, including the tunnel, connecting
the extension of the Little Schuylkill Rail
road, has been allotted to Messrs. John S.
Boyer, Jacob Geiger, John W. Horton and
Henry Berkholder, Contractors.
CO" The Miltonian says that some of the
contractors on the Sunbury and Erie Rail
Road, have commenced work between Mil
ton and WilTamsport, and that all the hea
vy sections would be commenced this week.
Since the subscriptions have been made
there is no longer any doubt of the speedy
construction ot the whole road.
3 The late sudden rise in the Susque
hanna, seems to have, in some degree in
undated a portion of most of the towns
along the Susquehanna. The Harrisburg
papers state that the rail road and a portion
of the town was under water, which was
also the case with the lower portion of
Simpson icceived all tho iniuiies that were
inliieted upon him. It is not true as some of I
Iho nowspapers have staled, that William
struck his kuifo into the door, and used vin- !
lent and threatening language. I never knew J
him lo be iu liquor but unco before, and no j
man can say that ha is a quarrelsome or evil
disposed hoy.
Bui for the grossly false an I injui ions state
ments that have appeared in the papers, this
would not have been put forth, ami all lhat
is now asked of the public, is, that il will
snpeiul its judgment until tin) evidence is
fail ly elicited at the. trial. All thai is here
asserted will bo fully substantiated by legal
Northumberland, Feb. 9, 1853.
Sunbury Gazette, Danville Democrat, Mil
ton Democrat, and Ihe papers having publish
ed erroneous accounts, are requested as a
mailer of common justico, to give this an
Sunbury, Feh. IS, IS.,3 31
TV' OTIC is lien-l y given that lhe undcrsiznrd
aniiointed hv the Uriihom' Court of Nor-
thu.nhi-r!.-' as Audjor in the mutter
the cireplions to the account of 1'eter llilcinan,
Administrator of George Grant dee'd., who was
one of the executors of 1' linnias Grant dee d., here
hy notifies all person interested in said matter,
that he v.i.l aitcud to the duties of his appoint
merit cn Salurd.iv. the Siilhday of Fehruary 1 ?-'i3
at lu o'clock, A. M., at his odice in the borough
of Sunliurv.
C. J. 12 RUN UP., Auditor
Fehruary 12. ISio. lit.
Ecpst and Ifianufactury
E7" We have been informed that Com
missioners Ileimbach and Shekler, of Union
county, signed the bonds for the $200,000
subscription to the Susquehanna Rail Road
on Monday last.
tCThe Stock of the Conestoga Steam
Mills at Lancaster, which was recently in
the market il $10 and $18, has suddenly
risen to $22. Par value $50. The Mill,
are now running at a (air profit.
LT" We understand that previous to the
sentence of Lewis Hause, at Danville, for
counterfeiting, he gave information that
lead to the discovery of seven counterfeit
plates. Among them a $5 and $10 on the
York Bank, a $5 on the Middletown Bank,
a $5 on the Exchange Bank of Pittsburg
and a $2 on the Lancaster Bank.
Or The Miltonian says the Engineers of
lhe Cattawissa rail road, have completed
the survey of the route to Milton, and find
it favorable. We have no doubt that it is
more favorable than the Bloomsburg route
to Williamsport, and besides, only about
half as much road will be required to be
made, to connect with the Sunbury & Erie
r7 Dr. Baker preached his farewell er-
mon in the Lutheran Church at Lancaster,
Pa., on Sunday evening last, before an im
mense congregation. He stated that dur
ing the twenty-five yean of hit ministry in
that cily, be had married 3,521 couples,
anJ assisted at the burial of 1,4 U persons,
IIikrisbi'RC, Feb. 3, 1S53.
Senate. Mr. Hendricks read in place a
bill erecting parts of tho counties of Lu
zerne and Schuylkill into a new county, lo
be called Anthracite.
Mr. buckalew, a bill to increase the sala
ries of the Judges of the Supreme Court of
ihe Slate,
The Senate then resumed, on second
reading, the consideration of the bill supple
mentary to the act creating lhe office of
Stale Printer.
The bill designates Ihe prices to be paid
for Ihe several descriptions of woik, und
creates Ihe oflice of a Superintendent of the
Public Printing.
The bill was debated at some length, and
sundry amendments oflered and negatived
Mr. Crabb moved an amendment, author!
zing tne Governor to appoint the super
iulendeitt, which after considerable dis
cussion was adopted yeas 17, nays 16.
The bill then passed second reading.
The Senate then, on motion of Mr. Kun-
kel, took up the bill explanatory of the 3d
and 4th sections of the act to amend the
charter of the Susquehanna Rail Road Com
The bill was debated at some length, aud
passed finally.
The Senate then adjourned.
Feb. 4
On motion of Mr. Kutikel, House Bill No
93 was taken up, erecting Jordan lowuship;
Northumberland county into a separate eleo
lion district, and fixing Ihe place of holding
elections in said township, and iu Jackson
township, same county.
Feb. 5.
On motion of Mr. Bergitresser, House bill
erecting a portion of Coal township, Nortb'd
county, into a new township, lo be ca'led
"lerby," appointing oflicers therein, and
fixing the place for holding elections in said
towr.ship, was laken op, (Mr. Campbell in
tbe chair) and read and passed finally.
L' su mm tJssJ akssal
ccj iirr Arcn ami Second iife.s
7 VERY VA lilliTY OF SHALES, Whole-
mle and lutail, such as -Violl, r lower,
Gothic, Viuelle.Oil and Dry Landscapes,
arc to he had at the lowest prices for quality of
work. Order fur Gilt, Plain bture. Lettered and
other fehades executed ul short notice.
Merchants aud ether arc invited to give us a
lirasres, Trimmings, &c., always on hand.
Remember V.'. corner S-EL'OND auJ
ARCH Slrccts. Philadelphia.
1 ebruary 1-, lboj. Uni.
To the honorable the Judges of the Court of
Quarter sessions J or the county of Aor
ttumlerlund. Tlie unttert:iriiid iicliti ntrr rrinivtrullv solicits the Ili-n.
C itirl to irunl iiiiu a lii-cime lo kepiHii luuor l:ii't-rn ul tuc
inline lie u.,w occllj'ien situate la tlie b reugh ol' Xurlhuae
We the umtersisiied cilis'iisof t lie toruui:ii if Morlhuin-
herlanri, in NoitliuuilierUtiid c 'Uilly, Lfiufr iu-iuiiiiilt',l Willi
the said 1', do ceillly I hut he is ol' ,hmI repute i r
hoiK-sl y and tempi runi e. mu! tuut lie Is Will provided will,
tl icsf r.ioiii ana other i-oiiveuiei.ecs for lhe uc-oiimUHliiii- il
of Blruncers uud lrul'el!iis. uud llml nil lull ol (ui'eui is lie-
cessuiy lot (lie ai-eoui.iiilii(loa il strutters unit tmveliris.
Win. II. Wanles. Jas. T.ituart. jr. Win. Klliott, I'hihp
Shay, A. K. Kupii, J. It. I'rl. sily, Al. H Prtrslley, W. T.
t oisilli, Adiilil tviller, John licalie, Alex, bun, Kiniuci
February IS, 1J-53 3t
To the honorable the Judges of the Court of
Quarter scusions Jor the county vj
The undersigned petitioner respectfully solicits the Hon.
Court to ijrjiil her u Iiiwiix lo keep un Inn ir tavern si I -e
house :, ii .w .Hwui-ics, situate m Uule M h-oy toiiu-
We the anaersicued eilins ..( I..UI. Ml -
li.p. , Nortl,un,l.,la.iJ c u.i.y, bei.. i''l ' ; J
ttiesaiu l'elilioner,d.ei-rti.y..ia she ' "'Vf "T.jwi.h
honesty and U-niperum-e, 'Jti
house room aud other c .nvouiem-.stor the sc. oni i
of straneer. snd tmvellei.. una Ilia. l..u
eesswv f-r the aecomm,.lau.. o. ""'' "',',.,
Amos Heed. 0T Pf" . ; J&SZi
Henry Do".,fe, JJ. G Vt wu-
J. Uuiikk-berirer.
KetMUarv W, W- .
jtldgus al Sunbury, tu wil : in lha Term of
August, A. l , IcOJ, cy uie eousi.ieraiion ot
the said Coin', rtcoveied against Georgo E.
Gehrig, Administrator ns atorei-aid of Genrgo
Yonkin, dee'd., I;!ty-ihren tu iuu ilullais,
lawful money, which lo David Hidden and
Mary Ann his wile in oni said Coml were
adjudged for their damages which they sus
tained us well by occa-iou of the nou-per-(oimatieu
of a eeitain piomise ami
tion by the (ieoroo Voi.kin iu his Lie lo Ihe eai.l David IloKlen nnd Mary
Ann his wife al said Cnnuiy made, as for
his costs and cha.gee by them about their
suit in that behalf expended, uud why lhe
said David ll.ihlen and M.t.y Ann his wife
should not have, execution against ihe bontl
of tho gnid Geoige Vonliin, deceased, for lhe
debt and damages aforesaid.
Witness Ihe Hon. Alexander Jordan, Pie
tddi'nt of our said Court at Sui.buiv, this lsl
dav ol Febiuury, A. D 1S-53.
Miriil 's )
Sunhury, Feh. 1, 18,i3. j -t
The Commomreallk of In ti.e Court of Com
J'cniis.drania, Sor- j mon Please of North
l7i:iikWiMi cj. 6'-!'. ; uinbeiland county of
I April T. 1S53.
The Comn.otiweulth of Pennsylvania, to
Georre E U.hri. A.!:'.iiuislrator of George
Vonhin. l.i:o of Chi:is;;uu(;ue township, de
ceased, and to all the heirs and legal iepro-
illative ol the said lunkinoi sain
County, deeeased, viz : Mary Ann iutrfrmar-
nej with David tioiilen, ol LnuiMpiaipia
township, Pennsylvania ; Chtistiai. inteiinar
ried with Cook Clayton, ol Jerseyville county,
lliiuoi.-e, W.lliam Voi.kin, ol Michigan; George
Yonkin, (who is now deceased leaving
children, Elizabeth, Peter uud and
'.o till ihe hei.s and legal representatives of
said do. -eased.
You and each of you are hereby notified
to be and appear in our s.iid Court al Sunbury
on Monday ihe 4th day nf April, A. D., 1853,
to show if any thing you have or know to
say who yon should not be made parlies to
a certain judgment, obtained lately in our
County Conns of Common Pleas, bcfoie our
Judge at Sunbuiv, lo wit: in lha term of
April A. ) , 1S52, by lhe consideration of
Iho said Court leeovered against fc.
Gelui", Administrator as afjresaid of George
Yonkin, deceased SI6i0 lawful money
which to David Hidden in our .id Court
weie adjudged for his damages which he
sustained as well by occasion of lhe
of a cor'ain promise and assump
tion by the ai.l Yonkin in his life
limn to ihe said David Holdeu at said county
made as for his co-N and charges by him
about his suit in lhal behalf expended and
why the said David Holden should noi have
execution against lhe lands of Ihe said Geo.
Yonkin, deceased, for the debt and damages
W'iiness ihe Hon Alexander Jordan, Presi
dent of our said Court at Sunbuiy, this 1st
day of Febiuarv, A D , 1853.
'JAMES BEARD, Proth'y.
Sheriff's Olfice )
Sunbuiy, Feb. 1, 1853. J 4
An Apprentice Wanted.
XI,. subscriber wa.ite an .pprentice to lo.rn
th. bun. of A boy 17 or 18
ve.r. old, of good moral character, would fit d a
good situation by applyiuf soon at tbe old stand
of George Zimmerman
Sunbury, Ft. 11, 1SS3.
" OU are rommanded to meet in
Maikcl Square, Sunbury, ta
TUESDAY, 22dofFcb.,
at 10 o'clock, A. MM fully equipped
for drill. A court of appeal will
also I held.
Oy order of the Captain,
Sunbirry, Ft. IS, 1853