GRAND LODGE OF PENNSYLVANIA. I AMNUAL GRAND COMMUNICATION. St. John the Evangelist's Day, Philadelphia, Deo. 27th, A. L. 6852. J Tha following named brethren are the elected and appointed Officer of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, for the year 1353. Bro. ANTHONY BOURNONVILLE, Right Worshipful Grand Master. JAMES HUTCHINSON, Deputy Grand Muster. " PETER WILLIAMSON, " Senior Grand Warden. " JOHN K MITCHELL, Junior GrnnJ Warden. " JOHN THOMPSON, " Grand Treasurer. ." WILLIAM H. ADAMS, " Grand Secretary. TRUSTEES OF THE GIRARD BEQUEST. Bro. S H. Perkins, Bio. Jacob Steingr. " Wm. Whitney, " G. D. Haswkll, " P. Williamson, DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. Bro. Jacob Albiugiit, of Lancaster, fur the County of Lancaster. " Jos L. Sticiiter, of Rending, for ihe Counties of Berks and Montgomery. 41 George M'Cabr, of Tamaqua, for the County of Schuylki't, in place of Bro. Wm. B. Potts, who resigned the former appointment in 1852. " James Madison Pohter, of F.aslon, for the Counties of Northampton and Carbon. '" GKonc:cC. Welker, of Sunbuiy, for the Counties of Northumberland, Union, Columbia and Montour. " John H. Br.itRviiii.t., of Harrisbnrz, for the Counties of Dauphin, Lebanon, Milliin, Blair and Huntingdon. -' William Smith, of Lockhaven, for the Counties of Clinton, Lycoming and Centre. Samuel M'Kinly, of Pittsburg, lor Ihe Counties of Allegheny, Armstrony, Westmoreland, Beaver and Law rence. John V. Smith, of Tuiikhnnnock, for the Counties of Bradford. Wyominr; and Susquehanna. " R A. Oakford, of Pittstown, for the Counties of Luzerne and Wayne n f ,1 I lt f .t ' Gkori'.k K. Bain, of Meadville, for Iho i ,. r r , n . Counties of Crawford, Erie, Mercer ! , ,,, : and W aren. , i, r ... , . r .1 J. 13 Musser, of afhiiiglon, for the ' Counties of Washington, Gicene and . Fayette. William Hevser, of Chambersburg, fur the Cuunties of Franklin, Cumber . land and Yoik. GRAND CHATLAINS. For tlic Cily of Philadelphia. Rev. Bro. John Chambers, ii a Pet r.R Van Pelt, " " Jdun Li Burrows, " " I1..W. Ducachet, '" " E. S. Ki.v. For other portions of tlic Stnle. Rev. Bro. Geoiioe P. M'El.rtoY, " " J ICn i.ekeli.y, " " M. P. Jamison. " ". R. Desiiea Morris, Bro Gustavus Remak, Senior Grand Deacon. " E. T. Mott, Junior Grand Deacon. " Henry Bruner and Charles Bard Recss, Grand Stewards " Jamt.sB. Bagcs, Grand Marshal. " Jacob Steiner, Grand Sword Bearer. " Thomas E, Baxter, Grand Pursuivant. " William B. Schmukr, Grand Tyler. REPORT OF TUP- READINC. RAIL ROAD COMPANY. The annual meeting of the stockholders in the Reading Rail Road Company was held .at Ihe office of Ihe Company on the 10;h inst., when the annual leport of Ihe officers was submitted, fioin which we glean the following iinpoitant items of information. receipts of the road. Travel, 155,191, equal to 09,570 through passengers, SIG-,1.10 29 Freight on mdse., 75.TC8, lUS.nGS 01 Do. on coal, 1.6.50,011 tons at 130 arc. 8,150.077 17 tinted Stales mail, P.i-Ca 77 Miscellaneous receipts, 57 SJ.IsU.lijO 41 8183,100 (li I,W1 bl 15,137 Vi 7.1,.1I0K) 3,0211 01 402,131 H7 St, 07(1,773 10 WORKING EXPENSES Running account, Workshop account, Depot account, Superintendence account, lateral railroads expenses, Roadway department, Total working expenses, Or, 131 G7 ceuts per through passenger ; 109 5'i cents per ton meichaudise ; 54 01 eta. per ton eonl, Drawbacks and all iwanccs, 151 ,'05 13 I,-Jjr,li30 12 Net profit for the year, 1 1.901,117 20 ttnttTuat on bonded debt and tmwls and niort- pipes, fil3.-JH 00 Renewal fund, 111,137 73 72l,5-5 73 Dividend fund for the year, S527,I01 50 Add unappropriated div. fund of li.30, 8,IH HI ?.W.3,5e7 50 Vhich has lieen dispestxt of as follow Dividendl, 375. 035 02 Bulking fund, 100,01X1 00 Intareat, 31 .003 10 State taxea, 10.308 62520,121 81 Balance dividend fund, 1S5S, 89,105 06 The report shows lhat the increase in the Anthracite coal trade in 1852 was not what many anticipated, and much less than the increase in 1851. Last year the increase from the three great regions was about 544,. 814 tons, while in 1851 the inctrease over the tonnage of 1850 was 1,001,051 tons Notwithstanding the disappointment in Ihe amount of tonnage, the business of the Road for the year hag realized a profit of 9 per cent on the common and preferred stock, af ler payment of interest on the debt. Grt Rail Road Trojicct. A Legisla tive letter fiom Albany, New Yoik, aays : "The Mammoth bill incorporating the Allan tic and Pacifio Ruil Road Company, contains he names of six officers of the Stale gov ernment, as corporators, ilh4he consent of the general government, to construct a mad fiom tha Mississippi to the Pacifio. The proposal is to survey six hundred miles of the route by April, 1854, and construct ingle (rack within five years after, togethe with a line of telegraph. The capital is to consist of one hundred millions of dollars This i' the most magnificent enterprise which humanity has ever conceived, and if any set of men in the country can finish the work, it is probably those who are applying for Ihis privilege." APPOINTMENTS BY THE CANAL COMMIS SIONERS. Superintendent of Motive Power and Re pairs on Columbia Rail Road, J. B. Baker. SUPERVISORS. G. W. Clawson, Delaware Division. J. B. Ilaupt, Eastern " W. W. Wilson, Lower Juniata " J A. Cunningham, Upper Juniata " W. G. Boy rs, Upper Western " Joseph Clurk, Lower " " J. H. Kelton, West Branch " G. W. Search, North " " WEIGII-MASTKRS. Hiram Yard, Easton, R. Simpson, Philadelphia, Lot Watson, Lnncaster, John R. Herd, Weigh Lock, Holliday sbnrg. J D. Leel, " Scales, " R.Williams, Weigh Scales, Eastern Juniata Portage Rail Road, with Penn'a. Rail Road. J. C Barrett, Weigh Scales, Johnstown. Jno. R. Gregg, " Lock, " W. M. Ltewart. " " Pittsburg. H. R Kline, Beach Haven C, S. Brown, Northumberland. RECOVER til. The boy who was shot by his father, in mistake for a Deer, in Covington tp., some weeks since, we aro pleased to say, has en tirely recovered. The bull, ns has recently ascertained, not only went through the body from behind, near the centre of the breuM. but it also passed into one aim below the elbow. Tho arm was eoie, the skin and flesh broken, as tho boy supposed scratched in some way at the time of the accident. After Ihe swelling of the arm subsided, and was relieved from imflamalion, the little boy fancied he felt something there, which did not propei ly belong to llesh and bones. At his solicitation tho attending ph) sicinns rut into the flesh, and to the suipiise of all, the bullet was found lheie and extracted. So tho bullet passed ihruugh the body and into the arm, without touching a vital pait, or breaking a bone, and Ihe brave hearted little fellow has iho bullet as a momento of the sad ucei.leul, whilu Iho sound stale of his i l.l I 1....1.. ... ..r rf : i ... lUcllHl UlIU UUM, J!f il UlUllll'l U II 1 UVIUf .. .. . ". . tiul, il not ol almost a miraculous driver- ' ence and restination to soundness of health, , ii ilkesbarre Advocate. Pi The Death of Senator UriiAM. A Wash ington norresnondcut of the 7'iihune says that Senator Upiiam died of the small pox, His I remains were taken, by the Seigeant-at-Auns, i at 10 P. M. on Fii.l.iy, to the buiial giound,. but the sexton refuseil to leceive them into tho vault. This foiccd the Seigeaut to have a grave dug, and this was not furnished until three o'clock on Saturday morning. The propiietors of the li ving House refused to al" low the corps to remain in their house, anil therefore there was no public funeral. ! Cherry Pectoral. We have departed j ! from our usual rule in regard lo Ihe ndverlis ' j iiig of Medicines, in admitting the notice of j tho Chcmj Pectoral lo our columns. It is j , not a patent medicine, but one, the contents I of which, aio well known lo Ihe medical j profession, and which has pioved hiuhly I ' beneficial in the case of a number of our ac- ! quaiutances, who were seiionsly artlicted with pulmonary complaints. Some of our ! most skilful and eminent physicians rccoin j meiul it to their patients in their regular ! practice, and we feel that we are conferring a favor upon the public by making known .' its viitues. Louisville Ch. Advocate. i - i The Poultry Trade Il is estimated that j the maiket yard of the Red Lion Hotel, Sec. ond and Noble street, Philadelphia, during five days before Christmas, 700 farmers dis posed of 10.S00 turkeys, 14V000 chickens, 2,500 ducks, ami G, 300 geese. To Make Hknj Lay in Winter. Tallow greaves fed in a moderate quantity ore found to have a marvellous effect in the production of winter eggs. We presume pork scraps or greaves, or any kind of meat, would answer the same purpose. An ingenious down-easier has invented an umbrella with a cutter all around it, so that the water poursofl' in a single stream. What next T Downing sold two thousand eight hundred boned turkeys, at six doll. us each, dining the recent hollidays. Hon. Robert T. Conrad, of Philadelphia, has born elected President of the (IemfieJd Railioad Company. Tim coldest day ever known in England as December 25th, 1796, w hen the tiler- mometor was 16 degrees below Zero. Tho snow in New York is three feel deep on a level. The sleichin" is flue. Five million tons of anthracite coal, Penn- )lvauia sent to the seaboard last year. A (ill I CULTURAL. I-' or the Sunbury Americua. H. B. Masseh, Esq. Farmers in Ihis section of the county complain about the heavy costs of procuring time lo enrich their soil. It is lime, it re quires considerable capital and a lame amount of labor to lime lamely : tut 1 believe it will pay more than len per cent, upon cost and labor, if it should cost us 20 eents per uusnel on our farms. Seven vears since 1 purchased a farm, tha cleared land .u puui uiui it naa jeen abandoned for several yeais as unproductive. The fust summer I limed the whole of it, about 75 bushels per acre, sowed n pait of it with buckwheat, the lime caused the buckwheat lo grow luxuriantly, when in bloom I ploughed Ihis crop under, sowed it with clover seed, the clover took well, but was short, the second year I turned the clover under, when it was about half ripe, put on 100 bushels of lima to ihe acre, sowed it with wheat, the ensuing harvest 1 gathered 30 bushels of good wheat to the acres. On those fields 1 can now raise as heavy crop of Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oat and Potatoes as any of my neighbors, and 1 thought much better than those who fay lime it to ex pen aive. I.EUMA5. Shampkin, January, 1853. SUNimitY AMKlUCAN AND SHAMOKIN JOUKNAL. New Advertisements- ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court of Northumberland county, willbs exposed to pulilic salo. on THURSDAY, tho 3d dnv of FEBRUARY next, at the public House of Wm. M. Weaver, in the town of ghamokin, the follow ing real estate, to wit I All that certain Tract of Land, situate in the town of Shamokin, township of Coal, marked in the general plan of said lown No. 107, bounded on the north by Spurzhcim street, on the south bv lot No. 10H, on the cast by Franklin street and on the west by Shamokin street, containing in front twenty eight and a half feet, and in depth two hundred feet ; where on are erected one two story ftjB FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, MjitsL am one, one ond a half story Also that certain Lot of Ground, situate in Coal township, aforesaid, beginning at a post by .and or Duniol Derk, north five degrees, west fifty three perches til a post thence by land of Wm. Fagclcy, south seventy three and three fourths degrees, west nine perches and eight tenths to a post, and thcure by other lands of George Onss, south live degrees, east lilty perenrs and five teuthi to a post, in tlic road, and thence along the road, north eighty two degrees, east nine perches, to the plure of beginning, contain, iug two acres mid one hundred and thirty eight perches, more or less, all of which is cleared and in a state of cultivation. Also, a certain other LOT OF GROUND, situated ill the town of Shamokin, aforesaid, and numbered in general phm of said town No. 108, adjoining lot numbered 1U7, first above described. Late Ihe estate of John (.'. Lebig, dee'd. Sale to commence nt 10 o'clock A. M., of said day when the terms ol sale will be made known bv JOSEPH BIRD, Adm'r. ISy Order nf die Court, ) J. K PCKSKL, Clk. O. C. Jun. 8, 1 853. 4t ) Tkumkndol's) Exciti;!;nt ! ! Citsli. Steam. F.K'ttricitv ! ! The Aerial and all other lines out-done ly the I.(l;litlii- Line or IHA T. ( IJttlENT. "flniO, having great fiiith in rapid sales and ' ' small profits, has just received anu opened a large assortment of FALL AM) WINTER GOODS. At his Store in Mar;;ct Street, Sunbury, which he offers to the public nt the lowest prices. His stock consists of a general assortment ol Dry Cioods, viz : Clutlm. CassimTS. Cussinrts. Jeans. Dnllincs Muslins, Linens. Calicoes. Muslin de Laius. Lawns. Ginghams. Vcrages. Silk Hats. A hire assortment of Toots nnd Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Cirocriii'N, Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese, Spi j cos, FUIi Salt, Plaster. ! HARDWARE, ' j Viz : Iron nnd Steel, Nails, Tiles, Snws, Sic, QUEENS V ARE, I Tea Setts, flutis, Dishes, Cvps, Saucers, c LIQUORS, Wine. Tirantly, Gin, Gnm, Whiskey, Sc. ITif' Country produc J of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market prices. Jan. 15, U53 ly. Bridge Letting. B JIIOPOI.AI.S will be received at the Commis- sioiiers office, in Sunbury, on TL'KSUAY, the Solli ul JAM CAR V, inst, between the hours of 10 A. M. and V. M.,for the building of a bridge on the big Shamokin creek, near John Kieler's, in upper Augusta township. Plans and specifications to be seen on the day of letting. ('. AI.lSr.liT, ) ( II AS. WKAVER, Com'rs. JOSEPH NICELY, Sunbury, Jan. H, 1 SSS. St. To Fanners ami Others. rjTMIE Advertiser is desirous of buying 10, 20, 30, SO, or Kill ueres of laud, in or near Sun bury, lor which be will pay Cash. Address sta ting location, lowkst cash prices &c. V. McCiRECOR, Philadelphia Post Ollice. Persons having property to sell, will find this a rare chance, as ibe advertiser will positively pav cash. Address ns above. Philadelphia, Jan. 8, lt-5o 3t. NOTICE. A N Election fnr five directors for tho man t 'vi agement of Ibe allairs of the liig .Mountain Improvement Company will be held at the Cirord House, in Philadelphia, on Monday the twenty fourth day of January inst. Jan. 8, 1833. lit. ic4 cf i'cttev's rpmumm; IN THE POST OlTlf e AT sriii ;iv, ec. so, tvvi. A I lass Ili-nrv Albriolii I.n Fayetto Allison Andieiv B tiarycr Elisabeih Butler Isaac ISiekhurt Jacob lieckem G. Bjrrer Geo. c Campbell Alex. D D.ur Mr. Dull I). M. Djkius J. S. Davin James K Ki.ldei F. M. Kramer John L L lie Juspph M Mi-M.ihmi Jno. Miller Jno. K. Mnyer Henry 2 Morinn Washington Miiiear John Milchel Barnet Mendeuhull Hannah 0 Owen lluilsort R r.eitz Suml. Uaker Geo. lienn Jno. C. Dixon Matin Jane F Farnesworlh Sarah Fiank Philip Fuller O. W1 Fieher Aaron C. G Gas Joseph Gas Martin Gillespie Anthony H Ilensyl Jesse S Shaw llobeit Sinian Abraham Scott Geo. w Wampole Jacob Y Young-Lew is z lianabach Henry Zimmerman Geo. 11. B. PACKER, P. M. ortli, Uninson 5j Co. I.MHortTtll OF Si DEALF.RS IS Foreign and Ilomcfetic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C. A'o. 59 Market St., 1 door below 2d St, PHILADELPHIA. hera they always ieei on hand a largo stocJ of every variety of llurdware, Cutlery, &c. Wm. Dilworth, Henry D. Landia, Samuel Ilransen, James M. Vance. October 10, 1852 ly. BOOKS! BOOKS!! of PIKES ARITHMETIC. ALSO, a large assortment of Blank Books. WM- McCARTV. Bookseller. Sunbury, Dec. 4, 185a. tf. LANK DEEDS printed on the best oualitv of parchment paper, sold at the lowest prices .B.I.:.. nt I i. B'irua oincr, vy wn-.'iees ie snu retail NEW STORE. BENJAMIN 11EFFNEU RESPECFFULLY informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has opened new store in tho room lately occupied by George Bright, opposite Bolton's Hotel. He has just re ceived a handsome assortment of WINTER GOODS, consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO i C'nllcocii, Gingham, I.ntvnn, ItIouNelliic l)e Lnlncs and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCEMES of every variety. Also an assortment of Hardware. Iro:i and Steel, Kails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, of various style and patterns. Also an assortment of HOOTS & SHOES. HATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fisli, i'c. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. CUT Country produce taken in exchange at the highest prices. Sunbury, May 1, 1852. ly. NIGHT SCHOOL. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citi zens of Sunbury and ieinity that ha lias openrd u Night School in the pu'olio School rooms in this place, for the purpose of teaching the common branches of an English education, but more particularly Reading, a branch too iipi.lnctpil . Ilia Trrmfl Art & for aivtppn niahts. provided scholars arc satisfied. Fuel ' ami I.iaht found bv himself. School commenced ! on Thursday night hist to continue every night, until the end of the quarter. HO sEA W. ATVVELL. Sunbury, Nov. 57, 1S.V2. tf. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. J A M ES 15. F IDLER, No. 12 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. Gold I. ever Wutches full jewelled Silver Lever do Silver I.epino do " (Jiuirtier df Gold pens and pencil and silver bidders Silver Tea mid Table Spoons Bracelets. Breast pins Ear rings &c. All warranted and sold at prices as low as any in the city. November 27. 18.12 tf. A CARD. "1 Mil. LEI! bigs leave lo inform the ladies - uf Sunbury and vicinity, that he has com menced bis Iw-iness in this place, and is now engaged in manufacturing, at his residence, in the new buiMing opposite J. (1. Youngman, in Deer street, all iinls of LADIES BOOTS AND SHOES. Also misses and childrcns shoes ef every diserip tion. Jjdcrs for wori promptly attended to, and ull wor warranted to give satisfaction. Sunbury. Nov. 27, 1S52. tf. Sunbury and Erie Railroad Company. 1IIEADEI.PIIIA, Dec. lbih, 1852. A second Instalment of TF.y holla in per share, on the r'tock of this Company, will be due and payable on the 20ih of January, A. D. 1853. On these shaicson nlncl' c!ccn dollars has been paid, payment of nine dollars only will be requi red. Payments mav be made to Williams Wright, Eric; the West Uraneh Bank, W illiainsport ; Dr. W. A. Irwin, Warren, or to the undcrsigncd at the Ollice of the Company, Girard Buildings, Third Street, below Chestnut. CRAIG DIDDLE, Treasurer. December 25, 1S32. 5t. ' V AIT TED. "V1TANTED Pennsylvania lauds from 100 T T i 20,01)0 acres fnr r.i.1, or in nr. change for City property. Apply to J. A. lll'KDWICK, lieal Estate Broker, 107 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, January 1, 1S53 2m. laissoltilioii of I'arlnci-Nliip. TiHFj Copartnership heretofore existing under 1. the name of lames II. & Wm. 1. Hart, is Ibis day dissolved by the wilhdrawcl of William It. Hart. The business of the late firm will be settled by cither of the undersigned, at No. ''-!, North Sd street. JAMES II. 1IAI5T, WILLIAM U. IIAKT, THOMAS IIAKT. Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1S5j. The undersigned, have this day formed a co partnership and will continue the business under llie naincol James ll. t i nomas Hart. 1 nank- I fnt for t,:iKl tovnrn. llirv rcnod foil v nU llii At. ' teution of Iheir friends anil the public to their stock of GltOCEKIl'S, which will ho full ond extensive, and which they will sell at the lowest market rates. JAMES II. IIAKT, THOMAS HAIiT, Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1So3. J3, II. X!RUFFS Premium Essence of Coffee. Mary! wo'll pro-i !. iiiiiif our uvea vj uiiiiiK ivrupps : u; ,JT r-.YlT,-l(v3i.T:':"-l 1 i'.id ll'HY will man tire that which is injurious to his health, wi en he la willing to give all his wealth to restore it when it is lost ! Strange ! that at least two thirds nf the human family will use ordinary COFFEE knowing it to be injuri ous to their health. Iti'iiii' r.sfceiicc of Codec is, beyond doubt tho best and most wholesome preparation of Cofti e in the world. Every house keeper should have it. Try it and be convinced it will save about GO pet cent, betidesyour health. Warranted to render entire satisfaction. Manufactured and fur iule by ELI KRUPP, 639 North 3d street Philadelphia. N. Ii. All the principal Grocers and DruRqists have it for sale throughout the Liutca cnaies. For sale by the Aent, H. U. Masser, fcunoury. January 1, 185X Cm. CHAIN PUMPS. A small number of these excellent pumps have been receiveJ and are offered for sale by H. B. MASSER. Sunburv, Nov. 6, 1853. MARRIAGE CETIFICATE9 handsomely eiecuted for sal at this office, single or by ths doxen. SMITH'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN O GER. a fresh supply just received, and for ,.Ie by Ii. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Jan. 10. ISSa. IMERSOiN'S ARITHEMETIC No. l. 3. and Porter' Rhetoric! Reader, just recoi ti t i .. -. :r,.:u. . ; I,' , V, J?J ! uf Coffee. ;i4 S Mi ! ed tnd for sal by WM. McCARTi. Hunbury, My 1, 1S5L- GEORGE AV- Z1MEKMAN, VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, No. 61 Arch Street, four doors above Sevcnd, PHILADELPHIA, CONSTANTLY O.N HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Which for style of finish and workmsnhtp cannot be Fur nsscd. Whnlosal nnd rtrtuil at the lowest prices. Also TK ANSPAP ENT WINDOW SHAMES AND HEED LLlNltf WHOLESALE, AT MA.MTACTU HEftS' PPICEi. CF" MEKCHANTS and others arc invited to call and examine. . Philadelphia, August 21, 18.12 ly. "A Penny saved is o Penny Ea ned " MAKPLE S BLANK COOK MANUFACTORY, And Job Book Bindery, Market alove Centre Street, Fottsiille, Pa. BLANK Books bound and ruled in any and every style, in the most durable nnd sub stantial mouncr, with or without printed Heads. Person in want of Ledgers, Dockets, Day Bouks, Minute Books, Journals, Letter Books, Blotters, Receipt Books, Coal Ledgers, etc., &e., or any kind of Blank Books, would do v.cll to give nie a call as I pledge myself to give satisfac tion. Paper ruled to any pattern desired. Par ticular attention paid to Binding all kinds of old Bonks. Bibles. Godcy's Lady Bonks Graham's Magazine, Sartain's Magazine, Hymn Aiooks, Uieasnn's Pictorial, Sheet Music, . Shaksprure's works, Life ol Christ, Liw Books, &c, ic. Harper's Magazine, Joscpima s woiks, Any of the above or other books bound in lull gilt, plain or fancy to suit iho wishes of customers. I would again call the attention of my f.icnds and customers, to the fact that I have been a Practical Book Binder for the last 18 years, and they can depend on having their work done in the very best manner, and do the work myself; I use tho best paper &. material ; please give me a call my charges ore reasonable and fair, but there is no difficulty about prices where work is done satis factorily. N. B. Persons having B.Wslhey want Bound ran send thcui by stage directed to me staling, the the style they wish them bound in: I will do them as low as they can be done any where, care fully pack them u' and return them ; Also per sons can send orders for Blank Books by mail, which will be punctually attendad to. All woik done at short notice. It. L. MARPLE. Practical Book Binder. Pottsville, Nov. G, 1S02 Cm. Git EAT EXCITEMENT. WILLIAM A. KXODB, r ESPECTFL'LLY inionns the public gener- ally that he has just received and opened the best und cheapest slock of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been brought to the county. His stock consists of every variety of Dry Good;, viz : Cloths, Cassimers, Sattinetts, Vestings, Dril lings, Linens, Musiins, Jeans, and ull kinds of Winter Goods. Also a splendid variety of Lmlies Dress and Fancy goods., Calicces, Ginghams, De Lames, Shawls, and every variccy of Goods suitable for Ladies weur. Also, an. extensive assortni'nt of Silk, Beaver, Fur If Slouch Hats A uv?e und icell selected Assortment of Hoots and Shoes of ev ery (escrip ton and size. Also, a larzc assortment of Grocci ies, Such as Supar, Coffee Teas, Mulasses, Spices of ull kinds. Mso a largo assortment of Hardware and Qiieenswarc, Fish, .Salt and Linuors such as Gin u i , , , , , . "urn Him ii ui.i.i-y, ocsiu.o. ...,h,v aim most general aRSOmnClH Ol Ull kiiiu Ul to be had in the county. All the above mentioned goods will le sold at such reduced price, as they can not be got for elsewhere. f'.onilri- nr.i.liir nf nil hiiiili t-ike'l in exclian"e C-ou ntrj produce ol ail kinut lake.i inexciia.icr at tne nigiiest market prices. Also, For sale a two horso spring wagon and a bnsgv. Augesta tw sp., October CO, lS5i, Cm. FOUUTII A KIM V A I- OF AT THE NKW l-TOItl! OF i. Y. ti:nkr & co., early opposite Weaver's Hotel, Market S , Xcarly opposite H eaver's Hotel, Market St ) Sunbury, Northumbeilaud County, Fa. ww7E invitc particular attention of our V fiiciids and the public to our I'ul-ut.i supply of (roods just received, adapted to the viintci season. We have now a much larjer assortment in every department than nt any time since we opened in Ani lust ; ull of which we arc deter mined tj sell at the same low prices which have hitherto secured to us such a Rcnerous support from a discerning public, and for which wo beg to return our best thanks. Our slock consists cf Dry Goods, II a r d m a re, lire n vr a re, GliOCERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, SlNOLE AND Dul'JlLr.D UARHE1.1.CD Cb'NS, Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas and Parasols, Hoots and (Shoes, Hats nnd Caps. Looking Glasses, Wall Paper f.r lioom and Window Blinds, Lemons, Nuts und Candy, Salt, Mackerel, Plain and Fancy Hams and Shoulders, Nails, Window Glaus, Paint StulT, Oils and Putty, Car pet Chain, Cotton Laps and Yam, with a variety of other articles. N. B. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange at the highest market prices. I. W. TENEK & CO. Sunbury, Dec. 4, 1&53. ly.c CL0TIIINQ ON CREDIT. Xolicc to all Dealers in Heady Made Clutliing, K'NF.T h C". request ail who purclmse realty niru'e I t Clothina mi criuit, to call nt iunt.ll IIAI.1. CLOTHING BAZAAK, and see the gieul oJvunlapca they will have l.y purchasnii; lor cjisli in ihis extensive tstutiiishmcnt. 'ihis, ami this ontv, is ilia piincile nu wiuc1ihcydealvvith allthcirnu,ncroa.ciist.,nicr vvho have realized that at ihm h-'iifu they s; ore 110 elf 'it in prodacinn tha best Cl.Li rill X O, nt Ihe lowest p ssihle prices, und that the guoils mule tit tiiift house are the tiest niaile, in 'Si t'lishi'innhle, and nnicii limn any other tioase can utlori! lo sell ihe sinne quality ol' f iolU, arising their larije niuiaifncluri:: and ii-ip-minR lueilitiev, and their di-leraiiniilion to mantmn tha princi, to of laraa aalrs anil small prolils. Their sloes, is m bi nmp.o ami complete. The parlicaiar ntlenti 'It ol mrieliunls and dealers ia invited, who ure requested to c ill and jn-'ee lor themselves, ns we ure satiit.od Ih it they canu it lull to ace the arlvniitHics they will have in purchntiinr foi cash, at TUWh.ll I1AL.I., laa ftlAlllvtl aueei, uciween rum and Mixlll. BENSKiT rroprieiors. Philadelphia, October It), lcii! 5ia. ADMINISTATOR'S N0TICU. "JOTICE is hereby given that letter of Ad- ministration on th eWtaus of Ahrshsrt' Uroeiotts, late of Upper Augiv". township Nor thumherlaiid county, dee'd , have been granted by the Register of said county to tho undersigned. Therefore all person indebted to said estat will discharge 'the same, and th-ioe having demands will present them to ELTAS BR0CI0U8, Administrator. F'inburv, Tsc SJ, 152. t. 3 ANOTHER LATH ARRIVAL OF CHKAP GOODS. I'HILING & GRANT. If" ESI'EC'l'Fl'I.L V inform their customers k" and the public, that they have just receiv ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of Fall and Winter Goods thnt has ever been In ought to Sunbury. Their stock consists of every varie'y of Drv Ooods, viz : Cloths, Cassimercs. Sattinets, Vestivgs, Flannels, IVvllens, Ij'C., And nil kinds of Tall & Winter Wear. Also a spleiulid variety of LADIES I) It ESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De l.aines, Be rages, And every variety of goods suitable for La dies ear. Also nn extensive assortment of Caps roit Men and Buys. Also a largo assortment of CiKOt'IOEtlLS, SUCH AS Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a ncsh supply of IMtUGS AND MEDICINES. Besides the Iareest and most General assort ment ol all kinds of goods to be had in this I place. IZtT Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. Sunbury, Nov. 13, 1852. The only Tiuc Portrait ol Washington. JIST PUBLISHED, T. D WKLCII'8 MAGNIFICENT PORTRAIT OF WASHINGTON, Engraved (by permission) from Stuart's wnly ougiuul pom, ul, in the Alheneiim, Boston. r 'It Irs sui'crb picture, cngrnvcit timler the Eiiperuitcud- X e. ence ol THOMAS SCl.l.Y, li., the ciuinciit and lituiilv allied nrlit, n, the only c Treel liken, nh of Wuftii lnt"U ever publihlicd. It Inn, Iil-cu el;iiracterised lis the est ttvrii ol ,-irl ever pri.luc' d in thin country. As lo us ti Icbly, we rcler 1 1 the letters ol llie tnlopl..d s hi of ulll!ijl"ll, Ol.OltOl: AMIINOTON fAHK CL'S TIS. wli i, "tl is u lliitlintl rciiresentutii'li ol the cil- ctuiitcl oneinnl," und to CHIKF .1 L S I'H.'t; TANKY of the Siipreuie luil "I' the United St.-.tcs, wlio s.ivs, "Aa a W'Jik ol Ull its e.xci-llmei: and beauly Hiut shikoevciy one wli i si'ch it ; and il 13 u Icks hiipy in its likeness to the Father i-t I: :a c .unlry It was my gjt d foitiuic to iiavc seen him in the dniiif my b tiood, und his wti 'ie ' npiieura..ce is yet alrnnyly iiupicRsed on my mcm iry. The noiuuit you l.nve n,i,ueit npi-enis to me lo be mi exact likciu-si, rcpli sentin perlcctl)- llie expresbiou as well ns I the I J II anu teintliek ol the luce." Anil sivs SI-..N A 1 till C.S, it is a Inc. like representation in the great original. PlilJSlUl'.M' l-'ll.l..iUKK says, the woik appears ti me t i have been luliiiuably executed and ciuiueiitU' wor thy of the palriiiiieof the public." Savs MAKCIIANT I the eminent porlinit piioiter, und the pupil i f Slant, '! 1 have seen, I r presenting Ihe wlmle luoiviunulttv ol the i-riginal .rtrait, fBitliei with Ihe n -We ami diciiifk-d re- P iAe ol' nir and manner, which nil wim ever miw liiui con- s.der.d a in.uke,l churttcteriatie c-f tl.o illuwrious man it Comment .rutcs. For ibe (treat merits of this picture we would rcrerevc- ry lover ol W'ushiiim, n to the piutrait itself, to be seen ut the oih-e ol this paper, und to Ihe leltei sol' the loll., wing Aiiimis. Malisiuen. Jtulnlsuiiit Sch-'lais nec 'nipunyiuir it. AUT1STS .Marchiuiuud F.lli.n, oi .w York; Nea- cle, B"therinel, nnd l.ntnhdiu, of Philadelphia : Chester 1 lliiidintr, of Bt slon ; Chailcs Frai-er. ol Chai lesion, S. (.'.; I ti... n.i....,...i - t W....1. ii.... -..... P. Custis. himself nn artist. STATI'SMF.N Ilisfixecl leucy .Miliiurd Filincrc, Maior ticn. V mfu-lil Scolt. Hon. tn-orce M. Iiulli-s, lion, 'illitiin 11. Kini.', Hon. D.uiiel W'ebst'.-r, Hon. I.uiu B ivd. Hon. Lewis Cuts. lbn NVnl. A. ortiiiaiii. Hon. .i-.lin r Ki-nue.n', ll n. l. . c vv uitlirop, , a .u; ( STS 11. ,n lt..Kcr B- Taney, Hon. John . liner, ll 'll Jonn iei.eiui, ll Ul Ullllis ..iioaie. r-.iii,- ,vi:r- i ua i i,'S i- ois 'in, r x. , ine wen hii ,wu i.iururiuu of llie ii s: in Atliencutn. who sas, -'I w-uiid rather own j u limn any painted opy I have e cr teen ; . P. Whip- : r;- iTn' WashK IrvinL-, Hub h V. F.ircrs ni, Fso . Pr-f T. C. I phinn, J. T IleaiM.-v, Fllz Green Ilii'lick, II. VV l,oiiil. ll .. Win f;ill.,rr SMni, . ., rHllM kuiioi'K. I.oid Talinuid T. 11. Mai-niil.-y'. Sir Archdiald A liaon. " 1'rd .Mayor of Ihhi'Ioii, Ac v.ltr Till-- PKI'.SS, throaeliont li e en tire I'liion, hace with one voice proclaimed the inerils of ' To enable nil 10 o icaesa this vnluabb trcaauio. it is sold at the low pi ice nf per cop v. Puhli.he.lby or.f.ItCF. W. CHII.nrJ. V V. corner ol I inh and An h streets, Philadelphia. IV I), uvt'.li l.Y, S;.!e ngcut for the States of Fas em rennsylvaiiia and Inlnware This Portrait can be obnined from MR. UVF-R- LY, .ri'r,,nl,,s,b,lyautl,n,iz,al., l prirtnient. by whi.-li conii.R ol" the Portrait can be sent to unv P 'int, p.r Tnail. in pence! order. It" Pi-is uis bv ri in.lline I'lVE Hot. nils M D. P. V. -' EC l.Y, Philn.M Ida, will have a e i y 01 tlic Portrait sent to It'cin flee ol" Posoue. IT" Maciiticeat (lilt I- ranies. c-! np ernres-iy inr these Porlrans, furuii-! cd ul the low price of go,UU each. Jl'T IM'F.D, ; A MACMI-'irr.NT reltTRAM' or ' GENERAL JACKSON,' I Engraved l T. B. WELCH, ESQ. after Ihe original portrait painted ly T. SULLY, FSO. Tlua Portrait will ban mutch fir the Washington, and 18 HI vcry ri-Fpeci hp well U"i ll,. Prirc SV0U pi-Ycojiv. A'l'lrc.s ns nhrA'C. I HliirtclMlnii. Ocl. 311 IPC'J - rinWr rjr-n-nnT i7 Trrvr"5?T COMHERCIAL JiOXJiL. rjHH Sutiscrllwr having Icnsctl ihe Tiilihc House, for- I nit-riv k ii vit nn tlu ATficriu:m I11ch', No. Is ft, . Sixth fr.rcet, Ijctwt'CU .MarKci nail cinruuiut mreeis, nattciini UlC llUinC (ii UiC B.11HC Ui THE COMMERCIAL MOTEL, Ilt-fn leave to inf rm his f.'icn.ii hiuI llie pnlilic, tbat th.i li.ititc luis itiiilcr .nt ii thiupti reni'tdelhuw, rfWt.ricc, ri inn.Uiig inn I ru'yp t.ii, fiui nttic lo l-iib' nn-iit. An cn tire new tiuifii ! Tin iiitiiic, iK-.ttimr, c, .Vc.r l:us iit-rn pr-tcuicil irjni the nutsl cclcbi.iicU Munuucluiers 111 litis l'run th cc.itrnl location, unit its pmxiniity to the Hciilr wl lup is. Mininl. ul l.ii.iiines 1 liu I Amuse mtnl, r :flti 'iiuhic Tli M-mcliraipii uutl I'libiii iimnis, I'lIVm imlu'-fiiir-i'tii t.tlie .-Ii -rcliani vi-Hintr t(ii? D'iSIMfFS. ' Tilt I rilVCitM Bfcxintr pio:ivtic l' iemnlis vic'tinsr he ntv, every lurility wi.l be nVr'T, ami every c .u..rt u-guiticd lo inuUe O.cir visit yprceabic a lid pMT.s.i:it. A t.liMti i f tin public palronarrt renprrtnitlv nolieitftl jacou ti. i.kuo, j a u i ii.vix, , I' riut cntVii. 1 i of r!tr. rin!oi!f!iliu. t5, t. 4. '.r-. (,:n. C"TSif 'aM-HlS MISi ts3 Frisk and Snieed dusters '. spitUM at, I am llij iiirii.ncil ii, iuioi.i i ir.ii .ink. (-.' ,i n, i.., .1,,, ;.,,, 1 1, , l.,,l- ...r,o m .... 1 , - . .. - . . ,, dni-ed pm-rs oil call ilupeinl upon them j ti c 1 1 1 fresh, us 1 hhall lecrive them il.nlv, , ,Su,,....B ,.vC,.n,... n, ,, I,,,,, U1M,., here. Ihi'V ure only 1(3 hmi'S out ol iho .-In All peistiiis ut u distance, who 11 in il won I of th above article, can have them bent rier dozen or sinulo can by hiblicsniii V. II. VK KKIiV, at Bun's Hotel. . Norlhumbeilatid. (Vt. 10, l5i. david" cooper", commission m e i ; ci i a xt FOR TI1K SALE OF Fish, Provisions, 'c, Ao. 9 ,brA Wharves, April 10, 18.V,' y. TNK Bourcau' celebraUd ink, and also Con Itrc ink for sale, tvholssale nd retail bv IWei ilr e. lS."n. H n M AftSKR. 11AM) LiLLS neatly printed cn new tvro M.M. promptly executed at this effice. Also blanks, of all kind on superior prr. fimburT, Te. 14, 1 HERE IS YOUB. REMEDY f II o 1 1 o w a v' Oint in int. a Most miiiaculovb cvre of bad legs, AFTER 43 YEAtir.i rcL-i'firiiivii Extract of a Letter from Mr. Ifm. Galpin, of 'u, Marxfs Street, Jl tymmith, dated May 15, JSSI. Tj Profiwr tlniLcwAY, tl,a to L? 11' hi'? "ll,rA 111 h '. vr sine. L '.I !J T " ""iS, d for month. ol b.T lies win trrrihlj. ,aj ,. m,' A.l. Ilaeiwiiis, nnit aitvisia Iii-t to trv yom rilia onrt OtiKirani siirl, as l Inst rrs un r, slnir evury ollur ramw'jr hid pru' vnl uiclr, nhr, eoii'i'uicil lo do a,,. !ii tiiiiui.LT.oeii .in wcrka vy i, mi'l. strai tri- M rrlanr, is now in k.wh! l,.tili. 11 T IclJS nre p'liijcp. without nam or scar, unit lir alirrp, snnirl and nnilittiiTliit. CouM you tinvs witnosmrt lis. sulTurltv "f my wii'n Ouriiii ihe hst 3 ymra, nml ou trun tlicm with Iter present enjoyinciit of hnllh. yim wiuUl iiutred f.'cl delialiTfu) in bavina, hcen (lie nieuna of so fieattv sILrlatine the auiTenirpa 01 n fellow-creaiura. (Snjiieil,) WiLUA.M OAM'IN. A I F.RSfJN TO YltAHS OF AOECUItKC OF A HAD LEG, OK 3U YCAr.9' STAND1NO. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Wm. Albs, Build er of Gas Ovens, of llushcliffe, near Had dcrs field, dated Muy'iist, 1851. T i Pr ifcssnr IIotLOWAV, Srn. snifureil for a wri-'t jf 'iiirty ymrt from a lr ler, Hie result of two or ttiroa iliil'.-r. nl accidents rt Gns Vijrkaj occoinpinit'il b;.' ac irliuTi,. nyinjitt'ins. I had re c lursi? to a V'Jiictv of inedicul n.lvicp, wittmut deriving any benrflt. anJ ivria even Mid tliat the 'leg muat I'" nrnpu tiitct, yt. in opiv:sitinn t.i lhat opinion, voitr Pills anil Ointinenl tnve -.rTi'ilvd n completi" fore in no iliort a time, that lew wli) liod nut it would ciedit ihe fret- (iPed) WIM.IAM A BUS. Tlie 1 1 in I, ol' this fintcinent can l Vfrifietl by Mr. V. P. tnnlnml, Cliemit. 13, Market Slu-et Hnddersfield. A DltKALFf I, BAD ftPKAST CLHKD IN ONE MuNTll. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Frederick Turn er, oj Pcnhuist, Kent, duted December 13(A, 1850. To r-rofesa r IIoilowaT, Drar Sib, My wife licit aiiffored from rind Braants for more than six nioiitlip, nnd durins the wholo period had the bt-st medical allendunce. tmt till lo nouso. Ilavin-; be fore healed tin awfal wound in my own lea", by your un rivalled medicine. I asnin lo use your Pills nud Oinnnient, and therelorc pui'e them a trial in her case, and fortunate it was I did so. for .n less than a month a pcifrct cure wns effected, nnd Ihe benefit that various oth er brim'-hcs ol' my I'nniily tmve derived from their use ia really astonishing 1 n"W stpaiplv rrc imtnend them to nil my friends (Signed) HtKlVK TL'KNKB. TbeaPills ahoultl be lined con)jintly with Hie Ointmeul m ist of the following eases : BndLofs, Chieeo-foot, Fistulas, Hud Brcaiits, Chilblains, Gout, Burns, Chapped hnadi, Clamtulir Swelling, lli""'': Corna (Sofl) ljunibugo elie- Caneeis files toes .V Sand-Flies, Contracted nnit llheumatiKm C'co.tmy. Slilt' .toiuts, Klepltfititiasi-i, Sore Nipples, Sliin-diseases, Scurvy, Tumouis, V leers, Srakts, Sore-throals, S i e-licads, Woundt, 1 JWH Slid nt the Establishment of Profess- IIollowaT, 844, B'.rnud, (near Temple Bur, London.) and by all respectable. Unionists nnd Dcnlerf in Medicines throughout Itlu British Kinpire. .V th 'e nf the L'toted Stales, in Boxes at 3"Jc, STe.,nndr-l 60c. each Wholesale by the principal Drag lmtiscs in the Union, and by Messrs.' A. B. & D. Sands, Ni:i Yoik, IT There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes N. B. Directions for the gniihuit of patients in every dis iuler nre nllixcil lo erv.-h U-x. October '23, lioi, ly. .10I1X V. MAUTIN, leave to inform his friends and the pub lic in general, that he is preparctl in every respect to tnuke clothin;: after the mojt Fashionable Slides, and in the most durable manner, and his price i will be as reasonable as can be had in Sunbury or elsewhere, in cash or approved country produce. Ho will always have tho advantages ol the latest fashion plates, and in addition to his acknowl I cdyed skill iii cuttiu?, he will be assisted by the ! direction of the most scientific publications rela- i ting to that art, now issued from the emporiums i f f , : ; ,i Slates. An endeavor ... , , , , , , i will be niadu always to huve work completed when rcijuiae.d. I jH establishment is situated in Market Square, I -in. -n- .1.. j Sunbury, nearly opposite the l'ost Ulliee, in llie , buililiinr formcrlv occunicd bv Jacob Painter as a j , aMM si,op w,cie jt will be a pleasure to him " ,. 1.'. , , , . - ' to see his Inemls, anil make such work, for tliera as i witliin tlic line ot tin business, fr'unbury, August 11, 1S52. tf. LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS- J. C. OlsKUTEUFFEU, S. L'. Cor. -Vinti'i rtnd Maple Sis above Race pim.ABEi.rznA. tNVITnij the Ladies of llie City and Country to cnli enil eaiiii'e Lis splendid Stuck 0 Trimmings, which has been sttectcd with the ut most care. Mr. 1). Liins enabled, from his experience in '. the business, to tal.c advantage of the wholesale uiaikct, is aMc to sell ns low us any other estab lishment. Mr. O. was fornictlv principal con- durlor of the extensive business it Mr. J. W. j Ji ursttnan, No. -U4 Chest nut Street, and his ex- : iv(. r H.,.io, (! ,l0 a Bujrallle8 of his . .. . i- . n- u. t 1 olniity to do justice to Ins customers. His stuck ! conipt iscs the follow in. I , , , ,. r. . r, ' Silk, II orsted, una I oltch I urlavi i'lrtgi"S, j jj;,,,,;,, 'j-aMels und Cord, S.lli and Worsted . lilind do, It Ulllll'll, UIIU VOltOII IIOISCI, Gloves, Combs. !ros!.c, .Soarn, Perfumery, && ; Woollen and Coltin Knillinq ami Dai uiui V'orn, Porte Monnuies, Furnished Work Boxes, Brace lets, and l' Articles generally. Call and cvauiiue fur your-ives. Philadelphia, September -''. lSoS. Cm. TUX OFFICIAL PAPER OF CONGRESS. i g CONGRESS has made llie Gluhk its organ of I communication with the country. To facil- : itatc this important object, and iliminUh the cx- ' pense ti the people, toe CiiM!Iikmiiixal Gioiib i ar.J Afpemiix, which contain the proceedings of Congreos rcviccd l y Ine menibrrs, are hcneelortll i tJ i,c C(mVefil through the mails free of postage. T1C n,M)roach of n new administration impart j ! peculiar importance to the next t,cr&ion of Con ! gn sn. Throughout the w hole country there will ! he solicitude to know what shape Congress will endeavor to give to the national affairs to meet the incoming aJipini-lration. The debates of the next sc:.i-ion will, no doubt, as heretofore, fore shadow its poli.-y. The CiiNr;iustnv.ii. Gi.ntiK and Ari-ESDix J ,r r., inte:i on a ihit.ble roval sheet in rov al quar- - , .,,,.. ,.,1i.,;i11L, kixtppn naues. ll ; ,1 .1.?:,.. - en , i i.c uongteiitonai oiu:r o wi.iov o,, u.mjr cs 1 n,.,cppitiio. ..I" ihe two houcs : unci tho Apnen- dix einliraccc the b ng spccchi-a withheld by the 1 speakers for revision, lha Messanes ,f the Presi ! dent of ihe United states, n.nd the Reporls of the ! Heads ef the Executive Departments. I ''l.c passed during a session, and an In. lex to them, are printed as soon as possible after ! ; adjournment, and sent to ail subieriters to th ! Congressional i-.lohe im.t Appendix. ror one ro.,y 0r tlio Daily Globe daring the next wsmoii For one copy of the Congressional Globe, Append.x, and I.uws for the ntrt scs sion 52 59 S3 00 The su'.Kciihtion money must accompany the order, else no alteulirn will be paid to it. Subscriptions should reach here by '.he 15tl of December, at faithcst to insure all the nuru ' bets. I have about five hundred surplus copies of th Congressional Clcb e for the lat session, which contain, bi ki.les the proceedings of Congress, all laws ami joint resolutions passed duriiiR ttie se sion. 'J'he pioeecdiugs nnd laws make 2.5.V! pa. gif; and the lii-t of appropiiations and Index 110A yet printed, will make about SO pase mor t will let those who subscribe fo the Congreasionat Clobe and Appendix for the coining ,-kiou bave them at the followintr rates: Trice pet cupy, un bound, three dollars ; or bound ill three ol times, backs and corne.s Russia leather, fiv dot lars. Thsv will ha dcUvewd to sub-riher at theb prices. I sell the hound volumes her fo four dollars a volume: the three, volu.e houn t for turelv dollaia. Every person who taka any pa; t in liu faJ.tiv cf Cut country .Uould poee thrai, JOHNC.BrTS, "athinj'ert, Nuembei 11. ISSi,