SUNBU11Y AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOUJINAL. IXttl CONOR ESS -Secend (lo, Wasiiinoton, January 17, 1853. 'Sinatb. Mr. Sewatil presented the me tno 111 of Thomas Ewbanlc, praying an ap propria! ion to enable him lo make experi ment with his recently discovered plan for paddle wheels. Mr. Crodhead presented the memorial of 1444 citizen of New York, in favor of grant ing 160 acre of land to all win were unga ted In the war of 1812 n a .y oil or pt tit mis land reports were presented. lofc. The Honso passed the Senate bi I blowing Ihe widow o! General A mislead, n pension for life; and Ihe Senate bill alio irg iar rears of pension to the widow of Gen J.ihn McNeil. Mr. Dean asked, ami received i his unani mous consent of the House, to introduce a bill to carry into effect a resolution of Con. Cress passed in August, 1783, to f rect at the Capiiol of Ihe nation, a collossal Equestrian Statue of Washington. Il proposes Hn appio prialion of $50,000, ihe work lo be executed by Clark Mills, Eq., under the direction of the President of Ihe United Slates Mr. Dean wistvd lo have the resolution referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. Many voices "Move lo put it on its passage." "Now," "now." Mr. Dean had ro objection to this. Mr. Jones, of Tenn., said it would be wholly unnecessary lo refer the Bill, as Gen tlemen understand it as well now, as they would after Committee had examined it. All thoy had to do was lo snsppnd the rules and pass it al onc9. "Agreed !" "Agreed ! Several motions of reference were su gested. Mr. bwectzer said, he did not wish Ihe figure of Washington to be clothed in Ihe Ro man Toga, but in Ihe Continen al Unifcrm -Cries of "Good !" "Good !" Mr. Dean, then in accordance with iho calls made aiound him, moved the passage of the Bill. He said it did not require Vah inglon to be represented in Iho Koman Cos tume, but merely to carry into effect ihe act of Congress of 1783. Neither lhat it should be executed by a foreign artist, for we have one in our midst, Ihe very best-Clatk Mills, a man who has achieved in 1 lie equipose of the horse, what has never before been nccom plished. The demand for Iho previous question was then sustained, and under its operation the bill was passed. TE3S AIQuP.XCAlT. SUNBURY. ATl'RDAY, J ANl'Atl Y J, l3. II. It. MASSEtl, Editor nnd Proprietor. To ApvinTTnitr.n. The circulation of th Puiilmry American among tli different towns on llif Susquehanna I not exoeeilfd if equui:ed by any paper published in Nortli ttn Ptnniytvanin. EDITOR'S TABLE. Business Notices. JornrtAL or Titu FruxKLis IvsTiTrTs.-The January number of this vnlunlits scientific publi cation lias co:nc to hand. The present number contains some very valuable contributions on sci entific subjects, illustrated with a number of well executed diagrams. The Farm Joi-ral for January contains among other things of interest, a diagram of a public square, in West Chester, containing five and a half acres, and on which has been planted 838 trees of 1 GO distinct species. It would be well fcr other boroughs to follow this examplo, The Family Chicle akd Paiilob Ajkval, far January, published by Jas. G. Reed, 140 Ful toti street New York, at 1 per annum, Jcontains a raidsome steel engraving of the New York Crystal Palace, and other illustrations. The Kkpoht of the Franklin Institute Exhi bition, in October last, with the address of Judgo Kelly has been received. It is a pamphlet of much interest to mechanics and others. PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMonR The superior enterprise of Baltimore, when compared with Philadelphia, in en terprises of internal improvement, is every where apparent. The Ballimoreans having just completed the great Baltimore &. Ohio rail road to Wheeling, are now about con structing a branch diverging at a point 100 miles east of Wheeling, to Parkerburg, Va. reaching the Ohio about 100 miles south west of Wheeling. To this road, the citi zens of Baltimore, have subscribed a half a million of dollars. The city has loaned its aid for one & a half millions, and the Balti more & Ohio Company one million-making in all three millions to complete a branch to their main stem or artery to the Ohio. In the meantime Philadelphia stands hag- ling about the propriety of subscribing one or two millions to the Sunbury and Erie road, a project of more importance to that city, than all the roads combined, leading from Philadelphia and Baltimore to the Ohio. DjF"" Land Warrants. Persons having Land Warrants for sale, can dispose of them for cash, by applying at this office. KF" Pni.NTtNO Ink. For sale for cash, at this office, kegs ol 25, 20 and 12 pounds each. Price 25 cents per pound. ry The Philadelphia Bulletin. Alex. Cummings, Esq., the enterprising proprie tor of this paper, is about taking possession of the new five slory building, in Third st., belonging to the Girard estate, as an office. One of Hoe's celebrated printing machines has been ordered from New York, capable of striking off 10,000 impressions an hour. The Bulletin, though but a few years old, now ranks as one of the best and most in fluential papers in the City. The high toned and independent course ol its editor, has given it a strong hold in the confidence ol the best and most intelligent portions of the community. LOW FARES ON RAILROAD. The Canal Commissioners have reduced the fare on the Columbia Railroad to 2. cts. per mile. The Pennsylvania Railroad has done the same. They will have to come to a much lower figure still, to keep up with New York and Baltimore. The New Yorkers are now building a number of Steamers on Lake Erip, to run in connec- E7 The Engineers of the Catlawissa Rail road are now engaged in exploring a route between Catlawissa and Milton, in stead of running through Bloomsburg. The object is to connect with the Sunbury and Erie road. ThoMiltonian contends that it is much the nearest and best route. We never had much faith in the extension of the Cuttawissa road to Williamsport, und we presume the friends of that road are beginning to have but little- themselves. We think, they will find, in the end, that the best and cheapest connection with the Sunbury and Erie road will be at Sunbury, C7" Proposals will be received until Sa turday, the 29th inst., at Tnmaqua, (or the excavation of a tunnel about 050 (eet long, about 1 miles above Tamaqua, on the ex tension of the Little Schuylkill rail road, and for such other portions of the work that may be ready. Q- The Williamsport rnd Elmira rail road Company have advertised for cross ties for relaying the old portion of the road from Trout Run to Ralston. (7- The Susquehanna Telegraph Line. A dividend of two per cent for the last six months, was declared at Danville, at a meeting of the board a few days since. t7The Quo Warranto in the case of the West Branch Bank, has been withdrawn. The malcontents having sold out their stork, the matter was dropped. The Bank is in excellent credit and doing a good business. K"TtiE Printers Convention at Mil ton on Tuesday last, was not well attended. A telegraphic dispatch trom Lewisburg in forms us thai only lour persons attended, and that nothing was done except taking "a brick in the hat" and then adjourned. Correspondence of ttie Public Le.t(ter. PENNSYLVANIA LERISLATLRE. llarrisburg, Jan. 17, 1353. In Senate Mr. Forsyth presented a me morial from the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, which was read, and referred to iho Committee on Railroads. A message whs received from the Gover nor, transmitting Ihe report and accompany ing bills of the Commissioners appointed to the last session, to revise the laws of ihe Commonwealth. An act te incorporate the Odd Fellow's Association of New Berlin, Union county, was taken upand passed finally. Adjourned. House. Mr. Ely read in place, a bill, sup plemental to the license law of 1834. Mr. Chandler, nil net to incorporate a direct railroad Company to Baltimore. Mr. Hart, a bill to confirm tille to real estate held by mutual beneficial associations. The Speaker and members of ihe Senate being introduced, the two Houses went into Convention for the purpose of electing a Stale Treasurer lor one year from Ihe first of May next, whereupon John M. Biekel re ceived seventy-four votes, and wasdeclaied duly elected- House adjourned. Harmsbtrg, Jan. 18lh, 1853. In Senate. Mr. Sanderson read in place a bill relating to ihe termination of the North Branch Canal. Mr. Quiggle, a bill incorporating the Bellefonle Railroad Company. On motion of Mr. Crabb, the bill provid. ing that the Office of the Sunbury and Erie Rail Road Company shall hereafter be kept in Philadelphia, passed second reading and was laid over for the present . Adjourned. Mr. Appleton, a supplement to the act re lating to Executors and Administrators, pas sed in 1834. Bills Reported Mr. Knight, from the Ju diciary Committee, reported a bill lo give Oiphans' Courl power to grant relief in cer tain cases. Mr. Gilmore, (same) a supplement to iho act relating to the support and employment of ihe poor. Mr. Hill, a bill to' nnihoiiza the Pennsyl vania Railroad lo run cars ou any ruilioad of the Commonwealth. Mr. Strong, a bill supplemental to the net regulating lateral lailroads. ITcstiiigfoii, Jan. 17. SUCCESSOR OF THE L.ATE SENATOR L'PHASl. A despatch, received here from ihe Gover nor of Veicnont, announced that he has ap pointed Hon. Samuel R. Phelps to All the un expired term of U S. Senator Upliain, de ceased. Mr. Phelps is here, having by a singular coincidence arrived here the very day on which Senator Upturn died. DC7" A meeting of the Democratic Stale Central Committee of Pennsylvania, will be held at the Merchant's hotel, city of ; tion with the New York and Erie road to Philadelphia, on Saturday, the 29th inst.. Cincinnati, and have put down Ihe fare for the purpose of fixing the time and place (800 miles) to $10. The Baltimoreans hav- of holding the next Democratic Slate Con-venUon. Ci7" Terra-Culture. This is the name given to a new and important discovery of mproved cultivation, made by Mr. Russell Comstock, a citizen of Western New York. Tho following article on ihe subject from the Oswego Times will be read with inter est : fy We have received several commu nications from a correspondent in Shamo- I kin township, which, as they are not ac companied by the authors name, cannot appear. This is a rule that we cannot de part from. Besides, we cannot admit any thing personal, in criticising the commu nications of other correspondents, especial ly when these communications are on sub jects ol a general character. HO" Correction. In an article on "the shortest route to Philadelphia," last week, our compositor made us commit an error that escaped our notice. Speaking of the distances we intended to say ing completed the Baltimore and Ohio rail road, to Wheeling, are preparing lo carry oassengers through to Louisville, Ky. for am ti r . . . : 1 1 i . i ?ivr. i ueac icii es wiumrriige uuuui 1 .j cts. per mile. To this complexion we all must come at last. Let the Sunbury and Erie road be made, and we can defy all competition. From Phihuletpliia to Schuylkill Haven, (Rending Rnit R. ) From Schuylkill Haven to Coal Caille Cool Cattle to Shamokin, not Schuylkill Haven, Of printed, hrtinokia t Sunbury 89 miles. 10 " 10 110 !C7The Susquehanna was closed with ice at this place on Sunday night last. The ice is now over six inches thick. On Monday and Tuesday mornings, the ther mometer had gone down to Zero. The sleighing is good where it had not been previously cut through. OU"" Treverton Rail Road. The con tractors for the completion of this road arri ved at this place, on their way lo their work, on Wednesday last, with tools, im plements, &.c. The grading, with the ex ception of the deep cut, near the mouth ol ihe Mahoitoy creek, is already nearly all finished. OCr Susquehanna Railroad. At the annual election held at the office of the company, in llarrisburg, on Monday, the 10th inst., the following gentlemen were unanimously re-elected directors : Henry Tiffany, W. F. Murdoch, Daniel Holt, Alex. Fisher, William Gilmore, Simon Cameron, Eli Slifer, George F. Miller, Joseph Casey, Jacob S. Ilaldeman, Joseph R. Priestley, John B. Packer. Wm. F. Packer, President. Robt. S. IIollins, Secretary and Treasurer. A. B. Warfopd, Chief Engineer. The Broad Mountain Coat Vein, al Coal Castle, which took fire on the 13th of De cember, 13 yens since, the l'otlsville Jour nal says, still ccaWnues to pour forth its sul phurous gases, and in wet uealher steam may be seen rising in volumes. For a dis tance of half a mile, this luigo vein has been entirely consumed above water level how far below is not known. Excursion to Euro c.-A wealthy steam boat owner of New York proposes lo rig up fnr in Euronean trip, a steamer yacht, now ...... i u ,n,nnUiv;l. fumishinc her in the richest manner at a cost of 50;000 over or dinary ships ol ihe kind About the fust of May ha will take on board his sons and daughters, and forty and fifty other guests, und sail for London, Copenhagen, Stockholm St. Petersburg, Havre, Bordeaux, Lisbon, f'Sifaralta.r. Marseilles, twnles. Malta, and - ' 1 ' such other porta as may be desirable, slay ins short lirot at each port, giving fetes and teeing the lions. The expense, which it estimated at more than 209,000, w ill-be borne by the projector. C7 Letting of the Sundury and Erie RailroaI). In another column our readers will find the allotments of sections, at the letting of this road, at Williamsport, on the 1-lth inst. The sections reserved are gen erally light. The bridges, however, will be a heavy item. The first bridge we pre sume will cross the North Branch, just be low the present one at Northumberland. Pile other bridge, will cross the West Blanch, a short distance below the Muncy Dam. The road terminates opposite Wil liamsport, and the citizens of that place are fearful that it will continue on the West side ta Lock Haven. T'The Philadelphia and Sundury Railroad Company, will not, as the Milto nian states, rrect their Coal wharfs on the Scott farm, which they have recently pur chased. The rail road depot will, perhaps, be located there. The Railroad Company has purchased the Sunbury Canal, just above the steam saw mill, from Mr. McCarty of this place, and are now preparing to dou ble the lock at the river. The canal will be made 100 feet wide, from the river to the gut, a distance of about 1700 feel, and along this canal and basin, the coal wharfs will be erected. The work will be com menced as soon as the weather will permit and finished without delay. There is not room enough for the operations of the Company at the present termination of the road. E7"Axother. New County. The Hone dale papers state that an effort is being made to get petitions before our Legislature for a new county, to be erected out of parts of Luzerne, Wayne and Pike, and to be cal led Moosic county. I)L(idi:dly cool. Cash axii Ciieiht Sihtim, A number of our exchanges are mainir attempts to introduce the Cash system in the publication of their pa' pers, wbilo some of them are becoming so averse to the Credit system, lhat they even refuse to credit their neighbors with the articles they regularly late from them. The credit system is certainly on the decline ill some quarters. la- Twqua Gaztttc. The above paragraph appeared edi torially in our columns of the 8th inst., as a gentle reouke to some ol our cotempora ries who find it convenient to adopt the ready made editorial of their neighbors. But when we saw the gentle hint itself ap propriated in the same way, we thought it decidedly the coolest joke of the season, and only equalled by the elephant in the mena gerie, who, after swallowing the nuts con tained in the straw hat, took down Ihe hat itself, to the great astonishment of the boy who handed it to him. DA1NIF.L WLBSTER AT THE fUlAVE OF BIIAKSPEARE. Mr James T. Fields, of Boston, who has been in Europe a year or two ago, related in a lecture, the other night, that he saw an old gentleman in England, who met Mr. Web ster at Ihe grave of Shakspeare, and heard him repeat there, in the most impressive manner, the passage from Hamlet, on the iin nioilnlily of Iho sot. I. The old gontlemau farther said, that he had seen and heard Buike, Pill, Fox, Sheridan, and other brilliant luminaries of that day, but he never looked upon the like of Daniel Webster. WORTH KNOWING. Some of the papers, of late, had a para graph recommending Iho uso of wheal flour in the case of scalds or burns. A gentleman al Dayton, Ohio, saw it, and the other day, as he writes to the Empire, tested it to his satisfaction. He says : "While at tho supper table, a little child, which was seated in its mother's lap, sud denly ginsped hold of a cup of hoi lea, se verely scalding its left hand and arm. I im mediately brought a pan of flour and plunged i lie arm in it, coverinir entirely tin) parts scalded with Ihe flour. The effect wus truly remarkable iho piiin was gono instantly. I then bnndaged the arm loosely, applying plenty ol (lour next the. skin, and on ihe fol lowing morning lliere was not the least si;ii lhat she had been senlded neislher did the cliihl suffer the leasl p.iin after the applica tion of Ihe flour. The Result of a Family Quarrel. The Governor of Maine is a Whin, nlihonsh a majority of the people of the Slate are clearly enough Democratic. Ho is also against the '-Maine Law." whilo the voice of tho people is in favor of it. Ilu was cho sen by the Senate, in preference to Governor Hubbard, D-'in., vt ho approved nnd signed the Liquor Law. This anomalous state of things arises oul of a quarrel in thu Demo citie tanks ; one party, Ihe 'Regulars," lo show their aversion for ihe "Wild Cats,'' voted foi Whigs to fill the vacancies in the, Senate. Tho "Wild Cats," in retaliation did the same Ihin and so iho Whig got a majority, and elected their Governor. The terra culture has been applied lo all kinds ef "iirlen vegetables, plants, fruits ami shrubbery, as, also, lo all kinds of crops, with wouilenul success. He cannot go nilo de- lils of what expei iments have nioved Ciops ol grain and vegetables are, at a great saving of latior, more than doubled by terra riillme. Ine expert nenl shows Ihe production ol loo liufhels of shelled corn In I tie acre, mid ana iher ihe production ol 1000 bnshrls of Mer cer potatoes to Iho acre. Il is also shown that I ho great crops w hich havo commanded premiums at agi leultuiai lairs have been pro- Inced aecideiitiv, PV lerra-cullure, ol which we havo an evidence in Oswego county. On Ihe 24lh till. Mr. Comstock lei.tnred lo largo number of lha farmers of Oswego county, at Ihe village ol rulion, among whom was Mr. William Ingell, of the town of ul- ney who for Iho lwo last years has received the first premium on corn al Ihe Slate Agri cultural Fair. We learn from an intelligent agriculluiist of ihis city, who was also pie. sent, lhat during the course of the lecture, which has l lie form of forty questions, pio- nnt'.iiitpil ntul niurd tiv I hn Inpti-irir f.riv nfram m.iitit It.'iiiT ! I liltnrlv t.i rtnl . . I ! h answer questions, it was clearly ascertained lhat Mr. Ingell produced his 1J5 bushels of corn to ihe acre by application of the lei la-culluie principle. riom Ihe evidence betore us, which may be f.en al our office, we cannot resist ihe conviction that Mr. ComstockTs discovery of a natural law of universal application is one of iho most important of Ihe age, a discovery lhat lor ihe honor nnd prosperity ol our coun try, nnd lor Iho imprest ol mankind, should at onco be made public by the patronage of government Prothosotary of the Supreme Court. It wasatinoiinced yesterday, that the Snpieme liench had appointed Robert Tyler, Esq., to this oliiee, in place ol J. S. Cohen Esq., who has so lung peil'oitned its duties with fi delity and satisfaction. We learn, also, thai John K. Findi.ay, Esq., has been appointed .Master in Chancery to this (Yuit. Lcirr. We have seen swells on the ocean, and 1 swells on the canal, but of all the swells, preserve us from an ass who has been cleva led out of Ihe gutter to an important office. A wire cannot make home comfortable, who "dear," and "my loves," and "pels" her husband and don't sew the buttons en his shirts or Ihe tapes on his drawers. While you say lhat the religion of your neighbor is like a garment that sils loosely upon him be careiul that your own is not like a glove that fits either hand. Pea-nuts uro raised in immense quanti ties in Virginia. One counly in the State (Islo of Wight) realizes annually by their salo two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Ten of the Rochester (N. Y ) aldermen have been indicted for misdemeanor in the licensing of taverns and other houses of en leilaiiiment. Roast luikey is jilst ns good as mackerel, if people will only think so. It all depend on how they aro brought up. There is an inm de of the lunatic asylum, at Staunton, Va., iho cause of whose in sanity was indolence. Washington Irvinu is in Baltimore, and receives much attention from literary men. I lo is ihe guest of Secretary Kennedy. I.edru Uiilliu's Wife, an English lady, has beeoiTin th-i legateo of four millions of francs. She was before very wealthy. He who ha'.es his neiuhlmr is niisernbbt himself, and mekes all mound him feel mis erable. It is n proof of mediocrity of intellect to le 1 addicted lo story telling. I The life of a Christian is his walk, Chiist I is his way. and heaven his home. TllK Caloriu Engine cannot explode. Ail hail to that public benefactor, Captain Eiie.s. sou ! General Scott, it is said, gave a biillinut party in Washington, ou Satuiday evening. OUls NAPOLEON'S MARRIAGE with I Iho Princess Wasa bring liriien ol)', us hit lhat bo is tiniiin j his attention to un American , lady. We. don't believe it, however. American ladies have too much sense to risk t'neir fortunes with him. They Rrnerally prefer r.a'ivc sover- : rigns, and we observe thry incline particularly to ' those younir eniMeinon of prudence and taste , win) ;ot their dothinc; cheap ut Rockhill & I Wilson's pvcat rlolhinn store, al the comer of j Franklin i'in.-r and t'liesnut ttrcrt. No. lll.j A man can be irenlccllv, without bring ciitii- ; sivelv dressed, by there. j Philadelphia, Nov. (i. ,l. ly. j New Advertisements. Saui;ini.s. A Paris leller lo the Washing. rjy Immediately after the meeting ol the Legiblature, Mr. Buckalew carried a billthrough the Senate to re-annex Roaring Creek township and parts of Franklin and Madison townships to Columbia county, and on Saturday Mr. Scot- J'.vd up this bill in the House when it passed by a vote of more than two thirds, thus settling this long disputed question. OCT Proposals are advertised for, in the Lewisburg papers, for the erection of a new Methodist Episcopal Church, in that place, !7 A Telegraph to the Pacific. A memorial was presented to Congress, ask ing lor a grant of 1,500,000 acres of land, to be located along the line of a telegraph, which the memorialists propose to build between St. Louis and San Francisco, by the way of Salt Lake City. The expansivenrss of the ideas of the memorialists may be es timated by the fact, that 'hey call a million and a half a "few worthless acres." IE?" The Weather. The clemency of the winter is a blessinz to the noor. what- w a ever it be lo the coal merchants. We may Icar, however, its effects on health, il there be truth in the old adage : "YVhtu Cbrittmu M whits The grave yard ii lean ; But fat ii Ihe grave yard Vheu Curiitmu is green." fXy- A Fact. The children of these pa rents who take their county papen are in variably more intelligent, better behaved, and better looking than the children of those who do not. Remember this, and the next time you are in town subscribe for the .lmtrican. THE Sil'MItRY AND ERIE II AIL ROAD. Despite the unfavorable weather, a great many strangers were in town on the 13th inst., to bil for work on the Sunbury &. Eiiti Kail Road, al Ihe sob Idling of conducts be tween this place and Sunbury. Over four hundred bids were received, and as will be seen by the following statement, a great part of the wo:k was allotted. Upon portions of the road the woik will bo commenced immediately. Allotment of Sections of Sunhtry If Erie Rail Road, from Siinlmrij lo Williamsport 38 miles made at M'illiamrp irt Jan nary 14A 1853 Sections 5, C and 7, U. E. Monger. Section 8, Geo. S. Slinmau. " 12, James Cameron. a 13. E. W. Graham. " 14, David M.itr. ' 15, Ralph Bogle. 16, M'Allisler, Reynolds & Oles. 17, O'Bryan, Smith & Co: 18, Hay & Shack 19, Riddle, Sallude & Co. 20, do do 21, Bradford &. Bogle. 22, Parsons, Ives & Parsons. 23, C. & C. Kennedy. 21, Moor, Grier, Bice k Griffey. 25, Geise, Hagarly, Steuart, Blair, 26, Robert Crane. 28, Dull, Criswell & Dull. 29, do do 31, Martin & Allen. 32, do do 33, John B. Beck. 34, Macklin & Bogle. 35, M. K M ooi head. a 39, do do 37, Funtton k Updegraff. " 38. Parsons k Tallman. Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 27 and were reserved. Ltcoming Oat. DEPARTURE OF IIOM W. R. KINO FOR HA VAHA. Washington, Jan. 15 Tk Hon. W. R. King, Vice President Wi laft here this afternoon, in the U. 6 .loomihin Kulion. for Havana, where he pro- ..- Ua kuna fit poset staying until spring, in i hia imoaired health. He was ac. companied by Dr. Macconer and teveral of hit personal friends. a r. puinr.a Proiecl it in aeilation at Boston. The Transcript tayt the public need not be surprised to see one that will De an honor to New England and the whole I country, ton Republic says : lloiv many sardines do you suppose have been taken this year upon Ihe coast of Brittany, lwo bundled miles long ? Five hundred and seventy-six millions. Half of them aie to be preserved and sold fresh, and half are to be pis down in oil. One hundred and sixty vessels, man ned bv live thousand livo hundred sailors ! and fishermen, are eugaued in tho trade. The preparation, tianspoit, ami sale of iho I fish, employ ten thousand poisons. Nine I thousand of these are occupied all winter in ' the making nnd mendiii" of nets. The fish ing la-la two hundred days, and yields a net profit lo all concerned of 3,000.000 francs. sardines disappear in November and return in April. Wheio they go during these four mouths, why :hcy go, or what they do while gone, hn never been di-cov-ered. The fishermen say that the same in dividuals never come twice that every suc cessful airivul is composed of fish much smaller than (hose lhat last lefl and that they appear lo be their young. At any rale J ol that piece. they count implicitly on their appeaiance ; ' Ou the 30 h and no sardine was ever known yet lo break tu iuto.r' lO' POISONING. Thousands of parents w ho use Vermifuge composed of Casleroil, Calomel, &e. ate not awaie, lhat while ihey appear lo benefit the patient, they me actually laying the Inunda tions for a series of dcseiises, such as saliva tion, loss of si-'ht. weakness of limbs, &r. In another column will be found the inlver- j tisemeut ol llohensacK s .vieuicines, 10 which we ask the attention of all directly inleiesteil in l heir own as well as their Children's health. In I.iver Coinpl. tints ;mil all disorders arising from llmse. el' a bilious type, should make use of the only genuine medicine, llobeii sack's I.iver Pills. O" l-He not di'ccircd,'' but ask for Hoben saek s Worm Syrup und Liver Pills, nnd ob serve that each hns the signature of the Notice to Heirs. IN the matter of tho distribution of the estate " of Elizabeth Woi.ri!i.B, late of Upper Dublin township, Montgomery county, Penn sylvania, deceased. To tho children of Nic holas Wotusom, dee'd., by his first wife the name of one of those children was Klizaiikth, the other not known. Alsit) to Elizabeth Killab, late Elizabeth Wolfixobii, a daughter of Joan WoiriNorti, deceased. Your are hereby severally notified, that tlit Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Montgomery county to distribute the money in the hands of Kpbraim Kenton and Christian Duiinct. Administrators of aoM Elizabeth Wol finger, dee'd., has awarded to each of you t cer tain portion of said estate. Your are therefore recpiired to appenr and make claim therefor, snd 10 produce satisfactory proofs that your aro lha persons entitled to the same. Application may be made to Benjamin E. Chain, Es')., Attorney at Law, jVorristown, Ponna. By the Court, Washington Richards, CM. O. C. Nonistown, January !i'2, 1853. 3t. TO the Hon. Jl. JO RDM', Esq., Presi dent und his Associates, Judges of the court of Quarter Sessions of the county of Northumberland : Tl'lK petition of PAMI KI. THOMPSON of the Br oii"hoi 'tniilury,riai'tfullv showi-th that your pdiliomr int?:iul ke'-i'O'K 11 public house of Kiiteriaiiimont in sai't ti .roiuli, ia llielnuso formerly kept si such by Ann C. Tim" lie i well provided with slaMinc for horses and ll pnnveiiiiiiires necuwury far tlio caurluiiiuieut of istrungera uml Travellers. , . He therefore respectfully pmys the CViirt in grant htm a lirense I" keep nn Inn, or pulilic house of entertuiiinieiit at ihe place heiein nruncil, ami he will prny Ac. TO TIIK JrDCillS ABOVK MKNTIO.NF.T): VI'. the suljsei -ilwra. residents ef the Borouah of Punbu ry d hercliy certify that ISaniuet Thompson the applicant loi Ihe lieerpe, is ii nam of ajooit repute for honesty and t.Miipermiee, nnd is well provided with house noin and coiiveaiene-'P for Ihe loilyiiiff ond nee nnnoi!ntioti of slrun-V--n and travellers, null that a Plnilie House there ia neces i:oy: lliey therefore, ree minienil him aa a proper person to he Ii iseil to keep n Public House. 11 II. PF.TKR VI. Oft AY, Fimvi-is nrr ltKit, John 1) Will III li;i"l" JAM F.! IIKAliF, lli:.VI., IIF.NIIY I) WHARTON, 1 ' V Httl'lIlT, W. M. KOCKKFKLLKH, O. W Kl-.ltll., W.T fillANT. r;t:o. ZIMMKUMAN. P. H. MAS.M-.R, siinihury, Jau 'ii, ls.i3.-3t. TO the Hon. .1. JORDAN, Esq., Presi I dent and his Associates, Judges of the co'irt of Quarter Sessions oj the county of Northumberland : Tl'lK petition of 1'KTKR HAN8E1.MAN respectfully sh witli ; Unit y air petitioner is in possession of a com in .ilious Iioiiik .situated inllie Doroueh of Northumberland ivi (uecn flreet. which is well calculated for n public I: no e of Kiiicrtuinineiil, nnd for the ncc.mim dation and ciO'-riaiiina.'Mt ol Siraiurers and Travellers That lie is well pr .vi led Willi alaldius for hnrsea and all c iivninci'S tiecesKiry for the entertainment of grangers nod Tinvflters. lie ihcrefnrn respectfully pras Ihe Courl to grant hnna license to keep nn Inn, or pulilic house of eiilcrtaiincnt at th ppv-e heicin n:im-d, nod lie will prav r. TO TUB JClKiKS AllOVK MENTIONED : WF., th" Fiil'seril-ets, residents of the Hornueti of Nor- Ihiluiliertand d . hereby ready Unit I'eler Hniiselrimn tho iiVlu-nut for the license, is :l 111:111 of c od lepilte for hon emy nnd teiiioeinuee, and is well provided with house room and e ir!V'i'iM.. f r the I 'deitif: nnd ti'-conunodatinn of Miniiiri-rsuiid travellers, nnd that n Public House time ia is ef..:nv; they therefore, reeominend him us a proper pervm t'1 In- lie'eured to Keep u Pulilic House. M. II I'tilKSTI.Y, M. TAP,.! ART. 1! t Mci-OV, J R- I'HII.STI.V, .liiSHI'll PlilF.STI.Y, JOHN A. TAYLOR, WM It . WAPPI.I S, JOSF.PII WAI.US, .1 IH'. sOK.M KMHK. O. H. SMITH. JMIIN WIIF.ATI.FV. JA TAWART, IlIlNliY UK MIAM, J IV HATI'.U. ft. I TA'id Kil l'. .lAMI'.S TAGCART. NorlhuinlicrUiiub Jan. 15, liM at. I'roptietur, J. N. else are o(.nujne. IIOlJENSACK, as none I 71 A CI u 1 1: I. i On the lolh insl , by the Rev. I. Horn, j Mr. A Anns Smith, of Miamokin, to Mies I El.I.EN Fit V. of Upper Augusta. I In Minersville, on the evenina of Ihe l?;h j ii;sl., by Ihe Kev. J 15. M. Coliouh, O.-CAn i M. KouiNs, M. I)., lo Joanna Kobinsun. .nil 1M1 tilt , by th" Key. W. S. i. CllAUI.KS 11. f-IIIUNFIt, to T- . . . . .1 l.i .1, . . 1 I '. r.1 I enoaSen.e,,l thus tacitly entered of Mi'lUiliIj . din Mnr- Miss Foster, bolh l I i; I). In Ihis pl.-iee, on lha 31st inst , AMELIA, 1 daughter of Charles Uinthatl, Hged 13 year, 6 iiioulhs and 3 days. In ihis place, 011 ihe lS;h inst., SAUAI1 JANE, daughter of Augustus Clement, ngeil j about 1 1 yea is. j In .Upper Anmisla, on the 13th inst , Mis SUSAN .N El DIG, tiijed about f5 jeais. Iljc ittavlttts. 11 11 1. 11 11 tr II II il A Happy Ii.i.fstiiation. Tho Cotniier dct Etats t'nis, u an article on tho calorie ship Ericsson, illustrating tho opeialiou of Ihe wiie apparatus, in alternately healing and cooling tho same volume ol air, in tho fol lowing apposite manner Tho great fundamental piincipal of the transmission of calorie cost the inventor 20 i yeais of icflection lo tealise in this machine. ' Il consists in using constantly the same heat ! lo warm the uir which is made to enter the ' cylinder. The apparatus by means of w hich , this piinciple is applied, is called a reoener" alor, und we con form a clear idea of il by eupposing a man had his mouth filled with u : warm tnetalio sponge ; if ho draws in his breath, Ihe exteiior air, in traversing the pores of lha warm sponge, will itself be warmed, and will anive warm into the ungs, while the sponge having parted with its caloiie, w ill have become cold ; if he ex hales the air thus warmed, Ihis air, in again traversing the sponge, will again warm il UllU Will CUIlie Utll ICUUI.I.-0, 111 lCIIIri.OUv i If instead of riroducin" these movement by j nn.i f iite at fil Iho conlrnclion of the muscles of Iho breusl I Oats. !ales 01 pnnio of the individual, nil ordinary bellows is j B"Vvh1"kev. Sales of Lbla al S5i-, anJ adapted to the mouth to produce Iho inhala- n( j, uljJ lion and the exhalation, we well nigh nave ORP1IASV COURT SALE. TS pursuance of nn order of the Orphans' Court of Noithuiiilx'thiiid county, will be exposed to TiuUiic pale on SATURDAY the 12th day of KEliKL'A UY nest on the premises The fullow iucr described land, lo wit; a certain TKACT or pinpart number eight containitii; 113 ACRES AND 101 PERCHES, strict measure, heiiiR the enstern part of the tract w hereon Samuel 1. 0115 resides. also, purpart No. nine, comprising the interest of the said decedent, as follows, to wit ; The undivided moiety or half part of the piece of land in said writ of I'artition mentioned, containing one acre and a half, more or Ies3 ; Whereon arc erected a SAW MILL and s r.i a 11 HOUSE, and the undivided third pait of the tract in said writ mentioned, adjoining David Billman and others, containing twenty acres, more or less; and the undivided third part of the tract in said writ mentioned ns held by said deceased as tenant in common wilh the vendees of John C. Boyd. All of said lauds being und lying in the Township of Cameron. Northumberland county. Late the es tate of Gcorn-c Lung, dee'd. Sule to commence at 10 o'clock A. M or said day, when the terms of sale will be made known bv CiHOKGE BOYEIt, Adm'r. Hv order of the Court i JNli. 1. l'i:itsEI.,Clk. O. C. S Suuliurv, Jan. 15, IS00. ts. 30 Fi.ofit sales of Philadelphia Market. Jan 18, 1853 and Meai.. The market is dull ; fresh nicuind lor expoit at in, ami good brands lor city consumption. ' -o a S5t. K.Mra Flour is held at S4 37 t a 5J. K E Flopii. Last sales at S 1 i Cohs Meai.. I.asl sales ol IVnna. at 53i Wheat Sales of prime red at $120 ; and w hite at $125. Kre tx in demand ; sales at gocls. Cons Is arriving fteelv, and piiees are uwer ; sales ol Ury yellow at ot c Soul hem at 45 Ericsson's machine. UASMJI AOAI.. Ofcoutso "the great humbug" would not miss a share of v halever is to be made by Maine Liquor Laws, when so many mere spoonies are acquinng lame auu lunui ineie- by. DaiTiutil lately presided at a grand dem- oiutration 111 New loiK, anu among omer cool proposals, offered the following: Ho proposes, 'it New lorK oily would giee Aim the mudost sum of twenty-five and a half-millions of dollais to pay all the City taxet, amounling to about four millions; send every child lo a good 6chool, picseut every family wilh a library of 100 good bookt) three barrela of flour, and a si IK dress to ev ery female, old and young, a suit of broad clolh lo every male citizen, old or young and an admission of each to the Museum." Thi last item he relies upon as the strong est inducement for acceptance of ihe propo- titiou. Tetanus, or Lockjaw, isauccessfully Heal ed with quinine. The Nbm Oileant Medical and Surgical Journal givet, at tome length, the treatment in a recent case, in which the cure ia attributed altogether to quinine. Baltimore Market. Jan. IS, 1852. GKA1N. Sales of Wheat to-day at 112 a 116 cts. for good to prime reds, and 187 a 122 els. for w hiies, Corn is in very good supply Sales to-day of while al 60 a Gl els , and of yellow al 62 a fi3 els. The large quantity in market, how ever, caused prices to give way, and al I he close no more than 61 eta could be obtained for yellow. Sale of Maryland Rye to-day al 80 els. and Penna. at 89 cts Oats sells at 38 a 4 lets., the latter rale for strictly prime parcels WHISKEY. Sale, of bids., lo-day ut 25 cts. We quote hhds. ut 25 cts. SUNBUKY "l'iVlCE" CUUI113NT Wheat. 100 Rn. .70 I'onsr. ... CS OiTS. 37 Potatoes, 37 Butte. 18 Eacs. ... 12 Pohc. ... 8 Flaxseed. .... 125 Tallow. 10 Beeswax 25 Heckled Flax. ... 17 DaiED ApFLts. .... 100 Do. Peaches. ' '.'50 Flax 8 40,000 SIllXCilsKS. t COOL) lot of 26 inches white pine Shingles forsJlc at Si 10 per M. .1. B.MASSER. S'linbury, Jan. 15. 1853 tf. O R P HA XS' COifhT SALE. P N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Cour 2 of Northumberland county, will be exposci to public sale, on TUESDAY, the 1st day of FKBHUAKY next, at 10 o'clock, A- M., o-t the premises, tiic following Tracts of Land, situate ill Point township, county aforesaid, th liist whereof is bounded by the North Branch of Ihe river Susquehanna, lands late of Thomas l.enimon. Win. LeintiKm and others j containing 123$ Acres, more or less, with the allowances. The second is bounded by the above tract, lands of John Nix on and the North Branch of the river Susquehan na, containing forty one Acres and a quarter, more or less, strict measure, whereon are erected) a two story frame M DWELLING HOUSE, A Wagon House, &c. About on half of said land is cleared. The following described property will be exposed lo public sale, on THUKSDAY, the 3d day of FEBltUAUY next, at the house of Wm. M, Weaver, in tihaniokintown, at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, to wit: All those Two certain Lots ot Ground, In the town of HhainoUin, Northumberland coun ty, numbered in the general plan of said town, Nos. 43 & 41, bounded on the north by Commerc street, on the south by lot No. 45, on the east by Franklin street, and on the west by Shamokin street, each containing in front 28 and a half feet, uud in depth about 200 feet, both of which ar vacant. Also, All that certain Lot of ground, Situate in Shamokin, aforesaid, numbered in the general plan of said town No. 39, bounded on the north by Sunbury street, on the south by Com merce street, 011 the east by lot No. 40, and on the west by lot No. 33, containing in front twen ty eight and half feet, and in depth about two hundred feet, on which is erected a two story FHAME DWELLING HOUSE. Also, the one undivided Half of three cer tain LOTS adjoining each otlnr in the town of Shamokin aforesaid, called the Foundry Lots, on which are erected a one story frame r oundry anil a two story frame Finishing Shop with fixtures. Late the estate of Ziba Bird, dee'd. Sal to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said days, when the terms os sale will be made known by JOSEHH BIRD, ) r.. SAMUEL READER, J " By order of the Court, J. P. PUREU CM. a. C, January S, 1853 i.