Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 15, 1853, Image 4

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Dreams are novel read in sleep.
Do not marry until you ore able to support
a wife. bear a stronger a
madman than a drunkard.
There is in (he heart of woman etich a
deep well of love that no ago cun freeze it.
Fine tooth combs are now made of tndin
Thefts of statuary have recently oeeurcd
in Greenwood cernetry !
The Atlantio is nearly four mils depp off
Cape llatleras, say the U. Is. Const Surveyers.
Thb talue of land in the centre of the city
of London is 400,000 per acee.
Girls are liko jollies as moulded, so
they turn out.
Between life and death there is frequent
ly but the thinness of a shoe.
Tub first law of gravity is never to laugh
at your own jokes.
Foolishness Trying to drown giief in
Among the officers of the Biitish Army is
.Liuut. Gen. Arnold, IC. 11 , K. C.
Poor Stock Sleigh bells, buffalo robes,
and skates.
Christ Church in Anthony strret, near
Broauway, New loik has been sold for S50,
Dr. S. Humes, of Lancaster, Pa., who died
lately, bequeathed S2000 towards erecting an
asylum for the reformation of drunkards.
Fifty miles in fifty-three minutes, makinrjr
six slops on the way, has been run on the
Connecticut River Railroad.
A doctor in a North Carolina paper bonsla
that he has discovered a system by which ho
can make out of an old man an entire young
man, and have enough left to make a small
Most women had rather have any of their
good qualities slighted, than their beauty.
Yet that is the most inronsideiable accom
plishment of a woman of real merit.
The statue of Thomas Jefferson the sec
ond in Crawford's Washington monumental
group has just been cast in the Royal Foun
dry in Munich.
An Elderly Lady asked Tompkins what
sort of a tree the tree of liberty was. "A
pop'lar tree, ma'am," was the immediate re
ply of our sagacious friend.
The Maine Law in Massachusetts has been
sustained by the late election. The Legisla
ture chosen will not, it is supposed, repeal
or amend it.
Miss Tulip, in speaking of old bachelors
ays They are frozen out gardens in the
flower-beds of love. As they are as useless
as weeds, they should be served in the same
manner- choked I'
James Gillespie has been sentenced to
forty years imprisonment in the Penitentiary,
for the murder of Wm. Smith, in Cuss Coun
ty, Mo.
Silver change has becomo so scarce at
Lafayette, la., that the merchants of that
place are issuing shin plasters for sums from
five up to fifty cents.
Susquehanna Salmon. Large quantities
of these delicious fish ti.ivo been brought to
Harrisburg within the last few days. They
Bell for 12i cents per pound.
Hon. John Davis has written a letter to
the Boston Atlas declining to be a candidate
for re-election to the Sonata. He expresses
hi determination to withdraw from public
Political Lite. Demosthenos, as Plu
tarch relates, once said, that if, at the com
mencement of his public career, he had
known what he afterward learned, of the
miseries of public life, and had been shown
two roads, one of them leading to an early
grave, and the other to pulitical power, he
would have chosen the former.
Unconstitutional. The Prohibitory Li
quor Law, on the plan of the Maine enact
ment, passed by the Rhode Island Legislature,
has been declared unconstitutional by Judae
Curtis, in the U. S. Circuit Court at Provi
dence. This, with Minnesota and New
Hampshire, makes three States, in which the
Law has been similarly decided.
The Salary of the President of the Unl.
ted States, as well as the salaries of the
Cabinet Minister and of a poitiun of our
Foreign Minister and Chargps, will proba.
hly ba increased, perhaps at the present
session of Congress. Wo hope this will be
done ; for it is discreditable to the country
that we should fail to provide for the high
officer of State, adequate mean of support,
while in its service. By the present salaries
no President, member of the Cabinet, or
Minister abroad, can go out of office without
having impaired hi private fortune.
The soap plant, so culled, grown all over
California, on high hills as well as in the val
leys. Iho leaves- make tlieir appearance
about the middle of November, or about six
weeks alter the rainy feasuu has fuiily set
in ; the plants never grow more than one
foot high; and the leaves and stalk drop off
in May, though the bulb lemain in the
ground all the summer without decaying
It is used to wash with in all parts of the
country, and by those who know its virtues
it i preferred to the best of snap. The me
thod of using it is merely to strip off the husk
dip the clothe in water, and rub ti e bulb
on them ; it make a thick lather, and smells
not unlike new brown soap. The botanical
name of the paint i Phalangiuro pomaridia
num. Betide this plant, the bark of a tiee
Cheliriasaponaiia, is also used in South Ame
rica for the purpose of washing. Several
other plant have been used iu various coun
trie a a substitute for soup. All of these
contain considerable quantities of oleaginous
and alakine principle in their composition
ou which their vulue depend. Hogg's ,
Valuable Property.
Lato tha Estato of E. P. SHANNON, Esq.,
Oi Northumberland
rffMlE subscribers, Executors of the Estate
of Ephiaitn I'. Shannon, Into of tho Bor
ough of Northumberland, oHor at private sale,
Hie following vuluable Real Estate, viz:
Lot No. 77, coiner of Queen and F'ont
Street, on which is erected ti two story rJriek
liuililing, loinieily occupied by tho deceased
as a Sioie and Dwellini.', Dud now occupied
as inch. There me also' on the lot two frume
dnclliinrs. fcc.
Lot No.' 62, Mtuutcd in Market Street, cm
n hich is erected a two story white Fiumo
Dwelling. &c, adjoining John Taggurt, Esq.,
occupied by Cl.a. Knous.
Lots Nos. til), 70, 71 & 72, situate in Mar
ket Street, a two story white Frame Dwel
ling, occupied by James Donly, and a stable
is erected on lots lo. till fi u.
The undivided half of Lot No. 120, situate
on the corner of Duke and 4th Street, on
which is erected a two story dwelling, occu
pied lv Joseph McCallislcr.
Lot 'No. 1SS, situate in Queen Street on
which is erected a two Bloty white Frame
Huildinc, occupied by John Burkert
Lot No. 60, situate at Norlhway and Wa
ter Streets, on which are erected two Frame
Dwellings und Stabling, occupied by widow
Vandliug and John Vandliug.
Also the undivided fourth part of lot IBS,
on which is erected a twostoiy Frame Dwel
ling, occupied by John Vandyke.
Also ten acres of cleared land, adjoining
lands of John Deshay, cn the East side of the
Susquehanna, about three miles oeiow Dan
ville. Also two adjoining vacant town lots, situ
ated on the corner "of Second ami Oinnge
streets, numbered in the general plan of Lor.
ot'gh. Nos. 215 & 216.
Also four vacant lots on Third nnd Orange
Streets, numbered in the genoral plan ot said
Borough. Nos. 203, 210, 211 & 212.
Also four vacant lots fronijng on Market
and Sixth Streets, miming East to an Alley,
numbered in the general ptati oi sum uui
ouh, Nob. 77, 78, 79 & 80.
Also four vucant lots fronting on Orange
Street, and numbered in the general plan of
said Borough, Nos. 185, 1?6, 187 & 1S8.
The above property will be sold in parts
or parcels to suit purchasers, on reasonable
terms, ror lurlhrr parucuiars aiy u ju.ui
Cake, Esi., at Noithumberlanii, or to the
A I-Fi: I'D KNKASS. ) E ,
Northumberland, May 82, 132. lf.
S1000 a rear.
WANTED in every County of the 1'nitcJ
Suites, active and enterprising men to en
gage in the tale of some of the hest I3ooks pub
lished in the country. To men of Rood address,
posesainp; a small capital of from 25 to 510(1,
such inducements will lie offered as to enuhio
them to muke from 3 to $10 a day profit.
t B The Hooks pu'nlirfhed by us arc all useful
in their character, exliemcly popular and com
mand larpe sales wherever they arc offered.
1'or further particulars. address, (postage paid,)
Successors to W. A. Leary tt Co.;
No. 138 North Second Street, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, Oct. S, 1S52 tf.
Xo 78 North -d bet wren Arch and Hare St.,
ERE13Y informs the public that he imports
anil constantly keeps on hand at Ins new
store, No. 78 North 2d St., a large assortment of
Foreign Fancy Goods,
JIusical Instruments, Pictures S? rain's,
which lie w ill sell at the lowest prices.
His stock, in part, consist of, Accordcons,
Violins, Music Boxes, Parlor and Bar lioom Or
gans, Mclodeons, Scraphines, Mathematical In
struments, Magnets, Spy and Opera Glasses,
Stationery of nil kinds, Pocket Books, Bronze
Powder, Dutch Metal, Gold and Silver Leaf,
Scales of all kinds, Snulf anil Tobacco Boxes,
Lithographic Paints, Copper Plate and Steel En
gravings, and pictures of every variety. Also
Gilt Frame .Mouldings ot various sizes.
Dealers, Country Merchants, and Pedlars, sup
plied at reasonable prices.
December 20, 1851 tf.
Saddlery and Harness Establishment of
G. W. STltOH,
Market Street, Sanbury,
A new assortment of MlvtT, ISraNS at id
Jnpanned 3Iountin,
Which ho will either make up to order or sell
separately for cash ut prices as low if not lower
than can be had anywhere else.
Treuilig, Yaticbw, &c ,
Constantly kept on hand or manufactured to or
done on the shortest notice.
All persons arc invited to call and examine foi
All kinds of produce taken in exchange.
Sunhury, May I, 18M. if.
No. 47 South Water Street, below Chestnut,
MPORERS of Foreign I'ruits, Nuts, Wines,
&c, keep constantly on hand the following
articles, which they will tell at very low prices
lor cash.
Raisins, Almonds, Currants,
Walnuts, Citron, Ground Nuts,
Prunes, ('ream Nuts, Dates,
Filberts, Figs, Vanilla beans,
Sweet Oil, Preserved ginger, amariiids,
Liquorice, Lemon Syrup, Fire Crackers,
Port ine, Madeira v tue, l.Iaret Wine,
Sherry " Muscat " Sweet Malaga "
Philadelphia, July 3, 1852 ly.
Wholesale and EC t tail Clock
S. E. Corner Sicond and Chestnut Sts.,
ATHERK may bo found, ono of the largest
and best assortments of Clocks and Time
pieces in the United States, in quantities to suit
purchasers, of from a single Clock, to one thou
sand Clocks; embracing every variety of stylo
and manufacture, suitable for Churches, Halls,
Counting Houses, l'arlots. Sleeping Apartments,
and Kitchens, Steam and Canal liuuts, and Kail
Road Curs.
Also (renoral talc Agent, for Rapp's lately pat
ented 8ci otitic Nic he Gold Pen. Wholesale
and Retail (Jold and Silver Pen Holders, and
Pencils, and a variety of Fancy Goods. Those
wishing to purchase will find it to their interest
to call before purchasing elsawhcre.
d. E. Cor. dies tuut & 2nd Sts., Phila.
April 10, 1852 ly
HENRY W. BUCHER infonna the public
that he has taken the Sunbury Ferry and
a be is now well prepared with good and sulll
cieut cralts he will be enabled to accommodate
the public with promtness and despatch.
April 10, 1858. tf.
lent remedy fur coughs, cnldi. Tor salt
t thii oiTue.
Ieeriulier 4, 185?.
Manufactured by the New Jersey Zinc
Company, Newark, N. J.
fpIIFs Pubsfrihrm hrp now prppnirri trt exerule order
ti any extent for their henutiiul while nnd colored
Zinc Paint, tit t)ia reduced prices, vu :
No. 1, White, ground in oil, 0 centt per lb.. pure.
No. 3, do. do. 8 do. dt
Ntt. 3, do. do. 7 ilo, do
lirowu otid lllnck, do. do. do
One hundred pound will rover equally Well on much
mince ns IflO of While Lend ; lliey'nrc SM percent
chi-nner to the (Miinuinw.
The Zinc Wiiith id rapidly mienetiing White I,cnd,
over which it ponpsni'a ninny ndvnntnai'i It in whiter,
nnd more beautiful ihtm the White l.ut d"en not turn
yellow, fveu v hen exposed to tmlphmnnii VHjRir hiiB
no amen is hoi lnjuni-m to ncuun, una in itu inoie tiu
Zinc Know and ftLAric Taints ame kotii Wrathhh
and Kins I'Roor. Tin; hunt covering for outnido work
ever intitfiUifwl, H.tontcil to huildinirn of wood, brit-k or
tone to fence. Cfirrinjte bailie, bridge, nnd machinery
to l he hull ot vi'hslis, miciiors, ennuis, ami nil other iron,
work on Kmrd nhiit to men hi boilers, fmiuke tucks nnd
witter tanks to iron, tin, nnd olhr rootiinfr, iron sliuttler
door und ruiliuc. wuc frm-en. bridpvii. Ac.
ror iron murine una rHint in esperiiiny vnuinnie
nt it forms a galvanic t nuection, nnd entirely pi events
These 7ine Tnintft hiivinff o pure Metalic Brian. nr war
ranted it-it l turn yt'llnv, nnd will rctnin tlieir original
biillitmey much longer lliuu White lend, or nny nf the
earthy pigment now in ute. The ecrtitieiitrs from lhoe
who have used lhHe Paint, nre such u to milmlv the pub-
lie tlint thev ure invaluable. The ablest chemist of
Fmncc and thin country have testified to the superiority of
Zinc over leaii 1'uintn, ns to durriiiiiny, heniniltiines ni.a
benutv. " hcv hove boeii minuted bv the r reucli ttovetn
ment, by the corporritimi of New York, nnd ure now ex
teitsivt-ty lined by the United fr'tat Goverinnut at many
oi the lurgerti Military una .Murine icpnt.
riiii.Aim.rntA Oa Wohki. Mnv 1.V 1931.
Mewr. F. O. .Ionic A. CM. CenHeman linving mmle
sevend trif'sof yt.ur Urown Zme Paint iu various meth
ods enlcnlti'ed to trM it n'ftiriivft fluidities upon wood
nnd metal, I have the niichici,i"n to state that the reunite
hrtve been highly favoinlOe. The paint covering well,
drying quickly, and powpsiipff jintttfr tenneiiy, enpeeially
iiion ii.n, thnu vny oth?r ptiut with which 1 am fa
miliar. V.nirs, truly, .Tort C. CnnPOt.
The undersigned, Inving nard the Zinc Taints referred
t ("ncur iu the f'inMi,cr n;iini ti.
Morris, Tusker A iSlttrri
Iteanct, .Ncntie V Ct., I'cnn Work.
Merrick & S.ui.
Janu T. Sutton Co,, Franklin Iron Work.
J. T. Dean. U. H. Drv Dock.
I?" Dealer Anppiied on reu naMe terms by the Agent
of the Companv.
K. C. JONKS A Co.,
No. 1? South Wharves, Thila.
July 17, IPSO. 6m.
"IT rllATKVnil concern llic heiillli null happiness of a
V peopli: is nt nil times 'il' thu most valuable import
ance. I tnke it l'"r ernntiMi that evei v nor n wili do oil in
lU'.ir power, to have tiifi lives nt' their cliiMren, nnd tliut
every person wili endeuvnr to prom tletheir own health nt
nil Rieriiiees. I iVcl it to he tny lUity to ("olemnly iiBsnre
you that WOtlMS, nee inhng to the opinion ot' the lir'st
oelelinncil I'hvMcnuis, nrc tlie priin-irv ennses nf n vrzc
majority of iliRe:rse. ttt whieh chililren and adults nre lia
ble ; tl you Irive an nppelite rontiniuilly channenhle iront
one kind ot' food to nu dlier, ttiul Hre.uli, t'.-tin in the sto
mach, I'ickinc nt tl'e None, Ilnrihtens nnd Fullness oi Iho
H : I y , l)i'y Conh. Slow l'ever, rulselrreicubr remember
that nil lliepp denote WOtt.M?4, und you bliunld at once ap
ply the remedy :
..uniieu upon rei-mmc i, roinnouiui-
cd Willi purely vegetable suhsiauees. hemg perleetly wile
. ..... . 7 t .T. i p . T i t !
,,- . t . I "-'
Tonic properties of my Worm Syrup are such, licit it
stands with mt an ctpinln Ihf e.italoiiue of inrdieineK, in
g vinij tone and tirrngili to the Si' inncli, whieh m;tkes it
nu inliiniiiif; remeiiv lor thoc nilh't-d with J)vs'-epsin
the nHlonishitif? cures pt'ifirnied by tins Syrup niter Physi-ci-uis
liuve J.nled. i t;ic best c iilence of its superior tuV
caey over til o'Jieis.
This is the nrsl diili -nit Worm to destroy r.( all lint in- !
test the haimu sysiem. it to an ulnmst liuleimilo j
lencih oeeorinnt.' h eon. d nnd tasteiuil in the Intcsimrs
ami M-'iiiacn eUerling the heaitl. to Kd;y as to eauffO r-l.
V.lllS lJjIIK-
i us. ,c., i. i n itiofc atuieien sei.r-in u ever
su'i't tlul it is iiipe W una h.i-.toiiin;r tlH'iii lo tin ivtny
prove. In order to di clrcy this W'orni, a very raerti-'iic
Irvattni'iit liiuM lu- pamtirrt, it wotikt therefore lc pncf
to Irikc 6 to 8 of my I.ivrr Pills sous to reumvi: all oIjfUuc
tions. that the Worm Syrup in;iyn.t ilnert upiuthc Worm,
wliich must he taken in d ies ol' a T;ihltsp tout nils 3 tuiK S
n iluy these ilireeli ?ns followeil l,i,ee never heeu known to
lixil in curing the mori ob.tiiciiu cse ot' Tuiie Worm.
Ni pnrt pi tlie system is mure lial.le to ditcnue thnu tlie
LlVI'at. it t'crviu ns u iilteit-r to purily the ltiK-tl, or t;iv
Hit; tlie proper secreii'Mi to jie bile ; no tlint tiny wronir ne
tii'U tu tlie Liver ct!'fet tlie otlier importimt parts ni" (lie
system, and n suits v;'ri-.u?!y, in Liver Ctii;i;t;mit, Jiiuu
dice, Oyi)f;sin, Vc. Wti K:i"ulti, ih rehire, w.ueli e-i ry
svmjit-.m tlmt miirht iiuliente n wr-iiff net ion nt' the Liver".
These I'ilin heinj c inp .st-d of HOOTS k PfANTS l'nr
nifhi.) bv n.T n re io iienl the sick : Kumelv. 1st. AnKK-
I'Kl'TOltANT, which iiucinentii the see'reii m fi"tn tl.o
l'uliu n;iry mucus niembrm, or prmu 'tej, the disehnrpe
nf seereied matter, fiurl. An AL'I'KH ATIVI',, which
cii.'iiiKca iu Mtn-j inexpticul.'e rnul insensi!ile i:i:innT t Lc
certain m -ibid uetinn of liie i-ys-iein. ."Jr., A TONIC
which pives time im l strenili ui the nervnns ssjutcm, re
newing he ilih nnd vi'U' t all pnris of tlie li.nly. 4 i h , A
CATHAKTIC, which uets in perfect hiirmony with the
other inijredii'nis, mid nperniinifi'ii tlie Howeiis, nnd rspel
iin? the wh tie iikim of i-irrunt uud vitiated nnttier, nnd pu
rifying the IllX'd, wliich dcKms disease unU iwtarrs
Y m will find the Pills nn in volunUe medicine in many
enmplitints to which yu nre Mihject. In olntrutti.ns ei
ther tntii! oi, lliey hnve, he'-n found o tne.-timnlile
beiu'fit, rffct.-rittL' their funrti-'iml rmnumins to a henl
lliy lu-ii'tn, puriryinsr tlie iji tnl :nid oilier ttuids s eticetu
n'ly tn put totiiyiit nil pttmpbinrs which may nriee from
fetu:i;.; irre'nl irilics, ns he;id-teliet giddinets, diiunesa of
tiglit, pain in the side. Lack, tVc.
E7" I'ric'e, 25 cent each.
N-me uenuiiic unless tig-ted J. N. HolieiiBitek, all others
!einr briM Imitntion.
I"?'" A'-eti's wishing; new supplier, nnd Pmre Keepers
dmrons of lieenuini: A ?i'uts mtiFt address the Proprietor,
J . H.d.ens:irk, IM:i!adelphin. l'n.
R'ld by J. W. Krilintr, Sunbury; Mnry Mi-Cay, or
Ihumbei limd ; Heisel, Turbutville Ilnier. .Miltm "; Oilty
iV Lenki-r, tie 'Tiji't'.wu ; Letsentinp V Wolveiton, Paxi-n-'s;
Viei.t, Iiiek'ry; oil dealers in Medicine in t'ie
Counlv nnd State.
Aue,':iM 4, t '?. 1y.
it Loan
Dagr.orrefin (lallcry,
1 159 Chestnut Street,
T Ibis ee!f.bmted ef!ab!i.-huienl you can nlwnys pro
rure tee mnvoit nnd must improved style of'
nt fr im ."jO ti lf0 p r ct. cost than such pictures can
tie had f r ehewhere,
N w thai you ran serine Hindi perfect portraits of your
l ived oiks nt u mcio iic-uiinal cout, don't delay lest'yuu
1 tin-in.
Li t iy vaiirty of faiu-y cii?ex, frames, Ae , on hand oi
fnrnii hed to ord'-r, anil every picture made satislnry nml
wai ranted to be in th l "t style of the ait or no chauge
Call and see ns nl 10U Clu'smut st.
Philndrib hia July l", lW2-ty.
KSiElT Vlli r.t:, lit.
No. liH Chcftnu'. St., above Sixth, Front oj
fcvYTTTFTt Medal, awunled tlicm fur
a I l-XJ Oirir 1 cr.t 'J'ravellin-T Trunks e
hibited ut the World's Fair in London, 1S51
beiiif; the only exhibitor! to whom any award
was made. Their competition was with ail the
world, and they have THE PRIZE!
To be found in this Cilv, and nt very low prim.
Call and see. 11 K 'KEY & TELL.
Trunk Manufacturer, 143 Chestnut St.
April 10, IH52. tf.
The Johnston Ink
lOri Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA.
rjpiIE suWriher bet;i leave respectfully to in--B-
fiirin I'm NTttit generally, that he lius sue
cetded to the Husiiiet of inaiiufaeturing J'riiil
iiig Iut foriiu ilv curried on by his grand Father,
anil Father, niul oilers his article to the trade,
without any l'lirs, but with the simple reliance
upon the lon:( established chuiucter il has borne,
feeling conlident of its giwiitf entire satisfuctiuii
to all who may favor In in with a call. Tchmi
April 10, 1852. tf.
A'o. 19 flW St., lutween 2d If 3d Sts., and
No. 17 North Cth Street,
John Uaneroft Jr. nnd Son,
RESPECTFULLY inform Store-keepera, Mer.
chants, 4c, that they Manufacture and have
for Bale. Palm. White, Variegated, Yellow and
Urown fcioapi, Mould and Dipped Candles, all of
good quality and at reasonume price.
I f" Cash paid for Tallow and rough Fat.
April 10 105. ly.
Fares Red need.
Office of the Phita. le Heading Ritilroad Co.
l'liilndelpliia, March 28, lHol.
Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday.)
(J"KN and after April 1st, 1M two train will
V be run each way, daily, between Philadel
phia and Poltsviile.
Leavei Philadelphia at 7J A. M., daily except
Leaves l'ottsville at 7J A. Al. uaiiy except nun
Leaves Philadelphia at3J o'clock, daily, except
Leaves Pottsillo at 3J o'clock, daily, except
Between Philadelphia and Pottsville, $2.75
1st class cars and S2.23 2d class ears.
Between Philadelphia and Reading, $1.75 1st
class cars and $1.4!i 2d class cars.
Denot in Philadelphia, corner of Broad and
Vino Streets.
Pussengers cannot enter the cars unless provi.
ded with Tickets.
NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baggugo will be !
lowed to each passenger in these lines ( and pas
sengers arc expressly prohibited from taitig; any.
thing as baggugc but their wearing apparel, which
will be at the risk ot its owner.
By order of tho Board Managers.
April 19, 1851. Se.:c.:-ry
for I lie Cure of
noAncEjjnss, buoij-
Many years of trial, instead of impairing the public cn
fi. It-nee in this imdicine, li;i won for it uu appreciation
and uotrieiy hy fur cyeerdinjj the most sanjfaiue ex peer u
ti mis of its ti iendi. Nothing but its intrinsic virtues and
the uimutftu'iie:ibiu benefit conferred on tlioiiRiinds of sutlcr
crs, could originate and maintain llic reputntiou it enjoys,
Wnile many iiitVri r remedies (brunt upon thd conimuiiity,
have fulled and l.evn diwauletl, this Inis cained triends hy
ry triul, eoniened lifiieiits on theuillicied they can nev-
,(, a pr,HUlct.U t.tirc9 t,K, llu,neruiW und remaiku-
( c ,-,n-iitttn
Whilt! h l " lVli",, t,t' ul1,,.i(' tn 1''tcnd that any one
medicine will iniiuhi.iv euie ciiii thfie in ulmm'.nut pttni
that the Chkhuy l'KfTuii.M. il -es not imlv us a ct'iiernl
.huig.liut aliu st iuvaiial'ly cure the uialudtcs for which it
is emi'I iveil.
As time nrikes Jhepf laets wii'er and liclter known, this
medicine his r:tdi::ilJy l:eomt the hisi of the
aitiietetl. i'l'ini the I if e.d-in of tlie. Ani 'iienu lV-nwiut, to
tttc pnlucrs of Kurol.t: :mk limjn J'ftroughnnt this e.iii. e
cnintiv, in everv Smie, ctjv. and indet'd uhnot rverv
liinlit .1 Ci'iUi-inx, I liri::',Y 1'KrroiiAj. in kir.iwn !:tlie
bcsl rcme.dy e;tnt for diseurs'f t!:c Tliront inn I
s,V(-iv us-d bv tiieiT m.t inteilii?eni riivsiesans. In fjicat
luul In HlMllV I.iTiM'M) f Kilitllc-J. It I'l I' 1,1 In (Vli'it.
UriMiii. lr;i'- and .ierm:iuv, wltere lite medical sciriices
have re'iehed tlieir lii-h-st perieeti.-ii, Ctir.i:nv t'r.rroRAL
j i. iti ..lue-d. and in e ..taut use in i!ttf Aiiti-e?. llt.sni
. tu - A ins Ibaibes. l'ub he i.simt bms. nnd u d .meslic
praetire, as tho sm-ejit reun-dy their ntteudinp PhyKicinus
ran employ f ,r the in ne dan"'Mous ntli'etions of the
lunirx. A's in milder racs, tia f r children it is safe,
pb-iiKint uud eflt'etun! to cure. In inet, lite of the niort
tiattcrinir tctimonia'f we receive have bei-n from parents
who have found it euicjci 'tis in cases particularly inciden
tal to eniuiuuou.
The Ciikrhv Ptctor ki. tnnuufaetureri by a ptnctienl
Ciiemit-t, nnd eviv ounce of it uutlei bin own e e. with
invariaMo tircurney nml rate. It i Hftd' d mid nrotectrd
by lnw from c unl'-riViis. coiir(;ut.'utiv can be relied on us
qemiiue wuhou: ad;ilieratj..u.
e h ive ctidravoie:! Iii-n tn fiinnsh tlie c.-mmnnitv
with n meiii',iii's of s ieh iuiruisic mperioi ity nnd worth as
sliM:!d nmnieml itself to their eonlidencj n renudy nt
oner safe, speedx nnd i ffcetuul. which this has !. repeated
nnd countless tritilf ptov-d nself lo be ; nnd trust by creat
care in pieparicc; M wiiii flu uiical iteriiraev, of uniform
fc'reninh ti nrl'"rd Plivh:; cin a new ni-nt on which thry
j can rrly for the hey ;v;'u!e, tuid the nilleied with a remedy
llvdi will no 1'T tti' in ti.l liiat medicine can do.
Prepared and sold fc, JAMES C. AVER,
Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass
PoM in RimlHiry by 11 MASSEIl, nnd by
Urtii.',!;it pcncrnllv tMronsl.u tthc etiite.
Kovenibrr 13, ISjJ. lyceJino
Fritz, Vi'iliiams Hendry,
Store, No. 29 North 3d Street.,
15.TOROCCO Mamir.ittiirprs, Ciirricru, Imvort'
i-'Ji- rrs. Coir.niission nml (loncrul Leather IJtis-
iness. Wholesale nml lictail.
I"C" Miinntartory 13 Margarctla Street.
Aug. 2'?, U:5'J. ly.
Cheap Watches 5 Jewelry,
JIOLI'SAI.E and Retail, nt the "I'hibclcl
lihia Watch and Jen dry Store," No. DC
North tfeconiriitrect, corner cf Quarry, Phihulel
Gold l.ever Wati-ltcs, full icwfled. 1H enrat rari, 63?. (10
Silver it', fu'l jeweleil, & I -J -1 0 lii Siieetaeles, ?.fl!
silver lici.iiK-, jt wfis, 10 I-'int' Silver do. l.Si
d tl i'o. 11. 1 1 ti it.l llrncelr'H,
Suprtior (.itiartins, 7.I mlies' Gnlil t'eiirilo, 1,00
tiinl-tl:oa tl. i. k. Silver Tea pp'.Kini), net, 5.00
tiolj I'nii, witli Pencil anj Silver 11 'Mtr, ,00
Cold FiiiRer Minss, 3?J cents to !f:f0 ; Wutch
Cilasses, plain, Vi cents: Patent, Isi; I.unet
25; other articles iu proportion. All goods war
ranted to be in hat they are sold for.
Successors to O. Conrad.
On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and
I, ('pines, still lower than the above prices.
Aiicuft C8, lsoj. ly.
At the Forks of the Plum Creek and Ttilpe
Itockia Road, (near Krcighbaum's Rlad;
Smith Sht'p.
fr.PPECTI"lT.LV informs the. public Ibnt he,
has opened a new Store nl the above place
and ha.s jut received a splendid slock of new
Full and Winter Goods,
Consisting in pait of
Cloths, Cassiincrs, Siitlinets,
DRILLINGS nml nil kinds of linen cotton
ami woisled summer waie.
Callicoes, Muslin de Laines, Lawns,
And all kinds of Dress Goods for Ladies.
Tea, Cuffee, Sioar, Molasses, &c,
(.ItOi'lCKIES, of all kinds.
BPwANDY, GIN, WNIE, ami all kinds of
Hardware. Iron uud Steel, N'aiU, if,,
Shoes, Boots, CapSjPulin leaf und other Hats,
Fish, Salt, &o.,
All of which lie will sell at the most reasonable
prices for cash or country produce.
May 8, 1852 -tf.
Manufacturer of
Monuments, Tombs,
Italian and American Marble.
At his Old Stand in Northumberland, Pa.
TJ ESPECTFULLY inform the public that all
work in his line will be made up of the very
best material and finished in the latest style of
the Eastern cities.
Those in want of such articles well made anil
executed in the best style and at the lowest rates,
will do well to call and eiamine before they pur
chase elsewhere.
May 15, )8Vi ly.
Publishers niul Uooksellers,
No. 84 North Third Street,
Billies. Travcts. Hymns. Ieticul and HiitoricalWorks.
Travels, Novell, &c., fcc.
Every kind lit nse from a primer upwards.
An plfffnnt tmnortment fmin tti mnn book upwards,
made of luperiwr "nper, und twnt of binding.
Cnn, VimKnnd Nole ropers, elesnut tyln nnd quality,
nnd very c lieu p.
Fonev, Plain and Adhenive Knvclnnca, Ink, Band, Wa
fers, fiecl Pens, hint, Plmk iIh, Purie-.Mmoies, Wrap
ping Pupcrs ot all kinds, (Jurtnin Papers, &c.t Ac.
Our sttick is all fresh, bnnclit rhrnp nnd sold Accordingly.
Purticultir nttentitm nuid to llooksfllnrs, Ckmntry Mer-
chnntsuiiu Teachers, htwever little they mity miy.
Sower 9c Ilnrnea ore Publishers of PKLTON'S series of
finch nwp is nearly HKVfiN FKKT SQIJARK, nnd
shows the eompurntive size and relutive poiiiiii of every
C'Miniry on the plnbe. Tin y are intended to be suspended
iu cveiy iehoo UcHim, and not only muke a splendid np
ppurnnec, but nro nniverwillv rn-kimwlrdrjed to ho the
bnniplit out. Ttiry nre keys intended to he used by the
Brli"inrs. cmtniniiii? n complete epitome of Geography, and
rusting less thnu Imlf the priee of n Geoirrnphy end Atlns.
The system is in universal urn in Prunsin and Uermnny,
nnd h'is nlrendy been introdnrfd in (tirnrd College, Plii!a
dclpliia, tlic public achonls of U.iston, New York. Philn
delphin, llnltimoie, Watihinpt"!!, nnd throughout New
Knpluud, New York, V., &c. Our deMks ure Itwnled
mi recnnmeutlntions irim me wm inientcit and seien-
tifie teiiehcrs iu every quarter, and wherever the system
tins been used purcuts, u-ueheis and scholars unite in prais
ing it-
1. IMl'p OI IM (Tni:ril 1 1 rim pun c.
H. Map of the V.nelem H'-imsphere.
3. Mnp of North Anierie;i.
4. Map of Hi L'uiteil flutes,
fl. M;ip of F.nrop-.
0. Map f Asia.
7, Map of South America and Africa.
Kverv man iH hrilli:iutly colored, vumished, nnd mount
ed "ii muslin nnd roller?.
We refmeettnllv invite the earnest nttentum of Teneliers,
P.i rents, and School Direct t" to this ftisciuntintr mode of
ttucbing Ueography. i;k .V imiini,
.orui i mru riicci,
Pliiladelpbin, Aug. 3, 16VJ. tf.
v. is. nu r'n.ii & co..
Successors to W. (). lliekok, und lliekok ft Cnntino,
The siibscribera restierlfully inform their friends
and the public, that they nre now currying on the
above business at the OLD STAND occupied by
lliekok & Co. They flatter themselves that by
careful attention to business, they will merit and
receive n continuance of the patronage so liber
ally enjoyed by the old firms.
Particular attention will be paid to the ruling
and binding of every description of blank books
for banks, county ollices, men bants and private
individuals nnd cveiy variety of full and half
bound blank books. Old books, periodicals, law
books, music, newspaper, &..:, bound in any
pattern and ill any slUe required.
In addition to the above, they have, and will
at all times keep, a general ussortincut of STA
TIONEIiY, consisting of
Letter Paper,
( ;niils,
Molt. , Winers,
l;!:uli Ink,
Si-ahns Wax,
I!iie Ink.
C"pvinr Ink,
Slntes nnd Pencils.
Lend IVnr-ils,
Leltei Stumps,
Indii Biiljher,
lied Tape,
lilr.nk Ciirds,
llrawinir "
I'ranr.ler ";! "
IIMlhrtr "
SO'cl Pen.,
Carmine Ink.
I- llll'Tfl,
Arnold's Writing Fluid, Kni5Ures, Ac
I ti" Paper ruled to pattern, nnd all work war
ranted and done very cheaply.
March 13, 1S52. tf.
V A SI 1 1 X (i 1 )X HOUSE,
JAMES C0VEHT, Proprietor, I
"KrOI'lil) respectfully niitiouiice that he lias j
taken this well known stand, where he
will l e gratified to tee und enlcrlain his Iriends i
and the irnvcHinir public generally. This house I
is now replete with every convenience, coiuforta-
ble, lileosanlly located, handsomely furnished,
well vcntilaled, rendering it ill every respect a
desirable stopping place.
?'o expense has been spared in fitting up this
house. The chambers nre well furnished and
the table and bar provided with tho best the
market can afford.
The stable accommodations aro extensive and
well calculated for truelcrs.
The stat-es running from Northumberland to
Pottsville, slop at this house, where through and
way tickets to Philadelphit can be obtained.
Cun'.H.ry, March "0, leCii. tf.
, II fU 'V XT F.P.T.
above Fourth,
S"MIE undersigned respectfully inform the pu'i---
lie that they nre in full operation ut their
new foundry, and ready to execute oi tiers fur
stoves of every description on tho most reasona
ble terms.
They invite the attention of STOVE DEAL
ERS to their largo assortment of STOVES, all
of which are entirely new, and got up at great
expense. Amonti which ure the Liberty Air
Ti'.rlit Cook, Complete Cook, P'tar Air Tight,
Star Franklinr Star Hadialor, Jenny l.ind Im
proved, Firo King liadiatnrs, falamnndcrs, Can
nons, Daes, Dare Cylinders, Ear lioom Stoves,
Furnaces, lias Ovens, Ac, &c.
N. E. Country merchants arc particularly
invited to call and examine our ussortmcnt.
April 10, 1S.VJ. ly.
No. 6, North Vi'harves,
Where the following goods are received and sold
on commission,
Dried Apples, Peaches, Plums, Pears, Cherries,
Ac., Green Apples in Parrels or by the llushel,
Deans, Peas, Cranberries, Onions, Mercer Po
tatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Shelbuiks, Chestnuts,
Ground Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs,
Prunes, Grapes, Poultry, Eggs, Uutter, Cheese.
And ull kinds of Foreign uud Domestic Pro
duce. Philadelphia, Dec, 13, 1851 ly.
THE subscrilicr takes this method of inform
ing tho citiens of Sunbury and vicinity,
that they aro engaged in the manufacture of
Soap and Candles, of the best quality, at No. 44
Filbert street, Philadelphia. They respectfully
invite all who buy fur cash, to give him a call as
they will find it to to tlieir advantage in dealing
xvith him for urticles iu their line.
41 Filbert above 0th.
December 10, 1S51 tf.
A th. and Jlrch Street,
nAVE established a Store where tho lest
trade now resort for
Household Dry Goods,
French Fancy Goods,
Dress Silks and Shawls,
Hosiery, Gloves and Mitts,
Cloths, Cassimcrs and Vesting!,
Muslins and Linens by the piece,
Damask Table Linens and Napkins,
Patent Ulaek Silks for Dresses,
Full Stock of Mourning Goods. '
E. & L. are constantly receiving Bargains from
the New York and Philadelphia Auctions, which
they sell wholesale and retail very cheap for Nett
Edward E. Evre, Washington I. Lakdell,
Philadelphia, July 3, 1852. ly.
11.' B MASSER.
Sunbury, ISM "3r
viiom:sm) An iiitaii..
rpHB Pliiladclphia Window Gloss Yare
A house, nnd Drug, Taint, Varnish, C ll and
Color Stores,
Nos. 33 and 35 North Fourth Street.
East tide, lias tho largest assortment o (Window,
Picture, Coach, ( ase, Hot-House, and oilier
in the city ; cotnprisjnir, upwards of 15,000 dif
ferent sizes, ranging from the smallest si?c, up to
38 by 60 inches of Hlieet, and as larne as S hy
7 feet of Plate Glass, including English Crown,
French, German and American, loth
Single and Double Thick.
Also, n large assortment of Very Thick Gluss,
for Sky-Lights, Hulk Windows, &c.
The Subscriber having a heary slock on hand
is prepared to fill orders nt the shortest notice,
and on the most rensonuble terms. Odd sizes
of any pattern cut to order.
Ground White Lead ; Paint, Varnish, of cv-
cry description i Turpentine j Linseed Oil, boil
ed and raw; l'air.t Mills t rutty i Uruslics j
Dye Woods, Sec, &c, eVc.
And also, a largo supply of fresh imported
J. II. smAGI.E.
Nos. 33 c 35 Noith 4th St., E.Wdc.
April 10, 1S52. ly.
to Your Own Mechanics.
Of the most Fashionable Style.
rpiIE subscriber respectfully calls the attention
of the public to his large and splendid assort
ment of every quality nnd price of
which cannot fail to rciomincnd itself toeveiy ono
who will examine it, on account of its durable
workmanship nnd splendid finish, made up of tlie
best stock to be bad in the city. No effort is
spared in the manufacture, of his ware, nud the
subscriber is determined to keep up with the
many improvements which are constantly being
made. liis stock consists of Mahogany
SolViK, Em;;m and I.otiiitrcs,
Eureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards,
and also VENETIAN BLINDS, coital to Phila-
delphiu nianufaetiire.
BEDSTEADS, of every pattern nnd price,
in short, every nrlii lc in tbis line of his business.
He also manufactures ull kinds and qualities of
including varieties never before to be had ir
Sunbury, such ns Maiuiuamt, Black Walmt
ash Ci'ii!.i;n M a im.i: On i:ci a ; ami AVimisoii
! I'HAIIiS, ami i" an i' x Piano Stools, which are
of the latest styles, and warranted to ha excelled
by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere.
The subscriber is determined that there shall ;
be no excuse for persons to puvcha-.c furniture in
the cities, as CM'ry coulidcnce can be entertained ;
oliout the quality and finish of his ware and j
Chairs. i
Ilis articles will be disposed of on as good
terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken in pnvment for work.
I: IN DEKTAKl.Mi. Having provided
himself with a handsome Ukaiisi:, he is now
prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer
als, iu this vicinity, or ul tmy convenient dis
tance from this place.
I.C1 The M'ure lioom is in Market Street,
below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern.
Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1S5S. tf.
n". )
PIl.'S, or Every one bis
own Physician! Tuiiitv
si x i !i edition, with up- i
wards of a hundred engia-
St.-');' 1-
howing private ilis-
cvery shape anil
m ww r?7 i""". 11111
nnd malformations of
the generative system,
liy ESi" sVm. Yosmtr.
The time has now arri
ved, that persons sulTering from secret diseases,
need no more become ih. victii! or ur.u kkiii,
as by the prescriptions contained in this hook,
any one may cure himself without hindrance to
business, or the knowledge of the most intimate
friend, uud with one-tenth the usual expense. In
addition to the general routine of private disease,
it fully explains the eau-e of manhood's early de
cline, with observation"! on marriage besides
many other derangements which it would not he
proper lo enumerate in the public piinls.
IP" Any person scuilnig TVENTY-FI E
CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one
copy of this booh, bv mail, or five copies will be
sent for one dollar. Address, l)u. V. YOl'Xt;,
Post paid.
Dr. YOUNG can be consulted on any of
the Diseases deseiibcd in bis dill'erent pubiica-
! tions, at his Ollice. 152 Spruoe Street, ex cry day
I between 9 and 1! o'clock, (Sundays executed.')
Philadelphia, June 5, Ks.VJ. ly.
Eonnets, Hat3 and
Millinery (loo us!
EUCilANTS and Milliners when in Phil
ad. lph'ia'to purchase their goods, will find
i i
it to their interest to examine our large and fash
ioimble stock of
stiuw ;o:zs.
We manufacturo largely and uironT the
Ntwtsr Sri its of
Foi't'iSs Fa lii s c
in our line ; wliich together with other advanta
ges enable us to oll'cr liberal inducements to
Lli rtus.
R. A. CROOK ER, fi CO.,
Nos. 47 and 49 Chestnut Street, and No. 5G
South Second Street, west side, near Chestnut,
December 27, 1S51. ly. cf.
Kngrsiver and l'rintcr,
No. 46 Chestnut Street, al'Ove Second,
S prepared to do ENGRAVING und PRINT-
1NU, in all their branches, Wedding, Visiting
and Business Cards, Bull Tickets, Watch Papers,
Labels, Bill Heuds, Notes, Cheeks, Drafts and
Diplomas. Seals and Stamps for Corporations,
Uuu fellows. Masons, Sons of 1 cinperiince, etc.
All the above engraved in the best manner.
Orders by Post promptly attended to.
December 27, 1SS1 ly.
Manufacturer, Si Dealer in
Imported and Domestic Segars,
Also, a general assortment of
Lrar & Manufactured Tobacco,
CONSTANTLY on hand, at the lowest mar
ket prices. Corner of Chestnut St., and
Wharves, Philadelphia.
December 87, 1 851. ly.
sive and legal envelopes, for sole by
II. B.
Sunbury, nf 10, 1852.
1 EXTRACT OF COFFEE. rAn excellent
V article more wholesome and much cheaper
thsn Coffae itself. For sale at this oflice.
April IT IRV
CIIV 0 I'lllLADBLPlllA .
All solvent Imnks di
V. S. Hank notes lo ills
All solvent Imnks pat
All solvent hunks dis
Bank of Clmniherslnirg 1 dis
i All solvent hunks I dis
M.inK ot dlesicr m. pnr
Mnnk of Del. Co. Chester pnr
iihiik ot uennnntowil
Itnnk of (icltyslmrg
Hrtnk of l,ew'istwn
Hank of Miditletown
MnnlffrHnur,. (7n nmilr
iv-r All solvent Imnks I dis
1 dis fVHk notes under 85 f dis
1 dis'AII solvents hanks ldis
nnr NHW JI.H8EY.
Uni.k ,,r NorihnmlM.rPiwl r,fii I Pelvnlere Onnk I dis
H:nikof I'ittslnirv 1 dis'Conimereinl tlonk d s
Itank nf Danville nfirl Fur. Dunk Mont Holly pr
Corlisle Hank 1 dis F. M., MiiWIetnwn Pt. pnr
Columbia H'k A B'ge Co pnr Meehaniea' Hk, Newark par
Doyelstown Hunk par(Meeli. Ilk of liurlinctoa par
Fonion IHnk por Mech. fc Mini. Hk Trent par
l-'.rie. Hank S ilis'Morris Co Honk i (lis
Kxehnntre H'krittshnrg I ilislNewnrk Hk'g 4 Ins. Co 1 dis
F.xclmnirc H'k, Hmneh 1 dis'Oronpe llnnk I dis
Furmers' H'k, HnoksCo par1 People's Hk Pnttersoll dis
Fnrmers' Bk, ljineaster pnrlPrineetnn Hank pr
Fanners' Hk, Hcii'Iimit mriSnlein HnnkiiiR Co, par
Fnrm. Hk Sehnvll.ill Pn nnrlSerncrret Co Hmik I dis
FAD. Hk YVnynesh'g idis:Stnte llnnk nl Camden par
Franklin I!k Wusli'n lldis Stnte Hk I'.lizntictliton I dis
llnrrislinrR Hank 1 His Slate Hank Newark j dis
lloiiesdule llnnk J din State Bk. N. Hiunswiek par
Lnneanter llnnk pnr.Siissex Bank, Newton dis
l.elmnon llnnk nnr Trenton H inking Co P"r
Mereli. A Mini. Bunk 1 dis fnion Bunk. Dover dis
Miners' H'k, Pottsville per Yanlleyv'leADelDrCotSdie
Mi'iiohRulieluliimk 1 dis tST"Mk notes under J5 dir
Tavlorsv'e Del ll'i Co 15 dis DF.I.AWARE.
'est Braneh Bunk pnr llnnk nf Delaware psr
Wynmiiia; Hk, Wilkesh'e nnrlHnuk Of Smyrna p
York Bunk, 1 din Delnwnre City Himk par
IVItelief notes 1 dis
Ilk Wilmir'n Mrnimyw. par
1-nnners' Hk tt Delaware par
rtnnk nf XV heilrK'ic 5 dis
Merenntile Hk. Kangor Kidis
All 'Ivent hunks f dis
I nion Hank, xviiiumgtonpsr
rr Under B'i j dis
All solvent Imnks ldis
lllk ii'ites under 6's 4 dis
All solvent hanks i dis
All solvent Imnks j dis iniAT.
llnnk of St Allmns S d
All solvent linnka
S dis
.it (he Ca1lnct Ware Iloom of
Market Square,
Also nl the corner of Fawn street le the Railroad
Thankful for the patronage of his friends and
! customers during the 17 years ho has been in busi-
ness in this place, he solicits from the public acon
i tiuuniice of their favors. During this period he
j has endeavored to keep up with the improvements
' .,1' ll,n it, iv nn.l ha n , ,r. ! i , , .,! , ... t,..l...l I.:. I....:
,., ........... i,uu ii in uuH
ness iii every branch and variety. The public are
therefore invited lo the attention of the present
stuck of
Manufactured bv
At the Old Stand,
Where in addition to their former stock of the
establishment ihey now manufacture
Ilahogany, "Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs.
Lunre Spring Seat Rocking Ctuirs,
Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables,
Mnile Top li'ush Stands,
and a variety of other
new style und
Fa ! i a a h k ft ! i F s v n i u r c.
linving secured a Hearse and made the neces
: nary arrangements for the purpose, they aro now
! prepared for Undertaking in ull its branches, ir
mis vicinity or at any convenient distance.
Ye niaiilc and mistresses, and huslnnds too,
Here's furniture of every style and hue.,
Troiii siilo boards down to kitchen tables,
From rocking chairs to locking cradles
Should you not have the ready Jon.N to pny,
We'll wail awhile for a brighter better day,
Or take potatoes, oats, corn, w heat and ryo ;
Ihirk, houp poles, staves, or lumber wet and dry,
Or any thing but yokes and threshing flails,
l'loni pics nnd turkicii down to little quails.
Conic on then friends, come one and all,
K'p Undo a moving, so "goes on the ball."
J V Orders from a distance promptly attended
to and work of nil kinds delivered with dispatch.
Sunbury, March 0, 1850. tf
subscriber respectfully informs her friends
nnd the public generally, that she has taken
the above well known stand nearly opposite the
Court House, lately occupied by .Mr. J. C. Per
kins. She trusts that her experience in business,
and her efforts to make her guests comfortable,
will give entire satisfaction to those who may fa
vor her with their custom.
March 8, ISM tf.
J. H. ZIIuI.iErcMAN,
J!'SrU'U Of TUB t'B.lCE,
Sunluiy, Fa.
Ollice in Deer Ptrect, immediately opposite the
Public Pchoul House.
Monies e,
fuliv tit l.-ii.l il I
April '40, 1
Itected aau ail Uisitiets pion'olly and caie-
Y:ilt:ulie Uoolis,
T IFE or Ciiiiisr, handsomely bound, D'Ab
: mior's HisTont uv Tiir. Kkfiiiimatio, Dav-iioiiks ami Lkiioi.ns, full bounded.
' For sale at the publishers prices by
: 11. 1!. MASSER.
' Sunbury, July 14, 1819
CPONE Ware, Earthen AVare, Raisins, Al
I :,s) monds, P lines und Cream Nuts,
j Planes of till kinds.
i iS'alt and Piaster. Just received and for sale
Sunbury, Dec. 20, 1819.
USE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this
excellent urliilc tor 1 ctter, A c., just received
; lo' f'llu '"Y
I Nniilinvi In)
Sunbury, July 23, 1819
TIOLD PENS with nnd without eases, of a
xJS( very super .ir tiuulil v, just received.
Also a fre: U supply of Writing Fluid, for sitla
I'y 1!. B. MASSER.
Sunbury, Dec 27, 131.
EXTRACT CF GINGER. A frrtb supply
just received and for sale at this ollice.
Pi let
25 cents.
Sunbury, Ju'y
12. I SSL
nglish Silver Watches, for sale at very low
prices by H. B. .MASSER.
Sunbury, April 12, 1851.
bar uotties lor sate ny
Sunbury, April, 12, 1851
CUES. An excellent article, for sale at
half the usual price by J- W. FAILING,
Sunbury, July 7. lil9-
TJftLANK NOTES, waiving the exemption
Eh P law of :t(i0, for sale by
April 2li, 1S51. U. B. MASSER.
ADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi
cine for sale by HENRY MAHSFh
iSuuburv. Jan. 27th. 1843
FEE BILLS. Justices and Constables Fee
Bills handsomely printed oncarj paper for
sale st this ollice.
IO H sale at this ofTice, Superior Black Ink,
Cattle Medicine at 23 its, Pure Essence of
Gingcr.25 cents
LANKS of every description can be had by
apply ing at the olHce of the American,
WRITING FLUID and self sealing En.
ores, just received and for sale by
April l, 1851 H. B. MASSER.
'MSSUE PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper fur
I covering glasses, &c, or sale at the o nice o
tlis Americsn.