v., SUNBURY. AME1UQAN AND S1IAM0K1N JOURNAL A STRING OF IT.KMS. In circulation counterfeit S20 nolcs on the Hank of 8outh Carolina. A good hand can make three hundred and fifty cigar a day. 813,000,000 expended on r. it roadu in Georgia. Sojourning in Jacksonville, Fla. Ex-Gov. Marcy and hit invalid son. Wicki.liffe died on the 31st of December 1384. It is a proof of mediocrity of iuicllucl to be addicted to story telling. Thb life of a Christian is his walk. Chi ld is his way, and heaven his home. ConsresiMS insufferably Rtnpid. All lnlk and no work. A Pomological State Convention is to be held at Ilarrisburg, on the 18ih ol January. The pork packing business in Louisville will close next week. There is said to be first rate sleighing in Bristol and Walcott, Conn. During the last two years, the Legislature of Alabama has granted about forty di vorces. Eir.HT first class steamboats are now building at Pittsburgh, at a cost of 850,000 each. In a country newspaper appears 1 ha fol. lowing passage "A number of deaths are unavoidably postponed." A large quanlily of packed meal has spoiled at Louisville, this season, on account of ihe warm weather. The rail road trains east of Massachusetts are very mnch delayed in consequence of the depth of snow. Smoking tea is now used in Boston. It is said to resemble in many respects a fine flavored Spanish cigar. A lady in the neighborhood of Washington city, a few day since presented her hutband with a new born boy, weighing 28 pounds. When winter does not set in before :tlie holidays," be sure it will be a short one. The sign is almost infallible, and the reason for it very philosophical. The churches, or edifices for publics divine worship, in the United Slates, number thirty-six thousand, of which the Methodist own one third. ''You seem animated by this fine autumn scene, my dear Annie," said a lover. "No,!' satd she. "I never shall be Annicmated till I becCme your wife." Those who wear lace and satin before they have ever worn thread and cotton, ate Very apt to live untill they regret thr.t they were not brought up to a trade. Shoui.d'nt Wonder The papers have discovered some grass from the "path of rec. titnde,' We fear that path must be sadly overgrown with grass, it is so seldom travel led in. Gen. Pierce. President elect, is said to have re.'Miked that he should not remove from the post of naval officer of Bnstnn) Fletcher Webster, the son of the late Secre tary of Slate. The skeletons of a cat and a rat, in excel lent preservation, have been found in Ger ard's Hall crypt, London. The rat was firm ly held in the mouih of the cat. It is thought they had lain there four hundrod and eighty or five hundied years. The Wisconsin Argus estimates that at least eighty thousand barrels of apples have been sent to that State the past season, and sold at an average of two dollars a barrel. $160,000 for apples, besides largo qt'a;.tities of the fruit dried. A new umbrella, entitled the "mush room," has just made its appearance in Paris it has no handle, and sustains itself over the head of the wearer. An adjusting apparatus fastens it to Ihe hat, and when not employed upon duty, it may bo rolled up and carried in the pocket. 'Whence are the words Republic and Democrat derived 1" Republic is deiived from two Latin words, res, a thing, and pub licus, a people. Democrat is derived from two Greek words, demos, people, and kratus, government. Fresh fruit is never eaten by the Russians till it has been blessed by a priest. This is a sanitary measure as well as a religious ob servance, as it never can obtain the blessing till it is perlectly ripe, then it is taken to the church and blessed with great solemnity. Scolding. I never knew a scolding person that was able to govern a family. What makes people scold.' Because they cannot govern themselves. How then can they gov ern others. Those whogovern well are gen erally calm. They are prompt and resolute but steady and mild. ' A man got up the o'her night, and took, as he supposed, a card of matches, and be gan to Drealt oil one by one, trying to light a lamp ; ihe whole card was used up wiih- out accomplishing hit object, when he dis- covered he had used up his wife's comb ! The once poweiful tribes of Indian com. posing the "Six Nations," now resident in Western New York, lhave dwindled down from emigration and other causes until, ac cording to the late census, but 3779 of them remain. The "Air Line" Railroad was put under contract last wejk, from New Haven, Cnun. to ttie 11 node lslana line, i ne terms are one third cash, one third stock, and one third bonds. Aggregate, 82,200,000. The road is to ba finished in one year from the data of contract. It costs thirty-Millions of dollais to pay the salaries of American Lawyers j twelve million of dollars are paid out annually io keep our criminals, and ten millions of dot lars to keep the dogs among us alive, while only six millions f dollars are spent annually It keep the six thousand tireachors in the United Stales. COO AGENTS WANTED. 81000 a year. "VITANTED CVCTV County of the United ' States, active niul enterprising men to en gage in the sale of some of the best Books pub lished in the, country. To men of Rood address, posessing a small capital of trom to JMun, such inducements will bo offered as to enable them to mnke from 83 to $10 a day profit. x' The Hooks published by us are all useful in their character, extremely popular and com mand large sales wherever they are offered. For further particulars, address, (postage paid,) DANIELS & GET Z, Siicccrgors to W. A. Leary it Co.; No. 138 Ncilh Second Street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Oct. 8, 1855. tf. SOAP & CANDLE MANUFACTORY, No. 19 H'ml St, between 2rf iV 3d Sis., and No. 17 North 6i Street, niu.ADi:i.rmA. John Hiincroft Jr. find Sun, RESPECT F U 1 .LY inform Store-keepers, Mer. chants, cVc, that they Manufacture and have rr km Pnlm. White. Variegated, Yellow and Drown Soaps, Mould and Dipped Candles, all of good quality ami at reasonatne puces. t3T Cash paid for Tallow and rough Fat. April 10 1S52 ly. " 251 A C PAINTS : Manufactured by the New Jersey Zinc Comna'nv. Newark, N. J rpHH SubscrilnTB nre nnw prcpnredlo execute onlrrn 1 to tiny extent fur their beautiful white and colored Zinc Puiiits, at Ihe reduced prices, viz win muled Nn. 1, White, ground in oil, 9 ceutt per lb., pure, No. a, do. do. 8 do. d Nn. U, do. do. 7 d . do II, ItlnMr. lit. ft! do. do One hundred pound will rover equally well an much surlnce us I0U lbs. of White Lead; they lire U5 percent chenncr to l he p-mannier. Tho Zinc White ii rnpidly npcrfwlmg White Lend, over which it posm-sw ninny ndvnnUifrrs It is winter, nnd more benulii'ul thini the While l.eml ih't-a not turn yell.iw, even when exposed to sulphurous vnpnr Ikib no smell is " t injurious to health, nnd is far nioic du mb le. Zinc Dhows anp Ulack Paints auk rom ktiikr and Firs I'koof. The best, i-nveriiuj for outside work ever intioduced, iidnpted to buildings of wocd. brick or Ht Hie to fences, c;irri:ipe bodies, bridges, nnd nmchinery to the hulls of vessels, unehors. chums, mid nil other Iron, work on liquid ship 1o ste.-un boilers, smuUe twits and water tanks to iron, tin, nnd other roohiuir, iron shuttter doors and miliums, wiie fences, bridges, &c. Fur Iron Surfaces this Paint is cspcciully vnluuble as it fonus n g.ilvonic connection, nnd entirely pievents rust. These Zinc Paints having a pure Metalie Base, are war ranted not t turn yellow, nnd will retain their original brilliancy mnch longer than White Lead, fir nny of the earthy pigments niv in use. The certificates from those who have used these Paints, are such as to sntisty the pub lic that they are invaluable. The ablest ehemiits of France nnd this country have testified to the supt-rioiily of Zinc over Lead Paints', us to durability, liealtlifnlness in id beauty. They have been adopted by the French Govern ment," by the corporation of New York, and are now ex tensively used by the, l.'nited Slates Government at many of the largest Military and Marine Depots. Philadelphia Gas Works, Mav l.", 1151 . Messrs. F. C.Jones &. Co. Gentleman Having made several trials of your Drown Zinc Paint in various meth ods calculated to test its protective qualities upon wood nnd metal, I have the satisfaction to state that the results have been hiiiidy favoinble. The paint eoveiing well, drying quickly, and pusesiiug" greater teuneitv, especially upon lion, thau tiny other paint with which 1 am fa miliar. Yours, truly, John C. Cresso. The underpinned, having: used the Zinc Puiuts relerred to concur tn the foicgtiiiur opinion, Morris, Tanker .V Morris Kennet, Neatly it Co., Penn Works. Merrick Son. James T. Sul ft n k Co., Franklin Iron Works. J. T. Dean. I1. S. Dry Dock. r?" Dealers supplied on reasonable terms by the Agents of the Company. F.C. JONKS & Co., No. 17 South Wharves, Pbtla. July IT, 1P.32. Cm. J. I. DITTBHICK, i"o 78 Xorth 2d St., hclivten Arch and Race St., PHILADELPHIA. TIF.UKBV informs tho public that ho imports anil constantly keeps on hand at his new store, IS'o. 78 North 2d St., a large assortment of Foreign Fancy Goods, .Musical Instruments, Pictures $" Paints, which he w ill sell at the lowest prices. His stock, in part, consists ol, Arcorileons, Violins, Music lloxes, Parlor ami liar Room Op gans, Mcloileons, Seraphines, Mathematical In. stiuments, Magnets, Spy nnd Opera (ilasses, Stationery of all kinds, Pocket liooks, Iironne 'owilcr, Dutch Metal, CJold and Silver Leaf, aies of nil kinds, Snuli and Tohaeeo boxes, Lithographic Paints, Copper Plate and Steel En cravings, and pictures of every variety. Also tiilt Frame Mouldings of various sizes. Dealers, Country Merchants, and Pedlars, sup plied at reasonable prices. December SU, 1831. tt. JUST RECEIVED AT THE Saddlery and Harness Establishment of G. Y. STItOII, Market Street, Sunbury, A new assortment of Sliver, Itl'ilSS ami Japanned Mounting, Which ho will cither make up lo order or sell separately for cash at prices as low if not lower than can tic had anywhere else. SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, Trunks, VrIIccn, &c , Constantly kept on hand or manufactured to or der. CARRIAGE TRIMMING done on the shortest notice. All persons arc invited to call and examine foi hemselves. All kinds of produce taken in exchange. Sunhury, May 1, 1852. tf. JOHN PHILLIPS & SON, No. 47 South Water Street, below Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. I M PORE US of Foreign Fruits, Nuts, Vines, &.C., keep constantly on hand the following articles, which they will sell at very low prices for cash. Raisins, Almonds, Currants, Walnuts, Citron, Ground Nuts, Prunes, Cream Nuts, Dates, Filberts, Figs, Vanilla beans, Sweet Oil, Preserved ginger, amarinds, Liquorice, Lemon Syrup, Fire Crackers, Port Wine, Madeira Wine, Llaret ine, Sherry " Muscat " Sweet Malaga " Philadelphia, July 3, 1S5'J ly. J ALEE 3 BARBER'S Wliolc-ale and Itclail Clock ESTABLISHMENT. S. E. Corner Sicond and Chestnut Sis., PHILADELPHIA. ViniEUK may he found, one of the largest ami best assortments of Clocks and Time pieces in the United States, in quantities to suit purchasers, of from a single Clock, to one thou sand Clocks; embracing every variety of style iiu manufacture, suitable for Churches, Hall ountuiir Houses. Purloin. Ktenolo tn.,h,. and Kitchens, Steam and Canal Uoats, and Rail Also Reneral sale Airent, for Rapp'a lately pat Tn . ' "f,""0 tiola Pen. Wholesale and Retail Gold and Silver Pen Holders, and Penc.U, and a varl(.t of y Goods. 'J'l,nH, Z l l. c pun'- wi" ,'"'d their interest . u,u,o purciiasing elsewhere. v n r., JAMESt UARBER. is. K. Cor. dies luut & 2nd Sti.. Phila April 10, 1858 ly 1 "'"' " BUNBUKY FERRY I1ENRY W. BUCHEB inf .i h. ha. taken . d aa he is now well iirenared will. .... ...v piuiuinesa anil tlcsiiatch. April 10, 1852 tf. 1 " . .J "mear tor toushi, eoldt. Foraal. at In Id M i m UiceinU r 4, 1852. Tremendous ExciTEKrisT ! ! Cnsh, Steam, Klcctricity ! ! The Aerial and nil other lines out-done by the Mphtiilii? U no of IRA T. CLEMENT. WHO, having great faith in rapid sales and small profits, has just received nnu opened a large assortment of ePBINO AND SUMMER GOODS, At his Store in Mnrxet Street, Sunbury, which he offers to tho puMic lit the lowest prices. His stock consists of a general assortment ol Dry Good?, : Cloth, Cassimrrs, Cazsincls, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Linens. Calicoes, Rluslin dc Lains, Lawns, Oinshanis. lhrages. Sii.k& Palm Lop Hats. A lnrgp nssorlment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Groceries, Sugor, Tea, Colfce, Molassp, Cheese, Spi ces, Fish Salt, Plaster. HARDWARE, Viz : iron nnd Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, &e. QUEEN SWA RE, Tea Sctls, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, &c LIQUORS, Wine. Brandy, Gin, Rnin, Whiskey, &c- 13?" Country produro of ull kinds Ukenin ex change at the highest maiket prices. JUav B, lh). lv. CJ-S500 CHALLENGE. w IIATfiVT.U poimerns the henllh mid happiness of n people is tit nil lime of tiie uiit vulual.le import ance. 1 take it lor Rnuiieil (hut evcrv pi-rs;n will do hII hi their power, t save the Jives of tlii-ir eliiMren, nnd that every person will endeavor to pmm te t h-'ir own health nt all Kierilice. I (Vel il to be my duty to sohitnnly UHSUie yu thut Wdlt.MS, nee ndiiiR lo Ihe' opinion of the most oefebrnicd Pliysicians, ore the priimry en n lies of a lurire mnjtirity of discuses to which children nnd odnlts nre hu Lle ; if you hnvenu nppetitc eoniiimttllv clmnpeahle from one kind of fiod to ouother, Bud Breath, Pain in the Sto mach, Picking nt the Niw, Hardness and Fullness of tho Belly, Dry Conirh, Slow Fever, Pulse Irregular -remember that nil these denote WOltMr, tnul you klunldai ouce ap ply tlie remedy : HOBENSACK S WORM SVRUP. An nrtiele fmndeil upon Peienli fie Principles, compound ed wiih purely vegetable mil -stances, bi-in perfectly safe when '.aken, and can be piven to tin; most tender 'infant with decided beneficial cileel, where Hovel Complaints and Diarrhant have made them weak nnd debilitated the Tonic properties of my Worm Syrup ure such, that it stands without an eipui'l in the cntalomie of medicines, in g viui tone and strength to the Sft.ni:tch, which makes il an Infallible remedy for those niliietcd with Dyspepsia, ine nsionisnnu: cure penorincti t this ryrup niter I'hysi- fins nave laiieu, is i lie uest evulence ol us superior elh- :iey over all others. THE TAPE WORM! Tin." i the m st diiiu-ult Worm to destroy of all that in fest tin hum-in sv-flcin, it erows to an nhuoMt Imletiuitu niTth her iiimir sn roiled nnd tithtened in the Intestines and M'tnifieh eiteetinir the health so sadtv as to cause t. .tlis lanee. Pits. tVe., that tiioce nthieled seldom if ever suspect that it is Tape Worm h.isteiiine; tlietu to un early jriave. In order to deptrov this Worm, n very enerfieiie treatment must he pursued, it would therefore he proper lithe u lo ol mv i.iver l'lNa sons to remove nil ubHtrin.'- onn, that the Aronnyriinuuiyaet ilneet upon the Wonn, whieh mu -it hf taken in d wn -if -2 T.ihlesp N.tifnlln U times day these Ujreeh ns ollowil have never been knwn to ail in eurinir tlie inoft olmiiirite case of 'IVpe Worm. IIOBENSACK'S LIVER TILLS. No purl of the system is tcorc liable to ilisc:iac t!i:m ihe I.I YKlt, it crvit!ir tin n lilicrcr to nmii'v llic l.looil, or civ- tlic proper secretion to (lie hilo ; so th:'t miv wron ce ll. m ol tlie I.iver ettrrts the other important p:ir!3 ol Ihe svsttm, it oil rewu IIb variously, in I.iver Complaint, .laun- , Dyspeiisia. A:c. We !i,m!.l. therefore, -ateh everv symptom that inieht iotlicatc o wroi, iiclion of tiie l.i,-cr. tiese I'lils li'-nii; c nin -Fi tl i.l liUli I S ,V I LA. IS Inr- nisheilhy ivilnre to heal the sick ; nmele, Itt. An KX- l-.CIOKAM, which niiements llie pecretitin from the Piilnioinrv muens mem'sranc, or promotes liic ilipchiiie of si-crctcil mutter. 'Jml, An ALTKUATIVI'.. which handles iii Home incxplienhle ntcl infl; ii5ilile nrmilfr the ertiini in..ihid uetUMi of the system, ,'tril, A TONIC which uives I'liu; hivI Blrentl'h to the nervous 3tem. re newing health mul viu-T t-t ell purls of the hoily. 4th, A t. A 1 II AH 1 .1 whieh acts m perfect harmony Willi the it her inercihentF, anil oneratiim on the llowcln. ami excel ling the wliol ir of corrupt mul vitiated matter, tmri pu- rifvinir the Ulooil, which destroys disease nnd refctoita health. TO FEMALES. Yon will find tlise 1'ills an invaluable medicine in ninnv eoniplainiii to which you are Fiibiect. In ob;fnietii'iis ei ther total oj ptirtuit, they have been found of mcsltmaLlr" benefit, rest 01 inn their functional irriincemriifs to u heal thy netion, purifjiiej the bl od and other llnidi s- eileeiu i!y to put to tlujlit nil PoinplaintH which may nnso troui emale irreirniaiilieft. un headache, ciddmtW. dimnrfs f siht. pnm in the side, kick, &.o. dJ Ptice, 23 cents eacli. Nope ffenuine unless BJ"iiri3 J. N. Ilobeimudt, till others beiniT lmfcc Imilatioii. t'V' Aaeuts wiahinj? new snrtplies, nnd Ptore Keepers lesinms of lieeomin-j; Agents must address the Tropriclor, . N. llidtensrtek, I'hiladrlphin, I'n. S "lii bv J. AV. rrilmir. r'iubnrv : Man- .MeCnv. Nor- IliuiuberL'incl ; lteisel, 'j'mbtitville Wner. Milton ; littv linker, (ieoreetowu ; I.eieiuiiiR At Widverton, raxi ii Wiest, Hickory: all ileulcrs in ."Medicine in the Counlv and State. August U, 1S.V. ly. ift nnd 7rch Street, PHILADELPHIA. OA VIC etallis!icil n Store where the best lrnili nnw rrKi-irt f.ir llousrholil Dry Cloods, French Fauey OomU, Dress riilks ami SliawH, Hosiery, (Moves anJ Mitts, Cloths, 1'nssimers nnd Vestings, Muslins mill Linens hy the piece, Unmask Table I.ineiib ami Nunkius, I'utcnt Uhiek Kilkn lor Dresses, Full Slock of Mourniii; (iooils. E. &. I,, ore constantly receiving Bargains from the New York nml 1'liiluilelphia Auctions, which they tell wholesale anil retail very cheap for Sell Cash. Euwaud E. Evrk, Washington I. Landli., riiiladelphia, July 3, 1352. ly. I an I.oun J hi n crrcn n (Salle ry, 153 Chestnut Street, etehrnttsl establishment yoa enn alwnys pro lu newest und ui"st improved styles of DAGrKltllF.OTY PL ft TAI.IIOTY PF. IHIIITRAITS nl from 511 to 100 per et. less cost than such pictures can be tiud fur elsewhere. Novvlhnt you can seems men perfect nortruits of vonr ln'ed on-s nt u mere nominal cost, don'l delay lest you lose Iheiu. Lvery Vfil iety of fancy eases, frnmes, Ac, on linnil or famished to order, nnd every picture niude. sntistory nnd win runted to he in tlie lust style of tlie ait or ko chabge Cull und see us at loll Chestnut at. l. ii. rrnNr.i.i. rhilnd,ll;il in July 17, IS-Oi. ly. Til (tIVKE! HlCllUll 8c TULZf, No. 148 Chest mil St., above Sixth, Front oj JONES' HOTEL. ?TTTT) Just rcrc'vc eit P"rizc fflO'l Medal, awarded to them for Vrm I III I their best Travelling Trunks ex hibited at the World's Fair in London, 1851 being the only exhibitors to whom any oward was made. Their competition was with nil the world, and they have taken THK PKIZ1S! TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, &e. To he fomiJ ill this City, and at very low prices Call and see. 1IICKKY & TI LL, Trunk Manufacturers, 118 Chestnut 8t. April 10, ISS-L tf. The Johnston Ink MANUFACTORY REVIVED 10U If Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA. rilHE subscriber begs leave respectfully to in-J- form Pbixtkhs generally, thut he has sue reeded to tlie Uusincss of manufacturing Print iug Ink formerly carried on by his grand Father, and Father, and oilers his article to the trade, without any Pujts, but with the simple reliance upon the long established ehaiacter it has borne, feeling confident of its giving entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call. Team Cish. CHAHLES ENEU JOHNSTON. April 10, 102. tf. WU8TICES FEE DILLS! For sale hy II. B MASSEIt. 1 Sunbury, 1801 'itr rnit. AND READING RAIL ROAD. SUMMER A Kit A NO KM HINT FIIOM rini.ADin.riiiA and 1'ottsvili.e. Fares Reduced. Office of the Phila. $ Heading Railroad Co Philadelphia, March 'Id, 18oi. Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday.) OSN and after April 1st. 1851 two trains will be rim each way, uniiy, uctween t'lnladcl pliia and Pottsville MOKNIXG LTXF.. Leaves Philadelphia at 7J A. M., daily except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 7 J A. M. daily except Sun days. AFTKRNonX UXIL Leaves Philadelphia at3j o'clock, daily, except Sunilnvs. Leaves Pottsvi'.lo at .TJ o'eluck, daily, except Sunduys. PARKS, Between Philadelphia and Pottsx'illc, $2.75 1st class ears and 42.25 2d class cars. Uctween Philadelphia and Reading, $1.75 1st class cars and $1.45 2d class cars. Depot in Philadelphia, comer of Broad and Vino Streets. Passengers cannot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tickets. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baggago will be al lowed to each passenger in these lines ; and pas sengers arc expressly prohibited from taing any thing as bagiage but their wearing apparel, which will be at the risk of its owner. Ev order of the Board of Mnnatrers. S. BRADFORD. April 19, 1S51. Seer.-' rv. CHERRY PECTORAL: For llic Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRON CHITIS, CROUP, ASTK MA, V7HOOPIIJG-COUGH AZXD CONSUMPTION. ! ! I j M:my years of trial, hist unci nf iinpairinj? the pulilic c'it- j fi iciicu in tliis medicim', litis won for it un npprccialii n j I mul ivitriclv Uv far tf!cf'liii" tiie im st R:inruine cxicctu- . ti ii5 ii" ils fiicii'lu. Ntluno; lull its intrinsic virtucH nnl tiie upiini.staUeal;c rtetn-i't coiii.-irfd on tli"iiRjimls ! KHil'cr cvs, ciml.l oripiiiT'te ami uifiiiiti.in llu: ri'i''.it.iiiin it enj While mti'iy uii'tTittr remedies Uiruft iip"-n tlid coininuiiily, have tailed and been discarded, thin has gained triends I')' every trial, conferred lieiilits on th'tijllicied tticy can nev er forget, and protlinvd cures to-i numerous unci remarka ble to In; i". 'molten White it inn hand n lla'i nMie fo pretend tlad any one medieiiu! v.'l!l liilnliih'y c ure slid liieie is alunidant lan-'l' that tlie fii Kim v I'ivtoual d es not oidy as n eeneral iliini:, Imt aim hi inaiialiy cmc lav tuuiadics Tor wlticli it is yeil. A h time iiinli'-s tacM- laets i.'it and oclItT known, thin nie'lieinr h: pradiuilly hfe 'iia- the l ept rclianee of the ntliieted. fi. in I if iVtltin of tin: Ailleneatl I'easillt. to tin; p:i;u'cs el' I'.ur 'It- and Kins. 'i'lironyliimt h entn a eonniiy, in eery i1-. eiiy, ami in teed almost every Immli.t it e. iit.-ihiK. rncnuv 1'i.t tokai, is known as tiie l"-'t rcmi'dy exmnt (liui'ast'w ( f fie Tamat and 1 n lit: and in many i'oiei:i f-'iimric, it t.- c itiii iir t l.cfu n sivfly u.-.ed hy tie-ir m : f inN-Ui'iit V)-. vieian. In fiieat llritain, France nnd tienuany. where 1 ie medical neieiteeii' have rebelled (heir liiu!i'-t't ;eneriji'ii, t iiekiiy I'f.ci'ohai. is introduced, and Ml e iut;ii!t use m the AimieB. HoS:ii tid, A!ni! Homes, ln!,li ! ii:t i iif. nnd in d-na-stic practice, an tlie s.rrest rcniedv their attendinir 1'liysifiann can t'lliid-iy for t!;e m ir dan-ituis atleetions of llie luiiPfi. A'bo id miiilT cas' fi. (,,T fhildreii i! is wife, pleasant and elfretnal to enre. In fact, some of the; nioKt tiatierinpj tertini innl we reet ive li.ivo been fnun parents who h:vc found it eiVieaei w in ctisef particularly inciden tal lo childhood. v Tlie CitERnv Tectoh al i ni.-imif:irtnrrd by n pineticnl f liemiM, and ev'iy ounce of it under ins own c e. with invnnab!" acenrar y ind t are. Il is fs'-aled .naj jiroteeled by law from roimievieitp. eousct;ucntly can be rt lied on as genuine without ndalieral ion. We have endravo, e l tie; to fnruifch tbe r, iaiinmi!y with n medicine "I stic'i iuti iusic superiority and worth as tthoald coinnieiid itself to ilwii eonlidfii',. a renadv at once wife. Hnrcdy nnd c fleet nal. wlocli this hns by repented 'lllillrsi trmln iiTin-rd in-i-tl' tn lie : nnd trust Lv L'rcat enrr in ri'juiriii' it will, clu uiicnl iici uriicy, il unit Tin striiTili In nfTinl Phyfici'MiM ii iiw nt'rn' nil wltjfti tlit'V c;:n r. ly l"'.T the tc-wt rriilis, :iiul the ntttotril with nieincily th.'it ill ilo l'.r them nil that liii'iliciue ci:u do. Prepared and fid b,t JAMES C. AVER, Prneliiul Chunift, Lowell, Muss Sold in Puiilmiy hy II MASSK.U, and by DruiiciKts penerallv tliroiij.n: tthe Stnti'. November 13, l;3rj. lyccimo Fritz, iiliiiias tS Hendry, Store, No. 29 North 3d Street., rnir.ADri.riiiA. MOHOCCO Manufacturers, Curriers, Import ers. ( 'oir.tiiisiim :inil (Irnernl l.rntlirr I.ns- iness. Wholesale nn.l Hi tail. t" Manufactorv 15 Margareita Street. Auj. 2H, 1S.V.'. ly. Clieiip Watches .Jewelry, niOI.rSAT.r, and Hctail, nt the "IMtila.lel- phia Watch and Jewelry ftore," No, 90 North Second Street, corner of IJunrry, Philadel phia. Gold Lever Wattle 3, full jeweled. IS carat eaten, ? J.tlO Silver dn. full jewelwl, Sia.lllold Pneetneles, 7.C0 Oliver l.eiiine, jewels, 10 t' ilie S :lver do. 1 ..1.1 do d i do. II. fluid lirnceli'tK. u.oil Snivel ior t)unrtieiB, 7. j! allies' (intd Peneils. l.litl luiieieon d i. r. Silver Ten spoons, set, 5. on Uold Pent, wilh IVneil und Silver Holder, I, (to (.old Finirer liinqs, 3?J eenls to ; Watch (ilasses, plain, IS) rents; Patent, ISj' ; Lunet, 25; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they are sold for. STAl.'FFEK cv II. MILKY, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, some Gold nnd Silver Levers and Lepincs, still lower than the above prices. August 23, 1PM. ly. NEW COUNTRY STORE, At the Forks of the Plum Creek and Tulpe hocken RmkI, (near Krcighbaum's iilack cimiiU Snap. JACOB AVICI 31 KR, iiESPEC'TFULLV informs tho public that ho has opened a new Store at the above place and has just received a splendid stock of new Spring and Summer Goods, Consisting in part of Cloths, CassiniiTS, attiiiets, DRILLINGS ami all kinds of linen cotton mul worsted summer ware. ALSO: Callicoe?, Husliu de Laines, lawns, tfaillglinillK, And all kinds of Dress Goods for Ladies. Tea, Coffer, St'nAit, Molasses, &c. faitli:Uli:S, of alt kinds. BRANDY, GIN, WNIE, and all kinds of Liquors. Hardware. Iron und Steel, Nails, ic, QUEENS V ARE. Shoes, Boots, Caps,Palm leaf arid other Hals, Pish, Salt, &c, All of which lie will sell at the most reasonable prices for cash or country produce. May 8, 1852 -tf. JOHN ArTAVLOI Manufacturer of Monuments, Tombs, AND GRAVE STONES OF THE FINEST Italian and American Marble. At his Old Stand in Northumberland, Pa. RESPECTFULLY inform the public that all wurk in his line will he made up of the very best material and finished in the latest style of the Eastern cities.' Those in want of such articles well made and executed in the best style and at the lowest rates, will do well to call and examine before they pur chase elsewhere. May 15, 1852. ly. a & SOWEIt c5 BA1INES, Publishers and Booksellers, No. 84 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. tlihtrs. PravelR. llvmnfi. Pneliml niul II idtoriral Works. Travels, Novels, ftc, Ac. SCHOOL BOOKS. Every kirn in me from a primer upwards. BLANK BOOKS. An elegant nssorlment from the piM li'Xik upwards' muile iif supeiii.r paper, und best if Imnling. W KITING rATERS. Cnp, Viist, nnd Note Papers, elegant stvles nnd (pinlity, and very elieup. STATIONERY. Foncy, Pluin nnd Adlicsivo Knvelopcs, Ink, Pand. Wn fers, Sleel Pens, Wivtea, Peneils, Purte-Mnnuies, Wrup pnii? Papers of nil khuls, C'urluiii Papers, 4c., Ac. Our stuck is nil frenh, Inuehl elienp nnd .ld necordmirly. Particular iiUenium paid to UiMknellers, tjountry iMer cliants and Teachers, however litllc lliev imiv linv. 9 iwcr k Haines nre Pulilisliers of PHI, TON'S series of MAGNIFICENT OUTLINE MATS Kneh mnp Is ncnrly PKVKN I'F.K T !( (tjAHK, and sIkiws llie cornpuralive ci.e and relative position c every country on tlie (.dol.e. They are intended lo lie suspended Hi every School ltooni, nn.l il..! only make n splendid ap penranee, lint lire universally iicklrowlcducil In he the llKMT MOW!'. VV TKACIIINO UKOdllAIMIY ever lirourllt out. They lire kevs intended to he ured hy Ihe scholars, containing nnmiplete rpipnue of Unicrnphv, and costing less than Imlf ihe price ol a (icoeruiihv ami Ail,,. The system is in universal use in Prussia nnd (jcriuanv nnd hus nlready heeu introiluced in llirard Collepe, Philu' ilctpuia, ine puii.ic si'ivioisoi lioston. -w York. Phila. di:l,lna, llnltiiiinre, Wasluncion, nnd throui;h"UI New I'nclnud, New York, Ac., Ac. Our disks urn l,m.l..l with reeouiniendul ions Iroin tiiemost ttilented and scien tific tenrhers hi every quarter, nnd wherever the system lias been usetl pareuls, teucliers ami h-holars unite in prais ing il. 1. Map of the Western Hemisphere. U. Map of Ihe Kapteru Hemisphere. :). Map of North America. 4. Map of the United Stutcs. 5. Map of V.urop';, 0. Map of Asia. 7. Map of South America nnd Africa. Every map is hrilliantly colored, varnished, and mount-' en on muslin nun rollers. We respect fully invite Ihe earnest attention of Teaehrrs, Parents, nnd rVhonl Directors to this I'asi'inatintr mode of teaching Uungrnphy. frOWKII tc M vltM'S, -l North Third Street, Philadelphia, Aug.-jo, I8VJ tf. IIEW STORE. PETER Y. QUAY RESPKC'I'FL'M.Y informs the, citizens of Sunbury nnd vicinity, that he has commen ced a new store in Whortleberry street, in the house formerly occupied by .Mrs. (iray, nml has just received and opened a well selected assort ment of l)v floods, Consisting in part of CLOTHS, CASSSIMERS, SATTIXETTS, And n general assortment of LADIES DKESS AND FANCY GOODS of every variety and style. GISOCERIES of i-very description. Also an assortment of HARDWARE AND QL'EENSWARE, And a general variety of other articles such ns are suitable t) Ihe Iraile, all of which will be told nt the lowost prices. Country produce taken in exchange at llic highest prices. tNinhury, May l.'i, li'.'i. Cm. " IIARRISEUEG E00K EII-ILZRY. ' '. I.. IITTTKIJ fc CO.. Successors to W. O. Ilickok, and IIiek"k A Cnntiiie. TPTIOOlv IJINDKi;., STATIONERS AND ULANIv liOOIv MAM FACTCREl!.-:. The suliserihers rcspecllil!y inform their fi lends und the public, that they are now carrying on the above, business at lite OLD STAND occupied by llickok & Co. They II alter themselves that by careful attention to business, they will merit and receive a continual. co of Ihe patronage so liber ally enjoyed ly Ihe old linns. Particular attention will l e paid to the ruling nnd hindin? of every d.'sciiption of blank books for hanks euuiitv oibces. nierehants and private I indiviihnils, d everv variety ol full and half bound blank bu.-'ks. Old ho.iks, eriodicals, law books, niu.-ic, newvpapers, iV r., bound in any pattern and in any stlo reipiiied. In mlditi'Mt I.) the above, they have, and will at nil times kcip, a ;:eucnil assortment of Cr'l'A- TIONT.KY COIIsisllI!!! of Letter 1 'npi-r, Knives, i ui. Inl.sein.!-'. .Moil-, Wafers, Hlaek Ink, Seuiiuir Wax, Hlue Ink. Cetiviii I nl-: . SI ites nnd Pencils, lllll l'eoeils. Letter Stamps, India Ituliliei, Wafers, Hed Tiiie, 1 'iTink Curds, lap ! Potwieir " Transfer " Copviinj Hl.tiiiu! " Sleet Pen", C'nrmiae Ink, Fnld-M, Am dd's Writing Fluid, F.iaeures, Jte l"3f" Paper ruled to pattern, and all work war ranted and done very cheaply. P. L. il UTTER & CO. March 13, 1S33 If. sTA(T nm cTe. " Vi'ASIIIXCTOX HOI'S!':, VI!BTJr.Y, PA. JAIIES COVERT, 1 T,"7 lll'T II , euncel Ci .11 v i i, iifiiie.ee l!vl 1 , r li.ifl ' taken this well known bland, where he will be firatitied to pee and entertain his triends and the travelling public generally. This house is now replete with every convenience, comforta ble, pleasantly located, handsomely furnished, well ventilated, rendering it in every respect a desirable (.topping place. io expense has been spared in filtina; up this house. The chambers are well furnished and the. table nnd bar provided with the best llie market ran afford. The stable accommodations are extensive nnd well calculated for travebrs. STACK OFFICE. The fitar.es running from Northumberland to Pottsville, stop at (hit house, where throtiiih and way tickets to Philadelphia can be obtained. Sunhury, March 20, 1S52. tf. LIBERTY STOVE WORKS, iiltOWX STKKBT, above Fourth, 1 nilLADELPHIA. THE undersigned respectfully inform the pub lie that they nre in full operation nt their new foundry, nnd ready to execute outers for Moves of every description on the most reasona ble terms. They invite the attention of STOVE DEAL ERS to their large assortment of STOVES, all of which aro entirely new, and got up at great expense. Anions which are tho Liberty Air Tight Cook, Complete Cook, Star Air Tight, Star Franklin, Star Hadiator, Jenny Lind im proved. Fire King lladialors, Salamanders, Can nons, liases, Hare Cylinders, Bar liooin Stoves, Furnaces, Gas Ovens, Ac., &e. ABUOTTiV LAWRENCE. IV. D. Country merchants are particularly invited to call and exnniino our assortment. April 10, 1S52 ly. THOMAS PALMER, COMMISSION MKKCIIANT, No. 6, North Wharvet, Where the following goods are received and sold on commission, Dried Apples, Peaches, Plums, Pears, Cherries, Ac, Green Apples in Parrels or by tho Bushel, Deans, Peas, Cranberries, Onions, Mercer Po tatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Shelbarks, Chestnuts, Ground Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Kaisins, Figs, Prunes, Grapes, Poultry, Eggs, li utter, Cheese. And all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Pro duce. Philadelphia, Dee., 13, 1851 ly. SOAP AND CANDLES. rI!HE subscriber takes this method of inform ing the citizen! of Sunbury and vicinity, that they are engaged in the manufacture of Soap and Candles, of the best quality, at No. 44 Filbert street, Philadelphia. They respectfully invite all who buy for cash, to give him a call as they will find it to to their advantage in dealing with him for articles in their line. E. DL'FFY & SON, 4 1 PilU'it above Oth. December 20, 1851 if. GLASS, DRUGS, PAINTS, &o miiom:saii: am iidtaii,. rpiIE riiiladelphia Window (iluss Yarc house, and Drug, Paint, Varnish, C il and Color Stores, Nos. 33 and 35 North Fourth Street. East side, has tho lurgest assortment o (Window, Picture, Coach, Case, llot-llousc, and other GLASS, in the rity 1 comprising upwards of 1I),000 dif ferent sizes, ranging from the smallest Bize, up to .IS by CO inches rf She.'t, nnd ns large ns 0 ny 7 feel of Plate Olnss, including English Crown, French, German and American, both Single antl Eoutlo Thick. Also, a large assortment of Very Thick Glass, for Skv-I.nrhts. Hulk indows. ewe. Tho Subscriber having a heavy stock on hand is prepared to fill orders nt the shortest notice, and on Ihe most reasonable terms. Odd sizes of nny pattern cut to order. Ground White Lead ; Paint, Varnish, of ev cry description ! Turpentine ; Linseed Oil, boil ed ami raw; Pnir.t Mills; Putty ; brushes Dyo Woods, Sir., &.C., cVc. And also, a largo supply of fresh imported DRUGS AND MEDICINES. J. II. SPRAG1E. Nos. 33 & 3.'i Noith 1th St., E.Side. April 10, 1852. ly. "AID AND COMFORT," '1 o Your Otvii .lift it niiics. GEOPvGE liEXX. MANUFAtrrrnui op FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. THE subscriber respectfully cnlls the attention nfll.n ,,,,1.K,. I.. I..J I.......' I .... i...i:. I j'lii.t iv hip i.,im- mill nii.:iiiiiu nnsui l" mcnt of every (paility nnd jiriec of which cannot fail to retomniend itself toevery one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined lo keep up with the many improvements which nre constantly being made. His stuck consists of .Mahogany Sofas tmtitii ami l.oiitirrcM, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BRK.KFAST AM) DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN lil.INDs, ,.lllm (0 PLilo- delphia manufacture. I BEDSTEADS, of every path rn and pricoi CUPBOARDS. WORK AND CAN PI, F,- STANDS, TOII.KT TAIil.KS AND KXTKNSION TAI51.KS, in short, every nrtiele in t'.-.is line of his business. He also inanul'aelines all kinds and ipiulities ol CHAIRS, including varieties never before to be had il Sunhury, Mich as Maiiooim, Ui.ack Wal.m t , ami 'fiiiEii M a I'J.r. til; i.f ian; imi Wim.smr OlIAIRs, ami l A'.c v Piami Siom.s, which nre ' of the latest styles, and warranted to he excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere, The subscriber is determined that there shall j he no excuse for persons lo purchase furniture in I Ihe cities, as every rnnlidencr. can be entertained j about tho ijuaiity and finish of his ware and , Chair. i His articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can he purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in pavmcnl for work. t'tf l NDERTAKINIi. H.ivimr provided , himself with n handsome Hkiiisk, he is now ( prepared for I'tidertaking, and attending funer , nls, in Ibis vicinity, or al any convenient dis- lance from thU place. i l.'iT The Ware Room is in Market Street., ; below Thoinps. Mi's Store and Weaver's Tnvern. I (iEOKGE RENN. Sunhury, Jan. 10, 1853. if. ro?i ;.' c F.vrs. T?V MEANS OF TIIE POCKET .ESCl'LA- ivy. : :, :, ill', or l'.verv otic las V.'.s, S mvn Physician ! Tinirrv-i-'."V-"',?-':'i V'-M si vtii edition, with up- ,!'.': wards of a hundred ene.ra wji . . . .':.. vinas, showing private dis- y? 4$: '-jr S.Jl torm, and malformations of th" teuerative system, --.";:.J' V w fit- Win' Viibbc. -fj-s-i"'" i vvd. that persons suiVerit! nce.l no more become tin as bv the i'',-c;vri;'tioii'; e .it1 tune lus now arn ; from nci-.vt ilist-asos, VICTIM (il' H.I' Vl'KKIlV, ntiinc! in this buoU, any one may cure himself without hiiulrance to liufilifss, or the knowledge of tlie most intimate friend, and with one-tenth the usual expense. In aihliiion to the petiernl routine of private disease, il fully explains the cause of manhood's early de cline, with ohmva'ions on marriage besides many other derauceineiils which it would not be proper lo enumerate in lit" public prims. t"sT Any pi i sou sending TWENTV-FIVE CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one copy of this hook, l v mail, or live copies will l e sent for one dollar. " Ad.hivs. l)n. W. VOI NG, No. 152 SPlll'CE Street, PIULAUELPIHA." Post paid. Jy" Ur. YOL-Nti can be consulted on any of the Ui'eases described in his ililierent publica tions, at his Ooicc, 155 Spruoe Street, every day between U an. I 3 o'clock, (Sundays excepted.) Philadelphia, June 5, 1S5C. ly. Ponuets, Kats and Milliner v (1 o o tl s ! Q f EKCHANTS and Milliners when in riiil adelphia to purchase their goods, will find it to their interest to examine our large and fash ionable stock of KTK1W 2tirJS. We manufacture largely and l.vtronT the N t w i : s r S r i l i: s o v fi'ort'isj" Fabrics in our line ; which together with other advanta ges enable us to offer liberal inducements to IU runs. H. A. CIIOOKER, & CO., Nos. 47 and -10 Chestnut Street, and .No. 5G South Second Street, west side, near Chestnut, Philadelphia. December 2,, 1S51. ly. rf. WSV2T. G. 1VIASON, Engraver and Printer, No. 46 Chestnut Street, above Second, PHILADELPHIA. IS prepared to do ENOHAVI.NU and PUINT- 1NU, in all their branches, W edding, Visiting mid Uusiness Cards, Hall Tickets, Walvh Papers, Labels, Bill Heads, Notes, Checks. Drafts and Diplomas. Seals und Stamps for Corporations, Odd Fellows, Masons, Sons of Temperance, &c. All tho above engraved in the best manner. Orders by Post promptly utlended lo. December 27, 1851 ly. J O II M A. II A It It I S, Manufacturer, & Dealer in Imported and Domestic Segars, Also, a general assortment of Lcaffe niniiul'iirtiirrtl Tobacco, C CONSTANTLY on hand, at the lowest mar J ket prices. Corner of Chestnut St., and Wharves, Philadelphia. December 37, 1(151. ly. TuNOLD'S WRITING FLl lD and Adhe- L V ,ive and legal envelopes, lor saio i.y H. 11. MASSER. Sunbury, nra 10, 1852. -1VTRA1IT OF COFFEE. An excellent I J article more wholesome and much cheaper than Collie itself. April U l.V For sale at this oflue HANK NOTE TABLE CORRECTED WEEKLY. PENNSYLVANIA. CITY Or 1'HILAllRI.PItli MASftACAfPETTS. All lolvfnt Imiikl 1 I.". I. Hnnk notes 15 dm HIKIDK ISLAND. Ail solv-eul ImiikR nai All solvent tmiiki 1 CONNKtri'ICLT. Hunk of Chniiilwrsliurg t ilisl eoi.-NTiiv. All Solvent Imnks I ....... . ,.nrcif;r ,.. pur tank of IM.Co. Chester purl m:v YDIIK. CITY. i.nnsni itrrtnniitowil par Atl solvent luniks -t? Uk notes nailer 85 iviiiik oi (icitynlnirsf 1 tlis 1UH "I Irt'VVIStowil li:illk.il.VMI,.,,,w 1 J, Moiitg micrv Co ilimk pur Hank of Nortliumlwrrinl. pni COUNTRY, All solvents tmnkff 1 NHW JKHSKY. nelvntere Bnuk I C?omiTlerrinl Hnnk I I Hunk of I'lUslniru 1 dis nuiiK mi unnvilln purl ! nr. llunR ivimit Holly p I.. .. . i: .. t'urlislo Hunk Coliinilnn lJ'kft H'geCn pnrlMiwliniiies' Ilk, Newark p 1 itn: i' si., aiHiiuctown ri. l: intyiaiHi'vvn duiik pur .vi ecu. ijk ol lltirlourtnn p I'.astnn Hnnk purMeeh. ft Man. Ilk Trent p Urie Hunk a ilisi.Motris Co Unnk 1 i Lxeliiinpe H'krittslmrg I iliufMewurk Hk'g&Inl.Co 1 i r.xennnjre ii k, urniien ) lUK'v'rane hiiiik Farmers' H'k, HucksCo inr', People's Hk Patterson Formers' Hk, Iinruster pnr'Prineelou Hunk Formers' Hk, Ftftiilins; pnr!tulein Hunknnr Co, Fnnn. Ilk S.-lui tk i II Co pnrlrteincrret Co Hunk F ft I). I!k Wnvn.-sli'ir Uilis Stnte Hunk nt Cninden .1" Frunklin Ilk. Wush'n I Jilis Mlnte Hk Klimlielhton ITnrriahnrp Hunk ,lis !tnle Hnnk Ncvvnrk i d llenesilnle Hunk 1 tlis'Mnte Hk. N. Hiuinwk k p Irfinensler Hunk pur Lelmnon Hunk pur Mercli. ft .Man. Hunk 1 dis Sussex IjnllK. Newton i il Trenton Hnnkiiifr Co pi 1'nion Hunk. Dover j d Ynrdleyv'leftUelDrCo I5d LiT'Hk notes mider 3 J d aimers' H'k, rottsville per Mononirnheln Hunk 1 dis Tuvlorsv'e. Del H'ff Co 15 dis jjr.1,.1 vv n nt.. West Hrnneh Hunk pnr Hunk of Delaware pi vv vominir nit, vviikesit'e pnr Hnnk of tsniyrim p Oelnvvore City Honk p Hk XVihnir'n Hiniutyvv. p l"nnner' Hk ft Hr.lnwnre ) tTn ion HiuikVilnniiotoli : York Hnnk, 1 dis Cr'Helief notes 1 dis MAI NR. Hunk of Whettrs-k 5 dis iMereimtile Hk. lluiimir 1n,lilfp" Under !?.')' 1 " All solrent hunks 1 dis OHIO M'.W HAMl'SIIIRi:. All solvent hunliS 3 diK VKII.MONT. Huiik of St AIIbiiis 3 itis All S'tvenl luniks 3d Ilk mites under 5's i d NORTH CAROLINA. All solvent lmnks art AM solvent hunks dis IV Under 5's, SJ d A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At llic Cabinet Ware Kuom of SEIVX IIOUPT & CO. Market Square, Also at the corner of Fawn street Sf the Railroa SUN1JUUY, PA. Thankful for the patronnge of his friends am customers during the 17 years he has been in busi ness in this place, he solicits from the public aeon tinuauce of their favors. During this period h has endeavored to keep up w ith the improvement of the ilny, and hns accordingly extended his busi ness in every branch and variety. The public an therefore invited to tho utlention of the presen stock of CA11IXIST WARE AM) CHAIRS Masufactcrm) by SEBASTIAN IIOUPT & CO. At llic Old Stand, Where in addition to their former stock of tin establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Scat Chairs 1tr'st Spring Seat Rocking Chairs, Dressing Jiuremts, Centre Tables, JLirbc Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other new style and Fn h tooabfe FurssiStirc Having seemed n If came and made the neces sary nrriingemenls for Ihe purpose, they are now prepared for Kndertaking in nil its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Yfl mai Is n:nl nii.'.rees. anl liut-'mnils too, 11-i c'b furniture of every st le anil line, 1- r un snlc ! nt-U il'Uvn to kllcln.-n tallies, l-'ri'in r 'i'iie,' chairs to leekiegemjlca Ph nilil yell not l.avc tlie ready John tn viy, AVc'll vvnit nwliile fir n l.rililer better ilny, Or take jiot:ie.) oats, c irn, vvlieat ami rye; Uark, lump ji ilm, staves, or hnnb?r vvjt ami dry, Or any tiling Imt yokes nnd threshing Minis, Fnnn piirs nml larkies down to I it t It; qutiili. dune on then frieiuls. come nnenntl nil, Keep trade a moving, so i;g.ns on the bat!." I tf" Orders from a distance promptly attended to and work of ail kinds delivered with dispatch. Sunbury, March 9, ls5i). tf LAWKEINCE HOUSE. SUTIBURY, PA. l"1!! E subscriber respect fully informs her friends J- and the public generally, that she has taken the above well known stund nearly opposite tha Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J. C. Per kins'. She trusts that her expeiieucc in business, and her eilbrls to make her guests comfortable. w ill give entire satisfaction to thoso who may fa j vor her wilii their cusmm. 1 ANN C. MORRIS i Mnr.-h 8, 1851. tf. J. II. ZIHKEILMAN, Gur-hury, Fa. Office in Deer Street, immediately opjiosite the Public School House. Cicr" Monies collected and ail Inoiincis pi iniitly und enrr I'ullv titlendtil lo. April Si), 150. V:jlti;i!lc Eo:Ks. T IFE or Ciiiusr, handsomely bound, D'Ai-- ' -'ll(ii;'s lIlSTOllV OF TUB JlKCOIIMATION, III. i n k D.ir-iiouKs ami Lkuc Kits, full bounded. For sale at the publishers prices hy H. IJ. MASSKU Sunbury, July 14, 1S19 i'l'ONE 'are, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al J! monds, P lines ami Cream Nuts. Planes of nil kinds. iS'alt and Plaster. Just received nnd for sale by JOHN W. FR1LINO. Sunbury. Dec. 20, 1819. T5 OSE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this y"l excellent article for Tetter. ,1 c., just received and for sale hy HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, July 28, 1S49 OLD PENS with nnd without cases, of a JJJ very superior quality, just received. Also a Iresh Bupply ol v ritnig r lunl, for sal by H. 13. MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. 27, 1S51. IXTRACT CF OINOER. A fresh supply just received and for sale at this office. Piico 25 cents. Sunbury, Ju.y 12,1851. SILVER WATCHES. A few double case English Silver Watches, for sale at very low prices by H. U. MASSER. Sunbury, April 12, 1851. 5 A TENT BRITTAN1A STOPPERS for bar Dottles lor sale ny II. 0 MASSER. Sunbury, April, 12, 1851 HjNOll AND SPRING MORTISE EAT Rfk. CUES. An excellent article, for sale at half the usual price by J - W. FAILING, Sunbury, July 7. 1849 LANK NOTES, waiving the exemption Inw of ijiilHO, for sale by April 2(1, 1851. JL U. MASSER. DD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi cine for sale by HENRY MASHER. Sunhury. Jan. 87th. 1849 EE BILLS. Justices and Constables Fee Bills handsomely printed on cat J paper for sale at this olhce. IOK sale at this oliice, Superior Black Ink, Cattle Medicine at 25 cts, Pure Essence of Ginger.25 t ents BLANKS. LANKS of every description can he had by applying at the oliice of the American. VVrRITlNU FLllD and self sealing Enve- loiies, just received and for sale by April 19. 1851. H. U. MASSER. rilSSL'E PAPER Yellow Tissue paper for A eovering glasses, Ac, lor sale at the 0 flic fie American.