Agricultural Society. The Annual Meeting of the Norlhumber nd County Agricultural Society for theeleo n of officer! was held at the Court House, Sunbury, on Monday, January 3, 1853. Vico President Jamea Cameron in the tair. Minutes of last meeting read by the Sec tary. Mr. Taggart stated that he had been re ested by the retiring President, (Mr. J. R. rieslley) to say for him that nothing but the ost urgent business engagements would re kept him from the meeting. In reli ig he desired to tender his thanks again to e Society, for the honor conferred upon him f his election (an honor which Mr. T. beg. ed leave to consider rtciprocal,) and loas re the members, that it should have here ter as heretofore his influence, hisenerget i cooperation aid best wishes. The Chair appointed David Taggart, Jesse . Ilorton, John Porter, Elida John, Reuben r. Zarlman, John Painter and Ihvid B. onlgomery a Committee to report officers. Afler a short consultation they reported the i list of officers with but few alterations. For President JAMES CAMERON of bilisqiiaque. For Vice Presidenls-vGeo. C. Welkcr, of inbtiry ; Jacob Seasholtz, of Upper Augusta ; m. B. Kipp, of Rush ; Jacob Ililbish, or ickson ; John Montgomery, of Lewis; David . Ireland, of Deliware and Amos E. Kapp f Northumberland. Corresponding Secretary David Taggart " Northumberland. Recording Secretary Wm. I. Greenongh f Sunbury, Tieasurer U'm. L Dew-art of Sunbury. Librarian Wm. M'Carty of Sunbury. Managers. Alexander Jordan, James Pol ck, Jesse C Horton, William Forsyth, Sam el Shannon, Samuel John, James Eckman, eter Oberdorl, Joseph Weitzel, Wm Fegc , Wm. Deppen, Felix Mourer, Philip Spain, ideon Kreiner, A. J. Fitzer, James Beard in, Charles Riddle unanimously elected. On motion of Jesse C. Horton, it was resol ed that the Township Committees of the ast year be reappointed. The President made a few feeling and ap iropriate remarks, in accepting the office onferred upon him. He knew it was dilTi ult to follow in the lootsteps of his excel ent predecessor, but ho would leave no ef jrl unmade to fulfill his whole duty. He oped thereby to merit the approbation of is fellow members and in a practicable nanner evince his grati'ude. The President appointed Amos E. Kapp, Treasurer, pro tern, to receive fees for mcm jership. Mr. Taggart put into the hands of the Treasurer, some choico garden seeds, for listribution amons the officers and membeig )( the Society. He slated that the people ot he borough of Northumberland were willing o start even with their neighbors, giving hern an equal chance at the beginning, and seat them handsomely afterwards by extra ordinary efforts. He warned the people of other districts that Northumberland in tends to carry off tnoro than hor share of prizes, and the people of Milton in particular where the next Fair wonld probably be held) that they must expect to be beaten in their awn barn-yards. On motion of Judge Jordan, Resolved, that the next Fair of thu Society be held in or near the borough of Milton, oir such days as the Executive Committee may hereafter de termine. Mr. Porter being called upon expressed himself briefly in a forcible and energetic speech, in favor of encouraging the Society, ami in behalf of the interests embraced with in its purpose. He thought a man who re fused his cooperation on account of the fifty cents required for membership, was too mean to live, and should there fore be served like a seed potato, stuck under ground. Mr. Porter's remarks elicited some ap plause. On motion of Geo. C. Welker, the meeting adjourned. WM. 1. GREENOUGH, Sec'y. rnorriiTY. rn'inion of Rent and Personal Estate of the Inhabitants of the United States, for the year tnatns June 1st lbDU. ItKAL AND PKIinQSAL I'sTATE. STATES. Assessed Value. True or Katima ted Vulue Alalsunu, Aikausus, 41 Culiloluia, Oiniiectwuf, Jlcluwaie, I'll r Ida, Georgia, llllUlllS, imliiuia, town, Kentucky, l,uiatuna, .Maine, Mtirylund, MiiBaucuusetta, Michiguit, Missitlppi, Missouri, New Hnrnpshire, t.New Jersey, New York, North L'urolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhone Maud, Kiuth Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, V irginia, Wuconsin, TEaaitoaiu. ii!l,rl 1,(1-25 i-J,ll 872 15.1.7117 ,MI 1H0.VJ.U.)3 ,5-2.-j;il 335.4Ai,7t4 l.'Sj,'i6.s.(Jlia aiy.u'si.aii iia.714 6.W 30l,6Ji-.4.'ia 18.777.571 Jl,ai7.3l 573,W.'.-.'-0 5!l,77,'i'i5 !K-,!I51.I3() )'l7,a47.7(l7 1113,0 VJ.S33 SIS,OUIi.UUt l,0KI,3!SJ,iia 2- (l.47 604,7J8,IJI 7,4Tfl.-.HI MI,5HS.7II4 HW,57,6!M 5a.74(l,4,3 92.e0o.(l4 4:i.7ii .r 4-.,ll.jfl.505 85,o&t ,nai,iu7 g7,aoc,iaa,ej3 Minnesota, (not rslurn-J ct III u,i; New Mexico, Orepon, liab, 8.174.471 6,(iA.M74 16 .OKI I4,0ta,4 60,0 10, 307,309 67,133,369,7:25 Only Thirtean counties in California are returned f Iu New Jersey, as the Real Estate ouly was returned, the above is partly estimated. Widening tub Union Canal. The Read ins Gazette says the engineers are engaged on the Eastern end of tbia work, who will probably submit lo the meeting of the Corn cany in February next, estimates of the cost to., of widening it from Lebanon lo the Schuylkill at Reading. When Ihis contem nlated imDrovement ia made, the Canal must command a large and luoiativa trade Tha Inauguration of the Jackson Statu will take place on Saturday the 8th inst., in Washincton city. The preparaliona for the ceremony are all made. Col. Hughes, of Baltimore, is to act as Chief Marshall, and the Hon. Stephen A. Douglasa will be the FOB THE YEAR 1853 PREPARED FOB TEE JSunburj) QVmcrican. 2 S f 5 e 2 3 g 3 5 2 MONTHS. f ; S g - - D 5 JANUARY, 2 9 16 23 30 FEBRUARY, 6 13 17 18 20 24 25 27 4. 10 11 MARCH, 6 13 17 18 24 25 20 27 APRIL, 3 0 17 24 29 30 MAY, 1 8 9 10 15! 16 17 22;23 24 29 30,31 JUNE, J 61 -5 6i 12 13 14 19 20 21 20 27 28 ! 12 JULY, 4 11 17 18 19 20 2G 27 4:25 31 AUGUST, 1 2 9 5 6 12 13 19 20 8 10 11 17 18 14! 15 16 21 22 23 24 25,26 27 29 30 6 I SEPTEMBER, 2 3 9 10 12,13 19 20 16 17 23l24 25 26.27 30 OCTOBER, 2 3 4 9 lOlll 16il7,18 23 24 25 2627 30 31 NOVEMBER, - - 3 5 6 7 13 14 10 1617 I S 1 9 21 22123 24 26 28'29 30 DECEMBER, - 1 5 6 8 9 11 12,13 15 16,17 22.2324 29.30,31 1811920 2526,27,28 K7"P0IS0NING. t Thousands of parents who use Vermifuge composed of Caster oil, Calomel, &c., are not aware, that while they nppear to benefit the patient, they are actually laying the founda tions lor a series of despases, such as saliva tion, loss of sight, weakness of limbs, de. In another column will be found the adver tisement of Uobensack's Medicines, to which we ask the attention of all directly interested in their own as well as their Children's health. In Liver Complaints and all disorders arising from those of a bilious type, should make use of the only genuine "medicine, Hubcii sack's Liver Piils. QC?" ilBenot deceived," but ask for Hoben- I. Ill C I r 1 1 I suck s Morm syrup ami wver rins, ana no- serve that each has the sicrnalure of the ' i : nuD..i3Av.n., as none else are genuine. IIAKK1E U. In Lower Augusta lp., on the 2 I inst., by the Rev. T. M. Goodfellow, Mr. William V. CocN's, to Miss rniriic Siufman, both ol that place. In Lower Augusta (p., on the 2 1 inst., by the Rev. J Carpenter, Mr. Sa.miti. Hum, to Miss Sabah J. Renn, all of that place. In Shamokin tp., on the 2d inst., by Charlfs Marlz, Esq., Mr. Isaac M. John, to Miss Catu urine E. Vastinr, all of that place. On the 21st ult., by the Rev. S. R. Boyer, Mr. John S. Beedf.r, to Miss Mahgaret Ann Billman, of the vicinity of Muucy, Lycom ing county. In Milton, on the 30ih ult , by the Rev Mr. Repse, Mr. Henry Gi.ant, to Miss Cath arine Wueeland, all of that place. In Delaware township, on the 30ih nil., by the Rev J. P. Hudson, Mr John M'Coiimick, of Turbut, to Miss Rebecca Vincent, of the former place. In Milion, on the 30th ult., by the Rev David Longmore, D. D., Mr. Rei dex F Etzmer, ot Muucy, to Miss Elizabeth W. Longmore, of the former place. I I K O. In Chilisquaque, on the Sflih ult., Mrs. YOUNKEN, wile of Georye Younken, i!u ceaseil, aged 76 years. In this place, on Monday last, Mrs. CARO LINE, wile of Augustus H. Clement, aged 39 yeajs. SI)C iUavkch Philadelphia Market. Jan 5, IS52. and Meal. The market is dull ; fresh "round for export at $5, Flour sales of and good brands for city consumption, at $5e aS54. Extra Flour is held utS4 37, a 5j Rye Flour. Last sales at 84 i. Corn Meal. Last sales of Penna. at f3 Wheat Sales of Dtime red at ? 1 IX and white at $125. Kve Is m demand ; sales at 86e.ts. Corn Is arrivinz freely, and miens m something lower ; sales of dry yellow ut 64. c nuu Ul Vi Ulie HI SI, Oats. Sales of mime Southnm ai and Penna. at 45 els. Whisket. Sales of bbls at 26e. and hhrt. at 25 ets. Baltimore Market. Jan. 4, 1852. GRAIN. Sales of Wheat to.dav i i in . 114 cts. for good to prime reds, and 114 a 120 cts. for whites. Corn it in very good aupply Sales to-day of white at 60 a 61 cts., and of yellow at 62 a 63 cts. The large quantity in market, how. ever, caused prices to give way, and at the olose no more tbau 64 ct. could be obtained for yellow. Sale of Maryland Rye to-day at 80 cts. and Penna. at 89 cts. Oats sells at 38 a 40ots.t the latter rate for strictly prima parcels. WHISKEY. Sales of bbls., to-day at 25 28j2930 SUNBUJIY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. New Advertisements- ADRIFT. rTIHE subscriber hereby fcivoi notice that ha has, recently, taken up adrift, on the Sus quehanna river, a lot of round pine saw Ions, marled with various (inures and devices. The owners thereof, are requested to conic forward, prove property, pay charts and take tlictn sway. LEWIS LENHAKT. Sunbury Ferry, Union county side. January, 1, 1853. 3t. ELECTION. , Ofllce of the Susquehanna Railroad Company. Harrishurtr, Decemlicr 24, 1853. A GENERAL meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held at their office in this borough, on MONDAY the 10th of Junuary 1853, from 1 to 3 o'clock P. M., to choose a Pres ident and twelve Directors for the ensuing year. ROBERT S. IIOLLLN'S, January 1, 1853.- 2t Secretary. WAIT TED. VlfANTEl) Pennsylvania lands from 100 to 50,000 seres for cash or trade in ex change for Citv property. Apply to J. A. lll'IiDWICK, Ileal Estate Broker, 107 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Junuary 1, 1853 2m. KRUPP'S Premium Essence of Coffee t 7 l Y" will man use that which is injurious to health, wi en he Is willmi to give all his wealth to restore it when it is lost ! Slranpc! that at least two thirds of the human family will use ordinary COFFEE knowing it to be injuri ous to their health. Iirt.ii"st absence of Collec is, beyond doubt the best and most wholesome preparation of Coffee in the world. Every house keeper should have it. Try it and be convinced it will save about R0 pet rent, besidexy our health. Warranted to render entire satisfaction. Manufactured and for sale bv ' ELI KRUPP, 639 North 3,1 street Philadelphia. IS'. 1). All the principal Grocers and Druggists have it for sale throughout the United States. For sale by the A sent, H. B. Manser, Sunbury. January 1, 1S53. Cm. ADJIINISTATOR'S NOTICE. "tpsTOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad ministration on the estate of Abraham Broeious, late of Upper Augusta township Nor thumberland county, dee'd , have been granted by the Register of said county to the undersigned. Therefore all persons indebted to said estate will discharge 'the same, and tluse having demands will present lliem to ELI AS BROCIOUS, Administrator. Sunbury, Dee. 55, 1852 Ct. AMEETIMG of the Stockholders of the Green Kidge Improvement Company, will be held at the Girard House, in the City of Phila delphia, on Saturday, January 8th 1653, at 10 o'clock A. M. C. W. CHURCHMAN, President. Philadelphia, Dee. 23, 1S.VJ 3t. Notice (o Contractors. 1JKOPOSALS will be received at the Olliee of thp Siinluirv mill Kiin Iviiitrmnl (!nmnnnv. ut Wliauispnrt, until .-unset of ibe t:iih dv of , JammrVi l8S3 ior i;rilujnB and Bridging 'that j ,mrliol, of ,i,oir unween Sunbury and i viiii:,,,.n ,.i,i i This im-imUa some heavy work, and in worthy the utlent on of ijood contractors. Specifications, and any infor mation desired, iiiiiy be obtiiined from T. HAS Kl.N'S UI'l'l'V, Chief Engineer, nt the OHicc, ten davs ire i his l.i the dav of letting. j. U. cc W. G. MOORHEAD, Contractors. Dorember 25, 1852. 3. Sunbury and Erie Eailroad Company. tJlIII.AllKLI'IMA, Dec. ltilh, 1S5'J A scond Instalment of ten iiolliiis per sliare, on the t'tnrk of this Company, will lie due and payable on llic 'JGtlt of January, A. D. 1853. On these sliureson whirl' eleven dollars has heen paid, payment of nine dollars only will be requi red. Payments mav he mode to Williams iV Wricrht, Erie; the West lirunch Rank, Willininsport ; Dr. W. A. Irwin, Warren, or to the undcrsiijncd t the Oli'ue of the Company, liirard Buildings, Third Street, In-low Chestnut. CRAIG B I DOLE, Treasurer. December 25, lS.'i. 5t. NEW STORE. 15KXJAM 1 X J 1 EFKaN VAl I J ES1'K('1'FI',1,Y informs tho citizens of Suiihiiry and vicinily. that he Ins oprucd a new store in the room lately occupied ly Ueorfie lliilil, iiiposiie D.iltou's Hotel. He lias just re ceived a handsome u?:s;irtinrnt of WINTKIS (iOOHS, roiikistin-j in jiart of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of till kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: C all ocs, (;iii"iiaiiiN, l.awni, "tSoiisNCIiaie Ic l.itiiic-i and ull kinds of Ladies Dress (ioods. GRUCERIES of every variety. Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron and Steel, Kails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of dUEENSWARE, of various styles and patterns. Also un assortment of III HITS & SHOES. HATS CAPS, a good erlerlion. Stilt, Fisli, ic. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, ull of which will be sold at the lowest prices. I v Country produce taken in exchsnga at the highest prices. Sunbury, May 1, 1852 ly. OH A IN PUMPS. A small number of these excellent pumps have been received and are offered fur sale by H. D. MA5SER. Sunburv, Nov. 6, 185S BOOKS! BOOKS 1 1 of PIKES ARITHMETIC. ALSO, t lirp. assortmsnt of Blank Books, si v r,WJ?- McUARTY, BooksslUr. Bunbury, Dee. 4, 1854 tf. IMPRSON'S A RITH EMETIC No.. l. 3 and Porter's Rhetorical Reader, just reci. ed and for sale by WM. McCARTY. Sunbury, May 1, 1851.- IUESH Vanilla Bean of a surior quality, just received and for ssla by ' ssla by 5 0 7 ,wl Marjrl we'll pro-iiiii iuir;.,.,., 12 13 14 ..-it" Hi! I ! ; ', 1 lonn our 11to by HoJ : jiji " ,,, i3 4 ymw' ,i,s,i! L FOURTH ARRIVAL OF T thb new sTonr. or I. W. TENElt & CO., (hearty opposit$ Weaver's Hotel, Market St.) Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pa. MEE invite the particular attention of our V V friends and the public to our Fourth supply of goods just received, adapted to the w inter season. We have now a much larger assortment in every department than at any time since wc opened in pril last; ull of which we are deter mined to sell at the same low prices which hare hitherto secured to us such a generous support from a discerning public, and for which w beg to return our best thanks. Our stock consists of Dry Goods, Hardware, (lucciiswnre, GROCERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, Single and Doubled Barrelled Guns, Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Sags, Umbrellas and Parasols, Roots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Looking Glnsscs, Wsll Paper for Room and Window Blinds, Lemons, Nuts and Candy, Salt, Mackerel, riain and Fancy Hams and Shoulders, Nails, Window Glass, Paint Stuff, Oils and Putty, Car pet Chain, Cotton Laps and Yarn, with a variety of other articles. N. U. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange at the highest msrket prices. I. W. TENER & CO. Sunbury, Dec. 4, 1852 ly.c NIGHT? SCHOOL rjtHE subscri!cr respectfully informs the eiti--- zens of Sunbury and vicinity that he has opened a Night School in the publie School rooms in this place, for the purpose of teaching the common branches of an English education, but more particularly Reading, a branch too much neglected. Hia Terms are $1 for sixteen nights, provided scholars arc satisfied. Fuel and Light found by himself. School commenced on Thursday night last to continue every night, until the end of the quarter. HOSEA W. ATWELL. Sunbury, Nov. 27, 1852. tf. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. JAMES 15. FI J) L Va 11 , Xo. 12 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. Gold Lever Watches full jewelled Silver Lever do Silver Lrpine do " (Juartier do Gold pens and penc il and silver halders Silver Tea and Table Spoons Bracelets, Breast pins Ear rings &c. All warranted and sold at prices as low as any in the city. November 27. 1852. tf. A CARD. C MILLER begs leave to inform the ladies of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has com menced his business in this place, and is now . ! r. :i :.. engageu ill luniiuuciunii, ai nia irtuucucc, in j the new building opposite J. U. oungmau, in Deer street, all inds of LADIES COOTS AND SHOES. Also misses and childrcna shoes ef every discrip tion. Jrders for wor promptly attended to, and all wore warranted to give satisfaction. Sunbury, Nov. 27, 1S52 tf. THIS GLOBE: THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CONGRESS. CONGRESS has made the Globe its organ of communication with the country. To facil itate this important object, and diminish the ex pense to the people, tho CnnnKsioxiL Globs and Ari'tsnix, which contain the proceedings of Congress revised by the members, arc henceforth to I conveyed through the mails free of postage. The approach of a new administration imparls peculiar importance lo the next session of Con gress. Throughout the whole country there will be solicitude to know what s!mo Congress will endeavor to give to the national nil airs to meet the incoming administration. The debutes of the next session will, na doubt, as heretofore, fore shadow its policy. The Comiiikssiiii it Clous and Arrrcxmx are printed on a double royal sheet in royal quar to form, each number containing sixteen pages. The Congressional Glolw ia made u of the daily proceedings of the two houses: and the Appen dix einbrarcc the long 8H-rcltes withheld by the j speakers lor revision, ilia messages 01 me I resi dent of the I'nitrd States, and the Reports of the j Heads of the Executive Departments. I The Laws passed during a session, and an In dex to them, are printed as soon as possible after adjournment, and sent to all sttbjcribers to the Congressional Globe and Appendix. TERMS: For one copy of the Daily Globe during the next session $3 50 For one copy of the Congressional Globe, Appendix, and Laws for the next ses sion $3 00 Tho ubsrriblion money must accompany the order, else no alteutini will be paid to it. Subscriptions should reach here by the 15th of December, at farthest to insure all the num bers. I have about fne hundred surplus copies of the Congressional Glob c for the last session, w hich contain, besides the proceedings of Congress, all laws and joint resolutions pasted during the ses sion. The proceedings und laws make S, 552 pa ges; and the list of appropriations and Index not yet printed, w ill make about 80 pages more. I will let those who subscribe for the Congressional Globe und Appendix for the coining session have them at the following rates: Price per copy, un bound, three dollars ; or bound in three vol umes, backs und conies Russia leuther, five dol lars. Thev will be delivered to subscribers at these prices. I soil the bound volumes here for four dollars a volume: the three volumes bounl for twelve dollais. Every person who takes any part in the politics of this country should possess them. JOHN C. RIVES. Washington, November 11. 185S. CLOTHING ON CREDIT. Solice to all Dealers in Heady Made Clothing, 1)KXNF.T & CO. rcl"t ali;-lio purrlnis ready mndf I'lxlliing oil crulil, l rail ut TllWKK II AM. C'LOTIIIMi BAA Alt, and tlie grral ailviumnres lhcy will have I'V puivhaainR lor rash SI tins extensive eatiiMuhnicnt. This, und Ihis only, is the principle on which lln-y itil Willi all tli'.-ir nuini roiis customers, w ho have reulned Hint at tins home they spare m i effort in producing llie best CUlTlllMi, at the lowest possible prices, and the piotls made at this house are the best made, most fustiionable, nud much rhrtiiier than any other house can afford lo sell Ihe same quality of !, arising from their larue iiiaiiul'ucluriiijt and importing larililira, and their determination rnnnlaiii Ihe principle of large ..i... nrnfiiH. Their stock is moat amnio und complete. The particular aiii-mion of merchants and dealers is muled, who are requested in call and judge for themselves, as we are salient, ur.t me hiw. . the advantages thev will liave in purchasing fol cash, at TOWER HA U., 131 MARKET street, between Filth ndSuith. . t t. ;.... Dr..v.. r. lis . mi,.v,. Philadelphia, October l, IMi 6m. Dihvortli, Branson q Co. I.MPoRTEas or & Dealers in Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C. No. 69 Market St., I door below id S,t, PHILADELPHIA. WWl they always ieen on hand a larga stoci of vsry variety of Hardware, Cutlory, Wm. Dilworth, Hanry D. Landia, Bamual Branson, Jtmes M. Vane. October IS, 1853 ly. JMITH'8 ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN GER, a fresh supply just received, and for sala by U. B. MASTER. Suaturv, J. in, 1852. GEOItGE W ZIMEUMAN, VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, No. 01 Arch Street, four doors above Secmo", PHILADELPHIA, CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF BLINDS, Which lot style or finish and workmanship at the lowest prices. Also TRANSPARENT WIIOU.SAI.K, AT MAM (3T MERCHANTS and others art invited Philadelphia, August 51, 1853 ly. "A Penny laved s a Penny La ned." MAMM.E S BLANK HOOK MANUFACTORY, And Job Book Bindery, Market above Centre Street, Pottsvitle, Pa. BLANK Books bound and ruled in any and every style, in ths most durable and sub stantial manner, with or without printed Heads. Person in want of Ledgers, Dockets, Dav Books, Minute Books, journals, I-cttcr Books, Blotters, Receipt Books, Coal Ledgers, Ac, &c, or any kind of Blank Books, would do well to give mo a call as I pledge myself to give satisfac tion. Paper ruled to any pattern desired. 1 ar ticular attention paid to Binding all kinds of old Books, Billies, jlyinn uooxs, t; lesson's Pictorial, Godcy's Lady Rooks, Graham's Magoiine, Sartain's Magazine, Harper's Magazine, JoscphuB's works, Sheet Music, Sbakspeare's works, Lite of Christ, Law Books, &c, Sec. Any of the above or other books bound in full gilt, plain or fancy to suit the wishes of customers. I would again cail the attention of my f.iends and customers, to the fact that I have been a Practical Book Binder fot the last 18 years, and they can depend on having their work done in the very best manner, and do the work myself; I use the best paper & material ; pleas give me a call my charges are reasonable and fair, but there is no difficulty about prices where work is done satis factorily. N. 13. Tersons having Doosthey want Bound can send them by stage directed to me staling, the the stvle thev wih them bound in : I will do them as low a's they can be done any where, carc r,,iio r,.-U ilw-m mi and return them ; Also per sona ran send orders for Blank Booka by mail, which will bo punctually attendad to. All work done at short notice. R. L. MARPLE. Practical Book Binder. Pottsville, Nov. C, 1S02 Gin. HERE IS YOUR REMEDY! llollowaj's Ointment. A MOST MlltACl U'US Cl'RK OF BAD LEGS, AFTER 43 YEARS' 9UFFKIIIXO. Extract of n Letter from Mr. Wm. Galpin, of 70, St. Mary's Street, II eymouth, da'cd May 15, ISol. 'p.. Y..,.r-..r . i,i.-.v Sir A I tlx. Hire of Ih HIV wife ( W'llO IS II'JW 01 ) CCUgllt violent c ld, which sullied III her legs, nnd ever sinc-e it,.,, .1..... I,n,'p l,e,.,i m rr or less sire, nnd grcnlly inflamed. Her agonies were distracting, and lor months together (die was deprived entirely of res! und sleep Every temedy llmt medical wn advised was tried, nut without effect j her health suffered severely, and the slate of her legs was terrible. 1 hud often rend your Adver tisements, and advised her to try vour Pills and Ointment; and. us a lust resource, ufter every other rsmedy hod pro .l t,. eoiieuied to do so. She commenced six ......L-. nr1 lrn..u to relllte. iS ll'JW in good hmltb ll-r I.... nr. tvit llOlll Seutll Or SCUT. Ulld tier Sleep sound and undisturbed. Could vou liuve witnesfed th sufferings of my wile during the last 411 years, and con lra.t do., ii -itl, h.r nri-xellt eiiiovilieut of health, you would indeed feel drliehtfut i" having Iwen the i.f au irrMiUv atbviuliue the suffcrint ol a fell .w-crentnre. (Signed,) WTM.IAM GAI.rtX. A PERSON 70 YEARS OF AGF. Cl'RKD OF A HAD I .EG, OF 30 YEARS' STANDING. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Wm. Abbs, Build er of Gas Ovens, of Rushchffe, near Uuti dersficld, dated Mntl a 1st, 1S5 1. To Profensor Holi.oway. Sir I sufferrd for u period of thirty years from a had leg, the result of two or three different accidents ul Gas Works ; iiccoinpanied by scorbutic symptoms. I had re course loa vaiictyol medical ndvice, without deriving any benefit, und wus even t kl that Ihe le must be ninpa tnted. vet. in npnosition lo that opinion, our Pills and Ointment have effected a complete cure III so short a time that few who hud not witnessed it would crnlit Ihe fact s;e,ll WILLIAM AHIW. The truth of this statement ran I verified by Mr. W. P Eii;land, Chemist, 13, Market Stlcet Iluddersfield. A DREADFUL BAD BREAST ClttED IN ONE MONTH Extract of a Letter from Mr. Frederick Turn er, oj Pcnhurst, Kent, dated December IVh 1851). To Professor IInu.ow.vv, Dbar Sib. My wife lied suffered from Bod Brstists for more lb ill six mouthi, nnd during the whole period had the best medical attendance, but ull to no use. Having be fore healed mi awful wound in my own lerr. by your un rivalled medicine. I determiner! Hmii to use your rim and Oiiiiimeut. and thcrelore irat e tiiein a trial in her case mid fortunate it was I did so. for ill less than a mouth pence! cure was eiiccled, and the benefit that vnrious oth er branches of my family have derived from their use is really asloninliiiiii 1 now stroliL'lv recommend them to II my friends (Signed) I'ltED'li TtllNLlt. The Pills should lie used conjointly Willi the Ointment most of the lolluwing cuscs : Bad Lcrs. Chiet'o-foot, Fistulas, Bud Breasts. Chilblains, Gout, Bums, Chapped hands. Bunions, Corns (Soft) Glandular Swelling, l.iimlniKo Piles ltlieuiiuitism Scakls. Sire-tliroats, S TC-lit-Uds, UUIldf, llite ol .Mosi be- t uneeis toes "t rNiud- Flies, Contnicted and Coro-lxir, HulT Joints, I01ehantiusis, Kire Nlliples, SWiu-iliseases, Scurvy, Turnouts, fleers, 1 utvs Sitdat the F.staMislimellt of Prol'ensor lIol.l.owv, Sit, Strand, (near Temple Bar, I. Ion.) and by all rea jiecluble Drui-ilisls und Dealers in Medicines lliroiiph -lit Ibe lirillrli Empire, A those f the I'nilrd ftales, in Boxes at arje , Mc, and (SI 50e. each. Wholesale by the principal Drug houses in the I ni -ii, and by Messis. A.U. A D. SMI", Nev York, , , . . , IT There is a considerable saving by taking the larger si7.cS X. K. Directions for Ihe pnukmre ol tients ill ecr dis.ii.ler arc utlixe.1 to each box. October -ja, Ifo-J, ly. GKEAT EXCITK.M K.NT. WILLIAM A. KXOlJll, RESPECTFULLY iu'orcs tho pul lir i-'rncr-ally tliat lie has just rccrivtd und opened the best end cheapest stock of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever hecn brought to the count. His slock coiisi.ts of every variety of Dry IJoodrs, viz : Cloths, Cassimers, Sultinelts, Vestiitzs, Dril (in.H, Linens, Muslins, Jeans, and all kinds of Winter Goods. Also a splendid variety of Ladies Dressand Fancy goixls, Calicees, Ginghams, De Laines, Shawls, and every vaneey of Goods suitable for Ladies wear. Also, on extensive assnrtm'nt of Silk, Beaver, Fur If Shuch Ila's A larce and well selected Assortment of Boots and Shoes of ev ery descrip ton and size. Also, u large assortment of Groceries, Such as Sugar, Coffee Teas, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a large assortment of Hardware and Queensware, Fish, 6ull and Liquors such as Gin Brandy, Rum and Whiskey, besides the largest and most general assortment of all kind of Goods to be had in tha county. 1 1! .v, mentioned (roods will be sold at such reduced, prices as they can not be got for elsewhere. Country produce of all kindt taken in exchange at t'ut highest market prices. Also, For sale a two horse spring wagon and a buggv. Aufustat sp, nnebsr JO, 18S8.--8m. cannot l rur ssned. Wholessl and Reti'd WINDOW SHADES AND REED LLLM)K PA CTU It KltS' PltlCIM to call and examine. ANOTHER LATE ARRIVAL OF CHEAP GOODS. FRILXNCJ & GRANT. II EsPlX'TFL'LLV inform their customers ' slid the public, that thev have iust rereiv. ed nd opened the best nnd cheapest stock of Fall and Winter Goods tliot has ever been brought to Sunbury. llieir stock consists of every vuric'y of )rv (Joods, viz: Cloths, Casfimeres, Sattinets, Vestings, Flannels, Wollens, lee., And all kinds of Fall & Winter Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chint-es, De Laines, Beruges, And every variety of goods suitable for La dies wear. Also an extensive assortment of Caps rou Mkn and Boys. Also a large assortment of G HOC Eli ICS, srett as Sugar, Teas, Coflee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and aUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a liosh Bii()ly of DRl'iig AND MF-DlClNi:?. Bes'iJes the largest ami most general assort ment ol all kinds ol goods to be luul in thi3 place. t xr Country produce ot all kinds taken m ex- cliongo nt the highest market price. Sunbury, ov. 13, I8i3. The only Tiuo Portrait of Washington. JL'ST PUBLISHED, T. C. WELCH'S MAGNIFICENT F0RTRAIT OF WASHINGTON, Engraved (by permission) from Stuart's only oimiiial portrait, in tno Athuneuin. Horton. riIHS Bii peril pict ur. enr raved pi; tier the RMprriuteiut 1 enc3 of Tll.MAS SI'LLY, Kn.. the eminent und highly pi!"tt;l itrtiht, is the only cirrect hkcnens ol' Wash iiiL'ti'ii ever puhiislied. It lius heen clmuWcriKt'd di ihe t?r:itfM vrk of urt ever prtKlueed in this cnnuilry. As lo its tiilcluv, we reter to t lie letters ii Hie nttoptcn n of WiifchiiiKtnii. lilXRiK WASHINGTON I' AUK CT3- I, who Siivs. "it iifuuiUhlnl renrtmeHtati'tii ot the cel- ebntteti nricinal," untl t. CH1KK JTSTICK TANKY of the Supreme Court of Ihe L'niicd States, who s:ivs,'As a work o urt its ex'i-licme una beauty mutt stnko every one wlii) sees tt : und it is no less hunny in its likciu-ft to the Kiilher of Ins country It wus my Pmhi fortune to luivc seen him in the thnsnf mv Ih)vIhkkJ, mid his whole i yet uronly jm;-.ient on my memory The poitiuit vou h:ivc ist-ir.t npnetirs to me lo be an exact hr;on-sa, rt'iireseiitine pui'ferlly the expression s well ns the ini m and I eat urea til the luce." Ami savs f?l-.. A I iMt CASS, it isn life-like represenlation oi the great urigiuul. riU;S!D!:.T rii.L.aOUl'. .iy, -tiicw.-n. iipjit-urs to me t hi've been nduiirahlv executed and cmntenTlv wor thy of the istitrununc f the tiubhc." Pavs MAUCHANT the eminent nrtniit nninler. and Ihe pupil of Stunrt, your print t my mind is more renuirkahle than any other I have seen, fr presentitiK the whole individuulity cf the original portrait, topeiner wan me u uie nnu aifznineu re pose of air and manner, which nil who ever saw him con sidered a tii'iiked vhuruetenstic v( the illustrious iuaa it curuiiii-m nitts." IVr ihe trr'-at mr riis of tl.i nieture we wjuIJ refer eve ry lover ol" VahiH'it.n to the nortrmt ilfelf. to be seen at thu oihrc of this puper, und to tin It: tiers ot the follnwing Artttt, ttiicenifM, jurists umt eiixiiiri M-rompauyinfl; it, AI1TISTS. .M:irehantnud l'.llioi, of New York; Nea- rIc, Itothennel, and Ijimbdni, of l'hibdi-lpliin ; Chcuter llitnliii'7. ot lies; in ; Charles r nwtf, t ( Imrleit'ni, i. ;.; nnd to ihe adopted son of Vnhina'ni, 1Iii. t.ertre W. P. Custm. himself nu artist. STATIMI'.N His kxeel Iruey Millianl 1 illinTe, Miijor Lieu. 'mhed Scott. Hon. fie"rre M . DailtiH, f!nn. Wil'itim R. Kinf, Hon. Pnniel Wflii'ter, Hon. I.ntn U"vd. Hun. Lewis Cnns, Hon Win. A. liniliam. Hon. J -hn 1. Knuiedv, H-n. IX. C. Winthrop. LI.. I. Jl'lilSTS Hon. It.per II Tnuev. Hm. Jchn Hiier, II m. John M Lean. Hon. KilfilS Chnte. St.'HOL AKS. ( hni Irs J'lt'.s Mil, l I., the well known Lihrarian of the H istiin Athetieuni, who Kiyn, "1 wnld rulhernwu it than nnv pointed t"pv 1 liHve ever een E. P. Whip ple, Hiehiinl liihlreth, Hon. Edw. Everett, P., Jnred Sparks, LL. 1 , William H. Prescott. LL U., Wnshinston IrviJiir. ltulph W. KineriMn, Esq., Pmf. T. C. I'pham. J. T. Heuillev, Fitz tJreen Hidleek. H. Y. Imjifell w. Win. I. ihii re Siunn ; und FIH'M El'ltOPE, Lord Talfonrd, T. II. .M'leanlev, Sir Archibald AHmhi. Ird Muvor of, le &c. e. THE PRESS, throuirh'mt the en tire t'niou, have with one voice proclaimed the merits of this superb enernviiiR. To enultle all to p-'sscss this valuablj trcasiiie, it it sold at the low pi ice of per eopv. Publiyhed by CiEORf.E W. CHILDS, N. W. corner of Fifth und Arch s'reels. Philadelphia. IV D. BYERLY. Sole oyent f'-T the States of EtsLeru reuiislvaiiia and Delaware. This Portrait can only I obtained from MR. BYER LY, or fr tin his duly authorized agents. ArruiijjenitniH have been made with the Post Office De partment, by whirl, copies of the Portruit can be tent to am p"int, per mail. In perfect order. TP' Pci ms bv remittitur Fivk Dol-LBs tD. D. BY EULY, Philudi h.hia, will Imve a ct-py ( the Portrait sent to I beui free of Pos'tiue. t 7' .MininiHcciit tiilt Frames, got up expressly for these Poi trails, furnished at the low price of .j,U0 each. jrSTUtED, A MAGNIFICENT PORTRAIT GF GENERAL JACKSON, Easrarcd by T. B. WELCH, ESQ after the original portrait painted bj T. SL'LLl, ESQ. This Portrait will be a match Ct the Washington, and is in every respect us well j-ni up. Pure i per copv. Ad-lrcn ns above. Phi'a.lflphia, Oct. ii'J lAVJ. commercial'hotel." ri 'HE Su'isciiber havmjjr leased the I'ubhr House, for- ineil) known a the Amerieuu Hotibc, No. 1ft S. Sixth Street, between .Market Ulld Chestnut Streets, has changed the name of the same to THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, IIe-s If ave to inform his friends and the public, thut this house has nndeifi one n iluouh reinMtelliufF, rennuinff, re p:tiulu: and repupenrfi . from attic to basement. An eit tire new outlit o iiiruilure, beddiu-.', (Ve., Ac , lias been proctiied from the nutst celebrated .Manufacturers in this citv. From the centrul I ration, and its clone proximity to the Ruilrond Depots, Stenmb 'nt UiHlii;jfs Places of Auiuse meut. Fashionable Th Tonsillar c und Pubhe S. pin res, it oilers induceinrii'B t i the .Mi rchiint vi-itiuK the city m business. the I raveih-r secktii!! plennre lo families ul females v i.iliiiji Ihe eitv, every ineiiily Wtil be i fTerrd, 1 and every romf rt reyraided to uia'e titetf Vint Ofreeable ami pleas-iut. I A share of the public patronage reieetMiHv solicited. i JACOH U. I.Elit'. JAR ED IKV1X, , Snprriiiteiideiit Proprietor. I riu!adel()lua. Sept- 4. Fresh and Spiced Oyslvrs ! j f 1AVING sfttlt'il at Noithumbeiiiiiiil, I am I now prep.ut'd lo furnull Kresli und f pi- , ceil t)j ili.'i ilurin the u hole season hi re- : iluoeJ piii'es. Ynu can dt'pi'ii.l iixin ttiem bniiiu Iresh, us I btnill leci-ive lliem il.iily, ; (Suudii) excepted) unit wIihii luiided tieif, , llu-y uio only 16 Imiiri out ol thu fhfll. j All persons ut u distance, u ho bid in want j of lh ubovu Hrticlp, can have I hem font per dozen or single run by nddiersing W. 11. VICKEUV, nt Bim' Hotel. 1 Northumberland. (Vl. 16, 152. I dTv I DC 0 0 P E R, ! COMMISSION7 MERCHANT FOH THE SALE OF Fish, Provisions, c, 9 AwM Wharves, PT-III.ADEZ.rBIA. Arril 10, JS5V ly. TXK Boureau's celebrated ink. snij tuta Con gres ink for sale, wholxale uid KUil by IkiinlKi SS. 1S0. 11 B.MAS5ER. II AND BILLS nestly pnntd on nsw promptly executed t ul ofiure. blanks, of all kinds on superior paper r 1 II a. Lata tha EatniA nf v.. v rtt a rr, . OrAortliuiiitjcrhin AT PRIT.TE a.' TM1E mhtctibet, Kxecutora ol of Eiiliraim f. Sliantion, laic ougYi of NorllMimberland, oiler at i the following valuable Heal Emh Lot No. 77, corner of Qucun Street, on w hirh is erected a two Building, formcily occupied by tl . as s Smrc and Dvellinc, nnd nm as such. There meuljo on the lot Uwellinus; &c. l.ol Nil' 52, siti'ated in NV.ik-t which is en cteil n two story h dc, Riljoiniiig John'l'. t orctipied by Knous. Luis Nob C9, 70, 71 & 72, imi! sci oni'i'i, u inu niniv wiiiii. a i IhiH, occupied by James Donly, a: IB erected on lots No. 69 & 70. Thu undivided half of Lot No. 1 on the corner of Duke and 4ih which is erected a two story dwell piod by Joseph McCallister. Lot No. 188, situate in Queen which is erected a two story wit Buildinff, occupied by John Buikt?' Lot No. i0, sitnntii ul Nnilhwa ter Street", on w hich sire erected I Dwellings und Stabling, occupied VanUlin: and John Vanillin!;. Also the undivided fourth part c on which is erected ntwostoiy Ki linjj. occupied by John Vainly l;. Also ten acres of cleared hind lands of John Deshay. on the E ist Susquehanna, about three miles I ville. Also two adjoining vacant lowr ated on tha corner of Second H' streets, numbered in the general ongh. Nos. 215 & 216. AUo four vacant lots on Third r. Streets, ntimbeied in the general ; n.,r,.h ' onn yni '2l s- 2. Also four vacant lots f i run i and Nxth Mreets, runnins l'.asi numbered in the general plan ot ouch, Nos. 77, 78, 7 & 80. Also four vacant tots ironnns Street, and numbered in the aene said Borough, Nos. 18o, 1j7 , Ihe above property wiii ie so or parcel to suit purchasers, cm terms. For furl her pai '.ieulais apt Cake, Esq., at Nonhuii.bcihind, subscribers. ALFRED KNEASS. THOMAS STIiAWiininCE. Northumberland, iMay 22, lso'. ' "t1ilc?sIitg- .t I'll iv A' r v irr B1 EGS leave to infunn lii. frioml : lie iu General, t'ift he U preiiari respect to make rlot'iini uflcr the nin Fashionable Styles, and in the most duraUe iniitiuer, will lm ns rpnsnnntle lis ran lie l;pit i or elsewhere, in cash or approved ecu - He will always1 have the uilvant-ies fashion plates, ami in addition to 1. edged skill in cultinc;, he will le ni direction of the most scientific pu!!i tins to 'I13' art, now issued from th. of fashion in the fruited flutes, will be made always to have wo; when requiaed. Hia establishment is situated in Mr Sunbury, nearly opposite tie Pes; c building lormeily occupie.l liy Jam' hatter shop, where it will he a pie to scs his friends, and make surh v as is within the line uf his husine s. Sunbury, August 11, if. LADIES' TEIIIT J. C. OllKilTEi S. E. Cor. Ninth a'nd Maple S. PHILAEEiriTJ INVITES the Ladies of the ( it to call end evumine his s;.' Trimmings, which has been sel.-c most care. Mr. O. being cn.ibled, from !. s the business, to lake a.l :i nt 1 market, is able t J sell us low : lishment. Mr. O. was forme. ! ductor of the cxten.ive Ijui-iih s Hurstman, No. 204 I'licstnut Sir, tensive experience will be a n ahility to do justice to his o.-t i. comprises the following. Silrv, It'orscrt1, und Cotton C'.i. Binding, Tassels and Cord, Ml! Blind do, Silk, Woollen, an I I (loes, Combs, Urulies. Soap.i j' Woollen and Cotton Knitting u it' Porte Monuaies, Furnished '.. lets, and Fancy Articles giin v. examine for yourselves. l'hiladelphia, September 25, ' - BRITTANNZA MANUFACTUP.I rpHE SirBSCKIBEHS havo into the above tiUMiicss in i take this mode of calling Ihe .i:: trv Merchants, nnd others l si'VLK and I'AT'l'KKNs, ul.-. material, as we flatter ourselvrs woikinanihip or maierial. 'j'li part, consist of our assortment : LAMl'lS and Lamp Screws ; j tor Frillies; Ml'A) l'A.NN ; PITCH Rlis v,i!ti; ( t; 1 TEA POTS ; Slop Bowls; f! cue am cups; r,i:i:i; me fee Hoppers; C A N BLEsTii all sizes ; &e., &c. We will be happy to recrivr pies, bv mail, at our of t HACK ST., or Ql AllKV s'J sL, PHILABKLPIIIA. N. B. The siih.-eril.i r ufacture Candle Moulds, Svr! strumcnts, eVc, at his old p! .c 109 Kace Slrcet, Philadelphia call the special attention of ( ',. rcrs. joir. Philadelphia, Nov. ti, K SlIKLDUAi VLI.ElillENY HOUSE, N Street, above I th, IM.iladc new arraneiniiit the cm:, v PilUhurg, ltarrishur, ;e., wil Depot, corner of Sclmylkili .'(! order to accommodate, the pel have our Coach at the ?vV.v 1) of the crs to curry lisscin;i r House, which is in the centre old friends w ill please ride u wish to patronise a House Clean Beds, and aecouiiuoJai please e,ivc us a call. Term, Due Dollar per August St, IK52. fiin. AVm. 3IcCail.v, I V ESPECTFl'LLY infor: the public, that he 1ms Store, to Maikf) bt.iel, to I by i. Naille, Eso.., AtUirn;;- ; 1 posite the Couit Houte, " where keeps for sale coiifiui BMOi'.menl of books and btat - . Iror Sale A large new s; ; t, 8 or 4 horses. Sunbury, July 51, 185 5. - 1JLANK Parchment I'm . J Mortgages, Bonds, fcx for sale by Sunbury April 58, 1SS. MARRIAGE CEtTmI',. . 7 : xecuiri) foj 4i . L . type Also f muaniR l'rani'i crate i cis. we qaote nnas. at cts luit 81, lSVi H. B. MANSER. Mintuiy, f rt. i, rjr th Jf itn.