SUNBOUY AMK1UCAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. ID" POISONING. Thousands of parents who use Vermifuge composed of Caster oil, Calomel, &o., are not ware, (hat while they appear to benefit the patient, they nro actually laying the founda tion! for a aeries of deaPHgeo, such as saliva tion, loss of sight, weakness of limbs, Sic. In another column will be found the adver tisement of Ilnbensack's Medicines, to which we ask the attention of all directly interested in their own as well as their Children's health. In Liver Complaints and all disorders arising from those of a bilious type, should make uta of the only genuine medicine, Hoben sack's Liver Pills. t7" "Be tiof deceived," but ask for Hoben sack's Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, and ob serve that each has the signature of the Proprietor, J. N. UOBENSACK, ns none else are genuine. M A It It 1 E I), On the 19ih ult., by ihe llev. U. A. Fish fr, Mr. Ci.otwobtiiy'Fishkr, to MIssSabina Stambach, both of Shamokin On the 21st ult., by the samp, Mr. Na than Ovstkr, to Miss Amanda Bethoi.omv, bo;h of Lower Augus'n. On the 23J till., by t'ne same, Mr. Isaac Yarnai.t,, to Miss Elizabeth Tiiakvely, both of Schuylkill county. On the 15th ult , by the Rev. A. J. Col lins, Mr. Davib Mon.iAN, to Miss Martha Smith, all of Shamokin township. i i i: i. - -. I In this place, on the 24ih ult , Mr GEOUG E j WILES, uged about 32 ycar.v j At Northumheiliiiid, on the 19ih ull.i ; JAMES CURTIS, sou of J. G. and Catharine , S. Frick, aged 1 year, G months and lodus (LI)C iHavkcts. Philadelphia Market. Dec. 2!), 1852. and Meal. The market is firm ; fresh iiinund for export at $5. Flour ales of nnd good brands for city consumption, at 5t a $54 Extra Flour is held at $4 37i a 5J. Rye Floi.'k. Last sales at $4 4. Corn Meal. Last sales of Pcnna. at 93 4 , Wheat Sales of prime red at $125 ; and white at $130. Rye Is in demand ; sales at Corn Is arrivinr; freely, anil pi ices are something lower; sales of dry yellow at 64 c nnd of while at 61. Oats. Sales nf prime Southern nt 43 and IVnna. at 44 els. Whiskey. Sales or bbls at 26c. and I-.luls nl 25 cis. Baltimore Market. Dec. 27, 1852. GRAIN. Sales nf Wheat to-day at 115 n 118 els. for good to prime reds, and IIS a 125 els. for whiles, Corn is in very good supply Sales lo-day of while nt 60 a 61 cts , and of yellow nt 62 a 63 cts. The large tpiantily in matket, how ever, caused prices to give way, ami nt the close no more than 64 cts could be obtained for yellow. Sale of Maryland Rye to-day at 80 cts. nnd Pcnna. at 89 cts. Oats sells at 38 n 40cts., the latter rate for Btricllv prime parcels. WHISKEY. Sales of Mils., to-day at 26 ct. We quote hhds. at 25 cts. SUNBUKY PRICE CU It RUNT Whuat. - - 100 Rra. - .70 CoBT. " " .50 Oats. '1 PoTATor.s, 37 Bi.-ttf.u. -18 F.oos. ... 12 VoItK. ... 8 Fi.AXsr.Kn. .... 125 Tallow. 10 Dckswax 25 New Advertisements. NEW STORE. 15 ISN.T A MIX II EFFX E It RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has opened a new store in the room lately occupied by George Bright, opposite Bolton's Hotel. He has just re ceived a handsome assortment of WINTER (l()OI)8, consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and wonted. ' ALSO: Cnltcoc, GliigliantN, I.stivns, ltIotisfli;ic Ic I. nine nnd all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every variety. Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron and Steel, Nails, &o. Also an excellent assortment of QTJEENSYARE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of ROUTS & SHOES. HATS k CAPS, a good selection. Suit. Fish, ic. And a great vuricty of other articles such us are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. Or" Country produce taken in exchange at the highest prices. Sunbury, May 1, 1852 ly. TO ihe Hon. A. JORDAN, Esq., Presi dent and his Associates, Judges of ihe court of Quarter Sessions of the county of Northumberland : The petition of CHARLES GA RINGER re. spcctfully showcth j that your petitioner is in possession of a commodious house, situate in the Borough of Sunbury on tho road leading from Sunbury to Harrisburg, which it well calculated for a public House of entertainment and for the accoaiinodation and entertainment of strangers and travellers. That he is well provided with stabling for horses, and all conveniences neces sary for the entertainment of strungeis and tra vellers. He therefore respectfully prays tho Court to grant him a licence to keep an Inn, or public house of entertuinment at the place herein named, and he will pray, eve. CHARLES GARINGER. TO THE JUDGES ABOVE MENTIONED i We the subscribers residents of tho Borough of Sunbury and Upper Augusta township do hereby certify that CHAS. GARINGER the ap plicant for the license, is a man of good repute for honesty and temperance-, and is well provided with house-room and conveniences for the lode ing and accommodation of strangers and travel lers anil that a fublic House there is necessary t they therefore recoineiid him at a proper person 10 oe uceiiBvu vu a jjuuuc nouse. Nuioes. Namea. J. B. Packer, R. H. Awl, j. B. Master, Jacob Eekman, Samuel Thompson, K. G. Markley, Jamet Covert, Jacob Charles Weaver. Jno. P. Pursel, Wm. L. Dewart, Ira T. Clement J. Farnsworth, John Haas, H. J. Wolvcrton, fteasholtj. Etceiuhcr 11, 18S3. 31. Agricultural Meeting. The annual meeting of the Northumberland County Agricultural Society, for the election of officers, will he held it the Court House In Sun bury, on Momluy, January 3, at S o'clock P. M. DAVID TAGGART, ) Secr. V. I. GREENOUGH, J KIT Other County papers plcaiie copy. December 11, 1852. THE GLOBE: THE OFFICIAL PATER OF CONGRESS. CONGRESS has made tho Glohk its organ of communication with the country. To facil itate this important object, and diminish the ex pense to Ilia people, the ulubk and ArTSnix, which contain the proceedings of Congress revised by tbe members, ara licncciorui to be conveyed through the mails free of postage. The approach of a new administration imparts peculiar importance to the next session of Con gress. Throughout the whole country thrro will be solicitude to know what sharo Congress will endeavor to give to the national affairs to meet the incoming administration. Tho debates of the next session will, no doubt, as heretofore, lore shadow its policy. Tho CoNnnKssioxiL Globe and Aer-nsDix arc printed on a double royal sheet in royal qnor to form, each number containing; sixteen pages. The Congressional Globe is made up of tbe daily proceedings of the two houses: and (he Appen dix embracec the long speeches withheld by the speakers for revision, tlia Mcssuges of the Presi dent of the United States, and the Reports of the Heads of the Executive Departments. The Laws passed during a session, and an In dex to them, arc printed as soon as possible after adjournment, and sent to nil sulncribern to the Congressional Globe and Appendix TERMS : Tor one copy of the Daily Globe during the next session For one copy of the Congressional Globe, $2 50 Appendix, and Laws fur the next ses. I sinn $3 00 The subscribtinn money must accompany the ! order, else no altcntiiii will be paid to it. Subscriptions should reach here by '.he 15th of December, at farthest to insure all the num bers. I have nbout five hundred surplus copies of the Congressional Glob c for the la seas' on, which contain, besides the proceedings of Congress, all laws ami joint resolutions passed during the ses sion. The proceedings and laws make 2,552 pa ges; and the list of appropriations and Index not yet printed, will inuko about 80 pages more. I will let tliosc who subscribe for the Congressional Globe nnd Appendix for the coming session have them at the following rates : Price per copy, un bound, three dollars ; or bound in three vol umes, backs and conic. s Russia leather, five dol lars. 'J'hev will be delivered to subscribers at these prices. I sell the hound volumes here for four dollars a volume: the three volumes bound for twelve dollars. Every person who takes any part in the politics of this country should possess llicm. JOIIN C. RIVES. Washington, November 11. 1S5'. SHERIFF'S SALES. Virtue of cert tin writs of Yen. T'xp. to me B1 outcrv, at the Court House, in tbe borough ol j Sunbury, on MO.NDAY tbe 3d day or January j next, at 1 o'clock, P, M., tbe following real ! estate to wit . I A CERTAIN ISLAND, situate in tbe Susquehanna river, opposite the Isle of Que. in Lower Augusta township, Nor thumberland county, and known by the name of, ('LARK'S ISLAND, containing twenty-six '. acres, more or less. ! ALSO: j A Certain Other Island, situate in said river, in the township and county . aforesaid, and nearly contiguous to the above mentioned, known bv thn name of Timothy ; Island, containing three acres, more or .ess. j ALSO : 1 A Certain Oilier Island, j situate in said river, in the township and county ; aforesaid, and nearly contiguous to the above mentioned, known by the name of Hustermun's ' Island, containing twentv-eiglit acres, more or less, all of which are cleared. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as : the property of John Hartinan, jr. ALSO: A Certain Tract or Piece of LanJ, j I situate in Lewis township, Northumberland ! county, bounded north by lands of Conrad 1 j Guiitncr, east by lands uf Thomas Gal- j i braith and Ahialum llause, south by lands of j j Elizabeth Ellis and west bv tho same, all of ! wliich is cleared, containing nine acres, more or . less, whereon arc erected a log dwelling house . and a frame stable. i Seized, taken in execution and to be sold us j ! Ihe property of Jacob Wurtinaii. ! ALSO: I I All that full, equal, undivided half part, (the! j whole into two equal parts to be divided,) of and I in the following described tract situated in Coal I township, (late Shamokin township.) Northnin- j jhcrland county, beginning ot a pine, thence by : ' land of John Carson North two degrees, West two hundred and thirty nine perches to a post thence by hinds of Thomas Hamilton and lands of Wm. P. Brady, South eighty eight degrees, West, one hundred and sixty six perches to a white oak, thence bv lands of Magduliuit Lever- ton South sixty six degrees. West three hundred i and fourteen perches to a white oak, thence by ! land of Samuel Scott, south twenty nine and a half degrees, East sixty ono perches and four j tenth to a stone, thence -North seventy ux and a half degrees East one hundred and sixty four ' perches to a post thence south two degrees East sixty perches to a chestnut oak, thence by land of James Hepburn North, (eighty eight degrees,! East two hundred ond fifty four perches to the place of hegiuing. Containing by a former sur vey three hundred and nineteen and a half Acres and allowance, and by a re-survey four hundred and twenty eight Acres and twcnly nine perches and allowance. Siezed, taken in execution and to be sold as property of George Heckcrt and Thomas Sharp. ALSO: j Tho undivided tnrce fourth parts of a certain Tract o( Land, situate in Coal township, in the eouty of North. uniiienaiiii, adjoining lands or John Boyd, Wm. Wilson, Peter Maurer, Michael Kroll and Fred erick Kramer, containing 3G7 Acres and 00 per- cnes and allowance, Surveyed the J3d day of Oc- . , on a warrant to M athias Zimmerman, dated the S7th day August 1703. iczea taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Suavely. ALf'O: A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND. situate in Shamokin township, Northumberland county, bounded north by lauds of Jo in Kunkle east by lands of Leonard Pensyl, south by lands formerly owned by J udge Kuwle and west bv nit.r lands of defendent, all lying north of and bound ed by the public road leading from Paxinos to Shamokiiitown, containing 70 acres, more or lest, whereon are erected a two story frame dwelling house, bank barn, and other outbuildings. Seized, taken in execution and to be told as the property of Christain Kable. ALSO: By a writ ot Alias Ytn. Exp. A Certain Lot of Ground, situate in the borough of Milton, in that part of said borough, called Upper Milton, in upper Mar ket street, bounded nortti liy said upper Market street, east hy lot of Widow Wallis, south by an alley and west by lot ot Jacob Kraw, containing 33 feet front, 130 feet in depth, whereon is erected a two story Dwelling House. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Danial HoaU. WM. B. KIPP, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, i Dec. 4, leoS,- 4t. J " NIGHT SCHOOL. THE subscriber respectfully Informs the eiti ensof Ruiibury and vicinity that he has opened a Night School In the publie School rooms in this place, for the purpose or teaching the common branches of an English education, but moro particularly Beating, a branch too much neglected. His Terms are $ I for sixteen nights, provided scholars are satisfied, rue and Light fnum! b, himself. School commenced on Thursday night last to continuo every night, until the end of the quarter. HOSEA W. ATM ELL. Sunbury, Nov. 37, 1852. tf. PROCLAMATION. IV OT1CE is hereby given ihnt tho several 1' Courts of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions of the peace, and Orphans' Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northumberland, to commence at the Court House, in the borough ot Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the 3d day of January next, and will continue TWO WEEKS. The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta bles in and for tho county of Northumberland, are requested to be then and there in their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several office, appertaining to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner are also requested and commanded to lie then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall be just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors aro requested to he punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 4th day of December, in the year of our Lord ono thou sand eight hundred and fifty-two and the In dependence of tho United States of America the 7fiih. God save Ihe Commonwealth. LIST OF CAUSES OR trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County, at January i T, A D., 1653. rr.AINTlKKS. DEFENDANTS. George Shiley vt Ab'in Dunkelbcrger's admr'x Hugh Bellas s R & W Fagcly Reuben Fegely & Co vs Hugh Bellas Krieger for R Fagcly vs J Furiuan A F Klaze Al'ijiiu liowcn vs Win H Thompson P K 11 oilman iV wife vs H Kulinls. McCarty otal Raker & Co for Jacob Bloom vs Henry Conrad Wm M Autcn vs Thomas Baser John Brown vs John Oyster senr's ex'r John W Peal vs Geo B Voungman , , . ... Jacob Zartman's Henry klaze & Lve his wile vs m,millistnitor J B Masser Molt & Shober Jacob Keller William McCarty James T Sutton & David Fisher Daniel Rhodes J W Peal Samuel L Beck Simon Snyder Christian fable vs Barbara Shaffer's cx'rs v s Daniel Drcisboch vs liank of Northumberland, vs Samuel Hunter Co vs Samuel Kylo vs J W Filling vs Jamb Weiiinan vs Vartin Irwins' adni'r vs Jacob Stilzel vs George Snyder vs M Bochman cVFMsrkle Boneparte Thompson ct al vs Casper St Clair E John for W Camp vs Wolvcrton I.eisenr'g George Lawrcnc s D Marr & I Brown John Reynolds vs Isaac Reader j Robcit M Lyon I John Ross i Wife I John King j Same : William Scolder vs A E Kutzner vs (Jeorge Fox vs Daniel Wcidner vs Same vs Jacob Hoffman et al Washington Mutual In- yg E Kaurnmn ct a, siirance Company State Mutual Fire Insu v Same rance Company Baltzar Garnhart's admr's vs R W Dunn's admr Jacob II. Masser vs Reuben Fegely Albin Newberry vs Thomas Raser Jouiiua Pendcville vs A E Kapp George Lcitbcrgcr vs Robert Whiteside R Fagcly & Co vs William Inch Rebecca Swartz ' vs Andrew McLanalmn Sarah L Keen vs Abraham Brosions Same vs Samuel Savidga Rudolph Duenger vs Tetcr Thomas Henry A Lechner vs Wm II Bound John L Yeager vs George Bright JAMES BEARD, Proth'y. Prothonotary's Ollice. i Sunbury, Dec. 4, 185-i. t List of Jurors, F Northumberland County for '1'., A, D. 183:). (siniil Jurors. January Si'N ni-RV. Cln iftian Bower, Henry Barl cher Rcsti. John Oherdorf. Nn ii t li v: mc kui. and. Thomas Withinptnn, Point. Geoiga 1 Marti!, Jesse C. Mor ton. DEL.Aw.tnE-- D. C. Watson, Joseph Mays, John M. Wagner, Philip McVVillisuns. Lowkii Mahanoy. Philip Spatz, Phil p MesMicr, John Slier. Suamokin. Heuj.i. Wolvcrton, Perry John John Hull, Lowkr Al'ucsta. Caleb Barret, William Fasely. Ul'run Maiianov Jonas Isenhait. Lewis Samuel Philips. Jackson llnnjainin Mine Little Maiianov. Nicholas Easton. TRAVERSE JURORS. Lower Maiianov. Benjamin Buyer, Mi chad Gum, Jonathan Lenker. John Hinmi- ui Cri'F.n " Jacob Snyder, John Mcssner, J imes Campbell. Rfsit Robeil Campbell, Joseph Shaip less, Wm. Clarke. Shamokin. Wm. Klase, Jesso Teats, Jo seph M.uipt, Jesso Campbell, Jesse Hensyl, John Keishner. Eewis. Georjje A. WykofT. Ui'i'KK Alt.i'sta John llauyhawout, Ro bert Pursel. Lower " John Smith, John D. Conrad, Lewis Smith. Wm Snyder. Cim.isijUAQi'E. William Baruhart, An drew Felzoi, James Jordan, Robert Lyon Tunni'T. Charles Riddle, Abraham Do not, Geo Kui?., Martin Billmyer. Coal. Valentine Fasely, Joseph Zerne, Casper Sholl, John Roster. Point.---Charles Bonnet, Commodore R. Jones. Delaware Jacob Debler, Samuel Hoff man, tiam. Finny, Wm. B. Bryson, J. P. Mackenbeig. Milton. Joseph L Oltiti, Samuel Blair. Jordan. George Geist. Sunburv. Peter Hiloman, George Rohr bach. Jackson. Jeremiah Wolf. Petit Jurors. Lewis. Wm. Linebach. Delaware J B. Linebach, David Gold, John N. Oyster. Abraham Starner. Charles Kelchner Rcsil. Luther Basset. Wm. R fJ Lewis V. Vestine, Joseph Wolverton, Peter Campbell, George Gear hart. Shamokin.- Reuben Snyder, Aaron Kelly, Ira Jones, Samuel Moore, David Miller, Hugh H. Vastine, Teter Krieger, Isaao Ar. nold. ' TomotJ. M. Housel, David L. Ireland, David token, John Haas;. Upper Augusta.-George Forrester. Lower ' -Wm. Sears, Wm. De. wit, David Darke. Upper Mahanoy.-Daniel Heim, Charlea Diiyuer. Lower . " John Kiehl. Coal. Wm. M. Weaver Chtlisquaqui. John Mahamer. Point- iMiah fieidlcebach. Henry Paul, tiunn ocsi'ii REGISTER'S NOTICE. NOTICE Is hereby given to all Legatees, Creditors and other perrons interested in the Estates of tho following named persons, thst the Executors, Administrators, and Guardians of said Estates havo filed their accounts with the Register of Northumberland county, and that the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court of ssid County, on Tuesday the 4th day of January next for confirmation and allowance. 1852. Daniel Bogar, dce'J., settled by his Adm'r Frederick Lszarus. Geo. Oyster, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r John N. Oyster. Abraham Kerlin, dee'd., settled by his Adni'r James Ecman, Final Acct. John N. Keitn, dee'd., settled hy his Adm'rs George N. and Jacob N. Kcim. James Tharp. dee'd., settled by hit Adm'r C. W. Tharp. Adam Denec, dee'd., settled hy his Adm'r An thony Dencc. Henry Stcinmotz, dee'd., settled by his Execu tor, Adam Conrad. John Beisel, dee'd., settled hy his Ex'r Jacob Kuufl'imm. Isha Dressier, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Da- vid Zartman. George Hall, dee'd., settled by hit Adm'r J. H. Zimmerman. Bethucl Vincent, dee'd., sottlrd ly his Adm'r John N. Vincent. Hetty Maliik, Charlotte Maliek, Jercniinh Malick, and Mary Malick, children of Jacob Maliot, dee'd., settled by their Guardian George Conrad. Joshua FoU, dee'd., settled by Peter Conrad Ex'r of Joseph Fol, dee'd , who wat Adm'r of Joshua FoM- dee'd. George Clar, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Reuben Fagelv John iStepp, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Bas- tian Slepp. Jacob Dcshlcr, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Jo seph Deshler. Peter Gulp, dee'd.. settled by his Adm'r David Haucl. ' JOHN P. PL'RSEL, Register. Register's Oilico, Sunbury, Dec. 4, 1852 St. S .(!' nog jo -a FOURTH ARRIVAL OF AT TIIK NEW STORE OF I. TiY. TKNKK & CO., (Xearly opposite Weaver's Hotel, Market St.) Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pa. TE invite the particular attention of our ' friends and the public to our FocaTii supply of ponds just received, adapted to the winter season. We have now a much iarcr assortment in every department than at any time since we I opened in Ipril last ; nil of which we are deter I mined Ij sell at the same low prices which have j hitherto secured to us such a (jenerous support I from a discerning public, nnd for wliich we beg j to return our best thanks. Our stock consists of I Dry (ioods, j Ini'iivnro, tine-ns ware, j GROCERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, Single and DoLni.K.n Barhrllcd Gcns, Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas and Parasols, Boots and Sliocs, Hats and Caps. Looking Glasses, Wall Paper fur Room and Window lllinds, Lemons, Nuts and Candy, Suit, Mackerel, Plain and Fancy Hams and Shoulders, Nails, Window Glass, Paint Stuff, Oils nnd Putty, Car pet Chain, Cotton Laps and Yarn, with a variety of other unit ies. N. B. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange at the highest market prices. I. W. TENER & CO. Sunbury, Dec. 4, 1852 ly.c In the Matter of the Estate of JOHN ' STEPP, Dee'd. TIHE Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Sc JL bastian Stepp, Jacob Stepp, John tcpp, Benjamin Stepp, Michael Stepp, Peter Stepp, Elias Stepp, Elizabeth &tcpp, and Isaac Stepp, the last four of whom are minors and have for their Guardian, Abraham Rlasser, heirs and legal j representatives of John .-'tepp late of Loner iUahanoy township .Aorlliumoerlanu county dee'd., and all other persons interested. GREETING : Northumberland County, SS. You are hereby cited to bo and appear before the Judges of Ihe Orphans' Court to be held at Sunbury on the first Monday of January next, then and there to accept or refuse to tae the real estate of tbe said John Stepp dee'd., situnto in Lower Maiianov township Northumberland county, containing tine hundred and sixty acres more or less, which wan valued and appraised in pursuance of a writ of J'urlion awarded by the Orphan!.' Court of said county, or to show cause why the same shall not be sold according to law, according to the uct ot Assembly in such cases made and provided. And hereof fail not . llv order of the Court, ) j J. P. PI lt-EL. CU. O. C, S Certified from the records of tho Court at Sun- ! bury on the 1 !th dav of November 1852. WILLIAM B. KIPP, Sheriff, j Nov. SO, 1852. Ot. Estate of ELIZABETH MARTZ, Dee'd. TV'OTICE is hereby given that letters testamen- -A-' tary have been granted to tho subscriber on i the estate of Elizabeth Mart-., dee'd., late of Shu ! inokin township, Northumberland county. All j persona indebted to said estate or havinir claims against the same, are requested to call on tho subscriber lor settlement. HAVIU MARTZ, Executor. Shamokin tp Nov. 13, 1852. 6t. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. J A M KS li. F IDLE 11, No. 1 2 Sonf A Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. Ciold Lever Watches full jewelled Silver Lever do Silver I.epino do " Quarlier do Gold pens und pencil and silver haldcrs Silver Tea and Table Spoons Bracelets, Breast pins Ear rings Ac. All warranted and sold at prices as low as any in the city. November 27. 1852 tf. CI MILLER beg leave to inform the ladies j' of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has com menced his business in this place, and is now engaged in manufacturing, at his residence, in the new building opposite J. G. Voungman, in Deer street, all Xtnds of LADIES ROOTS AND SHOES. Also misses and children! ehoes cf every discrip tion. Ji tiers for worl promptly attended to, and all wore warranted to give satisfaction. Sunbury, Nov. 27. 1852 tf. CHAIN PUMPS A small number of these excellent pumps havo boon received and are ottered for salo by II. B. MASSER. Sunburv, Nov. C, 1853. BOOKS! BOOKS ! 1 JUST RECEIVED and for sals a new edition of PIKES ARITHMETIC. ALSO, a largo assortment of Blank Dooks. WM. McCARTY, Uookwller. Sunbury, Dec. 4, 1852 tf. lMERSON'8 ARITHEMETIC Noa. I. 3 and Porter's Rhetorical Rsader, just receiv A and for salo by WM. MeOARTV, Sunbury, May 1, 1851.- ERESH Vanilla Bean of a superior quality, iui rscsivsKj and lor sals by Julv 81, 185?. H. B. MAMBR. GEOHGE W- VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, No. 01 Arch Street, four doors above Second, PHILADELPHIA, CONSTANTLY ON MAN DAG ENERAL ASSORTM ENT OF Wliich for style of finish and workmanship cannot be sur sssed. Wholesols and Retail at tho lowest prices. Also TRANSPARENT WLNUOW fcHAlJEH AND HKEU BLINDS WI10I.LSAI.E, AT MANUFACTURERS' I'lUCki. UST MERCHANTS and others are invited to cull and examine. Philadelphia, August 21, 1852 ly. "A Venmj saved is a Penny F.a ned." M A U V LK S B L A N K BOO K MANUFACTORY, And Job Book Bindery, Market above Centre Street, Pottsville, Pa. KLANIC Dooks hound und ruled in any and every style, in the most durable and sub stantial manner, with or without printed Heads. Person in want of Ledgers, llockcts, lay Bonks, Minute Rooks, journals, Letter Hooks, Rlotters, Receipt Rooks, Coal Lediiers, &c, &c., or anv kind of Blank Hooks, would do well to give mc a call as I pledge myself to give satisfac tion. Paper ruled to any pattern desired. Par ticular attention paid to Binding all kinds of old Rooks, Bibles. Godey's Lady Bonks, Hymn TJooks, Gleason'a Pictorial, Micct Music, Hhakspcarc's works, Life of Chtist, Law Rooks, Ac, ic. Graham's Magazine, Partain's Magazine, Harper's Magazine, Joscpbus s works, Anv of the abovo or other books bound in fnll gilt, plain or fancy to suit tho wishes of customers. I would again cail the attention of my f.icndsand customers, to the fact that 1 have been a Practical Book Hinder for the last 18 years, and they can depend on having their work done in the very best manner, and do the work myself; I use the best paper cV. material ; please give me a call my charges are reasonable and fair, but there is no dilliculty about prices where work is done satis factorily. N. li. Persons having H.Wsthcy want Bound can send them by stage directed to me staling, tho the stvle they wish them bound in: I will do them as low as they can bo done any where, caro fully pack them up and return them; Also per sons can send orders for Blank liooka by mail, which will be punctually atlendad to. All work done at short notice. R. L. MARPLE. Practical Rook Hinder, rottsville, Nov. C, 1S52 Cm. HERE IS YOUR REMEDY ! I I o 1 1 o w a v's O iiitnicnt. A MOST JUtlACULOrS CLTti: OF HAD LEG?, AFTKIt 43 YEARS' SirFFERI.Ni. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Wm. Gal pin, of 70, St. Mary's Street, Weymouth, dated May 151ft, 1851. Pnifcsnr IIolloway, Su,-At the ape of 18 my wife (who is now PI) muf.-ht a violent c 'Kl, which telllt-d in her lt-ps, mid fvrr since Hint lime ihey have b'-rn ni'.'rn or less sure, oiul preutly iiiltjuird. Her Mrrmies were UisIrnclSig, and l'r months tocjf'llier she whs deprived entirely of rest nnd sleep. l-'veiy remedy that medical men mlvised wns Irii-it, tint without effeet j tier health suffered severely, ami the slnle of her legs w.s terril.le, 1 had often read your Adver tisements, nnd advised tier to try your Pills nnd Ointment; and, os a last resource, alter every other rsluedy hud pro ved ueless, she i-onseiile-l to do so. !?he commenced, six weeks nco. and. strtnure to relate, is now in 0"d lieidtb. Her leirs ore painless, without seam or sear, mid tier sleep sound and undishirhed. t'ould yoa Inn-e witnessed tin, tuflcrutffs of my wile darniR tlie list S'i years, ami con- trust Ihcin with her nrrsent eniovnieut of health, you would indeed feel delialilful in having been Iho menus of sj ffrennv attvialini! i lie sr.aerunr oi ii ieniw-eie.,in,c (Siiii,) William a pkrson 70 yeausof age cured of a had leg, of su years' standing. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Wm. Abbs, Burtd er of Gas Ovens, of Husluliffe. near 7rui dersfttld, dated ,Miy31sf, 1851. To I'r.ifessnr Hoi.lowav. Sis I suffered for a neri 1 of thirtv yenrs from r! had letr, Ihe result of two or Ihree different accidents ot Gns Works : accompanied liv se lrbutie svinntonis. I had re- course to a v.nietyof mcdienl udviee, without deriving any benefit, ond was even t .Id that Ihe leg must be Ampu tated, vet, in opposition to that opinion, vour Pills nnd Ointment Kuve elleeted n complete cure in so short n lime, that lew who bnd not witnessed it would ereiin me met (Signed) WILLIAM ABHS. The truth of Ihis statement enn I verified by Mr. W. P, England, Chemist, Kl, Market Stleet lladdcrsfield. A DREADFUL BAD ISItEAST CURED IN ONE MONTH Extract of a Letter from Mr. Frederick Turn- er, of Penharst, Kent, dated December 12th. 1850. To Professor Hollowat, Drab Sib, My wife lied suffered from llud Disasts for more than six months, and duriu; the whole period had the best medical Qiteudiiiice, but ult to no use. Having be fore healed nu awful wound in my own lejr, by your un rivalled medicine. 1 determined tinlu to use your Pills and Omuineul, sad therefore cave them a trial ui her ease and fortuiiuie it was I did so. for .u lei than a ini.ulli a niMiYet cure was ell'eetcd, nnd the benefit that various oth er branches of my family have derived from their use is really astonishing ,,v stroiiglv ree. mui'-nt them lo all my iriemis (Mtrueo) i ni.ii'h. i l ii. 1.11 The Pills should be used conjointly with the Ointment nv'Slol the following enses : D id Leps. ChieffO-foot, Dm. I Hi easts, Chilblains, Hums, Chapped hands, Kuni 'lis. Corns (Sou) Fistulas, tiout. Ghuditl'ir Swelling Lutnlxigro Piles Rheumatism Scolds, Sore-thronts, S re-heads, Wounds, lllteol JMoselie- cancels toes V Sand-Flies, Contraeted nnd, Stiff Joints, I'lephnnliasis, Sire Nipples, Stviu-disenses, Seurvy, Tumouis, Fleers, Yaws Sold at the Establishment of Profess t Hollowat, SM, Strand, (near Temple liar, London.) ond bv all respectable linguists mid Dealers in Medicines throughout thu llritisli Empire. those of the I niled Slates, in lloxesnt :)"Jc , ?7e., und eU Stic, eoch Wliolesnleby Ihe prineipal Uruij houses in ihe Union, and hy Messrs. Al). AD. Sands, New Yoik, t '?- There is a considerable saving by inking the larger sizes N. II. Directions for the puidauee of patients in svery ilisoider are nlbxed to eu-li box, October a:i, InSiJ, ly. GREAT EXCITEMENT. AVILLIAM A. KXOHB, OESPECTFULLY int'om-.a the public cener ally that he has just received and opened the beat and cheapest Mock ol Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been brought to the county, liis stock consists of every variety of Dry (ioods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers, Sattmetts, I estniss, uril- lings, hinens, iiJiisiins, jeans, ana uii krnus of Winter Goods. Also a snlendid variety of Ladies Dress and laney goods, Calicces, Ginghams, De Laines, Shawls, and every variecy of Goods suitable for Ladies wear. Also, an ettensive assnrtm'nt of Silk, Beaver, Fur y Sluuch Hats A large und u-ell selected Assortment of Boots and Shoes oru em ilfscriH ion ami size. Also, a large assortment of Groceries, Such as Sugar, Coffee leas, Molasses, Spices of all kinas. Also a larire assortment of llardwara arid Queensware, Fish, Salt and Liquors such as Gin lliandy, Rum and Whiskey, besides the largest and most general assortment of all kind of Goods to be had in tha county. All the above mentioned gooda will Is sold at such reduced prices aa tliay can not txt got fur elsewhere. Country produce of all kind taken in sichange at the highest market price. Also, For sal a two horsa spring wagon and a buggv. Augusta twtji., Octohsr t, 1113. m. ZIMERMAN, AXOTHER LATE ARRIVAL OF CI1KAP C(;ODS. i rniLING &. GRANT. IJESPECTFLLLV inform their customers and the public, that they have just receiv ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of Fall and Winter Goods that has ever been brought to Sunbury. ilicir Block consists ot every varie'y of Dry (loods, viz : Cloths, Casnmeres. Sattincts, Vesting, Flannels, Woliens, ijc., And all kinds of Fall & Winter Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laines, Ee rages, And every variety of goods snilublo for La- 1 Ules wear. ; Also an extensive assortment of j Cavs koii Men and Roys. Also a largo assortment of (itlOt IKIICS. I ffl Ull A 73 Sugar, Tea?, CofTfe, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a lar?e assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENS WARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a trchh supply of DRL'C! AND MKIlICINKS. Resides Ihe largest and most general assort ment of all kinds of goods to be had in this place. I tV Country produce of all kinds taken in ox- change at the highest market price. Sunbury, Iov. 13, 1S5S. The only Title Portrait of Washington. JUST PUBLISHED, T. B. WKLCH'S MAGNIFICENT PORTRAIT OF WASHINGTON, Engraved (by permission) from Sluari's only Orinrirtr.l t, it, ll,.i A llmnullm l-li.lni. 'I HIS superb picture, cnrravrit cmlcr lliu superintend-enc- ol' TliO.MAS Sl'l.l.Y. Kso.. tlic eminent and liiitlily girted artist, is the only c arwt likeness ol' Wash tuatoa ever nuhlishixl. It h-ts been characterised as lite gretitest work of iirl ever produced in tliis country. As lo ns ttiteiiiv, we reo-r t" tlie leltcr of the oilopteil s.'ii of W'nsliinc'toa, li:OR(.il-: WASlllNCiTd.N I'AKK ( l v T1S. mio suvs, ojt ,g ., luitlifnl rciiresent.ttion ol the ec-1-climlcd origiiial," und to I IIICF J;STIC1-: TAN KY of the Supreme tourt l' the L'nited St.ites, who says, "As a work oi ait its;Ii'iiee aiut licimty Hiust strike everv one who sees it ; mid it is nu less hnnpv m us likeness to the Father of his cainlry It wns my pood fortune to have seen him in the Coys of ray bn-hooil, nmt his wb'jlc ntiieara;.ee is yet str-'iirly iuiptcsseit on my memory. The pottroit you have issucit nt).eiu s to me to be all exact IKCU-SS, repiesenMiifi perlep'1- Ire expression n well ns Ihe I'oi in nnrl feiilnres of the fuee.' And snysSKN ATCi, CAJrt. it isn life-like representation oi the'ereiit nriuinol. I ll ..rilllr..vr l ll.l.iMiint says, "the work appears to mc lo n:ive nceu nomiujiny exeeutea anu cuaiientlv wl thy ol Ihe natroineeoi the tmlilie ftiys MAK C HANT the eiuinesit pi.rtrnit i-niuter, and Ihe puiiil of Stuart. "y,' ur print l" my miml is more remarknl ie thnn any other ' I Inve seen, for presentiup the whole tmliviiUnility of the original poriruit. together with tbe noble anil dignified re p se of air and manner, which all who ever saw aim con sidered a inuiked characteristic of the illustrious man it commemorates." For Ihe crrr.t merits of this pielare we w uilj refer eve ry lover of Washinelon to the portrait itself, to be seen at ihe ollice of this paper, ami to the tellers of tlie following Artists, Stntestnen, Jurists und Seholnrs oecompnnvintr it. AIIT1STS. Marehaiil and Klliot, of New York'; Nea gte, Hotlierinel, and Lnmbilin, of Philaileiphia ; Chester llarilintr, ol" Hoslon ; Chatles Fraser. of Charleston, S. C; and to tlie ndopteti sn of Washington, Hon. Ceorpo V. I'. Cuslis. bitnself un artist. STATKf.MKN. IlisKxeel lency .Milliard Fillmore, Major ticn. Winfiehl Petal. Hon. Cicorpe M. Dallis, Hon. William II. Kinir. Hon. Pnniel Webster, Hon. I.uiu Bod. Hon. Lewis I'.hsh, iloa. Win. A. (imliani. Hon. John . Keimedv, Hon. It. C. Winthron, I.I.. II. JLHIS'I'S.Hoii, Hope,; U Taney, Hon. .1.4, n Duer, Hon. .lolin MeLean. Hon. liufns Choa'te. fi:lIOL AUS Charles Fols in, Ks.j., the well known Iabrariun of the 13 stoa Atheiieuiii, wiio says, "1 would rather own It than uny painteit uopy I have evi-r seen l1. P, Whip ple, Itiehurd Hildreth, lion. Kdw. l.verelt, I.I,. D , Jared Simrks, 1. 1.. 1) , William II . l'reseott. I.I..D., Washington livinjj, Kulph W. I'.inersoti, Ksq., Prof. T. C. I;t)hain, J. T. Ihwller, Flta Ureeit llalleek, II W I."nclel .w, Win. riihnoreSiuims; and FKOM KL'KOPE, Lord Tulfourd, T. II. Maeauley, Sir Arehilsil.l Alison, Lord Muyor of L'initon, &e. 4c. Ac. 'i'Hl-' Plil'.SS, throat-liont the en tire Union, tmve wilh one voice proclaimed the merits of Ibis superb eupini'iu. To enable nil to p -ssess this vittuubU treasuie, it is sold at the low ptiee ot .- per eopv. Published by GFOHCF. W. nttl.DS, N. W. corner ol Filill und Areh streets, Philadelphia. D. D. UYF.Rl.Y, Pole neent for the States of ljjs:crn Pennsylvania mid llelawnre. Tins Porlrrtit can only be nMuine.1 from MR. HYEU LY, or fr ,m his duly authorized ncenl. Arrnngeineiitv have been made with the Post OiTiee Pe partmenl, tiy whieli copies of the Portrait can be sent to any point, per mail, lu pen'eet outer. (T- I'eis .ns by remittinir Fivs Doi.tsas to I). D. UY. F.H LY, I'hiladelphia, will have a copy oi the Portrait sent to thelli flee "I' Pos-au'e. f" Miipuifieent liilt Frames, trot up expressly fr ttiesc Pottiaits, f urnisheit nl the low price ol cm,uo each. JUST ISSUED, A MAIiNlFICKNT POUT11A1T CF GENERAL JACKSON, Engraved by T. B. WELCH, ESQ . after the original portrait painted by T. SULLY, ESQ. . This I'.irtnut wil! lir mulch f.r tlie Wukhingl-m, and ii in every rv.Mrt m well jr'l up. I'lire S).(HI ifTPOJiV I'liihulrtphiu. Oi-t. M Address us iili'ivc. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. riMiU Sul'W-nUor Imviitg leatted the Vultio IIone, for 1 mcrly known an Amerit-.:' Jl'-nitv. n. 1e Sixth ISirct-t, liclwceu M.irKt'l nnd i.'livmtuut Street, tut clmnid the name! ol tlie sauiv to THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Bepa fave to inform his l"ricnU and t hf ptiMic, thut Un hon ne has iiintrT me n thioticli riMiUHicllim;, retviiiinit, re painting and r(piipfriii?, fnun nt t it tn Uim mfiit. An en lire new mittil ti luriuuirf, Iveddintr, iV ., Ve., hm hem ppvciued In nn the nioat eek-liruU'd .Munmuctuiers in thu citv. From the rent ml lorfifion, nnd it? cle proximity to the 1 Railroad Depot, St''ainli 'Ul IjuhIuih IMacea nf Amue , mi'iit, Fiilii'iii:0tie Tie rough iHreit and lJiil)lic Sjuarci, it j ofler indueenientB t'j the Mrrrhmtt vuiiing the city on , business. ihe Trnveller neekiitg pleannre, 'I'-t funiilies t nnd renuili's viwiiin the pity, every tucility will It iift"ret, ami every emntrt n-gaideU tu inuuu tutir visit ogreeuhle find ph'anant. A shart? nf the pnHlic natronuce reHipetfuMv solicited. JACOU U. Id'.lIO. JAKKl) IUV1X, Super intcndi'ii VroprietiMr. 1 Philadelphia, Sept. 4, IrOO Cm. Fresh and Spiced Oysters '. I A 1.U aeltltvl nt Northumberland, I am new prepared to luniisli tresh and spi- ced Oysters during this whole season at rtv duced piiees. Yon can depend upon them beiim fresh, as I shall receive Ihem daily, (Sundays excepted) and when landed here, Iney aro only 10 lion is out Ol nits shell. All persons at a distance, w ho aie in wntit of Ilia above article, can have them fcent per dozen or sinale can by tuldreFsing W. II. VICKEUV. at Bun's Hotel. Northumberland. (Vl. 16. 152. DAVID COOPErT COMMISSION' M IS KC II A XT FOB TUP. SAI.F, OF Fish, l'ro isions, .Mi. 9 JVbrtfi U'hnrt'rs, rHXI.ASSI.rHIA. Apiil 10. 18SS. ly. I NK Boureau'a celebrated ink, and also Con gtes ink for salo, wholesale and retail hy Decamhar 2H, H B MASSER. HANI) BILLS neatly printwl oa new typa nromptlv axecutsd at thi asTu-a, A.s Hanks, of all kinds on vupwrlor paper Punhury, ft. 14, 19- Valuable Property, late the Estate of E. P. SHANNON, Esq., rrtliumbcrland AT PPJTATE SALE. rJlHE subscribers, Executors of the Es.ato nh I J Vm I" lmi"""'. Ile of Ihe Urn. miRh or Norlhumbeilnntl.onerat private suit-, thefollowiui? valuublo Real Estaie, viz: Lot No; 77, corner of Queen and i"-ou Slieel, on which is erected a two story driolc Umlditif, forme-ily occupied by the deceaseil as a Store and Dwelling, and now occupied at Mich. Theie are also on the lot two fiama dwellitics. &-c Lot No. 01. silc.n'.cd in Alaiket Street, on which is erected a two story white Framu ' D.vellitnr, Sec, adjoining JohnTsggart, Esq., uci-oijim uy iiie. iviiuo. Lots No. 09, 70, 71 & 72, silnale in Mar ket Sirert, a two story while Frame Dwed. linn;, occnpiiid by James Donly, and a liable is i-recled on lols No. 69 k 70. The undivided half of Lot No. 120, situate on Ihe corner of Duke and 4th Slreel, oit which is creeled a two story dwelling, occu pied by Joseph McCallisler. Lot No. 188, situate in Queen Slreet on which is erected n two story while Frame Buildinrr, occupied by John Burkert Lot No. 60, situate at Noilhway and Wa ter Slreels, on which are erected two Frame Dwelling; and Stabling.', occupied by widow Vanilliny ninl John Vundlini?. Also tin? undivided fourth part of lot 166, on which is erected a two stoiy Frame Dwel ling, occupied by John Vandyke. Also ten ucres of cleared land, adjoining I land- of John IVshny. on thu East side of the Susquehanna about llneo miles below Uan- villi?. Also two adjoining vacant town lots, silu- u,ei1 0,1 ,he -'umt'r of Second and Orange is o.r. r. o. 6 1 Also four vacuiit lot on Third and Oranco Slri-els, rinnibeipil in ihe? crnt-nil plan ol said Borouyh, No?. 209, 210, 21 1 &. 212. ANn four vacant lots f i mi I injr on Market and Sixth Stroets, running East to nn Alley, numbered in tho general plan of said Bor ouch. Noa. 77, 78, 79 & 80. Also four vnrant lots fronting on Orangn Street, and numbered in ihe eeneral plan of said Borough, Nos. 185, 186, 187 & 168. The above property will be sold in parts or paroeN to suit purchasers, on reasonable terms. For furtlirr partit-ulars apply to John Cake, Esq., at Northumberland, or to tha subscribers. ALFRED KNEASS. ) P, THOMAS STKAWBMDGE. f tx "' Northumberland, May 22, 1852. tf. TAILOPJITCr. JOHN V. MAR TIX, Bl-JGS leave to inform his fiienJ and the pub lic in smicriil, t'.int lie is prepared hi every respect to inuke clothing after the most Fashionable Styles, and in the most durable manner, and his pricea wiil be as reasonable as can be liad in Sunbury or elsewhere, in cash or approved country produce. lie will always have the advantages of the latest fashion plates, and in addition to his acknowl edged skill in cutting-, he will he assisted by the direction of the most wicntilic publications rela ting to tiut art, now issued from the emporiums, of fashion in the United Stutes. An endeaor will be made alwiys to have work complettd when requiaed. His establishment iss' in Market Square, Sunburv, nearly opposite the Post Office, in the buililing formerly occupied by Jacob Painter as a hatter shop, where it will lie a pleasure to bun to see his friends, and make such work for them as is within the line of his business. Sunbury, August 14, 1852. tf. LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. J. V. OUEUTEUFFER, S. E. Cor. Ninth and Maple Sis above Race PHILADELPHIA. INVITES the Ladies of the City and Country to call end examine his splendid Stock oj Trimmings, which has been selected with the ut most care. Mr. O. being enabled, from his experience in the business, to take advantage of the wholesale market, is able t sell as low as any other estab lishment. Mr. O. was formerly principal con ductor of the extensive business cf Mr. J. W. Hurstmaii, No. 20-1 Chestnut Street, and his ex tensive experience will be a guarantee of his ability to do justice to his customers. His Stock comprises tho following. Silk, Worsted, and Cotton Curtain Fringes, Binding, Tassels and Cord, Silk and Worsted Ulind do. Silk, Woollen, and Cotton Hoisery, (jloc, Combs, Brushes, Soups, Perfumery, Ac. Woollen and Cotton Knitting and Darning Yarn, Porto Moiinaics, Furnished Work lioxes, Brace lets, and Fancy Articles generally. Call and examine for yourselves. Philadelphia, September 25, 1S52. Cm. BRITTANNIA WARE MANUFACTURERS. rrIIE sniKCRIBEKS bavins just entered S- into the above business in all its branches, tuke this mode of culling the attention of Coun try Merchants, and others to their NEW STYLE and PATTEIiNS, also the quality of material, as we flatter ourselves not to be best in workmanship or material. The following, in part, consist of our assortment: LAM PS and Lamp Screws ; LADLES; Cas tor Friines; HL'U PANS; TUMBLERS; PITCHERS with lids; COFFEE POTS and TEA POTS; Slop Howls; Sl.'UAR BOWLS; CREAM CITS; BEER MEASURES; Cof fee Hoppers; CAN DLKSTICS ; SPOON'S, of all sizes; eve, Ac. We will be happy to reccivo orders for Sam ples, hv mail, at our place of business, No. 109 RACE ST., or QUARRY ST., above Second st., PHILADELPHIA. N. B. The subscriber still continues to man ufacture Candle Moulds, Syringes, Surgical In struments, &.c, at his old place of business. No. 109 Race Street, Philadelphia, to which I would rail the special attention of Candle Manufactu rers. JOHN CALYERLEY. Philadelphia, Nov. 0, 1852. 3mo. j " siiianjiAKE's 4 LI. EG H EN Y HOUSE, No, 280 MARKET I il tsireet, above 8th, Philadelphia. Under tha new arrunsemcni me cars which arrive irom Pittsburg, Harrisburg, &c, will run to the New Depot, corner of Schuylkill 5th and Market. In order to accommodate the public we will always hnvc our Coach at ll New Depot on tho arrival j f (h0 cars to curry Passengers to the Allegheny House, which is in the centre of the city. Our ! old friends will please ride down, and all who wish to patronise a House with a Good Table, Clean Beds, and accommodating assistants, wllj i please rive us a call. 7'ernit, One Dollar per Day. August SI, 1S52. Cm. i "NVm. McCarty, Hookscller. RESPECTFULLY "informs his friends and i the public, that he ha removed his Book j Store, to Market strset, to the house oecupuwl; j hy J. Naille, Esq., Attorney at Law. neaily ps. posita tha Court House, on tho north sui 1 whera keeps for sala constantly on go ' -.-nri.n-r.t r.t l.rtrtL- ami stalionarv. For Sale A large new suivn wago St fr t. 3 or I horses. Sunbury, July t4. tfv BLANK rarchroont Ppr I)ed, ,nd hln Mortaagaa, Houds, Execuuoos, Summons torn ' fcunhnty Awil . Ml . MARRIAf.E CETiriCATES handsomely iccuted ftr sal at this oflic, sinjta o t,y tha doen.