Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 25, 1852, Image 4

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p o c t r n .
(1'tnm the lis tiinoie. Weekly Sun J
How I Learned to Dance.
Being a Familiar Epistlt to my Cousin Tom.
Well, Tom, l'e lately learned to dance,
And you would like lo hear, perchance,
Of it all
But herp, before il bo too lute,
It was by chance, just let me s'nle,
A: a lull.
Thnt night 1 sat, ns yon must know,
With some six walljloteers, in a row,
Ami nnr r lint
Was merely idle queries, whether
We might expect a change of weather
And all that.
But, while the time was coyly bent
By "many-twinkling," Houri feet,
I force!
Just how it happened Mister Blako
Invited me, Tom, just to make
- Up l lie set !
Well, I, of course, tlenr Tom, refused ;
And how you would have been amused.
When tho Goth
Asked help of two tall, stnhvart men
Seized on one sliuulder, first, and then
Upon both !
And heedless of my boyish blinhiiis,'
The threo prevented me from ruhiii
To the door ;
And placed me opposite Mis Mariner,
The lass selected lor my partner,
Upon the floor.
The "figure" she did straightway show nie;
And in chassoing, once, did throw me,
Such a glance !
My watch four hours back I turned,
Rejoicing that at last I'd learned
How to dance.
1 started homeward; day was breaking ;
And my lull pulse was fairly aching
With clelishl ;
And now, in dreams, I see Kate llaitner,
And "forward two," and "turn my partner."
All the niht !
Clarksville, Md.
California has 40,000 acres mineral, and
50,000 acres farming lands.
Dale, the American vaiilter, recently
threw sixty six somersets in Welch's Circus
Arn.ns aro selling in Texas at seventy-five
cents per dozen.
The expoits of spt-tJe, this year, will
roach S24,000.000imports, 50,000,000.
Tub Montour, Pa., works sold 5000 tons
rails, at the mills, at SfiO a ton.
We promise accouling to our hopes, and
perform according to our fears,
Every man thinks that Crcar's wife oughi
to be above suspicion, but he is far less par
ticular as to what Cu-sar himself ought to be.
It is said that 4000 Afiie.m slaves have
been landed in Cuba since Canedo was ap
pointed Captain General.
Have the goodness to pronounce this little
word. It is tho original Mexican for coun
try curates :
l,yollazomanil:ieopixcatntsins !"
There is no greater obstacle in the way
of success in life, then trusting for something
to turn up, instead ol going steadily to work i
and turning up something.
A new kind ol paper, manufactured en
nroiy irom snaw, ami nppucauio lor an
i r . . . . I . . , it j i
printing purposes, as well as for writing, has i
been manufactured in England.
The Old Curfew Bell at Sandwich, lv,g ,
which has been rung daily since the time
of William the Conqueror, is to bo rung no
longer. "Well done good and faithful ser
vant." A wolverine from Detroit has killed two
grizzly bears, in California, in fair filit.
He fights another on a wager of $10,000,
using only a bovvie knife in tho deadly en-
A Mrs. Ddkin, in Loudon, whose houso
commanded a fine view of tho funeral pro
cession in honor of the Duke of Wellington
let the upper part of it fur one thousand
A Woman's Mas. Gerritt Smiih "ay?,
"Were you to ack who elected me 1 I
rhould answer, the ivoman. The women
pleaded and prayed for me, and I am elect
ted. Thanks to the women for uch a re
sult. An Ohio Vankre has invented a Liithent
ting Machine, and has sold for 50 000
three forth of his patent for llie Eastern
Slates alone, reserving the Western. They
say it w ill cut a largo log up into Lath in the
courso of three minutes.
FofSD Dead. A yotttig man named Isaac
Ramsey, aged 20 or 21 years, was lound
dead on the bank of the Susquehanna liver
opposite Harrisburg, lyirg pailly in the via- '
ter, a few days ago.
Tne young lady who was led to llie nlier
in Boston, at the Church of ihu Paviuur
Wednesday now Mrs. il i
said will pieside as the divinity of tht
While House.
Spirituai, Rappincs spppar to be all the
raga in HarrUhmg. Meetings sro bciiic
held almost every evening in tlitft-ient pans
of the town. Many persons and in some in
stances the most intelligent citizens have
bean duped into tho belief that they really
can have communication with depaiieil
A Posr.B.-A member, in alludi. p to ll.e
;,JII for the benefit of mtmied women before
the Missouri Legislature, asked if it would
not be better for the member to do sotno
Ihing for the benefit of "single ladies," and
not trouble themselves wilh other "men's
" ts ives."
Explanation, ''Did yon say that my
trolher Jiin didn't know as much as Smiih's
yellow dog " "No, I said Sniilh's jellow
tlog knew morsj than your broiher Jim .'"
A recent Pari psper has the following
, significant temaik: ''The Ameiieun ui.d
iCnglish educat their children in the fear of
t.'ud i.J ili lo money.''
For llir Curci of
noAns.T3wrES3, brow-
xxc. wzroopuro-cotroii
hid coirsuniPTiazj1.
Mieiy ver.rn r H i: !. in.-,-:, f invnirinir Ihr M.c c--..-R.Vncr
lii lie im.lir.i.-.-, lies won for n .,n n.'i.. -a
.ml ....iriuv .y far .-..-..vlin,' the ..'.'ft mh.iic ex,l-
1,,-ni of its ni VH""C I"" '"'" ,rl ""
. llilll,ista!...i.e!r.-ll.-..l conl'i-l i"l ,. I...-HS-IIH.S ol Miller
it etwl.l ini-ic i.i iili.l iiuiiii'iiia Oil- Mpnlm i"ll It '"J '"
While liciny in.t-ri -r r-f in--.!i.-t lli'ie' iij'" I .iiniiliiiinty,
har liiilert I 1..-CH rtlMm.lod. this h is paiiinl trirm's !;
VC"V, conf.-rr. '1 l.eilc'iln nil I In-I'llllclcl they C.l!l 11-V-
crf..'n:.t. mid pt.Hiiiccd cults l-o mini rous mid rcirarkn-
Ilk- In i-el'"!,.- II' II
Wlul it in 'I int l "il tlic t, jiri-teiiil tin ' nny e.ic W'H lienliit-'y rnre soil their in pli i ill" I'm-.KC.v I'scroiist, it -en net O'tly us ii
.hiiir. hut iili.l st inv.iii-il'!. Clin; tfic inat'it'.iis lor wl.U'll 11
in Clll; I'.Vfil.
An liiii-j m ik'-fl ti-- f:ic!ii v. i 'rr nnit lutter Uiv wn. this
mr-licinff li;m i-r.'Mtii.iliy lirc.'iiip tli ln-rt n li. i.( ll.e
oltluMe.l, Iniiii ll.u l -i; e iltin v( ilio Aiut-rii;nn I'l .m.uil. tn
t lit- pnluri-R .f lltir.'hf. end Kinps. Ttirnuphntil tin i-nlite
eiHinliy. in every Wi.te. eily, nii't inileeit iilnvHt every
hmiilcl it e'.lllnii:!., t'ln unv VlrTolUL in K.inwil nMl.t:
t.i'it reme'ly e.Mnnl fur dwinrii . l' llu. Tl.roal n.ul l.nnps,
aiel ill ninny l ireiyii e.'iiiitii.v. it l e inii;,r to hi: exli-.i-
ively nseii l.y their ln"St illtr!li;:ent Pljysiei.ntH. In (lu-ril
Hnt.iin, I'r'i.iee nivi i irrniMiiy. wli'.-ie li.e seieneea
t.nyii re ii-li.-.i tlieir h.lifst prri'.Tli.'ii. t iiki.iiy I'nt Ti.nAI.
is iittr.Nlncul. nn 1 in r-.nsl-inl ue in the Annies. Ins;.i
t'lls. Alms li'insrs, I'ulili-- ions, nmi in il .e-Htie
pnictiep. ns t'i" s .rrt re.nnly ll.eir I'l.ysici ins
eini emjil v lor t'je in re il'.iti.' nrti-rlions 'of the
lin.irs. A'l i in mil 'er e.u-t s, nml f.T chililn-n it is s-ife.
pkn.itnn.l eii'.rlii-il to enre. In I''.-t, s nne of Itie most
11 .iller. i:
tfstitii'i)ii:i! m e rrfvivc li:.e t-o n I rem n:imit
wJm h:ive fiMin t u c:ii',i ! ins in easi's particularly inciilen-
ini m iMiiiiUi'iiKi. I
TIip Cnt-nnv PncTou At. is iiiaiinf vMurfu hv a rrcr: j
Clicniis!, and ovry nnnt of it un.iii his own " r. v. iih ! cin-nper t br r .iiFiim?r. J )'"" tlt.IS. necnnliiitf lo the opinion of the in-l
iiivnrinlflt! nmirnry mid urr. Il i mi'etl mid protiitcfl j Tin Wiiitk i rnpitlly iniprrn-ding NVIiile f.trnl, j ut:lrlr:iunl PhyfifKiii!, nre (liu prim iry cuubob of n lirtr
ly l;iw from c 'niitcrn-itp, romcqueutly c;m In: relied ( n nn ; "Vi;r which it powsses manv (itlvniitnyt-s It is whiter, niajority of (lifl'-iturs to which children mid mlitltn nre lin
gnniiiip with ut ndnlti-rniioji. " i un.l nvrc l'-:iutn'id tin? White I .end d-jes not turn i ol? i '"" J"'e nn Jippi-iil. rontiinuilly fhtnirahlo from
We hnvf ei-d-nvorej hero to furuih thp pi-nimnnily ! )H 'W. even when exp-d to "nlphnroim v:ir Ins ""f kind nf fmit to riiether Had lircntli, I'-iin in the Si...
Willi a nietti'.-iiie nf null intrin!ie Ftip-ri"tity mid wrihnf, ; no smell is not iiijurimia to health, und if far iiioie du- lnrKdi, Pickinfrnt (In? .Vf II:ivdnrHH mnl l-'nllnesa f the
inmnid rotnmend ilM-lf to tln-ii remnly nt rnlde. H'-lly. Dry fmnrli, M w P. v-r, Pti! Irn-irular remcnili'-r
oner snir. y. ced nr.d iT.tUi:iI, wr.ii-h tl.ic ItaF hy rppriited i .isc P.rown ami AfK Paint auk poth Wbatiikb j ,llIlt "H Ineup dciintu WUil.Mr, tnid j ju shonld nt once up
and c.miiilfs! irei'; p(ovd nsdf to ho ; nnd trust ,v -rrent j and Fir it Proof. Tlu; best envi-rtiifr for outside work , I1) tne r-'incdy ;
enre in pnpnrii;rr it with chnnien! nrciiraov, t v'u'if -nn ever intfdnce.1, ndaptid l tntiutintfA of word, lairk or I IOI5 ENS CK"S V'OUM Vllt'P
slrrn'h to uT .rd Ph ?i--ianf n n-'w n"iit m wlii'di th'-y ' m'nc 1' fi-a-i-s. enrrni.T h die. hndires. nnd tnncliinery J nnv.i,
nn relv f-r the best result, nnd the ntliejrd with a remi ilv ' t th hull ..f vi-weln, ntieiiort, elminfi, mid all other Iron, j An eriicle f untded tinoii Scientific Prineiplen. e-inpom:d-
thnt will do t r tltein all that inedK'inc can ilo. i
Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AY Ell,
Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass.
Sold in Sanlmry by II alASSHI?, nnd by I
Unipmsts peuerally tliroiifrlj; llhc tMntc.
Aovenihcr 13, 18.V-. lycedinn
JiihvGi';!i, ll'ninson ej Co.
I.uioRTi:Kd of 5c in
IirtrtJ an;l E5ji3't!i?ac
Ao. 50 .l.'(7.ri St., 1 rfoiir below '2d St.
Whera they always cei on hand a I a re toe of
every arii ly of llardivaie, Cutlery, tVc,
Win. Ililivoilli, Henry H. I.andi,
Samuel Ijiaiis. n, Jamea M. 'auce.
October l(i, lS.'C ly.
GLOTHIXa once."esit
Notice to all Dealers ;.i ll'-adi) Mailt Clithing,
1 ) KNK T A CO. re ;..'M :i!1 wi. .. nu.'-ll.iri? 111:1 ( to
t'l Hun,' n rn.lit. t-i rail :d TtJNViat IiAI.1
rl.()TI!lNi; IiAZAAii. mid (! tin ?e:.t ndvaiiliej'd
they will Irtve lv nnrliaiir' fireasliat lliis c.tenic
ffiidii'tiMi'-nt. Tin?, nnd ti is milv, in tin Drineinic on f
whicii they tli- tl wil't nil lli' ir litiiniT'His enst ruerj', vlt ;
have red d ii;:it nt h uy lln v 8; nre mi uV'it in ,
pr.iilufiiip V.m lu st CI.OTiliM;, nt tlie. Itnvest p srle
prieea, in it I ihll the r.M.!3 nirnlc at tills h.mpc nre the ic.-t 1
ina.le. in t fashi.-mdiie, nml imieli rheanr r thnn nnv oilier
lu.nsc ran jiii'iril lo neil the s-miic quality nf ir Hd;, "ari-ns;
frun their lure iui;au';teti:rin'j mid linp -Min facilities,
and tlu'ir d'l'i:ninati' ii t,- nianinin the priiteiplt1 i.f !ji;i'
u!eii and fnirdl .rnlits. 'i ln ir 8io-k is incM nurOe nml
cmipt. u. Tlie pnrtie-.uar iiKpiiI iai nf inerel mid
iui i,ndoT,?
I-1 ihliti wm
ii'-nier in mviieti, w:i. nre rci;ii fv t c;.ll nm
tluniseieps. ,ik we nre fitisiUd (!nv e:iinr
the ndvnntMU.H llioy will Lave in pnrciiasinir f i vn-U. nt
IV 1 l K ." sir... ......... I' .'.I.
and Sixth.
IXXXKTT .CO., fr.. pricier..
Philadelphia, Oe 111. 1S.VJ ."...1
Fritz, V."iiii:uns , Tfendrv,
Store. No. 2.1 North Sm-i .
i 1
rOROf't.tO Mamifarturers, Curriers, Iinnnrt.
-i-'J- rrs. Con I. I T 11..,.
,I1CS!,. WHolesalc un.l Retail
tf Mannf.irtr,rv 15 Mamrclta Street.
An;. 2H, 1,'J. ly,
CliiT.p Wjilchos c; Jewelry,
HOI,i:SALr, nnd Retail, nt the "Pliil.ulr 1- !
phia Wiitcli und Jewelry Stoi-e," No. 00
North irecoie.Vstrcct, corner of Quarry, riiilai'.cl
phia. " i
Ou!,t I. ever V.'uliLef, full ji w.-le-l. 15 ear:.: cans, Ci.-.Ou
lull i.-v.-.-Ietl, lO.lfi.e. l S;irrln'.-s, ? nil
silver Lepijv
jewels, 1(1 1 1 me tviver d... l ..".,
I il.i il.i do.
ll ......I Mrai-tets. 3.:-'i :
7 Ji e iit-s' (.,,!(! IV-nrils. 1 .0.1 I
i Sniieii- r IJn.irlitis.
Imilntion d i.
ill er T.-a si-ooiiii, set, 5 '11 ;
Goiil Pr in. wilh ri ne-1 nml Silver Il .t.It
1,1 ill ,
Colli Kinjer RingH. 31 J cents to tjiSO ; VYuti h ;
vnasfcs, inai.i, i.j cents; J'atcnl, Ihj; I. uni t,
25; other articles in prnporlinn. All enods war-
ranted to he what they nre sold for.
ruccessors to O.
On hand, some Cold nnd Silver Levers and
Repines, still lower than the above prices.
.u311sl -s, ism. ly.
Mamifacturer of
r.Ionuincnts, Toni'is,
Italian and American
At his Old Stand i:i Northumberland, Pa.
5 ItFFCTFl'T.I.V inform the public that nil
-"' work in his line will be made up of the very 1
be t 111 Jt.-i and finished in the X. lest style of !
the Fastern cilies.
J lio.-e in want ot sueli articles well made anil
executed in the best style and ut the lowest rates,
will do well to call and diamine before thry pur-
chase elsewhere.
May 15, 1S.V;. ly.
- -' '
j At the Porks (( the Plum Creel: aval Tulpc-
I hochen lload. near Kreiijtbaum't Plach
j .mii7i .'inn.
I fr.-;'r:("n'i:i.I.V informs the public that he
41 has iij-ri.e-l a new at the aboxc place
and hai ji:t received a hph-r.did slock of new
! ,- ;t rttiriv-inr n in -in.
(' r.' I. ting in art of
C'lotli.e, Cas.siuu-rs, Patlinct,
DUIl.Ll.NCS and nil kind.
ul lit en cotton
and vvoifte.l summer waia.
CaUicce-, Hamlin tic, Lawns,
1 Ami ail k'tni'.a i.f Dies G001U for I.adiea
I t ea, Corntr., f tin
All, MoLASE-i, &;c.
f ', Jjl 'T' rtt r t-u f .... . ,
! tjt, ATIDY CTM I ,. . . c
I hRAJJf C. and all kind, of
Kardware. Iron a:itl Steel, Nails, it.,
Shoes, Roots, Caps.Fnlm leaf and other Hats,
Pish, Salt, -0.,
All of which he will tell at tl,e most reasonable
prices for cash or country pruducc.
May 8, lS.IS -tf.
SMITH S E.SSENCE O f" J A M A l'( : A (i 1 N
1'F.R, a f.cih supply jnt received, and for
sale by
II. L. M AbciKR.
fSuiibury, Jan. 10, 18fi2.
19LANK DEKDS printed on the be.t quality
of part'hmrut mper, sold at thr lowest price
ul this oil;, e, by nh..lcrM snd retail
SI 000 a vi'iir.
WANTED in every County of the United
Utiilcs, nctivo and enterprising men to en
gage in the talc of some of the host Hooks pub
lished in Ilia country. To men of frond address,
poscssing a small capital of from S25 lo 8100,
inch inducements will bo offered as to enable
them to make from 83 to $10 a dny profit.
fir The Books published by us aie all useful
in tlicir character, extremely popular and com
mand large sales wherever they arc oflercd.
For further particulars. address, (po'tac paid,)
Successors to XV, A. I.cnry Sr, Co.;
No. 133 North Second .Street, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, Oct. 3, 1839 If.
Xo. 19 ff 'nml X, hrhreen 2d If 3d Sts., and
A'. 17 Xorth 6t Street,
.Tolin linncrol't Jr. and Sun,
B J nsriX'TITLLYinform Store-keepers, Mer--'-''
chantn, oVc, thnt they Manufacture and have
for Sale., Palm, White, Variegated, Yellow and
Lrown SSnnps, Mould and Dipped Candles, all of
good iiinlily and at re.isonahlu prices.
t"ifr Cash paid for Tullnw and rough Fat.
April HI 1S.V: ly.
S5S.C tAB.'I' ;
Manufaclurcd by the New Jersey Zinc
Company, Newark, X. J.
rf'Ii.K Pnhseribers nre li w prt'iireil lo execute orders
1 to
to nnv extent loi Ihtir tiri.nlilul while unit colored
Zinc Paints, :it I tie teiluced prices, viz :
No. 1. White, giomi.t in oil. P ecnlt per tli., pure,
No. U, il.i. .1.. 8 do. li
No. :i. do. do. 7 d. d i
r.nvii m il;, no. r. ti o.
,nit,., ponudft will cvrf rrpmlly well ns ninrh '
snii'iiee tni Hit) ltr. nt" White i.i-ml : lln'v nre i.'t per cent '
w-tk on I-nrct nip to strain t-'iU.TH. s. nuke tacks und ,
wnter I:iiiI.f 10 inn., ti.i. an.) oiln-r io.'l.i.ij, iron sliaitu-r
' iI.vtb reel'js. wile 1'eiierf. l.ruljes, &e.
I'..r lr-'ii 'irfnees tins I'.iiiit is es.K'ein
'..r Ir-'ii .irfnees tins I'.iiiit is es.K'einllfr vntml.le
ns it lorins a c.ilV"ie c .a.ieetion, anil entirely laevetits i
Vl'cse ine lnvi.12 n nne Mrlniie U.nse. nre war- :
rented ml tl t.T.l v. ll"v. lin.l will retain their "" ' in'ullil.ln rrniecly mr th im- nlilielivl Willi Di f S-is..i,
! I.nlli;.nev in. lei. l'1'fr..r i!.:..i Wlnte l.i-.iil, or nny of ll.e I ".'e twionuhinn enris p.-rl r:nr,l l.y lliis Syrup nl'ler riijsi
j e.irtl.y i.ip.neii.s n v in u .e. 'i'l.e c.-rlirirnles from I einus l.nve!, is llie ie.t evidence of ils snperi T i-lfi-j
win l.ave nr.. 'I ili. ro I'.ii'ilM. are sn.'li ns to s:ilisly llie piih- I eaey ovei all
j lie lli"V are invn!ii;.!.!e. 'l lie nhlesl ehemi.ts of
Franee u.i.l lliis e. m lit i y li.ive le..ilir.l to ll.e snperioritv of I'lir Tine M'reni.
! Z.ii.'.'Ver l.e.i.l I'.iinls. s t . damliil.ty. Iieiilllifnlnew nnd 1 ulj J - 1 'VUli.M !
hr.Mtiy Tney l.ave I. i n.l -ple.1 l.v il.e i'"reneh liovei. i- i is ll.e ni'.fl iliiF. nit Woria 1 1 il.:stroy of nil ll.r-l in.
t tiienl. l.v 111 l. 'l.tlion of N.'W York, nnd nre ll w ex- I f.-!t (lie linn.'.-.u .y:riii. it .rr'-M-p lo an nli.vit feiile
lv lively ' I In- ll.r. I'liiovl Stal'-s I'riiiaeiil at many j len tl. li;' ' e"iii'd :u-il inMen. il in llie lnl.l.ii.'S
I of ike larj. si Mllilary i.n.l M. nine Pep-Is. n.i.l St .mneli inVi'iine llie lienlili n s ully ns lo n SI. A i,as WoIiks, Mnv 1.1. l-'il. I Vilun Dniiee. I'lls. ,Ve.. r It it ll.ose lliloi lril si Id .m il ni l
j .V-s.s. T. C J.ivi .V C" lO nil.-iniin linvnn; in-de 'nsi '-el that it is W'.ir.n lenteiiiinr tlie.n I . mi , ::r:y
s ' ViT-.l tii.i's "f v .ir Ur.iwn '.mr l;i'iit in vtirions pr.ive. In .iider I i il-'Mri-y ll-.s ViVrm. a rm r.-. tie e. .1 I '. l. sl its pr. l. .-in e inmlitii s up .n w.. '.l i lretilin.-nt must !. iirsnn'. il W'M.I.I llierefore l r
I n.i.l ...'. :nl. I I. ive 111.- s-e iMin li n .. fct'i... liril I'.c r. "tills j to InAc Ii lo o my I..V.T Tin., ii ... to remove .ill ..i.s . iir
! li.iv.' l'".'ii In rhlv .in- ml . Tl-e inint ir-vei imr wr.l. ''o.'r. tlint liip W -i in Syrup nny : t ,hr. rl up..n '.. '.': ....
I drying ipnekn , .ill I pn.s 'llf.-.t'T tenneiti'. ri'p....iiiy '.vfii"il Itntst I'" l.lki'n t'l '1 f 's cf o 'Put,), ;i n-nf .'!' :1 ! ...i. s
linn, tl.un tiny flier p.init Willi wliall I am la-
l ns. 'r-l .I'MiN i . i i:ro..v.
TLe n:.''. ri..- I, !i:.vo tirA.l the y.ine Taiiils itletrcl
t" ...' mi .ii.- i'.if'"ii"t "j. mi .n.
M'.ri.s. 'IV.siir .V ."rris
11. ;m
lie A. Co., Prim V;ir.;,.
Ii-rnek A Sin.
.Inn!' n T. Sinn n V (" v. ri,it'r,;n lr n Vi.r';.
J. T Ptju. 1. S. Oiy I m-:,.
tT" I)'-i!er( K;i.i;litd on r-,i uitdde terms hy thr Ac
of ll:c C"i:),-anv
Jnly 17, lc'0.r, n.
- - - - -
r. C. jnV5 A: Pa.,
N l. IT S mt ti Wharves, I'hda.
Xo S XortJi -l .c., Iftivmt A.rh ami Race St.,
! Ei:i:nV ii.lotms t!io public that lie tmPorl
I and C'-mstrmiiv hreps on li.ind at his urw
: store. No. i 8 .Norlli Cvl St.. n lnivn nor!mrnt nf
I '
l t i il 11 f V ( , OtUlS.
IT. ...... .7 T...f Ti. ... -r,
..(ii.-i uiviizmvnts, J l ciurcs A l uiM.i.
I.i- i.i -., .
; vvnicii oe vv ,t i.ei at t ie lowest prices.
. r ' ' ,
Ilis Mm-H. in (.art, consists ol, Aeeonirotis,
J Vi.ilina. Mnsie Doxrs. l'arlor anil I5ar Hooin llr-
i ir-.,-.. M.-'n-lr-,. sr.,i.l, "..' M,...i;..l l
T ' .... ... j J. ,-.
P..1IIII. UO, ,.ii-.;oi-i, aim i iiera i.i.ism-f,
. Mr.lionevy ol r,.I Kinds, I'oeia't li.K-liS, Itrone
j Pmviler, Duteli Metal, f.'ol.l an.l Silver l.rjf,
Se.i'es of nil 1. io.'s. Son!!' -....1 T,il,in. II,,,
' I.itIi'i,Tr:i;.!iii- l anils, Coj i'er I'lato ami Stct-1 Kn
! pr;:iiu;s, anil 1 ii-t-.nes of cu-rv variety. Also
' Gill I'lame .M.nil.liiins of various sizes.
Dealers. I onnlry .Mereliants, ami reill.irs, sup-
e.l at reasonal.le laiets.
Peeinilier Ull, lSSl. tf.
Eiiddlcry anil IlamoiS E.-.tablishmciit cf ,
, - . : KJ
Market Street, Sunbunj,
A new assortment of M3v'l', ISl'USS ami
.inj.iuinca Jiouium,
v.'l 1 .1 , 1, ,. Ml 1, . . l n I
I . . e . 1 , -i . i
I '"'"'""y ("' "' Bl P"'1" if t.ot lower
tlian can lie liavl nnvuiicrr clue.
I ' ' '
i '"mail!, VallfCN. SiC ,
Constanlly kept on hand or manufactured ta or
I done on tho shortest nolice.
! All .erBons are invited to call and examine foi
j heniseUcs.
I All kinds of produce taken in exchange,
j Sunliury, May 1, 1852. tf.
john niiLLirs & son,
No. 47 South H'ater Street, beloiv Chestnut,
fMPORERS of Foreign Fruits, Nuts, Wines,
eVc, keep constantly on hand the follcv. ini?
j articles, which they vt ill sell at very Ion prices
lor cash,
: Raisins,
; Valat.U,
, Frillies,
' Filberts,
Sine! Oil.
Almonds, Curran's.
Cilr-m, Ground Nuts,
f icjin Nuts, Dates,
Fius, Vanilla beans,
1'reservcrt ginger, amaiiuds,
I.i 111011 Svrup, Fire C'rai kere,
Madeira Wine, Claret Winr,
Muta-at " Sweet Malaga "
. Fort Wine,
', Sherry "
Philadelphia, July 3, ISo'i. ly.
1'io!i'i..tEe nsid EScinil 1'Iork
S. E. Corner Suond und Chestnut Sis.,
"VTHRRn may 1-c found, one of the largest
a. ul bent aiisoriinrutii nf Clocks and Time
pieces in the l iiil '.l r-l . tel., in qitaulilies to suit
piireha'-'Crs, of ftotu n siimle (Jock, tfi one thou
rand C'I.kI.s; eml-raiiiic every variety of style
and inaniif.o lure, tniitaMc for Churches, Halls,
Coniilin: lloii-cs, Failois. Sleepinqf A pailincnla,
and Kilehens, j;iiain and Canal Doats, and Rail
Road Cain.
AK- i (seneral sain Ai;ent. I'. r Ra.p' lately pat
ented IHeiriitilic Niche (.' .Id Fen. Wholesale
and Retail (.old and Silver Fen Holders, and
Pcn' ils, and a vari. ty of Fancy (!oods. Those
wishing lo purchase will lind il to their interest
lo call before purcha'jnj; rlsewhcre.
R. K. Cur. diet tuut &. Snd Sis., Phila.
April JO, 1S52 ly
UENRY W. Bl'CHFR informs tho public
that he has laken the Hunbury Ferry and
as he is now well prepared wilh good and suffi
cient erafla he will lie enabled to accommodate
ilis public with promtness and despatch.
April 10, isoa tf.
lent remedy lor coughs, colds. For asla
at thu oilie.
l)iemler 4, 1 851 . .
TnEti:Nuou Excitement!'
Cusli, Steain, Kleclricitj ! !
The Aerial and all other linen out-done ly the
L.lfi1iilnpr Lino of -
"lYTHO, liavimr prcat faith in rapid sales and
small profit, hasjuKt received ami opened
a large assortment of
At his Slore in Mar.tet Plreet, Suiilniry, which
he offers to the puldic at the lowest prices.
Ilis stock consists of a peucral assortinent ol
Dry Hoods, viz :
Cloths. Cansimi-m, Ciminrts, Jeans, DriUin"si
Muslins, Linens, Culitoes, Muslin dc '
Lains. Lawns, (linahnms. lleragrs.
Sit.K & Palm 1,i:.f Hat?.
A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for
Men, Women and Children,
Sugar, Tea, Cofiee, Molasses, Cheese, Spi
ces, Fish Salt, Plaster.
Viz : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, A c.
Tea Hells, Plates, Dishes, Cvps, Saucers, tpc
Vine Brandy, Gin, Rnm, Whiskey, Jtc.
CP" Country produco of all kinds taken in ex
change at the highest market prices.
May 8, lts5 ly.
(TpSoUO chajxkncs:.
r HATTCVJ'R pnnrcniB the hmlih mid hnpj t: ,i C n
I ijeoj'tr ik nl timiF fit the ni-iKt volntilii'- itti(vrt
Oikm'. 1 tnke it IT cninird (lint every ncrin wiil tin nil in
their tnWer, t .,Ve tin- liven m" llu-ir rlnl.lmi, mid lint
cvitj- prrn-.n will jintfiivr ti pr -m -tr tliiir own hi-idlli nt
nl1 R''TttinR. I t'tl i( to W. my duty to nolcinnlv fiMturr
c" " ll" r"rei i ea tnriM;inei:?. in in peiU-ciiv :.t'
w.n n ...ken, mi,l i-.m ln iriv.-n lo tin; leinl.r inn, m ,
I with il.-eiileil In n. ii.-i.H eilvet, whera li m-el (.' ,
end liiarrlxen li.ive ni.iilc ilifin v. -.-i k o.ul ilet.iiitiile.1 llie
rr''erli.-s i.i my Worm yr.tii are sueli. it
sl' wi.ii' ut nn eijurt'l in ll,,.'.lnmie ol" nif.ii.'ii'.
K vi'iu tone nnd slreiiLOh o itu St."tieli. wl.ieh in.ikefl it
' ! i''' (ii.''i -in c.. -wi nnv,. n.-vr !.-.'. n kn .wn I.
I. Ill III t illing lilt lit'., I ! ..l li'.' ( ( I;,,,
n.7- i.ivr.r: n:.:.:-.
N nart r.f !,e s',:'ni i.i liinrn iir'l.V to ili-cripf lli in tV
j i i . r.ix. ii r.-iuna '' a u :. ifr I t pniliy llie IA i. il, nv :
la I'1" prop, r s.:e.e!i .n p. Il.i- l,il
i ilr'l any w r i
I "1 11." 1...-.T rl. v.., 1 1 ,.
' imp rt::in ;m l : inn r. ..! s 'ii.t';.-, i. I ,iv-r i - tnt -i mt . .1
ili.-e. t'yf i' s.n, tt-n. . ..- 8'. nit I. ll.' ti i .re. wrilf.1. "v. ry
i svnipl.'l'l that mii-lit indie:,!? n w. :.'-l. 'ii ..f tli-- l.ivef.
Th. I'i:l Ihmus e .nip .s.-.l ..f CmiTS te. I'l.ANTS Ini-
li.sjll l.v lo tin- ti, ;, . .Namely. In. An l..
; ri'L'TOIl A T, nnyint-iils llie se.-r.-ti mi fr m l:ic
' 1'.;! a 'iini-v nin.-ns i.k inl.n.n'-. er pr- ni-'ti-;- Ik,. i. s-,-:..--rt; e
, of s.-ere:.-,l matter. 3...I, An A I.TKK ATI Y I'.. wi::. ;.
; c!i:i:ie.-s in s ...le i-.t-xiil.t-.l.t.. n,l i"H..c:i.' ...,..r .....
! viaim ! net ion of i!.e syM.-in. :i;d, . TUNIC
; kii.- nil.. fir.-i-f7in i. it.e 'irrv. us S'S-.' in. re-
iii-wii.!: he-il'h and vnt'ir I-. .-.II p.irls of llir pit
I CATll AttTiC, wlneb nets in nenVrt linrinoar m .i.i 'i!...
olh-r nnd openilii.; on il... Tl..wc!s.' i--v ..
"'! WI m .- o. e .. ri.-'l :m, vit. eed ninllt-r. no.
1 r"'" t-
... . . , "ii",, ii' c;i , U S'-.iM mi, r
t'.'t I.'l
jr. ....a.
i Y.-n will R ,.l ti..e I'm. i.i ...i..i...
I;.; nn-.s lo wiii.-h v.'.i in.' "l t l.. .
' ii.o. , i .. i .i i j ... -
Inn i.i p.trt.r.l. lin y li.ive hi-en f.imvl ,,f nit-i-lim ...!e
, 1" neat, n-n-.ri.i-.- ih.-r umeii . . , , i 1rni.''e.n-n's to n I.-
neti.-n. pari.-the i, .,,d m-1 oih-r H-m's si .-il- .-.n
a.-.v tp P."! to ll.-.l.t i.ii eo.npl-imin wl.ieh ni-iy ii'is.- fr-.l.l
, ":"!:: - .'-.';'. '! ';'eiic, siuMii.e,,ii.,m of
; e:.ii-p'ltn in llie sn.t. Pr..-k. .Ve.
Trice, 2") cents each.
Vote ai-imi.n- nnl -ss s-p.u-d J. N. II,.!icns.-t.-k, nM oll.prs
' .:'in:t l'.isi- Imil.'i. ..1.
I Atfenls wit-'iiiifr new supplies, nnd Store Keepers
; of l.i-c:iiiin--r Acenls mnsl nddiess Uir Prom it-lor.
J. .V, I'ilil.liUli'lllil. I'll.
I t- 'I'l hy .1. W. t-'rilinir. Snnlnirv ; M iry M.-f'ny, N 'r- :
i; H.-it.-l, 'I'n,l.iilvill-:'' M ill. in ; Duty
i A- l.en'i.-r. ; I .--is.-ni l.itr ,V '"tve.l..n, Pnxi
in s; W'iiM, Hickory; all dealers' in .Vwliriue in the
i . '.'in y nun ;
Aug.l-t 11, -., Iv
4l 't and .7rc. StreJ,
! fJAVK -tal.!i-l,ed a Store where the 11
I S.A trade now resort for
j Household Hrv Onods
French Fancy tloods,
Prcs3 Willis and Shuuls,
Hosiery, (lluvcs and Milts,
I'loths, Castiniciri and Ve.tingH,
Muslins and Linens by the piece.
I la mask Table Linens and Napkins,
Patent Black !-'i!ks for,
Full iStock of .Mourning (!oods.
E. &L. ore const. mlly recetvin- llareains from
the New York and Philadelphia Auctions, wbi. h
they sell wholesale and retail very cheap tor Nctt
-.lwAni E. nvr.K, U'asiiinotox I. LASmxi.,
Philadelphia, July 3, 1852. ly. .
Van Lo;t:i
J ) 11 g-1 1 c F iv a n ( 1 a 1 1 v v v,
150 Chestnut Street,
T ee!.;l.rale(l establishment you can always jirn
cure ti.e newesl nnil niosl improvm! styles .a''
at t'r-im ."ill to IIHl pur ct. Ltsi cost than sueli jiielurt-ti can
lie li-nl c'rewliere.
N -vvlli.-il -"ii cm serine snr-h perf.-et (mrlrails of vonr
lovrit .-ur-K at a mere noniiiiit! cwt, ilin't ileLiv lc.fy.-u
1 s Iln-iii.
r.v.-iy v.u of fiit.ey ensej. fnnries. Ae, on linn.l or
fnrnl.eil to or.lei, nml every picture niaile suli.lory nii'l
n-.n rmiteil I-. lie in the lir-.t .tyie of the ait or no ciiabur
Call antt lee ns at Cliesinut st.
I. II. I'l ItM'I.I,'lli'hia July 17. i,".S. Iv.
nu: i.iti: it s'liiz:: iilou. ar
r.ivi'ii :
No. 1 IS Chcfluui. St., above Sixth, Front oj
FTTTT) I A VE )wi received their Tiiic
"VTUl l Medal, awarded M them for
I i-1 JJ their l est Travelling Trunks ex
hibited nt the World's Fair in Loudon, 1851
bcins the only exhibitors to whom any award
was made. Their competition wan with nil tlic
world, am) they have taken THE PRIZE!
To be found in this City, and nt very low prices
Call and see. IIK'KEY t T'tT.L,
Trunk Manufacturers, 1 IS Chestnut St.
April 10, lAi-Z. tf.
The Johnsltm Ink
rTiHE begs leave respectfully to in--I-
form Puistkus generally, that he has suc
ceeded to the Busiuess of inuiiiifaetunnir Print,
iug Ini formerly carried on by his grand Father,
and Father, and oilers his article to the trade,
without any l'l rts, but with the simple reliance
upon the long established character it has home,
feeling confident of its giving entire satisfaction
to all who way favor him with a call. Tchms
April 10, 1852. tf.
II. B MAse-ER.
bunliurj, 1851. 2
l'ublislicrs and liooksellcrs,
Aro. 84 North Third Street,
Bit.lcs, Prayeis, Hymns, Poelieal and llistorieal Works.
Travels, . Novels, Ae., Are.
school hooks
Kvery kind tn ue (com n prim-r upwards.
An rlrtmnt nt""rtfn'nt fr-n ih tvr ifHk ujjwnnl.
made of tti)Kritr paper, mid tei tl lnmliitg.
Cnp, 1'ot, Rnd N'nlp Puprrr, i-l'nnt ntj l.ond qnnMty,
Qiid very c lien p.
Fnnry, VIrtin mid rllii'ivc Kiivciupcn, Ink, Putid, Vn
fiirn, Wed Pens, Mntrf, l'ciiHI, l'i'vlc-.Mininit.i, Wrup
pint I'npcrs "I nil kiinN, Cnrlitin rnpt-rn, Ac, Ac.
Our stnek If nil fr?f-lit ( m-j!it clir-np mid s-ld iifrrdtnrly.
Pnrtimlnr nttMiti'm inid l U-ihi1!iT(i, t.Vttintry Mrr
clmntft mid 'IVucltiTit. linvrtT lit t Jo tln-y m"' '"'
S m'r A; U:tni'i are ru!Iiilmi nf l'Kl.TON'rt fciics of
Kncli nmp is nnrl W. FA KCKT MI A!IK, nnd
hfVf th i:tiiip:ir:ittu mid n 'liiiivi' p"Hi n of tv-ny
e.mnfrv on t'lC i; r 1 li itrc in'cm.i-ii ( Ik sufiu mmi i
in evny ,Hm. mid not nr.Ve n F.l. i,.lid up- j
pcjirnnc-, nut nre uiiivrrniily itr-kuwit th:n ! tn? tlirt
Iil-T .MOUI-. tF I t.Al If l.ti til Jitiif Al'II ever
broneht mil. They tip k-s int'iidd to .c iiffd by the
wlvilar, enntniiiiiii: n e inj lfip t -.ill nne of Oeocrnphy. nnd
cost in)); lers than half the price of u ti'viernphy nnd Att;.f.
The syFtein is in univeiat use in Prussia nnd liciTnany,
nnd hni rdrcndv tn n introdnrrrl in tiiraid t.'i'i!i I'tn a.
ilflpbia, the public eclim.lsr.t Mosinn. New 'trk. Phi hi- j
tleluhia, IJalUMi ire, W:iliinaiott, tmd ttirnihtnit "W 1
Knfflnnd, New York, Ar., Vp. ((or tlrnkn ore I mded
witli rrc'iiinicndnliniis (mm the in "ft ti'tentcd ntul seien
lifi' t'-nehrrn in every quarter, mid wlietevcr the syiit-m
lias bien iifed pnmil., I'iiii-bui k iuhI schoiarn unite in prain
ii.g H.
I. Mrtp of the Wwtprn ll-'innltrrf.
3. Map of I'm Kat(;ru lieini'ipie (a.
3. Map of Nnrth AlMrrir-i.
4. Map of fie I'ni'tit i-.atep.
Vy. iM:ip of Kiirop;,
0. M:.p Ol' Afi:'.
7. Map ff S nt!j A'nerien mil Aftica.
Kvery nmp in bi liliimtly e. 1 m-d, Miutlied, nnd mount
ed 'n ir.itKj in mtd r. 'Hera.
Wc n speetfiilly invile the rnrn- ft a'tei ii nf Tenrlin R.
Pa rent b, nnd Sch-ml Diucbtr-' to this t'.u iin: 1117 nrnde of
teacliiHjr fieonrnpltv. M)Wi:iE ,'. I'liNKS
y Third Mreet,
Philadelphia. Aitjr. i??, tf.
jy ES-'l'KCTl-'l'l.l.V inform the citizens of
-lta' f-'niilmrv and vieiuily. that he has eoiiunen
ecd a new sli-ie in Wlioill.'.'errv slreet. in ll.e
house l.irrnorlv oeenpied I-v alrs.tirav. I'.n.l lins
rn..;. ,t , ,.,... ,1 ' ,. ..ll ,...i..,'.i,l ,
. 1
Krv Ceo;!,
Consistinp: in nf
c i.oti i t a i m i: i:m, r atiin rrvf,
And il irrrxial :i r-s . rl :n i" ti t of
r.f every v.u 'i ty nnd st !i
(I '.UK" '!'.! KS cf i-veiy in 'sci ijr.i.m.
, Al-.o an a.-.iorl:-.eiil i f
I i!A!irv.i:i; au c'"i';:xpVAi:",
' And n irei;errl vni Iv i f . rr1i'!f5 ei.c'n a-.
1 n.e le 1. 1 1 .:e 1 . ..!', a 1! .i v. !iii !, i V, -.v o!d
' at l!:e ;..v..-t e '.
C.:t!!.liV r.-.lo -c t.;-.'.l i:i ;1
l.i ;',:ct I ri.
tiio'iir', y.. v '"r.'.,. i.i.
.'"F -.TS t'l i". tl. II -;
i i:,.
-tJ ii la :;!-. iiooi: ; : v : i w t n i: i:;;.-. -
TI:e surseri!. ;; r.-st',- i:.i'-.;;:i lli. Ir !'.:.-;:.::;
aiul the pt.l''ie, lli ;t tiu-v a-o no-.v e 1 i-rv in- o.i l!ie
al.rive l.iii.!i:e8 at too. t .I.:) .'- i'ANI.'i i.eei;j.i.-i! l.v
Iiiekok vV (.'.). 'i'ln-v !'!. i!i--e!-,i-s il.r.t !,v
careful u!l
il to i i:-.ii.t .... i!.. v vv i : 1 n. . .il an.l
roeeive a i-o,;ii..ii:in,-.- ,.f ti e j a!r..:;;.c to liiior
allv civ, - r ! i - ll-e i".,. i.
r:;'. '.
.. .:i v. :: I c t.v t":.- ri:!;r?
tlrnl 1 h:'l - ' , ' of I.:::;.!. .,,!,:;
lor km.;.', . .-...I..-, i.u ,.'!.:. nl ami (.riiuli'. i.!:;r.l ., no.i i-veiv variety of foil aii'l liall
b .nml M. '.!'. !-... !:-. '("..1 ! o.-'.s, yi-r ..!:.-,l l,.w
l o....-1, l .i. .., ii. v.ii:i... i. -.
i-..i!e!ii a'.. I in any t!;. ie ie;::iie
In a.kii.i-iii 1 i ai'.oe, l',.'V
lit all lin.l I.ii '. a )..-;.. ..ii a-:-. ia
. f l-'i'.i-
I.. -tier ! r. ;-; ol
K.iiv. s,
I ...
I "'.::
i.i l-.-.
pr.,,.......; ..
I i
. r.r.-l
l'.-l I
11... 'l
:l :'-, i.
Tr .'.-f. r - .M I . V. '-i:-,
l'.-,. n:; ' It. ..-k I.. :.
Ill lie " rVtilin. V,:x,
S..--I I'ens, H.n.- I,,!:.
C.irajiiip Ink. it'pvi i-.' I.:!,-.
A..- '.I'.i W.i'i'.i; I'i I..', II.
t .1"" l'..H r ruled to i.a!t. i n, i
ml all
iv.i.S we.r
CO. rallied an I
aie very eh. ;:j . . .
' r. j.. i:i;
March !'
1 . 1 1 ili 1 a
v. AsuiTux nors:;
ja:ie3 cavr:.r. r.-crri-.-tor.
1','T()ri.U ici-eetf:ii:v i'minum-e that he l as
t:.l.en well I.::. .Mil Mand. viln-.e be
j will I e pi-alilied t 1 see and c.:l. .lain bis irit 11 Is
j and ll.e li.'v. Ilii.:: public KPiierally. This house
j is ifow lej-leic v. ilii every eiu.i enieii'-c, c.i:ii!'or'.a- ,
i l ie. p!c:'-:ir,l!y 1. u-.t ! i-.l, 1 .-.n.!: omelv furnished,
' well v.'iiti'.nle.!, rendering it in every re.s;.a t a
j disireblc slni'pliti; place.
. o e- l i 'i.- .' bil l I .-i'i. s-.i'T.-tl ia I'.ltii-.-i- mi tl.:s .
. 1,,,,,-c. Ti.o c'liinlns nr.- well furnislied 1111. 1
i,e table r.nd liar .iovi.led with the I ,st the,
1 market can a.r.rd.
I T'lie stable accommodations a.-e eten:;ie and
, WCI ca'.eubacd for travelers.
! ..,. -V-..-.I !...-t ...a . I
llr ri..-n ii.i.ii.ii lli'il. 1, 1,1 1 lllt'll'.- t.l 11:1 ll. -
Pottsville, stop at tiiis house, where lliromdi and ;
way tickets to Fhiladclphi 1 can be obtained.
Miubiirv, March CO, loo'.'. if. 1
iiuowx NTi:!:;"r,
o':iv F'.i rlh,
vim js.x.rJr.r r;i2 .
rfpHE undersigned ic.-pe'.-lli'l ly inform the pu'i
lie that they are in full operation i.t tlicir
new foundry, nnd ready lo execute orders for
stoves of every descripli in on the most reasona
ble terms.
They invile the attention of .'-TOVi; DEAL
ERS t.i their laio as.-oilnient of tTO ' Es. nil
of which are entirely t.ev., nnd (rot up at great
expense. Auioncr which are ton Liberty Air
Tiht Cook, Cnuiplcle Cook, Mir Air Tii;lil,
Star Frnnkiin, Kidialor, Jenny Lind 1m
p roved, Fire King Radiators, s-'a'auiandciN, Can
nons, Rases. Rare Cylinders, liar Room btous,
Furnaces, lias Ovenm &e.,.Ve,
K. B. Country ineic'iauts arc ..u li. til.iily
invited lo call and examine our a.-.s; rli.u-nl.
April 10, Itio. ly.
C()?il.MI;.SK) X ai i : V. Cl I A n t,
No. 0, North 1 17; i? it -v,
Where the foil. man.; goods arc re -eivcJ nnd s.U
cu cjinini.--.sion,
Dried Ap.!es, Pcailu-s, Plums, Pears, Cherries,
Ac, (iii-i-u A I pica in Barrels or by tho Bu.-h.-l,
Beans, Peas, Cranberries, Onions, Mercer i'o-
j tatoes, Mueet Pnlaloes, Sheibarks, Chcttnuls,
(jioun.l Nuts, Oranges, Lemons Rai.-ins, Fis,
Prunes, (.rapes. Poultry, Egas Butter, Cheese.
And all kinds of Foreign and Doiiiesiic Fio
duce. Philadelphia, Dec, 13, 1851 Iy.
nnilE subscriber takes this method of inform
ing the citizens of Sutibury und vicinity,
that they are engaged in tho manufacture of
Soap and Caudles, of the best quality, at No. 41
Filhert ftreet, Philadelphia. They respectfully
invite all who buy for cash, to give him a call as
they will rind it to to their s.lvunlago ill dealing
with him for articles 1m tSeir lino.
41 Fill-crt above 0th
December IS5I if.
THE riiilnil.1.lii.-i Window f;ia Ynre
honse, and Unig, 1'aint, Varnish, il and
Color tstoren,
Jtoj. 33 and 3."i Nurih Furth Street.
I'ast side.l.ns tho largest asFortmi'iil n AVindow,
Picture, Coach, (.'asc, Hot-House, and other
in the city; comprising upwards of l.r,,0(!0 dif
ferent sizes, ranjtiini from llie .sniolli -t sle, op Jji
3S l.y GO iinhcB of frliect, and nn Inrro as ." Ly
7 fee! of Plate tilnss, iucludim; Kneli'h (.'rown,
I'reiieh, (Jcrinnn n.ol A ir.eiii'.in, ln.t!i
inSlo r.cfl Doullo Tb't!:.
Also, a lurpn nssoilniei.l of Very 'J'hiek Oluss,
for Kky-I.ightK, HulU Win. lows, A-c.
The h'ul.seril.rr havinp: a In aty slo. k on li.ind
is prepared to li'.l old. ra at li.e nhnrte-t in. lire,
and on the rranoiii.l.le tiruis. Odd sizen
of any pattern cut to order.
('.ouml White la ad ; 1'nint, Vaniih, of ev
ery description; Turpcnliii" ; l.iimed C!il, hiil-
I ed mil raw; l'nii.t .Mills; I'ut'y ; l;rio:Iies ;
I've Woods, VC. u., ie.
,Ul nj n jn SIl,(iJv t,f fir:.T, i,:1.,rt
. .
'Ut:c;s am) Mr.DiciM'.s.
.i. h. Kfi'Ata i:.
Nop. nn ic S". Anuh itii St., E.Kidc.
Air'd 1(, is.r,-j. 1 y.
"aid AicD coairor.T,"
'! o Your Owes iTst't'kniiics.
ci-oiici": iienx.
ruRxiTcni: jxn ciuins
C: t!;o x.ic:t Fn.r.lilonR'-b Sf;lc.
rpilK snberilier i'e-j.c.'i.'r!!v .:', tin- iitionti m j
- of the pill. lie lo his and splendid assort- I
mcnt of every ;..:.: 'ilv nnd ;.rie, of
i e r t.- tj r- .f . n r
. iiA ii . l.', " & j , t ..... n
uhich cannot f,.'! !o rei eiiiiiie:id il.'.e'ftoeverv one
who wiil' il. on a. ei not of iis dura!';.'
w or, niau"h:i un.l n.h.l i'.nifh. inado ni of the
best t-t.ick t ' ' had in :!.e -,;y. ( ;;'ort is
F.areii ia llie in of l;is v.aic, an.! llie
tail, -eril.i r i-; il. r'ni. '' I l 1 . . i i. v.;,;i liie
ineny in:;'. m im. :.s wiiie'i cmi. lantly l.ei.i;;
l.i.iil.'. I ,i- . ...i.':.; Ol' X..!;iVMI;V
i .ii iii ..o i .I.,ii l.;.M.'.li i.iJI.i.N,
; ,. l 1-1-1,1.
and a'eo V iM'i A lli.l .' i.S, e.;n;. lo I'l.ila-
i!i; l l.ianuia.-liire.
in'l.'sTi;.',,-;, ,,( ('v..'y ).:.;, !, ,m , ri,v,
cri'l'.oA'ir.'S. v;v::,- wd c.wi-.i.k.
STANiy. 'IVI'.KT T.i'.F.,; S)
i:xt;:.i: TAi:i.r.:'.
In siioit. e
lie ai.-o
::;: t '. line of i.i, !..:-in
luaiilUs-- of
Ike cliie -.
:.!:,!. H ll,
t :.:'iil'.
1'. . ..
I. -.-ins a :
l.v i'lii.l
.1 .-. . u !,el e. I.'. ;.:
i;t for woi-i-..
il" i :!ji;;;i'.
l.iiii.-..!!' v.iui a i,..,..
Ul.;. Havinr -r.n-.::--
i.:i- il.;a:i.:. I.e i. i:-.-i
an I atteii.iin liii'.-i
t'.' , eoiiv.-nii i.t ut
pr. j
1 I,.- I
-", in I!. is i
.:,-! f.-..,,l 1!
t . Ti.e
I Vi .
;: .s i
'i. !;'!' .t!:
1 :-
'i r..i-
i'. ;i .'ii'iiirr-i i n
. ii.i.'. ir.-; j - iv ,!( t
1 v 1 :y t !;.-.;.. " ;,
'ul I"' i.i J. ti
ii'i-.ttlv, -Ii-iii,
: ; vx.
l:.-i- n. e. a
' 1 1"
1 1:. 10,
l.y the ,
. C..C 1.1
:. e
Ts e
! n.
l- . '..: .I. . .... ..-. :i .-! 1 1 s I.ii-.. il e. o
l:. 1 i 1
r to e:.i;n; -ral-' i.i lb-- pni'li-- pri:.! ..
i r Any pciso.i -, -,i.i,j 1 ii.M -! ! Ii
CLNT.'. cii.-l 'Sed in a b li. r will re.-ei-. e nne
eo v ol lb';- I .y l '.i.ll, or five epic will I e
sen! for one .i . ! 1 ... A, 1,1. ess. ).,:. . Y'.H Wi..
No. I.M i;i I. !: .-"ir..-!. PIl'.l.Abi-X.PiUA."
'CT' I'i- " ni".!l can be c..:isn!;,-,l 01 nny of
lite . i i i 1 e 1 in his il::'.'.-.ei:t a
li .'ns, at bis O; i.-e. l."2 rs;'ru,ie direct, every day
l-etiveen !t an ! ;! o'cb'.-',;. (Sundays e'.cep.c.l.)
Fi:ibnle!iiii.., .lui.c .'i, l.s.V-. iy.
Lunnct:., IZrts
?.i i ! 1 i M e r v (lot) (Is!
T'O'F.Rf'H ANTS and .Milliners when in Phil-
j $ ti adelphi i to ptiivha...' their coo.l.s. will find
it to l.iei.- inlerc-t t-i exiiinio.'' our lar-'c and tas.i
ionablc slock of
A'.'e in.inuo. line largely and the
N i. w 1 1 i.i s i.t
fe fc t :via l::x I rii'M
in our line ; wb'. h t- er v.iih elher inlvatit i
ges enable ti t (.::'. r l.i er.d iiiduccntt-iits to
lie VI'. us.
r. a. ('Rfo:;i:R, & co.,
Nos. and J'J t.'be Hint Mrect, and No. fill
t-oii!li ,-H'Ciind IMrect, Vn-it iilc. near Chcitnut,
December '27, I " ly. cf.
V J .'L. Jl sni. i rsW rrt. .-Va. I. sc.F g
1 I'
Nu. -13 Ch -stivt Street, a'-ire Ste.),.d.
JjS prepared to .'.. EN liEA YIN ii and PRINT
IMi. in all t'o-ir 1-iauche--, We-!. iin. i-.ilin:j
and R tisine-., ( 'al. '.-'., D l ! 'i'iel.. Is, ','al.-i Pa:.,-.s,
Labels. F.-il li--::.'-, Notes CI e. k... Diaf.s'and
Dijil niias-. tei'l.! and .-tauips I'.r Corpoiati nis,
Odd FclUnvs, ?, .-ons of Temperance. cYc.
All the above engraved in llie best manner.
Orders by Post pioinpl'iy attended lo.
December-:., lnl ly.
J () II A. II A 1! 1! I S,
Manufacturer, D' al'T in
Imported r.ud Domestic Solars,
AlsS a pencral assurlmenl of
5.caf & Jlar.itf.itlm oil oIiir r,
f 10NST NTLY on hand, al the lowest mar
j k,.t ,,ri,vs. Comer of Chestnut and
Wharves Philadelphia.
December 3 7, lSoL ly- I
4 15 N OLD'S W1!ITL0 FLUID and Adhc- !
A. 've and. ega. envelopes, fiirsaley
Sunhury, Ufa 10. lS5; .
TWCt"oF COFFEE An excellent
IV article more wholesome and much cheaper
than Cofl'. itself. For sale al this ofiice.
April IT 1 !.V
cnnnix'TED weekly.
V;, , ""k ""'' full"
All solr. iil Imnks I d.i
All snlveat Innki I d.s
All solvent liMk, 1 A.
,.i nicin hunks
I.....H mi I'hnn,.
llniik ot C'liini.-r Co,
lerslmrjr 1 di
nllk '.'a V-V,'"",""" "" ,:,r! A" '"W-" .. J,rllysl,i,r , ,y Jlk ,,.
.olveiil Imnks I d
ilT jik iMiPfl nnder f.1 ) di
i. m in i,rtv.:.'U'.i
l:.... o .li.'l,ll,.t.,u
i "i. riti,
1 ikn All Mrrnts Uinkn 1 dif
.l.'li'P'.inrv Co IijmI,-
M V ll iiui. V
... ... . . ...11;n pin iwiviftcre Mrmk
i. ' 7,! '""" ilti.r-MHin.Trml H.n
l; ...U of U.ini .!!..
I Mmilr 2 iim
- V:,"VhI" rTi.r. HimkMon
' h" ''""te 1 ilis V.St J Mi.1.11.
piirTlif. H;Mlk Monl Hulk' i.r
I .i.l:e i:.tnl(
1 ihs 1.,V M...Middietnwii Pt. par
I '!ii.ti!ur I
- i m , ft li'p,. C nr Althiiiiii'n Ilk. Newnrk mf
i 'J I. ink ,.rT,.,.h.A M.-.n. Ilk Trent vor
J-.x.'hai,i... li-Ji l,i!t.-t.lirir I il.s'Ncwnrk llky A ,. Cn Vis
l.v-lm,,..,. ll !,. I!,,.l, ),;,,. U:m -
r!,o',',',"rr. L ' ' 'U''" l'1'1''" I'at'erson His
I aimers' lk, I Joie.-nttcT pro Prnierton Hnk .
l-.iriner.' Hit. I:,? ,,ar Solein li.a.kinir Co, ,
' Mi Co prcr Pemerret Co llmk s ....
'.' A' ,'!: "MV.:V ' , S!:'"' '.'."..ten 'iHir
r:...l. ... I...-, U :,;.!, l,simtc 111; lilizulll.lo,, J,i,
llnrrislmri. Il.i.ik I ilis S:nle Hunk Newark Id.,
It.iaeMl-ile H .l.k 1 ilis Sl.ile Uk, N. llrmiswieli T l;.:..k 1i:;t.Siisw:x l..i.k. .ovl'.l j d.
1..-I ......a Il.oile f...r Trenli.ii H.-oikini! Cu reir
alireh. A Mini, I disiriii'.n li.iak. Dover d.s
M.' H'k. I'otisviile per VnnllevvleA JI llr Co 15,(,
M .iintmn!'..';. Il.iiik clis'fyjtk notes under ?5 litis
l.iylorsvV llelll'irCo I.) Itisl III'.I.AH'ARH.
W esi lir.n. li 11 mk jinr'Hink of Delnwura pnr
y.'li.'inr Ilk, W ilkeil.V p'.ilMiink ol' ri.i.vriin ni,r
ork Hiailt, I .lis llelewnre Ciiv Hank pnr
tir lieliefiioi.-s i dis Ilk Wiln.'j'nA llmmlyw. wi
, .'lAIM'!. I'.irini'rs' Ilk Si llel.uv.ire pnr
I.-.i.kofW hell,.,-k Ai'is fni.'li Hunk. Wilmington nnr
Mere.inl.ln H,-. H,tKr o ili.'fj.- I.nder K.Vs . J d.s
All . .Iv.'.a I,:,,,!,, ? d.s,' OHIO.
,NI;U' H A.MI'SIJIUK. All solvent tanks i His
A'l.'lv..l l,.,l., J dis XtT-Hk n.'l.-siln.ler S's 4 d.s
I. . 'k "I r-l .ll'-.i,n S d.slAII s .Ivenl Links i dm
Al! s . h.nis j i!its', SJ Uis
At to nliliii l Ware Itoom of
si-:irN noupT & co.
inai'Kct bquarc,
wn street the Railroad
!V, l'A.
t l..:i.:.,..l for tl.t- patrnnaw of liis rrienils an.l
i l.v!, ,!-, ,!rin-r t!.e 1 7 years lie 1,,,, l,rei, j llsi.
i.e.--, in tlii, lie solicits froni tiio public a con-
,,l-i"" f lla ir I'.miiv. l.'iu-inir tIii (.eriml ha
l. i . ei:tk-;.v.i.-e I to ;e. i up llie in,ir,ivcin-nt
ol li.e i!,iy. anil lias ae. oriliii-'ly .-xtemlcj Ilis busi-l.e-s
i;. ew,v I r.iinli a:.. I vnviely. 'J'lic public aro
tlieiei'.-r,- invile.! to t;,i ntlcnlion of tlic prcstnl
Mo.-!; t.f
ol.i-ii-i.-ACTi'iif.n r.v
12:1 Lili KOUPT & CO.
-I'.' Old .-'t,,l,
Wlti'i-e io H.Milion to tkeir former stotk of tho
i -I .:.!:-!;... -!:t li.ey now inaniifaettire, & Cane-Ssat Chairs.
J. rs", X unit. i Scut Hot kin s; Chairs,
;r ; vy..-'.v, Cmtrc Tables,
-''.'' Tc? IW, Stands,
a,:-! ''n', ,' of ether
i. ?i" s'r.'c i:nel
i:'.': .:::.-:;; Ee F,;;':i;rc.
a ll.-:i,::e and made tlic ncers
lor ll.e purpo--e, tliey nre now
ToiMii:; in nil ii branches, in
ny c invent! nt dislnnec.
;f' .:.,. .. a;. I liusli;n.:h loo,
I t. v. 1 y i' Ie .iii.l line,
'I 'Wl 1 . I.j,-i..n t:i!,l,...
i-l i'.i
I . : : ..ii-'
K.-iai .:.;.- b
l-'r e. r . l.i.
r ' :....- i)'.-.rJ in 1 ,-.;:in: fri.ill;
I V' .1 !! 1 !::.-.-. !ic rii'iy ,nv. t'l p. i'(
wait :"-.! :. T-r 11 !-r:- ':'..-r N-ller ,lny,
- i "; r Ti;. w:,e:ii nnil rvc;
!:": . i -. jiiiv-s. ..r l-'inl.'-r wet and ilry,
; l!:i .u' I ... y- :,.-s tiir.-iiiin H.iils,
: . " ;: ;i '.,''.: -.! t. litti... iiniii:..
"ii .!:. r. ir -: !s. c ,!::. ..jic n.itl .-ill.
Ol !..
it .:
(i.- ..
r. i,
! ; ! '' .1 :... i...-. . . ". '.i 1;... I1.....0
(. ' 1' .; . -1 .. :i liisLmco promptly attended
1 :-..:.' i . Ii of ail ilriivercd willt dispatch,
r-t. , ."iai-.h !, I "i!l. If
::.:s"p.y, ta.
r rcsjuctfiilly inf-.rms her friends
-i Mii:
i'i .. li.c public ,iy, lint nl,,. ils taken
t' C ill i.i c .11 i.llOlV.I -;:l..i lieni-Iy Opposite tilS
''"nil ii. .::-,, lately oeni;.ie.l by Mr. J. C. Pcr-I..,;--.
Mi;- tn -'s l!:al b.-i- ej-ericnce ill business,
and In r :I . .-1 .- to in .ke Iter attests comfortable,
wi.l :;ie entiie s .ii jn.-iion to ihoac who may fa-v.-r
her i;h their . i;-,i):n.
Me r.-h s:, I .-)!.. if.
J. IL iIli:i"E.UMAN,
tn.lurv, Pa.
in l eer S.
t. inline. liiiiclv opposite tho
t-.-hoo! liou c.
; ...I..!..,
...I liu'-iiic-. I'l.'ini.tly ami cat.
, '.:.;:(;: nc tS.t)JiS,
J li'l! rir Cipiisr, han.lsoine'.y bound, D'Ap-
: J r-l.-.l.'s lllsioliv OK Till: IJl.llllIM ATlllt,
"i.vk lliv-i.ooiis on Lkiiii mis, full bounded.
' Tor sale at tlic publisln-rs rri:-cH bv
' '.?, My 11. lin
I '..'TON:-: Ware, Earthen Ware, Itaisins, Al
I i'., P t,;,i s and Cream Nuts.
; l'l.H.Ca of all kinds.
i .v.u! and Pi.nrer. Jtist received and finale
j .'unbiiry, lice. 2!), 18-19.
: p OSK OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this
?1 excellent arlitle for Tetter. A c, just received
I "'a! for sale i y HENRY MAtSJiER.
uiibury, .Inly SS, ISIS)
ff lOI.D PENS with nnd without cases, of a
X.n x,,ry nuj-erior ipiality, just received.
Alio a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sail
!'' 11. E. .MASSER.
Sunhury, Dec. 27, l-"il.
7'I'RAC'I' CF OINfiER. A fresh supply
just received and for sale at this oflice.
P.i. c '-5 cents.
Nunbury. Ju v Y2, ISM.
s.ill.VER WATCHES. A few double ease
- Enalish Silver Watches, for sale nt very low
prices by II. 1). MASSER.
Sunbiiry, April 12, 1S.11.
1 1 bar butllcs for sale by
Sinn ury, April, 12, IS51
ijUS CUES. An excellent article, for sale at
half the usual pri.-e bv J- W. FA'II.ING,
Siiiiburv. July 7. 1SI3-
V;T LANK NOTES, waiving the exemption
i'i .? law nf :t!0, for sale by
April 211, 18.-.1. H. B. MASSER.
Ej-fc. DD'S celebrated Horse nnd Cattle Medi
J p cine for sale by HENRY MASSFR.
.-'.uiburv. Jan. 27tii. IRtfl
nV;:E BILLS. Justices and Constables Fee
IP 11 ills liandsolncly printed on can paper for
sale st llusolii.e.
BOR sale nt this cilice, Supcri
- I'altle Medicine ut 25 els, P
rior Black Ink,
uro Essence of
(iingcr.25 cent
B15L ANK6' of every description can be had by
13 applying at the ollice of the American.
iyiaTINO FLUID and self sealing Ena.
' lopes, just received and for snle hv
April 19, H. B. MASSER.
fS'lSsL'E PAPER Yellow Tissue paper for
1 covering- glasses, &c, lor tale at the (. flics o
ll sM. .rKSsJ!- m. .:. ..-f -f,