Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 25, 1852, Image 3

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Thousands of parents who use Vermifuge
composed of Caster oil, Calomel, &c, are not
aware, that while they appear to benefit the
patient, they are actually laying the founda
tions for a series of deseases, such as saliva
tion, toss of sight, weakness of limbs, Sic.
In another column will be found the adver
tisement of Hobensnck's Medicines, to which
we ask the attention of all directly interested
in their own as well as their Children's health.
In Liver Complaints and all disorders arising
trom those ot a bilious type, should mi"
use of the only genuine medicine, Hoen
sack's Liver Pills.
ID" "Be not deceived," but fr Hoben
sack's Worm Syrup and Li-' '" ad ob
serve that each has tb sisrnnture of the
Proprietor, J. N. H0BENSACK, us none
else are genuine.
MAnniE ,
In this plaee on the lOlh inst., by the Rev.
A. J. Ross, Mr. Nicholas Cantjskr, to Miss
Ann Ludwio, both of Selinsgrove.
In Chilisqnaque, on Tuesday last, by the
Key John Sline, Mr. Lentous Stout, of Mil
ton, to Miss Catharine Troxel, of the for
mer place.
In Milton, on Thursday last, by the Rev.
David Longmore, D D., Mr. Hammond Cad-
WALLADER, to MibS MaRV N. Ml'HRAY, both
of that place.
i i 1: i.
In Rush township, on the llshiiist., Mrs.
CATHARINE, wife ol Joseph Reader, aged
about 60 years.
In Turbul township, on Wednesday last,
Mr. SIMON FOLLMER, nged 53 years.
In MrEivenville, on Tuesday last, Mr
JOHN M'GINNESS, nyed 78 yetus and 6
Philadelphia Market.
Dec. 22, 1852
Fi.oi'R and Meal. The market is firm ;
Bales of fresh ground for export at $5,
and cood brands for city consumption, at S5J
a $54. tSxiru Flour is held at S4 37i'a 5.
Rye Foub. Last sales at $-11.
Corn Meal. Last sales ol Penna
Wheat Sales of prime reil at $117 ;
white at $1ZU.
Rve Is in demand ; sales at 8G.t!s
Corn Is arrivina freely, and prices are
something lower; Bales of dry yellow at 61. 1
mid of while at 60.
Oats. Sales of prime Southern at 4 3
and I'einiii. at 44 el.
Whiskky. S.ilea of bbls at 20V. and hlids
at 25 cis.
Baltimore Market.
Dee. 21, 1S52.
GRAIN. Sales of Wheat lo-dny at 110 a
130 els. for good to prime reds, and 114 11
122 cis. for whites,
Corn is in very good supply Sales lo-dav of
while at 57 a 58 cts , and of yellow at 60 a
61 cts. The laige quantity 111 maiket, how
ever, caused prices 10 yive way ami at the
close no more than 64 cis could be obUiiueii
fur yellow.
Sale of Maryland Rye to-day at 80 cts. and
Penna. at 8!) cts.
Oats sells at 38
strictly prime parcels.
WH1SKEV. Sales of bids., to-day at 26
cti. We quote hlids. ut 25 cis.
WllKAT. - - 100
RvK. - .70
('oil. 0
Oats. - 37
Potatoes, 37
Bl'TTKR. - 18
F.nns. ... 12
Fork. ... 8
Flaxskkii. .... 125
Tallow. -10
Dkkswax - 25
Hecklkii Flat. . - - 17
Dhikii Applks. .... 100
New Advertisements.
TO the Hon. .1. JORD1Jr, Esq., Presi-
dent unit his Slm.orwtcs, Judges of the
court oj (Juarlir Sessions oj the county
of Northumberland :
The petition of CHARLES GARINGER re.
s.iectfully showcth ; that your petitioner is in
possession of a commodious house, situate in the
Borough of Sunbury on the road leading from
Sunbury to Uarrisburg, which is well t-alculalod
for a public House of entcrliiinnicnt and fur tho
accommodation and entertainment of strangers
and travellers. That he is well provided with
stabling for horses, and all conveniences neces
sary for the entertainment of strange is and tra
vellers. He therefore respectfully prays tho
Court to grant him a licence to keep an Inn, or
public house of entertainment at the plae herein
named, nd he will pray, &c.
We the subscribers residents of tho Borough
of Sunbury and Upper Augusla township do
hereby certify thnt C1IAS. GARINGER the ap
plicant for the license, is a man of good repute
for honesty and temperance, and is well provided
with house-room and conveniences for the lodg
ing and accommodation of strangers and travel
lers and that a Public House there is necessary ;
they therefore recomcud him as a proper person
. iu nct-p u puunc nouse.
J. B. Packer,
R. II. Awl,
J. B. Masser,
Jacob Kckman,
Samuel Thompson,
K. G. Marklcy,
James Covert,
Charles Weaver,
Jno. P, Pursel,
Win. I.. Dcwart,
Ira T. Clement
J. Farnsworth,
John Haas,
H. J. Wolverton,
Deccmlier 11, 1852 3t.
fTMIE subscriber respectfully informs the i-itt-lens
of Sunbury and vicinity that he has
opened a Night School in the publie School
rooms in (his place, for the purpose of teaching
tho common branches of an English education,
hut more particularly Heruiug, a branch too
much neglected. His Terms are $ I for sixteen
nights, provided scholars arc satisfied. Fuel
and Light fount! by himself. School commenced
on Thursday night last to continue every night,
until the end of the quarter.
Sunbury, Nov. 87, 1852 tf.
THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
Orphans Court of Northumberland county,
to make distribution of the moneys in the hands
of Abraham Rolhermel, Administrator of Eve
Kemple, late of Lower Mahonoy township,
Northnnbcrland county, deceased, to and among
the heirs and legal representatives of said dec,
dent, will attend to the duties of his appointment,
ot his office, in the Borough of Sunhurv, on
Wednesday, the twenty ninth day of December
1852, at 10 o'clock A. M. At vhich time and
place all persons interested can attend, if they
not proper.
J. D. PACKER, Auditor.
Sunbury, Pec. 9, 18.V.-3t.
Agricultural Meeting.
The annual meetinir of Hie Northumberland
County Agricultural Society, for the election of
officers, will bo held at tlie oran noose in nun-
bury, on Monday, January J, at X o clock P, M.
W. I. GREENOUGH, J hecry
ID" Other County papers please copy.
December II, 1858
"ONGRESS has made the Glouk its organ of
....i, iiidiiuiiut. u lacu
ttate this important object, and diminish the ex.
pense to the people, the Comgrkssiiix A L Gl.nHE
and Arrmuix, which contain the proceedings of
congress revised ny tnc members, are henceforth
to he conveyed through tho mails free of postage.
The approach of a new administration imparts
peculiar imporlanco to the next session of Con
gress. I hrougliout the whole country there will
be solicitude to know what shape Congress will
endeavor to give to the nalionul n flairs to meet
the incoming administration. Tho debutes of
the next session will, no doubt, as heretofore, fore
shadow its policy.
The CuMiiiKssinxAL Gloiik and Ari'Esntx
are printed on a double royal sheet in royal quar
Jo form, each number containing Bixtcen pages.
Tho Congressional Globe is made up of the daily
proceedings of the two houses : and the Appen
dix enibracec tho long speeches withhold by the
speakers for revision, tha Messages of the Presi
dent of the United States, and the Reports of the
Heads of the Executive Departments.
The I .aws passed during a session, and an In
dex to them, arc printed ns soon as possible after
adjournment, and sent to all subierilers to the
Congressional Globe and Appendix.
For one copy of the Daily Globe during
the nest session sj 50
For one copy of the Congressional Globe,
Appendix, and Laws for the next scs
"i"11 $3 00
The suhscrihtion money must aooompiny (In
order, else no attention will be paid to it.
Subscriptions should reach here by :ho 15th
of Dcccmlcr, at farthest to insure all the num
bers. I have about fie hundred surplus opiesof the
Congrcssi nal Clob 0 for the lart srsi'un, which
contain, besides the proceedings i.f Congress, all
laws and joint resolutions passed during the ses
sion. The proceedings and laws make 2.552 pa
ges; and the list of appropriations and Index not
vet printed, will make about 80 panes more. I
will let those who subscribe for the Congressional
Globe and Appendix for the coming session have
them at the following rates: Price per copy, un
bound, three dollars ; or bound in three vol
umes, backs and corne.s Russia leather, five dol
lars. Thev will be delivered to subscribers at
these prices. I sell the bound volumes here for
four dollars a volume: the three volumes bound
fur twelve do!lais. Every person who takes any
part in the politics of this country should possess
Washington, November 11. lS5i.
JTPY Virtue of certain writs of Ym. 7;.jji. to me
c-' directed will be sold by public Vendue, or !
outerv, at the Court House, in the borough of I
Sunl. ury, on MO.XD.W the Mil day of January j
next, at 1 o'clock, P, M., the following real j
estate to wit . I
situate in the Susquehanna river, opposite tho
Isle of Que. in Lower Augusta township, Nor-j
thumhcrlimil county, and known by the name of,
CLARK'S ISLAND, containing twenty-six !
acres, more or less.
A Certain Other Island,
situate in said river, in the township and county !
aforesaid, and nearly contiguous to the above j
mentioned, known by tho name uf Timothy
Island, containing three acres, more or ;es.
A Certain Oilier Island,
situate in said river, in the township and county
aforesaid, and nearly contiguous to the above
mentioned, known by tho name of Hustermon'a
Island, containing twenty-eight acres, more or
less, id! of which are cleared.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of John Ilartman, jr.
A Certain Tract or Piece of Land,
situate in Lewis township, Northumberland
county, bounded north by lands of Conrad
Guiltncr, east by lands of Thomas Gal
hraith and Abraham llause, south by lands of
Elizabeth Ellis and west bv the same, all of
which is cleared, contnining nine acres, more or
j less, whereon are creeled a log dwelling house
, and a frame stable.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
"" l,r"r"iy 01 jacoii uartman.
All that full, equal, undivided half part, (the
whole into two equal parts to be dividvd.) of and
in Ihe following described tract situated in Coal
township, (lato Slnimokiii township.) Northum
berland county, beginning at pine, theijie by
laud of John Carson North .vo degrees, West
two hundred and thirty nim perches to a post
thence by lands of Thomas. Hamilton and lands
of W in. P. Brady, South eighty eight degrees,
West, one hundred and sixty six perches to a
white oak, thenco by lands of Magdalina I, over
ton Synth sixty six degrees, West three hundred
and fourteen perches lo a white oak, thence by
land of Samuel Scott, Bouth twenty nine and a
half degrees, East sixty one perches and four
tenth tu a stone, thence North seventy tii and a
half degrees East one hundred and sixty four
perches to a post thence south two degrees East
sixty perches to a chestnut oak, thence by land
of James Hepburn North, eighty eight degrees,
East two hundred and fifty four perches to the
place of benining. Containing by a former sur
vey three hundred and nineteen and a half Acres
and ullowanee, and by a re-survey four hundred
and twenty eight Acres and twenty nine perches
ami ullowanee.
Siezed, taken in execution and to be sold as
property of George Jleckert and Thomas Sharp.
The undivided tnree fourth parts of a certain
Tract of Land, '
situate in Coal township, in (he couty of North-
"iiu.eiianu, adjoining lauds of John Boyd, Win.
Wilson, Peter Maurcr, Michael Kroll and Fred
eruk Kramer, containing 37 Acres and Oi) per-
1 n. mm allowance, Surveyed the 2Ud day of Oc
tober 17'J 1. on a warrant to Malhias Zimmerman,
dated tho S7th day August 17'J.(.
, ,lau u""'1 execution and to be sold as the
property of John Suavely,
situate in Shamokin-township. Norlhumlrland
county, bounded north by hinds of Jo'.n Runkle
east by land, of Leonard Peusyl, .,!, liy UnJ;
lormerly owned by Judge Kawle and west by other
lands of defendont, all lying north of and bound
ed by the public road leading from Paxinog to
Shainokiutown, containing 70 acres, more or less
whereon are erected a two story frame duielll.J
house, a bank barn, and other outbuildings.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property ol Christum Kalile.
By a writ of Aliat Yen. Exp,
A Certain Lot of Ground,
situate in the borough of Milton, in that part of
said borough, called Upper Milton, in upper Mar
ket street, hounded north by said upper Market
street, east by lot of Widow Wallis, south by an
alley and west by lot ot Jacob Kraw, containing
33 feet front, 130 fret in depth, whereon is
erected a two story Dwelling House.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of Danial Meats.
WM. D. KIPP, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office. Bunhury, )
Dec. 4, 1868.- 4t. J
1VOTICE is lierehv friv.n tl, I
Courts of Common Picas, General Quarter
r . I . n m .
onions ui mo peace, ana urpnans' Court, Court
of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery,
in and for the county of Northumberland, to
commence at the Court House, in the borough of
raunuury, m luociocK, a. jh. on Monday, the
3d day of January next, and will continue
The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta
bles in and for tho county of Northumberland, are
requested to be then and there in their proper per
sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and
other remembrances, to do those things to their
several offices appertaining to be do'. And all
witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common-
V4fl1tll firrnillet a n t tiriemmf nen nlan nntintjt.1 - -I
(, ""J 'i nwi it 1 uiv ninu 1 vi Lit. Til U UIIU
commanded to be then and there attending in their
I'.ujyii iaiwiib iu jjiimTuiv Hniuai mm, us Bnail
be just and not to depart without leave at their
neril. Jnrnra km rpnimttrit In l,n,,i,i,Bl it, K:.
attendance, at the time appointed agrccablo to
incir notices.
Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 4 th day
of December, in the year of our Lord one thou
sand eight hundred and fifty-two and the In
dependence of the United States of America
the 70th.
God save the Commonwealth.
'OR trial in the Court of Common Pleas
of Northumberland Coimtv. nt Jnmiorv
T A D., 1853.
rr.AiNTirrs. defendants.
George Shiley v Ab'm Dunkelbergcr's admr'x
Hugh Bellas vs R & V Fagcly
Reuben Fegely & Co vs Hugh Bellas
Krirger for R rugcly s J Furmnn J- F Klaze
Abijai Tiowen vs Wm 11 Thompson
1 K llollm.uuV wife vs II Kuhnts, McCartyctal
Raker A: Co for Jacob Hloom vs Henry Conrad
Wm M Aulen
John Drown
John V Pcul
vs Thomas Rascr
vs John Oyster senr's ex'r
vs Geo U Voungman
Henry Klaze & Eve his wife vs Jac.ol 5r'"'tmn'
J B Masser vs Barbara Shnlfrr's cx'rs
Molt A Shobcr vs Daniel Drcisbach
Jacob Keller vs Bank of .Northumberland,
William McCarty vs Samuel Hunter
James T Sutton &. Co vs Samuel Kyle
David Fisher vs J W Friling
Daniel Rhodes vs Jacob Wertman
J W Peal vs Vartin Irwins' adm'r
Samuel I, Beck vs Jacob Slitzcl
Simon Snyder vs George Snvdn.
Christian Cable vs M Bochman ctFMarklo
Bouopaite Thompson ot al vs Casper St Clair
E John for V Camp vs Wolvcrton A Lcisenr'g
George Lawrcnc vs D Marr & I Brown
John Reynolds vs Isaac Reader
Robert M Lyon vs A E Kutzner
John Ross oi Wife vs George Fox
John King
vs Daniel Wcidncr
vs Same
vs Jacob H oilman et al
William Scch'er
Washington Mutual In
surance Company
vs V. Kaufman et al
State Mutual Tire Insu
rance Company
Balt7ar Gnrnhart's admr's vs R W Dunn's adinr
Jacob 1. Mas-icr vs Reuben Fegely
Albin Newberry vs Thomas Raser
Joanna Pendeville vs A E Kapp
George Lcilhcrgrr v Robert hiteside
U Fagcly & Co vs William Inch
Rebecca Swartz vs Andrew McLaniihan
Sarah L Keen vs Abraham Brosions
Sumo vs Samuel Savidge
Rudolph Dnenger vs Peter Thomas
Henry A Lcehner vs Wm H Bound
John L Vcager vs George Bright
J roilionot irv s Dllu e.
lice. I
S32. i
Sunburv, Die. 4, 1H5'.
List ol' Jurors,
F Northumberland County for January
T., A, 1). ls.VJ.
s'r:t(l .7iiroi'.
Sl-nbi-bv. Chiistian Bower, Henry Bait
elier Ri.-sii. John Ohenlorf.
Noiirnivii)Eiii.ANT. Tlmmas Wilhinjitnn.
Point. Geoigu 1. Maitz, Jetsu C.Ilor
1011 .
Dklawarb- I) C.Watson, Joseph Hays,
John M Wajjuer, Philip MeVVillianis.
Lowlii Maiiasov. Philip Spatz, Phil p
M- ssner, Julm Siler.
Shamokin.-Benia. Wolverton, Perry John
John lloif. ' '
Lowkr At-iiL-STA Caleb Barret, William
Uitkii Maiianov Jonas Isenhart.
Lkwis Samuel Philips.
Jackson lienjamin lime
Littlk Maiianov. Nicholas F.aston.
L0wr.1t Maiianov. Renjamiii Buyer, Mi
chael Giim, Jonathan Lenker, John Biuga
inan. Uitkr Jacob Snydor, John
Mes.-ner, James Campbell.
Rush Robeil Campbell, Joseph Shaip
lefs, Wm. Clarke. V
Shamokin. Wm. Klase, Jesso Teats, Jo
soph ll.inpt, Jesse Campbell, Jesse Hensyl,
John Keishner.
Kkwis. George A. WjkotL
Ui'i'Kit Al-ci-sta John Hau"hawout, Ro
bert Puisel. '
Lowkr " John Smith, John D.
Conrad, Lewis Smith. Win Snyder.
C1111 .isiu'Agi-K. - William Rarnharl, An
drew Feiei, James Jordan, Robert Lyon
Ti-uiii-T. Chailt-s Riddle, Abiahain Do
not. Geo Km z, Marl in Billmver.
Coal Valentine FaiHy, Joseph Zeme,
Casper Sholl, John Ro.ser.
Point. Charles Beimel, Commodore R.
I)i:i.awaiie Jacob Dt bler, Samuel HofT
man, Sam, Finny, Win. B. Bryson, J. P.
Milton. Joseph L Oitin, Samuel Blair.
Jordan. Georye
Sundurv. Peter ILIeman, George Ruhr
baeh. Jackson. Jeremiah Wolf.
Petit Jurors.
Lewis. Wm. Linebaeh
Dki.aware. J B. Linebaeh, David Gold,
John N. Oyster, Abraham Startler, Charles
Rfsii. Luther Basset, Wm. B. Gulick,
Lewis V. Vi-stine, Joseph Wolverton, Peter
Campbell, George Geaihnrt.
Shamokin Reuben Snyder, Aaron Kelly,
Ira Jones, Samuel Moore, David Miller,
Hugh II. Yaaline, Peter Kiieger, Isaao Ar.
Tur but. J M. Housel, David L. Ireland,
David Eckert, John Haag.
Upper Ai'ci-sta. George Forrester.
Lower Wm. Sears, Wm. De
wit, David Darke.
Upper Mahanov. Daniel Heim, Charles
Lower John Kichl
Coal Wm. M Weaver
CuiLisquAQtjB.John Mahamer.
Point. Isaiah Beidlesbach, Henry Paul,
John Nesbil. 3
wn BOOKS ! BOOKS ! !
I f iRPCuEED ,nd for ditto
ALSO, a large assortment of Blank Books.
r.,k t.W- McCARTy, Bookseller.
(Sunbury, Dec. 4, 185S tf.
EMEB80JI'8"AWTliil7i!TIONI. 8.
Y and Porte,', Rhetorical Read.,, ju.t reeeir
ed and for sale by WM. WcCARTY.
8unbu,y, May 1, 1851-
JjMtESH Vanilla Bean of a superior quality,
J" awwaspj eaiiM iVI ! uy
lulv 31, 185-J. H. B. MASSER.
MOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees,
Creditors and other persons interested in the
Estates of tho following named persons, that the
Executors, Administrators, and Guardians of said
Estates have filed their accounts with the Register
of Northumberland county, and that the same
will be presented to the Orphans' Court of said
County, on Tuesday the 4th day of January next
for confirmation and allowance.
Daniel TJogar, dce'd., settled by his Adm'r
Frederic Lazarus.
Geo. Oyster, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r John
N. Oyster.
Abraham Kerlin, dee'd , settled by his Adm'r
James Ecman, Final Acct.
John N. Keim, dee'd., settled by his Adm'rs
George N. and Jacob N. Keim.
James Tharp. dee'd., settled by his Adm'r C.
W. Tharp. 1
Adam Dencc, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r An-
tnony Uence.
Henry Steinmeti, dee'd., settled by his Execu
tor, Adam Conrad.
John Beiscl, dee'd., settled by his Ex'r Jacob
Isha Dressier, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Da-
vid Zartman.
George Hall, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r J. H.
Bothucl Vincent, dee'd., settled by his Adin'r
John N. Vincent.
Hetty Malick, Charlotto Malick, Jeremiah
Malick, and Mary Malick, children of Jacob
Malic-, dee'd., settled by their Guardian
Georjre Conrad.
Joshua Fol-, dee'd., settled by Peter Conrad
Ex'r of Joseph FoU-, dee'd , who was Adin'r
of Joshua Fol dee'd.
George Clar, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r
Reuben Palely
John Stepp, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Bas-
tian Stepp.
Jacob Deshler, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Jo
seph Deshler.
Teter Culp, dee'd., settled by his Adin'r David
JOHN P. rURSEL, Register.
Register's Olfice,
Sunbury, Dec. 4, 1852. 5t. J
r.fttft'; maw aoi
(Nearly opposite Weaver's Hotel, Market Si.)
Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pa.
TE invite the particular attention of our
friends and the public to our Fourth
supply of goods just received, adapted to the winter
season. We have now a much larger assortment
in every department than nt any time since we
opened in ytpril last; all of which we arc deter
mined tj sell at the same low prices which have
hitherto secured to us such a generous support
from a discerning public, and for which wo beg
to return our best thanks.
Our stock consists of
Dry Goods,
It a id ware, u ct us ra re,
Single and Douni.r.D Barrelled Guns,
Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bag's,
Umbrellas and Parasols, Roots and Shoes,
Hals and Caps. Rooking Glasses, Wall
Paper for Room and Window
Rlinds, Lemons, Nuts and
Candy, Salt, Mackerel,
Plain and Fancy Hams and Shoulders, Nails,
Window Glass, Paint Stuff, Oils and Putty, Car
pet Chain, Cotton Laps and Yarn, with a variety
of other articles.
N. li. All kinds of country produce taken in
exchange at the highest market prices.
Sunbury, Dee. 4, 185C. ly.c
In the Matter of the Estate of JOHN
STEPP, Dee'd.
THlIE Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Se
al bastian Stepp, Jacob Stepp, John Stepp,
llenjainin Stepp, Michael Stepp, Peler Stepp,
Elias Stepp, Elizabeth .Stepp, and Isaac Stepp,
the last four of whom are minors and have for
their Guardian, Abraham Rlasser, heirs and legal
representatives of John .Stepp late of Lower
M'-hanoy township Northumberland county
dee'd., and all other persons interested.
North,umcerland County, SS.
You are hereby cited to lo and appear before
Ihe Judges of the Orphans' Court lo he held at
Sunbury on the first Monday of January next,
then and there lo accept or refuse to tac the real
estate of the said John Stepp dee'd., situnte in
Lower Mahanoy township Northumberland
county, containing Ohc hundred and sixty acres
moro or less, which was valued and appraised in
pursuance of a writ of J'aition awarded by the
Orphans' Court uf said county, or to show cause
why the same shall mil be sold according to law,
according to ihe net ol Assembly in such cases
made and provided. And hereof fail not .
liy order of the Court, )
J. P. PUR EL. CU. O. C, 5
Certified from the records of the Court at Sun
burv 011 the lllh day of November 1853.
WILLIAM 13. KIPP, Sheriff.
Nov. 20, 1852 6t.
Estate of ELIZABETH MARTZ, Dee'd.
TV'OTICE is hereby given that letters tcstamcn
' tary have been granted to the subscriber on
the estate of Elizabeth Marlz, dee'd., late of Sha
mokin township, Northumberland county. All
persons indebted to said estate or having claims
against the same, arc requested to call on tho
subscriber for settlement.
DAVID MARTZ, Executor.
Shamokin tp., Nov. 13, 1852. Ct.
A'o. 12 South Second Street,
Gold Lever Watches full jewelled
Silver Lever do
Silver Lepine do
" (iuarlicr do
Gold pens and pencil and silver halders
Silver Tea and Tab'e Spoons
Uracelets, J) roast pins Ear rings Ac
All warranted and sold at prices as low as any
in the city.
November 87. 1852 tf.
MILLER bfgi leave to inform the ladies
of Sunbury ond vicinity, that he hai com
menced hia business in tins place, and if now
engaged in manufacturing, at hU renidenrc, in
tho new building opposite J. G. Youngman, in
Deer street, all XimU of
Also mUeg and children tihoca ef every dincrip
tion. Orders for wuri promptly attended to.
and all wor warranted to give aatUfaction.
Sunbury, Nov. 27, 1852. tf.
Y ild Turkeys.
rilllE aubacriber will pay a fair price for a
-L pair of genuine wild turkeys (mule and fe
Northumberland, Dec II, 1852. tf.
Fish, Provisions, c,
JVo. 9 Nortk Wharves,
April 10, 165'si-ly.
TNK Bouretu'a celebrated ink, and also Con
gree ink for aale, w hobs la and rcUil by
December V8, 1850. H B MAS6ER.
No. 61 Arch Street, four doors above Second,
Which for style of finish snd workmanship csnnot be sur ased. Wholesale and Retail
taT MERCHANTS and others are invited to call and examine.
Philadelphia, August SI, 185S ly.
"A Penny saved is a Penny F.a ned."
And Job Eook Bindery,
Market above Centre Street, Pultsville, Pa.
BLANK Dooks bound and ruled in any and
every style, in the most durable and sub
stantial manner, with or without printed Heads.
Person in want of
Ledgers, Dockets,
Day Bonks, Minute Books,
Journals, Letter Books,
Blotters, Receipt Rooks,
Coal Ledgers, &c, &c,
or any kind of Blank Books, would do well to
give me a call as I pledge myself to give satisfac
tion. Paper ruled to any pattern desired. Par
ticular attention paid to Binding all kinds of old
Godey's Lady Bonks,
Graham's Maga7.ine,
Sartain's Magazine,
Harper's Magazine,
Joseph us's works,
Hymn Books,
Clcason's Picturial,
Sheet Music,
Shakspeare's works,
Life ol Christ,
Law Books, &e., cVc.
Any of the above or other bouks bound in full
gilt, plain or fancy to suit the wishes of customers.
I would again call the attention of my fiends and
customers, to the fact that I have been a Practical
Book Binder for the last 18 years, and they can
depend on having their work done in the very
best manner, and do the work myself j I use the
best paper cV material j jtltam give me a call my
charges ate reasonable and fair, but there is no
difficulty about prices where work is dune satis
factorily, N. B. Persons having Doosthey want Bound
can send them by stage directed lo me stating, the
the stylo they wish them bound in: I will do
them as low as they can bo done any where, care
fully pack them up and return them; Alto per
sons can send orders for Blank Books by mail,
which will be punctually attendad to. All work
done at short notice.
Practical Book Binder.
Fottsvillc, Nov. 6, 1S52 6m.
Copy of a Letter from M. R, W. Ktrkun
Chemistt 7, Prcscot Street, Liverpool) dated
Gth June, 1851.
Tu ProlYpur IIolloway,
1ir. Your Fills tiiul nintinrnt linvc Rtut ihe highest on
mu Bale Hot ( Proprietory .Medicines for vune )enrs. A
cuMomet, to wlnnn 1 rim refer for niiy rnqnirirt, ilcsireB
met') let you. know the pnrlieuliirs uf her raise. She hud
hern troubled foi ye tin with a dinriieied liver uud had
digestion. On the larit occasion, however, the viruleiire of
the attack was n ulaniiin, Hitd the mHuniinnti'Ui net in so
severely, that d uihm were entertained if her ii 't being
tihle to lem up under it ; fortunately she was induced tu
try your Pill, and she iuiorms tne that alter (lie lirst, und
eaeh nurceedinjr d -fe, she had grr-at relief. Slie r"ntinued
to take thent, and although she used only three Duxes, she
iff now in the enjoyment of perfect health. J run Id have
int you many eaffc. but the nUuve from the skvkritt of
thk attack, in id the ikedy rare, 1 think, speaks much in
fuvor of your astonishing Fills.
(Surned) R. W. KIRKFS.
Copy of a Letter inserted in the Hobart Town
Courier) of the st March, 1851, by Major
J IVahh.
Muriruret ISFConuipnn, niueletn years nf itpc. residing o
New Town, had been sallering fr in a i--h-iit ilietmiatic
lever for up wauls of two months, whieli had entirely de
prived her uf the use of her liiiihu ; during this period she
was under the rare of the inopt eminent medical men in
itohurt Town, and by t hum her cane was considered hope
less, A Irieud prevailed upon her tit try Hull iwiiy' cele
brated Pillit, which the consented to do, and in an lueredt
ble vhort njMice ol time they t-ifeeted a perfect cute.
From Messrs Then fi Son, Pioprictors of the
Lynn Advertiser, who can vouch for tht
following statement. August 2nd, 1851,
Tit PiofeFsor HoLLOWAV.
Sut, 1 desire to hear tcKlitivny t" tlie p d effects of
llolltiway's Pit in. lor me years l sitttereti seveieiy trom
u pain and tiphtness in lhetimuch which was uUtt ueeom
punied by a b ho r Hicks uf breath that pievented ine from
wuiknig about. I inn M ears of aje,aitd rot wtthbtajidinp
my uovunced stute of life', these ViVu have so lelieved me, I um desirouK tnat others should be made acquainted
with their virtues. I am now rendered, by their means,
coiutmiutively active, und ran take ex ere ine without iiieou
veiiieuce or pain, which 1 could not do lief ore.
(Signed) HENRY COK,
North stieet, Eynn, Norfolk.
These celebrated Fills are wondeifully effica
dons in the following complaints.
Ayue Dropsy
ANihma sUyseutury
Milious Complaints lryiie!iis
111 itches on Lhe Female lrregu-
Skm lantits
H wcl Complaints Feveisofttll
Eivcr Coin
plain ts
H heilinntism
ItetenUou of
f rina
Scortuln. or
King's Evil
Sen mdary
t'ohes kinds
CoiiMiiwitton of Fits
the It weln (tout
Consumption lle;ubache
Ilelillltv lutllKeSllofi
S ire Throats Stone und (jruvel
Tie Douloureux Tuinours
Fleers Veitereul Affections Wumisol uil knuls
Weakness, from whatever can Be ic , Ac,
Sold at the Establishment of Professor Ilot.i.oww, ai l,
Strund, (nvur Tttmple Uur, l ndon.) und by ull rrtectuhle
IM 111(111 nun ueuitTB m Aieiiicinrs iiiruuuiiii me uniisu
Kmpire, iV til ne uf the t'uited Stule. in lioxes at il'lc.
H7c., and el floe, euch Wliolesule by the priueipul lJiuif
liouKrn in the l'iuou,uhd by Menses. it D- Hands,
New York,
1 1? There is o eonsiderablu saving by taking lhe larger
mui s
N. H Direeti'Mis for the cumance of tuilieuts in every
disVirdcr tire ullixed to eueh box.
UcMlier J3, Leod, ly.
BlESPECTrn.I-V iiit'iii'.s the iublic poner
allv that he litis just n-rnvrd miJ opened
the best and cheapest slock of
Fall and Winter Goods,
tliut has ever been brought to the county.
His stock consists of every variety of
)rv Hoods, viz :
Cloths, Cassimcrs, Sattiiietts, Vesting, Dril-
lings, Linens, Muslins, Jeans, and nil kinds
of Winter tloods. Also a splendid
variety of Ladies Dressand Fancy
goods, Calicces, (Singhams,
De Laines, Shawls, and
every variecy of
Goods suilalile
for Ladies
wear. Also, an
extensive assnrtm'nt of
Silk, Heaver, Fur If Slouch
Hats A large und well selected
Assortment of Boots and Shoes of ev
ery descrip ton and size. Also, a
ajsorinf nf of Groceries, Such us Siipar, t offee
Teas, Molasses, Spices of all kinds.
Also a larKe assortment of Hardwsr and
Queensware, Fish, Bait and Liquors such as Cm
Brandy, Kum and Whiskey, besides the largest
and most general assortment of all kind of Goods
to be bad in the county.
All lhe above mentioned goods will I sold at
such reduced prices as they can not be got for
Country produce of all kindi taken in exchange
at the highest market prices.
Also, For sal hr P"nI "8n d
Augusta twsp., October 89, 1853 6m.
j) ESl'ECTFUI.LY inform tlicir customers
and Urn public, that tlicy have just receiv
ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of
Fall and Winter Goods
thnt has ever been brought to Sunbury.
Their stock consists of every varie'y of
Dry (Joods, viz :
Cloths, Cosfimcrcs, Sntlincls, Vestings,
Flannels, U'ollens,
And nil kinds of Full & Winter Wear.
Also i splemliil variety of
Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, )e Laines,
Ami every variety uf goods suitable for La
thes w ear.
Also mi extensive assortment of
Cam ron Alus and Boys.
Also a large assortment of GKOCERinS,
srrtl A3
Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spices
of all kinds.
Also a large assortment of
Fish, Salt and Plaster.
Also a trcsh supply of
Besides the largest anil most general assort
ment of all kinds of goods to be hail in this
Ce" Country produce of all kinds taken in ex
change at the highest market price.
Sunburv, Nov. 13, 1852.
The only Tuio Portrait of Washington.
Engraved (by permission) from .Stuart's only
original portrait, in Ihe Alheneiim, Boston.
rpHIS superb pirtnre, encravrd tnnlur ttic superintend
L enee el' THOMAS SI 1,1. V, Kso,., the eminent and
highly Riltifd nrtist, is Hid only corre.-t liki-Ufus of Wnsli
iiiKlon ever pulilitlioil. It In. l;en eharaeterised si the
s;rcutrsl work of art ever produced ill this country. As to
ns h.ldity, -e rrl'ei to Ihe letters of the ndoptrd s,m of
Wnsliinijton, UKOItlii: WASillMiTON 1AK CUS.
TIM, who itiys, "it is a liiiihud reprem-ntation ot the eel
ehmnil oriijiuiil," und t i nil Kb" JlSTICK TAXKY of
Ihe Supreme Court of the I'niled Slates, who sns,'As a
work "I" urt its excrlh-nce und limuty mutt strike every
one who sees it ; und it is 11,1 less huppy in its likeness to
the Father of his country It wits niy khh! fortune to
liuve seen liim in the diiysof my hoyliooil, and Ins wliols
nppeiiruu'e ia yet strongly iiipii:Mi''d on my memory.
The poiiniit you hnve iMiiied iippeurs to me to be nn exnet
llkeni'8R, repn'scntinp perfectly the expression as well lis
the to) in iinil festurcs of the fn'ce." And snysSIC.N ATOR
CASS, it inn life-like representation oi tliu'irreat original.
PKKSIDlvN'T FI1.I.MOU1-; ,ays, "the work uppeurs to
me to h ive iK'eu nMoiiralilv exeeiite-t nnd einiiieutlv wor
thy of lhe patroiiiieof the publ e." Suys ,M AKC'II ANT
the eiiiini-ut p'trtnot viiuter, und Hie' pupil of Stuart,
"your prinl to niy miiul is more remarkable tliiiu any other
I have seen, for preseutiuir the whole individuality of lhe
original portrait, together wilh the 11 ible snd dignified re
p ise of uir mid iniiniier, whieh all who ever saw him con
sidered a nirnked characteristic of the illustrious nmu it
Kor lhe creat merits of this pieture we w mid refer eve
ry lover of VaihliiL;lon to the portrait ilself. to be seen ut
Ihe olnee of this paper, in id lo lhe letters of the following
Artists. Statesmen. Jurists und Scholars iiecompanving it.
AUTISTS.Mareh lnliiiid Klliol, of New York'; Nea
gle. (loiherinel, und I .iimluliii, of Philadelphia ; Chester
Harding, of Boston ; Chillies l'raser. of Chui lesion. S. C;
mid lo the adopted sou of Washington, Hon. George V.
1'. Cuslis. hluise'.f mi nrtist. STATt'.S.M KN . H is Kxeel
leney .Milliard illmore, Alaior Oeu. W'nifit-ld Scott, lion,
lieorge M. Dallas, llou. William It. King. lion. Daniel
Webster, lion, l.lnii Boyd. Hon. Lewis Cass, Don. Wm.
A. (.i.ahain. lion. John 1 Keiiuedv, lli'n. H. C. 'illthroii,
H. Jl KISTS Hon. 11 Taney, Hon. . I,, l,
Duer, Hon. .loh.l Mel.eun, Hon Itullis Clionte. SCllOl.
AHS. Charles Fols -iii, l:sii., lhe well known Librarian
nf the M Ht al Atheaelllil, wlio sas, "l would rather own
it than any painted eopv 1 have ever seen ;" K. 1. Whip
pl. ltn-lmrd Ilildrrlh. Hon. Kdw. I'.verelt, I.!, D , Jored
Sparks, 1. 1.. I)., William II. I'rescott, 1. 1,. I)., Wushiiij.ton
living, uaipii w . i.iiicrs'in, l'rol. 1. L. L pliaiu. J.
T. Ilnnllev, Fitz Oreeu Hulleck, II. V. Ijaigl'ellow, Wm.
liihnoreSuiuns; und I'iloM I'.l.' UOl'i:, Lord Tnlfourd,
T. B. Miieuiib-y, Sir Ari'hiUild Alison. ,ord Muyor of
Loudon, &e. Ac. Are. 'l'lll-l t'UICSS, throughout the en
tire I'nion, huve with one voice proclaimed llie merits of
this mpi-rli engrnvnig.
To enable all to p sse this vatuabb Ireasuie, it is sold
at the low piien ot 8., per copv.
Published by (il'.OItr.r. W. CII1LDS,
N. W. corner of Kil'ih and Areli streets, Philadelphia.
D. 1). UYK.RLY,
Sjle agent for the States of l'.as'.ern Pennsylvaiiia and
This Portrait can only be obtained from MH. I1YER
LY, or fr iin his duly authorized agents.
Arruiigemenls have been lutiilc Willi lhe Post Ornce lie
part meul, by which copies of the Portrait can be sent to
nay point, per mail, m perfect order.
nf Pels ins by remitting Klvl Dol.LASs to D. D. BY
KHI.Y, Philadi'l;hia, will have a copy til the Portrait sent
to them free of Posihl'C.
IV Magnificent tiilt Frames, got up expressly for
these Pol Units, f uriii&hed nt I he low price of .1,00 eueh.
Engraved by T. B. WELCH, ESQ . after
the original portrait painted by T. SULLY,
This Portrait will be a mateh for tha Washington, and
is in every respeet as well got up.
Pi lee P..V00 per enpv. Address its above.
Philadelphia, Oet. :JU IMS
commercial'hotel. "
f I'lIK HtiiiM-rilier linviiig leaved the Public Ilu'inf, fur
1 nicrty k 11 nvn us the Aim-rim u Unusc, No. It? S. iSixtlt
Sirttt, lit'tWffirAlnrkft mid Chestnut Strteis, liu clmiitU
lhe auiiie ol tlie uuc lo
!Jegs leave to mf Tin his fiirmli and tin public, ibat th.s
house 1ms innleig-me a tlnoiili rciiiodeltiup, rt'imirititr, r
IKiiilting und rr-ii;ntr,M:r, (Vtun iitlic tn Uist inrnt. An en
lire ntv oultit oi t'uriiitiiii', ln-dtliuu, r., iVc, Inn Ivtn
procuivd Irom the iiiuM celehruird "MuiiulV turera in llui
Fr-nn the central lot-.-ition, mul its cl'W pt ximity to the
H;iitrwl iJep -is, it "nub. int titsiUiiia l'liiccii ot' AimiKr
input, I'nsht iimltle Throushtiurs mid I'tiblu Stimircn, it
oiTiM-s iiulueeii.nitt t- th Aim-hunt visiting tho city on
huintRL tin: Traveller seekiii" ple.'itmre To fairiilie
snd tVmalrs vinUiiijt Ihe ritv, every hu-ility will b i ffrrrd,
und every comiuri regaidt-d tu make tiieir vuit ugreeable
nnd plnisunt.
A vhare of th publie patrounge rrspertfnllv lieited.
tSiiprriii'rudent. proprietor.
Philaitelpluu, Sept. 4, l&W. Oin.
Fresh and Spiced Oysters '.
AVING onlt'il at Noiihnnibeiliiiul, I an)
now nrrpaiej to liiriiii-h rreuli ami pi-
ced Oysli.'is timing I tie whole scison oi ie
ilucej prices. S ou con ilrpt'iul upon ihrm
beina fn'tili, tits I shall receive lliem iluily,
(Suiiilays excepted) atul u lien landed Untu,
they arw only Irl hours out of lhe rhell.
All persons ut a distance, who are in want
of tha above article, run have ihem oeut per
dozen or simile run by aildressiiig
V. H. YICKEKV, at Bun'. Hotel.
Northumberland. Ottt. 10, 1 32.
Dc. 13, 1851. if.
rniAIN PUMPS A small number of ihcse
excellent pumps have been received and are
offered for sale by
Sunburv, Nov. 6, 1852.
December f, 1852. tf.
Valuable Property.'
late the Estate of E. P. SHANNON, Esq..
riHE subscribers, Executors of the Esiat
-" of Ephraim P. SIihiiiioii, late of tho Bor
ough of Northumberland, offer at private mill,
the follow ina valuable Deal .tBie, viz:
Lot No. 77, itorner of Queen nd '''on
Street, on which is erected a twostoty rfrielt
Buildintf, formerly occupied by Ihe deceased
as a Siore and Dwelline, nnd now occupied)
us sui li. There niealso on the lot tvo fiumo-
tlwelljnus; &c.
Lot No. sili'iilod in Maiket Street, fin
which is elected a. two slory while Frnmu
Ovvi'llitii;, &c. mljoiiiing John Tagguil, Esq .,.
ocnupied by Kiioiis.
L'Ha Nns. 69, 70, 71 & 72, situnte in Mar
ket Sifeet, a to story white Frame Dwel
ling, occupied by J unes Donlv, ami a tuble
is erecled on lots No. G9 & 70.
The undivided half of Lot No. 120, situate
on the corner of Dolce und 4th Street, on
which is erected a two Mory dwelling, occu
pied by Joseph McCallisier.
Lot No. 1S8, situate in Queen Street on
which is erecled n two storv white Frame-
Biiildiiic, occupied by Jnlin Buikert
Lot No. 60, tiiiuaiu at Nonhway and Wa
ter Stieels, on which are erecled two Frame
Dwellings and Slablin, occupied by widow
Vanillin and John Vundling.
Also Ihu undivided fourth part of lot 1G6,
on which is erected a twostoiy Fiame Dwel
ling, occupied by Jehu Vandyke.
Also ten acies of cleared land, adjoining
lands of John Destiny, on lhe Esl side of lhe
Susquehanna, about three miles below Dan
ville. Also two adjoining vacant town lots, silil
Bted on the coiner of Second and Orangs)
streets, numbered in the general plan of Bor. '
ongh. Nos. 215 & 216.
Also four vacant lots on Third and Oiange
Streets, numbered in ihe general plan ol said
Borough. Nos. 209, 210, 211 & 212.
Also four vacant lols fronting on Market
and Sixth Streets, running F.ast to an Alley,
numbered in the general plan of said Bor
ough, Nos. 77, 78, 79 & 80.
Also four vacant lots Ironting on Orange
Street, and numbered in the General plan of
said Borough, Nos. 185, 186, 187 & 188.
The above property w ill be sold in part
or parcels to suit purchasers, on rensonablo
terms. For further particulars apply to John
Cake, Esq., at Northumberland, or to tha
Northumberland, May 22, 1852. tf.
BEGS leave to inform his friends and the pub
lic in general, tlit he is prepared in every
respect to make clothing nfler the most
Fashionable Styles,
and in the most durulilc ninnncr, and his prices
will be as reasonalilc ns can be had in Sunbury
or elsewhere, in rash or approved country produce.
He will always have the advantages of the latest
fashion plates, and in addition to his acknowl
edged skill in cutting, ho will bo assisted by the
direction of the most scientific publications rela
ting to that art, now issued from tho emporiums
of fashion in the United States. An endeavor
will be made always to have work completed
when reepjiaed.
His establishment is situated in Market Square,
Sunbury, nearly opposite the Post Office, in the
building formerly occupied by Jacob Painter as a
hatter shop, where it will be a pleasure to him
to see his friends, and make such work for them
as is within the line of his business.
Sunbury, August 11, 1S52. tf.
"ladies' dress trimmings"
S. E. Cor. Ninth and Maple Sis above Race,
INVITES the Ladies of the City and Country
to call end examine his splendid Stock oj
Trimmings, which has been selected with the ut
most care.
Mr. O. being enabled, from his experience in
the business, lo take advantage of the wholesale
market, is able to sell as low as any other estab
lishment. Mr. O. was formerly principal con
ductor of the extensive business of Mr. J. W.
Hurstman, No. 204 Chestnut Street, and his ex
tensive experience will bo a guarantee of his
ability to do justice lo his customers. His Stock,
comprises the following.
Silk, Worsted, and Cotton Curtain Fringes,
Binding, TopscIs and Curd, Silk and M'orstcd
Blind do, fcilk, Woollen, and Cotton Hoisery,
Closes, Combs, llruslies, Soaps, Perfumery, 4c.
Woollen nnd Cotton Knitting and Darning Yarn,
Porte Monnaies, Furnished Work lioxes, Brace
lets, and Fancy Articles generally. Call and
examine for yourselves.
Philadelphia, September So, 1S52. 6m.
rtnilK SLUSCHiI)EI!.s having just entered
into the above business in ull its brunches,
take this mode of culling the attention of Coun
try Merchants, and others to their NEW
STYLE and PATTERNS, also the quality of
material, as we (latter ourselves not to be best in
workmanship or material. The following, in
part, consist of our assortment :
LAMPS and Lamp Screws ; LADLES; Cas
tor Frillies; 1SED PANS; TUMBLERS;
fee Hoppers; CANDLESTICS ; SPOONS, of
all sizes ; Ac, fee.
We will be happy to receive orders for Sam
ples, by mail, ut our place of business, No. 109
RACES'!'., or QUARRY ST., above Second
N. B. The subscriber still continues to man
ufacture Caudle Moulds. Syringes, Surgical In
struments, &c, ut his old place of business. No.
10!l Ruie Street. Philadelphia, to which I would
call the special uttcnlion of Candle Manufactu
Philadelphia, Nov. G, 1852. 3mo.
Street, above filh, Philadelphia. Under tha
new arrangement the curs which arrive fVum
Pittsburg, Ilurrisluirg, Ac, will run to the New
Depot, corner of Schuylkill 5th and Market. In
order to sccomiuodute the public we will always
have our Coach at Ihe New Depot on the arrival
of the ears to carry Passengers to the Alleghany
House, which is in the centre of the city. Our
old friends will please ride down, and all who
wish to patroniso a House with a Uood Table,
Clean Beds, and accommodating assistants, wilt
please give us a call.
Term, One Dollar per Day.
August 31, la52 6m.
Wm. McCarty, lioukscUer."
fcM'EC I FULLY iufinn his fiicruU arj
' the mililie. that hu has
Store, to Market ,,cct, to the house occupied,
by J. Naille, Esq., Attorney at Law, nearly on.
posite the Court Ho,, nn n, ....u .:'
- - 1 ..w iiim.ii siuc ,
where keep for sale constantly on band goojj
assortment of books and stationary.
For i'slc A large new spring'wsggot fll &
9, 3 or 4 homes.
Sunburv, July S4, 185! tf.
T1LANK Parchment Psper Deeds am blank
Mortgages, Bouds, Executions, Summons
&c., for sale by H. B. MASSER
Sunbury April 8(1, 1851..
i' executed fr 6ale ,t this office, single ri
by the doicn.