Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 18, 1852, Image 2

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The following detail of lha Culifornia
newt arc interesting :
Tmb Finn aT'Sacramknto City. A cor
resppndonl of lha New York Ttibune fur
nishes the particulars of the fire in Sacra
mento Cily. Ik broke out on ihe night of
the election, on J 1200 houses, the letter
ays, have been consumed. .
, -While the fire was raging, four or five
mon chartered a steamboat proceeded
to San Francisco, w ith a view of pmcliasiiij?
nncl monopolising nil the lumber theic, ami
Jl the provisions their money and credit
would enable them to secure. They wme
landed in a small boat from inn sisamrr
North Beach, and sho remained a few mile
out in the Bay, refusing to land any other
passengers for several hours, until those had
time to accomplish their pmposc. The
steamer then came to her wharf, and the
news of tho fire became public. Lumber
went lift in their hands, lo four hundred
dollars a thousandmore than three hundred
percent advance. Flour advanced' to $45,
Poik to $55 and SCO, and other Provisions in
proportion. Goods to the amount of several
millions have already been shipped from San
Erancisco to Sacrnrarmlo, and tire demand is
yet brisk. A.large number of wooden build
ings have been taken down hero and sent to
that city.. Several hundred temporary build
ings have already been elected there, but
the rainy season is upon us, and it must
present a melancholy scene of sulTcriug,
sickness and destitution.
A lady next door to the place where the
fire originated) is also supposed loot. The
number scorched is enormous, all of w hom
were carefully cared for by surgeons on
board the Camanche. Every assistance
possible was ptoffeied by the Captains and
Agents of tho steamer?, w hose vessels wero
crow ded with female's. Tho Levee was
tr3wn with goods of every description, and
the wind slanting southeast threw the sparks
from the goods, all of which were saved.
At 5 o'clock the fire had nearly ceased, the
smouldering embers throwing huge ulouds
of smoke and lurid flashes, that brought de
solation to the hearts of all who witnessed
the sickening sight. The losses cannot be
less than five million of dollars.
Incidents of the Fire A shooting af
fray took place during the fire, whore a Mr.
Rut received six bullets in his body, nei
ther touching a mortal place. Provocation
given from the excitement of a pecuniary
When the Confidence left, doughnuts were
selling at a dollar a piece, coilee 50 cenis a
cup. Thousands are wandering around)
knowing of no shelter for the night, and the
amount of suffering will be inconceivable.
The bodies of lines men weto found on
fho wharf yesterday morning, wrapped in
blankets. On attempt to awake them as it
was supposed they were indulging in sleep
and removing the covering from their fa.
ccs it was discovered that they were quite
dead. We have neither hcaid names nor
leasons assigned for this strange discovery.
How could these men have goi theie and in
this condition !
fFrom tlie N'orlli Amt-t icfin and L". S. Guzaitf .
Having been, within a few days, over the
New York and Railroad to Dunkirk and '
Erie, and wilnosscd ihu increased business
on Iho road since Iho Lake Shore road-has
been completed lo Cleveland, I am unable lo j
suppress my astonishment at the snpineness '
el oar citizens in noi niing up mo mscup
lians lo the Suubury and I'.iie Uailroad stock.
The various depots on the New York and
Erio road are filled up w ith beef, poik, flour,
and clover seed in b.urel", besides hog,,
dead and living,, going on to New Yoik, to be,
packed for sale. At the huibor of Dunkiik
there was also a large propeller, loaded with
dead hogs, cloverseed and butler, unable to
discharge, owing lo the want of whait room,
the Road Company paying $75 per day for
bc use as a warefiouse.
At Erie, I saw, in a day, twenty-one cars
loaded wilh each G000 lo 8000 lbs, dead hogsi
passing over to the Now Yoik load. Tho
freight agent assured mo that (iftcecn of
these cars would have gone to Philadelphia,
if there bad been a toad from Erie. When
our fiiends of the Council witness what I
have 60 recently, and count the cost of a di
rect communication w ith iho ' Qucetiof Har
bors," as Erie long since has been named, I
think they will airive al the opinion that at
least ten millions of do'.lais would be well
expended in making and furnishing w ith de
pots a double track road. The New York
and Erio road cost 30 millions, with the State
gift. Besides this, New Yoik has her canal
and Noithern railroad costing over 40 mil- j
lions; all directed tothis great end, the Lake
trade! Are we too fur off ftr our invest
ment to be lucrative ! We are nearer the
Lake at Erie by 95 miles than New Yoik is
by her nearest route. Ato we lint rather too
inert to stoop down and pick up the golJ that
lies in our pathl I heard before of lion de
positee on Lake Superior, but was not aware
of the works going tip ut Erie lo smelt thU
emarkably lich ore. It bus all Ihe look of
nngrietio ore, and 1 doubl not, if oui road
within two years should be made, thus giv
ing Erie the coal fiom Mckean and Elk, she
would in ten years become as gieat in man
ufactures as in commerce, and would be sec
fa d only to our city in size and in lesourees.
AKorHf.a Japan Evit-oitjow Boston
Iec. 9. A letter from St. Poltiirburg, under
i He of October 6lh, published j i the Sa
lem Register, says that iho Emperor of
Russia has started a Japan expedition, cou
nting of the frigate Pallas, a tender, and
a screw steamship, undat the command of
Admiral Poalaiioe. The frigate left Cron
'.adl a few weeks previously, to stop in ih8
Engli.h channel, from whence the expedi
tion was finally to proceed. It it prelei.ded
hai ibe object is scientific puipose, tm it i,
almost oeitain tbat the expedition iideai.Mie.l
to watch the Americau expedition, of which
ina emperor is jealous,
Th river Neva is reported to ba full of
0 idling ice. No American ships woio at
'" "sUNBURY.
II. It. MAS5ER, Editor and Proprietor.
To AovKHTMsnn The circutall'iu of the Niinliiiry
Ainerirnn nni'ilijl IliO iliflVrelit Mw-nsou the flJiletiRllnl
i a nor tnKwiftl II fttitollcri lirmir paper published in .Norm
ern t'tmlikvlvftitin.
mil nirs taiii.l;.
tlutnes Notices.
Tns amchiva Law Rroister fur December
comrs to us filled will) matters of interest to the
lawyer and 'student. The work is well got up,
and handsomely printed. Published by S. D.
Uanfirld & Co., No-.. 9 Mercantile I.ihiiuv tniildi.
ings, Philadelphia.
It will be seen hy refwrifl-g to the advertisement
of Dr. WyckofT," tlmt he will remain a week lon
ger at this place. Persons who wish to consult
him, should do so soon.
O"" PniNTtNQ Ink. For sale for cash,
at this office, kegs ol 25, 20 and 12 pounds
each. Price 25 cents per pound.
fU" Land Warrants. Persons having
Land Warrants for salp, can dispose of
thrm for rash, hv annlvinc at this office. I
t j experience, in such mailers, and who have,
(7" Borough Finances. A citizen en-' in mote than one instance, acknow ledged
quires of us the state ol the Finances of the themselves unfit for the station. The pow
borough, and why they are not published J " to appoint auditors should be invested in
as in other boroughs, that the tax payers j the Court, and if we mistake not, petitions
can see how the public money is expended.
We are not able to. say why. it is net done.
It is ceitainly an important matter, and ne
cessary in order to keep up a strict account
ability between the tax payers and the dis
bursing officers.
7 Tun Telegraph Office, in this
place, has been removed to the room in the
second story of the building, occupied as
the office of C.J. Druner, Esq., a few doors
above the Poit Office, its former location.
Mr. A. J. Rockefeller, the operator, is at
tentive and always at his post, and' will I
make a worthy successor of our youog
l.-.ietid, Samuel J. Packer, who was proba
bly the best operator on the line.
The Northumberland Bridge is now
passable fur vehicles ol all kinds. On
Thursday afternoon Mr. Kapp of Northum
berland passedover anil came tothis place,
with four horses and a conveyance contain
ing a large number of the workmen. We j that "Ihe proposed Sunbury and Erie rail
regret to say, one of the workmen, the day j road will be completed in the lapse of two
previous, Icll through the bridge, and in his j years, and then we'll wiiistlk at Iluflalo.
i fall into the river, struck on the false work, i
!jt . i r I i , .,
oispiacn.g several ot his nus anu oincrvvise
jwijuring him severely. He waa rescued ;
j and taken to the house ol Mr. Krum, where j
j he was altended by Dr. J. B. Masser and is
; now recovering. '
iy Our ft lends of the Jliltonian and
. .
others ol our coteinporancs, are urging a
r ,., ' ' ,. " n .
Convenlion of editors, on the ISor'h and
UVs( ranrW , C(insllU rjl mpasurM for
thpic We dQubt nQt muj j
, I,, i . i ' c
good might be accomplished if proper mea -
st.rcs were adopted, and then carried out.
O" The Weather has become quite cold
and bracing, and tho end of canal naviga-
lion is near at hand; tn the mean time
our coal opetalors are working liite a,utl
early in dispatching coal. ' A number ol
our neighboring towns, we understand will
have a shot t supply. 'almost totally destroyed, a,bou.t the sa.ine
I time,
E7" Lieutenant General. Mr. Clem- j - -
ens, Senator from Alabama, a democrat, has ' Silver Coin is becoming quite scarce
given notice that he will introduce a bill in , n 'l'e cities, being purchased and sent
the Senate to confer the rank ol Lieut. Gen- fbfoad. Some of the New York papers re
eral on Major General Winfield Scott. commend as a remedy, a new coinage, wilh
This is a just and well merited tribute to i 20 per ct. alloy, and the coining cf half
Gen. Scott. As a military man, he has no j dollar aiul cue and a Lalf JcJUt gold pie
superior, and every (rue honors ccs.
him as such.
Cabinut Making. Some of the pa
pers engaged in "Cabinet Making" for the
benefit of Gen. Pierce, have given up the
business, finding, most probably, that the
General did not approve of their work.
"Observer" of the Ledger says the limber
used by these Cabinet Makers is getting ve
ry cheap. We should think so too, judg
ing from the kind and quality of some pro
posed to be used in the construction ol the
Several of our exchanges have, recently,
come to us with a hand bill enclosed.
Now this i3 not only violating the postage
laws, but it is meanly abusing a privilege
granted to the Press. An editor who will
permit his paper to be used as a screen, to
cover a fraud upon the department, by cir
culating hand bills, must have had his mor
al sensibilities considerably blunted, or else
his moral preceplions are too muddy lo en
able him lo discriminate between right and
wrong. In some instances, these bills were
furnished, already printed. In such cases,
the publisher circulating them, is simply
paid for abusing Ins privileges, to delraud
the government.
C7" The Danville Intelligencer says,
all the machinery of the Wilkes-barre Roll
ing Mill, lias now been removed, and laud
ed ou the wharves of the Montour Compa
ny, at Danville, where it will be put in
position for work, with the least possible
delay. The machinery was taken up and
removed, under the superintendance of A,
iG. Votis.
Have been engaged the past two weeks
in re-audiling Iht accounts of the three last
Treasurers orthe County. They were ap
pointed by Ihe Court, tinder a special act of
the" legislature. Tire auditors are Wm. I.
Greeno'Jgh, S. D. Jordan & S. John, Esqrs.
Their report, we presume, will not be
known until it is presented (o the Court in
January next. The auditors are compe
tent men, and we trust their report will
fully adjust and explain matters that have,
for some years past, been the cause of va
rious rumors and slrange conjectures. The
accounts of some of our Treasurers, it is said,
have been very loosely and imperfectly
kept, resulting, no doubt, from a want of a
proper know ledge of the subject. This is
one of the difficulties incident to the popu
lar system ol elections, and for this very
reason, the people should be more guarded
in their selection ol officers. The office of
auditor is perhaps, in some respects, the
most important in the county. It is their
duty to investigate and examine the ac
counts ol the Treasurer, Commissioners Slc
A good auditor, should net only be a good
accountant-, but haya some practical know
ledge ol business, and there are but few,
who are, what may be termed, such, even
among business men. Yet we often find;
persons elected, wholly incompetent to dis
charge the duties of the office, honorable
and worthy men loo, but who have had no
to that efl'ect, will be presented to the next,
HIT" Tho Erie papers notice the arrival
of the Committee ol the Philadelphia Ci'y
Councils in. reference to the Suubury and
Erie rail road. The Committee, it is said,
iare hi-hlv ratified with their visit, and
1 ,i . I i , iii,,,.1
. there can be no longer any doubt but that
! ., ... .. '
. I lie councils will suuscnoe at least one mil-
lion, and put the road under contract, this
winter, from this place to hock Haven. In!
thai event the Susquehanna road vlli &.'i
course, extend no further up than Siinbury, '
where it will connect with the Suiibiiiy
and Erie road. The ISufi'ulonians are high.
ly indignant at the citizens of Erie for in-;
sistitig upon the narrow guage in the con
struction of the Lake Shore road through ;
Erie county, compelling them thereby to,
n-ship at Erie. The Erie Gazette con-
eludes an article on this subject by saying,
ju.-l as she would al us, could she em-ct her
? r .. .. I
uurung projeci or a conuuuous la.iroau ,
guage to Ch-'Veland !" :
017" Acoitxs. The Uradlord Reporter
says that Burton Kingsbery, Esq., ol that
... , , , , ' , ,
.enty - Uuec bushels ot acorns, destined lor
I n , . , . e
Belgium and Holland. Mr. K. is ageat for
. .. . ...
owning land in
that county, who ordered these aeon fos
line purpose ot introducing tie oan into
j 11 "
those colinlrils-'
' C7' EitiF.s in the cities and towns of Ca-. .
J lifornia, generally make a clean sweep.,
The late fire at Sacramento city, consumed
"early the whole town. The loss which ;
is immense, w estimated at five millions of
I dollars. St. Marysville, a small town, was
ry The Lewis-burg Chronicle contra.
diets a statement that has gone abroad, that
there are no boarding places for students at
Lewisburg. Well behaved students can
always be accommodated at reasonable pri
ces. 1 here is, huwevef, a of dwel
lings, Er" The Doctors at Pitl.burg are quarrel
ing in regard lathe treatment of (Ion. Wal
ter Forward dee'd. Ju the case of Daniel
Webster it is said his death, was hastened
by his (all Irom his carriage, and that if lie
had been bled at Ihe time he might still be
The Scientific Americau, gives e
new cure for hiccough. Raise oue or both
hands high above your head. It is said to
be a certain remedy,
f7 The Whigs of Union county held a
meeting at New Iierlin on Tuesday, on the
subject ol adopting the Claw fold county
system for the nomination of candidates.
!X7The Daily Newsot Philadelphia has
put on a new dress. The News is a spirit
ed paper. looks well and reads well.
O The trouble between the Cresceut
City, and her officers, with the Cuban au
thorities, have been adjusted, and the
Steamships, of the New York Line, now
enter Havana, without molestation wilh
Mr. Smith on board.
CT Thomas C. Ellis, has been appoint
ed Post Master at Danville, vice Gideon
M. Snoop, trsigneJ. ,(
i UF" The following is from the Lewisburg
Chronicle. Let ' our friends be patient,
another year more and this trouble at least,
will be ended.
We could wish no ami-railroad man a
worse penance than a ride to or from the
Junction, ovor the present abominable roads,
and under the "shocking bad" and even
dangerous staging on that rout. On Tuesday
night Ihe stage broke down below Liveipool,
leaving the passengers l find- their way on
foot to that place through the darkness ami
mud ; and Thursday morning the coach lip
set between Shamokin Dam nnd Northum
berland a thing that it came within a hair's
breadth of doing the night before on the
same spot.
Jjy The Jersey Shore Republican speaks
encouragingly ol the prospects ol their
town, which is now the depot for the sup
ply of a large, lumbering district, and also
for Ole Bulls Colony, which, is about 40
miles.distant, in the wilds of. Potter coun
ty, where deer and trout are almost as
abundant as the leaves of the forest.
Strange as it may appear, when the Erie
road is finished from this place, a four hours
ride., through a rich and fertile cpunlry,
oyer aggrade not exceeding three, feet to
the mile, will take us into the midst ol this
nosv wild and almost inaccessihle r.rion,
but which is, ere long, destined' In lie a
flourishing porti&n of our commonwealth. the Haentnientti Pally I'ihiui..
Sacramento in Ruins Loss of L'.feIm. , candidates Tor ihe Attorney (.eneial;ip.
mcne Deslrnetion oj Property. ' Both are eminently qualified, and as co-op-
That terrible destroyer which has hereto- j erationists unexceptionable to the country.
laid in ashes every other impoitant town in i The appointment r.f. Jefferson Davis is nut
this state, has at last visited our own fair city j feared .by. any one. Between a general par
of tho plains, and in a few brief hours swept. dim extended lo nil pnli'teal offenders, and
almost every vestige of it from existence.
Amid tho excitement and cuiifiixion which
prevails it is impassible for us lo give our
readers abroad more than a brief summary
of the painful thrilling events of tho last,
thirty houis.
At ten minutes past 1 1. o'clock, on Tues
day niglrt, tho appalling cry of fire was sound
ed, and almost instantly the entire pnpula-
tiou rushed into the streets, and at once por-
ceived that their diiest apprehensions were
, . ,, .....
mrfie than lullv realized. At the tunc Ihe
mifie than fully realized,
l IIIU HI wn'v Ulll II CIIJTWlllllJ 119 II IIIU Vl. UK. IMO
hillj co,,pjre, for u,c ,estinclion of this city, i
a Norther had just et in and was blowing
a. sJiff breeze from ihu Nurthrwest, which,
after the fire commenced incieased alinnr
to a gale. The point w here the lire started,
loo, was Ihe very ono for sweeping iho cily,
and befoie il had been burning five minutes
it became evident that Sacramento was
doomed to destruction. The fire companies
weie nrotntlv nn iho snol : but in Ihe face
of glI(.,, n win(, am, gl.a of hVi i( was setlI,
by all that they wore powei less. They e.v-
hausted tho water within reach bill produced
not one particle of effect on the fiie. It had
obtained ihe mastery of man, nnd; !iis ;;uny
arm. was. as little foil by tJu laging (lames,
a it would l.ave been if diiecled against ui
ocean tempest. Men gathered m crowds-r
g0 ookin,r 0I1 waves of fiie as thev
rolled from house lo house and street lo
sheet, bewildered fascinated and apparently
paialyzed al tho teuible work of destmcli.m
e(,i"S 0,1 bl"f"ltJ Hwra while others were
fore t l.o fire sliyiild reach liter.;.
Then commenced a scene on the streets,
whicli begiars description men, women
and children were seen desperately engaged
in efforts lo save something from the jaws of
the devouring element, but in most instan
ces their effurts were fiuilless, and hundreds
who retiicil on Tuesday night f,jih iho con"
cionsness Ur haling plenty of the comfort o ! lU Mf CaT am, hs assnl.u ,; ,
life around them, wero landing the next I '. .fi,.llllemil,y . , wrVilllUB.,1IliB
morning on the place were Sacramento;lIie fan, j,, (i,laljlv nm, ,,,,.,,1.
without one dollar in their pockets, and only nili,npPiu.,ill)i(.. !y ,ll0 w,v M ,,,
iho clothes they had on. It wan an awful , ,j1(J mam ,,jl(r.
night, and Clod groan that we may never bo . Th(J k,.,,, ,7onry Society" has jn'sl do
called, upon lo witness another wth. j Sl.a j,, fi(st exhibitioii-aud a most success-
In llu hislory or past fire, w:e remember ! flll H1IH it M, WI ollt to j9 r.lure hll( 1500
none so destructive. Il swept away in i fow Is were en.le'.ed, I'.eaily all of them very
Ihree hours fully seven eighllhs of iho city j sl)V1(,rlor) am many of tUem lluy manifi.
including every publio building except the j ccuU Mre than 250 people were hopeless-
Presbyterian Chinch ami Court House
Commencing ut the Levee on J street and
that street lo ninth down fiont lo O street
aud southeast in the direction the wind was
blowing, so long as a building was found to
burn, but live or six houses aie left standing.
Between I and J streets the most of eighl
blocks; between J and K uinecntiie blocks;
between K and L as far as built up nine
blocks and several blocks telow I. street and
between 3d street and the Levee are included
in the burnt district. Acres, which ou Tues
day last weie covered wilh buildings and a
busy throng J populutioa. are now covered
with cinders, coal, ashes, remains of
goods hall' consumed, with here and Ihete
an ancient California oak interspersed.
The destruction of goods has been very
heavy ; the amount, of near as can be ascer
tained, we publish in another column' llul
there ace hundreds who have lost their little
all, from w hom llio public will never hear.
Had Iho families uf one-half the bunnies men
been in the city, wu hardly know what could
have been done wilh them. As it is, thou
sands are left houseless, and for two nights
past have slept under the wide canopy of
heaven, many of them without knowing
w here they were to obtain bread io eat Ihe
ur.xt morning. Goods furniture ice. are scat
tered all over that portion of the city north
of J street, and on the Levee, their owners
standing by them in ihe night, wilh not even
a canvas tent to cover lliem.
Shocking IV ru or a Theatrical Pkr
form fh. Hultiinore Dec. 9. A most shock
ing accident occurred, this evening, in the
Fiont Street Theatre. Oue of the ballet
dancers, named Ellen Cappervilla having
gone up on the "dies," ut the top of the
slage, made a mis-step and full lo Ihe stage,
killing herself instantly.
Miss Pf.nnki.l, niece of Ihe Hon. Horace
Manr, of Massachusetts, has been appointed
Professor of the Latin Language and Lilera
lure, in Antiocu College, Ohio, of which
Mr. Mann, is elected President.
QThk first shad of the season was caught
near New Havun, a day oi two since.
Correspondence .of the Phila. Ledger.
In regard to the Cabinet of Gen. Pierce,
the silence of the President elect is astonish
ing everybody. Politiojns are completely
at loggerheads ; but begin to admit what I
have predicted long ago,, that Gen. Pierce
will have a Cabinet nf his own, and no re
storation of the Cabinet of Mr. Polk. Gen.
Pierco will not be overshadowed by Presi
dential aspirants, nor by men. who may be
committed to a particular policy. lie will
have a Cabinet of comparatively young but
cnergolic men, if ha cannot pursuade Gen.
Cass to accept Ihe State Department. In
the latter case Gen. Cass will remain Ihe
Nestor of the Senate, mid the person in that
body on whom Gen. Pierce wile-mainly rely
for support. Under such auspices, it is
hardly lo be apprehended that Ihe affairs of
the government may take a wrong turn.
Mr. P.. M. T. Hunter is now strongly pres.
sed for the Tieasnry Department, nnd it is
admitted on nil hand that he has givpn am
ple proofs, of his capacity to preside over
the Finance Department nf the Government
by Ihe niam,ei in which he discharged the
duties of Chairman of. the Kinauco Commit
Ice in the Senate, if Mr. Hpnry As. Wisa
really prefers lire mission to England cr,
France, then there is every prospect of Mr.
Hunter becoming Secretary of-the Treasury,
and Judge Bayly, of Virginia, his siucesspr
in Ihe ScnaVe.
Judge Buller, of South Carolina, or. Mr.
Sink, of the same Suite, are the prominent
the exaltation of Iheir chief tn one nf the
prominent position in the country, there is
indeed a w ide difference.
That Geneial Pierce will, in all likelihood,
be aslied. la serve a second term, is now
conceded- by all th inkitiar politicians, nnd
this mo'o than anything else, puts the old:
Presidential aspirants hors tic eomhut. The
reign of the young men, though not of
Yci'ins Atuci ha, is at hand, but by no means
that of the fillibustcts. Onsi:avi:u.
A MoNsruors fi'Mon. A tumor, weiah-
n? "2 pound-, was taken, after death, from
tho txuly ol Hannah While, ol (,f.l, on the
22.1 ultimo. The sack nf tin! tumor weighed
1-7 j pound,. I'je Vmhuice being water, w hich
on being emptied out, filled a common sized
washtub. It had been in existence for ele
ven Springfield (Most.) Republic.
1 Jcnce Kvans, the newly elected Senator
! fiom South Carolina, is said lo lie an oppo
I nent of secession, and yet universally pop-,
j ular at home.
1 John Van Buisn, in n letter to tho Albany
j .Via, ib-nii-a the. story that, he has been lo
i Concord since Gen. Pierce's election,
p., ,il(, ,Sih inM 40. colored-emigrants
fll,m Fuyeiieville, arrived a Wilmington, N
' e. (., emUuk fur ' iberia.
lit: who neglects adveilisiug nut only rub
himself of his fair advantages, but bestows
the spoils on his wiser livals.
V"r tin: S3nulnry Aim-ririui.
Amkuic-an IIoT,i
Philad. Xav. 27, 1852.
!kau M. Once moro in Philadelphia,
where you and I so love lo be; stopping at,
the bps.! located house, ajid one of the best
.' Kent in '.tie el V .No man will "o '.i-iioe. an, I
ly inoculated with ihe "chicken fever.1
Some of them, desperately, you w ill say,
when ono uia.i oileied $75 for lL,iee Shang-
hais, the same soil as wero exhibited al c.jr
r. T-..:. ;.. V... i I......I.... I I I
w"y'"J a
other refused it. 42o. and even $3!i was no
uncommon piice for a Irio. And the man
w ho oiTe.ed lo sell for lba pa,r, was cotr
sideted so cheap, thai people would not buy
his chicken, for fear thev were uol good.
Such things lire nut unusual.
Here were to ho seen Shanghais or fochiu
f hiiifi, White Shanghais and wuitlagong in
all Iheir pomleiou glory, and remaikable for
their prolificness. Wack Spanish, Poland, ment ,0 Jollr mid. But be provided wilh , 1 next s'ssion w in, no uouoi, as nere.oiore, lore
Spangled Hamburg, Creoles or Bollon Crey, !some lst.fll, books rlicll n, iMotyt Pbiloso- ' " 'rhT Ci's. il Glohs and A.ceix
Dorkings, &c. (iame fowls, famed for their
indomiluble feiocity and courage. Uautams
of every color, in all their diminniiv.o elo
ganca. Silky fowls of Japan, with feathers
resembling hair. Turkic, (Jeese, Pucks,
Guineas, all largely represented in this con
gress of fow ls; and yet after all, not half us
foul as that which convenes at Washington,
the goal of many an unsophisticated young
man's, ambition. Don't show this to Dowait
or Tacker. Altogether it was a very novel
und interesting show, going far lo elucidate
the particular branch of Natural History,
w hich the Society embraces.
Tho President, Dr. M'Cliulock, is a man
of wonderful energy, with a strong will, a
huge brain, and a digestive apparatus, ko. in
proportion. In truth, a well balanced indi
vidual, uudur whose guidance no enterprise
can very easily fail. But he is uol the pnly
man of prominence and ability, to whom the
Association may looj; for "aid and comfort."
Among the mot efficient, I may name with
out iuvidiousuestf, Mersis. Wm. Wistar, Aa
ron Clement, A- T. tyewbold, V. C. Rud
man, lie v. S. A. Bumslead, Drs. Ctabb, 11. J.
Brown, Duncalf and many others, one of
whom modesty will not allow me to mention,
who have contributed by their energy and
good will to the success of the undertaking.
am sorry, my dear M-, you were not pre
sent to see for yourself. Even you might
have learned something. It seemed, as if
every chicken in ereation was here, but the
Democratic Pootr. lid has diuuk so much
w hiskey and crowed so lustily since theclec-!
lion, he is laid up, I doubt not, with a swell
ed head and a sore throat. It's likely how
ever, he'll be out, again, one of these days.
I do wish, "lhat.same old coon" (skinned
now, alas! but not dead), would get so good
a hold nn his. neck as to stop his wind. What
say you 1
What a lovely place is Philadelphia wilh
ihe regions round about, to who can
boast a little la.He What desirnWe people
one meets! What sweet interesting faces
one sees in omnihusts, on the promenades.
at church and Ihe concert ! What nice fiesh
oysters and terrapins one enn get under
ground! A man of wealth, who docs not
spend a portion of his time here, is not lit to
be rich. He don'l know how to use his gold.
Il ought to be taken from liinij nnd divided
among such chaps as yon and mo and some
others I know of.
I passed ono day wilh a friend near Ger
mantowr, and with him drove through ihe
ancient borough and among ihe beautiful
country residences, seeing innumerable evi
dences of wealth, nnd but one of poverty
Ihe Poor House. It is certainly pleasant to
see old fields, high!) cultivated ; dwellings
built v.jth a yjow In elegance and comfort !
fine horses; well bred cattle, heep, swjne
and po'.dlry. Geunantown i:r.ria I he- few
places in our country, where wealth, seems. I
lo last in families for a number of genera-j
lions. Here are naiuea, w Ljc,!, occupy, nnd;
have always occupied the same high social j
posilir.a since thy foundation of the colony.
Ll'.ai! I'm pleasure of calling upon your.
brother of tho IVeso. the noted. amLnblu eili- :
I, r,, .P , , ,.. , r , . '
I tor of the relegrnpli. In garden fur neat-;
, .. ,,
; ncss, tnsto and productiveness Mho paragon :
of gardens, anil his crested po!ill lowls Ihe
j handsome?! 1 luive e o-r necn. IJr. Freas is ,
progressive in his Ideas - a useful man in his J
day and generation. ,
j Whil'j on the subject. of agreeable people.
! let mc say. a word of your distinguished tel- i
: low democrat, (Jen. Patterson. 1 have had
i the pleasure of visiiing him on several ocea- !
; sions, arid piononnce him. without hesitation. !
one of the ablest men, your parly can l.uist. j
In conveisation ho has but few eipials. sn.d
if it be tine, natme stamps her seal nf j
greatness on Ihe outside of men, Ins bears on '
his massive and manly brow, her patent of
nobility, lie is spoiteu w(- for a seat in the i
Cabinet. Ce:i. Pierce will do himself honor :
lo appoint him j
Do you know John Pii ; Wellierill ? ' Not
to know him is to ari;ne yourself unknown."
A 111 ltd man with a biu soul, who sometime
lues lo hide the good that's in him, beneath
a rough and caieless exleiior. Me is one of
Iho notables of the town, a most decided
chaiaclcr, wilh few enemies, ami manv
I fiiemls. No hand more free than his lo con- j
j tribute tnwaids any enlerpiise, chaiitalle or
J alhei ' iliat meets (lie approval of his
judgment. May he lor live to enjoy the
! v.'.cahh he scatteis s i cenerouslv. i
of cattle, reminds me of the
'stab'i.-luneul of Mr Aaron f "Ik- ,
: incut, iii South street, rear Tenth. When
! you viMt i-lii'i.M';'oia-:i"aiii, call upon him.
'lie will make nu weleonie and rho.v vou
i some fine spi'i-jiurns of all the ai.inials 1 have
j mentioned. In'i.m lo his olhu. business,
i Mr. C. deuU largely in blooded slock, f 1 1 i i u
! Oldeis fiom eei V i:arte.r i. Ihe Union. He
. is the gentleman from hum our pii ited fid-
low citizen, Kapp, puichaed his pair if
Diiiliam eatlle, last ao.liiiin.
I jihis cily I'uiitiuues i!s vigorous rapid
growlh, nay increases it. On all si Irs, no.lh-
wardly in particular, bcildings are spiingii.g
up "as Irom the stroke of Ihe encharilt r
wand," hireslii di'iiiL' opeiu'd, pavements ex
lendiioj, nil tiS). evidenres nf n vJii'l
Tiletiopolis mulliplyiiii w'uero but a lew
years or even months ago, lay Ihe open fields.
Europeans uaiim on the scene are filled with
wonder ' Philadelphia may not boast the
wealth of Huston and New Voik, nor the
commeicc and population of Ihe latter, mid
yet she contains many more buiMin;' than
any cily in Ameiica. I am crowing geo
graphic ivnd ttivtistie, so faiewell.
n. t.
I l-'or tlin Amerlrnii J
1 know of no class of people w ho have
: r,ioro oppi,.i!i,:nity of improving their mental
' capacities than a farmer. "The long winter
j evenings which are passed away i sloth
' i ; n .... I:.....: r..
ana Ulienes-, migui. oj Uppi-..uo u, B.u.,j,
be c,f gret value. Let me advise on, bro-
ther fAinie:, afier you have pci formed Iho
.,Ui of the day, and pailuk of an excel-
lent supper of invigorating food, lay not
I down on the carpel behind iho stove, or on
' gome bench or setlee, with a full and loaded
stomach, and snore away those piecious
i hours, which never can be recalled, lo the
! iniui v of v ur physical r-!.teir and delri-
Agricultural and llorlicultuial Treaties,
and last tint least, one or two weekly news
paper. Anil w hile your good wile is em
ployed patching your habiliments, your ro-
ev daughter's knitting ttockiiig", and your
bovs mending shoes or whitling sticks, you
1 . ? , t , ' i
beguile lime by read(!ig aleud und occasion-
ally Up lo (.'ommenl upon the si.j.'cl you
are reading, ui.d lo explain Iq their imputing
minds such mailer as ll.ei. juvenile years can-
noi noinnieheud. And llu.s these loni; w inter
evenings will pass away with improvement
. , ,
and lleetness, te old clock lit Ihe comer
will chime Iho hour of ten which is a sum-
nnna III relirn lo fc Ulllbci'. VOU ll.lll VOUI
-- - - I . J
family wi
h. .,
suipuse at the,
shorlncss of the evening, and if the old inker
was not long known for its veracity ) ou
would conch'.do it hail skipt an hour or Iwo
The next day when you uro at your useful
employment, reflect upon what you have
read, aud store up such knowledge which
may be beneficial. The task of labor w ill
become much lighter. Your active mjnd
will buoy up, and act & siimuloua or pro.
peller Iq the Physical system as your im
provement advance your mind w ill expand,
which will enable you to see in all things
around you, the wonderful wisdom of the
great omnipotence. It will make you strong
bulwark! of the federal arch for a know
ledge and information advances ignorance
and ntupidily must retreat
Shamukin, Pec. 17, 1853.
New Advertisements.
Stutteriti".nnd Stammering
Cured in fromfivf io twtnly minutes.
THE undrrsigncd would respectfully inform
the citizen orSunbury and virioity that lie hn '
taken rooms for one week at COVERTS HO
TEIj, In the Horough of Suubury, where per
son Dflliclod with
May call on him at any lime between now and ,
Saturday the 2.1th inat.,and obtain rclirffrom that .
disticssinir iinieiliiiicnt in a few minutes, without ,
s-JHlical operation, or the slightest pain.
Tbf tindiTsifrned i tho only pcraon In the
t'nilij Miitcn that can perform this cure clleetu
ally. . He I'll" practiced upon 1500 persona with
in the last ihiec years ; and Ik iMi , ho has in
his poHgesaiou scoics uf, certificates of eurcs upi n '
persons in this and ctjier sections of the country, '
ta whom reference niay"lm.hsj if any doubts eit. '
isls an to his ability lo accomplish. nil he promises. '
Among these he hns the errtificnta of Ihe Niw
York Medical Faculty 1 the A'ev. E. J. Priiit;
Editor of Presbyterian Rev. Dr. Knot, New
York ; Professer Jomane, of liishnp Doane's
College, Ilurlington, K. J. ; C. Vaurenseller, '
Corresponding Secretary of the Hoard of Educa
tion, 256 Chestnut street, Philadelphia ; Prtnr
Fnrnuni, Chestnut street, Philadelphia, bcsidei'
numerous other eminent personage. Moreover,
ao confident is lie in the success of his peculiar
mode or treatment, that he will
Charge nothing where he fails to cure.
Which shall bo tested at once by the patient
r-.ading and spending with fluency and ease wilh.
out the slht stuitcnng or staminerinir.
Pullluryi 0cc u " 1 tK0FF-
. ... . .
.VPIfulttirftl .Ml'Ctillg.
,,.,, mr,.1inf( of l!l0 rimm,crl,ln,
County Airriiidlural Society, for the clertion o,
oHiirrs. will be held at the Court Hoiirp in Sun-
bury, on Mundav, January 3, at 2 o'clock P.M.
J J'
DAVID TAfiGAin , ) .
, j (;;i.-j.'()-(;h I Jerrys.
y Othrr County pnrcrs please copy,
Dereinlicr 11, 1S.V-.
ry.lIK undcrhigncd Auditor, appointed l.y tlm
X Orphans Court of .Northumberland county,
to make distnliulion of the moneys in the liandx
of Ahrahani KothcriiK'l, Achniiii.-tr.itor of
Ke.niple, late, of Lower Mahc.iv.j, township,
;orih'rnihi-rlanil oiiinty, dei ensed, to'.nn.'l ariibv.
the heir and leaal ri'piesenhitivcs of sriiil ilecc-.
iltfnt, will.-uttnii.) lj Ihelluliis of hi appointment,
ui- hi nlrii-e, in li) liorou-A. iir SSiiniiurv, oi
Wi'iliii'sdny, Ihe twi'iily ninth iluv of Ileceinl er
1S."i2, at til o'llock A. M. Al which time and
place nil persons interested can attend, if tiny
mt proper.
.1. B. PACKEIt, Auditor.
Sunlmry, Dec. !), lts.V!. 3t.
TO 'the Jlon. .i. J()JlD.7A lrj., Prm;
dent and his .-Issaciutcs, Judges,, of - the
court o f QiKirlir Sessions oj' the county.,
of A'oilhiimUrlund :
The pelilion of CIIAl.V.S .flAUINfiKR re.
spei-tfully showrth ; that yrmr petitioner is ill
possession of a rrninindioiis hou.., i-; r.n t in Ihe
llorouh of !iinl'iirv on Ihe roaii- l.i,lin; from
funhury to Harrishurt?, whirh ia wei.jiiilculnted
lor a pu! lie House of eiitcrtnimnent nnd for the
iK'i'oiniooilatioii nnd entertainment of t ranker a
iiinl triivcllers. 1'hat he is well proviilt'd with
Rtalilini; for horses, and nil conveniences iieee-:..
s.irv lor the cuti rtaiiiuii ut of stri. iicirt and tra
vellers, lie therefore respectfully prays iho
Court to grunt him a licence to keep uu lull, or
pul. lie h.ij" al' ciit-'rtnhincnt at the plme herein'
lumieil, niul lie will .r.;v.
Ve the suhserihers residents of ihe llorouih
of Suiihiirv and I'pper Aususta tovvnhi Jo
tierehy rerlify thht ('HAS. (iAIilNCElt the ap
plicant lor the license, is a man of good repute
lor honesty and temperance, and is well provided
wilh house rooi.. u r;t ruiivcnienccs for Ihe lodg
ing and nee c.niiiioihition of strangers and travel.
I';rs and that a l'uhlic lIouc there is nceessury ;
diey therefore reeoniend him nn a proper pcmoiv
to he licensed U keep u public house.
Charles YA"evpr.
J. It. Packer,
I!. II. Awl,
3f M.'Mnsscr,
Jacoh Ki kinan.
Samuel 'J'iionipsou,
K. (i. Markley,
billies Covert,
.1 no. P. Pursel,
Win. 1,. Dewart,
Ira T. (.'lenient
.1. Farnswortti, "
John Haas,
II. J. Wolverton,
Deeendier 11, I ri't'i. '.it, '"
riHIE suhs. riher respectfully infJrms the riti
- wns cf Siiiil.uiy nnd eoiity' n'liit he ha
opened u Niht School in I No pill. lie School
rooms in this place, for the purpose of leaching
the common hranches of un English education,
hut more particularly Reiitin. n hranch loo
much neglected. II is Terms arc iji 1 for sixteen
nights, provided scholars arc satisfied. Fuel
and Light f.uiiidly himself. School commenced,
vi Thursday night last to continue every night,
; until the end uf the qua iter.
Sunhurv, Nov. 27, 1S53. tf.
0N(!ItESS has made the (iluiik its organ of
v r,n,ni,-atio.i with iheeounlrv. To fi.eil.
;,, i,,0rtaiit ol.jc.-t, and diminish Ihe ex.
pensc to the people, the C' il Olude
"J Ares-MMX. which contain the proceedings of
() )p col)vovt., iilruUK1 IP mails free ot'piwtage.
The iipproueh of a new administration imparts
peculiar iwp.Uuce if the next session of Con
gress. Throughout Ihe w'l-V country there will
be culiciUidc t know what iriiape Congress will
I endeavor to ghc to tlc r.atiojil nu'aii to meet
I me incoming uuuiiiiiMrauoii. . lie tieuaies ui
, are printed on a double royal sheet in royal quar
to lorin, earn nuniner roniniiung sixteen pages.
The Congressional (ilobc is made up at' the daily
proceedings of the two houses : and the Appcn-
j m cmhraeec the long speeches withheld l.y the
. speakers for revision, lha .Messages of the Presi-
j ,,'" oftho l ,'il, d Slu'"' "d ,he K'l'orU of the
t II ends of the Executive Department,
j Thc Uw 4 a C8sion nJ .
dex to them, Are printed as oon as possihle after
! adj.)urnmer,t, and sent to all sulueril'crs to Ihe
j Congressional Glohe aiid Appendix.
' ll,s '
F"0"0 cor' of Puiy ClU du,u,8
I the next session
.(ir ono col,y ofUll) Congressional (ilohc,
Appendix, aud Laws for the next ses-
$3 50,
3 00
I tin liuiisci Union I1IUIII- niuni BU uii,ifiji iiiv
" ' ,:,' '
order. eli.e nn ntleiitlsll Will I'C nuld to it.
fcubscriplions ,i,ouJ reach he.; by '.lie 15th
! of Dccenther, at farthest to 'insure all the nuiu-
I have about five hundred surplus ropicsof the
Conerch.iomil tilulw for the last session, which
contain, besides the proceedings of Congress, all
laws and joint resolutions passed during the ses
sion. The proceedings and laws nmkc 2,r52 pi
ges ; and the list of appropriations and Index not
yet printed, will inuke ahout tjl) page? more, I
will let those who subscribe fu( tiie Congressional
Globe and Appendix for the coming session bave
them al tho follow imr rates: Price per copy, un
bound, three dollars; or bound in three vol
umes, backs' and cornets Russia leather, five dol
lar. They will be delivered lo subscribers at
these prices. I sell the bound volumes here for
lour dollar a volume) the thre yoiunie bound
for twelve dollar. Every person who take any
part in Ihe politics of this country should posse
Washington, November 1 1, J852,