- SUNBUllY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. l 0 C t X u . THE BACHELOR'S BRIDAL. Not a laugh was heard, nor a jnyoua nolo, A our friend to the bridal h hurried ; Not a wit discharged his farewell shot, At the bachelor going to be manieJ. V marneii him quickly, fo Mte him frigh', Our head from the ieht lurniuu ! And we sighed as we siood by the lamp's uim ngnr, To think him no more decerning. To think that a bachelor free and bright, And shv of the eiils as we found him Should there at the a'.tor, at ti e dt ad of night, Be caught in the snare l hat l oun I him. Few and short were the words we Mid, Though we hear i'v ate of the ci.ke. Then escorted him home from the scene of dread While his knees did awfully shake, We thought as we hnllowed his lowly bed, The beech, the birch and the willow, How the shovel and broomstick would break on his IipbiI, Of the tears he would shed on his pillow. Says he "ihey will talk of their friend who hns gone, And every old 'Batch' will upbraid me ; But nothing I'll reck, they'll let me sleep on, 'Nealh tho coverlet, just as they've: laid me." But half our brotherly lank was done, Ere the clock told the hour of morning ; And we left with the hope that the fate ho had won Would prove to each comrade a warning Slowly and sadly we marched down, From the top of the uppermost story, And tre never have heard from or seen the poor man. Whom we left not alone to his glory. DECEMBER. BY HOOD. !o sun no moon ! No morn no noon No dawn no dusk no proper time of day No sky no earthly view No distance luokinrr blue No road no street no "t'other side tho way." No end to anv Row- No indications wheie the Crescents go-- io rop 10 any steeple No recognitions of familiar people No courtesies for showing 'em ! No travelling at all no locomotion No inkling of the way no notion "No go" by land or ocean No mail no post No neivs from anv forcinn coast No Park no Ring no afternoon gentilily iwuiitinyliu uuillllty- No warmth no cheerfulness, no healthful case ino comtortable feeling in any member . No shade no sluine, no bnttoi flies, no bees. No fruits, no flowem, no leaves no birds. L'EC EMBER '. -..-.- h i II llllTM CHERRY PECTORAL: Fur Ihe Care mf COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BROW OHXTIS, CROUP, ASTH. MA, WHOOPING-COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. Mnnv vwirs cf trial. Instead of Imrairinf the public on fi.ltncu in Una nicoicine, tins won fur it on apiirecuiiion ami ii'iirirty by fur derailing lle moil Kinnuiue expecta tions of its liiciids. N"thing but ill intrinsic virtues and llie iiimiiaiiikraihlekcnrht conferred mi thousands of sutler- cm, could oiigiunte und maintain llio reputation it euj ;ys. ..n.:. r. : Ai.. iU....t ...u... ili.l (.(.1.11111111111.. 1 IIIIC 1IIUH) 111ICI I.-HnT.llUn tl. .1-1 ,n u . -I havo failed and been discarded, Ihia Ims gained Irienila by every trial, conferred lienefila on Ihealllicled Ihey ran nev er lorget, und pr.Htucea cares too nuiui-ruus mm blc to be forgi'lUll v line 11 ia a iraun on me pu jnc in yrciuim ui ui.y .-. medicine will iiifainbly cure Hill time ia abondnnt prool that llio CiiEHKt P tohl d ;es not only a a seiiera! Jung, but nlmut invariably cure the maladies lor which n ia emi'l'iyed. A. lime makes these facts wider and lictter known, this mrdieine has crarlnallv become the liest reliance of the nlllicteit, fiom Ihe log cabin of the American Peasant, to the palaces ot l-.art'ue ami mugs, i nroufiiiom una ciimc conntrv, in every Stale, city, anil hutoud almost every hamlet it contains, Ciikhhy 1'scToasL ia known aa the liest remedy extant for diseases of the Throat and Lungs, and in manv foreign countries, it la coining to lie exten sively nsiil by tlinr mcl intelligent l'hyaicinns. In Uicnt lirilaiu, rrance ami ijerniatiy, waerc me mctni-.u iciicm have reached their highest perfection, Cherry I'ictohal is introduced, and In constant use in the Armies, Hospi tals, Alma Houses, Public Inaiuitiona, and in domestic practice, as ine surest remeuy meir aucimiiis; riia"--iuii enti cninl v for tin mora dunei'iotts affections of the limes. A'so in niticier cases, aim lor cniioren n ismne, nlensnntand ell'ectunl to Cure. Ill fact. me of the most llitttering testimonials we receive have been from parents who nave louiul it elticacious ill cases particularly ineiucn- tal to chilillioon. The Ciisbrt PscTOitM. is manufactured hy a pinetirnl Chemist, and every ounce of it undcl his own e-e, with invariable accuracy und tare. It is sealed and protected by law from counterfeits, consequently cun be relied on as ffettuine without ndullerntion. v e iiiivr eiiiirnvoren uere 10 luiuisn 111c cimnm .....i with a medicine of such intrinsic superiority and worlhas houh) eommend itself to their conndenca a remedy nt onee safe, speeily and efleetuHl, which tins has by repealed and countless trials proved itself to be; and trust by great rare in nrenarinir it with chemical accuracy, of uniform atrenglli to ntlont I'livsieiana a new npeni on wnicn inry can rely for the best results, and the allleted with a remedy that will do !i r Ihcm all lhat medicine can no. Prepared and sold bi JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Sunlniry liy H MAS8ER, and by DruRgists generally throug.wt tthe fc'lnte. November 13, 1852. lyredtno JJilwortli, Branson t$ Co. Importkhs or & Dkalehs in Foreign and llomcslic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C. 1V0. 53 Market St., I door below id St, PHILADELPHIA. Whero they always eeo on hand u large stoc7- of every variety of Hardware, Cutlery, &c. Win. Dilworlh, Henry I). Landis SaniiH'I ISruntn-n, James M. Vance. October 10, 1855. ly. NEW STORE. BENJAMIN 1IEFFNE11 RE8PECFFUI.I.Y informs the citisens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has opened a new store in the room Utoly occupied by Oeorge Bright, opposite Bolton's Hotel. He has just re ceived a handsome assortment of Spring nwl Summer Goods, consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. SUMMER WARE of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO I Cnltcocg, (alnglinnifl, I.nivns, MouNHClliic Dc I.aluen nnd all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every variety. Also sn assortment of Hardware, Iron and Steel, Naila, &c. Aluo an excellent assortment of QUEENSWAItE, of various style and patlerns. Also an assortment of BOO T K SHOES. Palm Leaf and other H t3 and Caps. Salt, Fish, isc. Also a variety of LIQI OR8 such as BRANDY, GIN, WINE, &c. And a great variety of oilier ui tides such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold ot the lowest prices. 14T Countrv produce tiikcn m exchange at tlic highest prt. es. fruubury, May 1, 1S.V2. ty. Manufactured by tlte New Jtrsey Zinc Company, Newark, N. J. t I'HK ftubitoriber ore ivw priHretl t execute onlen 1 t nny t xtent tor llicir liiihltil wliitt and colon-U Zinc rmtiia, nt tne rctnimi pnecs, viz : wnTrniileil Nt. 1, White, gu'uml hi oil, 0 cenil p-.t lb., pur, No. j, d'. t't. f U No. II, d.i. 7 d. do Urown m.d Black, d i. fJ di. d-j One hundred ounlii will cover enidlly vv nm inv.ch antfiii-e n 160 lbs. cf While I.ud j ibcyaru'Jj percent clu-nper to the e mwiuier. The Zinc Whitb is rapidly Biipcrediiig White Irnd, nvcr whirh it poflsi-OTS intmy iidvunt(t' It ia winter, nnd more liemitilul than the While l.id di e not turn yell'tw, rven when i xpffrt! tr suljdinrnun vnpitr hits nti aim-II is not injurious Ui health, and is fur moic du rable. Zinc Drown and Hi-acr Paint akk poth Weaihkr ano KiB Proof. The best I'overinir fur (stiiaidc wmk ever introhieii, ndaptrd to butklinps of wo-d. brick nr nc to teiifcs. mrnnite ootties, nritiges. nml innchiuery TflEMENDOVa ExclTEKENT ! ! Cusli, Steam, Electricity ! ! The Acrid and aH ether lines out-done by the IJffhtnlnff Line or IRA T. CLEMENT. WHO, having great faith in rapid sales and small profits, has just received ano opened a large assortment of BPPIiNO AND SUMMER GOODS, At ills Store in Market Street, Sunbury, which he ofTrr to the public at the lowest prires. His stock consists ot a general assortment m Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings, Mitshns, Linens, Calicoes, Jiluslm tic Loins, Lawns, Ginpliams, Verages. Silk & Palm Leap Hats. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Groceries Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese, Spi ces, Fish Salt, Plaster. HARDWARE, Vis : Iron and Steel, Nuils, Kites, Saws, 4c. QUEENS WARE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, l;c LIQUORS, Wine. Drniuly, Gin, Ram, Whiskey, kt- CP" Country produco of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest tnniUct prices. May 8, 1K52 ly. GJ-S500 CHALLENGE. "1 ' It VTKVI'll concerns the health nnd hnppim-tw of n If people in nt all times of the most vuhmhle import ance. 1 take It tr granted tnat every person will d i all In their power, t wtve tin? lives of their children, and that every ivemoii will endeavor to nrom ite their own health nt ill FuenhVes. i Vel it tube my duly to solemnly assure you llmt WORMr. oecording to the opinion ul the niot oelcliritied l'livsieimia, urn the primary etiuses of a larire itmjohty (f chseasv-R to whieh eluldrcn nnd utlulis are lia ble ; il you have an uppehle eontitiuully chauceidile from one kind of f.wl to tinoiher, Mntl lireaih, Tain in the ffo tineh, 1'ickiiitf nt the Ne, iltirdiiess and rtillnessof thts lielly, 1 i y Ointrli, Slow I'ever, TuUe Irrentdiir remeinher iiwt an uiubr tiejiote UK.us, niul you shunld ui tmee up ply the remedy . wrk on hnnrd bhip to tetun h iler, piuukc picks and wntor tanks to iron, un, nii'i mner rhiniifr, iron simmer Hrs nuti raiimss, wue lenei-p, unnpts, vc. or Iron surtuees tins r.ont it eaR'oinl)y vaiufilj Su it forms a galvotdc c uiiiectioii, and entirely pievcnts rust. These Zinc Taints hnvuiff a pure Muhdie Dnse. nre war ranted not t i turn yellow, and will retain their ortpiiinl hrilhauey much Inniier than White Lend, or nnv i f the cinny picinenis now in use. me eertiiieaies irom ift.re ensth bee -n. nir soeoil- d mid i:.m,-.,..i ... il... ini. sii.,.-! no nuvc unea ineiw i-iuiio. nre snen ns 10 sausiv me pun- nni St mm me a fall by clashing Bwortlrs. j by corset boarU ; yel for sake A STRING OF ITEMS. The authorities of Hartford, Ct , have prohibited theairical exhibitions in that city. A Chair of Homoeopathic Medicine is to be established at Berlin. Since 1841, the population of eight coun ties in Ireland, has decreased 554,282. Anthracite coal vrai pronounced a humbug only forty years ago. Ole Bull, Strakosch, and Patti, are giving concerts en route for Wisconsin. It is now suggested that Gen. Scott will locate "lhat military hospital" at "the Big Licks." More than 2000 students havo inscribed themselves at Ihe University of Padua, for the ensuing year. As Daylight can be seen through the smallest holes, so do tha most triflng things show a person's character. Tank cars are being constructed in Cin cinnati for the transportation of live fish from the lakes for the market in that city. ihe excess oi temaies over mutes in England, is 400,000 ; in Scotland, 150,000, and in Ireland, 120,000 la extra polite circles the night mare is now termed "the nocturnal horso of the feminine gender." While thousand ten thousands full giddy females, thoughtless train of fashion yield to pain. Ten thousand pounds of Buffalo tallow have been received at St. Louis, from the Indian county. A portion of tho tallow was put in buffalo skins. The Engineers between Belvidere and Phillipt-'burg, N. J., have completed their surveys o wit lib three and a quarter miles of Bekidere. Among the patents issued for the week ending Nov. 22d, was one to E. C. Harmon, of Troy N. Y., for improveaientj in spaces setting type. "BiLir, my boy, can't you cat a little more !" "Well, I don't know but 1 could mother, if 1 Hood up." Heaven pity the man who has a slovenly j housewife ! Wealth may cast her favors .aiound him, but dirt and disorder will make iiis dwelling a cheerless abode. 'Some forty Methodist and other families in Trenton have agreed to become pew. boldexa in a new Methodist Church the building of which is now so seriously en tertained. Akcient copies of Bibles : Dates of Edition. Owners. Bosidecie. 1487. Pastor of B'p'st Ch'h, Meiiden, X. H. 1747. Maj. William Burlee, Pottsville, Pa. 1479. Archbishop Puicell, Cincinnati, O. tlKL Ti'cker, who ha been se often warned to "get out of the way," is said to have been ran over by a train of cart in Arkansas, which it the first , intimation wo have seen that a railroad has been built in lhat State. Boston Pott. CLOTHING ON CREDIT. Solicc to all Dealers in Ready Made Clothing. IlKNNKT Jk CO. request oil; who purrtmse ready made CI til ins im crtdit, to cull nt TOWBII HAM. C1.OTIII.NO HAZAAll, and ice the great stHtmtaRca they will havr ly purchasing fir cash nt this eileusive cstiiMtslmicnt. This, and this otilv. ia the nrincinlc nil which Ihey deal with all their numerous customers, who liuvc realized that at thts house they snare lit) effort ill producing the best CLOTHING, nt the lowest possible prices, and tlmt the foods made nt this house nre the lcst imde, most fashionable, and much cheaper than any other nouae can nuoru io sen ine auruc quality 01 jtmhii, urming from their lariie manufacturing mid importing facilities, and their dctertniiiat ion tnmuutuiu the principle of large sales and small profits. Their stock ia mobt ample and complete. rue particular attention ui mercnnina ana dealers ia mviled, who are requested locatl and jurigo for themselves, as we are satisfied that they canuot fail to sec Ihe advantages ihey will na-e in purclmtit'g toi ca.n. at TOWKK HALL, 134 MARKET sireet, between Fifth D11U D1XU1. BKNNF.TT i CO., Proprietors. Fhlladelpliia, October 10, l5!i 5m. LEATHER. Fritz, Williams Hendry, Storet Xo. 29 North 3d Street., PHILADELPHIA. 7 fOROCCO Manufacturers, Curriers, Import- era. Commission nnd General Leather Bus- iiieRs. Wholesale and Retail. XsT Manufactory 15 Margarctta Street Aug. 28, 1852. ly. lir tlmt tlti'V nre mvnliinlilc. The al-lmt cliiiint if rmice nnd thin country liavc tftttifiml to the piiprri"riiy ! i iiil' nvcr Lend Paints, at t riiirnhilitv, liettMlilulncus Qiui iHinuty. They have lieeii ntloptett hy the rreneli (itivein ment, hy the ettrp'ntinn of New Ynrk, und nre nw rx- I trunively uwd hy the 1'iiited Sl;ttt Oin'ernnifnl at ni:my tne largept .Miliwry muf .nartne ih-p'ta. Philadelphia Gar WoiiK. Mnv 15. is.il. Mews. F. C. Junk At C. f leiitleinnit Ilnvinir inntie seventl trinlanf your .frown Zinc Pnuit in vuriou metti rxls cnlftilnteil tn tt-nt its prntifiive tinl.tics v-fl nnd metnl, I hive tlu Mitmia'-tioM t atiite that the rt-mr's hove Iwn hihlv I'av.iinhle. The pitiiit cover inf well, drying quickly, Dud pofnemiiLfr rt-otcr tenacity, e-ipcrinlly upon lion, muu vny oincr wmi wnicii i nm in- luiliar. onrp, truly. Jonx ". f ttronv. The uiiderficiied. hm-n-e imed the Zinc Puintn leierred to concur in the fniegoitiff opiuton. Alorrm, rupkcr .limn Itenn':(, NeiiHu & Co., Peiin Works. Merrick tc Sn. Janit s T. Snt tun Jt Co., rrnuklin Imn Works. J T. Demi. U. S. Dry Dock. rp Dwilcrs unnlteU on reus muble terms by (lie Agents or the Couipniiy. No. n S jutlt Wharves, Phila. July 17, I32. 6m. J.I. DITTERICH, Xa 78 Worth 2il St., Ictwtcn Arch and liace St., FHILAEELCHIA. 1ERCEY inform, the iuMic tlmt lie imports nnd constantly kerns on hand nt liis new store, No. 78 North 2d St., a large assortment of Foreign Fancy Goods. .Musical Instruments, Pictures $ Paints, Cheap Watches j Jewelry, rHOLESALE and Retail, at the "Philadcl " phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 06 North ifecondStreet, corner of Quarry, Philadel plua. Gold Lever AVntchci, full jeweled, 18 carat cases, f iJ.00 Silver do. full jeweled, Gold Ppeetaelcs, T.OII Silver Lenine, jewels, 10 Fine Silver do. I.fio do do do. 0. Colli Bracelets, 3. ml flnpeiior Quortiers, 7. ! adies1 Gitld rencils, UK) Imiiatinn d.i. 5. Silver Tea spoons, set, 5,00 Gold Pens, with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1 ,00 Gold Finger Ring., 37J cents to $80 ; Watch Glasses, plain, 12) cents; Patent, 16jj l.unet SS ; other articles in proportion. All goods wur ranted to be what they are sold for. 6TAUFFER & HARLl'Y, Successors to O. Conrad On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and I. opines, still lower than the above prices. August 28, 1852. ly. SOWKll h HAltNES, Publishers and Booksellers, No. 84 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. t.klM tMa tt..m. DAtlMl aiut llirinrlral Wnrkl TrmveUi.Novels, kc, Ac SCHOOL BOOKS Every kind In use from s primer np wards. BLANK BOOKS. An elcirniit assortment from the ruin book upwards, niauc ui tftipciuir jTuju-r, hum ui bi iii iMiiumg. WRITING PAPERS. Can. Pout, and Note Paper, el - b ant atyleBsnd quality sud very cheap. aiAllUALIU. Fannv. Plnin fmd Adhesive Rnvelnnct, Ink, Pmid, XVu fert, Steel Pena, Stntea, Pencils, Porte-Mmmiea. Wnip- ping Pupora of alt ktuua, Curtain lnpera, &c, Ac. Our stock is all fresh, bmiclttrlienp ami ld ncc'rdmpty. Pnrticulur nttentinu paid ti Hiwksellers, Country Mer chants nnd Teachers, however little they miiy buy. Sower 9c Burnes are l,uiiiu!ier of Pl'J.TONIH series of MAGMF1CKNT OUTMNK MAPS Kich mp Is nearly ftKVl'.N FI'.KT W(UAKK, and shows the conipnrntive size nttd relative noaiunn of every country on the glbu. Thy ore intended to be susended in every tMiiml Konnij ami ii"t nitty mnke a splendid np penrnnre, hut ntc winversnlly nrkiu'wleiltred to bo the IlKsST MOUK OF TKACUI.NO UKOtiKAPHY ever broupht out. They are keys intendeil to lie used by the scholar.!, coi.tniimv; n emplVte epitome of Oeogrnphy, and eost i hr less than h-iit tne price oi a (.leoumpny aim Aims. The system is in universal use in Prus'sin and (icnmuiy, nnd hiis already been introduced tit (Jirnrd Collcpe, Phila delphia, the publie schivilsof Huston, New York, Phila delphia, Iialtimore, washmjrton, and througiinut F.ncUnd, New York, Ac. Our disks nro hwded with recommendations from the nist tnleuted nnd scien tific teachers in every quarter, and wherever the system has been used parents, teuehers und scholar unite in prais ing it. 1. Map of the wwlrrn Hemisphere. 3. Map nf the Kntum 11eimspiK-r. !1. Mnp of North America. 4. Map of the United States. 5. Map of Kurap"?. fl. Mnp of Acin. 7. Map of Siith America nnd Africa. Kvry map is lirillinntly eored, varnished, nnd mount ed on muslin nnd rollers. Wc respectfiiily invite the earnest ntteHti-m of Tyulicrf, Pan-nU, nnd IMiont Director to this t'nw hiatnitr mode of teachinff Ueogrnphy. MiWKK A H N KH, SI North Third irc:t, Philadelphia, Aug. l'W. If. IIOBENSACIC S WORM SYRUP. An article ( anidwl upon Peientifie Principles, cmj-onnd-cd with purely veffetntile substnncfs, bciia penVetiv wmV when inken, nm! can be piven to the most tender infant with dceiriitl bt ueliciid ell'wt, where UovH Coinplainis and Di:irr!io-n hare inn-le ih m weak und debiliiulet.1 the Tonic properties of my Worm Syrup are such, that it stands without nu'equnl in tho catnlnue of mcdit-iiif-s, in g v our tone nnd sireilh to the Stomach, which makes it an Infallible remedy f-T those ntlhcted Willi Dyspepsia, the a-sloniFiinR cure perf.iniu hy this Syrup niter Physi cians have failed, is ihe heal evidence of' its super ir r eifi eacvo it nil others. GLASS, DRUG S, PAINTS, &C THE Philadelphia Whidovr Glasa re house, and Llruir. Paint. Varnish, f ll and Pnlnr Stores. Nos. 33 and 35 Worth t ourtu aireei. East side, has the largest assortment of Wmdowi Picture, Coach, Case, Hot-llouse, ana omer GLASS, in the city; comprising upwards of 15,000 dif ferent sires, ranging from the smallest siic, up to 38 bv 60 inches of Sheet, and as largo as 5 hy 7 fco't of Plate tilass, including English Crown, French, German and American, both Single and Double Thick. Also, a largo assortment of Very Thick Class, fur Sky-T.ights, Hulk Windows, Ac. The Suliscriher having a heary stork on hand is prepared to fill orders at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Odd sizes of nnv pattern cut to order. Ground White Lead ; Paint, Vavu'nh, of ev ery description j Turpentine ( Liuuced Uil, hull ed and raw ; Pair.t Mills ; Putty ; Brushes , Dye Woods, cVe., cVe., etc. And also, a large supply of frenh imported DRUGS AND MEDICINES. J. II. PPHAGI.E. 'os. S3 &. 35 Norlh 4th ft., E. Side. April 10, 1852. ly. "MP AND COMrOUT," 1 o Your Own iTI tt ha ii ics. BANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. PENNSYLVANIA. riTr or Philadelphia V. 8. Hank notes lli dis All solvent bank. pa' cotrKTaf. Bank of Chamlwrsliurg 1 dis Hunk of Chester Co. par llsuk of Pol. Co. Chester par Bank ot ftsrmautowii lr Hank of Ucttyskur. 1 dis Hunk of Lewiitowa Hniik of MakHFtnwn 1V )lSB9y Co Hank par Bnnk of Nortlikunbccl'tul' pat imiiKoi rituumi) Bank of !auvilt par MASfACAIjflF.TTa All Blvit banks d,, KIIUJJE INLAND" All nlvent !ui)ui I dis UONNkfJ-UCUT AU Solvent honks. I dis RKW YRK, CITT. A II solvent honks I dis. lfUk notes under 93 J dut TOUBT1T. All solvents Imnks Vdis. KW JKKSLT. Delvidi-re Hank muntfrcinl Hank Fur. Hunk Mont Holly par I dis I dis Cnrlislr Hank 1 du l'". M., lnldletown Tl. par Colnnihio H'k A B'ga Co rurMuchwu' Uk, Newark pur IMTflStoWn ISallK par lliern. if! ot jiuriiiiuion mo I'.nslon Hank par Mcch. A Mnit. slk Trent par l- rie Hnnic 9 dis. Morris Co Hank 1 dis Rtelnmire H'k Plltstmr. 1 dis Newark Bk'n A h.s. Co I di I ins d, I iii,. dit imr lllk I .leliniiire H'k. llrniirh 1 llis'Olauire Bank Farmers' H'k, ilnrksCo par1 J'eoplt". Mk Patterson Farmers' Hk, Ijinenster pnri-rineeHi sinus I nnners' Ilk. Jtemliiift pnrwlem lis nk sue Cl, Farm. Hk Hehnvlkill Co piir!cnierret Co ftuk P a. il Ilk Wnv, ..!.' Ililis Slate Bank at Cam. Franklin Hk. Wasli'u lldis Slate Hk F.liziibethton llnrvit...r lln..v l riiftSlnte Hunk Newark lliaiesihile Hank 1 dis flste Bk, N. Brunswick par Ijincaster Bank par. Sussex l.nns. newwa i an. Lelnnon Bank par Trenton Banking Co aiv Meh. ft Man. Bunk 1 .lis I'nlon Bank. Dover is Mlnei.' 4('k, I'oltsville per Vardleyv'le 4 Del DrCo I Sri is M.nioiignhcla Hank I dis 'fTUk notes under SS dis, Taylorsv. UulB'sjCo 15 dis DKLAWAKK. Vcsl llraneli Hunk par Hans OI Kcinwnro pnr Hank of Smyrna par Delaware City Bnnk par Bk Wilms'n Brnmlyw. par Farmers' Bk SI Di-lnware rr I'ninn Bnnk. v ilimnglon par i ais TI1K TAI'K WORM! Tliis in the m ht cliiri"iill Worm to destroy of nil 1 1 ml in fest llie linnian system, it u rows to mi ulniost Iiuli fmile lle.;tinu ilie lie:iltli so s:idlv lis to ihukc Sl. Vitus Dance. Fits. Ac . thai those litlliited selil In II ever 8iiSect lh.it it is Tupe V.rin Imiteniiijr lliem to un eurly lirnve. In order to destroy this Worm, a very energetic treatment mum he pursued, il would therefore he proper to take fl to 9 of my l.iyer Fills sous to remove nit olmlrue- tions, that the Worm Svrup may aet ilireet upon the Worm, whlrli lluikt he Inlieu in tl ken ol 4 Tjililesvioui iiIIh a tunes a day lliene direett -iik loll wed linve never been known to tall in curing the nn-i'l - l;s:m:ite e.ise el l :ipe orm. Cr- IIOBEXSACK'S LIVF.I1 PILI.S. No pnrt ot the s) stem is more liuhle to dinnise than Ihe l.l l. It, it serving in. u tiiterer to purny the I.I k iI, or kiv nil? the liroiier seeretiou to lh,. hile j so'that nny wroii" ne. lii-n of the Liver elieels tha other important parts of the system, and refill's v.iri nifty, in l.iver Complaint, Jiidii- nier, iisiH.nii,. ,ve. e slioti 1. 1 trrelore. u-.ttv i eicrv uipo'iii iii.ii uiiuni iiiineaie a wrone uetton o llie l.ller These Pills lieing e nnp scl of IttKlT ft PLANTS fur nished hy nature to lie.il the sink : Nuinelv, Isl, An I'.X. l'KCTdH.WT. whieh nusmeuts ihe seereliou from llu l'uhilmnry inii'-ns membrane, or promotes the dim hrnsi oi secreted mailer, lind. All ALTFIIATIVK. whieh cIkiiii-s in some ine xpileiitile and itisensihle manner the certain III . I hid action of Ihe system. Urd, A TONIC which b-ivcs tone una strength to Ihe nervous system, re iiewmx lieulth ami vicor to al nnrls of ihn Isnle. JH. A CATIIAHTIC, which acts in perfect harmony with the inner uifrrcniems, ano operalimr on the II . wels, and espcl line the whole mnss of rorrupt and vittnled llllitler, and pu rifying tho Blood, which destroys disease and icet-'res health. ' TO FEMALES. You will Bur) these Pills an invaluable medicine in manv cnniptaints to which you are suheet. In obstructions ei ther touil ol partial, Ihey have been found of incdtimnhle benefit, restoring their functional arraimeineuts to s heql thy a"tion, puriiyiu; the blooil nnd oilier tluids n efTeclu ntly to put to flii-tit ull eomplnints whieh inny arise from female irregularities, us headache, giddine, dimness of sight, pant in the side. Iek, Ac. y Price. 25 renls each. which he w ill sell nt the lowest prices, lllS Stock, in part, COIlflStS Of, ACCOt.lconS, I None cenuine unless sumcd 3 N. ITobeowieV nllo.l,er. Violins, Music Doxes, Parlor and Bar llooin Or- ; hein: loe Imitntion. gnus, Me!odeons, Seraphiues, Mathematical In- ' . IV" Agent, wishing new supplies, and Sto Keepers . - . J , , nesiro.is of tiecoiiim Aucnis umt address Uie Proprietor, slrumcnts, Aiagncts, bpy and Opera Glasses, , j. N. n.,,ensi,ek, I'liila.lelphin. Fa. Stalioncry of all kinds, Pocket Books, Uronze I S'ld by J. W Frilins. Sunbury; Mary MeCny, Nor- Powder. Dutch .Metal. Gold nnd Silver Leaf. '"" """1:1110 1 ,.,.,, a Ui l.i.tyuie ; iiar. ,i ; nuty Scales of all kinds, fMiull and lohacco boxes, ,. Wiesi. Hickory: all dealers in Medicine in the County and State. August 14, llvi. ly. 'Mr psAit," aid .railing -jkhi lo her othur half, a morning or tw since, I'm going a shopping, 1 want a little change." "ruoh 1" respondeil Ihe ur.gallant tii.tt "Itmt wouu De no cnanfn t all ; yuu go shoppirg f tjy ly ' JOHN A. TAVLOR, Manufacturer of Monuments, Tombs, AND GRAVE STONES OF THE FINEST Italian and American Marble. At his Old Stand in Northumberland, Pa. T ESPECTFl'LI.Y inform the public that all work in hi. line will he mado up of the very lest material and finished in the latest etvle of the fc. astern cities. Those in want of such articles well made and executed in the best stylo and at the lowest rates, will do well to fall and examine before they pur chase elsewhere. May 15, 1852. ly. At the Forks of the Plum Creek and Tulpe. hocicn Road, (near Krcioltbaum's Illaik Smith Shop. JACOB AVEIMKIi, OESPF.CTFL'LI.Y inform, the puhlicthat he ha. oicned a new Store at the above place and lias just received a splendid stock, ol new Spring and Summer Goods, Consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Sattincts, DRILLINGS and all kinds of linen cotton and worsted summer ware. ALfcOt Callicoes, Muslin de Laines, lawns, (siiighaiiiN, And all kinds of Dress Goods for Ladies. Tea, Cor kef., Sugab, Molasses, &c. GHUCERIES, of all kinds. BRANDY, GIN, WNIE, and all kinds of Liquors, llardwarr. Iron and Steel, Nail., ktH QUEENSWARE. Shoe, Eoo'.s, Caps, Falm leaf and other Hais, Fish, Salt, &c AH of which lie will sell at the most reasonable prices for cash or country produce. May 8, 1S52 -f. CMItTi'8 EsilTNCE OF JAMAICA GIN GER, a fuwli supply just received, and for sale ly M. p. MASSLft. Sunbury, Jan. 14, 183. Lithographic Paints, Copper Plato and Steel En- Rravinqs, and pictures of every variety. Alio j Gilt Frame Mouldings of various sizes. Dealers, Country Merchants, and Pedlars, sun- I plied at reasonable prices. j Liccnibcr SO, isai. tf. j JUST iiECEIVEI) AT THE Saddlery and Harness Establishment of G. W. STKOII, Market Sireet, Sunbury, A new assortment of Silver, Hratts mid Japanned Mounting, Which he will either nmke up to order or sell separately for cash at price, as low if not lower than can be had uiivwhcre elxe. SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, Trunks), Vullccs, &c , Constantly kept on hand or manufactured to or der. ' CARRIAGE TRIMMING done on tho shortest notioe. NEW STORE. PETER W. (ill AY RESPECTFl'LI.Y informs lite citizens of unhurv and vicinity, that he lias enmmen-. ccd a new store in Whortleberry alieet, in tho house formerly occupied by Mrs. dray, nnd lias just received and upened a well selected assort ment ol Dry (ioods, Consistiii); in part of j CLOTHS, CASssIMERS, SATTINETTS, And a general assortment of LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS of every variety and style. GROCERIES of every di-seiipiion. Also an assortment of HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, And a general variety of other articles such aa are suitable to the trade, all of w hich w ill be suld at the lownl prices. Country produce tuken in exchange at the hishrst prices. Sunbury, May 13, I $32. Cm. HARRISBURG BOOK BINDERY. V. L. IIUTTKli & CO.. Sncrcssi.rs in W. O. Ilickok, and lln-ki'k A Cantine. KOOK UI.NDERiS, STATIONERS AND BLANIv liUOK MAN I'FACTl'KEH.S. The subscrilicrs rcsijcctfully inform their friends and the public, that they nre now carrying on the above business ut the OLD (STAND occupied by Hickuk &. Co. They llatlcr themselves that by careful attention to busincos, they will merit and receive a continuance of the patronage so liber ally enjoyed by the old firms. Particular attention will be paid to the ruling and binding of every ilc.riipiion of blank books for banks, county olbYcs, merchants and private individual, and evciv var'nly of full and half bound blank books. Old books, periodicals, law books, music, newspapers, eke, bound ia any pattern and in any style requited. In addition to the above, they have, and will at all times keep, a general assortment of STA TIONERY, consisting of Letter Paper, Knives. Slates ninl Pi-ncils. Cap ' (Jtiiils, l(ein1 lYnrils, Drawing " liiUslanils, l.cttnr slliiins, Transfer " Multo Wafers, India Kulibi-r, Copying " Hhick Ink, Wafers, lllnttine " Cenltiu Wax, Hid Tape, Sleel Pens, lllue Ink, lllnnk Curds, Carmine Ink, I npyina InK. e niriers, Auii,lds Writing l'liiid, Erasures, Ac. lUr" Paper ruled to pattern, and all work war ranted and done very clieaplv. F. L. HLTTER &. CO. March 13, 1932 if. GEOltGK MANiTACTt nirrt or FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Stylo. 'T'HE subscriber respectfully calls the nttentinu of tho public to hie large and splendid ".short nient of every quality and price of c:Aiin'-Av.Eii:. which cannot fail to reiomincnd itself toeverv cjic who will examine it, on account of its durable i workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the j best stock to be had in the city. Na plYurt it spared in the manufacture of his wnre, and the I subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly bcinu ; imi.U'. llis stock consists of Mahogany j Sofas, IMviiiis ttiid 1ii:r?'S, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AXI) D1M.VC TABLES, and also VENETIAN 11 LIN 1S, equal lo Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS. WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOIL hi TAm.E AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in tl.is line of his business, lie also inaiiufactutvs all kinds and qualities of CUAIUS. including varieties never before to be had ir Sunbury, su.'h us M ttiouiNt, I)lck Walsct AMI Ct IILKIl M WLK Giir.ci n ; AMI WlNllSon , CHAIRS, ami nstt Piano Stools, which are Wynminir Uk, Wilkesh'e pni Vnrk llnnk, I dis I mtelief notes I dis MAINE. Dank of Wlietlnek S dis Merenntile Ilk. Iln.imr lllilis 1? Under M's All si.leenl l.ni.li. litis! OHIO. NKW lIAMl'CIIIRr.. All .lvenl bunks S dis All solvent hanks I dis IV Hk iM.'es under d 1 1 4 dn VKKMONT. NORTH CAROLINA. Hunk of St Alkins t HijiAII si'lcenl lniks 4 dis Ail solvent Imnks Ui l?-i:iider6-s, SJ (lis of the latest styles, and warranted lo be excelled , j by none inaiiiil'.ii'tiirul in llio Cities or elscwlu ie. ; j The subsciilicr is determined lli.it there shall I be no excuse for persons lo purchase furniture in ; the cities, us every cotifnli'ttce ran be entertained ! aboil' the quality and linUU ul' his ware and : . C hairs. . His articles will be disposed of on as good j terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Couu i try Produce taken in pawucnt for work. T IN DEKTAKI.NIi llavitu; provided liniisell with n liauilsoinc IIkaiisk, lie is now prepared for l.ndcrtaking, mid attending funer als, il) this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. -y Tbe Ware Room is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern. GEORGE KENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, lS.Vi tf. ECCJTCP. FOB ! EVRin fiLfiNDELL, ili und.Jrch Street, PHILADELPHIA. ( 1 JAVE established a Store wheie the best I trade now resort for I Household Dry Goods, ! French Fancy f roods, Dress Silks and Shawls, I Hosiery, Gloves and Mitts, Cloths, Cassimers and Vesting, Muslins and Linens by the piece, ' Damask Table Linens and Napkins, Patent Dlack Silks for Dresses, Full Stock of Mourning Goods. ! E. & L. are constantly receiving Bargains from ' the New York and Philadelphia Auctions, which i they sell whulesale and retuil very cheap for Nett ! Cash. j Edward E. Evre, WAsiiisifiTo.il. Landi:i.i.; j Philadelphia, July 3, 1852. ly. BV M po; All persons are invited to call and examine foi hemselves. Alt kinds of produce token in exchange. Hunhury, May 1, lS.VJ. tf. Van Loan J)aj,neppein (iallepy, 159 Chestnut Street, JOHN PHILLIPS & SON, So. 47 South Water Street, below Chestnut, nilLADELI-HIA . MPORERS uf Foreign Fruits, Nuts, Wines, E 4 T litis iielebral.Hl estalilislnnt nt yon can n!vn)spro- care llie newest and must improved styli-j of 1 i)ACfr.inti:oTvri: & taluotyim: pohtraits 1 at fn mi rs) to KSl per et. Lsst cost tlian such pictaics can I Is? hud fur elsewhere. j Now lhat mii can seeiae such perfeet portraits of your ; Lived ones at a nieic uoiniiuil cost, d art delay lest yoa lose tliein. I.-...-.. .-n.lAl.. ..f fw.mr.rn At. I,...i.ln, articles, wlncli lliey will sell at very low price, i furnished to nrd. r, nnd ncty picture made sntisinry nnd for cash. 1LNK DEEDS printed on the bet quality 1 of purchroent rFr. .old at the lowcsrt prices 1 st tt..s aiZc, by wUrindl s.r.J iiU.il i ...... ...i.. .... i....i .1.. .-.it : I . r. : :. . . i i:v.rv Raisitu, Walnuts, Prunes, Filberts, Sweet Oil, l.liilorn-e, Port Wine, Sherry " Philadelphia, Aluioiids, Currants, Citron, Ground Nuls, Cream Nuts, Dates, Figs, Vanilla beans, Preserved ginger, ainariuds, Lemon Syrup, Pirc Crackers, Madeira W ine, Claret Wine, Muscat " fewect Malaga" July 3, 1S52 ly. I wai ranted to tie in the best style of the ail or o chahcb Call and sec ui at 109 Chestnut St. i.. h. r-rrtxi-t.L Philad.llphia July 17, ISM ly. .T T.iT'Wi "OAT Tins. M - .tw T-JTwS JliXk kJ Wliolrfinle aiul lictail Clock ESTABLISHMENT. S. E. Corner Second and Chestnut Sis PHILADELPHIA. ' ytTHERE may I found, one of the largest and best assortments of Clock, and Time pieces in the I'nited States, in quantities to suit purchasers, of from a single Clock, to una thou sand Clocks; embracing every variety of style and manufacture, suitable for Churclies, Halls Counting Houses, Parlois, Sleeping Apartment.) and Kiu lieiis, Steam and Canul lioats, and Kail Road Can. Also general sale Agent, for Rapp's lately pat ented Scientific Niche Gold Pen. Wholesale and Retail Gold and Silver Pen Holders, and Pencils, and a variety of Fancy Goods. Those wishing to purchase will find it to their interest to call before purchasing elsewhere. JAMES BARBER, 8. E. Cur. Che tuut & 2nd Sts., Phila. April 10, 185? ly lit TIIKCIttMT l'RIZi: JIXI. IL It I VCI1 I HICKEY & TULL, So. 118 Ctc.)iiit St., above Sixth, Front oj JONES' HOTEL. I'-SYT) T'''' jut' rcce'VC1' tl'eir Prize E&r-ti U Medal, awarded ti them for 4n I lilt their best Travelling Trunks ex hibited at the World's Fair in London, 1851 being the only exhibitor, to whom any award was made. Their competition was with all the world, and they have taken THE PR1.E! TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, kc. To be found in this City, and at veiy low prices' i;all ami see. Ull KEV & IT Ll., Trunk Manufacturers, 1 18 Chestnut St, April 10, 1852. tf. SUNBURY FEEEY. HENRV W. Dl'CHER inforun the public that he ha. taken the Sunbury Ferry and at he is now well prepared with good and stilli. cient craft, he will lie enabled to accommodate the public with promtness and de.patcU. April 10, 1852. it. The JoImstoM ink MANUFACTORY EEVIVED, luift if Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA 'PI'E .uhscriber beg. leave Ksisectfully to in " form Phi stteu. generally, that he ha. auo ceedud to Die llusiness of manufacturing Prml. iug lut formerly carried on by bis grand Father, and Father, and oirer. bis article to the trade, without any Purrs, but with the simple reliimce upon the long established chaiacter u ha. borne, feeling confident of it. giving entire satisfaction to all who may favor 111 in with tail. TtKM. Uisu. U11AKL.KB fcAEU JOHNSTON April 10, 1H52 xC L'STICES FEE I1II.L8: For .ale by II. U MASSEH. bunbury, 18SL '8P YCTJPwDSLF I 25 t K.VCS. ! MEANS OF THE KET.i:SCrLA-i PICS, or Every otic his own Physician! TuiuTt- j sixth edition, with up wards of a hundred cngru- i vins, showing private dis- ' aasc in every shape and form, and malformations of j the fiencrativc system, I II lr IV Ul. YoilltCT. "J'he lime has now arri- ' veil, that persons suffering from secret diseases, j need no nn.ro Income the victim ok ictrKEiir, I as by the prescriptions contained in this book, any one may cure himself without hindrance to business, or llie knowledge of the most intimate , friend, and with one-tenth the usual expense. In i nddition to the general routine of private disease, ! it fully explains the cause of manhood's early dc- cline, with observations on marriage besides j many other derangements which it would not be j nroner to enumerate in the public prints. i Any person sending TVENTY-FI E CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one copy of tliis book, by mail, or five copies will be sent fur one dollar. Address, Dn. W. YOI'NG, No. 153 SPRL'CE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post paid. No expense haa been spared in fitting up this ) y Dr. YOUNG can be consulted on any of house. The chambers are well furnished and , i!i0 Di"cases described in his ilillcrent publiea- the t.ible and bar provided with tho best the j tions, at his Ollice. 132 Spruoc Street, every day A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At llie not Ware Itoom of SKirx 1IOUPT & CO.. Market Square, .'IIso a! the corner of Fawn street If the Railroti SUNDURY, PA. Tlmnkful for the patronage of his friends and customers during the 17 years he has been in hum-, tiess in this place, he solicits from the public acoiir linunncc nf their favors. During this period he has endeavored to keep up with the improvements of li.p d.,y, and has accordingly extended his busi ness ia t:ery branch and variety. The public are therefore l.ivited to the attention of the present stock of CAI51XKT WAIIK AXD CIIAlliS, MAN'.'FACTlItl-.t) BV SEEASTIAN H0UPT & CO. At the Old Stand, ' Where in addition to their former stock of tlii ! cstai'iis!,;;teiit the-; now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs, Ltmje Spring Sent Rocking Chairs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, .Marble Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other new style and Tachion; Having secured sary arrangements) for the purpose, they i prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, tins vicinity or at any convenient dintanct), Ye lieiids and ni'ulresses, and hasliaiv.ls t'M, Ucru-i farnilnre of every ityle and hue, I'rulli side board;! down tu kilelieil tnhles, I'mm rocking: chairs to locklnc cradles Sli'nilil yna ir a have the ready John to pay, We'll wait awhile f ir a brighter better day, Or lake potatoes, oats, C'lrn, wheat and rye; Bark, linjp pules, stavet-., or lumber Wet nud dry, Or any thing hat yokes and threshing flails, Fl'im pigs and tarkies down to little iptaill. Collie on then friends, come one ami sll, Keep trade a moving, so "goes on the kill." iS Orders from a distance promptly attended lo and work of all kinds delivered with disiuitrh, Sunbury, March 0, 1S30, tf new style and - inhlc i'n mil ii rr. i 1 a Hearse and made the ncces :s for llie purpose, they arc nowr wash IXCSTOX IIOUSK, SUNBURY, PA. JAMES COVERT, Proprietor, V5T0ULD respectfully announce that he has ' taken this well known stand, where he will be gratified to see and entertain his tricmls and the travelling public generally. This house is now replete with every convenience, comforta ble, pleasantly located, handsomely luruislieil, well ventilated, rendering il in e ery respect a desirable stopping place. LAAVPvENCE IIOUSK, SUNBURY, PA, lHE subscriber respectfully informs her friendt -1 and the public generally, that she has taken the above well known stand nearly opposite tha Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J. C. Per kins. She trusts that her experience in business, and her clVorts to make her guests comfortable, will give entire satisfaction to those who may fa vor her with their custom. ANN C. MORRIS March 8, 1851 tf. j il Zimmerman) ' JISTICE Or THE I'CtCE. Sunbury, Pu, Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite tho. PtlWic ?clool House, 17" Monies collected snd ail l.atiiipss nioinplly .J sre fnitv attended to. April SO, 1350. . Viiliuiblc Hook. I IFE fl CnnisT, handsomely bound, D'Ae tMBNt's llisroar or the Rf.foiim jtios, Bl.VXK DiT-HOOKS 1MII LcilGKHS, full bounded. For sale at the publishers prices by Sunbury, July H, IS 19 II. B-MASSF.U I-.,! ..Il'or.l 'J'lie stable accommodations ate eitensic and well calculated for travelers. STACK OFFICK, ! The .taues running from Norlhumberlaiid to I'oltsville, stop at this house, where through and way tickets to Philadelphia call be obtained. Sunbury, March 20, IS5S. If. LIBERTY STOVE WORKS, 11 ItOW N STIIEET, A .1 , L PHILADELPHIA. riMIE undersigned respectfully inform tho puV lie that they are in full oieration at their new foundry, and ready to execute orders for stoves of every description on the most reasona ble terms. They invite the attention of STOVE DEAL ERS to their large assortment of STO V ES, all of which are entirely new, and got up at great expense. Among which are the Liberty Air Tight Cook, Complete Cook, t-tar Air Tight, Star Franklin, Star Radiator, Jenny Lind Im proved, Fire King Radiators, Salamanders, Can nons, Uases, llare Cylinders, liur Room Stoves, Furnaces, Gas Ovens, &c, &e. AliUOTTCf l.AWKENC E. X. I), Country merchants are particularly invited to call and examine our assortment. April 10, 1S52. ly. tkTomTs"almer, commission merchant, No. 6, Sorth Wharves, Where tlie following goods are received and sold on commission, Dried Apples, Peaches, Plums, Pears, Cherries, Ac., Green Apples in llarrels or by the liuhel, Deans, Peas, Cranberries, Onions, Mercer Po tatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Sheibaiks, Chestnut., Ground Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs. Prune, Grapes, Poultry, Eggs, Ruller, Cheese. And all kind, of Foreign and Domestic 1 ro duce. Philadelphia Dec- 3, 1851, ly. 3 TONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al monds. P uncs and Cream Nuts. between U nnd 3 o'clock, (Sundays excepted.) 'j Planes of all kinds. I .sail anu la-sier. jua rr-cfiviMi an;i ; rsaie by JOHS W. FrtlM.-VMi Philadelphia, June 5, lrtoi. ly. Bonnets, Hats and ' Mill in civ duo ls! ! ERCH ANTS Slid Milliners when in Phil, j adelphia to purchase their goods, will find il to their interest to examine our large and fash- j tollable stock of st ii aw coons. We manufacture largely and imtoiit the N Ewtsr Sth-i:s or Foreign I'nlrrit'a in our line ; which together with other advanta ge, enable u. to ollir lilieral inducements to Bivtus, R. A. CROOK ER, & CO., No. 47 and 49 Chestnut Street, and No. S6 South Second Street, west side, near Chestnut, Philadelphia. December 27, 1S51, ly. cf. SOAP AND CANDLES. fflHE ubecriber take, thu method o( inform A ing the citiiena of Bunbury and vicinity, that ttiey are engaged in the inaiiufacre of Hoap and Caudle., of the bet quality, UJ- Filbert rtreet, Philadelphia. They respectfully invite all wue buy for cash, io give " ' f " they will find it to to their advantage in dealing with Uim for article in tlioir line. E. DUFFY V feON, 44 Filbert above 9lh. Ikeember , 16S1 If. WM. G. MASON, Kngravcr and Print or, No. 48 Chestnut Street, above Second, PHILADELPHIA. IS prepared to do ENGRAVING and PRINT ING, in all their branches. Wedding, Visiting and Rusinsss Cards, Hall Tickets, Watch Papers, Lalarls, Hill Heads, NoU-s, Checks, Drafts and Diplomas. Seal and Stamp for Corporations, Odd Fellows, Masons, Sons of Temperance, eke. All the above engraved in the best manner. Orders by Post promptly attended lo. December 27, J 851 ly. " j olF jTaT II A It II I s , Manufacturer, &. Dealer in Imported and Bometie Segars, Also, a general assortment of Leant Manufactured Tobacco, CONSTANTLY oa hand, at lU lowest mar ket price. Comer of Chestnut St., and Wharves, Philadelphia. December 87, 1851. ly. KNOLD'S WRITING FLUID and Adhe siv and legal envelope, for aale by ui.bury, Dec. 29, 1649. O.SE OINTMENT A fresh supply of this excellent article for 1 clter, o e., just received and lor sulo by HENRY MASSES, ti.i.lni.y, July !i, 1849. Jf OLD PENS with and without cases, f a JJ3I very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sala by H. D. MASSER, Sunbury, Dec. 27, 1851, T7VKTRACT CP GINGER. A fresh supply just received and for sale at tliis office. Price 25 cents. Sunbury, July 13, 1851. Eur H. U. MASSER. Sunbury, nf 10, 1853 lXTRACT OF COFFEE Aa eicellent article more wholesome and much cheaper than Coftae itself. I or sale at tin. ofuce. April If lVf iglish Silver Walclies, for sale at very low price, by n. 11. MASapif. Sunbury, April 13, 1851. JATENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS foe . ... . r i .... liar uottie. lor saw oy II. B MASSER. Sunbury, April, 15, 1851 T NOD AND SPRING MORTISE LAT CUES. An excellent arllcUi. for sale at half the usual price by J- W. FAILING, Sunbury, July 7. 1843- BLANK NOTES, waiving the exemption law of 3l0, for .ale by April 26, 1851 11. B. MASSER. DADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medir cine for aale by HENRY MASHKB. bunbury, Jan. 27th, 1849 ITEE BILLS. Jissiice and Censtable Fee Bill handsomely printed on cars) paper for le at this office. 17U)R sale at this office, Superior Black Ink, Cattle Medicine at ii cf, Pure Etvw o( Ginger.35 caul jiLANKS. BLANKS of every daaoriplion can b bad by ipprying at the office of the American. kyBrrjNO FLUID and self sealuig Enyer lones, just received and for (ale by April lf.1851.- H. B. MASSgR. riMSSUB PAPERYellow Tiaaue paper for 1 covering glasses, 4c, (or aale at th office l meiican. '