Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 04, 1852, Image 3
CALIFORNIA NEWS. ARRIVAL OF THE GEO 11 GT A . Thi California Mailt and TreasvreLalt from St. Domingo Wrick of the Brig ut owners ucath of the Captain and lie o m irew. New Yonic. Nov PS The liam(ihip Georgia, with the mails from San Francisco to the 1st inst., and two millions and a half of gold, arrived here to day. tier news from California is to the M In!., but has been anticipated by ihe Pro netheus. The actual amount of gold brought by the Georgia sutru up $2,74a'00O. She also bring 190 passengers, among whom are fwators Gwinn and McCoiklc. on their way (o Waehinelon. The total on freight is $2,442,000, and at least $300,000 addilional is in tho hands of passengers. The Georgia brings St. Domingo dales to 5lh October. The fever is reported to be prevailing to an alarming extent, and con siilcrable suffering existed among the ship, ping. The brig Four Brother, of Philadelphia, was wrecked on the coast, nbout the lOih of Oclober, and Captain Soulo, and mnlo ami four men havo since died, leaving only One survivor of the crew ; and he is sick. IJIinU.IGF.CE FIIOM CALIFORNIA. The papers by the pilot line, lust even i'ig, bring uJ.J ilioual news from Culifor nia : AliNtNO I.NTEi.iinr.NCK A company on the Morcer has lukin out more than S2600 day for 14 consecutive days. Many of the companies on Wood's Creek, above So ivjrn, have been doing finely for ' some weeks past. The Fort Washington, Missis sippi, Murphy's, and ,olher claims in ihe fame neighborhood, are paying better Ihnn even before. The diggincs at Murph's, Calaveras county, nie paying very well nl the present. A party of three German?, friends of his, lutjly purchased a cluim for fifty dollu; from which they took out 107 ounces of gold in three days. MoitK Shooting at Sacramento. An other shooting affair look place in a gam feting saloon in Sacramento on the 29ili ult. The Union says the parties were Thomas Moore snil John Lenear, and nine shots were fued with Cull's revolvers One of the bullets hit a disinterested gentleman, named Schermerhorn, in the left groin, in flicting a dangerous wound. ' Moore is one of Ihe same individuals who was engaged in the affray of Tuesday morning, and un der bond for $1,000 for that offence. The crowd about the premises was so dense and excited at Ihe time, that it was with diffi culty any of the facts connected with Ihe affair could be ascertained. Mooro was iromodiately taken into custody, and re ciurcd i til- station house. A lump of gold, weighing nine pounds, nix ounces and eiahleen penny weights, wos lately found in Mad Ox canon. It is valued al $1350. Several very large lumps have been found in ihe same canon. The production of our gold mines, says the San Francisco Herald of the 1st inst , instead of falling off, as croakers long ago predicted, seems to be steadily on ihe in crease. The shipment, durirg October just passed, reached the large sum of 34,679, 212 ; and fiom the amount liiken bv the California, to day, it is evident that litis will be ii we reused to full 65, 500,000 for the pre sent month by far this largest amount ever Miipped from iur port within (he fame pe ;iod of time. Such evidences of the ex tiauatU'c resources of onr mines nro highly gratifying, and must ii. spire confidence ubroad in the peiniaueut propeiity of our State. The Cleveland and Ekie Rail Road. The Cleveland papers are filled with the celebration of Ihe opening of ihe Cleveland uml Erie, a road vey important to Ihe inter ests of New l'oik City, and connected with the Erie and New Yoik Rail Road. The length, of ihe road is ninety-five miles. The line is straight nearly the whole dis tance, and there is not a single doep cut on the w hole route. Tha road is said to be Aiibilantially built, (t crosses a number of bridges, (be principul of which are those at Painesville and Ashtabula. The foimer is 82 feet high, and the iatier 55. The bridges in Pennsylvania are Stone's plan, lattice trestle, with through iron bolts. The bridge at Crooked Creek is S00 feet long, 60 feet high, and cost $31,000. Over Elk Creek, 1300 feet long, 116 high, and cost $75,000. The main bn.lge at Walnut Creek, 1000 feet long, an I 104 feat. high. The cobl of the road, equipped, is nbout $20,000 per mile. The Largest Hog in the World. Theie is now on exhibition at Calais Me., a hog raised by Nathaniel Lamb, of Milliown which stands seven feet six inches high, and girths six feet eight inches, and weighs 1200 pounds. It is one year and six mouths old. If the hog was fat he would weigh 1400 pounds. The bldkst son of Lord and Lady Love 'lace, who was lately advertised in the Times as a fugiiive, has been recovered by the po lice. He had gone to Liverpool with the in tention of shipping as a cabin boy, to avoid being put ou a man-of-war. This youth, who is described as well looking, is the grandson f Lord Byron, the eldest son of "Ada, tola daughter of his bouse and heart." What Is theib Destination ? Under the operation of tha existing agreement, a Wash tnglon correspondent of tha Journal of Com merce, saysj Mr. Law has withdrawn from tha publto Stores at the Allantio Dock, be. tween twtnty-fiv and iir(y thousand mut kttt ! What it their destination 1 . Phillips' fire annihilator manufactory, naar London, has burned down ', AM tha nnihiUlors in it ;ouldn'l tv it. VVe would call your attention to the advertisement of Swaim's Panacea, for the tun ot bcrpfula in another column. E7- POISONING. Thousands of parents who use Vermifuge composed ot caster oil, Calomel, &e., are nol aware, that while they appear to benefit the paueni, mey are actually laying Ihe fonmla lions for a series of deseases, such as saliva tion, loss of sicht. weakness of limbs. Ac. In Another column will be found the adver tisement of Hnbensack's Medicines, to which we ask the attention of all directly interested in their own as well as their Children's health. In Liver Complaints and all disorders arising irom i nose oi a diiious type, should make ufe or inn oniy genuine medicine, lloben sack's Liver Pills. E7" "flenof deceived," but ask for Hobrp sack's Worm Syrnp and Liver Pills, and ob serve that each has ihn signature of Ihe Proprietor, J. N. HOBENSACK, as none else are genuine. 91 A II K I E l. On the 25th ull, by the Rev. R. A Fisher, Mr. Gidion Woi.r to Miss Redkcca Arnold, all of Augusta. On Ihp 4th inst . bv the Rev. A. B. Casper, Joseph, of Penns. to Miss Amelia Walter, of Tnion. On the 11th inst., bv Ihe samp, Benjamin Weaver, of Limestone, and Miss Elizabeth Hummel, of Union. Ou Tuesday last, the 25th insl , bv the Rev. John Sline, Mr. Daniel D. Brhjht. to Miss Mart K. Bower, dauihler of Juhu Bower, Esq , nil of North'd. co. At North Wlite Hall, on the 19;h of Octo ber, by the R-v. J. Dubs, Mr. Sylvester, lo Miss Sarah Hcri.v Shindel. laughter of the Itev. Jeremiah and Elizabeth Shindel, all of South White Hall, Lehigh county, I'a. Jn Millheim, 11th idst.. bv Rev. Mr Bergstresser, Uei'Hen Dir.rv.NriERrCR and Jliss Ann E. Sciioch, nil of Milllinburo. i i i : . In BfRver'nwn, Union coun'v, on the I9ili inst., SOLOMON ENGLE, E-q., uged 35 years. In Wnite Deer.9i!i insl. JACOB MEEK- LEV, in his 72d year. Al Poltsville, on Ihe 21st inst., Mr. Jusr.eii Weav er. formeilv of this pluco. nyed ubout 45 years. I)C iHavkcts. Philadelphia Market. - Dec. 1, 1852 Fi.ofii and Meal. Tho market is firm : sales of fresh ground for export at $5. and good brands (or city consumption, al S4j 5S. h.Mra Hour is held ul S4 87 J a 5J. live Fi.ciur. Last sales al $1. Corn Meal. Last sales ol Penna. vt ?3i Wheat Sales of piime red at $114 ; and lot of I'enn. white was made nt 118 cis R"E Is in demand ; sales al 90cls. Corn Is scarce and held hiuher; sales of new Southern yellow at fi5 a 73. Oats. Sales of piiine Southern at 47 and Penna. al 50 els. Whiskey. Sales of bbls at 28c, and hlids at 27 cts. Baltimore Market. Nov. 30, 1852. GRAIN. Sales of good to prime reds la day at 100 a 105 cts. ; and whites us ii quality, at 110 a 1 20 els. Coruhas improved a little. Sales lo-dav of ' ' . .... : white at 5fi a CO els, and of yellow al 70 a 71 cts. Salea of Pennsylvania vellow nl 7u.i 76 cts, and some parcels as high us 78 cts. We quote new Corn, in shipping order, tit 65 a C7 cts., for both white and yellow, and damp patcels nt 55 a 03 cts., as in condition. Sale of Maryland Rye lo-day al 82 cts. and Penna. at 86 cts. Oats are higher, sales of Maryland nl 44 a 46 cts WHISKEY. The demand co itimies very active, mid sales are making us fast ns re ceipts come in al 2G cts. for bbls., some holdeis refusing that price. Sales of lihJs. at 25 cents. SUNBUKY l'KICE Cl'KlIUNT WllKAT. 100 His. .70 Coiit. - CO Oats. . 37 Potatoes, 37 Bl'TTKB. -18 Enas. ... 12 Pork, ... 8 Flaisked. .... 125 Tallow. 10 Beeswax - 25 Flat. ... 17 Dkieu A r .... 100 Do. PitACiifcs. - - 250 Flax .... 8 New Advertisements. NIGHT SCHOOL. THE suWrihcr respectfully informs the citi zens nf Kimbllrv and vi:-initv thnt Iia am opened Night School in the public School rooms in this place, for the purpose ot teaching tho common branches of an English education, hut more particularly Reading, a branch too much neglected. His lerms are Si I for sixteen nights, provided scholars are satisfied. Fuel and Light found by himselt. Hchool commenced on Thursday night last to continue every night, until the end ol the quarter. HOSE A W. ATWELL. Sunbury, Nov. 27, 1852. if. a cardT C MILLER begs leave to inform the ladies ufSunbury and vicinity, that ho has com menced his business in this place, and is now engaged in manufacturing, at his residence, in the new building opposite J. G. Voungmsn, in Deer street, all finds of LADIES BOOTS AND SHOES. Also misses and childrens shoes ef every discrip- tion. Jrders Tor wont promptly attended to, snd all wori warranted to give satisfaction. Sunbury, Nov. 27, 1852. tf. WATCHES, JEWELEY, &o. JAMES B. FIDLER, A'o. 12 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. Gold Lever Watches full jewelled (Silver Lever do Silver Lepine do H (jusrtier do Gold pens and pencil and silver halders Klver Tea and Table Spoons Bracelets. Breast pins Ear rings cVc. AU wsrranted and sold at prices as low as acy in the city. November 27, 1853. tf. LAST NOTICE- A LL persons knowing themselvet indebted to m tha estate of Geo, Long dee'd., lata of Cameron township, on vendue not or otherwise, are hereby notified to make a settlement withjut delay and that the subscribers will attend st the houaa of tha dee d., on Bttluraay l& lltn ol ut cam bar next fos that purpose. GEO. BOYER, Adm'r. LEAH LONO, Adru'i. Cameron tp., Nov. 20, 1S52 It. SUNBUJtY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. In the Matter of the Estate of JOHN STEPP, Deo'd. rpHE Commonwealth of Pennsylvsnla to Se al, bastian Slepp, Jacoh Stcpp, John Slcpp, Henjsmln Stepp, Michscl Stcpp, Peter Stcpp, Klias Ptepp, Klizabclh Slcpp, Slid Isaac Blepp, the Inst four of whom are minors snd lis for their Guardian, Abrslism Dlsssor, heirs ami legal representatives of John Stcpp lata of Lower Mahanoy township Northumberland county dee'd., and all other persons Interested. GREETING I Northumberland County, S3. You arc hereby cilpd to bo snd sppesr licfore the Judges of die Orphans' Court to be held st 8unhuty on the first Monday of January nest, then snd there to accept or refuse to lae tlie real estate of the said John Stenp dee'd., situnte in , Lower Mahanov township Northumberland county, containing One hundred snd sixty acres mora or less, which was valued and appraised in pursuance of a writ of Partiou awarded by Ihe Orphans' Court nl suid county, or to snow cause whv tho same shall not be sold according to law, according to tho act of Assrmbly in such cases niado snd provided. And hereof Tail nut. Hy order or the Court, ) P. PUR.-EL. CI.O. C, J Certified from the records of Ihe Court at Sun- bury on the 1 1th dny of November 1852. V II. 1,1AM U. KIPP, Sheriff. Nov. 20, 1852. Gt. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. TVOTIC'E is hereby given that the undersigned ' appointed by the Orphans' Court of Nor tcuuibcrland County as Auditor in the matter of the exceptions to the account of John Pfouls ad ministrator of Leonard Ffuuts dec' J., will attend to the duties f his appointment, at his oflicc in Sunbury, on Monday, the 20th day of December next at 10 o'clock A. M. VM. M. ROCKEFELLER, Auditor. Sunbnry. Nov. 20, 1852 iU AUDITOR'S NOTICE! OTICE is hereby given that the nndcrsigncd 1 V Auditor appointed by :ho Orphans' Court of Northunibrrhiud County, to make distribution of the assctsof the dilute of (Jeorse Miller dee'd.. lo and union the creditors of said dee'd.. will at tend lo the duties ol his appointment on Wednes day the "'i ! day of Decenilicr next, at his oflicc ill Sunbiirv ot Ml o'elor A. M. W.M. M. ROCKEFELLER, Auditor. Runbury, Nov. SO, 1S52. It. ORPHANS' COURT' SALE. IN pursuance of an order uf the Orphans' Court of Northtimlicrland county, will be exposed to public sule, on TUES DA Y, the Hh day uf December next, at 10 o'clock, A. M-, on the premises, the. fol lowing T I'll cts of Land, Situate in Point township, County aforesaid, the first whereof is bounded by the North liianeh of j the river Susiueli jnn.i, lands bite of ,'1'hoiiius I Lemon, Win. Lemon mid others; containing ! 123 Acres and f, j more or less, willi the allowances. The second ' is bounded by ihe above tract, lands of John Nix; j on and the North lirnnch of the river fusiiiie hiiiuia, coiiliiiniug forty-one acres and a quarter, j more or less, strict measure, whereon arc erected j a two story frame. DWELLING HOUSE, wagon house, &c. About one-half of suid land is cleined. The following described properly will be exposed to public sale on Thursday, the Qth day of December next al the house of Win. M. town, at 10 o'clock, A. 1 All that certain Weaver, in Mmniokin !. ef said day, lo wit : Trarl of Land, ; Lying in Coal township, Noitlinnilierland county, i adjoiniH); lands of the lirirs of Martin Class, t'lus. S' Cox H1lJ co',iiiii,? forty ni-rptf imri. nr Inu nil nl ivln.h lu i.i.ll , ml nn.l acres, more or less, ull of which is Woodland and unimproved Ao, two certain i Lots of (1 round, , In the lown of Khamnkin. Northumberland coun j tv, numbered in the general plan of said town, Nos. 43 & 4'l, bounded on the north by Com ! mercc street, ou the south by lot No. 45, on the ! east iiy Franklin street and on Ihe west by ha- in ik in street, each containing in front 28 and a half feet and in depth aV.out 200 feet, both of which are vacant. Also, all those certain LOTS OF ; ROUND, Pituale in Ihe lown of Sbiiniokin aforesaid, mark ed and numbered in the general plan of suid town, as follows, viz: Mus. HO & 37. bounded ou Ihe north by ! im'.mry slicet, on tho south by Commerce street, on llie cast by lot No. 'M, and on the west bv 1'innkliii street. Also, THKEE OTHEll LOTS, Nos. 22M, l),230,bouudcdon the north by Dcwnrt street, on the south by Sun bury Btreet, on the east by Shamokin street, and on the west by lot No. 27. each cout.iiuiiig in front twenty eight and a half feet, and in depth about two hundred feet. Lois ?G & 37 arc va cant. No. 228 ha a (Schoolhoiuc and a large tuning upon it. Nos. 229 Ac 230 arc both va cant. Also all that certain urr of ; round, Situate in Shamokin aforesaid, numbered in the general plan of said town No. 39, bounded on the north by bunbury street, on Ihe south by 1 om mereo sheet, on the eavt by lot No. 40, and on Ihe west by lot No. 38, containing in front twen ty eight and a half feet mid in depth ulxiut two hundred lect, on which is elected a two story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE. Also, the one undivided half of two cr lain LOT Adjoining each other in the town of Mutiiokiii afonsaid, called the Foundry Lots, on which are eiotcd a one story frame r imslung Shop with fixtures. Late the estate of Zil-a Bird, dee'd. fc'ale to commence at 10 o'clocc, A. M. of said days, w hen the terms of talo will be made known by JDSETII ISIKD, ) p , SAMUEL HEADER, "' N.I). The Executors of the Estate of Ziba Bird, dee'd, will attend at the late residenle cf the deceased, in Point township, on the sixth and at the house of Wm. M. Weaver in the town of Shamokiu on the 10th of December next, when all persons indebted or having claims against the estate will present them for settlement. JOSEPH BIRD. SAMUEL READER, $ Exr'i ny oruer ol the Court, e Court, ) Clk, O. V. M ts. ) J. P. PLKSEL. C Nov. 13, 1853 BRXTTANNIA WARE MANUFACTURERS. rpiIE SUDSCTxlUEKS having just entered - into the above business in all its branches, take this mode of calling the attention of Coun try Merchants, and others to their NEW STYLE and PATTERNS, also the quality of material, as we natter ourselves not to be best in workmanship or material. The following, in part, consist of our assortment : LAMPS and Lsmp Screws; LADLES t C'aa tor Fromes BED PAN'S TUMBLERS; PITCHERS with litis; COFFEE POTS and TEA POTS: Slop Bowls; SUGAR BOWL8; CREAM CUPSt BEER MEASURES- Cf. fee Hoppers; CANDLESTICS; SPOON'S, of 11 sizes; ear., ecc. VV will be happy to receive order for Sam ples, by mail, at our place of business, No. 109 RACE ST., or QUARK V 61'., above Second t, PHILADELPHIA. N. B. Tha subscriber still continues to man ufacture Candle Moulds, SyrinRes, Suriiical In. trumenU, etc, at his old place of business, No. 109 Race Btreet, Philadelphia, to which I would can tna special ttention of Candl Manufuctu. rsrs. JOHN CALVFRLEY. rhiladelphia, N'ev. , 1S5J 3nio, THE ROAD TO HEALTH I HOLLO WAY'S PILLS. CL'BK OF A DIBcmDF.RF.P UVEA AND BAD DIGESTION. Copy of a Letter from Al, R. W Krrhu$t Chemist, 7, Prestot Strectt Liverpool, dated 6th June, 1851. Trt Prof en f HntLOWAT. Pin. Your Pilln and itintmrnt liiive ulnoil the liip(iri on otif aula li of Proprietory Mx(ioiiict for mii yir. A Ctiatonnw, to whom I run refer for Any cnqniiieo, tlnpfrm me lo let roii kiunv the pnrticutnm of her enne. She had Iteen troubled foi veare with Oinnleietl llvr bihI Itml diffentioii. On the hint oreeniun, however, tho virulence nf (he nttuck wnn mo, and the iitflnunisntiun m:t in evweiy, tnnt aoubia were eiucrtmnen u uer n n heuig able to henr up under It t lortuuatcly ahe wna iudiiceil to try your Pills, and fthe iniorma me that artcr the firnt ? and eaeh Pneeeodiiif dotw, ahe h:id great relief. She e-nititiiietl to lake them, and althongh she nrd only three lloxes, nhe ia now in tne enjoyment ot per ice t nettiin. i emm nave Rent you mnny cnaea, hut the nUive from the cvp.ritt or thr attack, and the wkcm cure, 1 think, peka much 111 vntF natittilttliitiir lill (Signe.1) n. w. Kinut;s. AN EXTR AORDIXAft V CfltK CF RIUXMATIC FfiVKn, IN VAN 1)1 KM KN '9 LAND. Copy of a Letter inserted in the Hobart Town Courier, of the Isl March, 1851, by Major J H'alch. Margnrtt M'Conuigtm. nineteen yenrs T ne, reeiditie at New Town, hnd been aufteriiiff fr-m a vk'luit theunrntic fei-cr for upwards of two mouths, whirl, had entirely de prived her t f the use ot her liml-s ; durhnr this period rhe was under the enrc of ihe most eminent niedie:d men in Unhurt Town, and hy them her cuse was considered itope less. A Iriend prevailed tiVMi her to ti y llollowny'i ccle hrnled Pills, which she consented to do, and in mi iucrcdi ble short space uf lime Ihey t-lTeetcd a pt rfn't cure. CUKK OF A FAIN AND Tir.HTNKSS IN THE CIIKST AND STOM ACH OK A PERSON fl YEARS OF AOE. From Messrs Thew Son. Pioprhtors of the Lynn Advertiser, who can vouch for the following statement. August 2nd, 1S51, To PiofcRSor IIoLLoway, Sin, I deire to hear tratim ny t ti e (fx il cfiixta of IIolh'WHy's Pilts. For tne yctirs I sniluretl aevcicly ir-rtii a jut in and lightness in lheKi"inueh which wns also accom panied hy a sliorlneps of brent Ii that re vented me ironi wulkiup olviiit. 1 inn H yen i ol HKe,uinl i olwi'liKtuudiui my anvaneed stute ( In:, ii:vt Pil hnve ao telievol inc. h:it 1 nm desirouR thit otliers r.hould l e made neqiuiinteu Willi their virtues. I nm in w n-n-Icrtd, ty their me.iis, comjjfuatively neiive, end enn tnke exercise witltrui iacou : venteiiee or pwiii, which 1 could u-t do l.cfre. (iSigued) HENRY Cf)F, North sticet, Lynn, Norfolk. These celebrated Pills are wonderfully cjfua ciotts in the following complaints. A ;t tie Dr.'pty A ft lima Dysmtury Bilious Compltiiuts Erysipelas lil 'tches on the Fenmle Irreyu- Kkni larities IJ twel Comploiuts Feveisufiill Ci'Iics kinua Cimstiixilion of Fits Iiiflnmmnli . Jundirq l.tver Com- p:iiu!rt Iiiiuiling-j Piles Uhenmntiin Retentiuu uf L'rine tc.trfula. rr Kiuk's Evil Sroojidury the U iwels Gout ronsiiuipiioii Ilettd-uehe Debility Iii-ligesti'-n H re T'hroota St.'ne nnd UritVi-l Tin D tul mrcujt Tuimun's Hynij loins Fleers nerl Aileetious Worms uf ull kindi Weakness, fnm whatever cause Ve.( Ac. &tld at the FslaMishmiit c f PrnfKS"r Hoi c.owat, 214, Sirund, (near Temple Hur, lyiidon,) and hy oil reupeetohlo lrugmtc arid DenUrs in Mrlieine ilmmph' Ut the British Empire, A th -so nf the I.'nth-d llntes, in Doxcs nt 370., f7e., and fcl 5().-. each Whoh'Wile by the principal Drug houses in the Lni'n,und hy Mcssts. A. B. it D. Sands, N-v Y"tk, liT There is a ojiiaidernMa saving by taking the targcr sizui N. B. Directions f.r the puidunre of patienbi iu every dis tnler are ttllixcd to each b. x. Ocuilier !:, ly. Estate of ELIZABETH MARTZ, DecU "jVTOTlC'E in hereby given that letters tcatunicn--i ' Ury have l-ceii grnnted to the subscrilwr on (he chtutc of El.zuixMh Marl, iloc'd., laic of Sha ll i ok in township, NorlhuinlierliUKl county. All pcisonA indebted to Botd estate or having claims against the same, ate reqneaU'd to call on tho subscriber for ccttlrmont. DAVID MARTZ, Executor. Shamokin tp., Nov. 13, I6.VsI.-Cu Estate of JAMES THOMAS, Dee'd. TVTOTIC'E is licrcby given lliut letters of ad ' ministration have been granleil to the sub scriber on ll c estate of Jniues '1'homns, dcc'J., b.te of tl.c town nf Sbsmokin, Northumberland coLiily. All I'crsoim indetiti'd to snid estate or liHinc,' chillis against tl-c same, arc ldjucstid to c5ll on the subscriber fur setlleinent. JACOH MOCliEK, Adm'r. P liaiiiokin, Nov. G, 150. 6t. O It EAT EXCITEMENT. WILLIAM A. KNOHH, ESPECTFUI.LV in'iirr-.s the public gencr- allv that he lias just received and opened the best anil cheapest stoik of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever liorn brought to the county. His slock consists of every variety of Dry Goods, viz : Cloth, Cafsimcr. Saltiiutts, Vestins, Dril iiigx, Linens, Muslins, Jeuns. and alt kinds of Winter (hmits. Also a splendid vanity of Ladies Dressarid Fancy goois, Caticfes, Ginghams, De I.ainet, Shairlt: and every variety of Goods snitahh far Ladies wear. Also, an ettmsite assnrtrnml of Silk, ISeaurr, Fur If Slouch Ila's A fdcire uud well selected Assortment of llaols and Shoes of ev ery descriptor! and .':e. Also, u larce assortment of C!rocc ics Suth as Siijinr, Ciffce Teas. Molasses, Spiers tf all kinds. Als a Inrtre assortment of llardwaro and Queenswurc, Fish, Suit nnd Liquors such as Ciin lliandy, lfuin and Whiskey, besides tho latest and most general assortment of all kind of Goods to Iw had in the counts. All the alxive menlioned goods will le sold at such reduced prices as the can not bo gut for elsewhere. Country produce of allkiudi taken in exchange at the highest market prices. Also, For sale a two horse spring wagon and a hupgv. Augusta Iwsp., Octolwr M, 1852 6m. "A Penny saved is a Penny Earned." MAllTLK S BLANK HOOK MANUFACTORY, And Job Book Bindery, Market above Centre Street, Poltsville, Pa. jj"l)LANK Hooks bound and ruled in any and M n vorv ivl.. in il.e most duruble and suli- stant'ial manner, with or without printed Heads. J'erson in want oi Ledgers, Dockets, Day Books, Minute Books, j'oumuls, Letter Books, Blotters, Receipt Bool., Coal Ledgers, etc., &e., or any kind of Blank Books, would do well to give me a call as I pledge myself to give sutisf.ic tion. Paper ruled to any piillein desired. Par ticular attention paid to Binding all kinds of old Rooks. Bibles, Godey'a Lady Books, Gruhain' Magazine, Sartain's Magazine, Harper' Magazine, Jlymn .uooks, C lesson's Pictorial, Sheet Music, Rhaksprare's works, Life ol Christ, Josepbus works, Law Books, Ac, ic. A r li .lima nr nlln-r hooks hound in full A r..nw ti Bint tha wishes of customers. I would again call the attention of my f.iends and customer, to the fact that I have been a Practical Book Binder for the last 18 years, and ttiey can nn hoviiu. ibeir work done in the very best manner, nd do the work myself; I use the best paper ot material ; pietist give mt a can my ....... ... nnd fair, but there I no difficulty about price whore work is done satis factorily. N. B. Peron having Booi they want Bound j kw .i..m A',nrtvt to me statins, the the style they wish them bound in t I will do them as low as tney can ne aone njwuiu.cio-r...i- - u ... ttnft rAtnin them i Also ler on ran send order for Blank Book by mail, which will be punctually attendad to. AU work R. L. MARPLE. Fucticvl Book Bmd.r. TotUvUl, Nov. , itii 6ro. GEOKGE W- ZIMEKMAN, VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, No. Gi Arch Street, four doors above Second, PHILADELPHIA, CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF BLINDS, M l.loli ror style of finish and workmanship at the lowest prices. Also 1 KANsPAK'ENT, at litA.MTACTL'REns' riticL-4. t.V MERCHANTS and others are invited to rail and examine. Philadelphia, August SI, 18."3. ly. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. TV virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court - of Northumberland coiintv, of Novnnlier Te'in, 18.'i'3 granted upon the application of Henry C Ever, administrator nt bojiis s.ii of the estate of John Snyder, dre'd., will he sold by public vendue or out cry, on WEDSESDAY, the Ri of December nl, at 10 o clock A. ol., at the house of Henry Backhouse, in Union county, the following real estate to wit : a certain ISLAND, situate in the Susquehanna ricr at or near Me lt ec a half rails, containing about two and one half acres, more or less, end known as the Miy- drr Island. Terms made known on Ihe dnv of sale. HENliV C. EVER, Adm'tor. N'oxciiihcr 13, IS."2. ts. The only Tuie I'oitrnii of V!iiiig!oii. JUST PUBLISHED, T. n. WELCH'S MAGNIFICENT PORTRAIT OF WASHINGTON, EnraviHl (by permission) from SiuaiVa only original portrait, in iho Aihtfip'um, boston. I'H IS fiULeib picturCj cnyrnved nr.tlvr tlie r.iterniluiid cuce vi TIICAlA St l.LY. I'mu , the ctuinnit an:l It hly gill ml nrtift, i tin only orrc.-l likciirm of 'nU' ingtuii ever jm Winded. It has been c!.;irctcrii'd :i the Crcati'it virk i f nrt ever prodnced iti this cuii:ry. Al ti its fiiltlitv, v rciei t-i the I.-itriF 1 the Biittptcd fun t f WmhiiiBt 'ii, GLOlKii: V ASULNOTO.N IWltK t'L'rt Tlrt. li Miivf. "it ii a I'.'tiihi'il ivt.rctM'Miuli ,'n oi ihv eel- orisiiiul," nnd t CIIIKr JtS't'li;; TAXKY of the fciiirtino (. iruil "I tho Liuttfit si-US, who siyn, "A a Woik art ils txcfllrnce and binuiy rnjst sinku every une vli seen i ; mid it is n Jcm bi py in it a hkcneis to the I-'ntber f Ii c.'iintry It va my f'-rtune t- have icen hiin in the da) R nf my b'yhxHJ, find Im vh-le npicarn..f:t in yet atntngly in:ptoM-J on tny inemnry 1'lte p 'tiruit you hnve iuuutt to me to be nn exnrt liken:!, re.prcettUng pcrienily the exprttN'iuti on wll ai the in and features ut" the l'uev" And BivsSKNATOH CASH, it in a life-like rcprt-ientatiun oi tlm great oriiiml. rHi:rllK.T KILLMUlii; mvp, "the wjrk appcara to mc Id huve been ndininilily executed and ciniiifnily wkt thy of Uie patrvirtgeuf the public." Say MAH CHANT the eminent portrait rninttr, nnd the pupil I bluarl, "ynur print t my ininn id ni ne retnnrknblu than nuy other I hiive Been, fir preienlinir the whole nidividuniiiy tf the nrigin d portrait, t'i((ether with lite n lle nnd dipnificd re p so of uir and iiiainicr, which nil who tver rnw him cen Kidcrcd u nutktd thtiracteiiajc cf tbu illustriuui inau it cniimiumoniu-s." l "6r tlie great merit of thi picture we w-aild refer ore rv lover ol Vushni(ii"n to the portrait itself, M be sefin at tfie oifiee of thtn paper, mid t" Ui It-tier of the follnwint; Art ism, r!!iU'Bitien. Jinifi nun r'cniiir. nee inpanyiitr it, i AKT1STS Alan hfinl nnd i:iiiot,o( New York; Xea- ! pie, Itothennel, and Lnmbdin, of Thil id Iphia ; Chester j H inliiijT. of U4toii ; Chnilei 1'rstHer. of Chailest'm, S. O ; j Bitd t' the adapted -ii of Vabititrt'n, Il 'ii. tieTfC W. ! I. Cuctm. liiuiteir an artist. S'rTI.Mi:N. UisKxecb lenev Milliard l-'illm-'Tc, Mnior Gen. Wmfield fr'-iltf lien. I (ieorpe M Dalliis, limi. il.tniti It. Kiiifr, Hon, Dun id j Webbt.-f, Hon. I-niii Uoyd, Hon. Lewi Chm, II"ii Win. J t. ttriihnm. tion. John 1. Kt iHtedv, u n. it. l , v inthrop, i si., ll. JL'KISTS Hon. H-ver 11 Tanev, Il 'ii. John ! Dn.-r. II m. Jtdni .McLean, 1 1 Ittifus (Ii mte. SCII(.)L , AIIS ('lories I'olsHn, Lsci , the well kit vn Ltbrnriau of the II )t:n Atbeueuin, wIm fnvn, "I would rather wn ; it thtni any utiinted c - hnve ever seen K. 1. Whip ' pie, KirharJ Hd.lreth, Kdvv. Kverett, LL 1 . Jartd ' Spark, LI. D., William H. Freneott, I.L.D., Washington rvut'rf, Kulph W. I.merson, IT '1. I . k . i phnui, J. P. Heudlfv, FJ! Green lln'lerl;, 11. W. Iwiefcll -w, Win. ilm-reHit ; and HiOM I'.lROri:, Jjwnl Tilt'ourd, r. H. Mueauh v, Sir Arrhibnld Alis n, lyrd Mavor of i tt'Tti. &e Ac. &e. TI1L I'HKSr'. throneli 'nt the en tire t iun, hove wiib cue v.tjc the tuerit of . tin nH-rb enrrnvinp. I i n enable an to p wi tin vaiuuou treasure, it is roio at the low piier ot ." per cpv. N, W. corner of Kti'ih and Arch street, Philadelphia. 1). D. bYKKLY, le agent for the Suile of ICurcru Pennsylvania niul Uelawore. This P.irtrnit enn only b obtained from MU. BYKR- LY, or fr nn hi duly autbnried uaents. ArrniiRemeuiH hnve boen inn-.le with tin? Post Office Pe nartineut, bv which ckik-b of lh Portrait can be sent tt any point, per mail, in perfect older. ( r lei"n uy remittitur r ive iioixiri vn i. LHLY, Philadt lphin, will bac a copy ol the Portrait sent to ih.ui free "f Pos'a-e. ft Mapniricriit (iill Frntw . ft up expressly for these Poi trail, furiiislied ut the Lw price of S3,00 each. . JUST ISSl'ED, A MAGMPICKNT POHTIIAIT OK GENERAL JACKSON, Eiraml by T. B. WELCH, ESQ . after tne original portrait painted Uy I . .t LLl t ESQ. Ttiis l'rirnit wiii he n mntt-l. f-r the WaiKiiiytcn. end is la cvrry rrHpci't ki wtll p. A tip. I'm c O.IKI per enpv. Ailiires n slwve. I'hiliiiltlhia, IVt. .lit Ih.VJ 4 Tolmeco, Snun', iS Segar WAUKIIOITME. fjpiHn suhsi-iihors rrspvi'lfully inl'orm Country Mrrcliaiits that e have now on hand it general assorlmcnt of the best VIRGINIA 13KAND TOCACCO. Cavendish Ss. Lump 8s. Lump Cs. Vlu, Ac, at the Manufacturers lowest prices. Also a line assoitineut of Foreign and Domestic Segnrj, ... ,- , i- ii , feiuill, bmoking 1 oliacco, lines, lino Heads, &c, xvhicli wo will sell nt llio lowest prices. H. WOUDVi AllU o IU., 23 North Third Street, Philadelphia. Septcnilier 4, 1632. 3m. LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS- J. C. OHEUTEUFFEH, Pnr Vin7i niul Mnttle St nlinre Unit ' ' "l""riler having letirrd tlie Public House, for A. L. LOr. AtlUll OI.U JlupiC MS OOOie naxe, tuerly known n llw Americaii lloiwe, No. Is S. Mxth 1.XllXt iklJiH' kiln NYITES the Ladies of the City and Country 1 Lo rail end examine his mhiidid Slock or rrimiiwra wtii.'K luia li.en rliete.l icitli tlm nt. most caw. nir. w. eeing cnanicu, irom ins epcnence in the business, to take advantage, of tho wholesale market, is able to sell as low as any other cstab- lialuncut. nir. u. was nirnieriy principal con- duclor of the extensive bueiness ol Mr. J. . lluretinan, No. 201 I'hcstnut Street, and his ex- j tensive experience will bo a guarantee of his j aituity io aojusiice io uis rusuwncrs. ins riocK comiirisrs the following. Silk, Worsted, and Cotton Cttrluin Fringes, Binding, Tassels and Cord, Silk and Worsted Blind do, 8 ilk, Woollen, and Colt. in Hoisery, Gloxes, Combs, 1) rushes, Soaps, Perfumery, Sce. Woollen and Cotton Kiiittme and Darninc am, Porte Mommies, Furnished Work Boxes, Brace lets, and Fancy Articles generally. Call and examine tor yourselves. Philadelphia, .September 25, 1S52 6m. DAVID" cborERT COMMISSION MKHCII.VNTg ron THE SAI.Ii OK Fish, Provisions, fyc, .Vo. 9 .VorfA Wharves, PHILADELJEIA. April 10, 1852. ly. 500-AGENTSWANTED Si 000 a vcar. a' WANTED in every County of tha Vnitcd States, active and enterprising men to en gage in tlie sals of some of the best Uooks pub lished in the country. To men of good address, posessing a small capital of from S25 lo $100, such Inducements will be otl'ered as to enable them to make from 13 to $10 a day profit. 17 The Book published by us are all useful In their character, extremely popular end com mand large sale wherever they ere offered. For further particular, address, (postage paid,) DANIELS 6t GETZ, Successor to W. A. Leary it Co. No. 133 North Second rUreet, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Oct. i, 1852. tt rnnnot t e uriWRr.c,l WLNDOW I?1IA1 Vi'liidesiile niul Retail fllADFH AND HEFD IillNIiH r.,.,n rAKCY 1UI1 STORE. 1 . "ll""-"' i,lvi"- l-uhlic in ecrral w'n i ""' rxawint '"wit ol FAX. !. r ' 1fo""i",i,,5 "( Fitch, Stone. Manin, l.nx, l' mull ahlc and K.niirrr-l Mnfl'., tons. V utorms c Also, Black and W hile Wad duiR hy the hnle. y The liijhcst prices paid fur PIIIPriNO FLKf , snrh .. U..J and Ur.y Fox, Mink, Rac coon. Muskrat. Ao. 200 hales KLFFALO UODE9, which will l sold chfop, hy thi; hnle or sinclc I'olie. (Sr.OKGE K. WOMKATH, Iinpcrtrr i Fur Dealer, i'o. 13 S. 4th nt. Fhiladflj.hin, Nov. 8, 1852 3mo. &PttrM? JSi2 EB &B ! Fresh and Spiced Oynlers ! f jAVI.NG sctile.l nt Nonlmmbeilaml, I am now prrpmej to frni!i Fn-?li and spi- t....i i. . . vu vrins uni irii i ne w iidle season nt ri iluccj rrii'83. Vou ciin ilpnrn.l ihrm baiiijf frfsli, ns 1 sliull toccivi; ihurn diilv. ' ...)..... ii . . . ... i r"l,uu) iaicmi-(.i; aim wnnil landi'il licit;, they am only 10 hours out of (he shell. All persons ut a distance, who are in want of tha above arlii-lf, can have ibem scut per dozen or sinyle ran by nihil r5iiijr W. ii. VICKKItV, nl Bun's Ho!e. .VirlluiiTiberlaml. Oct. 16, 152. A X OT HEIl I.ATK AHHIVAL OV CI1KAP GOODS. FRILINCS- 6c GRANT. O I.SPhUTFl l.LY inform their customers and the puhlip, tlint they hare just receiv cd and opened the best and cheapest stock of Fall and Winter Goods that hns ever been brought to Sunhury. Their stock consists of every variety of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Casrimeres, Satlincts, Vesting, Flannels, If'utlens, An, I all kinds of Fall & Wi'uler Wear. Also a splendid vaiiely nf LADIES DrtLSS & FAXCV GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, Dt Laines, Heroes, And evory variciy of goods miluLlo for La dies w car. Also an ex'.ensive assortment of Caps ron Mks and Boxs. Also a largo assortment of tiKOCKHIEft, si t u as Sugar, Teas, Cofl'ee, Molasses, Spices of ail kinds. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. ! Also a tiesh supply of j WlirtiS AND MKUICIXI'S. Besi les ihe laipest and most general us.s-irt- , ment ol all kiiuU of gooJ to be bud in thi i place. I Vsi" Counlry produce cf all kinds taken in cx- change at the highest market price. Sunhurv, Nov. 13, 185S. OUSTERS ! nnllE iindersigiied is IlnmUiul for p;ist fa--"- vots and hopes to continue, in the confi dence nf bis old eoslomera and ftionds nnd tha public geneinliy. Ile is now iu daily re ceipt of the bosi of li.tliim'ire Oysleis, put ep bv A. Field, Ei , who is celebrated lor put- lino up a con.l utiKle. oyslera nro open. etl the same moriiii't:, Ihey leave for Ibis and are t'oiise(;iicnlly orly about IP Iitinr on lite way. Ho can send nys!r nil L'lrecttoi.s ty singes, Ivial and oilier convey- auees. cenls. 1 rice cuna 81.25, half cans N. H. - Apply al ihe residence of ihe sub set iber ot at Leu's, or Haas's Hotel. PHILIP SI1AV. Norihunibcrljiid, Oct 16, 1S52. if. T,l'iV-t'.,vVT:'w.(..)rKu,iT f,f",K"'"1 moko.-. o .1 i AM. MAMl AC IUK1 , located at 51 Cli''tlljt Street n.r the r 1 TWKNTY-ONE YEAHS, I ha been removed to No. 'jos arch stbkkt, firt .1 ot j lands of John Desliay, on the EasI side of tha I l-l ovv OUl smct, where can In- f.niii.l tlm lurgrat and best , SllSUUeliamia, Itbulll three miles bfloW Dail I an Mliiiciit of the i..Uowinir iirtielis, vu : . :n IVsket Hooks. lN.rl Kolion. Dr.;,vT Cat.. w,;i! rw, Bankeis' c-n-, Jim.t H.i ii. n m. iti'i ii Hk, i Also two ui I j i i ii t v.-.eaiit town lots, situ JJJSti' "utI'!!'"r. l,.t..Mo.a, I alc.a on the comer of Second and Ornnse i r . ii. s-.ii i n. innimiiti i r luvom. tiiipes hv atteti- (i ,.,, .vll1 tt ,i(,u ..,((, t, .n the i..t nu;,ii!v r F. II. SMITH, thaiitmil f ,r p-mt Invms. hone, bv ntten- roKism me i.iwesi prices, lorweivea sanreul patroiiii;e. e'hriTue'!iewh,U'','l,:'1 ll,c"'"u"1 CM",'"' N. ti. Iti'iioiiing done with acatucM ninl dipntch, F. II. SMITH, 'M Arch Sireet, I'hilatleloliia. Sejiemlier t, lf5j.-3iu. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. j eocei, iwirei ..mi he, iiihi . iiesitiui rirecis, 11:1s cii.ititu j T1I I7 rmt xiPPrr 1 1 mvrirr 1 lit- tOM.MhUCIAL HOTt.L, : Bees leave to inform his frieiids and the nubile, thut th.s n nre new mitiu m lutiniitre, u.louu'. fcr.. fce., hot lv. ii nrotuinl Irom live iiust eclcbrutixl .Uanaiaeiurers in tins . c"fcoln ,,, , ,clioni nlui it, pl,. r.lill!ity ,othe Kuilromi Depon, st,-i,n.h nt l.mi.',in,'i n.,.-.-. ft Aiauso. nieut, Fiulii'umUc Th t .n.-liiurra bi.i) Public M juarct, iner nuiucfincuit i llie AUTctiuut vuitiiin the city en biiAiiicfik Ihe 'J'ravcllrr ifkinff pl.inire Vhmh-i ani itriiwlcti vinrivi-i the niv, every tucitiiv will he (Jt-ritl, arrt every r nufurt VrtiitKil to nuke tla-ir icit iirc:itlc mul jtlcaBjiif. A iTi!itv f tlif pnlilic i:,!ri-tnf: rfftf-ptMi'lv Mot!?itel. jacou u. ikih, JAi;t:u iuVin, t tulips riiili'inW-til I'ri-prn I'.t. VliilnJelphiii, Sfj t. Cm. SOAP & CANDLE MANUFACTORY, No. 19 1 -J St , beHt-ecn 2d if id Su., and JVo. 17 Suiih fi.t Street, rilll.ArillU'HIA. John Bancroft Jr. snul Son, IlEsl'KCTFL'I.LY'iiiform Store-keepers. Mer- chanu, CvC, that tliev .Manulacture ami have for Sale, Palm, While, Variegated, Vellow and uiu"h "".J' I'luuiu aim iyiivu .liuil.a, nil Ui II... .1.1 .....1 III. ...... I i' 1 ..' ..." good quality and at rcasuiuhlo prb-cs. tsr ' Cah paid for Tallow and rough Fut. April 10 185i. ly. Win. McCarty, Bookseller. RESPECTFl'LLY inform hi. f.iend and the public, that ho hits removed his book Store, to Market street, to the house occupied by i. Naillc, Esq., Attorney at Law, nearly op posite the Court House, oil tho unrlh side, where keeps for tale constantly on hand a gooj assortment of liooks and Matimnuy. For Sale A larjje new spring waggon Ct for S. S or 4 horses. Sunbury, July 54, 135?. tC I NK Boureau'a celebrated ink, ami also Con grc ink for sule, wholesale and retail hy December Sit. UMI. II. B MAS&EK. IRESII Vanilla Bean of a superior quality, ' iut received and for sals by Julr 31, ie53. H.B. MAeSEB. SWAIM'S CELEBRATED PANACEA, FOR THE CURE OF Incipient Consumption, Scrofula, General Debility, Whit Swflitf, Rheumatism, Diseases of the Liver on-1 i'.t'ti,' ami vll Diseases arising from Impurities of the blood, and Ut Effects of Mercury. C WAI.M'S PANACEA bas heeii f.if irsirs Diss tl.irtr I 7 yosrs cciel.roir.J In u.U cnunlry and In Europe tit its elt 'inhnari' euros f..i the osrtfdcatesur w toiclirrfsruiK n In iiimIo to tha Oirccti'.iia r.nd bks (which mny b hod orntiH) aee'Siipsnrii a ihe rsimrs. IV ins yt hilt pirq tt ii(.;iiIi.ii i.f c.iirs tuj Irijrhtful fcr gfiicrslpuWieaiioi , W In ;0 !lta iMt.ipiilft hEd bop,l nim' It nt.'.i nn witl. Rdri.ftilit. siitl 'if3 itccinwl inii.rilils hj- t'hjilriuim. In litis lioi ii u-"xl in h -witsls siid nrit'sts practhx, sut h ln.d ihvsineulsr fortune -f being re mmsiidud If t!is must c It-iirctil liysiclim and udisr cn-mtl cxrs.j.f Atiinir iUirr ty W , m. p.. IW. if Setfcry. pa. fnlvctsity. sl.MHimi MmU, M. Prut, ul Suij.M. V. Vulvar- SI'.V. jv. P. Uwtis, M. p.. Prof, ft MiA, Ps. Unlwirsjty. N . t k.-i.iii.1i. M. It , prif. cs' Phvsie, Pn Inivsrsiiy V M V Ptu'' C--ge ol Phjsicis,,., Pluls. Dr. L''i Vull ., p,. f Mwltci,,, Havana. lut lV.mencr ile Ltiz. Vn(. i.f Snrfrrr, l.lnlimi. J. I htpinuu. Mt mUT K .ynl College iiursis, LoLiLa . . I.rti:,s. loloMinialci loSiim, Sir I'honnis l'tr ., Mi). On. Ilriiish Army. Oilhcit IM.e:iu, Kntlhh C'cnsnl, C , o. And nlt i, the w. ml-rful cttrns rflveitd Ly Swsim's P iT" n vc r"' i"t:l' '',r, il " i'.viiluij,l rvnwdy iiii I iiinem not e-.i.iBin m-ntirv In any form. W 7t',Xrt. " Hire., to U Tha rrtsll price Inn l-nen rwhicfd to 81 80trbottlo. fcoiiiuiiunp ilnce hoh pintF) ur three Uitilos fur St. nnwARE of iMPopiTiojf. Pwaim's Ptnecn is in round b itths, fluted lrcitudl. na.iy, will. Ihe f jil.inilll! letters bl nan on the trlans: "SWAlAff" PANACEA 1'lllLADA." ami havinj tha tme ef Jas Swaim stimpeil on the sen!.. j'-lS'.-! p'o-.mfinc .. .I....I. v a;iu vi iiii.ii in inn ii.uei covering tns c.irs, sua Jiirrnvii; uir tne sine in t!te IKJllle, c lnp'S'.-tl IT ' lol!'C w rli. cnirriuitiir nine differHiit riiea. which have buen tumixl fur the exclusive tin.; ol the rri - I pn. ..r, Ivy lumper Co , henk no! engrsv r, of Pbila- , ifltiMS. im ttifl centle id a iHirtruit ofthelitu wm. Htvsim o"l'yi(ii.t scc-urtit . . ALSO, SWAIM'S VCItMIFUOE. A v:ilu:l!e Fnmily Medicine, beinft a highly sppr. vJ Mncdy l'p all -lisciK' ari;i!(r ft. ml dvhiiily of the iltgrb. live oiit niit, hvu-Ii svi W w, Cholt-rvi Morbus. Dywntery Pevrr mid Ami?. ImCiiJ!:: 1'ilea, i-icli llinilsche, .Vc.. An. tf.o the lainiilt:t (wliicii limy be had grain) accctltpuny ms the Vertriintge. l'rejmrtd only nt SWAIM'S 1-ABOIt ATCIt Y, THE OI,U SI'ANll, S.wviiih mrcct, below Chestnut, PIiIIhiI.J phii, nnd s'IJ by cU tlie respectable i.'iugven m ibo L'ut tud Suites. CAUTION TO THE rVBUC. Prrsins v.'i-hlne clitain the r- iuiine SWAIM'S PAN'. AC'KA ami SWAIM'S VHi.Mlf'VaE, should to careful to uuseive thut thu uamc SWAIM I spelled orrecly on the bottles an-1 !!!, or they mny be itnp scd on by medicines tnmlc in itnituli n "f tlietn by a pet son bestir.g a eoiiiew lmt similar name, well calculated to I'eeeive. Philadelphia, October S, t'5i. Stno. SHELDRAKE'S A I.LEGIIUNY JIOUB, No, 580 MA RICHT i'- Street, above 6th. Philadelphia. Under tha new arranrcnient the car which arrive from Pittsburg, llariishnrg, etc., will run to the New Depot, comer of Schuylkill 5th nnd Market. In order to accommodate the public wc will always have our Coach at the New Depot on the arrival of tho cam to carry Passengers to the Allegheny House, which is in the centre of the city. Our old friends will please ride down, and all who wish to patronise a IIouso with a Good Table, Clean Duds, and accommodating assistants, will please pivc us a call. 7'crrrn, One Dollar per Day. August 21, 1S52 6m. Valuable Property. Late the Estate of E. P. SHANNON, Esq., Of Aortliumbi'i'land AT FP.ITATE SALE. r"TMIE subscriber. Kxeculors of the Eslalo of Kpluniin I'. Shannon, lalo of the IW cnioh of Norliiutnbei hind, oIRt :it privalo sals, ihn following vnluablo Heal EeU'.e, viz: Lot No. 77, corner of Queen and Front Street, on which is erected a two story Brick untitling, lotmetiy orenpieu ivy Uib uccensud j ns n Store nnd Dwelling, and now occupied i ns such. There are alio uu the lul tw o fmrao ! dweliincs. J:0. j Lot ro. 62, filr.aled i:i Market Street, on w hich is erected a two story white Frame ! Ort ellinpr. &e., mljoiiiing Juhu Taggart, Esq., ; occupied by Cl.tis. Knotis. Lois Nos. CD, 70, 71 S: 72, situate in Mar ket Sireet, n two story while Frame Dwel- j liuii, o ipied by .bunes Pnnly, and a stable j is erected on lols No. 69 & 70. : The nndiviiled Iinlf of Lot No. 120, situnte on tin; corner of Dnku and 4lh Street, on vvhteli is ereeled a two sloty dwelling, occu- ' pied by Joseph aic-Lullistcr. ! r.m No, isp, silnate in Queen Sireet on ; which is creeled a two story white F;am9 ; lltiilding, occupied by JJin Burkert. Lot No. 60, situate nt Norlhway nnd Wa ter Sneets, on w bii h me erected Iwo Frame Dwellings anil Stab!itij, occupied by widow Vandling nnd Joint Vandlir.g. Also llio undivided fuiiith part of lot 166, 0I1 Wl,jch is creeletl a. twostoty Frame Dwel- . , i . i "i ' Im?. occupied by Jidin atulyko. ! AI?o ten acres of cleared land, adjoining Jl.e. ! '"-'."'"'- ' geucioi ia.1 . Kill. - ...,.i i :.. ,t. . t i.... -.f i, . . A ! oi'Cn. Nos. 9 15 & 2 10. Also lour Vacant lots Oil Inllit anil UrailRa i Slreels, numbered in ihe peneral plan ol said Borotish, Nos. 209, 210, 211 & 213. Also four vacant lols funning on Market and Sixth Streets, tunnii g Kusl to an Alley, numbered in the "Piii'ial plan of said Cor ouoh, Nos. 77, 78, 79 & 80. Also four vacant lots Irnntinjf on Ornngo Street, and numbered in the General plan of said Borough, No. 185, 1S6, 187 & 188. 1 ho atxive properly will be sold in parts 'or parcel.- lo mit pmchsert, on reasonable tonns. t or lui inrr nariicuiar) apply lo John a annunipenana, or to tnu AlsFKKD KNF.ASS. ) p , THOMAS STRAW BRIDGE, J tx Norlhnnibertam!, May 02, 1853. tf. TAILCP.I1TG. JOHN V. 31 A 11 TIX, BllfiS leave to infirm his friends and the pub. , lie iu renernl, th:t bo is prepared in every , rciprct tJ uiaUe cluthin; after the uiott I Fushiunable Slides, ! cud in the most durable manner, and bis price i wil1 ' ""aiiable as can 1 bad in Sunhury : or elsewhere, in cash ornpproveJ country produce. j ""If wi" ulwa'J lljve lle advantage of tho Iates f;iliion iIh1i s, and in uddition to hi ncknowl. e.lcr.d skill in cuttm?, he vrnl be aasisted by tin dircciiou nf the most scicntitic publication rcla- , linn to lint art, now issued from the emporium of lasluou in Ihe Lnited Slates. An endeavor I will be made always to have work completed ' i. : . .1 I VVIlen n'ipiljcri. His cslablishrornt Is situated in Market 8iiuare. Sunlmry, nearly opposite the Post Ollice, in tlie building formal Iv occupied by Jacob Painter as haticr shop, where it will lie a pleasure to him to see bis friends, and make such work for theui as is within tho line of his business, feunbury, August 14, 185?. tf. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER, ATTORNEY AT LAV SI H l it V, lA. Dec IS, 16S1 tf. pJHAlX PUMPS. A small number of these v- excellent pump have boea received and re offered for sale by H. B. MASSER. Sunhurv, Nov. 6, 1852. TLAK rrchuieil Paper Dcede and blank. Mortgage, Bond. Esecutiona, Putrnious, for wlebr H. U. MAiLH, Wunbury April S, 1951,