SUNBtJKY AME11IGAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. Tnim llio Clirislinu Mirror THE HEART AND TONGUE. Ono M r. Tongue?, -. ,' Of much ronown, Who lived nt largo In Tallin Town, Wm mischief full, Anil wicked, too, A nil could tell, If Tongue they know. The statute brought, The charge was liluin, That Tonsuo was full Of deadly bane ; Tongue thru was seized And brought to Coutt, Pleading himself The impending suit. 'Ti neighbor Heart, Plead Mr. Tongue, Who leads me inln So trinuh wrong ;t I should be good An neighbors ure J As Mr. Nose, Or Eye, or Ear. If neighbor Heart, Who lives below, Were changed by grace, Or made anew J 'Tin very haid To hear lha wrong Of neighbor Heart, Said Mr. Tongue. The plea was sound Of Mr. Tongue ; Jnrois ami Judge Said all was one, While neighbor Heart If also wrung, No good, they caul, C'oul, I eomu fiom Tongue. Th,! Court decide, As the bosl gnu;!, Th lenovale The neighborhood ; Thai Mr. Heart Must be renewed, Or never Touiine C n bo subdued. in, June 22, 1S52. iii. 0. t Matthew, xv. 10. A STUING OF ITKMS. A report by way of Halifax stales that a flood had oceured on the south side of Porto Hico, ami that two hundred lives were lost. The House of Representatives of Rhode Island has rejected, by a vole of 40 to 14, a bill to repeal the liquor law of the last ses sion. The consecration of Rev. Dr. Jonathan M. Wainwtight, ,tho Provisional Bishop elect of tlio .( Diocese of the New Yoik, will take place in Tini'.y .Church, N. V., on Wednes day, lOlh iiut, The receipt of iho Fair of the American Instilute in New Yoik, just closed, reached iibout 825,000 considerably exceeding those of last year It is estimated' that it had 200,000 visitors. An editor in Mississippi was lately whip ped by a man, nud kicked out of his own o trice, for publishing an account of his death He probably wished to show the editor that he was "alive and kicking." A young lady explained to a printer tho other day, tho distinction between printing anJ publishing, and at the conclusion of her remaiks, by way of illustration, she said, "you may print a kiss On my cheek, but you must not publish it." Lake Shore Railroad. It is stated that only eleven miles of track remain to lay to complete the entire line of Lake Shore road from Cleveland to Buffalo, nnd if no delay occurs in receipt of iron, this gap will be fil- leJ by Iho lOih of November. O.i the I9th tilt., on tho occasion of the funeral at Marshfiehl, the national flag was raised on Gotham Hill. It was up to half mast at sunrise, and in tho evening it was presented to Mrs. Webster by Mr. Zanlzing. ri. Mis. Webster received it with deep emotion. Another from Camphene. The Hartford Times gives on account of the tloalh of Miss Mury A., youngest tlaujjhlcr of Fulfils Seymour, Esq., of Colbrook, on the 11th ult., at tho the nge of 22, from a lamp, containing lltiiil, becoming enveloped in flamo and extending to her person, o se verely burning her that after lingering for neatly seven weeks in tho most intense Buf feting ehe was finally relieved by death. Ciiw.EitA in Canada. We regret to learn, by the telegraph, Ihitt the cholera prevails at 'I'lt'U-c, A member of the Assembly, from Sians'.ed, and ono of the messengers, are re ported lo have died of the disease. The communication says, tho "House is in a pi'.ie, and will probably adjourn." There miisl have been Borno eases i Montreal, ns we find it htaled that the Rev. Mr. Squires tlitul tin? next day after his vi.-it lo a person who died of Unit disease. litv: lluivr.sT. btieh a lieautiliil niter haivost setiycn (says Ihe Limerick Cluouicl i. llii, wo do no remember for many years. ; in I liitiii! farmers are availing of the dcliohl ful weather to sow their fields w ith a wheat prop fur tho ensuing year. Tho poor man' harvest is most favorable, and tho peasantry continue busily employed digging not iheir potutoFD, and drawing horfie winter fuel. Considerable, shipments of potatoes have been mado during Ihe past week, from Dub lin to New York and New Oilcan. "Ruing in the Ai'Fles." The fpplu may bo called the "staple fruit" of New England It ranks among fruits at the potato among vegetable.. A writer in tho last number ol the Knickerbocker says : "The apple ia the companion Of the winter evenings, aisocia tod wilh a cheerful room, a bright fire, a pleasing table, Scott's novels or the Arabian Nights. Feihapa it is nearly bediime. Your eyes grow dim, You are fa igued with study, with chess, wilh checkers, with books, you sigh, you yawn, you stretch yon r arms above your head. All of a sudden a thought strikes you. Ii ring in your apples It is like magic. The foot lights go up and the 6cone brightens." SOWEll BAliNES, Publishers nud. Booksellers, No. 84 orh Third Strectt Philadelphia miscellaneous hooks. ' Tlililnm, Pruvers, Hymns, Poetical and Historical Works, Travels, Novels, .c., fcc. SCHOOL BOOKS. Every kiiut in use from a primer upward. BLANK BOOKS. All clrpftnt hrttm!tit fnrt the pfiwt liook npwnrdp, made of uperior pnT, ntitl brut if binding. WHITING PAPEIIS. Cup, l'"t, nml Note l'n.icrf, cli-cunt styles and quality. and very clump. STATION Ell V. Fancy, I'liiiu and Adhesive Kiivclnrcs, Ink. Hi'"''. Vl frrs, 1'cli", Mites, IVlirils, l'oile-.M'uniis, V. I i,. pini( l'upers of all kinds, Ciil'tniil l'U, rs, A c., Ac. tlnr stock is nil fresh. Ii mi-lil clienp mid td nrenrdniety. 1'nrtieiilnr ntteniion naiil to H iil.s, ll,:rs, tVmnlry .Mcr t'linulsand T.melier., however little lliey may lmy. S wer & Harms nre I'uhlislicrs "f I'Kl.TOXf Serbs i f MAGNIFICENT OUTLINE MAPS Knell map l tuiirly H'.VIl.N l-'KKT BlJllAKH, nnd shows the c iii'rativc size mid relative position of every e.'unlry ni the ,-1. !... 'I hey nre intended to I c suspended in every Pclio. I lt' m, mnl ll' I only mi'ke n sjileiiilid lip peiirniiee, lint, lire universally tickliowliitue'l to he the llOT MuLK HI' 'I IIAIIIIMJ OI'.IKillArilY ever l.renelit eilt. They nro kevs intendi-d to ho used tiy tlie sell, 'ars, eoiitiilniuir nc nipletc epitome ut Cieojjrnphy, and eristics less limn half tlie price of a Oeoirruphy mid Atlas. Tlie r.stem is in niiiverriil line in Prussia unit ticrrrainy, and h:i nlrc.nly heen inlrodiieeil inliiniril l.'nlleire, Phila delphia, the pulitic (rholsof Huston, New York, l'liiln drlptiia, llallimore, Wnshinjrtou, unit throughout New rliurlninl, New York, Ac., Ae. Our desks nro loaded wit It recommendations from I lie most talented nud seien tilie teachers ill every rpmrtcr, mid wlierever the system lias Ifeen used pnreuts, teachers and scholars unite in pruts lug it. 1. Map of the Western Hemisphere, tf. Map of the Knntern Hemisphere. !). Map of North America. 4. Map of the railed States. 5. M;ip of Kitrop.j. (1. Map of Asia. 7. Map of ftnuiti America nnd Africa. 1'vory map is brilliantly colorcil, varnished, ami mount cd on niusltu and rollers. We respect fully invite tlie earnest of Tcacherp, Parents, and School Direct ,r to this ficcnritiir niode ot letichinir Ge grai hy. fOWKH A ll.UIM'S". -I North Third Sncit, riiihrlilphin, Aug. 2, IP 32. tf. FALL MILLINERY GCOES JOHN STOXE fsOXS, lMl'OllTI'.I'.S AND DK.M.r.ItS IN FfiENCII MILLINERY GOODS, No. 45 South Second Street, A i.Mi ccni c!c,l the improvement-- to their Store, nre now opc-niti' n laruc and beautiful assortment of Paris Fancy Feathers, French nml American Flowers, l'tiney lioum t and Cap Ribbons, Fancy lioiinit Stud's, tiinlcd nnd 1'lain Velvets, Sntins, Gross. d'Afriijucs, Lncrs, &c. Ac To which thov invito the attention of Mer chants nnd Milliners visitinir the ciry. f hilauelihia, September 25, 185a 2m. LEATHER. Fritz, Williams 5 Hendry, Store, No. 29 AVft 3.Z Street., riiiLADF.t.riHA. TTTOTCOCCO Manufacturers, Curriers, Import crs. Commission nnd General Leather Bus iness. ' Wholesale ami Retail. UiT Manufactory 15 Margaretta Street. Aug. 2H, 1852 ly. Cheap Watches 5 Jewelry, TiniOLF.SAI.E and Kctail, at tho "Philadel ' " phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. Ufi North ccondStrcct, corner of Quarry, Philadel phia. Gold lvcr Wutclics, full jeweled, IS carat cases, SJ'.CO Wlver do. full jeweled, 81 Ceild Fpeetaeles, T.0II l-'iue Hilver .,. 1..r,,i liiild Bracelets, fl I'll Silver l.etnne, jewels, 1,1 do in) it,). tl Supetiur Cunrtiers, 7 ! allies (Jold Pencils, Silver Tin spoons, set, l.tHl inutatuiti tin. Cold Pens, with Pencil nud Silver Holder, 1,111 Gold Finger RinRs, 37J cents to !?S0 ; Watch Glasses, plain, 12J cents.; Patent, 1SJ; Lunet, 25 ; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to bo what they are sold for. STAUFFER & HARLEY, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, somo Gold and Silver Levers and Lepincs, still lower than tho above prices. August 28, 185a. ly. NEW STORE. PETER W. Git AY RESFECTFL'I.LY informs tho citizens of Sunlmrv mnl vleioitv. tloit hr eomnten- ccd a new store in Whortleberry street, in the houso formerly occupied by Mrs. Gray, and has just received and opened a well selected assort ment of Dvy Goods, Consisting in part of CLOTHS, CASSIMEKS; SATTINETTS, And a general assortment of LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS of every variety and style. GROCERIES of every description. Also an assortment of HARDWARE AND QUEENS WARE, And a fxenend variety of olher articles such as aro suitable to tho trade, all of which will be sold at tho lowast prices. Country produce taken in exchanso at the highest prices. sunbury, May 15, 1852. Cm. JOHN a7tALOR7 Manufacturer of Monuments, Tombs, AND GRAVE STONES OF THE FINEST Italian and Ameiucan Marble. At his Old Stand in Northumberland, Pa. RESPKCTF1 I.LY inform the public that all work in his line will be made up of the very best material and finished in the latest style of the hasten! cities. Those in want of such articles well made and executed in tlie best style and at the lowest rules, win do well to call and examine before they put chase elsewhere, May 15, 1852. ly. HEY COUNTRY STOKE, At the Ports of the I'lnm I'm !; nud Tnjpe huikrn Itoud, (iidtc Kni-jhlwiu's Jllaci Smith Shop. JACOH AYKIM1CK, If I n,ffms the hi nas opened a new ht.irc nt the above place o.iu ii;. jusi reeeiveii a splendid stock ot new Spring ar.d Cummer Goods, Consisting in purt of Cloths, Cnssiniers, Sattincls, nnimwo i . n i- .... f.UK....u., u.iu an Kituis ot inmn cotton una Hursien summer ware. ALSO : Callicces, Muslin de Laines, Lavrn3, its chains, And all kinds of Dress Goods for Ladies. FtA, Coffee, SucAn, Molasses, &c. OUOCiailKN, ofall kindt BRANDY, GIH, WNIE, and all kinds of liHjiiors. Hardware. Iron and Sltel, Nails, ic, aTJEENSWASE. Shoes, Boots, Caps, Palm loaf and other Hats. Fun, Salt, &c. All of which he w ill sell at the most reasonable price mr custi or country produce. May 8, 1852 -tf. BLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank M OrtLrflfrPn. ltolllly P.VAnllnna fcj ... ra n 1 .'uioiooill ace, loi saloliy 11. U. MAfSSEK. Kunbury . April 20, 1851 N23W STOIII3. BKNJAIvIlN HEFFNEll- RFSl'ECFFULI.Y Informs the citi.cns of Hnnliiiry and vicinity, that he has opened a new store in the room lately occupied hy George Urijiht, opposite Bolton's Hotel. Ho has just re ceivci! a hnndsomo assortment of Spring nnel Summer Ciooil-, consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimcrs, Cassinets. SUMMEIl WARE of nil kinds, of linen, cotton nml worsted. ALSO t AJotiNnt'tiiM Ic liUltics j. ii J ul! kinds of Lailirn Dress Goods. GllOCKIlIES of every vnriuly. Alxo mi osmirtmcnt -f tSartlivai'C, Iron Etctl, Hails, &o. AUo nil excellent nssortincnt of CUEENSWARE, of various styles nnJ patterns. Alan nn nsRortmrut of I50O V &. SBIOFS. Tolni Lcnf mid other H ts and Cap3. Stilt, Fisli, i;c. Also n variety of ,Uji;nR3 mich as BRANDY, GIN, WINK, &c. Ami n prrnt variety of other nrtielcs Bitch ns nre milnhle to lint trade, nil of which will be sold nt the lowest nriccsi. tlf Country produce taken in exchango nt tlie limlicst prt -c., Stin'.Miiy, Mny 1, 1352 ly. KIM ; Manufacltircd hy the Now Jersey Zinc Company, Newaik, N. J. r-lIK Pulisenlierii are u v prep.i'i cl to execute orders I I i a;iy exteiii lor lln ir lu mituiil wlnte nud colored .ir.e Paints, lit the reduced pricis, is : warranted N 1. 1, vn.i: N ). , il'i. ground in oil, 0 cenlt per lh., pare, d i. K il .. ,1 , d . 7 d i. do N.i.:', di. 1:, ,wn iimI l ll.i ' tin,; itint.lxil i surt'a,',' t:9 Kin Ii- d.. f.J .1.. , n 's yviil equally well ns lueell it' WleU J. end ; they are tij per cent. ele nrer t i Tin- e i.t.t'.lniT. 'l ie: X i tr u i r in rapidly snper.ediu t.'ile T.'-ad, ,'Ver wi.l.-il il pn.v. ;--L.e3 iti'Uly :el';!iitle-s It is winter, an.! in n !" I'.i'iial lliau tlie While l.,;ul ,. es ii'ittiiru Ji'll'', e,a wl.'-n eX."S-,t tti Hlllj,! iiious Vili,n lias h , .3 ' i ' , 1 ! is n t i.iji'.ri"iia ti, licaltli, iin.t i; t'.ic m te du- 1','Nr lli.invx i.Mi (! Taint . Mil-: riiTtt Wi:Aim:n AM.' 1 I.IK I'lluiiK. Till' 1,,'St ,' 'Ceril'L- 1' r I'lll-ii.le w,,,k e. r iii;r i!'H',-1. :i i:,iiieil tn I . ; J i . 1 1 1 1 ,:t' wrt it, lirirk , .r ; t 111'-. i t, ii- , .!, ," l m i. !.:.' !, ilif.-. In e'rs. mi l machinery t liu- I: eli t v..-.rl.-. ;lu: ti .r-, elriiiii,, :ii.,l all oilier Iron. v i k i n I.. Tint f!n;i I i sl,:,m I. il, rs, tacks ana wn'T lanl .1 to hum, tin, and oilier ro- tiiiij-, iron i-tiuMtt'r d imis :e;,t raiiai.'s. woe r-.U' es. Iri,li.,a, e. I-'- r 1,-in this r..iut is csjiceialty valieilitc ns it r,irii,s a ijalvouie e.'nneeii.iu, uud entirety pieveuts rut. 'J'liere Zinc Paints fiaviaj: n pure r,-ln!ie Hase, are war rniited u a ti turn yill-.w, tied m-iII retain itieir iriitienl la illianey tuneti I inirer tliau W'liitu, Lend, or nuy the e-iiiliy ii-iiu-iits u .v in use. Tlie e,-rt ifientes from tin se who li:ive use,! ihese Paints, are sueti as t .sattsty ttie ati lie tint liny are luvalnnlile. The nlilest elieniists ,f I'rauee uud Itii e -llnti y liai'e leinied to tin.' sil(,eri irily of ine over l.i-ail I'aiutrt, as t i dnriit.ilit v, li,-4ittliluluess and lieaiity They have Lieu nit iitnl tiy ilie French (ioveiu ini.iii, hy Ihe cap .raliou o( x.-w- York, nud nre now ex tensively Used l,v till, t'llilf'l Slat-S t.i 'V,'l lUIK'Ill ut luuny ol' tlie laryest .Mililary and .Marine Dep its. PlIIIMlKI.t'lliA fi VoiK, Slnv .'l, f-.j. Messrs. P. C. Junks ,V Co. r.entlelilau linviu; seeral trials of "nir Urowu uie Paint in vari ais inelli o,ls ealfiilnled tot, st its .r.'tee:ie ill;,lti,S USI w ' nt and ui,.l::l, I h e the s ins, action t,, state that the results have l.'eia hlehlv favoial.le. 'Ilie paiat eovelinir well, dryiiifl ip'ieki;. , and pos:ie.-lin;r f.'lnit,T li naeilv, copeeially upon in n, tliau l.ny i.llier I'ainl with wliiell 1 alii I'.i luiliar. Vouis, truly, John 0. Chesson. The nndersiuiud, I, aviujf used Ilie Zinc PuinUi relerred to e incur iuthe f nt-unnirr opinion. .Morris, T.isIot ,V .Moiris It (.anol. Nivitic Co., Pe'.ui Works. Merrick : Son. .lanes T. rsiittoii ft Co.. Frnuliliti Iron Works. J. T. Ii in. I. S. Dry Duck. t'De il, rs supplied on reas inalile terms Ivy the A-ieuts of tlie Couipany. p.c. .iom'.s .v r.i.. N i. ! SimiUi Wharves, l'liiln. July 17, Oin. LIBERTY STOVE WORKS, niiOWX STKH13T, jj?- above Fourth, ri-irjADniPHi-A. npIIE undersigned respectfully inform the pti'i lie that lliey are in full operation at their new foundry, and ready to execute orders i'nr stoves of every description on the most reasona ble terms. They invite the attention of .STOVE DEAL ERS to their large assortment of STOVES, till of which are entirely new, mnl gut up at great expense. A luting whit h are the Liberty Air Titfht (.'noli, CoinpVte Cook, !5tar Air Tie;ht, Star I'raiilJin, S' Radiator, Jenny Lind Im proved, Fire King Radiators, r.'alaninndcrs, Can nons, liases, i.ire Cylinders, Dar Room stoves, r uruaccs, Gas Ovens, eve, C. C. AIJDOTTiV LAWRENCE. N. B. Country merchants are linrlieulurlv invited to call and examine our assortment. April 10, lti53. ly. 'JUST liECEIVKI)" AT THE Eaddkry ciul IIarncs3 Estallishment of G. V ST 11 OH, Market Street, Sttnbnry, A new assortment of M3ver, llrass nnd .J ii p :i 1 1 ne il M o u n t i n g, Which he will either ninke up to order or sell separately for cash at prices as low if not lower tnun can be linj nnvwherv else. SADDLES, I1RID1.ES, HARNESS, Ts usiZkN, Valltcs, &.C , Constantly kept on baud or manufactured to or der. CARRIAGE TRIMMING done on tho shortest notiep. All persons arc invited to call and examine foi hemselvcs. ' All kinds of produce taken in exchange. .Siinburv, Slav 1, 18. "2. tf. JOHN PHILLIPS & SOH, ATo. 47 So.-r.'A Water Street, below Chestnut, PMl'ORElt.-S of Foreign Fruits, Nuts, SVincs, oce., keep constantly on hand the following articles which they will sill at very low prices for caMi. l!.ii.-iiis, Alni'ir.ds, Currants, Walnuts, l itr iii, (iniiind Nuts, Prune:.', ('leant Nuts, Dates, Filberts, Fi ;s, Vanilla beans, ."'.vei l Oil, l't'i served finger, atmirinds, Li ;i:o:i. c, Lfmnti Syrup, Fire Crackers, 1'iut Wine, Madeira Wine, Claret Wine, rv " Mti-i itt " rSneet Sl.ilaga " F;:!:;.i''!,u, July V, .-ly. "7 y f j ESTABLISHMENT. S. '. Corner S cond and Chestnut Sis., ri-iiiADsrriifA. "TniEHE may be found, one of tho largest ' and best assortments of Clucks and Time pices in the L'nited c-'latos, in (tiautities to suit purchasers, of lroui a n'e L lock, to one thou. rand ( links; embracing every variety of style and niaiilil iettire, suitabla lor (. luirclics, Halls, CounlniR House, Parlois, S-'lecniinr A luivtincnts. and Kitchens, (.-team and Canal Routs, and Kail Itoad Cars. Also general sale. Aprent, for Rajip's lately pat ented Sfctcntilic Isiche Cold Pen. Wholesale and Retail Oold ond ejilver Pen Holders, and I elicits, and a variety of Fancy Goods. Those wishing to purchase will liud it to their interest lo call before purchasing elsewhere. JAMES HARDER, S. E. Cor. Che tuut & 2nd cits., Phila. April 10, 1852 ly CiMlTH'S ESSENCE OP JAMAICA niv OER, a fresh supply just received, and for Sunbury, Juu. 10, 1852. E ,LK DILLS. Justices and Cn-.,.'.l... V, BL 11 ills handsomely prinUxl on caiV paper for - ' unit. , Tremendous Excitement!; Cash, Steam, Electricity ! ! The Aerial and nil other lino out done by the Ugufnlnff I I ne or III A T. CLEMENT. "f"HO, having grent faith in rapid sales and " small profits, has iust received ana onened a largo assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, At his Store in MarSct Street, Sunlmrv. which ho offers to the public at the lowest prices. Jim siocK consists ol a general assortment ol Dry floods, viz : Cloths, Cassimcrs, Cassinrts, Jeans. Drillings, Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin dc Luins. Lawns, Ginghams, Tlcrages. Silk &. Palm Leaf Hats. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women ami Children. Groceries), Sugar, Tea, Coflee, Molasses, Cheese, Spi ces, Fish Salt, Plaster. HARDWARE, Via I Iron ami Sterl, Nails, Files, Saws, &.c. QUEENS WARE, Tea Setts, Plutes, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, LIQUORS, Wine Brandy, Gin, Coin, Whiskey, &c IT?" Country produco of all kinds taken in ex change nt the highest market prices. Mity H, 1852 ly. fja-'SSOO CHALLENGE. 11ATrvr.ll CduerrnN i!n- iM-rilth nml lirippiiipra of n f T pi"li. in nr nil ninrft m iiio m v.ittcthiu nup-Tt-tiiH't'. inKi- it lur prniiicil lh it v cry pf rtt n will all in llifir puwer, l ( mtve tli livea ti' tlinr flulilren, mnl tliat every pern 11 will ciiilenvnr t i pr.nti tethi'ir dwii lienltli ;it (ia Kieriiiri M. i iwi it to he inyuiuy hi fcik'ittniy iiKRiire - Hint i w.MS, nre irdniR ti the opinion ol tli m t dfiulirnletl lMiVficuutu, nrt ih-j ir itimr v (MiicfK of u Inrcr in:ij iiiy nf tliPcant'g I i wliicii I'hil.lmt nn-l miiilts nrm hit- liltr; if yr in luivu mi upiiL'tite f.ilitllHi:ill' rlriUiUiMtlik fmni our kiii'l of f Hl t'i nil 'Umt, ll:nt llnvii it, I'ani in lln- flt iniicli. I'lCrviiiff t;t llir , , (', II inlni-ffl iiti l Fulhiew i-f tin Hi'lly, Dn 1 'ouith, Jl tv l-'t-vcr, I'uluc Irrririil ir r.'in:M!i!nT licit nil tlusr (Ii-ihjIu W'l.'il.Ms, tm:l yt.u ()i,intil m oiiL'i- ttp- ly llio rcnicily : . IIOIJHXSACK-S WORM SYUl'P. An article f iinded upon r-eiealilie Principles, c- liipouii.t e.l with iir, ly veirelahle cut s'aiiees, lit in perlertty rale wlnn .ilk, a. uud call l-e i-iven to the niokl tender 'iiifnul With (K col. ,1 ti ueliciat etreet, li,-re lnvel Couipl.iiuts nnd lii.-irrlm-:; have made Hi, in wei.k nnd , liililntid ll.e T nie pro! ertii g ol' lay Wonn rri,n are su.-ll, tl-nt It lids wi'h 'iit en eipctl in ihe ealalomle of tiieilicini.s, in Vlliu l""o ei'l ffreeirMl to the rt' im:etl, wliiell makes it llilalllh'e r-'ilteilv f r thee with D'S1 ci-sin. 11,,.' asti uisloi:-4 euros pelt, rua d tiv this Sytut niter Ptiysi- iaes lit,e iiiomI. isitel'esl of its nireri r etli- eney i , 1 1 ali o;l ers, THE TAI'K WORM! Tli in iff the m m ilidl ult W -nn to (k'Btrov i-t nil Mini in ert tlir liiini.i!! FVPtfin. it trr 'WH Ut nn nlm'it liifti-HiiilL' Ifucth lre iiiinir h i cuili'il nml t.ittUiKil in the Iiiteslmcs nml j-H iiii;h'1i cH'cL'tin thr Invilili m.lty n to cmiho Si. tin Uiiiicc. I- its. ic, tit it I horn ollliclctt fk'lil in il ever mitycrl th it it is 'I'.ic VV rni haslfiiiitj? the'in to uti curly t. in nitirr tn (it'.iruy t!:ta Worm, n very cnerirctic iiitnirnt iniidt Ur niiit-t. i woultl ihert-ture lie prnjicr tnki 0 in s ul' in v I.ivrr I'iiiKii t ri'iimve nil uhstnip- ti'infi, ihtil liu Woi iiivrtin m:iv ncf itirrct nnoii liu V t in. inn iniir-i i" uihcn in ti wi-'f "i - i jirn'tiv h tin uiiij ;t iinit-s !jty tin ilinH'li nn lull iwtil h.ivo nrvt-r lwrn kn vn to I in curing t;c in, ml (dolin Hi: cheu nt' 'I'ujk; V nil. JO" nOBENSACK'S LIVER PILLS. n !-:rt f tlir svulciii is mom linUe to di-'eiihc than Ilie I .IV l-.II, it wrvinif itn u iilti-ri r t piiril'v the I.IkhI. or uiv- Hit: r.;(T f-ccict p ii t tin- hili; ; so that any vr-n nr- ni oi ihe i.ivit litcfir, ido njhrr intiortnnt imrtsd the K't tii, in l rcttiHrH viin nry, in l.ivt-r Cotiiplaint. Jaiui c, 0p-t)mn, Ar. Wu nit mM, tlioref iro, mtph every in miuht inilirnlu a vr mtr uction t.i" thf i.ivrr. I'lifsi I'iils iM-in-4 iMrnp m-. o' K(i( 'S tV. l'l.ANTS lur iiiilnil hy intuit- to hr:i( i!u nick : hiik-Iv, lrt. An HX- KCntllANT, winch iiniiintMits the mrrftion fnim Ihu I'litm lnarv unions in;iii!)rau, tr nnMivitc? I'n' ilikchariie t rxeciL'i.-.l iinitir. .!.!, An At.TKKATi YK. which iui':( i; w mi iiit'XJilic nnit intnsibh' inanniT ihe rtnin Ml -ill.. I fiction nf Ihe V8ttm. aril. A T(lll!;li I'ivrB t mi' an I slrcnjili to the nrrvons Hystcm, re- 'Winn ni- aiii vitror 1 1 nil parts o the IkhIj. UIi A ATMAKTtC, whi' b nets in periVet harmony with ilie her ini'teilii ntj. mnl nnemlinir iii Ihe II iwels. inn) exm-I- lin-itlie wli 'It-mips of c irrupt ami vitiiiil ni:it!er, and im rnymi tlie JII i -il, wliicii ilcKinyH tlifctibc iin.l restores health. TO FEMALES. Von will find these Pit's an Invaluable metlieine in inanv HiihltiilllH to which Von nre Piihieet. In iilmtriirli..i' '- ther total u lutrtial, tliey have I mm found of inetftiniahtv U'lit'Iit, rt-Ftoriufr llieir funeii nal 'irraneinents to n lietil Ihy in-iioii, pnrii'vinir the hi l ami other lluhls i efi'eetn ally lo pnl lo ftit'ht all complaints whieh may nriiie fmin iium iiifi4MHiillieftt nn liciu irilf, glUtlllieM, UlIllIlCfB Ot fiui, hiiii iii me nice, itiieis, e. Cly Tiicp, 25 cents ench. None peimine iinletw fignul J. N. Ilohensack, nil others -mi; ikim nimaii' n. ti?" Affents wichinif new snpp'irs, ainl Ptore Keepers '.irons nf lnc.niin Apen't imist ail Iress the I'ropriiit, . II ihetiii"iek, I'hilttiirlpliia. Tn. l J. V. l- riltt'ir. S'lnhin v ; Marv MeCnv. Nor- mmliertaiiil ; Ilcis.-I, Tuihntville; linger. Milton; J i 1 1 y l,enker, liO'Ti;et'wn ; l.ciseiiiidi; At W olverion, Vnxi- ir; iint, Ilickoryj u!l doileia in Mtilicme in tho mntv nnd Siale. Aut'uM'M, ly. EsTUD (kith NDF.IiIi, Mh and .Inh Strut, PHILADELPHIA. MAVE cstahiisheil a Slore where the hest trililp nnw reui.rt fur llousehohl Dry Gootls, Ereneh I'aney Ciiimls. Dress Silks ami Shawls, Hosiery, Cloves ami Milts, Cloths, Cassimers ami Vestintrs, Muslins ami Linens hy tho piece. Damask Talile Linens anil Napkins, Patent Iilaek Silk liir Dresses, Full Stoek of Mourning tiooils. E. & L. are const, in'ly receiving liar.. litis from Ihe New York anil l' Auctions, whii h they sell wholesale ami retail very cheap for Moll I nsli. Kiuvard E. Evre, WAsriisoTON I. Lan-dkli., Philadelphia, July 3, 1853. ly. DiiucriTiiii (liillcrY, 15'J Chest nut Sin, I. I T tin J curt 'elirate-l cst-ll li.-liineut Von can iiSyas pro- lire tin newest uud most llsroeil nllc ol" DA(;i i:i:iti:o'i'Yi'i-: taluoia ff. foiitkaits nt fr 'in si to its) per ct. lks. cost Ikui su,-li j ietuuv eua ik lino lor e.mewiiere. Now tliat you can secern such perfect poitiaits of vonr I'iv-u ones at a mere noiulual cost, don't d.-lay lest y M- iiieui. Kverv v.uiely of fiuii-v cans, frames. Ae. on hand or furnihlied to order, mid eeeiy iietur iiuiiin Ritistorv uud wairanled to Ih. iii Ilie I:hI style of tlie Ult or No CH.MtGK Lull uuu see us ul lull Liu hiiiiu st. I.. II. ITKNF.l.L riiiluddlpliia July 17, 1F53 ly. Tin: d.iiAT 8'5izi: iit:n, 4 it-! ! iiicimir & TULL, No. US Chestnu St., above Sixth, Front of .lONKS' HOTEL. ("j-j""T) B 9 A VK just received their Trize fctsTTTTl Medal, awarded hi them for I J Jf-I J their best Travelling Trunks ex hibited at the World's Fair in Loudon, 1851 being tho only exhibitors to whom any award was made. Their competition was with all the world, and they have taken THE PRIZE! TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, &c. To he found in this Citv. and at very low prices Call and see. IIICKEY & TULL, Trunk Manufacturers, 118 Chestnut 6U. April 10. lKS'-i. tf. The Johnston Ink MANUFACTORY REVIVED, lOlh ( Lombard St., PHILADELPHIA. THE suliserilier begs leave respectfully to in form Phisitiks generally, that he has suc ceeded to the liusiness of manufacturing Print ing Ini formerly carried on by his grand Father, and Father, and oilers his articlo to the trade, without any Purrs, hut with the simple reliance upon the long established chaiacter it has borne, feeling confident of its giving entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with a rail. Tehms Uish. CHAHLES ENEU JOHNSTON. April 10, 1852 tf. USTICES FEE DILLS; For sale hy II. D MASSEK. Sunbury, 1831 'SI To lUc Travelling: Public. First Class HotelTerms $1.50 per day. THE fiihocritier having lately heeomo proprie tor of the FRANKLIN HOUSE, Chrint Street, liclow 3d nnd -1th, PHILADELPHIA, and having Burtocnn th raics nonn to $1,50 per day, givc notice that, notwitlisinndttig this reduction ho will till continue to keep a FIRST CLASS HOUSE. Franklin House has iust tindcrgono extended alteration, and ia now filled up and refurnished in Butierior ntylo for llio reception oi vimtors. The Lower Floor formerly occupied hy stores, Is now included in the Hotel, forming Spacious Reception Room, (Jcntlcmen'e Parlor and Dining Room, thcreliy allowing an addition of thirty chambers and several beautiful parlors fronting Chestnut street- Rooms in this Hotel are supe rior to most others, being constructed with al coves, formintr parlor and bed chamber atlnchcd well litrhtcucd and ventilated. Its location is unsurpassed, cither fur business or pleasure. 1JEN. H. WOOLMAN, Prop'r. Philadelphia, Aug. 14, 1852. 3m. 600 BOOK AGENTS WANTED. A NY ("ood, nelive nml iiitellii'rnt man wilh a small cnpilal of Irom S30 to n $100, can make laij;e profits by engaging in iho sale ol Iho lollowtng TOPULAR AND USEFUL BOOKS. Cll AMUKRS' l.NFOll.MATlOX 1' (III TIIK rilOI'I.l'. : or Pupular Ktieyeliipclin of Useful Kil,ivl-i!e,e. Tivn litrire itnneritil octavo vtitnies, C'ltitriiiitni! l,tni tuiffes. ri"n:nfoN'r tnsroitv uv 'nil-: a.mi:i!ica UK VOLUTION. SCO large octavo puges, with 20U line Kiinrnviiip". I'K'l'HHSo.N'd IllfSTOHY OF Till-: U. f. NAVY. Olio liitir,- iietiiV'i pnnes, nml I.Vt line l-jienivittei. rnosrs hi'.mahkaiii.i: i-:vi-: isi.n niv.iiisro- Il OF AMI-ilUCA. Tvi lur;;e eetrivn vi'ltiitus, c,n tiiinitiir HitMl tuiiri-B n.iil litl KneraviiiirH. The lest llis- 1'irv nt" America ptiMlrlietl. FltOST'S I'ICTOKl.M, I .IFF. OF WASHINGTON. A IVIeutlitl II mk, eillltiiilltnir 6'WI K'tavi niiiri-H anil 15(1 lie- (runt )nj;riivitigs. The elteaiu-st 1 .11 u t.l' Wu.-liiiiglnli ever linlililiH. MOOItK'r HISTORY OF Till-: INDIAN YVAUS. Fine e -l-ireil nml Fl lill I'lntes. Till: TiU'F. KI-'.ITHI.ICAN. Ciiiil iiiiing Ilie limiijuriil Aililressen unit Ilie First Annual Ailliei, s nml Mewigi-s i, l ull Hi- PrcNitli -tits nf 111.- l'liileil r'tiiti B, tlie (.'niiMlIll- 1 ti'Mi 'if tin-imp irlent Slates ia tlie l'ni, nt. Ac, Ac. t Fitil,,:lliii!ieil Willi I'lirlniils ul' all tlie Fremiti, -n!!., enirra- ,-,l II steel, mi,l svi'-w-it' tlie Capital el' Ilie I'nlletl S-ittea. TSHl pap', 1' nifi. I I IIN'S HOOK IIF .M.Mi'l'Vli S. A Family ' I Mni ,t. lai'j,-,pi irl-. w itli .i. I'.p;:i iviiiga, U-.nUllutly Ii "mil in iU'T"e,. i, eill. ' W. roll m f.n in s 1 1 ist 'It Y ' I' nn: I'ol'FS. tint) til'Ti- "etavi pa,-- will, il iu.-tl i",t I, ic. , ,l( Ski-IM S' VW illKS. Fin,-Ivlitl in. niie i ,u-e v tmw. ' SI'l'UM S il.FI.K( TIONS ON Till: WOliKS OF I, OIL S'!' i'ii;i!itr. s sti i)i:sof nati hiv WIIITI'.'S il.'S It l, Y OF Till-: WOKI.II. A Ynlilal.le 1 lien, t.,1 lle-t ,ry. One large eetnv., -liiiiie. with liatul- I S-mie I'.r.u'inl lii-.c. , !.IVl:S OF I.KFA T AND CF.I.I'.HIIATFI) CIIAK AC- ! 1 1. 1'S : el ti 1 Aires ami Cnlliilri.-s One larj;e viilntlio of .Soli nge, with iniiiieMtis F.ngrtn :npi. j Togelher with n number of othi'i Wotka particularly nilaptcil for Popular Ui'ailiti. The nmsl liberal discounts ill be given lo Agents xcha nun in the side of the above Valuable Hooks. For furlhor ptirlienlars, nihlrrss (postage paiil,) J. i J. L (ill ION, Ptililishi'is, A'o. 98 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Juno 26, 1S52. IIARHISEUriG BOOK EIKDEEY. v. l. uu'i ri.i. co., Siiceessi-rs to V. O. Iliekok, nml Ilicle-k A Cmitiiie IIIIOK UINDKlici, STATION KKls AND PLANK HOOK M A N V ( "l'l ' K E I! -S. Tho subscribers resiecll'ully inform their friends nnd the public, that they nre' now carrying on the above business at the OLD STAND occupied hy Iliekok & Co. They (latter themselves that by careful attention to business, lliey w ill merit and receive a continuance of ilie pnlroiiago so liber ally enjoyed by the old firms. Particular attention will be paid lo the rulinrr and liimlinir of every description of blank bonks for banks, county o'lliccs, merchants and nrivute individuals, nnd' evetv variety of full mid ball bound blank books, bid books, periodicals, law bonks, music, newspapers, eve, bound in any pattern nnd in any stjle required. In nddilion to the above, they have, and will nt all times keep, a general assortment of STA TIONEKY, consisting of Letter Paper, I 'nil " Drawing Tninsfer " Copving ,l Hl-.tlnig " Steel Fens, Ctiruiine Ink, Knives, I Mulls, Inttteaii,!", .M-ilto Wafers, Itl ieli Ink, Sealing Wax, ll'ili- Ink. Slates nml Peneils. Lead l',-aei!p, I, e,l.-r Slainps, lnilil linlilier, Waf.-rs, II. -.l Tape, ' Flank Cards, Fold-rs, rasilres, tVe. I'.'pving Ink, Am ill's Wriii'ug Fluid, UvP Paper ruled to pattern, and all work war rattled ami done very cheaply. P. L. I'lLTTEH & CO. March in, H.,2 if. fcSTAJ.K orFICW. WASIlIXCiTON liousi:, SUNSUEY, PA. JAKES C0VEET, Propiietor, 'STfiT'OI.'LD respectfully nnnouuee that he has " " taken this well known stand, where he will be gratified to see and entertain his iiiinds ami Ihe travelling public generally. This house is now replete with every convenience, comforta ble, pleasantly locnled, handsomely furnished, well ventilated, rendering it in every respect a desirable stopping place. No expense has been spared in fitting up th:s house. The chambers are well furnished and the table and bur provided with the Ust the market can amird. The stable accommodations are extensive and well calculated for travelers. STAGE OFFICE. The stages running from Northumberland lo Pottsville, stop at tins house, wheie through and way tickets to Philadelphia can be obtained. Sunbury, March 20, I SiiS. tf. No 78 Xurli 2-r" Nr., kelirrrii Arch au.l llact St., riiizwirELriiiA. nl'Iil'.BY informs the public that he imports and constantly keeps on hand at his new store, No. 78 North "d St., a large assortment of Foreign Fancy (loods, .Musical Instruments, Pictures Paints, which he will sell at the lowest prices. His stock, in part, consists ol, Accordeons, Violins, Music Hnxcs, Parlor and Par ltoom Or gans, Melodcons, Seraphim's, .Mathematical In struments, Magnets, Spy and Opera (ilasses, Stationery of all kinds, Pocket Punks, Uronze Powder, Dutch Metal, ('old and Silver Leaf, Scales of nil kinds, Snuff nnd Tobacco lioxcs, Lithographic Paints, Copper Plate and Steel En gravings, and pictures of every variety. Also (iilt Frame Mouldings of various sizes. Dealers, Country Merchants, and Pedlars, sup plied at reasonable prices. December SO, 1851. tf. THOMAS PALMER, COMMISSION MK11CIIANT, No. 6, North Wharves, Where the following goods are received and sold on commission, Dried Andes, Teaches, Tlums, Pears, Cherries, &c, Green Apples in Hands or hy tho bushel, Ucaus, Peas, Cranberries, Onions, Mercer 1 o tatocs, Sweet Potatoes, Shelharks, Chestnuts, (hound Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Kaisins, Figs. Prunes, Grapes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Cheese. And all kinds of f oreign and Domestic 1'ro- duce. Philadelphia, Dec, 13, 1851. ly. SOAP AND CANDIES. THE subscriber takes this method of inform inir the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that they are engaged in the manufacture of Soap and Candles, ot tlie best quality, ai io. Filliert street. Philadelphia. They respectfully invite all who buy for cash, to give him a call as they will find it to to their advantage in dealing with mm lor articles in itieir line. E. DUFFY & SON, 41 Filbert love Uth, Peccmlicr 80, 1851. tf. OLASS, DRUGS, PAINTS, &c, HIIOLLI lLi: AM IlIlTAII.. IIIE Philnilclphin Window Olnss Varo house, and Drug, Paint, Varnish, il anil Color mores, Nos. 33 and 3S North Fourth Street. East sitle, has the tarfjes assortment of M'imlow, Picture, Coach, (."ase, Hot-House, anil other GLASS, in tho city comprising upwards of l.r,000 dif ferent sizes, ratiKiiiR from tlie smallest size, up to on try uti Indies or Sheet, nml ns larfrc nn 5 hy 7 feet of Plate Class, iiielutliiirj English Crown, French, German and American, holh Singlo and Double Thick. Also, a lurjro assortment T Very Thick tilass, for Sky-Lh-hts, Hulk Wit.J-, Tho Subscriber hnvinrr a lirnty stoek on linnil is prepared to fill orders nt the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Odd sizes of any pattern cut to order. Ground White Lend , Paint, YnriiUli, of ev ery description i Turpentine ; Linseed Oil, hoi. ed nnd raw; Pair.t Mills; Putty ; Urushps ; LHo Woods, dec., &e., eve. And also, n largo supply of fresh itnpo-.lcd DKUCS AND MEl'ICINP.s. J. II. 8PI?A(ii;K. Nos. nn ec 35 Noith 4tli St., H. Side. April 10, 1S5?. ly. "AID AND C0MFOHT," 'to Your Ctivn iTIt'thnssics. GEOKGE IlENX. MAXlFACTI'ni'.r. OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most rafhicsftlle Stjte. rpiIR suliserilier respeellitlly calls ihe aitci tioti - of the pulilic to his lart-e nml splendid assort ment of every quality and price nf C. t 7I 'ir..rr. ft -t. r which cannot fail to rei oinmeml itself toevery otic who will examine il, np. aecoittil of its ili,n.!'le .viii'Umantiliip ami s!endtd I'nUli, in.i.V tip of the best slock to 1-e ha.l in '.lie citv. Noiii'.it is spared ill the niiinufa, litre .,f Lis ware, mi l the suliserilier is dc'ertuiiicl I J Keep up v. illi th;. many itiiiri,vciii...:its ..hiil; r..e ei'iis'iiiitlx I-eii., made Iiis fliick consists nf Mah.iii.y Sof.sK, tJi-.i'.f.s :;;j.l n.j;:i j-.ct w, Baremtrj, Ccorstai fii'l-ol-r-ar-.i'), SOlfA, URLAKTAST AM) iliMMi T.i!;i.i::, and also YUNKTIAN lU.INDS, ,-,pil to Philn- delpliia niamiliictuie. IjI'.DS'I'I'ADS, of every patient and price, CUPBOAIU).-?. WOr.k' AND OANPl.r, STANHS, TOII.KT TAI'.LKS AM) EXTENSION TAIILK.S. in short, every article in li:is line of !,! ip.iness. ! lie also manufactures all kinds and qualities , f Cll A IKS, including varieties never before Id be bad ii ISuiibiirv, such ns M tutifi anv, i),,At-K W'tt.M i- AMI ('t IILKII MaI'I.K CillKCHN ; jvll WlNliSIIII ClIAlliS, ami kami Pit mi .-Sioiiis, whichiirn of the latent stales, and warranted to be excelled l,y none iniiniifactured in Ilie ( "niesor elscwliete. The subscriber is di-K i iniiicl that there shall l'i' no excuse for pcrsnns In piiicbii.-e liiniilui. the cilies, as every confidence can be entertained about Iho quality ami fini.-,h of his wate and ( 'hairs. His articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can b" purchased elm where. I'oun Iry Produce taken in payment for work. rr t NDIlli'l'A !l.t i. Having provided himself with a handsome l'masi:, be is now prepared for 1 jidcrlakiiig, and altcwliirr funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient i!is- i ,;""'c I'1-" I t.'t? 'J'be Ware IJooi.i is in Market f'trcei, mil Wea'.er's Ync;-u. t.lltlKtiK i.'J.N.N. ' Mow 'J'liiiiiipson' More Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1S.")J tf. TTiV M I" A .NS op Tin: PO-.'KKT.TlSt TI.A- v. Pli'S. or Kverv (-tie his til X-j.-'K r ....... fl,.-,; i cj -: y " ' :' V '' M v T" '''I'liiiu, wilh '-I '-,'' ':' '.'W. "iii'iU ul' a hundred eni ft;! f:" i j'' J n-i1-. 'I'''-' hig privale T i-'ajr j M in evirv shape up. !: ra il is- rv shape ami form, uud t.-i ilt'.'i inaiiotis of the gencr itive sysU in, t ' tTJj V'.r.:i-f". Tlie time has now ni ri . V W1 -' .y,-:- ved, thai peirons s iiy iii. I iiai s, ctel di-ica-ies, need no more bee ine l':e t i -t i .; or e.t-.u t.UiY, ns by Ihe prescriptions cm;! aim .1 in ibis book, ' any one may cure biuisi If v. ii!,:--:t bimliancc to ; business, or t!,i I-i:ov!e.l:;c of the most intimate friend, and with oue-trulh ll'.e usual expense, lit addition to the -.y.-ueral rouiiuc ,,f piiv.itc u;-ea.:e. it fully explains Ilie cause of manhood's early de cline, wilh observation on nn-rrinse l-esides many other ilerangeuieiits w hich it would not be proper to enumerate in the public prints. "v Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE L'ENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one copy of Ibis book, bv mail, or liv? copies will lie sent for cue dollar. ' Address. Hit. W. YOI Mi. No. IT.i SPliL'CE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post paid. Dr. YOt'NO can be ron.uilteil on any cf tho Diseases desciilied in his ilill'eri lit puhlica tious, at his Oilice. I'yi Spruoe Street, every day between 0 nnd 3 o'clock, (Sundays excepted.) Philadelphia, June fl, ltj.VJ. ly. Eoaiiet"., Ilati v.:A miliuvvv (iofxls! KUCH ANTS and Milliners when it nib'lphia to purchase I'm ir goods, w i Phil. 1 ill liud it to Iheir interest tu examine ur I.iriie anil lasli ion ible slock of S1R IVT M5S. Wo manufacture largely and imi-oii the Newest Stilus of l'o ni E'r.fci'U' in our line ; which together with other advanta ges enable us to oiler liberal inducements lo lie it: as. K. A. CT.OOKER, A CO., Nos. 47 ond 49 Chestnut Street, and No. ,ri6 South Second Street, west side, near Chestnut, Philadelphia. December 27, Vim. G. lCngruYer and 'Printer, A'o. 40 Chestnut Street, above Second, PHILADELPHIA. prepared to do ENOKAVING and rP.INT- L(i, in all their branches, Wedding, Visiling and liusiness Cards, Dull Tickets, Watch Papers, Labels, Dill Heads, .Notes, I becks, Uralls and Diplomas. Seals and Stamps far Corporations, Odd Fellows, Masons, Sons of Temperance, cVc. AH too abovo engraved in the best manner. Orders by Post promptly attended to. December 27, 1851 ly. J O II M A. II A II It I S, Manufacturer, &. Dealer in Imported and Domestic Sec-ars, Also, a general assortment of Leaf & Manufactured Tobacco, CONSTANTLY on hand, at tho lowest mar- ket prices. Corner of Chestnut St., and Wharves, Philadelphia. December 87, 1851. ly. A KN OLD'S W KITING FLUID and Adhe sive uud I egal envelopes, for sale by 11. 11. MASSEK. Sunbury, nra 10, 1852. EXTRACT OF COFFEE An excellent article more wholvsomo and much cheaper Uian Llollae itaell. t or tale at this olbce. April 17 UW BANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. PENNSYLVANIA. CITY nt t-lllt.Alitl.ritH MAPSACAFSUTTf. All solvent Innkn I ihi KHOim ISLAND. V. S Hunk nul's l-'i (Its! All Solvent Imnks pa' COCNTRV. All solvent Milks I diS CON'NKCTICUT. Hank of Chnmliersharg 1 dis Hank nrchester Co. purl Hunk el Del. C". Chester pnr Hank nf riermnnlnwn p-ir Hank of tletl vt-lmrif 1 tlit All solvent hanks I dis NEW YORK. CITT. All solvent Imnks I dis (7 Uk notes under M J dn lliniK if I.ewiEtewil eotmrnv. All solvents Imnks 1 dis NF.W JKKSEY. Hclvidere Hnnk 1 dis ('iilninerciitl Hnnk J dis Fnr. Hunk Mont Holly par F. M., Miililletowli Pt. lor Mneliuntes' Uk, Newark pn' Much. Hk of Hnrliiijtton pn' Meeh. A Mail. Hk Trent pnr -Morris Co Hnnk i ill Newark Hk'g ft las. Co I di Ortmge Hank di Hank ef.M i,l,llet,ivn 1 iii" aluiitpitin-ry t'n F.ank par nuns n iMirtliuttiliciriKl. pin ll-ink of Fiitflairff 1 ilin Hank of Danville pur Cnrlole Hank I ilis ( olinniiin H'kft IrgeCopar iioyeiciown jjiiiik par i.Hnin ii-niK )wir F.rie Hank 2 ilin F-nehanye H'k rittslntrrr 1 (lis F.Xf luttl-'f It'k. ltianeli I (ti.l FarnieiV H'k, HiieksCn pur' People's Hk FnttorsoB ai Fnrnie-rs' Ilk, Lancaster nnr F rineeioii uninc pnr Flinneilt' Ilk. U,vi, Muff nnr Snlein Hailkinir Cn. Vt Fnnn. Ilk Selinvlklll Co par Semerret Co Hnnk diS F ft 1). Hk WnVnenli'g I Jiliijstate Hank at Cnimlen par , Franklin Ilk W'ash'n 1 Jilis Suite Hk Klizntiethtiin J dis llarnn nr;j Fenk 1 dis Stale Hank NcwTirk J at llnienlele Hnnk 1 din State Ilk, N . Hrnnswit-k pnf l.niieai-l.-r Hank par. Sussex Hank, Newton di l.'-l,;ni"n Hank parlTrt-nton llankilir Co pnf Mi reh. Man. Hank 1 dis Fnion Hnnk, Dover I di Miners' H'k. Fntlnvillo per Ynrdlry v'le ft DelDr Co 15liS M-.ii-iif-ali, In Hank 1 dis t?Uk notes under S dis Tnylorrv'o Del ll' Co 15 dis DKI.AWARB, Went Fr.nieli I'.ank nar Hunk of Detawiiro nn' "A yonnntr Ilk, Wilkefli'e rmrlllsiik of Smvrnn York Kiaik, 1 dii. Detiiuairo City Hank par :itv liiintc pnr IV'lll'llel llot,s 1 ('.j, MAIN F. I'.k Wilmoi'n Hnnslyw. r 1'ariners' l',k St Delnware pnr l'ni, ,n Hank. NViliuington pnr IV" tinier M'l 1 dis OHIO. i All solvent lianks 8 dis !"r-lk ii-les under S's 4 dis N'OltTII CAKOI.1NA. H-iiiki,rM',k Sdij i.tereantne Ilk. Hanger Iflilii All t Vent l.-mU ' ' dis nt.',v ii.nii'siiinii. AM s-ilvnt Umki " ill.. YFItMoNT. Hank , f St All -nnr. Q di.' Ml solvent Imnks a dis Alls bent banks iistV Fader S's, SJ dis A CALL TO HOuEEKEEPEES At ;' l nt'i. t T.Ya; c ESuom of si:irx TIOUPT & CO. Karkct CqiiruT, Iho a! the corwr of Fuvu street .V ihe, Railroad, M'NLntY, PA. Toankl'hl lor tlie l alronnrre ol liis friends nml i ctn-t'iii.e'.'s ihirhig the 17 yoara lie has been ill busi-'Wi-s in 'Iii - pi n e. be solicits from the puhiia a con tinent,' e ul lloir favors. Ilttriug this period he , h'f vi..V.iV!.,r.l lo keep up wiili tlie improvements i ol' ihe d iv, and lias ncconiin-rly e:, tended his busi j lo-ss i;i t ve v bf.iucli an, I variety. The public are 1 ilicielorc imi'.cd to the a'.iL'tilion of the present ' stock of I ( AiiiMr w wu: vxn ciiaiss, ol AX'.'FAt.'Tl'ltKD BV I2ATIAI,T IJCL'rT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where ill addition to their Pinner stock of the i stali'.i;. liiiu'iil they now manufacture Kahojjany, 7tbiut & Cane-Seat Chairs. Lur rg Sprimr Sent Rucking Chairs, Urcxking Bureaus, Centre Tables, .Marble Top ll'usi Stands, an ! a variety of other nett' style and Tii h en a!;! a Furniiu rc. Having secured a L'carse nud made the neces sary iirrnnacmt-iils for the purpose, they nro now prepare, 1 lor I 'iideriaking in all its branches, in Ibis vi.-ii.ily or at any convenient distance. Ye maids and iiiiMresfed, and IiiisIkuiiIs too, II, re's I'lirniltue of eveiy slj !e nail hue, Fr-aa sia... 1, -i.r.!.- il ,-.-. a t i ki'.clivn tables, Fr--i!i r -o-Kiog ,-l,aiis l-i l-'f-kilir cradles Sli.-iil.l ii, -t have tlx- u-ialy John to pny, We'll wait avvlii!,- for u l.rijjlitor liclter day, Oi takr potatoes, oaf", corn, wheat unit ryej Fail,, hoop p 1, ... staves, or lumber wet find dry, Ol air, tliin,' 1 in yokes and threshing Hails, Fr -iii j i:-s and :ur! ies down to little quails, t'n:,:,-tl, -n friea.'Sj e ane c-iu- tun! all, K, I i n',- a t,ie i.:. K-l ';..-ioi on thii l-:ill.' tV C'rders f.-i at it instance, promptly attended lo and v.ork i.fall kinds delivered with dispatch. S.n.hiiry, .VarJi 0, lt','0 If LA AVIiliKCE IlOUSE fcui'crr.y, pa. '1 1lil" subscriber res).cctfully informs her friends J and the public generally, that she has taken I':c abjvti well knoi,i stand nearly opposite the 'ma t Hons.--, lately occupied by Mr. J. C. Per kins. Kin- ru:-!s tliat her experience in business, nti.l her ellbrts lo make her guests comfortable, will giie itiliic t-ati-facli.jti to lho.;o who may fa vor her viiih tin ii- custom. ANN C. MOKrvIS Mar, h P, IX,1 tf. J. V.. L-i'-lL'l'LT.lZAN, JiE'Sl'Et'C i-'2M I'KACE, iuib':y, Ta. OlVice in Deer I'-lri-i-t, itauie-oalely opposite tk Public ml llou! tT M.n i.-s colli, tula fill,', all, nCid t . April iiO, 1S5J. n-.t ,i,l i-ujiii- 6.: pi an, tiy sail csrs- 'sil.i:ii!c Ciuohti, I Il'i' ok st, hatids.imelv hound, D'A- tll.NK's IllSTOItV IIV TUB 1! Hill B l ATI Ot, Pi. ink Dtv-nouKs ami Lxti't i:ns, full hounded. Fur sale at the pitbh thcrs pii--cs by II, 15. MASSF.R, Siinburv, July I 1. IS19 flTO.Nl'' Ware, Earthen Ware, Kaisins, Al t'r inonds, P lines and Cream Nuts. Planes of nil kinds. Salt and Plaster. Je t received and for sale by JOHN V. FK1LING. JS'iinhurv, Dec. SI), lrt 111. f5'T- -'E OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this tiU. ecellc, nt a.-lkle fr Teller, il c, just received ! ai"' l'il' i v KENitV .MASSEK. Sunbury, July 2S, IS'!). f t" OLD PENt with nnd without eases, of a i.n Vl'r.v superior iptality, just received. Also a licsh supply of Writing Fluid, for sal a by 11. 11. MASSEK. Sunbury, Dec. 27, IXTIiACT CP CilNCEU A fresh supply "- just received and for sale at this oll'ice, 1 nee 2,i cet Sunburv, ts. Juoy 12. 1S51. f-MLVEU WATCHES A few double case English Silver Watches, for sale at very low prices by II. 11. MASSEK. Sunbury, April 12, 1851. TJJJATENT mU'JTANlA STOPPEKS for jj liar Hollies lor sale ny II. D MASSER. Sunbury, April, 12, 1851 grN'OU AND SPRING MORTISE LAT t'i vV CUES. An excellent article, for safe at half tho usual price by J- W. FAILING, Sunburv. July 7. 1S19- LANK NOTES, waiving the exemption law of $300, for sale by April 2fi. 1851. H. D. MASSER. PADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi cine for sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunburv. Jan. 27th. 1819 WILEY'S CQVU1I CMNDY. An excel lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sale at this otlico 10 K sale at this office, Superior Black Ink, - Cattle Medicine, at 25 cts. Pure Essence of (iinger.25 cents iYlanks. IJBLANKS of every description ran lie had by El 5 applying at the office of the American. "IITiITING FLl'lD and self sealing Enve- ' loies, just received and for sale bv April 10, 1S51. II. I). MASSER. flUSSLE PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper lor 1 covering glasses, &c, lor sale at the oilioeO Sst American.