ASTRING OF ITFMS. Tm British Parliament assembled on lh0 4th inst. The funeral of the Duke of Wellington will take place on the 17th inst. Light grief may find utterance ; bnt deep er sorrow can find none. Fcncinq the Indianapolis rail road costs 830,000. It is "shear" nonsense for two tailors to tarn out to fight a duel. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" has been translated into German. Tub bone-ache, or danqtie fever, is pre. 'ailing in ludinnoln, Texas. Thc novels of Sue, Sands, Souillie, Scribe end Dumas, are interdicted in Spain. Tub Democrats had an imposing torch light procession in Boston, on Friday night. People seldom learn economy till they have little to exercise it on. Anger is like a ruin, which, fulling upon i:s victim, breaks itself to pieces. Several mad dogs have been killed in Berks co. within the past few days. Tnc Pennsylvania Rail Road will be com pleted to Pittsburgh in a few days. Tnc population of Cleveland, Ohio, is 26,670, an increase of 4530 in tho last twelve months. Mr. Baring, of tho firm of Baling, Bio titers, of London, is confined in New oii by illness. Tut Concrreaalional Church at Sp-'iicrrpntt was binned to the ground on tho night of the ' 1 t i 1st j Til French army is to be reduced T.VO'Kl j men, and a general amnesty proclaimed, on ; r T Kt 1 . ... !... r tn accession ui iuuis i-i.ij-uieun iu "- em pire. Tiicrk are 81,308 in Prus sia, which constantly employ over half a million of workmen. WllKN is a blacksmith in danger of raising a row in the alphabet 1 When he makes A p.iko R and shove L. A mn named "J ',' in Cincinnati, ran away on the 2fi h nit., with the wives of two other men. There is monopoly for you. J MoncAK, of Portland, Me., proposes to build the Chicago an. I Lake Supeiior Rail load for 510.000 a mile. It is estimated that there will bo 470,000 volumes on the shelves of Ihe Biitish Muse um ut the end of the present year. A reading people w ill become a thinking people ; and then, they are capable of be coming a gieat people. Gratitude is the music of the heart . .. . i . i .u.. i ... ..r wnen its cnorus arc swept ny int.- uict-s.u m , kindness. Cahhenteiis are in great demand at Sa vannah, Ga. One pcison advertises for twenty-five. TllK Feast of the Reformation was cele-j brated on a grand scale by the German I.n- I therntis of Cincinnati on Sunday. J The M thodist chinch at Greenville, Tcnn.. j was fired by a negro boy on the 8:h, and tc- j tally destroyed. Loss $2,000. j It is said that mnch spurious gold coin is ; in circulation in Cincinnati, and that it i dif- j ficult to detect it. GKnuiTT Smith, the noted abulitionisl of New Yoik, is elected to Congress ff0in a trict which gave Pierce mid King about 1.000 majority. Several nf the first citizens of Rome have been arrested recently on a chaige of propa" gating anti-Papal doctrines among thc sol diery. The cholera, within a few days, has made i's appearance) in tho Rochester jail two dying with it on the 3.1 inst., while five were down W illi it on the 4th. Madame Sontag has declined the sere rade and torchlight procession, hich was to be given in Boston, in honor of her arri val in that city. A prominent Whig of Philadelphia city hs stopped all his newspapers for a mouth. Cause the election figures make him ner vous Ole Bi'i.l. will give a conceit in Albany, on the 8ih inst., on which occasion he will be assisted by Adeline Patti and Mauiice Strukosch. When a daughter rpmaiks, "Mother, I un assist you in the kitchen I would not hire," set it down she will make a good wife. Daniel Mkrkill, a Revolutionary soldier 91 years of age, died at Ilollis, N. II , on tha 25th lilt. Ila was one of the Lilts litiitrd of Benedict Arnold, just before llie treason of lhat arch-traitor. Wb read the following singular warning in tho Eastern Journal, publii-heil a! Biddeford, Ma.: "Notice Tha subscriber fmbids any Kumseller in Saco or Biddeford. aellin . . . i . him any intoxicating liquors, as no win prosecute them for the same. In a University in Virginia, some years ago, Ihe students' boots were proscribed, from the fact that they sent them to be tapped so often. It was found lhat they were tent with a bottle in them, and required tapping oftener than the interests of the in stitution allowed. Taking th VeiL. The ceremony of re ceiving Iba black veil took place at the Con ent of the Visitation, in Baltimore, a few days since. Tha names of the young ladies who received lha veil are Misses M. Virginia Bunting, Caroline Pyetl, and Mary Tarleton, all of Baltimore. Ma. WaaiTia, three days before ha died, too ill to visit his extensive stables,. had his noble cattle driven op to bit mansion, that ha might a be stood in the door-way, take bis last look of the noble animals in which be took so much pride. The anecdote is an other evidence of the interest taken by the great statesman in agricultuisl matters. iIu-hah Incenuitt In the formation of a tingle locomotive steam engine, there are no fewer than 5,410 pieces to be put t ogether, and these require to be ns accurately adjusted as the works of a watch. Every watch consists of at least 202 pieces, employ ing probably 215 persona, distributed among 40 trades, to say nothing of the tool-makers for all these. In our columns mny bu found the adver tisement of that excellont medicine known as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Its success in curing the various diseases of the Lungs is attracting universal attention, not only of the learned and philanthropic, but of the whole public. Thenilicle undoubtedly is what it pretends to be, u remedy for Lung Complaint and the remarkable cures which are bi o mv ing known every where cannot long be over looked by the people. (O" We would call your attention to the advertisement of Swaini's Paunccn, for the Curt of Scrofula in another column. E7" POISONING. .0 Thousands nf parents who use Vermifuge composed of Custer oil, Calomel, &e., nre not aware, that while they appear to benefit the patient, tliey are nctually laying the. founda tions lor a series or ilesf-ise--, such ns saliva tion, loss of sight, weakness of limbs, &r. In another column w ill be found the adver tisement of Iloliensai k's Medicines, to which we ask the attention of all directly inleirstcd iti their own as well as their Children's health. In Liver Complaints and all disorders arising from those of n bilious type, dmuM make use of the only genuine 'medicine, Hubert sack's Liver I'll'. C17" ' lie not theeivrd,,, but ask for lloben snck's Worm Symp and Liver Pills, and nb setve that each has ihe signature of the Proprietor, J N. else are genuine. IIUBKNSAC'K, us none !ti i u it 1 1: . On the 7ih iust, by KVv. T .M. Ciii-ilf.-ll..-.-, Mr. Al-liKirr H'VNN. of Lower Aiigustn, to Miss Nancy Bacon, of Shaninkiii. By Lloyd Tlciinas, En., on the Sfiih nil., Mr. J'.iiin (Ii.a-smyi-.ii, ol lioat ing erri k lp., Col. cii., to Mi-s Si's an KiciiAitr, of N"i lliuniboilai.d co. I!)C illiUliCtS. Philadelphia Market Nov. 10. 1852 AXi) Meal. The market is firm ; fresh mound for export at StJ. Flour sales ot ami good luands for city consumption, til S-li a So. Kvita Flour is held at 4 87i a 5J. Hvb Floi r. Last sales nl 94. Cons Mi:al. Last sales of I'ennn. rl $i 37 i Wiikat Sales of prime red at SI 05; and a lot of IVnn. white was .nnde at 109 els Bye Is in demand ; sales nl r5Ws Colts Is searee and held higher J sales of new Southern yellow at 58 a 62 i. Oats Sales of pi ime Southern nl 38 cts. Wiiiskkv. Sales of bbls al 25e, and hluls at 25 cts. Baltimore Market Nov. 8, 1852. GRAIN'. Sales of grind to prime reds to day at 100 a 103 els.; and whites us in quality, al 103 a 112 ets. Corii has improved a little. Sales to-day of while at 70 a 72 ets , tii.d of yt How at 72 a 73 cts. Salea of Pennsylvania yellow at 75a 76 cts, and some panel as Idyli ns 78 ets. We quote new Coin, in shipping order, nl 05 a 67 cts., for both' while and yt How, nnd damp parcels at 55 a li.'l ets., as in condition. Oats are worth 31 a 37 cts. WUISKF.Y. Tho demand continues very active, and sales aie inakins as fast as re- cetpts come in nl .o cis. lor inns., some holdeis refusing that pi ice at 25 cents. Sales of hhds. suxnuitY VVllLAT. R X F.. Con. Out. lVr A TO KS, HCTTKII. 1.iii;k. PllltK. Fimttu. Tallow. Ukkswax IIi.i Kl i n Dill LI) Al'I'LKS. Do. 1'kaiiu.s Klix 1'KICK CIMIRKNT ion 7(1 50 :i7 IS to 8 1(10 - 12 20 17 - I CO 250 K New Advertisements Estate of JAMES THOMAS, Dee'd. jO'l'ICE is hereby pjiven that letters nf ad ministration have lieeii nintcd to Ihe snli geriher on tl e estate of Jnmes Tboinas, dee'd., late of tho of Khiiuiokin, Northtimberlaud county. All persons iinlcl.ted to said estate nr having claims against be same, are requested to call on the subscriber for retileinent. JACOII MOLKKK, Adm'r. f'lianiokill, Nov. (!, 1 -o-.'. fit. i BRXTTANXJXA WARE MANUFACTURERS. rpiIE Si;i!S(;i;inEl!S having just entered into the nhovo business ill all its branches, lake this mode of calling Ihe attention of Coun try Merchants, nml others lo their NEW STYLE and PAT'JT.K.NN, also the quality of material, as we flatter ourselves not to I e best in workmanship or material. Thc following, in part, consist of our assort incut: LAMPS and Lamp Screws ; LADLES ; Cas lor Primes; 1!K1) PANS; Tl".M 1! LEItS ; PITCIIKKs will, lids; ( ul-KKE POTS nnd TEA POTS; SloplSnwht; Sl.tiAR HOWLS; I Ur.A.M Ll.r.-s; IJUKI MI-.ASrliES; Cof- fee Hoppers; CAIN DLE5TICS ; SPOONS, of all sizes ; vc, &c. We will lie happy lo reccivo orders for Sam. pies, by mail, at our place of busiuca.-, No. 109 KALI. NT., or QUAKKY ST., ubuve Second t., PHILADELPHIA. N. U The sulvserilicr still continues lo man ufacture Candle Moulds, Syringes, Surgical In struments, ccc, at bis old place of business, No. lll'J Kaco Street, J liiladclplua, to winch I would call the special attention of Candle Manufactu rers. JOHN CALVEPvLEY. Philadelphia, Nov. (1, 1852. 3mo. EMERSON'S ARITHEMETIC No.. 1.8 3, and Porter's Klietorical Header, just receiv ed and for aula by WM. McCAHTY. Bunbury, May 1, 1851.- CHAIN PUMPS A amall number of .bene excellent pumps have been received and are offered for sule by H. D. MA5SER. Sunburv, Nov. C, 1852. MARRIAGE CETIKICATE8 handaomely executed for sale at thia oflice, single or by the doxen. OY8TEK CANS A lot of empty Oyster Cans, auitible for puttinr up fruit, for sale by WM. H.THOMJ'BfMf. SUNBUHY AME1UCAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. saI Wm CHERRY PECTORAL: For the Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BROW. OHITIS, GROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPING COUGH AND OONSUlVIPTIOrJ. Mniiy ynri of trint, timt'iiil of impairii.ff tlic ptiltlic c;n fiilnit'L i;i this nutlicine, v i to- I mi n.iprwiiiti n mitl iifitridy hy fr i xrtling the m.i!-l expt-Hii li'-ni il it n fiieixh. N-'llun I u: it iitttinsit virtut-n ntttl lliu uiiiiiiftukeii. k Wi'iH'lit coiiicrriM. im (Ii'Mih.ukIi rt" inner tp, cmikl oripintite anl mniiittihi (lie rriitfti n it mi". While la-my mierinr rt'incdiin ihriisi nvm ilnl f om iiuiitty, hnve I'tiilrd nnd Item dirMimlwl, thin lm g-.u-nil trienils tiy every trial, cnfifreN h-n.-iit on thcriili.t'iLnl ihry mil itev vr lurffrt, nnd I'f.xluced cures t k minn-roui uml rcmarku hit In Ur I'tirjjiittfU While it in ti Iriunl tn Ihe ptiltlir In preein1 t!tt nny t te in-iliviiiu will iitlnllili y tin' null lln ir im nl'U.i;tmiL 'prn l' thnt the ( hibbv I'kctoiml (I en imt nnlj- im n ifnnl .htttit. hut nlm si iuvurialily cure the nial:n.Lt (or hivh it is enifl ryn. An time nnkes ihew facts ii'vr mi l 1 teller knnwn. this medieitie has prndiutlly lecme Ihe Int reliimew nf the iillhefe I, fr mi the I c ihiit of (he Aini-ri'Bti 1'rnvuit, t'i the piilncrs of I'.iimU utid KiittiS. Tlinnt:lioul llti entitu country, in every Mute, city", tmrl itidrtl tiltiitmt every hnmlrt it e n!iiiiis, CiiFiiwr I'm ioiial is kn vn i-s the iM-st rumetly extant I"r thsiMm-n nf the Thuvit a ml lain in, nu;l in ninny foreign countries, it is ctniitfi li he exten sively unt'tl hy tht ir m t inlellii-iit rhysieians. In litent Dritiiin, I'mifc ami ii-ruiany. where i lie incilienl seieners hnve rciehed their hif-fhext pcneetioti. rutitnT I'ectoiiai, is introdaeifl. nnd in e tiniant um1 in the Ann ten, IIon,ii tuls. Alms HotiFts, 1'iililir li-miiitt. -im, imd in d imslic praeiire. ns the s-ircnt remedy their nttetiditijr I'liysif-ians enn eni I y (' r the in -ire dnniri'ii us nllietinis of the hiii;fl. A'sn in rasrs, nnd fr chiliheii it issde, pi cKiiit nnd i-llfettud t cure. In fact, s -inc of the tiir-st tlri'tei in? ti Mini- ni:i!s ve it ecive ha e lie n Irotn un-nis vh i h ive f -111111 it cllieLir-i us in cufch pjitieuhulv inciih u tal tni-hiltMi m'. TI e ( liKitiiV Piv-ToriAT, is tr iiMtf;tctarfd hy n pne'irn! f ItiMii tf . imd tviy i iiiie r ( it tnnt.-i hit iivn r r. w ith i'iv:in:.h!e nei-nraey nnd m-. li i sealetl nnd nntcc tid hy law from v unN-rii-its. circin-niV ran l-e relied on hn cennine u ilh nit mlidtt r:i'i. u Wf. have end-;ai..rr.l li. re l i fn-iii-t'i II"' e, nnunirlv villi n iiu-dirine f Ka--It in!r sni" ri rit inwt u-nrihits should cciriiieti'l iic!f tn t.i-it e 'i litif e i--n r in.-dy m mire iwte. e d m.d ftV'ii:i. ' i" h 1 1 ,t I it vv ea;td Hnd e -titiltt ( iriiiln pun i ri! iim h i. t .- m-d I i-.h' hy irr-"iit rare in tt t;irh t: H w h h 1 1. m . r t r-t-f vr: i-y. f li til" ri'i slretipth tn i-H' rd rh?i' i:'.i:M: li-- ;'L" ii! ti 11 laeh ll e:n ndy I'.tr tin- h f n-fati'v. and i he : i',ii-U t vvnh u irlia tiv that ill d i I r ila mi nil that t., ii:. nc ern do. rrrpnml iul itf .UMTS (' JiT?, PrartUnl Ch-iut, LotnM. Nttrt 8o!,l in fiunlMiry lv H M AssHlJ, cn.2 hy Druayift; pfiHTiiUy tliitiii-jr.i : : 1 lie St U rovcMi!rr 13, 1 850. 1 yet'' mo ADJOniMH) ORPIUXS COURT SALE. IX iiirstinmo of im orler of l!ic Orjilniiis C'uitt t of Nurtliiimlirrl.ind roiinty, will lie exposed to iiulilii t-sli! i ll TUESDAY, ihe :;o.'i day of nrxt ut the llousp i f (,'lirisli.ui All rrt ill J.icKtsnii tounslii. 'J'lic fn'liiu in i-stnti1 to wil ; All llic intrri'st oi llic f !lnviii'4 name. I lioirn of l'etcr KrulialtPr, lute f l.iuipasti'r roniitv. cli'cM.. to nit: Henry lirul iiUor'n intrr..-l 5-11 jmrls; Aimu l' ti r anil Mury lliilliiimr, ilii'ilrni of Mury llol- ! linger ami gMml-riiililrcu of .Mi.alimii liriilinker, ' of l.ninaKti'r rotintv, iler'il., tluir interest, Ihe I ftVPa. Msf iimliviileil one fimileenlli f.-irl ; Aiulrew I'rnl'iiker, t I KSI'KC'i'Kt l.I.Y ini'orn.s tlic jmlilic ijener niinor eliilil of J;irnl liriilmker, ilee'il., mill a ! ally thai lie lias junl received and oniincd 1,'r.iiui-i liilil of l!:r iliain I', dre'-l., the un- the bent utid cheajief t Ktoek of divided one fourteenth part of the upper part of the Island foinerly known its " lilies Island, situate in Ihe ."-'lii-quclialiim in Jackson township, Lite Mahoii'iy township. Northtnnbcrhnid county, ubotil 12 miles In low Suiiburv, containing 1.31 Acres, 14 nr thereabouts, inljoining lnnils of licnjimiii S.riil.Icr. with the nppurteiieuccs. Lute Ihe estate of Abraham Ilrubaker, dee'd. I Sa!e to coiinnelice at 10 o'clock A. M., of said i i'iiv when the terms of sale will be made known !,y' JOHN STi'.ICKl. Kit, ii:o. KKODV, Guar- ! (i AliKIEL Hi:.r;, f diai:s. ! ! joiin m itsKV, J ! i N. 15. The interest ol all the other heirs will be ull'ered for sale ut the same time and place. SAMI'KL UKL'IIAKEK. Afreiil for the other heirs. For further informalion im'tiire ol i i;l:di:iH. k laza Ktrs, e. Sunbury Pa. Uv Order of the Court, ) p.' pi i:si:l. ciu. o. c. J Nov. (i, 16-.VJ. 4t i J. "A Penny s.nvi is a Fumy V.a tied." MARl'LK S BLANK BOOK IiIAIIUFACTOEY, And JVb Book Einiery, Marxet Centre Street, Poltsrillc, Pa. LANK. Hooks bound and ruled in any and rverv Mvle. in the most durable and suti- flaiil'al mauticr, with or without printed Heads. Person in waul of Ledgers, Duckets, Dav l!i: ks, Minute Hooks, journals. Letter Hooks, Hlotters, licceipt Hooks, (.'mil'.-e-s. Ac., Ac, or any kind of Ulauk Hooks, would d.) well to give me a rail as I pledge myself to ijive salisfac lion. PaM'r ruled Ik any pattern desired. Par ticular attention paid to Hunting all kinds of old Hooka, Dihlrs. (iodev's Lady Hooks, (niham's Mauuy-itic, Sart.iin's Magazine, Harper's Magazine, llcmn ooks, (ilcnsoti's Pictorial, Sheet Music, Sb::kpratc's works, Lite ol Christ. Law I'o iks, Ac., Ac. Josepliiib s w-ort.s, Anv nf ti e aliove or other bo -ks b iiiml in full Kill, p'aiu or taiicv t suit the w i!:e of rush incrs. I wttil.l ni-aiii ca I the attention of my fiends and cu.-toiuera, lo tlie fai l t'.iat 1 have been a Practical Hook Hinder for Ihe last IS years, and they can dc-ei.d on hav ns Ibrir wo k d. ne ill liie very la-st niatincr, nnd ibi the work my self; I use the best jiaper A inateri il; ptra fn'rr me a mil my cliarjjcs ure reason iIi'.k and fair, but there is no ililiicidty about p. iics whose work is done salis factorilv. i- i t, i.,.. : i' .j. ,i .. l .... i .t i. II. I ITSiills IHM1IS I. I" i,:e. can m:ik1 tlu'iu 1V kIiicc ilivt It 1 1 mo tluliiri. ... . I . A the ktIe llii'y wih thru. 1.m.iiJ it. : I will ilo tlit'in ti low us they enn ho tlw ;u whi-f', r.ire fully I'aik Ih'.'in up ami n;ii;iii t!it n; A! jirr nous run kcii.I onlcru t'r iJLmk Ho kn hy mail, whuli will Im? iiuu-tuully ulU'in'.i-J lo. All work done ut bhurt iiolUc. JE. I.. MAKVl.K. rractii al Uonk UimliT. Poltsvi.k, Njv. C, 1852 mi. FANCY FUR STOKE. IHE auliscriber invites the puldic-in genrrnl - In cull und exutninc Ins lurse slock of FAN CY FLU", roiiHistiiig ot Fitcli, !-toue. nuiriin, Lynx, l'rcnili cable find Sipiirrcl Mulls, Hook, Victorias, Ac. Also, UlacK uuu uo iliorj by the bale. ' . f.itin,,ivr I sr Tlie bii-hest pruea puul lor r-ini i i.-u FL'KS, aurh as lied and liny fox, Mink, lac- coon, Muskrut, ne. 2UU bales KL'FFALO RObEH, wbiclt will He aold cheap, by the bale or single l.'otie. litOl.tili r. W UMKn I II , Importer &. Fur Dealer, No. 13 8. 4tU at. Fhiludelphia, Nov. 6, 1853. 3mo. Q'iP'r'JEJ SCLBl ! Frtxh and SjiictJ Oysteri ! flAVING aettled at NorihumberlanJ, I am now preparej lo furnish Fresh and spi ced Oysters duriny tha whole season at re duced prices. You can depend upon them being fresh, as I shall receive ihem daily, (Sundays excepted) and when lauded here, Ihey are only 16 hours out of Ihe shell. All persons at a distance, who are in want of Ihe above article, can have them sent per dozen or single can by addressing W. H. VICKERY, at Burr's Hotel. Northumberland, Oct. 16, 153. HERE IS YOUR REMEDY I Hollo way's Ointment. A MOST MIRACULOUS CURE OP BAD LE09, AFTER 43 YEARS' SUFFERING. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Wm. Galpin, of 70, St. Mant Street, Weymouth, dated Mny IB, 1851. To Professor IlnLunmv, Wis. At lite age f is mv wife (who is imw SI) r.iuclil a violent (v'M, whirh setifril in her Uft, mnl ever aiiH-e tlml lime iliry linve ten in-tre or tri-. s ire, oinl pri-utly infl illicit. Ilt-r we'lii'-s wt-re distract lie;, mnl l"- months ti'irettier tlm wns deprived entirely nf reiil mnl uleep. Kver.-Tenirity ttint nieitienl men nilvisi-d vns triiit, Imt without cflcel ( her lienlth stiffen il severely, inul llie one -if her legs wne terrilile, 1 hint often rend yinr Ailvcr t temeittf. nnt firtvincct her to Iry y ur I'ilil unit Ointment; nil, ni it last re'ureet nOer every nlher rmnnly hint pn veil ufelepii, the ennienteil to itn so. hhe colfiini-neint six wruUt tig', nnil, trunite tn relnte, is now in (rood henllli. Jli'r tej nre puinlt, witliont renin or senr. toi't tier ileep sound mid llnilittiirl ed. Could joii hnro wilntsred th nfferinpi of niy wile dimmr Ihe tnitt 4;1 ye;irs. nnd c. n Irost them with tier prepenl enjovmcnt tf henlllt. yon troilM inilrcd feel deliihtfnl in hnviiiit licen Ilia tnenna i f i greDllv iilloviiitinff tlitf snlterinff of n fell w-eretiliire. (Sisned,) WILLIAM UAI.riN. A rr.ttSON 70 YEARS OF AG I'. CI' It I'D OF A HAD I.KO, OF 30 YEA PS' STANDING. Copy of a Letter from Mr. If'm. AUr, Rvitd er of (las Ovens, of llushclijfc. near Hud drrsfiild, dated Mail 31sf, 1851. To rrofiMor HoiLotVAt. 8:it I sufTiTetl for a perhitt of tliirty yenrs from n Imd 'ff, Ihe result of two or tliree difl't-ri III nreiiltnts lit (ins Volfl ; Aei'oinpnmed liy irtmlic syiitpti'tits. I hnd rc ewrse Ion vniietyof iiieilieiil ndviee, wtlhonl deriviiifr nny henelit. mid wan even tohl thnt Ihe li '5 liitmt tie nmpn lnle.1, yt, in oppofijlt in it lliut opinion, vi nr I'ill" nnd f'iitlinent hnve iiroeled n complete eure in so atetrl n lime, thnt lew who Imd not witneiireil it would en-ilit Itie liiet. (Siroieit) WII.I.IAM AH11S. The frmh of ihia rlnleinrnt enn lie vrrifird t-y Mr. V. P. Kiir-hind, C'tiemii't, 1:1, Mnrket Hii't llnitileturn-lil. A DREADFUL HAD 1! It EAST CURED l ONE MOM II. K.ttracl of a Letter from Mr. Frederick Turn er, rt Vcnhursl. A'cnf. rf'i.'ni December 13i. 155U. ' ToI'mfeSfr Hollow . DnAK M -i e htd fiinVml fr tn Itml liirwi f..r ' rvrelhm .ii i,;.,i,.k. nnd uurin-t the hole peri, d hl : till: belt llll-itirill nileiHliiiirt. lull i.ll lit tin ! lliivi.i 1. I ("it Iicaleil nn ttw't'ul wi'umt ill iny i-vvii trrr. liy y.iir till- j til li! .t lilfilieiiti. I ili'lt rniili.-il iixalii I i iim: li!t ' , : ii'i t rininiienr. mitl llnri I'iri; p:in lli.'in alluil in l.t-r uc t a-1 I'Ttuiin'r il wim I iliil Rn. f r .ti li' '.linn ti ni.'i;Hi h I . (u iiiol i-nr.. wits rlleeti!. unit lire bi-iletit tlial win "jntl. ' rr liritt.r'iir ,.' my I'ninily lno-e ilfiivcH Trutn llu ir inn: in T-r.i;. it.-l.ii.i.t.iiij. I n--w Mn nclv rrr I1mi11.1l ttt.'tti to i: mt Iri-nei ' (Siuneil) l'itl .lii 'I t j 1 TI lil!l lli.inM li tisi-il i-ulij iully v. itll tlm f 'ininiti.t , j tn st or III lnll'ivvtnir enfes : tt-l 1.1'irs. 1 "!iii-ir i-r.i-it. rislnlus, Unit. il.iinliil ir Svvellnij, Iannlmco IM.. lt)n-irKui'.ii,i S-nli's, Sure-llm-ii'., IS r -h,-u.lf, AVouikIs, I.l Ureantl, CliilUlaitis, I'hit; tt-il IihikIs, t'.-rui !t."i t ';: imm-u M K-H, fi.nlrill-li'it null s.iir j. .nn, t trc Nipiilt'l, Pfurv r. I l.T,' l ihVN n..rn, H111. 1 n. hit.: of M.'Si In I I n. A. T! J 1 ' v.i-lny. j l..e.ii s.cinfi., fBki!1-.1il''si, TanC'tiit, I Si J't ill lie r.:i!.:i.iiiiiriit -.r J'r .lV T l!nl.l.nvY, 'Jll, Straiiit. (iiimr 'r.'nili: li.11 . 1.- ittlt.ii.) unit l.v all rrripi.M-liil.le llni-iMs und llritli r 111 tr.ii. hwi l!irtHiph-ill lliu Itritisli I 1 .injure, a in seol llm 1 ni l !.ll. III uxiinl ;17" , initial .Hv. uu-li. W'nt'lt vili-t.y thc priii-L'iiHil nnr ! t. itlB.-W i.. tl... I'.M .. .....I I.. VI.. A II f. II New Yoik, m TKn isl'"f!":' "''"IE -'''" "" ) Lln ' N. ll-rir.cii.i. rr il,e p,.;.-.,ef 11 laiitni. in ev.rv iliS'tnlrr are tiliixeil tn ca 'li U x. rtolierSI, I--:-.. ly. UK EAT EXCITEMENT. WILLIAM A. KNOIUl. Fall and Winter Goods, that l:ns ever hern trough! to the county. . His Ktock coiiaist of every variety of Dry (ioods, iz : Cloths, Cassimers, Saltinetls, Vesting, Dril lings, Linciis, Muslins, Jeans, and alt kinds of Winter Hoods. Also a splendid variety of Ladies Dress and Funcy go ids, Ctdices, (Jinvltams, De Laines, S!iawlsj and every variccy of C'uotls sttittddt fur Ladies wtur. Also, on titeitsirt asS'irtm'at of Silk, Beaver, Far It Slouch Mil's A lai'pc and trcll selected Assortment of liuols and Shoes of ev ery descripimi and size. Also, u larse assortment of (Srceeties, Such as Sugar, Coffee, I J fiis. iU'jIusS' S, spiers J all kinds. I Also a lurc-e asr!iiirnt of Hardwaro and (Jiirenswiire, l'lt, Salt nnd Liquors meh as (.'in liiamly, K i; in iiimI hikev, hes.ii!e the lurj-i-nl i and most general assortment of all kind of t-'oods 1 to be had in the coi'.nt . All the a hove mentioned goods will Ir sold at sncli reduced i rices as the can not lie got for rltewhcrc. Country produce of nil kiudi taken in evcliange at the highest market price. Also, Kor isale it two horse spring wagon and a busv. Aiisiibta tvvsp., October 1S5J. 6m. The duly Tine I'nttiail ol Wasltiugton. JI ST I'l'HLtSIIED, T. U. VKI.fHrt MAfi.NIPK-XT PORTRAIT OF WASHINGTON, Enr.tvril (hy prnt.i.-s-ion) fioui Stuait1.. only oiiiriiial loilr.ii1, in the Athfuriirn, Uotun. 'I U IS miirrh pirturt. nicmvnl iimlrr the miprrniltMitl 1 iiitf I '1 IIOMAS SI LI.V. lit t-iiimt-i.l um.I litlily jriil-ii :niit. in l tic (inly rirre't UkciirM il W' ingt'iti i-'vr imltlislntl. It Irn Im-lmi clmnu-lf n-scd ni tlie iri-.-:itriil . rk Curt ever jtrnthiful hi tilth cminlry. Aa to i'h h If htv, vt rcu'i I i tin; If M rri of lliu mlt-inl Bt'ii f ii. t.i:i nii: WAsinwi u. iwun ( i s. I'lS, wii ; n. "if j ii l:it hi nl r.'irtcni!ili n nl I lit rvl t-tir.tuil niii!ut," uhil t.i l llil.F Jl s'i'U i: TAMA of ili Siijrciu-j Cniitl f llm I'm cl SiiIi p, w l.o Am a t'"ik ti ni t ii rxi'f HfiM c unit In mil y iit'ti-t mnkc every tin wli i ffN it ; uiht it in im It ipl-V i Us liktiL'fs tn I he I'uihi'i if Iim i iiiilry It wim my -g-Mtl foituiiv to h ive Pfeii hnu in tin il:imf un b - h sml, und hii wh lu ;t;n'r:ir:i..rf in , t t-iroiil) iiupn w my u tiii'try . Tlic p uliTiit y Ml hit vt ihnittl !tj cum lo mr lo he an rxnet liM'ut ii-', rt pn in niiit I'frit-rily llif rxprtm-M ii ii w-ll ti l he I'h in nnd (Vatiin u rl the lin-f." Ami BiyM;A'J('H f SS, il v a lilt--li k-; r'pti'iriii:ili"ii oi the (fivitt ori-jiiuii. PiiKSll'llNT l'U.I.Mnlli; nj p, th! work npprurt ti me t have Ihm!i ii'hiiiuihly rxt-fiitrtl iiihJ rmiiifuMv W'r ihy of the xi(ru:tf:: llie i-uH.r.'' Stiys ,M Altl ll ANT llio eminent p ru.'tt )uiinUr, mul the pii il tf Stimrt, 'your print ! m imiul it in tu rtrnn rtinhle thniinny othrr I hiiVf itt'fii, for prmi'iiiiMt; ihf holr iittlividiKility of the ri innl p trirnil, t''fihei u itli Iht ii I le mid liij-'infifd re p of nir hii'I iimi'iH-r. hirh till w ho rvrr mi him i liTt-il a iiiuilsTil tliurui-ti'iiciic if the iUuiln uk l mm il f'liiui- ni'iiih " .. ,..,, .,f,,i ,C, ,v. ..- . . . . " 1 IV Wiutuntfr n to ihf porhnit iiti-li'. t v ii nt Il.c "li 'il Ihis :i;it'r, inul 1 1 IIir It-tint nl the l.ill ,vn,if Villus. Sliitt-sinn. Jnri..l ,'inil IS'li l-iis nre ii.) mo me ii, Alfl'ISIS .M;iri l.:iiitnnl l:lli.,l, ol .NVw Virk': ru Ul Ii. Ittillitriiii'l. Ill ill I miiliiliii. ol' I'ti.lniti l'iim ; III. iter lliiiitinf , of lloslt'ii ; Cliaili-s t-'rufct-r. ol l'luo!t'sti,ii. H. ('.; Mint to lliu uil.'iiti'il noil t I W :i)iii..t -li, II ii. lienruc V. V. t'usiis. huiiM'irun artist. hTA TOM KN His l-Uerl-lrii,' l-',lliiiiri'. (icu N'iulifkl K-.Ml, Hon fir ,i'vr M llulbs, II. ni. .Ilium It. Kmc. Dsi.iH ',;lil.-r. I..ii. l.iint U iil. Il'iii. Uwu i'ii-. Il'ui Witt. A. (iri.ti.iiii. It. mi. i.iii I. Krniifilv, Il"n It. t. Wiuthri p, I.I.. II. .11 ItlMK lion, li.-per li iiincv, II, n. J. lin ln, r, II .ii J,, ,i MrUnn. Itoii.ltulu.l li.'iiK'. (-1, 111 11. AltS t'lstrlon t'o's sil, l.., tlio wi'H Ln U'll l.ilirnriaii of itu- II sloll Allii'iit'liin. M il.. -:is, "I Wfiikl nilli-r nwl II linn iiii iintett cifV I iiav" ever Sfni K. I. l:i-,li-. Itielsirtl 1 1. Klw. Kv.r.-ll. I.I, I) , jn rtl Hiutlks, I.I.. !.. illi-im II. I'nsi'ott. I.I. DWiisliiiiK.oii livinir, ltiil'li W. l.n t'O" "ii. I1 . I'ri'f 'I'. C. I'pluun, J. T llimlli-r, I'ltz Or i llnMn li, II. IV. I,ui:i II m. Win. liilni.irr -miiiiih; nii'l I'lldM K.I IttU'i:, I - -r.l T:ili.unl. T il. Miieaulry, fir A 'lolilil All- li. l.ird Msyr tl nid,ni, ir. Ac. ic. Till. l'lli;-S. t 'ir.sish.wt the en lire Tiiion, hnve witti "iic v,'i.:e irii;Uii;iiJ the merits ol this ininrli enirniviiiK. .... 'I'o rnalile nil lo p. ( lint fiiluntUlj trtasuie, it it ml at the low pnc of J ir eopy. XV. cviier ol Kil'ili anil Ar. h streets, riiilmlilplna. 1). l. HYKItl.V, (Me ogntt for the HUiifs of Fiis eni Peiuis) h-atin aisl Ui-ltiwuie. This Portniit enn only be ol'taiuwl fnun Mil. BYKK-l.Y,orl'rsiiliislul-ButlimiMlnriitt. Arrsn-ri-iiictus have been mmtc with the Post irmee lle pnrtinriit, by wlnrli eoiles nf llie Portrait can ba scut to any puiiit, ncr mail, In perfeel .urder. .... 19- Prisons by rcmituiia Im UoiXAma In D. U. U -Eli T.Y, Philiulrlphin, will lutve a copy ol tlie Portrait sent to tlirm in fiaiut'e. w iiun.l.n,i fiin Frames, srnt nn espressly for these Porttuiu, f urnishul al the low price of V&,uO eocli. JUST ISSUED, A MAGNIFICENT PORTRAIT GP GENEKAL JACKSON, Eneravtd by T. B. WELCH, ESQ . after mt original poriran yainicu uy i , mmni ASU. This Portrmit will be a match fur the Washington, and la in every respect ae well p. up. Price 5,00 per eopT- Address as aaova. Vailedelphia, Del. SO IMvl GEORGE W- ZIMEUAtAN, VENITIAN BLIND 3IANUFACTUUER, No. Gl Arch Street, four tloors nhovc Second, PHILADELPHIA, CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT 0P Which fur Mvle of finUli mnl wnrkmnnidiip at Ihe lowest priccn. Also TKANPl'A KENT UHOI.UfJ.M.r., AT .M.V.Nt t & MERCHANTS anil others sro invited l'liiladetphia, August 31, 1852. ly. ANOTHER LATE ARRIVAL OF CI1CAP GOODS. FRILING Ik GRANT. jJEsrECTFiri.I.Y infirm liieir rnslmners and Ihe public, that tliey liiive jusl receiv cd and opened tlic bct-tuud cheapest ntuck of Fall and Winter Goods tluit lias ever been brought to uiilniry. Their stock consists of every varie'y of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Casrimeres, Satlinrtr, Vesting, Flannels, Wollens. ce., Ami nil kitnls of Fall & Wiulor Wear. Alfo tt splendid variety nf LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, (Unghams, Chintzes, De Laines, Bcragrs, Ami every variety of "nods sriliibli for Ln- dies wear. Also an extensive assortment of Ca1'4 koh Mt:s AND Boxs. . i . . r .w --? Aldo a larce assortment 'l ,s" UTSV ",wu"""- ' " ""J ftCIl AS Sugar, Teas, Coflce, Mnlasses, Spices of nil kinds. Al po a large assortment nf HARDWARE and GUEE-cTSWARE. rich, Salt ai;J Plaster. ! Also a su'iily of j DUICS AND MEDICINE!. j Besides the laioot and most ueneral assott i ineul of all kimls of jjonJs to bu U:u in I l,lil(,c- ttf" C'ounlry produce of nil kinds taken in cx : change at the highest inarkrt iirioc. .Sunbtirv, Nov. 13. IS.'i-J. OITSTSRG! TIIK nn.ltTsinc,! U ihai kful for past fa vrtix nml lutnta In t'linliniir tn (fit t'Oiili ,.f i ,.i i .....I r.;....,! .,.,,1 lliu publie peiifiullv. lie is now in daily ic- eeipt e( the best (il 'll.Jtimnie Oysleis, pill tip ' ' r 1 M, tsi., vv no eeli lirateil lor pin lin i:p a pood attit-li. His nyslors nre npen eil the same morning, tliey li'iive for this place nml aie ronm'tiunlly only nbnnl 16 iionrs on the way. 1 1 u ran semi oysters nil dirrctiniis by slaors, bonl nml other convoy- ; aiict's. Price cans SI, 25, half cans 601 j cents. ' N. H. Apply nl tlip fesiilonre of the uu sciibcr or al Lee', or HasisV lloti'l. PIUI.IP SHAY., Oct tfi, 1S52. If. " NE W " 'J'oIishto, SiuilT.iH Segai WAItKMOlM.. THE subscribers respectfully inform Country Merchants thnt wc have now on hand a general assortment of the best VIRGINIA 13 RAND TOCACCO. Cavendish 5s. Lump 8s. Lump Cs. Plu?, Ac, nt the Manufacturers Imvcst prices. Also a line assorlineiit of Fore'n-n and Domestic SeijnrJ, SnnlV, iSmokin--; Tubaeeo, Pipes, Pipe Heads, Ac., which no will sell at tlio lowest prices. S. WOOUWARll cV CO., 23 North Third Street, Philadelphii. SepleinlMT 4, 18.VJ. 3in. ' 500 AGENTS WANTED. Si 000 a viar. IV7ANTED in every County of the United SStiites, nctic and eiiterprisimt men to en Kne in llie sale of some of llie I est Hooks pub-li-.iicd ill llie country. To men of good irddress, por'cssir.g a small capital of from "?'-.') to Si 0(1, such inducements will Ic olVercd as to enable tlicin to make from .S3 to "til) a day profit. . I7" The liooks published by us are all useful in their character, extremely popular and com mand large sales wherever I'icy ure oircrcd. For further particulars, address, (posrase paid,) DANIELS & GETZ, Puccessirs lo V. A. I.eary cV Co.; No. 138 North Second Strict, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Oct. 8, 1852 If. LADIES' DEESS TRIMMINGS. .1. C. OH K 11 T K I T V K K II , S. E. Cor. Ninth and Mnple Sis above Pace, PHILADELPHIA. INVITES the I.udiis of llie City and Country : to call end examine his splendid Slock oj i Trimmings, which hue been selected with tlie ut most care. j Mr. O. being enabled, from his et-icricneo in '. the business, lo take advantage of the wholesale 1 market, is able to sell as low us uny other est.ib- J lislimeut. Mr. I), was formerly principal con ductor of the extensive huMinss of Mr. J. W. Hiirslinan, No. 2(!4 Chestnut Street, nnd his ex tensive experience will be n guarantee of his ability In do jus' ire to his customers. His iStock comprises the following.- Silk, Worsted, und Cotton Curtain Fringes, Binding, Tassels and Cord, Silk nnd Worsted Ulind do. Silk, Woollen, and Coltoii Hoisrry, Gloves, Combs, Itruslics, Soaps. Perfumery, Ac. Woollen and Cotton K nit I in n nil Dinning Yarn, Porte Moniiaie, Furni-lied Work Doves, Ilrnie lets. and Psncy Articles generally. Call and examine for yoursi'Ucs. I'liilaiic'pliia. Scpleinl-er sr. 1.1 .'8 Cm. as -mm --r - r i--r-r Ao. -17 J orl't S-con-l Si'rrr!, MPORTUKS of every '.evriti-ni of KiJi, ' liooks and l'lthiim Tacklu. 'l'ovs. ('crinan Katicy tiooils, (inns niul inorliuj Aiiar.itus. I Wholesale nml liilnil. Aug. 28, lSo;. 2m. i I rt ;(iitKi.H s. i. i. iuii:ii. w. r. iiaki:h. Conielins, llakcr Vi)., MAM I'ATl ltr.ltS Otr lamps, Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, &e. tS'l OKK NO. 170 CUKsTNLT ST.. Manufactory No. 181 Cherry St., rHXX.A-DEX.PHZA. April 10, 1852. If. D A V I D COOP E II , COMMISSION MKIiUIAXT Ftm Tin: p.vt.r. op Fish, l'rovisions, 50., JVb. 9 Xorlh Wharves, PHILADELPHIA. April 10, 1852. ly. ' SUNBURY FERRY. HENRY W. Ill 'CHE It informs the puhlie that lis haa taken the Huubury Kerry and aa he is now well prepared with good and aulli cient crafts he will he enabled to accommodate the public with promtneaa and despatch. April 10, 1852. tf. BLANK DEEDS printed on the beat quality of parchment paper, aold at the loweat prices al thia oflice, by wholesale anil retail run not he furr ftniril. Wholesale nnd Uelnil VIXDOW KHADHS A X D HEED BJ.INUH I'ACTfllKItS' l'lltri:rj. to call and examine, Dihvorth. limnson Co. hll'tlRTRN Of & Dr.AI.RKS IM roft-ita nnd Dninolic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C. An. 5'J Martet St., di;or below id St, I'lllLADELl'IIIA. NA'liera they nlwaj co on hand a large stoct of every variety of Hardware, Cutlery, Ac. Wm. bilworth, Henry D. Land's, 3iinmcl lirnnsf 11, James M. Vance. October 10, 1852 ly. CLOTHING ON CREDIT. AVice to all Dealers in Heady Made Clothing, )l:'M".r ,V CO. reiliesl nil win purrlmsi. realty inmlo ITlliiliB nil rmlit, 1.1 rail nt TOWKIt i I A I.I, 'l.)TIIIMi UAZAAII, nnil see Hie great i.iliaiili.i;,u tliey will Imvr liy pnreliasini; tot rnrti ut lliis Filemivv eliililt.inienl. Thin, nnil tins only, is II, c prineiile on wliieli tliey dent willl nil liieir uiiinenins euklonieis, wlm have realizeil lm ut ilns In ine lin y srurc no , II, rl in oristiieiiic the 1 11.1 fl.( iTII I Mi. ,,t the L......I .;i.i .riees, nml t lint tlie g Huts inailc lit litis house 111c the lien I Jiliiile, iiinpt liislii niuhle, nnd miich cheaper thiill any other """ in 1.1.-11 ine Kanic iiiainv 01 ff'Hsi, nriKini; Iroin their larue iniinnfactitrinir nml itiipnfliiiji I'lniliiiLi, nnil lln-ir ili-tt-raiinaliMii to inantniii Ihe principle of bjr;i. sales mi l rinnll -r..lits. Their stia k is limit mnplii unit e-'iiiplete. Ti.e giiirlieniar silent f merit, mils mid il.-Hlers is uiviittl. vvli 1 lire retpi. sh il iitrall nml nii'tfo fur ll,..n"lvi'S, im w lire silifn-,! 1 ?,:jt Ihry eaim 't Inttlit see I'"-' rMl i'lll-'U, s !l:e. will hllV wiil hnve in f .1 nit!,, ni TO'-' i;i! II U.I l.'U M AIIKKT street, hiMwern fiiiii I!':nm:tt co., ! 'ii;irUt,'rs. . n.-i l . r lfc run. " AI.M' CELEUPbATF.D PANACEA, fc;: HIE Cl'UEOF list ti'ltnt t (jis:si;ipti--l, Scrofula, (,'enerul Debility, While SwcUinz, Jllicttmatisin, )iseascs of the Liver an I Skin, and i II Discuses arising from Impurities of the Mood, and the Effects of Mercury. SW AIM'S PAN A ft. A has I It fur more llian thirty years ei-lel.rali it in Ihis e -titil ry unit in I 'timpc f,.r lis txlru Ttllimrv cure f,.r the eeitltle-itt s.'f wliieli rel'ereneo is inatle to the rlin-etions mnl li niks (wliieli may he. huil irratis) iieeuniiilnyiiiir the I'anaiMii. lne of whii-h 'ive tlie iurlieiilaiN of cmm-s lri;liltnl f, r iieneniljiuhlieiilion, where the imlleiits lliut heen itilili'St eulen lip willl fMrrol'nb, mnl were neellleil llli-liralile liy rill Sleuins. In lias Im-.-ii iisnl in h ispiiu'ls uiiil priiite practice, nml i Iiss Inul lilt: .inuuliir lortune of tieinir riv-hiihr-isI si liv Ilir lisjst ci'lelirtiti-il physicians uuil oilier't pcrs. IIS. Allloiir ollu'is liy V. i :ilm, M. D l'rof. of Suipiry. Pa. 1'iiiversily. Valentine M.itt, .M. 1)., I'lol'. ot Surg , N . Y. L iiiver sily. W. P. Dowers. M. 1) . Tr if. of Mnl., Ta. Vnireisiiy. N. tiiiiiimti, M. I.. I'ruf. o! Physic. I'n I'liivermlv. T. l'nrke. .11. 1) , I'nVt Clkuc ol I'lix sieiuus, l'lliia. Dr. lift Vull i, IVol.tif .Mnliciiii', Iliivmui. J ..i. I viiuciifc de l.nx. l'rul'. of lurirt'ry, l.isbi'lt. J. t'liipltiaii. .MriiiU'r H.iyiil Colleire 1-liirgei.ii., Isimttni. U. W. Krviuu, kile Aluiisier to Spain. Sir 'rtioin'is I'liirsm, Maj. (leu. Army. tiilliert Hotierlsiiit, Con-iiit, Ac, v. Ami also, the v. nuterful pare. eHVi'teil t,y Swniin. Pan seea tisvc fur many years imnle it un invalutitile retneity. The l'uieirca d ies lull contain lilert-ury in nny form, und lienii mi iniiiM.eiit preirutniii, il limy tie given tJ llie in st tentler infant. The rrlnil priee tins liern rrilneeil lo M )0 per Is tile, (containing thiec hull' piulti) ur lhrcc Isiltle. for tt I. Iir.WAItl (I1- I.MI'OS-tTlON. Swailll. I'uiiuceti i. in ri.nnil Imtlles, fluteil l ingiuiili. null)', Wllh lire f llowiut! tt'tters hi ixvn i ll the alas : VAI.M-." l'ANAt-KA l'llll.AUA." ami hnvinir thc nnnic of Js Swaiu stiiinpeil on llie sent, in; wax, and written nil tlie l:iln.'l e iverinir llie c irk. nml a splcnititl engriiviiij; lor the fiitj of the Isiltle. e imp etf ol (.e-nuetriir bithe work, e nupriMitfr nine tlill'eri-ut (lies, xvliieh have berll liirnt'il fir Ihe e.xeliiKii-e use of the pro prietor, liy DnijM-r A Co , hunk mitti eugrav-Ts, of t'liilu iklihia. lu llie centre is a portrait of the lulu Win. tSwaini e ipyriglil secured. ai.-so, swai.m vr.R.Miri oi:. A vulnnl.le Fiiiuily Meilieiut', ls-inf a liiplil) approved remtily lir nil iliittiises :iriniu. fnun ilrtiiliiy ol" the ilies live orirmis, .in-li n. Worms, Cholera .M.irlm., lJ'.rniery I'eVerunit At'iie. Ilteeitin.. Piles, Sick tleniluehe, .tee., An. See ihe Pamphlet (which limy lie hud grutih) uccouijiuny mg the Verniil'nire. I'reireil only tit SVAIMr I.AIU1R ATOR V. TIIK Ol.l) STAl),"Si vi-iilh slriH, In-low Chestnut. I'liiluilel. phiii. uml s hl hy nil Ihe resei-lalito Druftgisls in lliu L'ni te;l Slices. CAt'TION TO Tin: ri ni.ic. Person. wiFtiiiii; olilnin Ihe ireituiiie SV AIM'S P.W ACKA und SW.IMS VKU.MIl-'l'lii:, .il.mld bo careful l-j ubseivu ttiut the uumu SWAIM is Kprtled rirrrtily on the Utttb'i iiihI Lil-t l". ir Ilty mny 1 Ik: imp-!) on liy tntilifitrs iikiiI hi iiniliitin ( lltt'in by pfi tn iHiiring a m-niew hat similar iuimu, wi ll ralciiuilctl to drfivi. rhilu U-l-jIiia, (rulir 9, IKVi. Sum. REMOVAL. rpllK..l.le.l:.l.tWi.-.l PIHKKT Ilf H ami MOItfirCO 1 c si: .mam i actukv, I eaint ut s-.'j chesinut Street f-ir the part " TWKXTY-JNE YHAHS, Im. tieen remivni to No. ;-, An rl I sTni.l.T, nm .1 ir liel-iw liih street, where can lie louu.1 the largest und lst us irtmeiit of the filltiwing urlieli iz : 1'ikkct llitdki, I', rt I'Vlii-ti, iJiCMtiiii; Ciiboi. Wrilitie Ctimn, lliinkfrs' C:im s, Itiiiik Ii ik lluUlt-m, Hill II -!... M-u-y Itt'lm, riiir i'iit.fn, Hu-r Wropu, p.irlc .Miin:ikB, W'otk L';mtK Curd Cum.-i, XeUe L'utt-a. Fa II SMITH, tluitiktiil f.r viit ftivip, tmp.g 1 y ntlrn ti'tii, mnl vvilli n tftcrniiiuitiii t 1 Bi ll tlio IkkI ritt:it y ( IftxNli' til tilt l.iwt'ttt (ir;rr, to receiv' n fhnrent' p itioimce. Tlio l Tittle iiiu mituTteil lo call uml cxamiue'-re pur- : chufiu-; elmwln-r. j li. Ueiiuiriui; il e Willi iir;itm-M nml ilii-pntrh, V. II. SMITH, Vtj Areti rtlrert, I'liilatlelphia. P.pleuilier 1, l;-!.-3in. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. fl'HK Stil-rrilMr Ikivihv leuKed the luUir II.mi, fr 1 iiicrlv ku 'Wit a tlic Auieru-:iii lti(;it. No. Ir? !. Jiith hirifft, la'twuni Mitrket mid Clieftiml htrccti, liaw rli:uigtd tlie imiue nl' lliu tiwi.v lo THE CO.MMEnclAL HOTEL, Itil. lenve to inf fin hi. fiii'iul. uml tlie puhlie, itut 111 s tii-ioie has ,ie a thtoti;h rem-Mlelliiip, reimiiiui;, ru p-iiiitiii and rt-paieroiK, from unit lo Ltemciit. An en lire new t'llltil ni I'urniliire. lieil.liii. Ae., A-c, has liet-ll pr,ienied Iroul llie most eetehruled .Mauuiucturers in this city. I'r ail llie central localioil. nisi itsel- se proxilllit) loll V -ii!r siil lie; .is, Stir inli nl l uitiiies ri:n-i s i-f Annini.- iii.-t, t. I-iio'ii ,ii ,lt!i. T!i r nl-,''i are. 1'uUie Sipiut,-., it 1 il.-, m tii'l.i.-, :i,.'t,'s 1 , tin1 .ili ie'iiiut vi.ili' K ihe city on I i,.iii'.. o !..- I i-if. !' r .11-l.iif.f pi -:oue T' fmiilit. ui, 1 !;-ii,-i'.. v ; , .ii.;j l!i- i-'i' . et-i V i't. ,'i'y e.'i'l ti.- . ri','ri.. In, 'I ,n e. l III . l t r.-v"- :m I il. ..M ml. t lnr- ,.f t'i-- t'-Oilie I lo u nite lln-ir Vtil ti'jicei.liie :,tr:ili:l-: .ii'!,- solie;:ttl. lt!VI, I'roi' J tCdl! li., JAill.iJ !.-fl:n. Vtill-i ,.!ua :.l. I. i E0AP & CAI.LLE JuANUFACTORY, No. IS) Wood St, between 2.1 If 3.1 Sts., a:id No. 17 iVoiZt IJ( Street, riiii..ii:t.i'i!iA. .Iiilin iincrol't Jr. and Son, RKsl'l-XTrTl.l.Y inform Store-keepers, Mer chants, Ac., thai tliey .Manufacture anil have for Kale, l'ahn, While, Varie.;.iloil, Yellow mnl lirown Moaps, Motil.l ntul Dippcil ( 'allelic, alt of gimil quality ami nt reasoiinlile prices. 11T Cash paiil for Tallow ami rough Fat. April 10 1852 ly. Win. Mi-CartY, Uookscllcr. RESPECTFIT.I.Y inforins hi. friemla and Ihe puhlie, llint hv has rcinoveJ hia Cook Store, to Market street, to the house occupied hy J. Naille, Esq., Attorney at Law, nearly op posite tlio Court House, on the north aide, where keep for sule constantly oil hand a good assortment of hooka and stationary. For ''le A large new spring waggon fit for , 3 or 4 horses. Sunhury, July 24, 1853. tf. I NK Boureau'a celebrated ink, anil also Con Urea ink fur sale, wholesale and retail by Pecemlier 28, II U- MASEEH. lliESH Vanilla Bean of superior quality, - juat received and for aale hy Julv SI. 1 8-i II. B. MASSER. JB-'.'.J! I- !! MORE N1W GOODS ! THIRD Fresh Arrival of Good AT TIIK HEW STORK Of I. W. TENEH & CO., Nearly oppositt Weaver' t Hotel, Market St.) Suntury, Northumberland County, Fa. W'SI' '1,,re j"8' received fresh supply of X V Goods adapted for the Fall and Winter In which we particularly call lbs attention of our friends and the public. Our uralcful thanks sro doc for ttt generous support wo have received from deserving pub lie, and wc hope to continue to earn that support by selling all our goods at tho smallest profits. Our stock consists of Dry Hoods, ICni dtt nre, lnecnswarc, GKOCEIJIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, Sinci.e and Doi-Bi.r.o Barrelled Guns, Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas and l'arssols, 1 loots and Shoes, lints and Caps. Looking Glasses, Wall Iuier for Kormi and Window 'Hinds, Lemons, jNuts and Candy, Mult, Mackerel, Dried Heef, Plain and Fancy Hams nnd fchoiihlfrs, Sail, Window (ihtss. Paint 8tu(T, Oila nnd Pully, Car pft Chiiin, ('i)tlon I.tipt and yarn, with a variety of other articles. U. All kinds of country produce taken in exebnnse at the highest market prices. I. W. TEXER&CO. Sunbury, Sept. 2,", 1832 ly.c window shat manufacweyT CS. L. MWlvr $ Co., South West cor. of Second If Arch Streets, rmtADELPHIA. rtlHE riiOPKIKTOiS, having increased thcif I facilities durint; the past season, now feel able In supply all who have or may lie. disposed to patronise them. Their ,vtock comprises every v.triitv of patterns nf FI.OWEK.-. LAND ."(.'Al'K. ftOTHK', Cic. unsurptsscd in ijuality, and l.ii-!i will he s 'hi nt nor tts j i) LOW PKIL-lEis-. TAS-fRLS COltlJS, UliASeES, tria !; varictv. shades made to or.lcr, at slmrl notice, fur Stores, Churches, I.odno Koonis, Ac. tt. L. MILLEU S: CO., Depot, S. W. comer of Second and Arch ats. rhi.adclphia, Au;. 21, lBoi 3m. SIIKLDIiAKK'S 4 LLECiHEN V IIOt.SE, No, S80 MA RKET -i- Street, above 8th, Pliiladelphin. Under tho new arram-cuicnt the cars which arrive from Pittsburg, Harrisburg, &C, will run to the Ncv Depot, corner of Schuylkill 5th and Market. In order to accommodate the public wc will always linve our l oacli nt Hie Rcw Depot on the arrival of the cars to carry Passengers to thc Allegheny House, wlilrti is In tlie centre of tlie city. Our old friends will please ride down, and all who wish to patronise a 11 mi so with a Good Table, Clean lleds, and accommodating assistants, will please give us a call. 2'c rm, One Dollar per Day. August 21, 1852. Cm. Valuable Properly. Late the Estate of E. P. SHANNON, Esq., Of Aorlliumltcrland AT FP.XYATE SALE. TMIE subscriber-", Executors of the Estate ot fc.ptiraitn r. Mtannun, late ol the Bor ough of Northumberland, oiler at private sal, the follow ing valuab'.ii Heal Estate, viz: Lot No. 77, corner of Queen and Front Street, on which is erected n tw o story Brick. Building, formeily occupied by the deceased us a Stoic and IJ xv-ll i utr, and now occupied ns such. There are also on the lot two fiamq dwcliiua, &e. Lot No. 52, silpaled in Mrtiket Street, on which is erected a two story whito Frame Divelliii'T, &c, adjoining John Tjggarl, Esq., occupied by Knous. Lots Nos. 6!, 70, 71 & 72, situale in Mar ket Street, a two story whito Frame Dwel ling, occupied by James Dimly, and a stable is erected on lots No. 69 & 70. The undivided half of Lot No. 120, situate on lliu corner of Puke and 4th Street, on which is erected a two story dwelling, occu pied by Joseph McCullister. Lot No. 188, situate in Queen Street on which is erected a two story white Frame Builditip;, occupied by Julin Buikert. Lot No. 60, situate at Norihway and Wa ter Stieets, on which are erected two Frame Dwellings and Sliiblint;, occupied by widow VaiKlling and John V mulling. Also ihe uiniivitJinl fourlh pari of lot 166, n lu-Aol.tilt VrnmA D .- I " V'"' T' j . """" ; ling, occupied by Jehu aiuljke. Also ten acies oT cleared mini, ailjoining lands of John Desliay, on the East side of lha Susiiuchuiiiia, abottl lliice mile below Datt- ,;ti jtilllO. ... , . Also two an Kilning vacant town tuis, suu . .1 t i ; utej on tho corner of feconti and Orange streets, numbered in the general plan of Bor. nngh. Nns. 215 & 216. Also four vacant lots on Third and Orange) Streets, numbered lit the genoral plan ol said Borough, Nus. 209, 210, 211 S: 212. Also four vacant luts fronting on Market and Sixth Streets, running K:tst lo an Alley, unmberpil in llm general .plan of said Bor uiiah, Nna. 77, 78, 71) & 80. . Also four vacant lots Irnnting on Oranga Siroet. and numbered in Ihe general plan of ! said Bornu-h, Nns. 185, W, 187 & 1S8. 1 ... . . :n L. . I I :.. u . - llmimove property w in im suiu in pans or p-iicels to suit puieliaseis, on reasonable term. For further particulars apply lo John Cake, Esq., at Nortlioinbeilaiul, or to tha) fubseribers. At.FRKD KN'EASS. v.m THOMAS STKAWBniDGE, f 1,1 " Norihnniberlaml, May 22, 1852. tf. TAILOPJJTG. JOHN V. MAliTJX, T'Sl-'fJ.'-t leave to inform bis fr! mis and llie puh- lie in i-et'i, that be is prepare .1 crery espa t tJ nr.. clotliini after tlio l!i )t Fashionable Styles, ami in llie m ot ihiraHc. maimer, nuj his price! will l e aa reason. il le as can he had in Hunhtiry or e!.-i' lieie, incasti or approved country produce. Ilo ivill iiImis have llie nilvantages of tlie latest r.i.'iiion plates, and in addition lo Ilia acknowU iiUo l skill in cutting, he w ill be assisted by the direction of the most scientific publications rela tion to lhat issued from llie emporiums of fashion in the United iStutcs. An endeavor will lie made always to have woik completed when reqiftacd. His establishment is situated in Market Square, Sunliury, nearly opposite the Post Olliee, in the building formerly occupied by Jacob l'ainler aa a hatter shop, where it will be a pleasure to him lo sec his friends, and make such work for them as ia within ihe line of hia business. Sunliury, August 14, 1852. tf. Bounty Land Warrants- r1IIOSE having bouncy land warrants in their I possession and wishing to dispose of them can find a ready sale by applying at the resilience of the auliscriber near bhamokin Dan, Union county Pa. He will also attend to the obtaining of bounty land warrants from the Department al s reasonable recompense. L. R. HUMMEL. Sunbury, August 14, 1852. 9m. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, sn.Miinv, IM. Dec. 19, 1851 tf.