9 ' V""'"' SUMtfkY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. P o c t x y . A COILOaUY WITH MYSELF. ' Y BERNARD BARTON. What are riches 1 IlonrJed treasures May, indeed, the collet fill ; Yet, like earth's most fleeting pleasures, Leave thee poor and heartless si ill. ' What are pleasures 1 When afforded, .Bot by gnnds which pass awav, Head their fate in lines recorded" . On the sea-sands yesterday. , What is fashion 1 Ask of folly, She her worth can best express, , .What is moping melancholy 1 ' ' Go and Jearn of idleness. What is (ruth I Too stern a preacher j For the prosperous and gay ; . - ' But a safe and wholesome teacher In adversity's dark day. What Is friendship? If well founded, Like some beacon's heavenward glow II on lalse pretentions grounded. , Like the treacherous sand below. . What is love If earthly only, ' Like a meteor of the night ; Shining; but to leave more lonely Hearts that hailed its transient light; But when calm, refin'd and tender, Purified from passion's stnin, Like the morn, in gentle splendor, Ruling o'er the peaceful main What are hopes, but gleams of brightness GLim-iugr darkest waves between f Of form-crested waves, whose whiteness i. millions ocean's darksomo green s Wti it nre fj.irs? Grim phsnlunis, thiowiug Shadows o'er the pili hit's nay, Every moment darker growing, It wo yield onto their sway. Whit is mirth? A flash of liyhlning, Followed but by deeper gloom : Patience, more than sunshine, brightening Sorrows's path and labor's doom. What is lime"? A river, flowing To eternity's vast sea, Forward whither all are going, On its bosom bearing thee. What is life? A bubble, floating ,, , On that silent rapid stream ; Few, too few, its progress noting, " Till it bursts, and ends the dream. What is death ? Asunder rending . Every tie we loved so well ; : But the gale ol life unending, Joy in heaven or woe in hell ! 1 i: . . i in i i Remedy for Corns. Take ccpial portions of mercurial and galbanum ointments; well mix, spread on a bit of leather, nnd apply to the corns morning and evening. :f ,. A Pokt once was walking with 11. da Tal leyrand in the street, and at the same time reciting some of his own verses. Talleyrand perceiving, at a short distance, a man yawn? ing, pointed him out to his friend, saying, "Not so loud, he hears you!" NEW STORK. ttENJ A M I N 1 1 KFFN Kit ffESPECFFlILI.Y Informs tho citizens of " Punhury and vicinity, that he has opened a now store in the room lately occupied by George Uriglit, opposite, uolton s Hotel, lie lias just re ceived a handsome assortment of Spring mid Summer Goods, consisting in part of 1 Cloth?, Cnssimers, Cassinets. ' SUMMER WAKE of nil kinds, of linen, cotton nnd worsted. ALSO: C'al'rocis, CiiliiRlimnM, .awns, Mojiixclhic Ie l-nlnes 1 nnd nil kinds of Ladies Dress (Jootls. GROCERIES of every variety. A Ud an assortment of IlnrtlWM'C. Iron ..,.,-. and Btcel, Kails,' &c- : - " Also n excellent assortment of ( t QTJEENSWARE, of various styles and patterns. Also nn assortment of HOO T & SIIOFS. Talm leaf and other II ts and Caps. Salt. Fisli, He. Also a variety of LIQUORS such as BRANDY. GIN, WINE, &c. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will bo sold at the lowest prices. VJT Country produce taken in exchango nt the highest prices. Sunbury, May t, 1853 ly. "liberty stovewoks7 nitOWN ST n GET, iv$i above Fourth, - FIIItABBLPIITA. rTMTE undersigned respectfully inform the pn'.i lie that they nre in full operation at tin ir new foundry, ond ready to execute ciders for stoves of every description on llic most reasona ble terms. They invite the attention of STOVE DEAL ERS to their largo assortment of STOVES, all of which are entirely new, nnd got up at great expense. Among which arc the Liberty Air Tight Cook, Complete Cook, Star Air Tight, Star Franklin, Star Radiator, .tenny Lind Im proved, Fire King Radiators, Salamanders, Can nons, Cases, Bare Cylinders, Bar Room Stoves, Furnaces, Gas Ovens, Stc., &e. ABBOTT If LAWRENCE. N. B. Country merchants are particularly invited to cull and examine our assortment. April 10, 1832. ly. J U ST 11 EC ELVE T AT THE Saddlery and Harness Establishment of G. AV. STKOII, Market Street, Sunbury, A new assortment of Silver, Itrass and Japanned Alountiug, , , Which lie will either rVialto up to order or sell separately for cash at prices as low if not lower than can bo had Ruywhcrc else. - ; SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, Trunks, Vallces, &c , Constantly kept on hand or manufactured to or dor. CARRIAGE TRIMMING done on the shortest notice. All persons are invited to call and examine foi hemselvcs. : . All kinds of produce taken in exchange. Sunburv, May 1, 1852. tf. QT S500 CHALLENGE. "t riIATP.VF.il concerns tlie hctilth and linrrlncss of a y iieoiloit nil times of tlie most vahinlile. Import, mice. 1 take It for jrrnntcil Hint every person will tin nil in their power, to snvo tlie lives of their chililrcn, and Hurt 1 ' . ....I..!. ....... knnlllt nt cvciy ?rr. iii win CTiuenvitr v min 'luiucu .-..u ...... ... II sneriflcrs. I foel it. to be mytltlty to solemnly assure yon that WOtlMS, according lo the opinion or the inosi oelehrnled Physicians, re the primary ennses of kirse mujorny m nimaiBC. 10 wntcn riniuri-n nun mmnn ... bio if you have an appetite enniliinnlly clmnitenlile from nt, kiml nf r.vtfl tn mxilhitr. tlnrl Itretllll. l'nill ill the rt'T- innph, riPKhic at the nose, Harmless nun en llellv. DrrCiHKli.Mow Fever. Pulse Irreirillnr reinenimr Hint nil these iiemits vvuit.ur", ami ym ',iiinuii- ply the riimprty : IIOBENSACKS WORM SIRUP. A.. nrtiii r.,,lr,l iiivni Oeieniiru Vrhinliili's. e imnoniiit cil with purely veglahlc nbslanees. lieiiiR perfeclly safe when tjtken, nnd rnn lie (riven to tho most tender infant Willi .l..oiil...l l.nll..fi.inl PltlV't. WlldTO HllVcl C'Winhintl and Uinrrliirn have made them weak nnd dehllilnied the Tonic proerties of my Worm Hyrnp are aneh, that it stands without nn ennal til the eatiilocne of meilieinrs, in ft vlnfr t'me nnd strength to the ftntn;ieh, wlileh make, it an Infallible remedy for those nfllirted Willi Dyspepsia, til. nstonisliinir enree iierforintrt hy this Pyrnp niter I'hysi- eians have doled, is the best evidence ol u. superitir eui caey over all others. THE TAPE WORM ! . - This ts the m ist dirtL-nlt Worm to destroy of nil that In fest the human svstenl. tt itimws to an almost Indefinite length becoming so coiled and Tautened ill the Intestines and Stomach cfleetinfr the llenlth mt sadly as to ennse Ht. Vitus Dance. Fits. A.P , that those nttlieled icklmn if ever suspect that it is Tape Worm hasleniujr Ihetn loan early gravo. In order to destiny this Worm, a very energetic treiilmeat must he pursued, it would therel'.ire be proper to lake 0 to 8 of mv I.iver Pills soas to remove nil obstruc tions, that the Worm tyrnp tuny net direct upon the Worm, which must be taken hi d ises nl' 3 Taltlesp (onfalls 3 limes a day thesi dirieti ns foil wed have nevr been kn-'Wll to full tn caring the most obstinate case of Tape Worm. Several Kegs marked "Lard," but found to contain spirits, were lately seized at Piovi. dence. A communication from Mrs. Par tinglon, through ft "medium," says: "This is rendering to seiner the things that are scei There has been nnother dispatch over the Spiritual Telegraph. Louis Philippe was keeping an oyster celler, and John Kewland MafTit and Edmund Kean were tending bar for him ! Things were quiet, but an exciting time was expected before the elections came off. . Happiness is the very light and sun of the whole animated universe ; nnd where she is not, it were better that nothing should be. Without her, wisdom is but a shadow, virtue a name ; she is their sovereign mis tress j for her alone they live ; to enjoy and to communicate her, is their efTor', and the consummation of their toil. .. .- ; JOHN PHILLIPS & SOU, . No. 47 South Water Street, below Chestnut, IIIILArELIHIA. 1MPORERS of Foreign Fruits, Nuts, Wines, &c, keep constantly on hand the following articles, which they will sell at very low pricos for cash. Raisins, . Almonds, Currants, Walnuts, Citron, Ground Nuts, Prunes, Cream Nuts, Dates, Filherts, , Figs, - i Vanilla licans, Sweet Oil, r . Preserved giiigor, nmarinds, Liquorice, Lemon Syrup, Fire Crackers, Port Wine, Madeira Wine, Claret Wine, Sherry " Muscat " Sweet Malaga " Philadelphia, July 3, 1852. ly. 0- HOBENSACK'S LIVER TILLS N prtrt of (lie nyrtem more liable to iliwvtso tlnn tlie lil V I'-li, u tcrviiiK hp a till (.tit t puriiy inc iii-nni, or piv inir llm nroniT nwietiim It the liile : ttt tlmt nnv wrone nc- tinn of the Livr t'tlwl the oilier impurttinl parts of tho flvslctn, :uif1 reMiiliH vari uibIv, in J.Ivlt C Miipl.iiiit, Jnuu thee, 1 spn.iiti 1. Wo fitmll, tlwivf r, xvntvU every pvniiil tin tlnii iniiht imtifiiJe a wr wli n of I lie I.iver. Th-Mi- Piila boiny; chhji wl of tiVU I'tf ft. IM.-VNTS fnr-iiii!n-'i hy irttuir: 10 luvt! the sick : Ntuni-ly, I Hi. An KJC-M-iCTO'llANT, wlii-.-h uiiyuictils tlie nocivli fii fr 'iii the .'llm tn-iry iii'.i"!i3 mcin!ir;int or prom tv tlist-htirgc of tmVnl ni:i:t'.T. 'J.s.l. All A L.TI lilA J't V I ., which cluii-; in K'lii; iiit-xpli'.?., hit; unci inrii'iiil'lt: in.iiinr the cril tin in iliiil nction of tlie ia'em. aid, A T(J.1C which five. t n.? :in 1 j.:reair!h t the ji'Tv;hs KyEtcm, re itRwinir linlih an:l vitf r t-i ii!l p-.uts t.f tlie h.ly. 41 U, A CATli AltTIC, winch lints in nerlVct luini'niy v.'ilh the otlier iiiffi-etlii.MitP, mill I'pernting on the H Vi Is. unit exjiel liiH the wlnlrt mnes of v. rrni)l nml viii'itwl m itlcr, nmi pu- ritvnnj the wlncli UeBtroys tuscise unu itvuirca health. TO FEMALES. Von will find lliene Pills nn invnlualile medicine in many poinpliiiiils to whieh vm ire wihject. In olmtrnrlhms ei ther total 01 pnrL.ul. tliey Imvc I wen found of inost im;i1iie lirncfit, rrst-orinif their fintcti tml nrrniipeini'iils to 11 hcnl thy net ion, purifying the blood nnd other rluiils no c flTcetn nll'y to put t (liulit ull compliunts wtiich tuny from feu in to iirrfrnlaritics. ns hoadache, gidduie-ss, dimtiCFS of sight, pain in the side, buck, Ac. OCT3" rtit-e, 25 cents each. None genuine unless signed J. N. Hobcnsack, nil others heins: Ikihc hnilntion, t! Agents wishing new supplies, mid Ptorr Keepers (U'sir inp of heeoniiui; Agents must aiklress the l'roprielur, J. X. II .tbciisack, rhilinlelphin. Ta. , till by J. W. 1'ril'mir, fnubry i Jlnry McCoy, or- tliumbiTbnd; Kcisel, Tuiimlville: liaser. Milton J Hilly i.ciiKiT, itc'irueiown , Lrmenruip cnoii, i nis; AVicst. Hickory; till dealers in iMuuicine m lue County and ftatn. AuUht 14, 1H.12.-1y. LYPiD 8c Ei ANDELEi, - 4 A nnd Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. HAVE 'established a Store wlicre tlie licsl trade, now resort for Tlmisi'liolJ Dry Onoda, French Fancy Goods. Urcss Silks nud Shawls, Hosiery, Cloves anil Milta, Cloths, Cassiiners ami Vrslinfja, Muslins and Linens by the piece, Damask Table Linens und Napkins, Patent Black Silks for Dresses, Full Stock of Mourning floods. &. L. arc constantly receivui"! Bura;ains from ; .Themendous Excitement!! ' Cash, Steam, Klectricity ! ! The Aerial and all other lines out-done by the IJfflitnliiff ' Inc of IllA T. CLEMENT. WHO, havinit great faith in rapid soles anil small profits, has just tcccived ana opened a large assortment of 8PMNO AND SUMMER .GOODS, At his Store in MarSct Street, Sunbury, which ho offers to the public nt the lowest prices. His stock consists of a general assortment ol ' Dry floods, viz : Cloth, Cattiinrrs, Casxinets. Jcnnn, Drilling, '3luliv$, Linen, Culicoc, Muslin do Lain, Lawn, Ginshams. Iierages. Smlk& Palm Leaf Hats A larje assortment of Doots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Groceries), ' Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese, Spi ces, Fish Salt, Plaster. HARDWARE, . Viz : Iron nnd Steel, Xails, Files, Saws, &c. QUEE.VSWARE, Tea Sett, Plate, Dishes, Ci'i, Fauccrs, LKiL'OUS, Wine. Brandy, Uiii, nmn, Whiskry, &e- tJT Country produco of nil Kinds taken in ex chaiigo at the highest market pri-jcs. May 8, lS!i2. ly. T GLASS, DRUGS, PAINTS, &c, WII01.CS4I.K A Nil niiXAIE.. HIE rhilodclphia Window Glass Tare- house, and Drug, Paint, Varmsii, 11 ana Color Stores, A os. 33 and 35 North tour in street. East side, has the largest asuortment of Window, .'icture, Coach, Case, llot-llousc, anu ouier GLASS, in tho city t comprising upwards of 15,000 dif ferent si7.es, ranging from the smnllest sire, up to as bv HO Inches of Sheet, and ns Inrnc as ny 7 feet of Plato Class, including English Crown, French, Gerninn and American, both Single and TJouhlo Thick. Also, n largo assortment of Very Thick Clla for 8kv-I.iahts. Uulk Windows. Stc. The Subscriber having a lieary stocK on nnnn is Prennred to fill orders at tho shortest notice, and on the most reasonable, terms, uuu sizes of any pattern cut to order. Ground White T.cnd ! Taint, . nrnisii, ot ev crv description t Turpentine : Linseed Oil, boil ed and raw ) Paint Mills; Putty; Brushes ; Dyo oods, etc., ico, c. , A nd also, a large supply ol tresli imported DRUGS AND- MEDICINES. J. II. SPRAOUK. Nos. 33 & 35 North 4ih St., E.Side. April 10, 1S5S. ly. "AID AHD'cOMPORT," T o Yocie Own .llt-elianic. BANK-NOTE TABLE, CORRECTED WEEKLY. To I lie Ti a vtt lid ft riiCilit'. First Clisn livid Ttrms 1.50 per ilnj, rjIHE aubscril er having lately become prupric A tor ul'the. PKANKi.l.N HOI'BE, Chestnut Street, below 3d nnd 4lb, PHILADELPHIA, mid hniii'; iitinii'in tmk I'liitt of ho.wiii to 8 1 ,50 per .l.iy, ivos noli-e that, notwitlistandints this rcilii' lion be will slill continue to keep n FIRST ri.A HOL-SE. F rani. I'm House has jut undergone extem'ed nlteratioiic, and is now filled up nnd refurnished in superior stylo for the reception of visitors. The Lower Floor formerly occupied hy stores, is now included in ti c Hotel, forming n Spacious Iiccrption Koom, Gentlemen's Parlor und Dining Room, thereby allowing an addition of thirty chambers and several beautiful parlors fronting Chestnut street Rooms in this Hotel are supe rior to most others, being constructed with al coves, forming parlor nud bed chamber uttached well lightened and ventilated. Its location is unsurpassed, either for business or pleasure. UE.. H. WOOLMAN, Prop'r. Philadelphia, Aug. 14, 1853. 3m. E tho New York and Philadelphia Auctions, which they sell wholosulo and retail very cheap for Nelt Cash. ' Edward E. Evbk, Washington I. Lajspem., Philadelphia, July 3, 1052. ly. Manufactured by the New Jersey Zinc 50 D LOCK AGEIITS WANTED. A NY Komi, nriivo niul iulelliueut man L with ii sninll riitiii.il nf fiom S30 to a SI00, can make lame pmliis by engaging in I ho sulO ol tho lollowuig POPULAR AND USEFUL ROOKS. ClIAMliNliS' IM'OIl.M ATtOX foil Till'. I'Kori.K or JNinil:ir '.in'V'loHMhn ol' I'si-fiil Kn i l.'iliro. Two Inriif impriiril m-lio o v hum , r nil.iiiinii; prit'os pi; ii:us(i.'s iitsToitv tir tmk amdkuan HI'. M ll. I Tlll.. flll I irpo cUivo piigcs, Willi U line Kiiirnivincs. . I'l-.'l i,IInia', lIlfTOHY F TIIU f.S. NAVY. 00 l-:riri' ct.iv rniri's, nml I .VI ftiif I'-nernviut's. THUS I' 8 HI MAUKAW.I-: KVKXTS IN Tlll-'.tllSTri HV Ol'" AMIUtlCA. T.m Inrm-orlnvu v luuii'S, cm tiniitiir lOill) 'im's it.nl ;i:(l Kniuviiigs. The best Hi- t -rvot AlllPrnvi pitMislinl. F ItdST'S I'ICTtllilAI. I JFK (IF WASMIlXfiTON. tplcisliil II ok, Ctilltniniiii; Ci') t.i-tnvo iii(lc and I'M! f Ic ' pant Kiiffntvincp. 'J'ln: t-lu iilst l.il'c ol' Washington ever mililislicd. .MUllltlvS IHS'fdltY OF THE INDIAN' WARS. Fine c 'I irn! nil'l rliiln ri;itrs. Till'". TKl i: UKI'l'lll.lCAX. Omtuning tlie tnnnirimi Att'lrcsses nnd tho 1' trsr Annn:il Anilre.vsrs nnd Alirssnei' ol" nil Ihr l'n-'sidvnls of the I'niU'il Stall s, the Couuui ti-'lisnl lln' mnvnlnnt S;nlt s in llnr L'nioiu .Vc, Ac K.niU'llislli'il Willi P.irtriiils of till tint Pri'siilrntr. cni: i on nif-i.-i, iiiki in m'w 111 inc i.iimtii 01 inu.niiii li nio. ri'HK 1 tot A country physisian went to see a patient, and ' took with him his gun, that he might wing any game ha encountered in dossing the fields. A friend meeting him on the way naked him whither he was going. "To see a patient," whs the answer. -"What, then," said his friend, "do yon really fear you will miss him in the ordina ry way, that you have to lake your gun wilh you 1" The Reason Why.-A gentleman, on hear ing a laJy praise the eyes ol a certain minis ter, wrole the following 1 cauaol praise the d.tctor's eves, I never saw his glance diviuc j frot wliou he pruys lie shuUm. eyes, AUJ when he preaches, he fchuta U1NS. A TtACllUK iii a Sunday School wus lectur iur u eluti of little girls on the influence of pidus iiiMrnotions in the formation of youth' ful character. "Ab, Miss Caroline," said he to one of his class, "what do you think you would have been without your good father and pious mother J" "1 suppose, sir," an swered Miss Caroline, "1 should have been an orphan." NEW STORE. PETEH Vf. GRAY RESPECTFULLY informs tho citizens cf Sunbury and vicinity, that he has commen ced a new storo in Whortleberry street, in the house lormerly occupied by . Mrs. Gray, and has just received and openci a well selected assort ment ol ' ,-r, r, Dry Cm oods, . Consisting in part of '' CLOTHS, CAS8LMEES, SATTINETTS, , . : " ;.Aiid a ;encial assortment of ' ' ' LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS " " of every variety and style. GROCERIES of every description. Also an assortment of HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, And a general variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowost prices. Country produco taken in exchange at. the highest prices. . , Sunbury, May 15, '1852-Cin. JOHN A. TASTLQXl, " - Manufacturer of t . Alunuments, Tombs, AND GRAVE STONES OV THE FINEST Italian and American Marble. At his Old Stand ia Northumberland, Pa. pESPECTFTU.Y inform llm public Hint ull work in his lino . ill he made tip of tho very beat material and finished in the latest ul)lcuf tho Eastern citirs. Those in want of such articles well made and executed in the best style und nt the low-eat rules, will do well to cull and examine before they pur- ir.if-e elsewhere. Mny 15, 1852. ly. Company, Newark, N. J. PiibijcrilH-rs ore it iw nrorvired to exerutc nrdtTH nnv cxtt-iit for their luimli.'ul white anil colorcit Zinc l'uinis, ut the reduced prices, viz : wntraii!cd No, 1, White, ground hi oil, 9 ecult per lb., pure, No. 2, do. d . 8 do. d i No. 3, di. d i. 7 dit. do Ifr.iwn nnd nineK, uo. oj no. uo One lmmired pound will civcf etjuully writ nn inncli Bin face ns 100 I ha. in' White Xeud ; lliey ure '23 per cent cheaper to the cuininier. The Zinc White is rapidly EHpenedin White I.tn-I, over whicti tt possewtes nwuiy lunnniui u is wimiit, unit ni-irn lit-avililul thun Hie White ijtuid d-ics not turn yellow, even when vjm-'. to sulphumui vair hit ti' smell ia nut injurious to health, anil is fur ui.'ie du-rahle. Zixr Hrown and Ulack 1'ainti auk potii w batik n ami Fmit I'houf. Tho bint c tviTimr 1 r outside wt-rk ever intrcdueeit, ndnpted to tmildiniitt of wo d. brick r irtfine 1 iVncea, enrrmpe'b x'w9, bridge., nnd in;u'tiiiirr to the luill tf veaw-'lii, aitehora, ehfitt, nnd nil other Iron, w rk on hoard ahiv 1 iteinn Ixnleru, wimke tnekM nml writer tank t.i iron, tin. mtd 4ittier nioliinif, iron nhulltcr d ors timl raitins, wite (wive, briifea, &c. For Iron tSurfacra this.- l'uiiit ia enmn-ially valnnble as it tonus u jnlviniie connection, and entirely ptuvents rust. ' , Thcfte Zinc ruinta having a pure Metnlic liase. nrc war ran! ci! n.t t turn yellow, ant I will retain their nrnim-il brilliiiney inueh loiijffC tlmu Whiln .e:n(, or any llic earthy i)ii;itieiita now in itc. The eertilieales from ilmnc Uu have unxt (hose l'uintH, are siu-h us to aatinty the pul- lie that tin v ore iuvalua!le. J he ubicvt eheunitH of t-'rance and lhi country have lewtitii d to the superiority f Zinc over Lead I'uintR, hh 1 1 dumliiliiy, hutilihtnlneiw nud hcjuty. They ltive been nd ipted by Hit Trench (i-jvent- moni, ny tue corporal ion oi it w korK.nna are now ex lenhivelv imfd bv the l uitt-! States Ciovcruiueiil uL niuny of (he largest Military und .Murine iep ia. rnH-AiKLPiiiA Ua Woutcs, May .ri, 1(51. ATcssra. F. C. JtiSK A: Co. tieiitleinaii liaviiiK made several trialn of your Drowu Zinc litut in various ineih (mIh calculiiletl toteal its protective qualities upon w.mh! nud metal, I Icive tlie Nalihiartion to stale that the rt-yults have been highly lavoiuble. The p:tinl c tvering well, dryinjf quickly, nnd ixissfsi in-i icatrr teuaeity. "opecinlly upn iiou, tliau tiiiy oilier p-iinl with .which I uiu fa uiiliar. Vnurti. truly, .lon C. ri:rs.ov. The uniti rsi-rnml, liovin used the Zinc I'tiiuta releried to eoiieur in the f-nfioinfj npini n, Morris, Tinker & Slorria Kenuet, Nedie St Co., IVnn Works. Merrick tt Son. Jiiini'i T. button A Co., I'nm'.Jin Iroi) Works, .!. T. n"tn. t . H. Dry I) .fk. f " lhvdi-rB B'.innlied on reus oi:ibte terms by the Ajicuta of tlie Company. r . v-. jim r.7 ,v :n.. No. 17 Snub Wluirvcs, Philn. July 17, Om. States. MM pair KO.VS ItCJOK OF MAHTVR S. A Splnnlul Faniilv l-'ditiou, larpe qu::rto, with fi-1) Kngmvings, beantil'ully t) uinil in morocco, tilt. ui; coit.Mi;xi;s HisTouv of tiikfopks. t.oo liirtrn octavo pnec. wilb illttxtnitions. .K'SiMMIl'S' AVOitKS. Fine K.lition, nnr In nre v hinie. s 1 1 ii.M's lua-jax'TioNs on tiih wokks oi- (iOI). st. n Kuitirs srrnn s of natfrk. WIIITI'S HISTORY OF Till'. WOULD. A Vahnblf tieneiiil llictory. One large octavo vduine, wilh hand f mie KncmvintrK. MVF.SOF tiRi;.T AND CKl.KIJIt ATKJ) ClIARAC TFRS : ( I'alAea and C"uu'ri-fi. One large vidume of BOO j :?, with numerim Ingrnviniis. Tui'ther with a iniuilter of oihei Wuika parlicularly nJnpleil for Toptilar Iuailittg. C7 The most liberal discounts itl be piivii to Asents who may n)?;ngc in the sale of the above Valuable Hooks. For further particulars, atlilrrss (puslnne paid.) J. & .!. L. tilllON, rnhliblicr.' No. 98 Chestnut Street. rhiladch;hia. June 2H, 1S52. IIAERISBUEG BOOK BINDERY. F. 1 IIUTTlill & CO., Sucrrssi.rs ti( V. O. IIiil.uk, uinl llii-k-4 ft Cnnliue. BOOK BINDKUt?, STATIONEKS AND BI.AMv HOOK M A N UFA CTl'UE U.S. The sudsrriliori rcvpi'ctl'ulty inform llii'ir frirmU ami the puMir, (lint tbry nro now enrrymg on t tie abnvo business at the Ul.U STAND occuiiii J lv llicliiik & Co. Tliry flutter Ihciiiwlvcs that hy ci re I'nl pllPiilinn t iMisim-ss, they will merit and revi'ivc n rontfiir.mx'i- of the patronage so lilier !illy cnjoycJ hy tin- oM I'rms. riirlicular atteiit!. n will ho pai.i to the raliiiR ;iild l iiiiling ofcvprv ili fi -li-jtiou of I !. ml. hool.s for hanks, county oliitc.., lorr'-liants tmd prtvaK1 individuals, and tvciy vaiu-ty of full und half hound hlunk hooks. Old Looks, piriodk-nls, 1jv hooks, music, ncwhia:cra, Ki:, hoimd in any pattern nnd in any Mylc tiijiiuid. In addition t the above, they have, nnd i!l nt nil limes keep, a g;ri:rrnl nssuilineut of iS'J'A TIONFHV, roi:ist'.iig of GEOltGE I.ENN. MAMTACTI HRR OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashioralile Style. . . rpilll suhs riher it .pcetfully calif the nltenlion of ihe ii!ilielo lny lar'i and splendid assort ment of every ipialily nud ):,' i f :ABSa'mT-V4 tit'.. v hieh iMinmt fail lo reioniineud itself t oevevv one Uhiivill e'.a'iiine it, on Recount of its (Uivahle (.rUiiiaii-liiii and splendid finish, made up of the bet vto.-h to be bad ill the ei: e. No ell'ort is pared in the manufacture of his are, nnd the subscriber U determined In keep up wilh the many inipvovcmenlx which nre consinully being made. liis Mock consists of .Mahogany Scf'nK, IHvnttM a Jul I.outiucs, liorcaus, Eecretaries, EideboarJs, SUFI, BKEAKFAST AN!) DIMNG TABLES, and also VENETIAN BUND, cpml to Phila delphia maiuilacluic. BEDSTEADS, ' of every attorn and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE . STA N DS, TOILET TAB!, KS AND EXTENSION TABLES, in shnTt, everv article in tl.is line of his business. He also manufactures nil kinds and ipialilics of CIIAIKS, including varieties never before to be hnd ir unbury, such ns JIiiiucam-, Buck V lmt xii C'riiLiJi M iri.r. (iiikciax ; ami AV'ivesnu I'llAlb'S, nil l-A-vcr 1'umi .Srom.s, which are f tho InlcM siv'.cs. and warranted to he cMclied by notiB manulacturcd in the Cities or elsewhere. The subserilier is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons lo pnrchnx' furniture in the cities, as every cunl'idence can he entertained about the quality and finish of bin ware and Chairs. His articles will Ic disposed of on ns good terms ns they can b? purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. n?" L'NDEIM'AEIXO. Having provided bimsiil wilh prepared for trndcrt,iking, nnd attending fun u!s, in this vicinity, or nl any convenient dis tance from this pbire. tV The Ware Room is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store nnd AVi avev's Tavern. liEORUE RENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1S.V2 tf. CHERRY PECTORAL: For llic Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOAHSEMES3, BROW OHXTIS, CROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPIKTO. COUGH . AND OONSUWIPTIOK. This invaluable remedy for nil diseases of the TnnoAT and I.csns, tins nttnined h celebrity from its remarkable cures, never equalled by nny other medicine before. - Other preparations have shown themselves jiallialivc.i, nnd sometimes ef fected notable cures, but none hns ever so fully won tho confidence of every community where it Is known. After yenrs ol trial in every climate, tho results have indisputably shown it to possess a mastery over tins dangerous class o inseasts, which could not fail to attract the attention of Pbvsiei.ns. Patients, nnd the tuiblic nt lnr"c. See the stascmcnts, not of obscure individuals nnd from far distant plnccs, but nf men who arc known and respected throughout llic country. The tridt.lv celebrated Surgeon, Dr VAL ES TINE MOTT, ofN. Y: City, a;j: It Rives mi- pleasure tn eoitb'v tlie vnlne niiilelliriii -V nl ui'-rry i cci"rai. wiinn , .Mm.i. i ni. t PEXNUYLVANIA. C1TV or I'lllLAUKLPHIA IT. t. Bank notes 1.1 ilis All solvent banks par COUNTRY. Dnnk nf Clmmlirrslrarg 1 di' Mnnk of Chesler Co. rmrl Itmik of Del.Cn. Chestor inr Hank of (JCTinnntnwii pnr Hunk of (trtlvslairff I ilis Hank of lwiswn Hrmk if Miildletowl 1 dis Mcailgomery Co Hnak pnr Hank ol inrtliiiiiilerrun. imi Hank of rillplnirff 1 ilis Hank nf Danville pnrl (Carlisle Hnnk 1 ilis Columbia ll'k A IVgoCo pnr IJoj-clstnwn JjunK Nir .astnn Hank pi'r Krie Hnnk 3 ilis '.xehnnpe It'k ritlslmrit t ins r,xelnitif.e H;k, llrntieli ills MASSACAtSETTS. All Solvent Innks I dis KHODE IHI.AND. All solvent hnnka I dia CONNKCT1CUT. All solvent hsnks I dis KEW YORK. CITY. All solvent beaks I dia tyllk notes miller fS dia rooriTRY. All solvents hnnks ldii Ni:V JKH8EY. netfiilcre Hnnk I dii (oinmereial Hank dis Far. Hunk Mont Hollr Pr K. ft M., Mklillctown I't. Pr Mechanics' Hk, Newark pr .Medi. Hk nf liiirliiieum psf Mech. ft Man. Hk Trent p"' Morris C Hnnk 1 dia .Newark Ilk' ft Ins. Co 1 dia Ornnse Hnnk anaers' H'k. Hacks Co narl People's Hk Pnttcrsoil Farmers' Hk, Lancaster pnr Princeton Bank Farmers' Ilk. Untiling pnrlSilcin Hnnking Co, Farm. IH( Sclia) Ikill Co pnrlfeinerret Co Hank F ft J). Hk Wnvnesli'a 1 lilis ftate Hank at Camden Franklin l!k. Wnsli'u ijilis Vlnte Hk Klixnlirtliton HarrlSrlllTfi, llank 1 ills pinie nmn arwni. Iloitesilale Hank ,nneitster llnnk dis di pnr par dis pnr ilis ill lichsnon Hank par Mi roll. A Man. flank I dis Miners' H'k, Pnltaville perl Moiionc ilirla Hnnk 1 dis Pavl'irse'e Del Co 13 ills 1 dis'ftnte Ilk, N. Brunswick pnr par.Snwx Hank, rsewtnn j oia Trenton Unnkinir Co par t'nion Bank. Dover dia Varilleyv'le ftDel Dr Co 15lis iyBk notes iiinler Y5 J di DKIjAU Ant:.. West Branch Hank par Bnnk of Delaware "Ave aila'nttil to cere diseases ef the throat and hams ' . Hit. PF.IUilNrt, the vencnil le President of the Vet. m tin Ateilifiil ll.illet'c. otic of the tic.incnllv learacl l'!o icians of this ooualn-, wriles. Hie flurry "fill irol is es- teasivily nswl ill Ihis section, when; II has Ml wa lianas- takahlc evidence of in liappy ill'vels Hi 'a pnlinelinry Uis eases. The Rev. J. D. COIIRASE, a distinpuMiul Clergyman of the English Chunk, wriles to the Proprietor fr mm Montreal, t ! .1 1 '-lie has been cared of a severe, asllaaalir alii ctioa. hy t'la rry Pcel..ral. His letter nt fall leinj'.h, in iv he I nin I ia 'air l.iienl:ir, I i Iw had of Ihe A gent j and iuw rth the atlcnlhu if u'.h lllalic pulieats. This letter is from the ircll inoirn Druidst at Hillsdale, Michizaif, one if the larptst l:td ers in the State ; uinl this time is from his oirn observation. I Ilii.i.snAi.a, Mich., Dec 11', I'-'.ll-Pear Fir : Immediate!)- "11 receipt "f olir Cherry Pee- roinl. 1 e.-nrietl a hotllc lo aa acanaiitlaaee of miai U ! was tlioiiL'lit to Ihi near his cad wilh ijnick eonttem ti -n. lie was tii'-a miahlc I i rise from hip hcit. am! was exlienie i ly feehle. Ilis fricmls helieim! he ncrl s on die. iniliss r..li.-l ivmlit I l.'.illell I'-T l:iltl. Illlll ttn-hlccd tlll'lli t' give vonr i xeellent medicine a tri.il. I iannciliately h-tt town' for llirce w.ceks. nml von may judgn of lay surprint on mv return, to meet him in Ihe sireet on my way li-nne from 'the cars, anil lind lie. had antirily leeovereil. Four weeks from the (lav he e aamcneeil Inkiut! your meilieinc, he was at woik at his nriltvais triule nt n lt klfn;h. There an; oilier cafes wilhia my kn iwlulue. where Ihe Cherry Pectoral has been singularly sue ch-slal, hat none ro matkedaslhis. .SDmXr.Ol.' Jhar the Patient. Dr. J C.Aver. l.wcl!, I'ear tfir : Feeliar; under olv n.noi .ns ii, t-i ii lOr (tie rest a'.il ion ot mv health. 1 sen ! ve.u n'ruport nf l'nv ease. whl It yon are at lil crly lonilihsh f- r the henelit ol'otherf. I.nfl iMttiaan I took a htnl e -lil - e uiiaiiii d hy n seveiec ai-th, ami made w of m .ny na il-ii-ines wtthoiil olilaiaini; relief. I was oluiyed lo iiivu up laisiness. lVe.iienlK raised lil -oil. an, I e ill. I c.-l ir. t'e'-p at mailt. A frieail irnee ma 11 h 'tile of y air Cherry 1'iei.i rat. the npi-of which I inuneiliateU c laiaeiieeil nee rdi.ii,- 1 l l dirceti ais I haiejost pni-ehnp'tl t''e fi!t!i h tt'e. fmil I nm nearly rccovt.-reil. I n '- p!ti p will, lay c .u;li has i eca.icd. and all hv the use of v air V ila it le ine.!ieiue I-:, rt. stum-:, a M. Villi-. i;ie.l Mt. Hope Petainai y. IIasovib. fthio. A pill .X I'-'H. Dear Sir: 1 wiph I ennld l.il nil tint sulli r with u eoiar'i, whit your I lu rry Peel aal has d 'lie lor me. It il ca fier'in lliey HiiL-hl he lteaeti:ti d hy Hie inf itmaiion. I hail a lain: fever wii.eh h fl my lungs weak and hill unc i. Iteinir very feehle nml iiuahle to tram Hrctn;lh ul all, my frieuits thought J iiiant s nm siak in e insauipti ai. a 1 laul 111 appetite, and a iheaill'al c u'h was fan wearing lee away. 1 lieiaa to t ike v air heaiitil'al medicine, hy the Ad vice of li clergviiiau, wh i liad set a its effects before It me rest nt nailit Wyomine Hk, AVilkcsli'e par York Bank, 1 dis Vff "Relief antes 1 dis MA1NF.. Bank of Wheil.K'k a ilii Mercantile Hk. Bnngor In dis Bank of Smyrna Delnwnre Citv Bank Hk Wdmc'n Brnniiyw. mr par per par Fnrmers' Bk SI rielawsre par l uioii Bank, Wilmington par ty Under M'a dis All t 'Ivent banks dis OHIO. NF.W HAMPSniliK. in solvent tmaks S dia All solvent bunks I dis lp. Bk imtes under 8'a 4 dia VF.IIMONT. NOIITII CAROLINA. Bank of St Allvuis S dis All solvent lmuks Sdia All solvent hanks J dilfirfndcr5"s, 2J dia eeas.nl mv e.ai"ll nt litst. Illlll lave inndsome Hkaiisk, be is now j ls thin n f.alaiglit 1 e uld eat well, iiad niy c- .uli lanl food nonrisheil me, whicli so in rest aeil my Btreiig'h. Now. aftei live weeks, 1 am well and fctroaji, willi a nlh er'Liclp than )our Clierry Pectoral. Yours, wiJl respect. jri.iA IF.AN. I herehv eertifv that the ah ve siatrnieiit ot' mv wite is ia coaf. rinity with my own lews oi" her cas.c and l.cr care hy AVer's Chert y Letnral .Kisr.pn di:ax. The above nanieil .T ipeph Dean ana Julia, his wife, are personally kii'iwn to me. und iuiphcit e nifuleiice may he iilaeeil in'lhcir staleim at. SAMi nt. c. van ri:nwr,T, Pastor i f the Hiptial Church. Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AVER, Practical Chrmist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Sunbury l y II MASSKR, r.nd by DrusniKls pencial'.y tiiiouint llhc r-tate. November 1, 1S51. lyceituo TA(113 OFF1C1C. wash i ( ;ro 1 1 ous v., SUKI-TJUY, FA. JA1IIS C0VEST, Proprietor, A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS A I the Cabinet Ware Koom of SEB'N IIOUPT & CO. Market Squsre, Also nl the corner of Fawn street If the Railroad SrjXDUUY. TA. Tlinnkful for tl.e patmnnsre of his friends and customers durintr. the 17 years he hns been in busi il.i in thi.- p!nce, he solicits from the public a con tinuance of their favors. During; this period ha has endeavored to keep tip wilh the improvements of the dav, nnd hns accordingly extended his busi ness in every brunch and variety. The public are therefore inited to the attention of the present stock of CAIHXKT WAHF. AND CHAIRS, 1 ANV F ACTPrt KP BV SEBASTIAII KOUPT & CO. At the Old Stand, AVhere in addition to Ihcir former stock of tint oFtnblishniont they now manufacture Kp-hogsny, Walnut & Cahc-Seat Chairs. L'tn'e Sprincr Seat Rocking Chairs, Dressing Ihircaus, Centre Tables, Mtrbe Top Wash Stands, an d a variety of other new style and I'avititr secured n Hearse and made the neces sary nrninirc mrnts for the purpose, they ara now prepared for t'ndeitnkins in all its branches, in Ibis vicinity or nt any convenient distance. Ye maids and mistresses, and liusluiuds too, Here', furniture nf every style and line, From side boards down to kitchen tables, From rocking chairs to locking cradlea Should yon not have the ready Jolix to pay, We'll wait awhile fir n brighter better iiy. Or take potatoes, ewls, com, wheat and rya t Hark, Lmop poles, staves, or lumber wet and dry, Or nay thing hat yokes and threshing flails, Fi'-m pigs and tnrkies down to little quails. Come on then friends, come one and all, Keep trade a moving, so "goi on the ha!l.M tf' Orders from a distance promptly attended to nud w ork of all kinds delivered with dispatch. .Sunbury, March 9, 1850. tf X'VTOri.D respect fully announce that he lias T V tiiL'ou tt.fi v.-oll l:Mnwn ktmwl whore III! will bo (jratiited to sec and entertain his friends and Ihe travelling public generally. 1 bis house is now replete with every convenience, comforta ble, pleasantly located, handsomely furnished, well ventilated, reinh iius it in rvrry respect a desirable stoiipina; place. No expense has been s-puicd ill filtint! up this house, 't he chambers are well furnished and the table nud bnr provided with the last the market enn afford. The stable accommodations arc extensive nnd well calculated for travelers. STACK OFF1CK. The stages running from Northumberland lo I'nttsvillc, slop at lids house, where Ibroueh nnd way tickets to Philadelphia can be obtained. fJunhury, March 20, 1SS9. tf. m .-- '. - ,vv lorn), ami ninllurmatious ot '.tw llio uet'Crati-.e system. j . -. AGE OF ANIMALS. A bear rarely exconds tweniy yenrsj a wolf twenty ; a fox fourteeu or sixteen ; lion are long lived Pompey lived to the age of seventy years; a squirrel or hare seven or eight years rabits seven. Elephant have been known to Jive to Ihe age of 400 years. When Alexander the Great had conquered Phorus, King of India, he took a gteat ele phant which had fought valiantly for ihe king, named him Ajex, dedicated him to the Sun, and let him go with this inscription "Alexander, the son of Jupiter, hath dedica ted Ajax to the Sun.'' This elephant was found wilh Ihis inscription 350 years afler waid. Pigs have been known to live to the age of thirty years j the rhinoceros to twenty A bursa has been known to live to the age of sixty-two, but averages twenty lo thirty l.amels sometimes live -to the oge of one hundred. Mags are . long lived. . Sheep seldom exceed the age of ten. Cows live about fifteen years. ' Cuvler considers it pro table that whales sometimes live one thou- sand years. Mr. Mallertort has a skeleton of a swan that attained the age of two hundred years. Pelicans are long lived.' A tortoise 1ms been known' to live to the age of one hundred and seven.' NEW C0UNT&Y STORE, At the Fork of the Plum Creek und Tulpe- nocucn Jioaii, (near Krcignuaum s 11 lack Smith Shop. JACOB WKIMKH, RESrECTT IIU.V Informs the public that hu has opened n new Store at tho ahovo place and has just received a splendid stock of new Sprivjg- Bud Summer Goods,, Consisting in part of t ', Clollis, Cassimevs, Sattiacts, DRILLINGS and all kinds of linen cotton und worsted summer ware. ALSO: Callicoes, Muslin de laincs, lawns, ' ! (a'ingluuits, And all kinds of Dress Goods for Ladies. Tea, CorrtK, Sl'oar, Molasses, &c, ciioci:nii:s, of ail kinds. BRANDY, GIN, WNIE, and all kinds of t s '' ' Liquors.' 3 Hardware. Iron and Steel, Nails, ic, - QUEENSWARE. ' Shoes, Boots, Cups, Pulm leaf and other Hats, ..Fish,- Salt, &c, "t All of which ha will sell at the moat reasonable pricea Tor cash or eouutry prod do.,- May 8, 1B52 -tf. TJLANK Parchment Pa not Deed a anil 1.1a i.U -"Mortgage. Bonda, Execution., Bummoni, HunUury .April 2ft, 1851. Van Lou si Dngucrrcaii (iullcry, '159 Chestnut Street, T thi celeliratl cultildiiilimnit cnn ntwnys pro euro tiie nt west unit must im proved stylet ot' DAGrKUIlKOTY.'i: & TAI.HOTVI'K rOKTRAlTS at from 5(1 to HK) per ct. less cost than iucIi picture cuii be had lor emewiiure. Ntv Oiat you cuii lectiie biu-Ii nerrt-ct portrait' nf your loveJ onun ut a mcro nouiiiiul cost, don't delay lent you I use tlit-in. F.Vi-ry vnitfty orfiincy easci, frainrx, Ac, nn lutnd or fiirit.!.il tn tinier, nuil every picture mail sudatory und wnirunlfd to Iks in the hrat Htyie ol' he ail or ko ciiabgk Cull und see u at IStl Clivviuut it. L. II. PI HXKIJ. riiiluddlpliia July 17, ly.W. ly. . i. Wholesale and ISeluil Clock ESTABLISHMENT; . S, E. Corner Suond and Chestnut Sts., PXilLADELFIUA, WIIERK may le found, one of the largest and best assortniciita of Clocks und Time pieces in the United Kt:tes, in quantities to suit purchasers, of from a aiule Clock, to one thou sand Clocks; embracing every variuty of stylo and manufacture, suitable for Churches, Halls, Counting Houses, l arlots, Sleeping Apartments, and Kitchens, Steam and Canal Boats, and Rail Road Cars. Also general sain Agent, for Rapp's lately pat ented Scientific Niche Gold I'cn. Wholesale and Retail Gold and Silver Pen Holders, and Pencils, and a variety of Fancy Goods. Those wishing to purchase will lind it to their interest to cull before purchasing elsewhere. JAMES BARBER, ' ' ' 8. E. Cor. Ches tuut & 2nd Sts, Puila. April 10, ISM. ly' WJEE BILLS. Justices and Constables Fes Bills handsomely printed on cars' paper for sals at this office, , Letter Paper, Knives, Fl itcs n.f V.-ueiN. Can " tliltlls, I li.l IV.i.-i. Drawing " InliKtan lrf, l.eltrr WnHsps, Transfer " M.i'H Wiifera, ' Incli-i K.il.'.nr, I'iipyiiijr " Mack hit, Wnf.rs. Itt tttintf " . Snilini; 'a.x, Ihil Tlte, , ! Steel l'.-n, lilne Ink. Hlanli t'anls, Cuniiiue Ink. f. yiii!T Ink, l-'oldri, Ane'lirs t ritmir I- Inel, I. insures, ice IV Paper ruled to pal!er:i, and all worl. war ranted and dono verv elu-aplv. ' F. 1.. 11 UTTER & CO. March 13, 1S53 tf. Till! (kit I'M T VRiXR ItICO.M. .411- I llICKHir & TULL, No. US Chestnut St., above Sixth, Front of . JONES' HOTEL. t-Jyi'lT) TT-'E just received their Trize IVTET1 Medal, awurded t.i tlieni for Wb VlT l ) their I'cst Travelling Trunks ex hibited at the World's Fair in London, 1851 being the only cithibitors to whom any award was made. Their competition was with all the world, and they have taken THE PRIZE I . - ' TRUNKS, VALISE?, BAGS, &c. To be found in this Cilv, and at very low prices Call and sec. - hickev &'ti;i.l, Trunk Manufacturers, 148 Chestnut St. April 10, 165a. tf. - ' 3. 2. DITTERXCH, Ao 78 North M '., Itlwrcn Areh and llace Ft., pniLASSL?n:A. HEREBY informs the public that be imports and constantly beeps on hand nt his new store. No. 73 Noilli Id Kt., a 'untie assortment of Foreign Fsinry Hoods, .Musical Instruments, Pictures $ Paints, which he will sell at the lowest prices. His stock, in part, consists of, Aecordeor.s, Violins, Music Hose, Parlor and Bar Room Or i,'uiis, Mcloiieotis, Rcruphii.es, Mathematical In struments, Maiiels, (Spy and Opera.-Glasses, stationery nf all kinds, Pocket Bool.3, Bronze Powder. Hutch Mel.il. (iohl. and silver Leaf, (Scales of nil kinds, i!iult' and Tobacco Boxes, Lithographic Paints, Copper Plate and Siccl En gravings, und pictures of owry variety, Al-o Gilt Frame Muuldinv;s of various sires. Dealers, Countrv' Merchants, and Pedlars, sup plied at reasonable prices. Decemlier Jl), tt. rca top. yctjp.selh1 TT3V MEANS OP THE ;t tiS poCK i:T ."EStTLA. V f-'h l'il.-!S. or livery one bis ,' own Physician ! Tiiihty- t . -V ' ' eUHHMI, Will) 0(1- - wnrd.i of a hundred encra- p vtn!, fhowttia private dts- M t'ilW ' cae in everv shsiio and 1 C: ! Uy Er Wt3.Tt'ot:.jer. 'j',r (jme has now arri ved, that persons suffering from secret lii.-cascs, I'.eed no more become the1 victim or fit-Ai Kntv, as by the prescriptions contained in this book, any 'one may cute himself w ithout liimlranco lo business, or the knowledge cf the most intimate friend, and with one-tenth the usual expens e. - In addition to the general routine of private disease, it fullv cxtdains the cause of manhood's early de cline, with ohaeivations 1'U marriage besides many other deriingctiient which it would r.i.l Im proper to enumerate in tlie public prints . "ST Any person hemling" TWENTY -' E CENTS, enclosed i:i a letter will r&'riic one copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will be sent for om; dollar. Address, Hu. ,V. YOl'.NO, No. 1.VJ SPRUCE Street, PlllLAHELPIUA." Post paid. Hr. YOUNG can le consulted on any of tho Diseases described in bis ihlli rent publica tions, at his Ollicc, l.VJ Spruun H'.reet, every day between t and 3 o'clock, (Sundays esccjitcd.) Philadelphia, June 5, IS )- ly. LA WHENCE HOUSE. STJKBURY, PA. "IIE subscriber respectfully informs her friends nnd the public generally, that she has taken the above well known stand nearly opposite ths) Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J. C. Per kins. She trusts that her experience in business, and her cll'orts to make her guests comfortable, will eivc entire satisfaction to those who may fa vor her with their custom. ANN C. MORRIS March 8, 1S51 tf. jTiL'zmiimuMi, Or TB855 I'UICE, Sunbury, Pa. Office in Deer Street, immediately opposits tka 1 ul'.te rcliool House. tT Monies collected and ail laisiness piomptty and care fully uttemleil to. April lil), 1S50. V;lu;i:)I-a Hochs, JIFE hv Chhist, handsomely bound, D'Aw J honk's lltsToitr of TtiK IvKFon n .Tioir, Hum; Uat-hooks ami Lkhokhs, full bounded. For sale tit the publishers prices by 11. B. MASSF.R. Sunbury, July U, 13-19 f,NTONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, AU k niomls, P uncs and Crcuiu Nuts. Planes of nil kinds. and i'laster. Just received and for sals by JOHN W. FRILING. Sunbury. Dec. 20, IS HI. The Joluisto.'. Ink MANUFACT0EY REVIVED, 10ft tf Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA. THE subscriber begs leave respectfully to in form Puistkiis generally, that he has suc ceeded to the Business of manufacturing Print ing lid formerly carried on by his grand Father, and Father, and oilers his article to ths trade, without any Purrs, but with tlie simple reliunce upon tlie long established chaiacler it has borne, feeling confident Of its giving entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call, 'i't a us Cash. CHARLES ENEU JOHNSTON. April 10, 1853 tf. , CJMITH'8 ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN- GEli, a fresh supply just received, and for sale by U. 11. MAeSEK. Sunbury, Jau. 10, 1853. , THOMAS PALMER, COMMISSION M E It CI I A N T, No. C, AToc Wharves, Where the following goods are received and sold on commission, Dried Apples, Teaches, Plums, Pears, Cherries, etc.. Green Apples 111 Barrels or by the Bushel, Beans, Peas, Cranberries, Onions, Mercer Po tatoes, Sweet Potatoes, ShelbarLs, Chestnuts, Ground Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs. Prunes, Grapes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Cbecso. And all kinds of l oreigu und JJouicslic i'ro- ducd. Philadelphia, Dec;, 13, 1851 ly. SOAP AND CANDLES. rrtHE subscriber takes this method of inform--- ing tho citizens of Suubury and vicinitv, that they are engaged in the manufacture of Soap and Caudles, of the best quality, at No. 44 filbert street, rliiladelpliia. 1 hey respectfully invite all who buy for cash, to give him a call as they will find it to to their advantage in dealing with htm lor articles 111 tlicir line. E. DUFFY & SON, 44 Filbert above 0th. December SO, 1851 tf. EonKets, Hats and Millinery Goods! MERCHANTS and Milliners when in Phi! 3 adelnhia to purchase their (roods, will lind it to their interest to examine our large and fash ionable stock of straw noons. Wo manufacture largely and imi'Out the Nlwkst Stvlks of Foreign Fabrics in our line ; which totrether with other advanta ges enable us to oiler liberal inducements to BUFKUS. R. A. ('HOOKER, & CO., Nos. 47 and 49 Chestnut Street, and No, 50 South Second Street, west side, near Chestnut, Philadelphia. Uocember 27, 1851 ly.cf. ARNOLD'S WRITING FLUID and Adhe. sive and lecal cnvcloues. for sale bv H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, nra 10, 1852 EXTRACT OF COFFEE. An cicellcnt article more wholesome and much cheaper than ColTae itself. For sale at this oilice. April 17 lHM -M USTICE8' FEE BILLS 9 H. 0 8unbury, 1851 For sale by MASSER lngi'iwcr nnd Printer, No. 46 Chestnut Street, above Second, PHILADEL?HIA. IS prepared to do ENGRAVING and PRINT ING, in all their branches, Weildiiijr, Visiting and Business Cards, Ball Tickets, Wateh Papers, Labels, Bill Heads, Notes, Cheeks, Drafts und Diplomas. Seals and Stamps for Corporations, Odd Fellows, Masons, Sons of Temperance, ic. All the above engraved in the best manner. Orders by Post promptly attended to. December 57, 1851 ly. JOHN A. II A 11 II I 8, Manufacturer, & Dealer in : - Imported and Domestic Segars, Also, a general assortment of l,rnrt Manufticliired Tobacco, CONSTANTLY on hand, at the lowest 111 v Itet prices. Corner of Chestnut Bt., and Wharves, Philadelphia. Deosmbu 17, 186! ly. ' " 5P 0E OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this H.'(bV excellent article for 'letter, 4 c-. just received and for sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, July 2S, 1849. OLD PENS with and without cases, sf a very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sala hy H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. 27, 1851. IXTRACT CF GINGER. A fresh supply -' just received and for sale at this office. Piico 85 cents. Sunbury, Ju.'y 12,1851. QJILVER WATCHES. A few double esse English Silver Watches, for sale at tery low prices by Suubury, April 12 1851. H. B. MASSER. 5 A TENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS for bar bottles lor sale by 11. a MASSER. Sunbury, April, 13, 1851 fJ-.NOB AND SPRING MORTISE LAT i CHES. An excellent article, for sale at hult'tiie usual price by J- W. FAILING, Suubury, July 7. 1849- LANK NOTES, waiving the exemption a law of ijS.'iOO, for sale by April 26, 1851. H. B. MASSElt, PADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi cine for sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunburv. Jan. 27th. 1849 TTLEY'S COVGII dlNDY. An excel ' lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sala st this office TjtOR sale at this office, 6uperior Black Ink, Cattle Medicine at 83 cU, Purs Essanes of Gingor,'5 ccnta BLANKS. J of every description e sppryiag at the office of ths Americas. TfJLANKS of every description can ba had by US ap "IVKITINO FLUID and self sealing Elt'a " lo)ies, just received and for sala br April 19, 1851. H. B. MASSER. f jMSSUE PAPER. Yellow Tis.ua psp" io 1. covering glasses, 4en ror sala at tSlnca American.