.4 ' STANZAS WRITTEN IN AUTUMN- ' Uf JOHN O. C. TlfiAINARD. ' TIib dead leaves Mrmv I ho forost walk . And withercut are ilie pala wild flowers; Tha frosl hangs blnckeuino; mi the Walk, Thndew drops fall in fiozcn sIiivpi, , Gune are Ihe spring's sweet siproiiiii) b'' ers, , ' Gone summer's rich and mnnllinff vines, Ami nutnmn with her yellow hours, On hill and plain no longer sYnes. ' I lenrti'd a clear and w ild toned nn'e, Thai rose and swell'd frnin yoid.-i tree A pay bird, with :oo sweet a llnout, . i There) peirh'd and raised her none ff me The winter comes, and when is r-1 e 1 Away where summer wings will rove, , Where Ihe buds are fresh, every tree Is voaal with the notes or love. Gone thence, with all tho bird , oi d rrt k A happier clime, with livelier flithl,. . Kiis, with tho sun, the eveiiirs's cheek, . And leave me lonely wi;li th tn'ahi. I'll gaze upon the cold north li;:ht, And mark where all iis glnrioes shmio See that it all is fair at d bML'li', Feel that it all is cold and gone. Gen. Houston arrived at his homo rt Ilmitsville, Texa?, on tho 30:h nil. ' Col. T. C. Siiatap, ono of the pioneers of Kentucky and a soldier in the lato war, died i:l Ilopkinville, Ivy., last year. . IIknuy Clay is to have a monument erec ted to bin memory in Si. Louis, ol a cost of $75,000. Il is to be tho work of an associa tion. Madame Goi.nsctiMiDT, formerly Jenny Lind, has given 400,000 rix llmlers for the establishment and support of schools for the education of g'nls in Sweden. "Vou quarrel with your wife, my fiicnd, nnd why ? do you not think and wish alike?" "Cud knows we do !" said poor Ciimlle, "each of us wants to bo master." The newspaper is a law-book for tho in- duVni, a sermon for the ihonnhllrs. a libia ry l."'r the p.'ior. may s'.imtilaie llic most ins'.iuct ll,e must pio- K A hot iron. Itc-M on lliu spotted pnrtsof Ihe le'ters d.snifiued by salt water, many .f which liavo lately arrived fiom Cati brnia, will assist very much to bring back the wri ti'ig. . . , 1 A 'Parisian Milliner has taken out a patent for a leather bonnet, a new and ex tremely elegant article, says tho Court Jour nal. The leather is exceedingly thin and delicately enamelled, and is drawn over the frame in the same manner as silk or velvet. Il has tho advantage of being water-proof. We learn from the St. Louis Republican, that a Convention, to be composed of dele gates from nil Ihe Slates bordering the Mis tsissippi river, has been called for the purpose of forming a company to constructing a tail, road along the valley for ihe Mississippi, from the Falls of St. Anthony to the Gulf of Mex ico. Tho Convention will assemble at St. Louis on tho third Monday of November. , A certain lawyer had his portrait taken in his favorite attitude Ftanding with his hands in his pockets. His friends and cli enls all went to sen it, and everybody ex claimed, "Oh how like 1 L's Iho very pic Hire of him.' An old farmer only dissented. "'Taiu't like ?" exclaimed everybody ; 'just show us wherein 'laiirl like.' "Tain't, no 'tain,' responded the larmer 'don't you see he has got his hands in hi own pocket ! 'Twould be as liko again if he had it in somebody else's.' A FAT WOMAN IN TROIULE AT SEA. A corpulent lady, on her way to California writes back to one of hcrocquainlauces her experience in traveling. Here is an extract "Our cabin has two boxes in it, called berths, though coffins would be nearer the thing, for you tfiink more of your latter end at sea a great deal. One of ihese Is titua ted over the olher, liko two shelves, and those togelher make what they call a state room. My beilh is the uppermost one, nnd I have to climb up to it, putting one foot on the lower one, and the other away out on ih ) wash stand, which is a great stretch, an I makes it very straining then 1 lift one knee on the berth and roll into it sideways. This is veiy inconvenient for a woman of my size, and very dangerous. Last night I put my foot on Mrs. Brown's face, as she lay asleep closo to the edge of Ihe lower one, and nearly put out her eye; and I have torn all the skin off my knees, and then I have a large black spot where 1 have been hurt, and my head is swelled. To dismount is ai. oilier feat of horsemanship, only fit for a sailor. You can't sit up for the floor owrlu-rul ; ami so you have to turn round and roll your lrg out first, and then hold on till you touch bot tom somewhere, and then let yourself down up-right. "Il is a dreadful work J I don't know which is tho hardest, to get in or out ol a berth, both'are llic most difficult things in the world, and t chilli be glad when I run done wi h it. I am obliii"d to dress in bed before I ler.ve It, ai.d nobody who hasn't tried to put on their cl'Uhes IjT ig down can ti ll what a t.ik il is. Lacing stay behind your back, a..d yen on jour face, nearly smothered with the bed- ' clothes nnd feeling for Ihe eyelet hedo with one hand, and trying lo put ihd lapu in wiili Ihe other, while yon are rolling about fiom aide to side, U no laughing mailer. Yesi..r- t day I fastened on tho pillows to my tusiU by mistake, in the huiry; nnd never knew it till the people laughed, and said the sea agreed with me, 1 had grown so ful; but putting on stockings is the worst, for there ain't room to (loop forward, so you have to . bring your fool lo you, and stretching out on your back, lift up your leg till jou can reach it, and then drag it on. Corpulent peoph can't always do this so easy I can tell you It always gives ma Ihe cramp, and lakes awny my breath. Vou will pity me if you could conceive, but you caa't nobody but a woman can tell what a woman suffers, in a lerlh at sea." ' nev; stohb.. ... 11ENJ A Ml N 1 1 KKFN Kit REPPECFFULLY "Informs " tint oftir.eni of Sutihury and virinity, that li hns opened new stoic in tlio room lately occupied by Goorgc Bright, opposite Bolton's Hotel. lie has just re ceived a handsome assortment of , j. . ... , Spring nutl S6uMiiMer.3ood coiisiHlinr; in part of Cloth;, Castimcrs, l-Cfissinets. .0 ' St 'MM i: It WAKE if nil Sinn's, of linen, cbtltin and worsted. , ,. ALKt:'. . Cntlt-or-'. CilMfiJsnms, LnwiM,' ' iHH:M'liiic I) l.nl-ica : nnd nil kinds of I. mlics Dress OoorK GROCERIES or every variety. Also on assortment of 1 1 a i d itu ic. Iron , j ninl; Etcci, Naili, ,&o, - " ' Also nn excellent assortment of , , " OUEENSWATtEnf various st)lcs nnd pulterus. Also an assortment of ROO V & SHOTS. Falm Leaf and other II is find Caps. Salt, Fisli, t?c. Also n variety of LIQUORS such as BRANDY, GIN, WINE, &c. And a fjreat varielyof other articles such as nrc suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold nl the lowrst prices. IV (Country produce taken in exchange at llic lushest prres. Sunliury, Slay 1, 1852. ty, LIB ERTY ST 0 V E WORKS, BIIOWN STREUT, 3 onocc Fourth. FHILADBLPHIA. fCIIR undersigned respectfully inform the pu'i lie thnt they are in full operation at tluir new foundry, nnd ready to. execute orders for cloves of every description on tho most reasona ble terms. They invite the attention of STOVE PEAL EUS to lluir luige assortment of STOVEtt, all of which arc entirely new, nnd got up nt great expense. Anion; which are the Liberty Air Ti;;ht C'ook, Complete Cook, IStar Air Tirdit, Star Franklin, Star Hndintor, Jenny Lind Im proved, Kire King Kndiators, alamaudcrs, Can nons, liases, IJaro Cyliudera, Dur Koom tttoves, Furnace., Gas Ovens, fee, Ac. ABIJOTT4- LAV.'KE.VCE. N. II. Country merchants arc particularly invited to call mid examine our assortment. April 10, ly. JUST UKCliiviilT7 AT HIE Saddlery end Harness Establishment of G. 'AW sii.oir, Muriel Street, Suuburi, A new noftincut at SiU Eil'H! SllSil . Jjipaniii'tl 31oiintiii','., ? Which he will either nmkc up lo order or soli separately for cash nt prices ns low if not lower than rau lia had nnywlierc else. SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, Trunk. Vallccs, &c , Constantly kept on hand or manufactured to or dcr. CARRIAGE TRIMMING done on the shortest notice. All persons arc invited to call and examine foi hcmsolves. ' All kinds of produro taken in exchange. Kunhury, May 1, 1852. tf. JOHN PHILLI?S"S0N No. 47 South Water Street, below Chestnut, rBXX.ASSX.FHXA. BMTORERS of Foreign Fruits. Nuts. Wines. &c. keep constantly on hand the following articles, which they will sell at very low prices lor cash. R.iisius, Almonds, ' Currants, Walnuts, Citron, " Ground Nuts, Prunes, Cream Nuts, ' Dales, Filberts, Figs, Vanilla beans, Sweet Oil,' l'rceep-ed ginger, nmarinds, Liiuorieo, Lemon Syrup, Fire Crackers, I'ort Wine, Madeira Wine, Claret Wine, Sherry " Muscat " Sweet Malaga " Philadelphia, July 3, 1852 ly. NEW STORE. PETER W. GKAY rKSPECTFLLI,Y informs the citizens of A' Sunbury and vicinity, thot ho hn commen ceil a new etoro in Whortlelierry street, in the house formerly occupied by Mr. Gray, find ha just received and opened a well selected assort ment of Dry floods, Consisting in part of CLOTHS," CASSIMERS, SATTIXETTS, A nd a rrenernl assortment of LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS of every variety and style. GROCERIES of every description. Also nn assortment of HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, And a general variety of other articles such n nre suitable to tho trade, all of which will be sold at tho lowost prices. Country produce taken in exchange at the highest prices. Sunbury, May 15, 1858. Cm. jchn a7tt itonT Manufacturer of Monuments, Tomhs, AND CRAVE STONES OF THE FINEST Italian and American Marble. At his Old Stand in Northumberland, "a. RESPECTFULLY inform the public that all work in his line will he made up of the very best material and finished in the latest style of tho Eastern cities. Those in want of such articles well made and executrd ill the I est stylo and nt the lowest rates, w ill do well to call and examine before they pur chase chfwhcre, , . May 15, 1S52. ly. NEW COUNTRY STORED At the Furls of th: Hum Cmi and Tulpf hoelea linad, (rur Kreigkbaum't Black Smith Shop. J A COU AVE1MKH, T F.MEtrn TJ.I.Y Informs lac publiclhat ho ha opened a new St.. re at the above place and has just received a tplcndid slock of new Spiiug suid Suiumer Goods, - Cunsiftfingr in part of Cloths, Cassinurs, Sattinets, DRILLINGS and .I1 kinds of linen cotton mid woisli'd summer wuro. ALSO: , . . CallicDes, Kuslia Co Lauies, latrao, Ami all kinds of Dross Goods for Ladies. Tka, Coffee, Suraii, Molasses, Uc, GUtiCi:aii:8, of all kinds. BRANDY, GIN, WNIE, and all kind, of ' ' '' Lhjuofs.' Hardware. Iron and Slccl, Nails, ic, - " ' QTIEENSWARE. ' Shoe, BooU, Cap, Palm leaf and olher Hat, fiith, Bait, &c, t AH of which he will sell at the most reasonable prices or cash or country produce. . May 8, 1858 -tf. BLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank MortfTHoAfl. Itoliilfl. l'!vAi.llinna. Rummnn. Ac, for fcuJeby II. D. Sunliury April 26, 1851. SU N 13 UJ Y:AMKlUGiVN ; AND SHAM0K1N JQUKNAL. .03-S500 .CHALLENGE. VtrllATKVint'crticSTi Am hmlth il liiipnlnws of s I 4T..V l. J-.- ..ai 1 1. at ntrrV nrMll ill do all III ererr prrwm will rmlcavor n pr.n t Htcir mvn henlth nt fill MfTilitf. I Iwl U I" I W)' mnf in riHninv i ftHnire i'l4rntt Pin rtcwni, ro ilie priimry mnwv of n tatve flint Wlimn. RPnmil tff U IIIW S'ltiim "'I mv tnWfl( -rNiBM( trtwtiicii c-liiwren nun win nrr un lilei ( yii Iwvenn nppetite onnltiumtly rhmigcnlilo fmni fwo kfntl f fxd to nil 'titer, Pud llrmlli, V.in in Iho HUh niwlit IMHtltiff nt. the Nwr, Hnnlitrra nnd VnllinMiif the BWIv. lfi CnOcli.flow !-'i'V)r. rnlnclircirnlnr ivim-niber (hut II thrpc denote WOIIM., and you slumld nl once op- piy tire rmmiy .. IIODENSACK S WORM SVRUP. - An nrticlf! f mudfd ivm Fcioutitierrinriiili-i, nmpouivt tA willi pnri'ly vojfiitiihlo BiilwliHiffii, hfinjf perfectly wife when tnkftn, nnd mi. lie triven lo tlio most tender infmit with decided lK-nctieiid Ptiect, wht-ro Htvel (Vmphintfi Dud Oiarrhrrn hnve made thctu Averik nnd dehilitntcd the Tunic prtiprrtict itt' my Wirnn Syrup nre tncli, thnt it almwlft wilhont nn eqnnl in ihe itit:dngite t.f iiicilieiiicp. in ft vin tmennd ulrctifrth t the Stotnnrh, which mnkm it nn Infttllihlc remedy for thone ufliiered wilh T)vKpcptin, the nj-louilihio; mrtt ferf irnied ly this Syrup nflrr Pliyni ri:niR hnve lulled, in ilie beit evidence of' ita Biicri r . ..THE TAPK WOnM! Tlii in the m-ist di(Ti:nlt Worm toOentny 'f nil lint in tent the hnmitti ytetn, it (?ittvn to an nlmnnt Indefinite k-inrth hecomina; uncoiled and lutieued in the liiU'ftincH nnd St'Hutieh elleeliiif; the hedth so truMy nn to eini8U St. Wins Dunce, FiUi. Ar .thnt thnws ntHicted wld-nn il ever Piispeet tli.it it is Tape Vonn intiiinf( lliein toun urly pnive. In oi tk-r to d:slrny tins W'urin, o very mcrgetic trentmcnt nnict he piirnticif. ft would therefore he proper to tnke U to 8 of my Liver I'ills sons to nttiovenll olwtruc ti"ns, thnt the Worm tyrnp may net direct upon the Worm, which limit he taken in d iveii of i) Tulilepp onfiiiln 1 limt n day Ihefe diretHinus lull .wed hiu-e never lieen kn wn to fuil in curing the mod uhstinotu can; of 'l'tic Worm. O IIOP.ENSACK'S LIVER PILLS. No pnrt of the syflem is more liahie to diwnfe thftn the L1VKU, it seiviiiiT a n tillenr lo purify the til tod, or piv nii( the proper st'crciion to Ihe bile ; so I lint any vr nijf no li n of tho Liver eiffcls the other important parts of the pynteni, dihI refill's vjri usly, in I iver (Joinplaint, Jnnu dice, l)ySipii;i, Ac. We sit add, Iherefon, wntch every svmpt 'in that iniiiM indicate n wr ij netinii .f th Liver. 'I hese I'ills heina eiwnp 'wtt of It(Ml'O.V riANTS fur niulietl hy nature to lunl tin sick : N.uni ly. 1st, An KX I'KCTOii ANT, wiiieh rtnumeiits tint seen lion fn 'in the l'iilin.ii!try mucus tuemhntm, or pronvten ihe diwhnrpe of secreted mutter. 'Jnil, An Al.TKK A I'i VK, which elianui in sane inexplicable and insem Hi!e nriuuer the critain ni"iiil action of the system. ;tid, A TONiC whi-h triven tone mid slreuih to Ilie iierviiim system, re ii'-wiitir In-lit li und vitr tr to ull ar1sof the lKnly, tthJ A CAT11AKTIC, which nets in perfect harmony with the other inpredieulr, nnd operntinK on the II twels, nnd expel lint: the wh ile mars of corrupt nnd vitiated in ttler, and m nlyii the iilhil, which Ucstrtiys disease and icstores health. TO F KM ALES. Vou will find there Pills nn hivnhmWr medicine in many Complaints to which viai nrc suliiwt. In obstruct i'Mts ef ther tottd 01 partial, they have been found of iueHliniMble bcuelit, ruKt 'riiijj their functional irrani;ementB to a heal thy neiiou, piiriiViuy the blond an I other f.'dds si tfi-x'lu filly lo ( lit to flight u!I coinplaijits whi.-h n:uy arise fiom fejmle irrepilaritie-i. ns headache, guidi.ichrf, iliuuiCiR of rilit, pun i in the side, hick, Ac. ry' Vt'u Cj 25 ctMila (Nicli. " NAnc treiinltic unless eigtied .1. X. II'dteiiFark, nil others 1iei?i!r Vnve Iinilarinn. IV Ae.etHd witiinp new supplies, nnd Ftorr Keepers de;ir.M f iMT'Hiiiii? Airenis niiMt address the Tropriitor, J. N. Jl ilH'iisaefc, l liiladelpl.iii. Vu. S.M by J. W. Frihntr, Sanbury; Mary AfeCay, Nor ll.iual'ils'i.i; liei' , 'J iubafviile; l!n-fr, .1 ilimi ( Duly Linker, Je .iei veit j Leif nriiwi V W'dverton. l'axi ii i.'-; k:r. ILeWry; ull deiilets. in .Maiicino in the O-uiilv ii'td S -ite. An 1 1. i i2 ly. Si T. A RTTiTir.T- At It and ,1rch Street, PHILADELPHIA. IAV'II established n Store where tho bcel trade now resort for UouKohold Dry (loods, French Fancy Goods. Pies Silk cud Shawl. Hosiery, Glove and Mill, Chillis, Cnssiniers and Vesting, . , MusKni and Linen by the piece, , . '. Dniiintik Tahlo Linens nnd Napkin, . Patent Blnek Silk for Dregacs, ; f Full Stork of Mouruius Good. E. & L. nre constantly recciviiiR llarijaiiia from the New 1 ork and I I ihulelphiu Auction, whu u they bcII wholesale uud relaU very cheap for Nolt Cash. Edwaru E. Evbe, Washington I. Laxbkh., Philadelphia, July 3, 1C52. ly. XtXC PAIVff3 ; Manufaclnred by the New Jersey Zinc Company, Newark, N. J. t PIIK tulrilKT8 arff irm prwirwl l i rxrni( oitl. in 1 tn uny txtciil i'i w iUvir Uiiuiiiiil wliiiu uud cultrt-d Zinc raiiits, at llic reiiiitcd iricc, vis wnr ran t1 Nt. 1, Wliitfl, ground in oil, ft ce!t prr lb., purf, lo. g, do. d. b do. dt Ni. Ii, dn. d i. 7 ih. do Hmwn ni d l!;irk, d . fi) do. do One hundred miid will ntr eijuully xvvtt ns niprh tml'ucu as IdU ll'S. W'lutc lvud ; tluy ure (tr t-onl t'li'iptr l i Ihe r iiwitiiiT. The .INC White is rapidly prrf fdiniy Vhifr I.i nd, over u'liich it of)8(ira man,' ndvaiitapts It ia wIhht, and in rc hcauhud ihaii tlio W'lidr J.'jidd .f ntt turn ycll 'W, tvfii wlicu fxpiwl to rMlp;iitoiin vapor li.is iv HtiifH is !itt iiijuriouf to health, uud is far m ic du rulde. ,ir fiHowM and itL.irs Taint ai:h potu Weat:ieii and Fins IMioof. The tK-st iMveriiip t" r imtridu virk CtT iutiodufot, mtaptiHl H Imihlitit of yvo -d, brick or Bl nc lo U'lH't-a, camne b dieat ItridgeK, ami inariiiiu'ry t llic bulla f !si-lf, audi', rliaiiif, mtd nil oiImt Iron, w rk on Iwttird whip lo iuitiu l tiler, wiwke tackx mid wultr lank tu iroit tin, and tlat Mohiug, iron ehulttcr d-xtrwaud r-iihne. ivue fi-iiccn. ttridm. Kc. Fir Irni Stirfarcs tins Fuiut it rafiermHy vahuriilr us it lunii n gaivoiuc cuuecthuif mid entirely pieimti 'J'iirw Zinc Paiutt hnvrnffn pure Mrfalif Rnur, nre war ranted ii't t i furli yt lU'W, und will retain their original hfilliiMicy much longer tluiti Wtoio l-H, or tiny of the earihr piniiMita now in iif& 1 he rnritliiiurs lnnn UtuM who liave ui-d ilu-se I'diu'.R. ure mirh an MwitiiMy tho iiIm lie tluit Hkv nro titvuhtable. The uhlest cbemnaii of l'roiioo und thi at airy tuti a tetitieUio tin itp(.,ri'riiy ( 'Mm over la'iid PuinU, nn t't dnratiiliiy, lie:ilihfuliifM and Iwanly. Tlicy have bocii ial rtlal hy ihe French Ooveni incut, ly the coip'truhoii ni ii:v niK, niMl are now -lfinivfly uwd by tht L'nilfd S;uItb G 'vcriuucut ut iiny of llic Lug est Military and Man at Dep. t. rnii.ADKi.Pin a iA Works, May 1. 1H.fl. MrFFf. F. C. Joxt & Oi. ntk'iiLiu liiivini matlu revrrid trials t' yur Urtiwa iuc I'utnt in various meth od! oalculnit'd to test its protective (utilities upon wod uud uu'tal, 1 have tho milihiacUtia lo titnti; llittl tho ret tilts have lfeii highly fu vol able. The Mtint p.tveiiiif well, dryintf (piiekly, und pt-'teiiHf (.'renter tenacity, e;peri;il!y tiivui iiou, tluiu wiy uthcr juiut with which I um fu miliur. Vours, truly, Jons C. Cuifrixnx. The underriued, having nvu the iuc Taints ret erred to i-iiK ur in the f.tii-jjruiu opinion, M-trris, Trmker A Miuris Unmet, Neuliu Sc Co., I'cnu Works. Merrick A Son, ,la im s T. SuMi-n A Co., I'rniiV.lin Iron Works. J. T. D.-nn, V. t. Dry V n-k. CC" Dralets supplied n reus 'liable teiiiu by the Agents of the Company. F. C. JOXKS A Co,, Ni). 1? South Wharves, l'hila. July 17, Oni. Van B.aan DsigiUMTcau (itillery, Jo'J Lucst nut street VT this ceh brateil csliil.!ii.hiniiil you ran uluiiys pr-'- j cure the ucweft und in"st improved styles of' iAGi'j;Riumiu: a TAi.uorvrK ron traits at fr nn .() H Km per rl. Ltus cost tU.ui euch nictuies can he had fur elew!ii-ru. Now that you tun soenm such porfert portraits of your , iVf.limesntsmi.To nominal cost, d n't dekiv test vou i hfu tilt'lit. Kvrry v-iuety of fancy tiej, frnmr, At, on hand or fuiui:hed to order, mid t verv picture iuud satistory nud wai ruittcl tit In in (U 1mi stv of the utt or no cuabg e Cult uud see us al ioii C'ht Klnut ttt. I. II. VI RM.bb i FbiladdlphU July 17, lHi2.-ly. ; V!to!cia!e and iJelail Clock ESTABLISHMEIIT. S, E. Comer Si.comt and Chestnut Sis , PiriLADELPIIIA. WIIF.KE may Iw found, one of tlio larqrxt and lirst assortments l.f C'liH-ks slid Time iM'es in the l.'nitcj Suites, in quantities to suit purclissurs, of from a single Cluck, to one tliou t iud (JloeWs; caibrariiiK every variety of style nil rurtnufiu'turc, suitulilo for Cliurekes, Hulls, Counting Houses, l'arlois, bleeping A porUnents, nil Kiu-Ucns, Btemu ud Cauul liouui, iul Ks.il Koo.il Cars. Also general sale Agent, for Kapu'i lately pat ented t'cientlfio Niche Ciold Pen. W'luilesale nd Retail Uold aud Silver Pen Holders, and Pencils, and s variety of Fancy Goods. Those wishing to purchase will find it to their interest to call before purchasing elsewhere. . , i , v j , , t-v . JAMES HARDER,... . 8. E, Cr; Clie-tuut A Cod Sis, Phila. April 10, 1852 ly. PEE BILLS Justices and Constables Fee Bills handsomely printed on cars' nauer for tilt at this office. . ," TnptRNuot'a ExcircntNT!! Cjisli, Stcjini, KIcctiicity!! The Acrtal and nil father linn out-done by the IJfflitulnff Uno or 1IIA T. CLEMENT. XVTIIO, havine Rreat failh in rapid ale nnd ' small profit, hn junt received ana opened a largo DMortment of t?PPINO AND SI MMnn G0OES, At Id Plore in Morsel Plrcrt, Suidmry, hiih he nflcT to the piddle nt the lowest price. His stock coimUu of a peneral annortinent oi Dry Goods, viz : Cloth, Cassimrrs, Ctminrts, Jeans, Drilling, Muslin, Liueim, ' Culicdef, Mi'glin dt Loins, Lawns, Ginplimns. ficrages. Sii.k & Palm Leaf Hats. A largo onaortmeut of Uoolu nnd f?h')C, fo ... Men,, Women and Children. . ; CJiorci leu, Sugar, Tea, CofTep, Molasses, Cheese, Spi- ' " cc, Tish Sail, Plasler. . . HARDWARE, Vi t Iron nnd Sleel, P ni!, Tile, For:, &c. QUEENS W A RE, Tea Setts, 1' laics, Dishes, Cips, Sautcrs, LIQUORS, Wine. Einr.dy, Gin, Hiiiii, Whiskry, ic. LI Coujitry producj of all kind taken in ex change at Ihe liifjhe.it market price. My 8, 1852 ly. ' 'fl'o (he Trart Jtiu Tisbiic. First Clm Hotel Terms l..r0 per dy, IIIE vubscril er having lalelv lieeome proprie A tor of the FRANK 1.1 l'lOLSK, CheMnut Street, hclow 3d and !th, I'lIILAUKI.HIIA, nnd having nKiuri:n tiik piiicg or Homo to Sj! 1 ,S0 per d.iy, gives notice Unit, notwithstanding 1 li in reilnction lie will Kli'.l continue to keep a FIRST CLASS IH)L1K. Franklin Houkc ha just uuderconn extended nltcrnliou, and U now filled up and rclnrnislieil in superior lvlc for the reception of visitors. The l.uwcr Floor f.irmcrly occupied by store, i now included in the Hod I. I". r nt it's a Spacious lieci'pli.m Koom, ('ienl!eineii' I'.irlur nml Dining Room, Ihi rrhy lillinvin.: nn addilioii of iliirtv chambers nnd f'crerul li .ioliiid pmlor frouliu ( hestnut treel I.oouim in tin- Hotel arc supc rior to moM otiierr, leimj roitructed with nl cove, forming parlor nml hi d chamber altached well lightened nnd vi nlil.iled. Il location U uiiourjKiHi.c.!, either f'r busmcua or pleasure. HEN. II. WOOL MAN, Prop'r. Philadelphia, A up;. 14, IS52. om. 530 LOOK AGEUTS WANTED. 4 NV fjood, oelive nnd intelligent innn, willi a small r.ipiinl of Loin fc30 tit a S10H, can make l.n;:e piolil ly engaging in l he sale of thu lol!owiiir ropi I.AR AM) OF.Ft'L HOOKS. ttiAMUKh!- im'oumatiux rem Tin-: i'i:oi'i.i:: nr IVi-oIar l'iH'V('kii..liti nl' I'm-i'mI Kiiiw!.-iIi:c. 'J'v l:irk'ta in.pi'ri;il ncuiiti voliiuifH. c'liinniiiiiK ITIXI iMitrei. i'HTKiisiNT nivroiiv ok Tin-: a.mi;ku-a It K Vol.1 TIl'M. .'sll liirjrc ii-lavo :igin, wiili .! it' I ji'r,u iiis. i'i:ri;ns.v.s iiif-Tort v ok tiik r. s. xavy. ceo Intel nrt'iv-T pfi'j:i'i'. nnii l.'n liiir llii-rn . mi.?. fitisrs ni..i AitK.Mii.i-; i; i:.vis ix Tiii:in?T(i- H V or A.MlUilCA. 'I'wi Lunl- ik'Iiivii v..liiiiii'i. rqi. Ininiiii: Kill!) Kigi' ii. nl .Hi Kiiyuu itiL'H. Tlie U.-sl Hid- t-rrfif AiM'Tiivi piiMisliil: FIKrST S I'lCTOUlAI. I.IKK )! VASIMN(!TO. A Spli!iii!!il ll.Rik, continuing li: i nclnv.i pj.'i iukI I.MI elt- pint Knirmvins. Tlie cllir.iirsl Ijle ol' Wur-llillgl.ui ever illilt.(il. .MOOItKV HISTORY Ol' Till; IXDIAN VAnf. Vine cl'irri'i nml Plniit l'lnlm. THi: Tltri-: HKI'I III.ICAX. CnnttinliiK llic limnsnirnl Ail.lressuit mill llm Pimt Anuinl Aliiic!.fi'ii mill Mi-phiim- ol' nil tlie 1'r.iilriitii iii die t'nu.?.! Sintm, ilm Coiifttmi- Ii illBi'l' lilt" illlj. irlmit r!:i!l'H ill the I'lliiMI. A:c.t r. liiitrt!li.li(il Willi I'urTr.iitmil'itll llif l'l-fRiili'iitf, eiif;ni- veil on slivl, null a view of ll.e Ciijiitnl of tin: L nlUil St ill, oijo jtiiffep, I'j ni'i. rX'S HOOK Of MAIITY!!'.. A S;iiili..Fiiiiii:y K.liii ni, L.r).'..' i Mirl i. wiili 6', I jig.ui ing, beiiulilul:)- li iiiml in in iniM. silt. 1)1 ; f(!lt.Mi;. I. ' HISTORY OF TIIK I'Ol'l.S. K l..re nciMvo it ij:eft. u illi iriislr.-uii'iis. JOSi:l'lll S' XVOIIKS. Ivlilimi. one l uce v Inine. srt ll.M'rt KJ'.FI.IX'I'lo.NS OX TIIK W'OiiKS OF CHI). st i'ii:nin:'s srrr.ir.s or natfiik. WIIITK'S HISTOH V OF Till: U Oii'.l). A V.ilu (t.-iifinl Hikl .ry. tine Lire oel:ivo volume, with Imnii s 'um Knrtitx iti'i.. !.IVi:s or i;i,K T AM) CIW.FIIItATF.I) C1IA11AC TFl'H : of a I A nml Foiintrii-K. One lnrgu vt'liiinu oi h'W .:ireB, wiili iiniinr .ns i'litiuiviiii:.. Toopllier willi a lniniln-r (if mht'i Woiks pailiculiirly ailapled Im l'opulur lii'inling. (Hy" Thcnt'tst liberal tliscoi'.sts v. ill be rjVoi lo Azents who mm) engine in the sale of the above Valuable Hooks. For further particular. niKlirfs (poslayp pai.l,) J. h J. I. t;UION; I'nUislieis, No. US Chestnut Street, PhiUlelphit June 26, 1352. IIAEEISBUF.G E00K BINDERY. F. Ii. IILTTKIJ CO.; Pnreessi.rs In V. O. Iliekok, iin.l lliek ill ft Cnnlinc. bTSOOK niNUKRM, STATIONERS AND 1JLA.MC UOOK iMANL'l'ACTI KI'.lIs. The sulisci fliers reVjieciru!ly inform Ihfir fiicuJs ami the pi;llie, thnt tlicv nre now enrrving on tlio ali iv Imsiness nt Ilie Jl.l) STAND occupinl hy llickok & Co. Thry llutlcr Ihemwlvrs that hy careful nlleulion to 1 ii.-ihejs, thry will nnril nml rceuive a continuance of llic palroiine to lilicr ally ciijoycil hy the olJ lirnm. , Purtieulur ullcntit.il will lc )-:iiil to the rulinr; and hiiuliug of every ilcsciiplioii of I Link books for bunk, county otlit-es, inerchuiits ninl priute iniliviiluals, nnd nriv vuriety of full ninl I. .ill' hound Muuk hooks. Oiil hooks, pciiotlicnl, l.iw hooks, tnusie, new;i.ii er, &c, bound in any pallcrn nml in uny st!c rripiired. In niltli'.ion to Ilie almve, tliey have, snJ will at nil times keep, a jieiiernl isjiliueiit uf STA TIONEKV, coiisittinr; of Letter rnprr, Kiiive., , Flutes am! Pencils. Flip " CjilillM, .,-;id Pt'iici;., Drawing " InUstniuln. Letter Srnmps, Tnuiw'tf " .M.i.i;i Wufeis, liuliii Kul.btr, Fopviiiif " Jil.ic-c li lt, Wiif. ru, Ul.iltin " fenlitnr WllX, II.il Tnpe, Slwl Pens, Klue Ink. Illimk Csril., Curiilinc Ink, Cnpyins Ink. FoUkrs, Aili'ilil's Writing I'lniJ, leisure., A:e. TF Taper ruled to pattern, and all work war ruiitcd'and done very clirnplv. F. L. 11 UTTER & CO. March 13, lSo2.tf. TIIK CnC IT E'HIZK ?1CI II. 4K ItlVI U S HISKE1T 8c TULL, No. 148 Chestiutl St., above Suth, Front oj ,. , JONES' HOTEL. . tj T)"5l"l T- i""1 received their Trize I'TETTt Medal, awarded to them for I ITlJ their lest 'J'ravelling Trunks ex hibited nt the World's Fair In London, 1851 being the only exhibitors to ulinni any nwurd mi Their competition wa willi nil the world, and they have tttkcu THE PKI'E! TRUNK?, VA14SE?, BACS, Le. . To be found iu this Cilv, ami at rerv low prices Cull ami hh'i 1IICKEV &. Tl LL, '1 runk Manufacturers, 148 Chestnut rtt. April 10, IS53. tf. Tho Johnston Ink MANUFACTORY REVIVED, IQlh If Lomlxird St , PHILADELPHIA, THE subscriber begs leave respectfully to in form PmsTEas generally, that he has suc ceeded to the Business of manufacturing Print, ing Int formerly carried on by his grand Father, and Father, and offers his article to the trade, without any Purrs, but with the simple reliance upon the long established chaiacter it baa borne, feeling confident of ita giving entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with call. Tmxs Cash. , CHARLES ENEU JOHNSTON. April 10, 1832. 1 f . - j.- -j. SMITH'S ESSEXCB OF JAMAICA U1N- GEIl, t fresh supply just received, and for le by H, D. MA8SER. ISuiibury, Jan. 10, 1833. GLASS, DRUGS, PAINTS, &o.. VtII017ES.lf.t3 AMI IlLTAIL. TIHE Philadelphia ' Window Class, Varr- hottce, and Drug, Paint, Varnish, 'tl nnd Color Stores, AM. 83 and 35 North Fourth Street, , East side, has tho largct assortment of Window, Picture, Coach, Case, Hot-House, and olher GLASS, in the city j comprising upwards of 1S,000 dif ferent sizes, ranging from the smallest size, lip to 38 by GO inches of Sheet, aud as large ns 5 by 7 feot of Plate tJloss, incliidinrf Enrilixh Crown, French, German And American, holh Single and Double Thick. Also, n Inrec asortinent of Very Thick Glass, for Hky-I.ights, Bulk Windows, eVc. 1 he Cuhscribcr having a heary stock on hnml is prepared to fill orders nt the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Odd sizes of any nnttern rut to order.N (Jrnuml V lute lad f Paint, nrnisli, ot ev- 7 description l J urprntine ; l.insrrd Oil, boil ntul raw; Paint Mills: Putty; Handles ; Dye Woods, Ac, eVc, Ac. And also, a largo supply of fresh Itnpoi led D1JUCS AND MEDICINES. J. II. SPUAOUE. Kn S3 & 35 North 4ih St., E. Side. April 10, 1832. ly. "AID AKD C0MT0RT," I o lotir On n lTIcciiaiitcs. GKOlvGE RENN. MANUFACTt'RKa OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the moit Fashionallo Etj lo. rPHE subscrilier respectfully calls the attention of I'io public to Ids large and Bpluinlid assort ment of every quality and price of UAniVl2T-WilElI3. which cannot fail to recommend itself toevery one who will exnniiiic it, on account of its durable worUmaniihip nnd sjilendid finish, made up of the IicmI stock to Im had in the city. No effort is spared in the m inufaeturc of bis wore, and the subscriber is determined to keep up willi the many improvements which arc constantly being uittdc. His stock cous:.ts of Mahogany S f.tsi, PSvniS'' itnd I.vmiipcs, Evjcaus, Secretaries, iileloai's, mh, lii'.EAKFAST AXU l)IXIG TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, c.UaI to Phila- deipliii inmiutacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern nnd price, CUPBOARDS. WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOIL KT TABLKS AND EXTF.NSIOX TABLES, in short, evervnrlii le in this line of his business, lie also iiiatniiii' litres all kinil. and untitles of (11 A I US, iirt tilding v:rielies never before I" be had ir Siml iiiv, su.-li os Moi.ii. ivv, Buck Wai.tt Ml t 'lllLKII .M II'M. ( i II ''I A ; AVII WlMISOIt H Mh's, iMirnt r Pi o S( o n.s, which are f i'i,- laii l slyles. nnd warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or cIm-'.vIh rr. J lie subscriber is determined tliut there shall be no excuse for persons lo pun liaoe furniture in the cities, nn every coiiliilenee can be ciilcitained about the quality nud finish of his ware and Chairs. His articles will l e disposed of on as good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken ill payment for work. . I if I N UEKTAKINO. Having provided himself with u handsome Hkiiisk, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or al any convenient dis tance from this place. IjS Tim Ware Room is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store nnd Weaver's Tavern. (iEOllUE RENN. Sonliury, Jan. 10, 185-1 tf. STACK OFJ'tCK. WAs:nx;T. nousic, SUITBUllY, PA. JAKES COVERT, Proprietor, "5"TrC'l LD respectfully nnnounce tlint he taken this well known Main, where has he will be gratified to see und entertain his trienils nnd the ravelliti;; public generally. This house is now replete willi every convenience, comforta ble, ple isautly located, bauds, inely furnished well ventilated, -rendering it in every respect di-siii-.Mc stopping place. No expense ha-i been spared in fitting up this bouse, 'i'iie chiinbers are well furnished ant! Ilie table nnd bar provided with the best the market con afford. s The stable ii'-eominndations are extensive um! well calculated fur travelers. STAGE OFFICE. The stage-) running from Northumberland lo Pottsville, stop at this house, where through and way tickets to 1'hikicYlpl.ia call be obtained. r-'uiiburv, March till. liS.IC. if. J. I. SITTSRZCH. .Vu 78 IVorli 2. .'-., li t we m Jrrh and Kaet Ft., rH2Z.ACLrxZZA. II"RtIV iiii'.n'ins the public that he importu and eonstaiitly keeps on hnml nt his new store, No. 7H Norili 2d St., u hirje us.iailiuent ol l''tri'igu Fancy (ioo('s, Musical Instruments, Pictures ti" Paints, whidi ho will sell at the lowest prices. His stock, in part, cun.-Uts of, Accordeons, Violins, Music Iioxcs, I'arlor and llnr l'oom lr gaiis, Me'o. Icons, iScriiphiucs, M.illieniiilii-ul In strinneuts, M.iih-Is, !Spy nuil Opera (ilussi-s, Stutlom-ry of nil kinds, I'm ki t Hooks, llrone 1'owder, Hull Ii Metal. (J..ld and Kilver Leaf. Sca'.cb of ull kinds, Knulf and Tobacco IIock, I.ilhograpltic I'aiuls, Copper l'latc aud Uteel Kn Rruvings, and pictures of cery variety. Al o (iilt Frame Mouldings of various sizrs. Dealers, Country Merchants, uud Tcdlars, sup plied at reasonable prices. December 0, 1651. tf. THOMAS PALMER, COMMISSION MKJtCIIANT,. No. G, North Wharves, Where the following KoJs are received and sold on commission, Dried Apples, Peaches, Plums, Pears, Cherries, Ac, Green Apples in llurri-ls or by tho llushel, II cans, Peas, Cranberries, Onions, Mercer Po tatoes, fweet Potatoes, Slu-lharks, Chestnuts, (round Muls, Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Pi-is. Prunes, Urnpi-s, Poultiy, Kg!s, Uultcr, Cheese. And all kinds of I'oreign and Domestic 1'ro- duce. Philadelphia, Dec, 13, 18.11 ly. SOAP AND CANDLES. riHE subscriber takes this method of inform- in if the ciliens of Sunbui v and vicinity. that they are eri;a?cil in iho manufacture of Soap and Caudles, of the best quality, at No. 44 Pillart street, Philadelphia, i They rusieclfully invite ull whu buy for cash, Iu mivo him a cull as they will Cud it tu to tluir advantage in dealing wilh him for articles in their line. E. DI KFV Sc SON, 44 Filbert above Dili. December 20, 1851. tf. ARNOLD'S WRITING FLUID and Adhe aive anil Iei7.il envetnta. fur bhIa Itv , H. li. MASSER. Sunbury, Ufa 10, 1852. EXTRACT OF COFFEE An excellent article more wholesome and much cheaper than Coffae itself, For sale at this oHioe. . April 17 1M ir J USTICES' FEE DILL8 For aale by .11 B MASSER. Bmibury, 1,851 . . ; , ! . UMlMf ' Cl CHERRY PECTORAL: for Iho Care of , . . COUGHS, OOX.D3, nOAnSEMESS, BROM OHITXS, CROUP, ASTK IVIA, WHOOPING-COUGH AND COMSUJVIPTION". This invaluable rcmcdv for all diseases of the Throat and Li-mis, has attained a eclobrily from its lemarkablo cures, never equalled by any other medicine before. Oilier preparations have shown themselves palliatives, and sometimes ef fected notable cures, but none has ever so fully won the eonfulenca of every community where it is known. After years of trial in every climate, the resolts hnve indisputably shown it to possess a mastery over this dangerous clnss of diseases, which could not fail to attract the attention of Physicians, Patients, nnd the public nt large. See the stasemcnts, not of obscure individuals nnd from far distant places, but of men who are known nnd respected throughout the country. The widchi cclr'miUd Surgeon, Dr VAL ESTISE MOTT, uiV. 1'. City, saijs: : "It pivrs me plenFurc t- ceitii'v the vhImc nnd eflirncy of "A vim ClnTry IVet'Tnl," which 1 c iiid..r niTuliarly in to) it ed to cure dtfnC8 nf tn thrntit and linn;fi ' DR. ri:nKlf, Uie veiiernMf; VrcKidftit rf Inc Ver nrnt Mt-tliral Collcg;, t.uc cf thr t niint'iilly l :irni'tl jiliyiu ifiiini nl' thin country, wi'ileF, the (Mirrry Vfct'T.-tl in rx ti-jisivi'ly nfrd in ihiM (ifi'liviii, when- it has fI: wn uiiiiiik t.ikntili cvidincc of its li.ii j y rtfrrU up 11 iu!iiiiii;iry l i jp- The Rev. J. D. CO If II ASK, a tiisthipuhhsd Clersyman vf ihe English Church, wriltu fi tbn Trn-irirfor lV"ni Mitnlrrnl. llmt '-In hif Vft-n rurrd of u w-vcrf nmliiiinti Hlhfti'ifi. 1 t.'hT ty l'tfttnd." Ilin letter nt lull It-ii-ftli, in iv Ut: t und in our tiicuUtr, to h-- Itiul f the Agt'iit, uud ih'uMi ih l!ic ittt--iiti'iii uf usth m itic putit'iitR. 77 w letter is from the mil In own Drngzist at Jltlhthtlc, Michigan, one cf the Inrpmt r'tt; crs in the State ; and this case is from his own observation 1Itu.i ai r, Mi. h., Vr. 10. J. it). "De-ir fir : TmM'rdi.iV.y "ii tft ij't of yi.ur ("'hrrrj pcr- tonil, I ('-in-if! ft Utii!( lo utt nt it:iiiiniin,1! of mine win Will lhon(;lil lO le IM-iir IHM trf !VI Willi tIl.irK C I!'IIU Tl II. ' w.ih ttt'it up jlile I riff from Ins Iwtl, and wuh rxtit me- ly ffi'ble. Um fiionHK ln iien .l h'.- luoft n -on n.'. unit e; relit i u Hilil he dMniiicd for l itn. m:d I mdnrrd iImMu to uive y nr exet-lli-iit iiidii-iuc u tri it. I iinnu-tlti.tt ly It f t wn fT llirre wo'l;. nml y m: jiidutn tiy anriiiiu on my r'ttirn, to tw'fi him it. the piivt t on my wny h inc from Hie ejifn, nud find he hitd ontirelv n.vu cred l-'cnr wee' Imiiii the thiy .v v urn'onetttt tiiktinr your uiedirine, lie wiiHitt work nt Ilia nrtl-.i ms trnde nl n ll;- .ti:itli- M'litTf :irc oiluT e;it? n vviilun my kn li i-c, where the Cherry I't'etoinl h-en f ii.nnli'.' ly son . erjuil, Iml none so iiiniUed us lliis. Very tru!v y- inn. ti. V. L'MJKUWCOI). Thar the Patient. Pr. J C. Ayer, I.owrli. iJe.ir r : Peeling under oh-Mir-itiong to yon fur the r p! niiiioii r my hefdili, I s nd y u n report of my nipe, whi-'li you nre nl liier!y tiul)lthh f r the I ten ctit ol' other!!. J iFt ntitiilun I tttik ft h:nl e M. ne- e 'iiiitiiiiitt hy ti .veie v. 'Of;1', nud Hi ide ue n ines without olt;ihiiiiii r lit f, I wms "I li ol intinv nii-il. . !IVI' Hp t'tineF.s, tVi-.inentlv r;iifrd l-l o-I. mi l e nl ! ivf u liilit. A friuid ji-ive me ft b tl!e l y -nr t ln-rry I'ert -ml. the ue of w'iieh I ini!ne;Ii;iti-ly c iiniKn'-ed nre phuij lo dnerti ms 1 hnve just -n,-ehitM'l I In; fii'f'i ll'e, inul mil jieiirly reeovirvd. i U"v Fleep w I!. r:iy e:iiifi i;:.B ee:i.-ed, uud ull hy the nte of vour v:!ii tT It- m- tieiue ' l-l. S r-T)M:. A M. ri'iiu ipnl .Mt. Hope Semiunry. IIaxovfr. t)hl Apiit X. Ik'II. lieur Sir: I wish I run It I tell nil thnt Fiilf-r with CtJiiph, Avlint your Cherry ltvtind linn d ne fir me. It d ien Feern they niif-lil Ue Unebtted hy the iiifornintmn. I linri a lung lever wuit'ii lett my liiiijN wtnK iiitrt intiiuie i. Heinjr very fcehle nml tumble lo i;niii R:reith ut ull, my friends thought 1 uiiifi! t wmi ain' in eim'iinpti u. I hud n i uppftite, mid ii tlit .il r -ii1i wus fiiFt wenrinfr me away. 1 Ih-uuii to tnki y'iir . nmiiul lut-dieiii, hy Hie uit viee of o eU rjryuiim, wIm h id Feeii its etfeeti W( .re. It reused my eiii:h ut tini. nml ;ive ine rent ttt ni'jht. In leFnthui ii foituiijht I e -uld ent well, nud my e mlt lirnl eenwd to he trmlilen me. my upetiie returmtl. iiml my fwid liourir'ieil me, wilted mi li rest led MlV Fto-lifT'll Now. nft i five wee'.e. I sun wl! nnd s'l.tiw, witli n oth er lie Ip than ) our i lieny Pi elonil. Y.-ur. With re.-iieet, JPT.1A PKAN. i I hereh-i certify tint tin nh ivc ptn'eineitt of my wile is in eoutormity with my own ifv t'l liei vahi und l.cr eure hy AyerV CluTiy r:d The ;di:vr nnin.tl J jn-pli nen nun Jnlin. his wife, nre pernoiiidly l.n wu to me, uuJ iutUcit confi.lt mu iiciy he n!:ieed in their ttn'rnient SA.Mi rr. c. v.w PKinvrxT, 1'iibt.ir of ihe It ipti.it Church. Prrpnm! ami sM by JAMES C. A YEll Practical Chenihtj Lowell. Mass Solil iii Siml.irv l v U MAPSKR, nntl ly Dnie-.ii.'.ts pener.illv t'lroiisi : tilic fc'iatc. Kovemlier 1, lsiil. ljce-lmo rsrfev "CSV mi'.ass or the ss ro'JKKT.i-:seri.A- A?' f A 1'U:h, r Kierv one liU !3 (?.-f:t V iiwii i'!iyi -ihi ! 'l'ni-.iTV 'piiTii e-.!iiion, w;;!i up & i; iviinU of a Uu ml red eii-ra 0 .Win.,,,,!, .IU fhowiiiir private dis- '4, -.-i.-' ...'. ' A;) r:i:, in i vi-rv .illalie and l t if ' form, nnd malformuli.ms of '.'V'' tl.e ci-ni-riiiive system, ly it i- XV mi. Yoiinsr. i-"" J be tunc has now arri ved, that I'cr.ions nufG-ring from secret diseases, ccd no more hvcoina the victim iik fti Ai Ktnr, as by tho prcscrijilions contained in this book, any one may cure liiinc!f without' hindrance to business, or the knolcde of the uiot iiiliinate friend, and with one tenth Ihe usual expense. In Hiblilion to the (jniernl roulilie of private disease. n lully explains the cause ot nianliooil s early ilc- c.nie, Willi observation on nn-.rriaqc Defines many other derangements which it would not be proper lo enumerate, in the public prints. tv Any person siMii'iu TVKNTV-FI E CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one copy of this book, by mail, or fho copies will be sent for one dollar. Address. Du. W. YDliNG, o. 133 S-PRLCE street, PiilLADr.LPHIA." Poet paid. l7" Dr. VOUNU can be consulted on any of the Diseases dcscrilnd m his ihllcrcnt publicu- tions, at his Office, 133 Spruoo street, every day between U and 3 o'clock, (Sundays ccepted.) Philadclphij, June 3, 1633 ly. Eoiu;ets, Hats and M i 1 1 i n e r y (1 o o' tl s ! EKCHANTS and Milliners when in Phil adelphia to purchase their coods, nil! find u to their interest tu examine uur large and fash, iouublc stock uf STRiVT CJOTSJS. Vo manufacture largely and mroiiT the Nswts-r Sri Lts or loitisa I'aljj its in our line ; which touelher with other advanta lies enable us to oiler liberal iuduceiiients to bum. us. R. A. CROOKER, & CO., No. 47 and 49 Chestnut (Street, and No. S6 South ISec.ond Ktreet, west side, neur Chestnut, Philadelphia. December S7, 1851 ly.ef. WM. G. MASON, Kngniver and Printer, No. 4G Chestnut Street, above Second, PIZZLADEtPHZA. IS prepared to do ENGRAVING and PRINT. ING, in all their branches, VV'ed.lum, isiting and Ilusiness Cards, Uall TicieU, Watch Pojiere. I,lls, Bill Heads, Notes, Checks, Drafts and Diplomas. Seals and Stamps for Corporations, Odd Fellows, Masons, Hons of Temperance, &c. All the above eiif-rared in manner. Orders by Post promptly attended to. December 87, 1851. ly. JOHN A. HARRIS, Manufacturer, & Dealer in Imported and Domettio Segan, . Also, a general assortment of Ltar& Hlouufaclurctl Tobacco, CONSTANTLY on band, at the lowest mar ket prices. Corner uf Chestnut St., and Wharves, Philadelphia. , .... Doceinher 87, 1851r- ly. , i ' ; ; SL US I rmB BANK-NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED; WEEKLY; rKNNSYljVAKTA. rtrr n. l-itlt..nKt.piilA MAfsSAOAtETtH. All solvent Imnks I dis KHODR IHLAND. All solvent Isniks I dis CONNKCTICUT. All solvent hsnks I dis 11. 8. Itmik notrs lfi rlia All solvent I" ok. - . pnl COCKTBT. . rtnnk ot Clinmlirrslmri' I di. linns ol uncsicr ti). par. Hunk of Pel. Co. Chester sr MKW VORK. etTT. Hunk of Gcrirmntwii pr Hunk of Itc'ltvuliurit 1 (lis All solvent Imnks I dis (7 lik notes umli-r f S dis Hunk of Iwi.town eousTRT. Alt solvent. Imnks Id IS Hunk nf MiAII'town 1 ill. MontsMnery Co B;ffH pnr1 fiKW 1KRSEY. tlelvulcre "Bnnk 1 "is Commerrinl Honk ' "lis Ksr. Hunk Mont llotlv jmr P. A M..MWitletnwii rt. pur Mechanics' Hk, Newark r Meeh. Hk of ifiirlinirton mr Mech. k Man. Bk Trent rmr Morris Co Bnnk i dis Nenrk Hk'g ft Ins. Co dis Oranre Bnnk I dis ifnns oi oTiinimiK.-ri'im. nsi Hnnknf Plllslmrs; I ili Hsnk of Dsnrille riir' Cnrlislr llnnk " 1 li Colnniliis IJ'k D'geCo par loyi-lorn Hunk f" Knslon Hank ' pnr Kris llnnk ! Kichnnirr n'krittalntrg I am Kxelmnfrs H'k, Hrmirli 1 di. Farmeri,' Rk. HuekaCn nsrlt'eonre's Hk Patterson ' 1 dis Farmers' Hk, Imnenstcr par Prineeton Hank par Farmers' Hk, ltemtins; ir!flem Bnilkins Cn, tmr Farm. Hk Hrlinylkill CO parlfVinerret Co Hank J dis F D. Hk WnynesliNf 1 liti.!itnte Hnnk n Cnmiten par Franklin Hk. Wnrti'n IJdis'fitnte Hk Elisnliethtoil J dis Ilnrri.lninr Hank I ilis ftnle Bnnk Newirk dis iliniesiliile Hnnk . . . 1 di. pints Ilk, m . moiuwiexnnr tiinenstcr Hunk Sussex Bank, rvewion J ins Trenton Hnnkina Co pnr 1.1-lionon Hnnk ' par Mereh. A: Man. Hmdc 1 dis Miners' H'k. I'nttsviMs per ITnion Hank, uorer j eis Vnnllrvv'le & Del Dr Co lMis Mononcnheln Hnnk I di. Tnyliir.v's Del IIV Co 15 di. 'tyllk notes nniler M I dis DlillYAKb. TIank of Di-lawnre pnf V est Hnmeh Hank pnr AVyiuninu Hk, Wilkesli'c par Hank of Smyrnn reir York Hnnk, ' 1 din tVltelicf notes 1 di. MAINR. l)elarnre City Hank ' par Hk Wilmir'nft HramtyW. par Farmer.' Hk W Ifi-kiwnre par Union Bnnk. Wiliningtoli pnr Hnnk of Whet lork It di.1 Merenntile Uk, RangiS forii. All lvent bank. di. Ni:V IIA.MISIltRK. IV t'nder -i' J dis )HI. A II solvent Imnks I dis "?"llk note, under S's 4 di. NOIITII CAROLINA. All s-'lvent Innks S dis l-Under 4' s, t! dis All Kilvent Imnks di. i-.imiif. i . II ink nf HI A limn. 9 ill All solvc-iit banks di. A CAIL TO HOUSEKEEPERS Al tlio Cabinet Wnre Itoom of SE'IVN IIOUPT & CO. Market Square, Also al tlie corner of Fnirn street & the Railroad SUNBUKY, l'A. TliniiLfut for tlio patronnrfo of liis friends and cuntotners tlurinir the 17 years lie has lieen in liiisi. ness in this plnre. lie solicits from tlie public a eon tinoanre of tluir favors, ltnrinp; tliis period he lias endeavored to keep up willi the improvements of the day, nml litis ui-corilin-jlv extended his busi ness in every l-rnnrh nnd xnri'-ly. 'J'he public aro thrri forc invited 4o the attention uf the present sloi-k of CABIN KT WARE AM) CIIAI.'tS, MANtTArTrnpt) nv SEBASTIAN II0FPT t5i CO. At the Old Himtf, Where in addition lo their former stock of th CFliiMishmeiit they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Scat Chair. ,"?! Spring Sent Rocking Vitn'rs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, .Marble lop II rrsh ,S tana's, und a variety of other new style unrl E'th!i'o:inl)Ic E'cn-ii ":'. Having secured a Ilearsc and innda the neres snry arnintfenirnta for the pnrjiose, they aro now prepared for I'ndertaking in all it Imtnrlie, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye maids nml iniitreg.es. ami liu.lmnd. Mo, Here', furniture of every style and hue, From side lioanl. il iwu l- kitchen bibles, From rockiiiK clmir. to i. ski nft cradles Should y.iu not linve the ii-n-ly Jonx to pay, We'll wait nwhile fir a brighter belter dny, Or lake potatoes, onl., com, wheat and ry. Hark, hoop P"le., staves, or lumber wet nml dry. Or nay thing bin yokes nnd threshing; Dai!., Fl'-m pig. and lurkii-u down to litlte (iiuils. Come on then friend., corns one and .ill, Keep trade n moving, so "g-H-s on tlit bi-il.' t"& Orders from n distance promptly attended to and work of ail kinds delivered w ith dispatch. Kunbury', March 0, 1S.)U tf LAWIiKNCl: ILOUSK." SUNBURY, PA. IIIE subscrilier respectfully informs her friendt 1 nml the public Reneriillv, that she has taken the above well known stand nearly opposite the Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J. U. Per kins. She trusts that her experience in bu-iincxs, and her elTorts to make her guests comfortable, will live entire satisfaction to those who may fa vor her with their custom. AN- C. MORRIS March 8, 1S51. tf. J. H. ZIMMERMAN, Sraibtiry, Fa. ' OfTicc in Deer Street, immediately opposite the 1 ublic -hool House. fT Monies colluded aud nil bu.itic nloniiillv nnd enr. fully atlendeil to. April SO, 1850 Viiluable ICookM. j" IFE nr Chuist, handsomely hound, D'Af- J IltSt'l IllHTOIir Or Tit K ItKFIIlMiTIO. Bunk Dit-uooks ami LeiiKCHs, full bounded. r or sale at the publishers prices by Suiihury, July 14, 1849 griTONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al inouils, P unes and Cream Nuts. Phiues ot all kinds. Suit and Plaster. Just received and for sale by JOHN W. FKIUNli. Suntmry, Dec. 2U, IS4U. J5 O.SE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this ft. excellent article for Teller, 4 e., just reerivej and for sale by IIE.NKV MA&tsEU. Sunliury, July 28, 184!) T10I.D PENS with and without eases, of a yiJsI very suerior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of 'ritiiiR Fluid, for sal I'X II. 13. MAtSSER. Sunbury, Dec. 57, 1851. I71.VTRACT CF GINGER. A fresh supply " just received aud for sale at this cilice. Pi ice 25 cents. Sunbiiry, Juy 13, 1851. SILVER WATCHES. A few double ease English Silver Watches, for sale at yery loss prices by H. B. MASSEK. tsunbury, April 13, 1851. J A TENT RRITTANIA STOPPERS for bar uoiuea ior ssie iy 11. O MASSER. Sunliury, April, 13, 1851 KNOB AND SPRING MORTISE LAT CUES. An excellent article, for sale at hail the usual price by J- W. FAILING, Siiiiburv. July 7. 1849- WLANK NOTES, waiving the exemption 4 jj law oi -jiouu, ior sale uy April 20, 1851. H. B. MASSER. ADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi cine for sale by HENRY MASHER, Suuhurv. Jan. 87lh. 1849 - TILEY'S COUG7 CXNDY. An excel. lent remedy lor coughs, colds. For sale at this olfioe Tp!OR aale at this oflice, Superior Black Ink, - Cattle Medicine at 35 cu, Pure Essence of Ginger.SS ceuts liTiANKS. BLANKS of every desoriiition can be had by applying al the office of the American. WRITING FLUID and self set ling Enve lopes, just received arid for aale by , April 19. 1851. H.B. MASSER. riMSSLE PAPER Yellow Tissue paper for I covering glasses, 6Vc, for aale at the office of Hat American. . ' ......A