SUN BURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. Hw AdrertisemenU. HERE IS YOUR REMEDY 1 Holloway's Ointment. A MOST MIRACUI-OVS Ct'RE OP BAD LEOS, AFTER 43 YEARS' BUFFERING. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Wm. Gal pin, of 70, St. Mary's Street, Weymouth, dated May nth, 1851. To Professor Hollowat. "'i Al Hie am of 18 my wife (who it now )) sanffht VKitaiit cold, which Milled In fear kajs, end ever since that time they hmvt bnn mora or leas sore, end greatly InSamed. Hr agonies were disiraet ng, and for moiilha tnttellief aha waa deprived entirely of real and sleep Every remedy that medical men edviaed waa tried, hnt without effaat her health mifTered aeverely, and the Mate v. nci raga was cemnie, I aaa niren renil your mim- liaemenu, and adviaed her to try yoni Pilla and Ointment; , and, aa a hat resource, after every other remedy had pro , ved useless, aba ronaented to do an. Phe commenced si weeks ago, and, etrange to relate, ia now in eood health. . tier lea; a are paiitleaa, without aeara or amr, and her aleep annm, ana undistnrhail. Could roe have Wlineeeea ina uflerinira of my wife during the laet 43 yeare, and con trast them with her present enjovment of health, yem . would indeed feel delightful in having hern tlie meana of eo greatly alleviating tlie aufleriiisa of a frilow-creatiir. (Signed,) WILLIAM GAI.PIN. A PERSON 70 YEARS OF ACE CURED OF A BAD I.EO, OF 30 YEARS' STANDING. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Wm. Abbs, Build er of Gat Ovens, of Rushctiffe, near Hud dersfield, dated May 31sf, 1851. To Profreeor Hoixowav, Sir. I suffered for a period of tliirty years from a had leg, the reault of two or lliree ilinVrriit acciilcnls at tins Works; accompanied liy ecirlmtic aymptiana. I had re enirae to a vnilety of mrdiral advice, wilhout deriving any benefit, and woe even told thnt Hie leg mast lie ninpn. tnleil, jt, in opposition to that opinion, viiir Pilla and Oiutinent have effected a complete cure in eo sliorl a lime, Unit few who had not witneaaed it would credit the (net. (Sigued) WILLIAM AI1I1S. The truth of thiar statement can I verified hy Mr. W. P. Kiigtnnd, Chemist, 13, Market Stieet HiulilcralieUI. A DREADFUL BAD BREAST CURED IN ONE MONTH. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Frederick Turn er, of Pcnhurst, Kent, dated December 13i, 1850. To rri.fcim t IIoluiwat, Dkak Sis. My wile hed aiiflitreu from Dnd Iliariats ft.r m Tn than six months, ami during tlie whole -criMl hail tiie beet medicul nlteiiilnnce. but nil to no use. Having lie f re liealeil nn awful wound in my own leg, by your nn rivnllrd medicine. I rioterininml tiriln to nun your Pilla and Oinnmeiit. mid therefore gtive tlieiu n trinl in her cute, and fortunate it wn I did en. for .n lesa tliim n ni'iitli n perfect cure waa rlfectcd, and the benefit tlitit Miri'li oth er branches oi' my fmnilv have derived from tlicir use ie really nalonialiing I now strongly rcc mtneiid tliein to II my frienda (Signed) FRED'K TURNER. Tlx Pilla ahould be used conjointly with the Oiiiilnent moat of the following caaes : Had Lega, Chieg..fixt, Hail Breasts, Chilklaina, Itiirna, r Chained handa, Itnnimts, ' Corns (Soft) Kite of Mosclie- Cancers t.wra A Saud-Fliee, Contrnrtc! and I'.tcn-Uy. Stiff Jointe, Klepliantiuaia, Sore Nipples,, Scurvy, Titmouia, fleers, Iiattilua, tiout. tfliiitdnltr Fwelbng, Luinlaigo Pilea It heninatiam rVnlilB, fore-tiinnta, S tre-henda, Wouuda, awa 8.4 I at the Establishment of Profess r IIoi.liwaT, Sit, Strand, (neur Templo Htir. London.) mid bv all reapecliilile iriiftirisls and Uonle.ra in Mcdiriuca lmMi(i1ii nt the. Ilritisli Ktupire. tc III mm; of the United Stales, in ll'txeeat 3?Ac, H7c, end tl ftltc. each. Wholesale by the princiil Drug houses in die Uni"n,and by Messrs. AD. Samm, New Yoik, 7 There ia a considerable aaving by taking the larger nizee N. D. Dirccliona for the pniitancc. of palicnta in every disorder are affixed to ca:h bo. October 23, 1854, I y. BANK OF NORTHUMBERLAND"." AN election for Directors will lie held nt the Ranking House, on Monday, the loiliday of November, U-tween the hour of 10 o'clock. A.M., anil 3 o'clock P- M. The annual ineeting of the atocVliolJcra, will lie held on Tucwloy the Sil Jay of November at 1 1 o'clock, A. M. J. R. PKIESTLY, Caaltier. Nortliumlierland, OcL 0, 1852. 4t. OYSTERS ! THE uiulerigneil is thankful for past fa vois ami hnpi'8 lo continue in the confi dence of hi nld costomers nud fricnils mid tliu public gt-nertilly. Iln i imw in daily re ceipt of tha best oMiiillimore Oyslfio, put up bv A. Field, Eq., who i celrbraled for pul ling tip a good article. Hi oyaiiMS are open ed tht ame morning, they leave for Ihia place and are conaequenlly only about IP hours on the way. Ha can fiend oyslers all direction by stages, boal anil nlher convey auues. Price cans 'si half cans C2i cents. N. H.--Apply al the residence of :riber or at Lee's, or llaa' llolel. the sub- scti PIMMP SHAY Norttiumber!and, Oct 16, 1852. if. Notice to Contractors. PROPOSALS will bn received at iho Of fie of the Mine Hill and 5chuylkill Ha ven Rail Road Companv, Franklin Institute Huildincs, S.uih SEVENTH St., Philadi-U nhia. on MONDAY, November 1st, for Ihe Grading of lhat portion of the extension of ihe Mine Hill Uoad, from llm summit of Broad Mnttntain to Big Mine Run, in ihe Mahauoy Valley, about 6 miles. Profiles, specifications, &e., may be seen at the En gineer's Olfice, ASHlA'ND, Schuylkill cuun- on and afler Ihe 26th iust. EWD. F. GAY, Chief Engineer. Oct. 23, 1852 - 21. TMF.RSON'S ARITH EMETIC Noa. 1.3 3, Mid ,,) Porter's Rhetorical Reader, jttat rereiv ed and for sale by WM. McCAKTV. Sunbury, May I. 185!.- OYSTEK CANS A lot of empty Jyater Cans, suitible for i.iitling up fruit, for sale ly WM. H. THOMPSON. ItJL executed fur sale at this oflice, single or by the dozen. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY Virtue of ecrt-iiu writs of Vm. IZjrp. to me directed will be sold by public Vendue, or outcry, at the Court House, in the borough of Sunbury, on MONDAY Hie lat dny of Novem Wr next, at 1 o'clock, P, M., the following real eftiito to wit . The undivided third part of a certain Tract of Land, situate on the waters of Shumokin creel, Shamo iiti tp, Northumberland co., bounded as follows: to wit i beginning uj a stone corner of Thomas Hamilton's tract, thence along the Suabury road south T4 deg. east 88 perches to a Spanish oak, thence by the same long. 89 deg. east 20j per ches to a post, thence south 14 deg. east 210 perches crossing the fchsmokin creek to a post, tliencji tiv vacant land north 84 deg. eaat 45t perches to a pine, thence by land now or late of Ucorge Coldrame, north 12 tleg. west oni lur ches croaaing said creek and the road to a post, thence by land of Win. Ball, south 78 deg. west 105 perches to a stone, thence by land now or late of Isaac Farnlinaon, south deg. east 131 nerches to the place of beginnin g : containing 124 acres and allowance. It being the same tract of land which the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania by patent, dated the 30th day of April 1785, enrolled in Patent Book, No. 3, page 342, &e.. granted to Wot. Ball. Biesed, taken in execution and to be sold as property of Jauies Penman. AL80: . A certain lot of ground, aituats in chilisquaque townahip, Northuuiber land county bounded north by public road, east by Ducher'e land, soum oy we same, ana west by land of John P. Hummers, containing one sere, mora or less, whereon are erected a log house and stable. Seised, taken in execution and to Us sold as the property of William M. Auten. ALSO l A certain tract o( land, .:,... in Chilisauaqua township, Northuinhsr. land county pounded north by lands of Ludwig U ft anal widow Pfliger. south by lands of R. D Cummings, and west by other lands of deft, j eonUtninf thirty-fiva acres, more or lesst where ttuon is erected a one and half story new frame dwelling Bouee, uro, Tract or Piece of Land, situate in the township aforesaid, adjoining Isnds of widow Pfliger on the north, on the esst by whst is known as ths scudder tract, south and west hy Isnds of R. D. Cummings containing fifteen acres more or loss. 8irxcd taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Thomas Allen. , , ALSO l The interest of the Deft, supposed to bo the undivided fourth part of a - Certain Out-Lot, situate in the borough of Sunbury, and known In the general plan of said borough as lot No. 72, adjoinlug lands now oi late of George Hsrriiion, George Weiscr (tanner) and others j containing four acres more or less. Seised, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Pelcr Bright. ALSO: All ths interest of the Deft, supposed to be the 2-3ds of and in a Certain Steam Saw Mill, about 30 ft. in breadth and 50 ft. in depth, wilh a 30 horse power engine and fixtures, with tho use for said mill of three acres, more or less of land, to be used for said mill so long as the mill aforesaid, remains on snid land, said mill and land bring situated in Point tp, County aforesaid, also a small frame house, a stable, situate on the aforesaid lot of land, liiinc hounded north bv a public rond, cast, south and west by lands of benjamin Hummel. rtcizcd, taken in execution and to be sold as Ihe property of Solomon Krumcr. ALSO: A certain Lot of Ground, situate in Delaware tp. County aforesaid, bound ed north by lands of Jaroh Sees, cast by lands of mango Kieil anil l'otcr Arnwine, south by bind in possession of George ltuiiynn, and west bv I hind of Jacob Sera, being now in possession of Gcurne liunvnn, containing three acres more or less, nlinut I.J seres of which are cleared. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold ns the properly of Mango A. livid and Peter Arn wine, Adni'rs of Hugh licid, dee'd. ALSO: A certain Lot or piece of Ground, situate in I'claware tp. County aforesaid, bound ed north bv luinl of Susun l't iil, east l'v land of Thomas Wallis, south by hind of Jacob Bruwu and George Wolf, and west by land nf Susan Kcid, being in possession of Jacob Weick and C. Gash, containing 27 acres more or less. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as Iho proierty of Mango A. Kcid and Peter Arn wine Adm'rs of Cllincr licid, dee'd. ALSO: A certain Tract of Land, situate in Delaware tp, County aforesaid, bound ed north by land of George Oyster, dee'd., east by the same, south by bind of John Oyster, dee'd., and west by lauds of George Oyster, dee'd. i con taining 80 acres mote or less: whereon sre erect ed a frame Invent house, a tenant house, a bank barn, sheds, Ac. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as Ihe properly nf John .Manges, Adm'r of Solomon Manges, dec d. ALSO; A certain Lot or piece of Land, situate in Rush tp, (,',ottnty aforesaid, bounded by lands ol Im Jones, aim lands now of J agi;art and othert, bring Ihe snine piece of land sold by Abel Ulcus to i. asper lieeil, containing eleven acres more or less, whereon aic creeled a small framo house. Seized, taken in execution and lo bo sold as the property of Caspar Reed. ALSO: A certain Lot of Ground, situate in Ihe borough of Milton, bounded on the south by Ferry lane, on the north by Mahoning street, west by lot of Utilizer Krritzer and east by Mahoning street and Ferry lane, containing l-3d of an acre, more or less, w hereon are erected a small fraure dwelling house. Seized, taken in execution and to Lc sold as the property of George Lawrence. ALSO: By a writ of Al. Van. Exp. A certain Lot ol Ground, smmte in tiie borough of Milton, in I ha I part of said borough called Upper Millot., bounde'd on Ihe noiih by Pine alley, east by lot No. 104, south by Broadway, and wept by lot of Samuel I. brown, u oeiny: ihe eas tern half of lot No. 103, n numbered in Ihu General plan of said borough, containing one ehiluh of an ane, more ir les, I hereon is erected a two story fiame dwelling liuuse and frame slable. Seized, taken in execution and lo bo sold as the prosurly of John Divers. ALSO: . By cettain writs of Al. Lev. Fa. all l ha two slory Frame House and Kitchen, situate in the boroimh of Millon, County aforesaid, on tho south side (if I'pper Maikel slrccl, and bounded not th by Market strerl, on the east by lot of Miss Sarah Wallis, on ihe south by an alley, anil on the wesl by lol of Wm Ileinen, said house being 16 by '28 ft. and kitchen 14 ft. by 22 ft. Seized, Liken in execution and lo be sold as tho propel ly of Daniel Hoala. ALSO: All that certain two story Frame Dwelling House, silimte in Ihe borough of Milton on the sen III side of Upper Maiket sheet, in said borotioli County aforesaid, c'Oiilniuiu; in front in said Uppei Market street, about 28 feel, and in Jep'h about JO It., ami the lot or piece ol .'round and ctnlilu''e appurtenances lo said bitiUm'. Seized, taken in execution and to bo sold as Ihe properly of Daniel lloals. ALSO : All the one full eiiual, undivided half part (the whole into two equal parts to be divided) of and iu the following described Tiact of Land, situate in Coal township, (late Shamokin town ship,) County aforesaid and btate ot rennsyiva- nia, beginning at a pine, llienee uy lanu oi juiui Carron, north two deg. west two huadred and twenty nine perches to a post, thence by land of Thomas Hamilton and lands ol v m. r. urauy, soul h eighty eight deg. west, one hundred and sixty six perches to a white oak, thence hy land of Magdalcna lverson, souin sixty six ueg. waa three hundred and fourteen perches to a white nal:. thence bv Isnd of Samuel Scott, south twen ty nine and a ball deg. east sixty one iercnes and four tenths, to a stone, thence north seventy ir and a half dcir. east one hundred and sixty four nerches lo a Host, thence souUi two deg. east sixty ierches to a chesnut oak, thence by land of James Hepburn, northward eighty eight degrees east two hundred and fifty four perches lo the nl.c. of beoinninn : containing by a lormer sur vey three hundred and nineteen and a half acres n.l allowance, and hv a re-survey four hundred and twenty eight acres and twenty nine perches .ml ltniance. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as th property or 1 nomas Sharp. ALSOt Dy virtue of writ F. Erp., A certain Tract ol LAaa, .',i.i. In Point township. County aforesaid, bounded north by lands of Joseph Wallis, east by Isnds of the heirs ot Uay, soum ny m snd west by lands or George Apsiey, couutiuuig 124 acres, more or leu; whereon is erected two story log dwelling house, a log barn, wag' on shed, corn erib. See. Sciied, taken in execution and to b sold as tha property of Beniamin T. Stamra and Job W. Slarum, upon tha premises at on o'clock, V, l., on Saturday the 80th day of Oct. IBaz. WM. B. KIPP. 8herifC Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, Oct. 18, 186S.-3L J Fresh and Spiced Oytlert ! ir AVING aelllod at Northumberland, I am now prepaied lo furnish fresh and spi ced Oystera ditrinu tho hole season at re duced prices. Vou can depend tipon them being fresh, as 1 shall receive them daily, (Sundays excepted) and when landed here, ihey are only 16 hours out of Ihe shell. All person at a distance, who are in want of Ihe ubove article, can have thetn sent J er dozen or simile ran by addrrfsirg W. H. VICKERV, at Bnn' Hold. Northumberland, Oct. 10, 1852. Dilworlli, Urn n sou Co. I.MPoitTKR of & Dealers tn Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C. No. 69 Afuia-cf St., I door below 2d St, PHILADELPHIA. Where fhey always een on hand a large stool of every variety of Hardware, Cutlery, Ac. Wm. Dilworth, Henry I). Landis, Samuel Uransen, James M. Vance. October 10, 18S2. ly. CLOTHING ON CREDIT. A'oJi'cc to all Dealers in Ready Made Clothing. HKWKT & C'iy reijue.-! all who purclmc reny tits.Js CMbiiiy "ii cr.-dir, t.. mil nt TOW KM HAI.L CLOTHING ItAZAAH, u.i.l ace Ilia gr.ut advmilagea tliev will have liy pnn ti!" ii.g for caah at ll.ia extensive enaliltshniiait. Tins, ami tlus only, ia tiia principle on wliicli tlicy deal wall all Oicir iiitinvrou4 euslunicra, who lim a rnilincd Him at i)m )mhm. tl cv ri mciio cflc rl in producing Ihe heat t. I.O l I.'IAO, al the t.wcat piaaihk pricea, and thnt fhc p.-.ila wmIo ui rhia hi-ixc are lite U-at niailc, moat fnaliioniilile, nwti rriirh il!.t rr than t.ny oriiar Ih.iiac can aflortt lo a. II ll.e H-mc ijaiiiily of es da, ariaina 'r-'lii their Inruc innnufhetlirii.p tut! :tinrf.ilina l'actliii. mill Ihetr dctermiliiitioll t"li ai;tain rl.e rrilu iplr .. laiirr- fcilea iiiHl sinnll profita. Ihiir at, ck ia natal ample anil complete. The piirlicnmr tlrlit a aa .f tntrciuoila and d.ulira is in vilnl, ho ore renin and locnll Bn imlti lln nirc Ives, ns we arc KitinfUd thut ihev csnnut iailtofpc the nilvtniiitvcs Ihcv will hnvc in i uri luikll.ff fi.l errh. i.l TOW Kit IIAI.l,, 111 MAllUliT atri-ct, Letweeii I'illh anil rixlh. Ill.XNKTT ti CO., IVi riUeri. rhllaik l hiu, Celt Lcr 111, ls'tl! Cm. REGISTER'S NOTICE.' V OTICE is hereby given lo all Legatees, A ' Creditors ond other persons interested in the Estates of llie follow ing untned persons, that the Executors, Administrators, nml Ciunrdians of said Est-iles have tiled llieir accoimts with the Register of Knrthiimlierlaud comilv, mid that tho same will lie presented to the Orphans' Court of said County, on Tuesday tho 2d day of November next for coiilirmatioii and allowance. 1852. Henry Yovlheimer, ilcc'd., settled by his Adm'r. Frederick Lazarus. George Eekert, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Willinn Nice. John Loe, ilcc'd., settled by his Adm'r J. Woods Drown, (ieorge Grant, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Peter Hileniiiu. John Eister, dee'd , sctllcd l y his Eie'r John Eister. Eliia belli Wagner, dee'd., settled l y her Adm-S Peter Wagner. Joseph Hutchison, dee'd., settled by his Exe'r Hubert & Wil-ion Hutchison. Leonard Ptoutz, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r John Pfoulx. Abraham Turner, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Win. & Abraham Turnej. Jacob Snyder, dee'd., sctllcd by his Adm'rs Joseph & Henry Snyder. Laiua 1'cnchel, dee'd., settled by her Adm'r Samuel lieitz. Susanna Felzer. dee'd., settled by her Adm'r John 13. Ketzer. Andrew, deed., settled by one jfhis Exo'rs Andrew J Andrew, dee'd., setlleJ by his Exc'rs John 11. & Andrew J Peter Vanillin?, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r de bonis non Win, Heed. Liberty Dowart, dee'd., sellled by Wm. Dew- ert, Esii., of Lew is Dewert, dee'd., who was Exe'r of .Mrs. Liberty Dewert, dee'd. Susanna Mettler, dee'd., settled by her Guar dian, l.ulhcr l.'assctt. Caroline PcilVcr, settled by her Guardian, Elias Pciller. JOHN P. PCRSEL, KcBiilcr. Ttegistcr's Olllee, ) Sunbury, Oct.. 2, 1852-5U J ol' alurors, A F Northumberland County for November "JJf i ., A, 11. sr:iui .furors. Lkwis. Wallis liiiiul, Hubert .Monlgoin ery, Julin Wurtrinin. Jacob Minder. Dki.a waisb. Cyrenaa Bum boy. Clin iMH'AtH'K J.icob Kiarner, Duniel P. Lit lit. Knlieit lieeil. TlitBUT Samuel II. Cain Edwaid Dies- lor Milton Henry Shine. f-l MU UY. Samuel ManlZ Vii' Alulsta S. Hans, John F. Kline. l.nwKii Altil'sTA. Jentniah Wetzel. Wm. M. Miller. Rl-mi. Philip Ohenlorf. SiiAMnKlN Silas Farrow. I'l'PKit Maiiiimiv. Abiahain Geisl, Her.- y Geisl, John Kt liter. Jai-kon.- -Djuicl It. liner, Henry Groh Peter Iteed. TRAVERSE JFRORP. Point. Ed. linoy, John lleeker Chillies oitiaii. Knln'rl ( inry, j' Lk is. Siimiii l .Um yi's, D.ivid I Moul- ornery, . Iteiiver, fllil.ToN-. 1'uul lieiiliell, ilnnmn f.'ii (fen P. C. Fox, Ed. alTer- DKl.AVAIin.--S ( !::'! I nrl Diiiekeiuiller. Oni-'i..,i lie: Tf It BUT. David E..y.. NokTlltMBKIU.AM) W l ! ' ia 111 Eiliol, I II I) Apsley, Alevuuder Cull, Wattoia. tlirarn liueh. Sunuurv. Geo. P. Buyors Upi'KR At'ui'TA. Smn'iel Savidge Lower Aimiusta. Peter Mooie, Isaac Dewitl, John Fry. Itusu. Alexander Moore, Bouham C ase. SilAMokIN Isaac Soper, P. Sehrifll, Sam el John, I.tiiih Morgan, S. Graul, John tilin Caseman, Isaiah Miller, Su'nucl Eul, uhn Frank, Samuel Johnson. Coal. Sylvnurts Binl. Uri'ER Maiionoy. Jacob Geise, David Mallich, Sulonmn Shunkwiller. Lower " .Jacob uurmnn, Jolin Lefinan. Jackson Marliu Drunihellcr, Sol. Dres- er, 1. lloyer. LtilLtsQiiAuuc John Uartholemew, Jacob Fulper, Thomas Kiefur. relit Jiirom. Point. John Gulick, Ruben I.e.-her, Jacob Snyder. Lkwis John Tweed. Delawahe. James F Beard . Chilisquaque. Daniel R. Rishel. Michel McGee, John Simpson. Milton. Samuel Lens, Samuel Rhodes, Northumberland. Jos. Vuudvke. Daniel liraungum, JucuD beiaonnnp. Lower Audusta. William Weiizel, Geo Fasold, Peter Reilz, George Keefer, Daniel conran, ison oi jnnn.i &iiamoin. wm. II. Rluench, Geo. Fox. rrancis t. ncliwarl', fcamuel Hammond, H II. Teats, John Repley, Jacob Swenlz. uush Abraham t-cltman, Jacob llott- man. Lower Maiiokoy. lsaao Lahr, M. Wert bebastian Mepp, if. Dover, Jacob Aumiller Little " . tnocn Kaker Jackson. Jacob HolTman, Elias Schwartz TNK Boureau's celebrated ink, and also Con - gres ink for sale, wholesale and retail hy Vecemlier SR. 1850. H. B MA8SER. THRESH Vanilla Dean of a superior quality - just received and for sale by Jul 81. 18&!. II. B. MASSER. list of causes F 70R trial In the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland Coqntr. at November 1., A U., 1808. PLAINTIFF!. DBFENDAflTS, P K HolTnian 4- wifa vs H Kuhnls, MeCarty et al moil nnober ts Daniel DreisbacJt C'sapnr llcckart vs Frederick Hecksrt John W Peal vs Geo 11 Voungman Hickok rV Confine vs Geo W Armstrong J scob Keller vs Dank of Nortliumlierland, Raker 5c Co for Jacob Bloom vs Henry Conrad Henry Klar.e & Ev his wife vs ,,c?b. J?r,''' administrator William MeCarty rs Samuel Hunter Mary Jane U rimer et al vs William Wilson Becker lc Wsillsr vs R D Cummings. Mary MarU vs Win H Hpratt Same vs John Campbell A wife George Shilcy vs Ab'm Dunkelbergcr's admr'x Isaac Tyler vs H M Seydel's adm'r John Brown vs John Oyster senr's ex'r Shafl'ncr St Zeiglcr etsl vs Thos S Macksy Jno Knorr for H. Knorr vs Enoch Howers' adm'r James T Sutton & Co vs Samuel Kyle Elizabeth Kricr - vs A 8 Lawrence Daniel Gonsert vs Henry Uohner Mary Patterson vs George Heekert Boncpartc Thompson ctal s Casper St Clair Wm McDaniel Tor A W Comly William Dalius John Reynolds John Jackson George Lswrenc Billiugton fur Hunter & Buyers Jacob Haas Same J vim Jackson Jr Simon Snyder A W Cumlv vs John Jackson et al vs H 8 Haulnisn vs Isatc Reader vs James lieurd et al vs D Marr & I Brown vs Susan &. Sarah Reid vs Charles Alcxandcr va Same & Wile vs A W Comly vs George Snyder vs Ci -urge Herts llaltiar (iarnhart's admr's vs R W Dunn's admr Albiu Newberry vs Thomas Rasr Crsndnll for J C Morgan vs Geo Miller's adm'r .IjIhi Reed's snigilco vs E L Pis;r Joint Huss &, Wilis vs George Fox John King vs Daniel V eiilner Same vs Washington Mutual In suranee Coinp ir.y Stole Mutual Fur liii ranee Company ' Pcler Arnwine ct Mini- Saino E Kaufman et al Same C Gosh cV Jacob go A Kcid V.'cikc vs Reulien Fegcly vs A E Kapp vs Robert Whiten Jo vs Abraham Brnsioiis vs Samuel Savidge vs John Hartmaii Jacob B. Masscr Joanna Pcndevills George Leitbcrgur Sarah L Keen Same Oliver B Milliard J W Teal Indorsee Ac vs Joseph Diinmick et at Christ tc McFaddcn vs Susanna Iteid Keul-en Fegely 6c Co vs Hugh Bellas Abiish Uo won vs Wm II Thompson Christisn Cable vs M Baehman A; F Marklo vs A E Kutzner s Andrew McLanahan vs Wm II Bound vs George Bright vs David L Irlund vs '1 hoinss Barr Rolicrt M Lyon Rebecca Swarta Henry A Lechncr John L Yeager Francis JoJan Henrietta Lewis Jacob Reinard and Wm Kaliler Daniel Gibson Krieger for R Fsgcly J B Masser David Fisher Daniel Rhodes J W Peal Samuel L Beck E John for W Camp William Sechler R Fagely V Co Rudolph Duengor George Broeious vs vs J Furinan ir F Klazs vs Barbara ShalTur'sex'rs vs J W Friling vs Jaiob Wertman vs Vartin Irwius' adm'r vs Jacob Stitzel va Wolvcrton dj- Lcisenr'g vs Jacob HolTman et al vs Willism Inch vs Peter Thomas vs Daniel Kample D Hoats for M Sweny vs S Jenkins with notice to terrctensnt nendcrtnn Smith's exr's vs A C V T G Morris Same Same Wendel L KelTer vs John F Wolfingcr William Forsuiaii et al vs John Parks Frederick Wilhelni vs Henry Wilhehn Jno Bush & Wife vs Nathaniel Sux ton's adm'r J J- A Shissler vs Daniel (!nn vs John Itasser Jr Co vs J Foy & J Ilarman vs R D Cummings lieulten Fagely ifr Jacob H Rlioads Samuel Ewing Joseph Wcitzel Co vs Benjamin Robins Jordan or Welkcr for vs Willinin Fsgsly Lodge No 22 John 8 Good J Ott R.H-kefeller Welkcr & Wife George Parfal Holtt Hutchinson David MeMicken Margaret Summers Joseph L. Auten J B Masscr Jacob Kline Peter Billmire vs R D Cummings vs J C Horton vs Hannah Mendenhsll vs Harrison Heim vs Henry Lautzsex'rs vs It. D. Cummings vs Simon Reedy vs Henry High vs John II. Purdy vs Jos 11 Kline's adm'r vs Abraham Marshall JAMES HEARD, rrolh'y. Prothonotary's Olhrs. 1 ihury, Sept. 25, 185'J. ( Suiil N E W Tobacco, Snufl', $ Segar lVAKEIIOFMK. THE suhscrihrrs reswctfully inform Country Merchants that we hate now ou hand a general assortment nf the liest VIRGINIA BRAND TOCACCO. Cavendish fls. Lump 8. Lump Gs. l'lni;, Ac., nt the Manuf:i.'tnrrrs lowpft jirices. Also a fine assiirlinrut of Foreign and Doineslic fegan, KiiulV, Hmtikinj Tohaeeo, Pies, Pipe Heads, Ac, wliuli wn will sell at the hnveat irices. S. WOODW ARD A- CO.. 23 North Third t'lreet, riiihul.-lphis. S'rptemher 4, IP52. 3m. 500 AGENTS WANTED. 81000 a vear. T lrA.NTI'.D in every County of Iho I'nited Stali a, setive and eiitP'prisiiiR men to en i;u.T' in tin' sale of some of the heat Unoks puh li!.d in the country. 1 u men ol rooJ aililrevs. tosrasiuK a small capilnl ol Iroui via to 91(10, irh iiidureiiients will he oltereil as to rnalile i.-m to make from 83 to 10 a day profit. t3" The ti.ioks puiilitihed hy us ate all useful n lliclr character, extremely r0Iulr and com mand larije sales wherever they are olfered. For further paJticuhtrs. address, (prane paid,) DANIELS St (il.TY.. piueeeaaora to W. A. Iary A- Cn.i No. 138 North Second 8tr-t, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Oct. S. IMl " LADIES' DEES3 TRIMMINGS." J. C. OBKUTElWKIi, . E. Cor. Ninth and Maple Sts above Rait, - PHILADELPHIA. 1 NVITES Ihe Ladies of Ihe City and Country to rail end examine Ins siilcudid blnrk oi Trimmings, which has been selected wilhho ut most care. Mr. O. bciim enabled, from his rxnenenre in the business, to take advantage, of the wholesale market, is able ta sell as low as any other estab lishment Mr. O. was formerly principal con. ductor of the citensive business of Mr. J. W. Huralman, No, 204 Chestnut Street, and his e tensive experience will he a guarantee of his ability to do justice to his customers. His Stock compriws the following. Silk, Worsted, and Cotton Curtain fringes, Hindinir. Tassels and Cord, Bilk and Worsted Blind do. Silk, Woollen, and Cotton Hoisery, Cloves, Combs, Brushes, Soaps, Perfumery, See. Woollen and Cotton KnitlniR and naming 1 arn, Porta Monnaios, Furnished Work Boxes, Brace lets, and Fancy Articles generally. Call and examine for yourselves. Philadelphia, September 25, 1R52. 6m. 7rM7HEYBERGEB & BROTHER, JVo. 47 JVbrtA Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. IMPORTERS of every descriition of Tisli, Hooks and Fishing Tackle. Toys, German Fancy Goods, Guns and Sporting Apparatus. YV nolesale and Itelail. Aug. 28, 1852. 2m. GEORGE AV- ZIMEltMAN, VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, No. 61 Arch Street, four doors above Second, PHILADELPHIA, CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF BLINDS, Which for stylo of finish snd workmanship cannot l surpssard. Wholesale and Retail at the lowest prices. Also TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES AND REED BLINDS YVIIUM2AI.i:, AT MANI.'FACTL'RKItS' "KICKS. l"y MERCHANTS and others art invited lo call and examine. Philadelphia, August 31, 1852 ly. . I . . . -I.J-- 14' I . . i tit i i t. i i ,i, SWAIM'S i SOWER iS 11AIIXKS, CELEBRATED PANACEA, FOR THE CURE OF , l.asNlals.a. stsfssflaiaiMilAM I Jlll.ll'BVII WalOalI'a!V-Bf Scrofula General Debility, White Strrig. Iihcttntaltsm Uiseatea oj trie lAver am Skint and nil Diseases arising frotn ImpurifKt of the lttood, and the Effects of Mercury. SWAIMf PANACEA lint been ft inure Oian thirty . vonri ccll.rtitl in tint coimirr airtl in F.uroii f"f ita cxlrmisnhittirv ntrm fix the reitiHntia.if which rrlcrinc ia untie to the threctioiii mid (which nuiy m hud Knitut) iicrctiifmtiviiip; the I'ntmM. b Hue nf whir-h give the tnrticulmn il nim p Um iripMiiil tV r um nil I'ttiilicuti.'H, where !he imtinitn had 1m miw-il it-iinp wilh 6cntul.i, uud were ilt'cnml iucunilUr l 'h niriiiim. In him Ix-nt un il in hittiuln nud pnvute prnctic, nun liui hud tlie ainiruliir I oh tint: nf lintr rcc'iiniicnd 1 Uy (lie nifMt ct'Iltrhtitl phyhk-iiiiia uud oilier ciniiivt cra.uf Aitittniir Minora ny . Cibii. M. L.. Prnf. T tirgcry, ra. l tuversity. Valentine M tt. M. D., Pruf. Surg . N. Y. l inver- aitv. V. P. Dcweri, M. I t Vfif. nf Mid , Pa. Tiiicciaity. N. Chiipmnu, Al. !., Pntf. ol" Phyaic. Pa I'nivcratiy. T. Purke. M. I)., Pre4t C"llivciil riitaiciuiis, Plain. I)r. liv Vull ', Pml.of M'lliciuc, llavumt, J-mio lv)iirettt'r ile Pnf. furirt ry, ljKlnm. J. Chiptnait. IMeinlwr K tynl Citllcifc rtur genua, Lstintlun, O. V. lirvinir, Inte Mininlw to Jimin. Sir ThomuR Pwira hi, Mnj. Oin. Hrilish Army. Gilbert ItoliertatHi, Mntih Uniil, Ac, Ac. Am. iila). tlie wonderful enrra pfftt ttHl hv Hwuim'a Pan- area hove for nmny ycura niHtle it nn invidiiable remedy. 1 lie I'uiutcen uira ik1 coutntii miTCury ui any lOTin, mm brntff nn innocent prepurntioii it nuiy lc giveu to the nvwt tender itifunt. The retail price hna been rnhiccd tt 11 50 per Mtle, (CJiituiiiiiig llnce hull' piiitO tr three boll lea for fcU. l.KWAiu-; of iMPf)srriu.x. Pwaim'a Punticca ia in round hotilea, tinted frqtcitudi- iially, with the following letter bl wn i the gl'iaa : ''SWAIM'H PANACEA PHI I.A OA." and having the nnnic of Jas Pwaim atiimpcfl on the acnl- li ia; wax, uuu written on me iuih:i everiiig uic cr, um. a apleiHlirl cufrraving lor the aide of the lltlc. compoa. of getuetric Lathe work, c inpri?ing nine diflcreut diea, which have been turned for the cxcluMve uae of the pro urietor, bv Dnutcr h. Co . Itnuk iHtte eiitfnivorF, of Phila delphia. In Ihe centre la a purl nut ot the lute Wm. Swuiiu pyri(ht acciireu. AUSO, SWAIM'I VKRM1FIT.K. A valuable Family Medicine, l-eing a highly appro veil remedy loi nil diaenaea uriniiig from d lulitytil ihe digea liveorguua, audi na Worma, Cholera Morlma, Dyaeutcry Fever and Ague, Weeding Pilea, Sick lleutlHche, Vc.. Ao. See the Pumphlet (which limy be Inn I gratia) uccoiuniiiy lug the Veriuifuge. Prepared only at SWAIM'S I.AHOR ATORY, TH K OlaU TAXl), Seventh atrcct, lieliv Cheatnut, PhiladeU phiu. anil aold by ull the reapecUible Urugta in the I ui Itxl Statea, CAUTION TO THE PflllslC. Peraoua wiahing obtain the gruuiue SWAlM'ft PAN ACEA and fWAlM'S VEIt.MIFtOE, alwaild be careful to obaeivc that the name SWAIM ia apclUtl rtirrcclly on Hie 1UIm anil hlwla, or llicy niny la. initttaci on l.y iiictlitiinrM mucin in inihiilinn itl' tlifia liy a iHtiatm Unnitjj a somewhat aimilur linnir, wi ll calculated i ci.rpivc. riillailcl1iia, Ovtiihrr iin.. NOTICE is hereby given ihnt tho several C'lurta of Common Pleas, General (Quarter Pesnions of tho peace, and Orphans' ( 'onrt. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northnmlierlaiid, to commence at the Court House, in the borough of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the 2d day ot JVovemlicr next, ami will continue TWO WEEKS. The coroner. Justices of the Peace and consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, arc requested to 1 then and there in their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, iiniiiition, and other remembrances, to do those things lo their several olliccs apiertaining to lie done. And all witnesses prosecuting in lichalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner arc also requested and commanded to las then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall pc ja and not to depart w ithout leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to lie punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the iRlh day of Sept, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and fifty-two ond the In dependence of tho United States of America the 7Clh. WILLIAM B. KIPP, Sheriff. Goil save Ihe Commonwealth. REMOVAL. rri! lli:oldeataWi.hedlM)CKKTll(KKaiIMOllOCC) X CASK MANUFAC J I OKY, l icaled at SHJ CUeatuat Street lor the luiat TWENTY-ONE YEARS, Ina been removed lo No. S05 AHCII lTRKKT, Oral d rnt la low Ulli alreet, where can la- f.iaad Ilia kirgeat and lift aratrtincut ol Ilia foUowinu arliclea, vis : Pocket Ifcaiks, Port FolUta. Dresaius Caaes, Vritnir Caaea, Buiikera' Ciiai-a, llank U ntil lloldcra. Hill Hooka, M.aiey Bella, l.'isar Caaea, Itasor Wlroa, Porto Moiaiawa, Work Caaea, Card Cuaea, Needle Caua. f . H. SMITH, thank Till f v paid pivots, liopea hy ntten li la. and Willi a deli-rniiitili. il to sell llie Unl quality isT ir.atit at the lovvesl pncea, to reeeiva a aliareol' tntr.Hwjre. The Trsule ate miui-sted U cull and eiimiiiie betura pur eluaiii!: elsewhere. V. 1J. Keiiainag done with neatness anil diantrli, F. II. .Mllll, 13 Arch Street, Plillailelphia. ' FepleinU'r 4, lWrf. 3iil. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. j III-- ffnliuTilter liiivliiii lea.-'ctl the ritlil-e 11 l..r- I iiu-rle ka vvti n llie Ami rictin I sc, .No- If S rtx'll llt cla, ll.ik ell injjid l;reel. Iielwei ii Market nnd Chealiull the nuuie ol' the mute to TIIE -COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Hops leave In im' inn his friends and Ihe public, that III s holme has untlerK me u Ihloncli rcnindclliiiK. relnlliitia, re i. tiiiliitB ami retiitrniir, I'roin allie to Itnsi iin iil. An en lire new onllil ol lurnilnre. Iieililiiiir. e., Ims Ik-cii lir ieined Iroia tlie most celebrated .Manaluelurers 111 this 'V'r.iin llie eentrul locntitni. and its close prt'siiiiity to Ihe Itiiilrnmt llcp'iis. rilennilifut Ijtudiiips IMnces ol Amuse, incut, Faahi tnnltle Th ir oaaluarra and l'liWie Squares, it lniliieeiu.nts tithe Merchant vi.ilinir the -ny iai hasiucn the Traveller s.i-kiiui tleuau-e T i Innullcs llld females viaitin? llie ellv, every I'ucillly Will lie i-Uere.1, nud every eonilort regardi-d lo make Iheir visit agrecuhlc ami pleasant. A slitire ol the nilliae puiriMince itr-iintt. ICU11 O. I.I'.IMI, JAKIil) 1IIVIN, fiiiierintcndeut I'ropnetor. hlladelillla, -.t. i, IS.V1. Oin. SOAP & CANDLE MANUFACTORY, No. 19 H'orxl St., Iie'ireen 2d tf 3d Sts., and Ao. 17 JN orft bin street, rillUADKI.I'lilA. John HiincroCt Jr. and Son, RESPECTFULLY inform Stnro-kcciicra, Mer. chants, &c, that they Manufacture and have for Kale, Palm, White, Variegated, Yellow and Ilrown Soaps, Mould and Dipped t aiidlcs, all ol good quality and at reasonable prices I f Cash paid tor I allow aim rouyn rat. April 10 183'J. ly. Win. 3IcCart.v, Dookscller. RESPECTFULLY informs Ins friends and the public, that ho has removed his Hook Store, to Market street, to the house occupied by J. Naille, Esq., Attorney at Law, nearly op- noaite the t'ourt House, on Ilia norm side, where keeps for sale constantly on hand a good assortment of books and stationary. For .Sale A large new spring waggon Ct for , 3 of 4 horses. Sunbury, July S4, 185?. tf. WKRWKJELLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUftHUllY, VA. Dee. 13. 1851 if. BLANK DEEDS printed on tlx best quality .of parchment paper, aold al tho lowest prices at this office, by wholesale and retail I'ulilisliers ami Uookgellers, Kn . Krnrl. T. . . Cf . ' PHILADELPHIA. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. BiMw, Prsyeis, Ilvinti., l'uutioal and Iliatorical Works. 1 ravcla, Xovila, Ac, Ac. SCHOOL BOOK'S livery kind la use fr"ia a primer opwartla. BLANK BOOKS. An elrgnut nn trtinent from the pwis liook upward-, inuile im it. r pttpfr, ami la-rt of tumling. WRITING PAPERS. Cup, rt'St, ami Note raH.-rs, elegant alj lf and unulily, and very elietip. STATIONERY. l-'uncy, riitin nml Aillirait-e Kiivel.'pea. Ink. Puml. Vn fi rB. Heel I'ena, Mutt-a. I'eiiril., I'..rle-..imiii-a, Vr:ii ptni; I'apers ol all k unlit, C'lirtuin l'njn-i-s. Ae., ,Ve. Unr al.-ck ia nil I'reali, b'nislit rlieup antl aold arc'nliiiglr. Particular nUeiilitiii iiid Itt lit tksrllera, Ottimtry Aier eli.itiltt mid Teacheri, innvever lillle they nmy Ituy. S tvver .V IJ.init a are Puliliahcra of PULTON'S seiieatrf' MAGNIFICENT OUTLINE MAPS Kneli map ia iienrly SKVK.N FKKT HltrAHK, nnd ahowa the eoniiaratiw aize and relative pnailinn every counlry t,i ihe elolie. They are intended to lie anaiideil in every rk-hiad Hooin, nml not -only nmke a aplemlid o luiirance, Imt are uiiueriuilly nckaouii deed In lie the ltKST MUHK OK TliACIIIXu (iKOIjltAPIlY erer bntiiyht out. They are keya intended to lie nfttl by the ai-httlara. e.Hilttiiiiitu a eonipli te epitonie of Uenrairhv, and roKtiiift leaa limn Iwlf the price ol a (iemrniphy anil Allaa. The ayatem ia in anircraul uae in Praaaiii nnd tieriniinv, aial hnaalniidy hren inlrtKlnced in l.irnnl Colleee, I'hilii. delphia, the public acleilarf" lltiatoii, .New Vork, Phila delphia, lli.ltini ire, Waahiiiutiai, nnd throaghHit New Knirlaial, New ork, 4e., Ac. Our cleaks lire loaded wilh recoinnienikiiiona from Ihe nitl tnlentcd imil acicn tilic teaehera in every quarter, ami wherever the avalcin luia lieen uaed purenla, tenclieri and aeliobira anile in praia mg it. I. Map of tho W vsterii tleiniaphere. It. Miipof the rUiatern Iteiniapliere. a. Map of North America. 4. iMup of the I'nited Statea. 15. Map of liurop?. 6. .Map of Aaia. 7. Map of Smlh Americn ami Africa. Kvery map ia hrillinntly coloreil, varniaheil, and mnniit ed on miialui ami nillcra. We reapectfully invite the earneat attenlioa of Teochcra, Parents, ami iMtool JJirectora to Ihia iiiaciiHilitnr mode of leachiag Ueoaraiihy. SOH KH A BAllNKS. l North Third Wtr I Street, I'liiladelplua, Aug. 2P, 1804. II. FALL MILLINERY GOODS JOHN STONE $ SONS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FRENCH MILLINERY GOODS, No. 45 Souin Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. HA VINO completed tho improvements to their Store,' are now opening a large and beautiful assortment of Paris Fancy Feathers, French and American Flowers, Fancy Donnet and Cap Uibhons, Fancy Donnet Hulls, Corded and Plain Velvets, Satins, Cross. d'Afriques, Laces, Ac. Vc To which they invite the attention of Mer chants and Milliners visiting the ciry. Philadelphia, September 25, 1832. 2m. MORE NEW GOODS! THIRD Fresh Arrival of C.oods AT THE NEW STORE OF I. AVr. TENElt & CO., Nearly opposite Weaver's Hotel, Market St.) Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pa. ETITE have just received a fresh supply of y y Uootls adapted Tor the. rail and inter to which wa particularly call the attention of our friends and the public. Our grateful thanks are due for Ihe generous support vo have received from a deserving pub lie, and we hope to continue to earn that supart by selling all our goods at the smallest proliU. Our stock consixts of Dry Uootls, Hardware, (Itieciiswnrr, GROCERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, Single and Duum.ed Babrei.led Guns, n.-. TrnnVa. Valisps Cnrnpt. Pno-s r ' 1--- D- Umbrellas and Parasols, lloots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Looking (ilasses. Wall 1 a per lor Itooin and W indow Ulinds, Lemons, Nuts and Candv.ftalt, Mackerel, Dried lleef, Plain and Fancv Hams and Shoulders. Nails. Window Glass, Paint Sluir, Oils and Putty. Car- pet Chain, Cotton Laps and Yarn, with a variety of other article: N. U. AH kinds of country produce taken in exchange at the highest market prices. I. W. TEN Eli & CO. Sunbury, Sept. S. 1852 ly.c SIIKIDII AKK'S A I.LKliHGNY liOUSK, No, 2S0 MARKET -i- f-.rcet ubove Mb, 1'biladelphin. I'udcr the new nrraiitemi'iit llie cars which arrive fi-on l,ittibnru,i llarii-lnir, Ac., will run to the New lie pi t. coitinr nl 'cliuv Ikill .rlh and Maiket. In order to accominod.ite llie public we will ulwnvs have our Coach at the New Depot on tlie arrival of the cars In carry Passengers to Iho Allegheny House, which is in the centre of the oily. Our old friends will plcac ride down, and ull who wish to patronise a House with a tiood Table, Clean lleds, and accoiiimiidaliug assistants, will please give us a call. Term., One Dullnr per Day. August 21, I8.V. Gin. Fritz, AVilliains IIcikIi'v, Store, No. 29 North 2d Street., rnil.UiK.l.l'illA. T4TOROCCO Manufacturers, Curriers, Import, l'-l era, Cou.mission and liencrul Leather Bus incsa. Wholesale and Retail. tV Manufactorv 15 MargaretU Street. Aug. 2H, 1H5J. ly. K ". I. !'. IIAKKR. W. C, HAKKH. Cornelius, linker 5 Co., MAM r'ATl'UKUS OF Lamps, fJhanieUers, Gas Fixture, &o. 81'OliE NO. 176 CHESTNUT ST.. Manufactory No. 181 Cherry St., rHILADEIiPHIJk. April 10, 1853. If. D AVI DC OOP ER . COMMISSION MKIlfHANT FOIl THK SAI.K VV Fisli, rriivisioiin, 05c, JNo. 9 .VoWA ll'korvet, PHILADELPHIA. Aptil l. 185S ly. " SUNBURY TERRY, public ir F.N RY W. uiw that e has tuken ins cuii..u.j w as he is now well preparam w.. " Mtu hewUl be enumeil W accou..u.- lb public with promtnes snd oes4icn. April 10, 1852. tt CJicnp Watches 5j Jewelry, WHOLESALE and ft. tail, at th "Philadcl phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 91 JNorth ctecondStreet, comer of Cjuarry, Philadcl phia. OoM Irf-ver Watches, full Jeweled. 18 sarat coses, P3f,V Pilver d i. fall Jeweled, fi Silver l.epine, jt'ivela, tl do rl.. do. a Superior t(anrticis, 7. fluid Cpectaclea, Fine Silver do. Ill ild rlraceleta. T.0 3.IK 1 adieu' Uohl Pencils, 1 11 Silver Tea spouua, set, S. iinntitMii no. a. Oold Pens, whh Pencil snd Silver Uoldcr, I," Gold Fiiiacr Rings, 37J eenrsto $'S0 Watcl (tlasses, plain, 12 cents; Patent, Ik; Lunel 25 i other artictrs in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what tbey are sold for. STAI.'FFER St II A RLE V, Successors to O. Conrud. On hand, pome Cold and Silver Levers ant Lepines, still lower Ihan tho above prices. August 28, IS.')?. ly. WINDOW SHADE MANUFACTORY; il. Ii. Miller c5 Co., South IVest cor. of Second le Arch Streets, FHrX.ASEZ.rHZA. rplIE PKOI'HIKTOi.S-, having increased Ihci 1 facilities dm ins the past season, now fee aide to supply all who have or may be disposed I patronise thrin. Their lock roaiprises ever varhtv of patterns of FLOYYLKS, LANU SCAIT!. OOTHIC, A-e., unsurpassed in quality ond which nil! be mM at our imual LOW PHIt.'E.S. TASSEL, COKIJS, EKASSE3, Ac, ii. Treat varietv. Slniilrs riiiili! to order, nt ?iorl notice, fm Stores, Churches, LoJ.:e KoonH. cVc. ti. L. Mll.LKU it CO., Depot, S. ', corner of Second and Arch sin Phi.adc!pliia, Auj. 21, 1S32. 3m. TIIE VERY LATEST ARRRIVAI-, CUKATER THAN THE CHKAPEST: FRILING & GRANT. OEsPKOTFIJLLY inf.irin the public ami "the rest of mankind," that tliey have just received and opened the best and cheapest stock ol Spring and Summer Goods thai has ever been brought to Sunbury. Their stock consists of every variety of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Canrimercs, Sattincts, Ycstings, Drillings, Linens, And all kinds of Summer Wear. Also a splendid variely of ' LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Cinphams, Lnicns, Chintzes, De Laines, lierages, Ami every variely of goods suitable for La dies wear. Also an extensive assortment of I'A.NAMA AND PALM I.EAK IIaTS. A Iho a large assortment of (aKOCERIES, StTII AS Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spices ol' all kind. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and QTJEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Ahio a tresh supply of DRUGS AND MF.D1CINK8. BesiJes the largest nud most General assort ment of all kinds of goods lo be hud ia this place. Irr Country produce of all kind taken in cx change at the highest market price. ounhury, May 22, IHo2. Valuable Property. Late the Estate of E. P. SHANNON, Esq., Of A oi-UiUiiibcrlnnd AT PRIVATE SALE. rTMIE subscribers, Executors of Ihe Estate of Ejiliraim P. Shannon, Into of Ihe Bor ough of Northumberland, oiler al private sale. Hie lollowitig valuable Keal bstule, viz: Lol No. 77, corner of Queen and Front Street, on which is erected a two slory Brick Iiu i LI 1 1 1 yr, formerly occupied by the deceased as a in ore and Dwelling, ami now occupied as such. There are also ou tha lot two frame dwellinss, &c. Lot No. 52, situated in Maiket Street, on which is erected a Iwo story whilo Frame Dwellinpr, &c, adjoining John Taggarl, Esq., occupied bv Knous. Lois Nos. 60, 70, 71 & 72, situate in Mar ket Street, a two story while Frame Dwel ling, occupied by James Donly, and a stable is erecleu on lots rso. foa 6c 70. The undivided half of Lot No. 120, situale on the corner of Duke and 4th Street, on which is erecled a two story dwelling, occu pied by Joseph McCallisler. Lol No. 188, situate in Queen Street on which is erecled a two slory white Frame Building, occupied by John Burkert. Lot No. 60, situate al Notlhway and Wa ter Stteels, on which are erecled two Frame Dwellings and Stubliug, occupied by widow Vaiidling and John Vanillin. Also the undivided fourth part of lot 166, on which is erected a twosloiy Frame Dwel- j ling, occupied by Jflm Vandyke, Also Ion acres of cleared land, ndininiiic laud of Juhu Deshay, on ihe East side of ihe Susquehanna, about three miles below Uan villo. Also two niljoining vacant town lols, situ ale J on Ihe corner of Second and Orange streets, numbered in the general plan of Bor (inph. Nos. 215 & 2lfi. Also four vacant lot-t on Third and Oianse Slivrt. niiinbered in Hie geneiiil plan 01 saiii li iniiioh. Nc.s. 209, 210, 211 & 212. Also (our vacant lots framing on Mnrke' and Six' Ii Si reels, running East to an Alley, numbered in the (jeneral plan of said Bor Nos. 77, 78, 7U & 80. Also four vacant lols finnliiig on Orangr Sued, nud niitrihered in iho senpral plan ol said Dnroiioh, Nos. 185, 186, 187 & 188. The above properly will be sold in part or paieels lo suit purchasers, on reasonable terms. Kor further particulars apply lo John Cuke, Esii., at Northumberland, or to the fubscrihers. ALFI5KO KNEASS, F , THOMAS STItAWBRlDGE, ( '"' Nmlhiimlii'iland, May 22, 1852. tf. TAILORI1TG. JOHN V. MAHTIN, . 1r.OS leave to Inform his frtends and the pub- lie hi general, that he is prepared in every reaped to make clothing alter the mart Fashionable Slides, nnd in the most durable manner, and his prices will lw as reasonable as can bo had in Sunbury or elsewhere, in cash or approved country prouiice. He will always have the advantage ot tiie latest fashion plates, and in addition to his acknowl edged skill in culling, he will he assisted by the .i;.....ii...i of il.e moat seienlilie publications rela ting to ail, now issued from the emporiums of fashion in Ihe Coiled biaics. au c..uc.o will be made alwuvs to have work completed when rrquiacd. ...... c ... ,M .it ... i.i;,i. .mut touted in Market iSiiuare Sunburv. nearly opposite the Post Office, in the building formerly occupied by Jacoo t auy. j -halter shop, where it will be . pleasure to him to -e I... friends, snd make such work fo them as is within tha line of his buaiues. Sunbury, August 14, 185. tf. Bounty Land Warrant rpHOSE having bounty land warrants in their poaaf astoll anu wisiiing w uiiww wi wvw . , I . I ... a, 1 1. a can lind a reauy aaio u, mVv., ... .... .v- of the subacrllier near Shainokut Dain. liiuon coanty H will also attend totlis obtaining of bounty land warrants from tha Department at reasonable recompense. . I- B. HUMMEL. 8unbury, August Ii, 185i3ut. i K-f ft ,:il m n 1 snsjs rfBriTsrrt sasaaasa "N