SUNBURY AMEMOAN AND SIIAMOKIN JOURNAL. Poet r a . From Hie 1 fuiisvi llo Journal. BLIGHTED HOPE. BY M. T. CARPENTER A.aad and wenry dream . la life to me ; ITpon its turbid gtieum No bright FiBm kindly beam ; And silently, As on its current down 1 gliilf, A desert glooms on either side. Hope mny not waken more Within my soul, And sorrow (shadows o'er The days for mo in store, Which slowly roll s if they lingered on their conrw, To give their anguish greater force. Life once was bright and fair When she was here, Whnsa radiant smile so lare Could banish every care Pry every tear, -And make, to me, the wholo earth seem l''.ir blighter than a fairy's dream. JO nl in his pride of power The death foe came, And stole nway my flower, And since that evil hour Ambition, fame, -And love, have (led my aching breast The grave is nil ray hopo of rest. SHfoccUaucous fatter. Theodoue Hook met a friend, just after leaving the King's Bench Prison, who saiil to him that he was getting fat. "Yes," re plied Hunk, ' I was enlarged to-d.ty." It is a singular fact that the Puke of Wel lington never visited Scotland. He is said to have entertained a superstition that a visit to that country would be fatal to him. Cer tainly he would have died after it ! DEAD LETTERS. During the last quarter, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-one letters were return ed to the dead-letter office in the Post-office Department. These contained S 10.089 in the aggregate. Recently, about one million and a third of such letters were publicly de stroyed, a bonfire being kindled with them on the mail. We yesterday saw a In i ze number of tho various articles transmitted throii'ih the mails, the majority of which wil' never come into the possession of those to whom Ilicy were addressed. AniOi: t hose may be mentioned a hmse-shoe ; n ginper c:il;e, lh postage on which was S2 10; ado. Hati-m to church, beii! a small c:i!;e; a p;i- &TQI1U. BENJAMIN 1IEFFNK11 HESPKCFFUI.T.Y informs the citizens of Sunbury nntl vicinity, that he has opened a new store in the room lately occupied by George unglil, opposite Ilollon s Hotel, lie lias lustre- ceived a handsome assortment of Spring ami Summer Goods, consisting in part of Cloths, Cnssimers, Cassinets. SUMMER WAKE of nil kinds, of linen, cotton anil worsted. ALSO! CnlUocs. GliiphniYiN, Lawns, RInuiclSiic I. allies and nil kinds of Lndics Press Cioods. GROCEIIIES of rvery variety. Also an assortment of Ilarilwni'C. IrOIl ami Etecl, I7ail3, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QUEEHSVARE, of various styles and patients. Also nn assortment of BOOT & SIIOHS. Talm Leaf and other II ts and Caps. Halt, Fish, isc Also a variety of LIQUORS such as BRANDY, GIN, WINE, &c. And a great variety of other articles such as arc suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. I (country produce taken in exchange at tlic highest pri-cs. , Sunbury, Miiy 1-, 1852 ly. LIBERTY STOVE WORKS, nitOWN STREET, nbove Fourth, PHILADELPHIA. PFVIE undersigned respectfully inform the pub- - lie that they nro in full operation at their new foundry, and ready to execute orders for stoves of every description on tho most reasona ble terms. Thev invite the attention of STOVE DEAL ERS to their large assortment of STOVES, all of which aro entirely new, and got up at great expense. Anions which ore tho Liberty Air Tight Cook, Complete Cook, Stor Air Tight, Star Frnnklin, Star Radiator, Jenny Lind Im proved, Fire King Radiators, Salamanders, Can nons, liases, Euro Cylinders, Bar Room Stoves, Furnaces, Gas Ovens, &c, &c. AEEO'i'T Ir LAWRENCE. IS'. B. Country merchants are particularly invited to call and examine our assortment. April 10, 18.-2. ly. CJ-B500 CHALLENGE. "ItTIIATKVrcn eoiirrrftt tlif. benllti nml linpr-incs of n V 'Fpli! is nt nil limes of tlio most vnliKihle import ance. I tnkc it f"r prnnteil Hint every pcrs 'ii will ilo nil in their power, to save tlm lives of their children, unit Hint every person will entieavor to prom ttcini'ir own nemm in all imcritici's. 1 fret it to be my (Inly to solemnly nssure you Hint WORMS, nccoritnin to Iho opinion ol Hie nnwt oelrlirntcd 1'liyftirmiis, nre tho priinnry causes of n large miijiii uy til iiisimBra lu Willi II i-iiinm-ii ni'ii niinnn ,, . im- tile; if you have, nu nppetite eoiiliiiunlly chmirri'iilile from nns kind of rood in finntlier. 11ml llrcnlh. ruin ill the fMo- mncli, ricking nt Hie Note, llnnnirn nmi v mini's in on lli'llv, Dry L'oiiijli, Plow Fever, I'nlse Irreenliir rnnnnilirr that'till these denote WOBMS, oml you slionld at once up- ply the reineily HOBENSACK'S WORM SYRUP. An article funnilfld nnnn rVimilifie PrlnrinlM. mimioiinel- cd with purely vegftnlilo rw (mint. , Iwing perfectly wife when ;nke, nmt van be ivpii to the mrntt lender inlimt with rieridnl lronefieinl clleet, where IJowrl C-mipliihHP nml Dmrrhrrn hnve mmle them weiik and dehilitnted the Tonic properties of my Worm Hyrup ore. mich, that it l(Oi(1a without nu equii'l in the ejitnloue of mMlieiiien, in g'vitiff tfm mid ulrenpth to the nimh, which miikc it nn Infnllihle remedy for thnw nfllicted wilh I prpin, the nulonishina; curd perforinwl t.y thin Syrup niter I'Iivm rimui hnve fnileil, is the best evidence ol" its miperi'T effi cncy over oil otheri. I7ET7 STOKE. PETER G11AY TKSPEC'J'FUMiY informs flic citizens of Sunlairy nml vicinity, that lie lias cotnmcn rcil a new plotc in AVhoitlel'rrry ht.-cet, in tho liunwe formerly occui-icd hy Mrs. Cli'iiy, nn:l tins just rivcival end ojcned a well selected assort meiil of T 1 .6 Ks UUUS THE TAPR WORM ! This if the mori ditfi'.-iilt Worm lo destroy of nil tint in fest the hnmnn nvstrm. it crows to an nlinnst Indefinite h'tnrth beomina; so coiled and fiiFteniHl in the. luteslines nml St-TiiReli etieetiinj the IiptiIiIi w rulty ns In enime St. Vitus Pnnee, Tits, At , th:it tlmpe nlliieted feld -in ii" ever suspect that it is 'J'njMS Worm h:ipteuhig them to tin curly crave. In order to destroy this Worm, n very enerpetic trenlment tntift lie pursnctf, it would therefore be proper to tuke 0 to 8 ot my liver rilis sons rn renifiveun oi-srrue-tiims. thut the Worm Syrnp inny net direct upon the Wonn, whieh iiiun be tnkeu in d-ses fit 2 Tublesivionfulls 3 Hinr-s n dny these dtreelions followed hnve never been known to fail in curing the most obstinate e;iris ol I upu onn. Cr- HOBENSACK'S LIVER. PILLS. No pnrt of the svplein is more liable to disease tlinn the MVK.R. it serviiiif ns a tilterer to purify the bli'd, or piv- unr the nrooer secret ion tti (he bde : so thut nny wronst lie- tion of the Liver clfecl the other importnut purl a of the system, nnd n nl:s van mslv, in l.iver t.'om i;tiMt. Jaun dice, Dyspepsia, &c. We sli'Mild. tlifiefure, wnteh ev ry svmpt un thut niiirht inuiente u wtmi" net 1011 ol ih diver. These Tills beiiu romp sed of liOO'l'S t l'l.AN'l'S fur nished bv nature to litral tiic siek : Nhuh Iv. 1st, An l'Kt'TOKANT. which niuimeut the rceretion from tlm Pulmonary mucus tncmbraue, or prMiitts the di'!:arirc of reereted mntter. 2nd, An AI.Ti:it.TI VE, which clianir.'S in s mie inexplicable and iusi-iisible mauner the cerhiiu nn i bid netion of the svstein. "itl, A TOXIC which irivcM tone nnd slreif'th t the nervous ss!em, ni'vt)ij henllh nntl viiror t . 1 nil narts 'f Hie body. -lih. A CATHARTIC, whictJ nets in perfect harmony with the other mirreifienls, nntl operntintt on tlie i(.weis. nun expi' line the wh de mass nf e -irrupt nnd vitiated matter, nnd pu rifying the lilood, which destroy discicc und rcBtores It en it 11. TO FliMALES. Von wilt find these Pills nn invaluable medicine in many complaints to which you are subject. In trtiptiueth-us ei ther total ot pnrtinl, they have been fmnd of inestimable lienelit, restoring their luhcti-nnu tiTnneineivs to n heal- thy netion. purifying the bl mmI and other fluids s elfi'etu i fitly to put to tiiirht nil complnints which may nrise from female irregularities, ns heail:u-lic, giddiness, dimness of tiglit, ain in the side, back, Ac. Piieo, 25 cents each. None genuine unless signed J. N. IIobfiUBactt, nil other being It; 1 IniUulum. r- Agents new fiipplies. nnd St re Keepers desirous of becoming Acenfs ii.itsL ini.lreKS the 1'roprietor, J. N. Il-d-'Misaclc, rhilat'lelphia. f'a. P. Id by .1. W. Frihi-e;. S'lnbury; ?,rnry AreCay, Nor Ihuuiberlaii'l ; l.-i-e!. T'itt-nlvi!i ;" Ka'r. M ilt"ii '; Titty A- 1,1-nkiT, lit- 'rc-'Mvil ; I - irennYi -V W.d erlon. Vaxi ii"sj iei'. It 'iy ; nil dealers in jMc-Jicmo in the tVti:;lV (i i d S..-!te. Am-m. t II. ly. TncMEHwors Excitement ! ! Casb, Steam, KIcctricity ! ! The Acrid awl aff other lines out-clone by the VJIilnlnff Mno of IRA T. CLEMENT. liniO, havinir crrnt faith in rnpid inlea nl mtinl nrnfitn. has iust received and oncned largo amoTtment of pr-PhNG AND SUMMER GOODS, At lii Store in MarXet Ktreet, Sunhury, which he ofTori to tho public ot tho lowest prices. His stock consists ot a general assortment ol Dry Hoods, viz : Cloths, Cassimcrs, Cassinrtsl Jcant, J)n'i'ngs, Muslins, lAntns, Lalir.ocs, Jilnslin de Lains, Lmrns, Ginjshams. licrages. Silk & Palm Lhap Hats. A large nfmortment of Hoots nnd Phoes, for Men, Women and Children. tJrcroiies, Sugar, Tea, CoTee, Molasses, Chorsr, Spi ces, i ish bait, l'lastpr. HARD WARE, Viz : Iron and Steel, Nnil, Files, Saws, &.c. QUEENSW A RE, Tea Setts, l'lalcs, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, i'C LIQUORS, Wir.f. BrnnJy, Cm, Ram, Whisky, kc- Country Jiroduco of nil kinds taken in CX' change nt tlie lngliest market prices. Mu'y 8, 18.VJ ly. por b ; n qui'!, n b t ! e'o ; r. On eh pattern for a chiMr dress ; a jiiu-ru.-'liioii, tin; sliiml of it the bottom of u tliiM liimp, tlio postaiio Si, the inlriusii woiili as many cent?; a zinc frame, belong in;! lo a galvanic battery, postage 517; h s'.one weighittg two pounds, addressed to a gentleman by "Eliza," as a Fample of his f-enerosity; a pair of men's boots, sent lo a lady; a largo bottle of salve; ntul u bundle containing a course shirt, a pair of blue stock ings and a razor. If flsn'ngfon Rcpub., Oct. 9 ANECDOTE OF mYIGIIT AND D F.N. ME. As Dr. Dwighl was once travelling through New Jersey, he chanced lo stop at the stage hotel in one of its popular towns, for tho idght. At a lata hour of the tame nigh1, ar. rived also at the inn, Mr. Deimie, who had the misfortune to learn from the landlord that his beds were all paired with lodgeis, except one occupied by the celebrated Dr. Dwig'ht. Show me to his apartment, exclaimed Den nie ; although I am a stranger to the Kev. Dr., perhaps 1 may bargain with him for my lodgings. The landlord accordingly wailed on Mr. Dcnnio to the Doctor's room, and there left him to introduce himself. The doctor although in his night gownj cap, and slippers, just ready lo resign him self into the refreshing arms of Somnns, po litely rsquesled the strange intruder to be seated. Struck with Ihe physiognomy of his companion, he then unbent his austere tion. The names of Washington, Franklin, Kittenhousp, and a host of distinguished lit erary characters for some time gave a zest nnd an interest to the conversation, until Dr. Dwighl chanced to mention Dennfe. 'Den nie, the editor of the 'Fort Folio,' says tho the doctor in a rhapsody, is the Addison of the United Plates Ihe father of the Ameri can belles letters. But, sir,' continued he, 'is it not aslonishiitg that a man of such ge nius, fancy and feeling, should abandou him self to the inebriating bow l !' 'Sir,' said Dannie, 'you aro mistaken. I have been intimately acquainted with Denniu for several years; and I never knew or saw him intoxicated.' 'Sir,' says tho doctor, 'yon err. 1 have in formation from a particular friend ; I am con fident that 1 am right and you are wrong.' Donnie now ingeniously changed the con versation to the clergy, remarking that Aber combie and Mason were among the most dis. tinguished divines; nevettheless, he consid eied Dr. Dwight, President of Yale College the most learned theologian, the first logician, and the greatest poet that America had pro. duced. 'But sir, continued Dennie 'there are traits in his character, undeserving so wi?e and great a man, of tho most detestable description : he is the greatest ligot and Jo. vialist of the age !' 'Sir,' says Ihe doctor, 'yon are grossly mis. t:lien; I am intimately acquainted with Dr, Diht, and know to Ihe contrary.' Sir,' says D.Minie, 'you are mibUken: I have it fiom nn intimate acquaintance of his, who I am confident would not tell an un truth.' 'No more slander,' says the doctor, 'I am Dr. D'iylit of whom you ii. !' 'Audi t( o,' rxc! linn d Dannie, 'am Mr. Dennie o wIiimii iju spoke ." The astonishment of Dr. Dtviuht may be bt tier conceived than tol l. Suffice it to say, th'y mutually shook hands, and were ex tremely happy on each othei's acquaiutancei World or Pure Spirits. An inveterate dram-drinker being lold that the cholera with which be was attacked was incurxble, and that he would speadily be removed to a world of pure spirits, replied, "Well, that'i a comfort at all events, for it' very difficult tn jr-l uny in thia world." ? Pons!tin in yirt of clothe, ('..!.: iMi;n-, patti.xutts, ! And n p.riinul .'ii-tir'ini nt of LA DID1 ORiiSS A NO IWN'CY fJOODS of every variety nnd t; !e. CHOC KIMKS of I'M iy di s.-i ip.m.-i. AIo nil assortment of HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, And a general variety of oilier articles si;ch ns are euitalilc to the trade, all of which will be sold at tlio lowost prices. Country produce taken in exchange at the highest prices. Bunbury, May 15, 1852 Cm. ZnmiS & i ANDHLL, 4' and Arch St reel, PHILADELPHIA. MAVE established a 8tore where tho best trade now resort for Household Dry Goods, French Fancy Goods, Dress i!Us and Shawls, Hosiery, Gloves and Mitts, Cloths, Cnssimers nnd Vcstings, Muslins nnd Linens by the piece, Damask Tnble Linens and Napkins, 1'ntent Black Silks for Dresses, Full Stock of Mourning Goods. E. fe L. nre constantly receiving Bargains from the New York nnd Philadelphia Auctions, which they sell wholesale and retail very cheap for Nett Cash. Edward E. Eyre, Washington I. Laxdelt., Philadelphia, July 3, 1652 ly. NEV7 COUNTRY STORE, At the Forks of the Plum Creek nnd Titlpe hocken lioad, near Kreieihbaums Black Smitk Shop. JACOH WEI M ER, T1ESPECTFULLY informs the public that he has opened n new Stiiro nt the above 'place and has just received a splendid stock of new Spring and Summer Goods, Consisting in part of Clotlis, Cassimcrs, Sattinets, DRILLINGS and all kinds of linen cotton and worsted summer ware. ALSO : Callicoes, Muslin de Laines, Lawns, Cftiiighniiis, And all kinds of Dress Goods for Ladies. TfcA, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, &c, GltO r.KIF.S, of all kinds. BRANDY, GIN, WNIE, and all kinds of Liquors. Hardware Iron and Steel, Nails, &c, aUEENSWAEE. Shoes, Boots, Caps, Palm leaf and other Hals, Fish, Salt, &c, All of which he will sell at tho most reasonable prices for cash or country produce. May 8, 1803 -tt. To tin; Ti'iiulliiis ii:t;si F!:-l CIixhIIuIJ Terms $1."' per thy. rp-.i: 1 1.- id -r.i! ' r huvimt l.itf-lv l"'c- ine proi.rie- ' .- :- i,t. t l!..K!,!N liOT .-!;, Clu.-tmit !im-;v :;d iu..i 4t, l-NlLADLl'lilA, j i-i - iT'inni Tiir. I'liur. iiF is n a H ; to, uvr 1 v, jives not; t Oiut. iioiwitlisliiiidiim , f li.i costtiiitso to kcej) n ; '500 E00S AGENTS WANTED AINY cood, netivo and iiitellmotit man ith a small capital of doiii S'Jt) lo Siuo, ran make lar;c prolits in- enirayin": in ihe salo of Ihe followinp; POPULAR AND USEFUL ROOKS. chamukks1 information fok thk pt-.ort.i or I'oi'.uhr raipjcl'ij-'-ilin nl' t'eol'iil Kli 'i. i!f;o. Two 1-trir' imi'cvial iTMvo '. iliiinr5. r til'i!itll!( 1.(10 fin p. PKi KHSON'S IIISTOnV OP TI1K A.Mi:l!lt'AN l;i:'l),l -J'tON. ,'jiH) larjjo octavo put'i'S, Willi siJO fine n-::ri:it!oN'3 iitKronv 01- thk v. p. n.vvy. ooo I'Hr.r iK'Imvo pti'-cs. miH l.ill flnr MitTnivinR. i i!Ofi' s h K.Mii. i : i.yknts in tiikmisto- i 11 V Ol'' AMi;i!IC'A. Tv knee iu-luv.i vJumicf, c.-r.- I l.'illliliir lOi lt pnucB 700 I li;;r:iV"iliN. The lii-Kt lliri Itv el A lil.Tifo Mll!is!irl risosT s I'icToiiiAi, ov WAStiiNirroN. a t?;ilen!iil H 'ok, cinlnuiiit!; 6i 0 i-i.ivi pajit s iinil l.'jll rli-- i::int i'lii'i-aviMff. 'l'l.c clif.ipr si ol' 'ulaiiijtoii ever pulilislirtl .MOOlU'. S IIISTOIIY Or Till: INDIAN WARS, l'ino i- -I iri't! nml riiiin 11:111'!. Tltll Till T. RKI't'lll.lCAN. rnnf iiuiiiy,' tlic Iiininrnrnl Ail hi'Kscfi inul tin First Atimril A-Mremn'i" nml M.'Fifje9 ff nil llm Prt'sul'-nts of llif t'niti'il Sl'iti'i., lit Cuinlilu- li ins of tin1 iinp'.rtniit S nt -s in llii-I'liinii. An., tfu r.iiil.'lli.J!:i'd willi liirtiiiitii "11111 Hip rrPFi'lciili1. cuirrii- vnl on Blivl. nml n vii-w of Die I'tipilitl ol' tlio United SmtcM. ftllll rnpf, I'J mo. FOX'S HOOK OF MAKTYIt'S. A Spl.iuliil 1'nmily Ivlifion. l-irpp quni'to, v:tli i r.iignu inp, tn'iiuiniilly l irui! in moriirr". rill. DI'. ODK.MIi.MN'S HISTORY OF Till: POl'I'S. nml liil'i. opt-ivo pnrp. vvilli i!liivfm'i'.ii. J' iSDI'lirS' Wl illKS. Vine l',i'ili hi. one l-.rce liini. KI-fHM'S RKFI.KCTIONM ON Tilt: WORKS Of I.OIV pt. I'iiinnr.'s sti piit. or n Tt nn. IIITI'.S HISTORY OF Till'. A'lil lieiH.'int II iyl'irv. Our !;irj;i.' oi'Livi voluiuf, Willi luii.'- S 'ti:i.' r.MP,i:ivilli;P. Mi:. of ori:at ami fr,i.ri;it.Ti'.ii rn ah a-. 'J'l'i'tS : ofnlArrs ii;il C'lin'rics ii.j I irvjc volu no of t"0 p.irep, Willi n'.niif r. 'UP i!ii;'r:i inp. Tti"lher with a nnml'.'r nf o'lior Works p-iriiculiirly ml.ipted lor 1'i.piiiar llcadiuc. T7" The m )?' liberal dismmils HI be crpii OL AGS, DEtTGS, PAINTS, dc, THR rhilntlelphia Window Glass Tare house, and Drug, Taint, Varnish, f ll and Color Stores, Kos. 33 and 35 North Fourth Street. Enst side, has the largest assortment of Window, l icluro, Coach, (.use, Hot-House, and other GLASS, in the city; comprising upvrnrds of 15,000 dif ferent sizes, rouging from the smallest size, up to 38 hv 60 inches of Sheet, and ns largo s 5 by 7 feet of rinlo Glass, including Iintrhiih Crown, French, German nnd American, both Single and Double Thick. Also, n Inrtre assortment of Very Thick Glass, for Hky-Lights, Bulk Windows, Ac. ihe !Mibscriber having a henrv stock on linnd is prepared to fill orders nt the shortest notire, nnd on the most reasonable terms. Odd sizes of nny pattern cut to order. Ground Yv lute Lend ; 1 unit, Y arnili. ol ev cry description; Turpentine j Linseed Oil, boil ed nnd raw; Pair.t Mills; Fully; Uruthcs ; Dye Woods, cVe., &e., &e. And also, n large supply of frerh imported DRUGS AND MEDICINES. J. II. KPK AGUE. Nos. 33 & 35 North 4th St., E. Side. April 10, 18f;2. ly. "AID AND COHFCIIT," To loci r Oiva iT3f cti:iBsic.. GEOllGE'KENN. MAN'lTACTl'nntt OF CHERRY PECTORAL: For lite Cure af COUGHS, COLDS, HOAnSEWESS, BRON CHITIS, CROUP, A3Tt ZVXA, WHOOPIWO-OOUOH AND CON3UIVIPTION. This invaluable remedy for nil diseases of the Throat nnd Lvjmhb, hns attained a celebrity from its lemnrkuble cures, never ciual!ed by any other medicine before. Other preparations have shown themselves, pallintivcx, and sometimes ef fected notable cures, but none has ever so fully won the coiflidence of every community w'.iero it is known. Alter years of triul in every climate, the results have indisputably shown it to possess a mastery over tlii.i dangerous class of diseases, which could not fail to aUrort the attention of l'livsieisns, Patients, nnd the public at large. IScc the staseinents, not of obscure individuals nnd from far distant places, but of men who aro known and respected throughout the country. The a-idthi celebrated Surgeon, Dr YAL ENTlSi: MUTT, vfN. Y. Cttij, says: "It fiivfs me pifjimrn t'i rritify 1 lie v:il'ir nnd rifiiTicy nf "AyriH Clit-rry IVftnriil," M'liili I cms-iil-T iiccitluirly dtlnplcil In cure diswufs of llie thnsit uii'I hums ,f MH. VKIIKIXS, tlie venrrnMn Vrrsiili-nt of 1lie Vir nrint .Mrtlic-;il Cnlli-fit, tif ( Ih? t'tniin'hil ti-nriici i1ivf- irtriMS ni im r'Mimry, wnsvr:, Mi'"i riy i BANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. h il II IV I 'I I li Ir Ali I'll alUK 1 ti'iisivrly mwl in linn, n lien; it si! 'WM iiiiinin- ft' w'-" w I tiikahlci'viilLlncipf itslmpoj -1'ir.rts nii'li I'llini .liny dii.. Of the most Fashionable Style. 'T'HE sitlisniber rerpectfully calls the nttention of l!e public to his lare nnd splendid assort ment of every quality and price of which ennnot fail to recommend itself toe very one who will examine it, on account of its durable t:iJ"S. ! The Rev. J. D. COfWJXE, n istinrnish'rt ! Clcmyman of the English Church, j vvriliN to llii I'rojii it't'ir fr ia Mntitri nl. 1 l.-tt "In lins Iipimi I rarcil "f :i severe; iif: Itlliti! if iillV'-li'i. by C.l;rn y t'cctiinj." i His I'-ttcr at lull lL'il!ii, la:ij l-' I' nii'l in "iir i.', to In' liail of lln; Atjcnti unit ifcV. llii the uUi'litmii of Mi-lll-j inatic uilicitts. This letter is from the trill Inmrn Druz:isl j IllLLSTiAI.C. Mli'll., Oi l'. 10, l'-ifl. ' llar Sir : lmmpili:tl''iy "ii ivc-ipl "I" nr ( ln-rry T'-r-. tol il. I iviirii'il n IjmIIIi' ii an ni-'iiciiiltau'ii nf lnii-o wli j whs lliuii'jlit I i In' near lii.i ciiil '. i !i tjiii.'k c uiMiai ti. a ill'' ':.v I'ti'ii iinaMe I i ns" fr vn Lis !i"l.aml w.i fvlu-ii'i'- 1 I,' f' !'1.!". 1 1 i fri 'll'if lit lirvr I Ii'' ni"Jt s nil lllr I : til. i r-iirf c n!.l It.. ,;l,t.iini'il liiia. o tc I I in-ini'iil th in t'i pivr y nr i X"C'.k'nt un .lii ii'p a Iii il. I iiHnriia!i !y lift I ivn f r liirc wi'ili. mi;l nn il, iv jiwl 'r ol' my iiaiprisc ; on iiiv return, t i iwi't liiia in lie 5:r''.' i i'ii lay way Ii nie f rotn 'liie earn, ainl lia'l lie IiikI .niiir-ly ri',1. I'. i.r j wt-e'id t'l"ln II:'' day he e antneneeil t.ciiiu ymr lnilieine, i la' was at v.'-a k at Iii.. arda ai!. Iia.'e in a k: lull Ii. 'i iiere are cilhcr ear. s I'.ian my lot v Iei!-;e, wln-re l!ai t'heny 1'eet a:tl lius l" ''ll sn.eala. 1 -an' uESlal. lint linne h't raalUal im Utii. Y'ta v truly vei'.'f. li. Y. L'NDl'.ItWCOl). Valient. m ar 'nr A-M, 1 I)' .1 C Aver, 1,' li-: ili a:n to v ii tiir tae p s' n ren'irl . f my e rne, wM-li y llie l- aeiil if lala i v.! f mi'anie'l 1-y a f.-i rie e at'!' ietieli v.atlcait I'l.laia'aj !' .i leiMiiep'., fre.iaenlly rit: i !l M ll'Kht. A I'li-ll.l five l..e a I ral. t!lP l:e 111' v! 1 i'K lie; t-i ilirerri 1 i..". e y, mil in inly n ev. '1. I o-atv"t, aad all l.y lie.- iik. rale r inv i ' i . I el i 'ei liier unit' r cli ".ii:!i. I a nil a rlv lii;'tll f r . 11 l,i(1 e l.l. i.e. .: (' '" l! IIV Til .1 ! ': , ! l i I'iv n.l i'ii: lilt ill r,u l.t A;'tt who may engine in the sale of the ah-.ivc Valuable Bwl.s, ju-t ciubriono extended j ror luilhor partioulars. mliltoss (pnstaije pal. I,) J. i J . L uuiu., -nuiisiirrs, No. S)S Chestnut Siree't, Philadelphia. June 2ti. 1852. 1 1 . 1 1 j 1 . ! ; lie i l' 'I,A.S IH'i likl l) Hoiise, b.-. ;:-.;i i, at.ii is r.o;v nile.l up nntl rrliiriilsiii'd ior -lIo tor tlie reception ol vi.-ttors. Ihe Lower 1 lour kinecilv occupied by stores, is now included in the Hotel, formin? u Spaeious J(eception (loom, Genllemen's Ftirlur mid Diniti; lcoom, tliereby allowing an nilililinn nl llnrly chambers and several beautiful parlors fronting Chestnut street' ltooms in this Hotel nre supe rior to most others, being constructed with al coves, forming parlor and bed chamber attached well lightened and ventiluted. Its location is unsurpassed, either for business or pleasure. HEX. II. WOOLMAN, Prop'r. Philadelphia, Aug. 14, 1852. 3m. workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the ! at lltilsdale, Mithi'ian, one if the. Inrprst dial- Lest stock lobe bad i it too city. ISo cltort is : res' in the nlatc; and tins case is J rum Lis oicn spared in toe mnniil.niiirc of his ware, and the obseri'atunx. sutidcrilier is determined lo keep rp with the 1 miitiy improvements whieh tin" conytnutly being inatle. His slock eonsi.ds of Malio'aiiy Jlnreanc, ecrCiP-iie3, Eide'joarJs, m, BiiEAKFiST AND D1MMJ TABLCS, and also VE.NETIAX El.I.MlS, cpial to Phila- dclpltia manulacture. HEDHTEALS, of every pattern and price, ci'PBOAr.ns, wonic and candle. STANDS, TOILET TAI1LKS AND LX.TK.NnON TAIILES, in siiorl, every nil u le m II. is line of his business. ; lie also lures nil kinds and ipialitics cf i CIIA1HS, ! i inciiiJhig Viiri'.'tics never iM lnro to he a ir .inilmrv, Hiirli a Muhk;.nt, IJt.ack M' j n ( 't n m;ii M .i" i; (j : ti i a ; a v ii Vi n i snii CII MiiS, i m r li o S rom.s, 'wlih-'.i ;iro i nl" tin lalfst Mvlrs. nii.1 itrr;in!rt1 to be (v:co'!tt ! l.y none iimimtttrtiirt it in I't (.'itics or t Uvw ou 'I ho MilisctiiM-r is tli-rrrnLiii'd ihnt ivf slmll In iitt t'rii.-4t ffr 'i .- -im. !ii i;rt iKic furniture in llir cilu', ns rv omti U nco run In entertained abnu ilir ijita'.ttv a:i. (.nili of hU ware and Cliuint ! His artirlra uiii le 0: jiosrd of on ns good tonus as tliey can he purcliil elsewherr. Coun try Produce t.iUen in yniyiiuiit fur work. lT r;ni2UTAKlNti. Huvini; jirovided hiuiwtf ;i luindsouic Hi.auhk, he if now prejiarcd f.r I'nd.-rhiking, and attending funer nls, in thif vicinity, or at uny convenient dis tance from this place. ltT 'J'he Ware Ilojni is in Mar!;et Street, hclow Thompson Store ond Vearr 'livern. Sunlmry, Jan. 10, if. MA8SACAl"KETTfl. AH u it vent tmnkii I dif KHOUK ISLAND. AU inlveitt ImitkR 1 dit CONNKCTICUT. AU tolvrfit httnks di KW YUHK. CITY. All untvent Imnks I IWHk ntHei mirier 05 dii TOWHTRT. Alt oh'pntxi ImiikR 1 dit NKW JKKSEY. Belvidere Hunk I di Cotntnttrcinl lank Fur, ttnnk Mnt Ifiilly ir l k M., MMMIetown lt. Mcclinnii-i' Hk, Newark ir Meeh. Jk nflJurltnuion pur Meeh. A Mnn. Ilk Trent pnr Moiris Co Ilnnk j ' uwiirk Hkg ft Im. Co rit Ormijr Hunk 1 I HIS pur par firm. Ilk H.-hnvllt ill Co nnrlHriiicrrnt Co llnnk ! riil r A 1. lilt WnynrMiV 1 torn Stnte llfink nt Camden pnf Pnmklia Ilk. WiibIi'h jJrlirWnte Hk Klixnhrthton I di tlHrrislmrp llnnk 1 dinjfttite Hank Nen-nrk di I limcfulalt Hank 1 disflnte Hk, N. Hninswlfk pnf lAiiniPtcr lt;nk par,Snwicx bunk, Newton 4 cm rnWSYKVANIA. riTr nr Philadelphia IT. H. Hunk iiotea lfidift All t'lveut lmaki pni COirSTRT. Hunk of CItninlwrBharg 1 dial i;miK ol uiu-siur i.o. par ItRiik ofHcl.Co. ChfBter pari Hunk of Owmnntowii wirl Hank of Ortlvulauff 1 difl Hank of Tie Wigtown llnnk of MiilflMown 1 dif Mtiiitptwtery C(t Hank pnr Unnk AorthumlierriKl. ixo llnnk of Pittsburg 1 diR iltnik nf H-nnville pari Cnrliflle Htink 1 ti Culumltia It'k A H'ge Co pnr l)oyt-lslfwn Hank pur l.imlnti Hank inr V,xv Hank fi din '.xctiaiiffp Hkritt1ura: I din, -.toiuirt U1lf. Itrittiph I Hid KnrnierK' HktHarkiiCo parlperiplo's Hk Pntlerwm I'linners' Hk, Ijinrnstcr tvUiPrinccton Hank FarniLTM' Hk, Kettding pnnfalrm Hiinkiiifr Co, l.pttanun Uank mr Mrrrh. A Mnn. Hardf 1 din iMniprH' irk, rottBviMe rrr Trcntim Hanking Co pnr nion Hunk. l)ovir J Vnrdlpvv'le ADel Dr Co 15iIib MniiMinr;iliHn llnnk I dis iyHk il'rten midr 5 dia TaylnrnvV Del HV Co 15 di I)KI.AWAKK. Wyotntiiar Hk, Wilkpsli'e par Vnrk llnnk, 1 dio np'ficlicf nnfpB 1 din !! A I K Rank of Whcllork 5 din M'rcnnlilfi Hk. Hanjror llldin All 'tvfMitjmikft I din m:w HA.MPsniHK. 1 All milvnit li-mki dis VKHMONT. Datik of Sr Allmin 3 dis All w d vent l)ntiks J di Hank of Smyrnn par Delnwnre Ciir Hank jfflr Hk Wilmu'nft Rrawlyw. ii Fllrln('rn, Hk St DHnwnre par I niftn Hank. Wilmington par nr I'ndcr j dit OHIO. All fMlvenl Imakfl Sdia IV" Hk antes nndpf fifi 4 dis All f iKent Wuiki 9 dii rt'ndcrS'i, 2J dii i i: rr . W. il. 1 it i'! v.rA ;"'mj!i lias i i :j A ,M. iriinary. X ts:. T with a r U av.'i .i. I :;l Zi inc i ManufactureJ by Ihe Nt-w Jersey Company, Newark, N. J. fMIK Puhsrribcrs are n w proparrd to i-xcftite nr-1-rp 1 tiinnyexH-nt Inr tht-ir IifJiutniil white und eolinvd Zinc Puiatu, at the reduced print's, viii : wai ranted No. 1, AVhitc, ground in oil. 0 cenlt per lb., pure, No. 2, do. d i. 8 d. d No. 3, do. do, 7 it-1. do 11 row n aitd Hlaek, d. do. tine hundred poandn will rover equally wHI ns ini.'eh Riirfaee. nn lH) II mi. of White Lead; they are 3 percent cheaper to llie consumer. 'i'he Zinc Wiiitk i rapidly enp'T-'ediitg White Iad, over whieh it mtiH'SKe mauv ndvantaca It is whiter, and more, henutiftd than the White lr;icl t). u-s not turn yell iv, rvf-n when expom-d to enlpliuKtns xin Imk no smell ii not injurious to health, und is far in-ae du rable. Zinc Rrowm anp Hlack Vaisti auk pom Wratiifh ksu Kikb IMtooK. The best e vriiigr for oaiiilu wotk ever inlii'duecd, ndapted t hailiinsyf ot wot'd, buck nr PI mic to t'utieefi, e irraifie b 'ilie?, briiijres. nud innehinery t o the bulla -f vessels, iiarlnirH, eb.-ottH, and all other Iron, w ik on Imud niijv-to tU-ain b' liters, ntuoke t-ieka nntl water i-ttiUt to iron, tin. and oihrr loobi-nr, iron aim tiler d-Mirnaud raiiincs1, wue (Vnei-p, briil:rt. KiT Iron Surfueeh thin J.iiut i CMperially valunble as it forms u gal wane conaectiou, and entirely piuvt-nta runt. . These Zinc Paints having a pure Mrfnlie Base, are war ranted not t turn yellow, and will rrhun Iheir original brtllianey mueh longrr than While I-al, or nny of ihe earthy piiueuts now in u?e. The ciTiifieutes tbi.ftc who Imve uned Ihetse Painin, arc aneh an to witiKty Ihe pub lie that they ure invaluable. The ablet-t clieiuins of Fnmce and this country have teMilied to the Fupfriority f . i ue over i,eai I'aiuts, us to (luruhMMv, lienituiufin-PH nud beuuty. They have beni adapted by Ihe I'reneli (iiivein meni, by the corporation uf New York, and are now ex tensively used by tin. United Mutrs Government ut many of Ihe largest Military and Marine Dp'ts. Philadelphia (Ja Wotncs. May 15, IP.ll. Mews. F. C Jonf A i'o. lienilfunui liavinir mmle several trials of vmir Hrown Zinc Paint in vari ais meth ods caleitlnled to test ilk prtilcelivc qunlitit-s Upon W hI nud melal, 1 have the satittlketiou to stale that the result imve been highly tavoiable. ihe tuint revering well, Iryitiff finieklv. and iiopseftiiair renter tcunettv, e 'iieeirdly iiiMui noli, thuu tiny other paint with whieh 1 uni fu miliar. i ours, truly, Jon C. Curios. Tlie underniucd, havinff used Ihe Zinc Pain's referred ;o e incur in the foir-oiug opitiii'ii. jMorrm, lusKer :lorns Heroiet, Neatie At Co., Perm Works. Mcrriek ft Son. Jiinifs T. tSulton A Co., Franklin Iron Works. J. T. Dean. V. . Dry Doek. VtF Dealers snpnlied on reasonable terms by the Agents of the Company. . No. 17 South Wharves, Phitu. July 17, lrea. 6m. STACK OFFICE. WASIIIXliT()X IIOUSK, STJIIBUPvY, PA. JA2ILS C0VEF.T, Proprietor, TCHTlD rpspoctfullv nnnmmrn that ho hn luWrii tins well Known rtnml, wlirrc lie will ho gralilit'd to sre. ami ciitcrtuin his IriciuU nml tlic IravclliiiR vmlilie goni'i'.illy. This liousp U now rrplcti' with rvcry I'unvruirnrc, comlorlii lilc, jili'iisantlv loi'atcil, luiiulsomoly furiiiheil, well vi-iitiliiti'il, ri'iiiloring it in every respect a ilcfiralile stopiiini? place. No pxi'dmc haa been pparcil in Htlini; up this Ihiu.-c. The rhamhers nre well fnrniehcil anil the tahlo ami bar provided with tho best tho Musical Instruments, Ficlurcs Vuinls, iniuket can alVord. , . , , ... ,. . nu it nu bi'ii iiv iiiu iuivi'iii prui'H. Mis ftork, in part, consists of, Arrordcons, Violiiid. Music Bom's, l'nrlor and 15ur Komii Or gans, Melodeons, Sernphiiie, .Matheinutiial In- ! struments, Masncis, (Spy and Opeia (flassis, I Stationery of all kinds, Pocket liooks, Uron.c j I'owder, Dutch Metal, tJold and Silver Leaf, I Scales of ull kinds, Smill' and Tobacco Moves, Lithographic I'uinls, Copper i'late nnd Steel iit praviiigs, and pictures of every variety. Also Liilt Kranie Mouldinjs of various sizes. Di alers, Country Men hunts, uud l'edlars, sup ilicd at rcasonniile piiccs. Decemlicr W, IK.'il. tf. ?to 73 y art ft -7 Ft.j Ictw.'ftt Arch ami Race Ft,, "J("I'KKIjY iitioims tlio pulilic that lie imports und constatilly Kerjis on li:nul r.t Iiis new store, o. 18 IVorth Xl St., a lurjp ntv.'ortincnt of Foreign Fancy Cioods, The sluMe aocommodations are extensive ami well caicuiuU'd for travelers. STAGE OFFICE. The stages running from Northuinberlaiul to Pottsvillc, stop nt t'nis house, where through and way tickets to Philadelphia can be obtained. iSunbury, March 20, 1852. tf. HARMSBUEG E00K BINDEEY. F. L. IIUTTKR & CO., "EJOOK hi IIanoi i:. ( in-1, A;t Driir Sir: I wili T v in!. I It 11 r.H :! U ft cuicli. wliu yimr flu r;v IV-t r.-.l li'is d n il ra f 1 :it-y t-r I w ;i. :;m '-.I !y li- In-' ii In ;-'- r. '-r w.i c'.i 1 II in v lii:i-: w- 15 in ; fry l' r ! !. mi'l tii.nliU1 tii m p.H'nt;:!i :il i-'A, my ii it-u:!s iln)U;.riil 1 nriRt f 'ni sin'; iti c MiF.u:i,ti n. I 1'; ! ii i ii;i'.ciiii', uiul ii ilir:nif;il r v,ia t wruriiisr iim iiwmv. 1 lirjj.'ui tft t;il.i' y mr lii :-t:iit'nl m iliciiii". ly the ii'.U ctf u i-li '.iviirin, V.hl'i;l s.ctt lis cll.-'-ln lipp-ru. Il , (.(. isiy V -llll Ut tlll, T'i'.'l piYil lilt- I' M lit Wih. IH I l-:.ilh-u n f -itititit 1 o iild ml well, nml my n:r'i h itl ' C'T-iSnl ! I'' liinihlea 'iin my HpjM'tiUt rtTintict", inn! my i f i iil ii nirififi'-il nif, w'ocli t n r-:i"ii( my Bticim'-li. Now, rift t-r live wc'lis, I ion WfM ;uvi string, witluu oth er help thuu yuur ('h rry IVH.iml. Yoillf, wiJl lr?lK'(-t. Jl'MA DF.AN. I lwr'ly err'ifv llnl !l;r n! vn snlrtmi:t n" my wife is in miii'.'ri'iity with my "vu views oi" licr case uiul lnr curt; hy AVer's t-'l.i riv lV'jt-'ral .riw.rn pkan. Tin; a'tivi' iinin',,l J-m 'jm Hmii mm Jnlii, hi iff, r nt-r''Mii'v l.ii i.n Ionic, mid iui:licit e Mifidi'iiee may he j placet I in liuir b'.:i!riiM-nT. ra.-ftT "f l!i'' li iplis' I'liiirch. Prepared nnd f!l hi JAUF.S ('. AY Ell, Practical Chemist, Latrrll, Mass. PoM in Suiihury l.y II MASSKR, and l.y Druc'uits peiieriil'y tlinm.i 'j i Ithc fL-latc. Jvovc.iilier 1, 1S51. lyce'ino won enxTfi. Tv mhans of tut; i J rOCKHT .USCUI.A- !''' A, A '.."' TITI'l.' 1.'.... I.!.. AT r'vH X Vl 1 II-'1, oi jj.iiv lull: Ills ,vhI -ix'r:i edition, with up- ;';i '.' V l" ..U ..f n tttiii.lriwt .nor.. 1 .. ;1 'fj NlIls, miiimii; I'm air n . A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At (lac ( al)lact Ware Itooai of SEJVN TIOUPT & CO. Karket Square, Also al tlic corner of Fairn street i' the Railroad SUXBUIIY, PA. Thnnliful for tlie patvoiiajc of his fiicudi and rustomers durinn; Hie 17 years he has liepii in husi ness in Ihis place, he solicits from the public aeon liminiiee nf their f.ivors. Duiinc; tliis period he hns eiidenvoii'd to keep up with the improvements of the il.iy, and has nceoniinIy extended his busi ness in every branch ami variety. The public are therefore invited to the attention of the present Rtock of CAKINKT WAUH AND CHAIRS, MANvi'Ac-rriir.i) nv SETASTIAN KOTJPT & CO. the Old Xtand, Where in addition to their former stock of the estiililis-hinent they now manufacture Mahogany, Weliint & Chairs. L'trxc- Upriwr Seal Rocking Chairs, Dressing J'l'rsinis, Centre. Tables, .Mi rule Top Wash Stands, and a virirfy of other new style and I . i i o a n h J o Fu ! i I si re. llavinrr keenrcd a lleamc nnd made the nece K.iry nrniiii'ments lor tlic purpose, they are no prepared lor I'mlurtuking in all its brunches, in Ih'.s vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye imi'.ls ami mif.:rLsv:4, an't lmsbaiiils to, Ileri-'e I'liinilnrc of every style null line, l'runi niite il'iwn to Uili'tien tiiliies, Troin r.ii'kiiifr ctiairs t i mckiugcrmt!-. F'loclil yin not tmve tlic realty John tn pay, AN'c'II wjit au'liilu fur a liriglttr.r belter day, Or tuke p.itntni'-, oats, c;tii, vvhent ond ry. ; Ilnrk, lioop poles, staves, or lumber wcl nail dry, Or nny thing bill yokes nnd threshing (tails, Frmn pit's and Inrkirs to little qimiti. Come on thru friends, r ime one anil alt, Krep trinle o moving, so "goi,. on the liall.n IT Orders from a distance promptly attended to and worn of all kinds delivered w ith dispatch. Sunhury, March 9, 1850. tf JOHN PHILLIPS & SON. No. 47 South Water Street, below Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. MPOREKS of Foreign Fruita, Nuts, Wines, 1 &e., keep constantly on hand the following articles, which they will sell at very low prices ior eunii. Raisins, Almonds, Currants, Walnuts, Citron, Ciround Nuts, Prunes, t'leam Nuts, Dates. Filberts, Figs, Vunilla beans, Sweet Oil, Preserved ginger, amarinds, Liquorice, Lemon tvrup, Fire Crackers Port Wine, Madeira Wine, Claret Wine,' Sherry " Muscat " Sweet Malaga " Philadelphia, July 3, 1852 ly. JGHXtf A. TAYLOR, Kanufaeturer of JloilUlUCJitS, Tomlis, AND GKAVE STONES OF THE FINEST Italian and Amkiiican Mahbi.e. At his Old Stand in Northumberland, Pa. RESPECTFULLV inform the public that all work in liia lino will be made up of the very best and finished in the latest style of the Eastern cities. . Those in want of such articles well made and executed in the best style and at Ihe lowest rules, will do well to call and examine before they pur chase elsewhere. May IS, 1853 ly. Van Loan Dagucrrcan (lallcry, 159 Chestnut Street, k T this eeti'liriilnl f.'tiiMihmiiit von enn nlivnva nro iv euro Hie iirwest sinl inst iisprove't riles ol'' DAci'iamr.oTvi'): a. talhdtypk poutraits nt from .hi to ion n.r et. lcsi cost than sueli jottiues can nr mm I'll rii-iiwni re. Now tliiil you i'hii serum riii-li perfect portrmls of yimr lovtil urn . al u mum iiiiiiiiiiul cost, don't delay lest you lose llieiu. l-.very vnriily of finicy enne.., frames. Sic, on liriiul in furuiiilii'd to onli r, nud every picture in ids Bitialory and vviiimiiied to lie in ilm Iiim iylc m Uic uit i r .no cuasoe VUU U1IU SCU US Ql 1J1I l lU'&Uiill It, riiitadillpkia July 17, IHM. ly. ".' 11 nN,'I,L" BINDERS, .STATIONERS AND LANK BOOK M A N I 'FA CTl'RE lis. The subscribers respectfully inform their friends ond the public, thut they arc now carry ins " '" above business at the OLD UTAND occti)iicd by Hickok ek Co. They fl itter themselves that by careful attention lo, they will merit and receive a continuance of the patronage, so liber ally enjoyed by tlie old firms. Particular attention will be paid to Ihe rulins; and binding of every desciiption "f blank books for banks, county olUccs, merchants a:ul private individuals, and every variety of full nud half bound blank books. Old books, periodicals, law books, music, newspapers, &e., bound in anv pattern and in any style required. In addition to the above, they have, nnd will at nil times keep, a general u&soilmciit of STA TIONERY, consisting of Knives, (luiiin, Itl'iS'UII Is, Motto W.ifers, UU-k Ini:, Niilinir. Wux, Hlun Ink, ('.iiivinr: Ink, AiuolJ's AVrii.iii l-'lunl, I'.rusuri's, &e. IT?" Paper ruled to pattern, and all work war ranted and done very cheaply. F. L. II UTTER & CO. Morch 13, 1S52 tf. letter Paper, f'ap Ilrawinj " 'rrnutfer " Hl-.ttii-if Stct'l Vn. Cariuine ink, FlntCri mifl lVitcil l.fml l't-iirili, .Piter Jtaiiii!i, 1'nlirt KlioIht, lie. Tiipc, Itlaiik CarJs, i MilT, J () II M A. II A II HIS, Manufacturer, &. Dealer in Icipcrte-i nnd Domestic Ssai's, Also, a general assortment of I.raffi !Ha:t!:Iiic5Mrl 'I'obarro, CONSTANTLY on hand, at the lowest mar- kct prices. Corner of Chestnut (St., and Wharves, l'hil.ult I, hia. Decemlicr 27, 1851. ly. " vim. q. zAEon, "" Kngravcr and I'lintcr, No. AG Chestnut Street, above Second. T7.JZT. A3i:L?ri.A. IS prepared to do EN til A INK mid PRINT- LN(i, ill ail their branches. Wed, lin?, Visiliiig and Business Cards, li ill 'J'icki ts, Watch Papers, Labels, Rill Heads, Notes, Cheeks, Drafts and Diplomas. Seals and Stumps for Corporations, Odd lYtlows, Masons, Sons of Temperance, &c. All the above engraved in the best manner. Orders by Post promptly attended to. December 27, 1851 ly. v i i T5 , r3l l I'lise in everv sliune nnd '?,' form, and malformations of tl.e generative system, r y l)r Wnil Tmintr. f- i--' ' ' 'J'lie time has now arri ved. that persons piilTi'iing lioin secret diseases, need no more become the victim up ui'Ai'i: i ii v ns by tho prescriptions con! lined in this book, any one liniy cure himself without hindrance to businc.-s, or the knowledge of the most intimate friend, and with one-tenth the usual expense. In addition to the general routine of private disease. il fully cvjilains the cause ol manhood s early dc dine, willl observation en marriage besides many other dcrantrcmcnt which it would not be proper to enumerate in the public prints. IV Any person nunliug TWENTY-FIVE CENT., enclosed in a letter will receive one eonv of this book, bv Mail, or Cue copies will be sent for one dollar. Address, Dn. W. YOl'N'li No. 152 SPRUCE Street, 1'HILADELl'llIA Post paid. ry Dr. YOt'NG ran he consulted on any of Ihe Di-ea.-es dcseiilcd in bis dillerciit publica tiotis, at his Odieo. 152 Spruoe Street, every d between 9 and 3 o'cliii k, (Sundays excepted.) Philadelphia, June 5, 1S52 ly. TJLANK rarcliment Paper Deeda and blank MortRagca, lionds, Executions, Hummorn, &c, for sale by II. li. MASbER. buubury April 20, 1851. Wlioto.-.lo nml Ec!:iJ ClacL ESTADLISHlfr, NT. . S. E. Corner S,ccnid and Chcstaut Sis., TEETHE RE may be found, onn of the largest T and best nssiirtdieiits of Clocks and Time pieeea in the United Statea. in quantities to anil pim-liaiwra, of from a single Clock, to one thnn rand Clocks; embracing every variety of Hlvlc nnd manufacture, suitable for Churches, Halls, Counting Houses, Parlois, Sleeping Apartments! and Kitchens, Uteam and Cauul liuats, tni liuii Road Cars. Also general tale Agent, for Rnpp'a lately pat ented Hcientilic Niche Gold Pen. Wholesale and Rctuil Gold and Silver Pen Holders, and Pencils, and a variety of Fancy Goods. Those wishing to purchase will find it to their interest to call before purchasing elsewhere. JAMES BARBER, 8. E. Cor. Chestnut & 2nd Sta., Phila. April 10, 1853 ly. TUT. CHEAT I'iSIZr. II IH II. AR mvr:! KICKED c TULIi, No. 148 Chestnul St., above Si.xth, Front of ' JONES' HOTEL. r.'l'v "j') I 1AYE just received their Prize PTE't Medal, awarded to them for Sr I IT I I their bet Travelling Trunk ex hibited at the World' Fair in Loudon, 1851 being the only exhibitors to whom any award was made. Their competition was with all the world, and they have taken THE PRIZE! TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, kc. To be found in this City, nnd at very low price Cull and see. HICIvEY & 'FULL, , Trunk Manufacturer, H8 Chestnut St. April 10, 1852 If. The Johnston Ink MANUFACTORY REVIVED, 10,. ty. Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA. '8MIE subscriber begs leave respectfully to in I form FiiiKTKiis generally, thut he lias ue ceded to the Business of manufacturing J'rmU ing IU formerly carried on by his graud Father, and Father, and oiler liia article to the trade, without any Fern, but with the simple reliance upon the long established chaiacter it ha borne, feeling confident of ita giving entire satisfaction to all who may fuvor him with a call. Tkbmi Cash. CHARLES ENEU JOHNSTON. April 10, 1852. tf. SMITH'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN. GER, a freah aupply jut received, and for w)a by li. IS.MABeCiK. Iruubury, Jan. 10, 18.12. THOMAS PALMER, COMMISSION MKULIIANT, No. 6, AToiii Wharves, Whero the following goods are received and sold on commission, Dried Apples, Peaches, Plums, Tears, Cherries, A:c., Green Apples in l'arrels or by the liushel, Reans, Peas, t'ranbeiiies, Onions, .Mercer Po tatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Shelbarks, Chestnuts, (round Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Rnisins, Figs. Prunes, lirapes, Poultry, Eggs, Under, Cheese. And all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Pro duce. Philadelphia, Dec, 13, 1851 ly. SOAP AND CANDLES. riVD' suliiirilicr take this method of inforin iug the citizens of Suubuiy and vicinity, that Ihey are engaged in the manufacture of Soap ami Candles, of tTic best quality, at No. 41 Filbert street, Philadelphia. They respectfully invite all who buy for cash, to give him a cull as they wil find it to to their udvuutage in dialing with hint lor articles in their line. E. DL1 FY & SON, . 4 i Filbert above 9th. December 20, ( if. VRNOLD'S WRITING FLUID and Adhe sive and legal envelopes, for sale by il. 11. MASSER. Sunbury, nia 10, 18o XTRACT OF COFFEE. An excellent article more wholesome and much cheaper than Coffee itself. For sale at thia oilice. April IT 1H5 JUSTICES' FEE BILL8. For aale by 11 M MASSER. Kunbury, liM '8 riiccriis Tire Thief Ticof Iron Cho:ts, sjiSt, iV.1- m fi l-ii- V" i 'iT'-. Bl1 Eomict3, Hats and M 1 1 1 i n e r y (1 oods ! ERCHANTS and Milliners when in Phil- inlelpliia to p.urchase their goods, will find it to tiieir interest to exumiue our large and lash ionablc stock of STRAW We manufacture largely and UJroaT the Nevvust Stvles Of Foreign Fabrics in our line ; which together with oilier advanta ges eiiiihlo us to offer liberal inducement to Ret Kits. R. A. CKOOKER, & CO., Nos. 47 and 49 Chestnut Street, and No. 56 South Second Street, west side, near Chestnut, Philadelphia. December 27, 1851. ly. cf. LAAVliENCE HOUSE. SUNBTTRY, PA. 'lHE subscriber respectfully informs her friend il nnd the public generally, thut she has taken the above well known stand nearly opposite the Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J. C. Per kins. She trusts that her experience in business, mil her eil'orts to make her guests comfortable, will give entire satUl'jction to those who may fa vor her with their custom. ANN C. MORRIS March S, 1851 tf. J. H. ZIMMERMAN, JtSlJtE OV THK riMCE, Sunbury, Pa. OiTice in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public rcliool H otise. IV Monies collected and ail business iiomitly luid care fully uncii'li-d lo. April Zi), 1S50 Valuable Hooks, rIFE or CiinisT, handsomely bound, D'Ai J hunk's HisToift op ma RrniumTinsr, Li i. ink Dav-iiooks ami Li:iiof.ii, full bounded. For sale at the publisher prices by II. b. MASSER. Sunbury, July 14, 1S49 T 'ARlfANTEI). to stand equal beat with ' any other Chests in the country, and to defy tl' Rurghis' ingenuity. Manufactory, No. 10 Hudson's Alley, running between Third ond Fuuilh streets, soulli of Clicsnut, and in the rear cf the (ilr.iril iSank. M. &.. S., Ihe proprietor, lire Practical Me chanics, and feel coiil'nlenl, from long cxicririice in the iiiaiiiil'actiire ol' lion ( bests nud Mali's, ami a special attention lo this particular branch, ol giving satisfaction to ull who may give them a cull. N. B. We have selected one of the best min erals ever used us a nou-i unductor of heat in this business, and we warrant our Chest uud IS'iie to be made uf Ihe best material and in the n.ost durable inunncr, and to stand any lrcat lliiit can bu applied to them. MILNOR &. SHAW, Manufactory No. 10 Hudson' Alley. Running between 3rd and 4th streets, 8 of Che liut, in tlie rear uf Girard Rank. Philadelphia, Oct. 55, 1854. ly 1 AZORS A auperior article for sale -store of HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, Feb. 16, 1R50. EE RILLS. Justices and Constable Fee Dill handsomely printed on cars' paper for tule at this office. 41 TONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisin, AI J! mimds, P une and Cream Nuts. Planes of all kinds. Salt und Plaster. Just received and for sail by JOHN W. FRILING. Sunbury, Dec. 89, 1849. n ft O.SE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of thi j3 IjJ, excellent article for Tetter, A c., just reccivet and for sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, July 28, 1S49 ""lOLD PENS with and without case, of "JS( very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply uf Writing Fluid, for sal by H. U. MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. 27, 1851. 3 JJ ATE NT RRITTANIA STOPPERS f. bar bottle for sale by 11. B MASSER. Sunbury, April, 12, 1851 TIT NOR AND SPRING MORTISE LAI i "V CUES. An excellent article, lor sale i half the usual price bv Simbury, July 7. 1819- J. W. FAILING, tTJlLANlC NOTES, waiving the exemptii 3 3 law of :IC0, for sale by April 0. 1851. H. D. MASSER. ADD'S celebrated Horae and Cattle Mtx cine for aale by HEN 111 AIAKMKK. Sunbury. Jan. 87lh. 1849 TILEY'S COUGH CMNDY. Aa exes ' lent remedy for cough, cold. For s at thi office FOR sale at this office, Superior Black In Cattle Medicine at 83 cts, Pure Esxnc Ginger.SS cents r