LBTTCIl FROM HAVANA. The Affair of the Crtsctnt City. We have received from a reliable louree in Havana, the following account of the transaction in connection with the late visit of the Cresoent City to Havana: ( "Mr. William Smith, supercargo of the steamer Crescent City, had caused to be pub lished in the New York papers, an exaggera ted and false statement, respecting the se verity of the Spanish Government in Cuba. This statement accused Gen Canedo of the cruelly of having loaded young Cuban ladies with fetters and chains to their feet. This published falsehood, which was not denied by Mr. Smith, induced Gen. Canedo, to di rect his Secretary to write to Mr Drake, one of the owners or agents of the steamer, to inform him, that the Crescent City would not be allowed to enter the harbor of Havana, if Smith was on board, as he considered him' to be an enemy of Cuba, acting with those who had designs upon the Government. On the 3d of this month the Crescent City was signaled, but the Captain disregarded the signal, and entered the port, alleging as an excuse for violating the laws, that he could not stop his machinery. Col. Lima forwarded tho order to leave the harbor, as soon as he discovered that Mr. Smith was on board. Copt. Porter presented a closed let ter for Gen. Canedo, who refused to receive it, unless it came through the proper hands, tho American Consul. The Consul could not be found, nor the principal Agent of Mr. Drake. Capt. Porter then presented a pre pared protest, which shows that he was aware of the difficulty his rashness would occasion. The order for leaving, was again repeated, and the Crescent departed, carry ing ofl passengers, mails, &o. These are the facts of the case, and the affair will be view ed dilferently, according to the several feel ings by which individuals will be actuated. We must judge of it with impartiality. Mr. Smith, by refusing to deny the publi cation attributed to him, gave ample reason for tho suspicion that he was the real author of it, and therefore incurred the responsibility involved. As he showed, in that publica tion, hostility to the Spanish Government, and acted the part of a spy, in favor of those who have designs upon the Government, it is not strange that General Canedo refused him permission to enter territory against the law ful authority of which he endeavored to play the mischief-maker. Ilis right to do so is unquestionable. A diplomatic agent, evert, may bo sent out of a country by the Govern ment, if his acts are such as to show that he is inimical to that Government. Capt. Por ter cannot plead ignorance of the intention of the Captain General, after the warning given, and his own previously prepared pro test, shows that he expected the treatment which he received, and of which he has lit tie reason to complain. He, and the Compa ny for whom he acts, are clearly liable to the passengers for damages occasioned by their detention in the harbor, and inability to land at Havana. This attempt to brave the legitimate authority of a fiiendly Govern ment, is positively disgraceful, and has in volved the passengers in expenses and trou ble, for which the ship should be held liablo. We can see no outrage upon the American flag in this act, as none was intended. The affair is simply a personal transaction, which does not involve the United Slates at all. It is an attempt, on one side, to preserve the dignity of the Spanish Government, and the safety of the loyal citizens of Cuba, ogainsl tho rashness and disrespect of the officers and owners of the steamer, and the machina tions of designing enemies of the Spanish Government, with whom these officers and owneis appear, by their unjustifiable con duct, to sympathise. That no insult to the American flag was intended, and no unneces sary restrictions imposed upon Americans trading to the port, is evident in the fact that the steamer Empire City, commanded by a prudent and gentlemanly officer, who knows his duty, and respects territorial rights, was received, on the 19th of September, with every mark of regard. Horrible Suicide by a Woman. Mrs. Passage, wife of Thomas Passage, of this city, put an end to bar life on Wednesday lust, at East Bush. Her husband went to Illinois laat spring, when she with her two children, eleven and seven years of age, re spectfully took up their abode at Captain Jeffrey's, in Rush, where they have since lived. Mrs. P. had frequently, of late exhi bited feelings of despondency, and a Jew days ago made an attempt to drown herself in the Honeoye creek. One of her remarks was, that she had an internal disease prey ing upon her intestines. At 8 A. M., on the day abovj mentioned, she lushed from the bed room into the kitchen, to the horror of the family, with her throat dreadfully cut by a razor, and instantly ran back again, burying herself in the clothes of her bed Doctors Smith and Galentine, were in at tendance immediately. While they were attempting to dress her throat, her resistance and struggle revealed the fact that she had also cut her abdomen in a horrible manner, so that the intestines protruded, when ail hope of saving her life was abandoned. She very soon expired Rochester Advertiser) October 15. Serious Collision on Lake Erie. Buffa lo, Oct 8. The report that the accident to the steamer Ocean, on Saturday, arose from the breaking of her shaft was incorrect she was run into by the schooner Mansfield. The steamer discovered the schooner bear ing down upon her when about 4 miles from the locality of the "Atlantic" tragedy ; Her kelm was immediately put a port till she turned nearly around, when the schooner ran into the forward part of her wheel. ILd she struck a few feet fore or aft of this the Ocean would have gone down with a large load of passengers. The schooner had all sail set, and cut through into the kitchen, leaving her figurehead sticking in the steam er. Much indignation is expressed here, and an investigation it demanded by our citizens. South Carolina. It is said that 14 of the 18 members of the South Carolina Le gislature, just elected in Charleston, are in favor of giving the election of Presidential Electors to the people. TEE AMBRICA1T. SUNBURY. SATURDAY, 01 TOll Efl 83, ISM. II. II. MASSEft, Editor nnd Proprietor. To Aovkstiskii.. The circulation or the Banbury American nmig the itiflWciit towns on the Buauehnn i not exceeded Ifwiiiallcd liy my pnper published in North in reiiiisyiyaiiia. DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL NOMINATIONS. FOR PRESIDENT: FJIANKLIN PIERCE, Of New Hampshire. FOR VICE PRESIDENT: WILLIAM R. KINO, Op Alabama. , PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. SENATORIAL. Nathaniel B. Eldred, of Wayne. Wilson M'Candless, of Allegheny. additional district. Robert Patterson, of Philadelphia. DISTRICTS. I. Petei Logan, 13. II. C Ever. Geo. H. Martin, 14. John Clayton, 3. John Miller, 15. Isaao Robinson, 16. Henry Feller? 17. James Burnside, 18. Maxwell M'Caslin 4. V. W. Bockius, 5. R. McCoy, Jr., 6. A. Apple, 7. N. Strickland, 19. Joseph McDonald. 8. Abraham Peters, 20. W. S. Colahan, . lviu nsier, xi. Ann re w nurK. 10. R. E. James, 22. William Dunn, 11. Jno McReynoIds, 23. J. S. M'Calmont, i. r. uamon, zj. ueo. K. Marret. EDITOR'S TABLE. Business Notices. lUnriR't MAOiztMis. Tie October number of tbii valuable magazine n on our table, Like its predecessors it contain! 144 pages of moat valuable and interesting reading matter. Among other things a continuation of Bleak House by Dickens. Memoirs of Napoleon and a great va riety of other entertaining matter. The circulation of this magazine, the proprietor! lay, now reaches 1IK),(KH) copies. Published monthly by Harper it Brothers New York, at $3 per annum. The Ind)'s Book for November is already before us handsomely illustrated with four plates. The principal en graving "My Kye and Betty Martin" is excellent as is also "Jessica" a scene from Shakespeare. This publication is justly styled "The Lady's Book" and one well worthy of their support. Tins Musical Woili c Times is an excellent publics. (ion and is published every Saturduy, at 257 Bioadway, New York, for 3 a year in advance ; two copies $5 ; five copies $10. The music it yearly gives would alone cost $25, if purchased at the stores ; and its Musical In struction, Ciiticisms and General Miscellany are exceeding- ly valuable. To give additional spice and variety to their journal, the publishers have secured the exclusive services of the celebrated, anonymous writer so widely known as Fanny Fern, whose very readable articles have created such a stir in liteiary circles, and have been copied far and wide. Fanny is to have an article in the next number of the Musical World it Times, which will doubtless be something very superior ; and as a new volume bus just commenced, now is the time to subscribe. EF" Painting Ink. For sale for cash, at this office, kegs of 25, 20 and 12 pounds each. Price 25 cents per pound. rXF" Land Warrants. Persons having Land Warrants for sale, can dispose of them for cash, by applying at this office. Service will be held by divine per mission, in St. Mark's church, Northum berland, to morrow morning at 10.4 o' clock, and in the afternoon, at St. Mat thew's, Sunbury, at 3 o'clock. KF" The Electoral Ticket. The (Ion. Nathaniel B. Eldred has been placed by the Democratic State Central Commit tee on the electoral ticket, as Senatorial Elector, in place of Hon. G. W. Wood' ward, whose name has been withdrawn in consequence of his nomination (or the Su preme Bench. IIJ" It will be seen by a notice in our columns this week, that Jurors are not re' quired to attend Court until Wednesday the 3d of November next. ELEVENTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT The following is the official vote lor member of Congress, of the 11th district composed of the counties of Northumber land and Schuylkill : Schuylkill Countv. Daniel Krebs, 4061 Christian M. Straub, 374.7 311 Northumberland County. Christian M. Straub, 1982 Daniel Krebs, 1327 G55 314 Straub'g maj. in the district, 311 Kimber Cleaver, native, received in Nor thumberland county 141, and in Schuyl kill 2 lib votes. , 05" Tub State Ticket. We do not give a table of the vote for the State ticket as all the counties have not been heard from. Twenty-five counties, however, are given officially, which add up as fol lows : For Judge of Supreme Court, Woodward, 94,33(5. BufEngton, 87,946. For Canal Commissioner, Hopkins, 92,255. Hoffman, 82,525. ffj" The letting of the extension of the Mine Hill Rail Road, from the summit of the Broad Mountain, to the Big Run Mines in the Mahonoy valley, a distance of about six miles, is advertised to take place on the 1st of November at the office of the com. pany in Philadelphia. K" The premiums awarded by the late Northumberland County Agricultural Fair, came too late for insertion this week. SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N JOURNAL. NAVAL MOVEMENTS. The War iteamers Powhatan and Missis sippi are at New York, ready for sea. The lormer has a crew of 800, anJ is commanded by Capt. Mervine. The Mississippi, it it expected, will leave N.York on or about the 20th inst. for Annap olis, where she will remain until the Prince ton, now fitting to accompany her on the Ja pan expedition, is ready. It is expected that they will sail for Japan soon after the first of November. The Missisippi takes out a variety of arti cles as presents to the Emperor of Japan to conciliate him, astonish the natives, and pre pare the way for the desired negotiation. A locomotive and a quantity of rail road iron will be taken along, with which to show him the operation of a rail road. Tele graphic apparatus and wire will also be ta ken, with which to demonstrate how the lightnings have been converted to the use of civilization. Two of the ship's engineers (Messrs. E. D. Robie, and G. VV. Alexander,) are learning the use of the apparatus, in ol der to explain it to the Emperor. An appa patus for taking daguerreotypes will also be used and explained, for the information of his Majesty, by LieHt. Btidd. A beautiful barge is on board, to be presented to him ; also, boxes of domestic goods, comprising a great variety of manufactured articles, which are to give the Emperor un idea of the in dustrial puisuits of this country, and perhaps awaken a desire on his part for an exchange of commodities between Japan and the U. States. The Mississippi will lake ten boats for her use. There are four beautiful brass nine-pounders, mounted on carriages, which are to bo used, if necessary, by parties of engineers engaged in surveying. They can be fitted in the bows of boats which may be employed in exploring the coast. Should this expedition cttcceed in its undertaking, and establish commercial relations between the U. Slates and that extensive and seclu ded nation, it will richly repay the tisk and expenditure incurred. The Journal of Commerce says the sloop. of-war Marion was on Thursday ordered to be fitted out fur sea with all possible des patch. The sloop-of-war Vincennee and brig Purpoise have been fitted out for the survey of the China Seas, under Commander Cadwalader. The razee fii"ale Macedonian is to form one of the Japan expedition. PENNSYLVANIA ELECTION. The general lesults of the election in this State, judging from the information now be fore us, is as follows: Concukssm en Chosen. Democrats 1st District, Thomas B Florence; 3d, John Rob bins, Jr. ; 4th, William H Wiite ; Sth, John McNair; 7th, Samuel A. Bridges; 8lh, Hen ry A. Muhlenburg ; 11th, C. M. Straub ; 12ih, Hendrick B. Wright; 13 h, Asa Packer; 14th, Galusha A. Grow ; 15th, Jarnes Gam ble; 16th, William H. Kurtz ; 19ih. Augus tus Drum; 20ih, John L D.iwson ; 24th, Carlton B. Curtis. TlViigs 2d District, Jo soph R. Chandler; 6th, Win. Everhart ; 9ih; Isaac E. Ileister; 10th, Ner Middleswarih ; 17th. Saml. L. Russell ; 18lh, Dr John Midi! loch; 2Ut, David Ritchie ; 22d, Thomas M. Howe; 23 1, John Allison: 25th, General John Dick. Total, IS Democrats, and 10 Whigs. STATE SENATOKS ELECTED. 1st Dist. Philadelphia City Charles () Neil. 2d Philadelphia county William Good win. 3d Montgomery Jlenj. Frick. 6th Betks Win. M Hiester. 6lh Bucks Howard F. Saeger. 9th Northampton and Lehigh William Fry. 12th York Jacob S. Haldeman. 14lh Lycoming, Centre, ko James W. Quiggle. 18th Tioga, Potter, &c Byron D. Ham lin. 20th Erie and Crawford James S. Skin ner. 22d Allegheny George Darsie. 28th Schuylkill JoAn Hendricks. Whigs in Italics, 5 ; Democrats, 7. Whig. Dem. N. New Senators elected, 5 7 Senatois holding over, 12 8 1 Total New Senate, 17 15 Florida Election. MJbile, Oct. 18. The returns of the election in Florida show the election of a Whig Governor, by a small majority, and also the re-election ot the Hon- E. C. Cabell to Congress. Pennsylvania Election. Bloomaburg, Pa., Oct. 19. The Official returns for the Twelfth Congressional District show the following result : Wright, Dem., 7513 ; Fuller, 7340. Majority for Wright, 173. The Governer of South Carolina has order ed lhe Legislature to meet on the first Monday of November, to cast the vote ol that State for President and Vice Presi dent. Indiana Election. Cincinnati, Oct. 18. Seventy-five counties heard from, give Wright, Dem., for Gov , 15,826 majority, which shows a Democratic gain of 6752, compared with the vote of 1849. Ohio Election. Cincinnati, Oct. 18. Sixty-six counties heard from give a net Whig gain of 7,000 votes, as compared with the vote of last year. At the monthly meeting of the American Bible Society, held on Thursday last, it was stated that the number Bibles and Testa merits issued the past month, was 83,304 a greater number than was ever before issued in the tame time. New Yoas Crystal Palace. From a circular of the company, who are making preparations for a display of the World's In dustry, to take place in the New York city, it appear lhat the exhibition will be defi nitely opened in May next. It is rumored that one of the most beauti ful and accomplished New York ladies has left ber husband in Pads, and gone off in a tangent with her Cuvalier Strventt. BISHOP DO AN K'S CAR E. The Court of Bishops, assembled at Bur lington, in case of the presentment against Bishop Doane, has at length concluded its labors by the adoption of the following or ders : Whereas, previous to the making of the presentment now . before this Court, the Convention of New Jersey had investigated most of the matters contained therein, and had determined that there was no ground for presentment : therefore, . Ordered, That as to the matters thus noted upon by said Convention, this Court ii not called upon to proceed further. Whereas, the Diocese of New Jersey stands pledged to investigate any charges against its Bishop that may be presented from any responsible source: and whereas, a Special Convention has been called, shortly to meet, in reference to the new matters continued in the presentment now before this Court : theiefore. Ordered, Thit this Court, relying upon said pledge, do not now proceed to any fur ther action in the premises. The orders, by which, it will be perceived, the right and action of the Diocese of New Jersey are fully recognized, are understood to have been passed with the dissent of only six members of the Court, viz : Bishops Hopkins, Smith, Lee, Johns, Eastburn, and Potter. They are understood to have re gaided the Court as precluded, by the limi tation of the canon, from taking into consid eration the action of the Docese. Subsequently to the passage of these or ders, the Presrnlina Bishop atte npted to sub stitute for the presentment thus laid aside, as acted on by the Diocese, a former present. merit which they had themselves made, (sub stantially in the same terms.) and withheld. This attempt was rejected by the Cotut; no member dissenting. The proceedings of the Court are to be published, for sale. The ad journment was, of course, sine die. Newark Advertiser. Bequests ron Charitable Purposes An nulled. The suit brought by William Wheeler, against the executors of his late uncle, Charles Bennett, was yesterday fully and finally settled, by the executors deliver ing to Mr. Wheeler the effects of the estate in their present shape ond condition, and re ceiving from him a release of all claims upon them A like release was executed in favor of the Corporation of Alexandria. About 45,000, besides 1000 rdiaips of stock in the Alexandria Canal, which were intended by Mr. Bennet to be applied fur the benefit of the city, tht.s go in ttnnthor direction. In the ense of the will of W. Haywood Foote, of Hay field, our Orphan Asjliirn loses about $20,000, intended to be given to it by him, the heirs at law having succeeded in vacating the bequest; and in the case of James McGnire's will, which was also suc cessfully contested by his heirs, the poor i f the town were deprived of S1S,000. In nil these cases, the testators preferred writing their own wills a very dangerous business in Virginia, where the law sets its face like flint against bequests fur charitable or reli gious purposes. Alexandria (Va.) Gatclle. Robbery. A certain citizen of this coun ty was sent out by a certain other citizen, to dispose of a wagon load of lightning roils, a few weeks since. The rods were disposed of, together with the horse and wagon, and the individual w as returning home with our hundred and eighty dollars in his pocket. Ar riving at Northumberland on Saturday even, ing last, ho stopped at a certain tavern drank Iieely, got m company with several strangers, rambled through the town with Ihem after night, and w hen he retired to his lodgings found his coat pocket ripped open, and the monev cone ! The nneket has been found, but no (race of the money. We are tola he admits being- in liquor at the same lime. Various are the benefits of get ting into a spree ! ..H. Berlin Advocate. Murder Revealed. The Utica Observer learns by a private letter, that a person liv ing in the villiage of St. Thomas, Franklin county, Pa., who was supposed to be dying, mane coniession 10 Ins having with two othets, murdered a man nbout four years since, lhe wile of one of the niiir,l,.r..r. having died about thrjo days befoie tho deed was committed, they opened her grave and put the murdered man in to coueenl him. The grave has been opened ami ih body of the murdered man found. The murderers were arrested and brought to the Chambersburgh jail. A beautiful Steam Barge and Tu-, cal led the "Daniel P. Shenfelder." has been built in Reading for the coal trade between Potlsville and New York. It will be finish ed in time to make several trips before the close of the season, to that its adaptability for canal navigation may be fully tested. It is designed to serve the double purpose of a Steam Tug and freight boat, being capable of carrying at least 150 Ions burden, besides the engine and boiler, of 40 horse power. which weigh about 30 tons. A Good Time Cominq roR Legislators The Woman's Slate Temperance Convention in session at Syracuse, adopted a resolution on the 17th inst., to tne effect that they "will go by the hundreds, if not uot by the thousand, at the coming Legislature, and present petitions lor the Maine law with their own hands." California Woppers A lump weigh' ing 25 ponnds, and valued at from $4000 10 S6000, was recently taken from a chain in Downieville. A few days previous, a thou sand dollar lump was found near the same spot. The Unitarians or Maine. 17 churches in all met in Convention last week, and formed a State Association with officers and committees on all important subjects. Naomi, the daughter of Enoeh, was not married until she was five hundred and eighty years old ! Be of good cheer, old maids, you yet nave a hope. are to Boston. The first class fare between New York and Boston via the Nor. wich and Worcester line, has been reduced to 2,50. Elk Count Subscription to thb Sun- burt and Eric Rail Road. The Commis sioners of Elk County recently made a iub. scription, of one hundred thousand dollars, to lhe Slock of the Rail Road, subject to the approval of a general meeting of the citizens; that meeting was held at Rtdgeway, on tne Sth inst ; every township wa represented and the action of the Commissoners was ap proved by a large majority, and thus the subscription is made valid. O" We would call your attention to the advertisement of Swairn's Panacea, for the Cure of Scrofula in another column. E7- POISONING, Thousands of parents who use Vermifuge composed of Caster oil, Calomel, &c., are not aware, (hat while they appear to benefit the patient, they are actually laying the lonntta lions for a series of deseases, such as saliva tion, loss of sight, weakness of limbs, kc. In another column will be found the adver tisement of Hobensack's Medicines, to which we ask the attention of all directly interested in their own as well as their Children's health. In Liver Complaints and all disorders arising from those of a bilious type, should make use of the only genuine medicine, Hoben sack's Liver Pills. E7" "Be not deceived,1' but ask for Hoben sack's Woim Syrup and Liver Pills, and ob serve that each has the signature of the Pro prietor, J. N. HOBENSACK, as none else are genuine. 91 A R It I E O. In this place, on Thursday evening last, by the Rev. 1. Borne, Mr. Hays, of Lycoming co., to Miss Sarah Simpson, of this place. In this place, on Thursdty evening last, by the Rev. Thomas M. Good fellow, Mr. h.NUi.tsii, ol Little Pine Creek, Ly corning co., to Miss Marv Paiik, of Point ., IN o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i b t' i land, co. In Milton, on the 13th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Smyth, Cul. John S. Giiafius, of Wil- liauispnrl, to Miss Sauaii Pollock, of the lormer place. On the lllh inst., by the Rev. S R. Buyer, Mr. Daniel Keiisiineh, of Tin but in , to Miss Eliza Ann Deeter, of Limestone. On the same day, by the same, Mr. Sam- UEi, Shade, to Miss Levina Vagle, both of Lewis tp , INortlrd county. At the American House, in Milton, on the same day, by the Rev. J. J. Reimeusnyder, Wm.Uradv, to Aliss Hannah 1'ail, all ot unit tp , North d county. l)c iHavkcts. rhiladelphia Market. Oct. 20, 1852 Flour and Meal. The market i (inn : rales of Iresh gioiind for export ut S4.37i. I.. .. . a 1 : . I . . I I . J. f . . -, ' lAiia uuur 19 iieiu 111 02 a 3-l rw. Rye Flour. Last (-ales ul S3 87. Corn Meal. Last sales at $325 Wheat Sales of prime red nt 93 a flfiV. and a lot of piiino old I'enna. red at 102 et?., alloat. Kye A sale of Southern Rve was made at 82 eenls. Corn Is rather dull at 74 cent afloat. Oats. Mallei bare; i-ales of Southern at 37 1 cents. Whiskey. Sales in bbs. at 24 i, and hhds. the fame. Ealtunora Market. Oct. 18, 1S52. GRAIN'. Sales of good to prime reds to iv at 90 a 91 els. : and of while ul 95 a 110 ets. Corn has improved aliltle. Sales lo-dav of w hite at 70 a (ii els., and of yellow Ht 72 a 73 els. New Coiu sells at 60 a 65 els., us in condition. Sale of Mar) land Rye to-day at 76 els. Oats are worth ."15 11 37 J cts WHISKEY. The demand continues very active, and sales are making as fast as re ceipts come in at 25 cts for bbls. Sales of hhds. at 24 cents. SUNBURY I'KICE CUItliENT WllKAT. - 100 RlF. - .70 Coiix. SO 0t. 37 Potitoi.s, 37 lltTTKII. -16 Emm. ... 10 Piiiik. ... 8 PLtXSKKII. . . . .1(10 Tallow. - 12 Bkkswax 20 Hecklkii Flax. 17 Dhiku .... 100 New Advertisements. jf1 real election frauds have been discovered in .TS" tliia city.iirovlucinrr an immense excitement and a punic amoiit; politicians. They occurred however, long ago, and are almost forgotten now ; lor at present all goes smoollily enough. People, too, are not so much interested in politics as to neglect their outward man ; for we see crowds every day at Korkhill and Wilson's cheap and fashionable Clothing Store, No. Ill Chestnut street, corner of Franklin Place. Philadelphia, Jan. 31, 1852. NOTICE TO JURORS. T IIE Grand and Traverse Jurors need not at tend Court until Wednesday the 3d of November next, at 10 o'clock A. SI- JAMES LtEAKD.Prothy. Prothonotary's Office, . Sunbury, Oct, 23, 1852. PUBLIC SALE. THE subscribers will sell at public sale, on FRIDAY, the 5th duy of Nov. 1852, at the Iste residence of Samuel Hunter, dee'd., in Up per Augusta tp, Northumberland county, the following property, to wit: Horses, Cows, Hogs, Wagons, Gears, Ploughs and Harrows, and a general variety of farming utensils. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M., when attendance will be given and terms of sale will be made known by MARY HUNTER, WM. I.. DEW ART, Punbury, Oct. 23, J852 2t Executors. Notice to Contractors. PROPOSALS will be received at the Of. x lie of the Mine Hill and Schuylkill Ha ven Rail Road Company, Franklin Institute Buildings, South SEVENTH St., Philadel phia, on MONDAY. November 1st. for the Grading of lhat portion of the extension of the Mine Hill Road, from the summit of Broad Mountain to Big Mine Run, in the Mahanoy Valley, about 6 miles. Profiles, specifications, 4c, may be seen at the En gineer's Office, ASHLAND, Schuylkill coun ty, on and after the 26th iust. EVYD. F. GAY, Chief Engineer. Oct. 23, 1852.- St. Wanted. THREE MALE TEACHERS to take charge of the Public Schools in the Barry School district, to commence on the Ul ot November Directors meet at the house of F. Dengler, 25th of October, at 1 o'clock P. M., to receive applica tions. By order of the board. JOHN A. OTTO, 8ec'ry. Barry, Oct. 0, 1852 3U THE ROAD TO HEALTH ! IIOLLOWAVS TILLS. CURE OP A DISORDEIU'D I.IVF.R AND BAD DIGESTION. Copy of a Letter from Mr. R. IF. A'irlus, Chemist, 7, Prescot Street, Liverpool, dated Clh June, 1851. Tn PrnfessnT IIol.towAV, . Put. Your Pills and ointment hnvn stood tho hiRlirst on our mile list of Proprietory Medirines t't some yrars. A customer, to whom I enn refer for uny enquiries, desires .... 1.. I-. bmiu. li mirlienlnrs of her ense. rite hod been troubled foi yenrs Willi disordcied liver and tmd digestion. On the iust oecnsion. however, the viruleneeof the altnek wns so nlnrmnnt, mid the infhintiniinin set 111 so severely, Hint doubts were enterlnined if her not being nbleto bent up under it I fortunnlely she wns indneed to try your Pills, and she iniorms me thai after the first, and each succeeding dose, she hud great relief. Phe continued to tnke Ihem, and although she used only three Boxes, she is now in the enjoyment "f perfect health. I could htive Bent you mnny chscs, tint the above from the skvkfitt of thsj attack, and lite spkbot cure, 1 ttniiK, spentis mucn 111 favor of your astonishing Pills. tnigneti; v AN EXTRAORDINARY CI RF. OF RHIXMAT1C FEVKR, IN VAN DIEM F.N '9 LAND. Copy of a Letter inserted in the llobart Town Courier, of the st March, 1851, by Major J IVahh. Mfirtjnret M'Cormignn, nineteen yean of refilling nt New Town, timl been enfterinp frm a vi"lt iit rhemiuitic fever for upwurdi nf twit montlif, which lind entirety de prived her i'f the use of her limbs ; (hiring this pprhnl she win iiikUt the enre of the most emmeut nieiiiral men in IMiart Town, and by thum her ense whs romnh rcti hope less. A friend prevailed upon her to try Hollowity's cHe hniled 1'ills, which she consented to do, nnd in tin iucrcdi ble short spuce of time they effected a perfect cure. CL'HE OF A PAIN AND TIliHTNKSS IN THE CHEST AND STOMACH OP A TERSON 84 YEARS OF AGE. From Messrs Thew If Son, Piopriclors of the Lynn Advertiser who can vouch for the following statement. August 2ml 1851, To Professor Hollow at. Hir, 1 desire to bear testimony to the (ro1 iftects ef Jlollowny's rills. For some yeiirs I sufli-red srvciclv troiu , a pmn ond tightness in lhctmnch which wns nlvt nccoin pHiiied by a shortness of hrenlh tlmt ptevented me fmm walking ubi ut. I tun HI jeins ol'iiL'e.inid i otwiihMniuhnp I my nnvimeed slntc of life, tli Pi! s hnve so relieved me, ! thitt I nm desirous tlmt others should be nmde ne()iiiiinted wilh their virtues, loin now rendered, by their- mcmis, rompnratively active, nnd c;in tnke exereiFC without incon venience or pmn. which I could n t do beb rc. (Signal) HENRY COE, North tli cut, I.) mi, Norb Ik. These celebrated Pills are wornla fully tffica cious in the following complaints. Ague Dropsy lurlmnmuiioit Aet him i)ystiilnry Jnintdiee llili.tnn Oinplniuts Er sipelim I.iver Coin 11 Mo lies, un tiie Feiimle Irrejrn- pluints Mom hiiitits Eintibiigo II vcl Coiunhiints Fevers rf nil Piles IN lies kinds Kbemnnticm Constipation of Fits ltefcnUi'ii of the ll..wels (ioitt Trine Ci'Hsninptioii Hettd-nche Se itt'ulii. or Debility IiiMivrcstion Kind's Evil S ire Throats Stone and ii ravel Pernndiiry Tie Doul urotix Tnmo.s Svumtoms 1'leers Vt-itnrenl Affection M'oruisof ull kinds Weakness, from whatever cntiw Ae., Ac. Sold nt the Establishment of Pn-fcusor IIor.rowAY. 9U. Strand, (near Temple Hnr, ! inhni.) nnd by nil renpeetnble Druiftrjsts nnd Dealers in Medicine fhriniii'iit tht Hr tilth Enmire. ft tit wef the I mted States, m Hoxcm rtt 37 STc, and ip1! 50c. each Wholesale by the principal Driux It mses in Hie L ilian, untt iy jiessr. a. u. & l). ia.Mis, New York. IxT There is a coitsidt ruble saving by taking the larger Sl.eS N. H Tirections fur the guit!nnce of pat lent s in every ii!niier are nmxeu i-i tn n u-x. October J.l. ISl-J, ly. THE uiulerr-une.l is thanklul for past fa vors nml hopes to continue in the conli (li'nce of his old coslomers ami friends and the public geiienilly. He is imw in daily re ceipt of the best of Baltimore Oysters, put up bv A. Field, Esq , lio is celebrated lor put ling up a pood nrlii le. Ilis oysters are open ed the same morniup;, they leave for this and are cniiseiieii!ly only about )6 hours on the way. Iln can send oysters all directions by sluoes, bunt nml other convey ances. I'rice l;u:s Sl,23, half cai.s G2i cents. N. H. -Apply nt the resilience of the snb sciiber or at Lee's, or Haas's Il iiel. I'll I UP Ml AY. Northumberland, Oct 10, 185a. if. Dilworth, lriinson fs Co. I.Ml'ORTKKS op & Dk.u.kks in Foreign and fmi'sf ic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C. A'o. 59 Market St., 1 door bdow 2d St, PHILADELPHIA. Whcrj they always co on hand a large stoc of every variety of llaitlwarc, Cutlery, &c. Wm. Dilworth, Henry D. I.andU, Samuel l'lansi n, Junius M. Vance. October 1G, lS.'ii. ly. ATTENTION, FARMERS' 1D 31EU1.1WS AIM'ILLKItlSTSI! OU nre commundtd to meet in - Market Hipiare, Suuhury, On SATURDAY, 6ih of Nov., at 7 o'clock, A. M., for battalion drill. Each number to be prepared with 10 rounds of blank cartridges. Liy order of the Captuin, SOLOMON STKOH, O. S. Sunbury, Oct. 9, 1852. BANK OF NORTHUMBERLAND. ,4 N election for Directors will lie held at the Hanking House, on Monday, the 13th day of NuvcmU-r, between t.;c hours ol 10 o clock A. M., and 3 o'clock !' M. The annual meeting of the stockholders, will lie held on Tuesday the 2d day of November at 11 o'clock, A. M. J. It. I'CIEKTJjY, Uasluer. Northuinlierland, Oct. 9, 1852 4t. SHERIFF'S SALES. Virtue of certain writs of I rti. hrp. to me directed will be sold bv public Vendue, or outcrv, at the Court House, in tho borough of Sunbury, on MONDAY the 1st day of Novem ber next, at 1 o'clock, P, Al., the following real estate to wit . The undivided third part of a certain Tract of Land, situate on the waters of Shamokin creel, Shamo- iin tp, Northumberland co., bounded as follows to wit : beginning at a stone corner of Thomas Hamilton's tract, thence along the Sunbury road south 74 dcg. east 88 perches to a Spanish oak thence by the same lung. 8'J dcg. east 20j per dies toaa post, thence south 12 deg. east 210 pen tics crossing the btiamokin creeK to a post, thence by vacant land north 84 dcg. east 45 perches to a pine, thence by land now or late of George Coldrame, north 12 deg. west 3S7 per ches crossing said creek and the road to a post, thence by land of Wm. Ball, south 78 deg. west 105 perches to a stone, thence by land now or late of Isaac Farnlinson, south dcg. east 131 perches to the placo of beginning; containing 124J acres and sllowonce. It being lbs same tract of land which the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania by patent, dated the 30th day of April 1785, enrolled ill Patent Book, No. 3, page 342, Ac, granted to Wm. Ball. Siezed, taken in execution and to be sold as property of James Penman. ALSO! A certain lot of ground, situate in chilisquaque township. Northumlicr land county bounded north by public road, east by Bucher's land, south by the samo, and west by land of John P. Summers, containing one acre, more or less, whereon are erected a log house and stable. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property pf William M. Autcn. ALSO : A certain tract of land, situate in Chilisquaque township, Northumber land county bouuded north by lands of Ludwig Pfliger and widow Plliger, south by lands of K. D. Cummings, and west by other lands of deft. containing thirty-five acres, more or less i where upon is erected a one and a half story new frame dwelling Lvise. A Uo, a certain other srj&amem Tract or Piece of Land, situate In the township aforesaid, adjoining lands of widow Pfliger on the north, on the east by what is known ss the scudder tract, south and west by lands of R. D. Cummings ) containing fifteen acres more or less. Siezcd taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Thomas Allen. ALSO t The interest of the Deft, supposed to be the undivided fourth part of a Certain Out-Lot, situate in the borough of Sunbury, and known In the general plan of said borough as lot No. 72, adjoining lands now ol late of George Harrison, tieorge Weiser (tanner) and others; containing four acres more or less. Seized, taken In execution and to be sold as tho property of Teter Bright. ALSO! All the interest of the Deft, supposed to be the 2-3ds of and in a Cerlain Steam Saw Mill, about 30 ft, in breadth and SO ft. in depth, witti a 30 horse power engine and fixtures, with the use for said mill of three acres, more or less of land, to be used for said mill so long as the mill aforesaid, remains on said land, said mill and lend being situated in Point tp, County aforesaid, also a small frame house, a stable, situate on the aforesaid lot of land, being hounded north by a public road, east, south and west by lands of Benjamin Hummel. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as tho property of Solomon Kramer. ALSO: A certain Lot of Ground, situate in Delaware tp. County aforesaid, bound ed north by lands of Jacob Sees, east by lands of Mango Ricd and Peter Arnwine, south by land in possession of George Runyan, and west by laud of Jacoti Sees, being now in possession of George Runyan, containing three acres more or less, about 1 J acres of which are cleared. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Mango A. Rcid and Tetcr Arn wine, Adin'rs of Hugh Rcid, dee'd. ALSO i A certain Lot or piece of Ground, situate in Delaware tp, County aforesaid, bound ed north by land of Susan Rcid, east by land of Thomas Wnllis, south by land of Jacob Brown and (ieorge Wolf, and west by land of Susan Reid, being in possession of Jacob Weick and C. Gash, containing 27 acres more or less. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Mango A. Rcid and Peter Am wine Adin'rs of Elliner Reid, dee'd. ALSO: A certain Tract of Land, situate in Delaware tp, County aforesaid, bound ed north by land of George Oyster, dee'd., east by the same, south by land of John Oyster, dee'd., and west by lauds of (ieorge Oyster, dee'd. ; con taining 00 acres more or less: whereon arc erect ed a frame tavern house, a tenant house, a bank barn, sheds, Ac. Seized, taken in execution and to bo sold as the property of John Manges, Adm'r of Solomon Manges, dec-'d. ALSO; A certain Lot or piece of Land, situate in Rush tp, County aforesaid, bounded by lands of Ira Jones, and lands now of Taggart and others, being the same piece of land sold by Abel Dicus to Casper Reed, containing eleven acres more or less, whereon arc erected a small frame house. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Caspar Reed. ALSO: A certain Lot of Ground, situate in the borough of Milton, bounded on the south by Ferry lane, on the noith by Mahoning street, west by lot of Utilizer Kreitzer and east by Mahoning street and Ferry lane, containing l-3d of an ai re, more or less, whereon are erected a small frame dwelling bouse. Si'ized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George Lawrence. ALSO: By a writ of Al. Van. Exp. A certain Lot ol Ground, situate in the boron "h of Milton, in that part of said borough called Upper Milton, bounded on tho nonh bv Pine alley, east by ot No. 104, south bv Broad war, and west by lot of Samuel T. Brown, it being the eas tern half of lot No. 103, as numbered in the general plan of said borough, containing one eiiihth of an acre, more .r les, thereon is eiected a two story fiaine dwelling house and tiame staolo. Seized, taken in execution nnd to be sold as the pruserty of John Divers. ALSO: By certain writs of Al. Lev. Fa. all that two story rrame House and Kitchen, situate in the lioronh of Milton, County aforesaid, on the south side of Upper Maiki t street, and bounded mirth by fliarket street, on the east by lot of Miss Sarah Wallis, on the south by an alley, and on tne west by lot of Wm ileinen. said house being 16 by 28 ft. and kitchen 14 ft. by 22 ft. Seized, taken in execution nnd to be sold as the propet ly of Daniel Hoals. ALSO: All that certain two story J-'rame Dwelling House, situate in the borough of Milton on the south side of Upper Market street, in said borough, County aforesaid, containing in front in said Uppei Market street, about 28 feet, and in depth about 30 ft., and the lot or piece of ground and curtilage appurtenances to said building. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Daniel Hoals. ALSO : ' All the one full equal, undivided half part (the whole into two equal parts to be divided) of and in the following described Tract of Land, situate in Coal township, (late Shamokin town ship,) County aforesaid and State of Pennsylva nia, beginning at a pine, thence by land of John Carroll, north two deg. west two hundred and twenty nine perches to a post, thence by land of Thomas Hamilton and lands of Win. P. Brady, south eighty eight deg. west, one hundred and sixty six perches to a white oak, thence by land of Magdulena Leverson, south sixty six deg. west threo hundred and fourteen perches to a white oak, thence by land of Samuel Scott, south twen ty nine and a half deg. east sixty one perches and four tenths, to a stone, thence north seventy six and a half deg. east one hundred and sixty four perches to a post, thence south two deg. east sixty jiercbca to a chesnut oak, thence by land of James Hepburn, northward eighty eight degrees east two hundred and fifty four perches to the place of beginning ; containing by a former sur vey three hundred and nineteen end a half acres and allowance, and by a re-survey four hundred and twenty eight acres and twenty nine perches and allowance. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold ss the property of Thomas Sharp. ALSOi ; By virtue of a writ Km. Exp., A certain Tract of Land, situate in Point township, County aforesaid, bounded north by lands of Joseph Wallis, east by lands of the heirs of Cay, south by the same, snd west by lands of George Apsley, containing 124 acres, more or leas; whereon is erected a two story log dwelling house, a log barn, a wag on shed, corn erib, die. Seized, taken in execution snd to be sold as the property of Benjamin F. Slamm and John W. Stamm, upon the premises at one o'eloci, P. M., on Saturday the 30th day of Oct 1852. WM. B. KIPP, Sheriff Shentrs Office, Sunbury, J Oct. 16, 1852.- Ut.