Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 16, 1852, Image 4
V" S U N iiUltY AiNlKlUC AN AND S1IAM0K1N JOURNAL. I? o ctnj . From tho I) tin Tint.) A ROSEBUD'S II1SI0UY. A siinpld tosebtul 01 co, n- (imply given, , ;; Ami yet it led HMray, ' " lu passion'- devious way, Two soul (rota heaven. 'Twos nianply olfered-liikeu willioiil ihmighl lint images aiosc, Ami, ero I ha rYeuins'ri clo", Much hail been wiotighl That ubsonce, limp, nor sorrow could t-fT.icc ; Ami on Ihe brow of i ndi A seal wiis set, tn teuc'i That if chasa A phantom danger, rrul may bn nmr. They never thought of iliis, The rosebud ami tho kin?, So long, so dear, Thai followed it tho pimple pledge of love Awoke the wUh thai bit-pl lu th heart's secret crypt ; Nor God above, Nor mnn below, could check tho burning flood Of passion sweeping on, Until nil sen so was gone ! Oh, treacherous Ltul ! If all thy leaves were inuliip'ied as is The sand on the sea slime, Our teats fur then were inoro Thtui all of litis I I'vvhs oiTi r'd laken-and the tbringht flew back To itial it emblems of) ; And nil tho dilutions soil TU.U in the track Of passion follow, crowded round them there, In the still eve; their rye Grow full, and I lie warm tsiy'.is That seem to bear The very soul of love on their light wings, Flew from her parted lips; Can lime cut! death eclipse Toe light thai brings Tho memory of that moment back to each, With oil i's life of life, Its passion nnd its sinful How cold is speech ! How feebly, dimly can onr words express What we havo strongly felt ! Not mino iho tonjuo to niell To tenderness Tho listener's heart, nnd drew the genial flood Of pity from cold fountains, else There lines would stir full many a pul.-f-; Oh, treacherous bud ! So 8iiripl wen thou, that no tremor crosed Them ; thou didst lead nil silently D nvn to that ever snigin; ea Wit El! E ALL WAS LOST ! II. A STRING OF ITI''MS. Iadie9 lire like arrows; they can't he got of without a ueau. A little child heariiia a permon, and obser ving the minister very vehement ia words and gestures, cried out, "Mother, why ilon'i Ihe people let the ma.ii out of the box I" Hteuop DeLancby, of VVestern New York, who arrived in the Atlantic from Liverpool, preached ia Trinity Church, N. Y., oa Sab bath evening, before a crowdej audience. It appears it was twenty dollars instead of four hundred dollars, as slated hy telegraph, which Gen. Scott gave the family of the man accidentally killed at Columbus. Ex-Sksatoii Hannecas Acquitted. The Fountain (Ind.) Circuit Court failed to find an indictment against Hon. E. A. Hannegnu for the murder of Capt. Duncan so that he is now clear from all legal piocecdings. There have been more Thunder Storms in Great Britain duiing the past summer than at any summer before within remeiiibiance. Many of them have been terrific und de structive. Different sounds will travel with differ ent velocity a call tu dinner will run over a ten acre lot in a moment and a half, while a summons to return to work takes from five to eight minutes. 4:Too much care," says an old saying "kil led the dog," but this saying coulj never apply to our railroads, for if a living soul is killed on a railroad it never fiom ' tuo much care," but rather Ihe want of it. A Verdict of eight thousand dollars dam ages, has been obtained by a man named Piper, in Martiusbnrg, Va., against the B.illi more and Ohio Railroad Company, for inju ries inflicted by an accident to a train. "Jerome, Jorome!" screamed Mis. Butler, field, Ihe other day, to her biggest doy, "what are you throwiu to those pigeensl" "Gold beads, mother, and the darned fools are eatin' cm ; I a'pect they think it's corn !" "Children receive their first impressions from their mothers" No doubt of it; we have seen them given with biich rods and the flat of the hand. The way our mother gave them to us was a caution to gooseberry vines. LOVER'S LIOII T.Ni.G.nor. A bily wha her love had s-tlit, Ailted if a ronton could !w t'U Why wedtling rinps were inaile of g -1J, I venture tint to Instruct her: Iovc, nii'am, and light uiug are tlie mmiw On earth thvy glance, from heaveu ihry caino. I -ve in tlie s m'1 elwtrie fiaiue, And g ild its liest coiul'iciir. t?Avv a fullow yesterday carrying a heavy lmrueftg upon his bark ami leading along a horse, which looked as if it nitht have teen undergoing a recent process of galvun i?m. Whether this wns absence of mind or pity for thti horse we did not linger tu in quirp. A young gonilcrnan upon reluming hump, the other uighl, found his bedstead upside dovwi, the posts acting as the los. The bsd, however, was in good cout.tiou. lie aiitibnted it tospiiilual agency, nud resigned himself lo circumstances. Important Imvsmtion, We observe ihal loiters pateul bare been issued tu Dr. Decor n, of Cincinnati, fur the preserraiioii of fresh butler, by a chemical process, '-to Uml anj climale for any tim." This tliwovery will sil l mnsl materially to lha comfort anil en j.ii t::t of ihotisi-iila in niti.atinna brlh on M- aud lau), they hum- Jcpiivi'd, u' thai ernlial ii'prejiei.'t of poo fooi re--i r.-.'".vr G3-S500 CHALLENGE. "T IIATEVEH cnnrcnis tlie hinilih suit happiness of 1 T psoitis is nt nil limi-s nf the moat voluntas linport aise. I liise it f r j; nunc, I that cvr-ry pcra-m will do ull in their power, to mvv th liri-a of thsir chiltlrrn. niicl Hint verrei ii will iinlnivnr lo prom itethtir own hmlth nt nil 'cf.l-.-ii. I i rrl it tul mvilutv to aoleumlr assure vim "VlH"IS. nee intiim in Ihe nf the rm-sl ih-Ii-Ih-iiIoiI I'hiFiriaiia. nre the primary emisrs of a iiinre ... .-i uy hi u;wi pi 1 1 wnirn minimi nun annus sre un tile ; 11 y-l Ii'ive tin iipictilo continually f hatiBwihle from nim kiii't .if f m pi nn .ibcr, Had Hrralfi, l'niti in Hie Fin in iHr, ricsiiis- ut tin- Niw-, llnHni-w unit t'lillnrssm the 11.11;.. lli-v Ooiitrlt. rM w fever, rtilni'lrrtnrnl'ir rrniomber Ilmt nil linn. iK-iuile WUll.'.l, unit yi.n nhonlil ul once ap ply the rtiiirily iior.F-scR s worm syrup. Ah nn irli-1' -tittcl'tl mi i.jililir Prit.-'ii.!cf. C'Mnnonnd- rl with Hi i-ly r-yinl U.' nn'imnirffn. W-'me HTt"rrtly mi'e wtn ii ,tikt-i. :m I itii ii vi h Ii I lie imt tender Ininiit vif!i sl li. tu li t l tllf-1, wU'm II tv.'cl CMnflHliitB mtil I'inriifi'ii h-.vv hi nit thrin witik timl tlt-litlitutrtl the T inif r ijKitiiH -it i.iy Wimn Jrn nrr ueh. lh:it it nt, m I with -til mi t' j'i il iti 1i't r it.ilt vnc t iiutlu inr, in is'vintt t mt.l iri-ndili t 'Httrt in t-li, wlsirli tiiukpfl it mi Im .l!iM rriiKilv I' r tlmft- nCii- lnl w 'uh Vyrwtmn, llie ti! ni.'hiti rimit nrl-r:rtf.J hy this ! rup nllrr I'livri- fitnif lf ItllVt' tlMli'il, l ihe Ucil ewtluice 1 1 its ueriir ulH- c.ivy vwt til tKlii-n, TflK TAI'K WORM! Tli'i In tlio iii'tut .:i.V.-jii!t Worm to tlcniroy uf nil Ilmt in lnt tht Imiiiiui f-VKtt'i:i, it irr v to n Hlni'int IntlcHnite Ititlli li? si. 'ma hi rmli tl untl limti-ntil in I lie Inlertnie tiiid t nttii'li i Mi'i'tiiif; t lie lit'iiltlt fully n to rBiirts Ht. Y.iti Dntit-p, Kiift, , ili it nifiit'tutl tM-kloin if ever mict't it ii T.ipe Wi-rni hai'lfninp them to an enrly Hive. Itimrk-r to tlti'trrv tliiti Wtinn. n Vtry cucruntc l ntitmt'iit ni'tft be n.Kiiti.i. it wuiil llicrd'ore lie proptr to ttikt- ii Ut H tiftny I.ivt r 1'illj ua to rctiiDVcnlt ulwtnic tioiifj, that llit? AVmniS,iyniim.iy art tliroft tipniilhe Woiin, wliirh ii'iift (f Ink cu in tl 'fca "i ii Talli-j Kinlulla 3 linn n thy Ihraw tlirrcti ni inil 'vwl have in vt-r lit-rn kiiuwn tu litil iit curing the timet oLmtiintc caio t-1' Tnrti W orm. K7- HOBEXSACK'S LIVER TILLS. N't part of the. nvittrni s mtiro liable to tlirire tlmn the I.I VI ill, it lerving an a tiltinr to purity Ihe lAjotl. or jriv niH (he r-mpfi" fiixTf t(fn to the bile that nuy u-rmifj no tion nt' ihu l.ivcr ctiWts the titlier important ptrtitu the syaU-ni, niwl n-stilis vari mif!v, in J.ivir Ctuiij-hiiiit. Janu tlirr, Dyf(M'ptii, Vr. VS'e BmuM, theirforp, witch cvt-ry svntpto'ni (hat inii;ht tniluvi'e u net ion of Ihe I.iver. Thi-fe Pills Mug' romp- l of JvOOTS At l'l.A.NTsi lur ninhr'l by naturt-to lu-al thr dirk : Namely. Ut, An EX l'ECTt!lANT, whit-h nimini'iiis tlie scrrctimt f n m the Pulmonary mttftis niciitbranc, tr prnin.itci! thr tltwliarjrc nt ccrotcil niattrr. tfml, An Al.TKU ATI VI;, winch fliaiiti in h una inexplicable ami iimnsiMe iii:iiinT Me feilaiu fit'ibid nctitm ctf the nytttem. 3mI, A T( NIC which itivcc tune uu I blretiili to the turvriii8 c; steti , re ( iifwiiic hr-ilih nml iff ir l- ail jKidanf the hixty. 4n t A t a l ii AH i ll;, wlwcai uoih in perlect imnnoiiy will, the oltit-T int;rr(li('ui, nml opemtirfi tui tlie 11 vc!b, nml exj ti ll in: the whole intra tit t irrupt und vitiatttl matttr, itnil pn riiyint the UIji!, which des.roya Uireare anil restores hcullli. TO FKMALES. Yon will fiiitl Ihrne 1'iils an innhmlle mrtlirinc in many pnmplaints Ut whit-h vm arc snhjivt. In i-lnrtructi-'tm n thcr total in juirlial, tluy havo lteii fouml tif im atitnahie hcnilit, rf8.riiijr Ihrir uincti mal srmnjjcini'iHs to n Iti.-al-thy nrli. mi, pnriiyiiijf lh IiI-mkI ami t)lhr Huitla m rflcrtn ally lo put t Hicht.itfl coinplaitit which may nritw t'rtim fi'inale irrci'iiliiriti'V', n hcailnchc, gitUlinuut, tliinncsa of eight, (mm in Ihe aide, brick, c, D5" Price, 25 CimiIs each. Nnic ffrnnine unlets eignc J. N. Jlcbcnsock, oil uthera Ik in-r Ir-is-c hnilutit'ii. IV7 ApeniB wirhiitff new anpli. nnd F-Vw Kepcra dt mr'.niR ui" bem:iiini A?;f!il!i imift udihcsa the Proprietor, J. N. Ii ihcnuack, rtiilaiklphin. Ta. S.thl hy J. rrilniff, tfunlatry : Mary McCay. N r thmulTrbiiil ; IlfiRo!, Tuilmlvili ; ltn-rr. Miltmi ; V'ifty V l.cnktT, (.icrp'ttiwti ; Lciscnriiiff V Wnh cilnn, Pnxi n'w; Wioft, Hick' try; ull duuluia ia Met tic me in the Ctiiiutv and Stale. Aujnirt II, ly. To line Ti-.-n filing E53llit. First Class Ibid Term 1.50 per dm. IE su!K-cri! rr having lately become proprie tor of live I'liANKl.l.N liOfSK, Chestnut Strcrt, below 3d end 4t!i, PJi II.A DEEl'Il IA, and liavin i;ii tin: imiicu of tin.utn to j ."jil.CU per el iv, pives noti e thut, nolaii'.isMiu'iiiR this rcilm linn l.c will still continue to keep n FIRST CLASS llOL'.SE. l'ranklin House has just undergone extended iillcrulioiia, and is now lilted up and refurnished in aupcrior style for the reception of visitors. The Lower Floor formerly occupied by stores, is now included in the Hotel, forming a Spacious deception Itoom, Gentlemen's Parlor and Dining H ooi n, thereby allowing an addition of thirty chambers and several beautiful parlors fronting Chestnut street Itooins in this Hotel are supe rior to most others, being constructed with al coves, forming parlor and bed chamber attached well lightened and ventilated. Ils'location is unsurpassed, either for business or pleasure. BEN. II. WOOLMAN, Prop'r. Philadelphia, Aug. H, 1832 3in. JOHN PHILLIPS & SOU, No. 47 South Water Street, below Chestnut, JPIIILADELPIIIA. IMPORERS of Foreign Fruiu, Nuts, Wines, &c, keep constantly on hand the following articles, which they will sell at very low prices for cash. Raisins, Almonds, Currents, Walnuts, Citron, Orouud Nuts, Prunes, Cream Nuts, Hates, Filberts, Figs, Vanilla beans, Sweet Oil, Preserved ginger, amariuds, Liquorice, Lemon Syrup, Fire Crackers, Port Wine, Madeira Wine, Claret Wine, Sherry Muscat " Sweet Malaga " Philadelphia, July 3, 1852. ly. Manufacturet by the New Jersey Ziuc Company, Newaikr N. J, rpHE SulwcrilMfra nre irw preiwrod In execute orders 1 to tiny extent for their beautiful white uud colored Zinc Paints, ut the reduced prices, viz : wnirniitrd No. 1, White, ground iu oil, 9 ceiilt jter lb., pure, No. '., do. do. H d.i. dj No. 3, do. do. 7 d i. d:i tr.ivii ni d Itluck, do. fi d . do One huudretl rMimirU will rover equally well as nierh suiiace ns 16U II. of White Ixxid ; they uru 23 percent chetiper to the c iiisumer. The 'ixc WiiiTie is mpidty siiicrFrding White 1ud, over which it jvtt-t pw'B nwny mlvuntupes It is m Inter, nud more lieuulilul ihuu the While Iemt dn-s not turn yell tw, even when cxjoied to sutphunius vnHr has no smell is uot injurious to hcultli, mid is fur moie du rable. ixc Brows axb TIlack Paints ark both Weathfb and Kihb 1'uoor. Tlie lt covering f.r uutntde wrk ever intf'iduecd, sdiiptett to buildings of wok1, brirk or sl iie to fences, nurunte b idics, bridges, nnd maehiucry to lite hull of vessels, anchors, eluiina, and till other Iron, w rk on lonrd slii to steam b tilers, smoke tucks mid Witter t;iiik4o iron, tin, und other roofting, iron shuttler dM)rH sud raitmr. wue fence, bridges, ice. For irm Surfaces this Puint is Biceiritlv vnluuMe as it forms s galvanic c-HUicction, and entirely pi events riisr. These Zmc P:iiuts linvin r a pure Metal le Hitse. nre wnr- runted ti l 1 1 turn vellw, und will reUiiu their original urilhuuey much longer tluiu White leud, or uny if ihe earthy pipntnits now in use. The certificates from thoire who have ued iheae Paints, nre sueh as tostitisty the putf lic thai thev are nivuluuble. Tim uhlexk elieiuirts of Krunce uud this e miitry have tentiiit-d to the superiority of Z i no over imiihs, iu uuniniiity, rtniHIituiueiu uud beatiiy. 1 tiey ituve ieeu &(iHeu hy the t reneh Govern inenl, by the citrp naiiui of New ttrk. und are now ex tensively used v the I'nitetl Slates Govcnuneul at luaiiy tl.. .r....t ILtililiiri ..,! t .r.,.u 1...... ... 1'ini-AUia.riitA (jas Works. Mnv 1.V 1R51 Jf'ws. F. C. Joxe A: Co. (ieiitlein.ui Hhviii made sevenu I nam oi ymir liroxrn s.nie i'uint in vurioitt iue4h- xls culcul-itt-d to test its protective qiuilities upon wxd mid inetiil, I have th mtiftielUMi to state tluit the results lnve Isctsit highly liiv i:dle. 'Jhe paint coveiinu well. iiryiupr (pui kiy, nun Hie.-iiu(r tfieuK'r tenacity, cipcciull) iivui it on, tluiu cny other paint with which 1 uui fu miliur. Voiim, truly, Jons C. Cvtxmx. The nnlcrii;ued, bin inp ttwl ihe Zinc Paints reierrcd to cMeur in the f'Mep.iinj; iipini-iii, Morris, Tioiker & Monis Ilejii. t, Nei flu k Co., I'ciui Works. Merrick h Sn. Jaiuea T. tuti'fii V Co., Franklin Iron Works. J. T. lm. I. S. Pry iJ.K-k. I? Detdi rs s ipplitd on reus iiab'e terms by the AgeuU of the Coiupuuy. No. t7 Sjuth Wrwrves, Phila. July 17, IR- Jm. IJ LANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank MortRages, Bonds, ""xeeutions. Hiiiiiiiinns See., for suit hy II. B. MA&SEll. Hiinhury Aril 1(1, lfi5l. M1TH'8 ESSENCE OK JAMAICA GIN J CEll, a fresh supply just reerived, and foi ale hy 11. U. MASSEK. Suuhury, Juti. 10, 1R.12. AUNOLD tS WK1T1NO i'Ll ID and Adhe sive and legal envelopes, fur side by H. B. MASSER. Suuhury, nja 10, 1852 PVXTKACT OF COKFEE. An excellent article more wholesome and much cheaper ttian Uutiae itseii. ror aule at uiu ollice. April 17 1H.V RAZOPS. A auperior article for sale torn of II EN BY MAKSER. Sunhurv, Feb. 1. ISftO -H-ISTrr; PArER. Yellow TUsue paper fo 1 covering, 4.C., for sale st the ollice k.f '4ft il f ; 41. TilF.MENDOV ExClTEtfrNtll Casli, Stcum, lilcctricit !! The Aerial and all other lines Out done by the Lightning Mno of I11A T. CLEMENT. WHO, having great fnith in tttlild sales m1 small profits, has just received sna nprncj a large osnorlment of SPUING AND SUMMEll GOODS, At his Store in Mttrset 8trert, Sunlmry, which he olTcra to Ihe iullic nt tho tovrrat prirra. His stock conaUts of general assortment ol Dry (ootlf, viz : ' Clothn, Carfimtrs, Caffinrtu, Jean, Drillings, JiliifUvs, Limns, Calicoes, Mi'slin dc Lains, Laicns, Ginfluims Iterates. ' SilK ?t Palm Li:af IIats A large saaortmcnt of lioota stul Plioe, tut Men, Women ami Clnldren. Crocrrlcs, Sugar, Tea, Co (Tee, Molasses, .Cheese, Spi . ces, Fish Salt, Plaster. ' HARDWARE, Via I Iron and Steel, Nail. Files, Fawa, Ac. QUEENSWA11L', Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cvps, Savctrs, frc LIQL'ORS, Wine. Brnntly, Gin, fimn, Wliiskry, kt- tltf Country proilurj of all kinds taken in cx chnnijo nt Ihe highest luuiket prices. fllay 8, lSSa ly. COO EOOK AGiNTs"wiSTED! ANY Riiml, aiMivo nml inlelliyent man, uitli a siiihII i-iipital of limn 330 to a $100, e.-tii trinku luiye prolits hy ciiHii! in tin! sale of the follov. it'i; POPULAR AND USEFUL BOOKS. Cll.VMllKHfO INFORMATION Vfitt Tllf. I'KOI'l.i: s iir Popuhr Kiiryrhiprjli:, nf Useful Kn l.-(!:e. Twj Inruo ii:ipcri;il ,.i't:iv. V"lniiH'S. c iil:iiiili!ff I71HI pnjri-s. l'i:TKItSl),N-l IIIHTOItr OF TIM: A.MI'KU-AN ItKVOl.l TION Knuriiviiics. SliO l:irge oclnvo pi.ges, Willi '." line PHTKUSO.N'f IltfTOHY 1F Till; V. S. XAVV l:tnrr i:i-i:iv-t pn-ri-s. nml lrm fitH' r-pprm-iMpi. rillisn KF.M AHKAlll.K KVK.NTMI.N TIlKIllSTO K V OF AM I :l! 1 1? A. Tw'i Lirpe iK-hivt vrliiutfii, c tntiiin tiilNl kii-i ii,hI 7ii0 Knruviiij.'s. 'iltt ticst Ilis ,TV nf AliH-iini eiil.lififirit. fnoSTS I'ICToillAI. IJFF. OF WASIIlXliTOV. A !l.kiillil B..ik, (Mmiiiiiiii(r 0.10 ih-I:,v (wiirrs nml I'd i li frunt liiiKiitviiiics. Tlie elieupist t.ii'u ui VniliiiigUK) PVI-T pulililll'll. MoprtlvS llliTOnY OF TIIF. INDIAN WAIIB. Fino I 'l imt nml l'liiin Pl'ilrs. Till'. Till i: ItKI'UUI.IOAN. OiHlniniiiK tlie limniriinil AillrcKsi-s nml the I'irnt Annivit Aitilumrs rmd Momtik'S ef ull the lrisiilciits if the l.'iiitt-fl rlntrs. tl:p t'uiirtilti ti ins i.f Iho iiiipnrtiuit SliitfM in llip I'niiiii. ftp., &(-.-l jiilH-'llipheit 'illi I'-ittniits ,f nil ll'f l'ri'siiUii!s, fivrni Vc'l on Rlrrl. untl a view lit' lite C':tiital t:f tl: L'liltLd St:il.-s. .-mi pujirs, 1-J ni'. I'tlX'S IHtolt OF .MAHTYirs. A PpV'iiMd FnniHy l:li;iii, Lirno qti.irtfi. with 5-1 r.iijinviis, Uiulifull) li iiiihI in i:i.,r t.. . j?ilt. ui: c(Mt.iK.M.-s history of Tin; ron.s. im l.'ir!rr nrlnvil p:i!-CI. Willi il!llnM-;iti"ii!,, .II.Si-:i'IIFS' "OH!:. Fine'ion. rue l.irce v liitnr. ST I 'H.M UKFl.tXTIO.NS ON T1IK WoKltri OF I, OI. FT. I'IKitRK'S PTt'DII'S OF NATFItt;. W IU Ti. S tliSI'OU V UK I'lii; Vt)ltl.l). A Vnhm'o'.c Oriti'iiit llisl -ry. One Urije ueinVii vlntue, Willi liulttt- ''!iK' Fn-riv ii:s. I.1VKS l IF fil.KAT AND rl'.t.l'.HIlATr.l) C1IAHAC THUS : tf al Ac.s nii'l C,,t!i,:rii'ii One Urge volume nf .-VO p'-t'e?, Willi lutiiieri'Ufi Fnj:r;u'ii!i-s. Tog, titer wi ll ti iimnl'er of ichci Winks parlieiil.:rly ml.iplt'il lot Pnpnlar Iu-inlin. CT7 The ni'ist liberal disrovnts ill he piven t: A.'cnls j7 o mm ciij.ij.-c in the sale of the u'jovc Xtilnulilc hooks. For paid,) fuither particulars, nildiess (poslane J. J. 1.. LIIIU.N, I'nlilisliei)- Xo. 98 CAeadiit Sheet, Philailclvhia. June 26, 1352. . STACiK OFFICII W'A S II I X ( iTO X nous K, SUNEUHY, PA. JAMES COVEET, Proprietor, OUJ,D rospcolfiilly Riinrnmce that be lias tu hen thin well known ttantl, where lie , will lie pratilinl to fiee nnd entertain l.i IrinnU ! ami the tnivcllinff puMic generally. This hoiicc 1 is now replete with every convenience, comfortu- hie, p!e.Tant!y located, hnndminiely furnUhed. 1 well ventilated, rendering it in every respect o 1 desirahle stopping place. No expense hut heen vpared in fitting up thi ; houfio. The ehnmher are well furnished and the table and bar proic!ed with the best the market can albjrd. The Ptnltlc aceommodatione are cxteiuiva and well calculated tor traveler. STAGE OFFICE. The stages running from Northumberland to rottrivillc, stop at this Iioukc, where through and way tickets to Philadelphtii c;tn le obtained. Sunbury, March 20, tf. Van Loan DagiUM'rcan CJallery, 159 Chestnut Street. VT this rr!ebro(e1 estiiMlhbtiMiil you mn nl ways pro cure tiie newest and m t improved style oi DAtil KitKKOTVPK it TaUIOTVI'K l'OUTH AITS ut t'r mi l to 100 per ct. LES cost than such pictures can be had for elrc where. Now that vm ran sncme nirh nrftit tirirtmitM nf vour 1 veil ttiu-s ut a mere iioiuiiml ct, d jn't delay lew' you 1 rr thein. livery vaiicty of fancy cnivj. frames. Ac, on Itiind or furniohed t' order, Hml every nieture matte, satintory and nuiruntod to be in the best style of thr ait or no ch Altai: Cull uud see us ul I.'jU Chestnut it. L. II. Pt HNKl.U. riiilnddtpliiu July 17, IMS. ly. JOHN A. TAYLOR, Hanufacturer of IMoniuiicnts, Tombs, AND.GRAYE STONES OF THE FINEST Italian and AMr.ntcAN Marblb. Al his Old Stand in Northnmherland, Pa. RESPECTFULLY inform tho public ihot all work in his line will he made up of the very best material and fiuUhcd in the latest btylo of Ihe Eastern chics. Those in want of such articles well made and executed in the lest style and at the lowest rules, will do well to call and examine before they pur chase elsewliere. May 15, 1852 ly. Wholesale and Kelail Clock ESTABLISHMENT. S. E. Comer Second and Chestnut Sis., PIIILADZLPi-IA. WHERE may lie found, one of the largest and he-it assortments nf Clocks and Time pieces in the I'niled El ites, in ijuantities lo suit purchaser!, of from a single Clock, to one thou- and Clocks; embracing every variety of style ud manufacture, suitable f ir hurcbes, Halls, tiunlim Houses, I'arlois, rSleepiint A pailmrnts, and Kitchens, kSlcuin and Cauul Bouts, uud Kail H.iud Curs. Also cvnerul sale Aent, for ifnpp's lately pat ented rcicntilio Niche d'ohl JVii. Wholesale and Retail Ciold nnd Silver Pen Holders, and Pencils, and a variety of Fancy Goods. Those wishing to purchase wilt find it to their interest to call liefore purchasing rlsawhere. JAMES BARBER, 8. E. Cor. Chestnut & Sud bts., Phila. April 10, 1853. ly. Tlie Johnston Ink MANUFACTORY REVIVED, 10th If Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA. "HE autscriher begs leave respectfully to in form Pa anas generally, that he baa suc ceeded to the Business of manufacturing Plant ing lui formerly carried on by His grand Father, and Fathor, and olfers his article to the trade, without any I'i ih, but with the simple reliance upon tho lonu established chaiacter it has horuo, feeling confident of its giving entire satisfaction lo all who may favor him with a call. Ttam Casii. CHARLES EN EU JOHNSTON. I April 10. IS5-J tf. GLASS, I) HUG B, PAINTS, &c, THE rhilailrlphia Window Glasa Varc lionae. anil Driiir. 1'uiiiL Yaniiali. 4 ll and Color Stores, Nos. 33 and 35 Worth Fourth Street. East aide, has the largest assortment of Window, Picture, Coach, Cane, Hot-Huune, and otlior GLASS, In the eily j comprisinir upwards of Ifl.OOO dif ferent aizea, ranging from the smallest size, up to 38 by GO incites of Sheet, and as lore as 5 hy 7 feel of Mate Glass, including l'ntltsh Crown, rrench, Ucrnian and Aincrirnu, both Single and Double Tliick. Also, a large assortntenl nf Very Thick Glasa, fir Sky-Lights, Unlk Windows, Ac. Tho SuliSrrilicr having a henry utin k on hand is prepared to fill oidcra at Ihe shortest notice, end on the most rcosouaMe tonus. Odd sizes of any pattern cut to order. Ground White Lead j I'aint, VarnMi, of ev ery description i Turpentine i l.inared Oil, hoil ed and raw; IVn.l Mills; l'utty 1 Dnifltcs l)ye Woods, &.c, A c, A c. And also, a large atipply of frch imported LKUG3 ANU MEDICINES. J.II. SPRAGVE. Nos. S3 cV 35 Noith 4lh ft., E. Side. April 10, 1852. ly. A!I) AKD COyrCRT,"' 'I o Your Own iTSt-tii attics. ni'onmt Tl I M AN ITACTt' r. Kit OF ! FURNITURE AND CHAIRS I Of the most TasMonallc Stjb. TIIFJ sithscriber respectfully coils t'.ie attention of the public to his lure nnd splendid asmu l- ment of every quality and price of C- A 18 B ft' ET-W A ES IS. whirh rnnnot fail (o iTiommer.d itclf tocvory o:ie ...i.- :i : : r .1 ...1.1.. wuo Kl" . "' "" u' j WUlKlllUlintlip HI.U l-J ii-IIUlU 111113,1, III.I-..11 II, llie best stnelt to he ua,l in t.:e eily, :n r'.inri is spared in the manufacture of his wave, nnd the subscriber is determined to keep up with the j many improvements which arc constantly 1 eir.g miiilc. His stock consists of Muhottuy t SofaM, Oivut: nu-.l I.OUSISTCM, , Burcttiis, Secictaiics, Gitlosoarls, I SUFI, I'.RtAKFAST JSD CIMNC TABLES, und also VKNETIAN Ll.lN!!-', equal to Pltila- j delphi uriMitlji'lutv. J KLIl.s'I'r.A of every iuCcmi nnd jiriee, CUPBOAllDS, Wt")J!K AND CAN 1)1. li- STANDS. TOII.KT TAULKS AND KXTENMDN TAIil.KS, i:l shnrt, every article in this line nf I. is !nir.epi. He o l-.o in inuhu'lni. j nil li,i,ls .ju.tlltiri i.f ciiAins, including varieties nwir I if. re tube hid ir fcnnbury, such us M .nnu.o v, l!i..v i; Wtivi r Mi Ccii!.t:li M ieLE '.iiis.i i.i ; ami Wii-,i',i (.'1IAIIW. ami iiKi t Pi i mi .Sro us. which arc j nf the latest styi-.-s, und w.irr in:- 1 In be cm-. I'i .1 i by unite iiiaim.'nr'crr.l in ihr usor eJselitTi. i The i.u'.i:ri!..-r i- .".trruiineil that there nhi.M , ! e liJCM i'. e fur N-riiia to invha-c furiiit-jm in . lite lilies, n i ,'. v I'liitftdeiit-v rail he ei.leitaiiti d j nlMut li.e qiia.'.! ai.d lUii.yh of liii .aii! ui.J i Chairs. His at liilcs will l.e disposed of on as good i terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Cnuti- ; try Produce taken in ptivment for work. I 112 UNDERTAKING. Having pr.nid.d himself with u handsnnic IIkaiisi., l,e it now ! prepared for UmlertaLiiig, und atU nJiii,; funer- uls, in this vieJnity, or ut any convenient dU- lance froia this place. i Uu I he iaio Koom ui in Market Stree;, I below Thouipson'a Store and Weaver's Tavern. UEORUE HLNN. Sunburv, 4an. 10, 1850. tf. HAHniSIsirilG 3300X BINDERY. ' F.L. IJUTTMIJ &CO.f fui-cis.i..ri ! V. (I. ll-cVk, nnJ Ilick-.k Canting. ' Booic ihxhkh.s, st.tiom:i;h and ( . U1.AXK UOOIi MA.Ll'ACTl i:Elt.S. . The sulisiTik-rs n'sioi-tfully infirn) thrir friewts ' ; anil the iul'li l!ii!l liu-v lire n.iw c;nn ili'i on tile 1 nhuve l)UiiiR-ss at 1)1. U SSTANI) otcui'iiil hy i J llickuk & Co. Tln-y Ihitlor thcmsi-lvi's thut hy j ' rurcl'ul altcnlioii lo hu.iiu'3s, they will merit mid ' rperivn . rnntiiniHiw-p nf r-n t i-oiiiioi. &.i lidr..-. ' ally enjoyed hy ihe old linns. j Particular attention will he jiai.l to the rul'tii!; nnd binding of every description of hhtnit hooks fir hanks, county ollices, n.rriluuits nnd private individuiils, and cveiy v.iricly of full nnd half hound l'lunk hooks. Old hooks, jicriodiruls, law j hooka, music, neusrciiicrs, c.c, luiind in uny i alU-rn and in any style re'inired. i In ud.liiion to the u'.uvo, they hnvr, and , nt ull times keep, n eurnil uhui linciit of b'i'A- TION'UKY, consisting of i I 1 .etter j nP . '' ! I)r.ivlii-r ' i '1'i-aiiMi-r i( Knives, (nil!', Iiika:nii.', WiiiVra. lilacs. Si-nlin Was, li'lln Ink. ('liviitir Ink. Fl airs mirl Priicil.. I'.-nriJs, Irt lli-r Sranlps, la.lla l!i.l.l,,-r, Wnfcrs, licit Tape. Illailk CliMl, ! II',11!;;"' 1, , iV. .1 i? : 7'-'Cl I ens. Ciiriinue Ink, f i.i.lrs. Am M's Vriun3 l-'liii.t, Krasur..-s, Ac. t"E" I'nper ruled to patlrrn, and ull work war ranted and done very c!icnj!v. ' V. I.. ilUTTKit & CO. March 13, 1852. tf. J. X. ' B XT T ill C H, Xo 78 Xorth 2rf .Sr., In wen Areh and Hare Pi., rmi.Arei.rHiA. J'?EREBY infunns the public that he imports and constantly keeps on bund at his new store, No. 78 North "d St., a large assorliueiit of Foivign I'lttic'-)' (lootls, Musical Instruments, Pictures Paints, which he will sell nt the loweat prices. Ills stock, in part, consists of, Airordeuus, ' Violins, Music Boxes, Parlor and Bur Room Or gans, Mclodeons, tScraphines, Mathematical In- slrumeuts, Alaiiets, Hpy and Ogivra Glasses, Stationery of nil kinds. Pocket Books, Bronze Powder, Dutch Metal, Cld and Silver Leaf, Scales of ull kinds, Knulf and Tobacco Boxes, Lithographic Paints, Copper Plate and Steel En gravings, and pictures of every variety. Also Gilt Frame .Mouldinirs of various sizes. Healers, Country Merchants, and Pedlara, itip plied at reasonable prices. December 0, lsol. tf. ni:: cue it rnizi: ut. IttYII)! IIICKEir & TULX-, No. 1 13 Chestnu St., ubove Sixth, Front oj JONES' HOTEL. fTpi T I ff - r' j"'1 received their Piie I "VVCTl Medal, awarded to them for VlXlJ their l est 'J'ravelling Trunks ex hibited at the World's Fair in London, 185 1 being the only exhibitors to whom uny aws.rd was made. Their competition was with ull the world, and they have taken THE PRIZE! TRUNKS, VALlsES, BAGS, &e. To lc found iu this Cilv, and nt very low prices. Cult and H1CKEY & TI LL, Trunk Manufacturers, 118 Chestnut St. Apiil 10, lSW. If. JOHN A. II A It It I S, Manufacturer, & Dealer in Imported and Domestic Began, A Uo, general assortment of Veat 6l Mauufdctured Tobnrco, C CONSTANTLY on band, at tlie lowest mar ' ket prieia. Corner of Chestnut lit., and Wharves, J'hiladelphia. ))ecci.itr 27, JS51. ly. DUSTICES' FEE BILLS For ante by ti II. B MASSER. buubury, 1S.M. '8P CHERRY PECTORAL: Far ihe Care of oouons, COLDS, nOARSEMESS, EROIJ OHZTZS, CROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPIWG-OOUGH AND O0NSU3MPTI0IJ. Tliia involuiblo rcmedv for all diseases of the Throat and Lt's. has outlined celebrity from its icnmrkable cures, never equalled by ony other medicine before. (Hhcr picpariitions liavo shown themselves jmlliult rr ., and sometimes ef fected notablo cures, but none lion ever so fully won the confidence of every community where it is known. Afier years of trial in every climate, iho results havo indisputably shown it to possess a tnastcTV over this dangerous class of diseases, hiili could not fail to a'tract tho attention of Physicians, Patients, and the t uhlic at large. tine the stascmcnts. nut of uhsruie individuals nnd from fur distant places, l.ut of men who are known and rerpected throughout tlie country. The. iriild'i celebrated Surgeon, Dr. VAL VXTIM! MUTT, oiV. iWity, says: pivca nie j'lc:t!?tir l reitii'v t!io Vi'l'-U- nnd cffi:iy nf "Ayt-is Cherry Vwt -riil," wliiv h I c 'iinlor pccul.iirly Q'.liijtctl In uurc (lircnuK ed the Ihmul untl h.nt;! 1)11. Pr.IlKIN, the TPnrrnMc Prouh ut cf the Vt-r-iv uit .Mtviic;il t;Wie)(t'( one ('i llv t tniiH'iilly h jirut-.! phyn ci;iH n( t!iiB r niiiiry, wt'iirn, tin- I'i.crry i'i 'l -r-l if t X tf:tKivr!y nv-il in tl: s in, v. lure it hut rii-wn nr.uiHi lnV.:i!)Ic eviituuc U' i b h 'i j-y ilRcts u;- n pul.unjiy di The Uev. J. D. COIIKJSi:, a distinguished Clerai;iiiaii ( f the Lnylmli Cum t.'i, wrii t'i lii.' I'tiijTictir fpnil Mmi:r, il, thnl ''lie Iris hi.en rnri-il nf :t hrvcie imt liiir.iie tuii , l i n. !y r h.-ri y I'. i't,u;:l.:' i I is li'ile-iit lull length, tiny he I'.'imil in mtr Ciii'tilur, In he h id , I' tlie Agi.tit, ui.J ii wutli lite mtviilinu nl" t-tlh-tiitttie pulicir.s. 77i's Utter i. fiTM the vdl Lmnui Drur.sist al Ilillsdah Mahi. One t'iC large! i fii i i Ihe S cn'.t this ccs; is from his ou n ot:rv.iUJ:. liir.i -I .. -.1 r, y...-'--., le. 10, 1H!. r.-ir f-"r : !;,., ;in;, 'y li T ect-i I' .".if L'i.i tr Pie- lo I n:in,!n iMllm In Ull ;it:,li;;nii:'0 of I:.!..i: Will x-.-n. i:i.,;iM t ' Iv: n.-tir Lis , n I w;!. t;iri !l e 'It. n I, n. i He . f I, '.-il ll, in1 'e I , t;e tr.-lil !...; l.i'I. lil. l u i - t ill, tl e- ly iVut'l.r. Ill lili'ie's It.-lK'Vr.l tie 1:1"!.! s nil itie. mil.,' ! r'lliil'e -til.l he i.inia.'.l f--r l ite, i ll! I luiiM't tii'.'ln t-i jjiv: lir xeeih-llt ti..',e u tti.'l. 1 inr.'.i. illiitity li.t i t -Wit f -r t!nee tt I'el.n. ite.l yuil m il jn ';,' ot l!iy r'iir.rilu j nn my ret urn, t i m;''! him in tlu :!,!; : on my Hi) h n;e j Ir-ini ll:e enrs. uuil liinl lie l.iel sn iii-'y iit.ivim it. l' itr weein from llieilny t:e e niuifiiei'il 1 ,.n :r mr ti.i',hcti;e, lie wns nt w l k nt it's in,l,i .iif Irn.le .! n i . I k-n.iM:. j There lire , slier c;'s-s vitl. l.i ir.y 1 11 vt.ei'::e. where the i I herry re,'oi,. h:ig len i.i:ii:i;:trly si:f.' e:j.u!, I til nunc S.I i i.r.'ll.ui at Ui. a. Yv.iy t.'ulv V t'-i1. li. V.'.VCOD. I '.he l'o'icn!. It J r Ayr. I,"v.-,'l'. l'i-ir fir : Vi-liif: ini.l' r "b- : i'i ml to 'it I'o.' tl.e I ! I I'll ill of HIV li".,l'h. 1 Sil:il ynll ; ;l ! ; orl ' I lir. r:,we. vt:l li .t :ti ::1 liit'rty to 'ULhli for lie l,.jn,:ii! ol , ti'.-tn. I.!..', nut jii.'i I ton'..; ii !i:u! e -i-i. tie i I' .ill, .'iiii- 'l !' n .v vr:. e nn-:,. : no in l.'e oi 111 ny meil i"in.!i utt'l ."it iih'fUni I!; I . f. I vi i lil;.'i'i to t-'ive u.i . ii.- pienlV -t I i. .-I. oi i e -it! I I'i't no i-n ,'l nl in.ri; he n I n. ;i ' y it I'h t.- I'. '- ' I.::. ..e t" '- 1 I i'i.'.'i : ' . i- i i. ! " il me nh'ii! "ti i. rlv 1.', I I- .:o . -ol f: 1., , I, ll'i ai i -V, r, .1. t I' 11- ll ll , I V l': l'ri it i, --1 '!;. i - lt,.N : (,. i'' i -. Ai-iil l.iri.y. J.'cir Sir: 1 I c- i-l I-': -i ' Miil.r Willi :l i-i.. .a. wlt tl y-iur t'ln rr;. i'r-' i. l '--I ia. i r ea 1( il a iu li.i v in i. 1- u I l!i iti;'- l.n .'i n. I lit.! a luiie I'm'.;' Ii:c!i 1. n i.ty l.i-;-t v. imi-l. 1 1, lu: . ry lV.-!-l- lii.l Una!.-!.? l.i I. ni:' ti nt all, my 11 1, u I lll-'ltlll 1 Hills', ti .-'11 hi!l!v ill c .llf'llli.l !l. I 1i:kI h i n;iirli;f, aa.l u ilitf.allal cavil w:.-! ''--'I vinrilii me uu-ay. I ti-j;an tak'- v -ur tf-:iii: ii ill nr ili.-inr. Iiy tin-- n;l Vlrc'nl' n rlrr-4lil:iu. v!i i In.t sr. n its cliVv-ls U-f.-re. ll lay r -niiii ui t'l-h'. -111-1 i: ie ia.- . t n: mt lit. In L-slhal l l" '!l.i:i'lil 1 c iiitl cat Hi-'!, atnl n-y rn:!i li nt isvitiil l.i I.. li'iutiUH in., my ipp.-lile ri-tiuiH-it. nnr) iny f.vyl iiMi!i.l.' !l mi, v.- . .-li -i -ii r. i-ttml my mu-uirili. N v, ai't.-i tin- I -nil will an I sir-'I.;, .tliUJ olii- er K-lp lliail Jtnir t'li-.-i ry INi-tuni!. Vmiis. wiih rvrnvt. .i t : .1 .V pi:ax. 1 l:(-r'hy ccr iiV liiat ll;-' al) vc f-'.-itrim-i.t ol' lay v. i c ia in font' irini'y w:t!i iny n vi.:- ul' Iicr cam un.l ht-r eyre l:y Ayr'i Ci.'.iiy 1-i?i.tu1 .IdPI'l'll d:;a. T!a-a'.-'V li-i-ii--1 J 'i--!i r.-ni aaa .fall i. lai wilf, nr.: prr'iiVty ka i-.i I i i-. i-.' ia: I li. it c-iiifi !. lire may lie i';ac-il in tlit ir u'.aio-iii-.iT. tA.l':"'. VAN lH'.ISWr.NT, I'al- r ni' IS.- li-n ll.-t Clniri-Ii. Prepared n,l srll In, JAMES C. A YE", Practical Chi mist, Lou-ell, Mass (Sold in Sunhtiry hy II VASSKIJ, nnd hy Pru-mists seuer.illv t'.irnu'i.i.i : I the Slnlo. Kovenihcr 1, lt'ol. lycc-iuio Eoircci-!, Hats r.nd Millinery (loods! m KKC'IIAXTS oml MiMlners when in Phil-I-3 ii.le'pl'.ia to pun-hasc Iheir uoods, will find it to their interest lo examine our lar-jc and lash ioaal.'e stock of si n iv' corm.3. We iiiamifiK-tiire largely and i.vrour the Xkwi.t SrvLi s uv E'i't i.;;'ii E'.',lirie- in our li u-; which to.M'iher with nihi r advuut.i- un i-u.ili.e us t.i u'.Wc iieJuieuicnU to lii VlillS. ii. . cr.ooivr.R, & co., Nos. 47 and -I!) Clicslnut Street, nnd No. 50 South S-'ccou.l .Street, wc-ot side eur Che.tnut, ; Philadelphia, lli-eenilier : IS-!. G. EIASOIJ, Kiir'niYcr iitul I'i'iiitci, iYo. 40 Chestnut Si reel, abuee Second, TS prepared lo do I'.NGR V1.( mid riH.VT- INC, in ii li thei, Inauehcs, WV'l.liu, V i ;.i t i 1 1 and Busine.-a Cards, H ill Tickets, Watch Papers, Labels, Bill Heads, Notes, Check?, Hralis and l)iphiiuas. h'eals uud lainjis f..r l.'oipor.ilions, l'Y:Io-.v-i, Mas.ius, iSnns of 'j'c:ii; ,'lallce, clc. Ail iho iibow euiaej in l!.e lasl ' Orders by Post promptly to, I Heceiuber S7, ISA 1 ly. TnosiAs talueh, coai.missiox au:i;ciia. r, No. 6, North Wharves, Where tho following poods are received and sold . on commission, tyied Apples, Peaches, Plums, Pears, Cherries, Ac, Green Apples in Barrels or by the Bushel, Beans, Peas, Cranberries, Onions, Mercer Po tatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Shelbarks, Chestnuts, Ground Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs. Prunes, Grapes, Poultry, Eggs, Butler, Cheese. And all kinds of Foreign uud Domestic Pro duce. Philadelphia, Dec, 13, ISM. ly. SOAP AND CANDLES. flHE subscriber takes this method of inform A ing tho citizens of Suuhury and vicinity, thut (he) are engaged in tho manufacture of So-.ip and Candles, of the Itest quality, at No. 44 Fil'iert street, Philadelphia. They respectfully invite all who buy for cash, lo give him a call us flicy will find il l lo their advantage in dealing w ith him for articles in Iheir line. E. D'.'FFY & SON, 41 Filbert above Olh. ' December SO, l;i If. EXTRACT CF GINGER. jusl received and for sate Piice 85 cents. Suuhury, Ju y 13, 1851. -A fresh supply it this ollice. NOB AND SPRINCi MORTISE LAT CHES. An excellent article, for sale at hall the usual price by J- W. FA I UN U, Sunbury, July 7. 1843- SILVER WATCHES. A few double case English Silver Watches, fur sale at very low pricea hy II. B. MASTER. Suuhury, April 13, 1851. BLANKS. BLANKS of every description can be had by s p hying at tlie office of the American. IJANK NOTK TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. rKJIMSTLVAMIA. eiTv or fntLusi.riii MAB9ACAI ;st!Tr . All Solvent Iwnks I dit U. 9. llnnk nntra IA (lis All solvent luiulis iiiutDi; IM.AND. AM a-.lreut I, n,v s I iijn Cd.NNKCTintT pal couarav. Hank ef Chm.ilicrslittrg 1 Air Hank of Chester C. pari Hunk of Del. Co. Chester pur: All anlvent lmka I dil m:w vouk. CITY. All snlvnil l,i,v1 l,t ;? lik inles uiHtir ti Idta enrxTst. All Snlvenlf IrmU ldil KV.W JKliSKY. litiltk ot Oerinnlitnwil liar lli'ltk nftieltyshurg 1 tlis ll:ink nf !rwicti'Vvrl I link nf iMiililletiiuii 1 rli Miinlgnmrry Co Hunk pur liniiK nl .Ictrtlltlinlicrl lid. pal Ili'lvntcre Hank I ttii Cotiiineieiiil llnnk tits llnnk nf l'itlshnrg litis llnnk of Ilniiviliu nnr I nr. llnnk Mom l.,iv our Carlisle IJ:mk t ilis'. A MvMiil.llel,iwnVl. r f.'oluniliin H'k A Il'ge Co imri.McchtiiMes' lik, Newark pnr U'lyelMown Hank vir Kiflnil Hntik imr Mnrtl. Ik imr MitIi. A Sinn. Ck 'fretit nr Mnrris llnnk I tii Newark IlkV & Ins. Co .Iim K.ric Hunk S tli I'.xelininre H'k rillsliiirtr I ilir l-'.sehaine Hk. Hrnnel, I ilislOmnce llnnk lis Knrtners1 H'k, liiickallii pnrlVo,le' l)k P:iller, t-'tiriiii-rs-' Ilk, Irfitirastcr i::r!l'i'iticeloit llnnk rnriiiers' Hk, Him:lin pitrl'Ailenl Hnnkitij Co, Knrtn. ltk Miuvlkill Co imriffinernil C.i ilnnk !' A; II. Hk ti'viiesli'g IJilis ritlUe r.tnik nt Cininllll Franklin Hk. Wnsli'ii IJilii Stnlc lik KltZ'ibetliloii lliirrtshiirtr lltink 1 tlix Stnte llnnk Nennk J Ills pur mr ths nnr I lii Mis II, nitwlale llnnk 1 (lis Stale lik, N. HiltnsH it k .nr lilirnster Hunk par jStiMM-x Hnnk. Newton 3 ilis l.i-tiaoti Maine pir rrei.lon ltniiKtiif; til ear Ali n il. Ainu. jiniiK 1 (hi. I mon linnK. Uover J ilis I.Vlis j ill! .Miners' Ilk, Pi.llsvillu per Ynnl' ) vie A I n I l!r C Mononirnhei.n Hnnk I rliir t if l'k nuis nn.-ter 'a Tavlorv-e Del U'l Co 1J .list UI'.I.A V.'AUIJ. eHl llrnneh llnnk pnr ltmti nf Dclnwnro Wyoniinir Ilk. Wilkeiilie nnrlH-ink il Si.ivn.n par par par Yi'rk Hnnt;, ,pa Tlel ivvnre Cilv llnnk !h! i, r !,. i a;. i 1 tlis IMi AVihriir'll A llmmlyw. -nl MAIC I- arnn r Ilk M Delnwnre jmr rinnk r,f Whrll.n-k K ills Cuii ll llinik, WilulingMli .:ir MereiiMlMe lik, lluijor rli tV fmter fa's j ilis All 'Imil hunks I dif OHIO. NKV lIA.MI'SIIiriii. All Kent l-niks g.Ps All anlvent Iniiks ttin "'ll'i ii iiiii'r .Vs I ills YKH.MdNT. I iil I'll WiOMNA. Hank nf !t Allnna 9 !l -Iv, nl t!. 4 -li Al! ilvcilt billlks Jiha t V fn !.Jl .j's, !!J rtia Fire & Tliicf Troof Irsa Chats. ,5... N' -.'V -il. i,' 'rii'-i.t.l i r ' T: VT'-MiKANTKl) to stand Cual with any other Chert.! in the i nuit'.rv, oii.l to defy tlie Uuro.:s i.o.'i'iini !U lliidfi iii'.-) Alley, run. it fourth SllLClS, M.lltil of !y. M .!!Hi!';o'toiv, iVo. li hctVVi'i ;! Thiid mid Chest. ul. and in the n jr ef Ihe Girnrd liank. M. &. S., tlie proprietor, are Practical te eli.tiiics, and feel eunliih til li ; exjii rietii e in t'.ie itinnuliu'.lmt' ol' l'.oti Chesis ttinl Niics, tutii a special tiH.'l.lioii lo thi particuhir branch, nf i:ivii:L' satiiliiction to all u ho mm jiit t:.c:u a call. N. II. Y.-e erals ever u,t have 1 as :l MIC ci '.-ruliilii' ii.n. I ir. i-.-t nr.'. ii- !v-t mil!- ,. heat in Cll.'-is nnii .1 ai..! i'i the d uny l.c-1! HAW, i's -l:ey. fe l. ilS llUMIlrsil, nud v. .- S-ill-s to l.r niiidc t'i i. ust iliiral !v niiii;; ir, at..! to .V. 1'iut can Iv iij'phi-J to tliviii. T'.Il.M'l!-. & Manufactory No. ' l.'u'!s.: ISiiniiiir' Irel'.vi'eii Kid and si reels. !5 oi till nut, in tne renr c-i tiir.iid D .ii'k. l'hiladelphia, Oct. So, ly ', u wm 0.. y-X MI'.ANS VI' TIIK k ro'ju;:T.-i-:scLi-A- ril'S, or Kery cue his 6 r. IU . K own riiysi.-wa ! TmiiTi- '(j . A si XTII ( ililiun, Willi up- ,k'i ' -.-''.' ' ;'! wards ef a hundred enera- J3 & IS. i:iss i-!.i.v.'it!-? private ll e. cry fclifipv uud farm, uuil ui.tif-.irmuliiiu-! of the pc i.iMiiu' system, y fi- itt V(Mfl!!I. 'i":e thn:! has new arii- veil, that persons sniTeii'.'. ? f.oni secret ili-seiisrs, need no more heeame the virri'i ok (ii ackiiiiv, as hy the prescription-- rr!;!.iin...l in this haok, any one may euro himself wi'.houl hiiuliunce lo husiness, or the kno-.v!cih;c of the most intimate friend, und w ith one-tenih the usual expense. Ill addition to the general r uitine of private disease, it fully explains the cause of manhood's early de cline, with uhservatious on mutriiiiii' hesides iniiliy other derannciiu nts which it would net lie proper to enumerate iu Ihe puldie prints. if' Any person M-mUni; TWi'.NT V-i'l K CKNTS, inclosed in a letter will receive one cupv of this honk, hv mad, or I'm a eopies will he rent for one dollar. " Address. Dii. W. VOCNC. No. V.-i -r l'l'.L'Ci: .-!.ect, I'UU.AL'liM'IH A ." :'o-t pa',,1. (fJJ" Dr. YOi;Mi rati he con uhed on any of the LHthh s ili seril-cd iu his dilVereut pul liea tioun, ut his Oliiee. rune Street, every day letweeu !) nnd 3 o'clock, (Sund.ija cvci ptcd.) l'hiladelphia, June 5, Is.-;. ly. 1TXMYV ll(lTi:i EUNETJUY, PA. rjMIE M!Ss WEITEL'S respcetrullv inform 9 tlie Public that il ey ftill eontinue to enter l iin travellers uud o'bers nt their o'd established stand ill Market slrivl, w est of the Court House, Their lonrr experience i;i the business, and the well estubiished reputation of their House, will, they trust, be a sufii icut guarantee, that their customers will bo we!! iuvo:u:noJa:cJ. March S, IS51. t!'. (Jn-en's Osygennli-d UiUer, price reduced. CM Jacob 1 owust ud arsapuiu!ii. Paktr's urwipaiii!.!. Swayiic'a - nip of Wild Clieny. Sw ay lie's W-rntilui.-e. yre's Cheiry l'eito.-al Lr. Drake's i'unacea. I'r. CuHcu's do Tibbit's Pain Killer. Dr. lloollulid's (ier.nail Diltera Indian Ycpet able Pills Horse nnd Cuttle Mcdicii e Fori-alehv Hi;NRY MASTER, r-unhury, July U. 1SH). ViiKuible Hooks, LIFE or Christ, handsomely bound, D'Af ni. xi.'s llisrour of tub Rkfoiim.itihv, Bi.tK Dit-hocius iii Lkiigeiis, full hounded. For sale al the publishers prices by 11. B. Sunbury, July 11. 1S40 "PT'RHING BOTTLED Breast pumps, und A-s nipple tubes- A supply of these useful urti clcs just received and for sale hv JOHN W- FRI1.ING Suuhury, Jan. IS, 1S51 if stone; ware, STONE milk Puns, stone Jugs and Pitchers, and other articles of stone ware just received and for sale by JOHN W. FK1L1NU. Sunbury, June 23, 1819 0.E OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this fcV excellent ankle for Tetter, .Vc, just received and for sale by HbNIU MASsLK. Suuhury, July 28, 1819. flEAS, from the New York Canton und Pekin L Tea Company. For sale by FKIUsa Sunbury, Dec 8, 1848 ,fi OLD PENS with apJ without casaa, of a fl-H very auiwior quality, just rvd. Uo .TrosU aupply Wjjun, 'sunbury, Dec 8 WJ- "wrr7NEDY'4- PATENT" tfSH FAS. CjL TEMNGS. A cheap and enjellent arU dB fo, fastening '"' ,..,ULIN0 ' Sunbury, July 7 1818 rilllA. AWD ItEADIWO RAILROAD. ll:M.-1i:n ARRAtflKMK-iT FROM rHlLAUIXrHI A AND POTTSVILLIw - Farei Redottd. i OJpee of thi Phila. tf Reading Ruilrond Co. 1 ! I'liiladclphia, March S, 1881. J Two rassen-trr Trains Daily, (e!teept Sunday.) TKNand after April 1st, 1851 two trnlni will I W he run each way, daily, between Philadel phia and rottsvillo MOTlXTXCf LtXK. . Leaves Philadelphia at 7' A. Jaily except ounuays. ( Leaves Pottsvillc al 7J A. M. doily except Sun days. AFTKItXOOX LIXE. Leaves Philadelphia at 3" o'clock, daily, except Sundnys. Leaves Potlsvillo et 3" o'clock, dally, except Sandnjs. Between Philadelphia and Pottsville, $3.75 1st class cars nnd "$5.23 2d class cars. " " . lictwcen Phihidclphia nnd Keuding, $1.75 1st class cars and $1.4 5 "d class ears. : Depot in Philadelphia, corner of Broad and Vine Streets. Pasaenners cannot enter the cara unlesi provi ded with Tickets. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of lia-;-;a-;e will he al lowed to each paKsrnrjCr in these lines ; and pas-sen-jcrs nre expressly prohibited from taking any thing ns hair-iiiixc hut their wearing apparel, which will lie at the risk ol'ils owner. L!y order cf the Hoard of Mnnneers. S. BltADl-'OTJD, April 19, 1831. Secretary. A CAIL TO E01T EKEEFZES ,tl the nlilm-t Ware llmom ur siarx IIOUPT & CO. Market Si-iiarc, Aho ill f.'jf corner of Fawn street If Ihe F.ailroud SUNLJL'ilY, PA. ' 'I'haiik'ul for the patror.njrc of his friends and cnstonicrs during the 17 years he luis heen in husi iirss in this plat e, he solicits from the puli'ic aeon j liin-.ince of ti-.eir favors. 1,'urirg t!:is iciiod ha lias endeavored to keep up v. ilii the iinprovemruta oT i!io day, and has aecordinirly extended his husi i iicbs in every hranch and variety. The public are l thercfoic invited to the attention of tho preset.! ! tt-iek of CAIJIXICT YV.U1K AM) CHAIRS, i Manufacti-hi-.k dv i SEBASTIAN EOUPT d: CO. i At the Old Ftand, ; here in addition to their former stock of tha estahlishinent they now Manufacture Hi?Z?.ny, Walnut & Chair. j:i-e. Sprint Sent Rocking Chairs, Drusiimf l)i:reniis, Centre Tallies, tMurbte Top Wnsk Stands, and a. variety of ct'ur r.eic style and C :a - ! : it a J; ! c E1' :t 5 1 1 i! r p. ITavii.-r secured a Kenrse and msdo the neeeit-fa-y nri'in. ti'iiirnls for tlie purpnse, they are now prepnreil for UndcriaMiig in all its branches, iu this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Y.: in.ii.'a nii'l nii-itrcaSi'S. 3nJ luK.!miiitn too, 1 1 i-.-t "k riaiatiire of every stylnnd hue, 1'r'iui railii li'aril il iw-n ti kilcliuu tallies, t'r. in r.K:kin? chairs t-i I'K'kieir cradles ' Slriali! n-t have t!ie leady Jons tu pay, We'll wait nw-liilc f r a liriMer belter day, Ol take p-'tutors, nuls, c-arii, w-lieat aatl ry; I'ark. k'p p les, staves, or liimlier wet and dry, (ir uny tliinir lull yokes nmt tliresliiii tlails, Tr'nt pigs uuil turktes dov.'ll lo little iplails. Conic on then friends, e.wie one and alt, Kc ep tiaite a m-iving, so ug e on the ball." IV CVders from a distance promptly attended to nnd work of u'.l kinds delivered with dispatch, Sunburv. March 0, 1850.- tl AM. PENSION AURXCY. The attention of the public is called to the ad vcrtisement of Mr- Charles C Tucker, Attorney und Agent ut Wushigton Ctly. Persons bav ing claims for bounty Lands or Pensions are in firmed that the subscriber has made arrangements fur the requisite forms, and claiinuiits calling at his ollice, can have thrir papers prepared and forwarded to Mr- Tucker ut Washington, and hy him ho properly attended to before the De p.irtuicut there. II. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Jan. 18, 1851 i Vatualile 7 PROPERTY FOR SALE. fZHE Subscriber who resides in Philadelphia, IL oilers tor sale tlie billowing property in .Mil. I Ion, Northumberland county, vU: The large I BRICK BUILDING ' in utnicr Milton, forinerlv occuuied by ) I Messrs Pattersons as a Carriage Makers Shop. j The buildiiia; is 60 feet front on upper Market ' I street, nnd 40 feet on Front street, and ia two I stories high. Also a two story MUCK BLACKSMITH SHOP, 40 ly S3 feel, on tlie same premises. The lot ia on the comer of upper Market uud Front streets, and is 6.', feet front, ami 150 feet deep. The ptemiscs would be valuable for a Foundry or other manufacturing purposes, and will he sold on reasonable and accommodating terms by ap plying either to JACOU CAKRIUAN, Philadelphia, J. F., Esq., Milton or H. B. MASTER. Esq , Suuhury. Philadelphia, Jan. 'J5, 1851 tf- TTiKNcinwusi SUNSUSY, pa, T1!! E sul'serilier respectfully Informs her friends 1 and the public generally, that she has taken tlssf'dbove well known stand neatly opposite Ihe Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J. C. Per. kins. She trusts that her experience in business, und her clf.iru to make her guests comfortable, will give entire satisfaction to those who may fk- vor her w ith their custom. ANN C. MORRIS March 8. 1851 tf. J. II. ZIMMERMAN, JISIICE OI' TIIU 1'E.iCE, Sunbury, Pa. Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. fr Mi siies collected and ail Business promptly and cara fully altrislnl to. A pill 20, 1850 vJ-TONE Ware, Earthon Ware, Raisins, Al moiids, P unes and Cream Nuts. Plane of ull kinds. Salt and Plaster. Just received and forsule hy JOHN W. FKILING. iSuubury, Dec. 29, lSs'J. T? BATE NT BRITTAMA STOPPERS for S bar bottle for sale by II. B MASSER. Sunbury, April; 12, 1851 7"KITINa FLUID and self sealing Env M lope, just received and for aula by April l. 1851 H. B. MASSER. 1 LANK NOTES, waiving the exemption law of $300, for sale by April 26. 1851 H. B. MASSER. ADD'B celebrated Hone and Cattle Medi. cine for aala by HENRY MASS KB. 1 Sunbury. Jan. 27th, 1849 . C WTiLErs COUGW CNDY. A eioaU V V leut remedy lor euugha, eolda. Ker aait at this ollioa ItOR aule at thi office, Superior Black Ink, - Cattle Medicine at 25 rts, fur F.seeucf vf Giiigcr.25 teuls