-7 SUiNUURl' AJY1K1U0AN AINl) SHAMOKIN JOUKNAIj. NEW STORE. PETKK AV. OKAY RKPrKf'TKI'I.l.Y Inform tlif rilirnn of Simlmry and virinilv, llml lie lina rnmnirn rcrl a tirw rime in Wlirirllr-lTrry Hlrrot, in llic lior fiirnirrly orniiilcd ty Mra. (Jrny, nml Ima jual rcprivpil 'nnil opened a well neleele.l nsnorl mciit of J)ry (loous, f oiiKisilinR in purl of M.OTHfS CAPKIMKRS," SATTIXr.'tTf, Ami a Renernl BFSorlnient of J.ADIES DRESS AND FANCY (JOODS nf rrerj- rnriety nml atyle. CROCF.UIKS of every ilescripiimi. Also nn nsaortinent of HAUDWAKK AND QVEKNSWAKK. AmltiRenernl vurirlv of oilier nrlielra aneli n j ... . -. .. - . . . ... i .1.1 me mntnlilo to llir Irmle, nil ol wiiu n win m- p". nt llic low.-ist prieea. , Country produce taken in exchange at Ine liiliest priei .. riunbiiry, May IS, 1832. dm. EYRE 8c L ANDELIi, Mh and Jrch Sired, PHILADELPHIA. II f.WK catnWialicrt n More wnerc uii' trade now resort for llonnelioM Dry Ciooda, 1'remli l'oney (iomla, )re.H Silks and Slmwl, Hosiery, (ilovea nml Mills, fntlis, CiiKKimcrs nml A'csl'mss, Moslina nn.l Linens y tlie piece. DiinniKk Tnlilo Linens nnd Napkins, I'nient Dlack Silks for Dresses, l'nll Stock of Mournini! (inods. V.. .. lire constantly receivinj; l?aru,iins fiom the New York mid 1'l.iladelpliia Auctions, which they sell wholesale and retail very cheap for Nell Cnsh. Edwaiu) E. Emu:, Washington I. l..nr.i.i., rhiladelphia, July a, 1053. ly. NEWSTORE. 11KN.T A M 1 N II KFKN K It ll'.srrcrKl't.I.Y informs the citizens of Sunliurv and vicinilv, that ho has opened a new slorc in lhc room lately occupied hy (leorffo IlriKht, op)ioilo llollon's Hotel, lie hasjuslie ceicd a handsome assortment of ?IriiiS ami (Summer fa'oocls, consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinots. SI'MMKU WAKE of nil kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: Calicoes, GingliniiiFt, LawiM, IlIoiittFicIinc De lvalues mid nil kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every variety. Also nn assortment of Hardware. Iron nnd Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, of various slj les and patterns. Also nn nf.sorln.ionl of ItOOT & fSHOrS. Talm Leaf and other Hats and Caps. Salt, Fish, cje. Also a variety of LIQUORS such as Ils-aurty. Gin, Wine, A.t'. And a great variety of other articles such ns lire MiiU:lIo to the trade, nil of which will bo suhl nt tlie lowest price. tf Country produce taken in exchange at the highest pri-es. Sin,', ury, .May 1, 1?52 1y. BROWX STREET, iaS above Fourth, " PHILADEI.PIIIA. JIIE undersigned respectfully inform the puh--"- lie that they are in full operation nt ' , ir new foundry, nnd ready to cxecuto orders for Moves of every description on the nio.-l reasona ble terms. They invite the attention of STOVE DEAL ERS to their large assortment of STOVKS, nil of which aro entirely new, and got up at great expense. Among which nro the Lilierty Air Tiyht Cook, Complete Cook, t-'tar Air Tijrht, Star Franklin, Star Radiator, Jenny Liud Im proved, Fire King Radiators, Salamanders, Can nons, liases, Bare Cylinders, Bar Room Stoves, Furnaces, Gas Ovens, cVc, &e. ABBOTT iV LAWRENCE. N. B. Country merchants are particularly invited to call and examine our assortment. April 10, 18o2. ly. NEW l)dUNTRYSTORE, A Ihr Forks of the Plum Creek ami Tulpf hocken lload, (near Krci'Maitin,s Muck Smitli Shop. .TACOB AVELAIKli, UESPECTFFLLY inform tho )ulilic that he has opened n new Store nt the uhovc place und has just received a splendid stock of new Spring and Summer Goods, Consisting in pari of (llolhs, Cassimers, Satlinels, DRILLINGS ami all kinds of linen cotton am! worsled summer ware. ALSO: Callicoes, Muslin de Lames, Lawns, aiii;liaiii, And all kinds of Dress Goods for Ladies. Tea, Cokkbk, Si'ijah., Molassk, &c. UHOCERILri, of all kinds. BRANDY, GIN, WNIE, and all kinds of Liquors. Hardware, Iron and Sled, Nails, &c, QUEENSWARE. Shoes, Boots, Cups, Palm leaf and oilier Hals, Fish, Salt, &c., All of which he w ill sell at the most rcasuuuhlc prices for cusli or country produce. May 8, 1852 -if. SOAP & CANDLE MANUFACTORY Ho. 19 Il'ooti St., between 2,1 if lid Sis., awl A'o. 17 Korth Glh Street, l'lllI.ADI'.l.t'lllA. John Bancroft Jr. and Son, RESPECTFULLY inform Store-keeK-rs, Mci chants, ic, that they Manufacture uudhave for Sale, Talm, Vhile, Vuricgateil, Vrlluw nud Brown Soaps, Mould und Dipped Caudles, all of good ipialily and at reasonable prices. "r Gash paid for Tullow and muli Tut. April 10 ls02-ly. AVniT.Ah rarhi Hookscllor. OKSPKCTFl LLY informs his friend and I- the public, that he has removed his Book Store, to .Market street, to the house occupied by J. Naille, Esq., Attorney at Law, nearly op posite Ihc Court House, on the uoith side, where keeps for sale constantly on hand a goo-l assortment of book und stationary. For Sale A large new spring wngg.ni fit for , 3 or 4 horses. Suubury, July 2t, 1852. tf. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, M A It 1 16 Y, 1A. Dee. 13, 18.11. If. lIMEIi.-'ON'S AKITHK.MKTK! IW 1.2 n. und l'oitcr' Ulietoricat Reader. iu.l rc.viv ed and f r sale by WM. M.CARTV. Sunburv, May 1, 1R.1L- SHEK BILLS Justice: mid ConslaMi s Fee ' Bills handsomely printed on car, iiiiier far ule at tliis olbi e. OJ-S500 ClIAI.l.KNl.K. I!.VTKVKR cit.iti llic hmlih mid tiappinriF .f n 11 I -! tc ii.nl .ill linipsof Hip in'FI vnliudile impiTl nine. I liikn it tor prnnn il ih.il rv TV pers-m will do nil in thpir power. 1" i:ivi. ll.p lives i f thPir children, ncd every person will enlciivor M prmn ilpllirir own hcnllh nt nil siierinr-,... I r,. it in . my duly ID solemnly nFFtire " I tint WdltMS. nrp inlma th Ilia "pinion "I 1 lie most eelchrnlpil I'fiVFipimiF, lirp Iht primary pnnsps of n Inrife ni-itnrilv nf iIifpiifp t , xvlueli phiklren and ndulTF nre hu ll I" ; II v in luivpsn tidx-lilr- pontliumlly phmi,rpiihlp from cue k mil of fm.1 to mi nil'--. Hml llrralli, Finn in the tMn. mapli. IVknm nl the N.c, 1 l.-ir.lnPFF nnd Fiillnpsa of Ilia rt.-llv. Ilrv ( muli. SI .w l-'cver. Pulse Irrreulnr Tcmenilier llnl nil Ih.-Fn denote WOI1.WS, nnil uu Flioflld ul once lip ply llir reniedv : imiKNSACK'S WORM SYRUP. n nrlii li- l .hri upon rVipntilicPrlnelplPS. rnnnnmiil- M rt illl pnrelv v. n- i:il.l.- i.til,!i. .-f. Iirliw iirf.-My " w-h-ii Am. ,..l can 1- iii-. n I" llie most i aider Ur U wilh decided henriM-d ' ir. -t. wlirre " v-'-l ',"1,1 i and Hiirrlm-n Iii.vp H'-nl weak mid ihl.l Itulcd Ihc T,.ni,-pr-,pei1ieF of civ Worm Syrup nre Filch. Hml Ftm.il wi.liout nil e,ii.a'l In II..-p il'il"C01- of iiio.Ii.-iii. , in iviinrt-im-ntid Mfi.slli t' . the St "iii'icli, AvIiiehlniikcB 11 an Int'ullil.li- r civ i t IIiof fhet'-d Willi PyFecpFiu, II... i.(.i..i,i,l.im! pure p.-r( .rni.il l.y lhi Syrup niter 1-liyti- ,,. Imv ; i iW rvi.lc.u-c ol' ii Fnperior ciT, pnpvol.l II ill :f"s. c-.n-v on nit i:l:i 71 IK TAI'K U'OI.M! Tni f Uir iti'tfti (liilicult Wurin 1 ilrftrny nf ntl Hint in ft -ft, ill- lnniimi FVMrni. it gnwalonu nliiit IniMinitc l.iu'lli ln-r irniiiif p" mil- -, inil tit fin n- I ill llm lnt-t niffl mnl SI Mtinrh ttli'i-tmis the In-nhli rully tin to vimvti tt. Vihn. l;inrr Kill. At . that lliow nH.ictrd neliloni il ever rsisiii-cM tint it in Tine Wuriii li:fl(iiini llirin In nn tnrlv I ifravi'. In mil'T t'Mtr-fir.iy thifi Wiirni, n vtry niprjrrtic ( i ifvitiiirnt must I-.- f.uiKiti-(f, ii w iilf I llifTt't'i-rc lw pn-prr ! !) i.ilit- (I in t nf my I . vr I'll! n-inr to ritnov(!ll nlmlnic j tunic tlmi llrr WiMinSyrnptiKiyin't ftirwt iipniiihiVinin, ; Wiin h t:t!vt 1 hlKril ill l wvf nt' 2 TlthU-BlVHillfull 3 tilllfS it ilny iIh sc clirfili'im loll 'Wil hue lirvrr nr-m kimwn lt i.iil in t-iu iiig llic nmsV uIiFiinnti! v im nl' ''n Q Vonu. cr Hor.KX?ACK-s i.iVF.n ni.i-s. N irt el llic nynti 111 if nil .re linhli tn iliwviup Ihnit tlie I'.lt, it M-r viici :! ii Mit rrr l riirilv tht; MkkI, or eiv- ' in lw pr prr niTfliiii ! itio 1i!t ; tint nuy wromt no , li 'H ft' tin l.ivcr nit ris llic nihiT iiiiporinnt parts nt tlie ', fvstcin, nnil n siiltw Viin-iufly, in I .ivi-r Contphiint. Jiiun i ihcr. 1h;4it'ts-i:i. ,Vc W'v fiiniiltt. t lifi cfnri', watcli every I PVMI;itMtu Unit llilvrlit itl'liralo n vr T.lf ll('tiill nf the l.ivrr. I 'J'iuw IMIs i-ninp-'pti-.l o ItdiiTS .V ri.ANTS liir- . ii'fliitl by naturi t' l".il the pick : Nnmrly. 1tl, An , PI .( "I't U A N'l'. wliirli miil-itti-iif h tlic Fccrctiiin fr'in the rnhii iiirirv intifiiR ii:mltr;iiM or pnmi "ten tlif (tiwliartir m' M-crctol matter. Oml, An A 1 .11 M Tl V I ., W'ieti ' cli;m;cfl in n tnii iiiexplirnMt-jiinl iincnilile manner the . rrrtiiiii in -Hint nrti.m nl' thf Kyutcm. flnl, A TON I (J ; which iivrs timi" nn I utrentli t thu nervous mbUiii, re lie wini; he-ill h nnil iir -r t-i nil pari nf the Ivnly. 4ih, A IWTli Alt'l'lt:. whiefj ncln in pcrl'ert haniinny with tin ' olhiM increitienlF, intd upending nn the )1-wcIk. nml rxprl F Minr tilt! wli-ile man nl' cur runt and vitiated matlor, nml nil- ritvnis the iJl Hi, winrli iittctrnyg n moiiire nml reRtnrei health. TO FEMALES. Von will fitnl tliPFe PillR an inviiliinlilp mpilipino in main- e inil.laiiLls to wliirli vnn nn- Ftil.niet. In olivlriielioliF ei ther total ot u-ntii.l, llif-y have l.i'i-n fonnrl ol inplinial.lp l.fiiefil . rrftiirina Ihrir l.inrti'iunl arrniifrein.'iu n lo n ht-itl- thv net ion. p.iril i in? the I.I.H.tl nn.l other fliiiils so rtVei'lil nlly to put to fiiirl.t nil poinpl.iints whirh may iirisc from lei..:.:.. irrefrul.irilleF. nF lieatlnen.., gl.ltlllicss, llllllllcl1B Fiht. pnin in 1 lie Fnle, lm.-k. &c. Price, 23 cents each. None genuine unless Etpited .1. N. Ilolipncaek, nil otliers Iteinj: base Imitation. IV Agents wiFhin new supplies, nnd Store Keepers ih-Fir.Mis ol lieconiiii!! AcentF nuiFt n.t.lress Ihc rropnelor, J. N. ll'thpiiFai-k. IMiilii.leltihiti. Tn. S .1.1 by .1. V. I'riliinr. !niil.iiry ; Mary Mi-Cny, Nor-thuinh'-rlt'iiHl; rteisel, Tailnitville ; ltner. M ilt.m ; Hilly .V Leaker. Ije.irp-lown ; Leisenrinp A: Volprton. 1'uM iiof; WieFt, Hickory; ul! dealers in iMedicme in the (.'oniitv nail Slnle. AasiiFt I I, 1V3 ty. To llic Travelling 1'iililic. First Class Hold Terms $l.f)0 per tiny. r"f!IE subscriber having lntcly become propiie--B- tor of the FRANKLIN HOUSE, Chestnut Street, below 3d nnd 4th, PHILADELPHIA, und having iikihci:ii rim rinci: or nn.tim to is I, .10 per day, gives notice that, notwithstanding this reduction be will slill continue to keeji a FIRST CLASS HOI SE. Franklin House has just undergone extended alterations, and is now titled up and rcfiirni-hcd : : i c- ,l. ..:.. .i in .,) i. o, p.,, .... vi.i. i i . . The Lower Floor fonnerlv occupied bv stores, U now iueluded in the Hotel, forming a Spacious j Reception Room, t icntlemen's Parlor nnd Dining ! Room, thereby allowing an addition of thirty i chambers and several beautiful parlors fronting I Chestnut street- Rooms in this Hotel nre suj e- : rior lo most other--, l.cini: cunstructi d with til- ; coves, f.iviniiig parlor und bed chamber attached , well lislitencd nud ventilated. Its location is . unsurpassed, l i'.her for business or pleasure. j 13 EN. 11. WOOLMAN, Prop r. Philadcliihia, Aug. 11, IH.12. 3m. JOHN PHILLIPS & SON, 47 .S'okii If 'uter Street, below Chestnut, No. riIirJADETJPIIIA. 8.MPORERM of Foreign Fruits, Nuts, Wines, fee., keep eonstnully on hand the following articles, which they ill sell at very low price for cash. Raisins, Almonds, Currants, Walnuts, 'Citron, Ground Nuts, Prunes, Cream Nuts, Dales, Filberts, Figs, Vanilla beans, Sweet Oil, Preserved ginger, amarinds, Liiuoriee, Lemon Syrup, Fire Cracker, Port Wine, Madeira Wine, Claret Wine, Sherry " Muscat " Sweet Malaga" Philadelphia, July 3, 18.12 ly. ZINC I'AIIYTS ; Manufactured by (he New Jersey Zinc Company, iNewark, IN. J. rlMIK Saliscrihers nie now prepared to execute orderF I. lo any txteitt lor tlu ir lieiiulilii! white und colored uic PajuUi, ul lliu reduced prices, vix wainnited No. I, White, ground in oil, !) celitt pi-r Hi., pure, No. -J, do. do. M do. l I No. :i, do. do. 7 do. do Drown m,d Illapk, do. ,3 ilo. ilo One hundred jioun.ls will cover equally well ui inneh Fin face as IliO IIif. of White Lead; they arc 'J-3 pur ceul ch'iiper to the p .uKiuner. The 'ixc W'iiitk is rapidly suiierFeding Yhite Lend, nvi.-r whieli it possi-Fses many rtilviuiUies It is winter, nnd ni-a-e licuiitilii! than the White I.ea.1 d.-es not turn yell w. even wlu'ii exposed to Fiilphiirous vuior lias no siiiell is not injurious to health, nud is far usne du ral.le. Zie Drown Axn Hi.ack Paixts auk sotii YE.Tur.n ami Fins PnooF. The tiesl enveriiir for outside work ever tlltlcdileed, n.lapted lo lalildlll(:H of M'ood, hriek or stone to feueeF. carriuye IridieF, bridges, nn.l machinery to the hulls of v.-fscIf. luieh r, phaitis, und all other iron, w-uk on h.aid shi lo st.ain boilers, smoke tacks mid water tanks to iron, tin. and other ronfiing, iron kliutUcr d ,-r.siiii'l railimtF. wile f.-nepF, brills., Ac. For Iron S.irl'ai-es linn Paint is espeeially valuiil.ls as it forms a gnlvouic c nuivetii.ii, uud t-utirely lilvvenls rint. T'ln-se 7,iuc Paints tiavinu n pure Metnlie n.-iFe, nre war ranted tint t i turn yellow, uud will reluin tlieir nriixinal hrilliaiu-y luiieh tontir than White Lead, or nny of the earlhy pigments now in use. The certificates from tlmie wh'i have UF...I llu-ee Paints, arc Filch 08 toKitl.ty the imli- he that they nre liivi.luahle. T'lie iihtest elieini.ts of Fmnee und 1 1. if- e Hlulry have, lentilied to llie sujipriority ol 'mi- ovi-r Lend Puinls, lis t . dnnitnlitv, lietdlht.ilnpss unit ti-aiuty. T'lipy liave heen iid'uHtil liy llie Freiieli (iovein iueui,hy the eoiporal ion of New York, und are now ex tensively tne-il hv Iht piiiled Slates (ovprtiiueiil ut many ol the lul'i-Ft Military mid Marine Depots. PlIll.Anlll.PlllA liAS WoKKS, MllV 15, lol- MeFsrs. F. C. Junk A Co. lientleman I luviiiaf liui.le s.-er;.l tnalF l your Itrowil y.ine Paint in various lili-tli-nds Pileulaleil to l.irt ill oroteplivn niinhliea iiimiii wood and mi'titl. hupp flip FiitlKliietion to Ftalo Unit lb resnlls have he. -n highly filvolttl-le. Thp pulul fsivcllin: well. niviiiir i.ueKI , imil sfpfiiiik iiiter teuuelty, enpiM-islly ll"HI II.. a, limn ,.iiy ntlirr pi.mt with which 1 am In- o.,r In,),. r. r-..,..n,. n.e iin..-rFin, ,. h:,i , iiw.l llic y.iuo Paints rclerreil U' ',' mill.- l'..i.-..,.i,tf ..pmini,. AlorriF. I'ukk.r A l..iri ly-iniet. :,lvk c ,.,. w k alerriek A S ,n.. Jiiiii... ; T. n,,,,',.,, f, r,, ,.-rllUl , Winks. ("f? lie l'"' S !"" ""'I'- ( the c,,,'l?W "" r''""i'l''" tem by Hie ARe,.ls P.O. JOXKS .V Co , No. 17S,.uth Whiirvi-F, phdii. July 17, lv,i.B,n i Mor-..r,',r','ii i'1""' wk Ar..f!;;r, ,lu,"u- TTr; Simbury April 2fi,18.M.M: B" M 'K- le bv ' U''l'ly j"r;"-i-'. or '"s, umury.Jau.lO., " B" ARNOLD'S WKITIM1 FI.l.ll) nnddiie A- sivc und legal envelopes, for mil,, ,y H. U. MASSEU. Suubury, nja 10, 18.12 IXTKACT OF COFFEE. An excellent M- article more wholesotno and nuich cheaper than Collje ilsi lf. For sale at this ofb.ee. April 17 1S.V " AZORS, store of A superior nrlicle for snip HENRY M ASSE P.. ltburv. Feb. Ifi. 1K.1I) J'-J'IS'sTE PAPER. Yellow Tissue oaner for i covering glasses, &c, for sale at the oilieci-f 'n t nicrican. Tni;Mi:Nnoti3 Ext'iTr.stiNT ! ! ' Casli, Steam, Kleclric ity ! ! The Acriul nml all other lines out tlonc by the Mliniiiir f ine or IRA T. CLE3li:NT. 1VHO, having great fnilh in rapid sales nnd v small profits, has just received anil opened a large assortment of SPRING AND SFMMER GOODS, At Ms Store in Mar,;et Street, Suubury, which he nfl'era to the public nt the lowest prices. His slock consists of a general assortment ol Dry (loods, viz : Cloths, Cassimrrs, Cnssiuets, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Linens. Caliroes, Muslin tic Lnins, Lawns, (Unphams. lleragrs. Sit.K & Pat-m Lkaf Hats. A Inrge assortment of Boots nnd Shoes, for Men, Women and Children, t.rocei Ion, Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Clterso, Spi ces, Fisli Salt, Plasler. HARDWARE, Viz : Iron nnd Slrel, Nails, Files, Saws, clc. QUEENS W A RE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, !fc LIQUORS, Wine. Brnmly, Cjn, Rum, W'litskry, fa- tcf Cnunlrv liroduco of all kinds taken in cx change at the highest market prices. May 8, 1S.12 ly. soFbook agotswanted. ANY fiooil, nclivo und intelligent matt, wilh a small capital of liuiu S30 to n S100, can make Iniye profits by enotioin jn lite salt; of tlio followiti't roi'FLAU AND rSF.FL'L ROOKS, cu winr.nrc iNrou.MATiriN i-'im tiii: it.oi'i.i'.: or I'ojmlar I'.iieyelope.hii of t'Fct'ul Kuo!r.liie. Thm :il 'J.- iaipelial oelnv.l Vollltlli'F. POHtiliillllg I 71 HI p:l'JeF. PKTKIiSON S I1ISTOHV OV 'J'lIK AMIillll'AN II i :Vl)l,r'rt().N. aitl Inrgo octavo puges, Willi -JMU lino I .nra itirs. ri;'n.i!S(i.Nr tiiproitv of tiik r. 8. navv. am Inure octavo pns.-F. nn.l Mt fine Kiiniviii(rs. Fitnsr s nrAtAiiKAin.1-: i:vi;n ts in thkiiisto. it V I IK A M i'Ai III A. Two lurpp iH-lnvo vohimcF, .oi laiiiiutr l.illti paues nud ?IH) I'.iijrii'iui;s. 'J'liu liest Hi lorv of Ani.-riea piil.ltslieit. I'IKIST'S I'lCT'OKIAI, 1,1 t't-: Or WASIIINT.TOX. A Splendid Hook. coiilaiaiii lino octavo patreF nnd loft rli piml la.cravmiis. The elieupest I.ll'u of Washington ever pnlilihpd. .MOOIII'. S HISTORY OF TIIK INDIAN WAtiS. Fino p.. lore.! nnd Plain IMates. Till'. TH.rH ItKPllll.lCAN. rontaininir Hip Innntmml A'l'IreFses nml the l-'in-t AlliiilTit AddrcFFrt and .MPFFatr.-B of nil Hip Pn-Fideiits of thu l.'uited States, tlie CouKtllu lioliF of the imporluiil Stales in llic I'liion. A:e., Ac. I'.inlielliFhed with Portniilsof nil the PrcFi.lcnlF, enirru ved on steel, nnd a view of the Cupiud of Iho I' lilted Statin. fltHI pnpes, V2 lao. I FOX'S HOOK OF MAltTYR'S. A Splemlid Fiiinily Kdition, larire quarto, wild o-" F.ugnivings, iHititilully 1 aind in niorMppo. pilt. DP. roll M KMX'S HISTOnY OF TUP. I'Ol'KS. wit) Iriiue oetavo patrPF, wilh illustrations. .H iwi'.Plll'S' WOUKS. Fine Kdition. one brip voluti.p. STPIIM'S IIKFI.KUTIONS ON TIIK WOUKS OF liOl). st. pti:nr!F.s PTrnii'.s of NATtitr.. WIHTK S HISTOHY OF TIIF. WOlil.P. A Vnln-:' I l.pueial IliFtory. Due large m-tavo volume, v ith -cin.' some i;i"'Kivi.i.F. MVKS OF ultKAT AND ri'I.Kni" ATI'D I'll it Ar. Tl;ltS : ofnt Aires nnd CouatrieR (),ic larje vol.iui1' of stH) Jva.-F, with nataeroas -aij;raviiis. Together wilh a nutriher of oilier Works paiiiculiirly adapted for Popular Rending. iTy" The most liberal discounts mil be pirfii (o Agents i-o miy engage trt the sule vf the above Xaluahlc Hooks. For further parlienlars. nddress (postage rai.M " ' ' J. ii J. 1,. (ill ION, Publishers, .Yd. !IS Chestnut Street, Philadtlphia. tine L'o, ISj'J. VASIM(i'J)X iiolsi:, SUNBURY, PA. JAMES COVERT, Proprietor, "1 ITOL'I.D respectfully announce thai be has " ' taken this well known Rtntid, wlicrc he will be gratified to see and entertain his lricnds nnd Ihc travelling public generally. This house is now replete with every convenience, comforta ble, pleasantly located, handsomely furnished, well ventilated, rendering il in every respect a Icstraldc stopping place. No expense has been spnred in fitting up this house. The eliamliers nre well furnished and the table and bar provided with the best the market can allord. The stable ifccnmmodations arc extensive und well calculated for travelers. STAGE OFFICE. The stages running from Northumberland to Poltsville, slop at this house, where through and way li. kcts.lo Philadelphia call ho obtained. Simliitry, Marcli SO, I8.1i.-tt. Van Loan J)a;'iu'preun (JulleiT, 159 Chestnut Street. 4 T this celebrated eFtnl.liFlinieilt von pun always pro- J e are the newest uud uiost improved styles D.Mil i:i!Iii:oTYPK .V TAl.HOTVPK PoitTr AITS nt Ii 'in .'Hi to Kffl per el. I.tui cost than such pictures cun lie nan lor eisewuere. Now that you can spciiip sueli perf.s-t portraits of your l ived ones nt u mere r.oniiuul eosl. don't delav lest ou lose theni. I'.v.-i v varietv of fiuiev caKcs. frames. .Ye . on hand or furnished to order, and pvpry picture made satiFtorv nnd wai runted to lie in the Item style of the ait or NO CHAtlGK Cull uud Bee uti at lull Cliesluut si. L. II. Pl'ltNF.LL. Philiuldlpliiu July 17, P-.VJ.ly. JOHN A. TAYLOR, Manufacturer of Monuments, Tunilis, AND GRAYE STONES OF THE FINEST Italian and Amkiucan Mahiu.k. At his Old Stan-' ia Northumberland, Pa. UEsPECTFI LLY inform the public that ull work in his line will he made up of the very best material and finished in llie latest style of the Eastern cities. Those in want of such articles well made and executed in the best style nnd at the lowest rates, w ill do well to call nnd examine before ihey pur- ; chase elsewhere. j May 15, 1852. ly. I Wholesale ami Itetail Clock ESTABLISHMENT. S. K. Corner Stcoiid and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPHIA. W1 HERE may lie found, one of the largest and best assortments of Clocks and J line pieces in the l'niled States, in quantities to suit nurebasers. of from a sinale. Clock, to one thou sand Clocks; embracing every variety of slyle and manufacture, suitable Kir Chinches, Halls, Counting Houses, Parlois, Sleeping Apartments, and Kitchens, Sleam and Canal Boats, and Rail Road Cars. Also general sale Agenl, f.f Rnpp's lately pat ented Scientific, Niche. Gold Pen. Wholesale und Retail Gold nnd Silver Pell Holders, and Pencils, and a variety of Fancy Goods. Those wishing to purchnso will find il lo their interc' to cull bclure purchasing elsew here. JA.MI-.ei D.yuiu.it, 8. E. Cor. Chestnut & 2nd Sis., Plula. April 10, 1H.12 ly. The Johnston Ink MANUFACTORY REVIVED, loifc lc Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA. rlllE anbserilier bega leave resiieelfullr to in form Piusrr.r.s generally, that he has suc ceeded lo the Business of manufacturing J'riul iug Jul formerly curried on by-his grand Father, uiiu rutner, and oilers bis article to Iho trade, without any Pi rrs, but with the simple reliance upon llie long established diameter it has borne, Idling confident of its giving enliro satisfaction lo ull who niuv favor him with a call. Truss dsn. C1IAHLES EN EC JOHNSTON. April 10, lpi.l- ti. GLASS, DRUGS, PAINTS, tc, ! viioi,i:sm: AMI IlKTAII.. riIin rhiladelphia Window Glass H'are house, and Drug, Taiiil, Vai nisli, il and Color Stores, A os. .13 and 35 North Fourth Slrcrt. East side, has the largest assortment of Window, Picture, Conch, Case, Hot-House, and other CrLASS, in flic city; comprising upwards of 1,1,000 flif- lerenl sizes, langing from the smallest sire, up lo 38 by 00 inches of Sheet, nnd ns large lis .1 by 7 feel of Plate Glass, including English Crowii, rrencli, tiermnn and American, both Single and Double Thick. Also, a lartrc assortment of Verv Thick Class, for Sky-Lights, Bulk Windows, Ac. 1 ho nttlrscriltpr having a heaiy stock on hand is prepared to fill orders ul Ihc shortest notice, nnd on Ihc most reasonable terms. Odd si.ea of nny pntlern cut to order. Ground White Load i Pninl, Vnmish, nf cv- cry description; Turpentine; Linseed Oil, boil ed" and rnw ; Paint Mills; Putty ; Brushes ; Dye Moods, eve., Ac, e. And also, a largo supply of fresh imported DRt.'GfJ AND MEDICIXP.S. .1. II. SPHAGf E. Nos. 33 & 35 Notth 4ih SI.,' E. Side. April 10, 1552. ly. "AID AND COMFORT," 1 o Your Own Itlcchanics. GEORGE RENN. MANlTACTrrtntl OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. rPHE subBcrilier respectfully calls the a of the public to his large nnd splendid attention urge nml s ndid ussort- incut of every quality nnd price of uAm.Vi-rr-wAK e:. which cannot fail to recommend itself tnevcry one who will examine, it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No ellbrt is spared in the manufacture of his wnre, nnd the suhseritier is determined to keep up Willi the many improvements which are constantly being made. Ilis slock consists of Mahogany Sofas, Divan nnd IoinisTCf), Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, S0F.4, BREAKFAST AXD DIXING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila- delphiii nmnufactitre. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPR0ARDS. WORK AND CANDLE STANDS. TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TAI'.LES, in short, every article in this line of his buine-.j. He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of CHAIRS, I including varieties never before to be had il "llllllliry, r.:-' US MlMOI.AM, Bi.ji k W'ai.m r I Wll Cl llt.1.1. 'Itei.l 'illki l ,; ami WlMisott ''HAIRS, a . n v. i Pi i m. Si,,i.s, which arc , of the latest Ic-. ami a . i.ite.l lo be eecllcd by none maiiui'.ict ire.; in ihc 'i!i..;or i!m-Ii. n-. The subscriber is del. -nine,! that there slia'l l enoexcuscforpers.il, i.i pur. ha-c futt iture in the cities, ns every Co- !. ! :ice ca-.i be coleitain.- I . about the quality ami ..uili of Ins w . c and j Chair. His articles will be disposed of on a-, r terms as Ihey can be pur. h js.-d c'l-.-wheie. Coun try Produce taken in pa incut f. r wo 1.. iv i ndeutakim;. ii. ,ug prid. .1 I himself with n IiiiUiIsoium Iii.iiy-'. he is now J prepared for I 'iidertaking, and a'.N a!!u.r f icr I als, in this icinilv, or nl any concnici.l d.s I lance from this place. j I if' Tlio Ware Room is in "ilaikel Street. la-low Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tiiver:. ! GEORGE i.!.:.... ' ': . bun . Jan. 10, 18.12 if. HARRISBURG BOOK BINDERY. V. 1.. IIU lTi:i! & CO., Sneees.,r to W. O. lliekok, : a! "a ,..-k A Cauline. JOOK BINDERS, SI'ATIONEUs AND i BLANK BOOK MA.M'l'ACri.'RERs. ! The subscribers resiwelfully inform Iheir friends and llie public, that they nre now carrying on the above business at the OLD STAND occupied by lliekok it Co. They Halter themselves that by j careful attention lo business, ihey will merit and ' receive a continuance of tlie patronage so libcr j ally enjoyed by the old firms, j Particular attention will be paid lo the ruling and binding of every deseiiptioii of blank books for hanks, county otliees, merchants and private individuals, and every variety of full and half ' bound blank books. Old books, periodicals, law books, music, newspapers, itc, bound in iiuy : pattern and in any style required. - In addition to the above, lliey have, and will al nil limes keep, a general assortment of STA- j 'I'll ). K I! V, consisting of I Letter Paper, Knives, I Cup (plillF. I Driiwin? o Inkstands, I Tniiurt'cr ' Motto Wider, ; Cnpvmj; " llliiek ink, I Itloltiiiir Siiihu Wax, Steel Pens, lilue Ink. SI itcF nml rciicii 1,r;i,l I'.-tlCllrt. I.citrr Stninpf, Inilui ItuliUcr, WuftTSi, Itltf.tk ( ';.r.!s, Curnitiie Ink, "nyiiitr IrA. ri'M-r. Am .Id's Wiilini i-'luid, Kiiisurcs. Ait t 't Paper ruled lo pattern, and ull work war ranted und done verv cheaply. F. L. HITTER A CO. March 13, lS.12.-tf. J. I. DITTRICH, Vo 78 SVoitt iil Ft., iflfreu Arrli nml Jitter Ft., P HII, A E E Lr IIIA. I I EREBY informs the public lliat he imports and constantly keeps on band nl his new store. No. ,8 North 2d St., a large assoiluicul of Foreign Fiihcy (loods, Musical Iimlmmctils, Piclitrcs iv Paints, which lie will sell al the lowest prices. His stock, in part, consists of, Acrordeons, Violins, Music Boxes, Parlor and liar Room Or gans, Melodcons, Seraphines, M athcmalical In struments, Magnets, Spy and Opera Classes, Stationery of all kinds, Pocket Books, Bronze i Powder, Dutch Metal, Gold and Silver Leaf, Scales of ull kinds, Snuff uud Tobacco Roxcs, Lithographic Puinls, Copper Plate and Steel En gravings, nud pictures of eerv variety. Also Gilt Frame Mouldings of various sizes. Dealers, Country Merchants, and Pedlars, sup plied at reasonable prices. December 20, ls.11. tf. tug (.itr.iT EMiizc .m:i il in. nnii) t HICKEY & TULL, No. 1 IS Chestnul St., above Si.tthj Front oj JONES' HOTEL. 1 I AVE just received Iheir Prire Medal, awarded Ki them fur 1 ITU Iheir best Travelling Trunks ex hibiled ut the World's pair in London, 1N51 being llie only exhibitors lo whom any award was made. Their coiiiK-tilion was w ith nil the world, and Ihey hae taken THE PR1.E! TUFNI-'N VALISE?, BAGS, &c. Pl- A - 1 1 I'o be found in os Ci .. an" ' very low prices. I'..!' and see. II Mb KV TI LL, Trunk .M inufo'iinci , I Is Chestnut SI. Anril 10. 1Hj-,V- if. JOHN A. II Alt li IS, Manufacturer, it Dealer in Imported and Domestic Seijoi, Al-o, a general assortmci,'. of lcafo. niaiiurailnri'tl Toi.arro, ClONsTANTLY ou hand, ul lb.' 1 '"ct r : ,r f ket prices. Comer of ChcaL.ul SI., -nd Wharves, i'hiladclphia. DeccmlK-r 27, 1851. ly. Jl 'l ICES' FEE BILLS For.sab 11. U MAS s.iibury, 1S.11. 'Si ! F CHERRY PECTORAL: For llie ("nre of couens, OOZ.DS, HOARSENESS, BROW OHITIS, CROUP, ASTH. MA, VHOOPIWO-COUOII AND COIJSUrviPTIOII. This invaluable remedv for nil diseases f.f Ihc TiiniiAT and Luxna, has iilluiiied a relebrity from its lemiirkiiblc cures, never eiiial!ed by nny other medicine, before. Other preparations have shown themselves ;ini'i e., and sometimes if fecled notable cures, but none has ever so fully won the confidence of every community wlicrc it is known. After years of trial in every climate, the results have indisputably shown it to possess n mastery over this dangerous class of diseases, which could not fail to nUracl tlie attention of Physicians, Patient, and the public at large. See the slasemcnls, lint of obscure individuals nnd from far distant places, but of men who arc known nnd respected throughout the country. The. within celebrated Surgeon. Dr. VAIi F.STISF MO'J'T, ojV. V. Cit'u, sail: oil yivF mo picas-lire r, eeitav tin- v.l n l ell. -acy o! "Alrrs t'lii-rry Peclnr:.!.'' wliir li I p !! .!.! I p.etii.iu!--jdaj ted lo pure docajt s of the thr. :.t ;tirl itai-s '' Mt. I'KIIKINS. the veiar:.!.!.. Priii.!.-.' ( Pip Vi-r- lie ait Mrdir il C..l..je. one of II . am i-ianF nf tl.iK eountry. 'liF. tic- 4 ' ! tenFi-..I iiFe,l in thiF Ff'-li'in, wle rt laValile eviilvlne ol its liapp eil.-.-ls iv I' :-l -e .1 1. s. IVtoral 's pi is ih'-wn in i m: l '..!ji!';.:ilY i!i-- Ihc tier. .1. I). ( (tilt; I A ., n ttis.i. '. i' (;. I Clrrgip.iar, uf the English Churth, wril.v to the I'nyl.. t ' :r fr in M. nil. .1. "in! .-la- I n : i la i re. I nt' : s. ere us! laaal ie -.: : i - li. ' I '! - r: y i' i " . ;." Hi.. I. -Her at tall 1- nu-'l'. ni'ie ! I aa.1 i a ar I',..-t . he hud nf tile A at, Had il w-'llli 1'e' i; ! , : u ,,i nl' aslli lllatie p.ulieiil:.. This letter i" j'r nn the vill Iwii-n Dtn':st nl thllsd.ile. .;'... i m-i '..'..' i'.ii' .. ' hi'.:. pc.v ii (.' Slate : ti. ul .'' nl. "rr ci'io::. lil-.r-i 1 inn iiis ijii'u . 1 ee. 1,.. ! 'l. Pa-ar Hi- liai I. I 'vv , n ! i t .;.t n I in '' ' I lot III. I earned a I..II:.- lo'nil ie tM..ietim-e of la: I" as I l.i 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 11' II'":. r l.i en. I villi i;aie', eil.s ;l lie was tliea nn..:.:.- I i ii.- it en i .- la il.and u:.s, .;ie l fee'.le. His .ei. l.le.-.l ! I: rein I e ai!.l he n'! lined fa laia. :e Cll'e nir i iccell.. lit lu..d.ett:e a l.l .l it I P.ilniTil l'i'-n. T . I I iiiiut -dcfit'v I'l't Wll I 't three Wi-cUs, iiint .m iv j 1 1 1 1 l el m K;ii'(.riM i re l 'ii imv wny ic me in ly n ("ivi'idl. l-"- nr I liikni-f your incilicm'', i- i' ti I !'i" Lsll.ll II. nil t;i ri-tiiiii, I 1 1 1 1 - - - ? liim i:i ti frnin li t-r;n. :uiH Un l.c l;-ni W-cki" Until 111" (iilV lie C 'IIHIK" lie v;i ;il Wilk :il hiA nr.ln -ns ti; I'ili l i T e;:si s WIUilll lll 1,11 .'lt'i IK i'. Wliere 1,1..- i. is I n s";-.' ilariy sia essl.ll. I lit ll'aie .j, ei V 1 1 1 1 1 v - "i". i,. '. . i"Nii:;!Wi;oi). I'hen v I'. . I aal Ii. rtl.e.1 as lies. II c.r I'll', lilt. . ai r-ir: Fe t(. M ( M II.-: l:n"ii l r.n, : Pr .1 C. A- er. 11.- 1-1 II I'm i.ll'T end.T nh- l;li. I s ad y- il .-1 - nMisl.'i'nr I .a. I e : ol in nv lia ,1- I'. ';'i I.. :ac';.'. Plan Ham- mi. n Pi ll -e h . ! a 11 il.. I ra :e n-i a, a .-1 s-ir - I wi I ll'-il sial'.r mill a 1 !i :s il '11.' I- r lie-. I I hy t'ie int.aui.ill. il. I l-.-S We ik ilii'l il.l! lllle I. lia s'.reiielh .at- ;''' lev a enas-illlj.li II. I leal I was last w-arinu- I'l'- wt- v.air I a. rrv I'.- l .1 -em il.ev m.i-l.l I..- I" in till, una t -,.-r v.aia-ii lell nr. I.1 v.-i f.-i.:- ..!.- III- n-.'lit 1 iritis! e inn fin!, ' le, am! i' Cleiiitlijl eiae , I-- our l..-i I.-I.I i -a-l -.:' I .Ill-ill.-. l. til..' . ...t. wl II In 1 1 ft tit Ultilil . my c -i-'i !n,l r. Miiin'iL :i.:ii n.v ; !.-. k ;t!i n i 'ii.- -e,-n ' y rcT'ii'- ttr'1 :1 rnniv wiili nn i t'l.cr.j i lit ill' - Ml' I i licv v.i ;nid her ,!i i:ni it: w. '. .1 ,'s:i. In wit"', r-rf it v -niiiS ii -' 1 1 ;i v In A II I' tt .f :.. v irirn"l .1 w M:tll' k -I- Wll t' MM'. I 111 tillif Hiili'UK'MI SA.M1 .Ii D.-ti : j.u.t l i. (iKIC C VAN Dr.liWKNT, I'lelnr t the l.ilptlSt I .illiell. Prrpttrrd n,.d sold h,, JAMES C. AY EH, V nut tad Chemist. Lowell. Moss. Sol.l in Suubury by H MASsI'.R, and by Druggists generally throng.! i : llhc State. Novcinbcr 1, ts.1l. lycCnino Bonnets, Kat3 anil y i I l i ii r v (i o o (1 s ERCH ANTS and Millincis wben in Phil adch.hia lo purchase their L'.iods, will liud il to their interest to examine our huge and fash ionable slock of s i r Wi' .:rs. We manufacture I. lively and i-ti-otir the N r.wi.sr Srn.i s or I'ot-t-iii E'aSu'icst in our line ; which tn.!i ihcr willi ot!n r a.'i itd i-y.-s enable i.s In oil r liberal in. lit, a nn i,;s to Hi rr its. R. A. CROOK ER. Ac CO., Nos. 47 and I'l CIu-.-e.nut Sir.i t, and No. .13 South Second Street, west side, near Che-.tnut, Philadelphia. December 27. ls.1L ly. cf. WB3. G-. MASON, Imiimvcp and I'linU-p. An. Ill C't-slniit Street, a'mre Sicvud. riIH.AOIit.PHIA. as prepared to do E.NGK.U I NO and PRINT ING, in all their Inauclies, Wedding. Visaing uud Business Cauls, Bail Tickets, Wat.-h i'apeis. LaU ls, (Sill Heads, Notes. Clicks liioii;as. S:-.i! ;iiit ?s;iin;.s f.r I Drafts am! cporalious. Odd Fellows, Masons, S l'T, All ihr above ciurravcd in Pa Orders by Post promptly atlend bi-t loanijcr. 'I to. Dc.-eniher 27, ls.11 ly. TH0T.IAS PALMER, C O M M 1 S S 1 ( ) X M I I J 1 1 1 A M ', No. (i, North Wharves, Where Iho following goods are received and sold ou commission, Dried Apples, Peaches, Plums, Pears, Cherries. o.e., Green Apples in Barrels or by the Bushel, Beans, Peas, Cranberries, Onions, Mercer Po tatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Shcliiaiks, Chistuuls, Ground Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Pigs. Prunes, Grapes, Poultry, Egas, Butter, Cheese. And ull kinds of Foreign und Domes lie Pro duce. Philadelphia, Dec, 13, lrl.11 ly. SOAP AND CANDLES. T HIE subscriber takes this method of inform- inn the citizens of Suubury und xicinilv. that the) arc engaged in the manufacture of Soap and Caudles, of lite best quality, nt No. 44 Fills-rl street, Philadelphia. They respectfully invite all who buy for cash, lo give him u call as Ihey will find it to lo Iheir advantage in dealing wilh him for ui'lh les in their line. E. DI FFV cV SON, 41 Filbert above 'Jill. December 20, 1851. If. 1 EXTRACT CF GINGER. A fresh supply just nveixed and for sale at this ollice. Pi ice 25 cents. Suubury, Ju'y 12,18,11. 7-NOH AND .''PRINT. MORTISE LAT CHES. An excellent article, for sale at half the usual price by J- W . AILING, Suni'ury, July 7. 149- SILM'R WATCHES. A few double case E-vli-h Silxer Watches, for sale at very low ,,ri,, . - H. B. MASSER. Sn l "'V, Ai nl 13. H51. liLANKS. H $ I.AXKS of eveiv description can be had by & ft !iV"g ttt '" ''" ,"','"l'i'. RANK NOTE TARLE COllRKCTED UF.KKIA PF.NNSYl.VAM A. CITY OP I'llll I'M.I III. MASSACAt st'TN All Solvp.it I,,,,.!,- 3 ,1,. I . S. Ilauk llotra l id). Hlllim- ISLAND. Ml .hv.,1 l. ,nk, J , l o.NM'.t ti.;i:t. All lolvPlit !,.!, 1 ,, MAV ()t(K. ' city. Ml Folveal tn.i.LF ill. All s uvcii! hanks p:i f iirsr.iv. Hank of rhainlHTFli'tr 1 d Itank ol i:hesler I'o. par Ifink ot tlel.l o. I'hrFier pnr II. ink oflji-rinniilowii par P ink of (iettFl.nrtr 1 iIif 17 Ilk iMi f un.i. r .-, i ,l Hank of KewiFtown Hank ol All.ldl.-loM il I di Moiitiroinerv f'o Ilauk pa cnpTHY. All SoM-pnlf I.ii!,f 1 dis NKW JI'.IISI'.Y. li-iuk of orllitiinl.errud. io Helvidpre Itimk 5 ilis llimkot riltFtmrff I ill P ink of Danvillti pa rotiiiieTeial Hank iIif Far. Hank ,M -i.t ltol!- pnr F A AI..Mi ldlel.wu I'l l.-ir CarliFlp Ilauk 1 il rol.iuil'ia ll'k.V H'ce Co p:ir M'-l.ai.ie' Ilk. Newark ( :ir lloyplFt'ovn Itimk pnrMe.-h. Fk of llnrliuti.ii par F.nitoii Rink par M''.-h. A .Man. I!k I leal par I'.rie liauk 9 ilis'-Moiris Co Hank di Kr. h aiee irk PitlslMira I disl Newark llk'ir ,V las. Co I rlis Kxelmnse H'k. Ilnia.-h t di.o'l IraiL-e Il-nik 1 Ml lll.l Itk. Illiel.sCl pMl'Te .ple 111. I' ':. I'Fr.H J ,lin di i,r par j diF par ' diF 3 di ' I'-jr J iU par .lis l.'idis ; i!if par I artueii. I.k, I ineaFtiT parjl iniei'lnii I. no, I anniTF Ilk. tir.-t.hiii-Farm. Ilk Selmvlklll F A P. Ilk i.vn. sl.'s Franklin Ilk. WiipIi'ii llarrishiirn t.ank llinn s.lril.' Hank LaeeiiFtir Hnnk l..'1'MMOll It'lllk Teh. ,V Man. Ilanl; par .a-in iiioimii'.. , y p-irlS.-iui rr.-t I" i ll.-nk I'.li.'Slr.te Hunk -it I '.ilndea IJiIm Stale Ilk i:iiz:.!..-l!iloii I'.liF Siile Hank Newark j iir Stale Ilk. V 11 swii I'nr.SnrF'-X I.eliK. 'ton par I'renl.'ti H-inkit' : I'o i-.-r I DrC, 1 iIIf l', lion liaek. I Miii'Tf' li'k. l'..l!Fil!e M iC'lie' l Hank I ill. ISf ilk ll 't.F nil . i": Ynr.ll-yv'leA P Tavl.rsv'p ll.-l lit Ci lo iIif 1 IKI . A W A It I : Y.-Ft II. .ii. Ii llit.k ,,,,r Hoik ,,f llefcm-ern Wyomtin; Ilk, WilkesliV par Hank el Smyrna p:1 1 "fk Hank. iIif tl? II. ii.'f notes 1 ills MA INK. Hank nf Wl.etloele ,1 .lis M. r.-an'i:. HI.'. Haiaror in a s Delaware f it v Hank par l!k Wihnu''n Mnnidyw. pal t'arni'Tv' Hk SI llelawaie p-ir I'ninll H-ink. .Yiliuinjjlnti jvir C' Pnd.T .i's d'S nl hanks ! .lis iiii;k. (mm. NKW 1 1 A. Ml All F ''coal U.h'cf ? ,!!f ;V l!k iv i.t: nil '.-r .'.'f 1 iIif NOISTH I'AltOI.INA. All s Oe. nl l.aaks dis t v7 I'a.ler .,', 'J' .lis Alis.ilv.1ll hanks YI'.IIMHNT I- .el; "f Sl Allmna All .Iveiit hanks J .lis 2 di,' J dm rhcci;ix Tire & Thief Proof Iron Chests. wvK'i.'wa ; a.Q PV. - H ARRANTED lo fland equal beat wilh ' any other Chests in tin- country, nud lo defy llic l!nr:;l:in' ingenuity. Manufactory, No. 10 llinlson's Alley, running between Third and Fourth streets, smith of Cuc-nul, and in the real- cf the (iirar.l Dank. Yl. . S.. ihc proprietor, arc Practical Me chanics, anil feel cotili.Iei.t. lV nn oii-r c.cricn.'C in the inanufaelure of Iron ( 'It. .-'a and Safes, ami a npcci.il altciili.ni :n:r sal's;, rtinn tilts p: ail wii i :,-!..! .- lieul ar branch, of iiav gie them a i;. w, nf thi -t uilc.- li- I :i s n in.'', .r -f beat in irraiit our ( hesu and l-e-t n-a. ial and in the and t-.i sl.iinl any heal .lis 1,. j:.---, a;-., I w.- -' he tn n!c .-!' ihr iilablo liia'li.ci-. lout can In- i-pil 0 tllCMI. : It' S!I A AV. ..ns t -, S vl ('" 1 1 nmiii'; l.ctwci'ii llnl -Il'i flin nut. in tin n-iir ut' Gir . r. I ll iiik. i'iiii.ulc!i hi:i, Oct. 2", IS.'jI.-- ex;:: -z: v .vi:.','-,s or ," I'lK'KlVJ'.;:::!'!' .A- l.ii IV- ir ' ECIV n:iC -S.-...U !' Til! ;i ou 11 y .,t vnt W.tll up ' I is '-' ' 1-- '- Vln 's. rh.miii ni-i,:iti' ilis- t ' - f c til i -. er slcit.e and 01 i'lroi. and iii.t!i'-!'r:i:.:i-ins of thc -.-('ill rat i e s-', : trm, tV hi' VlS, Voiil-.'JT. 'J'!.e lime has imtc arii- ved. that persons sule-rioir froui si crt-t diseases, need no more become the i i : ti m or nr c i; fur. as by the prcsi ripliotis contained in this ban!;, any one may cure himself without hindrance to business, or the kinnvledue of the must intimate j friend, and with onc-tonlh Ihc usual expense. In ! ad.liliou t ) the general routine of private disease, ii fnllv ..iil ii,i il.e e .use of liiiiiih'.o.l'N earlv de- i inn , ,ino niiMn.iiii'ii-, ii'iixi",' .- many oilier deramicnicnts which il would not be proper lo enumerate in the public prints. t i" Any person sen, ling TWENTY-F1VF. CENTS, enclnsi'd ill a letter will receive one copy of this book, bv mail, or live copies will be s -i.i for one dollar. ' Address. Ha. W. YOl'NG. .No. 1.12 rsPK! ( P. .-street, PHILADELPHIA." pa .1. Dr. VOI'NG can be r-crt-irTli-.l on nnv of the l.veatcs la-seiiiu'd in his dilVi n nt publica li.o.s. :.t i.i-i (idu-e, 112 Spriioe .-street, every day lu t-.icn 0 and o o'clock, (Siiinhi'. s cvieplcd.) Philadelphia, June ... Is.12 iy. I'MOX IIOTKL, GUN BURY, PA. rpilE MISS T.IT.EL'S respeelfullv inform 3. the Public that they slill continue lo enter tain traxellcrs and others at their old established stand in Market stree!, weal nf llic Court House. Their long cxpi lience in the bc.siiu s.;. nn.l the well eslablish.-il ropuiaiioii of their House, will . ihey (rust, he a sitliicicnt L'u.ir.iiilee, that their eu-to'iiers will be xvell accoiiiuo,i,iled. March S, 1S.11. tf. -j'.i. i.,lTr x -is'O. Cri-'-ii's llw.i na'c.l Killer, pri, c i.-i'uecd. tbl .lili-ob Towns;-!!,!' Sars.Ip l! illil. I:::!v, 1''- S.''.'.-a:i:.lii!a. I Sw.iv ne'.i S riii of Wild Cheriy. i Suavm-'s cr;iii''u-.-i-. e's Ch-iiy Pi-lmal i i:'. Ili'ake s 1 a li'ii'i .1. Dr. CiiPe.t's do Tibbil's Pain Killer. Dr. Hootland's I iermaii Hitlers- Indian Vczct.iblc Pills Horse nnd Cattle Medicines For sale bv HENRV M A SSI 15. Suubury, July 1 1, 1 1 II. IStlUatjlO. liUOliN. I1FE or CnitisT. lii.ud.somely bound, Ii'Ar J UliNK's lllSTOIIV OF TIIK R lll'll It M ATI ON , III. ask Dir-iiiniKS ami I, h no Kits, full bounded. For sale ut the publishers prices by 11. B. MASS F.R Sim'ittry, July 11, 1S-I VTRSING BOTTLES Breast pumps, and ' nipple tubes- .1 supply of these useliil arti cles just received and for sale bv JOHN W l'RIl.IXG Suubury, Jan. IS, ls.1l tf STONE WARE. TONE milk Pans, stone Jugs nud Pitchers, nud oilier articles of stone ware just received s and for sale by 'un'ourv, June 23, JOHN W 1'Ril.lNG. IS 10 OSE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this , excellent ailicle for '1'etler. A e., just rccoixed and lor sale ov HI..MU MA.-v.LK. Suubury, July 2S. 18411. ri'lV.AS, from the New Voik Canton and Pekin L Tea Company. For sale by ' J. W. FRILING. Suubury, Dec. 5. 1848 OLD PENS wilh and without cases, of u '"ry superior quality, just received. Also a "fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for salo bv 11. B. MASSEK. ' Suubury, Dec. 27, 1851. irr F. N N E D Y '. PATENT ."AMI FA. H F.N INGS. A cheap und excellent arti cle lor fastening sash for salo bv J. W. FRILING Suubury, July 7, IS 19 g ' "I :jLr..:-, ..V ' -,'.''. -fl. , PHILA. AND READING RAILROAD. SI M MKIl AltRANUEMEMT FROM rillLADKLPHI A AND roTTSVILIJ:. -o s..""fT' If 1 1 Fares Reduced. Office cf the l'hila. If Heading Railroad Co. Philadelphia, March 26, 1851. Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Punday. ON'and after April 1st, lfl.11 two Irntns will he run each way, daily, between Philadel phia and Poltsville. MotiNiya Liyn. Leaves rhiladelphia at 1 A.M., daily except Sunday. Leaves rottsville at 7J A. M. daily except Sun days. AVTF.neXOnX I.TXIi. Leaves Philadelphia at 3J o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Leaves Potlsvillc at 3J o'clock, daily, except Sundays. FA Ii US, Between Philadelphia and Poltsville, $2.75 1st class cars and $2.25 2d class cars. Between Philadelphia and Reading, $1.75 1st class cars nud $1.45 2d class cars. Depot in Philadelphia, corner of Broad and Vine Streets. Passengers ennnot enter the cars unless provi ded with 'Pickets. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baggage will lsjal lowed lo each passenger in these lines; and pas sengers are expressly prohibited from taking any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel, which will beat the risk ofitsowner. By order of the Board of Mannrrers. S. BRADFORD. April 19, 1S.11. Secretary. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At llic Cabinet Ware Itoom of SERX IIOUPT & CO. Market Square, Also al the corner of Ftttni street ft the Railroad srNni'RY, pa. ! i Thankful for the pnlronngc of his friends and customer:- during the 17 years he has been in liusi- tiess in this place, he solicits from the public aeon 1 tini.aucc of their favors. During this period he 1 has endeavored to keep up with the improvements of the day, nml has accordingly extended his busi ness in every branch and variety. The public arc i therefore invited to the attention of the present ' stock of (.UUXr. T YVARK AM) CIIAI'tS, M.wiTACTrnrn nv SEEASTIAN HOUPT & CO. At the Old Fland, Where in ad.liliou to their former slock of lh establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. L"i'gc. Sprint; Seal Ilockim; Chairs, Dreading Jhimius, Centre Tulles, .Marble Tup Wash Stands, and ti varirli o f oilier new iyc and E'r!i.n:i:t Mc in rnil nro. !ainfr secured n Hearse nnd made the neces sary aniineremeiits for the purpose, they nro noiV prepared for I 'mlertaking in all its branches, iti ll-.is xi.-iuity or at any convenient distance. Yc tna.dF and iniFtrcsscs. nud tlitFliniidR too, i I. le'i. liiruitnre of every Ft vie mill hue, Prmii side tiot-.rili. down lo kitchen tntHes, l-'l-'la r-iekin". ehairt to locking pmdles Siii'tiM you tint huvp IIip rendy .Ions lo pay, We'll wait inviule fr n briiihlpr Ip-tlrr rViy, Ol take p-.tatn.-F. o;itF. porn. XA'lipnt niirt rye ; 1! 'i!;. 1. " p p FtavPF, or lumher wpI and dry, Or any thin:; but yokes and threFhiiip flails, Fi-'in pius tia.l turkies down to little quails, Cniiie nn then friends, poinft one and all, K.-i",, (tint,- inovius. so t:p"e on the NiU." L"i Orders from n distance jiromplly alleudeil an. I work of nil kinds delivered wilh dispatch. Suubury, March 9, 18.11). tf j Esor.vi'V a I AND PKNSIOX A(i KXCY. The attention of the public is called to the ad ; vri tiscmciit of Mr- Charles C Tucker, Attorney . and Audit al Washiglon City- Persons ha. i ing claims for bounty Lands or Pensions are in I fonned tluil the subscriber has made arrangements I lor the requisite forms, nud claimants calling at ! his ol'iiee, can have their papers prepared am) j forwarded to Mr- Tucker nt Washington, and by him be properly attended to before Ihc De partment there. H. B. MASSER. Suubury, Jan. IS, 1851 Valuable PROPERTY FOR SALE. ; fBlIE Subscriber who resides in Philadelphia, j L niii rs for sale the following property in Mil ton, Northumberland county, viat: The larga ! At BRICK BUILDING i J -- in upper Milton, formerly occupied by Messrs Pattersons as a Carriage Makers Simp. , The building is (10 feet front ou upper Market i street, nud 40 feet on Front street, and is two j stories high. Also a two slory I BRICK BLACKSMITH SHOP, 10 by 2,1 feet, on the same premises. The lot is on the corner of upper Market uud Front streets, and is (it feet front, and 150 feet deep, j The premises would be valuable for a Foundry or oilier manufacturing purposes, und will bo sold on reasonable uud uccnmmojuting terms by ap plying cither to JACOU GAKRIGAN. I Philadelphia. ! .1. F. WOLFINGER, Esq.. Miliou or II. B. MASSEK, Esq.. Suubury. Philadelphia, Jan. 2.1, 1S.11 if. LAAVRENCK HOUSE. SUNBURY, PA. 'P HE sitbseiilver respectfully informs her friends 1 and the public generally, that she has taken the nboxe well known stand nearly opposite lli Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J. C. Per kins, she i rusts that her experience in business, and her etl'orts to make her guests comfortable, nill give entire satisfaction to those who muy fa vor her wilh their custom. ANN C. MORRIS March K, 1S51 tf. J. H. ZIMMERMAN, jrsnci: or the peace, Sunbury, Pa. Olliec ill Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House; py M' 'in.-F enlU'cU-d aisl all htitiiipss rsomptlj- and caia I'u.l) ntien.h-,1 lo. April 20, IS.10. OITO.XE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al- (, inoiiils, 1' lines und Cream Nuts. Italics of ull kind.-:. Mill and Plaster. Just received and for sale hy JOHN W, FRILING. Miubury, Dec. 90, 1H19. 5 A TENT BItlTTANIA STOPPERS for bur l olllea lor sale by II. B MASSER. Suubury, April, 12, 1851 1TKITING FLl.'ID an.lself VaTing" EiivT " loiies. IiimI receixpil nml for aaln l, April 19, 18.M 11. B. MAsftER. LANK NOTES, waiving the exemption law of $300, for sale by April SC., 18.11. IL D. MASER. ADD'S celebrated llnrae and Cattle. Medi cine for sale by HENRY MAK.SEB. Simbury. Jan. 37lh. 1849 7ILEY'SCOCG CNDY. excel- lent remedy for couchs. colds. For aal at this ollice lOH sale at thia ollice, Superior Black Ink, Cattle Mediciuo at 25 cts, Pure Esseuci ol Ginger.25 vents