Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 09, 1852, Image 3

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, - - . New Advertisements.
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphan' Court
of Northumberland county, will be exposed
to public tnlo on
WEDNESDAY, the 27. A dan of October,
next, on the premises, The following rrnl estate
to witt All tho Interest of the following named
hoir of Peter Brubnker, Inleof Lancaster county,
dcc'd., to will Henry Hrubnker'a interest 2-H
part Anna, Eater and Mary Hollinger, children
of Mary Hollinger ni d grand-children of Abra
ham Burbakcr, of Lancaster county, dee'd., their
intercut, the undivided ona fourteenth part ;
Andrew Urubakcr, minor child of Jacob Ilruha
ker, dre'd., and a grand-child of Abraham Mriihn
Iter, dee'd., tbo undivided one fourlecMh pnrt of
tho upier pari of the Island formerly known ns
''Whites Inland," situate in the iSusquelinnnn In
Jackson tovnlii, late Malionoy township. Nor-thumlK-rlnnd
county, about 13 miles below Sun
hury, containing
131 Acres.
71 perchea or thercaloiita, adjoining lands of
Hi'iijnniiii Slrickler, with the appurtenances.
l.a'r ll.c estate of Abraham Urnbnker, doe'd.
riulu to commence at 10 o'clock A. M., of said
div when the terms of ante will be made known
c;eo. krodv,
H nr-
IS. B. Tho intercut of all the othir heirs will
lie ofl'orrd for sale ut the same lime and place.
A Rent for other heir.
For further information inquire of
fkedukick i,azri;s, rq.
f'uiibury Pa.
l-y order ot the Court,
J. P. IMISSKL. ( Ik, . V
Oct. 2, lS5i-ts.
TV O'I'ICK is hereby given to all Legatees,
' Creditors nml other iersons interested in the
Estates of the following named KroiiH, that the
Exrclitois, Administrators, and tiuardiaus of aaid
I'statcs have tiled their accounts with the Register
l" Northumberland county, and ttiat the same
will 1C prrsemed to the Orphans' Court of said
(County, on Tuesday the ?J day of November ue.t
for confirmation and allowance.
If 53.
Jlenry Voxtheiniee, dee'd., settled by his
Adm'r. KtoiVrirk
Cleorge Eckert, dcc'd., settled by hi Adm'r
VVillian Nice.
John Iove, dee'd., settled by hia Adm'r J.
Woods Drown,
tw-orje (rant, dee'd., Rcttlcd by his Adm'r
Peter Hileman.
John L'iatcr, dee'd., settled by hia Kxc'r John
Elizabeth Wagner, dee'd., settled by her Adm'r
Peter Warner.
Joseph Hutchison, dee'd., settled by his Exc'r
Roliert ci Wilson Hutchison.
Leonard l'loutz, dee'd., settled by hia Adm'r
John Pfotitz.
Abraham Turner, dre'd., settled by liU Adm'r
Win. ft Abraham Tunic.
Jac b Snyder, dee'd., settled by his Adm'ra
Joseph & Henry rtuyder.
I.avina Hcaelicl, dee'd,, settled by her Adm'r
.""'aunicl Reitz.
Susanna dee'd., settled by her Adm'r
John U. Kctwr.
Andrew Fetzer, deed., settled by one jfhis
Ejc'rs Andrew J Ketzer.
Andrew Fetzcr, dee'd., settled by his Exc'ra
John II. ti Andrew J Fetzcr.
Peter Ya'idling, dre'd.. settled by his Adm'r
dc bonis non Wm. Reed.
Liberty Uowarl, dre'd., trilled by Win. )ew-
rrt, Esq., of Lewis Dcwert, dee'd., who was
Exc'r of Mrs. Liheity Dewert. dee'd.
Susanna Mettler, dee'd., settled by her liuar-
dian, Luther Itassetl.
Caroline PcilVer, settled by her Guardian, Elias
JOHN P. PEKSEL, Register.
Register's Otliec, )
Sunbury, Oct.. 2, 1852 5t. J
8 1 000 a yiMir.
WANTED in every County of the I'nitcd
St ilea, active and enterprising men to en
gage in the sale of some of the best Hooks pub
lished in the country. To men of good address,
posc.ssing a small capital of from S2.1) to 5100,
such inducements will be ollered as to enable
tbcin to make from S3 to $10 a day profit.
tr The Books published by us arc all useful
in their character, extremely popular and com
mand largo sales wherever they are nflerrd.
For further paiticulars, address, (posrage paid,)
Successors to W. A. Leary ct Co.;
No. 138 North Second Street, Philadelphia.
Sunbury Oct. 2, 1852 If.
Notice to Contractors.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at
the Engineers ollico in Sunbury until the
15th day of October next, fur the grading and
masonry of that part of the Susquehanna Kail
Koad between Bridgeport (opposite Harrisburg)
mid Sunbury, a distance of about fifty five miles.
Plans, profiles and specifications will be exhibited
ut the said oilier fur one week prior to that date.
The line will la1 divided into sections of iiImiiiI
n mile in length, ami tenders may be made for
i.ich mile aeparalely, or for (be whole work,
rroimuts may state what proportion of the
amount of laymen!, if any, will l taken in the
block uf the Company at par.
Chief Engineer.
Eiieineev's office, )
Sunleiry, rVpt. 18, 1852. it. j
OF Northuinbeilnnil Count), for October
85, 152. t-'pcciul Court.
Pojxt. Thomas JoIiiisoii, Chas. Bonnet.
Lewis. A. J. Derr, Samuel Art man, Ben
jamin Meimas, Jacob lluulziner, lleury
Uotip, John Hughes.
Pk.iwrk Hobert Hutchinson, George, Win. Iluod.
Chh.isqu.miue. Wm. K. F.rwine.
Ti'iini-r. Peter Duukle, Kilyon Duuklo,
Win. M. Sample, Isaac Marsh.
NonTHUMDF.RL no. Robert l.eshcr.
Scnury. Jacob Grilich, Win. Hoover,
Henry Rucher. .
I'i'PEk Ai'uUkTi Reuben Garinger.
Lower " Abraham bhipman.
Uosh. C. A. Heath.
Shamokis. Martin Cass, Asa John, John
Smith, Charles Alexander, James Yanhorn,
Philin Bonn.
I'ppr.K Mmionov Samuel Heime, Henry
Uebuck, Andrew lieist.
I.owr.R " John Michael.
Little " Isaac D. liaker.
Jackson. Abraham Deppen.
Cam ehon. Solomon Duuklcbergcr.
TOR Special Court of Common Pleas of
' Northumberland County to lie held on
Monday the 25th day of Octolicr 1802.
Frederick Keener va Wm. Ayres
Gruham et al
II K Kane
PluU & PUtt
Win I, lleiucman
Geo E Gehrig et al
Rebecca Lamison
(Seo Garinan
Geo Eyster for Mar
tin Weaver
vs Hugh Hellas et al
v Geo A Dixon
vs Henry Manser
vs T A IJillinglon et al
vs Peter Warry
vs Thomas Vastine's exrs
vs U II Howell et al
vs Eb'xer Grecnough ex'r
Mahonoy and Bhamokin
Improvement Co
vi Abraham Paul
Welter & Wife vs Hannah Mendenhall
Henry Donncl el al vi Hugh licllas
Trothonotary's Office, i
fuubury, Jipt. 18, 1852. - J
Incipient Consumption,
Scrnfultt, General Debility, White Swelling,
Rheumatism, Diseases iif the Liver an l '
Shin, and oil Diseases arising from
Impuritiet of the lilootl, and the
Effects of Mercury.
SWAIM'S PAN ACTA has lwca for more limit thirty
years cclcliriittxt ill this ennnirv and in Knrojir f.,r its
rxtrnorilnmrv cures for the rnriiHenicsof whirlirtleriMwe
is lnate Ui tli (tirertioiis nnrl IsMiks (which nuiy tie liml
prntis) ncconimn itne tho rniiiica. of wltirti pive
tlic purticalum of canes ttsi iriglill'iil f r fcriitrmlpnt.licntiiai,
Wlicru She mtlcnts liail been nllil'st eatrn lip with rVroftlla,
and were deemed incanille liy riiynicinns.
Ill lias llecn in Ivispitnls mid private practipe, and
lias had the sinjtnlnr I'ta-tanc ol iH'ini; rwonininutsl liy the
nssl cflelirntetl physicians ant oilier I'li.iuct persins
Atlli!! Ktllt'lfl hj
W. tiihs.ui M. D , (fSniprrv, Ta. I'nivcrsilv.'
Vulcntino SIvii, iM. i)., Tidf. of lurg , N . V. I.inver.
V. P Downcs, M. D , Prof, of MM , Pa. I'nivcisily.
N. Clinplimn, M. 1., Prof, nl Physic. tn Pinvcrstty.
T. Parke, M. 1) , Prus't Onllene ol I'liyaicium, I'lnlu.
Dr. Del Vallo, Prdl.uf Medieiae, Havana.
Jose Komencf! le, Prdi". of rllrey, I .ist,n.
J. Chipnian. MeinlsT ltdyal CVIleite 'iirgeiiiis, Iximhe.i.
fl. V. Krvintr, late Minister to Sv"nn.
Hir 'rii.imas IN-nrisMi, .Mnj. (en. llritinh Army.
CJillMTl ltdltertisiii, llrttisli Consul. Ac. Ae.
And alsj. Hie wonderful cures ellrcled hy Swaiin's Pan
nera linve for liuiny years made it nil invaluable remedy.
The Pnuaeea d.ies m4 cdittaiu mereary in nny fdim, and
tieini; un innocent prejKirution, it may bo given to Hie
lllnst tender Infant.
The retail price has lircit reduced to gl .VI per Uiltle,
(Cdiitaiuing thice half pints) or three liotlles fdr &.
iinwAitr, tp imposition.
Pwnhn's Panacea Is in round Imllles, fluleil longlttiili
nnlly, with the foll.irint lell. ru blown on the glnss :
anil bavin? the name of Jas Swaim stsinpeil on the scnl
iiiic wax, and written on I lie lals'l covering (lie e irk, mid a
splendid eugraviiig lor Ibcside of the Isililc. e.tinpieil of
geometric latho work, eoiupri.iug nine tlitl'ereut dies,
which have been turned for the exclum-e use of the pro.
prielor, by DniKT A Co , bank note eieinivors, of Pbila
detphi.i. In the ceiittc is a pditrail of l!m lalo Win. Svv.iilll
copyright secured.
A valunble Family Medicine, licing n highly nppr veil
remedy lot nil discuses all.-iug from il.-billl'v of the ibes
lire organs, sueli ns W 'rnu. Cholera Morbus, Dvsi niei y
Fever and Ague, Weeding Piles. Sick llcudache, Ae., Ao.
See ihe Panihlet (whieli may lie had gralis) uccdlupaiiy
lug the Veruiiliige.
Prepanil onlc ut SWAIM'S I.AHOltATOlIY, Till;
OI.D STAND, Seventh tlieet, Im-I.hv t'heslnllt, Philadel
phi.1. nud a. ld byull the respectablo Diuggisis in the l ul
led States.
cu'tion' to Tin: n
Persons wisliiii't Muin the genuine SWAIM'S P.W
ACI'.A and SWAIM S VlillMlt-'l OH, nil. Mild be careful
to dbseivi- 111 it the name
is orr.fity on hc lhttlci nml hlx-K ir rhoy nny
Im- miivm( un ,y ninlictMCR Hi; til iriiiltilKHi "I llicm lv
n pt iwMi beriritig a ttmiiwlmt ininc, vi II wilvubtcil
t" (Iti'i-ivi1.
JMnl nlclphin, Oct'lifr 0, 133. mo.
"V"OTICE is hereby civen lluit a Special
Com! of Corniiioii Pleas, in nml lor tho
County of Noilhiiiiibcilaiid, to coiiinieiu'O nt
tho Conn House, in the bnroiia!i of Snnlmry,
at 10 o'clock, A. SI., on Monday tin- 25ih
day of October next, ami will continue
Jurors are requested to be punctual in
their attendance, al ihe time nppoiniud
iiureeablo to llieir notices.
Given under my hand ut Sinibttiy, the 18th
day of Si-pleiiiber, in the year of mir Lord
one thousand eiijlit hundred and liflv-lwo
iiud Ihe Independence of ihu United Stales
of America the 76th.
WIIXIAM 11. KIPP, Sheriff.
God save llm Commonweultli.
List of Jurors,
OF Nortliumlicrlniid Counly for November
T..A, D. 1832.
(lira nl Juror 8.
Lewis. Wallis Rupel, Robert Montgom
ery, John Waitman. Jacob Sliader.
Dklawark. Cyronas Romboy. Jacob Kiaiucr, Daniel P.
Caul, Robert Heed.
TuitBL'T. Samuel U. Cain Edward Dies
ler. SIn.TON Henry Sltine.
Si'NUUUV. Samuel Slatilz
Ut'i'KU Augusta. John S. Haas, John F.
Lower Accl'sta. Jereiniuh Welzel. Wm.
SI. Miller.
lti'sit. Philip Oberdotf.
Shamokis Silas Fallow.
UiTEii SIaiionov. Abraham Geist, Ilen-
y fieist, John Ki hler.
Jackson. L'aiuel Uuhiicr, lleurv Oioli,
I'eler lieed.
Point. F.d. Iittoy, John Ileckeii, Charles
iMorejaii. Hubert tniry, jr.
Lewis. Samuel Sletiges, David II. Slont-
gomery, ft. Ueaver.
JMii.ton. Paul uennell, Solomun DieUen-
Delaware. S Garuhart, P. C. Fox, Ed.
Diiickemillcr, Cliiisli.ui Gernli.
Tinuur. D.tvid Englfi.
NoiniiL'.MiiEUi.ANU. William Elliot, Geo.
Ap.-dey, Alexander Coll, Dennis Wutteis,
lltram Knelt.
Si'Miuuv. Gen. P. Riiyers
Ul'i'Kii Aimiusta. Samuel Savidge.
LowKti Aft.i'STA. I'eler Moote. Isaac
Drain, John Fry.
Rush. Alexander Moore, Honham
Shamokin. Uaae Soper, P. Sehuell.
uel John, Isaiah Morgan, S. Gruul,
oliil Caseman, lai.ili MiIIit,
Samuel Kul,
John Frank, S.iiiiiu l Johnson.
Coal. Sylvanas llirtl.
Uri'Eit SIaiionov. Jacob Geise,
lallieh, Sulomim Shuukwilb-r.
Low Kit . Jacob Carman, John
Jackson Maitiu Diumheller, Sol. Dies
r, I. Itover.
Chii,isi)UAui:e Julm Raitholemew. Jacob
rulper, 1 homas Kieler.
I'll i I Juror
Point. JiiliuGuliek, Kubeil Le.-Iier. Jacob
Lewis John l weed.
Dklawake. James F Beard.
Cilll.lfiiUAUi.E. Daniel K. Uislicl, Michel
cGee, Jehu Simpson.
Milton. Samuel Leas, Samuel Rhodes,
NilTitU.YiuEiiLNl. Jos. Valid) ke, Daniel
Rraulirrum. Jacob Leisenrni".
LnwEit At'tit'sTA. William vveiizei, ijeo.
Fasold, Peter Reilz, Georae Keeler, Daniel
L'omad. (son of Jiihll.l
f ... l C
&1IAMOKIN. Win. 11. iwuenrn, ueo. riu.
Francis P. Schwartz, Samuel Hammond, II.
H. Teals, John Kepley. Jacob Swentz.
Rush Abiaham tekman, jacoo non-
man. Maiionoy. Isaac Lahr, M. Wcrl
Sebastian Stepp, 11. Dover, Jacob A u in 1 1 ler
I.itti.k " . huocli liaker.
Jackson.--Jacob Hoffman, F.lias Seliwatlz
Pamplilet Laws of 1852.
jV'OTICE is hereby given that the Pamphlet
Laws of 1852 are received, and readv for
distribution to those who aro entitled to receive
Sunbury, Sept. 25, 18.ri2. -.
'I'llh Snlwcrllwr having leasril the ruUir Ihsiw, fer
1 inerly known u tho American lloiur. No. Is 1 Sixth
Si reel, between Market nnd Lheslnul Streets, has changed
nem lenvs to uiCorrji Us friciKhi a,l it,. i.i... .u .
Iioum has undergone lliiiHiuh rensideUinii, ramuiiia, re-
hii.iii.c uiiu .-'ui:,i,,K, ii, amp u, inuKiiieiit. An en
lire new outfit m fariiimre, IsmIiIiii)., fce., Ac, has U'en
tfis-aied from Uic nioM ceJebrstnl Manaiavtuiera in this
Krcun tli central location, and its close proximity In the
Railruait llenots, fttesinhonl landliurs. l'liu-es of Aitmi.
ment, Pnnlnoiuilile Thornuf hl'ires mud I'uUic Hquarne, K
oners imtureineuts to the Merchant visiting: Ihe eitv mi
business. ' the Traveller seeking pleasure. To funnliea
and teuwles viKiling llie city, every lacilily will be iSlered,
ami every eoua'ort regaided to luake tkeir vuit sgreeolse
ana pieaunl.
A fclmre of the public patronage respectfully solicited.
Superiiittiident fi'H'iictur.
t'liilailcli-lua, Bej't I, l-'j'-V -Hia.
OR trial In th Court of Common Pleas
of Northumberland County, at November
'P., A D., 1852.
P K Iloffmnn ij- wife vs II Kiihnts, McCsrlv et id
Moll (V Hholirr T Daniel Dn'isbach
Caspar llccknrt Frederick lleekart
John W Peat (leo 11 Yotinirmait
Hickok A. Cnnliuo v Geo W Armstrong:
Jacob Keller va Hank of Northumberland.
ituKer x Co Tor Jacob lllooiu vs Hcnrv Conrad
Jacob Zarlman's
Henry Klarc A. Eve bis wife vs
William McCsrty vs Samuel Hunter
Mary Jane Druiirr ct ul vt William Wilson
Pecker & Weiller vs R 1) Ciinimhiff.
Mary Slartx vs Wm II Spratt
Same vs. John (nmpliell & wife
Geoirje Shilcy vs Ab'm DunUelbertrcr's admr'x
Isaac Tyler vs U M Seydel's adm'r
John Drown vs John Oyster senr's ex'r
Khnfthrr &. Zeiler etal vs Thos S Mackey
Jno Knorr for II. Knorr vs Enoch Howets' adm'r
James T Sutton rt Co vs Samuel Kylu
Elizabeth Krier vs A 8 Lawrence
Daniel (Jonsert vs Henry llohner
Mary Patterson vs Gcoriro Heckcrt
Itoneparte Thompson rt al vs Casper St Clair
Win McDuiiiel for A tit, .
W Comlv John Jackson ct ol
William Dalitts
John Reynolds
John Jackson
George l.tiwrcne
Dilliiiglon for Hunter
rt Diiyers
Jacob Haas
John Jackson ,Ir
Simon Suvdrr
vs II H Haulman
vs Isasc Reader
vs James Heard rt al
vs D Marr & I Drown
vs Susan &. Sarah Kcid
vs Charles Alexander
vs Same rt Wife
vs A W Coinly
vs (ieorgr Snyder
Vs Ccorr HerU
A W Coinly
llallai tiariihart'H udinr'a vs U W Dunn's adinr
Allan Newbcirv vs Themas Kasvr ,
Crandnll for .1 C Morgan vs Geo Miller's adm'r
John Reed's assignee vs E I, Piper
John Ross & Wile. vs George Pox
John King vs Daniel Wcidncr
Same vs
Washington Mutual In-
Htirance Company
Slate Mutual Fire Insu
rance Company
Peter Arnwitic ct M mi
en A Kcid
E Kaufman ct al
C Cosh A
'" V.Yikc
vs Reiil eii Fcgcly
vs A K Kapp
vs Rohrit Whiteside
vs Abrabam llriisions
vs Smiiuel Savidge
vs John Hartiiiau
e vg Josedi liimmii k rtal
l vs Siisaima b'eid
o vs Htiub Hellis
vs Win II Tboinpsrtn
s M iV l'.Markle
i- A K h !
n Andri . Mei.anab-iti
Jacob II. Musscr
Joanna Prinlcv illi"
George I.cilln-i. jet
Sarah L Keen
Oliver IS Milliard
.1 W Peal Indorsee
Christ iV McPaiba-
Rcnlieii I'cgcly ct I o
Abij.ih Dow an
Christian t'i! !e
Robert M 1 '. m
Rebecca Sw.ot.
Henry A Lerhurr
John 1. Yeager
Francis JihIhii
Henrietta Lewis
H W ill II lioiiud
. - P. right
' - lavid I. Irian !
vs 'I bom-.i Rarr
.l.ii'oti Rciu. J a-il
" Win Kalder 1
ly vs .1 Fnrinan V K Klan j
vs Rarbata Shalli r's cv'rs
vs J W I'riliug
vs Jaiob Wert man
vs V at tin Irwius' adm'r
vs Jacob Stitzel
Daniel Gibson
Kricger for R Fagclv1
II Masscr
David Fibber
Daniel Itlioiies
W Peal
Samuel I, Iteck
E John for W Camp
William Sechler
R Fagcly &. Co
Rudolph Duengcr
IJrjrgc Urosious
vs Wolvcrton .V Lcisenr'g
vs Jacob Hoffman rt al
vs William Inch
vs Peter Thomas
vs Daniel Kample
u i .... i :,i. . :
Dm . r c, ji-OKioa won uuiicu
Hoats for M Sweny vs . ,
J to terrclenant
tvenderton Suiilh's cxr's vs A C rt T G Morris
Same Same
Wendcl I. Krffcr vs John V Wolfinger
William Forsman etal vs John Parks
Frederick Wilhelin vs Henry Wilhclm
Jno Hush fi Wife vs Nathaniel Saxlon's adm'r
I iV A Shissler vs Daniel tilcnn
Reuben Fagcly Co vs John Rasscr ,V Co
Jacob II Rlionds
vs J rov iv J llarman
vs R D Ciimmings
Samuel Ewing
Joseph Wcily.el
vs Itciijaiiiiu Rubins
Jordan re Welker for
vs Wil'iain Fagcly
Lodge No 22
John S Oood
vs R D Cnmiiiings
vs J C Horlon
vs Hannah Meiidenhall
vs Harrison Heim
vs Henry l.nnlz s cx'rs
vs R. D. f.'timmiiigs
vs Simon lieedy
vs Henry High
vs John II. Purely
vs Jos II Kline's adm'r
vs Abraham Marshall
J Ott Rockefeller
Welker ct Wife
George Parfat
Kohl Hutchinson
David Mc.Mickcn
Margaret Summers
Joseph L. A ulcii
J II Masscr
Jacob Kline
Peter I! ill mil e
JAMES HEARD, rioth'y.
Prolhonotarv's Oilier. )
Suuhury, Sept. 2.1, I8.VJ. I
J. C. () 1 KUTKIJ KFKIi,
S. E. Cor. Ninth and Maple Sis above Race.
INVITES the Ladies of the Ci:y nnd Country
to call end examine his splendid Stock oj
Trimmings, which has been selected with the ut
most care.
Mr. O. being enabled, from his experience in
the business, to take advantage of the wholesale
market, is able tu sell as low ns nny other estab
lishment. Mr. O. was tormeily principal con.
doctor of llie extensive business of Mr. J. W.
ilurstmau, No. 204 Chestnut Street, nnd his ex
tensive experience will be a guarantee of his
ability to do justice to his customers. His Stock
comprises the following
Silk, Worsted, and Cotton Curtain Fringes,
IliniVnig, Tassels and Cord, Silk and Worsted
lilind do, Silk, Woollen, and Cotton Hoisery,
Glows, Combs, 11 rushes, Soaps, Perfumery, Ac.
Woollen nud Cotton Knitting and Dinning Varu,
Porlc Mommies, Furnished Wo k Uoxes, it race
lets, nnd Fancy Articles gene aMy. Call and
examine for yourselves.
Philadelphia, September 25, IK. 12 fun.
No. 45 South Second Street,
WMWVIN'i completed the improvements to
their Store, are now opening a lanje and
ucauiilul assortment ol
Paris Fancy Feather,
French nnd American I':..ers,
Fancy Itniiuet and Cap Rihh us,
Pulley lionnrt Stuffs,
Corded klid Plain Velvet",
Gross. d'Afiiqucs, Lai'''.-, Ac. e.
To which they invite tlic attention of Mer
chants and Miliiuers vMtin the cirv.
Philadelphia, September :;, 1S..2.-2im.
JVo. 17 W7i Scrond Sir, ',
M PORTERS of every ilcsrrip.'-m ' r Fish,
Hooks ami Fishinj Tackle. Toy, German
Fancy Goods, Guns and Sporting Apparjtus.
Wholesale and Retail.
Aug. 28, 1852. 2m.
Bounty Land Warrants-
riHOSE having bounty land warrants in thei'
J- possession and wishing to disposo of them
can find a ready sale hy applying at the residence
ui i no subscriber nrar Shamokin Dam, Union
county Pa. He will also attend to the obtaining
of bounty land warrants from the Department at
a reasonable recompense.
Sunbury, August 14. 1852 3m.
IJLANK DEEDS primed on the beat quality
ol punhment paper, sold al Ihe lowct price
Ha., utlicc, by wholcile and retail .
No. CI Arcli Street, fur doors above Second,
Which for stvlc of finish and workmanship cannot be surpassed. Wholesale nml Retail
atthelmvVs, A1E8 AND RF.F.D IlLLNDs.
vhoU:sai.i:, at ma.m factlhi-hs' pricks.
tV MERCHANTS and others ore invited to call and examine.
Philadelphia, August 21, lV2. ly.
Candidate for Assembly.
THE subsrrilier respectfully informs the voters
of Northumlicrland county, that he has been
taken up as a Candidsto for Assembly, and
therefore respectfully solicits the support of his
fellow eitiictis for that office.
Shomokin, Sept 11, 1852- 5t.
ruiSTu salk
7 ILL lw ofTered at Public Sale, on the pre-
mines, at the house or Franklin Moore, on
THURSDAY, the Wh day of October,
nt 11 o'clock, A. M., a
Valuable Farm,
containing 1" 0 acres, situate four miles from Dan
ville, on tiie road leading fiom Danville to Sham
okiutown. in Rush township, Nmlhumberland
county. The improvements are u
and Frame Barn, a thiifiy Orchard of ex
cellent fruit and a never-falling spring at the dour
about 00 acres improved, the balance is well
Also nt the same time, a lot near Lushville,
containing four acres; the improvements area
small frame
nud an excellent orchard of nil kinds of fruit.
Also on Ihe premises, at the house of Samuel
Keller, on FRIDAY the 15th day of Octolier
next, A FARM in ft oaring Creek townshp,
Montour county, two miles from Dear Gap, on
the road leading to Numedia. containing 1C3
acres, the improvements consist of 75 acres clear-
O.I. A COod
Prmelbirn and Frame Wagon House, a
good thrifty young Orchard of all kinds of fruit
and a never-failing spring of excellent water at
the door; the unimproved land is well timbered.
Undisputed titlrs will be given.
Late the properly of William Kase, deceased.
Ti us will lie made known on the day of sale by
plcmber ISM. tt.
OTll.'L -- hereby given that tbo several
Court of t'onimoii Pleas, General Ouartev
Sessions of llie peace, and Orphans' Court. Court
of Oyerinid Terminer nud General Jail Delivery,
in and for llie county of Northumberland, to
comment-rat the Court House, in the borouih ol
Sunbury, at III o'clock. . M. on M ''ulay, the
2d day of November next, and will continue
Tim coroner. Justices of the Peace nnd consta
bles in and for the county of Norlhumlierlaud, arc
requested to be then and there in their proier per
sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and
other remembrances, to do those things to their
several offices appertaining to I done. And all
witnesses prosecuting in liehtilf of the Common
wealth against nny prisoner nre nlso requested nnd
commanded to be then nnd there attending in their
proper persons to prosecute against linn, ns slinHl
,e just and not to depart without leave at their
peril. Jurors are requested lo lie punctual in mcir
tlenUance., at tlic tune appoiuicu agm-umv io
llieir notices.
Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 18th day
of Sept, in the year of our Lord one thou
sand eight hundre'd and fifty-two and the In
dependence of the United States of America
the 76th.
WILLIAM 11. KIPP, SherilT.
God save tho Commonwealth.
Cheap Wntrlios 6j Jewelry,
WHOLESALE nnd Retail, ut the "Pliilailrl
nhia Wnlch nnd Jewelry Store," No. 00
North Second Street, comer of tjuarry, Philadel
phia. Cold Uver Watches, full jeweled, IS cafes, S2,KI
Silver ih. full jeweled, HI4.
Silver l nme, jewels, 10.
(i"kl Spectaelej, 7.011
l-ineilver Oo. l.-sp
liohl llrncflcts. Ml SI
,i, do no. :i.
Snpeiior tjmirliers,
ndies' link! I cncils,
I .no
Inutii'i'iil Hi
Silver Ten sjshiiis, set,
Gold Tens, with Pencil nml Silver Ibikler,
Cold Fincer Rine;s. 37 4 rents to $80 : Watch
Glasses, plain, 12 cents; Patent. lKj; Luuel,
25 ; oilier articles in proportion. All goous war
ranted to he what they aro sold for.
Successors to O. Conrad.
On hand, some Gold nnd Silver Levers and
Lepines, still lower than the ubove prices.
August 2H, 1852. ly.
V O O )'S
Cane Seat Chair Manufactory, .
No. 131 North Sixth Street, above Race Street.
MAM"l'Af"n ill'.S, anil tins eoiiBtiinlly on linml an
r.l.lKiANT nnil l'ASIIIl AHI.K of CAN K
t llAIUS. Ijiiijiiiiii.I .iiiiill IKH'KIMi I'llAlltS, si:t
TI'.I.S, I'ANU l.llL .UKS, STtUil; STOOI.S, 81111'
To Hins,-keevers. Hold, tt:ill. nisi SteainlioMl Proprie
tors, nml Dealers in L'lmlrs ami furniture, llns rstablltU-
ment infers the (-rente! iiHtiiei-nieuls to jiuielmse.
Iluvini: uxtentive liieililn-s for iiiiiiiulueliiriiur, wa ran
sell the sauiv asaonnu'iil ten s r rem elienper tliiui hereto
fore, nml by havuiK ull wmk niaite un.ler our own super
visiMii we enn (ruiirnnlee n suM'rl'r iirtlele.
I'ANK SI1AT I'llAlltS of tlic hew Inntli ami material,
from sltil to IU H-r iloxen.
"Suiall I'rofilsuiul quick Sites." wtMin
Ohair Vnelory, No 131 Norih lllli St.. onnositi: l'miiklin
rViinrr, I'hilaileljiliia.
tk-pteiulwr II, IKiS. Sin.
Toliaeco, Smifl', Scgar
flHE subscriliers rrsHetfully inform Country
A Merchants Ihut we have now on hand a
general assortment of the liest
Cavendish 5s. Lump Rs. Lump 6s. Plug, Ac.,
at the Manufacturers lowest prices. Also a fine
assortment of Foreign and L'onicslie S.cgar.t,
riniilV. Sinnkinz Tobacco. Pipes, Pipe Heads,
Ac., which we will sell at tho lowest prices.
2'.5 North Third Street, Philadelphia.
Srplcmlier 4, 1852. 3m.
rpH K old,1 l' C K l-'T IK M IK and Ml )tf ICI'l I
X CAC. MA.lirAl ll'Hl, l,caieu Ul JVj LIleSIIIMI
Stieet I a ii' I'tt't
leu. ucil I'-ia-ivoJ to No. Sfti Allf'tt S I'RI-.I-'.T, flrsl rt -or
uelovv 0 ii ktr't, where run Is- louml tho largest uud Inait
ass-atiii' ut ni the following- articles, vix :
I'uekct Ho'k', Port t-'oluw, Drepmv Cases, Wrilinst
rasas, Ruikcis' Csie, Hank H' II iLlrrs, Kill Hmiks,
M.siey Hi-lls, itijur Cuscs, Haznr St' -ns, I'oilc Monnuies,
Work Cases, Caid t'a:ci, Nculk' Cast i.
V. II. .H I'H, tli r lill fur pnat fiivon, li cs b,- nttrn
tion, siirl with a del -r-.iiinslini ti sill i'.. hrrf quality of
eonds at the lowest pns, Ui receive s nVircol utrnuane.
The Trarie are rcgucsUj to call aist exainine buiura put
chasinK elsewhere.
sj Ii Ktpauing 4ne with ncitues. and disrstch,
a Arch Si i eel, rhiludrli.hia.
f-eptembu 4, 1M1 -3m.
HAND BILLS neatly printed on new type
promptly executed at this office. Alio
bUnU, of all kinds on superior iMpcr.
Siiubuty, Fib. 11, I'i2.
Notice to tho Holn of JOHN STEPP,
7VOTICE Is hereby given to Mary (widow,)
Sebastian, Jacob, John, llmijainiii, Michael,
Peter, Elius, Elizabeth and Isaac Stepp, heirs of
John Slepp, dcc'd., (tho last four or whom have
for llieir Guardian, Abraham Ulasscr,) that an
inquisition will be held at 10 o'clock, A. M., on
the Kill day of October next, upon Ihe prrmisrs
of tbo Rral Estate of said dcc'd., in Lower Ma
honoy township, Norlhumlierland county, at
which time and place you arc hereby warned to
be and appear if you think proper.
WM. 11. KIPP, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, )
Sept. 4, 1S52 fit, J
I'liMishcps ami JJooksellei-s,
No. 81 Aroi7t Third Street,
tiitiles, Praveis. Ilymus, 1Vh.-Ih. iI and Historical Woikf,
Travels, .Novels, Ae., Ae.
r.vcry kiml in nn fnnn n primor upwnnU.
An plopnnt ft-tmrtmrtit from Hie paw It'x.k flpwiinlr,
made of siiMriir p:ipr, mid In-st o linittiiig.
Cap, Post, nnd Note rapvrs, elegant stylet and quality,
nnd very cheap.
FmicVi rinin tm Adhrnive Knvctt)pi. Ttik. Ptuuf, Wa
fer. ?twH Prim, Slutn, IVnriln, P.triAloiinirs, Wrnj
nutf iuH!r of ull kiittlR, Ciirtuin lap?rs. &r., Ac.
Our stuck in nil frcli, Imnht clifiip niul fil(noctrJiinrly.
PurticHlur altnilioii nuiil to Itooknrlkrit, iVmiitry Mcr
c.Kintu nml Tr.ichcrs, howrvrr little tlicy nuiy Uuy.
Siwcr ft liiimet are PtittliHher? of I'lMi'uN'i it'iiea of
Knrh nwii Ii nmrly SKVKN Vl-'A'V SCM'AH K. nml
show flic eotnpnrative si.n nml rrlntive rHwiiiou ol" evrry
country on the plolm. They are iutrmltil to le mmpfmltil
in evt'rv n-hool Kihiiti. nml nut oiilv iimko n iik'tuliU np-
pi-urtincc, Imt are utiivcrwillv ackuowtnlrrwl lo Imj llio
jij:st mouk ok tkacjiinu oi:(m.haimiy ev
hroiu'lit out. They nre krvi iittnuUtl to Ire uel liy the
f'hoiam, ciHitaiuitiir n complete rpilomr of Geoftraphy. ami
eotitimf Icitii tliaii luilf the price of a fiticT:iiihy and Atkit.
I he aystrm is in universal hw in I'nwta and erinnnyt
nnd hasiilrrndy hecu introduced in Uimnl Coltejjc, Phila
riclnhia, the puhlic vhoolsof J(toit, New York, Phila
delphia, Bjiltiinorc, Washington, nnd through itt New
I'.iii.iiiii, .M w l orit, ., tec. hit ot-ftkn ore loaned
with rccoiiiinriukilioiiB from the must t;ileuted ami scicn
fific teachers in every quarter, and wheicver the system
h:m trct-n used jmrents, teachers and scliokira unite in prais
ing it.
I. Map of the Western Hemisphere,
l!. Map of the Kt intern Meminphcrc.
3. Alap of North Anieiica.
4. Map of the United States,
fl. Map of I'.iirop:.
6. Map of A niii.
7. Mnp of South Amerien nml Africa.
l-'.very limp is hrilliantly colored, vuruished, and mount
ed on muslin and rollers.
We rcsiect fully invite the earnest attention of Teachers,
Parents, and Phool Directors to this thwinntiiur mode of
teachiag Gegraphy. tSOWKR V BAllXW,
.norui i inra direct,
Philadelphia, Aug. 29, U.
IEMeOW CITIZENS: Encouraged l.y ma
ny of my numerous friends, 1 respectfully
offer myoelf as a candidate for the O I lice of
llegistcr tfj Recorder,
at tlic ctiKuin election. Should I lw elected, I
promise to dittchftrge the duties of said ofiicc. with
fidelity nud impartiality
Ruiihury, July 31, 1852. tc.
Fresh Arrival of flooils
I. Ar. TEN EI J & CO.,
(Nearly opposite Wearer's Hotel, Market St.)
Suntury, Northumberland County, Pa.
Tf'WTE liovc just rcrrivrd frfsli supply of
y tiouiU adapted lor the rail anil inter
to n liich we partirulnrly call '.lie attention of our
friends and tlir puHic
Our Rratcful tlianks are due for the generous
support we have received from a deserving pub
lic, nml we hope to continue to earn that support
liy svllini; ull our good ut the smullcst prolits.
Our stuck, consists of
Dry Goods,
Hardware, QiicciiMvarc,
Single and Doibi.f.d IUhrki.i.kd Guns,
Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags,
Umbrellas and l'arasols, Hoots and Khoes,
Hats and Cups, Looking (ilasses. Wall
l'apor for Room and Window
llli mix, Lemons, Nuts nnd
Cundv, Snlt, Mackerel,
Dried Ueef,
Plain nnd Fancy Hams nnd rShouldrrs, Nails,
W indow (ilutig, Taint tStutl', Oils and Putty, Car
pet Chuin, Cotton haps and Yum, with a variety
uf other articles.
X. Li. All kinds of country produce taken in
cxcliungo at tho highest market prices.
Suuhury, Sept. 3S, 1852. ly.c
Ktrcet, obove 8lh, I'hilsdelphin, Under the
new arrangement the cars which arrive from
Pittsburg, 11 arrisburs. Vc, will run to the New
Depot, corner of Schuylkill 5th and Market. In
order to accommodate the public we will ulwnys
have our Coach at the New Depot on the arrival
of tho cars to carry Passengers to the Allegheny
House, which is in the centre of the city. Our
old friends will please, ride down, and ull who
wUh to patronise House with a (iood Table,
( lean unls, and accommodating assistants, will
please (live us a call.
Term, One Dollar per Day.
August 21, 1852. 6m.
Frit, "Williams 5 llcmlry,
Store, No. 29 North 3d Street.,
OROCCO Manufacturers, Curriers, Import,
i-' era, Con'.iiiibsioii and Oencrul Leather Bus
iness. Wholesale and Retail.
IV Manufactory 15 Margarelta Street.
Aug. 28, 1852. I y.
ir-jouNKUi iTfTiTakkii. W. O. rtAKIHl.
Cornelius, IJakcr 5 ('o.,
Lamps, Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, &c.
Manufactory No. 181 Cherry St.,
April 10, 1853. if.
Fish, Provisions, 50.,
Ab. 0 YWA H'harvrs,
Apiil 10, 1852.. ly.
1l'llfl VAST to an urt of Ihe Ctwirnil Awni!.lj of Hie
tVitrimoiiwonltli i rMiiinylvaiiitt. "An net
rlntin U the rlet-lnm il thm t'lmummwi-iiltb," i'f"Vttl
Ihe nc.niif day f ,iy( Aimi-i IVifii.t mv th-rtiKiiid
ui !l,1M,ru( Ihirij-innr. I, Wll.l.l A l H. KU'I,
WiTifl of the county nl N..fihim)Ktbiwl, li-nrmvl
vunia horehy uwkv known timl give imiM-e M llie rlw
lI 11 6co,,",y furmmid, (Imt vriK.rnl elm Mil witl
Ti-kvti,wW M' 011 the fKI'O.NH
Hiai - AY l15"1') "f t't"IOHi;B, !KVi. nt whirli tunc
, and County Oificert, un lolhma. ara lo he elected :
w.'ltli Per8"" " Cmml Cwntnirtiioner of tlic Cimnoii-
nmwStUtl f " "f U" ,l,reine C mrt M l,,iB C,,m'
lo r.prr(.ef,iti,erw,miyuf NorihninlH ilHml. '
pern aa Kei titter atHl Kenniler mid Clerk erf the
"rpna.i.' .ourt fof the Cuimty of N.thui.ibej.Hnd.
bel"H,er',0" " Col,,1M,aa,un ,l " wtly oi Nurllmm
kHl"e i"frim 88 C,ff0lu'r f,f fuunly of XoTilmmlK-r-,
Une pet mm an Auditor fur the county of NortliuiiiU'r
Intnl. I ii! 1 htrely nv? kiun-n and pive tint the
j)t;ef!t of li ililiitkt lhr ufiriiid gnu'iid drrtixii in llie tv
ernl mil t )Wir.hin within Ihftoitiuy of .Not.
thiitnb(Mlaiid un; un follow :
The Snubnrv Dmirii-i, eoiup fvd of the l n iii:h of
Pnnhiuy, und I ppur Augiial;it ut tli County C'utifl
The Alien sin Pitrirt, r(mi;tt)n?d of tlx; towitfthin (
ltwcr Aiigur.u, ut tho huiiu ol Khan Kiitench, 111 and
The orllnimiMTland Iitri-, rMmpoqed of Ihe iMtronph
of .Virthiiiiilxfthind, at Ue houne of Aiiguti1 Ilnuiz of the
IfTonph of NortlinuitH rliind.
Tin! I'oint Uisliift, tit the Iioiirc of Ileiny Ilnnff, in the
Hiniigh ol" Northmiilierlfiitd.
Tliu Milton liHtrivt, ut the )ioue of Fretleritk Sticker,
in kiuI horottiih.
TI10 Tnrlmt Ii4iict, nt the house ocrnpictt by Ahrahatn
The Ui'ltiwnrn District, nl the hotiw of Henry Render.
Thri Chihn'pituinu Dintriet ut the h uxu ol Uetijiiinin
The lewis District, nt the In mm occupied hy Alietmel
The Sham. klti District, nt the lioune of Chnrlei lixcit
riittr. The Upper Mnhomiy Dilriet, ut the liouno of Dnuiil
The Little Mahonoy District, nt the tnusc of Frederick
The lxver Muh"iioy District, at the uue of Mirliael
The Ruh District, nt the l.ilwrty Pole SVh-ol Hotw.
The Jm-kson Dinirict, nt the hot ire occupied hy 1't-ter
Tltc Cottl District, nt the liousc of William M. Wcnvcr,
in the town of fli:iniokm.
HicrTio?i II. That nil nrt of Civil t'nrunliip, in the
county of Noithiontierhtnd, Ivtuar went of a line bct;tuing
fit the line lielweeii ChiI nnd Otiueroii towtmhipii, nt a
point two thomantl feel weal wurd of where the mid line
croswi the west louudary ufatniettif land mtrveyed to
Alrnnndcr Hunter the twcnty-msVL'tith day ol trtolor, one
thou Band aiiveueu liundtcd nud ninety-four ; theucw north
loiiileeti drcrrea west to the line between Uie towiiHhips
of Coal and Sh.imokir le, nnd is heivl.y erect rd :nlo a
separate aehoid and elecliou distjict, and the qnnliTed vo
ters residing within Ihe auid Uimdiiricii shall hermit er
vote ut the geneinl elci?tins nt the puhhc house of Huuy
II. Weaver, iu the town of Truvorton.
The Cameron District, nt the house of Jacoh Iluun'
The election to open Itetween the hours ol B mid 10
o'ci ck in the toreiKKin, mm snail continue without inter
ruption or adjournment until 7 o'clJCk 111 Hie evening
When the potm Mihii be closvu.
The sevenil lnspr'tora nml Judttes elected on the 3d
Friihty of March, l.'t'i. in puriiiDitee of the '31 Seeiion ol
the net of the 4d of July, 100, will hold the election on
Tuesday the r2t h day of Octolier next.
uThut every person except n Justiccof the renci, who
aliall hold nny otfire or appointment ol' profit and trovt tin
dci the government of the United States, or of this Slate,
or of any c ity or incoriMiruled dintrict, whether a commit
sioned oliieer or, who thull he empkiyeil uitiler the
legislative, executive or judiciary depntl iiteiil of this Slnte,
or the t'uiied llntes, or of nny city or incorporated district
nud als- that every tnemler (N'rgress and of the State
uinljiture, ntHl if Ihe select nml c million cmueil of uny
city, or cotnininsiouer of any incorporated Di'rit t, is hy
law, innpnlile of h'Jttitiij or exrecifine the office r ap
pointment of Judee, lintpeetof or Cleric, of any election
of this commonwealth, .and that n liwpei'tur. Judge or
nny other officer of such election, fliall be eligible to any
ollice to 1 then voted ftr.
And the said Act of Assembly, entitled "an net relating
to the eloetioiis of this Couimonwenlth," passed July the
tfml, 1KJ2, further provides us follows, to wit l
That the Inspectors nnd Judges chosen as aforesaid,
sltnll meet at the respective places for holding the election
mine district l whicn iiiey respectluliy ociohg ieore
nine oVIock in the morning of the secoml Tuesday of Oc
tober in each and every yeur, nml esich oi said inspectors
aliall yppotnt one clerk, who shall be quahheu voter vf
such district.
I also hereby make known and giro notice that hy nit
act of Assembly passed on the IHh day of April, 1H49, it
hall be lawful for the qualified voters of Northniulierlnnd
county, from and after the passage of aaid act. to vote for
all the candidates for the various ohVes. to lie filled nt any
election on one slip or ticket 1 Provided, That nflieer fr
which every candidate is voted for, shall be designated, as
required by the existing laws of this Commonwealth.
Secriox 2. That nnv fraud committed bv anv ticrsoti
voting in the manner nUive prescrilicd, shall be punished I
ns similar frauds are directed to be punished by the exist- 1
ing laws ol' this Commonwealth.
"In ense the pers m who shall have received the second
highest iiumler of votes for Inspectors shall not attend on
the day ol nuy election, then the person who shall have
received the aectiml highest nu in I K'r of v"le lor Judge tin:
next preceding election, shall net as an ius?ectoi in his
plaeir, and in ease the person elected Judge shall not attend
the Inspector who received the highest number of voles,
shall appoint a Judge, 111 bis place; and il any vacancy
shall continue in lhelird for the spuce of halt an hour af
ter the time fixed by lay for Ihe opening of the clotion,
t he qualified voteis of the township, ward or 110 district,
for which such otliiers shall luive been elected, priwnt at
the place of elections, siiall one of their number to fill such
"It shall ! the dutv of aaid assessors respectively o at
tend nt the place of holding every geuejal, special, or
townshif. election, during the whole time said election is
kept open, for the purpose of giving information to the
Inspector! and Judge, vhai called irti, in relation t the
light of any person usiessed by them t vote ut such elec
tion, or such other mutters in felulioii to the utisemmciil iH
voters, na the aaid inspector or judge or either of Uiviu,
shall from time M time retjuire.
'No pejsott shall he permitted to vote at any election ns
aforesaid, other than a white free man ot twenty-one or
more, who shall have resided in lite stale at leu t one year,
and in the election district where he otTera to vote at least
teu clays immediately proceeding the election, and within
two years paid state of ciHiuty tux. which shall have been
assessed ut least ten days before Ihe election, Jlut a citizen
of the I'nitcd Stales who hud previously been a qua It tied
voter of this state, nnd removed therefrom and resumed,
and shall have resided in the election district, and paid tax
as uforussid, shall bo entitled to vote alter residing in this
state six moutns. I' ro video, 1 nai the wmie irecim-n, cut
itena nf the United Suites, between the age of twenty. one
and tweutv-two years, nnd iu the election district ten days
ns aforesaid, shall be entitled to a vote, ulthougti they shall
ini nave pain uixes.
No shall lw pennittiil to vote whose name is not
ctiutuineil iu the list of taxable iuUabiuints furnished by the
coiuuiiMSioiHUs us ufoiesuid, unless, First; lie produces
u receipt for the (Miyuient, within two yeurs, of a slate or
county tax ubscsmhI agreeably to the e-'iistilution. Hist gave
antisfaclory eveidence either oil his own onth or ulhiuiu
lion, or 011 the outh or utfirinntion of atsdher, that he lias
paid such tax, or 011 failure to produce u receipt, shall make
4.11 oath to tlte payment thereof; or secud, it he claim a
right to vole by lieing an elector letween the ages i
twenty-one and twenty-two years, lie sltall depe 011 oath
or nfhriuntii'ii, that be has resided in the Slute at least one
ye:ir next before his nppbeutioii, und make such prNf of
residence iu the din) net ns is require by this act at id
Hint he docs verily believe from the account giveu him
that he is of the age aforesaid, and give such other evi
dances us is required hy this act, whereupon the iiame i-i
Ihe person so udiuitted tt vote, shall le mserted iu alpha
InMical list by the inspectors, and a note made opposue
thereto by writing the word lnx," if be iJuill le pciintt
ted to vote by reueoii nf having paid tax, or the word
uge," if he shall lie pertuitlel to vote on ni-count cf his
ave, and in either case the tenaoii l" wicli votea shall In
c.illol out to the clerk, wha sltall make iiote in the list of
voters kept by them.
Inallcasea where the name of the person claiming to
vote is not found 011 the list Itiruished by the CoimniSMoit
era and Assessor, or bis right to vote whether found there
on or not, is ol'jected to by any qualified rilizeu, Ihe In
spector si tall examine such person on until ns to his qua lib
callous, ami il he claims to have resided iu the suite one
yeur or more, his outh shall Is a proof thereof, but be shall
prtee ty at least one etuisleut witness, who idinll tw 11
quuhheU elector, that he ieided within the district at least
ten duvs next iinmetliutely prerethuv llie eteeliott,nd slinll
uts'i htnisell swear that His tmna tnic rcHineuce, in pursu I
unce of lawful culling is within the district, una" lliul he
did not remove tutu suul district for the prpse of voting
F.veiy peaon qualified ns aforesaid, and who skill maws'
proof, if repiired, 4' resident 11ml payment 't tax s, j
uforesui!, sbuil lw aihinited to vte iu lh lowiudup, ",urd
or dutrict ill which he oholl reaide.
If auvpeiStiii not qa ihricl to vote in this C 1 tirouvvalth
ngreiiibly to atw, (exeeit Hie aMia of qiwtifieit citizens)
stuill appejir at any place f ehvtioii for the err- (g
suing tickets, or iullueueing citixeim quaj:uetl W vole, lie
sltall, on conviction, forfeit and pay an 40m ivl utrenU
ing one hundred dollars for every oir. audi i itenee. nnd
be inipristMied for any term not excjdiiig thruc loot it lis.
It shall lie the duty of every vunvor, sheriff, alderman.
jimtice of the peace, anil con ti, or dtimty eonstnlife, of
every city, county, town"tu' ortlistriet within tins com
mouweulth, whenever cur.d iiiuhi bv anv officer of an
elect i-m, or by any thrtje mialiln-d cleeloi thereof, to ekal
any window or aveir t nnv wimlow, V the place tH
geueial election, w cli shall he ohrtructed m sueli a way
as to prevent vote f nan appronhuig the same, and m
neclect or refuar to do s en such requivion, said odicci
sliull h deeiretl a-nltl tif niinlenieaior 111 oiUec aiid i
coiivietiHi s'U lw tioeil in nov sum no a ss llum oiwhim.
drud mr more than one thousand U-illara ; id it shall lw
the duty the resiiive rHtstable nf eich ward, dislra!
of tow ship, of this commonweal to e present in penvu
01 by ilepntv, al the pla w h ading such rimi his in wort
waid,Urtfict at township, lor the purse ol pucfvmf
the pea as aforesaid.
It r'.mll be the duty of every nsfc-ei; M fr'
whi shall be nvcseulat any such disturliwrca al .
tn-i a. d.V.lwe ... tins act, to rep -rt . he lume n he
'.iextcouit.f quarter arasl-wa, awl aW the Hameaitf the
Wiliresss who vuu prv tb nte.
And hv the 4h aedin .rf the act of UUh of April, lfK
it Vs ..cad, ' I Hat ta .Hh seeuen U . P-H
mMwmlih. hstl not be onsirucfd aa lo prent
?,V "din- onW hnrough ndi-er, Irma arm. as
"wle, iirtt mi mn? fc,,ewl w let wl 'en
in thise rtiavnwhh.
The Jwdcea are 10 make Ihetr returns for the eouniv nJ
Norlhiinitwrunid, at the Cmut llar, in Ninbury, ou Fri
day, the 14th day ol October. A. D. IKVJ.
WILLIAM y Kirr, Wena
Shrill's Omce, Sunbury, )
bept. i. ia 41 $
13. L. 31illcr t$ Co.,
South IVtst tor. ofSctond Sf Auk Strteti.
ftMlt VUOVniVTUKS, ItaM'BRincrcnic.l ll.if
1. fnrililiro iluritis llie wuHon, now frrl
able to supply nil who liavr or iriny ! ihooJ In
pafrotiie thorn. Thrir ?iock comprip fvfry .
variety of patterns, of FLOWER. LAND
fcK'AI'B, (jOTIIIC, Vct tmsurptia inituality
otid which will 1 0 sold at our unual
great arietv
Hhadra Id cruVr, at short ft otic, fof
Stores, Clmrclics, Loclfre Kooma, Ac.
l)r)ol. S. W. corner of Second and Arch ata.
lhi adefphia, Atig. SI, 1852. 3m.
IJESPECTFL'LLY inform th pyhllo ami
"llie rent of mankind," that they nave iu!
received and opened ihe hent and cheapest stock f
Spring1 and Summer Goods
that his ever hecn brought to Sunbury.
Their slock consists of every tarie'y of
Dry Oooils, riz :
Cloths. Caimrrcn. Snttinets. Ve$tings9
Drilling. Linens.
Ami nil kinds of Summer Wear.
Also 11 splendid variety of '
ladies dress & fancy goods,
Calicoes. Ginphams. Latent. Chintzes. De
Laities. Borages.
And every variety of good snilablo for La
diM wear.
Also nn extensive DMortment of
Panama and Palm Leaf Hats.
Also a large assortment of GROCERIES,
Strcit AS
Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spices
of all kinds.
Also a largo assortment of
Fish, Salt and Plaster.
Also a tresh supply of
Beside the largest and most general assort
ment of all kinds of goods to be had in luia
tV Country produce of all kinds taken Id
I'hnnge ot tlic ingtii'st market price
Sunlmry, Mny 22, 1852.
Valuable Property.
Late the Estate of E. P. SHANNON, Esq.,
THE subscriber?, Executors of Ihe Estate
of Enliraim 1', Shannon, late of the Bor
ough of Northumberland, offer nt private sale,
the following valuable Real Estate, viz:
Lot No. 77, corner of Queen and Front
Street, on which is erected a two story Brict
Building, formerly occupied by the deceased
as a Sioro and Dwelling, and now occupied
as such. There are also on the lot two frame
dwellings, kc.
Lot No. 52, situated in Market Street, on
which is erected a two story white Frame
Dwelling', &c, adjoining John Taggart, Esq.,
occupied by Chas. Knous.
Lots Nos. 69, 70, 71 & 72, situate in Mar
ket Street, a two slory white Frame Dwel
ling, occupied by James Donly, and a stable)
is erected on lots No. 69 & 70.
The undivided half of Lot No. 120, situate
on Ihe corner of Duke and 4ih "Street, on
which is erected a two story dwelling, occu
pied by Joseph McCullisler.
Lot No. 188, situate iu Queen Street on
which is erected a two story white Frame
Building, occupied by John Burkert.
Lot No. 60, situate at Northway and Wa
ter Streets, on which are erected Iwo Frame
Dwellings und Stubling, occupied by widow -Vandliug
and John Yandliug.
Also the undivided fourth part of lot 166,
on which is erected a twostoiy Frame Dwel
ling, occupied by John Vandyke.
Also ten acres of cleared land, adjoining
lauds of Julm Dcshay, on the East side of Ihe
Susquehanna, about three miles below Dan
ville. Also two adjoining vacant town lots, situ
ated on the corner of Second and Orange
streets, numbered in the general plan of Boi
ongh. Nos. 215 & 216.
Also four vacant lots on Third and Orangsj
Streets, numbered in the general plan ol aaid
Borough, Nos. 209, 210, 211 & 212.
Also four vacant lots fronting on Market
and Sixlh Streets, running East to an Alley,
numbered in the general plati of said Bor
ough, Nos. 77, 78, 79 & 80.
Also four vacant lots fronting on Oranc
Street, and numbered in the general plan of
snid Borough, No. 185, 186, 187 & 168.
The above property will be sold in parts
or parcels lo suit purchasers, on reasonable
terms. For furthrr particulars apply to John
Cake, Esq., at Northumberland, or to the)
Northumberland, May 22, 1852.-tf.
john v. martin,
KKTJS leave to inform his frirmls and the pub
lic in grnrrul, tlist he is prepared in every
respect to make clotliinft alter the most
FashicmuUe Styles,
ami in the most duralile manner, and his price
will lie as reasonable as can tie had in Sunbury
or elsewhere, in cash or approved country produce.
Ho will always have the advantages of the latest
faliion plates, and in addition to hia acknowl
edged skill in rutting, he will 1 assisted by the
direction of llie most scientific publications rela
ting to Ihut art, now issued from the emporiums
of fashion in tho United (Stales. An endeavor
will he mail? always to have work completed
when rco'.iacd.
Hi? i-slu'jlUlimpiit is situate J in Market Square.
Sy.oury, nearly opposite the Post Office, in the
'uilding formerly occupied by Jacob Painter as a
hutler slion. where it will he a pleasure to him
to see his friend, and make such work for them
as is within the line of his business.
Nunbury, August 14, 182. tC
Saddlery nd Harnesi EsUbluhment of
G. STltOH,
Market Street, Sunbury,
A new assortment of Silver, Bs ail alBUt
Japanned Mounting,
WliH'h he will either make up to order or sell
separately for cash at prices as low if not lower
tliau ran lw had anywhere eUe.
Trunks, Vallcei, Jtc,
Constantly kept on hand or manufactured to M
done on the shortest notice.
All persons are invited to eU and xrainsfof
All kinds of produce taken in exchange,
riunbury, May I. 1853. tf.
UF.XRY W. BL'CHER informs lha uMk
thai he has taken the 8 urt bury Frrry sn4
as he is uow well prepared with food and suffi
cient ciali. ha will b f rubied to areomntedatsl
the public with piomtneaj, and despatch.
Ajtil to, l0i.- tf.