SUNBURY "AMERICAN AND" SH AMQ1C1N J OURNAL. .foreign News. ARRIVAL OF THE , ATLANTIC. LATEa HIOM El ROTE. The steamship Atlantic, of lliu Collins line, nrrivail at New York at 3 o'clock n Saturday evening,' from Liverpool, winch port she left ott the afternoon of the 22 1 ult., making the passage in ten Jays live hour nnil a quarter. A electee' by the President fixe llio duty on coal imported into Franca through the frontier, between Biinemiseron and Ltinirny at five fratxs Hie one hundred kiluytam mes. The Ministers of France, Netherlands and Turkey have returned lavorable answers to the memorials of the International Cheap Postage Association. ENGLAND. Public attention is still occupied with the Duke of Wellington's death, and with the honors to be paid to his memory. It is odi cially announced that the obsequies shall be at the cost of the nation, aud will probably bo according to the programme of the funer al of Nelson. It is expected the body will bo buried in St. Paul's Cathedral ; nothing, however, is yet decided. Lord Derby has returned to London to make arrangement. Secrctary-at-war Beresford is performing the functions ol Commander-in-Chiefiiintil a suc cessor bu appointed. Lord Derby will, it is thought, be elected without opposition as Chancellor of tho Oxford University, in room of the late Duke. During the night of Friday, the 17th, the ship Rhurtpore, which sailed from Liverpool the previous day for New Orleans, wont ashore on Long Bank, near Wexford, Ire land, and has since gone to pieces. Shu had on board at the time of the accident a crew of thirty-five men, and four hundred and eighty-live Irish emigrants, all of whom, ex cept five drowned, were landed at Wexford. I'ilkington & Wilson, owners of the Bhurt pori, have despatched a steamer to bring the passengers to Liverpool, and will forward Uiem to their destination. FRANCE. The Parish Journals continno to be filled with tulegraphio despatches received from the departments, respecting Louis Napoleon's progress in the South. If we may credit semi-official bulletins, his reception has been very enthusiastic. The various towns through which he passed were decorated with impe rial emblems, and the people received him with cries of "Vivo P Empcreur !" '-Vive Napoleon II. !" "Vivo la Sauveur do la France J" &c. Great excitement hag existed at Dieppo for the last few days, owing to the system atic refusal of the girls of that town to dance with soldiers. Tho affair was thought so serious that Gen. Gudin came to Dieppe to institute an inquiry. In the meantimo it has been intimated to the municipality that if these scenes recur, tho government will bring tho mailer to a short end by withdraw ing tho garrison, whieh would, be a severe injury to the trade of the town. INDIA. The chief event of importance that had occurred at tho scat of war in Burmah, since tho departure of the previous mail, was the capture of Iho town of Prome, by a fleet of light steamers under the command of Capt. Tarllon. The river lrrawaddy, below Prome, divides into two branches the left channel being defended by two strong forfs, and the light unnavigable except during the rainy season. Capt. Tarlton having been warned by some friendly natives that the left chan nel was defended, and being also favored by the flood, ascended the right branch of the river, and entering tho town without resist ance, carried off twenty-eight guns. Having no orders to advance, he returned to Rangoon although there was reason lo believe that the fleet could have made its way to Ava. the capital. Under these circumstances, Iho Fabian policy of the General in cornmund had given rise to considerable discontent. A postscript to the above intelligence slates that an immediate advance on and oc cupation of Promo is expected, and rein forcements will at once bo sent from Mad ran and Bengal. THE AlvlEFJCAlT. SUiNBURY. SATi rtDAT, OCTOBER 0, ISM. II. D. MAER, Editor nnt Proprietor. To Am'KRTm:R. The circulation of the tniiluify American Jimoint llic l;ili'reiit towns on the Susquehanna is n it exceeded if equalled liy any paper published ill North cm IVimsylvaiiin. Dr.MOCKATIC NATIONAL NOMINATIONS. FOR PRESIDENT: 1M AN KLIN 1'IKHCE, Of New Hampshire. FOR VICE PRESIDENT : WILLIAM R. KINO, Of Alabama. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. SENATORIAL. GKonr.K W. WoomvAitn, of Luzerne. Wilson M'Candlkss, of Allegheny. ADDITIONAL PISTHICT. Rodeut Pattekson, of Philadelphia. DISTRICTS. 13. II. C Eyer, 11. John Clayton, 15. Isaac Robinson, lfi. Henry Fetter, 17. James Burnside, 18. Maxwell M'Coslin 19. Joseph McDonald, 1. Petci Lojan, 2. Ceo. II. Martin, 3. John Miller, 4. F. W. Bock ins, 5. R. McCay, Jr., 6. A. Apple, 7. N. Strickland, 8. Abraham Peters, 20. W. S. Colahan, 9. linvul fister, 21. Andrew liurk, 10. II. E. James, 22. William Dunn, 11. Jno McReynoIds. 23. J. S. M'Calmont, 12. P. Damon, ' 23. Geo. R. Barret. DEMOCRATIC STATE NOMINATIONS. For Judge of the Supreme Court, GEORGE W. WOODWARD, of Luzerne county. FO CANAL COMMISSIONER, WILLIAM HOPKINS, of Washington County. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY NOMINATIONS. For Congress: CHRISTIAN M. STRATJB, of Schuylkill county. Jlssemhly : WILLIAM FOLLMER, of Turhut. Register &, Recorder : JOHN P. PURSEL, of Sunbury. Commissioner : JOSEPH NICELY, of Delaware. Jludilor : M. J. D. W1TIIINGTON, of NorihumbcrPd. Coroner : AARON KELLV, ofShamokin. K7 St. Mall hew 's Church will be open for divine services on Sunday morning. Land War.ii.ants. Persons havin" Land Warrants for sale, can dispose of them for cash, by applying at this office. tCF" We go to press a day earlier than usual to give our workmen an opportunity of going to the Fair. We will give a full record of the proceedings there, next week. Withdrawal or Ref.d. John B. Reed declines being a candidate for the office of Register &, Recorder. uj- amende. ve were incorrect in stating last week that Mr. Follmer did not vote for any of the bills authorising corpo ration subscriptions. He voted for the suppliment to the Susquehanna rail road bill giving municipal corporations authority to subscribe stock. We owe Messrs. Ktink- el and Bergstresser an apology which we always make when in error. DEMOCRATS TURK OIT t On Tuesday nejft, go to the poll and ote the whole ticket. This is an import ant election. A Congressman. Judne of Iho Supreme Court, and Canal Commis sioner must be chosen. The whigs through out the State are active and using every eflort to elect their candidates. It is the duty of every man to vote. ' No matter how much work he has to do, no matter how busy he may be, if he is able to walk, it is a high duty he owes to his country to go to the polls and vote. No man who has any love for his country and her insti tutions will neglect this duly. ... The man man who does neglect it is not worthy of the proud name of a freeman, he does not deserve lo enjoy the blessings of a republl can government. The whigs confidently assert that they will carry the Slate. They cannot do it if the democrats turn out. This Stale is and ever has been democratic, and the few times it has fallen under whig misrule the democrats have failed to do their duly. On the result of the general election de pends the Presidential election. Let eve ry democrat vote, and the Slate is sale for us by lU.UOU majority! Then come out democrals, every man of you, meet the whig boasters and vanquish them as you have so olten done. The eyes of your sis ter States are upon you. Present again your unbroken front to to the assault and march on to glory and victory. William Hopkins, the candidate for Ca nal Commissioner, is a sterling democrat who, during the Buckshot war, stood firm against the schemes of Ritner, Stevens and Bnrrowes, and retained his seat in the speaker's chair in spite of the armed men brought up by the whirs lo oust him. The honest democrat was not to be intimidate by partizan threats or traitors' arms. He sustained your rights against the buckshot and bayonets of Ritner's army ; you will now stand by and sustain him. Hon. Geoikie W. Woodward, for Su preme Judge is a man against whom the foulest whig slanderer dare not breathe a word. He is a profound judge, a pure and religious man and an unwavering democrat. Gov. Bigler appointed him to the Supreme Bench to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Judge Coulter. That Gover nor's endorsement is sufficient to give him the confidence and support of the people, were he unknown before. Of Christian M. Strai ij, our nominee for Congress we need say little. He is a native of this County and although but a short time a resident of Schuylkill county, he has gained the confidence and respect of the whole community. The fact that he has filled three of the most important offices in that county and received a unani mous nomination are the strongest proofs of his worth. He is the poor man's friend and will always be found in the right place. The ticket for County officers is a good one. Follmer, Fursel, Nicely, Withing ton and Kelly are all men in every respect worthy ol your support. Vote the whole ticket. Every scratch upon the ticket is a whig gain. Volunteer candidates are less worthy of the vote of democrats than are the whigs. Every volunteer elected will be claimed as a whist triumph. Do not permit yourselves to be deceived, but vote the whole ticket. OIF Democrats ! beware of lying hand bills abusing and slandering our candidates. A number will be circulated a day or two previous to the election. COL. STRAIU. The assertion of the "Miltonian" that Col. Straub is not In favor of a protective tariff, has no foundation in fact. He has lwayi been a firm and devoted friend and advocate of the protective policy. The coal and iron inlerest are safe in his hands- COMMUNICATIONS. K7" Dr. George B. Weiser has certified that he did not vote for Fursel on the last ballot. " The Hon. George Weiser, of Sun bury, voted for Fursel and his name op- pears to the certificate ol the 2U delegates, The J)r. is the son of the Judge and was a delegate from Lower Mahonoy. FIERCE AND KINO CLUB. SuNtiimv, Oct. 4, lo2. Club met according lo previous notice minutes of last meeting were reau ami adopted. On motion the Citair appointed C. J. Hru- ner, Kit. Uass anil Jonn v. iwarun, r.sipe., a committee to wait upon the "Pierco and King Glee Club," and invito them to partici pate in the proceedings of the meeting. The Club was llron addressed by Messrs Wolvcrton, McNeil and Youngman in Iheir usual forcible nnd impressive style. The Glee Club also entertained nnd de lighted the nndienco with several of their sorgs, tho following ns sung by the Club was composed and presented to them by John Youngman, Esq. : A DEMOCRATIC SONG. Tune Napoleon's Grave Oh, General Scott, where now are the legions Of friends lo suppoit you when dauber is near ? Alas, they have (led, ntnl the Salt River re gions Dark, dark in the gloom of the distance appear. Rill Seward may shout, and old Greely may bluKlor, The biave sous of fieedorn are true lo the cause Of tho Union, nnd firm in their faith, they will muster, To strike for our loved Constitution and Laws. Old Scott, to the army direct your nltenlion, The While House was never constructed for yon, We're willing to grant you the invalid's pen sion, lint tho Mansion to Franklin llic gallant is due. Your tall plume may wave, nnd your gold lace may plitter, Six feet you may stand in your Mocking or nioii-, Yet your proud heart will faint, nnd jour feelings liu bilter, When at last you w'll laud on tho Salt River Shore. On motion Iho Club adjourned with 9 cheers for Pierce, King and the Compromise. (Signed Inj the Officers.) The Mktiiodist Curium Cask. It was decided, by the United Stales Circuit Court, in November last, that the Church South was equally entitled with I In Church Ninth, lo Iho properly owned by them, ns a united establishment, previous to their separation. John W. Nelson, Esq., who was uppoinled commissioner lo ascertain and adjust the account between them, has just reported thai tho amount of property, previous lo tin; separation, was fcob2,2.).-. i fif, I lie profits since that peiiod, 1811. lravo been over OUO. The Southern members have re ceived no share of the pmlits since the sep aration, as tho Noithern iiieiubeis who here in possession, claimed the whole fund arid profits. The South have now taken ex ceptions lo the report, aud tho litigation is not yet ended. For tub American. Mr. Editor : I observed a communica tion in your "Deutscher Amerikaner," over the signature of "Kin Deutscher" selling forth the claims of David Martz, Esq., lo tho oifiee of Register anil Recorder. 1 also obseived a communication in tho lasl Sunbury Ameri can, in which n "Democrnt" lakes "Ein Deutscher" to task for misrepresentation falsehood &c. Now as regards both of these communications, I have only lo say that they were written by persons, who arc either ig norant of all that transpired in that conven tion, or strangely prejudiced in favour of their favorito candidate. It is a well known fact that both Martz and Pursel, got every dele gate that belonged lo them, nnd more loo. Did Dennis Buoy get all that belonged to him, even on tho first ballot, when those that were taken from him by fair means, or with his consent, no, far from it. The independ ent voters of Northumberland county will tell on next Tuesday at tho ballot box who was chiseled at the convention. They talk of poverty, large families, aged parent., &e , now let us take liuoy's circumstances, and comparo them with those of his competitors) he is n poor man who lias not even a house of his own to live in, with a family of help less children to support, and nothing lo do it with, but tho labor of his own hands, neither is it his own fault that ho is so poor, ho has had very bad health for scvenil yeats and is not at present able lo bear much labor. As to his qualifications he is infeiior to no man in the field having a business experience of many years. His popularity at home, ought lo bo a siitltL'ient recommendation as to rhaiaeler &c, ho will cet nearly every vote in the township in which he lives. hnt he 1 will be elected is the sincere will of si CI 1 1 1. 1 St i U A l iU E I ) E . 1 OC I! AT We would call your attention to the advertisement of Swaim's Panacea, for Ihe Citic of Scrofula in another column. i ZD" POISONING. Thousands of parents who use Vermifuge composed of Castor oil) Calomel, Stc, am not aware, that while they appear lo benefit tho patient, they are actually laying the founda tions lor a scries of deseases, surh ns salivn- tion, loss of sight, weakness of limbs, fcc. In another column will be found the adver tisement of Hobensaek's Medicines, lo which we ask tho attention of nil directly interested in their own as well as their Children's health. In Liver Complaints nnd all disorders arising from those ol a bilious type, should make use of the onlv genuine medicine, Hoben saek's I.iver rills. CT "He not deceived,'' but risk for Ilolien- siiek's Wonn Syrup and Liver Pills, nnd ob serve thai each has the sinnnlure of lite I'io- prietor, J. N. 1I01SENSACK, asinine else urn centime Ciot of cUcrs ItEMAIXISIU IN THE TOST OFFICE AT f.liniRV, Sept. 30, ISM. A Alcorn Wm. Ay res John B Huchcr John A, rsarnlnut David Bncher Kmina Brown Henry lloweu John PI A It III I? D. In Upper Augusta, on the 1st inst, by- Mr. Samiki. Savwrk, to Mrs. Maiiv Hu e, all of tho former place. In Lebanon, on tho 23d till , lv Hev. O F. Krotel, licsiniou W. IknilKs, Eso.. lo Miss Sarah Siiinhki., daughter of John Shiitdel, LjK., ol tho lust named place. Campbell Simeon D Donovan Sophia Dual Wm. Dolati John F Firman Wm. ' ' Frick Henry W. O Goodman Richard 2 H Haslet Wrn. 11. Hoover Henj. Hetber Isaac lleudeishot Hiram lltimmcshugcu M. F I Ingles Harriet J Jewell Mr. n i i: i. In Lewis tp., on the 21th ult., Mr. KF.KIi I1USSELL, aged about tit) years. Si'ir.iTr.u. Raiting Nonsknsb. A Con vention was held on Wednesday, at Worces ter, Mass., of Spiritual Rappers, (male and female,) Ildrmoniat Iiiethern, and other kin dled spirits. Adin Ballon was Piusidcut, and Kev. Mr. Uewilh. Secretary. The great Haimonian, Andrew Jackson Davis, deliv ered an address full of incomprehensible nonsense, and an attack on orthodoxy. Ke solutions was passed and speeches made in favor of spiritualism, harmonia) brother hoods, and bringing heaven down to earth and lifting earth up to heaven. One of the speakers J. M. Spear, said ho seemed to have received the power of lieu I log persons. His hand moved without his will towards the scats of persons diseased, and I hey were iusiaiitly relieved. Spirits sent him on distant missions, telling him he would have his expenses paid, and it was always so. He thought some great pood would result to Ihe world from his gill, if he hud lime and ease to develope it. Sui tiikrn liiHis.Clta, lesion, Oct. 4. The mail rider between San Antonio and El Paso had been attacked by a party of Indi an",' ami forced to return lo San Anlonia. Neuily 11,000 bales of cotton were receiv ed at New Orleans on Monday of last week. A parly of butchers who were engaged m giving a cltairvari, or burlesque serenade, at New Oi leans, had a conflict with the police, in which one of the serenaders was killed instantly, another was mortally wounded, and several others severely injured. The police also suffered, several being severely wounded. Tub Pennsylvania Rail Road Loan of three million of dollars, was allotted on the 16th Inst., Charles II. Fisher, Esq., ef PhilaJ a , on account of Baring, Brother k Co., and the Koihschild, at 3 20-000 per cent premium, il hejng Iht best bid fur the whole loan. Tim whole uniuunl bid was about 10,000,. '100 of Jul I j i. DUOW.NED. A man, supposed to have been intoxi cated, mounted the roof of the W est iiranch bridge, at Northumberland, one evening last week, and amused himself for some time by trying how near to the edge lie could slide without falling over. After a number of successful essays, he slid entirely over the eves, fell into the river and was drowned. His body was recovered in a few minutes, but life was extinct. A boy named McAllister, of Danville, fell from a freight boat passing down the canal opposite this place, on Saturday eveiv ing. He sank immediately, and although diligent search was made, his body was not recovered until Sunday evening. The water in the canal at that place is about ten feet in depth. His remains were ta ken charge of by his Iriends. I VIMINI; YOI R TICKETS. The system ol voting lor all the officers on a single slip of paper opens the door to the. practise ol lrands upon unsuspecting voters. A number ol tickets are in circa lation in winch the names of whi"8 and volunteers are inserted in the place of the regular nominees. Jt will be necessary for each voter to read the whole of his ticket carefully, and be sure that there are no names upon it but those of the regular ticket. Compare your tickets with the list of democratic county nominations at the head of this column. IU" The Fierce and King Club met again on Monday evening. A very large number of our citizens were present, and the Glee Club delighted the meeting with a number of original and witty songs. They sing much better than the hired "Chippewa Club" which the whigj are exhibiting through the State. Addresses were delivered by II. J. Wol verton and J. Youngman, Eirs., and Mr. M'Ncil of Noithuiiilulaiid. ClIOI.KRA AND ITS CaISI!. We have ceived from the author. J. X. Chaubeit, D. CP Ail attempt was made by an old man named Geer, at Ihe Court Room in Philadelphia, on Monday morning, to as sassinale Col. Fairlamb. Geer sprang upon Col. Fairlamb while conversing with a cli ent at the door, with a rix barrelled pistol, and placing it close to his face, fired. Th ball took off a piece of Fair lamb's ear. The Colonel relreated inside the room, while the old man discharged two other barrels at him, which fortunately did no injury, although a large crowd were standing around. Geer was taken in charge by the police and committed to prison. The cause of the assault originated in an old law suit. The man is said to be insane. l.MLIi TO.M'.S CAUIN. This popular novel is severely criticised bv the southern papers. The New Or leans Picayune is down upon the authoress. Mrs. Harriet Ceecher Stowe. 100,000 copies have already been printed. The following extract from the Picayune shews the feeling of the south on the subject. But her own task has been not a particle more honorable, nay, her woik ought to be ranked below those in its moral purpose, and herself rebuked with sterner sevurily; be cause she has degr.idcd lo her unseemly and mischievous labors powers which nuht have been uselullv an I trace fully devoted to delieale nnd womanly compositions. The secret of this vuluulaiy debasement is, we fear, to be found in a ciiculation of profit, most sordidly masculine, in llic uiitexin" of her thought for ihe sake of Km. The dol lars with which she has been enabled lo make heisetf rich, lo buy I hut snug country place, mid seat herself down for a life of lux urious leisure, had mom attractions for her man Ihe love of truth, or the natural feml rune instincts for peace. Hence she dipped her pen in the bitterest call of malevolence, and has written one of the abominable libels which the ase has Droduced. full of all man ner of calumnies and uncharilablcness ; and provocative of mischief beyond her power lo chuck ii sne would. Mich a desecration ol woman' nature, i a aorrv and a rare sight even in this age of feminine aspirations to j " man 111 u in narsuesi ei irans ana all his most unamiable pursuits. Hon. Bun. IIaro:n, a ditiiuguikhcd poltli cian of Kentucky, aud loimeily a member of Congress from that Sidle, died l Baidatown Lii the S 1th till. Foil TlIK AMr.lllCAN. Mr. Editor: It affords us much pleas ure to learn that David Mart., Est., of Sha mokin township, has yielded to Ihe urgent solicitations of his many friends, and consent ed lo bu an Independent Candidate for tho olliee of lU''istci iiml Jiccordcr, at the approaching election. Mr. Martz is well and favorably known t0 all the voters of Nuithumbeilaud county ns an honest, intelligent, honniiible nnd upright man, and most eminently ipialified lor tho proper discharge of all the duties pertaining lo that olliee. That he is the choice of a large majority of the people of this County. there can scarcely be n doubt, and of his triumphant success, this full at the bullet box, where every m;tn can have fair phnj, nnd where tho will of the people must prevail, there cannot, in our opinion, bo any ques tion. MANY INDEPENDENT VOTEUS August Ith, 1852. of Upper Mahonoy. Wll.KESAARRR, Oct. 2. FiinrKiNR Mrnni:ii. A most horrible mur der was committed hero to-day, the piir;ieu lars of which areas follows A Welshman named Keese Evens purchased from Lewis Keese, a rlolhier residing in this place, a a quantity of clothing. Iteeso requested payment this rnoiniiiLr, when Evans lold 1)C itlavlict?. Philadelphia Market. Sr.rr. 20, 1S52. Fl.ncR and M km.. The market is doll ; sales ol fresh ground for. export nt ft4,"i. Extra Hour is held nt $4 62& a SI 871 livr. I'r.ocn. Is scarce nt SH 7:. Cons Mkai.. Last sali's at $;'i. Sales of prime red it 1 03 a Otic, and prime old I'enna. while at 1 02 l! K Is selling nl 70 cents. Corn Is rather dull nt 70 cents afloat. Oats. Sales of Southern nl 35 cents. WmsKKV. Sales in bbs. and hhds. at 2."e. Baltimore Market. Ski'T. 23, 1852. fiRAlN. Sales of gnnil to prime roils to day at 00 a 01 els. : K Knap Mr. L Loshchlolnt M Morgan Rachel Moore Peter H. Morgan Charles Piper Geo. A. R Renn Henry J. Rhodes P. Rockefeller Solomon S ' ' Snyder Teier Rhrnder Jno. Shlpe Joseph Schmink Jno. Shier llonry Strauscr Peter T Trommel Jno, C. Taylor Caleb N. TJ Ungue Geo. W Weisel Philip y Yoxtheirner Geo. Young Samuel (Snrveyer ) R. B. PACKER, P. M. List ol' Letters Itl:MAINI.(l IS THE TOST OFFICE At Northumberland, Sept. 30. 1852, B and of while nt 00 a at 00 a 01 els, 100 els. Corn has defined. Sales of white were made to-day at (il a 02 cts. and. of yellow nt GO cts. Jlyo sells nl 73 cts. Oats are worth 32 a 36 cts WHISKEY. The demand continues very active, nnd sales rue making ns fast as re ceipts comi! in at 25 els fur bids. Sales ol hhds. at 2 I cents. ISriehl J. W. Husband John llarnliart Geoigo llinkheait J. Heard James c i Conn inplin m Jos. It ! Cossler Sallio I Camion Geo. P. ' Cofnian John ' Clayton Jas. J. D ; Dudley Chas. II. 1 Dodge Mr. i G Gulick John ! Gibson R U. G rcsau HittitiL; H llanev Isaac I latin John Henry Wm. Hodman Jas W. I Irviu Matilda J. K Kinley Nathan SUNP.l'KY PRICE CUUKKNT Win: at. - - 90 I!vk. - - .70 (iii ii m. ... so Oats. - . . 73 PoTATOKS, - - - 50 lilTTKII. - 14 r.rins. ... 10 I'llllK. ... 8 Klaxsrkii. .... 100 Tallow. ' - -12 IIkkswax - SO :t KI.KII 1'l.AX. 17 DlllKII Al'I'I.KS. ... - 10(1 Do. I'kaciii.s. - - -oil Flax ... H Kase S. P. Krnuser J. W. Keirn Daniel L Lawrence A. S. Lemon James M Marr Wm. P. Mahan Ann Mrs. Mehan Wm. M'Cormick Mary Miss 0 Oliver Chas. A. P Perrin Caloin Qniiiiiu K. ;. R Rodearmel H. D. Rake Geo. S SpykerS: Haven Mess. Sallmnn Anthony W. Shoemaker Matilda w Whilten 11. I!. Walters Lapt. Henry Y oiks William MARGARET AVEIMER, P. M. New Advcitisemoiits. VTOl'RNA.ME.NT was held lately at one of llic Virginia V iileiin plan's, nnil we hear him if he would an with him across ihn river i that the successful Knight was n yeutitf I'liihulVI- re-M. of New York, n copy of a pamphlet, in which ho treats of the Cholera, its causes, and method of cure. Aeeoidiu to Dr. C.i cholera is caused by inhaling a small greed' insect, discei liable only with I lie microscope, and existing only where eholeiu c.iMs. He found the insect by baling bis arm: and ivluio cholera eits, millions of this minute insect will be f mud upon the aim by using a microscope. These insect he thinks, are produced by malarious exhalations, ami car ried from place to place by the wind. They produce infiammutiou in the stomach, by fixing upon tho mucous membrane, and the iullamation is transrnilled lo tho liver through tho duct leading lioni Iho stomach lo the gall bladder ; and by general irii;;.iion of the nerves, produce the syminrns of chol era. This is Iho theory : his cure be keens to himself, till the governments of vaiious countries, compensate hint for his discovery. He is s.nd In havo been very successful in tho cure of cholera, and so have others, by the means which he condeiriiis ns mal-pi no tice, which he says has killed more than chuleia. Letlgo , A Cessi's of Nkw Oiii.kans has just been completed, by direction of tho uuthoiitieg of thai city, from which il appears that the to- lal population of Iho city is 1 15,440, of which number of persons 1 10,275 are- w hite, and 20,174 colored, slaves as well as free. The slaves 16,645, ol whom 10,205 are females, and only 6410 males. The free colored per sons number 12,529, ol w bom 7,338 aie fe males, and only 5 111 males. Of the w hiles, 63,385 are males and 52,800 females. Tho total number of votcis in Now Oilcans is 13,411. Mvstf.kiou.1. A writer from Pearishburg, Giles county, Ya., says: ,:At a distance of some three mile from this place, where some workmen were blasting rock, having mado an excavation o! ten or twelve feet, the earth gave way, and all were plunged into a large room, apparently .dug out. At the further extremity of the noun, a human skeleton was luund in a leaning posture, le clininp, at it seems, against Hie sides of the cavern J and seated upon something resemb ling a chest. No cine as yet is known to get at the history of Ihe human relic." A Spirit Rapper at Worcester, lold a lady who was Inquiring about her dead husband, that he died of a "disease of ihe gizzard." The lady went away puzzled, but satisfied that Iho spint knew tho rtal cause of her liuoldii J'b death he would pay him tho amount. Reese ac cordingly accompanied Evans across Ihe riv er After they had yol over the bridge they turned into Butler's woods, when Evans drew a pistol nnd hl Reese in the back of ihe neck, and the wound not immediately killing him, he beat his victim to death, as appeared from wounds on tho body when discovered. Reese had in his possession about $100, of w hich Evans rubbed the body, and then made his escape lo C.uljondale, wheie he was .inesleil for the minder shortly alter, ami was committed lo await the arrival of the authorities of Wilkesbarre. Tub Suminoi.hs i:n iioitk koii Fi.oiiida. General Lilake, with Ilolalo Mice ( Hilly Row legs.) John Jumper, Nocose Emnrlhla, Easa hatchee Einarlhla, Chocutu Fiisleiiupee, Sarpokeo Yoholu, Pasackecalhla and Abram, the inlrep:eter, have ai rived by steamer Iroin New Yoik on their way to Cluiilis!jii jupcr. A vkrpii T of f-000 damages was roilered i ll tho 1st inst. in I lie Superior Com I of l!,il timorii against Dan Rice, for an as-null on Geoigo Appleby, n compositor in the Balti more Sun Olliee. Tho assault was commit, ted some two ycais, in the Sun Olliee, and was f in il it an nuurnvated one. The treasury of Huntington county, Indi ana, was entered on llio uiimt nl I lie. mill) the iron safe taken out and burster! open with powder, from which some S3000 were taken, S2000 of which were in gold. The money mostly belonged to citizens, who had placed it there for safe keeping, thu Treasu rer having a short limo before paid out tho public, funds in the settlement with tho Sluto. A kkw musical prodigy has arrived in New York city in the person of M'llo Ca millo Urso, a girl of II years, w ho peiforms upon the violin. She is spoken of as a ge. nius of the most reinarblu order, by compe tent critics. ' Tub Harririburg Standard says that Col. D. Ilerr, of ' Ilea's Hotel," Harrisburg, has purchased the pioperty which he has occu pied for several years, for S20.000, from its owner, John N. Lane, Esq. Blinding Jisticb. Justice While, while hearing a liquor case at Walerlown, Mass., had a quid of tobacco thrown into his eye, by some one of ihe opponents of Ihe Maine Law. Rev. Pr Wainwriuht has accepted Ihe office of Provisional Rishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in tho New York diocese, lo which be was cL-cted ou the 1st inst., by the Convention now in session in this city. Thb blowing down of a pine tree in the township of Nelson, (C. W.,) has revealed the skeleton of a mart of great stature, sloue image, two copper vessels, and uine laige ica.-thclls. pliian, who is not less rHelu'utetl lir his onl taste than lie is for his manly skill at I lie lilt. We learn nlso that he Is, like all our yomicf men, of liooil taste, a regular customer uf liorUlitil unci Wilson's cheap and t'.isliienaMn 'Mliiiiit t-rtore, No. 1 1 1 Chestnut street, corner of Franklin l'lni-e. I'liiUlclpliia, Jan. :tl, 18S2. ""she 'iurrs saujs. 11X Virtue of certain w rits of . c. 1'n. to m directed will he hy pulilic Vendue, or outcry, nt the Court House, in the borough of Siuiliury, on MO.MIAYlhe ""nil day ol OctoW-r next, nt I o'clock, I'. M,, Ihe follow in- real cststc to wit : All that full, I'lpii'l, undivided J, ait ul a certain Tr:ict of Liiml, s ituate in Coal limnship Northumberland ro., hounded nnd descrihej us follows, to wit: licsin- iiini; ut a pine, thence liy lands of John Harrison, north 2 iff. west Slid uiul 20 rchi j to a post, (limn; liy laud of Tlnuuas Hamilton and Win, I'. liradv, south SS dcr. west lfiG perches to a white oak, thence hv land of Magdalena l.everson. s mill till dc;, west 'i I perches l.i a white oak, thence hy land of (Samuel fScolt, south 204 ilcrj. east lit iiiiilies and I -1 01 lis, lo a stone, thence irth 7(J dcg. cast Hi I perches to n post, thence nth Sdci;. cast 60 peiches to chrsmit oak, thence I'V laud ol .lames llcplnirn, noilli 88 dei;. east perches to the p!acc of he tnuuiiiK, containing hy il former survey .MO .J acres nnd ullowtmrv, and hy u re-survey aires and 20 perches and allowance. Seized, taken in esrrution nnd to he sold ts the properly ol George lleckart and Thomas Mi, up. A I.SO : (loo other full fip.i l, undivided part of a certain Tract of Iuul, situate in Coal township Northumberland county, hounded mid descrilicd as follows, to wil: Is.liu- nint; st a pine, thence hy lauds of John Harrison, nnrlli 2 tics', west 200 mid 20 perches to a post, thence by land of Thomas Hamilton and Win. P. llrady, south 88 den. west ICS perches to a white oak, tlirnce hy laud of Madalcna Lever son, soulll G'Jdet,'. west 314 perches to w hile ou, thence hy land of ISuimict Scutt, south 204 dcg. east til perches mid 4-10ths, to a rtoue, theiico north 7lij deg. cast 104 perches to a post, thence s mill 2 tlr, cast Till perches to a chesuut oat, thence by find of James Hepburn, north KS di-jf. east 254 perches to the place, of beginniiiK, run tnininj: by a former survey 3 1 'J J acres slid allow ance, and by a re-survey 428 acres mid 20 per ches ond allowance. Seized, taken in execution and to Se sold a the property of Cieo. Heckert and Thomas Sharp. ALSO: By virtue of a certnin writ of Yen. Erp. cer tain ISLAND situated in the Susquehanna river (opposite the Uto of Que,) in Lower Augusta tuwuahip, ill the County aforesaid, and known by tho name uf Clark's Isluud, containing 2G acres more or less. Also a certain other ISLAND, situated in said river, in iownship and county aforesaid, and near ly contiguous to the ubovo mentioned. Known by tho name of Timothy Island, containing 3 ucrcs more or less. Also a rertaion other ISLAND, situated iu said river, in the township mid comity aforesaid, and nearly contigunua to the above mentioned. Known by Ihe name of 11 internum' Island, con taiuinn 38 seres more or less, all of which ure cleared. (Seized, taken in execution and te be sold the property of John Hurtman, jr. WILLIAM B. KIPP. Sheriff's Office Sunbury, Oct. 0, 1852. BANK OF NORTHUMBERLAND. VN election Tor Directors will lie held at the Banking House, on Monday, the l.'ithd.iv of Movi'iiitier, between the hours ul 10 o'clock A.M., uiul 3 o'clock P- M. The annual meeting of 'ie stockholders, will lc held on Tuesday the 2d ti..; of Movenilwi at 11 o'clock, A. M. .1. B. PRIESTLY, Cashier. Nott'iniiulicrlanil, Oct. 9, lSo! It. A CONDENSED ABSTRACT Irom the account of Henry V. Kodeannel, Su pervisnr of the Susquehanna Division of I lie Pennsylvania Canal, as reported by him, for tho moiilh of July, 1H&3. Showing the averugo price ol labor, the detailed price paid for materi als, and the iiuines of persons from whom pur chased. Prepared agreeably lo the 34 th eecliwu of the act of 4th of .May, 1S53. E.BANKS, Ad. foremen on said Canal, per diem, . !( 1 ,!;, Caiieiitcrs do do SI, "5 to l.oO 4 ) I orsc terms do do 3,00 2 do do do do 2, IH Dulse Hire do do .VI Laborers do do 1,00 to BILLS. William fiibhons, 100 perch stone at 30 cents Slt.00 I.eshcr St Vanillins, one flat 7",()0 Culshcr dfc Mover, 1S87 cubic feel limlwrat 7Jcls Ml.iS Do SI4rf feci 2 in. pine plank at $0,50 30,40 Do 104 feet oak scantling nt $12 1,0ft Do 2004 Icet pino boards at f? 1 1 22,7 1 Davis oi fchniire, 3 keg nails at S 1 file 37, &e., fee., 3.',C4 Daniel VViluier, !)3fi feet plank at ijiO, boards nt i 10, 10,XS Ira Snycrs, loot feet pine and oak plunk at $0, and hauling, 14,05 Aggregate nmnunt settled for July, $1 150,24 .nKIACE CETIFICATE8 handsomely executed lor sale at tnu olliee, nuytc or hy the do9ji. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. 1 X pursuance of nil ft)rAr )he Orphans' Court of Northumlierlaiid couuly, w il'f nTWL ld to public sule on THURSDAY, Ihe. 2Sft of Oth.her, on the premises, the following real estate to wit : a certain Tnu't of. L; mil, situate in Point township, County aforesaid, con taining nliout OXE IIUXDRED ACRES adjoining the north branch, bf the river Susipie hunua; on the soulh, land of IV Ur Baldy, now (Kin pied by Leonard Miller; on the southward, laud lato of John Porter, dee'd., nnd oilier lands of said intestate, on the northward, and lands of Win. Ca moron on the westward. Whereon arc erected a two story framo DWELLING HOUSE, largo Bunk Barn, Wagon House. Shed and out Buildings. About EIGHTY ACRES of said tract is cleared and in good state of culti vation, the residue is timber land. A well of good water at the Dwelling House aud one at the Bam. Also a certain other TRACT OF LAND, adjoining the one above described, containing ubout NINETY ACRES adjoining lands of Peter Buldy, and the tract above deseri bed, and tho Southward, on the east and north ward, by land now occupied by Wm. Amnier niau bcliuigius' to , Snyder, and on the westward by land late of John Porlcr, dee'd., about SIXTY ACRES of this tract are cleared and in a good sluto of cultivation the balance in timber land there is iron ore of a good quality on this tract. Lato the estate of Henry Rockefeller, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M , of said day, when tho terms of sale will bo made known hy JOHN ROCKEFELLER, II KINKY MUKUAN, By Order of the Court, ) J. P. TI RSEL. Clk, O. C. Oct 8, 1852. 4t ) Adin'rs. Wanted. T pHREE MALE TEACHERS to tako charge JL of tho Public School in the Barry School district, to commence jn the lit of November Directors meet at tho house of K. Denglcr, 25th of October, at 1 o'clock 1'. M.( to raceivs applica tions. By order of the board. JOHN A. OTTO, See'ry. Barry, Oct. 9, 1852. 3t OYSTER CANS. A lot of empty -V" Cam, buitiUe for putting up fruit, for alc l,y WM. H. THOMPSON.