SUNBUltY AMEIUGAN AND SUAM0K1N JOUIUNAL. Poet V 11 . NIGHT. BT II W. I.ONGFKI LOW. The day i done, rind the ilaiknrss Falls' from Ihe winr of iiitfht, As a ftfulhor is wafted ifownwanl From n't i lalo in Ilia (light. 1 po tint liuht nf tin' villaeo Gl ';i -l iluoii'.tli tin ii in and tin? mist, "! a it. '!,; i'l si: Intta; fotnp Vr tin', 'i :, .: ;.; S' 'ul camiet t : sr-t. - A fri-ii'ij of kuIiiofs anl longing. That i.s not akin to pain, But resembles sorrow only As I lie mist irsemblcs the rain. Come, read to me some porm, Some simple and heartfelt lay, That shall sooth this restless feeling, And banish the thought! of day. Not from the grand old masters, Not from the bards sublime, Vhoso distant footsteps echo Through the corridors of Time. For, like strains of martial musie, Their mighty thoughts sugsest) Life's endless toil nnd endeavor, And to-night I long for rest. Road from some humbler poet, Whoso sons gush from his heart, As showers from the clouds of summer, Or tears from the eye lids start. Who, through long ilajs of labor, And nights devoid of ease, Still heard in his soul the uinsie Of wondeiful melodies. Such songs have power to quiet This restless pulses of care, And come like the benediction, That follows after prayer. Then read from the treasured volume, . The poem of thy choice, Ami lend to the ryhmo of the poet The beauty of thy voice. And the night shall be filled with music, And the cares that infest the day Shall fold their tents like the Arabs, And as silently steal away. A STRING OF ITEMS. Rounus, the poet, is 94 years old, and still vigorous. All-en 'rice was destroyed in South Caro lina, by the recent freshet. The journeymen printers of Cleveland are still on a strike. That which is bitter to endure, may be sweet to remember. At atrial in Doston, on Friday evening, tho Fire Annihilates proved successful. Capt. Weymouth, who was wounded in tho late affray in New Orleans, is dead. A si nci. p. plant of tobacco produces, it is said, 40,000 seeds. Give people proper books, and teach them how to read them, and they will edu cate themselves. When we are convinced that our opinions are erroneous, it is always right to acknowl edge it, and exchange them for truths. Wm. Clovk, of Rising Sun, Ind., has man ufactured 2000 ploughs in the last twelve months, the cost of which is $13,000 About 400 species of cactus are now known. The botanic garden of Berlin con tains 3G0 species the finest collection of them in the world. Timu: is a letter addressed to "modesty," lyi ig in the I'altiinore po-.t office, and there being no claimant for it in that city, tho postmaster lias advertised it. Miss Agnes Dick, aged 13 years, died in Baltimore, on Wednesday moiuing, from tho I'llecls df injuries received, by the explosion of cunjihene lamp. Anti-Rent Outrage. The Governor of New York offers a reward of S5,0()0 for the apprehension and conviction of parties con cerned in the outrage at the residence oi Mr. Shaw, in Berlin, on Saturday last. Death on the Rail Road. On Monday last, a lad, some 15 years of age, son of Mr. Hopkins, of 1'oltsville, was killed while at tempting to jump fiorn the wall along side of the rail load on to one ol the coal cars. Dr. Hnbbil, in tho Eeclectio Journal of Medicine, states that a decoction of cleavers, (galum sparine,) if applied to the face, and infusions of it dtank, removes freckles from the skin. Good rutcts. Mr. Charles Sampson, of Boston, purchased at tho Fowl Exhibition, in that city, two pair of grey Chiitagong fowls, for the oldest of which ho gave $50, and for tho youngest 825. Mr. Smith, of Valley Fulls, Conn., was the seller. Elijah Simmon's dog, "Crib," who was matched to kill fifty rats in fifteen minutes, in in Albany, on Muuday evening, accomplished the feat and won the money in sit minifies and fifteen seconds. Rather sharp work, says Kinck. as "Crib" is not larger than two ordi nary sized rats. Fuied Potatoes. After you havo washed peeled and sliced them nicely, quite thin' put two quarts of potatoes into two quarts of hot lard not merely melted, but hot, just as hot as it can be made without burning. Fresh fish should be cooked in tho same way. Ditto doughnuts. It's '-'a 6ecre' worth knowing." The Plow. Reducing Bones for Manuiib. Tho American Farmer gives the following meth. od of reducing crushed bones without sul phuric acid. Mix two bushels of ashes and one of salt, with each bushel of crushed bones ; moisten the bones fust, ami leave the whole in pie four or five week befure using the mixture, shovelling it over two oi three times during that period. t Woman's Wit. As Judge Douglas was eturning from the Reading Convention, he ell asleep in the car, while seatej near a idy with whom be had been conversing. he drew- her scissors and was in the act of imming one of his long locks, when he ened his eyes and asked "What are you ing V "Only paying the part of Delilah d shearing tho Giant" was the quick ,ly G3-S50O CJIALLKNliE. 1I MIATF.VfiK rnnrernn ihn hmhh ih1 hnpnlnrwi of n T iwoplrt iii at all lime of the mwt vahmbrn hnpnrt rt'irc. I litke ft grimtcil Hint cvrry pniwn will do nil in their pnwnr, to wvf the livro f their chiMn-n, nnd Hint fvery prmui will iirtrmvir to pr-'in te thfir own hrnllh nt all nm-riftf I fevl it to ho my duty to Bnlemnly nmirc you t lint WOlt MS, nvrilMiir t th opinion of the mnrt eriMtriitp,! Plirnirtim, nrettlie primary muiea of n Ijirite majority of ilif(niniB to which rhiltlrrn uml uiliillf. nrr lin dlr ! il ym lim'i-mi H!petiltf r ml itnrillv clirtiiKeiiMf from our kintl of f ( to HMtltiv, l!ml Hrrntli, I'nin in the M-r-ur't-h, l'ic!.ii: til (In- V H i'ihir- mvl Fiilliirnn of tho H-My. 1ry ( SI v IYv;.r, I'lilff--1 with In r rrint'inlivr fl'lt )1 rl.c. .J, ,,:,,. Vi;;;M, tillli . fcln:rll(l,t Dllt'C Hp- p!y t!t rctntilv : llob'KNS U K S WORM SYRUP. An !tni'li' I n ml) il ii:-ii S -t' lil ifit- lrhi' i '. r in;"nm' cl vtii'i .itr('l V.-;H i! If fil. ,Mntvi, h-iti' prrtVctly frt'v !n ,t it, siM-l i Ml he t,i tip. ii--.nt 'in'' illt with il. .-!., I l-.-n, (i.-i-tl t il. -i, h-r" U 'v.- I t'-inpl.iiiitfi ii-. 1 lin,-1i'!-:i invi m ..h :hr,n M-i'tik nml ih hiliintiil tlifi T 'liif pro ' ; t i t df my W m Syrup nrn nurh. Hint it p'linil!" wirli nit. iiti t'i!i;il in c!M;ini;ni' "f nniliriiir, in (living fonn nii'l n-.H-l'i t St 'tivM-h. whit-h nink. it nil liif;i!'ililc rrtnmlv f r Ih'txp nllhrtVil willi Dvitnf nin hv. Mstiiinliui'." run-' pcrfi rmt-l hy (his Svrnp nltar Vlivsi- 1 cituift Irivr fitil. (1. in the luM t'videnec of its itptiior eili cacy over nil others. THE TAPE WORM! Tlii l ttic nnwt iliirivull Worm Imlrnmrnf nil 1 linl in- li-it Un? liMiiiiin n-gu-iii, il !rvtit mi lilmnst hiili-Htiilc Irnulli iH-n iiTiiiiir Hn ruili-il nml liiFH-m'il in the lntcKliiu'R nml St-Mii;irli cfiV'i'tiinr thp hwilili p:l(llv ns to cmice St. V.liu ll:niic I'ilB. Ac . Unit llins.- nlilii'tnl B lt if eviT ii!wt Hi. n it is 'lipB Worm iMst.-iiiiifj thciii lonii curly lirnve. In iniVr to di-Wroy tliifl Worm, a very cntTpi'lii ln-HliiiMil iniim tic piirnmil. it would therefore Ih- propiT to tnki; 0 to 8 of my l.ivnr Pills sons to remove nil olmtruc tionn. that the Vormiyp mnvnet ihrcet upon the Woimt Wliieh must he taken in diwen lit 4 'l'ttlilelipoonfulli! 3 limea n day Ihene direelions follnwed hu-e never heei! known to fail in curing the most obstinate case of Titie Worm. tCT" IIOBENSACK'S LIVER TILLS. No pnrt nf the ylem In morp li:iM io difcnpe timn the I.I I'M, il eurviit; tin n iiltcrt r to purify the Mood, or giv ing tli proper MtTction to the hilt: j no'thnt nny wrniifi nr linu t.f the l.ivcr tMlrrls the other iinporttiut purls of tlie pyntcin, und rtulti vnri niRlv, in jvcr l'i)iiipl;iitit, .fniin-din-, ilypwpdi!i. A:r. We bTiohM, tlit-refore, wntch evt-rv ffyiiiplom that niiuht indinitu n wromj nrtioii of tho ,wr. Tins.' liL-iti' rotnp..Bed of H(H)TSV IMiAN'I'S fiir llifhnl hv tinliire to IhmI tlir sick : Nruuolv. Ii!!. An KV. ri:CT(liAT, which mineiilB tlie sirri-lion from the i-iiiiuoiiarv niiicuB uiemijniiii', or prom-cs tli niwlinriro of ecm;trd limtttT. lind, An ALTKH ATI V M, which chiiiiycB in r line incxplicidili; mill iintcnsililc inuiiupr tin n-rlam niothid notion of tho nyrtrin. Did, A TONIC which pivi'ff tone nntl Btronirth to tlie nervous B Blfin, re nowinir hrdth nnd viptr to'nll parle of the body. 4Hi, A CATHARTIC, wliieh nctB in perfoct Immioiiy with the other iti'Tedk'ntB. and oncnil inn on tlie H twuln. nnd oxpi-I- I linir the whole maps of corrupt mid vitiated matter, nnd pn- rifving the UIo.kI, which destroys disease and restores health. TO FEMALES. Yon will find these ld!s mi iumluahle tnodioinr in ninny complaints to which vou are Fuhjeet. Jn uhst-rurtKnis ei ther total ol partial, they have lioen found of ineutiinahle henciit. roftt'irinv their fmtpti.-nal -irrnniToinents tn n heal thy notion, ptirhyini; the IiI-kkI nnd other rl'iidn si elfei'tu nlly to pat to tliiiht nil r.tnplaints which may arise from foinalo irrep-nlaritiiB. ns headache, giddincsH, diumcss of sild, jmin in the Bide, kick, &e. Trice, 25 cents each. None centime unless signed J. N. Ilobcnsnek, nil others being Ikihc Ifiiitntion. ftf" Acents wi!hiue new snnplios. nnd Stor Keoners d-'BtroiiB nf iRTttiiinur Airent nniHt address the Proprietor, J. X. Io,rim:ick. l'hibdelphia. l'a. Sild hv J.W. Kriliii-r. Sniiliurv : " MePnv. Vnr. Ihuinl.crland; IK-iBel, Tnrhntvilh' ;" Ilnseri Milton ; Ditty Jk Ienker, tieoretown ; Leiwiirinif k Wolvorton, I'hxi nos; Wiest. Hiekorv: all dealers in Metlicum in the County nnd Slate. ' Matiufactttred by the New Jersey Zinc Company, Newark, N. J. rplIK Pulwribers are now preirel In execute orders 1 m nuy exiciit fur tin ir ln-iiiitinil white and colorixl Zinc Paints, at tlie rcdtici-d prices, viz : . . .... ... warranted 1, lute, gionnil ill oil, 0 cciitt per Hi., pure, No. a, do. d.i. e io. do No. 3, do. do. 7 d i. do Urown ntid Illnek, d.i. 5 do, d(t One liiimlril pounils will cover eipmlly well as much til face as Kill llm. of White Lead; they are -Jo percent chi-iiper to Ihe C'liiFinner. Tlie ZincWhitk is rapidly snpcrcpitiiif; 'hilp T.tad, over which it pofscsscs miniy fiilvantacs It is whiter, and ai'ire hcaulil'iil than the White I.e:td iIih'S not turn yellow, even when exposed to snlpliuiuiis viiior lias no smell is not injurious to health, and is fur in ue. (hi ralile. Zinc Ilmm-ii and Rlacx Taints abk totii Weatiikr and Fiiib Pkoof. The hest vorcriim for onlsiilu work ever iutioiluced, adnptetl to tinililinirs of wond, hrirk or stone to fences, carriage bodies, liriilaco, and niaehincry 1 1 the hulls of vessels, anchors, chains, and all i. liter Iron, work on lioaril ship to steuiu boilers, stnoko tacks mid water l inks to iron, tin. nml other rooiiii(i, iron simmer doors ami railing, wne fences, briilires, c. For Iron Surfaces this l'aint is especially valanhlc as it forms a galvonic c nuieclioii, and entirely pieveuts rust. These Zine Paints havinir a pare Metalie Base, are war ranted not ti turn yellow, and will retain their original brilliancy much linger Hum White Lend, or any ul Hie e inhy pigment now in use. The certificates from those who have used Ihese Paints, are such as t i satiety the pub. lie Hint they are invaluable. The ablest eliemists of France and this country have leslilb d to the superiority of Zinc over Lend Paints, at to durnbilitv, liiiililu'iiluess and beauty. They have been adopted bv ihe French (lovetn iiient. by the corporation ol New York, nnd are now ex tensively used by the I'niteil Suites (iovcrniiieul ut many ol the largest Mililnry iin.l .Murine Depots. PlIlHUELrjIlA HAS Wiiiiks, May IS, 1MI Messrs. P. C. Jonss tc Cv ;i-i!i.-ui:i,, linvinir m-ule several trials ol' your l'.wil 'me Paint in vari. us nie'h o;ls ealenlated to test i! s , roleeli ve ipc.iliti. nivin U'-xl nml lllelal. 1 bavi! the satial'aeii in to state that the results h.ive b.ell highly l'avi:.!.ie. The p-iiet e .Veiiui; we:!. drying quickly, lino mf:s-e..ittijr eri.'ater tell'ieit v. upon lion, than taiy other paint with wliieh I'i-i-l.-diy 1 am fii- liiiuir. Yours, truly. John c. rcK.snv. The mi'b mviiii!. h tvinr; used the Zinc Paints referred 1 1 eoiieur ia the foiiH..oiug opinion, M rris, Tusker & .Morns H waiiet, Neafie ic Co., Penn Worki. Merrick A- Sal. James T. Satfou Co.. Franklin Iron Works. J. T. Uean, I'. S. Dry Dock. W Healers supplied on reasonable terms by the Agents of the Company. F. C. Jfi"i:s A Co.. No. 17 iSouth Wharves, Plula. July 17, !-)'. Sin. Vau Loan 1 )a giiorrcan C 1 allcry, 159 Chestnut Street, VT lliis celeliraleil cslalilisliinent yi.n can alwavs pnv care tne newest and numl iisprovetl style of" I.(il"l-:i!KI-:i)TYI'13 ic TAI.HOTYPi: POKTHAITS at fimn so to loo per ct. leu cost than sacli pictures can lie had fir elsewhere. Now that yon cna seciiin sacli perfect portraits of year l ived rnica al u lucre llianiiud cost, don't delay lest' you li'l-e (liein. I'.very variety of fancy eases, frames, A-e , on linnd or fntwlslieil to ordei, and every picture made satistiirv nnd war ranted to he in the licsl stvie nf the ult or .o (11 A UGH Call and sec us at IM Cliesliint St. , i.. ii. rvitNr.i.i,. I'liiladillj.liiu July IT, 1.V3. ly. JOHN A. TAYLOR, Manufacturer of 3Ioiitunciits, Tombs, AND CltAYE STONES OF THE FINEST Italian and Amkiucan Maiiule. At his Old Stand in Northumberland, Pa. rnsPECTFi:i.I,Y inform tho public that all . " hub win ue niauc up ol tlio verv est material and finished in the luteal stylo of tlie hastcrn cities. ' eve,!',rt " .T".1 f Urh atM wr -l and w'll do we,'. ' V Bl;'10 at ,1,e 1"rRl ". May 15, 1852 lv. The JolnistoM Jnt MANUFACTORY REVIVED VUh If Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA ' riHIE subserilier beg. leave resPeetrulr ,' J , r',fr,;MS ""ally, that he lia, ,Z cceded to the liusiiiess ol manufacturing r, ",,, iv; I'd formerly carrieil on by his grand Father" and Father, aud oilers his article to the trade' without any lYrrn, but wilh the simple reliant-! upon the long catahlLhed clmiactcr it has borne feeling confident of its clung entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call. Tinrss Cash. CHAKLES EN El! JOHNSTON April 10, 1852 tf. t.MlTH'8 ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN. GElt, a fresh supply just received, and for wlc by U. U. MASSEK. Kunbury, Jan. 10, 1853. T RNOLU'S WRITING FIXlFitrAdhT. sivu and legal envelopes, for sale by H. 11. MASSER. Sunbury, nfa 10, 1852 1 1 AHKIAGE CETIF1CATE8 liandsomcly executed for sale at this ollice, single or by the dozen. RAZORS. A superior article for sala store of HENRY MASSEU Hi.iibury, Feb. IH, 1800, Tremknpous ExClTEinSNT ! '. Cash, Steam, Klcclricily I! The Aerial ami ai other linen out-done foj the IKA. T. CLEMENT. "WTniO, linvinir prct ruttli in rnpiil milrii nml uninll profitu, linn just received ana opened a large assortment of srniNC. AND PUMMKIt GOODS, At 1iN Store in MnrSet tstrert, Puiilmrv, which lie nflrr to the pnhlie. nt the lowest prii rs. Rtoik consists of n gcneial assortment ol Dry ((Odds, viz : Clvllix, Cmsimcrs, Cassinrts. Jean, Drilling, Mwlins, Linens. Culicors, Muslin tic Lains, Lairns, Cinehams. llcrages. Sit.K & Palm Lkap Hats. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. CJrocerlcs, Sugar, Tea, CoITi'p, Molasses, Checsp, Spi ces, I isli Salt, rlastcr. HARDWARE, Viz: Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Paws, Vc. QUEENS WARE, Tea Setts, I'latcs, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, Ifc LIQUORS, Wine. Brandy, Gin, Rum, Whiskey, ic t3f Country produco of all kinds taken in c ch:i n no at the highest market prices, JNIay 8, 185S ly. 500 E00K AGENTS WANTED. ANY goud, ndlivp: nml iittolligenl man Willi u small capital ol tiom SJU to n $100, can mnko laiL'e profits by enoit"itio jlt the sule of l ho followino l'OI'Uf.AIl AND USEFUL HOOKS. CHAMIir.flS' IM'tUiMATION Foil TIIH PF.OPI. or Popular Kncyclopifdiu oi' t'sel'ul Knowl.ilge Two large inuienal octavo volumes, e ntiiilillig I7U11 tinges. PI'.TKUSll.N ; S HISTIIKY OF TIIH AMKKII AN ItLVOLFTIIlN. oltl luige octavo pages, with HJ line iMlgrio-ings. PF.TF.HSO.Vr. IlISTortY OF TIIK V. H. NAVY. Cud liuge is'tavo pages, tuiil Iill hue Fngriivings. Fitns l"S IIF.M.Mi iiAUI.n LVKN IS I.N 'TIIH lllfs'l'd UY OF AMLKICA. Twii large octavo Volumes, coir tiiiuai.' 10IKI pages and 7(111 Fiigravings. The best llm- lory ol America published. FHl'.-T S PICTOItl Al, LIFF. OF WASHINGTON'. , riilufiilul Il.ioh, eoiilainiiig GlHI octavo pages anil 1:10 ele. gain f.ngraviiigs. 1 lie cheapest Lile ol ashiugloll ever pillitistle'l. .MOOltr. ! HISTORY OF TIIK INDIAN WAUS. Fine e 'lori'i! nnd IMnia Plates. TIIK TIJI K Itl.Pl IH.ICAN. Coataininp the lnimural Addresses and Ihe First Animal Addresses mid .Messages ol nil the Presidents of the I'nilrd States, the Coustllu ti uisol the important States in the I'nioii. Ac., Ac. Lihbellished with Portraits of till the Presidents, cimrn ved on steel, mid a view of the Capital of the t inted Slates. .OliO pages, p mo. FOX'S UOOK OF MAIiTYIi'S. A Splendid Familv I'.iliti hi, large quarto, with 5 I'.ugiavings, beaiitnally l itllul ill , rilt. Di; COItMCNlN'S HISTORY f IF TIIH I'OPI'.S. (KHI laree octavo paces, with illustrations. JOSKPIII'S' WOMKS. Fine I'.dltion. one larec volume. sTnt.M's ui:fli:ctions on tup; woiiks of IIOI). sr. pii'.nnirs stfdif.s opxatfur. WIII I KS HlSToHY OF TIIK WOULD. A Valuable fieucinl History. One large ixtavo volume, with haiid f ane l-'ngravincs. I.IVI'.S OF till KAT AND CKI.I'.BIIATF.n ClIAUAC TKItS; of a I Ages und Countries, tine large volume ol'MHl jvages, with numerous Kugruviugs. Tonther wilh a number of oiher Wotks particuhirly adapted for Popular Heading. fCT" The most liberal discounts will be piven to Agents uhn may engage in the sale vf the above Valuable Hooks. For furthor particulars, nddrrss (poslno paid,) J. & J. L. G1HON, P.ibtisliors, No. 08 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. June 26, 1852. V A S 1 1 1 N ( i T O X IIOUS E , suubuhy, pa. JAMES COVERT, Proprietor, "STOL'LD respectfully announce that he has ' talvcti this veil known Hand, where lie will be gratified to see nnd entertain his DVndii and the travelling public generally. This house is now replete wilh every convenience, comforta ble, pleasantly located, handsomely furnished, well ventilated, rendering it in every respect a desirable stopping place. No expense has been spared in fitting up this liouie. The chambers are will furnished nnd the table and bar provided with the bit tho market can allord. The stable accommodations nre extensive and well calculated for travelers.. STAGE OFFICE. The ?t:v-cs miming from Northumberland to I'oltsvii'e, slop at this house, where through and way tickets to l'hiladelphia can be obtained. iSuiibury, March "0, Jc.1'-. tf. lYholciJc ESi t.-iil Clock ESTABLISH ME 21 T. S. E. Corner Steond and Chestnut Sis., ruiLAUELrniA. "T,I7'HF.RU may be found, one. of the largest and best .'issortments of Clocks and Time pieces in the I'niled .States, in quantities to suit purchasers, of from a sinelo Clock, to one thou sand Clm-ks; embracing every variety of style nnd manufacture, suitable for Churches, Halls, Counting Houses, Parlois, Sleeping Apartments, and Kitchens, Steam and Canal llouts, and Kail I toad Cars. Also general sale Agent, for Rapp's lately pat ented Scientific Niche Gold Ten. Wholesale and Retail Gold mid Silver Ren Holders, and l'eiicils, and a variety of Fancy Goods. Those wishing In purchase will find it lo their interest to call before purchasing elsew here. JAMES HARDER, S. i:. Cor. Chestnut & 2nd Sts., Phila. April 10, 1H52 ly. J. I. DITTSK.ICH, iVo 78 Xorlh 2r ft., between Arch aud Race St., rillLADZLFIIIA. 1 JEKEDV informs the public that ho imports anil constantly keeps on hand at his new store, -No. 7 3 North 2d St., a large assortment of Foreign Fancy Goods, .Musical Instruments, Pictures & Paints, which he w ill sell at the lowest prices. His stock, in part," consists of, Accordeons, Violins, Music ISoxcs, Parlor and liar Room Or gans, Melodeous, Seraphines, iMathemalicul In struments, Magnets, Spy and Opera Glasses, Stationery of all kinds. Pocket liooks, liroiize Powder, Dutch Metal. Gold anil Silver Leaf, Scales of till kinds, Snull' and Tobacco Boxes, Lithographic Paints, Copper Plate and Steel En Kruviniis, and pictures of eery variety. Also Gilt Frame Mouldings of various sizes. Dealers, Country Merchants, and Pedlars, sup plied at reasoiiuble prices. Dtcenila r 20, 1651. tf. TUB tiUE.IT .lliEI) tl lU- It IV OJ ! HICKEI? & TTITjTj. No. U8 Chest mn St., above SLth, Front of JONES' HOTEL. AVK just received Iheir Trize Medal. aU.:tr,1..,l k. Il.nm f..m , , ... iiiiii, in, trtnir la.1 'I II ... hibited nut.. U' ii. o Jr"el""S irunks ex- -titiie'rrnmr1 ,ho TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, L To ba found in this City, ad ,t ve ,w . Call and ace. HICKEY & TCLL, Aprn7ft"rrC"',48CUc'tn''- 1)LANK Parchment Paricr n..u Moitgages, Bonds, Executions, Summons, .VC. for mihn Vu II 1 m. .... ' Sunbury . April 80, 1851 THE GREATEST HISTORICAL AND AUcccrionl Print, cf the Age, In Commeiuorniinn of il.rit most importnnt event in the A M F.HI ( 'A.N' REVOIX'TION, The Urilish siirroiti!;rui!! lltrir nrms la GENERAL WASHINGTON After their defent :it VORKTOWN, Vnoini.-i. October 1781. riMIF. I'ngravin isexecillcd ny luev jr, iM.ince, p.. at I itcv A o . from nn original d-nwia.' tijr J. 1 . f.'i, and published by llenjanuu I aimer, I tr-.iv r. 1 hi -!e. tuna. I i.e size oi nit- p ........... - . iguiuay iiunnsiicu c ' "- -r -. HXI'LANATION. Tin IIhtoiiv. In the lost mid ar.-ind ....ill are . xlubVe l llirce large groups i f Ihe principal oill " rj, who were ;ne scat nt the transaction, with a laithful liken-ss of each. In the lirst jtioap is seen l,eiieral asiuiaoon, luie-ra, llencml Lincoln. Colonel Hamilton, an M Ftirm-r eager to eoutctiuilate the scene, liil!) ttt.: nni . and the Horse nf Hcncnil Wnshitietoii. In the second group, are American nnd 1- rea.-t) 1 1 in , i - : li-.i.- - I Kiu.x, Si-eretnry Wilsm, the Duke do L.-iz.'ia. m.d -lie laopiis dc 1a Fuvette. I'lie Ihird group is idveripttve m Ihe Tlrilish itrfi nder ins their arms. 1tr-l Cornwnliis. Ueneral O'llara, I'.-iu-in-slorc Simmon, Colonel Tailton. with two Ineieis rut olf, Lieiilenaat Colonel Italph Aber- romliie. Ln iitennnt Colonel Dnndas, lird (Miewton. V'-. Lord Comwahis ap sars pii-Kciitiiig higtword to tt- r.-t (ieiieral Otlicer he meels, but ticneraf Washiuelon i p iiited out to him ns the onlv persiai to wlcan he i lo rarrcntler his sword. On the heights Nml ill Ihe dlsta niies mid cr.iwtlf nf ftpoctiirirs. The 1 1 nun 'f Stfrrti.rv Wilnoit, urciipii'd In finl Cnrnwiilli! and hif M:iir. wliieh vn luimlmnk-d jik-rrt'il with K!'k : Ihe Mnr-juis H; Ia Fnycttc trnving n-mnrkril tlmt tlii-y we f rurryinp ilirfiri Oir the diniuT of ltnl CnrnWTillin, nski'd Inivt of (icnenil Vnhiii?("ii pvtvp. him a ilisli nf his own tvioliimr, nil iininrtliiitrly iil'itsr W'Vfriil rv.iiilishi'llfi felt ttirmi-h tlieTonf on llii? tulilr, nml wnundcil d(itii( nml dirUTr('d Hie pnrty Tiik Ai.tKnoRV. On lite left if crritMl n ni"tmun'Ht in lion, of tin T ilhiRtriourt hi-nii-n v!ir riTilifiil their lives niul firluiiet in inure to their citiunf, the Liberty nml In (lenetnliMK-e Ihrv niV rninv. liiltlis!nnl tit ff) hv WM. RUNM. rhihiMi.hi-i. nnd to hp hit.) nt tin- (iiTk't of Ihe A.M1.1HCAN COl'HIKM." N. 1 1 1 iJhtnlmit Struct, Hiiluilelphitt, us jimniunis to tlmt 1' A lihiT-il iliReonnt tii Affenta. l'tiili'k'Vlii;', Jinii! 26, lhj'J GLASS, DRUGS, PAINTS, &C miisob.ks iii: ai lurriii,. TIIK l'liilmlelpliia W'itu-ow fila?n S'nre lione. anil Dm-- Puinl V-iroUb. .t ,1 n,,.t Color Stores, Nos. :ty and 35 North Fourth Street. Foist side, ban the largest assortment of AViinlow, Picture, Couch, Case, Hot-House, and other GLASS, in the city ; comprising upwards of 15,000 dif ferent ni.od, rniit'ing from the smallest size, up to US hv fill inches of Sheet, and as laree ns S by 7 feet of Plate (ilass, including KntrlUh Crown, French, (iertinm and American, both Single and Double Thick. Also, n larce. assortment of Very Thick Class, for Kky-l.ii;hts, BulW Windows, Ae. The Subscriber having n beary utoi k on hand is prepared to fill orders nt the shortest notice, nnd on the most reasonable terms. Odd of any pattern cut to onter. Ciround White T.ead ; l'aint. Varnish, of ev ery description ; Turpentine; Liu-cod Oi( boil ed and raw; Pnii-.t Mills; Putty; llrit. lies ; Dye. Woods, Ac, Ac, &c. And also, a larc supply of fresh imported DRUGS AM) MEDICINE. .1. II. S PliAf itK. Xos. 33 & North 'llh ft., E. Side. April 10, 183S. ly. HAPcHISBUEG LOOK EIKDEHY. J'. I,. IIUT'I KR & CO., Successors to W. t). Ilickok, and Iliek 'k .V Cnntinc. BOOK UIXPKiis, STATIONERS AND ui.A.Nic hook :iANi;i'.fTt i;i:i;s. Tho substriliers r; sjiectfully inform their friends and the public, that they nre now carrying on the above business; at the OLD ciTA N I) occupied by Hicko). & Co. They flatter themselves that bv careful allenlion to business, they will merit and re'.eivc n continuance of tho pairoiiago so liber ally enjoyed by the old firms. Particular attention will be paid to the ruh'pir nnd binding of every description of blank books for bunks, county ollices, merchants and private! individuals, and eveiy variety of full and half bound blank books. Old books, periodicals, law books, music, newspapers, &e., bound in any pattern and in any style required. In addition i i the a', they have, and will at all tunes !-., p, a noNKUV. i oiisi -Mig of ssortment of STA- l.etlcr Paper, Cap ' Drawnm o Transfer u 1 in ( nil' ii'.:. . MUM lilac'; f ' itr-s and Pencils. Lead Peu -ils. I.elter Sl:unps, lii'K l lli.'i-ier, V..fer-. He, Tit.-- II ml, .. .. l-..!.lr,s. . -, A 'eyi l Ih' tttini i i Sleel Pens, ! Carnliiie. I.'k, Hill I . C'HOni. In!(, i'd Viiti.i' l-'aiid, Krns Am tHy I'.ipi r ruled to pattern, ai ranted and done verv i h, ip!v. 1'. I.. JM'l March 13, 1K.V2 if. . all v. n'k. "AID AKT CGIirOivT," "i o Your Otvbi flt-t'hi('y. (JEOlKiE 1SHNN. MANI'FACTi nF.r. OF l UHNlTURE AND CHAIRS Of the most FasluonaDe Ziylo. rVlW. subscriber rcspeetfull.v rU the attenlion - of the public to his la.- a ni splendid assort ment of every quality und price of which cannot fail lo recommend ilself toeverv one who will examine it, on aceoiuit of its durable workmanship nnd splendid linUh, made up of the best stock to bo had in the city. No cMort is spared in thn manufacture of his ware, nnd the subscriber is determined to keep tip wilh the ninny inipiovcini nts winch are constantly being made. His stock consists uf Mahogany Solas, KUvniis) mxl I.ouisos, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFJST AND DINING TAULL'S, and also VENETIAN EI.INDs, r,jual to Phila- (Iclplna maiiulaeliire. IiEDs'1'EADS, of every pattern ntid price, CUPHOAUDS, WORK ANI) CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TAP.LKS AND EXTENSION TAliLES, in short, every niiicle in this line of his business. lie uloo inaiiulacturcs all kinds and qualities of ClIAIliS. including varieties never before to be had ii Sunbury, such as Maiiiikam, Black Whm t axii CriiLKii M U't-K Giiia i.iN ; ami Wixnsmt CHAIRS, ami i-ssicr Pi a so Stools, which arc of the latest styles, und warranted to be excelled by none inanuiacturod in the Cities or elsewhere. 1 lie suliscnlier is determined that there shall be no excuse for arsons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about tho quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. His articles will be disposed of on a Rood terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. ti I A DEKTAK1NG. Having provided himself with a handsome ITkaiisk, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or ut uny convenient dis tance from this place. tJff" The Ware Room is in Market Street, liclow Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern. GEORGE KENS. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852 tf. " j'7 ii j a . "ha TT iTi s7 Manufacturer, &. Dealer in Imported and Domestic Segars, Alto, a general assortincut of Leaf & It I it iiu fae tn red Tobacco, CONSTANTLY on hand, at the lowest mar. kct prices. Corner of Chestnut St., and Wharves, Philadelphia. December 2T, 1851. ly. JUSTICES' FEE DILLS ForTuIe by H..D. MASSER. Sunbury, 1851. SP ''ISSUE PAPER Yellow Tissue paer for H. covering, &.e., for sule ut the ollice o f it Aincriiau. CHERRY PECTORAL: l-'or (tie Cure of COUOH3, O0LD3, noAnsErrx3S3, nnou- OHXTI3, CROUP, ASTi. 1VIA, WHOOPIHO.COUDH AMD CONSUr.IITIOM. This invaluable .-eincdv for all diseases of the Thiioat Bud I.t si.s, 1ms attained a celebrity fr.rii its remarkobla cures, nru-r equalled by any oibcr medicine before. Other uc partitions have r-'iown themselves and Bometimes ef- lecled nutnlilu cures, Imt none lias ever so fullv won the confidence of every community where It U known. After years of trial in ccry climate, the results have ituli -pulably shown it to posses a mastery mor this dangerous clasp of diseases, whii h could nut fail to a'tiact the attention of Physicians. Patient, anj the public at larire See the stasi ments, not of obscure individuals ami from far distant places, but of men who are known ami respected throughout tho country. The v'idtht ctle'iruled Surs;rnn, Dr. IV! L- Vy TJXE MUTT, oN. V. Cihj, sajs: 'It cives 1110 ie:if!ire ( ceilMV the value and edlcaev of "Ayeis rlierry I'ect-'ral, wiia-a I c n: ider iiecnliarly aoa;iteil lo cure Uli hi ine llii-eat hum imi-.-a lt. l'l'.KKIXS. II;.' President of tin; Vi lll-it MeiUeal t''i!li--je, i ue nf the i eniu i.tly l.-aria-il phys- lelansot tins country, wrile-i, tliel.'lariy I'eeti tenf-.ivelv lei-d la this fi etmn, vvneie It Li's sa -Wll ill nils. tnkahle evidence nf ilK liaj-y illeetn lli it mini niary t; eases. The Rev. J. D. C01IUJM'. a diftinirhlud Clerpyman of the llnnlish Church, write. to tlie Prn'-ri' t T ft'-atl M 'tl'iaal. tli-it '-I.e Iris lieen cured "f a s-vere M-l inital ie ah'eei i .,. I'j I le ri y Pi et'iial.'' Ills letter at lull lentOll, liny he I I ia -'ill- I'lrrie tr, til he had yf the Aeent, l.nil iaV"ltll Uii' at;en;i!,i uf l,Ma lli.'itic pulieilts. This Idler is from ill? inll I.iunra )nuci.-t at Hillsdale, Mnhian, one if I lie largest h al ert in the State ; and litis cusc is from his own observation. IIiM.stv.i.r. M i ll., P"C. in. t'ld. Pear :r r liii'iieiliate!;.- i n ri eeipt "iir Chi it e ul iniiii lolal. I 4-iii It'll II li-'ltie to nil i e ,n a. r IS ttl"ll-llt tO he Hear hlS l-l il V, ill; llek ('. -U lie w.ts lln-tl llnalile I r ris-- fr-'l i his h, il, and w:;i p. I'eei.le. Ilin ire il Is I ' hr-i i 1 hi- m et s 'I'll i! leliel c nil 1 lie i litiiiued for lii n. in 1 liiilni I I h. 0. t i'e y-ur i Xeell, lit Ml I'.ieine il lii., I. I il lnWII fer three weeks. I'.lirt ynu may iinl'.e on my r turn, t i nn e' him in ill- Mi :"-t i-a fl 'Mil I lie cars, anil liin! he lal ; i 1 rely re Weeks tioill lie l'ay la' e Jinne'ieed takie', lie was id w-'ikat Ins ariln ms te'ih' el a l.i 'i'liere iire i ih'T e: si s wiliila no kll 'Wii Cherry I Vet a;. I has I vi-i-'iiVi- i- inr esj nnlkril iis Ii is. 'erv ttulv x.-ins. i..U ly h it '-I lay r.i : i- rise my way ii -iiic in e: l. I'dtir y iiir n eriicii-e, irk-mil h. where tlie i:l, hiii n-eie F-r li. ". I'NDI'.IiWlXH). the Patient. 1 r J ft Aver. I.'iw. ll. Dear Sir : reeli-a-ma! r .-li-li-nlli UF tn vi II li ir I tin ri ..h i-itina i f mv h. .ill ii. I s. -nil 'H tl rei.-l i if inv c;i-. W',i--ll "li iire :-t li'-.-n y 1 pul.iir-h f.,r the hellela el ethers. I.; s! 'aeO;i'i-i 1 hvik li had c'i.l. (I '. c in ii iiii d hv a s--, :ie e. c' i. an ! ta ele use cf mane nn-il-ieitn s wiliinat "I'tiiiui'iir r. .a f. 1 was i ! heci! pr civo up liailie.'l. fr.-'-l (ly r iS-. II .'. 'I'l i C l.i I i." ' 11' sleep III i iii'..'ii!. A fiienil -e.V'' lie- a I '. nf y ;ir ('larry I'eet-.. rai. tin- !- "f V'hie'ii I inrile-t. '.r c -.aa.- ie -il ; HLr 1 tr ihi-ecli lis. I hae.iit pn: -.'1 d 1 ie- hi till It.'-, mil ! ma le nrly ri1." i ere.l. 1 n -v si- p will, my c.i.i'ii Lii . and all hy Ihe i.Lre nf -.".ir v ;'a 'Mi ra-'il.-i ie. Il S SI'iiNK. A ,M. Pii.iCi; it Ml. Hope rVmin iry. IT.'.vovrc, (iiiin. Apiil 3. l-'.n. Dear Sir I wish 1 chi , I i,, I nil that nt.iT. r with a c 'inrli. vhat yi'ir Cherry I'l-t-Tiil has d-lie fur me. It rl'ies S'-cin they iniuhl he ii' lli h!0 :l hy ihe infi'Illl -'i II. I had a itltii; I' Ver wli eh . ft my la::;:s weak and inll il. let. laiii;: Very leehleaii'l iinahle tn iron sireei'lh at ul!. my friends llmiii'ht I must s "at sink lit c riis-iuij-tiiiii. I had il l appetile. and liiheadful cnueh was fast w.-arimr Ine a way. I he-iaii In lake y- Mrc h-:iu' ifn 1 nieihr-ipi'. hy the inl viee nf a r-ler-'yill-lll, wimli l'l seiai its etreets hefi.rc. It ceiiseil tuv c ii-.'h nt first., nial '!ae me res! at nieht. In le. jihat a fnltili'j1:! 1 c .nl.l eat v. i II. nii'l my ".:;.-h had cr'iised tn he Imiihles inc. my appetite retained, mid my lU'iirishi'd me. wliieh snni rest-rn-d my slo-nvth. N'nw. altet lil'e week", I am Well ri 11-1 si roil!'. Willi an olll- ! " liiaa yi'iu- Ch.-ny I'ee'nial. N' i, with resp'-i t. J 1 : 1 .1 A PIIAN. 1 herehy eerlify that the nli -vc stnteitn nt of my wife is in ('"iil'-rinity -wi'li my own views of her ease and her cure hy Ayeir's Cln-nv Pcet-irul JCP'TII 11KAN. The nli' .-e liaiae 1 .liinepli D'-iu una Julia, his wife, are pers.-nally kii"w-ii tn inc. and implicit e-nili .imu'e may be placed ill their saitrinelit. SAM1T.T. C. VAN ni:i:vi-'.NT, l'.l-.lar "f the ila.-rst Cliureh. Prepared and snhl bu JAMES C. AY Ult, P radical Ciic.nis!. Lmnll, Mass. Sold in Sunbnry by II MASSKR, and by I'rtit'ui-ts i-.etierally tlirotpr.1.1 1 lilic s-Uite. . o eiii'.ci 1, lol. lvee'iino cl't, 5Ta';3 and li'ii' .wl!Il ! ( 1' V tiOU tl ,1 c 1 iRCHANTS and Milliners when in Pitil-adi-lji'it a l-i prj!-v'h-.i: e their roruls, w i!l lind iVl-l i' " ii 'ii ' .- ! ! i i .; our i.irc v.iid t.i..; . 1 .. ol ' lo '.'.Hif.icti' ly .. v. i.s i- S i n.i:n ... and I v roar Fores,, 'if lii.f ; which to-.'ct'a-i 1 u' enable us to oil', r lil ! lU lLllS. v i;!i olio r ndvaut iitilui'cnit i.ts to ! r. crooker, & co ' N'os. li an' -!9 Cio'stimt 'i,-c,-t, find Ao. 5fl ; S.nitli Seciiid Street, west side, near ('hctinit, Pbili.h-Ipliii. D.'i.-iiilic, SV. IS., I. I v. cf. i VIvZ. a. E-ZASOST, Kii-raver atul rrii;(tp, No. -Hi Chrstnat Sired, above Second, , S prepared to do ENGRAVING nnd I'ill.NT- L I Ill ell tll.'ir liralicl.. Vi'... I.I nwr V'OI..., nnd iiusiness Cards, Hall 'J'iikets, Watch Papers, Labels, Rill Deads, ZVolcs, Cl,, .-ks, Drafts and Diplomas. Seals and Stamps f .r Cor) orations, Odd Fellows, Marions, Suns of Tent perajice, &c. All the above ciigi'avcd in the la -t niauiier. Orders by promptly atU-udcd lo. Deceinlier 27, H51. ly. TII0IIA3 rALJIEU, c ?. i a 1 1 s s i ( n i 1 1 : u c 1 1 a i , No. ('), North Wharves, Where the following goods tiro rei eivctl and sold on commission, Dried Apples, Pinches, Plums, Pears, f'herric--, Vc, Grci-ii Apples in Parrels or by the l'ushcl, licans, Peas, Cranberries, Onions, Mercer Po tatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Sliilliail.s, Chestnuts, Ground Nuts, Oran-.os, Lemons, Raisins, Figs. Prunes, Grapes, Poultry, Eggs. 1! utter, Cheese. Atul all kinds of Poici,;;i and Dome, lie Pro duce. Philadelphia, Dee., 1:1, lsol ly. SOAP AKD CAXDLliS. rBIIE subscriber takes this method of inform ing the citi.eiis i.f Sunbury and vicinity, that they are engaigel in the manufacture of Soap und Caudles, of the best ijuulity, at No. 41 Filbert street, Philadelphia. They respectfully invite a'l w ho buy for cash, to u'lve hint a call as they will find it to lo their aiUautagc in dealing witrT hi ill for articles in their line. E. DI 1FY &. SON, 1 1 l'illu'it ahoe Dili. December '.'0, 1 S51 tf. IVTRACT CF (JINCEI!. A just received aud for sale at Pi ice 25 cents. Sunbury, Juiy 12, 1851. frer-h supply this ollice. 7" NOB AND SPRING MORTISE LAP- CUES. An excellent article, for sale al hall the usual price by J- V. FA'ILINU, Sunbury, July 7. 1S13- SILVER WATCHES A few double case English Silver Watches, for sale at verv low prices by II. B. MASSER. Sunbury, April 12, 1851. BLANKS. IB Tl LANKS of every description can be had by K ite at the nihil, of Iho Anieiicau. BANK NOTE TABLE. CUIUIECTEI) U'VEKLY.,vANA. CITY Of I'llll.MiKI.PllH. H. Hank ll"les l.i ilt MAPSACAlfl-TT?. All s 'Ivenl Innks li s ItllUDi: ISLAND. All snlM'iit hanks dis rtlNNKCTICrT. All solvent luniks J dis ni:w vonic CITY. All s.ilvcnl luniks ! dis A II solvent hanks pin rol-NTav. Mtiak of Cliailllicrfhtirg I (lis liank ot Chester Co. par 11 ink of Del. Co. f In ser imr iranh ot lierinnntown par oa-iK mi tii-llysl'lirtt 1 oi IV H!i II ites nailer ?-J 1 (lis ll.'Mk ol l. -WIKli'WII Hank i'l ,Mi,!illet.i,l M"iiti:.inery t.'o Hunk ciii-xrnv. MI s'h'ei,iP h.m' 1 dis M-'.W Ji.HSKY. I ih pin ink nf "rthntnheir I. pal I III !vi.l,-re Hank J dis llanknf I'llthlairir Hank of Danville 1 ihf ( 'iinnieiciiil Hank j (lis Hank Mmil llollv ir 1 (lis f. At M Mal.'lel'uvii'l'l. car Carlisle llimk lllllihia ll'kA- ll'icCo nariMeehanies' HW. Newark itir D'lyelsl.'nii Hank parj.Mis-li. Ilk nf liin Inisrinii par l.ail'.t! Hank par'.Mi'cli. A- Man. Ill; Trent par I'.rie Hank 2 (lis .M aris Co Hank ' (lis Kxehaii'.-e IVkPiltshiinr I itisi Newark llk'i; l.n.Co j (lis Kseh imr., H'k, Hraach I dis'Onnere Hank (lis l'lirineis' H'k, HneksCo irl'e 'pie's ;k l'a!er,i ' (lis Fnriaern' Hk, lnicaster parl'riiicetoa Ihnik par l'lirnicrs' Ilk, Keadiiii; mriSileni lliiiikiim Co, par I'nnii. Hk r'elnnlkill Co iirseiiierret Co Hunk ) dis fx D. Ilk W.-ivnevh'ir llilin SlalcJtaiik nt Canideil ear I'miiklin Ilk. Wasli'n' UdisiSlntc Hk Klizahethloii ilis lltirrislmrir Hank I "iliniStiilr Hunk Newark "(lis Ilinicsdalc Hunk J dm Stale Hk, N . Hi nnswick par Ijincnster Hunk nariSiirscx li-iiik. NewUnl ! dis l.i llilioil Hnnk ivir- -rrerit'in Hankiiar ( n ,v,r M-rch. A- Man. D rnli 1 dis l 'iii n liank. Il n er .! Miners' ll'k. Pollsvillu per Viin'tevv'leA Del llrd. t 1 i is M'11'.nllalieln Hank I ilis (Vlik s lin.h'r S.1 J dis 1'ayi'rrsv e i)ein-a r,i i.-, diR i)i;i.Av.i;i;. em nniiien IV'i.K nnr II ink III lel lWIIIU liar W :..i.i ... . ,"".iiT3 iiKt-hlre par i "rk H-iiik, CV 'llelief nnti-s i ,i. MA INK. H-ink.-rWheil.'i-k .', ,1k lliink ol riiiyrnn par Delaware Ciiv Hank par Ilk Wilnie'n ,V Htandyw. ( l-'ai'iners' I Ik St Delaware par t'nii'it Hank, Vi!ininet"h par ! " I'lldiT si's (riiio. Ml Si'lvt-lil han!,s 2 dis Mereanlile lilt, II initnr llldis All s 'Ivent hanks ' ijs M.W ll.XMI'SIIIIll' Allsulvenl h-aiks i do ; -' 111; ttnten n-al.-r .V t din VI-'.HMtlNT. Itank of SI .Mlmim All s-iKenl lank M'll'I'll ( Alllll.lN'A 2 itisl.MI si'U-.-iil hanks 'i j ih-.j. 1 iiilel .',', gj i'Lcciii:: lire & TMcf Proof Iron Chests -,,.1. ).-.,:.,-'c ,y tx'-c'm 'f-;i., i ' ' :- i -'- ARRANTED to stand i pia! beat with 1 any otlicr Chest i in the loiinli v, and In . defy the Rurglas' itigcnuilv. Maiiufael.ry. .No. 111 Hudson's Alley, running between Tiiinl a. id I Fourth streets, south cf CbiM.ut, ami in the ! n nr cf the Girard Rank. ; M.c...S., the jiroprictors. are Practical Me chanics, nnd feci coiil'i.lcnl. front long exicrieiii c in the manufacture of lion t la-.-is and s.:fes. and ; aspeeiil allenti'in to t'oi r branch, of , iriviug satisfaction to nil who nii.v nie them a I call. ' j -N. '' e Irave selected one of ti e ' est ends ever used as a i.oii-i on. lei lor ! I.. this luisinr.-s, and we warrant oi.r Chc.-t-S-ti'e.s to be made of the be. t niateri-il and ".ost (ii;ra!ile inntii-cr, iitel to siaiol a:i' III!!'. '.:! ill ' illl.l i:i the that call be applied lo t!i. oi. MILNOR SHAW, M-ttiufaetorv No. Ill 1 ! tais'ii's Alley. Running between :tr,l nial llli streets, :J of Chcs nnl, in the rear of Cir ird Rank, l'hiladelphia, Oct. il.., ISol. ly i r -rj ? e -. .-i von s.". t t-.'E's. 51 M I'.A . . !N I t Jill, pocket ..':scr LA PIl'S, or Every one his own Physician I Tani rv sivrit ciiition, wilh up wards of a iniiHircil engra vings, showing .ri:itc dis ease in every shape and form, mid luallbruialioiis of the LM-i.crativc s stent. i'y-''-'-, :;V, SJrl'iu. i'i.r.v. -"j '. 'J'lu- time has now arri ved, that persons suffering from secret (ii-cascs, need no more beeoiuo the vtcrt a iir' n.i Act;t.iiY, a.s by tlie prescriptions contained in this book, any one may cure hiiin'-h' without hindrance to business, or the kuov. h ib;c of the must iiiliinate liietiil, nnd w ilh oiic-tenih the n- i: il evpense. In aibliliiiti t- the 'general I'liiiline of priwite disease, it fully evplains t!ir' ciicsc ol iii.iii!ioo(t's early de cline, with ob-icrvatioiis on marriage --1 1 side.; many other deiangeiiK which it w.'iild net be pn.per to cnuuierak' in ihe publio prio'-i. lr Any i , r-i-n :.::. g T W ii NT V- V W. CE-.Yl'S, ( in ie id in a li i'.r r will rcci l'.e one C"pv of ll;is btiolc, bv thiill, or live c ies will le sent f-ironc dollar. " Ad.hvs. Hit. W. il!'.G, No. lo': sPRLH'E street, l'i' ' I.MIi" '..l'lil A." Post paid. Dr. VOl'NC! can be ro:'.n,.!ed on any of the Di--cat--rs di scrilu-d in his dilV. rent publica tions, at his Oliice, 1,)S f'pruoc f'lr-it. every day Ictwei'il U nnd 3 o'clock, (Suti'l.ivs excepted.) rhiladi Iphia, June o, ISoi. -Iv. UNION HOTEL sunluhy, g- rglli: MIP.s V. T.lTZEL'.s r E the Public tii..i Ihev sl'll pecUiih) iiifoim niiiniie lo enter- t iiu ti'iivellcrs an.l uthers at tin i, old cstaM-shc J stand in Market clrccl, west of ho t'ouil House. Their long e.spciience in the b ,-i:u-r.s. aud the well eslabli.hid reputation nf thiir House, will, they trust, be a suliicicnl g.'ar.intee, that their cusfMiers will be well aci'o.n,ii'.i.!.iti.'d, March S, IHol tf. (ireeu's Oxygenated Bilter, price reduced. Old Jacob 'J'ownsciidV Sarr-apiui'Ia. Baker's Sarsajiarilla. Swnyne's Syrup of Wild (Jheny. Swayne's N'crniil'uge. Ayrc's Chi'i'iy I'ci loral if. 1 Irake's Panacea. I )r. ( 'itllcn's do Til ! it's Pain Killer. Dr. 1 1 Holland's (ii i-iiinii Bil'ers' In-liall Vegetable Pills lli.vse and Cattle Med.ii iocs F.r sale ly HENRY MASSER. i-iinhiiry, July 1 1, lSI'.l. V;5:s:i?jIu liuukN, J' li'E or CiiuisT, hand oincly b,iund, D'Af. 1 Ht.M.'s HlM'ollV ill -I'ilK R I. Voa M ATION, III. im; Dir-iuioi.s ami I. i; no k ns, full boiiiulcd For sale at the publishers prices bv 11. B. MASSI'.R Si.nbury, July 1 1, lSI'J i'l IiM.Mi BOl 1 EES Breast pumps, and -'-'nipple lubes- A supply of these useful arti ties just received aud for sale bv JOHN V- FRII.INC Sunbury, Jan. IS, 1S51 If CJTON E milk Pans, stone Jugs and Pitchers, .J and othir articles of stone w ue juit received and tor sale 1-y JOHN V. FRIL1NU. Sunbury, June 211, 18 1U. "H1 0.E OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this ESi excellent arli.le for Telle Iter, , c., jusl receiv and for sale nv 11 EN R V Al AtSER. Sunbury, July 2S, 18P.I fflIEAS, from the New York Canton und Pekin i T l'e a Coiniianv. For sale by j. v. rtkii'i-j. Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1818 OLD PENS with and without cases, of a verv Bimerior nilalitv. illst received. VUo a fiesh supply of Writin Fluid, tor sale V'V b.i' " VS'-r. 1 . .',-,': ' --Si !i V r' - ' by 11. B. MAsSttt' Sunbury, Dec. 27, 1851. Tf JEN N ElTiTiTpATENT 'A'I FAS- Xim. TEN IN US A cheap and excellent arti. do lor fasteniii3 sash for sule by J, W . r lul.i-Nt .Sunbury, Jul 7, 184'J. PUIIA. AND "READING RAILROAD. SllM.VH-ll ARRArSOEMEXT FROM I'HItiAUKI.PHlA AND POTT9VILLE. Fares Bednccd. Office nf thcfhila. If Reading Huilroad Co. i Philadelphia, March 20, 1851. J Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday.) T.Nml after April 1st, 1951 two trntns will P be run each way, daily, between Philadel phia aud Potlsville. Manxixr? LINE. Leaves Philadelphia at 7J A. M., daily except Sundays. Leaves Potlsville at 7J A. M. daily except Sun days. AVTi:nxonv i.ixn. Leaves Philadelphia at3J o'clock, daily, except Snndiivs. Leaves Potlsville at 3J o'clock, daily, except Sundays. FARES, Pctwcrn Philadelphia ami Potlsville, $2.75 1st class ears and $3.25 2d class ears. lictwecn Philadelphia and Reading, $1.75 1st class cars and !S;1.4.r 2d class cars. Depot in Philadelphia, corner of Broad and Vine Streets. Passemrers cnunot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tickets, ISOT1CK. Fifty pounds of baggage will he al lowed to each passenger in these lines; and pas sengers are expressly prohibited from taking any thing as hagtgii'gc but Iheir wearing apparel, which will lie at the risk ofilsowner. l!y order of the Hoard of Mnnagers. S. BRADFORD, April 19, 1851. Secretary. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At IIir ul'iuct Ware Itoom of sepn nourx & CO. Market Square, Also at the corner of Fawn street & the Railroad SUNBURY, PA. Thankful for the patronage of his friends and ru turners during the 17 ears he has been in busi ness in this place, lie solicits from the public a con tinuance of their favors. During this period he bus eiii'eavi.ii d lo keep up wilh the improvements of ihe day, mi.! has accordingly extended Ilis busi-ne.-s ia every branch and variety. The public are Iheri lore invited to the attention of the present r.tock of r.iuixKT v.nrc and chairs, "W A N'.'KACTl'tt KT BY fc'LEATIAN H0UPT & CO. At the Old Ftantt, Win re in addition to their former stock of ihe establishment they now manufacture ilfJiogtajr, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. Lar'ic Spring Scat. Rocking Chairs, Vrcishinir Bureaus, Centre. Tables, .M'irhle Top Wash Stands, a r .riri of other new style and I 'a h I c 2i a li ! c fn mil 11 rc. llavii.g lieiiirt d a Hearse and made the neces s;iry arrangements f,r ihe purpose, they nro now prepared fur I'ndertaUing in all its branches, in tiiis vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye iii-'.i Is anil inislrejsea, nail InuOiatnls too, II-n-'s tariiiliire of every rtyle nml hue, IV la siile li'Virils (Iowa to kitclien tallies, Troiii rocuinii cliairs to mckinu crmlles f li-'til.1 yon n -t liave Ihe leaily John to pay, We'll wait awhile for a lirirrliter better day, Or talie potiitoes, outs, e-ilil, wlieat mill rye; Hail:. Inniji poles, Btitves, or liiinlier wet sail dry, Or any lliini; lint yokes and llircsliing llnils, l'loin ptigf anil itirkicH down to lillle qtinils, Come on I hen fi ionl, conic one and nil, Keep tiaile a riloyinir, po "goes on tile liall." tv;' Ordem from a distance promptly attended to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. Siuibui-y, March t), 1H50. tf is!.vb;y"Lvi am) pension acjkxcy. The attention of the public is called to the ad veitiscmont of Mr Charles C- Tucker, Attorney nn.1 Aecnt at Washigtoii City- Persons liav in g claims lor liouniy Lands or Pensions are in formed that the subscriber has made arrangements for tlie rerpiisite forms, and claimants calling at his cllire, can have their papers prepared and forwarded to Mr- Tucker at Washington, and by him be properly attended to before the De pai'lincul there. II. B. MASSER. Sunbury, .Ian. 18, 1S51 Valuable PROPERTY FOR SALE. rgHE Subscriber who resides ill Philadelphia, oners nir sine me louowing property in Mil ton, Muilhuutherlund coiintv Tiz : Tho lurce BEICK BUILDING ' " in upper Milton, formerly occupied by Messrs Pattersons as a Carriage Makers Shon. The building is fiO feet front on upper Market street, nml 40 feet on Front street, and is two stories high. Also a two story BRICK BLACKSMITH SHOP, 40 by 23 feet, on the same premises. The lot i on the comer of upper Market and Front .(reels, anil is uu teet Iront, and 150 leet deep. The premises w ould be valuable for a Foundry or other inanuliictuiing purposes, and will bo sold in reaionahlc nnd accommodating terms by ap plying fit!:, r to JACOB C. RliKi A N,' Philadelphia. .1. V. WOLFINCEIt, Esq., Milton or II. B. MASSER, Esej , Sunbury. Philadelphia, Jan. 2.", 18.M if. LAYliENCE HOUSE. SUNBURY, PA. I'll E subscriber respectfully informs her friends nnd the public generally, that she has taken the ahove well known stand neurly opposite lha Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J. C. Per kins. She trusts that her experience in business, and her ell'orls to make her guests comfortublo, will give entire satisfaction to those who may fa vor her wilh their custom. ANN C. MORRIS March 8, 1851 tf. J. H. ZIMMERMAN, JisiHE or tiik riucc Sunbury, Pa. Ollice in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. I? Mi 'iiii-s collected and ail tiuiiacisi rnoioptly aiu! ears- l"ui: alien. di to. April 211, 1850 fclTONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, A I (j inonds, P tines nnd Cream Nuts. Planes of all kinds. Salt und Plaster. Just received and for sala bv JOHN W. FR1LLNU. " Simhury, Dee. 2!), 181!). ffJ5 ATENT BlilTTANIA STOPPERS for U bar bottles for sale by II. B MASSER. Sunbury, April. 12, 1851 URITINO FLUID and self sealing Enve I, na-s. Hist received and for sule bv April III. IS.") te ll. B. MASSER. FT? LANK NOTES, waiving the exemption hi i? law oi giJim, lorsuio vj April 2li, 1851. li. 0. MASSER. ADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi ciue fi-r sule by HENRY MASSES. Sunbury, Juu. 2ilh, 184'J wmT-lLEY'iS COVGll CNDY. An excel V Y lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sale at this ollice IOR sale at this office, Superior Black Ink, Cuttle Medicine at 25 cts, Pure Essence of tiingo(,25 i fills