I f- f JiLLJ-'-JL Jill SUN BU It Y AMERICAN AND SIIAMOKIN JOURNAL. New Advertisements. PROCLAMATION. IOTICE is hcrehy given that thn several Court of Common Picas, General Quarter Sessions of Uic peace, and Orphans' Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, In and for the county of Northumberland, to commence at the Court House, in the borough ol Bunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the Sd day of November next, and will continue ONE WEEK. The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested to bo then and there in their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their aevcral offices appertaining to lie done. And all witnesses prosecuting in lichalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner arc also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall be just and not to depart without leave at their fieril. Jurors are requested to he punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 18th day of Sept, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and fifty-two and the In dependence of the United States of America the 76th. WILLIAM B. KIPP, Sheriff. God save the Commonwealth. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. ri'HK Pntiscrilwr liaving leased llii Tlililie House, for 1 nlcrly kirwn ns the American House, No. 18 t. Fixth Si iwt, between MnrKct mid Chesli.ut tMre its, lias climigol itic name of the some to THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, rtrs leave tn inform his friends and the rtiMir, tlmt tint home hus liiulsrtronc n tlnongli remwltlliint. renairinar, re pniHtmirand repnpenn'j. from nttic to Imscmiait. An en tire new outfit of furniture. Iieililiiifr, Ac, Arc., bus lern prociliiil from the most cclcbrnled Manufacturers in this cilv. f'roin the centrnl locution, mal its ct"Se proximity to the Ttnilronil Depots, SIRimlxnl Ijinriinps l'lm-is of Amnse ment, Fnsliiniinble Tliomuclil'nrrs und PnMic Stuniri'S, it offers imlneetnentii to the Merchant visiting the city on business, or the Traveller reeking plenniro Tn fiimilira and femules visiting the eitv. every fneilily will lie otl'. nil. unit every comfort regntdtil to wake their visit agreeable nnd plenitntt. A shnre of the public pntronare respeetfittlv solicited. JACOH O. t.KHO, JAItKD 1I1VIN. Superintendent. l'roprietor. Pliiladelihia, Sept. 4, 1S.52 dm. J. M. HEYBERGER & BROTHER, JVb. 47 JVorlh Second SI reel, PHILADELPHIA. IMPOIiTEHS of every description of Fish, Hooks and Fishing Tackle. Toys, German Fancy Goods, Guns and Sporting Apparatus. Wholesale and Retail. Aug. 28, 1852 2m. Bounty Land Warrants- rTjlHOSE having bounty land warrants in their X possession and wishing lo dispose of them ran find a ready sale by applying at the resilience of tlio subscriber near Shamokin Dam. Union county Pa. He will also attend to the obtaining of bounty hind warrants from the Department at a reasonable recompense. L. Tt. HUMMEL. Sunbury, August 14, 1852. 3m. ('heap Watches 5 Jewelry, WHOLESALE ond Retail, at the "Philadel phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 00 North Second Street, comer of (Juurry, Philadel phia. Oold Irfvcr Watches, full jeweled, IS curat enics, $-.W.nO Filver do. full jeweled, 8 IS. (told Spectacles, 7.IKI Silver Lepine, jewels, 111. Kine Siller ilo. 1.50 do do do. 11 n,M Hraeelrts. S.nO Snpetior CJllurlieis, 1. ! adieu' Hold Pencils. I. OH Imitation do. fi. 'Silver Ten spoons, set, S.IH1 tjokl Pens, with Pencil and Silver Holder, l.WI Gold Finger Kings, 3tJ cents to S0 ; Watch Glasses, plain, 12 J cents; Patent, 18j ; Lunet, S5; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what thev are sold for. STAUFFEll & JIARLKY, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, nunc Cold and Silver Levers and Lcpincs, still lower than the above prices. August 28, 1852. ly. WO O )'S Cano Seat Chair Manufactory, No. 131 North Sixlk Street, above I'.ace Street. MANUFACTTKKS. and lins constantly on hand an KI.KOANT nnd PASIIIONAUI.K n'.vk of CAXK SKAT, RUSH SKAT, and WIMlSnll CIIAIIIS, AI1M CHAIRS, l-arijo nnd smnll UOt'KINli ('HAIRS, SKT TF.KS, CANK LOliPiGliS. STDlii; STOOLS, SHIP 6TOOI.S. c To Housekeepers. Hotel, Hull, and Stenmliont Proprie. tors, and Dealers -in Chili ami l-'urnitiirc, tins establish inent oilers the irrentrst indueemeuls to purrhase. llnviinj nxtmsive facilities for luauutiieturiiin. we can sell the mine assortment ten per cent cheaper tlian hereto, fore, and !v having all work made under our own snper visim we enn cuaranleen uperior article. CASK SKAT CH AIRS of the beat finish ami muteriai from SlflJ to SIO per dozen. "Small Profits and Uuick rV.es." N. F. WOOD. Chair Factory, No 131 North Oih St.. opposite Franklin Square, rnilailelphin. S ptemher II, IS54. 3in, Notice to the Heirs of JOHN STEPP, Dec'd. "OTICE is hereby given to Mary (widow,) -ks Sebastian, Jacob, John, )cniatnin, .Michael. Peter, Elias, Elizabeth anil Isaac Stepp, heirs of John Stepp, dee d., (the last four of whom have for their (Juardian, Abraham lllasser,) that an inquisition will be held at 10 o'clock, A. M., on the 11th day of October next, upon the premises of the I!e.il Estate of said dec il in Lower M.T lionoy township, Northumberland county, at which time and place you arc hereby warned to lie and appear if you think proper. VM. II. KIPP, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, Sept. 4, 1852.- Ct. N E W Tobacco, SnulV, $ Segar XV A H E IB O I'M 13. THI' subscribers respectfully inform Country Merchants that we hue now on band a general assortment of the best VIRGINIA BRAND TOCACCO. Cavendish 5s. Lump 8s. Lump Cs. Plug, A-c, ut the Manufacturers lowest prices. Also a fine assortment of Foreign and Domestic Scgarj, Snuff, Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, Pipe Heads, &c, which we will sell nt the lowest prices. s. woodward & ;o 23 North Third litrcet, Philadelphia. Septcmlier 4, 1852. 3m. REMOVAL. rpHF. old estnhlished POCKET BOOK and MOROCCO X CASK MA.MrAt runi locatea ai 04 Chestnut Street for toe past TWEXTV-ONE YEARS, has been removed to No. 205 ARCH STRKKT, first dnor below Olh street, where can be found the iurgesl ond Lest irtment of the following; urtielea, viz : Pocket rtooki, Port Folios, IJreain Cases, Writing Cases, llankeri' Casei, Hunk lisk llolderi, Uill lionki, Money Hells, Ciar Cases, Kazor Stropi, Porte Mounaiea, Vork lUies, iaru uikr, iccuic i.c. F. II. SMITH, thsiikful for pist favon, hopei hy atteii' ,;n ann with a determination tn lell the licit quulily rl g'sids at the loweit prices, tn receive share of patronage The 1 rane are requeaicu o eait iki (mjhuh i-w.- chasms: elsewhere. . N. H. Repairing done with nentness and dispnlcli, ' F. II. SMITH, 015 Arab Street, Philadelphia. September 4, IM4 3in. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. I ELI.OW CITIZENS : Encouraged by ma- ny of my numerous friends, I respectfully pflor rnysoll a a cuiimuaic tur mo uiucs ui llcgistcr Kecorder, election. Should I be elected, prjmise to discharge the dutiea of aaid office with fidelity and impartiality. ' JOHN P. PURSEL Sunbury, July 31, 1852 tc. .TVYSTEi CANS A lot of empty Oyster " fans, suitible for pulling up fruit, lor sa 1 VA If II Tllfltll'MlM. GENERAL ELECTION PROCLAMATION. PURSUANT to on act of the General Adrmbly of Hie J. Commonwealth of reiinf)lvmiia, enlitIM "An act relating to the elect ion of tliia Commonwealth," nniruvd the lecond day of Jnl't Anno Domino, one thiinnmid eiyht hundrwl and thirty-nine, I, WlhlJ AM )). K1P1, Ilih Sheriff of the pountv ot Norlhnmtw-rlrmd, Frnnayl vania, do Itcrehy make known and give nHfce to the elec l'rt of the county aforrnnitl, that a general election will be held in aaid cmmlyof Northumlmrlimd on the JMX'OND TUKrtDAY Uth of OCTOHKR, iKVi, nt which time State and County Officer, ai ibllnwe, are to lie elected : One porton ni Canal Comminioncr of the Common wealth. One person as Judge of tlic Supreme Courl ft lliia Com monwealth. One pcrann a Mcmtier of the Flonne of nuprcflentnlivi to represent the emmty of Nortltunihcrliuid. One pcra m aa Itcfiiatcr and Reorder nnd Clerk of the Orphans Court for the County of Northumbcjlnnd. One person as Commission for the county of Mortlmm berlnnd. One person as Coroner for the county of Northumber land. One person as Auditor for the county of Northumber land. 1 also hereby make known and Rive notice that the pi (ices of holding the aforesaid penenil election in tli sev eral h'irnighs and townships wiihiu the county of Nor tlmmberl.'ind are as follows : The Huuhitrr District, eompised of the borough of Puidiury, und I'pper Auiista, ot the County Court House. Tho A n (jn b la District, enmpnsed nf the township of ltower Augusta, at the house ol Klias Kuicrich, in said township. The Northumberland District, eomnosed of the bornnrrh nf Northuuibcrlttnd, at the house of Augustus Iluutz of tli luirnnph nf Nnrthninberlund. The Point District, at the house of Hciny Hans, In tbe borough of Northuinlterlnnd. The Milton District, at the house of Frederick Slicker, In snid hornuKh. The Tur I mt Distiict, at the holise occupied by Abraham Kisfinper. . The Delaware Dietrirt, nt Hie houc of Henry Render. The Chilmqiinque District ut the h tuse of Benjamin Fordi ma n. The I.ewin District, ol the house occupied by Michael Render. The Sham ikln Dictiiet, nt the liouve of Clmrlcs Lcisen rinir. The T'ppcr Malionoy District, at the hnusc of Daniel Ilcim. The Kittle Mnhonov District, at the house of Frederick Riiricr. The lowcr Malionoy District, ut the house of Miehuel Sprit z 'i'he Rush District, nt the Liberty Pole Seho.d Ht-ufo. The Jackson Dintnct, nt the house occupied by l'elt r Schwartz. The C"id Dintriet. nt Ihe house of "William . Weaver, in the town of Humiokiu. Skctiox 't. Thai all that part of Coal township, in th e muty of MoilhuinlcrI-uid, lyinc went of a line beuinin nt the line between Coul and Cameron townships, nt a point two thousand feet weft ward of where the said line ernRscs the west b miuinry of a tract ot hind surveyed to Aleviwler Hunter the twenty-seventh day of Oetolier, ope tlMusnnd aevenen Imndred and nineiy-fonr ; thence ii"tli t'otiftecu decrees w est o the line btiween the townsliips of Coal niid Slum-ikin be, and is hereby creeled :ntra s'-paiate m'hool nurl e!eetin dis'jiet, and the quali7eil vo ters rePiflinji within tin snid boundaries shall hereafter Vote at Ihe ljeni'iid elections at the public h"uie of Henry H. Weaver, in the town of Trcvorton. The Cameron District, nt the house of Ja.-oh Hanpt. The clecti'-n to open between Ihe. hours of fi nnd 10 oVI rk in the forenoon, nud shall continue without inter ruption or ailjonrnment until 7 o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall be closwd. The sirvenil luspeHors nnd Judges elected on the ltd Fridav cit" March. lf;Vi. in pnrsnonee of the nd Section of the net of lie J.t of .Inly. I-.'H, wilt hold the election uii Tuesday tbe 12th day of October next. Tlrtt every person except n Justice of the Pence, who shall hold nnv niliee or nnnointmcut of profit anil trust uu- dej the p ovenmient of the United Plater, or of this State, or of nny city or incorporated district, whether a co:umi sinned oifiecr or nc.mt, who shall he cmpluyed under the legislative, executive or judiciary department of this State, or the United States, nr of nny city or incorporated district nnd also that every member Corpress and of the State j l.eeil-iture, ami of the select ami comni n council of nny city, fr commissioner of any incorporated District, is by j law. incapable of h"Mimr. or exrccisinp the otTice or up-i p 'intmi.'iit of .In.lire. Inspector nr Clerk, of nny eleetiuii I of this commonwealth, und that no Inspector. Judjre or j any other ouVer of nueh election, shall be eligible tunny . oiiiee t' be then voted for. j Am) tli Mi.l (. .t" Air-ml.l onftll.'.l t;nti fifft reliltlll!? to the eloptions of this Commonwealth," parsed July the ' 2nd, iurllier provides us follows, to wit : ' That the Inspectors and Jude" chosen as aforesaid, shall meet nt the respective places for holdin? the election in tin- district to which they respectfully belniit before nine o ciock m the momiuff ol me sec am i uewiay i e- iber in each nnd ererv vear. and each id said inspectors shall yppoint one clerk, who shall be a qualified voter of such d strict. I also hercbv make known and give notice that Iv an t of ApsciuMv pussed on the fith dav of Ant i!, ISI!i. it shall be lawful for the ipialifieil voters of Northumberland county, from nnd niter the passnce of Kiid net. to vole for all the candidates for the various ouVes. to be filled nt any election on one slip or ticket : Provided, That officer for which every candidate ts voted for, shall be designated, as required by the existing laws of this Commonwealth. Section "3. That nnv fraud committed bv nnv person rot ins in the manner above nrescrihed, shall le punished as similar frauds arc directed to be punished by tbe exist- in? laws oi tins common wenmi. In cass the ners m who shall have received the second highest number of rotes for Inspectors shall not attend mi the day of any election, then the person who shrill have received the Becond highest number of voles for Judfie the next preceding election, shall net as nn iuspectoi in his place, nnd in case the person elected Judire sanll not attemi the Inspector who received the highest number of votes, shall appoint a Judge in his place; and if any vacancy shall continue tn l lie oonni tor me space oi mill nn nour al ter the tiiiK! fixed hv lay for the opeuini; of theeleot'mn, the qunlifieil votcis nftlie township, ward or no dintriel, for which such oiheers shrill have tteen elected, present at the place of elections, shall one of their number to fit! such aeancv. It sfinll be the dutv of said assessors respectively to at tend nt the pl;ee of holding every penejal, special, or township election, during the who lime Kiid eketi in is kept open, for the purpose of giving information to the inspectors and .innee, wn;n cnueii on, m reunion rune liijht of any person assessed hy them to vote at such elec tion, or such other mailers in relation to (he nfsemnent of voters, aa the said inspector or judge or either of them, hall from lime to time require. No peirn shall be nermiMed to vote nt anv election ns ! nioresaui. oiner man a wane iruciuuuoi iwenii -one or more, who shall have resided in the state at leu t one year, und in the elect i n district where he oil ers to v ite at least it days tuunediatrly preceedinz the election, and within two eirs pa ul slate of county tax. which shall bnve lieen nsseMHed nt least ten davs before the election, Uut o citizen the United States who had previously been a fiimlilu d voter of litis stale, und removed therefrom nnd resumed, (i i ul siiall vte resided iw the election district, nnd pmd tax as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vole niter residing in this stale six mouth, provided. That the white freeni.-n, citi zens of the United States, between the age of Iwenty-one und twenty two years, nnd in the election district ten' days as nforestiid, Fhull he entitled to u vote, ulth ough they shall not have paid taxes. No pers ui shall be permitted to vote whose name is not contained in the list ol taxable inhabitants furnished by the coihiuistfioiiejs as ufoiewiul, unless, First: He produces u receipt for the payment, within two years, of a sniie or county tax asecs-ed agreenhly to the constitution, und gave satisfactory cveulenre enheron his own oath or athnua tion, or on the oath or ailirination T another, that he has pan! such tax, or on failure to produce u receipt, shall make tn intli to ihe payment thereof; or second, ifhcelaimn ricltf to vote by being an elector bet ween ihe nees of twenty-one and twenty-two years, he shall dop se on otiih or tdiuinal ii 'ii. lint he has resided in the State ut lea Ft one year next lefore his upphe'jiion, and make such pr-vif ul residence in the district ns is retpurd by this act; nnd that he does verily Itelieve from the account given him that he is id' the nue nforeKiiid, and give such other evi- lenees an is ie pinrwl hv that act, whereupon the name if perHiit i uoiudit-d to vote, shall ie lit irt tea in aii-iia- letical list by the inspectors, und n note made opposite i ere to by writing I lie wont ulnx, it he ihull ttc peinnt- td to vote by rnouui of having paid tux, or tho word age," if he shall be permitted to vole on account ef his ge, nud in either case the reason of such Void shall be c il e l out to the eh-rk, who shall make notes in the list i-i Voters kept hy tiieui. I nu! I cases where the name of the person ehiminn to tc is not found on the list furnished by the ConuniFmon. s and AwtesNor, or his right to vote whether found there on or not. is objected to by liny qualified eiu.en, the In spector shall ek'iniine such pel son on oath as to his qualifi cations, Jiul if he elauus to haw resided in the Hate one year or more, his oath naill be u prool thcreoi, but he thull prove hy nt least one competent witness, who shall be a juiiiihed elector, that he leaded within the dojtrict at least ten d ive next inunediiitely jreeedniirtl.e c!ietion,aud shall a Is ,i iiiiiifeif swear that his l'tiu fide rehideuce. in pursu ance of lawful calling is vithm the disiriet. nud tlial lie did not remove into Kiid district for the purpose of voting inerein. fcvciv peson qualified as aforesaid, nud who shall make proof, if required, of resident and inunent nf taxes, as uforesaid, shull I e uitmitteil lo -oic in thv township, wurd or district in which he sholl reside. If uuv pei.n not qualified to vote inthisf'i mm -nwi tilth ncrccahly to law, (tsccpt the sous of (iialifitd fitixcus) shall apHar at nay place of election for ihe purpose ol is suing tickets, t,r intlueufin citizens qualiticd to vote, he shull, on couvietiou, forfeit and pay nny Ruin not exceed ing one hundred dollars for every una such oiTcuee, und hu imprisoned for any term not exceeding three months. It shall he the duty nf every tnnyor, slierid", alderman, jusliee of the peace, and constnhle or deputy coustnhlc, of every city, county, township or district within this com monwealth, wheueveu called upon hy nay nfhccr of un election, or hy any three qualified electors thereof, tn clear any window or avenue to any window, to the place of geueial election, which shall he olistiucted in such a wav os to prevent voters from appriachuiff; the anme, and on neglect or refusal to ilo so eu such reipiision, said olhcel shull lie deemed sullied of misdemeanor nt nthce anil on conviction ahull Ite lined in any sum not less than one hun dred nor mora than one thousand dollars ; unit it shall lie the duly of the respective constahle of each wurd. district or township, of this coiniiiouweath to be present in person or hy deputy, at the pluce of holding such elections in said waul, district or towablup, for the purpose of preserving the peace as aforesaid. It shall tie the duly of every peace nilieer. ns afoicsnid, who alinli he present at any such disturlaicces at an elec. lion as ia deaerlhec in this net, to report the same tn the next eouit of quurter aesMoiit, and ulso the names of the witnesses who can prove the same. And by the 4th suction nf the act of 10th nf April, I RIO. it is enacted, 'That the IMit secticn of the ant, as passed July lid le-TJ, entitled an act relating to Ihe elections of this commonwealth, shull not be so eonstrueted as to prevent any militia orhoer or horouah odicer, from serving as judge, insiecter or clerk, at any general or special elecitnu in tins CJmnwiiweallh. The Judges are to make their returns for the eonulv Northumberland, at the Court liouse, in Sunbury, on Fri day, Ihs 14tb day of October, A. D. IMS. WILLIAM B KlPr, Pheril, Sheriff's Oiiiee. Sunhnry, ) Sepl IS, leAl.lt. i i ooj s.wi; nil; .oM.Mi'.,vF. M.i n GEOKGE AV- IMERMAN, VEN1TIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, No. Gl Arch Street, four doors above Second, PHILADELPHIA, ' CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF BLINDS, Which for stvlo of finish nnd workmanship ennnot he surpassed. Wholesale and Retail nt the lowest prices. AUo TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES AND REED BUNDS. WIIOI.r.SAI.i:, AT MANlTACTUREtlS' THICES. IV MERCHANTS and others are invited to rail and examine. Philadelphia, August 21, 18S2 ly. , , in 1 A valuable Farm for Hale. milR unilors-ipnoil, will ofTer nt puhlio salp, A on TUESDAY, Ihe 5th of OCTOBER nr-xt, at 10 o'clork, A. M , of a'u day, nt Ihe Shamokin Dam Hotel, kept by-Geo. Kecnn, in Pnii townfhip, Union county, n highly IMPROVED FARM, silnatrd in said township, nbout hnlf n mile below the Shiunokin Dam, containing One hundred and twenty-two Jcrcs, more or loss; one hundred nnd ton ncres of which nro in a hifih stnle of cultivation, the balniice being wood land ; bounded on the ensl by tho Supine linnnu river and tho Penn sylvania rnnnl, on tho south nnd west by land of John llarlman, and on the north by land of Henry Hartman, nnd upon w hich are elected n larpo and well finished two sloty FRAME DWELLING HOUSE; a well finished nud commodious frame swrrzER n.R; These buililioffs nre erected immediately nt the Stal'f toad lending from Norlliiiir.ln'rlarid In llarii.-iburg. Thern i a n-vtr failing uprinir if exeo!!ent water, over vliic'i is erreti'd a !Spii:ir; House, convenient ft) tho dwelling, together with sundiy cU-bniMings, &e. Alsu a nond avvja: onciiAKi) "J of foil giowth. an.! one e;' tecent sel ling out, rnilirncii'S jme rlioicn fmit trees. There are also errcled on rciM piemises, mi mediately ut the IV;ir:sy!vania canal, a ir.igt: and well finished I wo tiory Frame Dwelling and Kilclur., with n well of excellent water nt the de-cr, toiielher with convenient stabling, kc. Theu is "n whaif rnnninif parallel with tho cunal nnd fronting said dwelling, eligibly situated for the prosecution of an extensive COAL and LUMBER business. Tkhms : One half of the purchase money lo bo secured by bonds nnd mortgage on the premises with interest, in rensonnble pay ments: S100 to be paid on the day of sale nnd the balance on delivery of the deed. Title indisputable. E. G. MARKLEY, Agent. Sunbury, July 31, 18ft 2. Is. SOW Kit iS- iUliXES, Pnhlishcrs and llookfcllers, No. 84 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. MISCELLAN EOUS BOOK'S. Uil'liK, rravns, Hymns, I'jitical ami llislorical Works, Truvelrt, Novels, i.. At'. SCHOOL BOOKS. F.vcry kinJ iti UFf from b primer upwards. BLANK BOOKS. An clfffanl nsstirtnieiit from the rns Uiok upwuril.", maile of superior pupi-r, and best of lmn!iii. WRITING PAPERS. Oip, Post, ami otp J'uprrs, elrpmit slylrs and ijnalily, nud very flieiu. STATIONERY. Fnnev, Tlnin nnd Ailln-sivo l'nwlopcs. Ink. Pand, V. fi-rs, Steel Pens, Mutes, I'inrils, P.irlR-.M"iinir, Vrni pini? Paper of nil kiinlft, Ctirtniu Pupers, Ac, Ac. Our stock is nil I'rcsli, l in;lit cheap ami sold nceordincly. Particular attention paid lo lhvikellen, CVaintry Alcr cliantK and Te;ichers, Imwcver little they may buy. S iwcr ti Dailies arc Ptd.lnihers of Pl'.l.TOVf1 sciies of MAGNIFICENT OUTLINE MAPS. l-jtch map is nearly SKYKX KTKT S.)1'AKK, nnd shows the eoinparative nize and relative position of every cnutry on the ffl"be. 'i'liey nre intend! lo U' suspended in every rVlniol RMnn. inidn"l only make n spleudal n- 1carnuce. but lire univermilv iiekii'wli'(lt;eil lo be the ll'.ST MOUH VV TK.Al lllMi (if.Olilt AI'II Y ever brouehtout. '1'hey are kes iutciidi-d to be ueil by Ihe schi.iars. cntaiiiiiiir n complete epitome of I leopraphy. mid e.mtiuir li'imthan half the price of n tienurapliy nud Atlas. The svslein is in univerKii use in PrufM.-i and Germany, and has alrendv been introduced ia tiirard (.'i.llepe, Phila dctphia. the public wlionlf nf Huston. New York. Phils delphia, JIaltimore, Wai'hiiiplon, and throughout New laiulaud, New York, Ac., A-c. Our iloks are loadi-d with re.i,tnmcnriations fr-'tn Ihe most tnlented and N-ien-tiiic teachers in every quarter, nnd wherever the system hag been lined patents, teachers und scholars unite in prtu. I. Mapf t!ie Western HfiniFphere. 2. iapof t!ie l.astern lleuiiHphere. :l. .Alap of North America. 4. .Map of the I'liilcd ?;ates. 5. Map of r.iirop.;. 6. Map of Asia. 7. Map of rvmth America and Africa. F.very map in brilliantly c l ired, varnished, ond inoimt ed on iniisiui and roller!. Wk respect full v invite the earnest ntteution of Teachers, ParentH, and S hi'nl Uirccl irs to this fascinatinc miale of teachinu (ieography. POWKIl A HaHM'.S, VI NorthThird Street, Piiila lelphia, Any. 2, If-VJ. tf. DAVID COOPER, COMMISSION MKI5CIIANT rou THR PALI" OF Fish, lM'ovisions, iS'c, JVb. 9 A'urti U'mri'cs, PKILADELIEIA. April 10, 1S.V2. ly. "BDANU BILLS neatly printed on new type pronititly pveculeil at litis olllre. Also hlanks, of u II Uiiuls on nipctior paper, fcunlmrv. Till. 11. IHft-.'. PKEMU'MS or A'iriciilUiial SocitMv. Th; The followiopnre the pr.iini ".i '.. njTered by tins Nin tlitittiL- rliind County Aru'uiuiral Socieiy, Ht the tuwt iiMtiual exhibition which will be held nt Northumberland, or. Thursday and Friday the T.h and Slh I'.ij j of October next. HiiK.-ES. Besl stallion over 4 years old, Second " " Rest " titider 1 jc.tis, 3 00 AO" .,00 JJO eonJ Best mare with colt at her side, Second " " Diplomas will bo awarded for all fino ani mals, not coming under theso heads. CATTLE. Dl'RHAMS OR SHORT HoRNS. Best bull, 2 vears old and upwards, 5,00 Second " ' " 3,00 Best bull calf under 2 years S: over Cm, 3,00 Second " " 2,00 Best bull cnlf uudei 6 months, 2,00 Second " " 1,00 Beet cow over 3 yeuis, 4,00 Second " 2,50 Besl heifer between 2 k 2 years, 3.00 Second " " 2,00 Best heifer under 2 years, 3,00 Second " 2,"0 The satno premiums will bs awarded to Devons undoi Iheir respective heads. NATIVES. Best bull 2 years and upwards, 3,00 Besl bull calf under 2 yrs and over 6m, 2,00 Best " under 6 mouths, 1,00 Best cow, 3 years and upwards, 2,00 Best heifer between 2 and S years, 1,80 Best heifer u:ider 2 years, 1,00 Best yoke of oxen, 4,00 Second " 2,00 Best fat bullock, 3,00 Second " 2,00 Best fat row oi he ifet, 3,00 Second " 2.00 SHEEP. Best ram over I year, Heat cw.-. Best lamb. SWINE. Best boar over 1 year, Second " " Best tow, Second " Best pair of shoals under I year old, Second " " Best fat hog, POULTRY. Best pair of turkeys, Second " Best pair of geese, Second " Best pnir musk ducks, Second " Best pair puddle ducks, Second " Best p'r Shanghai or Cochin China fowl., Second " " Best pair Chittngongs, Second " Best pair Creole or Bolton greys, Second " Best pair Polish, Second " Best pair dorkings, Second " 3,00 2,00 2,00 3,00 2,00 2,00 1 50 2,00 !,M 2,00 50 1.00 50 1,00 50 1,00 60 1.00 50 1.00 50 1,00 50 1.00 50 1,00 50 .1,00 50 2,00 3.00 l50 2,00 1.00 2,00 1,00 1,00 1,50 1,00 1,00 1.00 50 Best pair games, Second ,: Best pair tri'M turkeys, l.arp'sl nnd best collection of fowls, Neil larjri-st . " GRAIN AND POTATOES. Bi'Jl bushel white wheat, rontl " lies, bushel ?.2:n, Seeond " Best bushc! ca!s, Best bushel merer potatoes, Second " Best bushel pola;oes r'Jier varieli Best J l.-.ishel swcot p.. ;atucs, Second l: VEGETABLES. Best beets, uol less than C, " carrots " " 4 bushel onions, " G heads cabbage, " 3 squashes, " 3 pumpkins, f,00 1,00 1.00 1,00 1,00 1,00 Special premiums will be awarded to cau liflowers, tomatoes, and all other garden veg etables of extraordinary quality. FRUIT. Best i bushel of apples, Second " Best " quinces, Second " " Best " penis, Second " " Best rrapes, not less than C bundles, 1,00 50 1,00 50 1,00 50 1,00 50 4,00 3,00 2,00 2.00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2.00 200 2,00 Second " IMPLEMENTS. Best threshing machine, ,: reaper, seed drill, corn planter, winnowing mill, corn shelter, plow, cultivator, " roller, " corn plow, " straw cutter, " farm wagon, " sett of harness, '! horse rake, " grain cradle, DAIUY, &c. Best butter not less than 5 ponpds, Second " " Best 5 lbs. honey. Second " Best loaf of bread 4 lbs. Second " Best ham cured by exhibitor, Second " Best 6 lbs. home made soap, Second " DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES Best quilt, " counterpane, " hearth rug, " pnir blankets, " 20 yards carpet, " home-made cloth 10 yd, " flannel fi vds, 2,00 2,00 2.00 1.00 1,00 1,00 50 1,00 50 1 00 50 1,00 '50 1,00 50 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1.00 1,00 " pair knit woolen socks or stockings, 1,00 " " " gloves, 1,00 " home-made thread 1 lb. and np'wd, 1,00 MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. I niter tnis neaa will tie emhrnced. me chanical inventions, tools, furniture, and all other articles, not comin" under any of the above heads Prizes will be n warded, ac cording to the mean of Ihe Society, and the merits ot (lie articles ollereit. PLOWING MATCH. Best piowing, 5.00 Soennd " 4,00 Third " 3.00 Fourth " 2;00 The following Committees were then np pointed : On Horses. A. E. Kapp. Joseph Nicely, Antl ony Armstrong, Wm. B. Ki,ip, Jesso C. Hnrton, John Painter, J. B Mnsser. Os Catti.k. Thomas Johnson, Hubert M' Wiliiams, Jesse Hensyl, James Forrester, Win. C. Seott, John B. Heller, John Necbil. On Siifep. Wm. L. Conk. Samuel I. John son, Geotga Keller, Wm. I). Geatharl, Jas. Ityr.erson, M. B. Priesllry, John Whealley, On Sw:nk Joseph Yankirk, John Moore, Wiii.ll Kaso. J. Weimer Leiahou, Philip W. Ilil"ert, Gucce Evcrard, J. Bovd Smith. On PoriTUT. Dr. Joseph Priestley, Or, Win. McC.ccry, Henry Eckbert, Alexander Jordan, I.. A. Eercstres'ser, Robert J Wilson, C. tt. Smith. O.n OruiM snp ToiATOEg. Samuel Hep burn, Binj. Gearhart, James Cameron, T. H. Watts, Eiida John, Jr.cob Hilbish, ,lu!:n Mou rer. On Vec stables- James Pollock. Alexan der Colt, Keubjn Troxel, Samuel K.Gilger, Jacob Seasholiz, S. R. Peal, C. F Lit'le. On Fruit W. C. Lnwson, H. B Masser, R. M. FricU, J. R. Eck, G. B. Vonngman, Cyrus O. Bachman, M. M. Kapp On Implements. Wm. II. Miieueh, J. II. Zimn ertnan, Wm. Fotsyth, John Tugcart, John Montgomery, Geoige Frederick, Geo. Brosious. MisrELi.ANEois. David Tnpuarl, Wm. II. Waples, E. W. Chapin, J. B. Packer, Chas. Pleasants, Samuel H. Wood, James Covert, D. B. McGregor, George Apsley. Dairy, &c. Jos. Nesbit, (Chilisfjnsqiie,) John Best, Wm. T. Forsyih. James Taggait, Wm. Elliott, John Frank, Francis Gibson. Domestic MANurCTUEs. D. Brantigam, William Weimer, M. D. Withington, John A. Taylor, John M. Hoff, Wm. G. Kase, Wm. Deppen. Pt-owiNO MitcH. Elijah Crawford, Wil. on Hutchinson. George Con.rad, Jacob Pain ler, W. H. Leifchou, Juhit Obtidotf, Jacob It iseniinr;. PROSPECTUS Of Volume VIII., of the Scientific) American. 1 "IIF. Kiormt Voi.mil of Hie SCIENTIFIC AMF.Rl rv .mi.,. ...i it. mil of stentpinber. and ss n (treat proportion nf our readers uiuaHJ' eoinincncu Iheir subscriptions nt this point, we take nrrasiim t extend them imr gratitude for the encouraging nud liberal! support heretofore bestowed upon our luimbie elforts, snd to re s-mre llictn of orr determination to sdmnce It still Inplirr in the stills of utility, snd, if possible. In their own (ss nation. Wesim at sn honorable Independence In discus. ion nnnn ll ntLiwIi. n.irl in some inslJIIICCS Ilo llottllt, our rnadeis may hsve been snrpneed si our determined op posi' ion to highly lauded discoveries in tho Arts and Sci ences. Time tries nil things, nnd It is with some decree rf prido Ihnt we revert to the efforts mnilo thlout'h tlie col lilnns of the ScientiMc AHleriean, to establish sound views respecting several conspicuous miscalled disciiveries Si..ce Ihe c imtuencemeut of Ihis VBliime, that peerless Kxhltatlon ol the Industry of all Nations closed its gorge ous display, ufl'inling a delightful ep.sotle in the stein piurc of the world's history. Above nnd bevond nil criticism it has passed away, leaving n worst. wide influence, benefi cial to every brunch of industry, and si' hough not profuse ly represcnlsd by gew-gnwa and Imaatrr, the clinrucler of our country shone forth with uingmiieeiice in all the elements of substantial utility. Acting under the slinuilus suggested by the success of the tircnt F.xhibitloti, the on- lurpnsing cutxens ol flrw l om nave iieicnnniin in con struct a Crystnl Pulace of no mean dimensions, nud ns Ihis is likely lo become an iinpotlant feature in our history, we shall endenvor lo present our renders with descriptions and illustrations of s ich novelties ns may be deserving atten tion. The nmactit form of the Peien'ifi'! American will be preserved as most suitable for binding and preservation. The paper will he of the uesl texture, and we shall aim to store its pages with practical knowledge in every branch of the Arts and Sciences. Invention claims Importnnt nt tentiou. as one of the fundnmendnl ncencios in the world's advancement hitherto we hope to have satisfied our rea. lii- imp ....Bt-l.. IIV.W Inventions 11 The Weekly last of Patent (,'lsims. officially reported for our columns, isa distinguished feature, which must commend itsen to every one interested m rnlents. We need Ihe co-niiemtiim of onr readers to enable ns lo publish a journal, worthy of their support, nt two dollars per annum. We have never nppenled tohcm in vain, nnd the Premiums offered for tho loigest hst ol sulwcrihers, will, we presume, cueourao new efforts. All subscrip tions are pavnble in ndvance. We repeat onr warning against Travelling Agents, lis none nre ncerei.ited from this office. loiters fhourl be directed (nost-pnut) to Mt'NX 1 CO., 128 Fulton street, New Vork. Terms! Terms! Terms! One copy, for One Year " fix Months Five copies, for Six Months Ten copies for Six months for Ten copies for Twelve Months. Fifteen copies for Twelve Mouths, Twenty conic, f.ir Twelve Months, P'2 ?l PI SJH PIS P'JS Southern and Western Money taken nt par for subscrip tions, or Post Office Stamps taken ut their full value. August 30, 1P33. rt conxi-xivs. i. r. iiakf.r. w. c. n.KRR. Cornelius, Bukor Co., MAXL"KATfRKRS OF Lamps, Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, &c. STORE NO. 176 CHESTNUT ST.. Manufactory No. 181 Cherry St., FIIII. -A.DELrHI.fi.. April 10, 1852. If. MORE NEW GOODS ! T 11 1 R D Fresh Arrival of (lotxls AT THE NEW STORK OF I. Y. TENEU & CO., (Nearly opposite Weaver's Hotel, Market St.) Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pa. JF. have just received" a fresh supply of Goods nilapted for the Fall nnd Winter to which we particularly cull :hc attention of our friends anil the public. Our grateful thanks arc due for the generous support we have roceived from a deserving pub lic, and we hope to continue to cam that support hy selling all our goods at the smallest profits. Our stock consists of Dry Goods, Hardware, Quccnswarc, GROCERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, Single and Doi'iu.ed Barrelled (less, Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas and Parasols, Boots nnd Shoes, Hats and Caps, Looking Glasses, Wall Paper for Room and Window Blinds, Lemons, Nuts nnd C'andv, Salt, Mackerel, Dried llccf, Plain and Fanry Hams and Shoulders, Nails, Window Glass, Paint StulT, Oils and Putty, Car pet Chain, Cotton Laps and Yarn, with a variety of other articles. N. B. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange at the highest market prices. I. W. TK.NKR & CO. Sunbury, Sept. 2.1, 18.V2. ly.c SIIKLDKAKKS A I.LEGHENY IIOI SK. No, CS0 MARKET Street, above 8th, Philadelphia. I'nder the new arrangement the enrs which arrive from Pittsburg, llarrishurg, &-c, will run to the New Depot, corner of Schuylkill 5th und Market. In order to accommodate the public we will always have our Coach at the New Depot on the arrival of the cars to carry Passengers to the Allegheny House, which is in the centre of the city. Our old friends will please ride down, nnd all who wish to patronise a House with a Good Table, Clean Tteds, nnd neeoinuiodating nssistnnts, will plcasp give us n call. Terms, One Dollar per Day. August 81, 1852. Gin. WINDOW SHADE MANUFACTORY. G. L. .Miller $ Co., South ll'est cor. of Second !f Arch Streets, PHILADELPHIA . THE PROPIUKTOKS, having increased their facilities during the past season, now feel able to supply all who have or may lie disposed to patronise them. Their .tock comprises every variety of patterns of FLOWERS, LAND SCAPE, GOTHIC, &c, unsurpassed in quality, and which will be sold at our ikuiiI LOW PRICES. TASSELS, CORDS, BRASSES, &e., in great variety. Shades made to order, at short notice, for Stores, Churches, Lodge Rooms, &c. i. L. MILLER & CO., Depot, S. W. corner of Second ond Arch sts. riii.ode!phia, Aug. 81, 1832. 3m. TAILCPwIlTG-. JOHN V. 31 AIJ TIX, I TEGS leave to inform his friends and the pub. ' lie in general, thst he is prepared in every respect to make clothing after tho most FasitoiiuMe Styles, and in the most durable manner, and his prices will ho as reasonable as can be hud in Sunbury or elsewhere, in cush or approved country produce. He will always have the advantages of the latent fashion plates, and in uddition to his aclinowl. edged skill in cutting, he will be assisted by the direction of the most scientific publications rela ting to that art, now issued from the emporiums of fashion in the United States. An endeavor will be made always to have woik completed when requiacd. His establishment is situated in Market Square, Sunbury, nearly opposite the Post Ollice. in the building formerly occupied by Jacob Painter as a hatter shop, where it will be a pleasure lo him to see his friends, and make such work for them as is within the line of his business. Sunbury, August H, 1852. tf. LEATHER. Fritz, Williams Hendry, Store, No. 29 North 3d Street., nilLADELrill A OROCCO Manufacturers, Curriers, Import- crs, Commission and General Leather Bus iness. W holesale and Retail. 1 Manufactory 15 Margaretta Street. Aug. 88, 1852 ly. EXTRACT OF COFFEE An excellent rtir!. mm. n.K.UA,n J M..U .l,....i than Coffee itself. Tor sale al this eflu Ajtil J7 isy - THE VERY LATEST ARRTtl V AL, CH HATER THAN THE CHEAPEST! FRILING 8l Gil A NT. T ESPECTFL'LLV infiirm the f tiiilic tnl ' "lit rest of mankind," that tlie luva just received ind opened tlie lirst and clirfly't stork of Spring1 and Summer Good (list linievef lcen brougltt to SunlitirJ Tlicir ttdck consists of every varie'y of Dry Goods, riz : Ctothf, Cauimercs, Snttinets, Vesting, Drillings, Linens, And nil kiiHl.i of Summer Wenr. Also it splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY C00R5, Calicoes, Ginphams, l.atrns, Chintzes, Dr. Laines, Jlerag'S, Ami every variety of goods suitable for La dies wear. Also nn extensive assortment of Panama aso I'ai.m Lkaf Hats. Also a large assortment of JROC IMslXS, SITU A3 Sugar, Teas, Codec, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and GUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a trcsh supply of Unt'tiS AND MEDIC1XF.S. Besides tlie largest nnd most feneral assort ment of all kinds of goods to be had in this place. tV" Country produce of nil kinds token in cx clinngc at the liiirlicst market price. Sunliury, May 22, 1H52. Valuable Properly. Late the Estate of E. P. SHANNON, Eaq oritortltuinliorland AT PPJVATE SALE. HHHE subscribers, Executors of the Estate r' of Ephrnim P. Shannon, late of tho Bor onyh of Northumberland, offer nt privnte sale, the follow iin valuable Real Estate, viz: Lot No. 77, corner of Queen nnd Front Street, on w hich is erected a two story Brick BiiiKlinir, fiirtneilv occupied by the deceased ns a Store nnd Dwelling, nnd now occupied as such. There are also on the lot two frame dwellings, &c. Lot No. 52, situated in Market Street, on which is erected a two story white Frame Dwelling, &c., adjoining John Titggart, Eaq., occupied by Cl.ns. Knous. Lots Nos. 69, 70, 71 & 72, situate in Mar kel Street, a two story white Frame Dwel ling, occupied by .lames Donlv, and a stable is erected on lots No. C9 & 70. The undivided half of Lot No. 120, situate on the corner of Dttko nnd 4lh Street, on which is erected a two story dwelling, occu pied by Joseph McCallister. Lot No. 188, situate in Queen Street on which is erected a two story white Frame mi lining, occupied by John liutkert. Lot No. 60, siluale at Norlhway and Wa ter Streets, on which are erected two Frame Dwellings and Stabling, occupied by widow Vandlino and John Vaiidling. Also the undivided fourth part of lot 166, on which is erected a twostoty Frame Dwel ling, occupied by Jehu Vandyke. Also ten ncres of cleared land, adjoining lands of John Deshay, on the Easl sidu of the Susquehanna, ab'iut three miles below Dan ville. Also two adjoining vacant town lots, situ ated on thu corner of Second and Orange streets, numbered in the genera plan of Bor ough, Nos. 215 & 216. Also four vacant lots on Third and Orange Streets, numbered in ihe general plan ol said Borough, Nos. 209, 210, 211 & 212. Also four vacant lots froniing' on Market and Sixth Streets, running East to an Alley, numbered in the general plan of said Bor ough, Nos. 77, 78, 79 & 80. Also four vacant lots fronting on Orange Street, and numbered in the general plan of said Borough, Nos. 185, 186, 187 & IS8. The above property will be sold in parts or parcels lo suit purchasers, on reasonable terms. For further particulars apply lo John Cake, Esq., at Northumberland, or lo the subscribers. ALFRED KXEASS. " c . THOMAS STRAW BRIDGE, tv rs' Northumberland, May 22, 1852. tf. To flic Ti'.iTcI!ing Public. First Class Hotel Terms $1.50 per Jay. "IVIE subscriber having lately become proprie--- tor of the FRANKLIN HOUSE, Chestnut Street, below 3d nnd 4th, PHILADELPHIA, nnd having hkiuikd the pbick of tioiaii to $1,50 per day, gives notice that, notwithstanding this reduction he will still continue to keen a i.Mn'p r.T s few Tmi-w-i 1 Franklin House has just undergone extended alterations, and is now fitted up and refurnished in superior style tor the reception of visitors. The Lower Floor formerly occupied by stores, is now included in the Hotel, forming a Spacious Iteeeptton lloom, tientlemen s I'arlorand Dining Room, thereby allowing an addition nf thirty chambers and several beautiful parlors fronting Chestnut street- Koonis in this Hotel are supe rior to most others, being constructed with al coves, forming parlor and bed chamber attached well lightened and ventilated. lis location is unsurpassed, cither for business or pleasure. XJt.A. 11. w UOI.MAN, Prop'r. Philadelphia, Aug. 14, 1852. 3m. JUSTKKCKivEJ) AT TUB Saddlery and Harness Establishment of G. AV. STllOII, Market Street, Suuliiry, A new assortment ef Hlvrr, lii iiss mid Japanned Mounting, Which he will either m.ike u:i to orjcr or sell se, arutely for cash at prices us hr.v if not oer tlinn can be liaj unvwliere else. SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, Ti ;:nJii, VuUcox, &.c , Constantly kept on hand or manufactured to or der. CARRIAGE TRIMMING done on the shortest notice. All persons are invited to call and examine for themselves. All kinds nf produce taken in exchange. Sunbury, May 1, 1852. tf. JOHN PHILLIPS & SON, No. 47 Soii( Water Street, below Chestnut, PHir.ADELrKIA, I MPORER.S of Foreign Fmiis, Nuts, Vines. fit., keep constantly on hand the following articles, which they will sell ut very low prices for cash. Raisins, Walnut, Prunes, Filhcrls, Sweet Oil, Liquorice, Port Vine. Almonds, Currants. Citron, Ground Nuts, Cream Nuts, Dates. Fin, Vnnilla beans, Preserved ginger, aniarinds. Lemon Svnip, Fire Crackers, Madeira M ine. ClarCt Vine, Muscat " Sweet Mala?a ' Sherry Philadelphia, July 3, 18iS. ly. SUNBURY FEE E Y. HENRY W. BUCHFJt informs the public that he has taken tlie Snnhuiy Ferry and as he is now well T.wpawd with good and stiffi. ctent eralts lis will bo enabled to accommodate the public with promtnea snd despatch. Apiil 10. 1851. tf. ' BLANK DEEDS printed on the heat quality narehment nape, sold t the lowest rricta al this olli.r, by wholesale and retail NEW STORE. W:VM W, GltAY 3PECTFULLY inform, tt, ci(i,. f Stitibury and vicinity, that ht has cowmen-' cel a new store in Wliortlelwrry atreet, in the liottse formerly occupied by Mr. Gray, and tits' just received and opened well Selected assort ment of Dry floods, Consisting a ppi,, 0f CLOTlls, CASSlMER'8, ATTiNETTaf A iif n general assortment of LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOOD? of every variety and style. GROCERIES of every description. Also an assortment of HAHlNVAnK AND QtEENSWARE, And general variety of other articles such at arc suitable to the trade, all of which wilt be sold! nt the lowast prices. Country produce taken in exchange at flitt1 highest prices. Sunbury, May I'S, 16.')2. Cm'. EYRE 8c Xi ANDELL, Mh andArth Street, PHILADELPHIA. T"AVE established a Store where Hie biei trade now resort for Household Dry florals; French Fancy Good, Dress Silks and Shawls, Hosiery, Gloves and Mitts, Cloths, Cnssimcrs and Vestings, Muslins nnd Linens by the piece, Damask Table Linen:! and Napkins, Pn'cnt ninek Silks for Dresses, Full Stock of Mourning Goods. E. & L. nre constantly receiving Bargains from1 the New Vork nnd Philadelphia Auctions, which' thev sell wholesalr and retail very cheap for Nettf Cash. EnwAti) E. Evbe, Washington I. Lasdel!., Philadelphia, July .1, 1052. ly. NBW STORE. BKX.TAM1N HEFFNER JJEl'KCFFt'LLY informs tlie' citizens of " " Sunbury and vicinity, tliat he has Opened a new store in the room lately occupied by George' Bright, opposite liolton's Hotel. Ifc has' just re ceived a handsome assortment of Ji.ail Mummer Ts!oods,- Consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers,- Cftssinet. SUMMER WARE of nil kinds', of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: Calicoes, Cilnghan., Lawns, IJIoMNScltne I)c lvalues nnd all kinds of f.ridi'fS DfesS Goctl?. ' GROCERIES of e'fery vnrrety. Also an assortment of Hardware, IroU? nnd Steel, Nails, &cV Also an excellent assortment ot QUEENSWARE, of varhoui styles and' patterns. Also an assortment of ttttOT &. SHOES' Palm Leaf and other Hats and Caps. Salt, Fish, 50. Also a variety of LIQUORS such as ISraiitly. (Riu, iVi'iit, &c. And a great variety of other articles such as ara suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. Country produce taken in exchange at the highest pri.-cs. Sunbury, May 1, 1852. ly. lib ert y s to v ev r6 b TzTsT IJIIUWN STREET,-, gsssijS ulove Fourth,' PHILADELPHIA. THE undersigned respectfully inform the pub lic that they arc in full operation at their new foundry, and ready to execute orders for stoves of every description en the moat reasona ble terms. They invite tire cttcntion of STOVE DEAL ERS to their !are. assortment of STOVES, all of which are entirely new, and got up at great expense. Among which ore the Liberty Air Tight Cook, Complete Cook, Sfar' Air Tight, Star Franklin, Star Radiator, Jenny l.ind Im proved, Fire King Radiators, Salamanders, Can nons, iiases. Bare Cylinders, Dar Room Stoves, Furnaces, Gas Ovens, ire., &e. ALBOTTiV LAWRENCE. N. 1J. Country merchants arc particularly invited to call nnd examine out assortment.- April 10, 1853. ly. " NEW COUNTRY STORE At the Forks of the riant Creek and Tulpe hoeken tload, near Kreiltbaum's Black Smith Shop. JACOB WEI3IER, RESPECTFULLY informs the public that Im ' iitiened a new Stnre at tlie above nlaCO' and has just received a splendid stock of new Spring; and Summer Goods, Consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Sattincls, DRILLINGS and all kinds of linen totton? and worsted summer ware. ALSO Callicoes, Kuslin de Laines, Lawns, lailtglinialS, And all kinds of Dress Goods for Ladies. Tea, Coffee, SefiAK, Molasses, &c. ;UOt i:Ii:S, of all kinds. BRANEY, GIN, WNIE, and all kmds of Liquors. Hardvrarr. Iron and Steel, Sails, ic, aUEENSWARE. Shoes, Roots, Caps, Palm leaf and olhor llats Pich, Salt, &c, All of which lie will sell at the. most ressonabls prices lor r isli or country produce. May 8, 1855 -tf. S0A? i CANDLE MANUFACTORY," Yo ID ir-,.d St. hrltreen "d It 3d Sts., and No. 17 -Voi'fA 0i Street, fllll.APn.rillA. John Haiioroft Jr. ami .oh, REsPECTFUIiL V infirm Store-keepers, Mcr-i-hoot". that they Manufacture and have for Sale, Palm, White, Variegated. Yellow and llrowii -''o.ips, MoulJ and Dipped Candles, all of good quality and at reasonable prices. UsT Cash paid for 'Fallow und rovfjet Fa(j April 10 1S5-J ly. SVm. McC'arty, Jiookscller. 1 RESPECTFULLY inftirma his friends snrf i the public, that he hfta removed his Bonk Store, to Market street, Ui the boae oeeupiej hy J. Naille, Esij., Atorrty at Law, nearly ap posite, the Court House, on the north side, where keeps for sale constantly on hand a good assortment of books nnd stationary. For .''ale A large new spting waggon fit fur 3, 3 or 4 Sor.es. Sunbury, July 2t, UK. if. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. SIIXUX'EIY, PA. Dec. 13. 1831. tfi IMEItSO.VS AK1THEMET1C No.. l.S ? and Porter's Ilhetorifal Reader, just reeeiv ed and for sale by WM. McCARTY. Sunbury, May 1. 1851.- "HTEE BILLP Justitea and Constable. F H Bills bstirlsoinly printed eu can? i tttfr f alr- it Ihu-elTV r.