SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. DEMOCRATIC MEETISG. Sunbuhy, Sepl. 20th,' 1S52. At a meeting of lite democratic citizens of Sunbury, held at tho Public School Mouse, for the purpose of forming a Democratic Associ ation, to be called tho ' Pierce & King Club of Sunbury." On motion of S. R. Teal, Esq., John Youngman, Esq., was appointed Chair man pro tern ol tho meeting. On motion tho following persona were elected ofneeis of tho Club. President, VM. M. ROCKEFEL LER; Vice Presidents, J. H. Cumpbell and H. J. Wolverlon; Recording Secretary, S. J. Packer ; Corresponding Secretary, M. I. Shindcl ; Treasurer, S. R, Peal. On motion Resolved, That tho President appoint a com mittee ot threo to diaft a Constnution and By Laws also resolutions expressive of the sense of this meeting and report on Wednes day evening, Sept. 22d. President appoint ed Messrs. S. R. Peal, Emanuel Wilveit and John Youngman, Esqrs , said committee. On motion resolved, That a committee- of three bo appointed to act as a Vigiluure Committee. Chair appointed Messrs. John "Youngman, M. L. Shindcl and S. J. Packer. On motion resolved, That the Corresponding Secretary ba requested and is hereby in structed to write immediately to the "Cen tral Committee" for democratic documents. On motion resolved, That the proceedings of this and every subsequent meeting of the Club, be published in the democratic papers of the County. On motion adjourned to meet on Wednes day evening Sept. 22d. StTKnunr, Sept. 22, 1S52 The Club met again agreeable to adjourn ment. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. On motion the committee appointed to draft a constitution and By-laws and resolutions reported, That the resolutions had been prepared but a further time would bo necessary to draw up a Constitution and By-la ivs. Tho resolutions were read and adopted. On motion the Corresponding Socrctary reported that he had written to the Central Committee for the neccessary documents and that ho expected to receive them in a few days. On motion of M. L. Shindel, Esq., the Club requested John Youngman, Esq., to produce a democratic song for the Pierce and King Glee Club. On motion of M. L. Shindel, Esq., the vis ilenco Committee was increased by the ad dition of the following gentleman : Ceo. Lyon, H. D. Wharton, Benj. Krohn, Peter B. Ma aer, Geo. W. Smith, and Elias Brosious. On motion the Club requested tho Presi dent to address tho members, whereupon in a neat and satisfactory manner ho stated the object of the association, the necesity of vig ilance and activity and made appropriate re marks adapted to the character of the con test between the two parties. John I'oungman, Esq., was then called upon to address the Club to which request he responded by remarks suited to tho occa sion. On motion of H. D. Wharton, tho Presi dent appointed a committee of invitation to wait upon the Hon. Alexander Jordan, John B. Packer, Win. L. Dewart, Charles J. Bru ncr and Homy Donnel, Esqrs , and invite them to address the Club and the Democrats of Sunbury generally at tho Couit House on Monday evening next. The Committee ap pointed were Gideon M. Yorks, John Young man, and Geo. W. Smith, Esqrs. On motion tho Pierce and King Glee Club was invited to contribute their co-operation The Club then udjourned to meet in the Court House on Monday evening next. (.Signed by the Officers.) TEE AIORICAIT. SUNBUttY. J SATURDAY, BPTEMBER ', II. D. MASSER, Eilllor mid Proprietor. To ADvmm. Tlie rircnlntlnn of the rViatinry American nnmiip, the (lifli-rcnt towns cm Hie SuBQiiehnnna b not rxrmleil if etunllrd h)' ' P"l,cr palilnhed in North cm Pennsylvania. IH'.MOCn ATIC NATIONAL NOMINATIONS. FOR PRESIDENT : FJiANKIJX P1KIICR, Of New Hampshire. FOR VICE PRESIDENT: WILLIAM E. KING, Or Ai.ahama. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. SENATORIAL. Gkoih;f. W. Woodwaiid, of Luzerno. Wilson M'Candi.kss, of Allegheny. ADDITIONAL T)I8TniCT. Robert Patterson, of Philadelphia. DISTRICTS. t. Pelei Logan, 2. Geo. H. Martin, 3. John Miller, 4. F. W. Bockius, 5. R. McCay, Jr., 6. A. Apple, 7. N. Strickland, 13. H. C. Ever, 14. John Clayton, 15. Isaac Robinson, lfi. Henry Fetter, 17. James Burnside, 18. Maxwell M'Caslin 19. Joseph McDonald, 8. Abraham relent, - zu. VV. ts. Colahan, 9. David Fister, 21. Andrew Burk, 10. R. E. James, 22. William Dunn, 11. Jno McRcynolds, 23. J. S. M'Calmont, 12. P. Damon, 23. Geo. R. Barret. DEMOCRATIC STATE NOMINATIONS. For Judge of the Supreme Court, GEORGE W. WOODWARD, of Luzerne county. FOU CAN AT. COMMISSIONER, WILLIAM HOPKINS, of Washington County. DIIJlOCItATIC COUNTV NOMINATIONS. For Congress : CHRISTIAN M. STRAUB, of Schuylkill county. Assembly : WILLIAM FOLLMER, of Turbut. Register & Recorder : JOHN P. PURSEL, of Sunbury. Commissioner : JOSEPH NICELY, of Delaware. Auditor : M. J. D. WITIIIXGTON, of Norlhumbeil'd Coroner : AARON KELLY, of Shamokin. EDITOR'S TABLE. Business Notices. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY tOXIKRJi. At a large and lespectable meeting of tho voters of Lower Augusta townbhip, at the house of Elias Emerich, according to public notice, on Saturday tho 18lh day of Sept., 1832, on motion of Jacob Yorday, Major SAMUEL LANTZ was chosen President ; Henry Conrad, sr., John Shipe, John Zim merman, Jacob Renn and John Wolf, Vice Presidents, anil John D. Coniad, Esq., and John Starner, Secretaries, on motion of the meeting John Long, Abraham Shipinan, Ja cob Raker, Jonathan J. Hamman, Daniel Conrad, Gideon Kline, Soloman Neidig, John Cain and Jacob Yordy, were appointed a committee to draw up a resolution expressive of the sense of ihe meeting, who, after due consideration, presented the following Reso lution. Resolved, That we the voters of Lower Augusta township, thiols Ihut we are fully competent capable and able to hold ami manage our own elections without the aid of runners and borers from other election dis tiicts, and hereby notify all such that for lime to come that Ihey may expect to be dealt with in such a way that they will be glad to leave the ground or be introduced to a rail or lako an application behind. Except candidates of all classes, parlies and grades are politely invited and shall be heartily welcomed on Ihe ground. Il was unanimously resolved that llie proceedings be published in the papers of the County. (Signed by the Officers. PflOOCEEDlNGS OF THE SUPREME CofllT. The Supreme Court, sitting at Pittsburg on Thursday gave a decision, in an appeal from the Common Pleas of Northumbeilaud, w hich will reverse the pratice under the act of. 18-19, commonly known as the 'Three Hundred Dollar Law." Hilherio it has been deemed sufficient to give notice to the Sheriff, prior to a sale of personal properly, that the benefit of the three hundred dollar law would be claimed. After the sale, if the propei ty sold brought $400, the defendant received $300, and the creditors S100. Ac cording to the decision, the law was passed not for the benefit of the debtor, but of the debtor's family. The debtor is bound to give notice when a levy is made, that he intends to claim the benefit of the exemption law Appraisers must be appointed, and ha is bound to select the article of furniture, &o which he wishes to retain. If he suffers the Sheriff to proceed to a sale he looses all share of the proceeds, which enure to the benefit of the creditors in the order ot Itieir liens. A good orator is pointed and vehement. Gikason's Diiawixo Room CoMrANiny. This handsomely illustrated publication continues to sustain its high character as a beautiful and interesting publication. Court's T, .tint' Booirt The October number of this prrodiral has come to hund, well stored with Iho usual variety of useful and entertaining matter. The Lady's book is einpcatically a book for the ladies which Mr. Godey has built up for their special purpose. Laiiii'.s Darns TniMMisiiS. Wc call the at tention of those in want of such articles to the adAcrtiscment of J. C. Obcrtculcr of Philadelphia in this weeks paper. Fall MiLi.ixr.nv John J?tonc & Sons, No. 45 South street, Philadelphia, advertise a new as sortment of Fall Millcnery Goods. ELMIRA RAIL ROAD. Col. Carter of the Lycoming Democrat, has (lie following in regard to the Williams- port and Elmira Rail Road, which, when finished, and connected with the roads ter minating at this place, and now in pro gress of construction, will divert an im mense amount of travelling, now passing over the New York and Erie Road, over this route to Philadelphia and from thence to New York. A few weeks ago, negotiations were open cn between two or three wealthy and public spirited citizens of Elmira on the one part, and tho bondholders of the United Stales Bank on the other part. For a handsome bonus some say fifty thousand dollars tho bondholders have surrendered up the road, with all ils attending rights and privileges, to the Elmira oentlomen. Tho work of renewal and extension will be commenced forthwith ; and our readers may rest assured that in less than eighteen" months a train of cars will pis from Elmira to Williamsport over one of the most substantially constructed roads in tiio United Mates. Now for the other railway connection mon- tioncil in Ilia opening paragraph ol the nrti clo. A private company are now actively engaged in relaying the old and worn out road from Sunbury to Shamokin, a distance, wo tielieve, of some 19 miles. Ihe road will, bo extended to Ashland, a distance of 13 miles, where it will intersect with Ihe exten sion of the Mine Hill road, which con nects with tho Reading Railroad. The contractors are Mr. Richard McGrann and Mr. Michael Barry, of Lancaster, gentlemen ot untiring energy ol character, great expe rienee, and extensive means ami credit. On Tuesday last, we had tin old fashioned talk with our old It lend. Mr. Harry, and he positively assured us I lint Sunbury would be in innway communication wnn me itcnuirig road, before the lapse of eighteen months. While these important licks are progres sing towards completion, we cannot be made lo believe that Ihe people of the West Branch Valley will remain passive with clo sed hands or folded arms. The surveys from Lock Haven to Sunbury are nearly all com plete ; and with proper encouragement and proper co-operation, bur citizens will be pla ced within u few hours ride of Philadelphia within the next threo years. Come what may, Williamsport will be placed within fourteen hours lido of the city of New York before tho 1st day of March, in tho year of grace one thousand eight hundred and fifty four. Mark the prediction '. THE WHIG CONFEREES Met at the house of Felix Lerch, on the mountain, on Monday last, hut made no nomination. David Tagart, Esq., of this County and J. 11. Campbell, o! Schuylkill, were the nominees of the respective Coun ties, but they both declined. Mr. Camp bell was present and stated as there was no hopes of success lor a whig, in the district he must decline the nomination. We understand that Mr. Krebs of Schuyl kill has come out as a volunteer candidate. What his prospects of success are, in Schuylkill county, we cannot say. He has certainly but little to hope for in this County. Col. Straub is said to be exceed ingly popular in Schuylkill, and he is cer tain to get not much less than one thou sand majority in Northumberland county K7 Cheat NEWsrAran Postage. Un-! dcr the new Postage Law, which takes ef fect on the first day of October, the Sun bury American may be sent by mail upon the following very favorble terms : To any Tost Office in Northumberland cuunly, postage free. To any Post Office within the State of Pennsylvania, for 3.1 cents a quarter, or 13 cents a year. To any part of the United States, GJ cents a quarter, or 2G cen's a year. v These rates must he paid quarterly or yearly in advance at thnPost Office where the papers are mailed or delivered ; other wise the Postage will be doubled. ttJ" Mr. J. B. Reed, of Milton, requests us to say that he oflers himself as a candi date for the office ol Register and Recorder, at the ensuing election. 0" POISONING. crj Thousands of parents who use Ve-rmifnga composed of Caster oil, Calomel, &c, are not aware, that while they appear lo neneiu ine patient, they are actually laying the founda tions lor a series 01 tleseases, sucn as sanvn tion, loss of sight, weakness of limbs, fcc. In another column will be found the adver tisement of Hobensack's Medicines, to which we ask the attention of all direcily interested in their own as well as Iheir Children's health. In Liver Complaints nud all disorders arising from those of n bilious type, should make umi of the only genuine 'medicine, Hoben sack's Liver Pills. (7 "lh not deceived," but ask for Hoben sack's Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, and ob serve that each has the sisnature of the Pro prietor, J. N. HOBENSACK, as none else are genuine. BUKU1L11, K7" Gen. Scott made a speech at Ilolli daysburg a few days since, and also one at Pitltsburg. He left Pittsburg for the west. Er Land Warrants. Persons having Land Warrants for sale, can dispose of them for cash, by applying at this office. rXF' Printing Ink. For sale for cash. at this office, kegs ol 25, 20 and 12 pounds each. Trice 25 cents per pound. DyThe grading of Market street is nearly completed. It is now as level as a floor and will be quite an improvement. EJ The Register in thiscounty requests us to say, that he has received (he nesces- ary books, and is now prepared to receive certificates of births, deaths, and marriages, for record. ffj" More Aids. Gov. Bigler has ap pointed two more aids in Dauphin county, with the rank of Lieut. Colonel. What a burlesque the thing has got to be within the last few years. Who wouldn't be a Colonel when titles are so cheap? lO.NSOI.IDATIO.N Til KET. We observe that the friends in favor of consolidating the different districts of Phil adelphia, have nominated a legislative tick et. Our old friend Alexander Cummings, Esq., of the Bulletin, has been nominated by the County for the Senate, on this tick et. Col. Cummings possesses all the requi site qualifications for the office, and we doubt whether the city could send a more able and efficient representative. The whole ticket is composed of men of char acter and standing from all parties, and will, no doubt, be warmly supported by every Iriend of consolidation. OLE HILL. The Philadelphia Bulletin states that Ole Hull, the renowned Norwegian Violinist has purchased a large body of land in the Western part ol this Stale, on which he is about to establish a Colony of his country men, the hardy adventurous people of Nor way. The editor of the Lyconvng Demo crat refering lo the above says : The lands purcased are located on Kettle Cicek, in Potter county, and before Ihe elapse of many weeks they will be in the occupancy of a colony of Norwenian emi grants, ror richness of soil, salubrity of cli mate, to say nothing of Ihe advantages of a home market, the location cannot ba somas- ed in any part of this broad State. This is an important movement, and cannot fail to exercise the most beneficial effects on the risinc prospecls of the West Branch VhIIkv. Ole Bull visited these lauds Inst week, mul while there delighted, astonished, and bfiuil. dered the hardy inhabitants of Kettle creek with an extempore concert. OI R CANDIDATE FOR rOXCSKESA. By reference to the proceedings of the con ference of this Congressional district, com posed of tho enemies of Schuylkill nnd Nor thumberland, it will be seen that the choice of Schuylkill has been concurred in. Major William L. Dkwart, the choice of Not thumberland, was supported with a zeal and singleness of purpose, that gave evidence of his strong hold upon the democracy of that county. His yielding at present is but the postponement of the claims that were brought to bear upon the conference, and adhered to for so long a time with such un wavering firmness. We could not but admire the devoted friendship exhibited for the Major through out. With his determination to cordially sup port the nominee, we may confidently count upon a good result in Old Northumberland. The same may be said of Schuylkill. Here no man has truer cr warmer friends than Col. Strath. Even among his political oppo- nents, many will he found who nie leady to contribute to his election. Ho is the. ''Rough and Ready" of this campaign, and never can be mado surrender. In facl, there is no such word as fail in his vocabulary. He always conquers, and whoever his competitor may be whether located in Schuylkill or Nor thumberland a Waterloo defeat awaits him. Mark the prediction. His nomination has already so inspirited tho rank and file of the people the toiling millions, one of which he has always em phatically been that dismay is visible in tho countenances of our oppouanls The proceedings of the conference show that, while our conferees stuck tenaciously to the old war-horse, Ihey were not indispo sed to take a new man. They frequently gave opportunities for the selecting of a third person. This wc deem it proper to say, to coriecl a wrong impression which has been circulated by designing individuals. Major Dkwart, however, very properly, when the riht of Schuylkill to have the first candidate was granted, showed his regard for the ex pressed wishes of the democracy of l Ins comity in falling upon their first choice. So happy a termination of protracted labor, en sures a united and enthusiastic suppoit of Col. C. M. Ftiiai'B. He goes into the contest with an unbroken front, and will come out of it with victoiy parched upon his banner. J'otmville Rrgittci . Shocking Bail Road Accident. Four Lives Loit. X shocking accident occurred at Reading on Tuesday evening about dusk. Soma factory girls wern standing on the track opposite the cotton factory, waiting for a down train to pass, when an engine came up on the other track and run over four, kil ling one instantly, and injuring tho three, others so much, that they all died before morning. Tho noise of Ihe passing dow n train prevented Iheir heaiing the signals of the approaching up train, and, unfortunately, no altenlion was paid to Iho signals ol Ihe men on the train who saw iheir danger. In St. Matthew's Church, in Sunbury, on Thursday evening last, by Rev. Mr. Walker, of Ithica, Mr. William T. GiiANT,Merehant, to Miss Kaciiaf.l Ann Y oxtiieimer, all ol this place. As an accompaniment to the above, we re ceived a bottle of wine and an excellent spongecake, for which the happy conplo are entitled to tho thanks of all engaged in the office. May their shadows never crow less. There's a Miss beyond oil thril the minstrel hag InM, When two, tliut (ire linkM in one heavenly tie, With lirnrl never clmnjrni'-, ontl brow never cold, Iivc on tliro' all illn, ami live nn till they die. Eo. American At Danville, on Tuesday last, by Ihe Rev. Milton C. Lmhtner, of Readinu, Wsi, - 1. Greenoucii, Esq., of Sunbury, lo ilissMARV CATiiARiNEj'daughler of Peter Baldy, Esij., of Ihe former place. In Schuylkill Haven, on the 0th nit., by the fiev. Mr. Shell, William J. Savhir, of tho former place, to hi.iA ft Miuersville. In Milton, on the 14th inst., by tho Rev. D. Y. I leister, liev Wit. (tnonairii, Pastor of the Herman Reformed Church of Colum bia, to Miss Carolina STitAi'n, of the former place. On the 24th ult , by the Rev. D. Gring, Mr. Wit. Mai-st, to Miss Lipia AnnSi'rinu Eft, both of Montour county. i 1 1: (. Candidate for Assembly. rilHE subscriber respectfully informs the voters A of Northumberland county, that he has liecn taken up as a Candidate for Assembly, and therefore respectfully solicits the support of his fellow citizens fur that office. S'AML'EL BEIiGSTRESSER. Shamokin, Sept. 11, 1852.- Ct. Pamphlet Laws of 1852. - NOTICE is hereby Riven that the Pamphlet Laws of 1852 ore received, nnd ready for distribution to those who arc entitled to receive them. JAMES BEAKD Pioth'y. Sunbury, Sept. 25, 1852... LlsfOF CAUSES TOR trial in the Court of Common Pleas ' of Northumberland County, at November T., A V., 1852. PLAINTIFFS. DEFENDANTS. P K Hoflinnn iy wife vs H Knlinls, MeCarty ct ul Moll & Nhnlirr vs Daniel Drcislj.n-U f'napnr Herkurt vs Frederick Herknrt John W IVal vs Geo H Youngman Hicknk A- L'aiitiuo vs Geo W Armstrong Japoli Keller vs Hank of Northumberland, Raker &. Co for Jacob Uloom vs Henry Conrad Henry KIdm & Eve his wife v. . man's ' administrator William MeCarty vs Snmur! Hunter Mary Jane ltruneret al vs William Wilson Decker & Weiller vs K D Cuintninra. Mary Martz vs Wm H Spratt Same vs John Campbell A- wife George Shilcy vs Ab'in Dnnkellierger's admr'x Isaac Tyler vs R M Seydel's adin'r John Brown vs John Oyster seiu's ex' Sliaflner & Zeinlcr etal vs Thus H Mnckcv Jno Knorr for II. Knorr vs Enoch Dowers' adm' I James T Sutton & Co vs Samuel Kyle ; I'.liznlirtli Krier vs A 8 Lawrence ; Daniel Gonnert vs Henrf I'uhner Mary Patterson, vs Georce Hecliort I Donepnrtc Thompson etal vs Casper St Clair H in McDanicl for A i W Comly i William Dalius vs II S llaulninn vs Isaac Reader vs James Heard et al vs John Jackson et al m r 11 I A If 1. 1 .1 , Ul - , , . ' Jnlin Iteviwi Ms John Jackson George Lawrence Dilliurrton for Hunter & Buyers Jacob Haas Same John Jackson Jr Simon Snyder A W Comly vs D Marr A I Brown vs Susan A Surah Reid In Montour county, nn the 10th inst., Mrs. CATHARINE BOGAK, aged 82 years, 8 months and 14 days. At Ihe residence of their grandfather. Gen. William A. Petrikin, in Money, on the sixth inst., JAMES MADlSuN WILSON, aged nine mouths and twenty days: nnd on tho cbhth inst., CHARLES WILSON, aged nine months and twentv-lwo (lays, children ot A. D. Wilson, Esq., of Williamsport. l)C ittavkcts. vs (,'hnrlcs Alexander vs Same A Wife s A W Comly vs Gcorire Sn der vs Cconje Hertz Baltzar Garnharl's admr'a vs R W Dunn's admr Allan Newberry vs Thomas Crandall for J C Morgan vs Gen Miller's adm'r John Reed's assignee vs K L Piner J John Ross & Wife vs Gcor;rc I'ov ' John King vs Daniel Wriduer Same vs Same Washington Mutual In surance Company State Mutual Fire. Insu rance Company Peter Arnwine A Mini- O Gosh A Jacob go A Rcid Jacob B. Masser Joanna Pendcville George, I.citbcrger Sarah I. Keen Same Oliver B Milliard Philadelphia Market. Si:rT. 22, 1852. Fi.tmn anii Meal. The market is dull sales of fresh pound for export al S4,37 J, Extra (lour is held al S4 62i a S4 874 Rye Ki.oi a. Is scarce al S3 75. Corn Meal. Last sales at S3 1 Wheat Sales of prime red at 03 a OGe, and prime old IVnna. white al 1 02. Ryk Is selling at 70 cents. Corn Is ralher dull at 70 cents afloat. Oats. Sales of Southern at 35 cents. Whiskey. Sales in bbs. and 25c. Baltimore Market. Sect. 20, 1S53. GRAIN. Sales of good to prime reds to day at 84 a 8S els. ; and of w hite at 90 a 100 cts. Corn has delined. Sales of white were made to-day at CI a f2 cts. and of yellow at 66 cts. Oals are worth 30 a 33 cts. WHISKEY. The demand continues very active, and sales are making as fust as re ceipts coma in at 25 cts for bbls. Sales of hhds. at 24 cents. vs L. hauiman et al Same ,B Veike vs Reuben Freely vs A li Kapp vs Robert Whileido vs Abraham Brosiuns vs Saium-1 Snvidsrn vs John Ifir'man Petit Jurors. SnlerT'Juhn Gul'Ck' RobertLesher. Jcob' ?.f.wis. John Tweed. Delaware. James F. Beard. Ciiilisquaque. Daniel R. Rishel, Michel McGee, John Simpson. Milton. Samuel Less, Samuel Rhodes Northumberland. Jos, Vandyke, Darliel Brautigum, Jacob Leisenring. Lower Auci'sta. William Weitzel, Geo. Fusold, Pcler Reitz, George Keefer, Daniel Conrad, (son of John.) Shamokin. Wm. II. Muenrh, Geo. For, Francis P. Schwartz, Samuel Hammond, H. II. Teals, John Repley, Jacob Swentz. Rush Abraham Eckman, Jacob Hoff man. Lower Mahonov. Isaac Lahr, M. Wert Sebastian Stepp, li. Rover, Jacob Aumiller. Little " . Enoch Raker. Jackson. Jacob Hoffman, Elias Schwartz. LADIES DBiTtM .T. C. OJJKUTEUFFEK, S. E. Cor. Ninth and Maple Sis. above Rate, riIIX.ADEX.FHIA INVITES the Ladies of the City and Country to call end examine his splendid Stock oi Trimmings, which has been selected with tho ut most care. Mr. O. being enabled, from his experience in the business, to take ndvantage of the wholesale market, is able U sell as low as any other estab lishment. Mr. O. was formerly principal con ductor of the extensive business of Mr. J. VV. Mursltnaii, No. 204 Chestnut Street, nnd his ex tensive c perieneo will be a guarantee of h!a ability to do justice to his customers. His Sij comprises the following. Sill:, Worsted, and Cotton Curtain ffrinxes, Binding, Tassels snd Cord, Silk aiy5 Worsted Blind do. Silk, Woollen, and Cotton Moisery, Ghnes, Combs, Brushes, Soups, IVrfuinerv. Ac. Woollen and Cotton Knitting and Darning Yarn, Porte Mommies, Furnished Work Boxes, Brace lets, and Fancy Articles generally. Call and examine for yourselves. Philadelphia, September 25, lfi.52 Cm. FALL MILLINERY GOODS .JOHN STONE $ SONS, importers and dealers in FRENCH MILLINERY GOODS, A'o. 45 South Second Street, FHILASSLPHIA. fTETAYING completed the improvements to jS their Store, arc now opening a large and beautiful assortment of Paris Fane Feathers, French and American Flowers, Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, Fancv Bonnet Stutl's, Corded and Plain Velvets, Satins, Gross. d'Afiiqucs, Lace, &e. cVe. To which they invite the attention of Mer chiints and Milliners visiting the eiry. Philadelphia, September 25, 1852. 2m. J W Peal Indorsee &c vs Joseph Dimniick etal Christ cc McFaddcu vs Susanna Reid Reuben Fegely & Co vs HiilIi Bellas rjF" The Mails. We are heartily glad to announce that an arrangement lias at last been made by the new Post Master General with theReadins Railroad Compa ny in regard to the carrying the mails over the Reading Railroad, and that the mails are now carried over that road and received here as was usual, before the late disar rangement. The Philadelphia papers are now received on the night of the day of publication. COL. C. .11. VI' It A 1-0 As Col. Straub has received the unani mous nommination of the district for Con gress, wo presume there will Le no formi dable opposition to his election. The dem ocrats have a large majority in the district and as the whigs have no candidate, many of that party will, no doubt, support him. 1 here is certainly no reason for any dem ocrat givinhis support to Mr. Krebs, in preference to Col. Straub, on the scons of qualifications, as it is generally admitted that Col. Straub is decidedly the raobt com petent man of the two. Our whig friends themselves, will find it extremely difficult to reconcile their opposition to Col. Straub Had either of the candidates named by I -INE PEACHES. We were presented, a lew days since, by Mr. Gaugler, of Selinsgrove, with some fine yellow peaches, raised in his garden. Three ot them weighed nearly one and a half pounds. They were similar to those alluded to by friend Cook of the Danville Democrat presented to him by Frederick Lazarus, Esq., of this place, only not quite as early. Mr. Lazarus, says some of his peaches weighed over ten ounces. There is no town on the Susquehanna, that can beat Sunbury in the matter of big peaches, pretty girls, and interesting babies. rXF" Countebfeits. As the country ap pears to be flooded with counterfeit $1 notes on the Lancaster Bank, we will point out how they can be detected. In the counterfeit the figure 1 in 1841 touches the vignette containing the word "Re-issue," In the genuine there is a space. The fe male figure in the centre, has a necklace, which is wanting in the counterfeit. ItT" The Emperor of Austria ofTers a million of florins, ai a reward for the lost crown of Hungary, which was carried off Candiiatks fou tiik Puksidkscv. There are now six candidates for the Presidency : General Pierce, Democrat ; General Scoll Whig ; Daniel Webster, Union Whig ; J. P Hale; Freesoiler ; Wm. Goodell, Liberty man ; Gov. Troupe, Secessionist. The number of passengers from Iho port of London ulonu for 1 ho goM colonies of Australia, keeps up to about a thousand a week. Snow fell at Pottsville, on Monday morn ing last the fit st of tho season. There was a heavy frost that night. I!k not loo much afraid of offending others by telling the truth, nor stoop to flattery nor meanness, to gain their favor. Over 2000 emigrants arrived al New York on Friday, in six vessels. durinz the late Revolution. We think he had better appropriate the million ot flor them, been in the field, the case would ins, to have his own insured, as that may have been entirely diflerent. be tamed oil beore the other is recovered Communication. Fou tiik American. Mk. Editor : It affords us much pleas ure lo learn lhat Duvid Marl., Esr:., of Sha mokin township, has yielded to the urgent solicitations of his many friends, and consent ed to be an Independent Candidate for the ollice of llegistcr and Ilecorilcr, at the approaching election. Mr. Martz is well and favorably known to all ihe voters of Noilbuniboiland county as an honest, intelligent, honorable and upright man, and mosl eminently qualified for tho proper discharge of all the duties pertaining to' lhat office. Thai he is the choice of a large majority of the people of this County, there can scarcely be a doubt, and of his triumphant success, this fall at the ballot box, where every man can have fair play, and where the will of the people must prevail, there cannot, in our opinion, be any ques tion. MANY INDEPENDENT VOTERS August 4th, 1852. of Upper Mahouoy. suinuiiY rnicE cuukent Wheat. - - 05 Rra. - 1 Corv. ... 75 Oats. 4! Potatoes, - 50 Bcttmi. -1-1 F.nos. ... 10 Pork. ... 8 Flaxsekii. .... 100 Tallow. - - 12 Beeswax 0 Heckled Flax. . - - 17 Da ik n .... 100 Do. Peaches. - 250 Flax ... 8 Abijah Bowan Christian (.'able Robert M Lyon Rebecca Swaitz Henry A Lechncr John I. Ycugcr Francis Jodan Henrietta Lewis Daniel Gibson Kriefjer for R Fngely J 11 Masser David Fisher Daniel Rhodes J W Peal Samuel L Beck E John for W Camp William Sechler R Fagely & Co Rudolph Dueiicr George Brosious Wm H Thompson vs M Unchman A' F Markle vs"A E Kutzner vs Andrew McLnnahan - a Wm H Bound vs George Bright vs David L Irland vs '1 lioiuas Barr Jacob Reinard and Wm Kahler vs J Furmaii V F Ula.e vs Barbara ShaiTcr's ex'rs s J W Friliiifj vs Jacob Wcrtman vs Vairin Irwins' adm'r vs Jacob Stitzcl vs Wolvertnn iV Leisenr'if vs Jacob KoH'iinui ct al vs William Inch vs Peter Thomas vs Daniel ICauiiile n ii . r i a Jenkins wilii notice D Hoats for M Sweny vs , . , , J to torretennnt Kcndcrton Smith's esr's vs A C & T G Morris Same Same Wcndel I. Keller vs John F Wolfin;;cr William Foreman et al vs John Parks Frederick Wilhelm vs Henry Wilhelui Jno Bush &. Wile, vs Nathaniel Sax ton's adm'r J iV A Shissler vs Daniel Glenn Reuben Facely A Co vs John Rasser & Co New Advertisements- F.B GRANT is a scholar and a Kentleman, "J but Zeb is poor, very poor : his weekly balances would never admit of bis replenishing his wardrobe, until bo heard of the great and cheap Clothing Store of Rockliill & Wilson, 111 Chestnut street, corner ol rranklin Place.. With his very small balance he purchased a suit of their fashionable clothing, and now passes for what lie really is, a gentleman, in all classes ol society. Philadelphia, Jan. 31, 1S53. ATTENTION, IIEU'AUT OI'tHDSII 7"OL are commanded lo meet in Mar A ket Sounro. Sullblirv. Oil THURSDAY, 7th of Oct., at 8 o'clock, A. M. Each member lo he provided with 12 rounds ot blank cartridges for the purpose of attending , parade at Northumberland. j)y oioer ni ine v. iiiaiu. GF.O. OLIPHANT, O. S. Sunbury, Sept. 25, IN ATTENTION, FARMERS' iD WF.l'llAMCS' AltTILLKMSTSM OU ore commanded to meet in Market Square, Sunbury, o SATURDAY, 25th of Sept., at 1 o'clock, P. M., fully cijnippcd for drill. By order of Ihe Captain, SOLOMON STKOH, O. S. Sunbury, Sept. 18, 1S52. IMiOCLAM.VTION. NOTICE is hereby given lhat a Special Court of Common Pleas, in and for tho County of Northumberland, to commence at ilm Court House, in the borouah of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M-, on Monday the 25th dav of- October next, and will continue ONE WEEK. jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed n-rpeahln to iheir notices. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 18th rluv of September, in me year ot our l.ord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two and Ihe Independence of ihe United States of Amernra trie 7bin. WILLIAM B. KIPP, Sheriff God save the Commonwealth. Jacob 11 lihoads Samuel Ewing Joseph Weitzel Jordan & Welker Lodge No 22 John S Good J Ott Rockefeller Welker & Wife George Parfat Robt Hutchinson David McMicken Margart t Summers Joseph L. Auten ,1 B Master Jacob Kline ter Billinire Y ii J Fov iS: J Harmail vs R D Cummings vs Benjamin Robins vs Wil iam Fngely vs R I) Cummings vs J C Horton vs Hannah Meielenhall vs Harrison lleiiii vs Henry I.untz s ex'rs vs R. 1). Cummings vs Simon Reedy vs Henry High vs John H. Pindv vs Jos 11 Kline's ndm'r vs Abraham Marshall JAMES BEAKD, Piotli'y. Prothonotarv's Ollice. ) Sunbury, Sept. 25, 1852. ( List of Jurors, F Northumberland C'ountv for November T., A, D. 1852. ft rand Jurors. Lewis. Wallis Rupel, Robert Montgom ery, John Wartman, Jacob Mi.uler. Dki.aware. Cyronas Horn hoy. t'lliL!b(il'A)UE Jacob Kiiimrr, Daniel P. Caul, Robert Reed. li'KliUT. bamuel B. Cain LJwaril Dies- ler. Milton. Henry Strine. SfNliuiiv. Samuel Mailt. Uiteii Al'GUSTA. John S. Il.ias, John F. Kline. Loweii Ai'custa. Jeremiah Wetzel, Wm. M. Miller. IU'sii. Philip Oberdoif. Shamokin. Silas Farrow. Uiteii Mahonov. Abraham Geist, Hen ry lieist, John Kehler. Jackson. Daniel Buhner, llenty uron. Peler Heed. TRAVERSE JURORS. Point. Ed. Buoy, John Heckcrl, Chailes Morgan. Robert Curry, jr. Lewis. Samuel Menkes, David 11. Mont gomery, S. Beaver. JUii.ton. Pau lienneti, aoiomoii uu iilii- dairer- . Dki.awaiie.-S Gamhart, P. C. to.v, f.d. Druckemiller, Christian Geish. Tit. out. David Engle. NoiiTilc.MliF.Ri.ANn. William Elliot, Geo. Apsley, Alexander Colt, Dennis Wallers, Hiram Rueh. Si'NBURV.r-Geo. P. Buyers . Uiteii Auuusta. Samuel Savidyn. Low eh AiT.csTA.-Peler Moo.e, Isaac Dew itt, John Fry. . Rusii.-Alcxander Moore, Bonbarn (use. Si.AMoKiN -IsaaoSoper, P. Schnel I, Sam uel John, Isaiah Murpan, S. Giaul, John John Caseman, Isaiah Miller, Samuel Lut, John Frank, Samuel Johnson. Coal. Sylvanas Bird. Upper Mahonov. Jacob Geise, David Mallich, Solomon bhunk wilier. Lower " .Jacob Carman, John Jackson. Martin Diumheller, Sol. Dres- '"ch'imsijuaqi'b. John Bartholomew, Jacob Fulper, Theiuas Kicler. Notice to Contractors. r..LF.D PROPOSALS will lie received at Ihe Engineers ollice in Sunbury until the l.'ilh day nl' October next, for the grading nnd masonry of that part of the Susquehanna Rail Road between Bridgeport (opposite Harrishurg) arid Sunbury, a distance of about fifty five miles. Plans, profiles nnd specifications will be exhibited at the said ollice for one week prior to that date. The line will lie divided into sections of about a mile in length, nud tenders may be made fou e ich n.ile separately, or lor the whole work, Preposals may state what proportion of the amount of payment, if any, will tie taken in the slock of the C'oinpnnv at pnr. A. B. WARFORD, Chief Engineer. Engineer's od'ice, ) Sunbuiy, Sept. 18, 1852. 41. PUBLIC SALK ILL be offered at Public Sale, on the pre- mises, at the house of Franklin Moore, or THURSDAY, the I ilk day of October, at 1 1 o'clock, A. M., a Valuable Farm, containing ISO acres, situate four miles from Dan ville, on the road leading from Danville to Shsm okiutown, in Rush township, Northumberland county. The improvement ore a M FRAME HOUSE, and Frame Barn, a thrifty Orchard of ex cellent fruit nnd a never-failing spring at the door I about 90 acres improved, tho balance is well timbered. Also at the same time, a lot near Runhville, containing four acres; the improvements area small frame DWELLING HOUSE, and an excellent orchard of all kinds of fruit. Also on the premises, nl Ihe house of Niinuct Keller, on FRIDAY the 15th day of October next, A FARM in 11 oaring Creek townshp, Montour county, two miles from Bear Gap, on the road leading to Niiniedia, containing I Gil acres, the improvements consist of 75 acres clear ed, a good FRAME HOUSE, gsgi Frame Barn and Frame Wngnn House, a P'ilirl good thrifty voting Orchard of all kinds of fruit ami a never-failing spring of excellent water at Ihe door; ihe unimproved land is well timbered. Undisputed titles will be given. 1, ate the property of William Kase, deceased. 1 erms will be made known on ttic itny ol sale ey JOHN KASE, SIMON P. KASE. Executors. September IS, 1852. i t. LIST OF JURORS, Northumbeilaud County, for October 25, 1S52. Special Court. Point. Thomas Johnson, Chas. Bonnet. Lewis. A. J. Derr, Samuel Artrnan, Ben jamin Mcugas, Jacob Huutzinger, Henry Uoiip, John Hughes. Delaware Robert Hutchinson, George Rnnnyan, Wm. Hood. Ciiii.isqcaqce. Wm. E. Erwine. Tcnr.cT. Peter Dunkle, Kilyon Dunkte, Win. M. Sample, Isaac Marsh. NoitTiii MBERi. and. Robert Lesher. Si'NnciiY. Jacob Grilich, Wm. Hoover, Henry Bncher. Uiteii Acousta Reuben Garinger. Lower " Abraham Shipman. Rrsit C. A. Heath. Shamokin. Martin Gass, Asa John, John Smiili, Charles Alexander, James Vanhorn, Philip Bonp. Upper Mahonov Samuel ileime, Henry Rt'buck, Andrew Geist. Lower " John Michael. Little " Isaac D. Raker. Jackson. Abraham Dcppen. Cameron. Solomon Dunkleberger. 0F9 LIST OF CAUSES on Kn.;i fnl..i c r,n.r... iu.a .r ivn - iviiui wwi ub v wuiiiivii M Iran ' Northumberland County to be hold on Monday the !25lh day oi October 1859. Frederick Keener Wm. Ayres Graham ct al vn Hugh Bella rt si B li Kase vs Geo A Dixon Piatt & Piatt vs Henry Masser Wm L Hciiieman vs T A Billington et si Geo E Gehrig ct al vs Peter Warty Rebecca Lamison vs Thomas Vastine's exrs Geo Gannan vs B H Howell et nl Goo Eyster for Mar- Eu Greenough tm caver Mahonoy and Shamokin yg AUr.,m plu Improvement Co Welker & Wife vs Hannah MeiideiihaB Henry Donnel et al vs Hugh Bellas JAMES BEARD, Prot.h'y Prothonotarv's Ollice, ) Sunbury, rcpl, in. 1854.-)