1 New Advertisements. PROCLAMATION. TV OT1CE in hereby given thnt tlm wTcrnl A1 Courts of Common Fleas, Goncrnl Quarter r5esion of tho peace, and Orphans' Court. Court of Oyer nnd Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northumberland, to commence at the Court House, in the borough ol Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the Sd day of.Novcmber next, and will continue ONE WEEK. The coroner, Justices of the Penre nnd consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested to bo then and there in their proper per ilous, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, anil other remembrances, to do those things to their several ofliccs appertaining to ho done. And nil witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common wealth against nny prisoner are also requested nnd commanded to be then nnd there attending in their proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall be just nnd not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors arc requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 18th day tf Sept. in tho year of our Lord one thou sand l iyht hundred nnd fifty-two and the In ill penitence of tho United States of America the TCth. WILLIAM B. KirP, Sheriff. God save the Commonwealth. PROCLAMATION. NOTICE is hereby piven thnt. a Special ' Court of Common Pleas, in ami lor I lie County of Northumberland, to commence at the Court House, in the boionuh of Sunlmry, at 10 o'clock, A. M , on Monday tha 25ih flay of October twt, nud will continire ONE WEEK. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, nt llie timo appointed nrecable to their notices. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 18ih day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eiiht hundred nud lifty-lwo nnd the Indepaudenee of lha United Slates of America the 76th. WILLIAM P.. KIPP, Phcrlir. God save Hie Commonwealth. Candidate for Asseinhly. riUE subscriber respectfully informs the voters of Northumberland county, that he has been taken up as a Candidate for Assembly, and therefore respectfully solicits tho support of his fellow citizens for thnt oiKee. SAMUEL RERCSTRESSER. Shamokin, Brpt. II, 18.")S.- 5t. " AV O O I) ' S Cane Seat Chair Manufactory, No. 131 North Sixth Street, above Knee Street. MANTFACTlJItl'.. and life ciiis'nntlv nn liniul nn r.l.KOANT nn.l F Al! 11 l.N A III.K pwk of TANK SKAT. Ul.SIl SKAT, and WINPSOU CIIAIHS. A It M CIIAIliS, Ijirpi mill small HOCKINf rilAIRS. M-.T- Ti'.r.s. i;axi; ljuni;i:s, b'roitK stools, ship ST IOI.S, K 'I'ii Housekeepers, lintel, Unit, and Stpnmlvint Proprie tors, mul Dealers in Clmirs nml Furniture, tins establish, lilrnt oflVrs llie greatest inriiirrinfitts to pniehiise. Having axtensivft farililii-s for niannl'in'loriini. vc can si'll llie same assortment ten per rent cheaper llian hereto fore, and bv liaviaj: nil work made under our own super vision we can enarnnlee a superior article. CAN K SKAT Cll Al US ef the best finish and mntcriul, from 8IHJ tn SHI per dozen. 'Small Profits und (JuieU Sales." N. P. WOOD. Cbair Fnelory, Nn 131 Ni-rlh Ctli St.. opposite Franklin Square, I'liiladelpliin. September 11, 1?J2 3m. AUDITOH'S NOTICE. IX the matter of the exceptions to the account of M. A. I). Smith end Viruilia R. Stn th, Exccutrices of tho last "Wit! nnd Testament of Kenderton Smith, dee'd., who was administra tor th bonis von &c, of the estate of Thomas Grant, dee'd.. the undersigned, to whom the same is re-committed as Auditor, by the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, hereby Rives notice, that lie will sit for the purposes of his ap pointmDiit, nt the "Lawrence House," in Sun bury, on FRIDAY, the 1st day of October next, nt io o'clock, A. M.. when and where all per sons interested, are invited to attend. K. (i. MARKLEV, Auditor. Sunbury, Sept, 4, 18.VJ. 3t. Notice to the Heirs of JOHN STEPP, Dee'd. NOTICE is hereby given to Mary (widow.) Sebastian, Jacob, John. Benjamin, Michael. Peter, Eliua, Elizabeth and Isaac Stepp, heirs of John Stepp, dee'd., (the Inst four of whom have for their Guardian, Abraham Elasscr,) that an inquisition will be held at 10 o'clock, A. M., on the 11th day of October next, upon the premises of the Real Estate of said dee'd., in Lower Ma honoy township, Northumberland county, nt which time and place you are hereby warned to be and appear if you think proper. VM. Ii. KIPP, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, Sept. 4, 1852.- Ct. ATTENTION, DEHAUT GUARDS J I "r0U are commanded to meet in Mar ket Square, Sunbury, on SATURDAY, 18th of Sept.. at 9 o'clock, A. M., fully equipped for drill. An appeal will also Ih held. - By order of the Captain. GEO. OLIP1IANT, O. 8. Sunbury, Sept 11, 1852 ORPHANS' COURT SALE. "B N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court B of Northumlterland countv. will fx exposed to public Mle on SATURDAY" the IRth. dny of Seplemlicr next, on the premise the following real estate to wit: A certain messuage or Tract of Land, situate in Shamokin township, county aforesaid, Adjoining lands of William Murtz, Solomon Evert, Philip HotTand others, containing about fifty eight acres more or less, on which are erect ed a good FRAME HOUSE and BARN. Late the estate of Howell Goodrich, decM. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day when the terms of sale will be made known by ROBERT DAVIDSON, Admr. By order of the Court, ) J. P. PURSEL, Clk. O. C.S Aug. 21 1852.5L ) NEW Tobacco, Snuff, j Segar WAistnoisi:. rilHE lubccriber respectfully inform Country X Merchant that we have now on hand general assortment of the bet VIRGINIA BRAND TOCACCO. CavenJUb 5n. Lump Ss. Lump Ca. Plug, Ac, at the fllanulartiircm lowest price. Also a fine aawrtment of rorcign auu Uoineaiic bcg.iri, iSnuir, Bniokin Tohacco, 1'ipe, i'ij'e Hernia, Ac, wuica we will acll at the lowest pricpa. 8. WOODWARD & CO., 23 North Third Ktrect, 1'hiladtlphia. September 4, 1852. 3ru. REMOVAL. TIIF. old BitaMinlied POCKKT BOOK and MOIIOCCO CASK MANlifAOTOilV, l,icutd at t'henut TWENTY-ONE YEARS, haa bwn removed to No. 9na AltPIt TRt'.KT, firn i.mt b-kJW Uih atret, where onu be l'iuiid Ui iurgeat aud beat ... nmciil ol' tlie t'oUiwiiia orliif, vi PHrkt.'t Boiika, Port Polwa, Dreuina Cnaea, Writing Cnaea, llHiikl Cuao, Bunk B-ik Il..Mrr, Bill llooki. M.HUjy li!iu, uigar i,wtea, Kirops, fotie Motuiaica, iVork Caa Card Caea, Naadle L'awi. p. H. SMITH. Ihaukful for uhi fa.i, hnnea hr mien- inn, and with a datcriniiutiaa H ull lha hut ualny U nod at ina wuii pra-un. i wniBui paronaf 1 rati aia requrwou w viui auiuiii ueiora out' ,,Hins alaewnwe. u neuairins done with nnunena awt ippniRh . Ii SMltH, 9W Arch 9tr, rh'lirtfliia 1 1 Olt P HANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale on SATURDAY the 25th of Sept. next, at the public house ef Henry Haas, In the bor ough oi Northumberland, tho following property to wit ; A certain mCOG HOUSE, and two contiguous Lots of Ground, situ ato in said borough of Northumberland, and numliered - in the plan of said borough, each containing 60 feel in Front or Market street, nnd 240 feet in depth, late the estate of Andrew Cro thers, dee'd. Sale to commence nt 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, when the terms ofsulo will be made known by ALEXANDER COLT, Admr. Ly Unlcr ot the t;ourt, f Order of tho Court, ) PURSE L, Clk, O. C. Aug. 28, 1852. 4t. J J.. P. PL Aug, PUBLIC SALE. "i:yiLL bo sold en SATURDAY, the 18th day of September next, at the public house of William Rothermel, in Little Mahonoy town ship, Northumberland county, the following real property, to wit I six tracts of MOUNTAIN LAND, each containing 60 acres. Said land is well timbered and situate on the Mahonoy mountain, near said Rothcrmels, on the road leading from thence to Sunbury. An indisputable title will be given. Sale tn commence nt 1 o'clock, P. M., of said day, when terms will be made known bv Heirs of Dr. JOHN SMITH, PETER liKOSIOL'S and others. August 23, 1852 4t. TN pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court " of NuTthunitierhind county, will be exposed to public sale on Saturday the 24th day of Sep tember next, on the premises, the following described property to wit : A certain tract of land, situate in Lower Augusta township, in said County adjoining lands of Peter Fctterman, Dan iel Long and Henry Bloom, containing about twenty nine acres. Late tho estate of Elizalicth Fiestcr, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A- M., of said day, when the tcrma of sale will be made known by JOHN FOV, Guardian. Ev order of the Court, 1 J. P. PCKsEL. Clk. O. C. Aug. 14, 1852 Ot. ) COilMEECIAL HOTEL. Subscriber iKtving lensetj llie Piiblic House, for 1 niL'i'h' kii iWM ne llie Atrn ricim House. !o. lb J. Sixth Street, between Alnrket mid Chestnut Mrtcts, lutu chuiigcd the nuine ol the fcuni tn THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, lirs li.-nve tn inform liis friends and tlie public, that th,l lions linn uuilerp me u through rem idellin, rcuaii h'ir, re-p-iiitin? nnd repaperius, from attic to basement. An eu iire new imtfil of furniture, bedding, A-e., Ac., hns been pricured I'ruin the most celebrated alauufactuicrs in this city. l-'rotn the central location, mid its close proximity tntlie Itnih'oad Depots. Steamboat Landings Places of Amine. inent, V aKhi aialile Th 'rouslil'ures and Public Squares, it olfers inducements to the Merchant viiting Ihc city en hniues. or the Traveller eeekinjr pleasure To families nnd females visiliuz llie city, every facility will be ofl'rred, and every comfort rcguided lo make their vinil agreeable and ple.isaiTt. : A idinre of the nublic patronape resptielfullv solicited. JACOll C. i.r.lSO, iAUEO 1HV1N, Superintendent. Proprietor, rhilailelphm, Sept. 1, ii3i 6m. Ao. 47 JVorti Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. ffMPORTEKS of every description of Fish, Hooks and Fishing 'l'aekle. Toys, German Fancy Goods, Runs and Sporting Apparatus. Wholesale and Retail. Aug. 28, 1852. 2m. Bounty land Warrants. riHOSE having bounty land warrants in their JL possession and wishing to dispose of them can lind a ready sale by applying at the residence of the subscriber near Shamokin Dam. Union county Pa. He will also attend to the obtaining of bounty land warrants from the Department at a reasonable recompense. L. R. HUMMEL. Sunbury, August 14, 1R53. 3m. PROSPECTUS Of Volume VIII., of the Scientific American. MIF.r.QiiTK Vm.vMK of tlm SCIKNTIFlC AMF.KI- CAN com me iift on lli l.Sth 1 Sciitem'mT, and 11? a grr.it prprlim oi our reatkra iiRunlly c intncii(u their Miunc-i iiit(iis ill una puiiu, we uihe tK'rasi ui m cxifiiu ihcni our pr.ititutlc lor the eitcourugiiig niut liberal npwrt hcrvMioru bestowed unon our hiuiibit: tii ntn. nml to re insure tlteiu ni ovr di'termiiuttion to ailvauce it slill hijilier in the scale of utility, out), ii" possible, in their own t-rti-iintiua. Wenim u't an h-Mioruble iudfeiulfiiee in discus sim uim nil sulijifts, und, ia s nic iiibtanc-s no d ult, or nsuK'is nny have hctn surpriPi-ti nttmr dctiTinined op p 'siumi to higMy luaited diKcoveitt'S nt the Arts utid Sci ences. Tune trirs ull tilings, and tt is with sonic degree rf pride that we revert t the efl-rls made thronsh the col umns of the Scientific American, tn establish sound views respeeting several coiiMpicunu iniuulied discoveries Sie llie e iiimieurnncnt of litis V.iiuuif, that peerltbs Ixliiliiti'ui ol the Industry of nil iutiiiN closed its irorce- oiik display, ndordiui; a dclifflittul ep.s n(e in the stem pnpe ni lae woini s ntstory. Atiove and he v out nil riitieiHui it has (asset I uwny, leaving a world-wide iiittneiice, benefi- lal u every branch ol industry, nml ubhuiL'h not nroiuse- ly represented by gfw-?nws and tinselry,- the ciiarwter ol' our country shone loiili with mugndieeuce m ull the elements of substantial utility. Actiiisf under the siiuiulus st j truest ed by the success of the Ort-at Kxhihilioii. tlie cu- ieinin riu.n oi ,ew ort ruive ueternuned to con Ft met n Crystal 1'uluce of no meun duneuwious, in id as this is likely to Iteeonie un imnnitant leuture in our lust-irv, we shall endeavor t present onr readers with dewriptions and muatrau uis oi each novelties us inuy be iieservinc oUeu- tnn. The proseut form of tue Seientiu: American will be preierveil us in si suitablu for binrliug nrd preservati n. TJie jviper will be of the best texture, and we shall niin to store its paftcs with pruclicul kuowhilue in every brandi of the Arts und Sciences. Invention clnirm ini)orL'int st tentioit, as one of the lundaineiidul oceneies in the worlu's advsnceineiit : bitliertt we hone to have sntiKhVd nur rea- drrs by our weekly summitry .f ''New Inventions " The Wceliiy last ot l;itent t'lmins, oiftciullv reixirteti for nur cniumiis, isndistincuisheil failure, which must commend lUeii to every one n iterated in I'atenfs. e need the ro-oncrution of our readers to enable us to publish a journal, w rthy of their support, at two dollars per timtiuii. We have never annealed tothern in vain, nnd the 1'reuiiuuis olltretl for the migest list of stilcribers, will, we presume, eneournpe new t flirts. All subscrip tions are payable in advance. s repent our warnini nun mat Travelium Agents, qr uone are aceretlited from tins office. Letter should be directed (p ist-paul) to MUSS It CO , 128 Fulton street, New York. Terms! Terms! Terms! One copy, for One Year " 8ix Momha rive copies, for Six Mouths Ten e 'pies for Six mon'hs for Ten epies for Twelve M nths. Fifteen ooptes for Twelve Mouths, Twanlv comes for Twelve Months. PI 8i3 Southern snd Western Money taken at par for suiMcrin tions, or Post Office Stamps mkoa at their lull Value, TO THE ELECTORS OF NOiUTIUMBEE. LAND COUNTY. jfRLLOW CITIZENS : Encouraged by ma- i1 ny ol my numerous friends, 1 respectfully myaelf as a candidate for tho Ollire of Register f$ Recorder, at the ensuing election. Should I be elected, I promise to discharge! the duties of said oflice with fidelity and impartiality. , . JOHN P. PURSEL. Sunbury, July SI, 1852 tc. TO THE ELECTORS OF N'OUTIIUMBEIt- LAND COUNTV. IELLOW CITIZENS : Encouraged by numerous friend from dillerent parts of llie County, I respectfully oiler myself to you as tho PEOPLE'S OANIMDATE at the next election, fur the oflice of Register Recorder. Brought forward by the wishes of the people I cheerfully submit myself to your decision. And should you see fit to entrust me with tho duties of said oflice, I will endeavor to discharge tliein to the Satisfaction of nil. Yours, respeetfullv, 1 JOHN B"CYEK. fvinVtry, July 31, IRS?.. tc. SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. GEORGE W- ZIMERMAN." VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, No. Cl Arch Street, four doors above Second, PHILADELPHIA, CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Wbiel. t.,r .v!a of finish and workmanship di nnisn mm """""""'p-' at tho lowest prices. Also TRANSPARENT il. . !.. TeivnAi:PVPWlI)nV 8HADI WU01.E8ALK. AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. tiT MERCHANTS and others are Invited Philadelphia, August 81, 1852 ly. A valuable Farm for Sale. rplIE nnderM-rnnl, will rlTor at pnlilio nlf, A on TUESDAY, tho 5th of OCTOBEU tir.M, at 10 o'flork, A. M., of snicl !ay, at Ihe Shamokin Dam Hotel, kept by Geo. Keene, iti Pinn to tifhip, Union county, a hiylily IMPROVED FARM, aititatprl in laniil totvnphip, nbottl hnlf a mile below the Shamokin Dim, containing One hundred and twenty-two Jlcres, mora or lens; otto hundred and ten acres of which are in a high mate of cultivation, thfi balance being wood land ; bounded on the cast by the Susquehanna river and tho Pcnn pylvania canal, on the aouih and west by land of John H ulman, and on the north by land of Henry llarlman, and upon which are erected a large nod well finifhed two story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE; well finihed and commodious finmo SWITZER RARX; ' These buildinsf aro erected immediately at the Stato toad leading from Northumberland lo llanisbuig. There is a never failing pprina of excellent water, over which is erected a Spiiuj Houae, convenient lo the chvelline, together w ith sundry out-building, &c. Also a good ' APrLE ORCIIAF.D of full psowtli, and cno of rorent jet ling; out, enibrnciiia some cimiee fiult trees. There urealso erected on raid premises, im mediately at the Pennsylvania canal, a laige und well finished two Fi'n'y Frame Dwelling and Kitchen, with a well of excellent water at the door, together with convenient stabiinc, &e. There is a. whaif ruuuinir parallel with the canal and fronting said dwelling, eligibly situated for the piosecntioii of an extensivo COAL and LU.MBEK business. Tf.u.ms : Ouo half of the purchase mottpy lo be secured by bonds nnd mortage on Ihe premises with interest, in reasonable pay ments; 5100 to be pant on tne nay ni saie and ihe balance on delivmy of Ihe deed. Title indisputable. E. O. MARK LEY, Agent. Sunbury, July 31, 1852. la. " SO W ElT" B A li N ES, PublisUors and Booksellers, No. 84 North Third Street, PIIIX.AnEX.rKIA. MISCELLANEOUS HOOKS. B;Mf. PrnyCTa, Hymn, Poctiral and Itiatorical Worki, Truvela, .Novell, Vp., SCHOOL BOOKS. liver)' kind i" no fri'ni a primer upwards. BLANK BOOKS. A11 flemiit n irtmont fnm the pn liook upwnrdu, mudc ol' mperii.r p:iper, mid besl of tiimling. WRITING PAPERS. Cup, Punt, and Note Tapcri", elegant styles and quality, and very cheap. STATIONERY. Fanry, Plfiin ami Adhesive Ijiveh'pea. Ink, Pawl, "Wa fers, Sleel Pens, t-l:iTi'8, Peneilp, Porle-.Moimies, Vrp ping Papers of ull kinils, Curuiin Piipcrs, Ac, c. Our stock is nil fresh, li iucht eheup mid sold nec:rdincly. Pjrtieulnr nltenlion paid to lt.KiV.&ellers. I'oniilry Mer chants and Teachers, however little ihey itiny buy. 9 ver & Hiirnes ure P.ilJishers of PULTON'S series of MAGNU'ICENT OUTLINE MAPS. Kaeh map is nearly Sf.VKN PUF.T lttARR, and shows the comparative size und relative posi!in of every country on the plofoe. They ure intended to lie suspended ui every t-ehool loom, nud not only make a spleialid np p.iirnnce, tint lire uniVerwitlv lifklioxvledued 10 lie the BKST MODK OP TKAC'IIINU liKOtiltAPIIY ever lirouylit out. They are keys intended to lie used I')' the scholars, cuntuininj; a ciui'lete epitome of Geoe,r.ipby. and costing less tliim liall tlie price 01 a iteocrapiiy anil Alius. The system is in universal use in Prussia and Genuiiuy, ami h:is ulready heeu iutr.Nlueeit in tiirant College, Plnla delpliia, the puliltc w'hMls of Hiistont New York, Phila delphia, lt;iltuiore. Wroihltifiion, and throuphnut New liuelunit, New York, Ac., Ae. Our desks are loaded Willi recommendations from tne nioM tidented and scien tific teachers in every quarter, and wherever (he system h:is been used parents, teachers and scholars unite in prais ing it. 1. Man of the Wes'ern Hemisphere, a. Map of the KiiPleiu Hemisphere. 3. M:ip of Norlh Aieeriea. A. .Mnpofthe United ttatt.s. fi. Map of Kiirop'i. 6. Il:ip ot' Asia. 7. Map of Siulh America and Africa. Kvcry map is hrilliaully colored, varnished, and mount ed 011 muslin and rollers. We respeei fully invite ttic earnest attention of Teachers, Parents, and School Directors lo this fiiseiii-iliuir mode of teachiHg lieugruphy. liOtt 111! s HaHNI'.S, ! North Third Struct, Pliibdelphia, Aug. S?, I'M. If. DAVID COOPEIt.l COMMISSION" M K II CII ANT FOR THE SALE OP Fish, Provisions, jc, Ab. 9 Xorth Wharves, rillLADELPEIA. April 10, 1S:2. ly. WWAND DILLS neatly printcil on new type promntly executed at thm ollu-e. blanks, of all kinds on auyierior paver. Sonliurv. Feb. 14, 1 85'J. PREMIUMS OF The Agricultural Society. The following are the premiums offered by the Northumberland County Agricultural Society, nt the next annual exhibition which w ill be held at Northumberland, on Thursday and Friday the 7lu and 6th days of Cc'cber next. HOUSES. Bust stallion over 4 years old, Second " " Best " under 4 yeare, Second " ' Best mare with colt at her side, Second " " S5.C0 S,00 4,00 2,00 5,00 3,00 Diplomat will be awarded for all fine uni ma!s, not coming under these heads. CATTLE Cl'RHAMS OR SHORT HoiiSS. Best bull, 2 years old nnd upwards, 5,00 3,00 Besl bull calf under 2 years it over 6in, 2,00 Second " " 2,00 Best bull calf uudei 6 months, 2,00 Second " " 1,00 Best cow over 3 years, 4,00 Second " 2,50 Best heifer between 2 & 3 years, 3,00 Second " " 2,00 Best heifer under 2 years, 3,00 Second " " 2,00 Tho same, premiums will be awarded lo Dtivons under their respective Deads. NATIVES. Best bull 2 years and upwards, 3,00 Best bull calf under 2 yrs and over 6m, 2,00 Beit : under 6 months, 1,00 Best cow, 3 years anil upwards, 2,00 Best hifer between 2 and 3 yeare, ' 1,30 Best heifer under 2 years,' 1,00 Besl yoke of oxen,' ". 4,00 Second " 2,00 Best fat b'.i!!or-lc, . , 3,00 i fcecotn . i . Bflst fat criv e.r hfifci, 8,0tl Second ' ? P0 rannot be surpassed. Wholesale and Rejnl ''. T-' . ..WVern nt tVtiH. WIINUUW siia"J,b Aoii " to call and examine. SHEEP. Best ram over 1 year, Hest ewP, Best lamb. SWINE. Best boar over 1 year, Second " " Best sow, Second " ' Best pair of shoals under 1 year old, Second " " Best fut ling, is POULTRY. Best pair of turkeys, Second " Best pair of geese, Second " Best pair rousk ducks, Second " Best pair puddle ducks, 3,00 2,00 2,00 3,00 2,00 2,00 J 50 2,00 l.SO 2j00 1.00 '60 1.00 50 1.00 50 1,00 Second Best p'r Shsnchai er Cochin China fowls, 1.00 Second " " 50 Best pr.ir Chiltagongs, 1.00 Second ' 50 Best pair Creole or Bolton t'rc)si V0 Second " 50 Best pair Polish. 1,00 Second " ' 60 Best pair dorkings, 1.00 Second " 50 Best pair games, 1,00 Second ,; 60 Best pair wild turkeys, 2.00 Larsoft and best collection of fowls, 3. 00 Nevl larjcst " J. 50 GRAIN AND POTATOES. Best bushel white wheat, 2,00 Second " 1.00 Best bushel corn, 2,00 Second 11 " 1,00 Best bushel oats, 1,00 Best bushel mercer potatoes, 1,50 Second " ijoo Bsl bushel potatoes other varieties, 1,00 Best 4 bushel sw eet polatccs, l,t0 Second " HO VEGETABLES. Best beets, not less than 6, 1.00 " carrots " lioO " 4 bushel onions, 1.00 " 6 heads cabbage, 1,00 " 3 squashes, 1,00 " 3 pumpkins, 1,00 Special premiums will be awarded to cau liflowers, tomatoes, and all other garden veg etables of extraordinary quality, FRUIT. Best 4 bushel of apples, 1,00 second " 50 1,00 50 1,00 50 1,00 50 4,00 3.00 2,00 2.00 2,00 2,00 2,00 5 00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1,00 Best quinces, Second Best " peats, Second " " Besl grapes, not less than G bunches, Second " IMPLEMENTS. Best threshing nftchine, " reaper, " seed drill, " rorti planter. " w iunoiving mill, " corn sheller, " plow, " cultivator, " roller, ' corn plow, " straw cutter, " farm wasoii. " sett of harness, A ". horse rake, " crain cradle, DAIRY, &c. Best butter not luss than 5 pounds, 1,00 onil " 50 Best 5 lbs. honey. 1,00 Second " 50 Best loaf of bread 4 lbs. 1 00 Second " 50 Best ham cured by exhibitor, 1.00 Second " 50 Best 6 lbs. home made soap, 1,00 Second " 60 DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES Best tjuill, 1,00 " counterpane, 1,00 " hearth liifr, 1,00 " pair blankets, 1.00 " 20 yards carpet, 1.00 " htiitie-mado cloth 10 yd, 1,00 " " llaniicl C ds, 1.00 " pair knit woolen socks or stockin;i, I joo " " " ploves, 1.00 " home-made thread 1 lb. nnd itp'vvd, 1,00 MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. Under this head w ill be embraced, me chanical inventions, tools, furniture, and nil oilier articles, not coming tinner any of the anove neaiis rrtzes win De awarded, ac- cotdins to the means of the Society, and the merits of the articles offered. TLOWINH MATCH. Best plowing, 5,00 Second " 4,00 Third " 3.00 Fourth " 2,00 The fcllowir.e Committees were then ap pointed : On Horscs. A. E. Kapp. Joseph Nicely, Anthony Armstrong, Wrn. B. Kipp, Jesse C. Horton, John Painter, J. B Masier On Catti.k Thomas Johnson, Robert M'- Williams, Je'se Hensvl, James Forresler, Wm. G. S. ott, John B. Heller, John Neabil. On Shkep. Win. L. Cook, Samuel I. John. so:i, Goorge Keller, Wm. D. Goarhart, Jas. Ryuerson, M. B. Pri. slf y, John Wheatley. On Swtse Joseph Vankiik, John Moore, Win.H Kase, J Weim-r Leii;hou, Philip W. Hiltjert, George Evoiard, J. Eovil Smith. On Poultry. Dr. Jimoph i'liesilcy, Dr. Wm. McCleery, Henry Eckbert, ' Alexander Jonlnn, L. A. Bergatresser, Robert J Wilson, C. B.Smith. On Grain and Potatols. Samuel Hep. burn, Benj. Gearhart, James Cameron, T. II. Walts, Elida John, Jacob Hilbish, John Mini rer. On Vegetables. James Pollock, Alexan der Coll, Reubjn Troxel, Samuel K. Cil-jer, Jacob Seasbollz, S. R..Peal, C. F. Lit'le. On Fri'IT.W. C. Lawson, II. 11 Masser, R. M. Frick, I. R. Eck, G. B. Yonngman, Cyrus O. Bachinan, M. M- Kapp On Implements. Wm. H. Nlueuch, J. H. Zimmerman, Win. Fotsytb, JohnTugsarl, John Montgomery, Geoige Frederick, Geo, Brosiuus. . . Muctl LANEs.David Tautiart, Wm. II. Waples, E. W. Chapiti, J. B. PacVer, Chas. Pleasants, Samuel R. Wood, James Covert, D. B. McGregor, George Apsley. Daibt, he Jos. Nesbit, (Chilisnnnque,) John Best, Wrn. T Forsyth. James Taggail, Wm. Elliott, John Frank, Francis Gibson. Domestic Manufactures. D. Bjomisjam, William Weimer, M. D. Wilhington, Johu A. Taylor, Joba M. Hoff, Win. G. Kase, Wm. Deppen. ' Plowisc Mats.: Elijah Ciawfotd, Wil. sqh llniohinson. (Jeoree Conrad, Jacob Pain ter. W. U. Leichon, " John Obeidorf, Jacob l.etscnring THE GREATEST HISTORICAL' AND Allegorical Print of the Age, v In Commemoration of that most important vent in the AMERICAN REVOLUTION, The flrlllsft Vnrrcntlrrlne thrir armi to . GENEHAL WASHINGTON After their defeat at YORKTOWN, Virginia, October 1781. 1M1K Engraviag is exertited tv Tanner, Vallance, Kear ney t Co . from an original dra'Ving by J. P. llenault, and pultlislieil ly lleujamiii Tanner, Knffraver, Philadel phia. The size of the print is i. liy M inches and was or iginally puhlislied to Siihserihers at tP2 in tha sheet. KXPI.A NATION. Tl!K ItisTosv In the a' rat nnd graial plan are exhibited three targe groupa of the principnl odicers, wle were pre sent at the transaction, with a faithful likeness of each. In the Hurt group is seen General Washington, ttenernl Koclismbeau, (jeneml Lincoln, Colonel llnnultou, an old Parmer eager to coutemplnte the scene, Uilly the servant, and the Horse of General Washington. In the second gnnip, are American and Ficneh Ofliearai Oeiienit Knox, Cnvretnry Wilson, the Duke de Lauxun, and the Marquis dc lrtl pavcltft. The third group is descriptive of tha Uritisti surrender ing their arms. Lord Corawallis, General O'Hara, Com m utora Simmons, Colonel Tnrllon, Willi tivo fingers cut olT, Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Atiercronitiie, Lieutenant Colonel Iiundns. lord Chewton. Ac. Ixird Cornwallis ap pears presenting his sword to tie first General Olfieer ha meets, lint General 'ashiii!rtoii is pointed out to liiia as the oit'v person lo whom he is to surrender his sword. On die licights aial in the distaueo are the dilferent or mies nnd crowds of spectators. The House of Secrotnrv Wilson, occupied by lrd Cornwallis and his stnff. which wns banlsirileit and' pienud with balls 1 the Mnnpiis de Ijt. Kayette having rem-irked thnt they wee enrryn.g dishes for the diauer of lird Cornwallis, asked leave of General Washington to serve him a dish of his own cookimr, and immediately after several bombshells fell throuch the tool" on the table, and wounded some, and dispersed the party Tim Ai.LKooitv. On 1 lie left is erected a monument in hon.ir of those illnstri 111s tierocs who sacrificed their lives and fortunes to insure to their citizens, Ihe l.llierty find In dependence Ihev now cniov. Puhlislirsl at 3 by W'jt, It. T.ANft. Philadelphia, and lo he had nt llie ( llii-c of llie "AMl'.ltlCAN COT 1(1 Kit, No Ml Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, us premiums to that paper. lF A lit-ernl discount to Agents. Philadelphia, June of, ISuS. . Clicnp Watclios Jewelry, "I-IIOLnSALE and retail, tit the ''Philmlcl ' ' phia Wutcli nnd Jewelry Store," No. 06 North Second .Street, comer of Quarry, Philadel phia. 0 ld Lever Watches, full jeweler), 18 carat cases, SUP.OO Pilvcr do. full jeweled, 814- 'M Prelarfe, 7.ni) Silver l.enine, jewsls, in I'itie Silver do. 1..V1 do do it ,, (1 . Untd llr.ice.le's, 3 HO Super ier Quart icrs, 7. ! ndies' Gold Peneitfl, 100 Imitsli 'll d '. S. Silver T'l sp'Kins, Set, 6.(J1 Gold Pens, with rcncil and Silver II .liter, 1,00 Oolil Filler ?ini;s 3"i cents to JSRO ; Watch O'nsses, plnirr, 12 cents; Patent, lj ; Lunot, 25; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be What thrv are sold for. STALTFEK & 1IA1U.EY, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand. Some Cold anil Silver Levers and Lcpincs, still lower than the oiiovc prices. August 28, lS.iS lv. SECOND Fresh Arrival oT Goods AT THE NEW STORE OF I. TEXE1J & GO.. CS'early opposite Weaver's Hotel, Market St.) Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pa. , Li ncg to announce that we are receiving a " " new aud varied supply of goods from Philadelphia in addition to our irese".t new stuck ; all of w hich we oiler at such prices as we think should command a speedy sale, our philos ophy is, to sell cheap nnd turn our money often ; aud we know thnt ut the year's end this will pay us better than slow sales and large profits, and our customers will in the meantime have the benefit of e;oods at low prices and of the beat quality. Our stork consists of Dry Goods, Hardware, gt.cc::swavc, GROCERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas and l arasuls, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Cups. Looking Glasses. Wall Paper for Room and Windjw Blinds, Oranses, Lemons, Nuts and Candy, Salt, Mackerel, Mulinon Dried Beef, Plain and Fancy Ifams and Shoulders, Nails, Window Ulnsa, Paint Stuff. Oils and Putty, Car pel Chain, Cotton Laps and Yarn, with a variety of other articles. N. 13. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange at the highest market prices. I. W. TENEK & CO. Sunbury, June 2G, 1852. ly.c SlIKLDR AKllS VI.I.ECHENY HOUSE. No, 2P0 MARKET Street, above Plh, PliilJCelphiu. Under the new arranffement the cars which arrive from Pittsburg, Harrisliur?, Ac., will run to the New Depot, corner of Schuylkill 5th and Market. In order to accommodate tho public we will always have our Coach at the New Depot on the arrival of the cars to carry Passengers to the Allegheny House, which is in the centre of the city. Our old friends will please ride down, and nil who wish to patronise a IIouso with a Good Table, Clean Ueils. and accommodating assistants, will please Rive us a call. 2'crms, One. Dollar per Day. August 21, 1852. 0m. WIND 0 W SH ADEM AKTJT ACTRy7 (1. L. Miller 5 Co., South Wat tor. of Second If Arch Streets, THE PROPRIETOv'.", having increased their facilities during the past season, now feel able to supply all who have or may be disposed to patronioP them. Their iSto.-k comprises every variety of patterns of FLOWERS, LAND SCAl'E, GOTHIC, &c, v.nsurpasjed in quality, ond which will be sold nt our usual LOW PKICES. TASSEL"?, CORD?, BRASSES, &c, in great variety. Shades nisdo lo order, r.t short notico, for Stores, Churches, Lodge Rooms, cVc . u. L. J.1I.L1.K v I u., Depot, 8. YV. corner of Second and Arch sts. rili.adclphia, Aug. 21, ls5i. 3;n. JOHN V. MAUTIX, BEfJS leave to inform his friends nnd the pub lic in general, that he is prepared iu every respect to make clothing alter the inoU rawonable styles, and in the most durable, manner, and l.is priors will be as reasonable as can In had in Suuhurv or el-CWliere, mcusuorapproveu country iru,uice. He will always have the advantages ol the latest fashion plates, and III udilillon to bis sckiiowI. edged flail in cutting, he will be assisted by the direction of the most scientilic publications rela ting to that ait, now issued from the emporiums of fashion in the United Slates. Au endeavor will be made always to have work completed when jcipjiaed. Hi.i establishment is situated in market Square, Sunbury, nearly opposite the Post Ollice, in the building formerly occupied by Jacob Painter as a hatter shop, where it will be a pleasure, to him to see his friends, and make such work for them as is within the line of his business. Sunbury, August 14, 185V,. If. I4BATHEU. Fritz,' Williams Hendry, Store, No. 29 North $d Street., . PHILADELPHIA. MOROCCO Manufacturers. Curriers, Import, era, Coir.miai.ion and General Leather Eas iness. Wholesale and Retail. Manufactory 15 Margaretta Street .Aug. 28, 1852, ly. EXl'KACT OF COFFEE Ait excellent article more wholesome and much cheaper than Coflae itself. Tor sale at this oftiri. April 17 IRS rkYbTEB CANS. A lot of empty Oyster " Cans, suilible for pultins; up fruit, for sale by WM. H. THOMPSON. THE VERY LATEST APDRIV At., . CHEAPER THAN5T112 CHEAPEST! miLING &. GRANT. rjESPECTPULLY Inform the pnl.lio and "the rest of mankind," that they hive just seccived and jencd the best nndcheapct stock of , Spring and Summer Goods that has ever linen brought to fiunhury. Their stock consists of every variety of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Casrimcres, Sattimts, Vestingi, Drillings, Linens, Aud all kinds of Summer Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOOD?, Calicoes, Ginphams, Laicns, Chintzes, De Laines, JJeragfj, And every variety of goyds suitable fut La dies wear. Also itn extensive assortment of Panama and Palm Leaf IUts. Also a large assortment of ClItOCIIRlES, 8 CCII AS Sugar, Tt'as, Coffee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a largo assortment of IIAItWAILE and QUEENSW.AHE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a trcsh supply of DRVCS AND Mr-DICINES. Besides Ihe largest and most general assort ment of all kinds of goods to bo had in this place. fV Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at tho highest markot price. Kunbcrv, May 22, 1852. Valuable Property. Late the Estats of E. P. SHANNON, Esq., Ol ilrl!unnttfi iaittl JL- i. f attm a m-j ijr.xJy 9M1E iibciibers. Executors of the Ejtutft - of Ephraiiii P. Shannon, l.ilo of Ihe Dor niioh ol Noil hum bei land, nfl'er at privalesale, llie IdIIoh iui; Valuable Ken I E-tale, viz: Lot No. 77, corner of Queen and Front Street, on which is erected a two story Brick BuildiiiL', fortneily occupied by the deceased us a Sioie nnd Dwelliut:, nnd now occupied as such. Thero aie also on the lot two fiuine ihvolliuos, &c. Lot No. 52, situated in Alarket Street, on which is erected a two story whito Finme Dwcllino;. &c, adjiiiiiinr John Taggnrl, Esq., occupied by Chas. Knous. Lots Nos. C9, 70, 71 &: 72, situate in Mar ket Street, a two story while Frame Dwel ling, occupied by James Donly, and a stuble is erected on lots No. 69 & 70. The undivided half of Lot No. 120, situate on llie corner of Duke nud 4th Street, on which is erected a two story dwelling, occu pied by Joseph McCallister. l.ol INo. 188, situate in No. 188, situate in Queen Street on which is erected n two atoiy white Frame Building, occupied by John Burkert. Lot No. CO, situate at Northway anil Wa ter Streets, on which are erecled two Frame Dwellings and Stabling, occupied by widow Vandling nnd John Vaudling. 'Also the undivided fourth part of lot 1G6, on which is erected a twostoiy Frame Dwel ling, occupied by John Vandyke. Also ten acres of cleared land, adjoining lauds of Juhu Deshay. on the East sidu of I ho Susquehanna, obnut three miles below Dan ville. Also two adjoining vacant town lots, situ nted on tho corner of Second ami Orange streets, numbered in the general plan of Bui. ongh. Nos. 315 & 216. Also four vacant lots on Third and Orange Streets, numbered in ihe general plan ol said Borough, Nos. 209, 210, 211 & 212. Also four vacant lots fronting on Market and Sixlh Streets, running East lo an Alley, numbered in the general plan of said Bor ough, Nos. 77, 78, 79 & 80. Also four vacant lots Ironling on Orange Street, and numbered in the. eeneral plan of said Borough, No. 185, 186, 1ST & 138. Tho above properly w ill be sold in parts or parcels lo suit purchasers, on reasonable lei ms. For farther particulars apply lo John Cake, Esq., at Nonhumbeilund, or to the subscribers. ALFRED KNF.ASS, ,, ; THOMAS STRAWBRIDGE, fcx Northumberland, May 22, 1852. tf. To the Travelling Public. First ClasH tlolel Terms 1.50 per dy. riIHE subscriber havine latclv become proprie A tor of tho FHANKLIN HOI'SE. Chestnut Street, below 3d end 4th, PHILADELPHIA, nnd having ntiui'tn tiik price of hoard to J 1 ,50 per day, gives notice that, notwithstanding this reduction bo will still continue to keep a FIRST CLASS HOUSE. Franklin House has just underioni extended alterations, nud ..Is now lilted up bud refurnished in superior style for the reception of visitors. The Lower Floor formerly occupied by stores, is now included in Ihe Ilottl, forming a Spacious Reception Room, (tintlcmen's Parlor and Dinin; Room, thereby allowing an addition of thirty chambers ond several beautiful parlors frontini; Chestnut street- Rooms in this Hotel are supe rior to most others, l einq constructed with al coves, forming parlor ond bed chamber attached well lightened and ventilated. Its location is tuisurpassed, either for business or pleasure. 1!KN. II. WOOI.MAN, Prop'r. Philadelphia, Aug. 14, Ifco'-. 3tn. JUST IsECEIVeF , AT TtiB Saddlery and Harness Establishment cf G. W. STIIOII, Market Street, Sunbury, A new assortment of Mlvc r, Itrass uik1 Jiij.mtni'd Mounting, Which he will either m ike up to order or sell separately for rash at pTires as low if not lower th -.u can be bad nnvwherc fch-e. SADDLE, BRIDLES, HARNESS, Tr.-mkn. Vail , Kc, Constantly kept on hand or manufactured to or Jor. CARRIAGE TRIMMING done on the shortest no'.ice. All persoiis are imiti J to cull and examine for theitolvoM. All kinds of produce taVen in eiuhatiga. Sunbury; May 1, IS 52. tf. ' JOHN PHILLIPS & SOlf, No. 47 oii(A Water Street, below Chestnut, fMPOREKS of Foreign Kroits, Nuts, Wines, Ac, keep constantly on hand the following articles, which they will sell at very low prices for cash. Raisins, Almonda, Cur ranis. Walnuts, Citron, Ground Nuts, Prunes, Cream Nuts, Dates, Filberts, Pigs, Vanilla beans, Sweet Oil, Preserved fiiugor, amarinds, Liquorice, Lemon Syrup, Pire Crackers, Port Wine, Madeira. Wine, Cluiet Wine, Sherry " Muscat ' P eel Mabja " FtoUMpUa, July ?, I?; ly. l'JEX'JY W, P.Cc'iirU i.:.' ;:itj tV.e j-ildic thai he has taken the Sunbuty Perry and s ha is now welt pfepmod v.ith good and sufTi cient rrntu he will be enabled to aecoiutiuidate the public wflh prumrhecs and JcsjiateU. April 10, 1852 tf. I ) LANK DLLDS prinu?d on the 1c of parchment paper, sold ut ti lo-.v l.-ViJu-.;ity est p'ic s at tV.is cr.e, bv w .(Ir.h.e sml 1." ! NEW STORE, i PBTElt Ar: Gil AY TJESPECTFTLLY informs the cUiuns of Hunburr and vicinity, that he has eommen. ced a new store In Whortleberry street, in tha house formerly occupied by Mrs. Orsy, .and has just received and oyoncj k Veil selected assort ment of Dry Go ridsj Consisting In par? of CLOTHS, CA8SLV!EK&, SATTINETTS, And a general assortment of ladies dreUs.and fancy goods , of every variety arid stylo. . , GROCEUlt3 6f cVer'y defcriiion. Also an. asfcirtment of hardware and queensware, ; And a genrrnl variety of other .articles snnh s are suitable to the trade, all of which will be soli ul the lowast prices. . . j . Country produce taken in cxehtfrg's at tlie highest prices. - , Sunbury, May 15, 183C. m. Uh and Arch Street, , PHILADELPHIA. , , Bi"AA'E establish sd a Stort whers the Ust . trade noiv resort for llousehoM Dry Goode, French Fancy Goods, Dress tilki nud Shawb. Hosiery, Gloves and Mitts, (Moths, Csssimcrs and Vestings, . Mnslinn a. id Linens by the piece, I)nin:k Table Linens and Napkins, Patent p,!;,ck Silks for Drcs?e. Full Stock uf Muuriiini; Goods. . , ,. , E. A' L. nre constantly receiving Bargains from ihc New York und PJ.ibuli Iphi t Auctions, which the v sell wholesale and retail vcrv cheap for Net t anlu . ' . EnwAnn E. Evan, Vai:inv.ton I. Lanbeli., rhiladelpliia, July 3, 1652 ly. i-mvr stob.13. DEXJA.MIX iieffxer I"? ESPUCFFiri-LV" informs tho citizen of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has opened a new store in the room lately occupied by Gcor Bright, opposite Belton's Hotel. ; He has just re ceived a handsome assortment of Spring .and Slimmer Goods, consistinr; in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassiuets. , SUMMI'.RAVARE of nil kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO,: . . . CsillcocM, Ginglinius, I.nwns, IrtouNRclinc Uc Lnlucs nnd all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every variety. , J Also un assortment of f Iard'ai'b. Iron and Steel, Nails, &c. Also nn excellent assortment of QTrEENSWArjE, of various styles and pallet ns. Also an assortment of HOOT & SlIOF.si Palm Leaf and other Hats and Caps. Salt, Fish, fcje. Also a variety of LIQUORS, such as ISrautly, d'iii, Wihr, Vr. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. , , MS"" Country produce taken in exchange at the highest prices. , ..... Sunbury, May I, 1852. ly. "LIB EBT YsTt 0 ! V E W OK KsT a&ot' Fourth, PHILADELPHIA. :, THE undersigned respectfully inform the pub lic that they nre in full operation nt their new foundry, nnd ready to execute orders for stoves of every description on the moit reasona ble terms.. They invite Ihe attention of TOVF. DEAL ERS to their lurcc assortment of STOVES, alt of which ate entirely new, and got up at great expense. Among whioh are tho Liberty Air Tisht too!;, Complete Cook, Star Air Tight, Star Franklin, Star Radiator, Jenny Lind luu proved. Fire King Radiators, Salamanders. Can nons, Rases, Bare Cylinders, liar Room Stoves, Furnaces, Gus Ovens, &e., &e. ARUOTT if LAWRENCE. N. P. Country merchants are particularly invited to call and examine our assortment. April 10, 1S.VJ. ly. NEW"C0URYST0REi At Ihe Forks of the Plum Creek and Tu'tpe- hocken tlnad, (near Kreiar.baum s Istack Smith Shop. JACOl "NVEIMEK, iK nsPLCTFLT.LV informs the pulilic that ha has opened a new Store at the above place aud has just received a splendid slock of new Spring' and Summer Goods, Consi-ting in part cf Cloth?; Csissimers, Sattincts, DRILLINGS and all kinds of linnti cotton and vvoibied summer wai. . ALSO CoUicoes, Kuslin de Laiir , lawns, ih;ji!i.iisjs, And all l.intls of Dress Gocid3 for Ladies. Tea, Coffee, Si'Gaii, Molasses, &c. c;t:n:i:3ttr.s, of ail kinds. BRANJDY, GIN, WNIE, and all kindi ot ,Li(juors. Hardware. Iron nnd SUrl, Kails, ic, aVSEKSWAEE. Sliucf, Boots, Cups, Palm leaf and other Hals, Pish, Salt, &C, All of which he will sell at tho most reasonable prices for cash or country produce. May 8, 1S52 -tf. S0A? & CANDLE lIAIItJTACTCSYr No. l'J Word St between 2d If id Sts., and No. 17. North ti(i Street, 1'ilILAOr.LI'IIIA. .John Eiuiciort Jp: imd fc'cn, I ESPF.CTF CLLYlnformStore-keep?., Mer chants, Ve that they Manufacture ui.chave f.ir Sale, Palm, Vi.ile, Variegated, ) ellow a'.u Rrown S tapt, Mc'uld and Dipped Candlis, alt of good quality aud at reasonable prices. , LV" CaiU pa'd for Tallow and it.JS-1 Fut. April 10 lb.5i.-ly. Win. McCavty, llooksellt p. RESPECTFULLY inform hi friends av;f the public, that ne has removed his Rook Store, to Market street, to tlie house occupied, by J. Naille, Esq., Atloruey at Low, ittwly oiv poaite the Court llouf.e, on the turtH :d'', vhera kefjaj tor sale con..:itly orf hand a go.I assortment of book a. id s'.ulionory. For Sde A lafo new spring waggon fit frr 2, 3 or 4 horscs. 6ir.bury, Ju;v 21, rtS'J. tf. , X ti V..' Alt. A Dec. 13, lo31 tf. IMERON'S ARrniF.ME'nc Nos. I - 3. ai.d Porter' Khetoiieal liwclor, i'.isl rs'-en--ed and for asln by W.M. McC'AKl'V. Rnnbuiv, Mav !. M'$V- MLIft JuMi-" Coi!'Wc .: ( Bills hkudsomly r'i'" f,A l,,," I , t this otl . 4-