Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 11, 1852, Image 3

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    New Advertisementi.
fo .Teachers.
fflHE Board of School director ef Lower Au.
gusta township, Northumberland county,
will meet at the house of Eli Emerick. in said
townhip, on SATURDAY, the 9th of October
next, it 10 o clock, A. M., for the purposo of ex
mining leachera, the committee of each enb-dis-trict
in aaid townehip are requested to aelect their
teacher in due time to have them examined on
mat day., , By order of the Board,
. Lower Augusta, Aug. 21, 1852. 4 1.
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphan' Court
of Northumberland county, will be exposed
io puonc iiaie on
SA TURD AY the 25th of Sept. next,
at the public house of Henry Haas, in the bor
ough ol Northumberland, thu following property
to wit A certain
and two contiguous Lota of Ground, situ
ate in aaid boro.-.gli of Northumberland, and
numbered in the plan of aaid borough, each
containing 00 feet in Front or Market street, and
240 feet in depth, late the estate of Andrew Cro
there, doe'd. : Sale to commence at 10 o'clock,
A. Mi, of aaid day, whei. the terms of sale will be
made known by
By Order of the Court, )
J. P. PURSEL. Clk, O. C.
Aug. 28, 1855. 4t. )
t pilE Subscriber having lemwd the Tublic House, fur
1 inerlv known OS the American Jlitisr. No. 16 S Sixth
Street, between MitrKet and Chestnut Streets. Ira changed
the name ol (lie nine to
Bees leave to Inform hi. friends and the public, tint tins
Imusc has underlines through remodelling, reunitine;. rc
paiiating and repupernuT, from attic to Inienicnt. Ail en
tire new outfit of I'nriiitiirr, lieddiiifr. Ac, Ac, luis been
procured from the most celebrated Manufacturer in ttiis
From the central brntion. nnd ila close proximity to the
Railroad Depot, ftenniboot Ijiwlhipa rimes of Amuse
ment, Fnshionslilc Tliptttelilarrs and I'ub'ic Snurirea, it
iflurs inducement, to the Merchant vi.iting the city on
tmsinrss, or the Traveller reekhn; pleasure To l.nnilir.
and female viitinjr tlie city, every fneility will be ilTWiil,
and every comfort rcgaidud to inulso their visit agreeable
nnd plcnsnht.
A .bare of the public patronnsc re.peetfullv aolicited.
Jacou u. t.Kno, "jaiu:d iiivix,
SnperiiitrnnVtit Proprietor.
Philadelphia, 8q4. 4, I3.'i9 6m.
A'o. 47 JVorth Second Street,
IMPORTERS of every description of Fish,
Hooks and Fishing Taclilo. Toys, German
Fancy Goods, Guns and Sporting Apparatus.
Wholesale and Retail.
Aug. 28, 1853. 2m.
Bounty land Warrants.
f 11H08E having bounty land warrants in their
.X. possession and wishing to dispose of them
can find a ready sale by applying at the residenco
of the aubecriber near Shamokin Dam, Union
county Pa. He will also attend to tlie obtaining
of bounty land warrants from the Department at
reasonable recompense.
Sunbury, August 14, 1852. 3m.
"lTILL be sold eu SATURDAY, the 18th
' duy of September next, at the public house
of William Rothermel, in Little Mahonoy town
ship, Northumberland county, the following real
property, to wit : six tracts of
each containing SO acres. Said land is well
timbered and situate on the Mulionoy mountain,
near said Rotlierinvls, on the road lending from
thence to Sunbury.
An indisputable title will be civcn. Sale to
commence at 1 o'clock, 1. M., of said day, when
terms will be made known bv
. , Heirs of Dr. JOHN SMITH,
PETER BROSIOU.S and others.
August 2S, 1852. It.
Of Volumo VIII., of the
Scientific American.
rpilE Eighth Volbm of the SCIENTIFIC AM Kit I
J. CAN commence on 111" ISth of September, and ar a
great proportion of our readcra usually commence their
snhscripliiHis at thi point, we take occasion to extend
them our gratitude for the eoc.niraging und libeml support
heretofore bestowed upon our humble etrrts, and to re
assure them of onr deiermiiiatiou to advunre it still higher
in the scale of utility, and, if possible, in their own esti
inatiou. We aim at an honorable independence in discus
sion upoa all subjects, and, in aome instances no doubt,
our readei may hnve been surprised at our determined op.
pieiiion to highly lauded discoveries iu the Arts and Sci
ences. Time tries ull things, nnd it is with some degree of
pride that we revert to the effort, nude through the col
umns of lha Scientific American, to establish sound view
respecting several eouspicuoua miscalled discoveries.
8ice the commencement of this Velunie. that peerless
Exhibition of the Industry of all Nations closed its gorge
ous display, nffirding a delightful ep,s ale iu the stein page
of the world's history. Above and beyond all criticism it
hu paaaed awy, leaving a world-wide influence. beueR
rial to every branch of industry, and although not profuse
ly represented by gew-gaws and tineelry, -the character
nf our country shiue forth with nuigninceuce In ail the
elements of substantial utility. Actios under the stimulus
suggested by the success of the Great Exhibition, the en
terprising citizens of New York have determined to con
struct a Crystal Palace of no mean dimensions, and a tbi
is likely to become ail impoltaut feature iu our history, we
shall endeavor to present our render with description and
illustrations of s-ich novelties as may be deserving atten
tion. The prosent form of the Scientific American will be
preeerveil as moat suitable for binding ard preservnti -n.
The paper will be of the best texture, and we shall aim to
store its pages with practical knowledce in every branch
of the Art and Sciences. Invention claima imporlnut at
tention, aa one of the luudmnendal agencies in the world's
advancement ; hitherto we hope to have snusfivd onr ren
der by our weekly aummarv of -'New Inventions " The
Weekly List of Patent Claims, officially reported for our
columns, is a distinguished fenture, which must commend
itself to every one interested iu Patents.
We need the co-operation of our readers to enable us to
publish a journnl, worthy of their anppnrt. at two cl illars
per annum. We have never appealed to ihein in vain, nnd
the Premiums ortrrnd for Uie laigest list of sulscrihera,
will, we presume, encourage new tflori. All subscrip
tions are pavable in udvance.
We repeat our warning against Travelling Agents, a
UHie are accredited from this olhce.
Letters shaild be directed (rt-rni't) to
MI NN ft CO..
126 Fulloii atrcet, New York.
Term! Terms! Term!
On copy, for One Year 'J
" Six Months )l
Five ones, for Six Month P4
Tea eopiea for Six months for
Tea copies for Twelve M mths, SIS
, Fifteen oopies for Twelve Months. Bfi
Twenty copies for Twelve Mouths, 928
Southern and Western Money taken at par for subscrip
tions, nr Post Office Stamps taken at their full value.
August 30, ISM.
M it -i'' LAND COUNTY.
XELLOW CITIZENS : Encouraged by ma.
, PJ of my numerous friends, I respectfully
myself a candidate for the Office of
Register 5 Recorder,
at the ensuing election. Should I ha elected, I
promise to discharge the duties of aaid office with
fidelity and impartiality.
Sunbury, July SI, 1852. tc.
nomeroua friends from different part of
' the County, I respectfully offer myself to you a
next election, lor me omcs w
, 'Register c Recorder.
sW.vit kv thm wiihei of th mopU I
.cbesKfully ubmh myself to your d octal on. And
ahould you see 6t U mitruat me with the duties
of aaie office, I will ends or to discharge them
. - r -11
to the aattslacuon oi .
' , . Yours, respectfully,
.U .u - ; joHN Bt'YERS.
U 6u'nbtlry; July 31, lS5" -c-
No. 61 Arch Street, four doors above Second,
Which for style of finish and workmanship cannot be surpassed. Wholesale and R'J"''
ET MERCHANTS and othcra are invited to call and examine.
Philadelphia, August 21, 1852. ly.
Valuable Real Estate
Y virtue of an order iasucd out of the Or
phans' court of Northumberland county, will
be exposed to sale, on the premises, on
On Thursday, tht 6th day of Sept. next,
the following real estate, vit: All that certain
nnJ VALUABLE FARM, situate in
Siiamokin township, Northumberland county, on
the Centre turnpike, about 8 mileafrom Sunbury,
the county town, adjoining lands of J'egley's
heirs, Ananias Saxtoti and others,
Containing one hundrrl and fifty Acres,
more or less, E0 acres of which being in good
meadow, a small creek running through the
same, and nbotil 20 acres thereof being well tim
bered, the residue being in a high state of cultiva
tion and under excellent fences. Tliero is also
on the premises an ORCHARD of choice lruit
trees. The buildings consist ol a two storvsione
well ailnptcd for a Tavern Stand, and has
been kept as such for upwards of 35 years. A
largo and convenient BANK BARN, with abun
dance of gooil sleds and other out-buildings.
One-third of the purchase money or widow's
dower, can remain in the hands of the purchaser,
1V being secured on tho premises. Being lute
the real estale of Martin Weaver, dee'd. Title
indisputable. Attendance will be given by
ILL1A.M Ji. MLi..Uli, Aum r.
Stniinokin tp., Aug. 14, 18.V.J ts.
'orphans court sale.
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court
of Northumberland county, will be exposed
to public sale on Suturday the 24th day of Sep
tember next, on tho premises, tlie following
described properly to wit; A certain tract of
land, situate in Lower Augusta township, in said
Cotintv adjoining lands of Peter Fetterman, Dan
iel Long and Henry Bloom, containing about
twenty nine acres. Late tlio estate ol fciizuueiii
Fiester, dee d. Hole to commence at iu ociocu,
A- M., of said dav, when tho terms ol sale win
be made known by
JOHN FOl , Guardian.
By order of the Court, i
Aug. 14, 1852. 6t. )
A valuable Farm for Sale.
rpHE tind.'rsianctl, will offer nt public sale,
-I on TUESDAY, iho 5th of OCTOBER
next, tit 10 o'clock, A. M , of ai(t day. nt the
Shamokin Dam Hot I, kepi by Geo. Keene,
in I'enti township, Union county, a highly
silnated in said (ownsliip, tibout half a mile
below the Shamokin Dam, containing
One hundred and twenty-two 1cres,
more or less; one hundred and ten notes nf
which me in a hipti slnte of cultivation, lliH
balance bein-r wood land ; bounded on the
past by the Susquehanna liver nnd ihe Penn
sylvania canal, on the south nnd west by
land of John Harlmnn, and on tho north by
land of Henry Hartman, nnd upon which nre
erected a lare nnd well finished two loiy
a well finished and commodious dame
These btiildincs are prPCled immedialely nt
ihe Stale load leading from Northumberland
to llarrisburg. There is a never failing
sprins of excellent water, over which is
erected a Spting House, convenient to the
thvcllinr;, together with sundry out-buildings,
&c. Also a good
of full erowth, nnd one of recent set-
ling oul, embracing some choice fruit Irees.
There are also erected on said premises, im
mediately at ihe Pennsylvania canal, alaige
and well finished two story
Frame Dwelling and Kitchen,
with a well of excellent water at Ihe door,
together wilh convenient stabling, &c. Theie
is a whaif running parallel wilh the canal
nnd fronting said dwelling, eligibly situa'.ed
for ihe prosecution of an extensive COAL
and LUMBER business.
Tkbms : One half of the purchase money
to be secured by bonds and mortgage on the
premises wilh inleresl, in reasonable pay
ments: $100 to be paid on the day of sale
and l he balance on delivery of Ihe deed.
Title indisputable,
E. G. MARKLEY, Agent.
Sunbury, July 31, 1852. Is
Fish, Provisions. ?.,
Vo. 9 North Whnrvcs,
April 10, 1852 ly.
The Agricultural Society.
The following are Ihe premium offered
by Ihe Northumberland County Agricultural
Society, at lite next uHtiual exhibition which
will be held at Norllitiinberland. on lhursday
and Friday the Till and 8th days of October
Best stallion over 4 years old, $5,00
Second " " 3.00
Best " tmder 4 years, 4,00
Second " " 'A0
Best mare wilh coll at her side, 5,00
Second " " 3,00
Diplomas will be awarded for all fine ani
mals, not coming under these beads.
Best bull, 2 vears old and upwards, 5,00
Second " " 3no
Best bull calf under 8 years Si over, 6m, 3,oo
Second " ' 2.00
Best bull calf under 6 months, 2,00
Second " " .00
Best cow over 3 years, 4,00
Second "
Best heifer between 8 k 3 years, 3,00
Second 2,00
Beat heifer under 2 years, 3,00
Second " " 8,"0
The same premiums will be awarded to
Devona undei their respective heads.
Best bull 2 vears and upwards, 3,00
Best bull calf under 3 vrs and over 6m, 2,00
Best " undo 6 months, LOO
Rest cow, S yea re and opwards, - 3,00
Best heifer between 3 and I years, 1,50
Best heifer under 3 vears, L00
Best yoke of oxen, ' " ' 4,00
Second - -,- 2.00
Best fat bullock, - 8,00
Second , " , ' 2,00
Beat fat cow or beifet, ' 3,00
, Second " 2.P0
sun biJkyPameiucan and shamokin jo.ubnal.
Best ram over I year, 3.00
Best ewe, 2,00
Best lamb, 2,00
Best boar over I year, 3,00
Second " " 2,00
Best sow, 2,00
Second " 1 50
Best pair of shoats under 1 year old, 2,00
Second " " 1,80
Best fat hog, 2,00
Best pair of turkeys, 1,00
Second ' 60
Best pair of peese, 1,00
Second " SO
BeM pair musk ducks, 1,00
Second " 50
Best pair puddle ducks, 1,00
Second " J'O
Best p'r Shanghai 0r Cochin China fowls, 1,00
Second " ' 50
Best pair Chiltagongs, 1,00
Second ,: 50
Best pair Creole or Bolton greys, 1,00
Second " 60
Best pair Polish, 1,00
Second " 60
Best pair dorkings, 1.00
Second 60
Best pair games, 1,00
Second ,; 60
Rest pair wild turkeys, 2.00
Largest and beet collection of fowls, 3,00
Next largest 1,50
Best bushel white wheat, 2,00
Second " 1.00
Best bushel corn, 2,00
Second " 1,00
Best bushel oats, 1,00
Best bushel mercer potatoes, 1,50
Second " 1,00
Best bushel potatoes other varieties, 1,00
Best J bushel sweet potatoes, 1,00
Second " 50
Best beels. not less than 6, 1,00
" carrols " 1,00
" i bushel onions, 1.00
" 6 heads cabbage, J ,00
" 3 squashes, 1,00
" 3 pumpkins, 1,00
Special premiums will bo awarded to ran-
lifiowers, lomnloes, and all other garden vog.
etables of extraordinary quality.
Best i bushel of apples, ' 1,00
Second " 50
Best " iiuinces, J. 00
Second " " '50
Best " peats, 1,00
Second " " 50
Best grapes, not lees than 6 bunches, 1,00
Second " " 50
Best threshing machine, 4,00
,: reaper, 3,00
" seed drill, 2,00
" corn planter, 2.00
" winnowing mill, 2.00
" corn slitller, 2,00
" plow, 2.00
" cullivalor, 2,00
" roller, 2.00
" corn plow, 2,00
" straw culler, 2,00
" lartn wagon, 2 00
" sell of harness, 2.00
'I horse rakr, 1,00
" grain cradle, l 00
DAI 11 Y, &e.
Best butler not less than 5 pounds, 1,00
Second " 50
Best 5 lbs. honey. 1,00
Second " 50
Best loaf of bread ! lbs. 100
Second " 50
Best ham cured by exhibitor, 1.00
Second " '50
Best 6 lbs. home made soap, lflO
Second " 50
Best quilt, 1,00
" counterpane, 00
" hearth rug, 1.00
" pair blankets, 1 00
" 20 yards carpet, jjoo
" home-made cloih 10 yds, irjO
" " flannel 6 vds, 1.00
" pair knit woolen socks or stockings, TOO
" " " gloves, 1,00
" home-made thread 1 lb. and np'wd, 1,00
Under this head will be embraced, me
chanical inventions, tools, furniture, and all
other articles, not coming under any of the
above heads Prizes will be awarded, ac
cording to the means of ihe Society, and the
merits of the articles offered.
Best plowing, 5.00
i.'econd " 4,00
Third " 3 no
rourth " 2 00
The following Committees were then an-
pointed :
On Horses. A. E. Kapn. Joseph Nicelv.
Anlhony Annsirong, Writ. B. Kipp, Jesse C.
Ilorlon, John Painter, J. B Masser
Us tATTLK I nomas Johnson. Robert M.
Williams, Jesse Hensvl, James Forrester,
Wm. G. Scott, John B. Heller, John Nesbii.
On Shke p. Wm. L. Cook. Samuel I. John-
son, George Keller, Win. D Gearhart, Jas.
T mm n .
ujnerson, i. D. rnesllry, John Whcatlev.
On Sw:nb Joseph Vankirk, John M oore.
Wm.H Kasn. J. Weimer Leichon, PnilipW.
Hilgert, George Everaid, J. Bovd Smith.
On Poultry. Dr. Joseph Priestley, Dr.
Wm. McClocrv, Henry Eckberl, Alexander
Jordan, L. A. Bergstresser, Robert J. Wilson,
C. B. Smith.
Os Griin ano Potatoes Samuel Hep.
burn, Benj. Gearhart, James Cameron, T. H.
Waits, Elida John, Jacob Hilbish, John Mou
rer. On Vegetables. James Pollock. Alexan
der Coll, Reubjn Troxel, Samuel K.Gilger,
Jacob Seashollz, S. R Peal, C. F. Little.
On Fruit W. C. Lawson. IL B Masser,
R. M. Friek, J. R. Eck, G. B. Yonngman,
Cyrus 0. Bachman, M. M. Kapp
On Implements.- Wm. H. Muench, J. H.
Zimmerman, Wm. Fotsyth, John Tagearl,
John Montgomery, Geoige Frederick. Geo.
Miscellaneous. David Tapsart, Wm. H.
VVaples, E. VV. Chapin, J. B. Packer, Chas.
Pleasants, Samuel R. Wood, James Covert,
D. B. McGregor, George Apsley.
DAtar, tc Joe. Nesbit, (Chilisnaaqne,)
John Best, Wm. T. Forsylh. James Taggarl,
Wm. Elliott, John Frank, Francis Gibson.
Domestic Manufactures. D. Brantigam,
William Weimer, M. D. Withingien, John A.
Taylor, John M. Hoff, Wm. G. Kase, Wm.
Plowino) Match. Elitah Crawford, Wil.
ton Hutchinson, Georee Conrad. Jacob Pain
ter, W. H, Lcijhoii, John Oberdorf, Jacob
Publishers and Booksellers,
Ao. 84 North Third Strut, '
ItililM, rryr, Hymns, Poetical and lllstorteal Works,
1 fSJItfeslst PiniMU A. m f
1 'vtssj, no,, ttc,
Evrrr kind In ase from a primer npwsrds.
An lfrant sssortment from the rass bouk upwards,
msda of superior paper, sod bestr binding.
Csp, Post, and Nots Papers, elegant styles and quslity,
Fsncy, phln nd Adhesive Envslnpes, Ink, Send, Va
fers, Woel ns, plates, pencils, Pone-Misiaies, Wrap
pinj Pspers of sll kinds, Curtain Psuers, Ac., Ac.
Our stock is til fresh, bought chesp and sold secordingly.
Particular attention paid to Uonkerllers, Country fer
clients and Teachers, however little they may buy.
Sower h Barnes sre Publishers of PELTONU series of
F.ach map la nearly SF.VE.V FEET SQUARE, and
snows the comparative site and relative position of every
cou ntry on the pl They are intended to he suspended
111 every Scliool Room, end n-H only make a splendid p
fennmce, but are nnirerssllv snknowl-dced to he the
brourht out. They sre keys intended t.i he used by the
solars, cmtainiiig a complete epitome of Oeographv, and
costing less than liaif the price of a Ueocraphy and Atlas.
The system is in unirersnl use in Prussia and Germany,
and has already been introduced in Oirerd College, Phila
delphia, the public schools of Boston, New York, Phila
delphia, Baltimore, Washington, and throughout New
England, New York, Ac., Ac. Our desks ere loaded
with recommendations from the most tnlenlcd and scien
tific teachers in every quarter, and wherever the tvsiem
has been used parents, teachers and scholars unite in prais
ing It. r
I. Map of the Western Hemisphere,
ti. Mop of the Kaslern Hemisphere.
II. .Msp of North America.
4. Map of the United State,
ft. Map of Europe.
6. Map of Asia.
7. Map of South A merica and Africa.
F.very map is brilliantly colored, varnished, and mount
ed on muslin end rollers.
We respectfully invite the earnest attention nf Teachers,
Psrents, end School Directors t' this fatcinstinr mods of
teaching Geography. SOWKR A BaIINKS,
St North Third Street,
Philadelphia, Aug. , 1854 tf.
Cheap Watches $ Jewelry,
"TVniOLESALE and Retail, at the "Pliiladcl-
" phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 08
North Second Street, corner of Quarry, Philadel
phia. Gold Lever Watches, full jeweled, 19 carat cases, J3?,00
Silver do. full jeweled, 8 14. O ild Spectacles, 7.00
Sliver Lenme, jewels, IU Fine Silver do. 1.5U
do d ) do. 9. Gokl Bracelets. 8.00
Sunetior Ciusrtiers, 7. ! adies' Gold Pencils, 1.00
imitation no. ft. Ntver Tea spoons, set,
Gold Pens, with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1 ,00
Gold Finger Rings, 37J cents to $80 ; Watch
Glasses, plain, 12J cents; Patent, 18i; Lunet,
So; other articles m proportion. All goods war
ranted to he what they arc sold for.
Successors to O. Conrad.
On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and
Lepincs, still lower than the above prices. ,
August 28, 1852 ly.
Fresh Arrival of Goods
(S'early opposite Weaver's Hotel, Market St.)
Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pa.
Tt liTE heg to announre that wc are receiving a
' " new and varied supply of goods from
Philadelphia in addition to our present new
stock ; all of which we ofTer at such prices as we
think should command a speedy sale, our philos
ophy is, to sell cheap and turn our money often ;
and we know that at the year's end this will pay
us better than alow sales and large profits, and
our customers will in the meantime havo the
benefit of goods at low prices and of the best
tialitv. Our stock consists of
Dry Goods,
Hardware, Qiiccnsivare,
Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags,
Umbrellas and Parasols, Boots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps. Looking Glasses, Wall
Paper for Room and Window
Blinds, Oranges, Lemons,
Nuts and Candy, Suit,
Mackerel, SJulmon
Dried Beef,
Plain and Fancy Hams and Shoulders, Nails,
Window Class, Paint Stuff, Oils and Putty, Car
pet Chain, Cotton Laps and Yarn, with a variety
of other articles.
N. U. All kinds of country produce taken in
exchange at the highest market prices
1. XV. TENER c CO.
Sunbury, June 26, 1852. ly.e
Street, above 8th, Philadelphia. Under the
new arrangement the cars which arrive from
Pittsburg, Harrisburg, &r., will run to the New
Depot, corner of Schuylkill 9th and Market. In
order to accommodate the public we will always
have our Coach at the New Depot on the arrival
of the cars to carry Passengers to the Allegheny
House, which is in the centre of the city. Our
old friends will please ride down, and all who
wish to patronise a House with a Good Table,
Clean Beds, and accommodating assistants, will
please gi- e us a call.
Terms, One Dollar per Day.
August 21, 1852 6m.
G. L. Miller t$ Co.,
South Wat tor. of Second If Arch Streets,
THE PROI'RILTOKS, having increased their
facilities during the past season, now feel
able to supply all who have or may be disposed to
patronise them. Their .Stock comprises everv
vsriftT of patterns of FLOWERS, LAND
SCAPE, GOTHIC, cVe., unsurpassed in quality,
and which will be sold at our usual
great variety.
ShauVa made to order, at short notice, for
Stores, Churches, Lodge Rooms, Ac.
Depot, S. W. corner of Second and Arch sts.
Phi arle!phia, Aug. 21, 1832. 3m.
BEGS leave to inform his friends and the pub
lie iu general, thst he is prepared in every
respect to make clothing after the most
FWtionaMe Styles,
and in the most durable manner, and his prices
will be as reasonable as can be had in Sunbury
or elsewhere, in cash or approved country produce.
He will always have the advantages of the latest
fashion plates, and in addition to his acknowl
edged skill in cutting, he will be assisted by the
direction of the most scientific publications rela
ting to that art, now issued from the emporiums
of fashion in the United Stales. An endeavor
will be made always to kav work completed
when requiaed.
His establishment is situated in Market Square,
Sunbury, nearly opposite the Post Office, in the
building formerly occupied try Jacob Painter as a
hatter shop, where it will be pleasure to hint
to see his friends, and make such work foi them
as is within the line of hie business.
8unbury, August H, 1863. tt
Fritz, Williams i$ Hendry,
- Star, Vo. S9 North U Street,
lYfOROCCO Msnufacturers, Curriers, Import.
ers. Commission and Genets! .Leather Bus
iness. Wholesale and Ratal), i ,;V- ;
tST Manafaetory 14 Msigartlta Prtcet. t
Aug. S8.-m3.-1y. ... i . ,, -. ' '
ITf HATKVER concerns the health and happiness of a
I people is si an unw ui ina mm vaiueu -tnce.
1 take it for granted that evarjr per! will all 'a
their power, to ssvs the Uvea of their children, and that
every person will endeavor to nromotetheir own health at
all escrineee. I feel it to he my doty to solemnly assure
on thst WORMS, according to tbe opinion of Hie nw
celelirstsd Physicians, are tha primary causes of a lanre
nwlority of diseases to which children and adults are lis
dies if yon hsvesn appetite continually changeable from
urn kind of food to emrther, Bad Breath, Pain in thef
msoh, Picking at the Nose, Hardness and Fullness of the
Belly, Dry Coogh, Wow Fever, Pulse Irreenlsr remember
tnsl ell these denote vruiv jv - -r
ply the remedy
a fMjkA Mw IkViimt.ii' PrlnHnlfi. frrtrnoarW'
All wiicrc luwiwou upvss . , r r -
ed with purely eegstable substances being perfectly ssfe
when taten, and csn he given 10 the most lender inrsnt
with decided benenclel etfeet, where Bowel Complaints
snd Disrrhais hsve made them weak and debilitated the
TVmie properties of oiy worm nyrup are eucn, w i.
stands without an equal in the catslofiie of medicines, In
giving tnne and strength to the Stomseli, which mes It
en Infallible remedy for those afflicted with Dysrcps.
Ihe astonishing cures performed by this Syntp alter Pliyti
chilis have felled. Is the best evidence uf its superivt eru
cacy over a others.
This is the most difficult Worm to destroy of all that la
feat the human system, it grows to an almnst Indefinite
kaurlh becoming so colled and fastened la the Intestines
and Stomach etfeeting the health so sadly as lo cause 8t.
Vitus Dance, Fits, Ac , that those afflicted seldom If ever
suspect that It is Tape Wurm hsstening them to an early
erave. In order tu destrnv this Worm, a very enertellc
ireatment must be pursued. It would therefor he proper
t'i take 8 to 8 of my Liver Pills so as to remove sll obstruc
tions, that the Wnrm Syrupmay act direct upon I he Worm,
which must be taken in doses uf 2 Tablitspuonrulls 3 times
a day these directions followed hsve never been kiiowu to
inn in curing me most unsiinsie case oi rspe v orin.
No cart nf the system Is more liable to disease than Ihe
I.I, it serving ss a fiiterer to purify the U'jud, or giv
ing the proper secretion to Ihe bile ; so that any wrong sc
lion of the Liver effects the other important ports of the
system, and results variously, in Liver Couipisint, Jaun
dice, Dyspepsia. Ac. We should, therefore, watch every
symptom that inisht indicate a wrong action of the Liver.
These Pills being composed of KOU PS A PLANTS fur
nished by natme to heal the sick : Namely, 1st, An EX
PECTORANT, which augments the secretion from the
Pulmonary mucus membrane, or promotes the discharge
of secreted matter. Snd, An ALTKRAT1VE, which
rh.nieea in some iuexDHcable and insensible manner the
certain rn.tbd action of the system. 3rd, A TONIC
wintn gives uine ana sirengrn to ine nervous system, re
newing health and vigor to sll parts of Ihe body. 4th. A
CATHARTIC, which acts in perfect hsrmonv wilh the
other ingredients, snd operating on the liowels, and expel-
unc rue wnoio mass oi corrupt and vitiated matter, and pu
rifvinc the B'ood. which destrova disease and restores
You will find these Pills sn invaluable medicine in manr
complaints to which vou sre subject. In obstructions ei-
tner total oi paniai, they hove been round of inestimable
benefit, resturine their functional errant-emi'iita to a hruil-
thy action, purifying the blood snd other fluids so effectu
stly lo put to flight sll complaints which may arise from
female irregulnfities. as hcad.irhc, giddiness, dimness of
sight, pain in the aide, back, Ac.
OCT" Price, 23 cenls each.
None genuine unless siined J. N. Ilobeusnck. all others
being buse Imitation.
Ir Agents wishing new supplies, end Store Keepers
desirous of beconiint Agent, must address the Proprietor,
i. S. Holienssck, Philadelphia, Ta.
Sold by J. W. Frilinr, Sunbury; Mary McCoy, Nor
thumberland ; Iielsel, Turbulville; R a irr. Milton ; Pilty
A Lenker, Georgetown ; Leiscuring A Wolverton, Psxi
nos; Wiest. Hickory; all dealers in Medicine in the
County and Stole.
August It, lfvia ty.
To flic Triivclliiis l'tiblic.
First Class Hotel Term) $1.50 per day.
THE subscrilr having lately become proprie
tor of the FRANKLIN HOUSE. Chestnut
Street, below 3d and 4th, PHILADELPHIA,
and having ntDcctn thk raicc ur aoiao to
$1,50 per day, gives notice that, notwithstanding
this reduction he will still continue to keep a
Franklin House has just undergone extended
alterations, and is now fitted up and refurnished
in superior style for the reception of visitors.
The Lower Floor formerly occupied by stores, is
now included in the Hotel, forming a Spacious
Reception Room, Gentlemen s Parlor and Dining
Room, thereby allowing an addition uf thirty
chambers snd sovrral beautiful parlors fronting
Chestnut street' Rooms in this Hotel are supe
rior lo most others, being constructed with al
coves, forming parlor and bed chamber attached
well lightened and ventilated. Its location is
unsurpassed, either for business or pleasure.
Philadelphia, Aug. 14, 1852. 3m.
RESPECTFULLY inform tlie public and
"the rest of mankind," that tlicy have just
received and opened the best and cheapest stock of
Spring; and Summer Goods
that has ever lieen brought to Sunbury.
Their stock consists of every variety of
Dry doods, xiz :
Cloths, Castimeres, Sattinets, Vcsttvgs,
Drillings, Linens,
And all kinds of Summer Wear.
Also a splendid variety of
Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns, Chintzes, Dt
Lames, Derages,
And every variety of goods suitable for La
dies wear.
Also an extensive assortment of
Panama and Palm Leak Hats.
Also a large assortment of GltOCEHIES,
filCIl AS
Sugar, Teas, Coflt-e, IWolussen, Spices
of all kinds.
Also a large assortment of
Fish, Salt and Plaster.
Also a trcsh supply of
Besides the largest and most reneral assort
ment of all kinds of yoods to ba had in this
Isr Country produce of all kinds taken in ex
change at tho highest market price.
Sunbury, May S!, 1852.
Allegorical Print of the Age,
In Commemoration of that most important
The British surremlrrlnf thrir armi to
After their defeat at YORKTOWN, Virginia,
uriuuer 181.
rplIK Engrorine is executed by Tanner. Vsllonce, Kear
X ney A Co , from an original drawing by J K. Ilniault,
and puoiistica by Hrnjaroiu tanner, twieraver, Philadel
phia. The size of Die print is 25 by 31 inches and wus or
igmally published In Subscribers si Sit! iu tlie sheet.
E.Ari.A.1 A 1 1UA.
Till HiiToar Iu the first end stand nlen are ehihii4
three larse groups rf the principal orhcers, who were pre
sent at tlie transaction, wiib a faithful likenrw of enrh.
In tne nrst group is seen leut ral Washington, General
Rocharnbean, General Lincoln, Cndaiel Hamilton, an old
Farmer raver to omeninhte tbe scene. Ilillv the unmi
and tint Horse of General Washington.
in tne secma group, are American ami French Officers;
General Knox, Secretary Wilson, the Dukede tauzua, and
the Marquis de La Fayette
The third group is rieecriptive of the British surrender,
ina their arms. Lord Cornwallis. General O'Hura. ixym.
nt dore fiinnmas, Colnuel Tsrlton, with two Soceis cut
orf. Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Abercrombie, Lieutenant
ijiouci iuikiu, unrq unewion. etc. trrt rjornwettis S
pea's nieaeniinf bis swnrd tn the first General OfHrer he
meets, hut General YYaahinetott is pointed out to aim as
the only r"ann to whom he is to surrender his sword.
On the heights and in the distance are the different ar
mies and crowns of spectators. The House of geeretary
WiIsom, nceimicd by Lord Cornwallis and his sua", which
was bombarded and pierced with balls ; the Marquis de La
Fayette having remarked that they wa s carrying dishes
for the dinner nf lrd Cornwallis, ested leave of General
Wsahinawa m serve him a dish of hia owa mnkiiw. and
immediately after several bombshells fell Ihrouah this foof
on the table, and woo need some, and dispersed the party
Tax Ai tasosT On the left is erected a monninent in
honor of those illustrious heme who sacrificed their lives
snd fortunes lo insure tn tlieir cilixeus, the Liberty and In-
dependent they sow enjoy.
Published at l by WM. B. I.ANE. Ftiiladelphia. and
tn he had at the Omos nf the "AMERICAN CUCRIER."
No. Ml Owstaul SuesC, Philadelphia, as setmiums to thai
A liberal discount Is A rent.
Philadelphia, Juaa M, ltag
lXTHACT Or COfFEEAsi xeellmt
sjsbcle nose wholesome and moeh eheapar
Uian Coffae ttaeir. ror sale at this ethcev
AprU JT IHS r.
TiKflTia -pxiatod an ihe swat quajfity
of parchmeat paper, sold at the lowest prices
at t.ns oltice, ty wboleselsj and tctetl v- v. ,. if
Valuable Property.
laU the Estatt of E. P. SHANNON, Esq.,
OrAorlhuinberlaisd ,
HE5 subscribers, Executor of the Estate
nf Enhraim P. Miu,,r.oo lata nf lh, ft.,..
ongh of Northumberland, offer nt privale sale,
tha following valuable Real Estate, viz:
Lot No. 77, corner of Quern and Front
Street, on which is erected n two story Brii k
Building, formerly occupied by the deceased
as a Store nnd Dwelling, and now occupied
a such. There are also on the lot tw o fiamc
dwellings, be.
Lol No. 62, situated in Market Slreet, on
which is erccied a two story white frame
Dwelling, tc, adjoining; JohnTaggart, Esq.,
occupied by Knous.
Lois Nos. C9, 70, 71 & 72, siinate in Mar
ket Street, a two story white Frame Dw-.
liiifr, occupied by .tsmes Donly, and a stable
is creeled on luis No. 69 k 70.
The undivided half tif Lot No. K0, situate
on the corner of Duke and 4th Sire 'l, mi
which is creeled a two story dwelling, occu
pied by Joseph McCallister.
Lot No. 184, situate in Queen Street on
which is creeled a two story white Frame
Building, occupied by John Outkert
Lot No. 60, situate at Norihway ami Wa
ter Streets, on which nre erected two Frame
Dwellings and Stabling, occupied by widow
Vandling nnd John Vanillin.
Also the undivided fourth part of lot 166,
on which is erected a two story Frame Dwel
ling, occupied by John Vamlyke.
Also ten acres of cleared land, adjoining
lands of John Deshay, on the East side of the
Susquehanna, about three miles below Dan
Also two adjoining vacant town lots, situ
ated on the corner of Second and Orange
streets, numbered in ihe general plan of Hot-
oimn. in os. via s: xis.
Also four vacant lota on Third and Orange
Streets, numbered in ihe general plan ol said
liorough. IN us. 209, 210, 211 & 212.
Also lour vacant lots fronting on Market
and Sixth Streets, running F.asl to an Alley,
numbered in Ihe general plan of said Bor
ough, Nos. 77, 78, 79 St 80.
Also four vacant lots Ironting on Orange
Street, and numbered in the general plan of
said Borough. Noh. 185, 186, 187 & 188.
1 he above property will be sold in parts
or parcels lo suit purchasers, on reasonable
terms. For fnrlhrr particulars annlv lo John
Cake, Esq., at Northumberland, or tu the
Norlhnmberland, May 22, 1852. tf.
jomrmLLns & son!
No. 47 South Water Street, helow Chestnut,
tMPORERS of Foreign Fruits, Nuts, Wines,
&c, keep constantly on hand the following
articles, which they will aell at very low nrices
for cash.
Raisins, Almonds, Currants.
Walnuts, Citron, Ground Nuts,
Prunes, Cream Nuts, Dates,
Filberts, Figs, Vanilla beans.
Sweet Oil, Preserved ginger, amarinds.
Liquorice, Lemon Syrup, Fire Crackers,
Port Wine, Madeira Wine, Claret Wine,
Sherry " Muscat " Sweet Malaga "
Philadelphia, July 3, 1853 ly.
T ESPECTFl'LLY informs the citiiens of
Sunbury and vicinity, that he has commen
ced a new store in Whortlelierry atrcet, in the
house formerly occupied bv Mrs. Gray, and has
just received and opened a well selected assort
ment of
Dry Goods,
Consisting in part of
A nd a general assortment of
of every variety and style.
GROCERIES of every description.
Also an assortment of
And gcnerul variety of other articles such as
are suitable to the trade, all of which will he sold
at the lowast prices.
Country produce taken 111 exchange at the
hichest prices.
Sunbury, May 15, 1SJ2. Cm.
ith and Jrck Street,
HAVE established a Store where the best
traile now resort for
Household Dry floods,
French Fancy Goods.
Dress Silks and Shawls,
Hosiery, Gloves and Mills,
Cloths, Cassimers and Yestings,
Muslins and Linens by the piece.
Damask Table Linens und Nujtkins,
Patent Black Silks for Dresses,
Full Stock of Mourning Goods.
E. & L. are constantly receding Bargains from
the New York and Philadelphia Auctions, which
they sell wholesale and retail very cheap fur Rett
Edward E. Evbe, Washington I. Laxpcll,
Fhilsdelphia, July 3, 1652. ly.
Saddlery and Harness Establishment of
Market Street, Sunbury,
A new assortment of Silver, Itrants nnd
Japanned Mounting,
Which he will either make up to order or aell
separately for cash at prices as low if not lower
than can be bad anywhere else.
Triiiika, Vallcea, &.C.,
Constantly kept on hand or manufactured to or
done on lha shortest notice.
All persona are invited to call and examine for
All kinds of produce taken in exchange,
ftunbury, May 1, 1852. tf.
Van Loan
Dagucrrean Gallery,
159 CftMnttf Street,
A T this celebrated establishment you can always pro
J. curs the newest sod moat improved styles .4
at from SO to tut) per et. tss cost than sack pictures cm
he had for elsewhere. ,
Now that you can seenra sueh perfset port iu of your
loved ones at a mere nominal eost, dou'l delay lest you
'"EvKVvarietv of fancy ewes, frames, e . on hand or
furnished In order, and every picture made sanatory ana
wairaiHed to ha in the hest style of the art or ao causes
Call and PL'RNELL.
TPhiladdlpbia July 17, IfJS.-ly.
nEXRY W. Bl'CHER informs the public
that ha bss taken Ihe Sunbury Ferry and
as hs is now well prepared with good and suffi
cient eratts he will be enabled to srcommodaUj
tbe public with promisees snd despatch.
, April 10, 1852-tf.
HAND BILLS neatly printed on new type
promptly neuuted at tlus . effx-t. Alse
blsaka, of all kinds on superior paper.
Sunbury, Ten. 11, UJ. ,.
ftESPECmJLLY Inform th crtUene of
Sunbury and vicinity, (list he ha opened a
new store in (he room lately oectipied by Gnm
Bright, opposite Bolton's Hotet lie has just re
ceived a handsome assortment of
Spring nnd Sunltner GftxH,
eensiatlnj in part of
Cloths, Cajslmeri, CasiineU.
SUMMER WARE of all kinds, of linen, cotton
and worsted. ALSO :
Cnllcoefl, Ginghams), Lftrttl,,
Itlotisjiieli'nfc Do Lnlrttt
and all kinds of Ladies Dress Ooodt.
GROCERIES of every variety.
Also sn assortment of llnrdttflr, Ifou
nml Steel, Nfclls, &e
Also sn excellent sssortrhenf of
QUEENSWARE, of various Style and
Also an assortment of HOOT h.
Paba leaf and other Hats and Oapi,
Suit, Fish, $c.
Also a variety of LIQUORS such a
Ki nnd). Gii., Wilt, fcc.
And a great variety of other articles such a Srej
suitable to the trade, all of which will be solj at
the lowest prices.
HT Country produce taken in ettbange ei
the highest pri-es.
Sunbury, May I, 1852 ly.
Manufactured by the New Jersey Zinc
Company, Newark, N. J.
rpKE Subscribers are sow prepared to eiteoite orders
1 tu any extent fur their beauiuul while and ' -
Zinc Psints, at Uis reduced prices, vit t "-"en
No. 1, Whita, giouod iu oil, S ceutt per lb., "ilfl"1
No. 8, do. do. n d. ' 'do '
No. 3, do. io. 7 A.. i0
Brown and Black, d... J dn. do
One hundred pounds will cover equally' w-U as mnra
suil'ace as 100 lbs. of White Load j they are S aer cent
cheeper lo the consumer. '
The Zinc Whits is rapidly superseding While Leadj
over wliieti it possesses many advsntuf cs It is whiter
and mure lieautu'ul then Ihe VVhne Jurji not turn'
yell.jw, even when eziosed tor sulphurous vapor- has
no smell is not iujerious to health, and is far tame du
rable. Zinc Bbowh and I!lac Tai-tTs ax aorK WATnita
and Fine Pnoov. The beet coveriiir fur outside work
ever intrudueed, adapted to buildings of wood, hrlck ir
slune to fences. r:irris;i- bjdict, bridges, and msclilnerr
t i the hulls uf veiwels, onchors, vluuns, and sll other Iron
wurk on Inard ship to sieiim toilers, smoke tacks and
water tanks to iron, tin. sntl other nofling, iron shattter
diKirs aud railings, wue leneee, lirnlxca, Ar..
For Iron Surfaces this Tsint Is especial! valusbis
ss It forms a gnlvouic connection, and entirely prevents
rust. '
These Zinc Paints hnving a pure Metalie Base, are war
rented not t turn yellow, und will retuin their orisuial
brilliancy much lonser thsii While Lend, or any of the
earthv pigments now in use. The certificates from th.vse
who have used these Psints. are such e tosatialy the pub
lie that they nre invaluable. The ublret chemists of
France and this country have testiSod to the superiority of
Zinc over Lead Paints, as to durability, heslthfulnem and
beamy. They have been adopted by ihe French Govern
ment, by the corporation of New York, and sre new ex
tensively used hy tht United States Government at muiv
of the largest Military and Marine Depots.
PlttLAnixruiA Cas Wosks, May IS, 1851
Messrs. F. C. Jonas A Co. Gentlemen Having ndn
several trials of ymir Brown Zinc I'sint in various meth
ods calculstrd to test its protective qualities upon wood
snd metsl, I have the sutln'action to utile that the reenlta
have been highly favorable. The paint covering well,
drying quickly, snd pussesifnt; greater tenseity, eopeelslly
upon iion, thnu any other paint with which I am fa
miliar. Yours, tnily, ' John C. Caassorr.
The undersigned, having nsed the Zinc Fauns ret erred
lo concur in the foiegoing opimonv
Morris, Tssker A Morris
Iteanet, Nenlic A Co., I'cnn Works.
Merrick A Son.
James T. Sutfon k Co., Franklin Iron Works.
J. T. Denn, U. S. Dry Dock.
IV Dealers supplied on reasonable terms by the Ageate
of tlie Compuuy.
No. 17 Soath Wharves, Pbua.
July 17, 1632-em.
At the Forks of the Pum Creek and tulpt.
hocken ttoad, (near KrtighLaum't Slack
Smith Shop.
I RESPECTFULLY informs tho public that ha
has opened a new Store at the above place
and haa just received a splendid stock of new
Spring and Summer Goods,
Consisting in part of
Cloths, Cassimers, Sattinets,
DRILLINGS and all kinds of linen cotton
aud worslud mimtner ware.
Callicoes, Muslin de Lainei, LaWns,
And all kinds of Dress Goods fur Ladies.
Tea, Corree, Si-gar, flloi.Assts, Ate.
GllOCKRIEK, of all kinds.
BEANDY, GIN, WNIE, and all kinds of
Hardware, Iron nnd Steel, Kails, te,
Shoes, Boots, Caps, Palm loaf and other Hats(
Fish, Salt, Ac.,
All of which he will sell at the most reasonable
prices for cash or country produce.
.May 8, 1853 -tf.
l i b e a t y s ifoTiT woexs,
flboi' Fourth,
THE undersigned resjiectfully Inforsn the pub
lic that they are in full operation at their
new foundry, and ready to execute orders for
stoves of every description on tlie most reasona
ble terms.
They invite the attention of STOVE DEAL
ERS to their large assortment of WTOVES, all
of which are entirely new, snd fot up at (real
expense. Among which are the Liberty Air
Tiplit Cook, Complete Cook, lar Air Tight,
Star Franklin, Star Radiator, Jenny Llnd Im
proved, Fire Kins; Radiators, Salamanders, Can
nous, Rases, Vara Cylinders, Dar Room Stoves,
Furnaces, lias Ovens, Ac, Ac.
N. B. Country merchants are particularly
invited to call and examine our assortment.
April 10, lS5!i. ly.
So. V) Wontl St., letween 'id 3d Sts., and
So. 17 -VorrA 6lh Street,
.lolin Biineroft Jr. and Son,
ESrECTFL'LI.Yinform Storekeepers, Mer-
chsnts, Ac that they Manufacture endbev
for Sale, Palm, W hite, ariesaled. j allow and
Rrown Soaps, Mould and Dip-d Candles, all ef
good quality and st reasonable pricee.
IV Cash paid for Tallow and rough Fat.
April 10 1851: ly.
Win. McCartv, Bookseller.
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and
the pvbNe, thst be has removed his Book
Store, to Market street, to the boose occupied
by J. Nailkr, Esq., Attorney at Law, nearly op
posite the Court Moose, on the north side,
where kerpe for ssle constantly on band a good
assortment of books and stationery.
For Sale -A large new spring waggon fit for
S, t or 4 horses.
Sunbury, July S4, 15?, 4f.
Dee. IS, 1861. X
nd Porter's Kbetorical RradOT, yoas rereiv.
td and for aakt by WM. MeCARTY.
Sunbury, Mar 1. v ,! ,
FEE DILlaJusticee ansl CtysMtablet f ssi
Sills ban4some)y vriatod e tard papM fct
sale at uiisemc. ., ; i 0 ;r