SUiNBURY AMERICAN AND SIIAMOKIN JOUKNAL. New Advertisements. Teachers AVanted. AJOTICE in hereby givon that proposals for Teachers will be received by the Board of School Director! of Shamokiti township, at the house of Charle. Leiscnring, on SATURDAY',' the 4th day of September next, at which time and place examination and allotments will bo made. By order of the Board, WM. AMMGKMAN, Sec'y. Khamokin tp., Aug. 21, 1852 St. TKACIIF.ItS WANTED. TTOT ICE is hereby given that proposals will ' be received by the Sccrctnry ot the Board of Directors, of the Common School 8imhnry Dis trict, for two innto and two female teachers, until a o'clock P. M, on FRIDAY the l()ih of September next, at which time a nieriirtr of the Directors will tnko plnco in room No. 3, uf the public school house, to examine applicants, and allot the schools. Bv order nf the Board, D.'W. KHINDEL, r-cc'y Sunbury, A up;. Mill, 1 853. 31. WINDOW SHADE MANUFACTORY. G. L. Miller Co., South lies cor. of Second (f Arch Streets, VHZI,AZEX.PXIZA. rilHF, PKOl'RIETOKS, having increased thrir JL facilities duriiit; t lie pnst season, now feel able to supply all who have or may be disposed to patronise them. Their .Murk coin prises every variety of patterns of FLOWERS, LAND SCAPE, GOTHIC, iVc, unsurpassed in quality, and which will be sold nt onr usual LOW PRICES. TASSEL", CORDS, BRASSES, &c, in great variety. Shades mndii to order, nt short notice, for Stores, Churches, Lodye Rooms, eve. C. U MILLER cc CO., Depot, S. W. corner of Second and Arch sts. Phi.nde!phia, Aug. 21, oin. (pS500 CNALLISXUK. AY MIATKVHK concrrns th people in ill nil liniftf n' llm I imp! v:ilu:iNi' hil(i"ri- limn;. 1 Uike it fnf iirmili'.l llml rvry peix n will nil in their power , lo wive tlm liven d' th'-ir rlnl.lreii, unil Mint very will iMitliMvr I ' prun t t licir nwn lu-nhli nt. nil BHcrith'-'s, I i'r.-i it tn l my duly ti sdi-miily u.-uit yon th:it V lt MS, JU'riTihiii: in tin opinion t-i tin; innst ?cli?htnlcit V f iviMin, ro llm prinnry mtmt's m" 11 lnpji' Hiujurity of rhwiipr'H l wiii'di c-liil'lrrn mnl ndnllw nre h.i die; it' you him hii tippet it (.' r iiitiim:tlly c- J ri i- s I irnin out! kind nt' f.Kid to nii'itli'T, Had iJn-nUi, P:uii in Mm- St mnrh, I'li'kiiifi nt tho N"?i llaniimn mid l'iillii-; s ti' thf IWly, lry tJnntfli. Sltw l-Vv-'r, Pulxf Irrcutiliir ri-mi-mhir lliitt nil tlicm denote W'OUMS, tuid you limltl nt once tip ply the ruinedy : IIODENSACK'S WORM SVRUP. An nrtirli: f uuidit! upon jV'rMitilic I'rinHplc. p"tnpound 4.wilh purely vt'iMsiMt piiltnt ;iti'i. Ik-imii perfectly wife when '.aUfii, nn I nn Ik: inwii t the ni:st ti ndrr im'nnt with tliwtdM lH-tifti'i;il Filt-ft, where M.v.fl 'niip!;iiutn nnd Diurrlm'ii h:ive mailt them v-:ik and d'-hiiitat d llm Tonic pmpcM-t it'll 't" ttiy Worm S rup art" at'ieh. it stand without nn to,u:M in th fitaloirin nl' iiieilirines. in pivuiij tin nml nirriiifih to Hie Stmtstt-h. wfiieh urn ken it nn Infill I iHe r'intdy I'or thoe ntflifti'tl with l)ysW ftia. the uitoiiinhiuir cures tirf' ruimt hy this Svrup aitt-r Pliysi t'taitn hnvc lulled, in I In; I tent evideueuii' its supi'iT T elH cney nver nil ijUich. THE TAl'E WORM ! Tltil i tin in"Kl dillieult W.nm In deroy nfnll ibut iu fent the liunmn ytiH. il r"vs to :iii ulnMst luilt liuite rncth iM'fiUliinj Ji'MfUlcil in Lit tu.-trucft ill Kit 1 utilities nnd St'tuiiifh nl't'fiinir the hivilth widlv n. t" vww. St, Vitus :m-n. I'ilt. ,Vr . limn- nfihdeil ft !il tu il' evir mifliH'Ct th it it in T.ip Worm h:i.""uiiiT tlifin t it --riy prave. Iurtbr t teHtnv thin Worm. :i vry f'ntru.'iin treatment iiiiiKt be purs'ird, it ivu'd llifretiin be proper to tuke U to si of my Liver I'ills wins t rrmuV'' .'ill ttl-f-irur-tionn. that the WiirniSynipinuyin't direct upon t In Wonn, which must Iw t:tken in d-isfw iC J TriM'-fp -"nfu1l n tinirs a dsiy the! direetixim toll iwed h:ive tuver I wen kii"vu to full in curing the nutst obftiiiiilc c;tne of Tape trin. rCT HOBEN5ACIC S LIVER PILLS. No purt il' thn sytiiti in inoru li:ib!e to disinw tli;m llm I.IVVIH, it tPtrinsf in u filteivr t" puihy tin; idoml, or utv mi; the proper ceeret ion 1 1 the bi!e : licit any wmn-j ne tion of the Uver nVi-rtt Ihe i iinpnriuiil p-irlf-i't' the Kyjitem, nml ri'Kiilm ';iri 'Ui-U-, in l.ivr t'otnphiut. .Iniiii- diets, Dv'Simpfin. Ve. We fs'inilld. tlieref. re, wnteli everv fivmpt'iiu tbut iniulit indienti u whuil- n -ri in tf the These Pills heiiw, , ItouTS.V, PLANTS in,. ; lllshi?il by naltiri; t'i h'-:il tlii-i.u-U: Aniii'lv. 1st. An ,. l'l'.t;T()HANT. whiih auiiiiirnis the ni-rei i.'n fr.nn Hie i Paliil'in.-iry iiiiiells nu-inlirniie. or pi'.Mti the iliwhurci- j i( scereli-il iiintler. 'Jml. An A l.'l' ATI VII. wliirh 'lmas-s in sum. iiu:x.lii'.-ii.l.-unit insensilile iinim.'r ili cerium in-itlud netimi of tin; xyntem. :tid, A ri'NK' which fiive tone nnd slreii'ih to tin uervou ri Hh-m. re iiewin hi-itth nml via-tr t till pjirtfi of the lwt. lib. A I'.VTII Alt TIC which net in peii't-et ltiiriimuy with the other inprcdifiitn, nnd openit imr u l!u H iw-l". nnd exoel lllllt the vh l HP'hi of e-irni;it nud viti:ited uctt'er. nnd pM riiyimj; I be Ul mhI, wliich destroys die-ise in id i est-Ten liwilth. TO FKMALKS. Yon will find Ibesc Pi IN nu huvihinble inedtcinc in many nmpluint to whieh yon nrc subject. In ohKirneti' ns ei ther fotul 01 purliwl. they Icive I teen found of inetimnble lienetit, reutorinu their luneti"ii;il irr;nieinentn to limb thy uetion. pnrifyin; the bl-H. itixl olber Ibiiiln so rlTeetn ally to put t rtiiiht uti CfnupInuiiK whiHt m:iy nriKe from female irre-iuluritien. im hejid:iehe, gidiiiiies., dinmeH uf ftight, mmu in lh vide, back, Ae. DT rice, 25 cpiiN each. None irenuim iiulefn tiigiii d J. . HobeiiKiek, nil libera Im-iii? Ikiiw ImiiiiTion. IV Ai'uia wifliiivi lieu supi'Iiet. uud Store KeepeiH deiiirouK nf lieeimiiej Aifeiitf mii-it utldrens the Proprieior. J. X. Ilobeimaek. IMiilmlcl hiu. l'a. S M by J. W. rrdnitr. Snnbury : Mitry IcPny, N-r-thnrntterbud : Heimd. Tuibnvdl--:' Hn-.-r. Milton; 1'iiiy ft ,eilker, tie T-zetowil ; I .fi-spnrir'p A Wotverton. I'nxi ii'w; Wiest, Hickory j ail dealer h in Medicine in the Omiitv and Slate. AuKiut 11, KV 1y. Bounty Land Warrants- T 11HOSE having bounlv lanJ warrmits in their iipmK-ion ntiil M-liniii to cii'osc ol thorn ran fiml a rpn.!y sali hy upiilyins ut the rosidenre tf tlie sul'srrilicr near Miumokiii liam, ( moil comity Pu. He wilt u'so alien 1 to the ohtainin of bounty land warrant from the Uqtarttiient at a reasonable recompense. L. li. HUMMEL. 8unhuryf August 14. 1.')'. 3m. TO THE EI.LCTOKs OK NORTllirMBER LAXI) ('(H'NTV. j IELLOW CITIZU.N'tS: Encouraired hy oni li v of my nuuieroiis fricni!, I rc? ectfuily ' offer invwlf a candidate fur the Oiiiiv of licister 05 IJecordtp, nt the rnnuinp; election. Should I elected, I (iromiM to dischurse the clulics uf naid oiiice with fidelity and impartiality. JOHN P. ITHSEL. Suuhury, July 31, 18.W. te. TO THE ELECTOUS OP NOUTllL.MBEK I.AX1) COIM'Y. pi'. .LOW CI'nE.NS : Encouraged hy liuincrmiH inciuls irom liucrciii i;iris ui the County. I respectfully oiler hivm-II' to yuu an the PEOPLE'S CAN UIUATU at the neit election, for the. otlicc of Itcgisti'l' 65 liecoi-dt'P. Broucht forward hy tho wishes of the people I cheerfully mihuiit myself to your decision. And hould you ee lit to entrust llie wilh the dutien of mid ollice, I will endeavor to discharge liiem to the mitisf irtion of all. Youih, respectfullv, JOHN BUYERS, l-iuiihiiry, July 31, tc. T-XLCFJ1TG. JOHN V. MAUTIX, EOS leave to inlorin 111s irieuos uno 1110 pun- lie in geuerul. tlit lie is prepared 111 every renpect to inako rlotluns oner ine mom Fashionable Styles, nil in the most durahlc manner, and his prices will he aa reasonahlo us can he had in Sunliury nr elsewhere, inrHli or approved country produce. He will always have the iidvuiiluoes ol the latest fashion plates, ! ! i t i.,r to his acknowl . . .i.:ii i.. itimr. he will Iw assisted hy the eoueii skim , .- . 1 direction of the most ient.l.c puhhcutiona rela lin to that art, now issued from the cmponuma f fashion in the Cited States. An endeavor i I- made always to have work completed W H i. establishment is situated in Maiket Square, oooosite the Post Ofhce, 111 the bui Itog foru,erlv occupied hy Ja.oh 1'a.nU.r a. . hatu'r sl0(.. b. it will be . pleasure to ...n io tf hi. friends, and make such work lor them i. within the line of m nusii.e... 9.. If- GEORGE Y- ZLMEIIMAN, VEN1TIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, No. Gi Arch Street, four doors above Second, PHILADELPHIA, CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF ELINDS, Which for stylo of finish nnd workmanship o lowest prices. Also TRANSPARENT nt the lowest uncos. WHOLESALE, AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. t-Sr MERCHANTS and others are invited to call and examine. Philadelphia, August 21, 1S53. ly. Valuable Ueivl Kstate FOR SALE. I 9V virtue of an order issued out ol the u phans' court of Northumberland county, n il' he exposed to sale, on the premises, on On Tkursdaij, the 6lh dnj of Sept. ne.d, the following real estate, viz : All that certain M TAVERN STAND nnd VALUABLE FARM, nitunte in ShamoUin township, .Norlhumbcrlniiil enmity, on the Centre turnpike, about 8 miles from Sunhurv. the county town, adjoining lands of Ves'i-v heirs, Ananias Buxton and others, tWm'in'ii'' one lunulre l and fifty vfrrf, more or less, 20 acres of which I ciiiK in good meadow, a small creek ruuiiini: tlirouah the , same, and about 21) acres thereof bciin; well tini- bcred, the residue liein? in a liiU lac of culliva- ; tion mid under excellent fences. Thcro is also I on the premises an ORCHARD of choice fruit. trees. Tl.c buildings consist of a two story stone DWELLING HOI'SE, . . i r.fp...-.... VI.. it miill.fta I been kept as such for upwards of Ib'i years. A j lare and coiivcnicnt HANK DARN, with abun- dance of pood slicds ami other out-liuildinsjs. i Due-third of (lie iurcliuse money, or widow's i dower, can remain ill the hands of the purchaser, j by hcinir secured on the premises. Ueinj lain the real estate of Martin Weaver, dee'd. ' Title wf in II li'n nir u i.i.i in . 'itiiii.. . indisputable. Attendance will be given bv WILLI A M II. MIENC1I, Aiiin'r. Nhiimnkin tp., An?. M. 1S.VJ ts. Oil PJL I XSV CO URT SALE. UN pursuance of nn order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale on Saturday the 2'ltli day of ,?ep teiubir next, on the premises, the followinp; described properly to wit: A certain tract of land, situate in Lower Aucusta. township, in said County adjoining lands of Peter r'ettennan, Dan iel Loin; and Henry Dloom, contaitiine about twenty nine acres. Late the estate of Elizabeth l'iester, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. A- M.. of said day, when the terms of sale will be made known bv JOHN 1'OY, Guardian. Ev order nf the Court, 1 .1. P. PI'RSEL, I'lk, O. C. Ai. 1 1, isr. ct. ) A valuable Farm for Sale. rfftliK uivl.'rsinned, will (dier at public, sale, A on TUESDAY, the 5th of OCTOBER! next, nt 10 o'clock, A. M , of saiit day. nt tho . Slioiiiokin l;un llot-1. kept bv Ceo. Kecne, I in Pimiii township, Union county, u hijihly IMPROVED 1'ARM, situiitcil in said township, about half a mile tiuliiw the Shamokiu Dam, containing Onr. Iiundred ttnd firenfy-two .Icrcs, morn or less; ono hundred and ten nctcs nf which are in a !ii;;h stale or cultivation, tho balancii heiiijr wood land ; bounded on the east by 111" Susquehanna, river and tho Petin svlvan'ia canal, on the poulll and west by .. . r ,,, iin,n nn. no th north bv nm., ..t . i... . ........ land of llftiry 1 hit I tiiatt, and npoit winch are c-1 t'o 1 1? v.1 tl liir'M and Well lillislll'll two StOty , ri.rTivr unlTCC -rrV FRAME DWELLING HUlJSc.; a widl finishcil and commodious frame SWITZER B.R; si; l)ui!diii2s nre prected immediatolv nt Th l!n Statu toad leading fiinil Northumberland to ll.inisburj;. There is a never failing sprints of excellent water, over which is erected a Spiint; House, convenient to the j dwellins, together with sutnliy out-buildings, j &c. Alsa a cnml APPLE ORCHARD j full srrowtli, an.l one of rocpnt fi-t- of t i ri out, einbi aiMi- FOine cluiioo ftuit trees. , 1 lii're an; alsn ercclcil on ?aul prpmisi-s, im i inmliali'ly Hi tlm Pennsylvania canal, a laigo ami well finislieil two slory j Frame Divdlln and Kitchen, ' will) a well of excellent water at llie iloor, i tn"ilher with convenient slabliim. &. Theio I is a whaif rniinin parallel willi the ciinal 'anil fronting paiil duelling, eligibly situated for the prixi'ditioii of an extensivo COAL and I.UMBKIl business. j TciiMs : ('no hull' of the purchase monpy j ; to be secured by bonds nnd moilpage on the . premises wilh interest, in reasouiible pay- menls: S 1 r0 to be paid on the day of sale j anil llie balance on delivery 01 inu ueeu. ; Title indisputable. E. n. M AUK LEY, Ascnt. I Smibiiry, July :!1, 152. Is nXTIIACT OP COrPEE. All excellent article more wholesome und much cheaper than Coll'.ie itself, por sale ut this ollice. April 17 1.V 8 AND BILLS neally printed on now type 1 - promptly executed at this office. Also l):mks, of u 11 Kinds on superior paper. I Sunhiirv, pcli. I I, 18;.-'. " l'KK.MII'.MS OF" The AiiculUiPiil Society. Tlm followiu" are thiJ iroiniuin oflercd by tho NorlhuinbiMhiiid County Agricultural Nicii-ly, nt llui tmxt annual exhibition which will ho hold at Northumberland, on Thursday and Friday tliu 7lh nnd 8ih days of October i,ct. HOUSES. Best stallion over 4 veurs old, Second " " Bust " i.nder 4 years, Second " 55,00 3.00 4,00 2,00 5,00 3,00 Best inara w ith colt at her side, ocond " " Diplouinn will be awarded for all lino ani uiuls, not comni'' undor these heads. CATTLE. Di nii AMs o(i shout Horns Best bull, 2 years old and upwards, 5,00 Second " 3,00 Best bull calf under 2 years &, over 6in, 3,00 Second " " 2,00 Best bull calf under 6 months, 2,00 Socond " " 1,00 Best cow over 3 years, 4,00 Second " 2,50 Best heifer between 2 & 3 years, 3.00 Second " ' 2,00 Best heifer under 2 years, 3,00 Second " " 2,00 The same premiums will bo awarded to Dcvuus under fheir respective heads. NATIVES. Best bull 2 years and upwards, 3,00 Besl bull calf under 2 yrs and over 6m, 2,00 Best " under 6 months, 1,00 Best cow, 3 year and upwards, 2,00 Best heifer between 2 and 3 years, 1.50 Best heifer urder 2 years, 1,00 Best yoke of oxen, 4,00 Second " 2.00 Best fat bullock, 3,00 Second " 2,00 Best fat cow or heifer, 3,00 Second ' 2 00 cannot be surpassed. Wholesale and WINDOW SHADES AND REED Retail BLINDS SHEEP. B'.'.t ram over 1 year, Rest ewe, Rest lamb, SWINE. Best boar over 1 year, Second " " Rest sow, Second " Rest pair of shoals under I year old, Second " " Best fat hojr, POULTRY. Best pair of lurkej s, Second " Best pair of geese, Second " Rest pair musk ducks, Second " Best pair puddle ducks, Second " 3 00 2,00 2,00 3,00 2,00 2,00 1 50 2,00 1,50 2,00 1.00 50 1.00 50 1,00 50 1,00 o0 Best p'r Shanghai or Cochin China fowls, 1.00 Necond " 50 Hest pair Chillagongn, 1,00 Second ,; 50 Hest pair Creole or Bolton greys, 1,00 Second " 50 best pair Polish. 1,00 Second " ' 60 Rest pair forking, 1,00 Second " 50 Rest pair game, 1,00 Second ; 50 Best pair wild turkeys, 2.00 Largest and best collection of fowls, 3,00 NuM laigest " 1 50 OiUAIX AND POTATOES. Best bushel white wheat, 2,00 Second " 1.00 Best bushel corn, 2,00 Second ,; 1,00 Best bushel oats, 1,00 Best bushel niprcer potatoes, 1,50 Second " 1,00 Best bushel potatoes other varieties, 1,00 Best i bushel sweet potatoes, 1,00 Second " 50 VEGETABLES. Besl beets, not less than 6, 1,00 P:irrnl 11 1 nn " 4 bushel onions, 1.00 " 0 heads cabbage, 1,00 ( " 3 squashes, 1.00 " A pninplilns, 1,00 Speciiil premiums will be awarded to cau liflowers, tomatoes, and all other gulden veg etables of extraordinary quality. FRUIT. Best 4 bushel of apples, 1,00 Second " 50 Best " (uiiices, 1.00 I Second " " '50 I Best " pcais, J.00 i Second " " 50 Best riapi s, not less than C bunches, 1,00 Second " " 50 IMPLEMENTS. Iiest threshing machine, " reaper, " seed drill, " corn planter, " winniiwinir mill, " corn sheller, " plow, " cultivator, " roller, " corn plow, " straw culler, " hirin wagon, " sett of harness, 4,00 .'i,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2.00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1,00 ': horse rake, " grain cradle, DAIRY, &c. Best butter not less than 5 pounds, Second " " 1,00 50 1.00 60 1 00 Best 5 lb Second hont'y. Best loaf of bread 4 lbs. Second ' Best ham cured by exhibitor, Second " Best 0 lb", homo made soap, Second ' DOMMSTIC MANUFACTURES Best i;i!t, " counterpane, " h"arth rusr, " pair blankets, " 20 yards carpel, " home-made cloth 10 yds, " " flannel fi yds, 50 1.00 50 1,00 50 1.00 1,00 1.00 U10 1.00 1.00 1,00 " pair knit woolen socks or stockings, 1,00 " " " ploves, 1,00 " home-made thread 1 lb. nnd np'wd, 1,00 MISCELL A N EOPS ARTICLES. Under this bead will be embraced, me chanical inventions, tools, furniture, and nil oilier articles, riot cominp under any nf the above heads Prizes will be awarded. e cot ding to the means of the Society, and the merits of the articles offered. PLOWING MATCH. Best plowing, 5,00 Second " 4.00 Third 3,00 Fourth " 2,00 Tho following Committees were then op pointed : On Houses. A. E. Kapp. Joseph Nicely, Anthony Armstrong, Wni. B. Kipp, Jesse C. Ilorton, John Painter, J. B M.tsser. On Catti.k. Thomas Johnson, Robert M'. Williams. Jesse llensyl, James Forrester, Win. (i. Scott, John B. Heller, John Nesbil. On Shkep. Win. L. Cook, Samuel I. John- roil, George. Keller, Wm. D. Gearhart, Jas. Rynerson, M. B. Prieslhy, John Wheatley. On Sw:nk Joseph Yaukiik, John Moore, Wm.ll Kase. J. Weimer Leiqhou, Philip W, llilffert, George Eveiard, J. Boyd Smith. O.N I'or 1. try. Dr. Joseph Piiestley, Dr. Wm. McCleerv, Henry Eckberl, Alexander Jordan, L. A. Bergstresser, Kobert J. Wilson, C. B. Smith. On Grain and Potatoes. Samuel Hep burn, Beni. Gearhart, James Cameron, 1. H. Watts, Elida John, Jacob llilbish, John Iwou ter. On Vegetables. James Pollock, Alexan der Colt, Reub.-n Troxel, Samuel K.Gilger, Jacob Seasdiollz, S. R. Peal, C. F. Lit'le. On Fuimt. W. C. Lawson, It. B- Blasser, R. M. FrieU, J. R. Eck, G. B. Yuungmaii, Cen.sO Baehmau. M. M. KanD On Imi'i.ements. Wm. H. Muench, J. H. Zimmerman, Wm. Forsyth, John Tagsarl, John Montgomery, Geotge Frederick, Geo. Brosious. MtscELt.ANEors. -David Tapnart, Win. 11,!e. E. W. Chanin, J. B. Packer, Chas, Pleasants, Samuel 11. Wood, James Covert, 1). B. McGregor. George Apsley Dairy, kc Jos. Neabit, (Chilisqnnque,) John Best, Wm. ! forsyin. jamea jaguri, Wm. Elliott. John Frank, Francis Gibson. Domestic Manufactures. u. DraHiigam, William Weimer, M. D. Withington, John A. Taylor, Joba M. Hoff, Wm. G. Kaae, Wm. IVppen. Mitch. Eliiah Ciawford, Wil ton Uutchinaon, George Conrad, Jacob Pain ter, W. H. Leichou. John Oberdorf, Jacob Leiaenring. CHERRY PECTORAL: For ihe Cure nf COUGHS, GOLDS, HOARSENESS, BKOW OHITXS, CROUP, AS Til 1VXA, WHOOPIMO. COUGH AMD CONSU1VIPTIOM. Thii mvttlunlilo remedy fur oil discuses ff the Throat and Limis, has attninril n cclnbrily from its idnnrknl'li! cures never cipinlleil hy any other medicine heforo. Other picpnrutions lmve shown Ihemsclvcs palliatives, end sometime ef fected notablo cures, but none Im ever so fully won the confidence of every roiiiniiinity where it is known. Afler years of trial in every climate, tho results have indisputably shown it to possess a mastery over this dangerous elnss of diseases, which could not fail In aUruct the attention uf Physicians, Patients, and the public nt large. See the stasnnents, nut of olwurc individuals nnd from far distant places, but uf men who are known and respected throughout the country. The widely celebrated' Surgeon, Dr. YAL ESTISE MOTT, oX. Y. City, says: It nivei mo ptrnsiirc lt reitil'v tlift mini nndciTic-n-y rf "Aycru Clicrry i'cct'tral," wliirh I ctuiil. r (ivculitirl)' adttpteU t'l cure Uicuncs nf tlie tlirunt hihI liiiiifi ' Dlt. PKKKINS, the veiirrnl.lo rrrt-iilcut of Mm Ver mont Mnlieol Collieut one of tiie eniinently l arm-il pliys K'ioui of tliiii L'uuntry, wrilcn, tlm Clu-rry Vwtonil i ex IciiHively umi1 in thin ncrtinn, nhtre il linn titrnvn mniti Uikublc eviituicc uf its happy dice is upuii iiuliiioiuiry dta en Hen. The Rev. J. D. COHRASE, a distinguished Clergyman of the English Churchy writ In the Proprietor fmm Mmitrpiil, tlmt hr hn benn curctl of n severe ntlituatic iillet-iimt. hy Cherry Pectoral." His Irtter nt lull loutli, rn:iy he C-uih1 in mir t'itenlHr, to be hud of the Agent, and is worth tliu ulttntioii of until inulic puticnle. This letter is from the veil known Druenist at HillsdulCy Mtchizatiy one of the largest deul erg in the State ; and this case is from his own observation, IJlUsDAt.E, Mich., Pec. 10, 110. Pour Sir : linmrdifilrly receipt nf your Cherry Pee toi'il, I c-mrii-tl a boUUi tu tin in-tpntint.-uicn nf mint: who w;i thttnihi to he nenr hts eil with quirk (tnsnnitiiii. lie Wi- tinrti unnhlc t rine frum hie nnrl wuh extreme iy feehle, 1 1 is f riemlR h'-tievt-tl he must R -"il flir'. imle reliel' ciMihl lie nhlnnieil fur him. mul 1 imliuTil ihetn to uive y"iir I'xerMetit imilirine n I iunurmnlely left tnvnfir three weeks, unit yon nmy jinlu ot my mir prim on my return, to meet him in tin- Rtrn-t on my wuy h"mc fn-in tin cuff, nml fnul he h:ul tititirc'v reeo eretl. I'mir weeks frnin the ilnv ht- C"imii-ner'il l-ikiiii; your mediciiM!, lie vii8 ut work ttt hip iirliniis Itaiie nt u blur kmitfi. Tht-rr ore other cnseii within my Uii'iwli.lee. wh-re the Chcriy Peeturul tum been nincntttrly fuc cssiul, lint nom so iirukttl us thiH. Very trulv v-'itrf. Y?'. v. i.xni'.p.Wf.'Oi). Hear the Patient Ur. J C. Ayrr, IwelI, Denr Pir : Ferlinc imd r nb- f i, .mi,. ta t, iVirtlif n-eti .mti.ui nl mi lu-iill h. I Mciiil toil n re-mrt nf inv cum., whieh v-ni nrc nt tihenv t put-iili "f. r the henettt of utherH. Iast autimiii I I'Hik u bod cM, ue. (-'inpnnml bv n wvere c-High, find nmde ne of iiruiv int-d-icines without obtniiiini; relief. 1 was nblieed to ive up bnnineiis. H'-qnently r;ii!" d hl-nnl. titot c uiM f't no fleep nt inlit. A i rienn C'i'e uie u h 'lilt- i-i y nr i iierry rcPi" nil. the line of whieli 1 iminediat '!;.- e iiiiiit ne,-l nee 'nlii'if to diiertions. 1 have just Mirthtil llie tillli h ttk. and am nearly rer'ivred. I ti"w !eep w II, my ro'.ij;!i has cejsed. u'nd all by the use of your va!irMe meilieiiH.- i: s s i'hm;. a m. Principal Mt. Hope Seminary. IIaxovpr. Ohi. Apti! X lK'iH. Penr Sir I vi I cunM !!! nil thut wilier Willi n coni:h, what your Cherry Pcetonil hai d im- t'.ir nn-. It d"es M'oin (hey uik'ht he lieni lii ted by the in!-tinatn-n. 1 had a hi nc fever which left my limes V':ik uud inll.imcl. Iteiuu very feehle mid nr.;ib!e to trtim slteimlli nl nil, un friends thnii;'ht I mnft s ton muk in cnnKumpti'n. I hnd no npjie'iif, and n dieadi'ul etin-jh win taut wearing tne ii way. I becim to take your bemiiifnl ini'thoiiic. by the ud vice 'of clergyman, who had wpii ita effect before. Il censed my cuul-Ii nl tirHt, and pave me rent ut nmht. In Ic thai n f i tiiijiht- 1 ci'tild cat well, nnd my eiiiif!i liml ceased to be t roubles 'inc. inv nppeiile retnined, and my food nourished me, which soon resiotcd my ftienuth Now, Ht iei five weeks, 1 am well und strong, with no oth er lielp thun our L'herry Pet tnrnl. Yours, with respect, . JL'MA PKAN. 1 hereby eerlifv that the nhovo statement of my wife is in eiiiformity w ilh my own views of her cut-e hii1 her cure by Ave'r'n Cheriy Peelonil ,iosi;pit ni:. Tlie idiove nameil Joseph Demi nun .Ititiu, his wife, lire perwuially known to me, und implicit confidence may be placed in their statement. sa.mi i:t. r. ya pr.nwrvr, Pastor of the aptist Church. Prepared and so, b,, JAMES C. AVER, Practical Chemist, Lotrell, Mass. Sold in Sunhury hy II MASSEK, and by Driicgistd prcr.ciiilly throng i: illif Slate, roveiuhcr 1, 1851. lycelmo rtlULIC SAL hi. "ir"IIE subscribers will olfer at public sale, on A FRIDAY, the 3d of September next, oil the premises, the following real estate, viz. : .7 Tract of Limestone Ijund situated in Stone Valley, ill Lower Mahonoy ' lownsiup, orniumiicrianii cniiiny, nnjoimus , Isnds of Peter Wiliner, Isnun Drcibelbis, Jacob Spat, dee'd., nml others, uhout 0110 mile from 1 Georgetown, contaiiiim; : One hundred and scrent y-one. Vrev. ' 1 more or less, about one-half of this tract is clear- , I ed land uud in a iood statu of cultivation, the I rcaulue is woodlaml. Ihe improvements thereon are a good two story trame DWELLING HOUSE, 1 1 j n larce Stone Bank Barn, Wneon Shed, and other necessary oiit-lmildinjjs with a 1,'ood j siiriiicr near the dwellinir house. There are also I 011 Baid tract two lime kilns and lime stone quar ies. There are iipwanls of 1 S acres of meiidow land, wliich might easily be increased in quanti ty. Also two APPLE ORCHARDS TTt of choice fruit trees. Also unother Tract of Land, adjoining the above tract of land, in the same township, containing HO Aires, more or less. About tit) acres are cleared und in good cultiva tion, the balance beiiir? good woodland. All abundance of limestone is found in this tract, which might easily be worked. Also a Lot of Croiind, situated in suid township, containing One Acre, more or less, of cleared land, uiljoiniuir lands ot Philip Bohb, Michael Lahr, John Brosious and others. I.nte the es'.ulo of George Philips, dee'd. Term made known 011 day of sale by PETER W 1T.MEIJ, JACOB PHILIPS, Exe'ra. Lower Muhony, August 7, ts. Tu the Travetlins Fublii. First Class Iloltl Terms $1.50 per day. f1HE aubacriber liavinc lately lieeome proprie A tor of the FRANKLIN IIOI SE, Cheslnul (Street, below 3d and 4lh, PHILADELPHIA, ami having lir.iuci.ii Tilt emeu or Hot an to $1,50 per day, gives notice thnt, notwithstanding this reduction he will still continue to keep a FIRST CLASS IIOCSE. Franklin House has just undergone exteni'ed alterations, and is now fitted up and refurnished in superior style for the reception of visitors. The Lower Floor formerly occupied by stores, ia now included in the Hotel, forming a Spacious Kcception Room, (icnllcmcn's Parlor and Dining Room, thereby allowing an addition uf thirty chambers and several beautiful parlors fronting Chestnut street- Rooms in this Hotel am supe rior to most others, being constructed with al coves, forming parlor and bed chamber attached well lightened und ventilated. Its location is unsurpassed, cither for business or pleasure. DEN. II. WOOLMAN, Prop'r. Philadelphia, Aug. 14, IS.VJ. Sin. WM. M. K0CKEFELLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, M ItV, IM. Dec. 13, 1851. tf. EMERSOVSARITH EMETIC NoaTI.S 3. and Porter' Rhetorical Reader, just receiv ed and for sale by WM. McUARTY. Sunbury, May 1, 1851.- fEE BILL? Justice and Constable! Fee Bills kandsomelv printed on card paper for tale I at this cfuce. THE VERY LATEST ArxKRIVAL, CFIHAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! miLING & GRANT. Tf ESPECTFULLY inform Ihe public and "the rest of mankind," that they InvJ 'u received and opened the best and cheapest stotk of Spring and Summer Good 3 that has ever been brought to Sunbury. Their stock consists of every rarioty of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Castimeres, Sattinrts, Vestings, Drillings, Linens, And all kinds of Summer Wear. Alsn ft splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY COODS, Calicoes, Ginphams, Lawns, Chintzes, De Laines, llcrages, And every variety of goods suitable for La dies wear. Also hii extensive assortment of Panama and Palm Lfaf Hat. Also a, large assortment of .KOC'lult HS, srett AS Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also n larpe assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a tresh supply of DKUtiS AND MF.lMCtNKS. Besides Ihe largest and most ueneral assort ment of nil kinds of goods to bo had in this place. tTit Country produce of all kinds taken in ex chalice ut the highest market price. Sunbury, May 22, 18,)2. jo pkiTlips "& SON, Xo. 47 South Water Street, helow Chestnut, rHILAJDELrillA. IMTORERS or Foreiijn Fruits. Nuts, M'incsf(r ee., keep constantly on limit the followin" articles, which they will sell at very low prices for cash. liaisins. Walnuts, Prunes, rilberts, Sweet Oil, Liquorice, Port Wine. Sherry " Almonds, Currants, Citron, Ground Nuts, Cream Nuts, Dates, Pi);, Yanilln beans, Preserved inr;cr,nmrind. Lemon Syrup, Fire Crackers, Madeira Wine. Claret Wine, Muscat " Sweet Malaga " Philadelphia, July 3, 1S.')2. ly. Valuable Property. Lato the Estate of E. P. SHANNON, Esq., Oi.ort!iiinibciJ;iiMl AT r?JTATZ SALE. riMlE subscribers, Executors of the Estate of Ephiairn P. Shannon, late of the Bor lth of iNorthlimbo land, oiler at private sale, tho following valuable Real Estate, viz: Lot No. 77, corner of Queen and Front Street, on w hich is erected a two story Brick Building, formerly occupied by Ihe deceased us a Store and D.vidlin, and now occupied as such. There are also on the lot two fiume dwellinos. &e. Lot No. 5'J, situated in Maiket Street, on whieh is erected a two story white Frame Dwelling, &c. adjoining John Tugjjurt, Est., occupied by Kuous. Lois Nos. G'J, 70, 71 &: 72, situate in Mar ket Slreet, a two story while Fiame Dwel liii";, occupii'd by James Dimly, and a stable is erected on lots No. (iil & 70. The undivided half of Lot No. 120, situate on Ihe comer of Duke and 4th Slreet, on whieh is erected a two story dwelling, occu pied by Joseph McCallisler. . Lot No. 1SS, situate in Queen Street on which is erected a two story while Frame Building, occupied by John lluikeit. Lot No. 00, situate at Norlhway and Wa ter Sneets, on which are erected two Framu Dwellings and Stabling, occupied by widow Yaudling and John Yandling. Also the undivided fourth pntl of lot ltifi, on which is erected a two Mm y Fiaioe Duel ling, occupied by Jehu Yandjke. j Also ten acies of cleared land, adjoini. g j lands of John Deshay, on the r.asl side nl ilio Susquehanna, about three miles below Dan ville. Also two adjoining; vacant town lots, situ ated on the corner of Second and Orange streets, numbered in the general plan of Bor ough. Nos. 215 & 216. Also four vacant lots on Third and Orange Streets, numbered in llie geneial plan ol said Bofongh. Nos. 20!, 210, 211 & 212. Also tour vacant lots friiniiiig on Market mid Sixth Streets, ruuuins East to an Alley, numbered in the general plan of baid Bor ough, Nos. 77, 78, 79 & 80. Also four vacant lots fronting on Orange Stieel, and numbered in Ihe general plan ol said Borough, Nos. 1S5, lsti, 187 1K8. Tho above properly will bo sold in parts or parcels to suit puichasers, on reasonable terms. For further parlicnlais apply to John Cake, Esq., at Northumberland, or to the subscribers. ALFRED KNEASS, ) , THOMAS STRAW BRIDGE. ( tx Northumberland, May 22, 152. tf. TIIE GREATEST HISTORICAL AND Allegorical Print of the Age, In Commemoration id that most important event in tho AMERICAN REVOLUTION, The flritisli Riinviiilrriiis ihiir linns to . GENERAL WASHINGTON After their defeat ut VORKTOW'N, Virginia, October 1781. M'lIF. Ktteravinff is cx.-culctl by Tanner, Viilbnec, Kciir- it-y & Co . I'loni an nniiui! .Iniwins.' Iv J. F. Jfriiault, hikI piii li licit by It'-nj.iiniil 'i'anncr, l,nuiivr, I'hllailcl. ilo,i. 'J'lK hi2u . f tiic prinl l :I1 ini-lit'H iiii.I vj. or luuiuUy iuil:ihcd tf SiilihcriU-ri. nl I'J in llie K.M'I.A NATION. Tiik IIktokv. lii the lir.t uiul iiiun.l plju sre mlubiu-d llin-c laru "miui'S -f Ihe (iluicii'iil i-llict i., wh i were pie srnl III tin lraiiKH-ll"n, Willi u I'.iitlil'ul hkelu-fl ol .nt-li. Ill llie liist ,roiip I. ..-en fi.-u -nil WhkIiiiirI"!!, lienei'lil Ileli;iiiil-.'iii, lienenil Linc'iln. i.'ol-'liel ll:iiiiilt-ii, tin r.ltl Fiirnu-r eiipei' lo rtntellipl 'le liicTiH', Jlilly llie servant, uml llie ll.-rse !' lieueral Wiitltinet n. In llie Kec.pii.l ffroup, lire Anierica-i unit l-'lench Ortirert: r.eueml Kikix, s.rtr.-tnry 'an, the llukede iaizuu, and the M:iiiits tie t-a l'aleltn. 'I'll.- tlnril mup is d.-scriptive of th llriii.h surremler iim Iheir iiriua. lml l.'oiliw:illi., tieiu-rul O'lliiru, t'oui in store liinilflis. I'ol.'nel Tnrll"ii, wilii twit hngels cut oir, l.iisili-iuinl Col iti.-l ltiilpll Alu-rero nliie. Lieutenant Ccl-uicl luti'l:is. I--T.I I'lirwl-'ll. A c. IirU"ornw:illl Bp Maik pi.-seiil mi; Ins .wool to the tirst e.i.ernl Ollicer lie meets, hat (ieneiul Waliini.'t li is noint-i out to htin as the only person to vl i he is to surrender his sword. On die lH.-ie.tits and in llie diluis uie llie ililfereut ar mies and crowds ol' The House ol' Sivrelnry Wilson, occupied by Lord Cornwa'.li. und tits sialt. which was t.'iuUirdcd and' pierced willi lalis : ihe Maripus de Iji Fuyelle havini! reinurkeil that they we-r curriinp dishes f-a the dinner ol" l,-rd Corn wall is.' asked leuie ol tienersl Vusliinet-'ii to serve him ti dish ol' his own ciN.kine, and immediately ul'ter several Ivunlishells fell tliroutrti tlie risif on Ihe lulile. and woimHed .nine, nnd dispersed the parly- TllK Ai.l.saoBV On Ihe hit is envied a monument in honor of those illustrious heroes who sacrificed their lives and fortunes lo insure to their citizens, the l.llierty and In dependence Ihev ii"W enl"V. Published nt m by WM. B. I.AN'K. rhiladelphm. and to Is- had hi the Olli'-e of the AM K.K1CAN CtlfUIKR," No 141 Chestnut Street, I'hlladclphiu, as premiums lo that impel . I'iT A lilral discount to A"cnts. I'hiludelphiu, June Sii, ISM SOAP & CANDLE MANUFACTORY, So. 19 ll'ooii SI., between id (f 3d Sts., and Ao. 17 North 6th Street, 1-lllLADF.l.riUA. John ILuifToft Jr. and Son, RESPECTFl'LLYinformStnre-keepera, Mer chants, &c., that they Manufacture and have for Sale, Palm, White, Variegated, Yellow and Drown Soaps, Mould and Dipped Candles, all of good quality and at reasonable pricea, "ir" Cash paid for Tallow and rough Fat. April 10 18o ly. BLANK DEEDS printed on the best quality of parchment paper, aold at tlm lowest puces j at this olTice, by wholesale and retail STORE. H.EXJAM1N JIKFFXKtt jjnst'PCKFI.'I.T.Y -informs th ci!.7ntn of tSunhury nl vicinity, tlmt Iio Hn opotict) a new More tn the room lately occupied by George Bright, opposite Uolton'i Motel. Ue ha just re ceivad ft h und tonic saortment of Spring; and Suimncr Cood, conninting in part of Cloth?. Cflssimcrs, Cassinctr SUMMER WAHK of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. AKSO : Cnllcor, GltF&Iium, I.nvns, 3IoiiHNr1lno Io l.tilnen and all kinds of T.n'riica Dress Uood. GKOCKUIES of every vnriuty. Also an aortment of IIiinhv.Ki1, Iron ami Steel, Kails, &c. A No on exrellnnt asHorlment t.f QUEENSWAKE, of various siyios and piitlpins. Also an aortment of HOOT U MSOTfS. Palm Leaf and other Hats and Caps. Salt, Fish, yc. Also a variety of MCJUOKS anrli ns IC randy. 4-in, Wine, JLc And a Rrent variety of other articles u li ns are Miitable to the trade, ull of wlikh wilt he sold ttt the lowest prices. 1.13 Country produce taken in exchange nt the highest prices. Siinhury, May 1, 1852. ly. Manufaclured by the New Jersey Zinc Company, Newark, N. J. riMIE Subfcrihers nre imw prcpnred t- execute onVrs I li onv extent for their liviiutittil white uml culurc-d Zinc Pa m;e, at iho reduced prices, viz : watramcu No. 1, White, ground in oil, 9 centt per lb., pire. No. 2, du. do. 8 do, do No. 3, do. do. 7 do. do Urmvn and Black, do. fi) do. do One hundred no mid s will cover enimllv vrll ns much surface ns KM) K. of White Lcud ; thiy are 25 percent cheaper to tlm consumer. Tho Zinc White is rapidly superpediriK White Titftil, over whieh it pofaftst-s many ndviuiinirrs It in winter, and more beautiful than the Wliite l,t:mt d'-os not turn yellow, even when exposed ht sutphuruiis vnpor hits no smvll is not injurKms to health, uud is far liimo du ruhle. ZiNcfiunwN axd nr.Arx Paints are poth Wbatukr and Firk TnooF. Tlie best c'lverinir tor outside, woik ever intftHlueed, adapted to huildntys of wo"d. brick or stone to tellers, tJirruic' bodies, bttdfri'F, uud iimi'hiuery to the hulls of veKsels, miehors, eliMing, und nil other Iron, work on bnurd ship to steuni Uulcrs, smoke tucks nnd water tanks to iron, tin. und other roof ii up, iron tehultter doors ami nilitifrs, wne fmees, bridges, Ace. For Iron iSiirfuees this 1'iiint in especially vnlunlile us it forms a gulvomc connect ion, and eulircly pieveuts rust. Thrse Zinc Paints Ictvine; a pure Mctultr Pnsp. ore wnr rnnted not t turn yellow, und wll return their original bnlliuney inurh inirer than White l.carl, or any of the earthy pigments now in use. The eertthentrs fro'm those who "h.'iVL Heed these Puints. are such ns to nuti5tv the pulv lie tlmt they are invaluable. The ultU-vt eh';niitn of Knuu'c uud this country h:ive ti'stiht-d to the superiority of Zmc over Lead Paints', as to durability, h:iliitultieKs nnd bcuuty. They have hc.-n. uilptid by ihu French Oovem ineut, by the eorpr.ration of Nv York, nnd urn now ex tensively used by the I'nitt-d ttn(s fj-ivetiitm ut ut many of the kit test Military and .Murine I .- l,nii.Aur:i.riii a (.as Woiiks. M -v !". M'ws. F. C. JoNts Ac Co. (icntli'iiiiin linviup imide sevenil trials of your Hrown Zinc Ta-nt in vnri'us Mifih (ds ciilcuUitt'd to (est its prot ctive qiuditicn U)m wkk) and metal, I have the satisfaction to strite that the remits have been highly lavniable. 'Die vont CMVeiini; well, dryinp quickly, and possesion pi cut it tenacity, v p.-(-iHMy nptm lion, thau ny other paint with which I utu fa uuiiar. Yours, truly. John C. Cnrsov. The under.-iancil. havinp used the Zinc Paints rcierred to eoneur in the f-n cl'i i nir opinion. Morns t Tusker A: .Morris Kriinet, Neafie 6c Co., Pcnn Works. Merrick V Sm, .lames T. Sut Ion A: 'nM Franklin Iron Works. J. T. !sin, U. S. Dry I).Kk. lT Dealers supplied on rcns"tiablo terms by the A pent s of the Conijduiy. f. c. jci-:s .v ro., No. 1Sjuiu Whurvcs, Pluln. .Inly 17, 1m2. 6tn. NEW STORE. PETEU y. GKAY TJRSrECTl'l'I.I.Y informs the citizens of Sniiliury und vicinity, thnt he has commen ced a new store in Whortleberry street, in tho house formerly occupied by .Mrs. Gray, nnd has jiikt received und imeucd u will selected assort ment of is ; -.-. :.:;.!. s-vttinetts, .it;! a ccnc:ul asoitment of LADIES DRESS AND FANCY HOODS of every variety and style. GROCERIES of every desci iplioti. Also nn assortment of HARDWARE AND QUF.ENSWARE, And a general variety of other nrticles such ns are suitable to the trade, all of w hich w ill be sold at the lowast prices. Country produce taken in exchange at the highest prices. suubury, May 15, IiSj". ton. & li fxUDHlLL, 4; und ,'lrch Sired, PHILADELPHIA. AVE established a Store where the best - "- trade now resort for Household Dry fioods, French Fancy (loods. Dress ISilks and Shawls, Hosiery, (ilovcs nnd Milts, Cloths, Ciissimers und Vestinss, Muslins nnd Linens by the piece. Damask Table Linens uud Napkins, Patent lilack Silks lor Dresses, Full fetlock of .Mourning (ioods. E. & L. nre constantly receiving l!uiiiiins from the New York nnd Philadelphia Auctions, whii h thev sell wholesale and retail very cheap tor Aott ( ash. Edward E. Evitr, Washington I. Landf.i.i., riuladelphia, July 3, 1035. ly. JUST IMCCKIVKI) AT THE Saddlery and Harness Establishment of G. AV. STliOII, Market Street, Snnburi, A pew assortment of Sllvrr, Ili'ilNN nnd JiipiuiiK'tl 31 oimtinjr;. Which he will cither make up to order or sell separately for cash ut prices ns low if not lower than can be hnd anywhere else. SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, TruukN, Tsillt'f'M. &.c, Constantly kept on hand or manufactured to or der. CARRIAGE TRIMMINti done on the shortest notico. All persons arc invited to call und examine for themselves. All kinds of produce taken in exchange, fcunbury, May 1, 185i. tf. Van Loan Daguenvnn (iallcry, 159 CVsiiirrt Street, 4 T this relelimled ertiblishmeiit you emi nlivays pro- cure tiie newest sud iiksI improved styles of pach:rhf.otvi'i: & TAi.HoTvrt. iokthaits. at I' W to Kmi H:r el. Lies, cost tliau such pirtures can be had for elsewhere. N'iw that you can bedim such pcrfeit porlrults nf your loyetl ones ut a lueifl nominal cost, don't fiekiy le.t you lose them, livery variety of funcy eases, frames. Ac, on hand or furnished to order, nnd everv picture niadn suliMory snd wairauted to l lu the best stvto of the ail or no rilAKoa Call and see us at lo'i Cbesimit st. i.. it rt n.r.i.L. riuladdlphia July 17, IMJ.-ly. SUNBURY FERRY. ENRV W. Bl'CHER informs the public that he has taken ihe Sunbury Ferry and aa he is now well prepared with good and sutli citint crafts he will lie enabled to accommodate the public with promtner.s and despatch. April 10, lis.'.U. tf. NEW COUNTRY STORE, A th Fort of the Plum Crerfc and Tutpe. hncken ttoadi (near Kreighbaum't Mack Smith Shop. JACOIl M'EIMEK, I ESPKCTrULl.V infuTma public that ha ha ojinnej a new Sture at the tiov place and lias jui roccived a aplendid atock of new Sprteg and Eumxer Goods, ConaUtitig in part of Cloths, Cassimirs, Sattinels, DRILLINGS anil all kinila of linen cotton anil worsted summer ware. ALSO: Callicoes, Kuslin de Laiiies, Lawxu, 4itih:uu, Anil nil kinil of Urns (ooil for Ladiea. Its, loi'i'tK, curj a r ( M or. aiur., &.e. GUO;KKII:s, ofall kind. BRANDY, Cm, WNIE, an,l alt kind of Liquors. Hardware Iron nml Slrtl, Kails, Ic, OUEENSWARE. Shoe. 15oo!p, Cup.., Talm lfaf ami other Hula, Fish, Salt, &c, Alt of wh'uli he will wll nl the mot rfaonlJ priro I'rrr or countrj produce. May 8r Soi -tf. Wholesale mid Btetnil Clock ESTABLISHMENT. S. E. Comer Second and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPHIA. "ViniEKE miy l,P found, one of the largrat ' nnd hrt osHortinrlitu ol' Clocks and Time jiierps in the 1'irilrd States, in quantities to auit pirchnsers, of from n atnijlc Clock, to one thou sand Clocks; cmhriicini; every Tiirietv of Htyln nnd manufacture, fiiitnlile for Chnrchrs, Hall, Conntinc Houaca, 1'arloix, Bleeping A iiartnientu. nnd KiU'hfUs, Steam mid C'unul Boats, and Rail Komi Cars. Also pale Ajcnt, for Rripp'a lately pat ented Scientific Niche Gold Pen. Wholesale nnd Retail Gold and Silver Ren Holders, and Pencils, and a variety of Fnticy Goods. Those wishing to purchano will lind it to their interest to call before puri hasius elsewhere. JAMES HARDER. S. U. Cur. Chestuut & 2nd Sis., Phila. April 1(1, 1855. ly. SECOND Fresh Arrival of Goods AT TUB NF.W STORE OF I. AV.TKXKU&CO., Nearly opposite Wearer's Hotel, Market St.) Suntiiry, Northumberland County, Pa. E beg to announce that we nre receiving a new and varied supply of goods from Philadelphia ill addition to our present new stock ; ull of which wo oiler at such prices aa wo think should command ft speedy sale, our philos ophy is, to sell cheap and turn our money often ; and We know that at the year's end this will pay us better than slow sales and large profits, and nur customers will in the meantime have the benefit of goods nl low prices uud of the best quality. Our stock consists of Dry (loods, Iffa nl ua re, l u ce n swa rc, GROCERIES, WIN FN AND LIQUORS, Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas and Parnsuls, Boots nnd Shoes, Hats nnd Caps, Looking li hisses. Wall Puper for lloom and Window lilimls, Oranges, Lemons, rS'uts und Candy, Salt, Mackerel, Salmon Dried Deef, Plain nnd Fancy Hams und Shoulders, Nails, Window (jlass, Paint SI oil', Oils and Putty, Car pet Chain, Cotton Laps and Yarn, with a variety of other articles. N. 11. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange ut the highest maiket prices. 1. W. TEN ER iV CO. Sunbury. June 2(1, 185-J. ly.c LIBERTY STOVE WORKS, I.UOWX STREET, n.ot'c Fourth, rHILADELFHIA, rjIHE undersigned respectfully inform the pub lie that they ure in full operation at their new foundry, nnd ready to execute orders for j stoves of every description on the most reasona ble terms. They invite the attention of .STOVE DEAL ERS to their large assortment of STOVES, all of w hich arc entirely new, mid got up at great expense. Anions which ure tho Liberty Air Tight t'ook, Complete Cook, Slur Air Tight, Star Franklin, Mar Radiator, Jenny Lind Im proved, Five King Radiators, Salamanders, Can nons, liases, liarc lyiimicru, Liar noom moves, Furnaces, (Jas Ovens, Ac, &c. AUUOTTiV LAWRENCE. X. I). Country merchants are particularly invited to call and examine our assortment. April 10, ISM. ly. il. cnnxr.urs. i. k. iiakku. w. c. barer- Cornelius. Jjakcr Co., M AMTATi'ltlUiS OF Lamps, Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, &c. STORE NO. 176 CHESTNUT ST.. Manufactory No. 1S1 Cherry St., FKII.ADSI.rKXA. April 10, ISM. tf. dXyid coo per, commission meuc11axt, Flilt TUT. f.xl.i: OF Fish, Provisions, fyc, Vo. 0 A'orth Wharves, PHILADELPHIA. April 10, I53 ly. AVin. 3h Curtv, Bookseller. UESrnCTFl'LLY informs his friend and the public, that ho has removed his Book Store, to Market street, to the house occupied by J. Naille, Esq., Attorney at Law, nearly op posite the Court House, on the north side. here keeps for sale constantly on hand a good assortment of hooks und stationary. For Nab? A large new spring waggon Ct for 3, 3 or 4 horses. Sunbury, July 21, 1H5J. tf. HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ujjice opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pa. l'rotnpt allention to business in adjoining Count ies. J. IL &W. B. HART, W HOLES A L li O UOUERS No. 2i!) North 3d St., above CaUowhill, 7UIX.ADEI.rniA. A large assortment of Groceries always on hand, which will Ut sold at llie lowest pikes for Cash or approved Credit. April 10, 1853. ly. Lycoming; Mutual Insurance Company. 1 R. J. 11. M AK.SE K is the local agent for ths above Insurance Company, in Northumber land county, and is at all times ready to sfle.-J Insurances against tire on real or personal pro perty, or renewing policies for the same, bunbury, April 'iii, 1851. tf. THRESH Vanilla Bean cf a superior qwUty, tort receivsd and for tale bv July 31, H. B. MAriES eunf.117, Ansust II