SUNBURY AME1UCAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL." Poetry. WOOD THOUGHTS. iiENr tncrn. Dreaming in tha Nassau forest As tho moon crept by All thai moveJ tha browu wood-linnet, Gnat, and anla and I All that spake, such sudden mutmurs As, from sylvan ground Wnke and whisper and then perish Like, thought, than sound . Came a sense of soft inviting, Such as lift the eyes Of tho world's forgotten children (11 a glad surprise. Listen dwe-lleis in dank hedges Listen city's poor Listen toil-soil, wan mechanic Pauper serf and boor ! Greay-lintlpd out nt elbows All that cannot win Access to a prince's pictures, Hero ate mine. Come in. Nature guards this portal never Shut to miry shoes Show your heart 'tis written, "Peace till" Pass, where'er you choose. Take tho ninss-throno she provides you Lift her inmost sneens Dint her sacred coipeu richer, Sufler than a queen's Von, who lords hav ton much honored With a saucy nod Stand in Ilis mignst creations Face to face with God. Leaving then, tnke this memorial Of one happy day Ho that rules from giant forest Down to tiny May rreathes a welcome full as gracious, Through these tongneless things, To your homely, rude assemblage, As to troops of kings : Sops perhaps, in those poor faces, Bright with serious joy, Something of man's first expression Love without alloy. Something too of that hich future That still tow'rd us rolls Bringing woods whose trees are temples, And whoso flowers white soul A STRING OF ITEMS. Tub hfioht or folly. Taking hilters when one has no money to pay for a dinner. The most lasting stuff for a silk gown A chancery suit. One firm in New York pays S1200 a year to several papers for auction advertisements. The receipts of the Hudson River Tiail Koad for July will run up to S75,000. The battle of Thermopylae was fought on the 7th of August 480 B. C. The cholera has disappeared from all the towns in Kentucky, where it prevailed. Those annoying insects, the mosquitoes, are remarkably scarce this season. The total length of tho Mississippi river, with its tributaries, is 51.000 miles. A Late Gk.rman Writer says that Gothic architecture is petrified religion. Bos F.D Turkey. Any turkey a thief sees out of doors after nightfall. Never ,enter a bed-room without knock ing that is, if the thermometer is above 90 in the shade. lr you wish to become low spirited talk to a bore. Yawning is as early cauohl as lob a'.ers. A Witty Cotemporart remarks that the first dress worn by mother Eve, was a bare skin. Mb, John Moore, a revolutionary sol. Iter, nr;ed one bundled and one years, died in Memphis, Tenn., on the 30th till. 'Don't call me a boy '." Raid a l:rast" youth the other day in our hearing. "I've worn a stand up collar these four years !'' lYlor Salt, a resident of Warren county, Ohio, was ridden on a rail recently, by his neighbor, for shamefully abusing his wife. Right. A Bai'Uixor, the olher morning remarked that wives who use the needle are like the enemy spoken of in the parable they stir tares while the husbandmen sleep. A Western Editor says that in the town where his paper is published, ''a rattlesnake was killed a few days ago by a man with thirteen rattles." To support shirt collars tluriiiij the present run of hot weather, a genius down east has invented a set of pullies which pass ever ears. In the month of June, iiachfi, the Kieii. ;. actress, gave 24 performances in different cities of Fiance and Belgium, by w hich slm made $I6,S00. John Morrison, of Leicester, who wat bitten by a spicier, some ten days since, lied from the effects of the bile on Wednes day the 4th iust. A matt with a pair of wooden legs is an nounced for Congress in Illinois, lie makes tho best stump speeches of any in litem diggings. Domestic The last piece of marilal inso-' leuceis the following dialogue : Husband, I don't know where that boy got his bad tem pernot from me I'm sure." N0 " jou-t perceive you have lout any." About Right. Be nol too ready lo pr0 nounce thai you think a bad youth will ne cessarily become a bad man. Yonder sturdy oak may have grown from an acorn lhat had been rejected by a hog ! A cheap boarding house has been onen ed down in Broadway. In the mornim; iney nave uoilea potatoes for breakfast which are alioed up and fried for dinner and served up cold for supper. Board is only seven shillings per week, including lodging lor single gentlemen three in a bed. During thb Trial of the license cases in J'lovideuce, one of the defendeuts who ar gued his own case, on rising lo address the jury, apologised by saying thul be was not ediMated a lawyer, but had spent seven years in learning the tailor's tiade. To which the Judgo responded, "You oertainly ought then 10 bo able to maiiaje a suit. Tremendous Excitement ! ! Cash, Steam, "Electricity!! The Atrial and afl oilier lines out-done ly the Lightning Mne of IRA T. CLEMENT. VyilO, having great faith in rapid aide and smalt profits, has just received ana opened a Urge assortment of HPKLNU AND SUMMER GOODS, At his Store in Mar;;c.t Street, Smiburv, which he offers to tho public nt the lowest prices. His stock consists of a general assortment ol Dry (lootls, viz : Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin tie Lams, Lawns, Uiniihams. lleragrs. Siu; &. Pai.m Lkap Hats. A huge .assortment of Hoots mid Shoes, for .Men, Women and Children. Groceries, Sugar, Tea, CofT.-p, Molasses, Cheese, Spi ces, r ish Salt, Plaster. HARDWARE, Viz. : It :i i.nJ Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, Ac. (2 TEENS WARE, Tea Setts, Plates. Dishes, Cups, Saocers, A'c I1',' ORS, Winr. Liu, Rum, Whisky, &r IV Country pruduco of all kinds taken in ex chanpc at the holiest market uriecs. May H, 1S.VJ I v. t i'TrU m.i.y in:.-.- ,!,-, ; . , v ' . -ioi numerou; c it. , ,., :!;. P..V';'" I . OS ...j. ! plcvoire in it fun. in:: tit-' lu i1' t ?i :. t he ! . --rived at tile !'(.; j'.ini.i'i' ft i '.'' itiu', uiiuilies, dwellings ;i -"ntv t-oai 'lie i! -tructivc influ ence ol I';.' ';. The calamities Hint every Cits, Town, Viinttfe and Cottntrv falls vic tim to iMntttiiliv, throni'i the cross ncliirence of lis nits, is beyond calculation, especially when the remedy is so easy to obtain this is found in AlUHT.i'.SrS Patent Magnetic lightning Rods, and in this alone. This Hod litis been examined by the most scientific pentlenien in the world Professor M'Mnrtrie, Johnson, Wnllor and ma ny others (lint have examined them, recommend oiul speak of them in tho highest terms of appro bation, and have pronounced them the only safe rods in use in this or any other country for the protection of Lives mid Property. One advan tage is to divide and throw hark a part of the elec tric Ihiid harmless to the clouds; in time of a stroke this enables the rod to conduct that portion of fluid that belongs to the earth without the slightest danger of leaving the conductor. 'Phis rod has many other advantages over the old one. The only place of manufacturing is in Vine St. 3 doors orotic 12fi, Philadelphia, where all persons arc respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. For sale Whole sale or Ketail by THOMAS ARMITAOE. tW The only authorized Agent for the Comi ties of Union, Juniata, Milllin, Clinton, Lycom ing, Northumberland, Montour, Columbia, Lu zerne, is SAMUEL llartleton, Union romiii, Pa. Orders and letters addressed (post paid) lo Mr. Hoover, will be promptly uttended to. May S, 1?52. - 4m. sta(;k office. WA S I II X (iTOV HOUSE, SUNBURY, PA. JAMES COVERT, Proprietor, Tr0ri,l) icsipclftilly announce that he lias " taken this wvll known btaml, where he will lie eratilieil to see and rntf rtain liis Iriends onJ the truvelliiift puhlie generally. This liotise is now replete with every eonvenience, eoinlortn tile, pleasantly loenled, liandsonielv furnished, well ventilated, rendering it in every resjieet a desirahle stojipitii; place. No expense lias been spared in fittinct up this j ZiZZ ITZlZ Z house. 1 he rlianiheis are well furnished and ..,.,rL-. i oil',, r.l The stable accommodations arc extensive and well calculated for travelers. STACJE OFFICK. The stajes nomine, from jVorthiuiihcrliiiid to rottsville, stop at tilis house, where and way tickets to Philadelphia can lie obtained. PMinhury, March 20, IS5i. tf. JOHN A. TAYLOR, Mauul'acturer of Monument. Tombs. AND ;i!AYE STONES OK THE FINEST Italian and American Maiiiii.e. At his Old Stand in Northumberland, Pa. IJESl'EC'iTI'LLY inform the public that all work in bis line will be miide up of the very best material and finished in tho latest st) le of the Eau,ern cities. Those in want of such articles well made and executed in the best style and at the lowest rates, will do well to call and examine before they pur chase elsewhere. May 15, 1S.VJ ly. Tlie Jolircston Ink MANUFACTORY REVIVED. 10t ,y Lombard St . V I'.lL.lDF.LVlll.l. rfHK anbseri' r V j : rcstictfil! t in- 5 1 I ..!.,. I ' . '' h, sue. .ii'! '! !:" H'l nl" 1.. -I el'., ' .:, I'rlllt. ' ' "m '' !' 'iisfn.-.l i'atber. f-'- :. ' . . '. :. - ..:, t', !-,!,.. , 1 1 i, , . . i l' : 1 u" r li 1 ' ; n.riip, lei iiii.' ' ,.. ' ii i."tU' '1'1 e .it;sf":oti.ii to all WO. .. ... I - lo I call. TlllJis dsn. cii.mjles en i-M Johns rox. April in. lo'.' tf. Hi' i.ur ii' iMtri' in tiki. ait. itn ii : HICICEY & TULL, .Vo. 1 IS Ch'stniO. St., above Sixth, Front oj JONES' HOTEL. fj-pr 11 J11' received llieir Prize "T Medal, awarded h them for l I ITI I their best 'J'ravcllinq Trunks ex hibited at the World's Fair in London, 151 bciiiC the (nils' rxhibitors to whom any award was made. Tlieir competition was willi all the woild, and they have taken THE ViU'.V.'. TKl'NIx'S, VALISES, BAGS, kc. To be found in this City, and at very low prices. Call and . 11 K K t; A 11 1.1., Trunk M.inufjclurers, IH Chesliiul M. April 10, 1S.VJ. If. " w.Ai. M'CAirrv, " UHUKSKUCK, Brondwny, SUNBURY, PA. Jl'ST ieeeied and for sale, a fresh supply of FVAcir.Lieii, .msit: for Singing SchouU lie is also opening at this tune, a large assortment of Hooks, in every branch of Literature, consisting of I'oetry Hutnry, Novels, Koinance. Scientific ii l McJi''e. hool and Children's Books, UiMes; Kcllool, ,Vket and Fan.ily. U'lh with ul without Kngravin-and even' of vuri riv of llmdnig. Yny lllK,k,t of a, kjn(lfc Irav.U Voyage, and Adventure., all of winch w ill U sold low, either for eah, or eoun try pro J uce. Biinhiiry, Jan, 3, 1950, tf -? AXOUS A supeiiof arltcUt lor MU Sui.aury, Tea. IS, 18i0,- 500 BOOK AGENTS WANTED. NY good, active and intelligent man, with a small capital of from $30 to a 8100, can make lntj;e profits by engaging in the sale of the following POPULAR AND USEFUL BOOKS. CHAMlli'.R!.' INFORMATION FOR THE PKON.F. i or INipular F.nerK)pediu of laeful Knowledge. Two noire iinnenni ocnivo veinmes, ei'iiinuimg i ii.p n;TKIISUV llltiTOKY UK TIIK AMl'.KK'AN IIKVIIIX'TIUM. auiarte octavo iniscs, with DUO tine Knirniviiiio'. rLTLHSU.VS HISTORY OF TIIK l.'. !. NAVY, fluo hnre ortnvo pnv'ts, nml Iflll fine Kuynivinir. r HOST'S KKMAIIKAIII.K KVT.Nl'SIN TIIK I1ISTO RY OF AMF.KICA. Two Inrse octavo volumes, c"n tiilMing lisxl pages nml ?0U laitrravitiss. The best His lorv ol' America puliliRticil. Flto'KT H PICTdill.VI, I.IFK OF WASHINGTON. A Splcii'titl link, coiilsiiiiii)! Owl octnvo page nail lall de ennt l-aiitniviuiri. The cheapest I.U'o ul Wnsliiugloii ever ttulilmhed. StODItK'S HISTORY OF TIIK INDIAN WARS. Fine polnrei! nmt I'tiiiu Plntes. Till'. Tit I I-. ItKI'l III.ICAN. C niniiiR lliclimiiniriil Aililrc..sei, mill liie First Armtifil Ail'lorens iokI Mi'wuilfrs ol till llii! l'ri-iili-iiH of Hie I nitnl Stntrt, the C'novtllu. tiiiiixiif ihi; itiiportnnt Suiti's in t lie lnloti. , Ai'., Ac. I jnliirlliftil Willi Porlniitu ol' nil the Prisiili-ntR. i'ii)!m vol on uteri, nur) 0 view of the Cnpital ol' tin: Tinted Si:ili-ii. r.(Ml tMiet'i, 1'i inn. FOX'S HOOK OF MMtTYH'!". A SpWuliil Fninily lililinn, larpe quarto, with 60 ICngruvingn, twiiutiiull)' b inml in ninnirrn. pill. in: co km i:ins iiistohv of Till-, l'ortis. not) l:oi:i. of-lJivo pniri'F. with illnstrntunm. .losisl'lll'S' WORKS. Fin.- Kditioii. one Isiire volume SITHM S KKF MICTIONS ON Till', WORKS OF lion. pt I'lr.RRivssTrniiif ofxatfri:. Wlll'l'K S HISTORY Of TIIK WORM. A Valuable lii'ii.-inl History. One Inrcn octavo volume, with hiind S"im. KnyinvinjrH. MVI-'.SOF r.HKAT AND ri'I.F.RRATFD CIIARAC TI'.IIS : nt' a 1 Aui'R nml roimtrirs. One lati: volume ni n0 p:ifri'5, with aiimtrntin Kngraviniis. Toooilior with a number of other Works particularly adopted lor Popular Reading. iT7 Tin- most lihernl discounts will be pvni to darnts i' io mau rneaue in the sale of the o'lorr Vii'oiiWc Boots. l"or lurtlior particulars, address (postage paid,) .1. J; .1. 1.. (illltt.N, I'ntilislicrs, ,Vo. 9S Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. June i-'O, 1S52. Oils, 'J'allow Urease, and OHIO MINERAL PAINT. 'X( If) 1,A1!RI;,S MACHINERY OIL. Price OvlJ 75 ets per rnllon. Sot'O (iallons tnarhi nerv oil. ill casks of various sizes, 75 cts per gal. J(l() liarrels Hoilcd Paint Oil, 55 5000 liallons " " in casks of various sizes. " " 350 liarrels Tanners' Oil. Various kinds and qualities. I'roin 35 to (10 cents per callon. 1500 (Gallons in Casks of various sizes. Va rious kinds and qualities, from 35 to 50 cents per gallon. 50 Tons Tallow Grease, for Heavy IJcarings, and Coarse Machinery, in liarrels or Casks, of any consistency required. Price 0 cents jier lb. 150 Tons Ohio Si moral Paint, in Barrels, at the lowest market price. Muehtnay Oil, warranted not to chill in the coldest weather, and considered by those using it equal to Sperm Oil. lloilut J'niiit Oil, equal to Linseed Oil, other than for white. I am constantly rccci ing large supplies of the above named articles, and my motto is, "!Small profits and quick returns." n. F. POND, 50 Vater St., (under the Pearl st House.) NEW YOHK. New York, June 10, ! 52. 3iu. GLASS, DRUGS, PAINTS, &c, VIIOM.SlI.i: AMI IIKT.HI. rpiIE Philadelphia Window (ilass Warc--- house, and llrug. Paint, A'nrnish, Oil and Color Stores, A'os. 33 mi 35 Xorlh Fourth Street. Last side, has the largest assortment nf Window, Picture, Coach, Case, Ilot-llouse, and other (ILASS, in the city; comprising upwards of l.p,000 dif ferent sizes, rniiRiuc from the smallest sie, up to 3S by (ill inches ol Sheet, and as larcc its 5 by 7 feet of IMutn (ibis, iocl ititi on. Knirlivli frown, i French, German and American, both Single and Double Thick. ti.. i ,.r rn...'pi,:..U!i.. .1 ITs.T, II Ill Ut3 llH5tJ lllll'llltll I 1 IY 1 lilt K VIHIPn, for Skv-Liahts. UnlU Windows, &c The JSubscriber having a hea?y stwk on hand V" U. a, .he'-hor,, I oiul on the most reasonable terms, tiilil t "f ""' V' enl to order, C.'roiind bile Lead ; l'aint. arnish. of cv- I rr-v description; Turpentine; Linseed Oil, boil- til anil raw; I'atr.t .xittis; rultv ; musics; live Woods, o c., ct. c, cV c. And also, a larqc supply of fresh imported DUrcs AND MEDICINES. J. II. sritAfilE. Nos. :;a iX: o." North 4th St., E. Side. April 111, 1S52. ly. J. I. DITTERICH, A'o '48 Sorth "d ft., between Arch and Rare St., PHILADELPHIA. lEKEUV informs the public that he imports ' and constantly keeps on hand at his new store. No. 78 North !d St., a laric assortment of j Foreign Fiincy (lootls, I Musical Instruments, Pictures y Paints, which he will sell at the lowest prices. ! Ilis istiH'k, in part, consists of. Accordeons, ! Violins, .Music lioxes. Parlor and Bar Boom Or ! pans, Mclndeons, Seniphines, Mathematical I11- slritioeiits, Magnets, Spy and Opera ( lasses, I Stiitionerv of all kinds, I'ocket Books, lironc j I'owdcr, Dutch Metal, (iold and Silver Leaf, ; Scales of all kinds, SnulV and Tobacco Boxes, 1 Lilhourapbic l'aiuts. Copper Plate and Steel En- 'ravines, and pictures of every variety. AImi Oill Frame Moiildintr of various sizes, j Dealers, Country .Merchants, and Pedlars, sup ; plied at rcusuuuhle irices. December 20, 1-Sjl. tf. i Bonnets, Hats and Millinery do oils! KKCIIANTS and Milliners when in Phil adelphia to purchase their poods, will find it to llieir interest to examine our large and fash ioiiublu stock of I STRAW OOUCIS. I Mc nianufaclure largely and i.vfobt the -X EWI.1.T Si l l. is nr Foreign Tabric in our line ; which together with other advanta ges eii ihlo us to oiler liberal induce airnts to Ul'll.US. R. A. t'KOOKER, & CO.. Nos. 47 and 49 Chestnut Street, and No. 56 South Second Street, west side, near Chettnut, Philadelphia. December 27, 1951 JO UK A. HA It It IS, Manufacturer, & Dealer in Imported and Domestic Segars, Also, a general assortment of I.ral' & MaiiufiM'tnrrd Tobarro, ttO.N'S'J'ANTI.Y on hand, si the lowest mar ' ket prices. Corner of Chestnut St., and Wharves, Philadelphia. December 27, IS51. ly. SMITH'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN'. JEK, a fresh supply just received, and for sale by LL 11. MASSER. Siinbiiry, Jan. 10, 1853 I J LANK Purchmcnl Paper Deeds and blank Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summons, &c, for sale by H. 11. MASSER. Sunbury .April 28, 1851 KNOLD'S WRITING FLLTD and Adhe mo and legal envelopes, for sale by H. D. MASSER. Bunbury, np 10. I85S JUSTICES FEE HILLS For sale by H. B. MASSER. bunbury, 1851. SF IMPROVED LIGHTNING RODS. THE subscriber has constructed a LIGHT NINO ROD on true Philosophical princi ples, by which buildings supplied with them ro rendered perfectly secure against destruction by lightning. Tho connection and insulation of tho rod, as well as tho preparation of the ground rod, is on an entirely new plan, making a more per fect conductor than any heretofore in use. Measures have been taken to secure. Letters Patent for the improvement. Persons desirous of securing their lives and nrouertv from destruction by lightning, can have conductors put up to their buildings in the most perfect and substantial manner, by applying ci ther personally or by letter, to the undersigned, at the following prices : For 40 ft. J inch copper rod gold plated point, nulid platijia lip, $22,00 And forty cents for every additional foot over fortv. For 40 rt. J inch tubular rojs gold pla ted point, oliil plalina lip, 13,50 For 40 I'l. iron rod gold plated point,. W. id pltilitia tip, 12,50 For 40 ft. iron rod n'li'fr plated point, 10,00 And twenty cents for every additional foot over forty. T. S. MAC KEY. Milton, fiept. 6, 1851 ly. cap 17, ls5'2. HARRISBURQ BOOK BINDERY. J I,. IIUTTEIi & CO., Htieecsn .ra to W. O. Ilickok, ami lln kok ft Cnntiiie. IV.iOlv ULNDKHS, STATIONERS AM) iilaxk book mam facti:i:f.u.s. Tlio suhserihers respectfully inform tlieir friends and the pnhlie, that they nre now carryiiti; on the nhove husitiess st the OLD STAND occupied hy lliekok oV To. They flatter themselves that hy raieful attention to business, they will merit nud receive a continuance of the patronage so liber ally enjoyed by the old firms. Particular nttention will be puid to the rulintr and hiuiliu of every description of blank books '.... i i-.. ..'it'... M.n.,.i.iiia n...i ..v;. nt iwi .ii.niv , uiiii w.iii.3, ...... .......a ..mi. .i,.i.M i iniltviduals, and evciy variety ot lull and hall hound blank books. Old books, nerindienls. law I , , . til- books, music, newspapers, Ac. hound lu any I pattern and in uny style requited. ' In aihlitioti to the uhove, tliey have, nml will nt all limes keep, a gcnciul assort nietit of ST.V- IONI'.Ki , consisttnff of Letter Paper, Knivrs, SI it' s unit Pencils. Cup " (.fu's, Lead Pencils. Ilruwinjr " Inkstnuds. Letter Stiimi8, Transfer " .Motto Waters, liuliu Rubber, Copvnnr " lihi' k Ink, Wafers, Hlnttiliir " Seulms Wax, Red Tape. Steel Pens, Hlue Ink. Illnnk Cards, Carmine Ink, Cnpyinir Ink, l-'nklers, Arnold's Writing I'lnid, Hrasurcs, ic. W Paper ruled to pattern, and all work war ranted and done very cheaplv. V. L. HITTER & CO. March H, 1K52. tf. "AID AND COMFORT," 'I o Your IMvii .TIcc hniucM. (JEOIGE EFAX. MANUFACTPREK OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. rPllE subserilier respectfully calls the attention of the public to his Inre and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of UAHIXKT-WAICi;. which cannot fail to ruLunimeml itself toevery one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture nf his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the ninny improvements which nre constantly being made. His stock consists of Miihoiuny SiiI'.ih, Oivsiii.i aatl I.oumsrrs, 3urcaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, MIF A, BRE1KF1ST AM) DINING TABLES, and also VK.NKTIAX 11LIMJS, equal to Phila delphia inunulacture. j I5F.KSTEADS. of every pattern and price, V"- iv-mm liim.r a.j EXTENSION TABLES in short, every article in this line of his business. lie also manufactures all kinds and qualities of ( 1 'T O j IL v 1 Jl inrliidine varieties never before to be h,l ir Siinhury, such as M hioium, Duck Walni r 1MI Cl ni.l.ll M (Ct.K Oiii.eux ; AM, WlVIISOII CHAIRS, axii i axi t Piano Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled ley none manufactured in the Cities or elsew here The subscriber is determined that there shall the cities, in esery confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of his xs-ate and Chairs. His urtichs will he disposed of on as good terms us they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in paviiieut for work. Lv LNDEKTAKINtJ. Having provided himself with a handsome Hkaiisk, be is now prepared lor I'ndertakintj, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. I'nT The Ware Room is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store und Weaver's Tavern. CEORtiE REN.N. Sunburv, Jan. 10, 1N.VJ. if. Phtxuix Fire & Thief Proof Iron Chests. 7'ARRANTEI) lo stand equul heat with any other (.'bests in the country, and to defy the l)url,is' ingenuity. Manufactory, No. Ill Hudson's Alley, running between Thud und Fourth streets, south of Cliesuul, and in the rear ef the (iirard Dank. M. &. S., the proprietors, are Practical Me chanics, and feel confident, from long experience in the manufacture of Iron Chests and Safes, und a speciul attention lo this particular brunch, of giving satisfaction to all who may give them a call. N". B. We have selected one of the best min erals ever used as a non-conductor of heat in this business, und we warrant our Chests and S ji.'s lo be made of the best material and in the piost il ura bio manner, and to stand any heat that can be applied to them. MILNOR&SHAW, Manufactory No. 10 Hudson's Alley. Running lutwccu 3rd und 4th streets, S of Chcs uiit, in tlie rear of Girard Bank. Phil.uleljhia, Oct. 2.'i, 1851 ly WIVI. G. MASON, Engraver and Printer, No. 46 Chestnut Street, above Second, PHILADELPHIA. S prepared lo do ENGRAVINCJ and PKI.N'T. l.N'U, in all llieir branches, Wedding, Visiting and 11 usiueiiii Curdii, llall '1'icLetn, Wuleh PujierM, I.alieli, Bill Heada, Noted, Checks, Urafu and Diplomaa. iSeals and Kuiuips for Corporation, Odd Fellows, Manons, 8011 of Temperance, &e. All the abova eupraved in the beat manner. Orders by l'osl promptly attended to. lleccinher 27, 1851. ly. r"NOU AND SPKIXn MOI5TISK LAT. 1 CUES. An excellent article, for sale at halt the usual price by J W. FAILING, funburt, July 7. 1819 i& PijJi '"'f fef-.i'': LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUN01CK, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OH NERVOUS DEHILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, AND nil tliFrn!nfnrtiiHit frnm n dlnnrdrrrrt llvf TSt much, micti nsconi'i)yitinii, inwnrd Pile Kol'iifwi. or hhuHl t t'n! hemt, Anility nf tho Stonurh, mwa, Mcnrlhnrn, tiiTHt l'ir Konl," fullncw' or weight in tlie '"Hutch, doiirl-'.nirtmii'im. ninViitir f flntterinn at Hie pit "f tlir- HlniTinrh, dwiiuiuinff nf tin; licnd. Inirrifd hth! (litHfiilt hnmtliimr, llnMrririR nt llinhrnrt, cliokmn nr nfftevtmf( "'nsHiiinm whi-ii in u IviiiK pasture, DiifhU'M 01 viku'ii, il"ilir Wrli! ItrforKtiif! miL'ht. l't.'V.T HiKltlnll pnni In th h'nnl, ilc(U-ii'tiev of peMpinilioii, velltrwtiend ';f tin; k 1 11 nml ve pnin in tho iulo , lurk, cfvut, limloi, Jtc, niul'len An nli in of heut burmnn in the fi'-ufi, c iiIunt iiuaginuigii of evil, Bud grwit flupriwimi of dpiritu, CAN III: KKKKC'ITAIXY CI' R I'D BY EE.. HCCFLAITE'B t l LLURAll;ll il:UMAN IIITTl'.RS, rilKI'AKRD BY DR. C M . JACKSO N, AT THE GERMAN MKDICIXE STOKE, !, VM Arch St., I'll 1 1 !! I In . Tlieir ovvr over tin: nlmve uieiinis is not ixei'lli-il. if eqtiiiltfil. t.y trnv nlln-r iriHinition in tli I lnOil tiiltn, ns tin- i-iio-a iitti jtt, in innny ciiscs Hll.-r hkillinl pliyHic-iium huil tiiili'il. TIiimii HittiTu iin? worllir tln-y iiMenl ion "f invuliils. PuBi.'Hi.iiiK irn-iit virlurn in ttie ri;nlii-:iti I ilii :isi 8 nf tin: l.ivirr mill Ii-5sit i;l:iitil. fxi-n-isi'-ir lln-in 'ft in'nn'iinnt pinvi'i'H in MiMkni'M mill nlli'i'tn'iiK nl l hf tliyfstive or.ihs, limy re, km',., '.rlinn nml ili'nwmt. 1 I l... nil ll... o..u1..i. ii.... I Tin-IMiii.r ,.i, li.. 'I'll. lli'"F!.lM,- 'IXRl KTKn RkiiMX ll TTIMIS f..r 1 tlir run- ol I.iv.t t'oinpl.iint. .I.iiiiulicc, luppepnii. Clirnnie ' or Nnr I .-l.j III -. is ilii-rvnilU' i i.'l'tli- ni' st ji. ..n- j Inr ini'ilip, ni'S of tin." ilnv. 'I'lii fi: llitii'is Imve Ihmmi nsi'cl 1 Ii)-tl in!s, mill :i fni-inl nt t-lti'iw n S lie h:m turn- : si'lf r.- 1 1 .-.i mi i ti.-riii-ii mill I,, rin iiii-iii i-urc of Liver : Compl'iint (r nil tl.f iii'r.l' this ri-tilfilv. S :iri' fitiviiii'i il ( Hint, in lie usf in llies l.'MtTH. the (vitient fonstMiitly I pilllU Btreli'jlh unit Il tuel wnrtllVnl L'leut ei'liflile. ratl in. 'I'uey nre pliujunl in tu.le nml jiniell. nml can l.o nseil liy per. ins witti (tie il"tii-;ite stunine'in with sefe- ty, liluler uny eiieunis':ni'-e:i. We i,re x kinur trmn ex- ptTienee, lilui to tliu alNieleil WP lulvise tlieir UKe.n "SenTr's WkkhI-Y.-- one ol tlie tiest Literary j.upeis pulilisli-il. Kuiit. Am:. .1 l'llri. llnnFl.wir. (tr.i'Mw Hitikhs, iirmur.u turi il liy 111'. JaekKiui. nre ii' iv rei-iininenileit In sninet'l lie must prominent iii.-ui:.eis of tin; I. u nity us nil article ol uineli t'llleiiev III e.irf.'l nl leinule weiikness enre. we .m.i in- nil m niiers t.i ..l i.uu l .!!, Unis snve ll. iiis,-:vi inneli sieku, s. Pers-uis of ileluhtu- un-iie1. in ea.'l nl leniaie wealuiess. suen is lue ''''I eiiiistilnti.iiis will llnil tliese Hitters uilvunli'iji ii to ,t,ei, :,. , ,. kl,,,w ir, ,,,.,., .u itfect lin y have ujimi week sysn ms Mure I'riilnue. The "Pliilnili Iplna Satunlay liaeiie.'' the j ll''W.aiie .lUlilisln-d in I J 1 1 ' t lilted States, tin best family eilitnr says I)i lloj'htnd's drrman Hitlers. 'It is sel.lntn .li.. avc reeiiiiuneiiil what are termed Pa- Iflit .Mt'(licini. tti tnr M!i!ii!t,nc' ini-l iirilniiii'iri ( r'-:nttTts; nml. tlii-KMurc, t'ii vi rr- 'iii.m ml I! -I- I : l.nlll'f: fiiTUI'lll UiIttT.-. UY it t' In; ifis! t.-t ly llll'li t I f.Mwxl lliat ivc !itf ii it sjM'i'kinc fi llic ii"Ktnirn ft tin.' 1 (i:iy,tli:,t ;ii4' ii"isci nli mt t'.Tii In w t" piTiml rial t hrn ttr- j ij'tttfn iii't'1! tln'v liiiVH'lniii' ihfir ir'iilty r;ici' ol' imvliii'i', , Imt nf n ui'-ilicini' I li-T rsl:ililihiii' I, iiiiivcrv.Vv .i izt ii. :':;i 1 j whirli h;is iin-t i!;c li'-irtv jtj pi -Viil 'i in- l:t' ii:' it-:fM 1 l'vitl' :i',(.' upon (viilfin'i Ims ln'n r.-c'iviil (tiU" tin? j forr-fr'HtiiO frnm nil st'i'li 'ii ( 111'- 1 ' n i-!i. Ili.t l:i.-f thrr! i ' yo.irr!. milt tlio jtr'iit:t tcntiinonv in ti! f ivt. i.-. t'-nt , ! iirc is Hi if H it uxi-'l ni tli' pr;i.'tn-t".t' t!i-- r f's'i; ::i r I'hv- ' f ic inns of IMnLiiU inlii'i. tiinn it II l Ittr n ! rmii r mil .net I. i n l':ict tint c:hi Piimty bt'lislii-iV :nnl ln'ly pr vnr.r lint i n i'nt prcriiii!ioii will iiipft Willi tlii'ir (juit-t approvnl I WiM-n pri'ju'ipftl 'V(;n in tins lorm Tint linn niMn-iiie will run: l.ivrr CToi:ip!,iii't :n:-i l i p'pfi;i, no out' cnii .ton tit. nflt-r ll: Iti? It :i i!i--t''il. It '"t I H; i-ttic.illy upon (In: y rri;K'Ji ;itut livei il is pri fr; il il j to ivtl.'llli i lu fill 1 1 1 ! i I lin lit'' uses ill-' . tT.-ct i iii.nti'iliMi'. Tlie -ih In :ilitniiirt. f .1 to lYnuV or 1 1 1 T; 1 1 1 ; v,r.!i Mi- ty . :oi 1.1 r':l.:il'.c li lit lit, iit ;iliv tilin'. I liKWA.'K OK (til XTIlIM-'lllTS. j Tliin ITl'"ii'in' :it iiiiftl ii't lr-;)i 'li.ii:ic'i-r v!n-h is ii't-t'Fsirv I-t nil inr'tliciiii'! t- at trim V induce ei mii'ii t'.;''-i ? t.i put I'Tlfi spiirn.ns article at tin; nk ol' tin: Iiwj i-l tliose tin; iiinoeeiitly ilc-icived. I I.tKtK WKM.TU Till-: .MAKKN oi Tin: tii:M'li:. ! Tli'-v liav- Hie written si-.MKitiirr of ('. NT. .l( K(i . np"ii the wrapper, and the n.nne hl'vn ni 1 In- U l I !.', Wil ii ' i.ur vvlii'-li ihi v are spin iniiK. ! l-'or Kile, wli 'Icsale and n lail, at tin j (nrmnii MtHciitc N'nrr, No. -.N ARflf Street. ..;)( rl-VT Mw SiMh. (!itc -f 2Ti Huce flnct.) IMiiladelplna, anl ly I ep. craMc ti. ahTH ! f;eiit-rully (lir-'iculiout. the cuitLtry. I'lMi'KS itrunT.P j T- Pll'l'i!'1 all d --.e mi' ii,';iids to flij'ty lie' adv.nit-e.'es tf Ineir reat reiitativ'' powers. Sir.rv Jottfct Tf) crnfs, AM.:-r..r file !.y II.Maki:, u:.i..ry. :n.l M. A. M't'W, V'ltlniuiliTl'ind. Aumiht :iti. i-'.l. iv. TH05IAS PAL5IER, C ( ) .M .M I IS S I ( ) X .M KIU'IFAXT, So. 1 1. Xorlh H'otffs', W here the follow ing ijooils a'e rei eised and suld on c.iMirnissioii, Dried Apples, Peaches. Plums, Pears, Cherries. iVe., lirecii Apihsin llarri is or hv the liilshcl. , Deans, Peas. I 'ranherrii s. Onions, Mercer Po- i tatoes, Sweet Polatues, Slo Iharks. Chestnuts, j (iionnd Nuts, OraiiL'c-., Letiions, 1,'aisitis. Fii;s. Prunes, ( rapes. Poultry. E.-s. ilutti r. Chi esc. And all kinds of Forei'.tll alal Dolliei ce. tie Pro- due Philailelphi l, Dec, Ll, 1S.-J 1 ly. SOAP AND CANDLES. ! r1HE subscrib r takes this method f inform- that thcx are enuaued in the inatiutacturi f Sonp ami Candles, of the best quality, at No. ! 1 Filbert street, Philadelphia. They respectfully insile all who buy for cash, to L'ivc him a call as they ssiil find it to lo their advantage in dealing with 1 1 i 111 for articles in their line. E. DCl'I'V cV SON, 1 1 Filbert ahose lith. ' Deeemhi r 20, li,-)l if, I'MOX HOTEL, SUNBURY, PA. rpiIE MISs WEITZEI.'S respec'rully inform jL the Public tlnit thev still continue lo etiter- tain trasellers and others at their old c.labli-lird stand in Market street, west of the Court House. i Their loni; experience in the be.sim ss. and the ' ' "'lure Well established reputation of tiieir House, sviil, : MoaUH'.Cr.ts, Tombs, GraVCitone?, &C, I they trust, he n sullicionl irnarantee, that their of tlie best materials, and 1110. t finished woik I customers will be well accommodated. 1 niaiiship, and at the low e-t t rices. March S.lsol tt. AI&&XIICAN HOUSS, POTTSVILLE, PA. A PS. M liV WEAVI'.!! respeellullv it. form.. ;'i:ie public and travellin- rum mtv -encral- Iv, that she has opened this lar,-o mi l i-ommo, HOTEL, furnished in a superior -Isle, from her Ion:; experience in Ihe business of 11 lirst rale Hotel, and well know n reputation to accommo- dale, her customers may depend on bctin,' supplied with every thing conducive to their comloit und I convenience. ' Feb. 15. feol. tf STONE WARE. STONE milk Fans, stone Jui; 111.1l 1'iteherK. and oilier nrticles of stone ware just received mid for sale by JOHN W. FKILLMi. Sunburv, June 211, 1819. ENNEDY'.s PATENT .SAMI ys. TEN IN US. A cheap and excellent arti cle lor fastening for sale bv J'. W. FKII.INU bunbury, July 7, 1H111. JATENT TriiniM's of all kinds, Harrison's writing and iiuli llible ink, Cotton yarn and laps;, just received and for sale bv J.'W. FKII.INU. fcutihury, Dec. ", ISIS. tl'i'ONE Ware, Earthen Ware, ItaUina, Al J! moiids, P mien and Cream Nuts. Planes of all kinds. Suit and Plaster. Just received und for sale by JOHN W. FKII.1NU. Sunburv, Dec. 29, ISVJ. IXTKACT CF UINUEIL A fresh supply just received and for sale at this otlke. Piice 'J5 cents. Sunbury, Ju.'y 13, 15L SILVER WATCHES. A few double case Entlish Silver Walchen, for sale at very low .)ri,.P hv H.ll. MASTER. Wunbury, April 12. 1851. I)LANKS. KLAKS nf every drseriplinii fan be had by apl d) ins t the orlice of ihu American. fl'ISSl E PAPEIC Vcllow Tissue paper tor 1 coteriuj glasses, ic, for sale at the oliieccf tHe American. JJANJC NOTE TAHLK. CORRECTED WEEKLY. PENNSYLVANIA. OTT OF rilll.AIiF.Lrtll MAPSAi:At'fKTTi. All I'll! Innks (III ItlKHIL ISLAND. All nlvi-iit I'Hiiks J dis UONM'.t IICIT All solvent tKinks J ilis Ni;V MH1K. CITY. U. S. Hank nutm if, dis All solvent hanks put COUNTRY. Ilnnk of 'liuiiili.Tlurg 1 u Hnnk ofrhes'ia- Co. par muni hi iin.i.o. neuter pir nunicoi iiorniDiitowti miri VI nolvcnt luniks J ihs ii.imk o (M ltysl arjf I ilu;l?' Hk null's mult r -.i J Jn lliniK ol LilWIKtowll lOI'MP.Y. Hihk nl Mulilli I , M cIh All solvents Imlll," t l)i M.Hitgoinery Co Hnnk mr iKV JKUSTIY. Hmik ol Niirtliilinlierriul. .m Helviili rc Hunk J hs Ilnnk of Pittjluiri; I .1 m1 " imm.Tri-i I Hoi Ic I'l:" Hnnk of IJunvillu put l-'nr. It ink M"it II 'v i"i Carlisle Hunk 1 ilirl-'. ,V M.. .Mnlillel nvn Pi V"' t.'oUiinlnn H'k .V ll'gu Co pnr I Alf-rhaoioK' Ilk. Newurk .ri r llnyeWmvii Hunk pur .Meeli. Hk ol Jiiirllnitton "n Lnvton It-ink pur Mi eli. A M-m. Ilk Trent ir Krip Ilnnk S ilinl Morris Co Ilnnk i Kxi lmnce H'k Pitlnlinrg I ilm Newuik llk'x 4 ln. Co j ili l xi'lmiiif. H'k, llruneli I tlis( Inuief llniik J (Im l-'iirtnern' H'k, HuekM.'o pur ; I'oi.t.lfV Hk Puttenmn ; (tii l-'iirmerf.' Hk, L'menKler pur-Princeton Hunk pur I'nrinern' Ilk, Keinlinu iunSulein Huiikiin! Co, :ir I'nrin Hk Selno Ikill Co rnr'Senierret Co ll iuk J ilm I'- ft 11. Hk YVnenesti'u 1 'ilm'Slute Hunk nl Cininlen pur l-'niiikhu Ilk Wiinli'u Jiiu'Smte Hk KliwiMhtuii J ilis llurrislinr Hunk l ilin Stuli! Hunk i ilis llmie'iluli: Itfiiik I ilis Stutil I ik . . Itruimwiek pur linneimler Hunk iiur,Susex Hunk. Newton ' ilix l.eiNIIii nuuK pui' Treiilon Hnnkiiii: Co pur l ui n li'- er ? ilis Vunllevv'leMl.lllrri.i.'.ilis .oi-reii. ,v iitni. nuuK l tin .OlneiK' II k, l''itts il!i; per MnnoilC'llielri H ulk t iti. PS Ilk mites miller J ilis 'I'aykirsvV ll. lH'irCo 1.5 lm lV. - - llloni. - lill.ini, l.l.. .Mil'.. pur Hunk ill 111 !ul-ure. V y.ilillillj Ilk, llki-fh 'T ll'ml.. C -7'ltolu l noli-s MAIM:. pur e pm ; II ink el rin I e l I ilis.lieliiwure Ciiy Hunk I " pur 1 dis Ilk " lllile il (V llruililv.v. pul I'ln'lllers' Ilk St lleluwaie if I ' ni. oi H:nili. Viliuiii!:t'.ii i. ir '''"'S "1 ' In-'!' " k fiiliji Ar,l' Hk. lt.itw.ii Miilix ;;"i' I mier s.'iV s .lui All M ! i'i!t t.irks ; il IHIHI M. II AAII'SIIIKI'.. All s ilvent l.ui,k o,lis Allsihenl ImiikK j di. (f Hk n. .l.-a nailer .'.'s I ill i:i!M(isr ! mirth cit(n.i 11 ink of St AiLaiif, d:.l.H -Ivri.t liunktl -J ilis All 'Kent hanks J ilisj: I ii.l. r 5's, '-'J ilis PHIL A. AND READING RAILROAD, viiiiii.ii ahhax.kailm' iuimi I'lill.Mll'.I.PIIIA AND I'd! I SVI I.I.I'.. Faros R r il n r c il . OJUeof the Phila. ,V llciulin? Rnilrmul Co. ) J mhKldi.Iuu, .March -Jf., 1. -'.')!. S i Twt) riirnT Train Dnilv, (rxnjt Smuliy.) ' m R and niter April 1st, ls.",l two trains will X I"' roil each wav, duilv, between l'li.l.olel- phi.t and l'otlsville .V(u;x.y; r.ixi:. Leases Philadelphia at 7J A. M., daily creep! Snttilnvs. Leases Pottsville nt 7 A. M. daily excrpt Sint das s. Ai'Tr.n xoox r.rxi:. Leaves Philadelphiii ;il :1J o'clock, dailv, except Stltnl.r. s-. Leases I'ott-s ille. at :i nVlock, daily, except S nudas s, '. I : F.S, Itetweeti Philadelphia and Pottssiile, $;.;. 1st d iss cars arid '.'.'J.'i 2d c!as cos. ISetwien Philadelphia and Ihvidite.', !I.7S l.t class cars and .il.!." '.':! cl,i cms. Dep. t in Philadelphia, corner id' Uroa.l and Vine Streets. Passeii-rers cannot enter the curs 1 iled with Tickets. I" .NOTICE. Fifty pounds of h.i..-:.Le wiil he al low id to each passenger in thc-e lioc-; p.,.s setmcrs an;;.' prohibited froi.t t.ikn, anv thinif us hatMiifo hut tiieir xveariiiapiurel, which XX' i 1 1 heat the risk of its owner, IJy oilier of the Hoard of Mana'jers. S. liKAI.'i'i IIJM, April 111, lSol. Sccet.uv. rll -! (LVI.n. TXx Jii'"''isi;'i ' oi' 'i'!i; .Lsi 'I'l. A ? tA J'H S. or I)., 'r-' V-.S ',r.'. T.I Ji y .. A ' "ioi 1 lis 4 eililliili, w f a !,i,:.,l.., 'I.v, ' J" . Uls!. ''ov. in ; pri it., il V 'v'7'i'TJ '" ,,"'rv ,' I r' lorm. und ioair," iii r,,nis I'.v J)r Wttt. Vi '1'he time I. as i;..v :.i ri ved, that persons sulfi riuir t'roiii si ciet i;i.i a-i . need no more beciiine liie n 1 : t oc n.;- -i 1.1. uv. as by the presi'i iptious contained i,i tin, bn,-!., any one may cure himsrlt' ssitli.Mit himli ne e to business, or the kuowlc,l;e of the iiitin,;'.!' l-ieiiil. and with one-tenth the usual esp' use. In aiitliliiill to the tieueral routine of private liease, il fully explains the e uise of manhood's e irlv de cline, with olis, ratious on ui.irii.i;e ! c .; !es tiuius other ilcran icio. M wh:. -!i it w .niM not be proper to enumerate in the public prints. !V- Any jicisoii senilin- TV L.T V-I'l V E CliN'I'S, eui'loscd in a letter ssdl receive one copy of this book, by mail, or five copies w ill he sent fof one dollar. ' Address. D11. W. tH .Mi, .No. 132 Sl'KI.'CK street, PHILADELPHIA." Po-t paid. '"Zl' l'r. "'OI'NI( can he consulted on any of the Disiases described in his different pubbea- tiotls. at tits Olhcc, l.r, pruoe Mreet. every iav between !l and 'I o'clock, ('uinl.i v s cxeepteil.) Philadelphia, June .'), I.V. ly. MARBLE MANUFACTORY, CNKAIMJIiAYK STOXKS. riHE subscriber iiilorms his liieinls nnl the public, that hi continues to earrv nil the ! -Marble Hiisiuess in ail its branches, a! his old ! "'' -Milton, Pa., and is prepared to lnaiiu- la tter Ciittimr. English and German in the ' most modem and 1 leirant stv le. l'''-' fr Monun.e.its.'Crave Stones, Ac. always on I, and. ! N. II. O.ders fir the Last side ol the river ! Vr'!"V'y eseculed hy leasin- the Mn,r ,,t tlie i """'L' "' "'s""l'"ry Amen,-.,,,. ANTHO.W III I'l. j M''.v s:'- . f-Yj, IT1 T T" e ' " A Jw' J i( jjj ivj , lu'eeti s O vs L'cnatcd littler, price reduced, I. I1I Jacon 1 owiiseiiil scat's ipanlla. II. 1I.1 r's Sarsaparilla. Swavne's S rup of Wild Cherry. Swayiie's erinifutre. Ayte's Cherry Pectoral Dr. Drake's Panacea. Dr. Culleii's do Tibbii's Pain Killer. Dr. Ilo.illanil's lierinaii liilleiv Indian Vc-et ible Pills HiTsennd Catilu .Midicinis For sale bv 1IENKV MASTER. .iinburv. July 1 I, 1 !!!). Valuable ItooUx, 1IFE uv CiuiisT, handsomely bound, D'.W J's HlSTOllV IIV Tilt K 1.1(1 II M .ITION', Dn-iiooks ami l.Kin.Mis, lull bounded. For sale at the puhlWii-rs prices by 11. li. MAF.Il iSunbury, July I I. HI9 'I'KSlNU IIOTTI.ES Hrenst pumps, and nipple lubes .1 siuoilv of these useful arti. cles iul received and for sale bv JOHN W FP.II.INU Munbiiry, Jan- 1". 15I if fl-fcO'E tllNT.MENT.- A fresh supply of this B B, excellent article for Tetter, A c, just rei ised and lor sale by lll.NKi MAbaLlt. Suubury, July 28, 18-IM. riEA X Tea Company. For 1 Uv bv J. W. FKILING. Sunbury, Dec. 5, IS 18 (iOLD PENS with and without coses, of a J sciy superior iiialily, jusl 11 ised. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sale by H. li. MASKER. Kiinburv, Dec. 27, 1 S" 1 . AY lU'.M. An excellent article fur sale by HENRY MAivEK. Mjnj.ury Jn. 27lh, lsl'J ll. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At llio 'nlilnct Ware lloom of seivn iiourx & CO. Market Square, Also at the corner of Fawn street If the Railroad SUMJUKir, 1'A. Thankful for tlio patronage of his friend and customers during the 17 years he hns been in busi ness in Ibis place, lie solicits from the public con liiiuauee of tlieir favors. During tliif period he has endeavored lo keep up with the improvement of the day, nml has nccordincly extended his busi ness in every branch and variety, i He pulilic are therefore, invited to the ultention of the present stock of CAlllNKT VAItrc AND C1IAIHS, Mamtactured BT SEBASTIAN H0UPT & CO. At the Old fitaml, Where in addition to their former stock of th estahlishmeiit Ihey now inuiiufticture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. Larue Sjiriwr Sent Rocking Chuirs, iJrcssimr Jinreiius, Centre Tables, .Marble Top IVash Stands, and a variety of other new style and B 'a li i o ii a hi c V ii rn i I u rc. llavinr; secured a Hearse and made the necen sary annnncmciils for the iurposc, they are now prepared for I ndertakintr in nil its branches, in thin icinitv or at any convenient distance. Ye niuiils unit mistresses, tinil husliatsls too, Here's t'lirnitute of every style and line, l-'r-'in sale luturils dnwii to kitchen tables, Truiii rnekini; cliuirs to rockinircniillos Sli utlil yi-n nut have tlie renily Jons to pny, "We'll wnit awliile fir a brighter lietter day, ( 'r take piitutoes. outs, uorii, wheat and ryt ; Hark. Iini'p pules, staves, or luinlier wet and drrp Or nay lliii,' lint yikesuud tliresltiug flails, I-'imiii pirrs nml tnrkies down to little qanils. Ci. lue mi tlien fricuils, entue one and all, Keep tinile a ui'iviii:, so ''K'lcfl on the lill." t i' Inlers from a distance promptly attended to ami ivnrk of all kimU .U-Iivi-rcJ with dUpatch Zruulmry, M arrh 'J, 18511. tf AND IMJXSION AC.KNCY. 'J'he sitteiitioti of the public is called to the ad i' 'I i iiii lit of .!f- Charles C Tucker. Attorney and Airent at ashi'ton City- Persons has-. in.' ( h'.itu:! for bounty Lands or Pensions arc in Ioi iiu d tli. a the s.nhscriher has mude arrangements lor liie rci;iii-ite lonns, nml claimants calling at o:-! (:,'', c,::i h ive tlieir papers prepared and toi .. iiii'.nl t.i Mr Tinker at Washington, and by hiai he pro;eily ul'.ended to before the De p.irtiiieiit tliete. IL B. MA.SSER. Siinbiiry. Jan. IS, LSol PROPERTY FOR SALE. rjM!i: Subscriber who resides in Philadelphia. n:;. i's tui sale the lollosvinur iroperty ill Mil ton. .Noiihiiiulioilanil county, viz: The large. a-s BRICK BUILDING -1 4 J- in upper Milton, formerly occupied by Me-srs Pattersons as a Carriage Makers Shop. Tiie 1 iii!,!i'i.' is (id feet front 011 upper Market .''icet, mi , 10 feet on Front Mrcct, and is two sti'iies hi'h. Also a two story !li;l( K BLACKSMITH SHOP, in by 2.") Icet, on the same premises. The lot is i n ilic corner of tipper Market mid Front .treeU, a:i.l 1- !'. le ! ti'olit, and !.'() feet deep. 'I'll" j realises would be valuable for a Foundry or other iii.iuuf..ctuiiiis purposes, und will be sold 11: n as ,u.,!. o ami nccommudatim; terms by ap pi; ins cither to JACOil CAKItlltAN, Philadelphia. I, F. WOLFINtiER, Esq., Milton or li. li. ,;i;. Eso . Sunliorv. Phil 1 ;. :i.;.i.,, .1.. 11. 2.7, lts.71 tf- I" J! I t IJI. L I'll 1 A "'.15 BSC All HOUSE, F.sTAm.llIKI) ir. YEARS AGO BY DK. KINKELIN, i, ll . Cui'iicr oj Third and Union Streets, liKTWKKS Sl'RlM B AND PINK STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. ilt 'l'l'.l'.N V1-:.US nf c.x(enivr nml uninterroflftl -1..1 ' sj--jii m tins vy huve render l Dr. K. tho im ; .-il m.'i fiicct-ssiiil pnirdiii'iier tar and nrar, .a ' 1 : i'..( nt "I ii '. I iti'i-rist s oi a private imtuie. Fervvua : v. .''i iil'-t i? iiiiii t tic li nty, thrcnt, or k',;a, paum k - :- 'ii -ch'r h , iiicu-iiriii! rlicuiiiatifin. Btriplur.-i, provrl, ,( m-,'m: ih i.ii-j 1 nun yuliifull rxvvwa (r liii(iuritiril o" the !.. .( :. v. .,r;-. iiu- f'-;i.-niiui','ii Ji;t hectnue tiiieetiied, are i In 'I w rtiicci-!'.'. l!r- wii"ji'. ' s liiiiiffir nnifrf tlipr:ire nt' Dr. K., may rr j !i 11 '11.-: i' l u Ic 111 iu ii -ii'tj as 11 L'ciiUciitun, hihI ctrnhdeut j y i' !v nj" 11 A a iliy)iciaii. TAKi: l'AltTlt TI.AK NOT1CK. I Vi'imu Men wlio hnve injured themnrivrs by certain 1 ttiHtn (i nidnliii'il in s li.'iltit rrejut-ntly tnirneil from evil c .itij.:iiic'iis t ;it m-t:.ti) the eilcciB whw h arc uibtly . veil wiif-n iisiccp, unit (wsirny trntti miml and brxtr, u:1 pu- ititiiu-itiatt y. WenknrM und nmst national t.ity t 'ss - .j inuyciil:ir energy, ptiysieal lasittude and men I p--.'ti.ui..u, in ital'ility and nit nervous atfretifni, indi IinrisimcM i( tin? livei, nnd evrv dismiein inr v ;t v, i' ti-i 1 1 i tci icd with tlie dirdrr it" the prucreuiivt fune- : 'I. ainl lull ic-r restnred. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous lifu or a premature death. KINKELIN on Self Preservation. ONLY 25 CENTS. T! s li ...kjust piiblislieilin find wit, useful information ' 1!,!imiiCi,-s ici.t liisi ase .if tlie lli-nrnil ivfl Oicnnt. IS-.-s, t usrli alike 10 VI ll :TM, MAN HOOD ami OIJJ I '.. iunl sllulllil !,e lilid liv all. 'I a!a; b!i: 111K ice am iiuprewive warniuf it aires. ari-.-.-itt v.-arsoi misery auj sulTcritig ami savs soauat- , 'I'l, i:-ai.i! oi lave. I'niais l,c n ailne.. ii suit ItMirn how to prevent ih dfs- traclii 11 i-t tlirir eliilitrcn. ' A ii 'etltani '--it , cents, enelosrd in a leltfr, sd I. in:. KlKi:i.l. w.eorner of TUMID 1 Mu stie.-i. Ktwrru Spruce Ii Pme, PliilaJtlphia w ill ra sure a I.. ,.in. iiinli-r em, per return of nskil. I1, is c.sat a ihsiance may aiklrvvs l)r. K. by letler, (poa ;i:,nl.) I, ail be eareil lit ll-!,!(-. I'Ai KM, IS Ol' Ml.llll'IM'.S. IHRKCTIOXS, ,' .rv n i. liv s.-imIiii'j 11 ri-iiiittiiuce, uiid pat apsscuie lioas I)S1 S(,i: , r I'l KlilSTY. I! 11 .i,-s, :!,ts-. ,w Airciits. Pillars. CnmaaiHrs, sad al ,ni, is saa'-ae l w-nii lla- utiovc work at very Saw rales. V'"' c ', l-.1l. ly. incinimisET SUNBURY, PA. -'ITlir subscriber respectfully informs her friends 1 and the public generally, that she has take the above well known stand nearly opposite lbs Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J. C. Per, l.ins. Mie trusts that her experienc in business and Iter 1 llbrts to make her guesla comfortable, wall uive entire satisfaction to those who may tt sor her with their custom. ANN C. MORRIS .March 151 if. J. II. ZIMMEEMAJJ, jssriti: or the ieice. Sunbury, Pa. Otlice in Deer Street, immediately opposite th Public School House, fV" Monirs eolk-iied and ail iMiaiucas piommh- Mud eaii lu.iv to. Ainl 0, 1650 J A TENT ER1TTAN1A STOPPERS ft far bottles lor sale by H. B MASSER. fsiinbury, April, 12, 1851 inUTINU FI.ITD and self sealing EnT, ' Iom-s, just received and for sale by April 19, DM I H. B. MASSER. KLAN1C NO'l'ES, waiving tha exemplii law of ;ii)0, for sale by April i!6, 1851. 11. D. MASSER. ADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Ms cine for sale by HENRY MA8HKB .Siinburv. Jan. 87th. 1849 YITH.EY'S COVGH Ci4NDY. An M V lent repiedy for coughs, colds. For at this oliice IO li sale at this ollice, Superior Black II Cuttle Medicine at 83 cts, Put Ewenc Gjijet, "5 cetus.