Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 21, 1852, Image 2

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I'rumtlie Public l.lgcr,
Through (ho instrumentality of Mayor
Oiinin of (his city, and Major Guthrie, of
Pittsburg some very important policedevel
onmoiits have been made during (he past
week, in (he interior of thii Stale, and (he
principal manufactory of counterfeit money
destroyed. The arrangement for (he descent
which proved so successful, were in prepare
lion months past j and such information
,,-ached Mr. Gilpin lust week, that on Friday
officer Moser, of tlia city night police, was
dopatched to Montour county, in order (o
prepare for Cnpt. Bennett and officer Bunting
of the city police, and High Constable Ha.
pne, of Pittsburgh, who started on oaturuay.
"Officer Mst,r Hrrivl1 nl lha UVOr" f Abra"
ham Hans, about 13 miles from Danville,
on Saturday, and remained there until Mon
day morniiijf. In the inlet im, ho hail made
nrrangemnni accoidmice with his diiec
liuns) to puichase a quantity of the counter
feit mnnev, on Tuesday, and the persons in the traffic, supposing the officer
to be a larfjn buyer, made him acquainted
with the place where iho counterfeit money
was manu'uelnred, and of the operations of
those interested ;n making it. The three
nddiliunal ofliuers reached Danville on Sun
day, and on Monday morning, with Mr.
Cornelius Garretson, went in a carriage to
die house kept by Ilaus, on the road leading
to Washiiig'.nnvilh.', in the character of
sportsmen. Officer Mosul' was in waiting
for the parties, and as soon as possible afler
thoir arrival, they repaired to the house of
Dr. Gilmer, a short distance from (he tav
ern. Upon approaching the door of the
counterfeiting establishment, Capt. Bennett
stepped forward and asked if Dr. Giltner
was tit homo, lie was answered in (he neg
ative by the wife of Dr. G., who gave a sig
nal and attempted to ciose the door. Capt.
Bennett then quickly summoned those of
his party outside, and w ith High Constable
ILigup, entered the premises and went up
Nc sooner had they reached the second
story, than footsteps were heard, and three
persons jumped out ef a window in the rear
of the house, and ran in different directions.
The t'dieers immediately ran down stairs
and save the alarm ; but before the others
could reach the inmates of iho establishment
two of th'?m escaped into the woods. The
third, Mr. Giltner, also reached Ihe woods
but he was soon overcome from the effects
of a pistol ball, fired by officer Moser,
which stiuek the left shoulder. This was
not fired, however, until after he had been
warned by the officers several times to
stop. When taken into custody, Dr. Giltner
II. II. MAMER, Editor and Proprietor.
V. B. PALMKR ii our authorised agent to receive tut
Kiiption and advertising at huolBce, in Philadelphia, New
l one, uoituii and Dultiraora.
To ADVKTiiitm. The circulation of the Sunhury
American among the different towna on the Susquehanna
i not exceeded if equalled by any paper published in North
ern reimsvtvama.
Of New Hampshire.
Of Alabama.
George V. Woodward, of Luzerne.
Wilson M'Candless, of Allegheny.
additional district.
Robert Patterson, of Philadelphia.
1. Peter Lojran,
2. Geo. H. Martin,
3. John Miller,
4. K. W. Bockius,
5. R. MeCay, Jr.,
6. A. Apple,
7. N. Strickland,
8. Abraham Peters,
9. David Fister,
10. R. E. James,
13. H. C. Eyer,
14. John Clayton,
15. Isaac Robinson,
16. Henry Fetter,
17. James Burnside,
18. Maxwell M'Caslin
19. Joseph McDonald,
20. W. S. Colahan,
21. Andrew Burk,
22. William Dunn,
asked if Marshal Keyser was in the party,
alleging that he would make it all right, if
present, fur the reason that he belonged to
the same Lodge the Marshal is a memberof.
Subsequently, ho was told by officer Hague
and Capt Bennet, that they were members of
the same fraternity tvith Marshal Keyser,
and regretted much to say that he (the pris
oner) is such an unworthy brother.
The house was then examined, and in the
second-story a full set of engraver's instru
ments, printing-press, the chemical and
other preparations used in making counter
feit money were found, besides SB00 in S2
otmierfeit Harrisburg Bank notes, which
wero wet having just been printed. This
description of money was being worked off
when the officers went to the house. A
large amount of Is, 2s, 5s, purporting to be
of Ihe Lancaster Bunk issue, were also
sound secreted in different parts of the house,
together with 5s on the York Bank, 5s on the
Merchants nml Manufacturers, Bink of Pitts
burg, 20s on the Cape May Bank, altered
from the notes of the exploded Millingtou
B.uik', and 10s on the Bank of Northumber
land. The plates from which the Harrisburg
counterfeits were worked, was carried away
by one of the parties who escaped, but the
olficers succeeded in getting the platesof the
Merchants and Manufacturer' Bank at Pitts
burg and the Cr.po May Bank, al a house
about thirteen miles distant on the road lead
ing to Turbut vilie.
Dr. Giltner was conveyed to Danvillo as
quickly as possible, in consequence of his
wound, and lodged in the jail, where he was
attended by Dr. James D. Strawbridge, of
that place, who pronounced his wound severe,
but not serious. In tho evening ol that day,
Justice William Kitchen heard Ihe case, and
committed the defendant to puson, in default
of S000 bail, to answer at the next term of
the Ccrt of Montour County, w hich meets
this month. He was represented by Edward
H. Baldy and Joshua (,'umly, Esqrs ; and the
Commonwealth by Benneville K. Rhodes,
Esq , District Attorney for Montour, County,
and JohnG. Montgomery, Esq. The defend
ant is said to be a beautiful and fkilful pen
man, and can counterfeit a signature with
much precision. He is alleged to be the
masterspirit of the band, and signed all the
notes. The Docter is a graduate of the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania, and but 28 years of
age. When he attended the Uuiveisity he
bore a good name and was much esteemed
by his associates.
. The escape of confederates of the prisoner
j unfortunate ; but, under tho circumstances
of ihe close pioximity of the woods to the
housH, and ihe officers being in a strange
county, the arrest of Pr. Giltner was truly
fortunate and adroitly managed by the offi
cers. There can be no doubt the other par
ies will also be brongh; to justice, now that
they are known. A portion of the money
and tools were brought to this city and are
now in possession of the Mayor. The re
mainder were left in charge of Sheriff Frezer,
of Montour county.
A Kis is the Dark. A young girl was
lately arrested in the highly moral city of
New Orleans, charged with having publicly
kised a mm. The girl kepi a coffee stand
in the market, and stated in explanation, that
(be man had some coffee and refused 10 pay
unlets she kissed him, and for fear of making
a bad debt, she complied. The officer, how
ever, who witnessed it, stated that she not
only bestowed the kiss with great gusto, but
voluntarily bestowed the additional endear
vneui of throwing her rm round the said
,. man's neck. Thii was too much for (he
. sensitively moral Recorder, and he fined the
5M 5.
11. Jno McReynolds, 23. J. S. M'Calrnont,
12. r. Damon, 2d. Ueo. II. Barrel.
For Co7igress :
Subject to the decision of iho Conferees
Assembly :
Register & Recorder :
JOHN P. PURSEL, of Sunbury.
Commissioner :
JOSEPH NICELY, of Delaware.
Auditor :
M. J. D. WITHINGTON, of Northumberl'd.
AARON KELLY, ofShamokin.
The Committee on fruit at the County
Fair, to be held at Northumberland, with
the exception of the head and tail, ii com
posed entirely of members of the press of
thii County. Thii ii right the press and
good fruit are well associated together, and
the product ii not hard to take in the shape
of good cider, by democrats and whigs, al
though hard cider is supposed to be a bev
erage peculiarly adapted to the tastes of
our whig friends, which can only be ac
counted for from the fact of their having
been, themselves, somewhat soured by fre
quent disappointments, they have asoimila
ted their tastea accordingly, in order to be
consistent. Be thii as it may, we prefer our
cider sweet and new. Our whig friends,
who generally take it hard, will have to
wait, as usual, until after the election when
much ol it is sure to get sour.
Has been let to Mr. Kirkbride, the build
er of the Williamsport and Lock Haven
bridges, at $13.75 per foot. The bridge is
976 feet long. The contract will there'
fore amount to about $13,000. The con
tractor takes as much of the material of the
old bridge, which is but a few years old,
as can be used at a fixed price, which will,
perhaps, amount to about $4,000. The
shingles and the plank of the floor, have all
been secured, and are worth, the former
about $12,00 and the latter about $7,00
The Democratic County Convention
which assembled at this place, on Monday
last, made their nominations without much
difficulty, excepting that of Register and
Recorder, which was closely contested be
tween Mr. Pursel and Mr. Martz, until
the 11th ballot.
The candidates selected are all gentle
men well known. Major Win. L. Dewart
was nominated for Congress on the first bal
lot, by a vote of nearly two to one over all
the candidates. Schuylkill county having
nominated Col. Straub, the contest wilt be
between these two candidates, which, we
trust will be satisfactorily adjusted by the
confereei on Tuesday next.
For Assembly, Col. Vm. Follmer was
nominated without opposition. Having
served but one year, it was but proper to
give him another term, especially as no
lault has been found with him.
For Register and Recorder, John P. Pur
sel was nominated. Mr. Pursel has al
ready held the office for three years and is
well known as an excellent and obliging
Joseph Nicely, of Deleware was nomi
nated for Commissioner on the first ballot
It affords us much pleasure to say that Mr
Nicely is a highly respectable and intell
gent man and will make an excellent offi
M.J. D. YVithington, the candidate for
Auditor, is said to be an excellent account
ant, a necessary qualification for this most The riJge is to be passable on the 1st of
only, on terms of equality in regard to num
bers and other conditions imposed.
Resolved, Thai in (he selection of WM.
DEWART, as the nominee of this conven
tion for Congress, the democracy of Northum
berland county have put forward a candidate
who has always been a warm and steadfast
friend of the democtatio party, whose abili
ties for the station are unquestionable, and
whose integrity and high character are a
sure guarantee that this Congressional dis
trict will find in him an honest, able and
faithful representative.
On motion our representative, Wm; Foll
mer, was re-nominated by acclamation.
On motion the Convention proceeded to
ballot for a candidate for Ihe office of Regis
ter and Recorder, as follows :
1 23456789 10 11
M A Kill EH,
Pursel, 9 9 9 11 12
Martz, 14 15 15 14 17
Irwin, 6 6 4 1
Buoy, 6 6 6 7 7
Yorks, 3 2 3 2 1
important office in the County.
For Coroner, Aron Kelly was unani
mously nominated. Mr. Kelly will make
a good officer.
Want of space prevents us saying more
this week.
January next.
KF Capt. Marcy. Intelligence reach
ed the War Department on Friday the 13th
inst., which strengthens the belief that the
report of the massacre of Capt. Marcy and
his command is false. Some of the latest
canal commissioner. Texas papers ascribe the origin of the mas'
The State Convention which meets at Uacre of Capt. Marcy and his command to
Harrisburg on the 26th inst., will have an- an encounter which a portion of it had
other important duty to perform in nomi- with some Indians, resulting, as it was re-
nating a candidate for Canal Commissioner, ported, in the killing of four of the soldiers.
A number of persons have already been
named as candidates. Among them are iJ Vandal Uutrage. borne persons
Hon. Daniel Sturgeon, VVm. Hopkins, entered the lower nursery of the horticul-
Wm. B. Foster, Joel B. Danner, Judge twal establishment of Henry H. Crapo, in
Ives and others. Among those just named New Jiedford, Mass., and destroyed about
we unhesitatingly prefer Judge Ives, who twelve hundred young and thrifty fruit and
was a prominent candidate at the last Con- ornamental trees. I ney were sawea, cut
vention. hacked, and pulled up, so their loss is a to-
We should not, however, neglect to ,a' one, amounting to about $900 in actual
mention that our recent Countv Conven-' value
lion recommended Wm. Forsythe, Esq., of
Northumberland for this office. Mr. For
sythe has many friends who would rejoice
BujiineBt Notices.
Lime. M. H. TuKgart, calls tho attention of ; (0 8ee him occupying that station.
persons wanting line, to bis advertisement.
Wijuiow Busns.- Our readers will find in
another column the advertisement of G. L. Mil
er & Co., manufacturer of window blinds,
shades, &c.
Allkgiiem Hocse. Our readers will find
the advertisement of the proprietors of this House,
in our paper, this week. The House is an excel
lent one, and the terms reasonable.
Wisdow Busos UD Shades. Persons in
wont of window Minds of a superior quality and
beautiful style of finish are referred to the adver
tisement of Mr. George W. Ziinerman, No 61
Arch Street Philadelphia. Mr. Ziinerman is
himself a practical workman, and has supplied
blinds for some of the handsomest residences in
A resolution was passed at the late Coun
ty convention adopting the popular vote
system instead of the old fashioned dele'
gate system. As the resolution is not suf
ficiently explicit in its phraseology, we will
endeavor to explain
IT" Minister to England. The Presi
dent has appointed Hon. Joseph R. Inger
soll, of Philadelphia, Minister Plenipoten
tiary to the Court of St. James, in the room
of Hon. Abbot Lawrence, of Boston, recal
led at his own request.
will be held at the time and place appoint
ed, as usual, when each candidate will be
voted for. The proceedings are to be regu
larly kept and made out, of all the votes.
polled. Instead of delegates, return judges
are appointed, who will all assemble at
the valley of the Susquehanna, as well as the ci- j Sunbury, on a day fixed, as is now the cus
ty. ! torn in general elections. The candidate
fy- The Camp Meeting which is held on
tu farm of John Farnsworth, Esq., about
three miles from this place is well attended.
Omnibusses and other vehicles run from
Township elections 'his place well filled at 12$ cents. Three
lines of truck cars, pretty well piled up,
run at 64 cents. Cheap fares make pas
sengers plenty.
Gouet's Lihi's Book. The September num
ber of this excellent monthly, bsing a double
number, contains a vast deal of entertaining and
useful information. The embellishments of the
present number are handsomely executed. The
Lady's Book and the American will be furnished
for Si per annum in advance.
r7 SrsQi'EiiANNA Railroad. The vote
of the Stockholders of the York and Cum
berland Railroad, authorizing the loaning
of its bonds, to aid in the construction of
the Susquehanna Railroad, stands 1360 in
favor, and none against it.
E7" General Taylor's widow died at East
Pascagoula, on Saturday night last.
tCF Printing Ink. For sale for cash,
at this office, kegs of 25, 20 and 12 pounds
each.' Price 25 cents per pound.
ID?" The goose pond in Market street
remains as it was. If the authorities don't
intend to fill it up immediately they should
at least strew lime over it, to prevent any
evil effects arising from miasmatic influence.
having the highest number of all the votes
in the County, is declared the nominee of
the party. This, we believe, is substan
tially the system which has been practised
for some time in Crawford county, and is
said to work well. democratic county convention
Pursuant to public notice given by the
O" The Harrisburg Union, in publish- Standing Committee, the County Convention
iug the proceedings of the late "$200,000 assembled on Monday to nominate candidates
Whiskey Insurrection" in Union county for the different offices of the county
The Convention was organized by appoint
mg J, ii. m 'UJIUUCK, r resilient ; Jacob
Raker and Francis, Yico Presidents
Dr. George B. Wetter and If. T. Forsyth
On motion, the following delegates appear
rjC? Fruit. Apples, peaches, pears,
plums, melons and other fruits are abund
ant this season. Peaches are just begin
ning to ripen, although some of the gardens
of this place produced ripe peaches ten
days since.
0!? Conferees. Major W. L. Dewart,
the nominee for Congress in this county,
has selected J. M. Simpson, Isaac D. Raker,
and George W. Armstrong as conferees to
meet the conferess of Schuylkill county, to
nominate a candidate for Congress. The
conferees will meet at the house of I
Seitzinger near Ashland on Tuesday next.
omits the resolution passed by the party
headed by Mr. Shriner, Gov. Bigler's Whis
key Inspector, in which the Governor was
censured for signing the act allowing coun
ties to subscribe. This is hardly fair play.
The Governor should not be kept in the e(j Bncj produced their credentials:
dark, in regard to the valuable services of
his agents.
tJjF" The next County Agricultural Fair
to be held at Northumberland on the 7th
and 8th of October, promises to be well at
tended. Its management is in the hands of
excellent officers and managers, and is
bound to flourish. All who can possibly
do so should attend, and bring something
tor exhibition, and compete for the various
premiums, a list of which will be found in
another column.
fF" Malicious MtscHiEr. Some boys,
for we can ha.rdly believe they were men,
on Tuesday night after midnight, went
prowling through the streets, rolling boxes,
barrels, Stc, into the streets and gutters
tearing up and turning over porches, and
carrying away door steps. We can make
every allowance (or a little fun or innocent
mischief, but such work as thii can only be
attributed to rowdyism and malice, or gross
KF" William Searight, the democratic
candidate for Canal Commissioner, it no
more. He died at his late residence, in
Uniontown, Fayette county, on Thursday
of last week, after a painful illnesi of about
four weeks.
The State Convention which re-assembles
et Harrisburg, on Thursday next, will
have to make a new nomination for the of
fice of Canal Commissioner, li well ai for
a candidate for the Supremo Courl.
fF" Benjamin Matthias, Esq., State
Senator, from Philadelphia, died on Satur
day last, after a protracted illness. Mr.
Matthias has, at various times during a
number of years, represented the city in
the State Legislature. Mr. M. was, at one
time, connected with the press. For sev
eral years he was associated with Mr.
Joshua Taylor, in the publication of the
Saturday Chronicle.
There was quite a row at the Ocean
House in Newport, on the 5th inst. A ser
vant attempted to wrest a dish out of the
bands of Mr. Yerger a Southern gentleman,
who wai helping some ladies, who struck the
servant in the face with a knife. Mr.
Verger, anticipating an attack armed him
self, and next morning while at breakfast
he observed a number of waiters preparing
to attack him. He drew out two revolvers
and with the aid of some friends expelled
them. The waiters about 100 in number
gathered, in another room. Mr. Verger
deemed it expedient to leave, and was ac
companied by about 50 southerners.
Delaware. J. H. Cathcart, Samuel D'Ar
mond, J. C. Hoffman.
Turbut. George Ku'.z, Wm. Waldron.
Lewis. Samuel Slroherlter, J. Hunsicker
Milton J. H. McCormick, George Strine.
Chilisquaque. Hugh Caul, D. P. Caul.
Point. J. Beidelspach, R. Curry, jr.
Northumberland. VVm. Elliot, William T
Forsylh. Sunbury. Geo. Weiser, Francis Bucher.
Upper Augusta. Dennis Woolverton, Ja
oob Evert.
Lower Augusta. Ephraim Lytel, Daniel
Rush, C. P. Gearhart, Lefferd Haugha
wout. Shamokin. --Samuel Hummel, Jacob Hoo
ver. Coal. Daniel Beckly, Dr. G. S. Robins.
Cameron. Solomon B. Boyer, Gideon Kra
mer. Upper Mahonoy. Henry Haas. Jacob
Lower Mahonoy.--Dr. G. B. Weiser, John
Little Mahonoy. Jacob Raker, Conrad H.
Jackson. Nioholas Drumheller, Jonas
On motion (he Convention proceeded to
ballot for member of Congress, as follows :
William L. Dewart, 23 votes
John Montgomery, U
George C. Welker, 2
After which he was declared unanimously
nominated. On motion
Resolvtd, That the nominee of this con
vention for Congress shall have the privilege
of seleoting the conferees of this County to
meet the conferees of Schuylkill county at
such time and place as may be agreed upon
Resolvtd, That the conferees of this Coun
ty are hereby instructed by this convention.
to meet the confereei of Schuylkill county
16 17 14 14 15 20
19 17 17 18 19 18
2 4
3 3 4 4 4
Whereupon John P. Pursel, Esq., was de
clared duly re-nominated for tho office of
Register and Recorder.
On motion tho Convention proceeded to
ballot for a candidate for County Commis
sioner, as follows :
Joseph Nicely, 20 vote.
James Oaks, 8 "
Jacob Kline, 6 11
Thomas Strine, 3 "
John B. Heller, 1 "
Whereupon Joseph Nicely was declared
duly nominated for said office.
The Convention then proceeded to ballot
for Auditor.
M. J. D. Withington, 22 votes.
George M. Wykoff, 1 1 "
Joseph Hogendoebler, S "
M. J. D. Withington was declared duly
On motion, Aaron Kelly, was unanimously
nominated for Coroner.
On motion, the following resolutions were
passed :
JJesoItiJ, That Jacob Leisenring, of Nor
thumberland, bo the Representative Delegate
to the Harrisburg 4th of March Convention.
Resolved, That the Democracy of Northum
berland county, adopt the "Popular Vote
system" of nominating Candidates for the
different offices of the County, and that the
standing Committee be hereby authorized
to notify them of the fact in their call for the
selection of candidates.
Resolved, That the standing Committee be
requested to appoint a Committee of Vigi
lance, consisting of three in each election
Resolved, That our delegates to the State
Convention, to be held on the 24th of August,
be and they are hereby instructed to vote for
William Forsythe, sr. Esq., lor Canal Commissioner.
Resolved, That this convention recommend
to the convention, which is to meet at Harris
burg on the 26th of August, the name of the
Hon. George W. Woodward, of Luzerne
county, as a candidate for Judge of the Su
preme Court, to supply the vacancy occasion
ed by tho death of Judge Coulter, and that
we have full confidence in his honesty, abil
ity and integrity, and that the delegates of
this County are instructed to support him in
the State convention.
Resolved, That Ihe Democracy of Northum
berland county have every confidence in Ihe
administration of Gov. Bigler, and find him
highly worthy the trust confided in him by
(he Democracy of Northumberland County
without a dissenting voice, will support
Pierce and King for the distinguished position
for which they have been honorably placed
in nomination.
nesoivea, ina( in them both, recognize
high toned intellectuality, morality, pure pa
triotism, enlightened and experienced states
manship, and lha( we will give them our vig
orous and united support.
Resolved, That we pledge ourselves to sup
port Ihe nominees of this Convention, and that
we will use all fair and houorablu means
for their success.
The following gentlemen were appointed
a Standing Committee for the ensuing year
Wm. B. Kipp, J. Roush, Jacob Kaufman
Michael Treon, D. P. Caul, J. G Frick. J. S
Haas, Valentine Klase, James Eckman
Resolved, That all the Democratic papers
of the county publish the proceedings
(Signed by the Officers.)
Correspondence of the Sunbury American.
Saratoga, Aug. 11th, 1852.
I find myself suddenly transferred from ihe
quiet and retirement of a mountain life to the
noise and confusion of Bable. The fashion
able world hath gathered hero her votaries
a pleasure seeking crowd they have come
from all quarters, with pomp and pageantry
and glittering equipages.
The season is now at its height. The
grand Fancy Dress Ball comes off on ihe 2uth.
Preparations are on fool to render it a most
mignificent affair. The hotels aro crowded
(o overflowing. Every train of cars bting in
fiesh arrivals and the side-walks are filled
with men and women running about in search
of lodgings. All ihe fashion congregate
around the "United Slates Hotel " Perhaps
(he most noted character of this establish
ment is black Morns, (he head waiter. 1
am told he makes his hundred dollars n day
from jees alone. 'At dinner I often watch his
movements with the mot( lively interest.
He moves among his vast army of waiters
with the dignity of a sovereign. His com
mands are given with the most extravagant
pomposity : and over a broken dish or plate
he assumes a tragic attitude and goes oft' in
regular Booth style.
There is but littlo variation in amusements
here, after breakfast there is bowling, bil
liards, or a ride in the country. Home in
time to dress for dinner at three, Hfter din
ner music by the band. Promenade wiih
the ladies; smoke a cigar; or perchance
dash oir behind a fleet pair of horses. Tea
at 7; then a hop, concert or flirtation as a
person feels inclined. 1 find much pleasure
in lisiug early and walking to Congress
Spring. Every body goes there before bieak- 1
fast. Tho grounds about Ihe Spiiug are laid
ofT with much good taste and beauty. It i? 1
a delightful place for a morning walk, Threo i
or four glusses of water and as many rapid
walks around the premises podiiccs a vora
cious appetite for breakfast. A baud i. in
attendance every morning stationed near the
spring and discourses most eloquent music.
Still so gently o'er me Stealing' '-Old Folks
at Home," with a waltz or polka, touches a
reverberating' chord and calls up loved and
cheri-hed memories.
What shall I say of the ladies heaven
bless their kind souls They are ever around
the path-way of man. Not alone in his
hours of anguish, ministering to his wants
In this place, on the 12th inst.. by Ihe
Rev. Mr. Ross, EDWAao W. Bright to Miss
Rosalie R. Richardson, both of this place.
At Chicago, Illinois, on Ihe 0th dav of Au
gust inst., after an illness of several days,
Irom nemorrnage, causeu ov inn rupture of
of a blood vessel, SILAS H. ENGEL, former
ly of this place, aged 31 years.
In Milton, on the 12th inst , GEORGE, in
fant son of Matthias Strine, aged about 10
New Advertisements.
rjHE Chinese pay the British merchants fif
L ttcn mil lion of dollars for cotton manufac
ture!), mid forty-five million for opium crown in
the British East Indies, every year. They do
not understand political economy there, and nev
er will understand any kind of economy such as
is learned here by those who buy their clothiiis
and comforts and breathing word of hope ; i from Rnckliill & Wilson's cheap and fashionable
hiil in lli. illmnirifi,! hall ami nl iIir IVstivn "tore. -"o. ill Uiestnut street, corner ot frank-
Philadelphia Market.
August 17, 1852.
Flour and Meal. Flour is quiet ; sales
of 1000 bushels of fresh ground Pennsylva
nia 34, 121,. Extra flour is held at S4 37 i a
$4 75.
Rvk Flour. Sales at S3. 75.
Coiin Meal. Last sales of fresh ground
al S3 25.
Wheat Sales of Southern red at 88a90c,
and 971 a 98c fr r old Perm, white.
Corn Is in fair demand ; sales of yellow
afloat, al 70 cents.
Oats. bales of Southern at 33c, and ot
Pennsylvania nt 39 cents.
Whiskey. Sale3 in bbs. and hhds. at 23c.
Baltimore Market.
Auoust 16, 1851.
GRAIN. The supply of Wheat is email
for the last day or two. Sales of good to
prime reds to-day at 85 aS8 cts. ; white at
87 a 90 cts.
Com continues scarce nnd in good demand.
Sales of yellow to-day at 63 a 64 cts. and
white at 61 a 62 cts.
We quote Oats at 28 a 34 cts.
WHISKEY. Sales of Pennsylvania bbls.
at 23 cts., and of hhds. at 22 cents.
I What.
! Rn;. - - 80
Ciiii.N. - - -75
0ts. - . . 45
Potato r.s, . - 60
! Ilt'TTMI. -14
1 Kims. ... 10
Pour. ... H
Trout in Lake Erie. Mr. Andrews, of
Dunkirk, N. Y recently succeeded in catch
ing salmon trout in Lake Erie, where it was
not known that they existed. Several un
successful attempts were made at different
depths of water, and in different ways, but
at length the true way was found, and that
by turning out some thirteen miles from shore
and dropping nets to the depth of nearly or
quite 100 feet, and thus letting them remain
for some hours, the fish could be secured
Mr. Andrew took at one haul over fifteen
hundred pounds wf trout and whitefish. In
this let were thirty. three trout, weighing
about thirty pounds each.
board dispensing joy and sunlight and render
ing gay and delicious what else would be mi
Egyptian banquet. Saratoga was ever to me i
a magic word, at ils very name visions of
beauty and loveliness have passed before me.
I fancied to myself a fairy realm ; peopled
with beings bright and beautiful a t 'no mi si
ovely ideal form of boyhood's dream. Tho
Saratoga of to-day is unlike the Saratoga of
past years. With one or t'.vo exceptions 1 '
rind nothing beyond the ordinary run of ;
handsome women. I could name a dozen of :
the Susquehanna gills that in a contest for ,
beauty with the Saratoga belles, would tri- j
umphantly bear off the palm Mifs G. from ;
Jersey city is certainly very handsome. She
is nol more than "sweet eighteen," but her :
gay ringing laugh and sweet smile have gain
ed for her many admirers. Miss T. fioni j
North Carolina has perhaps the mot snb- j
stantial claim as 'Belle," Her numerous 1
charms have already brought to her feet a !
host of suiloTs.
Her eyes dark charms 'twere vain to tell, I
But pfue on that of Ihe liniclle.
It will assist thy fancy well
The evening "Hop" constitutes one of the
chief amusements to those who love tho mo
tion of the dance." The five-step waltz is a
favorite It certainly is fascinating "fatally
fascinating" to those xvho indulge in it.
Mothers would do well to strike out this from
tho list of their daughters amusements.
Madame Alboni gave her second and last
concert to a large audience. Pi ice of tickets
S2,00. I objected to this e.xorbitant price;
but took a ticket as I am in for siyht seeing.
Many persons compare her to the ' Divine
Jenny." But this is ridiculous praise. Shu
sings well and shows superior cultivation and
talent. But in my humble estimation she is
far behind the sweet warblings of the "nigi.
tengale." Manv distinguished people are here. Mr.
Buchanan is at the ''United States." He
seems to be a favorite with ihe ladies. Eve
ry one visits "Saratoga Lake." It is a beau
liful spot four miles from Ihe village. A pio
nio for benefit of guests at lha ''United
States" was held there to-day. Tho roads
were awfully dusty, but the patty very pleasant.
To-morrow 1 have sot apart to visit with
some friends the scene of Gates' triumph.
The spot is about 12 miles to the east. It is
hardly known here, and very few, I fanc y,
allow themselves to associate tho name of
Saratoga with one of the most memorable
achievements of American arms.
lin Place.
Philadelphia, Jan. 31, 1852.-
To Bridge Builders.
"PROPOSALS will be received by the Com--
missioncrs of Northumberland comity, at
tliK house of Elia.s Kmirich, in Lower Augusta
township, on
iriifJ.YESD.-ir, the 8ffc of Sept. mxt,
until 3 o'clock. P. M., for the construction of a
bridse across the little (Sliauiokin Creek. Plans
and specifications exhibited on the dav of letting.
C. ALBERT, ) Com'rs.
Sunhury, Aug. 5M, 1853. St.
The Lancaster papers, say no cases of chol
era have ocoured there except the three in Or
ange street, ten days ago. At the Cincinnati
Infirmary, for the week ending August 4th,
theie were 4 deaths from cholera.
Ma. Seward's speech on the whale fishery
and American commerce in ihe Pacific, has
been published in Washington, in pamphlet
form, and more than 60,000 copies have
been subsoribed for by Senators and mem
f . - L l A ...
jus eaiiorsotine jom oazette nave in
their possession a cucumber, raised by
George Anstine, Esq , in Windsor township,
which has the appearance of a snake, and is
nearly three feet long.
The different railroad companies at In
dianapolis, aro building a Union Passenger
Depot, 400 feet long, by 98 feet wide, and
an eating house one story high, and 120 by
33 teet wide.
The man with hair so deeply red that it
speaks seventeen different languages, and
has reduced Watts' Hymne to Greek hexa
meters, has lately dyed bis crimson locks
Teachers "Wanted.
TV'OTICE is hereby given that proposals for
' Teact.ers will be received by the Board of
School Directors of Shamokin township, at the
houso of Cliurles Leisenring, on S.Vi'L'KDA V,
the 1th day of September next, at which tinio
and place examinations and allotments will be
made. 15y order of the Hoard,
Shamokin tp., Aug. SI, 1853 St.
Lime ! Lime ! !
riHE subscriber is prepared to furnish lime tc
those in want of it on the river bank at Dry
Valley, or can deliver the sanio in quantities ol
11100 bushels or upwards, on the canal or rivei
bank, within reasonable distance of this place.
All orders will receive prompt attention.
Dry Valley, Aug. 21, 1853.- 3t.
V'OTlCE is hereby given that proposals wii
i- ' be received by tho Secretory of the Board c
Directors, of the Common School Sunbury Di
trict, for two male and two female teacher
until 3 o'clock P. M.t on FRIDAY the lUr
of September next, at which time a nicctii g t
the Directors will take place in room Ko- S. 1
the public school house, to examine upplicant
and allot the schools.
By order of the Hoard,
D. W. SHIN DEL, i-ec'y
Sunbury, Aug. Mth, 1653. 3t.
N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Con
of Northumberland countv, will be exposi
to public sale on SATURDAY the lSlh. day
September nsxt, on the premises the followii
real estute to wit: A certain messuage or
Tract of Land,
situate in Shamokin township, county afcresu
Adjoining lands of William Marti, Soloin
Exort, Philip lloltuud oilier, containing abc
fifty eight acres more or lees, on which arc ore
ed a good Fit A ME HOCSE und BARN. L
the e.-tal ol Howell Goodrich, doc d.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. of s.
day when the terms of Kale will be made kno
By order of the Court, i
J. P. Pl'KSEL, I lk, O. C.
Aug. SI 1853. St. )
The Northern Temperar.ce Convention,
will meet at Milton on Wednesday the 25th
inst., at 11 o'clock A., M. in the Presbyteri
an Church. Clergymen of every denomina
tion and all friends of the cause are solicited
to attend, as matters of great importance to
the advancement of the cause, at this partic
ular crisis, will be submitred to the conven
Committee of Arrangements.
August 14, 1852.
Hundreds of our citizens complain of de
bility and langour of the system, derange
ment of the liver and stomach, want of op
petite, ke. ; they are frequently the result
of too olose application, and a thousand
other causes we cannot here name ; but we
would say to all so afflicted, do as we have
done get a bottle or two of Dr. Hooflland's
German Bitter, prepared by Dr. Jackson,
and, our word for it, you will be cured. We
recommend this medicine, knowing from
experience thai it is much superior to the
generality of patent medicines. We would
say to our readeis, purchase none unless
prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, Philadelphia.
0. L. Miller $ Co.,
South ff'est cor. of Second It Arch Streets
rplIE PROPRIETOA'S, having increased tl
JL facilities during the past season, now
able to supply all who have or m be disp.
patronise them. Their Stock c e.n rises e
variety of patterns of FLOW Kits, LA-'
SCAPE, GOTHIC, Ac, unsurpassed in qua:
and which will be sold at our usual
great variety.
Shades made to order, at short notice,
Stores, Churches, Lodge Rooms, Ac.
Depot, S. W. comer of Second nd Arch
Phi.adelphia, Aug. 21, 1852. 3m.
Street, tbove 8th, Philadelphia, Unde.
new arrangement the cars which arrive I
Pituburg, Harrisburg, die, will run to the
Depot, corner of Schuylkill 5th and Market,
order to accommodate tb public w will 1
have our Coach st tb New Depot on ths a
of the cars to carry Passengers to the AUeg
House, which is in the centre of ths city,
old friends will please ride down, and all
wish to patronise House with Good 1
Clean Beds, and accommodating assistants,
pleas give us s call.
Ttrmi, Om Dollar per Pay.
August "1, l8:.-m.