I poctvtj. J SUNMJUY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. he Lord looketh on the Heart" By Mbs. Sinoi'RNY. hnVin Ihy IPmplf, Lei"! of hosts, ; With prayerful lip we bow, If every vain ntul wayward thought Wcra, written on our brow ; Ami if thfe sparchinj? eye of man Might each emotion see, Ami every motive all unveiled, As r.learly read by Thee, 4 How would the moM lamiliar friend From Ink companion start, And neighbor nunii the neiubors face With terror in Ilia heart ! Ya, mnn'y whom a -fluttering world Applauds us jiift and true, Miaht to the rocks and mouutains turn To shield thorn from its view. . But thou, to v.lio.e omniscient Eye Our every thought on earth Hath stood uncurtained and revealed, E'en from our day of birth, How great must-thy forbearance bo ! How measureless and vast The power of His atoning love That pardonelh us at last ! i 3Wfscellucoit0 flatter. Lv :-rr;,:.N! Steam, liircl ricii v ! ! trJ a'?! :'!; !i:-:s y-' tl-u ly tin Tn-EM dish, The A'- i.iiiUiKilij, I I'M 1UA t. clement, i VVMIO, hnvitiR great fmlli in vapid nalea and j ' small profits, had ins' re :vr l jin opr-r.cd i A large assortment of SI'I.'I.NU AM) SV.M.VL'R. (.001), At Ids Store in Mar.;ci Street, Sunbury, which ho offers to the public, at t lie lowest priors. His stock consists ol a general assortment ol Dry Cloods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinels, Jeans, Drillings Muslins, Linens,. Itthcocs, Alushn ile Laws, Lawns. Giiuihams. Pierages. Silk &. Palm Leap Hats. A large assortment of Hoots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Groceries, Sujar, Tea, Cofl'ce, Molasses. Cheese. Sni- ces, Fish Salt, Plaster. Hardware, Viz : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, Ac. QTJEENSWARE, Tea Sells, Plates, Dishes, Cvps, Stutters, tVe LIQUORS, Wine. Brandy, Gin, Rnm, Whiskry, it- Cnnntrv produeo of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest muikct prices. May 8, lS.r2 Iy. German Emigrants' Marriages at Hue men. Mr. Locke, of the Savannah Republi can' in a letter from Bremen, says: "The Consul here drives a considerable business in the marrying lino. On the day of my arrival he united twenty-three couples all emigrants about !o sail for America' The laws of New York and Bremen require these marriages by the Consul. There, un married women with children, or expecting to have them, cannot land without giving heavy bonds. Here, the laws do not allow them to got married by a clergyman unless they have property enough to support a fam ily. Hence, the duty falls on the Consul. Of all those who come to the Consul to be married, four-fifths have been living togeth er before, and have nice little families already. 1VODLE CONDUCT OF A KEVFOV.DL.M DOG. The dog Holla, belonging to Mr. Adams, of 60 Conrllandt street, on Sunday last, per formed one of those heroic deeds of humanity for which the Newfoundland breed is remark uble. An interesting little boy, about ten years old, while playing near the water tit lloboken, lost his balance and fell in. The tide sweeps along the shore there with great rapidity, and the little fellow in a few mo ments was carried apparently beyond the rearh of human assistance. The lad, it seems, could swim a little, but just as his st rpityrt h was giving way, the dog, at a short distance from the spot, quick as thought, dashed tt i. . i. i i t : . i. i llliuuu mo tiun Uj imni uuu iiiu wtiiiri. and ill a minute more had the boy by the collar, secure between his teeth. To bring him ashore, back to that particular place however, was an inposibility, owing to the force of the current; so that the only hope was to make a point of land somo distance attend between Jeraev Cilv and lloh' l;i and for that quarter Rolln steerd hi- t ,":::. amidst the applause and excitement ol tin spectators. On went the noble an'mal, bravi -ly buffeting the tide, and careless of the shouts of applause, all the while keeping the boy's face out of water. Ha reached the goal at length with his precious burthen, safe and sound, but a little faint and frightened ; and no sooner had ho laid him down than the noble animal sunk exhausted on the sand. He was instantly surrounded by a numerous crowd of people, who had been eye-witnesses of the scene, vicing with each other in show ing kindness to the heroic animal that had thus risked his own life to save that of a heldless human being. Some idea of the la. bor performed by the dog is had in the fact, that the entire distance he had to swim is said to be no, less than two miles. New York Erpress. The New York Mirror gives us some anec dotes of Mr. Webster, culled from the "Per sonal Movements" of his private Secretary, Mr. I.anman, from which we quote : "The house in which Mr. Webster was born is not now standing. Mr Webster's fa ther raised his log cabin, for his first dwel ling, and there the elder children were born. The house which succeeded was a one story frame house, with chimney in the middle, having four rooms on the ground floor, ami an addition in the rear for .a kitchen. The farm still belongs to the Webster family. The church in which Mr. Webster was baptized is Mill standing. The remains even of the old log houses are still teen, and Mr. Webster has said of them, "I make to it my annual visits. carry my children to it, to teach them the hardships endured by the generations which have gone before them." The "Elms Farm" is about three miles from the original home of the family : Here Mr. Webster spent his youth. It contains one thousand acres lie in a bend of the Meniinac, and is one of the finest fa .ins in New Hampshire. The Marshfield farm Mr. Webster's home contains about two thousand acres of undulating and marshy laud, ,and slopes down to the ocean. It has belonged to its present owner about twenty-five years. The farmers in the vicinity acknowledge that they have learned much of improved agriculture from the great statesman. The raising of fine cattle is a pnssion vith Mr. Webster. The flower-garden covers nearly ono acre, and contains an immense variety of flowery. The variety of forest trees on the farm is treat : m&nv of them have sprung lioni eeds planted by Mr. Webster's own hands. Mr. Webster has prepared a family burial- place, at a cost of about 81000 on the sum mit of a hill in one of his fields, overlooking the ocean. Directly in front of the mansion aie two small elms whfch we're planted by the fa - -. titer in memory of his children Julia uud F.d ' ward.. He planted the tree without an) as sistance, and - then handing the shovel . to Fletcher, who stood by, said "Sly son pro tect these trees aftei 1 am gone. Let them ever remind yon of Julia and Edward." LHiHTMNd HODS. FTER many yenrs' close investigation and numerous experiments, the Patentee takes pleasure in inforniinir the public that he has arri ved ot the true principle of protecting families, dwellings and property from the destructive influ ence ol l,I(iUTil.lf. I ho calamities mat every City, Town, Village and Country falls vic tim to annually, through the gross negligence of its inhabitants, is beyond calculation, especially when the remedy is so eusy to obtain this is found in ARMITAGK'S Patent Magnetic Lightning; Rods, and in this alone. This Hod has been examined bv the most scientific gentlemen in tho world Professors M Murtrie, Johnson, W tutor and ma ny others that have examined them, recommend and speak of them in the highest terms of appro bation, and have pronounced them the only safe rods in use m tins or any other country lor the protection of Lives and Property. One advan tage is to oivule anil throw Hack a part ot ttic elec tric fluid harmless to the clouds; in time of a stroke this enables the rod to conduct that portion of fluid that belongs to the earth without the slightest danger nf leaving the conductor. This rod has many other advantages over the old one. The only place of manufacturing is in 1'ijic Si. 3 doors above 12i, Philadelphia, where ull persons arc respectfully invited to call ond examine for themselves. For sale Whole sale or Retail by THOMAS ARMITAGE. f00 E00K AGENTS WANTED. NY koihI, active and intelligent man, 1 wi:h a small capital of from $30 to a i i'10. can make laigu profits by engaging in w sale of lha following POPULAR AND USEFUL BOOKS. r It VMHKItS' INFORMATION FOR THF. PKOri.R i r Popular Kncyclopnlia nf L'acfnl Knowledge. Two ! fiic itiif?rial octavo volumes, cntitnimnff 17IHI crimes, l'i.T' ';siNH MOTOR V OF TUB AMKKICAN il. VOLUTION. Sit) large octavo pages, W illi Suit Hue Kihrrnvinira. 11. l'i;itO.VS HISTORY OF TMK U. S. NAVY. 000 hurt- retnvo pnjjes, nml 150 fine Kiifrrovinps. K HOSTS HF.MAltKABI.l-: l'.VKN I'S IN TIIKHISTO ItY OK A.MICItlCA. Two tarpo wtnvo vohmirs, con t.miinu 1WKI pngesand 7IKI Engravings.- The bct llis 1'irv nf America rulilifthrit. 1-ltoST'H PirroUlAI, I.IFK OP WASHINGTON. A Splendid 11 mk, coiitiiliiini; flIKI iieluvo pnifes nmt cle gnnt Ijik'mvinas. Tho cheapest Life of Washington ever pnlilij-hed. MOOHK'S HISTORY OF TIIF. INDIAN WARS. Fine e ilnred nnd Plnin Plntefl. TIIF. Tttl'F. lll'.l'UHI.ICAN. Containing the Intmpurnl Addresses nnd the First Annntil Addresses nnd Messnfres ofnll the t'residenls of llie United States, the Constitu tions of Ihe important Suites in the Union. Ac., Ae. Kmhellishi'it Willi Portraits of nil the Presidents, enprn- vedonsleel, mid n view of the Cnpilnl of Iho l iiileil Slates. fiCO pages, l'i nin. VOX'S HOOK OF MAHTVn'i A Splendid Family Kdition. Inroe quarto, wall fi'i Engravings, beautifully bound in moneeo, gilt, W. COR M K.M.N !H HISTORY OF THE POPKS. 000 large oetavo pa-es. with illustrations. .lOSKPIIUS' WORKS. Fine Kdition. one Inrce volume. STURM'S REFLECTIONS ON THE WORKS OF HOD. ST. PIERRE'S STUDIES OF NATURE. WHITE'S HISTORY OF THE WORLD. A VnhmWe Oeneinl llislory. One large octavo volume, with liund- s-nne l-'nirravings. LIVES (IF GREAT AND CELEBRATED CHARAC- TEltS : of a t Ages nnd Countries. One large volume of hue lmces, with numerous Engravings. Together with a number of other Works particularly adapted for Popular Heading. Cr The most liberal discounts will be given to Aa.e.nt i who mnxi ensage in the sale of the above ahiable Hooks. For further particulars', address (postage paid,) J. & J. u. lilUU.N, I'uonsiH'rs, No. 98 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia June 26, 1852. IMPROVED LIGHTNING RODS. THE subscriber has constructed a LIGHT NINO ROD on true. Philosophical princi ples, by which buildings supplied with them aro rendered perfectly secure against destruction by lightning. The connection and insulation of the rod, as' wall as the preparation of the ground rod, Is on art entirely new plan, making a more per fect conductor than any heretofore .in use. ' Measures have been taken to secure Letters Totcnt for the improvement. Persons desirous of securing their lives and property from destruction by lightning, can have conductors put up to their buildings in the most perfect and substantial manner, by applying ci ther personally or by letter, to the undersigned, at the following prices : For 40 It. J inch copper rod gold plated point, .toll it pt alula tin, And forty cents for every additional foot over fortv. For 40 ft. 4 inch tubular rods gold pla ted point, solid pint inn lip. For 40 ft. iron rod gold pluted point, sol id filalina lip, For 40ft. iron rod silver plated point, And twenty cents for every additional foot over forty. I . H. MAtJKKY, Milton, Sept. 0, 1851 ly. cap 17, 1852. LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, AND nil diseases orislnn from disordered liver or no maeh, such as constipation, inward Piles. Fullness, or IIIIHU l( me nenu, Aeiiuiy oi mo dii , $32,00 13,.-)0 12,50 10,00 tlenrtl.iirn. ilisirnst for Food, fullness or wciirht in the Stomnf.h sour F.rnetnlioini. niilttillff Or fluttchlur of the Stomneh, swimming of the iiend, hurried nnd diltieull BANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. EW The only authorized Agent for the Coun ties of Union, Juniata, Milllin, Clinton, Lycom ing, Northumberland, Montour, Columbia, Lu zerne, ; SAMUEL HOOVEH. JIartlcton, Union eovntij, Pa. . letters addressed (post paid) fo Mr. 'I be promptly attended to. ". 4m. Oils, Tallow Grease, and OHIO MINERAL PAINT. Off BARRELS MACHINERY OIL. Prico OVV7 75 cts per gallon. 2500 Gallons machi ncrv oil, in casks of various si7.es, 75 cts per gal 200 ISnrrels Uoilcd Paint Oil, 5o " 5000 Gallons " " in cosks of various sizes. " " 350 Barrels Tanners' Oil. Various kinds ond qualities, from 35 to 60 cents per gallon. 1500 Gallons in Cosks of various sizes. Va rious kinds ond qualities, from 35 to 50 cents per gallon. 50 Tons Tallow Grease, for Heavy Bearings, and Coarse Machinery, in Barrels or Casks, of any consistency required. Price 0 cents per lb. 150 Tons Ohio Mineral Paint, in Barrels, ut the lowest market price. Machinery Oil, warranted not to chill in the coldest weather, and considered by those using it equal to Sperm Oil. lluilrd Paint Oil, equal to Linseed Oil, other than fur white. I am constantly receiving large supplies of the obovc named articles, ami my motto is, "Small profits and quick returns." B. F. POND, 50 Water St., (under the Pearl st House.') NEW YORK. New York, June 10, 1S52. 3m. HARRISBTTRG BOOK BINDERY. F. I. II UTTER &, CO., Successors to W. O. Hickok, und Hickok A Cnntine. TOOK HINDERS, STATIONERS AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER! The subscribers respectfully inform their friends and the public, that they arc now currying on tho obovc business at the OLD STAND occupied by Hickok A Co. They flatter themselves that by careful attention to business, they will merit and receive a continuance of the potronugo so liber allv emoyed by the old firms. Particular attention will be paid to the ruling and binding of every description of blank books for banks, countv offices, merchants nnd private individuals, and every variety of full ond half bound blank books. Old books, periodicals, law books, music, newspapers, ovc, bound in any pattern and in any style required. In addition to the obovc, they have, and w ill at all times keep, a general assortment of STA TIONERY, consisting of Letter Taper, Knives, Slates and Pencils. Cap 4t Quills, l.eud IVnells, Prnwinjr u Inkstands, 1 .etter Stamps, Transfer " INIoito Wafers, India ltubber, Convinff " lllnek Ink, Wafers, niot'tiiig l SeiilinK Wax, Hed Tape, Steel !ens, Hlue Ink, Hkink Cards, Carmine Ink, Copying Ink, Folders, Arnold's Wriling Fluid, Krnsures, &c. tTiT" Paper ruled to pattern, and all work war ranted und done very cheaply. F. L. II UTTER & CO. March 3, 1S52. If. "AID AND COMFORT," 'I o Tout Own iTIccliniiacs. Orderi : lloovei May I iF OFFICE. i . ON HOUSE, bUNBURY, PA. JAMES COVERT, Proprietor, VITOULD respectfully announce that he has taken this well k 'and. where he taken this well k will be gratified to see ni nn.t tt-.o triv.-Pi his friends !'!iis house market . i '. .U. The ni-' .HTOti.; ' -. i -. i ' . 1 1 -1 ' !:' well calculated for ti STA . ';; :i. The states rum i .. ' i:t Nor.i.unibcrlnnd to Pottsville, slop at tins house, where through and wav tickets to Philadelphia cm be obtained. Sunbury, March 20, 1352. tf. JOHN A. TAlfLOK, Manufacturer of Monuments, Tombs, AND GRAVE STONES OF THE FINEST Italian and American Marble. GLASS, DRUGS, PAINTS, &c, W MOLES .-ILI2 AXI II ETA IE.. THE Philadelphia Window Glass Ware house, and Drug, Paint, Varnish, Oil and Color Stores, Nos. 33 and 35 North Fourth Street. East side, bus the largest assortment of Window, Picture, Coach, (.use, Hot-House, and other GLASS, in the city; comprising upwards of 15,000 dif ferent sizes, ranging from the smallest size, up to 38 by tiO inches of Sheet, ond as large as 5 by 7 fret of Plate CSIoss, including English Crown, t rench, German and American, both Single and Double Thick. .Vso, o ; lrgo assortment of Very Thick filass, ; . Bulk Windows, & c. icriber having a heavy stock on hand :-d to fill orders at the shortest notice, . ' i i l.o most reasonable terms. Odd sizes .. pattern cut to order. liround White Lead ; Paint, Varnish, of ev. cry description ; Turpentine ; Linseed Oil, boil ed uud raw; Pair.t Mills; Putty; Brushes; Lye Woods, &c, &c, &c. And ali-'O, a large supply of fresh imported DKUGnS AND MEDICINES. J. H. SPR AGUE. Nos. 33 & 33 Noilh 4th St., E. Side. April 10, 1852. ly. At his Old Stand in Northumberland, Pa. J. I. DITTEXUCH, A'o 78 Xorth '2d St., between Arch and Race St., PHILADELPHIA. HEREBY informs the public that he imports nod rnnst:mllv teenu on b-tml nt birt new RESPECTFULLY inform the public that all I K,orCi t). 78 Xotlh 2d St., a large assortment of work in his line will be made up of the very , foreign lumcy uoous, best material and finished in the latest style of the Eastern cities. Those in want of such ortieles well made and executed in the best style and at the lowest rates, will do well to call and examine before they pur chase elsewhere. May 15, 18.-2. ly. The Johnston Ink MANUFACTORY REVIVED. Wh 4- Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA. THE subscriber begs leave respcctfulh to in form PiiiNTi ns generally, that he has suc ceeded to the Business of manufacturing Print, ing lid- formerly carried on by his grand Father, and Father, and oilers his article to the trade, without any Pins, but with the simple reliance upon the long established cluiiacter it has home, feeling confident of its giving entire satisfaction to all who nuiv favor him with a cull. TriiMs Cash. I'll AHLE8 ENEU JOHNSTON. April 10, 1852 tf. i in: cheat raize medal, ak im EM ! HICKEV & TUXiL, A'o. J 18 Chestnut St., above Sixth, Front of JONES' HOTEL. just received their Priza awarded M them for ravelling Trunks ex hibited ot the World's Fair in London, 1851 being the only exhibitors to whom any award was made. Their competition was wiih oil the world, and they have tuken THE TUIZE! TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, &c. To be found in this Cilv. and at very low prices. Call und see. IIICKEY & 'IT'LL, Trunk Manufacturers, 148 Chestnut St. April 10. 1852. tf. FYET-t Medal, I I TI ) their best T tlsical Instruments, Pictures S- raints, which he will cll at the lowest prices. His stock, in purt, consists ot, Accordeons, Violins, Music Boxes, Parlor and liar Koom Or gans, Melodi ous, Scraphiiics, Mathematical In struments, Magnets, Spy and Opera Glasses, Stationery of all kinds, Pocket Books, Bronze 1 owder, Dutch Mctul, Gold and Silver Leaf, Scales of all kinds, Snuff and Tobacco Iloxcs, Lithographic Paints, Copper Plole ond Steel En gravings, and pictures ot every variety. Also Gilt Frame Mouldings of various sizes. Dealers, Country Merchants, and Pedlars, sup plied at reasonable prices. December SO, 1851. tt. Bonnets, Hats and Millinery Goods! ERCH ANTS ond Milliners when in Phil. odelijr to purchase their goods, will find it to their interest to examine our large and lash. ionablo stock of STRAW GOODS. We manufacture largely and l.nroHT the NtwEsr Styles or 1'ort'igu Fabrics in our line ; which together with other advanta ges enable us to oiler liberal inducements to Bl'lLltS. R. A. CKOOKER, & CO., Nos. 47 and 49 Chestnut Street, and No. 56 South Second Street, west side, near Chestnut, rlnladelphia. December 27, 1851 ly. cf. WM. M'CAHTT, UOOK9ELLLU, Broadway, SUNBURY, PA. TL'ST received and for sale, a fresh supply of I.TAXCJEEICAE, All SIC for Singing Schools. He is also opening at tm. time, a large assortment ot JJooks, in every orui .1 ol Literature, consulting ol IV i try, History, Novels, Romances, Scientific Wor.iK, Law, Medicine, School and Children i Uo .k-, P:Me; weliool, Pocket and Family, both wilii imi t nt'uu.u Lngravings, and every of vori. rt ' Prayer Books, of all kinds. Time s, i.yjuiu and Adventures, all ol which will be auld low, either for cash, or coun try produce. Sunbury, Jan. 81, 1852 tf. RAZORS, siorn of A superior article for sale HENRY MASKER. Suiibuiy, Feb. 16, 1850, GEOllGE EENN. MAXlTACTfllKIt OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. rT,IIE subscriber respectfully calls tho attention of the public to his large and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of C,AIUiKT-WAIlE. which cannot fail to reiommcnd itself toevcry one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. His stock consists of Mahogany Suraa, Divniis and Lounges, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila- delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of his business. He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of CHAINS. including varieties never before to be had ir Sunbury, such as Mahooax v, Black Wjixrr i ami Cea.'.r.n M.vrLE tiui.ci ax ; axu Wixiisoii CHAIRS, ami rAxcr Piano Stools, which are J of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled I by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall he no excuse for persons to purchase furniture Ln ! the cities, u every confidence can be dntcrtained about the quality and finish of his ware and ! Chairs. His articles will be disposed of on as good I terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. Lb" LNDEKTAKINti Having provided himself with a humlsnmn JIkausk, ho is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. lUr 1 he W are Koom is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern. UKtlKUU KEJiV, Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852 tf. breatliiiar, fluttering at the heart, clink inn or snITiieat ing ennnlinim U'lipn inn teinff nml are. Dimness of vimnn, doisnr wetis hefore the icht, Fever unrl itall pain in the heart, deficiency of perspiration, yellowness ol ine uin nun eve, mia in the side . back, cnefit, limits, fcv., puddea nam ei oi neat tairnuig m tae nesa, cunRiam inmuiiiiii of evil, and groat denrciaion of spirit, CA UIJ EFFECTUALLY CURED Hi DP. EOOFLAITD'S t I LliBttATI H GERMAN UITTI IIS, rRWAHED BY D It . C . M . JACKSON, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. WO Arch St. riiilntW-tphln. Thfir power over tlie nbovt discnucn in not exccllr, if eipinHcil, liy mi v nthr prupanitiuii in tin; I'nilrci intuitu, n the riircH iitttst, in mnny chscb oiler kiltiul physicinnB nun miieti. These JIittfTi nre worthv thev itttniil ion ! invnlnls. PomirMiiia ffient virtm-H in the ri.viififiilinn f ilivfupi-K nf the Liver iomI l(swr Rlnnits. rxprrifif? llir: in it sfinchinct p'vor in wrakiM'M and aireeticns ot the. tlit Hiivu ory-itin, they are, withal, siife, certain nnd plcnwinl. II- mm tan 11 stn XJei .J The I'ditttr nid, l)re. Wit "DH. lioOFr.AMl'fl rKf.HHRTEI) f'iEHMAJt lllTTKH f'r Ihe enre nf Liver Complaint, .linimtice, U fpcpsm, rhronic or Nervous Oebihty, is dt-servotlly one o"( the iiioki pupti lar medirincH of the fluy. These Bittern have been Ufid by thtnimmds, nnd n friend nt our cilv v cnys he has hmi (cll' reccivcrl un efTectual and permanent cure nf l.ivcr Complaint 1'rotn the itw of t It in renaily. We are cuivinrctl Ihut, in I;e tine of these HiUris, the patient constantly (runs Btreiifflh nml vior n tact worthy of trn-nt et'iiside rntion. They are pleasant in instc and smell, nnd can lie used by pern his wilh Ihe moist delicate stomachs wii h safe ty, under nny ciremmtaneca. We are speak ins frnui ex perience, ntul to the alHirtcd we advise their use." "SVott's Weekly," one of the best Literary pnpers published, said, Aup. i (1)k. II'iofland's (iEiimax Bit TKRfl, manufactured by Dr. Jackson, are nv reeonimeiifled hv snine the inst prominent inenihers of ihe fncnllv us an article nl lunch eiTieaey in cass of female weakness. As such is the rase, we would advise nil mothers to obtain a httle, nnd thus save themselves much sickness. Persons of debilita ted constitution will find llicse Bitters advantaeim to their health, as we know from experience the salutary eireet they have upon week systems." More Eviihiuc. The ''Philadelphia Saturday tiazette," the best family newspap-i pablishcd in the Linileil Siatis, the eiljar says of D) ht)fhintVs German Biftrrs. "It is seldom il ui we reeimmend what are termed I'a- tcnl Medicines, to ins :i)nfiilenee and patronage of nnr ' reailers; and, theiefure, ben we recnnmeiid lr. 1 1 t" land's German Bitters, we wis it b be distinctly undct stood that we me ii"t speak im? nf the li'tslrunis of the day, that arc nuised nlmtit for a biief period rntl then for pnttcnaftei they have done their tru ill y race f nuschief, but of a iiiedicine litnir establishe:!, univerF:il!v puzed, aitcl which has met the hearty approval nf the Faculty itself Kvidenee upon evidence bus been received (tike the forefronts) liom all sections of the I'nion, tlia last thre years, nnd Ihe strons'.-! tesliminy in its fa vol. is, that there is more nf it used in th" practice"!' the reeular Phy sicians of Philadelphia, than all other nostrums enmhineil, a fact that can easily be esi;tb!ishcd. and fully provins that n scientific preparation will meet with their rjuut :proval when presented even in this form That (his medicine will cure Liver C'lnnilnint and 11 v- pepsia, no one ean noma, inter umu? il as iiireeu-o. m nets specifically upon the stomach nnd liver it is preffenihle , to calomel in all billions diseases the effect is immediate. They ran be administered to l-Vmale or Infant with sat'ety nnd reliable benetit, at any time. j urwAKK, of corxTrnrnT:". j Tins medicine has at.aincd thai hisb character w'.ich is , tieeesKiry for all incilniuts to nt lain to in-lucc coiki'-'i iViiers ! to nnl forth a tunions arhile at I he risk of the lives of' PENNSYLVANIA. CITY Of PHILADELPHIA. LI, 9. Brink noteri A din All solvent bnnks pal COUNTRY. Bnnk of Chamlwrsburg 1 dis Hnnk of Chester Co. (wirj Bnnk of Del. Co. Chester nr ifaiiKot licrmnutowii purl Bank of CteUysburir 1 dis Bank of Lewisfnwil Bank of Mtddletown 1 (lis Montgomery Co Bank put Bank of Nnrthumberrud. nai Bank of Pittsburg 1 dis Bank of Danville par MAWACAtTSFrTfl. All solvent bunks dis 11HODK ISLAND. All tolvent bnnks I dis CONNKCTICUT. All solvent banks 1 dis MiW YORK. CITY. All solvent lianks ! (lis t? Bk notes under $5 J dis ( Oi'NThY. All solvents banks 1 dis NF.W .1 HUSKY. Hclvidere Bank ! Carlisle Bank C'mimerrinl Bank nr. Bank .Mont Holly ('olumbia li'k 9c B'ge Co par Doyelstowu Bank r F.aston Bank nnr Kne Bank 2 dis Kxchunce H'k Pittsburg I dip Kxchnnge B'k, Brnuch t dis 1 tlisF.4M.,Middle!nwnPl. MechunieB' Bk, Newiuk par M-ch. Bk of Bitrhnsbui pnr Mech. ft Mnn. Bk Trent par Morris Co Bnnk 2 dis Newark Bk g &. Ins. Co 3 dis (lrmtfTP Itnutr 3 lltfi Farmers' B'k, Bucks Co pur 'People's Bk Patterson i dis Farmers' Bk. Lnncaster pah Princeton Bank Farmers' Bk, Beadinif par.Halem Bankimr Co, par Farm. Bk Schuylkill 'Co pat Scnierret Co Bank 2 ''IS F ft 1. l!k Wavnctb'K I VIislStnte Bank nt Cemdcn iar Franklin Bk. WhsIi'ii lldis;Statc Bk Kltzabelhtou 3 tbs tlarrisbnrtr Bank l'disState Bank Newark lloiiesdalc Bank 1 dis'Stnte Bk. N. B vic Innentcr Bank in r. Sussex Bank. Newton Lebanon Bank par Trenton Hankies Co Mereb. ft Man. Bank 1 dip Lnion Bank. h cr Miners' B'k, Poltsville per Ynrdlevv'le DclDr V Monomrnlicl:! Bank 1 dis IVBk" notes nnd r ft Tnylorsv'n Del ll'trCo M dis DKLAWAU K. West Uninch lank par 1 Bank ot Delaware i yi'iiitnti itn, i luicsu e par1 York Bank, dis IVltelief notcR i ,(is m aim:. dis i par par 3 dis I. ii I is j dis par Bank of Smyrna par Delaware City Bank jir Bk AVilms'n.V Brandy w. put Furmerh Bk Si Delaware pur Bnnk of Wheilock .t dis l:nton Bank. WilmiuRton par Mercantile Bk. Bangor III dis HT Cutler .Vs j dis All solvent bnnks 3 ,i;. OHIO. NF.W IIAMPSlIllill. All sdvent btuiks 2 dis All solvent banks J dis l"3Mlk lioien under .Vs 4 dis INfJIf 1 11 t All Mii.i ; VKItMONT. Bank of st Alhans All solvent banks 2 dis I dis All solvent banks (V't'iidur-Vs, dis ttj dis PHILA, AND READING- ItAJLKOAD. S t M M E II ARK A N ti EM EM lUtf M PHILADKLPIIIA AND POTTSVILLK. Fares R c d n c c il . Office of (he Phila. fi' ncaftiw Uin'tmnd Co, I'liiliuIoInLia, March 20, 'I'wo rsoiifpr Trains Daily, (oxt'rpl JSumluy.) N ami ul'tcr April Ut, 18.11 two trains will lie run each way, dailv, between IMiiliiilcl pliia ntiJ I'ottsville Monxixa uxk. Leaves Philadelphia at 7j A. M., daily except fimduys. Leaves Pottsville at 7J A. M. daily except Sun days. AFTKKXOOX L1XE. Leaves Philadelphia at 3J o'eluek, daily, except 8tmdayH. Leaves Pottsvillo at o'eloe!;, daily, except StitiduvH. UptwptMi Philadelphia nnd Pottnvilic, ! 1st class ear? and d class ears. : 13elween Philadelphia and Kendin, $1.7.") 1st clas cars and LIT) 2d class cars. I Depot in Philadelphia, corner f)f llio.id aud Vine iStroctfi. PasseiiHers cannot enter the card unless provi- ; ded w ilh 'I'icUrlrf. , IS'O'J'IL'K. I'ifty pounds of haeae will hcul- the ore i.m.-eentlv dc.eu-e.l. lu 1 P nuer in uiese iuw ; ami pas- LOOIC WLLLTO TIIH MARKS OF TIIF. GFAflNK. ! are expressly pru,n!)itet Irom tat.inu' any- Thev have ihe written snature of C. M. JACKSON j thin-as luu-M-e hut their weanug apj-aal, winch upon the' wrapper, and the name blown in the bottle, with ; will he at the risk ol its owner. liy order ol the Hoard ot Managers. A CALL TO H0USEKEEPEES At llie Cabinet Ware Koom of SEB'N IIOUPT & CO. Market Sqnare, Also at Ihe corner of Fawn street (f the Railroad SUNBURY, PA. Thankful for the pnfronojro of hi. friends mt customer during the 17 years he ha. been in bu.i nos. in this place, he .olicils from the public a cin tinunnce of their favors. During this period he lins endeavored to keep up with the improvement, of the day, and ha. accordingly extended hi. bu.i nr in every branch and variety. The public are therefore invited to tho attention of the present stock of CABINET WATIK AND CHAIRS, M ANOFACTl'RED BV SEBASTIAN H0ITPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former .lock of the tublishincut they now manufacture Mahogany, "Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. Larsre Spring Seat Rocking Liairs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Muble Top Wash Stands, and t varied of other new style und Vn fch i on a h I e V 11 rn i I u rc. Having secured a Henrse and made the neces sary arrangements for the purpose, they nre now prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye maifls nml mit reuses, on husbands too, Hrre's furniture nf every style and hue, From side lionrds dnwn to kitchen tables, From rocking chnirs to locking cradles. Should you n"t have the ready Jon to pay, AVe'll wiiit uvvliile for a brighter better duy, Or take potutnec. oats, corn, wheat and rye ; I'nrk, hoop poles, slave, or lumber wet sad dry, Or uny thing but yokes uud threshing flails, From pit;s and turkics down to little quails. Come on then friends, come one and nil, Keep trade a moving, so "goes oil the ball." r?3 Orders from distance promptly attended to mid work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. SSunburv, March !), lS.'il). if (iiirw hioh thfV nre ppui 'tis For sulr, wltnlt'Mile and retail, nt the j Rfrtiran Medicine Store, No. 1'JI ARCH Street, one door below Si.vlh. (ht of j 27H It nee street.) t'lnladi Iplna, and hy respectal'le Uealeis generally throughout the country. ruicKs itKurciu). To enable nil clauses f invalids to enjoy the advantages of tneir great restorative powcru. Single Botllc, 73 cents. At.so: For sale by II. Massku, Sunbury, and M. A. M l.'AY. rtoriitniniieriauM. Ansnst J(1,1S51 ly. THOMAS PALMER, COMMISSION IUKHCIIANT, No. 6, North Wharves, Where the following goods are received and sold on commission, Dried Apples, reaches, Hums, Pears, Cherries, &c, Cireen Apples in Barrels or by the Bushel, Beans, Teas, Cranberries, Onions, Mercer Po tatoes, Sweet Potatoes, .Slielliarks. Chestnuts, (round Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Kaiius, l'is. Prunes, drapes, Poultry, Eggs, Ilutler, Cheese. And all kinds of Foreign und Domestic Pro duce. Philadelphia, Dee., 13, 1851. ly. S. BKA Ul'ORD, eereliirv. April 10, 1S31. SCOTCH "yctogzi roa sr. cm ts. M10.WS OK PIUS, or J very one las own Physician! 'i'luuii- ixth edition, wiih im- ir;t-ilis. m every ulnim. anil SOAP AND CANDLES. 'jIIE subscriber takes this method of inform ing the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that they are engaged in the manufacture of Soap and Candles, of the best quality, at No. 11 Filbert street, Philadelphia. They respectfully invite all who buy for cash, to give him a call as they will find it to to their advantage in dealing with him for articles in their line. 13. DITFV A SON, 11 Filbert above full. December 20, 1S51 tf. Phoenix Fire & Thief Proof Iron Chests. V' r', JOHN A. II A It 11 I S , Manufacturer, & Dealer in Imported and Domestio Segars, Also, a general assortment of Leaf & Manufactured Tobacco, CONSTANTLY on hand, at the lowest inar ket prices. Corner of Chestnut St., and Wharves, Philadelphia. December 27, ltiol. ly. SMITH'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN. GBR, a fresh supply just received, and for sale by. II. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852. 1)LANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summons, Ac, for sale by H. B. MASSEK. Sunbury .April 28, 1651. AKNOLD'S WHITING FLUID and Adhe sive aud legal envelopes, for sale by II . B. MANSER. Sunbury, nra 10, I85U.. I USTICES FEE BILI.8 For sals by" Sunbury, 1851. '8P H. B. MASSER. WARRANTED to stand equal heat with ' any other Chests in. the country, and to defy the Burglas' ingenuity. Manufactory, No. 10 Hudson's Alley, running between Third and Fourth streets, south of Chrsuut, and in the rear ef the Girard Bank. M. &. 8., the proprietors, are Practical Me chanics, and feel confident, from long experience in tne manutacture of iron Chests and sates, and a special attention to this particular branch, of giving satisfaction to all who may give them a cull. N. B. Wo have selected one of the best min erals ever used as a non-conductor of heat in this business, and we warrant our diesis and Sites to be made of the best material and in the most durable manner, and to stand any heat that can be applied to them. MILNOR A SHAW, Manufactory No. 10 Hudson's Alley. Running letwecn 3rd and 4th streets, 8 of Chcs nut, in the rear of Girard Bank. Philadelphia, Oct. 85, 1851 ly UNION HOTEL, SUNBURY, PA. rilHE MISS WEITZEL'S respectfully inform 1 tho Public that thev still continue to enter tain travellers and others at their old established stand in Market street, west of the Court House. Their lone; experience in the business, and the well established reputation of their House, will, they trust, be a suliicicnt guarantee, that their customers will be well accommodated. March 8, 1S31 tf. AMERICAN HOUSE, P0TTSVILLE, PA. i RS. MARY WEAVKR respectfully informt "-Mhc public and travelling community general ly, that hhc has opened this large and commodious HOTEL, furnished in a superior style. From her long experience in the business of a first rate Hotel, aud well known reputation to accommo date, her customers may depend on being supplied with every thing conducive to their comfort and convenience. Feb. 15. 851 ti WBI. a. MASON, Engraver and Printer, No. 40 Che$tnut Street, above Second, PHILADELPHIA. S prepared to do ENGRAVING'aifU PRINT- ING, in all their branches, Wedding, Visiting and Business Cards, Ball Tickets, Watch Papers, Labels, Bill Heads, Notes, Checks, Drafts and Diplomas.' Seals and Stamps for Corporations, Odd Fellows, Masons, Sons of Temperance, Ac. All the above engraved in the best manner. Orders by Post promptly attended to.. December 27, 1851. ly. ' KNOB AND SPRING MQPTI8E LAT CHK8An excellent article, for sale at hall the usual pric by J W, FAILING. Hunbury, July T. 1819 i'J.V 1S .......I., ,.(' I !..... 1 .... 13 Vings, slloHlng private Hr,vt-? Of ease sl'HrS-ti !BI r. .1 i r. .: . 4Vj8s the generative svstein, j-- The time has now inri- ved, that persons suffering from secret diseases, need no more become, the victim in- iinciint, as by the prescriptions contained in thi!f book, any one may cure himself without hindrance to business, or the knowledge of the most iutiinuie friend, and with one-tenth Ihe usual expense. In addition to the general routine of private disease, it fully explains the cause of manhood's early de cline, with observations on marriage besides many oilier derangements whic h it would net be proper to enumerate in the public prints. nr Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, enclosed in n letter will receive one copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will be sent for one dollar. Address, Dn. V. i DI NG, No. I.V.' SPIU'CE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post paid. Dr. YOI'NG can be consulted on any of the l'i eases described in his dilleivut publica tions, at his Oiliee, l.V Spruoe SSlreet. every d.iy between 0 and ,i o'clock, (Sundays cxeej led.) Philadelphia, June 5, ly. KARELE MANUACTCrvY, V Li KM' i 1 HATE STON K8. rTjlill'. subserilier informs bis fiiends anil the -"- public, that he continues to carry on the Marble Business in all its branches, at his old stand in Milton, Pa., and is prepared to manu facture Monuments, Tombs, Gravestones, &c., of the best materials, and most finished work manship, and at the lowest prices. Letter (.'utting, English und German in the most modem and elegant style. Designs for Monuments, Grave Stones, Ac, always on hand. N. B. Orders for the East side of the river promptly executed by leaving the same at the office of the "Sunbury American." ANTHONY HIPP. Milton, Muv 10, 1851. UOIIKTY 1A,1I AM) PENSION AGENCY. The attention of the public is called to the ad veitiseinent of Mr- Charles C- Tucker, Attorney and Agent ut Wnshigton City-. Persons hav ing claims for bounty Lands or Pensions arc in I formed that the subscriber has made arrangements for the requisite forms, and claimants culling at i bis ollice, can have their papers prepared and ! forwarded to .Mr- Tucker at Washington, and by him be propcily attended to before the Dc ' piu'tmcnt there. I II. II. MASSER. j Sunbury, Jan. 13,1851 j Valuable 1 PROPERTY FOR SALE. f Spill:. Subscriber who resides in Philadelphia, A. o'icrs for sale the following property in Mil i ton, Northumberland county, viz: The larjje ! ERICH BUILDING in upper Milton, formerly occupied by Messrs Pattersons as a Carriage Makers Simp. The building is CO feet front on upper Market street, and '10 feet on Front street, und is two stories high. Also a two story IlilinC BLACKSMITH SHOP, . , 10 by 23 feel, on the same premises, The lot is - on the corner of upper Market and Front streets, and is G'j feet front, and l.')U feet deep. Til E ' '"' premises would be valuable for a Foundry or other luaiiuluc hiring purposes, und will be sold on reasonable and accommodating terms by ap ply ing either to JACOB CAURiGAN, Philadelphia. .1. F. WOLFING ER, Esc,., Milton or H. 11. MASS Kit, Esq., Suuburv. Philadelphia, Jan. 25, 1851 tf. STONE WARE. STONE milk Pans, stono Jugs und Pitchers, anif other articles of stone ware just received and for sale by JOHN W. FRILING. Sunbury, June 23, IS 19 ENNEDY'S PATENT SASH FA.S TENINGS. A cheap and excellent arti cle lor fastening sash for sale bv J'. W. FRILINO Sunbury, July 7, 1849. ATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's writing and indellible ink, Cotton yarn and laps, just received and for sale bv J.'W. FRILING. 8unbury, Dec. 2, 1848. CiTONE Ware, Earthen Ware, .Raisins, Al inonds, P unes and Cream Nuts. Planes of all kinds. Salt and Plaster. Just received and for sale by JOHN W. FRILING. Sunbury, Dec. 29, 1849. EXTRACT CF GINGER. A fresh supply just received and for sale at this oMice. Price 25 cents. Sunbury, Jury 18,1851."' SILVER WATCHES. A few double case Enclish Bilver Watches, for sale at very low prices by B. MASSER. Sunbury, April 12, 1MI. BLANKS. LANKS of every description can be had by pplying at the office of the American. riMSSUE PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper for i. covering glasses, Ac, for sale at the olliecof the American. P.TE1TT 1EBIC!I1T3. Green's Oxygenated Bitter, price reduced. Old Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla. Baker's Sarsaparilla. Swaync's S'yrup of Wild Cherry. Swaync's Vermifuge. Ayre's Cherry Pectoral Dr. Drake's Panacea. Dr. Cullen's do Tibbit's Pain Killer. Dr. Ilootland's German Bitters: Indian Vegetable Pills Horse and Cattle Medicines For sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, July 14, 1819. I SI 1 t.ADLM'II I A X&EBZCAi HOUSE, ESTABLISHED li YEARS AGO BY mi. K1NKELIN, S. IT. Comer of Third and Union Streets, ui:twkks srnt'CK and vine sthkets, PIIILADELPKIik. III'TI'.KX YEMtS ef extensive and niiiiiUTrnjitriJ A nwwe epeut in tliiit city liuve rfiulcrcd Dr. K. th ni"t t-Npt'it am! Kiirct'ssi nl riirti(ipnir i':ir und ntai, in i)jt tirntiiii'ul nl all tlisfiisi's nl a printt; nature. I'tirsom fiiili' ifti Willi uU-fis npim t lit; ti-Hly. tlirt'at. nr l-ps, paiim in . il.' ocii.i r tu ii'.-s, nu icurial rhcimialisin. striclurt s. crnvrl, ! ini;niiM lVmn ytmlinull I'Xcchscs vr impurities u tlic I.I.t.ttl. whiTi'iiy ih' t-Miihtiinti-'ii liaef lieci-inc riiii-clik-d, are nil tt -iiti-il witli Biirns. : Hi: v. hoplacrs liisnsflf under llie enre of L)r. K., may re i liiri-msly pnniidu in his imnnr its a gynlleinan, und fnntukiit i ' rUy upon bis ski!! us a ph sii-nni. I TAKK lWUTICl'I.AR NOTICK. i Ynun Men who have injured theinseli'i's hy n certain , piMi'tiee imlnlurd in ti lialnt 1'reinit-ntiy learned hcin evil ' (niipani'T cr at sidinnl the eliVcts o' which are nightly : it :t. cvt-n when aslfi-p, and tlcsinty iMh mind and body, ih. i:lil apply immediately Weakness and u'mntitutional j del.lliiy I k nl' muMitar enerey. physical tassitndf mid Ren i e::il proslt'uiinu. initalality and all nervnini ailreii'tiic, indt ! ?tinn, iitniLrisltiiis "f the livei. and every diseavein any j y;ty enniH ctt-d with the disorder nl' the prucreative l'unc tii'iis enren. :iim inn vitior resmren. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous lifa or a premature death. KIXKEMX on Self rrrsprvation. ONLY 25 CENTS. This It xikjtut pnlilislieilis Dllcil with useful informal ion on tin. iiifiriinticB unit disease, of llie (.trui-rntive (Ifffanf. Il jiWri'i'i iis. li .ilikc to VOI TI1, MANlIOUDaiid OLD ,1:1.' I ut i.l t... i t ii ' nun oii.iiiHi w it-nil i,y uu. i'liu valiiiilik- nilvi'-e anil impressive uairninfr it sivM, will prevent renrsul" misery umUulfciiug nml kiv annual ly Th nisniiil, of Lives. l'lirents liy reailins it will learn how to prevent the tlft triiL'tioa nf Iheir eliildren. A reinltluiK f o.5 cent,, eni'losed in n letter, ad dressed l l)K. Kl.N'KKl.l.N. N. Werner nfTtllKDi I'MU.N Streets, between Spruce K Fine, riiiltidelphia will ensure n ti'k, under envelope, er return uf imiil. I'eriiiN.'tt H distnnee may liddrcM Dr. K. by letter, (pos puiit.) and t'eeined nt !l"nie. HACK AiilS OF .MDDlrl.N'f.S, DIPKCTlONS, Ac fnrwiiidi'd bv Men. line u remittance, und nut upsccuie from UAMAliK or C'I RiOSTY. lbwik'Sellers, New Agenti, Pedlnr,, Canvauer,, snd al nthera mipplied with the above work at very low lalre. Septeniber 6, le51. ly. Valuable Hooks, of t.itiiiST, hanilsomelv noutul, Ii.W- s IllMTOIll of Tim Hkhiiimatiox, lil.lNK DAT-HOOKS 1MI 1.F.IIOKHH, full llOllllllciJ. For sale at the publishers prices by r irn of H. B. MASSKK Sunbury, July 14, 1849 INCi MOTTLES Ureast pumps, and niniile tubes- A supply ot lliee uelul arti cles iust received and for hale by J JOHN W- FRILING Sunbury, Jan- 18, 1851 tf OSE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this , excellent article for Tetter, iVe., jut received and tor sale by Hh.Mvi MAfesLh. Sunbury, July 28, 1819- FilEAS, from the New York Canton and Pekin JL Tea Company. For sale by J. W. FRILING. Sunbury, Dec. 3, 1848 GOLD FENS with and without cases, of a very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sale Ty H. B. MASSER. Supbury, Dec. 27, 1851. 1AY RUM. An excellent article for sale B by HENRY MASSER. tfimhury Jan. 8Vth, 1849 tf. LAWUENCE HOUSE. SUNBURY, PA. SII E subscriber resectfully informs her friemh L and (he public generally, that she has taken the above well known stand nearly opposite the Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J. C. Per kiim. tslie trusts that her experience in business, and her r Hurts to make her pne-ts coinfortabb', will r;ie entire satisfaction to those who may fa vor her with their custom. ANN C. MORRIS March 8, 1851 tf. J. IL ZIMMERMAN, JISTICK OF THE I'IMt'E, Sunbury, Pa. Offlce ln Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House, try Monica collected ond nil busineai pioniplly and care, fullv alt ended lo. April 20, 1850 5 TENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS for bar bottles lor sale by H. B MASSER. Sunbury, April, 13, 1851 "IITRITIXG FLUID and self sealing Enve 1 ' lopes, just received and for sale by April 19, 1S51 II. B. MASSER. LANK NOTES, waiving the exemption law of $300, for sale by April 26, 1851 H. B. MASSER. ADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi cine for sale by HENRY MASSES. Munbury. Jan. 87th. 1849 ILEY'S COUGH CMNDY. excel lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sale at this office . FOR sale at this office, Superior Black Ink, Cattle Medicine at S5 cte, Pure Essence of Ginger, 25 cent.