Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 14, 1852, Image 3

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For thb American.
A the time is rapidly approaching when
the democracy of our county vill assemble
to olect candidates for the different office
in the county, allow us to recommend REN.
JAMIN KR1 EGHBAUM, of Lower Augusta,
for the office of County Commissioner. Mr.
Krleghbaum is an intelligent man and a firm
uowarering democrat.' Wo have been ao
quainted' with him lor many years, and
know him to bo mi industrious and correct
business man, possessed of a sound and dis
criminating mind j and should he be nomina.
led, we are confiJenl he will attend to the
duties of the office faithfully, honestly, care
fully and correctly. Wo assure yon if elect
ed he would pei form his duty with honor lo
himself and with safety to the public.
Lower Augusta. July 24, 1852.
For thk American.
Mr. Master : Permit me, through your
paper, to announce lo the democratic voters
of this county, the name of JOHN B. HEL
LER, of Chilisqu sique township, as a person,
in every respect, well qualified to discharge
the duties of
Mr. Heller is well known as one of the most
active and steadfast democrats in the Coun
ty, and as the "upper end" i now entitled to
the office, 1 hope ha will receive the appro
val of the approaching democratic conven
tion. By giving this notice a place in your
paper, you will oblige many democracts of
Sunbury, July 2-1, 1852.
Fur. Tin: Ami:kican,
Mn. Editoii : As the lime is not far
distant when the democracy of the 11th
Congressional district will be called upon to
select a candidate for Congress, nud as it is
highly important that the gentleman select
ed should be well qualified for an office in
which we all feel so deeply interested, nnd
upon which in n great measure, the success
of the democratic paity must depend. Per
mit us tliiongh the columns of your excel
lent paper to recommend Major WILLIAM
f.. DEWART of Snnburr, as a gentleman in
every way worthy of tho nomination. Muj.
IVwarl's qualifications are too well known
lo need any commendation fiom us. He
has always been a firm and consistaril demo
crat of the Jeflfersuuiau school. His moral
charactei is above repioach, and his strict
integrity and amiable disposition lias en
deared him to nil who have had the good
fortune to become acquainted with him.
Ilia nomination would greatly add to tho
slicnclh of tho party, and we lisle nothing in
saying that he will gel a larger majority in
this comity than any other man can probably
Sunbury, July 17.
Foil Tin: American.
Mr EniTon : A. the time is dmwing
near when tho democracy of Northumber
land, cnuntiy will be called upon lo select
a suitable person for pie oflice of Register
and Recorder, and as it is of great impor
tance that the person so selected should be
competent lo discharge the duties. Permit
trie to recommend JOHN P. PL'RSEL, Esq ,
an obliging ofiieer as will be attested by all
who have hud business with him. ll has
always been customary with the democratic
- party lo re-elect those who have faithfully
discharged the duties of office, and it will
be but an act of justice lo Mr. Pursel to do
unto him as we have done unto other mem
bers of the party to which we belong.
Sunbury, July J7
Tor the American.
Mr. Editor : Permit us through the col.
limns of your paper to present the name of
the Hon. GEORGE C. WELKER of the bor.
iugh ofSnnbnry, to the democracy of this
distiict as a gentleman in every way worthy
of their support, as the next candidate for
Judge Welker is wcdl known to all of us
.as a firm, tried and unwavering democrat
liimself one uf tho people, familiar w ith the
view and interests of the farmer, laboior.
median io and all the other classes of the
community, and ever anxious and ready lo
dn all in his power lo promote their welfare,
The Judgo is no oflice seeker, but the peo
pie want his services in Congress and have
almost unanimously urged him to accept the
nomination. The delegates from this pari,
of the county will all be in his favor, and if
the other townships will but do their duty to
the country and themselves ihe Hon. G. C'
Welker will be tho unanimous nominee of
the county.
of Upper Mahanoy and Jackson townships.
July 10, 1852.
For ttie American.
Mr. Editor : As the lime is approaching
for the people to select a candidate for Legis
lature of this county, we would beg leave to
present before them, the name of JOHN
FARNSWORTH Esq., of Upper Augusta
Mr. Farnsworth is a man of intelligence!
of unimpeachable integrity, and of fixed prin
ciple. He is such a man as we would hav
represent our county. For a number of years,
he has been Piothouoiary of this county, and
has (we believe) given entire satisfaction to
all. For Legislature we want a man of
sound reason, discrimination, and firmness.
Such a man is Mr. Farnsworth, and in all the
requisites for that office, we confidentially
assert that he is competent to perform the
duties incumbent upon said office.
He has always been a sound, unwavering
and consistent demociat, and if nominated
Northumberland county would (we think)
show her appreciation of him by giving him
the largest majority webavo rolled up for any
man for years.
July 10, 1852.
Congress is doing the government out ol
JC500 a day. Nothing else of interest.
New Advertisements.
The Agricultural Society.
The following are the premiums offered
by tho Northumberland County Agricultural
Socioly, at the next annual exhibition which
will be held at Northumberland, on Thursday
and Friday the 7th and 8th days of Ootober
Best stallion over 4 years old,
Second " "
Best " under 4 years,
Second " ".
Best mare with coll at her side,
Second " "
Diplomns will be awarded for all duo ani
mals, not coming tinder these heads.
Durham or short Houns.
Best bull, 2 years old and upwards,
Second " "
Best bull calf under 2 years & over 6m, 3,00
Second " " 2,00
Best bull calf undei 6 months, 2,00
Second " 1,00
Best cow over 3 yea is, 4,00
Second 2.50
Best hi'ifer between 2 & 3 yrars, 3.00
Second " " 2,00
Best heifer under 2 years, 3,00
Second " ' 2,00
The same premiums w ill be awarded lo
Devons under their respective heads.
Best bull 2 years and upwards, 3,00
Best bull ru'if under 2 yrs nnd over 6m, 2,00
Best " under 6 month?
Best cow, 3 years and upwards,
Best heifer between 2 and 3 years,
Best heifer ut'dur 2 years,
Best yoke of oxen,
Second "
Best fat bullock,
Second "
Best fat cow or heifei,
Second "
Best ram over 1 year,
Best ewe,
Best lamb,
Best boar over 1 year,
Second " "
Best sow,
Second "
Best pair of shoals under 1 year old,
Second " "
Best fat ho',
Best pair of turkeys,
Second '
Best pair of geese,
Second "
Best pair musi: ducks.
Second "
Best pair puddle ducks,
1 50
Best p'r Shanghai or Cochin China fow Is, 1 00
Second " " 50
Best pair Chillagongs, 1.00
Second " 50
Best pair Creole or Bolton greys, 1,00
Second " 50
Best pair Polish, 1.00
Second " '50
Best pair doikings, 1.00
Second " 50
Best pair games, 1.00
Second l: '.r;0
Best pair wild turkeys, 2.00
Largest ami best collection of fowls, 3,00
Next largest " 1,50
Best bushel white wheat, 2,00
Seeond " L00
Best bushel corn, 2,00
Second ,; 1,00
Best bushel oats, 1,00
Besl bushel mercer potatoes, 1,50
Second " TOO
Best bushel potatoes other varieties, 1,00
Be-t I bushel sweet potatoes, 1,00
Second ' " SO
Best beets, not less than C, 1,00
" carrots " 1,00
" 4 bushel onions, 1,00
" 6 heads cabbage, 1 00
" 3 squashes, 1,00
" 3 pumpkins, 1,00
Special premiums will be awarded to cau
liflowers, tomatoes, and all other garden veg
etables of extraordinary quality,
Best 4 bushel of apples, 1,00
Second " 50
Best " quinces, 1.00
Second " " '50
Best " peaia, 1,00
Second " " 50
Besl prapes, not less than 6 bunches, 1,00
Second " " 50
Best threshing machine, 4,00
,: reaper, 3.00
" seed diill, 2,00
" corn planter, 2,00
" winnowing mill, 2.00
" corn shtller, 2,00
" plow, 2,00
" cultivator, 2,00
" roller, 2,00
" coin plow, 2,00
" st law cutter, 2,00
" farm wagon, 2,00
" sett of harness, 2.00
': horse rake, 1.00
" grain cradle, ljoo
DAIRY, &c.
Best butler not less than 5 pounds, 1,00
Second " 11 50
Best 5 lbs. honey. 1,00
Second " ' 60
Best loaf of bread 4 lbs. 1 00
Second " 50
Best ham cured by exhibitor, 1.00
Second " . 50
Best 6 lbs. home made soap, 1,00
Second " 50
Best quilt, 1,00
" counterpane, 1,00
" hearth rug, 1,00
" pair blankets, 1,00
" 20 yards carpet, 1,00
" home-made cloth 10 yds, 1,00
" " flannel 6 yds, 1,00
" pair knit woolen socks or stockings, 1,00
" " ,: gloves, 1,00
" home-made thread 1 lb. and iip'wd, 1 00
Under this head will be embraced, me.
chanical inventions, tools, furniture, and all
oilier articles, not coming under any of the
above heads Prizes will be awarded, ac-
coiding to the means of the Society, and the
merits of the ai tides offered.
Best plowing, 5,00
Second " 4,00
Third " 3,00
Fourth " 2,00
The following Committees were then ap,
pointed ;
On Horses. A. E. Kapp. Joseph Nicely,
Anthony Armstrong, Win. i. Mpp, Jese C
Horton, Jonn rainier, j. jj Masser.
On Cattik. Thomas Johnson, Robert M'
Williams, Jesse Hensvl, James Forrester-
Wm. G. Scott, John B. Heller, John Nesbit.
On Sheep. Wm. L. Cook, Samuel I. John
sou, Goorge Keller, Wm. D. Geaihart, Jas
Rynerson, M. B. Pnenlcy, John Whcatley
On Swink Joseph Vankiik, John Moore,
'vm.n nase, J. Weimer beitrtiou, rninp vv
Hilgert, George Everard, J. Boyd Smith.
On PotRTur. Dr. Josenh Priestley, Dr
Wm. McCleery, Henry Eckbert, Alexander
jornan, l. a. ttergstresser. Kooeri yiisuii,
C. B. Smith.
On Grain and Potatoes Samuel Hep
burn, Benj. Gearhan, James Cameron, T. H.
Waits, Elida John, Jacob Hilbish, John Moo
rcr. On Veoetables James Pollock, Alexan
der Coll, Keubjn Troxel, Samuel K.Gilger,
Jacob Seasholtz, S. II. Peal, C. b . Liiuo.
On Fruit W. C. Lawson, H. B Masser,
R. M. Friek, J. R. Eck, G. B. Youngmaii,
Cyrus O. Bachman, M. M. Kapp
On Implements. Wm. H. Mueuch, J. H.
Zimmerman, Wm. Foisyth, John Tagearl,
John Montgomery, Geotge Frederick, Geo.
Miscellaneous. -David Tagnarl, Wm. H.
Waples, E. W. Chopin, J. B Packer, Cha.
Pleasants, Samuel U. Wood, James Covert,
D. B. McGregor, George Apsley.
Dairy, &c. Jus. Nesbil. (Cliilisnuaane,)
John Best, Wm. T Foisvth. James Taaoari,
Wm. Elliott, John Frank", Francis Gibson.
Domestic Manufactures. D. Bramigam,
Henry Weimer, M. D. Withinrjtnn, John A.
Taylor, John M. HolT, Win. G. Ease, Wm.
Plowing Match. Elijah Ciawford, Wil
son Hutchinson, George Conrad, Jacob Pain
ter, w . li. Leiehou, John Oberdort, Jacob
THE subscribers will offer at public salo, on
FRIDAY, the 3d of September next, on
tho premises, tho following real estate, viz :
l Trad of Limestone Land
situated in Stone Valley, in Lower Mnhcinov
township, Northumberland county, adjoining
Innds of Peter Witmer, Isaac Dreibclbis, Jacob
Spntz, dee'd., and others, about ono mile from
Georgetown, containing
One hundred and seventy-one feres.
more ot less, about one-half of this tract is clear
ed land and in a good state of cultivation, the
residue is woodland. The improvements thereon
are a good two story framo
a largo Stono Bank Barn, Wagon Shed,
ml other necessary out-buildings with a good
spring near the dwelling house. There are also
on said tract two lime kilns and lime stone quar
ics. There are upwards of 12 acres of meadow
hind, which might easily be increased in quanti
ty. Also two
Ifl of choice fruit trees. Also another
Tract of Land,
adjoining the nbovo. tract of laud, in the same
township, containing AO Ac rrs, more or less.
About SO acres ore cleared and in good cultiva
tion, the balance being good woodland. An
abundance of limestone is found in this tract,
which miht easily be worked.
Also a Lot of Ground,
situated in said township, containing One Acre,
more or less, of cleared land, adjoining hinds of
1'hilip Bobb, Michael I.ahr. John Brosious and
others. Late the estate of George Philips, dee'd.
Terms made knuwn on day of sale by
Lower Mahony, August 7, lSoU --Is.
For Hi Cure of
This invaluable remedy for all diseases r.f the
TiinoAT and I.vngs, has attained a celebrity
from its remarkable cures, never equalled by any
other medicine before. Other pieparations havo
shown themselves pnlliatirts, and sometimes ef
fected notable, cures, but none has ever so fully
won the confidence of every community where it
is known. After years of trial in every climate,
the results have indisputably shown it to possess
a mastery over tins dangerous clues of diseases,
whii h could not fail to attract the attention of
Physicians, Patients, uud the public at large.
Sec the stasemcnts, not of obscure individuals
and from far distant places, but of men who are
known and respected throughout the country.'
The widely celebrated Surgeon, Dr. V AL
EUT IS E MUTT, N. Y. City, says:
It civi'i mc plenfiure t ceitifv the value imd eflico'V of
"Avers Cherrv ll1', which 1 cnuuider necuhuflv
adapted to cure diteiiat of the tliront und lutiiB '
DR. PKKKIN'S, the vcnemUe President of the Vcr-
nvmt .Medical Odlfpe, one of the eminently learned phys
ician! of tlits country, writes, the Cherry Pectoral is ex
tensively used in this HeoUon, where it has thwii unmis
takable evidence of Us happy effects uj.on pulmonary dis-
The Rev. J. D. CUHRANE, a distinguished
Clergyman of the English Church,
wrilra to tlic Proprietor from Mnntrenl, Itint ''he liai been
cnreil 'n srvere utitliuiatir ufltfliou, by Cherry Peelum!.'1
II ih letter at lull ieuirtti, in:iy Im luuml in our Cucumr, to
be had nf I lie Agent, uud it worth the attention of usth.
mutii' tieiitn.
27iis letter r.i from the well knoivn Druaeist
at Hillsdale, Micliigan, one of the largest deal
ers in the state ; ana this case is Jrom his own
IIi,LUAl.t, Mich., Dec. 10, li-19.
Pear Sir : Tnnneiliulely on receipt of your Cherry Pec.
total, 1 carried a bottle, to un iiciuiiintuaee of mine who
was thought to be near his eiut with quick eoniuuiption.
He was then uuatilu to rise trom ins hen, una wits extreme,
ly feeble. It is friends believed he most sKn die, unless
relief could be obtained for him, nud I Induced them to
Hive your excellent medicine a trial. I immediately left
town for three weeks, and you may judge of my surprise
on my return, to meet liiiu in the street on my way home
from Hie cars, una litat lie nua antireiv recovered, four
weeks from Ihe duv he commenced tukmir your medicine.
he wusat work ut his urdunus trade of a blai ki'mith.
There are other cases within my knowledge, where the
Cherrv Pcetnrnl has been singularly sue essl ut, but none so
niaikcd as this. Very truly yours.
U. W. L.lU'.l(,W4;UIJ.
Hear the Patient.
Tir I C. Aver. Lowell. Dear Sir : Feelinir under ob
ligations to you for the restoration of my heultli, I send you
a report of my case, which you are at liberty to publish fur
the benefit of others. I.ast autumn I took a bud cold, ac
companied by a severe cough, and made use of many mrd-
tellies wllltOUl ouiuinillg renct. 1 warn ouiigcu .u Jtivc up
business, frequently raised blood, and could get no sleep ot
night. A friend gave me a bottle of your Cherry Pecto
ral, the use of which 1 immediately commenced at cording
to directions 1 have just purchased the filth bottle, and
am nearly recovered, f now sleep well, my cough has
ceased, and all by the use of your valuable medicine
' l' CJ CTflV 1. A .f
Principal Mt. Hope Seminary.
Hasovi, Ohio, Apiil 3, 1850.
Dear Sir I with I could tell all that eunVr with a
cough, what your Cherry Pectoral has d ne for ma. It
doe seem they might be benefitted by the information. 1
raid a lung lever wlnvn lert my lungs wean and innamei.
nenig very leenie and unable to gain strength at an, my
friends thought I must a ton sink lu consumption. 1 had
no anpetiia, and a dieadi'ul cough waa fast wearing me
away. 1 began to take your beautiful medicine, bv the ad.
vice of a clergyman, whu had aeen ita cflccte before. It
ceased my couuh at first, and gave ma reat at night. In
less tnui a loitnight 1 oould eat well, and my cough had
euased to be troublesome, my appetite retained, and my
uou uou.i.ntu me, waicn soon rcstoien my Mienetn
Now, after five weeks, 1 am well and strung, with no oth
er help than your Cheny Pectoral.
Your) with respect,
iv l it t JULIA DEAN.
I hereby certify that the above statement of my wife la
in conformity with my own views of bar cos and bar
cure by Ayei'a Cheny Pectoral
v v , . JOSEPH DEAN.
he above named Joseph Dean ana Julie, his wife, art
personally known to me, and implicit oou&dcnc may U
placed in theu statement. '
Pastor of the Baptist Cbarcb.
Prepared aud $old by JAMES C. AVER,
Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass.
fiold io Sunbury by H MASSER, soil by
Druggist generally turouj.m ttlies 6tsU.
r?ovru!tr , ieM.lyc.jmj
Caught Adrift
TOURING the late freshst, In Jane last, above
the West Branch Bridge, 7 square logs of
hewed timber, and fourteen feet long, on
which was a foot boat locked to tho raft. The
owner of the property is requested to come for
ward, prove his property, pay charges, and take
it away, otherwise it will be disposed of accord
ing to law. GEORGE RO DOERS.
Pcnns tp Union county, July 31, 1652 at
lELLOW CITIZENS Encouraged hy ma
ny of my friends, I repectfully oilier myself
as a candidate for tho Office of
Register fj Recorder,
At the aproaching election. Should I he elected,
I shall endeavor to render general satisfaction.
Chilisquaquc, July 54, 1852. tc.
pELLOW CITIZENS:-! herewith nn--
nounce myself to your kind considera
tion as a candidate for the office of
Register j Recorder,
at the next election. Should your free and
independent vote place me in this office, I
pledge myself, to fulfil the duties thereof in
such a manner, as shall give geuoral satisfac
Respectfully, your obedient servant,
Sunbury, July 10, 1852. tc.
A valuable Farm for Sale.
THE undt-rsienetl, will ofler at public nlp,
on TUESDAY, Ihe 5th of OCTOBER
next, at 10 o'clock, A. M , of stiitt duv, nt ihe
Shnmokin Dam Hotel, kept by Geo. Kt'eiiP,
in Perm township, Union county, a hijihly
fituntec! in naid townchip, nbout half a mils
Delovv the Minmoklti Dam, containing
One hundred and twtnly-two Jlcrcs,
morn or eg; one hundred and ton acres of
winch are in a hiih olnte ol cultivation, the
balance beine; wood laud ; bounded on the
east by the Susquehanna river and the Penn
sylvania canal, on the south and west by
land of John Hartmnn, and on the north by
land ol Henry llarlman, and upon which are
erected n large and well finished two glory
a well finished and commodious framo
These buildings are erected immediately at
the State toad leading from Northumberland
to Harrisburg. There is a never failing
spring ol excellent water, over which is
erected a Spting House, convenient to tho
dwclline, together with sundry out-buildings,
&c. Also a iood
of full growth, and one of recent set-
linjr out, crribracn'C some choice fruit trees.
There are also ereclcd on said premises, im
mediately at the Pennsylvania canal, a laige
and well finished two story
Frame Dwelling; and Kitchen,
with a woll of excellent water at Ihe door,
together with convenient stabling, Sec. There
is a. vt harf running parallel with tho canal
and fronting said dwelling, eligibly situated
for Ihe prosecution of an extensive COAL
and I.UM15ER business.
Tr.RMs : One half of Ihe purchase money
to be secured by bonds nnd mortgage on the
promises with interest, in reasonable pay
ments; S100 to be panl on tho day of Kilo
anil the balance on delivery of Ihe deed.
Tiilu indisputable.
E. G. MARKLEV, Agent.
Sunbury, July 31, 1852 is
Win. McCarty, Uookscller.
T E3PECTFULLY informs his friends and
the public, that ho lias removed his Boo!;
Store, to Market street, to tho house occupied
by J. Naille, Esq., Attorney at Law, nearly op
poitu the Court House, on tho north title,
where keeps for sale constantly on hand a good
assortment of books and stationary.
For Sale A largo new spring waggon fit lor
2, 3 or 4 horses.
Sunbury, July 54, 1S52. tf.
MUXIlVllY, I' A.
Dec. 13, 1851. tf.
4th and Arch Street,
TTAVE tstublUhcd a Sloro where the boat
trade now resort for
Household Dry Goods,
French Fancy Goods,
Dress Silks and Shawls,
Hosiery, Gloves and Mitts,
Cloths, Cossiuicrs and Ycttinr-s,
Muslins and Linens by the piece.
Damask Table Linens and Napkins,
Patent Black Silks for Dresses,
Full Stock of Mourning Goods.
E. & L. are constantly receiving Bargains from
the New York and Philadelphia Auctions, which
they sell wholesale and retail very cheap for Nctt
Edward E. Evre, Washington I. Lanmieli.,
Philadelphia, July 3, 1652 ly.
No. 47 South Water Street, below Chestnut,
MPOREKS of Foreign Fruits, Nuts, Wines,
etc., keep constantly on hand the following
articles, which they will sell at very low prices
tor cash.
Kaisins, Almonds, Currants,
Walnuts, Citron, Ground Nuts,
Prunes, Cream Nuts, Dates,
Fillwrts, Figs, Vanilla beans,
Sweet Oil, Preserved ginger, aniuriiulu,
Liquorice, Lemon Syrup, Fire Crackers,
Port Wine, Madeira Wine, Claret Wine,
Sherry ' Muscat " Sweet Malaga "
Philadelphia, July 3, 1852 ly.
Van Loan
Daguerrean Gallery,
159 Chestnut Street,
VT this clehratl establishment you can alwnva pro
care ilia l(cwcst and most itaproved styles of
at frnm 50 to 100 per ct. Lisa coat than auch pictures can
he hnrl frr elsewhere.
Nw that vati can ereiue auch perfect portraits of your
loved ones at a mere nominal cost, aoa'l aeiay leal you
lose them.
Every variety of fancy eases, frames, Ac, on hand or
furnished to order, and every picture nude aatistory and
wm ranted to be in the heat atyl of the ait or no ra&sci
Can ana sea us at io j vneataut at.
L. II. Pl'RNEl,L.
- Philadelphia July 17, 18M. ly.
THE first Instalment of ten dollars per share
on the new subscriptions to the Stock of the
6unbury aod Erie Railroad Company will be due
nd pa v able at the office of the Company, No. 8
boutu i ront-street, (up tlaus,) ou Holiday, Au
gust ism, 1652.
Interest will be paid semi-annually on each in
etalnient from the date of payment. Interest will
also be allowed on all payments made in entki.
i hiUdelphia, July 8 . 16523t.
and Porter'e Rhetorical Reader, just rcoeiv.
e4 and tor sole by WM. McUAIlTY.
8inburyrf,fy I, 1UU
RESPECTFULLY Inform tho public and
"the feat of mankind," that they have just
received and opened the best and cheapest stock of
Spring and Summer Goods
th tit hits ever been brought to Sunbury.
Their stock consisU of every varioty of
Dry Goods, viz :
CloJti, Cassimeres, Sattinets, Vtstwgs,
Drillings, Lintns,
And nil kinds of Summer Wear.
Also a splendid variety of
Calicoes, Ginghams, Laicns, Chintzes, De
Laincs, Berages,
Ami every variety of goods snilablo for La
ities wear.
Also an extensive assortment of
Panama and Pai.m Leaf Hats.
Also a large assortment of GKOCKKIES,
Sugar, Teas, Coflee, Molasses, Spices
of all kinds.
Also a large assortment of
Fish, Salt and Plaster.
Also a trash supply of
Besides Ihe largest and most peneral assort
ment of all kinds of goods to be had in this
(V Country produce of all kinds taken in ex.
change at the highest market price.
Sunbury, May 22, 1852.
Valuable Property.
Late the Estate of E. P. SHANNON, Esq.,
Or Aorthunibcrlaml
rFlHE subscribers, Executors of Ihe Estate
of Ephraim P. Shannon, late of Ihe Bor
ough of Northumberland, offrr at private sale,
the following valuable Real Entitle, viz:
Lot No. 77, corner of Queen and Front
Street, on which is erected a twoslory Brick
Building, formetly occupied by tho deceased
as a Siorc and Dwclliitt;, and now occupied
as such. There are also on the lot two frame
dwellings. Sec.
Lot No. 52, situated in Market Street, on
which is erected a two story while Framo
Dwelling, &c, adjoininc; John Taggart, Esq.,
occupied by Chas. Knous.
Lots Nos. 69, 70, 71 & 73, situate in Mar
ket Street, a two story white Frame Dwel
ling, occupied by James Donly, and a stable
is creeled on lots No. 69 & 70.
The undivided half nf Lot No. 120, situate
on Ibe corner of Duke ami 4th Sneet, on
which is erected a two story dwelling, occu
pied by Joseph MeCallister.
Lot No. 188, situate in Queen Street on
which is erected a two story white Frame
Building, occupied by John Btnkert
Lot No. 60, situate ut Norlhway and Wa
ter Stieets, on which aro erected two Frame
Dwellings und Stublitir, occupied by widow
Vandliug and John Vuudliiig.
Also tho undivided fointh part of lot 16G,
on which is erected a twostoiy Fiania Dwel
ling, occupied by Jehu Vandyke.
Also ten acres of cleared land, adjoining
lauds of John Deshay, on the East side of the
Susquehanna, ubottl three miles below Dan
ville. Al.;o two adjoining vacant town lots, sim
ated on the corner of ecoud and 0,aiit;u
(reels, numbered in the general plan ol Bui.
ough. Nos. 215 & 216.
AIo four vacant lots on Third and Orange
Streets, numbered in the genoral plan ol said
Boronyh, Nos. 209, 210, 211 & 212.
Also four vacant lots fronting on Market
and Sixth Streets, running East lo an Alley,
numbered in Iho general plan of said Bor
ough, Nos. 77, 78, 7U & 80.
AI.-0 four vacant lots front ins on Orange
Street, and numbered in ffl.; general plan of
said Uorouyh, Nos. 185, IS 6, 1S7 &. 188.
The above property will be sold in parts
or paicels to suit purchasers, on reasonable
terms. For further particulars apply lo John
-ake, Esq., at Northumberland, or to Ihe
Northumberland, May 22, 1S52. if.
Allegorical Print of the Age,
In Commemoration of that most important
The British surrr ndrrinst thrir nrms to
After their defeat at YOHICTOWN, Virginia,
UcloDer 1781.
riMlE EncraviiiB is executed bv Tanner, Vnllnncc, Kcnr
I . i .1- i... i i.. i.
anil published by Itcnjaniin Tanner, Kncrnvcr, Pluludtl-
plua. 1 lie size oi tno print is v.) ny ui int-nta linn was or.
illiuuy puuilMiiu w mci n m ci.. ill sucri.
f.rl.A.,A 1 IUA .
The IIisTonv. In the lirst tnul cruiut plan are cxhihited
three Inrpe groups i-f the pnnciMtl niTicrs, who were pre
sent at the transaction, with a luitiiful likeness of eueli.
In the htst croup is seen General ashuiirlnn. Genera)
Rochambeuu, General Lincoln. Colonel Hamilton, an old
l-'unner eaircr to c mtcniplate t lie scene, llilly the servant.
anil ttie llornc of General Washington.
In the second croup, are American and Ftench Odicera;
General Kunx, Secretary Wilson, the Duke dc l,uuzua, and
the Marquis tie l.u Fayette.
The llnrd croup is descriptive ol ttie Itrltmh snrreniler-
ins their nrms. lrd Coruwallis, Gencrul O'llara, Com-
niodore Summons, Colonel Tarlluii, with two tineis cut
off. Lieutenant Col mel AlKTcrouiliie, Lieutenant
Col nel Duudas, lord Chevvlon. Ae. Ird Coruwiitlis ap
peals presenting his bword to the first General (llRcer he
meets, but Geneiul Wushincton is tioiitt'-tl out to liiiu as
the only person to whom he is to suneiulcr his sword.
On the heights and ill the distance are the diHVreiit ar
mies uud crowds of spectators. The House of Secretury
il&ou, occupied hy lird (.ornwalusund Ins stall, wlurli
was bombarded and pierced with IhiIIm ; ihe Marquis de li
Fayette having remtirked that they we e carrying disltes
for the dinner of lird Coruwallis, MMkud leave ol tieucrul
'uHhillgloll serve him n dish of liis own cooking, and
immediaiely after several bombshell fell through the root
on the table, nnd wounded sonic, and dispersed the party
The At lcgorv, On the left is erected u m unent in
honor of th 'se illustrious heroes who saei irlred their lives
and fortunes to insure to their citizens, the Lllierly uud In
dependence they now enjov.
Published nt hy WM. II. f.AXR. Philadelphia, nnd
to be had at the OlVc of the AMERICAN COl'RIEH ,"
No, 141 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, aa premiums to that
tr a utierni niscnunt in Agents.
Philadelphia, June 'JO, 1S0S
New Abrangements ioa
Susqucliiinna Packet lioats.
Former Detentions at the Junction Avoided !
OS and after May 13, 1852, tho Packet will
leave the Junction daily at 3 o'clock, P. M
(or upon the arrival of the Cars leaving Phila
delphia at 8 o'clock, A. M.,) and arrive at Wil
liumspnrt next day at 10 o'clock, A, M-
Leave Williamaport, daily, at 11 " A.M.
Arrive at Northumberland, at 7 " P. M
And at the Junction, at 5 " A. M
In time to take the cars for Philadelphia an.
Pittsburg !
Harrisburg, May 15, 1652. 3in.
No. 19 lW St , between 2d If id Sts., ana
No. 17 North Street,
' rillLADEU'HU.
John Bancroft Jr. and Son,
Ac, tliat thev Mauufactura and have
for Sale. Palm. White. Variesaixd, Yellow and
Brown Soapa, Mould and Dipped Candlea, all ol
rood quality and at reasonable pricea
tT Cash paid for Tallow and rough Fat.
April 10 1Bj8. ly.
BLANK DEEDS printed on the beat quality
of parchment paper, sold at the lowest prices
at this office, by wholesale and rUU
jESPECrFULLY informs the eitine of
Sunbury and vicinitjr. that ha has oponcd a
new store in tho room lately occupied by Cr-orge
BriBht, oppocite Bolton's Hotel. He has just ro
eeivctj a handsome assortment of
Slriiiff nnd .Suiunier Good,
consisting in part 0f
Cloths, Cassimers, CassineU.
SUMMER WARE of ,11 kind., of linen, cotton
and worsted. ALSO:
CalUorm, f.liiglmitu, I.nns,
MotiNNClInc Dc l.u I ties
and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods.
GROCEMES of Pvery variety.
Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron
and Steel, Nails, &o.
Also an excellent assortment of
QTTEENSWARE, of various styles and
Also an assortment of ROOT A. SHOES.
Palm leaf and other Hats and Cnpa.
Salt, Fish, Sc.
Also a variety of LIQUOH3 such as
It randy, Gin, Wine, Ac.
And a Rreat variety of other articles such as nro
suitable to the trade, all of which will lo sold at
the lowest prices.
t" Country produce taken in exchango at
the highest prices,
Sunbury, May 1, 1852 ly.
Manufactured by Ihe New Jersey Zinc
Company, Newark, N. J.
rpilE Subscribers are now prepared to ciecute orderi
1 to any extent lor their beautiful white and colored
Zinc Paints, at the reduced pricea, viz :
, . wairniiled
No. 1, hitc, ground in oil, 9 centt per lb., pure,
No. 2, do. do. 8 do. do
No. 3, do. do. 7 do. do
Brown nnd Blflck, do. 0 do. do
Ono hundred pounds will cover equally well ns much
stiifuce ns 100 ll.s. of White Lend j they arc 'J5 percent
cheaper to the coiutnmer.
The WniTrt is rapidly superseding White I.int1,
over which it pMaeKcs many advantages It is whiter,
and more beautiful than the White Lend does not turn
yellow, even when exposed to sulphurous vapor has
noauicll is nut injurious to health, and is far mote du
rable. Zinc Brown and Ki.ack Paikt aiht koth WriATitnn
and Ftna Proof. The best cviiimr for outside work
ever intiodueed. adapted to huildinga of wood, brick or
stone to fences, carriage bodies, bridges, and machinery
to the hulls of vessels, anchors, chains, nnd all other Iron,
work on board ship lo steam boilers, miiokc tacks and
water tanks to ii on, lin. and other roofiing, iron simmer
doors autt railings, wue fence, bridges, Sic.
Fur Iron Surface this l'uint Is especially valuable
ns it forms n gulvonic connection, and entirely pievents
These Zinc Tuints hnvinc a pure Mclnlic Hase, are war
ranted not t ) turn yellow, und will retain their oriciiral
brillinncy tinich louder than White Lend, or any of the
earthy pigments now in use. The certificates fro'in those
who have used thene Paints, ore S'ich an t isatisty the pub
lic that they ore invaluable. The ablest chcmiHK of
France und this country have fslihed to Ihe supori nilv of
Zinc over Lead I'aints, us to dnrabilitv, healilit'uliicis and
beauty. They havo been ndopied by ihe French tiovein
mcnt, hy the rnrporarioii of New York, nud are now ex
tensively used bv the L'nited r?:at.' Governtneiil at many
cf the largest .Military and .Matine Dep, ts.
Pittt.tevLPniA Gas Wouks. May 1.1, iSfll.
Messrs. F. C. .Ionrs Si Co. Genileiuan li.iviuj inndc
several trials of your Brown Z:ne I'amt in vai i ,u tne:h
ods calculated t test its protective qualities upon wood
and metal, 1 h ive the Katisfactioii to state thut tin- rciui's
have been IiikMv lav table. The paint e .vel itiR well,
tlryin quickly, and tnjfPeiOimr cie.iler tenaeitv, copecinHv
upon iinn, tbntt cny ;thtr paint with whii-h 1 am fu'.
Vonrs. tritlv, .TnrtN r. fitrBsov.
The nnderirrmil, !..t.i:tr nsnt the .inc ! :.: ts nimeA
IO concur In . t :,o,,
MorrV 'I - ... r :,:
Kca:i i C
Mrr:elt .; S- iv
i o; inion,
,'lV ,.. V.-
James T. Suit' n k Co.. I'm..',;
.1. T.
-.t -'it r is i:at,!e teni.s by the Aftfnts
r . C. .IONTS .. f'.i ,
. 17 f?.,,iii!i Wharves.
EadJlery tin! 7iarness Establiahnitiii oi
G. S STItOTl, !
Marlct Street. Snnbuni,
A new assortment of KlSrv: , JT-jasiS and
Japanned JNI o u n t i
Which he will cither nrnke up to nnlcr or sell
separately for cn.-h at prices its low if not lower
than can be had anywhere else.
TrimKN, Tallies, &.c,
Constantly kept on hand or manufactured to or
doneon the shortest notice.
All persons arc invited to coll and examine for
All kinds of produce taken in exchange.
Sunbury, May 1, 1852. tf.
At the Forks of the Plum Creek axd Tulje.
Iiocwn lioad, (rifor hreightiaum s viack
Smith Shop?
TJESPECTFULLY informs the public that he
has opened a new Store at the above place
and has just received a splendid stock of new
Spring and Summer Goods,
Consisting in pnrt of
Cloths, Cassimers, Siittinels,
DRILLINGS and all kinds of linen coiton
and worsted summer waro.
Callicoes, Muslin de Laines, lawns,
And all kinds of Dresa Goods for Ladies.
Tea, Cofff.k, Sugar, Molasses, &c.
taiUCKKIKS, of all kinds.
BRANDY, GIN, WINE, and all kinds of
Hardware Iron nnd Mrd, Nails, ir.,
Shoes, Coots, Caps, Palm leaf and other Hats.
Fish, Salt, &c,
All of which lie w ill sell at the most reasonable
prices for cash or country produce.
May 8, 1852 -tf.
HENRY W. KirCHER informs the public
thut ho has taken ihe Kiiiibury Ferry and
na he is now well prepared with good nud sulli
ciciit rrafts ho will be enabled to accommodate
the public with )ronitiirs and despatch.
April 10, 1853 tf.
RESPECTFULLY informs the eiti.etu of
Sunbury and vicinity, thut he has commen
ced a new store in W hot ilebetry street, in the
house formerly occupied by Mis. Gray, und ban
just received and opened a well selected assort
ment of
Dry Goods,
Consisting in part of
And a general n"rtnicnt of
. 'of rxery variety and stylo.
GROCERIES of every desoi:jtion.
Also an assoitmcnt of
And a general variety of other nttlotts ruch as
ire suitable to the trade, all cl'w iii. h wiil Iv sold
st the lowait prices.
Country proJuco tiken in exchange at the
highest prices.
Sunbury, May 15, lt5: 6m.
FE BILLS Juatieei and Constables Feu
Bills handsomely printed on caid paper for
sale at tills office.
Fresh Arrival of Goods
At THt ft.w ironic ot
, MVr, TENKR k CO.,
(A early opposite Weaver-1 ILtcl, Marktt St f
Suuttiry, INfoilLiunberlftad Caunty, Pa.
"MfE lag to snnounoe that te it rcing c
, ntw vans! supply of goods from
I hilsdclphl in addition to- out proMtt new
stock ; all of which fit offer st such prices as w
think should eomrnond a spredy sale, our philos
ophy is, to sell cheap and turn out money often ;
and wo know that at the yerrr's end this will pav
us better than slow sale and large profits, and?
our customers will in the meantime have titer
benefit cf tioods at low prices anJ of Ut bt
luahty. Our slock consists of
Dry Goods,
llai duai v, Uurt'i.swnrc,
Carpets, Trucks, Valises, Carpet Bags,
Umbrellas snd Parasols. Boots and Shoos.
Hsu and Caps, Looking Olssscs. Wall
1 apr for Room and Window
Blinds, Ornnsa, lemons,
Nuts and Candy, Salt,
Mackerel, flaimon
Dried Beef.
Plain and Fancy Hams and shoulders, Nat's,
W indow Glass, Paint StulT, Oils and Putty, Usr
pet Cham. Cotton L.tps and Yarn, with a variety
of other articles.
3V. 11. All kinds of country produce taken irr
pxehange nt the highest market pricps.
SiNibmy, June 20, 185-3. ly.c
Ituioalc and Ketail Clock
S. E. Comer Sicond and Chestnut Sts.,
S'lT'IIERE maY 1,8 found, orrc of tha largest
' and best assortments of Clocks and Time
pieces in the United States, in quantities to suit
purchasers, of from a single Clock, to one thou
sand Clocks; embracing every varkly of stylo
nnd manufacture, suitable for Churches, Halls,
Counting Houses, Parlois, Sleeping Apartments,
nnd Kitchens, Steam and Canal Boats, and Rail
Road Cars.
Also general sale Agent, for Rapp's lately pat
ented Scientific Niche Gold Pen. Wholesale
nnd Retail Gold and Silver Pen Holders, and
Pencils, and a variety of Fancy Goods. Those
wishing to purchase will tind it to their interest
to call before purchasing elsewhere.
S. E. Cor. Chestuut & 2nd Sts., Phila.
April 10, 1852 ly.
above Fourth,
THE undersigned respectfully inform the pub
lic that they are in full operation at their
new foundry, and ready to execute orders for
ftoves of every description on tho most reasona
ble terms.
They invite the attention of .STOVE DEAL
ERS to their largo assortment of STOVES, alt
of which aro entirely new, and got up at great
expense. Among which rue tho Liberty Air
Tilit Cook, Complete Cook, Str Air Tight,
Star Franklin, Star Radiator, Jenny Lind Im
p:oed. Fire King Radiators, Salamanders, Can
linns, base?, Bare Cyliudciu. Lm Room Stoves,
Furnaces, Gas Ovens, &c., &e.
N. R. Country merchants are particularly
invited to cull and examine ovtr Dsr.crtmcru.
April 10, 1S52. ly.
At I!is Xfiv Store in IJolIowing Ron,
ESPF.CTFLLLY informs his friends ami
customers, that he has just received a new
stock of goods, which he offers lo th public
at the lotvtMt prices, viz :
spilng and Summer Dry Goods.
Cr7,;'., Cussirnerts, Sattinrttt. Mcr.nos,
Mm.ssclinc De Laims, Flannels
mij everv variety ot jioous suiuoie iot mt season.
Also Silk Hats, Caps, ice.
ALSO : An assortment of Hardware.
All Kinds, of Groceries,
A variety of luccnsware, Crockery, Ac.
Besides a variety of oilier articles, suitable for
farmers, &c.
All kinds of produce t.iktu in exchange fur
goods at the highest market price.
Hollowing Run, April IV, 185?. -if.
it. cmR-nkiji's. i. r. ii.vKr.n. w. c. daki:h.
Cornelius. Baker ' Co.,
Lamps, Chandiliera, Gas Fixtures. &e.
Manufactory No. 1S1 Cherry St.,
April 10, ISO-'. It
Fish, Provisions, iSt.,
A'o. 9 .Avrti Wharves,
April 10, 1852. ly.
OFFICE in Market afreet, Sunbury, adjoining
the Office of tho "American" and opposite
the Post Oiliee.
littninetis promptly attended to in Northumber
land and the adjoining Counties.
Ri:tT.n to : Hon. C. W. Hegins and D. Ran
nun, 1'ottsvillc; Hon. A. Jordan an4 II B. Mau
ser, Sudbury.
April 10, 1333 ly.
" M. L. SHlNDElT
UJJice in Market street Sunbury, opposite
Weaver's Hold J
FBtlNKSS will be promptly attended to in
i) the Counties of Northumberland, Union,
Columbia and Mmitour.
Suiihtiry, Ocl. 11, 1S61. ly.
Ojfuc opposite tU Court House,
Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pa.
Prompt ulleiitioii to buainuss in adjoining
J. H. & W. U. HAltT,
V II O L K ALE G li O C F. R S
A'y. 2i'J North 2,1 St., atjow Callotehill,
A lariat assortment of Grocerm always on
lian.l, which wiil be told at the luweat pticee for
C rsli or upproved Credit.
April 10,
Lycomirj Mutual Iagurance Company.
HI!. J. U. MASSER is the local agent for the
above Insurance Coii-pany, in Northumber
land county, and is ut all times ready lo effect
(nsutaiices uyainst lira o.i real or personal pro
perty, or renewing policies tot the miuo.
Sunbury, April .6, li?il.-- tf.