Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 14, 1852, Image 2

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XWU CONOR K-rirl "'
SenT Mr. Biiyht moved, mid " bt''
lioss wan suspended, in irnler to "P 'J
of the President on subject of the
Fisheries. . '
A dcbale took place, in which Mew. Se
bastian,. Atchison, Bell, Cm, Underwood,
aJ Walker look pari. '. ,,
Mr. Cass, during his' remarks' digressed;
I ami said ho desired to vindicate 'the truth of
histoiy. Ho Mid it was often qtteslioned
who was the aniljnr. of. tha.rnQvemi'nt which
broke the Biitish lines at Tippecanoe. He
raid ha ai there a a spectator, having no
command. General Harrison issued his or.
ders for the order of battle ; Col. Johnson's
regiment being behind to support the infan
try. After the line, was formed, Gen. Harri
dan said to hiirt, (Gen. Cass).that he believed
ho woulJ change the orderof battle and
place Col Johnson's hoiso in front. He sug
gested to Gen. Harrison the diflionliy of tlio
movement, that Col. Johnson, men and hor
ses were but-raw Mroops. Gen. Harrison re
plied that he ha.deo'usideied that, ami Col.
Johnson was ' willing -to do it. Tho chutgu
was then made ; the: horso wore put in front
nud charged the enemy, literally riding
down the Biitith and breaking their lines
Tho next point was, .who killed Tecuiiiseh ?
lie then detailed tho circumstances, which
satisfied him beyond doubt Hut Cul. Johnson
ki'led Tecnmseb.
The 'Ski-pisski'' Brothers. Tho New
York i:Abend Zeitnng," a German evening
journal of that city, translates into its col
imins the suggestion of the Ledger, that tho
Fkupinskiea had been concerned in the mur
der of tho Polish noblemen of 1846, and ap
pends to it some remarks of its own, which
confirm those suggestion, and also the sus
picions of the Polish gentlemen fiom New
York, of which mention was made yester
day. The following is a translation of the
remarks of the editor :
'This suggestion we are able to confirm.
A Hungarian gentlemen, who arrived in this
country in company with Kossuth, and now
lives in this city, (New York) has assured
us, with all certainty, that he very well re
collects that the brothers Skupinski made
themselves remarkable during the year
!81fl, in the bloody cruelties perpetrated
upon the Polish noblemen by the peasantry
during the insurrection, to which they were
instigated by the Austrian Government."
National Free-Soil Convention, Pitts
bubs. Pittsburg, August 9th. The delegates
to the National Free-Soil Convention are as
sembled here in great numbers. The hotels
aio already nearly filled. Ohio, Pennsylva
nia, Illinois, Wisconsin and Kentucky are
largely represented. Four cars, loaded with
delegates, camo in this evening, among w hom
noticed Mr. Giildings and Judye Spnuldii.g,
of Ohio, and Hon. Rodney French of Mass.
Charles F. AJams, of Quiiicy, Lewis Tap
pan, of New York, Rev. 0. Biislutip, of Cin
cinnati, and several other ptominet men, aie
expected soon. To morrow will be spent in
canvassing tho claim! cf the various candi
dates for the nomination that are to be made.
It appears to be the geneial determination to
nominal. Senator Hale fur the Piesidency,
notwithstanding his declination, and thus
throw on him the responsibility of disorgan
izing the party, if it is to be broken up.
Messrs, Giddiugs, Spaulding and Lewis, of
Ohio, are sjoken of for the Vice Presidency.
Gen. Scorr"s Regard for His Rear. The
following is iho passage in Gen. Scott' letter,
in w hich reference i made to his apprehen
sions of a "tiro in the rear:"
I am too old a soldier, and have had too
much special experience, not to feel the infi
nite importance of securing myself osainst
danger (ill-will or precondemnation,) in my
rear, before advancing upon the public ene-
my. Not an advantageous step can be taken hii advertisement gives notice that he will
in a forward march, without tho confidence remain but one week longer. Persons
that all is well behind. If insecure in that wishing pictures should not neglect this op
r, ia tcr, no General can put his whole heart -....(.,
and mind into the woik to be dune in his j
itn llirt wnib- In .a i!oni to lia i
front. 1 am, therefore, not a little alarmed
nay crippled in my energies by tho know
ledge, and tho impatience in question, and I
beg to say, I fear no other danger.
Tne J.U'an Expldition Abandoned. Ac
cording to foreign paperf, Iho American Ja
pan Expedition has been abandoned. The
ILmdels'Jad.vf Amsterdam, ol the IS:h July
"We learn from a positive source, that the
Government of Ihe United Slates has aban
doued its project of an Expedition agaiuot Ja
pan. It has preferred invoking the media
tion of Iho Dutch Government. We are also
assured that the Dutch Government, which,
in 1S16, made overtures to tho Emperor of
japan tor ine .merest oi .lie w nolo ol I.uro -
penu cununeice, n:9 accepieu mis mission,
and wo hnvo no doubt of its using evorv ef
fort t0accomplUh it successfully."
Col. Wm. Sf.aiugmt We regret to leain,
from a friend nho has just returned fiom
Fayette county, that Col. Seaiiuht was lying
so ill on Friday last, thai his most intimate
acquaintances wero not adimittcd to his
chamber. lie. has Lccu ilaitgeiuusty ill fur
some weeks; yet, notwithstanding this, there
are many anions ihoso who oppose him, who
ai e disposed to hunt him even to his sick
clumber, and JofaiAe him there,
Pittsburgh I'uioii.
The new Whig paper at Piovidonce says
dpt. Aldon Pailtidge, "a demociat of Ihe
Jell'erson and Jackson school, Is an ardent
suppoiter ol Scott." Very ardent! add tho
Boston Post. His cadets tired olT the guns at
the Scott ratification meeting nt Hannover,
N. II. and the captain, upon being called on
fur epcech, went'lhe whole figuie fur
Pierce aud King, to the great contusion of
the ratifiers and the amusement of the Dem
ocrats and Webster men.
DsaTU or ths Hon. .Robert IUntih l
ll'uAinf;(on, August 8. Tho Hun. Robert
Rnutoul, member of Co.ig:es from Massa
chusetts, died this morning, in this ciiv,
having been ill for'iVveral day:Hii body
was sent on to iho residouco of his family
II. D. MASSED., Editor and Proprietor.
Ok New Hampshire.
Or Alabama.
Gkoiigi: V. Woouwakd, of Luzerne.
Wilson M'Canhless, of Allegheny.
Robert Patti'mson, of Philadelphia.
1. Petet Lncran,
2. Geo. H. Martin,
3. John Ahiler,
4. V. W. Boekius,
ft. R. McCoy, Jr.,
6. A. Apple,
13. H. C. Ever,
14. John Clayton,
15. Isaac Robinson,
IB. Henry Fetter,"
17. James Bnrnside,
IS. Maxwell M'Caslin
7. N. Strickland,
19. Joseph McDonald,
8. Abraham Peters. 20. W S. Colahan.
9. David Fister, 21. Andrew Burk,
10. R. E. J unes, 52. William Diimi,
11. Jho McRVynolds. 23 J. S. M'Calmont,
12. P. Damon, ' 23. Geo. R. Barrel.
of Fayette County.
Basinets Notices.
A valuablo Farm and Tavern Stand is offered
for sale in our columns this week. The property
is well known as Weaver's Tavern on tho turn
pike about eight miles from Sunbury.
FnAMCiix Hotkl. 'We call the atten
tion of our readers to the advertisement of Ben
jamin II. Woolman, who has t.tken and fined
up tho Franklin Hotel Chesnut street Philadel
Tho Democratic Electors of Noithnmber-
l.ind roiinlv. sum rcRiM-i'l fn 11 v rHfinpsted to.
meet at the usual places of holding elections dl'nc" of good judgment and military abili
i.i their resneeiivei Uiinuchs and luwnshin. . ties of"a l"Sh orJt'r- Hls mind, and all his
1 r?
Salurdoy the Uh day of August next,
for the purple of electing d.-h-g.tri to the
Democratic County Convention, to beheld
in fc'iinbiirv on tho lulluiving Mondav, to
, ... , i
form a democratic ticket to be supported at
., i- 1 1 i ,
ihu ccmiiuc, fall election.
As there are two separate election districts
in th.i lownship of Cuul, and as tiie township
la entitled to but two delegates, (hi: si Hiding
eomiuillee recommend that lhe demociatio
olectors that vole at Shamokiu town shall
etect one uelega., anu .lie i emoerauc e ec-
, ,
Al the suggestion of many of the demo
crats of tlni County, the standing commit
tee derm il advisable to request the boroughs
and townships to instruct their delegates for
iho candidates they prefer for the different
otFiees, in order that the will of the people
may be arrived at.
John P. Pursel,
John Rou-h,
Geo. B. Weiser,
Ruben W. Zaitman,
Daniel P. Caul,
Wm. L Conk,
Julio S Han,
Valentine Kluse,
James Eckmaii.
DCP Daglerkeotypes. Mr. Mason by
EC?" Ei.ECTioNs.-The returns from North
Carolina show that Reid the Democratic
Governer is re-elected. Thomas H. Centon
(old bullion) has been elected to Congress,
in the St. Louis district.
K The Tnt.F.GRArii. We are pleased
to announce that we are aain in tele
graphic communication wilh the Susque
hanna lines. The wires, which were sev
ered by the deitruclioii of the Northumber
land bridge, have since been stretched
across the river from the tops of a tree on
either side of the bank.
017" The Goose pond in Market street,
( wlich was ,)rt.s(,nteH by the Grand In-
quest as a nuisance, still continues, although
we were informed that it was to be filled
forthwith. The authorities are, however,
moving in the matter as Mr. Wilson was
engaged on Tuesday last, in making a sur
vey ol the street lor a sewer or tlrain of
some kind. Perhaps a good swer put in
would, in the end, be the cheapest, as it
would undoubtedly be the best.
C17" The Special Court commenced its
session on Monday last, Judg Jordan pre-
fWing. The Court was called specially
for the purpose of trying the cases of John
G. Lowrey & the Executors of David Love,
decM., vs. Win. Allison, arising out of the
proceeds of Ihe sale ol the personal pn
peily of J. & J. Potter, by the Sheriff ol
Centre county. These cases were moved
troni Centre to this County, by an act ol
the legislature. Including the parties,
counsel and witnesses, &C, there were
something like sixty persons in attendance,
mostly from Centre county. Among them
were many of the most distinguished citi
zens of Centre aud the adjoining counties-
ZT". Messrs. Walus and Gaucler have
established a new stage line from Selins
pr tve to Williamsport, on the West side ol
the river.
A whig meeting- was held at the Court
House, in this place, on Monday evening
last, in pursuance of previous announce
ment by the bills. The house was well
filled by whigs and democrats, and the
meeting was ably addressed by "David Tag
gart, Esq., of Northumberland, Andrew G.
Curtin, Esq., of Belleibnlo, and Hon. James
Pollock of Milton. Mr. Tacgart's speech
was a chaste and classic production, though
deeply tinged with romance and heroic
verse. General Scott' military exploits
and his acknowledged talents as a great
General, werp, of course, the basis and
ground work of all the speeches. Mr. Cur
tin was next loudly called (or. When he
rose he did so for the purpose of declining
to make a speech, on account of indisposi
tion under which he had been suffering nil
day. The audience, however, would not
let him off", and he was betrayed into a
speech of some twenty or thirty minutes,
into which he infused some of the humor
which generally characterise his speeches.
He remarked that it was so easy to speak
in favor of the whig candidate for the Pres
idency, that it was difficult to restrain him
self. We thought, however, that it was
not quite so easy, but rather with some re
pugnance to his own feelings, that he made
some ill natured remarks in regard to Gen.
Pierce. Mr. Cr.rtin has few superiors as a
humorous and interesting political slump
speaker, but it is just to say that he should
not be judged wholly by his rfiorton Mon
day night last.
Hon. James Pollock was next called out
and made the concluding speech, and an
able. one it certainly was, considering the
subject on which it was based. Judge
Pollock has the good sense to see that it is
not good policy to attack the character of
a man like Gen. Pierce, the couduct of
whose whole life has been, probably, as un
exceptionable as any public man in the
Union. Judge Pollock spoke highly ol
the military services of Gen. Scott and ar
gued that a man who had the abilities to
make a good general must necessary have
sufficient talents to make a good President.
We cannot assent to any such a proposi
tion. As a skillful and successful comman
der, Gen. Scott has certainly given evi-
I energies during a long life, have been train-
j ei t0 thj on way 0f thinking and have
bl,come fo hinl a secon(1 nal)re
t-, 11 i . r. j
i The world does, not cteti produce a
... . . , . '. ...
j Washington or Napoleon, the universality
; - 1 . '
, of whose crrnius is apparent in all their un-
! r 11
Staking. We want ro stronger evidence
t" sln w the weakness of a strong man out
'of his clement, than the controversy of Gen.
Scott with Gov. Marcy, then Secretary o'
i wa.t The Secretary overwhelmed him as
compleley wjlh his pen as ,be Genera, diJ
the Mexicans with his sword
We regrtt to see the want of harmony
and good feeling, between the city council
and the Sunbury and Erie Rail Road Com
nanv. Some ol the council have made
Ll,,,.., n;r,.t M,. Mill.... r,,l
V llllli O U-UIUi-l lui. iiiinri aim urviuuu
themselves opposed to anj' subscription by
the city as long as the company is managed
by its present officers. The friends of the
company and of Mr. Miller asked for a
committee to investigate the matter which
was relused. In this we think the council
were decidedly wrong. When accusations
are made the accused, should have a chance
to defend themselves.
Executed. Matthias Skupinski,
one of the murderers of the pedler boy
Lehman, suffered the extreme penally ol
law at Philadelphia, on Friday last. He
made a confession acknowledging his knowl
edge of the crimp, assisted in deposing of
the remains, nud charges a man Keyser,
with having murdered young Lehman
He died without a struggle, and all the ev
idence since his arrest, show him to have
been a hardened criminal.
Our whig friends are determined to use
every means to carry the election of Gen.
Scott. Not finding anything vulnerable in
the life ol Gen. Pierce, they assail him with
songs intending to cover him with ridicule.
Some of thpse songs are curiosities in their
way. The following verses are a speci
men ol what they can get up at Mauch
Chunk, and were copied by a Philadelphia
paper, from the Mauch Chunk Gazette. We
should not wonder if Ihe author, after this
wonderful effort, had fainted.
One day a riding 'Ions ihe roaj,
He saw a buy a eryina,
At mice quito touched, ho was thereby,
His heart was sympathising.
Ho Hopped his horse, an.! asked tho boy
"Althoufh an entire it ranger"
What is iho cause of your gicat grief 1
A to you in any danger'!
The boy looked up with learlul eyes,
Willi urief his heart i.'eitlnvt ina
"My Play-mates, iln-y have each a stick
Ol Candy I he) 're enjoying.
Mv parents they are poor.
Too young 0 WOik though handy
So I indeed, ain't ahl for,
To buy a slick of Candy."
Wiih Charity Benevolence,
This aieal Man's heart wna filled ;
His hands into hi pockeu llirust,
And out a CENT ho pulled.
OLe5" The Democrats of Schuylkill coun
y have nominated Col. C. M. Straub as
their candidate for. Congress aud Nicholas
?e'itzinger for Sheriff. Bernard Reilly and
Samuel Hippie are on the ticket for the
House of Representatives.
The opinion of the Supreme Court
delivered by Chief Justice Black, on the
injunction case vs. the Sunbury and Erie
Rail Road Company, will be found on our
first page. It is a most able production
clear, concise and conclusive in its argu
ments. We cannot see how any man pos
sessing a modicum of common sense, after
reading this opinion can come to any other
conclusion than that arrived at by the
court. This was the opinion of every
member of the bar from our neighboring
Counties, now attending Special Court in
this place, whom we have talked to on the
subject, and whoso local feelings and pre
judices were altogether on the side of the
Sunbury and Erie Company.
On Monday afternoon last, Dr. Giltner was
arrested at his residence in Moulnnr county,
about five miles from Washinetonville, by
two Police officers from Philadelphia. After
they had taken hiin he attempted to escape
when the ollicers fired three bulls into his bo
dy! He fell, und exclaimed, "1 am a dead
man !" the blood gushing out of his tnc.ulh
rapidly. Ho was immediately taken by the
ollicers to Washiuglonville, where his wound
were dressed, and from there taken to Dan
ville. The wounds, we learn will not prove
fatal. Two other men weie in 'he house
who made their escape. The oflieeis found
a large amount of bills in tho house, signed
and unsigned, together with numerous im
plements for counterfeiting, dies and opinions
coins. Tho men who escaped are supposed
... i l -..!...: i. : KI....I. k:tt.
at Iho time nt the arreM 1 lie ollieers took
possession of ihe "whole k it" of bills ami itn
plements. This fpiirious bills lhat have
flooded our Slate lately, were no doubt issued
by thiti gang Other arreslf, we understand
are in contemplation, and some men will be
implicated perhaps, who the honest citizens
of this section little suspect. The affair has
created threat sensation in the neighboihood,
and caused Ihe guilty who are yet at laigeto
"tremble in Iheir tracks."
Since writing the above, we learn that Mr.
G ill ii e r has been released by giving bail to
the amount of 53,000. Milton Dcm
Pass Arol'ND his Name. As tho steam
boat John Totter was leaving her dock, nt
New York, yesterday, wilh the S o'clock line
for Philadelphia, a lady, (in company wilh
Mr. Hughes, Secretary of this Common
wealth,) accidentally walked oveiboard, and
would have beendiuwned, but for the. timely
assistance of Nicholas M.iiliu. one of the (ire
men of ihe Potler, who immediately plutised
in and sustained Ihe lady until one of the life
boals was launched from the deck of the ;
s'eamer, which was ihe woik of a moment!
,' , ,. . !
wnen Doin weie rescued, ureal creiiu i i
uenerveilly due tne youth, who so polity an;
niihe-imtin::ly tii-ked bis ov to :ae an
o:hei'slilo. riiila Lcdscr.
I'Rr.MCiioN of JJr v i'.bstfr. I he Co:i. ; "i' ."wiiiMc - is-mnr. ol !h,o. at
cord (N. H.) Patriot stales, liiat during Iho i Ciueiniiati, have awarded their Pin.i.M.t to
recent visit of Daniel Webster lu his farm al ; Aveh's Chlkuv Pixikal. ihe widely celu
Flit. Mill, a lady, a relative, temaiked to hitn. i brated retneily foi Cold. t:ti I Con
"Well, Mr. Webster, I was really in hopes j sumption. This honor was richlv meiiled
that some time I should see a live Pi evident j by the Inventor of that invaluable medicine
of Ihe LTniled.Slales " '-You will yet, mad- ! which has ticcured not only lite above com-
am," was the inst tut reply of Mr. WejMer.
'if you and Gen. Pieice liveliiitil next March.'
We have the above from ihe lips of Ihe hus
band of the lady, who was himfelf present.
Cholera at Ciumueiisbciig. Aug. 0th.
There have been nineteen deaths hero in the
ast three weeks front tthat physicians pio-
liounco to 00 Cholera, testorday, three
colored persons died of tho disease, and this
morning four new cases have occuted all
In a recent duel at Lancaster, Ky., neither
of tho piiucipals wero killed, but a negio
women was
Sho was an innocent but tin-
fuitunato spectator of the combat.
A hand of Ethiopian Seteuaders has been
organi.ed in Baliimore, to sail for Bremen,
their object being to try how negro miu
sltelsv will tcke in Germany.
A controversy is (joing on between the
Catholic journal, as to whether tallow can-
lies may bo used instead of wax in the
church ritual.
Tiik Ma. ne law in Newport is openly vio-
lated. Some of iho hotels and grocers have
slopped 'he sale, but others go on in Iho
ime way.
The liquor dealers of Lowell, Mass , open
their bars free to all their customers, and the
city marshal has determined lo a 1 1 est every
person he finds chunk.
A machine is on exhibition in Steuben-
ville, Ohio, for the manufacture of matches.
It w ill produce either percussion or friction
matches at the rate of 20.000 per minute, or
1.200,000 per hour.
A Westuin editor speaks of tho circum
stance ol a biid building its nest upon a ledge
over the door of a doctor's office, as au at
tempt lo rear its young in tho very jaws of
Junlj says he hates to seo woinon buying
furniture al auction rooms. The prettiest
then look ugly their countenance are so
for bidding.
S. 11. Clark, of Ogdensburp, N. Y., in one
day lost week sent to Boston, by rail road,
44,000 pounds of butler and cheese chiefly
ihe former.
"The coal banks near Wheeling, continue
nn fire, in spite of all efTorls to extinguish
them. One man has lost more than 9100,
000 already.
Anotheii lot of liquor has been turned in
to Iho Providence river, ihe 1 1th dos.
Wonder what the fish think of it.
Thb first drawn milk contains only five,
Ihe second eight, and the fil'lti seventeen per
cent uf cream.
Cap,. Randolph B. Marcy, about, whom so
much anxiely is felt, is Ihe son of Laban
Jilarcy, of Greenwich, Mass.
TiiE"Camdert and Amboy Tv. R. Co. are
about to erect a large and commodious freight
houso near Builiiigtnn.
' Mr. Editor : t presume that Col. WIL
LIAM FOLLMER, our lute member, will be
tho candidate of the democracy of this
County, ns a matter of course. He hns been
in the Legislature but ono year, and as it is
not cus.tomary for us to make yrarliiip of
our membors, uuhiss for some good reasons
wu shall look fur his nomination and re
election, especially a no fauli has been
found in his course during the lust session
of the Legislature.
Sunbury, August 7, 1853.
TO THE I'lltLlt.
A report being in circulation that if elect
ed one of the County Commissioners, I will
bo in favor of a subscription on the p:ut of
the County to either of tho contemplated
rail roads, I deem il due to the voters of
tho county, and to myself, to say, I enter
tain no such feelings or principles. 1 have
been nnd now inn, in favor of beina gov
erned by the rryircsicc will uf the people
and believing in this piinciple. I eau not
give my vole for any matter to which I be
lieve them to bu opposed.
Very resp"etfnlly yom,
Sunbury, August 7, 1852.
The Noithem Temperance
t'liiiveiition, i
will meet at Milton on Wednesday the 'Ja h
int., at 11 o'clock A., M in the Pieb tcri-
at) Church. Clir:t'ini'tt iiI'i-vimv in:i
in iul
lo attend, as makers nf groat impm lance to
the advancement of the canoe, at litis panic
nlai crisis, will bo frubmitrud tu Ihe eonveii
lion. JOHN Mill I! AY, JAMES MOOHK. sr.
Comniillee of Arrati'-meiits.
August I I, ISoi.
Vkntilatiox of Minks. A nn'cliii;: of tlm
employing miners has been held in SihujU
kill cou-nly, for I lie put post? ol ;t.lo;riti ini'it
sures for a belter venlilalion of our euliii-rh-s
below the waler level. The i!'; i:icntied
by the miners in uoikii.g in badly-vi-ntilateJ
mines are very grenl, and il any sncci-ssl'iij
meihod can be adopted lor removing ihern,
it sltonld be done iniinediately. The .-iihioet
h.ivii g ariiused alleulton among the niinei.',
the piuper means will piubably be found.
Mr.. R. lluchanan. a gr;
Cincinnati, recom mends
pe cullivnlof near
the sjireading oi'
ini'.itiil, .! a itftue-
es ui.d HLilphtit on ihu ;
dy lur ihe rot in grapes
Avelican thermnme
crs are a,i iii'
, .
in Ki:glanil.
Tile Oiiio State Fair will bu held at Cleve
land the 15th, lOih, and 17lh, of Sep'e.nber.
mendalion, bui also lhat of the most eminent
Physicians in this, as wcilas the highest
medical aut'unily in other cUMlii.ti. And
w hut is a far dealer t in o-niutn on i's n .:eful-
nes, is, that it Ins won
iy lo ..lit, osl
every tiiesido of tho Poeple.
Dr. Hooflanii's Gkiim.'.n 1i i t i.ks. Thai
this medicine will cure liver aud
dyspepsia, no one can doubt niter using it lit
diieoted. ' It ucls-epecilically upon Ihe sK.m-
aeh and liver ; il is pu-lerable to calomel in
all bilious diseases ; it ;i(is as speeiiieitlly
upon tlie liver as c.iioiiiel ; cilojifl piestralee
ine fyslein the t'llleis stietioilieu ;u: I ui v-
er pi ust rales li e ptiiient.
ami will "ive le-
' Meweu ai"' neiM'.li lo tno ilelietitc inva'i.l
ami resiore mo liver lo its lunclions, ami
S ive digestion uud appetite in I huso severe
cases herein the orditiaiy medicines fail in
! pioducing any elf cut.
rv - ii ii Vvi-
Thousatuls uf jiarents ho use Vi-rn: ifnjrd
composed of Caster oil, Calomel, c. aie nol
aware, that while they appear lo bent-lii the
pattent, they aio actually layini: the (onnJ.i.
lions lor a series of tltwaxes, sneh as s.iha-
tion, loss ol siht, weakness of limbs, &.o.
In another colouni will bu found ihe adver-
liseineiil of Ilolieusaek's Meihenies, to which
weaslt llui attenlton ol H!l ilnecily iuteiested I
in Iheiraui: as well a llieji (''s I
hh. !
In Liver Complaints ami a! ili-unleis ai i-ii
from 111 ise ol a billions tvne I
use of Iho onlv genuine "medicine, II., ben-
saek's Liver 1'iils
ZZf -be not deceived,'' but n-k for Ilohen
sack s Hoim Syrup at.d Liver Pills, ami ob
serve lhat each has the sionaruro ol the Pin.
prielor, J N. IIOBENSACK, as none. elo aio
n a ii ii i f: it.
In Danville, on iho 22,1 ull , by
J. France, Mr. J, Siiispri. Il.n.i",
Ella 11. Bailey, all of that place.
i i t: i.
In this borough, on Monday last, HENRY,
son of William Vunugtrfti, aged about 5
And sure 'twns mercy culled tiie.lioiue,
Troiu sorrow, gritf and eare,
I're yet thy little a ul was ulaiuol,
Or caught in folly'i snare.
In Lewisburg, 5th inst-, widow
ADAMS, in hci lJt;h year, formerly ol Nor
thumberland. At NorlhunilierlaJ. on Monday, tho ill h
inst., Mr. ANNA REICH, aged about 26
In Ansnsta township, on ihe 5:h inst., Mr.
NEWTON B BEAR, aged about 30 yeais.
Ctljc iUavkcts.
Baltuuoie Uarkct.
August 9, 1S5I.
CUAIN. Tho supply of Wheat is small
for iho last day or two. Sales of good to
prime rods to-day at 84 o87 eta. ; w hile at
85 a 90 els.
Porn continues scarcoand in pood demand.
Sales of: yellow. to-day al 63 a 66 cts. which
is nn advance ; and white at 61 a 63 els.
We qtlole Oats al 28 a 33 CIS.
WIllSKEV. Sales of Penn-sjlvania Ills,
at S3 cts., and of hhds. at 22 cents .
Pbiladelphla Market.
AuriUfT to, 1852.
Flour and Meat.. Flour is rptiot ; sales
of Western at 34 ; fresh Ground Pennsylva
nia is held HtS4.l2i. Extra Hour is held
al $4 37J a 34 87(.
Rve Flour. Sale at 3 C2. ;
Corn MEAL.Last sales of fresh ground
at S3 25.
Wheat Sales of Southern red at 83a8Rc,
while at 89 a 0c Old red is worth 90c,
and prime w hite I'enr. . ?l,01.
Rve Is sellino at 75 cents.
Corn Is in fair demand ; sains of jcllnw
afloat, at 67 cts. and whito at 62 rents.
Oats. Sales of Southern at 33c, and of
Pennsylvania at 384 cents.
Whiskey. Salrs in bbs. and. hhds. at 23e.
SUNBUKY mice cukkent
Wu E AT. -
It I TT E II. -
Krios. -
1'lHIK. ...
l'l.AXSr.El). - - -
lUa Ki.r.n Flax.
Uiiii.i) A ppm:. - - -
I no
New Advertisements-
'i r.u units ri:t.
'V'OT 1 ' H is lii'icliv rjivi'ii Unit rropou.iln
' ho n i rivi d hv the .Secretary of tin- Hoard ol
Direi'tors. of the L'omtnon Srliool Nuntntrv Iis-
I in t. mill lor Iwo tn;ilc ami two li-mtilc IimcIiith,
until 2 o clock 1. M on l' lUDAY tlie KMh
of !Soitcinl or next, at which time n tneetii ir of
the Dim-torn will take pi tec in room No. :t, of
tin; public school house, tj cxtiinini: tipplicanl.",
and uilot the schools.
I v order of the liotr.l.
li. . o 1 1 1 . uli,, cc y
11th, b.;ri. at.
j Sttnlmry. Aug. l-lth, tS."g.-
.41 Ol TOil' Ml'lK i:,
; '"fi'O l'K.'il is hcrchv i;ien that the sohsniher
j hem m. in tt-J mi umlitor by the Ur
i plntiis' Court ol .orthiiinlierland ronnty fur the
: purpose of ilisltihutiiiL; Ihe nssestn in the hiintUuf
' .Miehitcl llalevailtn'rof l'eter McAndrcn, id c'il.,
! and that lie niil attend at hi ollii-p in Niinhniv,
; en .Monday t!ic 2:id in.-t., for that .oiposi-,
; when all persons interested can attend if they
tliitih proper.
I M. I.. MUM,'!;!,, Auditer.
: Sitnhitrv, August II, 1.VJ. :.'t.
Bounty Land Warrants.
il()I', li.-nin-' h.iutitv laud warrants in tie ir
pe-. s-i ui and wi-hiiiL' lo di-i o-o of ihein
can I'.iid a ready sale by applying at the resilience
ol Ihe. suh.-erilier near Shainol.hi Dam. l inen
eoiiiity I'a. He will uls i ntteinl to the oht.iiniti,'
"f lioinity land warrants from the Department nt
a fi aJuable. reoinpour,e.
, I.. H. JICMMEI..
I Xiinbury, August 1 I, ls.r)i. Hm.
3 pursuance of an order of Ihe Hrplniin' Court
. ul' N'irthuuiltei'latid county, will he espo-eil
, 1 1 pi.Llie sale on S.tlurduy the -4tli ,!a ,( i p
, lelli: er next, on Ihe plenum's, ti e foll. e. in-,'
!dc.-eri!nd property to wit: A ee;i.i:n I n:t if
I inml. titnate in Tower .ui:U'Jta lowns!ii; in --ni l
! Coii.y ai'joinini funis of 1'eter retleriiein. I'ao
. ! I I.i'iii; and Henry lllooin, eonlaiiii-.i: .ii oiit
tuetity nine acre-'. I. ale the c.-L.!e of i'iahetli
I'ie.n r, dee'd. .Vale to cotntni tu e at In
A .'.!.. ol's.tid day,'ll the IcrMf oi'
ie in iile known I'..'
llv oviief of the (,'ottrl,
ttrl, )
O. C. '
.1. i ljri;.t;i,. ( il
An,:. 1 1, 185-J fit. N
Valuable Real !v-.iil'
JJY irtue cf an order issued out uf the Or
" .'' court of No.'tliuui'oprlatiil county, will
lie exposed to sule. on thu preniiM-s, on
On Th:ir$dmj, the 1G.'i day of next
. the fe'lowiug real if late, iz : All tliai certain
mid VALUAULn KA KM, nlunte In
! f-lia.'nukiii toivii.-hip, Norlliinn?.et!uinl cuuutv. on
. Cen'.re turnpike, uhout 8 miles tVom Snnie.try.
j """ couiily ton, Hiljoininu lands of J'egley's
'"'i"'' - '""'i'"' 'saMon utid others,
. Containing one hitndre I and fifty Arrci,
! more or less, 0 acres of which Uiinj in guoil
i meailow, a small creek rnnniini throiiah tlie
i same, ami uliout acres thereof I'einsj well tno- I
i tiered, tlie iv.-ii ue neui:: in a III" 1 state ol cullnii-
j lion aii.t under e.wclleni fences. J lu re is also
on tlie premises nn Oia tlAUIJot choice fruit
Irces. 'ihe buildings cousist of a Iwo story atone
! nwi'llivi: nnrsi.'
I b"i.' n i . .'n . V ,
ir. i i well adapted for a I avern Slait'l, ami h.ts
i '"'en kept ns such for upwards of U5 venrs. A
.irs,c .llld emve-uiout UAMv UAKN, with aliiin-
, dance uf good skcJs ami other out-buildings.
: One-third of the purchase money or widow's
j dower, can remain in too hands uf the purchaser,
I by lein;; secured on the premises. Heiiiij late
the real estate of Martin Weaver, dee'd. Tide
indisj uluLle. Attendance will tic nivctttiy
i Plnmokin I p., Au;;. II, ls-o'J Is.
REfW leac to hiforni his friends and iho pub
i he general, thsi he is prepared in ecn
general, nisi nc is prepared in eer
respect tu make clothing after the most
Fashionable Styles,
and in the most durable manner, and his prices
w ill he as reasonable a can ho had in Muiihury
or elsewhere, in cash or approved country produce.
He will always have the advantages of tlie latest
fa-hion plates, and in addition to his acktiowl
cdijed skill in euttinir, he will he assisted hv the
i direction of the most scientific publications rela-
tuii: to thai ail, now issued Irom the emporiums
of fashion in the I'nited Slates. An endeavor
will he male always to have woik completed
w hen roipiiacd.
His establishment is situated in Market Siiuarf.
8un!iurv, nearly opposite lite Post Oilier, in the
building formerly occupied by Jacob Painter as a
hatter shop, where it w ill ho a pleasure to him
to see his friends, and make such work for them
as is within the line of his business,
tSunbury, August 11, 18V, tf.
Tu the Ti .ivt liin- I'ublir.
First Class Hotel Terms $1.50 per Jiy.
r"IIE subscri! rr bavins lately become propiie-
tor ol the FRANKLIN liOCSE. Chestnut
Street, lirlow 3.1 and 4iri, PHILADELPHIA,
ti lid staving nsiicccu tiik mitE of boa iih to
$ l,f0 per day, gives notice that, notwithstanding
this reduction he will slill continue to keep a
Franklin House has just underr-onc extended
alterations, and is now lilted up and refurnished
in superior slvle for thu reception of visitors
Tlie I .owrr Floor formerly occupied by stores, is
now included ill the HotcL, forming a .Spacious
Reccpliun Room, Ceutle mcu's Parlor and Dining
Room, thereby ullowing an addition uf thirty
chambers and several beautiful parlors fiontinii
Chestnut street- Itooins in this Hotel aie supe
rior lo most others, being constructed with ul
coves, forming parlor and lied chamber attached
well lightened and ventilated. Its location is
unsurpassed, either for business or pleasure.
Philadelphia. Aug. 14, 1853. Sm.
IKEsLI Vanilla Ueau of superiui quality,
just received unj for sale by
' July 31, IBM. H. B. MASTER.
1I MIATMVUn onnoftrii the health and liflppinrM of a
y people iflnl nil timtnof Die motit Vflluuhta import
ance. I tiike a lor irrnnteU Unit every ptraoii will no all in
thnr power, to Hive the live of their children, aix) (hat
evirv iwraoii will ondeuror to prom He their own health at
all Kirrifirrm. I feet it to Ire my duly to aolcinnly ssaurfi
you inai v(i(iht according 10 tno opinion 01 uia mini
edehrntfld Piiyaieiajm, art the primary cauaca of a larga
majority of dmenaca to which children ami ndullit are Ua
tile; H you have mi nppctite continually changeable from
one kind of food to an other, Bad Breath, Pain in the Pto
rnaf:h, Picking at the Nose, Hardncm and Fallueti of the
Bttly, Dry Cough, 8l w Fevor, Pulae Irregular remember
that all 1 1 km denote WORMS, and yea abooldoi once ap
y the remedy ,
An Article founded upn Seienlifie Principle, compound
ed with nurely vegetable sulwtanecH. ueinti perl'ectly aafe
when taken, and eon lie Riven to the inwt tender Infant
wilh decided lieneneial elTeet, where Bowel Complaint
end Dinrrlin-s h.ive made them weak and debilitated the
Tonic iirnpertica tif my Worm Syrup are aueh, that it
Manila without an eiul In the catalogue of meilieinea, in
riviiis i"iie Hitu ntreniriu in trie PKomHcit, which maKea it
an i nt :iin i.ic remedy lor tlKiaa alrlicteil with Dyanenai
ine ui 'iiiuliine eiirm iierlormeil by Ihia Syrup after rhyai-
Kmun nnvc iiniru, ia me ueai cviQenca vl tla auperior eftr
Thin in the moal difficult Worm lo dcatroy of all that in
feat Hie liiiilian ayatem, it arowa to an almoat Indennlte
leiiBlh lii-c.iiiiiiijj a coiled and tautened in the Inteatiuea
nnd flutnnch eflcctitig the henlth au aailly aa to rauae St.
V.tna Dunce, Fila, Ac , lltut thoae nfflieted if eer
unpen it la Tape Worm tautening them to an early
(trave. In order to di atroy Una Worm, a very energetic
treatment immt he puraiuj it would therefore be proper
to take S to S ol my l.iver I'lllaaioalo remove all obstruc
tions, thu Worm Syrup limy act direct apen the Worm,
which must he taken in done ol Tublesp.amfulla 3 tinie
a day iheae ilirtcti ns loll iwcd have never been known U
lull in curing the must obiiuiate cuse of Tupe Worm.
No imrt ol tlie ayatem Is mora liable to diseaae than the
I.K, it nrvniK ns u fillertr to purity ihe U ml, ur fiv
nig Ihe proper secielion 1 1 the bile j n thutuiiy ac
n 'ii I (lie l.iver elTccIa the .thcr iiuportiinl parla ol the
ystem, mid naul a vri iislv, in l.iver C uiipkunt. Juuii
i ice, L)s epua, fce. We sii uld, ihcuf re, watch every
bviii, I in Hint m i v 1 1 L indic ile u wrong action of the Liver.
'I a. te Puis iKiiig eouip seil of HOOTS k Pi, A.N 'l fur
msiicJ l.y ii nuie lo Ii. at llic sick : .Nam. Iv, 1st, An KX
l'li.TOllA T, wlucli uiiiiincnts the accretion from Ihe
l'nlia imiry unn-iia iiiciiihruiic, or prom 'lea the dinharee
"' seereleil matter. 8ud, All AI.'I'KIt ATI VK, which
ehanitca in a inu iiicxpliciatile anil inaenaibte miuiner the
ciituiu in ihul nction of ihe ayatem. 3rd, A TONICJ
winch eivea tone und strength to ihe nervous avstcm, ra-iiewiu-;
ln' ilih unil viijor to all pnns of the body. 4lh A
t A rilAli'l'IC, whirl, ucis in peiftel harmony with the
otte r iiiitredlenta, mill operntui(,' on the Ilowela, uud ex.el
lur; tin w !i !: mass ol corrupt and vitiutid inatler, run! pu
iilyniS the It: ,il, which deatroya discuse and leatorea
le li'.V.i.
Yon will find these Pills an invalunble medicine in many
i- .taplaiats to which you lire subject. In ulistructions i i
total "i inrlinl, they have hern found of inestimable
I.. Hint. p.. Tins their lunctional irrnnccuienta lo a heal
thy iK ti hi. purifymjr tlit- bl.K.d and other llniils so erTtelu
ic.y lo pat to llmht all complaints winch may arise from
ti n.alu irrcieibnti,,, us h.-oiliiche, iiiddiucsp. dimness of
sictit. am in lite sute. Iiack, ,Vc.
ID I'rice, 2o cents each.
N .ue fi niiii,..- line ss signed J. .. H0l,,nrack al ol,er,
... n:' j;t: I iniuit l- n .
I V" Asi'! wieliinp new Mipplii-s. and Store Kerprra
dciroii ol bi'i oiiiinj aU-cnts ( ad.beas the Proprietor,
.1 .V II .vi-.k. I'liihiilt I )iiu. 1'a.
S...I by .1. V Frihuc. Sunbury: Man- Mcrav. or
ll'ie.ll.nlai,.; llcisi-!, Tnrlintviilc ; ltacr.' .Milton ; Duty
.V l.ei.k.r. I.eoriret.nvn j l.iis, i,riii(; K W.dverl Pan-
n : i.-t, Ilielriry; till di alcm in McJinue In the
I '- -intv ie:-l S'.ati-.
AnJjM II. ly.
VTOl nre coinuiundcd to meet in
J .Market Sipiarr, inilmry, ou
SA'iniDAV. 21st of August,
at 3 o'clock, A. M., fully equipped
lor drill. A Court of Atincala will
Isu Le held.
l'y order of the ('iij luin.
SOLOMON Sl'l.'Oir, O. S.
fMinl'uiy, August 7, IfSS.
Oi.'i one Week oiiery.
i'a'iicrreol yjh Like nibses
? MASON ha.-. ;lm pleasure of
iiloi in mo tin- in hit bit an i. uf Sunbury and
vicinity he has opined Rooms at the
Stale House, when he will be in readiness
to teci 'ive. visiiois between ihe hours of 9 A.
M. and j P. M. 1'icluies taken wilh any
ileeiiubli) eifect of liht or shade and colored
in the highest perfection of Iho art and no
ti-oard to weal her.
Insiiuciiotts given and apparatus furnished
for ri.
N. 1?. Perfect satisfaction given in all ca
ses or no chariie.
Sunbury, May 22, 1352. tf.
IEI.l.OW riTILE:.': Encournged
tnaiiv of my friends. I herrwiih anno'
d by
my tnemls. 1 hercwiili announce
myself to your consiileratiou, as a candidate for
the ufiice of
County Connni.-ssioner,
nt thu nproachili3 election, proniisini; to dis
charirti the duties of the othce faithfully, and
particularly to oppose all subscriptions to tho
stock of ull Hail Road Corporations.
Cliilisipiaquc, August 7, 185-.
IELEOW CITIZENS : Encouraged by
many of my friends, I herewith announce
myself to your consideration, as a candidate for
the ufiice of
County Commissioner,
at the approaching election, promising to dis
charge thu duties of the office faithfiillv.
Delaware, August 7, 1855.
IELLOW CITIZEN'S: Encouraged by ma--
ny of my numerous fiiends, I respectfully
offer my self as a candidate for the Ollicc c4'
liegister i$ 1'ecorder,
nt the ensuing election. Should I be elected, I
promise to discharge ths duties of said ollicc with
fidelity and impartiality.
Punbury, July 31, 1S52. tc.
TEl.LOW CITIZENS : Encouraged by
- numerous friends from different prts of
the Counlv. I respectfully olfer myself Iovmi as
next election, for the office of
liegister Jleeoriler.
Rrottght forward by the wishes of the people I
chee; fully submit myself to your decision. Aud
should you sec lit to entrust me with the duties
uf said office, I w ill endeavor to discharge tlu ui
to the satisfaction of all.
Yours, respectfully.
Sunbury, July 31, 18.3V. tc.
1; EI.LOW CITIZENS : Encouraged by ma.
ny of my friends, I r tMpcctfully oiler myself
as a candidate for the Ollice of
llVgistcr lleeorder,
At the approaching election. Should I bs elect
ed, I shall endeavor to tender general satisfac
Lower Mahonov tp., July 10, 1852. tc
rVVTRACT OF COFFEE. An excellent
' article more wholesome and much cheaper
than Cuffae itself. For sate al this ollice,
April n 1S.V
I AND BILLS neatly printed on new tyw
promptly executed al Ibis offioe. Also
blanks, ol all sinus on auperior paper,
bunbury. Feb. 14, 1858. "
-wm mi at uiis onice. siiiivim