SUiNBU U Y AME HIC AN AND SHAMOTCIN JOUHNAL,. Poetry. Muoings of a Young Mother over her New-Born Babe. Dr.DICAtED TO llF.R Ih'ftHKt). How mill ha lie, This dear ami lovely babi? Wiih her sonlM tye!, And hands go meekly laid Upon hr breast- How beautiful her rest. And is she miie This strange and wondrous thbg 1 Did hands divititi This human flow'ipt flint; Upon my heart 1 Ot God, how good thou ml ! I gaze upon Her tiny infant form, And feel I've won A ray to gild the storm That clouds life's sun, From thoe, beloved one. From me as thee The gloom that shrouds thy soul, O'ershadows me : Yet the dark waves thrill roll. Peace, joy to thnp, If thou but hopeful bo. What bliss 'twill prov, To watch our rose put forth Its leaves of love To catch its fragrant breath. This will be joy, Pure, sweet as reigns on high. Look on her face' Jehovah's seal behold, Immortal trace In letters bright and bold. God give us grace Her virtues to unfold. a umovouis Sfcctrfi. COO BOOK AGENTS WANTED. A K"id, unlive anil intelligent man, 1- with it small capital of lioin 830 to a $100, can mnkn huge profits by engaging in 1 1)0 Bale of the following POPULAR ANP USEFUL BOOKS. CHAM1JKt.iV i:-T. nv : 1'iON Knit TIIK I'l-.OPI.F.i or poplar r-.i-ecl .jw.liii .if l nrrl'iil Kn .vl.-r1);n. Two l;i.i. III'; ,-r; ,1 1 r i yi lum,-, P -lltllilllnff t7tni pnecp. rr.r: iv insitmv op Tin-; amkhican HHVi ! li'l'lON. Sell l-irno octavo Jingo, Willi U0 fine rUtriV lliH. lU-VI'KltSu.VS IliSTi.ii; V i -V THB V. 8. NAVY. 600 hlC:' -el IV -p"l-e:. lr.ll live I .;,ci rivinps. FH()S1"S lli'M l,! j;i I' rvlA'T" t.N TftRlltftTO. K V Ml' A M i .. !(.- v. T .-.. live, v. lunics, ei I:. 1 1 : i ; l. Iii. ii ;.-:cis rei. ;i u I.. ' tat mat. 'kite best Ills- I -p.- ., A ''.- rn- .,',;!.. ! pit, 1"- !!. fuln! i irit ov iVMMttvnTnN. a fc".; t'l: :i I; ,- ,,c. -,j;!'hilii.' Ii a ix'l.-tVi run- 'H .--::'l I-!'' e'e tvA i 'S i:c .ae:i, CM Lll if WVidulig'on CHERRY PECTORAL: For Ihe Cure f a. - iv;; v i ..... ; i.i. i,. itlU !:i'lAN WAV.?. Fiat Ilinun-ic ihr Inn iu .! Ai-.'-ii i' V J s .!:,! 1 i - -jl. f Ii; t'l'iir-: M tli? C. -unite Mi rvrt'i Tfc, niLr, -.1 r- COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BROW. OHITIS, CROUP, AST.eC MA, WHOOPIMO-COUGH AMD COXTSUXVEFTXOX?. Tliit remedy is offered to the community with !') c.o. fulonre we fed in an article, which sel i mi Mils to rcnli'c the nippiest effects thut can ! c ilcL-in d. Ro wido Is the field of its U'efuhiens : i i a numerous the coses of its cures, thtt al iii jst every sertion of the country ohonnds in persons, piihlieW known, who hnvc hecn restored from alarming nml even clespcrnte ilienes of the lungs, by its use. When oncu tried, its superi ority over every other meilieine of its kind, is too nri;irent tn esrnpe ohservntion, and where its vir. are known, the puhlic no lenfter hesitate a wt niiliitiiln fo etmitnv fnr l1ie ilistressiiTir and s 'TTift l-tiiirinvinir. . . LIVKs rip liKDAT An CI". I t'lirt ATMl) rltATtAC d.inccrous ntlcctions of the pulmonnry organs, V 0 SUnus'i-vi "" VO'Ume rc incident to our climate, And not only Tnartlier with n nmiilier of mhei Woiks i " the formidahlo attacks upon the lungs, but for particularly adapted for Popular Reading. ', the milder varieties of Corns, Cut-tins, Hoaiim;- (T7" The mnsl liberal ilifrnnnts will be pivm xkss, &c, and for C'liiLiiuEtf jt is the pleasant- fo A penis who mr.ii engnat in the sale of the 1 mid safest medicine that can be obtained. No Mi.'-.- t:;i'". ! A It';- 1 1 i . i ' tun EH: ruH .MCVi V-. t".WVA' CP Tim rot Ifirji "(.'-n . " p. with illuplriiti'MiB. TOSI'I'IP'S' 11 HlilvH. l-'inp Ivliliini. one l-irsre v l i""-. Sfl'IIM S Klil'I.I'.CTIONS ON TIIK WOIIKs . V fiOII. ST. I'IF.tUlK-S PTCDtr s O" NATtTK. VH1TI"H HIPTOUV llF'Jlli: WUHI.ii. A V'i.i!- Gcneinl Itist -rv. One lurtie octavo vi-luint?, v. . ;h ii.'i. .- IMPEOVED LIGHTNING RODS. I THR subscriber has constructed LIMIT KINO KOD on true rhilosophicsl priirci jiles, by which buililinjrs supplied with them are rendered perfectly secure tiRainst iesirucnon ny liKbtning. The connection and insulation of the rod, as well as the preparation of the ground rod, fs on on entirely new plan, making a more per fect conductor than any heretofore in ..use. Measures have been taken to secure Letters Patent for the improvement. Persons desirous of securing their lives and property from destruction by lightning, can havo conductors put up to their buildings in the most perfect and substantial manner, by applying ei ther personally or by letter, to the undersigned, at the following prices: For 40 ft. J inch copper rod gold plutcd point, solid yfatina tip, $"2,00 And forty cents for every additional foot over fortv. For 40 ft. 4 inch tubular rods paid pla ted jioint, solid ptatitia lip. 111, 50 For 40 ft. iron rod gold plated point, se- id platiiia tip, 12,!i0 Fur 40 ft. iron rod silver ilated point, 10,00 And twenty cents for every additional font over forlv. T. S. MACKKV. Milton, Sept. 0, 1851. ly. cup 17, 1852. above Valuable Books, For further particulars, address (pnslacn puid,) .1. .1. L. CIIION, Publishers," No. W Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Juno CG, 1352. AtV IRISHMAN'S MISTAKE. A correspondent of the Boston Iloiald tells tho following good story : A few months ago, as Brother Ingalls, of Swampscott, was travelling through the Western part of the State of New York, be fell in with an Irishman who had lately ar rived in this country, who was in quest of a brother that camo on before him and settled in some of tha diggins in that vicinity. Pat was a strong, athletic man; a true Catholic, and had never seen the interior of n Protestant church. It was a pleasant Sab bath morning that Brother Ingalls met Pat, who inquired the road to the nearest church. Ingalls is a good, pious man. He told Pal bo was going to church himself, and invited his new made acquaintance to accompany him thither, his place of destination being a small Melhodibt meeting house near by. Thero was a goat revival there at that time, and or.e of the deacons (who by the way, was very small in stature) invited Brother 1 to tako a scat in his pew. llo necep'cd the iiivilation and walked in, followed by Put who looked in vain for the altar, &o. After lie was seated ho turned to Biothei I ami in a whisper which could be heard all aiuuud, inquired : "Sure, and isn't this a heretic church V 'Hush!" said Ingalls, "if you speak a loud word they will put you out imnn.di.ite- "Divil a word will I speak at all at all,"' replied Pat. The meeting was opened with p-'' ! " the pastor. Pat was eyeing him verycl." suddenly an old gentleman, who was sssiimIm." in the pew directly in front of Pat, shouted "glory." "His--t, ye devil," rejoined P.-1, with his loud whisper, which was heaid by the minister, "be dacent, and don't mak" a blackguard of yerself." Tho parson grew more and :r : ' in his devotions. Pieseutly the .' ; terod an audible groan. "Uis-s-l. y gaurd have ye no dacency at all." said Ti nt the same time giving ihe deacon a punch in the libs which caused him nearly to log ins equlibiium. Tha minister stopped, and extending his hand in a supplicating matuie;. Slid, "Brethren, we cannol bo disturbed in this way; will some one put that man nut?" I'is vour rivcrence," tdiouled Pat, "1 will," and suiting the action to the word, he collar. fA tho deacon, and to the utter horror ttnd astonishment of the pastor, Brother limalls, and the whole congregation, he diagged him through the aisle, and with a tremendous kick, a posteriori, as the logicians have it, he landed him in the vestibule of the church. Brother Ingalls mizzled. It is not proba ble that he has seen the interior of a country church fiiiiily should be without it, and those who have used it, never will. I!cad the opinion of the following Gentlemen, who will be recognized in the various sections of country where they arc locate J each nnd all us merchants of the first class mid of the highest character as the oldest nnd most extensive Wholesale Dealers in Medicine with an experi ence unlimited on the subject of which they speak. If there is any value in the judgment of experience, sec ' THIS CERTIFICATE H'e the unihrsi'jiied, Wholesale Dri'zruists, having brcn fur long acquainted w ith. Aier' I'lnini I'ciioral, Itcreuii ccrrtjy oar ueiiej inai LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE. DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OB NERVOUS DEBILITY, l)liiAcii OF THE KIDNEYS, 1 Nl nil diroascsnriHiii from n disorderly t liver or sio A'niifm, iiiwnnl I'lles. V ulaii -s, or Lbs id M thn heml, Acidify of the Hlomnf-h, N mi sen, tlrarll.iirn, ili:uM for I'ihhI, fullness or wemm ' Stniimeli,snlirr.niel:itinns, sinliine or flnlu-rnm "M"? V of the Pinmnch. swimming of Ihe hend, hurried amldiilicnii lircniiinir, Uniterm nt the henrt, elvisinct or antr-eiM ing seitMiiiim when inn ivirnr p"iure, uinni . ' donor weln beforeiho liirlit, Fever and dull tvun in le heml, di-ru-iency of jwrspirntmn, yeliownrmni ins .m.. ...... eye", pain in Ihe side . hnek, rhest, limbs. Ae.. sadden Hiishra of hent hurniin in the lleBh. cmuwnt ini.-sinuii?" of evil, and (Treat depression of spirits CAN UK EFFKCTCAI.LY CURF.U in 1 1 LI HRATKI) OERMAN Ul lTIlltS, r-BSPAl'.EI) BV Dlt.C. M. JACKSON, AT THE CHRMAN MKplCIXE STOUK, Kn. V20 A roll St., PliUmtplpliin, Tl,nir yrnvir over the uliove rtiios is i)"t px'' 'Vi. if ptpKiltpil, dy nnv olhor ircvtr:i1 iin in tli I'liili-il Siniib, n the cnrcB HtteM, in lu.uiy cam's uiti-r skildul pli) Mcim.s liiid (niJi'tl. Thfu Itiitrrs nrt vnrtliv flicy rttltoMinn triVti'lv PtigPCMina urwit virtues in thn rr:(:iinY,ii ol' iiif. nvi ( tll I.IYtT llllll l'HLT till. Hit. (lTt'lrt'R tllf HI'I rt'lli'HIMg powiTs in w'-fiiiiir'j tui'l tidVf'ticiis il " Hit iliii'-alivc o.u.h, tlifj nrc, Wltlml, tni'r. icrtniii :im(! i"l'n!it. rii..iii llif IVM.-ii lKo.J TIip. ritlitnr tin id, vM 'l-lH. ilnoFI.ANO'd ( 'KLIVU!ATKD (iKTlM.-.fl PiITlEH t T tlic fnrc t" IAwt i.'uni.i.iiMt, .l:iiiiiilicf, 1 v;."i-i,i, t'Uviiie or NfTVdus Debility, tit (Ir'TVtitUv nimnt'the I'l.'f-t p-yri liir inwlicincti Di the iluv. ThrFt ItiitfiH inr.e li vit usil DANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. I'F.NNSYl.VANIV. CITV OP l'MILAUELellU. 17. S. liniik ii'itea l., dis All S'llvcilt luniks I'M COCNTBY. lhotk of l.'iiiiiiilierslnirg 1 din' tliink of OlieB'tr Co. pur ifiinK 01 iiei.i-'i. i.-iisrer pitr MtniU nl ( ieniiniitnvil Hi, nk of Oettyshiirir Hunk of lewiRlown ll;ilik of Middletuwn litis Mtintr'miery Co Hunk pnr IJnnk of NoVilnimherriul. pnt Hnnk of Pllt.lmrir 1 ili.1 IJ-imt ot llnnvillc p MASACAlsnTTS. All solvent liniiks ) dlS KHtllJK IM.AND. All t'.l-Mjl Imnks dia COXNKCTICUT. All solvent Imnks J dis iNKW YORK. CITY. iinrlAH solvent hunl.s v jus 1 dif 3? Ilk notes under S.) jdn CorMTHY. Ail .i!vents Imnks 1 dis NF.W .I1;kM".Y. Uelvidere llnnk Commercial ll.uik I d' bar. llnnk ll"lit lln'IV p how sin's hi- In..i- " nik-i-i" V..-il,.;-k . f l.m-r Oils, Titllow (iirnsc, nutl OHIO MINERAL PAINT. nnn UAKIiKI.S MAC1II.NKKY OIL. Tiirc 0)J 75 rig ,cr unllon. 2,'OU (Inllons muehi nerv oil, in caslis of vnri.uis sizes, ?." ets jier gul. 200 Barrels Moiled Puint Oil, 5.") ' 01100 (iallons " " in casks of various sizes. " " y.ri(l linrrels Tiiinn rs" Oil. Various kinds and qualities, from 3f to tiO cents per callon. 15(10 (inllons in Cusks of niious sizes. Va rious kinds nnd qualities, iVoin 3.i to SO cents j ((. i,,,; mnsi effectual remedy for I'ld icr sallon. I ,,1,1,1,11-1 Complaints ev r offered to the Anvn- 6U 'Cons Tnllow Crense, for Heavy Penrinpi, : f(;n Je0j,lr, And we ivould, from onr knovl and Coarse Mnrhinrry. in Ham-Is or Casks, of (lfi!: Us composition, and extensive vscjid any coiisisteney n qnircd. i'lirc (I cents ier II). t )lfs jo,.,,,,, commend U to the afilietcd as 150 'Pons Ohio .Mineral Paint, in Unrrels, at i ,,.,,,,, ,,-, fc,. cmtidence. and wiih V.t firm conviction mar u win ao ior uieir remj ok that mcditinc tan Kenshnw, Edmaiuls cV Co., Boston Mass. Keosc V C'oiilson, Ilnltiniore, Mil. I. add iV Inirraliain, Mnnpjor, Maine. Mavilaiiil. Ilarrall .S: Co., Charleston, S. C. Jaccili S. l'anand, Detroit, .Mii-liii;au. 'J'. II. .McAllister. Louisville, Ky. yinncis & Walton, St. Louis .Missouri. Jo-.oili 'J'uchcr. Moliilc, Aluhamn. 'I'lieoilore A reck, Itiiiliniilon, Vt. Ilaviland, Hisley S: Co., Awrnsta, Ga, I lane 11. James, Trenton, N. .1. tl. M. 'J'ownt-erd, Piltslniru, Pa. Clark & Co., Chicaiio, Illinois. II. K. (lay, Murliiit!ton, Iowa. .M. A. Cantos cV Son. Norfolk, Vs. r.hvard Hriimhurt, Wilininutou, Del. John Gilbert A- Co.. Philadrli'liia, Pa. Z. 1). iV V. II. Cilnian, Wa.-liiiiRton, 1). C. J. Wrh'.'it iV Co., New Orleans, I.u. Watson, Wall S: Co., Port Wayne, la. C. C. Kiclinioiid oV Co., San I'rancisco, Cal. Lewis c"ic Ames, Tulluhassc, l-'lorida. !. K. tstromr. lvnoxwllo, IVnnensie. Chilton f Duer, Little Koeli. Ark. f-tilli.-r, Slade & Co., Lexinztmi, .Miss. N. D. L.iliadie, Cialvolon, TeNa. ('has. Dver, Jr., Priividcnrc, I!. I. Jus. .M. Turner, Savniiuuh, On. W ade, Li listoin At Co., Cincinnati. Ohio. I.N KOKEIGN COCNTIilLS : (i. Crliiii .':." Co.. Va!;iamiso, Chili. 1". M. Diihoiid .Sr. Co., Vera Cruz.. Mexico. L'rcil liivas iSr Co., lio'zntii. New Gicnaja. S. Provost cc Co., Liir.i, Pern. Morton .V Co., Halifax. Nova Scotia, T. Wniker (V Sun. St. Johns, N. M. C. G. Salinas iV Co., Kio Janeiro, Brazil. Willi such ai-siunnce, nnd from such men, 110 sironacr iroof can he ndduccd, exceit that found i-i ils ctll-tts upon trial, Prepared and .,.(, h, J AMPS C AVER, I' ml ad Chemist, Lou-ill, Mass. . Sunlinry l.y II MASSKH, and hy j iiciierallv IhroiiL? 1 : tthc State. . e iilur 1, 1H.')I. lyceJino HARRISBURO BOOK BINDERY. F. Ii- IIU'ITKII & CO., fiieeesors to VV. O. Tlickok, and Iliekok A Cnntlne.. fooK, ptatioxfrs and - DLANIC MOOIC M A N U K A CTl T It E 1 1 S . The subscribers respeetl'ully inform their friends and the puhlic, thnt they nrc now currying 011 the above business at the OLD STAND occupied by llickok fi Co. Thoy flutter themselves (hat by careful ntlculion to business, they will merit and receive n continuance of (lie patronai;e so liber ally enjoyed by the old firms. Particular intention will be paid to the ruling nnd binding of every description of blank books for banks, countv ollu-cs, merchants and private in. lit iilimU. 1111. 1 nvnr v.irirtv 11I' full 1111, 1 bull' , ens.;, we wniilil advise uti iimI In-i s to .-I. lain u li.n He, and 1... 1 1 i. 1. 1 . i. ' V-u 1 1 1.- . i:..t. 1 I thus sive tln-insi-lves nineli fickniss. Yi sins ul' ili-hilitn- 1 led eonslitnliaiis will Imd tliese Uiit'-rs ailv;ail:iL'iMti lo bound blank books. Old books, periodicals, law hooks, music, newspapers, &.c, bound in any nltern nnd in any style required. In addition to the above, they have, and will nl nil times keep, a pcncral assortment of STA- 1 ION hit V , consisting of Letter lMper, Knives, Cnji o (hiills, DriMvmir " Inkstands, rVniisler " Motto W'nfert itvintr " lllaek Ink, til -ttiiar ( Scnlina Wax, Steel Pens, lllue Ink. Curininc Ink. ('-'i-vinn Ink, Aitl'ild a Writine: 1- Innl, I-.rnsnres, Ae. t"7" Paiier ruled to pattern, and all work war ranted nnd done very cheaply. Y. L. HUH LI! & CO. March 13, 1932. tf. the lowest market price. Marltinn ii Oil, warranted not to chill in the coldest weather, and considered by those using it equal to Sperm Oil. Hailed J'l'int Oil, equal to Linseed Oil, other than for whi'e. 1 am constantly receivinut large supplies of the above named nrticles, mid my motto is, "t'inall profits and itiick returns.'' p. r. pond, f'U Water si., (under the Pearl st House,) NEW VOUK. New Voik, .lune II', !.S5r. 3m. ta(;i: OFFICIO. WASIIINCTOX IIOl SK, SUSBTJE.Y, PA. JAMES COVERT, Proprietor, R5,OI'Lll respectfully annoiinee that he has " taken tins well known stiuid, where he will be cjaiifii-d to see and entertain his friends nml tlic travelling public generally. This house is now replete with every convenience, comforta ble, pleasantly located, handsomely furnished, well ventilated, rendciitig it in every respect a desirable stepping place. No expcrise has been spared in filling up this limine. The eh ii:ibcrn nie well Inriii-heJ nnd j t!.c Ii' !e no:! 1 ar .ro'.i.jed witli tho best the 1 e: r . 1 in .. r,. r,,. . '. .-I ini'il it!i.n are extensive ami P-,.' ' .":- ,. c!ci. .- ! AGP. Ol'FK'K. 'I in- .r. riinni'irr from Northumberland lo IVt'svi'. e -! . :;t this house, where through and ii lphin cm be obtained. - . 1 -:r:. tf. way tickets t Suuliurv, ' P 1 -i .TTS, &c, ::.iT!M, liv tliiinsniHls, ma! a frn-i.d si-ll r.-i-clvril lei effei-llinl nml in ri 1 1:1 ii-( 1 1 C"M;i! dill (rem liie use 01 I Ins remedy. We are rniivii;i--i! thai, liltie lis., nl' ilirse Irateir, tlje pnlirut e. -w'. mil .y pions slrenulli and viT"r n diet wnrtliynt urent env ii'e rnllin. 'J'ln-y are pli-annnl in laste nnd snieli. find enii he used iiy n-is ins witll Ua- nii-sl d' licate sl-nnueti!! with tnl'e. ty, nndir tniy eirennmlnnees. AVe are Sienkin? fri-nl ex pcriencc. innl to the nltlieted we ndvise their use.'' "Scnrr's A fkkly," one 01' ihe best Liternry pnjieis published, said, Anir. 'J. lIu. II'JorI.A's (Ickman Rir rv.Rs. ninnnfnelnred l.y j Dr. .I iekson. nre nnv r.-e nnini-ii'le'l hy Siinie it ll.e ni.-l ; ir nnineat members of the tneitlly ns nn nrlie'.e nnu-h i ellieaev in eases nl lem ile weakness. As sn.-ll is Ihe i Carlisle Hnnk 1 disil". A M., .Middletown rt. par Cotnniliin b'k A K'eeC'o .nr;M. elianies' tin. Newark P"r IJ-ivelstown Hunk p-irlMivh. Ilk of Hnrlinclnii pr I : Hnnk eiriM'-eii. A .Man. IJk 'J rent lir Krie H-nik 2 .lis'Vorris V Hank 5 'lis l'.veli!ine H'kritislmrg I ilisj Newark llk'n A Ins. Co J dis r.xeliaiii'e ll'k Itmiu'h I ilis'OiaiiL'e Hank j l:- l-'nrmeiV ll'k. Hacks t:o par IVople's Ilk Putterm-ii j (lis l-'nriners' H!(, l.nn.-.-isl'jr pirr.l'iineel'in Hnnk par Farmers' lik Ibnilinir .;ir'S-ilenl Il inkin? Co, J'nr rnrm. 11!, Sciniyll.iil Co pnr'Si-inerrel Co tttnik j d.s V k IV Ilk W'nviiHsl,',. ll.lis'Hinle Hank pf Cimiilen par franklin Wiish'n iJdiy.Sinlc Ilk Klizi'sllil.-U 3 dis l(:niis:nit: H:ii!k Tins Slnli: Ihink N-wnrk ills ll.iiicsilslc Hnnk I (ijs.l'tnie Ilk. N. Ilrmiswiek pnr t.-tnenslrr Ivink p:ir :n; s x Ivmk. N e l--a dis l.ehnni-n I'ml; p n 'IVi at' 11 If ink it e C-J 1 " M--re!i. , "ilnn. Itni'i 1 nisi I'nhm li-mk. I 'ver 5 ihs .VI 1,11 is' H'k. I'..lm p.-r V.-.i II, v -.V &l'. 1 1 if1'" I.Vlis M(iil2ih.'!n Itank 1 dis'l & Jik id's imdi-r W j dis T.i-.-I.tsv e ll. i l!V Ci, u, i,. in'.l. AK1'.. V.' Kronen II mk pir 'Il-ml; of lli '-uv ire pnr V' . "T-i i:ilt 'ih,i'sh'e . .:. 1 ' II ink el sinp,-nia p a Y"'k H-iei:. 1 i!isi-'nwnre City Red; p-ir Itelu f nines I dislllk W i!ni-r'n. Hinndyw. 1 i MM T,. I'nrini-is Ilk W 1 ).'!:i wire r, i!i I'nnin Haul.. XV ihinliHtnn par r lndis I n lei- j 'lis f.'ino. inli!.' I'l,. Il-in; nl In- AI! 'I m;w iiA.vii'.snii:i All solvent I mk 1 ! t:i: MONT. Pink nfsi All.-i.a All S'dvent hunks 3 ilij J (lis All s 'Kent Imnks 2 dis rr-s' l:k n"t' (! mnl.-r ,1's 1 d.s NOH'III CAROLINA. .Ml s- ilvenl tfin'i.s 13 dis !V I nder5'H, '3J dis PIIILA. AXID PvEADIJTa RAJLE0AD. il.MMlil! AllltANIiFviF.NT rllOl I'llll.AIir.t.l'lllA AND POTTSVII.I.i:. ff?ri 22i? a Tv'",t L' .. i'.-l i. SLi F'.'l I Plntei. nnd Pencils. Lend P-'neils, Letter S!nnits, India Itnblier, Wafers, lted Tupe, lllnak Cards, 1- olilrs, Fans I! r tl 11 c 0 tl . their health, ns we kn nv Iruni e.i-'rieaee thn Balnluiy j - , .,, .. . ,. .. , direct they have upon week si.-ni." Office of the Plnln. (Y llcadnn; RinlroM ( o. ) More. Eviibmic. ; Philadelphia, March 2fi, Hb. tj The ''I'liiladelplun Siinnlay (Inzetie." the frt finn!y Two Passenger Trains Dailv, (except Sunday)'i pnhhbhud in the l.'nit'.d Quills, the edit r s:as 1 -. ... . '.,. of 1 a JN and alter Ajiril lt, 18, il two trains will T)t htruiiiid's dcrman Bitters. J VI f he run each way, daily, between Pliiladcl- 4,lt is seldom il 1,. we rei-.nnni'-nd (vli it nie termed Pn- ihia and l'oltsville tent Medicines, 10 tnr -..nnnence and pntionnL'e el" .mr ' .1 V A'r? iV-" ' render ; nml. Iheiclnre, l:i n (ve is,-.,nn.ieii'i 111. lli-'l"-l T '.'.' , ., InniPs (i.-rimin Ilittevs. we wis it t.. v ,lwu.rt!y 11111 , ''Caves I hilaile,iliia ut 1 J A. .(L, dully except M-sHl thnt we me n-d s;.e.-:.:mi: el Ihe ii.isinimi nf l!:e rum day, Ihnl nie 11 hs.d nhnil tan hi iei' peri.-d end llim '.,i- pi'ltcn nllei Ih'-y have d nn-lie. ir unihy ii;ee in inis -hn-l A CALL-TO HOUSEKEEPERS At tlic Cabinet Ware ltoom or SEIVN nourT & CO. Market Sqnare,' ;' Also al the corner nf l-iiwn sheet ic RailrooA SUNBURY, PA. 1. '" ' Thankful for the not rqnnjre of Wi friends nil cuctomcrs during the 17 years he has been in busi tiess in this place, he solicits from the'public a con tinuance of their faors. Dtirinn this period ha has endeavored to keep up with the improvements of the day, nnd has accordingly extended his busi- :.. ,. 1.- I. ...! ' ' rrn. urns hi i n-i; iM.,11. ..nil .iiiii-i v. 1 no puniic are therefore invited to toe attention of the present Stock Of '.-:. . . CAHIXET WARE ANl CIIA1SS, M nM'FACTrnr.n ny. SEBASTIAN K0TTPT & CO. At the Old .Stand, Whew in nddilion lo their former stock of th establishment they now niaiiiiliicline Mfthogany, Wabut & Canc-Eeat Chairs. Jjir'-e Sprinq Seal ' Rocking Chain, JJit-ssiiifr Bureaus, Centre Tables, tM'trUf. Top Wasi Stands, and a variely of other new stite and Vt-hiotnMc B'liriiilurc. Having secured n Hearse nnd made Ihe neccs-r-.iry nrrangcmerits for the purpose, they aro now prepared lor I.'nilerlaking in nil its branches, in tin vicinity or at any convenient distance. Yr maids and mislriMses, nnd husbands, too, Here's furniture nf every slyle inn! hue, Prim side twinrds down to kiteben tallies, 1'riiiii roekinir chairs to locking criidlei Fh'inld you not have Ihe leildy John to pay, We'll w,;iit nwiiih; fnr a brighter belter day, Oi take pntnt'ies. nais, c irn, wheat and rye; llaik. hoop pules, slaves, or liindier wet and dry, ( lr any thine, bat yokes nnd threshing finds, l'nnii pins and turkks down to little quails. Cume on then friends, cine one and all, Keep ti.-ide a ninviiiij, so "g.ies on the ball." tr""' (lri'ers from a distance promptly attended to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. .Nniilmrv, .March 9, lti50. tf Leaves I'olUwile at VJ A. M. daily cxcejit Pun- "AID AND COIiirOUT," To Your Own , JTScflBaHscs. GEORGE REXN. MANtTAC'TlT.ER OP runxiTuni; and chairs Of the most Fashionable Style. PI II' subscriber respectfully calls the attention 1 of the public lo his large ni:i splendid assort ment of every quality and price of Ctk'tl.FBVWAECI2. which runimt ('til to rciominrml itself tnovrrv orn? who will 1 ;niiiiip it, on ncrotmt of its durtihlc ivorkni:uishi atul uplriulut iinish, mado up of the Iirst !-toi k to I m lirid in tho ritv. TVn r(V(irt i HtmrtMl iti thn m:imif:i.'tnn iif hU wnw. nn.1 thn S1-'"'-")" U,rvu$U.i in PulisiTihi-r is (ictrntiiiiril to ki-cp up with tho niiinv liuprnvnuriiU whirl, am constantly hfing inaJc. His stock consists ut" Mahogany Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, MIF.1, BRtAKFANT AMI DIMG TABLES, and uUo VHM-rriAN BUXUS, iual to Phila- ih-lplua maiiufacUtvc. 1'EUS TEATJS, of every puttcvn ami price, (VPHoAuns. woniv and canoi.k. STAMPS. Toll KT TAIif.KS AN D" :;tesidn tables, in hhorl, every oniric in t!;is line of his himuess. 11c uUo ii.unui.u tut'es all kinds and qualities ul' hut nf ii incrlifiiM' I ii? n!:i!'li!it 1, nniviTC i!lv i s : -t , ji:h1 , vim( 1i'I8 nift the li'virtv npprnvnl "f die r.vculiy I I fnrtvt tinrr) fnmi nil !'( i. "f lhc l'ni"ii. tin l.iM ! isi e i 1 V'mi". nit. I tl' 1 r MiUi'si tcvihn in v i;i tis l"-u' 'i. is. tiit ! : ili-Tt- ia uiF'ti- if it usr I in 1 iu- jir ic; !ci-1 f tin- i'-'ii!;ir I'.iy- ; j Rii-i.i:is "f I liil;ilfi;l:i:i, t Ii mi :i 1 1 r it h' 11 I ii t iim r ; rx'- 1 1 1 I , ; ; u fuel t!i it v.iU cimU i i-sihIiIi.-Im-'I. nnil fti'U p: ' in-: ;it it a rscit'ii! i lie prc;.:ir:i' i n will i;H''t wit it tln'ii" (.itict :ijt'i " a! wiit'ii pri'St-nU'tl crcii in ttim i-irm J iiii-iliciiii' will fire I.ivcr r-'irp!,utit nnd Ps- , pfjiMii. ii-i t)i( emu!' iil'l, :M'"-r ti.-iii-.r it ill. re. i'l. ' ;u : p SpiTthi-.-lHy Up-ill t)if Pl 'lil i''!l J'llit llVt'V it IH p.'i ll"i:il'.t.' ' t 'iiif! in i.II hillt i; ili-i;isi's flu r;iVrt is iim.n !'il . Tli-'V fin In- iiiliniiiirhn-i! i t I'l niiiU' ir hii'.uit wuii sn.iy nnd iL-lia'.i'.e IuikIiI, tit any t.un'. 1 iJi:u'Aiu; or f ntN'n;ni i:i'iM. T):t in''lii'i:ir' Ims iit.riuuti fiat :. rlun i-r wl'i'-i. is 1I- I's'ii (''. ;! I'lrrii'iu.'h t i jiftain ! i.i'!uv i-"' --i fcii tn nit I 'Till a f-pi 1 1" i tt." t:ii it 1 1 itt ii.e rir-h, cf livi-s i-f tli mv ii t ii:ti.n''.'in ly tU',)f!r I. LOOK Vi:hl,TU TIIK M.WIK-- Ol- Till: fiKMTNK. aftkxxoox tjxj:. h'liiu at ihirr nf ('. AT. .l.( KS() no WH intlif lii-Ult', Willi TIipv liavf tlic written hi jr. up-'ii l'i" wrapper, incl tin- n wlii'-h tticy itr- s( -utt hp. lr Palo, wii 'lf.s;ilt iiia.' rctfii!, at (he (rrrmun Mmfi'-inp. St nrc , N'. 1U0 A lirtl Wn-H, (vi- (1,ir UA r Slrt'i. (Lift- nf liurr sttfrl.) IMllI'litt M'1 1 l.l. I'll'l 1 1 V rrNpfi'tal'le iWAW b III! I V. riii"!:s i;i:urci;!. T' fl '1 U' a!l !- df iiua'.ii'.s t' ry 1 1 1 o advanlapcs of tiieil li'.-t i:i! : f mM c.'i', Smr!r B'itil' 7") cent. AMni-Vnr s.iV hy 1!. M S m'-ary, mi. M. A M"(AV. , rti!Mii!:Tln!i(t. Ainiit oO, lr0l. i j . I.CHX S'uiulav l.cavri I'ottsville at oYl.c!;, d lily, cvi-cjit Stui, !a-, s. -'.I.'W. lielwecn I '! . t int. ' -I i i;i am! I'o'.i --villi ;V;.'j,"i 1st i !a carri and S'J.'.'o Vid class ears. Between l'iiilaii. li!iia and Hc.uli.s SI.;.") 1st li.iss ears and 1 .! ."j '.'d el.i.-s ears. lii'imt ill'liiliia, corner of Broad and Vine M reels. I'a--' nvets cannot enter tlic ears l-r.ivi-ded!i TicUls. M I'l'H 'I-:.- -'i'iy!s of .a:r.;ti-.-e will lieal l.iwe.l t-n .ieli ass.-i;(;er in thee lines ; and ja. seimeis are exire-.-ly irohi!.iieil from taking any tliite .is la-.1::;!.;!' hut their weiring tijij-arcl, v. liicli will I e at tin.' risk ol its-ovvncr. liv order oi'tlie Hoard of Managers. r. IjHAIM'i )KM). Ajuil 1 'J, IS." 1. NivK'lary. AXI) lKSlOX AOKNCY. 'I'lie atteiilion of the public is culled to tlio nd vertiscment of Mr- Cliarles l. Tucker, Attorney nnd Aaeiit nt W'nsliiston City. Perfxinn Iniv. in claims lor bounty Lauds or Pensions arc in formed the subscriber has made arrangements i'.. ii,,. (',..-,.,. ,.,! ..i..i....,ia ..n;., o din k, dai.( , exi ( jit nn;,,,, (.., ;1V pjr papers prepared and l ii'.'.anlid to Mr Tuikcr at Wuoliinylon, and 1 y 1 1 1 1 1 1 lie properly attended to betoro tlic Dc- piirtineut there, II. D. MASSER. Simbiirv, .Ian. IS, 1851 r; C II A I US, K aie- eli! niiJ in t'.ie oitv , - , ' - tii.w.. . . " ;. "I' d dif ferent fies. a 'T fioill the sin., 1 -- , ! l to IIS by till hichtsid Sl-.cet. nnd as Inrtre iik ." by 7 feet uf J'!..te (ilnss, iuclu-'iii': Iliiiii-li Crown, French, tleriiian and Aineriean, both Single and DouWo Thick Also, a laiL'o assortaient of 'ery Tlii U leiics, for Sky-l,it;lil.s, litilk Windows,.'..'. The Subscriber lunini; a henry slock on hand is prepared to till orders at the sliur'.o.-t notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Odd sizes of any pattern cut to order. (round lute I. cad ; I amt, arnii-h. of ev J. I. DITTEfUUH, So 78 Xo.ti 'id Si., betf'ni Aee'i und liner .Sr., PI7Tt.Ar!ELPKtA. tSr.HI'.BV informs the public that he imports and constantly keep.-, on hand nt his new store, No. 78 North Sd .St., a lri;e assoitiiicnt of Foreign l"ti nry (looils, .Miticl Inilruttients, Viclvres cV Paints, which he will sell lit the luwest prices. His slock, ill part, consists uf, Aceordcons. Violins. Music Boxes, Parlor and Bar Homo Or. trans, Melodeons, .Seruphinvs, M allicinatical In struments, Magnets, Spy and Opera (llasses. includiii!; varieties never before tube hud ii Suiibury, nidi as M aiioo an , Black Wmi r II lYlll.UI M (I'll, (illl.l'l AX ; AMI W'lMlsoll I'H AIKS. AMI I AM V I'l AMI iSlOlll.S, which ill'C of the latest :.:les, and warranted to lie excelled by none inaiiuliiettired in the Cities or elsewhere. The suliM-rila r is determined that there shall be no excuse lor persons to purchase furniture in the cities, us every confidence can be entertained about ihe epiulity and finish of his ware and Chairs. His articles will be dislinsed of on ns it,i,i,1 terms as thev can be purchased elsewhere. Couu- j "'" uM " '" "u :r '''""t.i'je '''''i'1 try Produce taken in puv incut for work. I wul' K"' "Uel( m their line. I t" I MJlIIM'AKI.NG. Uuviiit; provided j V- 1 " '''.' v" fs". liiinsell" with a handsoine Hkaukk, he is now ' 1' ilbcrt above Ulli prepared lor tmlertakiiig, nnd unending funer- ! IJecemlier CO, Is 51. If. uls, in Ibis vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. tl' The Ware Kooin is in Market Street, below 'I'ltiJiiipson's tlorc and eaver's Tavern. OKOK'C.'E KEN N. Sunlinry, Jan. 10, 1852 tf. THOMAS PALIIEII, COMMISSION MMH'IIANT, Ko. (i, -Voi-;i. li'hai re?, I 'hec the fol'iiwihe, :oe,ls are recciscd and s !-! i l-il Cl'llltIii.-.sioil, j l'o-ii d A pples, I'caiiies, l'loihs. IVurs, Cli nies, . Ar.. (i.eeii Al';!(s in lhnrels or by the bii.-liel, i Beans, Pi as, t r inberii, s, Onions, Mercer Po tatoes, wect l'o'.atees, rsbelbarks. (.'Iie.-linils. I (round Nuts, Oianecs, l.einiiii--. iiaisins, lis. j Prunes. Orapef. Poultry, lvms. IJuller, ( 'liecse. I And all kinds of l-'orei;',n and Domestic lo i (line. Philadelphia, IVc, 13, lol ly. SOAr AII) CA?IDLES. "-1111' subscriber takes this method of inform hit; the citiens of 'uuhury aiul vicinity, that tlu-v arc eneaced in the inaiHif.ieturc i f Soap and ('-.nnllcs, of the best iiiality, at No. -II filbert strict, Pliiboli Iphia. They ' respectfully invite all who buv for cash, lo eive hiui a call as ! 4 pTSV MBANS or run i'ik'ki: T-i-:sci"i.A- V I'li'S. or liveiv ul.e his --a ".A I'liesicnm ! 'j"ii:;iti . .e;A y5si(, eeiii,,n. wi'il lip- M .;S' ., ': 1 5 aids ot u luiii. ml enm.i- Ifj fAf:; -1t M ..... ''" V,V-;i ' ' ?' I,,m"!K l"'v;" . ;:asr r''v :;!''"'' .'i - . :t toini.auil tun I tut 111.1 : i.ius i Ynlii'iMc PROPERTY FOR SALE. FJ.IUV. Subscriber who resides in Philadelphia, 6, oiii is for sale the following property in Mil-t-in. Nottlitiiuberl.iiiil county, viz: Tlio large j EP.ICK BUILCIIJG J---11- in upper Milton, formerly occupied by Mcs-e-s P.itters.ri-.s as a Carrhurp Makers Shop. The buil linj is (HI feet front on upper Market street, and 10 feet on Front street, and is two stories hih. Also a two story I'.r.ICK BLACKSMITH SHOP, 111 bv 2.1 feel, on the same premises. The lot is mi t!ie corner uf upper Market and Trout streets, and is (if, feet front, and 130 feet dopp. , The premises would be valuable for a Foundry i-r i.thi niaiiuf.iettu'ius; purposes, and will be sold 011 reasonable and uccinuiojatiio; terms hy ap piv ii,,; eith.-r to .lAOOU CAKRKiAN, i Philadelphia. .1. F. Vi'OI.riXfll'i:. Fs,., Millon or II. Ii. M.'.ssj;!!, IN,.., Kunbury. Philadelphia. Jan. ''."i. lH.'l tf. description; Turpentine 5 l,ineed Oil, boil- j stationery of "II kinds, Pocket Books, lSronze Putty ; lirusliL's j An lsTrRKsriso PitEnciitn. A c'oisy nian was onca sent for in the middlo of tho night, by one of lha ladies of his congrega tion. "Well, my good woman," eaiJ ho, l:sn jou aro very ill, and require the consolations of religion. What can I do for you V "No," replied the old lady, ' I am not very ill. 1 am only nervous and cannot ,leep." 'How can I help that 1" asked the clergy man. "Ob, sir, yon always put me to bleep so nicely when I gn to church, that I thought if you would only preach a lillle for me " They say lhat the parson swore ; at any rale ha "made tracks" in lens than no lime. The Ladies Cot Wet. The Boston Bee lavs: About one thousand ladies who went to Dorchester, on Tuesday the 29lh ult., lo attend the consecration of the new Ccineliy, got thoroughly drencned in Ihe rematkable shower that raged at that lime. A friend, who was present, describes them as most sorry-looking cieatures, straight, tall, slim, long faced affairs, looking as though they were ready to enter the Cemeiry in unother capacity than spectators. It was ut terly impossible for ihem to gain shelter, and thus for two long hours they were compelled 10 submit to the hydropathy of heaven Beautiful bonnets, handsome silks, fustidous ly starched muslins new and rich de laincs, all were soaked, undone, ruined. The sex, so brave in dress, so beautiful in color, in one short hour loil all its poelry,. all its fine sentiment, and all its delicious philoso. vhy- ' ' - - New 'counterfeit $1 Relief, notes on tlie'. Bank of Middletown, P , ai in citcu- Lv.icn, ed and raw ; Paii.t M ills live W oods, Ac, tc &c. And ulso, a laro supply of frr-h imported UUL'tiS AND '.MEDICINES. .1. II. SPltACl'F. Noh. nil .V 3o North 4lh St., E. Side. April 1(1, ls.11;. ly. TS5K (,KIUT VlllZV. .1Ii;s ll. IEN ;uvi: j iiieiznir & tueiZj, -Vo. I IS Cheshiiii. St., above Sixth, Front cj JoNKS' HOTEL. CTTTTl I! S f' -i1"1 received their Prije -V-TTTH IMeilal, awarded to them for twlJTJJ their lest Travelling Trunks ex hibi:ed at the World's Fair in Loudon, l!s.r)l lieitiii ihe only evl.ihitors to whom any uward was made. Their competition was with till the woiid, and they have taken THE PlilE! TUFNIvS, VALISES, BAGS, &c. To be found in this Ci'v, and at verv low prices. Call and we. HICKEV & TI'I.L. Trunk Manufacturers, 1-lS Chestnut St. April Id, isi'.'. tf. UOdKSl! I.LIiR, 11 roadway, EUNBUHY, PA. TL'ST received and for sale, a fresh supply of ' v Aa:Li:iiL nitsMi for Sinsinir Schools, lie is also opening at this time, u larye assortment of Books, in every branch ol Literature, consisting til Poetry, History, Novels, llonianees, Scientific Works, Law, Medicine, School and Children's Hooks, lliblos; School, Pocket nnd Fumilv, beth with und without Engravings, and every of vari ety of Binding. Prayer Books, ot all kinds. Travels, Voyages sud Adventures, all ol which will be sold low, either lor cash, or coun try produce. 'pJunbury, Jan. 31, 1853. tf. HLANlv. Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Suiniuuns, &c, for sale by II. 0. MASSEK. Suiibury April SO, 1851 HI.NOLF.a Joint nnd Lap Shingles, of first rate quality, for sale by JOHN YOUNG. Anbury, Pes. SO. 16ft I .if Powder, Dutch Metal, Cold and Silver Lent, Scales of nil kinds, SimlV and Tobacco Boxes, Lithographic Paints, Copper Plate and Steel En ravinus, and pictures of every variely. Also (jilt Frame .Mouldiuirs of various Dealers, Country Merchants, and Pedlars, sup plied at reasonable prices. lleeeniber ''(. 131. tl. Bonnets, IIat3 and Millinery Hoods! M. TTEItCH ANTS and Milliners when in Plnl 1$ u iiilc lphin to iHircha.'.c their goods, will find it to their interest to examine our large and fash ionable stock of STltilV G03F&S. Wc manufacture largely end imcout the Nt:w tse Sri ms iir in our line ; which together with other advanta ges enable us to oiler liberal inducements to lk li tis. K. A. CnOOKEK, & CO., Nos. -17 and 49 Chestnut Street, and No. 5(1 South Second Street, west side, near Chestnut, Philadelphia. lleeeniber S7. 1S51 Ihocnix Fire & Thief Proof Iron Chests. J O II M A. II A It It I S, Manufacturer, & Dealer in Imported and Domestic Segars, Also, a general assortment of I.rar& niaiiur.iciiirel Tobacco, "CONSTANTLY on hand, at the lowest mar ket prices. Corner of Chestnut St., am Wharves, Philadelphia. December 87, 1851 ly. GMITH'8 ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN CiEK, a fresh supply jviBt received, and for sale by Ii. 11. MASSER. Suiibury, Jan. 10, 1852. U.NOI.D'S W'RITINCJ FLUID and Adhe sive and legal envelopes, for sale hy H. B. MASSER. . fcunhury, nra 10, 1852 J USTICES' FEE BILLS For sale bv II. B. MASSER. Sunliury. 1851. 'SO IJA'OIiS A superior article for sale store uf HENRY MASSER, Ponliurv. Feb 10, 1850 XTAKIiANTED to stand equal heat with " ' any other Chests in the country, and to defy the' ingenuity, Manufactory, No. 10 Hudson's Alley, running between Third and Fourth streets, south of Chesuul,. Knd in Ihe rear cf the IJirard Bank. M. &. S., (ho proprietors, arc Practical Me chanics, and feel confident, from long experience in the manufacture of Iran Chests and Safes, and a special attention lo this particular branch, of giving satisfaction toullwhu may give them a II. N. B. We have selected one of the best min erals ever used as a non-conductor of heat in this business, and we warrant our Chests and sr.. to be made of the best material and in the ".ost durable inunner, and lo slund ony heat that can be uppliej to them. MILNOR & SUA t Manufactory No. 10 Hudson's Alley. Running between Urd and 4 tli streets, S of Chcs nut, in tlie rear of (Jirurd Dunk. Philadelphia, Oct. 25, 1851. ly UNION HOTEL, STHfEUHY, PA. fjpiIE MIPS WEITZEL'P respectfully inform 5 the Public that they still continue to enter lain travellers and others ul their old established stand in Market street, west ol the Court House. Their long experience in the business, and li e well established reputation of lh( ir Ilou-e, will, they tutst, be a sufficient guarantee, lh;.t their customers will be well accommodated. March t?, 1S51 if. AMERICAN HOUSE, P0TTSVILLE, PA. JV T KS. MARY WE.WTK respectfully informi t' the public and travellim; community iretieial ly, that she has opened this lare and roiniuodious HOTEL, furnished in a superior style. From her Ion:.; cvperieiice in the business of a first rate Hotel, and well known reputation to accommo date, her customers may depend on heiim supplied with every thing conducive to their comfort and convenience. Feb. 15. 851 tl j STONE3 WARE, RTONE milk Pans, stone Joys and Pitchers, and other articles of stone ware just received ; and for sale by JOHN W. PlilLlNO. 1 Suiibury, June 2fl, IS IS). j ENNEDYVi PATENT SA.SII FA.S. ( TKMNOS A cheap and excellent urti- clc lor fastening sash for sale bv J. W. FRILINO Suiibury, July 7, 1 SI U. 5ATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's :..l. '..,.. ...I svsle;,i, - J"-'-!' "' 'Phe tiiiio has line- arri- vc.l. p-T.-oils sulf.--, r.: I'.oat -;cri t ili-iases, ; 111.-, 1 no ini-i'e bee, one the viitih er it! Ai :.l.i:v. -us by tiiL- pievri-tioiis ei.utaiiir.l in this b.,uk, ; any one tn ay euro bunu'lt' without hiudrani-e to business, or the kuowb olio of the must intimate ; lVieml, and with o-.i.'-ten'.h the usual cvpcnsc. In a,! liiion to the r i.tine ol pri ale disease , it fully cv plains the cause of manhood's early tle c'iue, with e.bsei vatintis on iu.irri;H.!e bcsiili-s lllallV otlicr der.i'.l-zeiueltls whicli il Woiihl Hot be proper to ennilie.-.ile 111 l',e pubii,' prin's. t Any person , li.-j; TV E NT -FI E CENTS. iTclo-ed i:i a 1. Her w'.U ii .-ei-.e one copv of this book, bv mail, r live e pin will be sent tor one dollar.' Ai!.!rc-s. Ha. Vdl'MS, No. l.V' sIMM'cr. -trecl. l'ilil.Alii'.l.l'lllA." Po-t p,:.l. Dr. "S'OI'M; e.m 1.' eon-':!te.l 0.1 ;ny of tile Di-c.i-es i'i-m ! i:-:-,l ill bis .!':!i'i rent 1 li 1 . ! I u -lions. ;il bis Oiii -.'. 1 .V.; f-ornoi' Street, even day betueen ! and o'cloc!,. (iinduvs excepted. ) i Pliila.lelpiua, June 5. 1 ..-,','. ly. I flAHELE I'IAEUFACTOjIY, j n i :ai (IIJAVH STOMAS. . rWUV. subscriber informs his liieuds and the pu' lie, t!n,t h.1 coiitinucs lo earry on ibe Maible Uiisiness ill nil its branches, at his old stand in Milton, Pa., and is prepared lo maiiti I'.iel ore Monuments, Tombs, Grrfyestones, do., t of the be.-t materials, and most finished woik ! inaiiship, and at the lowe-t prices, j Letter Cuitiiur, English and (ierinan in the I niosl modern and elcjant stv le. Designs fir Monuments, Crave Stones, ilcc., always on hand. 1 N. 11. Orders for the East side of the river promptly executed by leaving Ibe same at the oliice ol' the '-Suiibury A mi-rioim." ANTHONY HIPP. Milton, May HI, 18.11. K2S3IC?AIi HOUSE, E-.'TA!;i.lSI!KI) ir. YEARS A(iO BY mi. KINKELIN, X. Jl Corn'.' of 'Ihitil mid Union Streets, IIKTWI'llN St'ilL'CJ: AND STREETS, Z'-iiXj ir. n r iiiji. i"U"rri: V II.VIIS n , vtoiulve r.:-ii unintcrrupl-J n .K-iKv pi -fill in tins cny li.'ve n.'iulc r.-d Lr. K. thn 10 1.-: 1 y. t ivi.i Mifc-ysi' il p-aciiii -M'T ay r.nH nrur, 1 1 ! .I'oi'-i l 1 I nil l.-i:o-i'8 (.mi'Htf nut live. lVr-ons tt ir, j (II ! I r ll.nly, I ir ii t . Cf il UH. pitlllM 1.1 ti. in" 1 1' ; liK'M-Kri.'! tlii'ir,i,'tlisin,'s'iicl:rcs. ui'i.l'fl, . i-; i- ;.i i.Mi, h" !i '"'". !ii 111! t-s, c:t-s tr impni i'lt-h ii" tiic ! v. 1 : ' v '.! i- c ; iii.'.i-.'ii ii;i;i iiccii.t i iiifcli-ci, aie 'I' A K i- 1 ':' 'm:,1.'t tlic c;irr i .f I?r. K , ni.ij- rr.- Ii ns a Laiitkiiuin, und ci'MlivU-iit- V.i. I pmctf Il'l. I' nIl.'iI'1 l Wil I'.'JCti I v'rji Yiicn : njijily inn Vim. G. MASON, Kiigi'tivor and rrintcr, .Vo. 40 Chestnut Street, above Second, PHILADELPHIA. f S prepared to do ENOR AVINO and PHIN'T I INC ill all their branches, Weddinjr, Visiting and businew Cards, Dall Tickets, Wstch Papers, Labels, Bill Head", - -.." i.;..i.,...,w Seals mul Stumps for Corporations, Odd Pellovvs, Masons, Hons of Temperance, &e. All the ulwve enfiraved in the best manner. Orders by Post promptly auenueu 10. December 27, 1851. ly. rrnil AND SPRING MORTISE I'.AT B'k CUES. An excellent article, for sale si hull the usual price hy J- . I if lLINli, 'unbury, July 7. Ciecu's Ovyu'ena'cd Hitter, price reduced. ('Id .liicob Townsciul's ilia. llak( r's Sarsiiparilbi. Sway lie's 'y rup of Wild Cherry. Swav lie's ci'mil'inre. lyre's Cherry Pectoral llr. Drake's Panacea. lr. Culleu's do Tibial' Pain Killer. Dr. llootl. mil's Herman Bitterst Indian 'e( Pills Horse and Cattle Medi ines Tor sal. Ly HENRY MASSEK, "iiiiburv, .Inly 1 I, l-l'.l. I'All'I'k 1. l.AU NdTtcr. 1 li e. c i,, ,ir. ii liiejii., ii-.-s l.y n r-nnui 1 a h.ibil rrt-Mili ul Iv Iciii ncil ironi -vii i, i '.' ciii.-isol '.. i.i.-ii lire umi.t.y ii-t-p. nail le'rc.y l,ii 111. 11, t ,oul hnily, ram!,-;.-. Weakness unit constitutional ,!.-!ii!!!v I .s 1,1' inn -nlur encriie. iili-.-sicnl Innftiuiile unit ecu- ,iostia;ioii, 11 rilalillit V ail ail nervous nlicel i.infl. inili ...' .,1. si-r,s),ii s , f t!,c livi-i . mitt every ilisi-ni,. in any way c.'iiii'-ctcil vvilll liie Oisoriler of liie procrcalive func tions eai-cil. 11 :i. I in' I viiior n.-storeil. Yon il "AND -MANHOOD, A vioious lift! or a prcinrtture death. El.MiEI.IX on Sr!f Pr.'siTvatlon. ONLY 25 CENTS. Tins It V in"! pill.lisliedis (illi-i! with useful iiirorn-i.nioii Ul llie ihliriiiiiu s nml ilisciis. i, ,, ti (iiMierul ive (IlLoilit. It ml lr, itv In llt'lll..MAMKIOl)iiJ Ul.D (ii:, unit hlioiil l t-e reati hy nil. 'I'm-viiluiilin-itl ue ami iiu,ressi ce warning it liven, ,v,i! pi-eei'iil yen is of nuscrv (tail Halter in-r aiul ave uiinllal ; 'I'll iiisunils 01 Lives. I'.irenis l.y r .-:.( 1 n ir ,1 will lourn how to prevent tlie dc-i-ruclioa ol Ilit-ir eiiiMrcn. '.-"V renillliiiiec ,.i .i r-ciits. cnr-liiliril in a letter, ad Ire-well I" 111!. KIMvl'.I.IN, N. W . eoi.a-r ol Tllll(I) I MO.S Siiuels, lielwi-eu Spnu'e A I'uic, I'liiliululplua A-il! enmire II b mk, under envelope, per return ol mail. l'erKoiunl. 11 ilisiunce may nditri'ns l)r K. I- teller, (po iai,l.) nnd lie '.iirt-d ut It, uue. I'.Vl'KAlillS Ol-' tt:i)tclM:s, MKKCTIONS, &e irvv.-irded hy M- nii iticr h reiniluiuee, und put upkecuie Irum DAMAlii: or L I ltlllSTV. tin ik-wili-re. New A -cunts, lVdl-irs, Cniivner, nnd at ilht rs siijiidif il with tin. uUive woik ut very low rule. Septellltwr 6, 1-51 ly. I I EE op Ciiuisr, 1 'i; k's tlisToii iiiualiU( ltititM, huuilsomi ly hound, D'Av. TO It V UF 'IKK IVI.fllltM ATIOV, writing and iiidellible ink, Cotton yarn and, IJ.-K Dvv-hooks nii Lkiikkus, full boundVd. laps, just received and for sale by j. w. riiiu.Mi. Suiibury, Dec. S, IS 18. TONE Ware, Earthen 'Yure, Raisins, Al monds, P lines and Cream Nuts. Planes of all kinds. Salt and Plaster. Just received ami for sale by JOHN V. FKILlNli. ffunhury, Dec. S9, lSl'J. IXTKACT CF fllXCER A fresh supply just received and for sals at this ollice. Plica 25 cents. Kunbiiry, Ju.y I?, 1851. SILVER WATCHES A few double case Enalish Silver Watches, for sale at very low prices by U. Ii. MASSER. Bunhury, April IS, 1851. Eor sale at the publishers piices bv 11. II. MAPSKM Sunburv, July I t. 1S49 Vl'ULNC! DOTTLES IJreast pumps, and nipple tubes- A supply of these useful arti- ties just received and for sale by JOHN V- FRILING fiunburv, Jan- 18. 1851 tf BLANKS. LANKS of every description can be had by applying at the ollice of the American. fj'ISSl'E PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper fo' 3. covering glasses, Ac, for sale at Ihe olliectf the American. O.SE OINTMENT A fresh supply of thi excellent article for Teller, A c., just received and lor sale uv HENRY MASSER. Suiibury. July 28, 1849 - f E AS, from the New York Canion and Pekin 'ea Company. For sale bv J. W. FRILINO. 1 Ti Suiibury, Drc. 5.J818 fpiOLD PENS with and without eases, of u W H verv superior quality, 111st received. Also a fresh supply of Wrilitni Fluid, for sale hy H. 11. MASSER. Punhury, Dec. "7, IR.')!. AY RUM. An excellent article for tale I'.v HENRY MASSER. Suiibury Kn. I'll-, lR19i(. LAATiENCE liOUSK. SUNBURY, PA. 'TIIE subscriber respectfully informs her friends I and the public generally, that she has taken the above well known sland nearly opposite, ths Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J. C. Per. .ins. She trusts that her experience in business, md her elforts In make her Ruests comfortable, vill cive entire satisfaction to those who may fa vor her with their custom. , ANN C. MORRIS March 8, 1831 tf. J. II. ZlJVUilEJlIilAN, Jistut: or luu Sunbury, Pa. Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Puhlic School House. V Monies iHiMeetc, ly alleiuled to. April -M, 1850.- : School House. .- '""1"? "'"ei'lca' 0110 uil busineai piomptly and cars- J A TENT DRITTANIA STOPPERS for bar bottles for sale by H. D MASSER. Sunbury, April, ?, 1851 yulTINtJ Fl.l'ID and sWFl'nTg Itnve". " lopes, just received and fur sale by April 19. IS.M. 11. 11. MASSER. ujj LA NIC NOTES, waiving the exemption S 9 law of :ii)0, for sale by April 20, 1851. IL D. MASSER. ABD'S celebrated lLwse and Cattle Medi. cine for sale by HENRY MASSER. Kimlwrv, Jan. 2lh. 184 ft U71LEV' COl liii CNDY. excel. T lent remedy lor coughs, colds. For sale t this office "EOR sale at this office, Superior Black Ink, Caltle Medicine nt S5 cts, Pure Essence ot Ginger, 15 cuts.