SUN BURY AME1UCAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. Poetry. TO MY CIGAR. Yet, social friend, 1 lo the wall, In learned dociort' spit ; 1 lor. thy fragrant, musty amell, 1 loa thy calm delight. What if thay tell, with phiwea long, Onr yeara art sooner paatl I would reply, with raanon atrontt, They'ra aweetar while) they lait. And oft, mild tube, to ma thou art A monitor, though still Thou speak'at a lesson to (tit heart, Above the preacher'a kill. When in the lorely evening hour, Attended but by thee, O'er hist'ry's varied page I pore, Man'i fate in thine 1 aee. Awhile, like thee, the hero borne, And moke and fomea around ; t And then, like thee, to ashes turn, And minglea with the ground ! Thou'rt like the man of worth, who gives To goodness every day J The fragrance of whose Virtue Uvea When lie has passed away. Oft when the snowy columns grows, And breaks and falls away, I '.race how mighty realms rose, Then tumbled to decay ! From beggar'a frieze to monarch's robe, One comn.on doom i passed ; Sweet nature' works, the mighty globe, . Must atill bum out at last. And what ia he that emokee thee now 1 A little moving heap, That eoon, like thee, to fate most bow, Like ther, in dust must sleep ! And when 1 see thy smoke roll high, Thy ashes downward go ; 'Tis thus, methinks, my soul shall fly ! Thua leave my body low ! 600 BOOK AGENTS WANTED. i ANY good, active anil intelligent man, with a small capital of from 830 to a $100, can make laige profile by ngnging in tne aula ot tno loiiowing POPULAR AND USEFUL BOOKS. CHAMBERS' INFORMATION FOB THSJ PKOPLEi or Popular Eiwyilupcdia of Useful Knownxtis. Two litre imperial octavo volumes, eontmiiii 1700 pares PETERSON'S history 6f THr; AMbWCAN REVOLUTION. aifltargtoctaTopket,withOo2, Engravlnra. PETERSON'S HISTORY OF THE tl. 8 NAVY 900 avrre octavapasee, and ISO tint EiwravinM F nv If 5MKRfPiABfeE KiEN In"hEHISTO. taming 16U0 pace and 700 Engravings. Th beat His- tmv cJ America published ' !, V5 I'V"'"1'' ""E OF WASHINGTON. A Solenoid Book, earn. . ami . !Yo'. United SlaTe.; ,h. WZ ..rf w"Jf Purtn,i" of Preaidente,' ensre. R?.. 2v"d 'ewf ha Capital of the United PF?i b,?VK MARTYR A Splendid Family DE COP MENIN'9 HISTORY OK THE POPES 0"",',w'lh "lustrations. TiOT) REFLECTIONS ON THE WORKS OK ?.T..?'ERJlE'S STUDIES OF NATURE. n" ' h 0V OF THK WORU). A Valuable ; 1" yJa mS octavo volume, with hand' me Knmvinin. ' U?.$Pr GREAT AND CELEBRATED CHAR AC iill? : 01 and Coumriea. Ona large volume vi u pages, wun numeroua Engravinga. Together with a number of other Work particularly adapted for Popular Beading. iJ I he most liberal discounts v. ill be given Agents who mav entrapc in the ml nf the above Valvablt Books. For further particulars, address (nojtaee paid,) J. & J. L. GIHON, Publishers, Ao. 98 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. June 26, 1852. A. STRING OF ITEMS. Strange, a man may dye and live by it Harden county, Ky., haa voted to take 2300,000 of stock in the Louisville and Nashville Road. The dog population of the United Slates is estimated at about two millions, and the ex pense of keeping them at upwards of $10, 000,000, per annum. George C. Washington, the gentleman nominated by the Native Americans at Tren ton, for Vice President, declines that nomi nation. In Paris they only pay soldiers five cents a day, even in war time, while Louis Napo loon gels a salary of seven and a half cents a second. Punch va Wine. Fielding mentions clergyman who preferred punch to vine, for this orthodox reason, that the former was a liquor nowhere spoken against in Scripture We see that the polilical canvass between the New Orleans Courier and the Bee is to be concluded in verse. Each has engaged a poet for the purpose. This is a capital idea The falllne off in the number of medical indents in the three colleges in Philade) phia, last winter, was very large being a total of 441, against 637 the previous sesjion With Four metallic qualifications, a man may be pretty sure of earthly success. These are Gold in his pocket, Silver in his tongue. Brass in his face, and Iron in his heart. Tenders are being received until the 2d of August, for the re-erection of Brock' Monument, on Qneenstown Heights, which will be spent between 5000 an 6000. The coal banks in the vicinity of Wheel ing continue on fire in spite of all efforts at extinguishment. Mr. Sutton, one the own era, had lost, says the Gazette, not less than 8100,000 already. The owners of the Francis SkidJy a New York steamboat, challenge the owners of any other steamboat to a lest of speed, for from $40,000 to $100,000. The race to be tun with passengers. A Maine Editor says that a pumpkin in that State grew so large that eight men could stand rouud it. This is like the fellow who saw a flock of blackbirds so low that he could shake a stick at them. Sugar of Whey, dissolved in water, it much used in Italy and France, as a com mon beverage in pulmonary complaints, and it is said quite equals as a purifier of the blood, the decoction of aarsaparilla. An Echo returns a monosyllable at forty feet distance. Sound of all kinds travels at the rate of thirteen miles in a minute. The softest whisper travels at the same rate as the loudest thunder. Large Donations. A lady of Charleston Mrs. Konno, a member of the Protesant Episcopal Chutch, has left upwards of 590, O00 to religious and charitable purposes, be sides $70,000 in bequests to relatives, ser vants and friends. Oils, Tallow Grease, and OHIO MINERAL PAINT. Qfifi BARRELS MACHINERY OIL. Price vJVJ 75 cU pcr giorl, 2500 Gallons machi nery oil, in casks of various sizes, 73 eta per gal. VUU U arrets IS oiled faint Oil, 55 " 5000 Gallons " " in casks of various sites. " " 300 Barrels Tanners" Oil. Various kinds and qualities, from 35 to 60 rents per gallon. 1500 Gallons in Casks of various sues. Va rious kinds and qualities, from 35 to 50 cents pcr gallon. 60 Ions Tallow Grease, for Heavy Bearines, and Coarse Machinery, in Barrels or Casks, of any consistency required. Price 6 cents per lb. CHERRY PECTORAL! Far the Car of COUGHS, GOLDS, HOARSENESS, BROW. OHZTZS, GROUP, AS Til. 2VXA, WHOOPXXXQ.OOUOH AND CONSUMPTION. This remedy is offered to the community with the confidence we feel In an article which sel dom fails to realize the happiest effects that can be desired. 80 wide is the field of its usefulness and so numerous the cases of its cures, that al most every section of the country abounds in persons, publicly known, who have been restored from atarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs, by its use. When once tried, its superi ority over every other medicine of its kind, is too spparcnt to escspe observation, and where its vir tues are known, the public no longer hesitsito what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs, which are incident to our climate, And not only iu the formidable attacks upon the lungs, but for the milder varieties of Colds, Coco us, Hoahsx hess, &c, and for CaiLsaiN it is tho pleasant est and safest medicine that can be obtained. No family should be without it, and those who have used it, never will. Read the opinion of the following Gentlemen, who will be recognized in the various sections of country where they are located each and all as merchants of the first class and of the highest character as the oldest and most extensive bolcsale Dealers in .Medicine witli an experi ence unlimited on the subject of which they speak. If there is any value in the judgment of experience, see THIS CERTIFICATE We the tindersianed, Wholesale Drueeists, hnvinrr hern for loner acouaintcd with Aiier'l ' BMiin v...n ..... . , A CUVIUii ftcfwif vwiiji. wiw v-..w ...w. t't is the best and most effectual remedy for Put IMPROVED LIGHTNING RODS. I THE subscriber has constructed a LIGHT NINO ROD On true riiilosnnhirnl nrinrl. pies, by which buildings supplied with thein arc rendered perfectly secure against destruction by lightning. The connection and insulation of the rod, as well as the preparation of the ground rod, is on an entirely new plan, making a more per fect conductor than any heretofore in use. Measures have1 been taken to secure Letters Patent for the improvement. Persons desirous of securing thoir lives and property from destruction by lightning, can have conductors put up to their buildings in the most perfect and substantial manner, by applying ei ther personally or by letter, to the undersigned, at the following prices : For 40 ft. i inch copper rod gold plated point, solid platina lip, And forty cents for every additional foot over fortv. For 40 ft, J inch tubular rods gold pla ted point, KotiJ platina tip, For 40 ft. iron rod gold plated point, sol id platina tip. For 40 ft. iron rod 7rr plated point, And twenty cents for every additional foot over forty. T. S. MACKEY. Milton, Sopt. 6, 1851. ly. cap 17, 1852. $22,00 13,50 12,50 10,00 HARRISBURO BOOK BINDERY. F. L. II UTTER &, CO., Successors to W. O. HicUok, ond Hiclcok k Cmitinc. TOl)K BINDERS, STATIONERS AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. The subscribers respectfully inform their friend: and the public, that they are now carrying on the above, business at the OLD STAND occupied by Hick ok & Co. They flatter themselves that by careful attention to business, they will merit and receive a continuance of the patronage so liber ally enjoyed by the old firms. Particular attention will be paid to the ruling and binding of every description of blank books fur banks, county oliiccs, merchants and private individuals, and eveiy variety of full and half bound blank books. Old books, periodicals, law books, music, newspapers, &c, bound in any pattern and in any style required. In addition to the above, tliey have, and will ot all times keep, a general assortment of STA TIONERY, consisting of Letter Paper, Knives, Cap " Quills. Drawing " Inkstnmls. Transfer " M.itr.i Wafers, copying; " lllacK Inic, VrOET.MJI.C I CATTLE rOWDER yilfcl'MU.O BY mtEINIG, FUONEF1EID & CO. No. 187 North Third Street, Philadelphia. 'HIS powder la antitled by the united taalirami nf all who hnve used it tn iIib first rank ot all thine CAT- TLF. MKD1CINKS, whlrh hnve Iweii thtxight pralee worthy for many years. Indeed ws challenge any perm to make a auperiur, 01 any powder that acta in the same manner. 11 tne animal ne periecny neaiiny it win cuner increase the amount of milk or ( ream and butter 1 or the animnl will improve rapidly in fat. It will therefore in lime oe considered we have no doubt one 01 tne aiapie am clea of every Farmer, who keepa a diury and of every person owning a hoise. It ia nut one of those kind b. Misti'Res that merely swell an animal op for a short time, nut 11 will ny the capaeity which It haa 01 convening HlPPUrtlC ACID f which iaan allele mailer) Into Lac- tib acid or olsiki; cause a greater amount 01 nutritious matter to lie extracted from the a:nne enviunt of food, than possibly could be, were the active nripriploa of nutrition to pata out of the system in the form of llirpumc Acip ie nave received a multitude 01 evidence to prove wnai we nave said nliove. Hufrtee to anv : We have mixed tlia BetivM avent. with a areat number of Vrortaflk plants and hrrhs which tune and use have rrovca to no useiui, improving the ntpeiite and promoting digestion of the food ; thus securing a healthy condition of the blood, from whirl) the M11.K and Fat must he formed. 11 may ae used for llottiis. Cows andllous for the follow ing complaints and diacaacs. HORSES. YEU.OW WATER, a doncernus sirkness. which rte- slroys many valuable hoises every year, is very often entirely cured by the free use of tins powder, in ail cases u win prevent ine niseasu irom coming on. This diienie is owning to a bad and impoverished state of the blood wliicli becomes thin, watery and of all yellow color. This powder by Improving the stomach and piving to the blood a greater quantity of red purtlclea, till' it (Is the best and only possible chance of recovery. If the horse is far gone, give morning and night a tabtespoonl'ul in wet feed, it in (lie ivgiuuiiig once a day at noon, if only to pre vent the disease twice a week monaru Comvlaints ever offered to the Ameri can reople. Ana we wouia, jrom our Knowl edge of its composition, and extensive usejul ness. cordiallu commend it to the afflicted as 150 T otm Ohio Mineral Paint, in Barrels, at 1 niUM th hrt tn-nfttlpnrp- nnrt yiA tl,t firm r.a. coitvuiwn inai k wju ao ur ieir roiy 71 T J. . . yi t i i. .I'll '.. .t I - vijcnintry uil, warrantcu not to cnui in ine coldest weather, and considered by those using Carmine Ink, Pealing Wax, nue ins. Slates and Pencils. Lead Pencils, Letter Stamps, Indis Rubber, Wafers, lted Tupe, Blank Cimts, r uitirs, Bit Convintr Ink, Arnold's Writing Fluid, Erasures, etc. IT" Paper ruled to pattern, and alt work war ranted and don? very chcaplv. F. L. H UTTER & CO. March 13, 152. tf. it equal to Sperm Oil. JSoiled rami Oil, equal to Linseed Oil, other than tor white. I am constantly receiving large supplies of the sbove named articles, and my motto is, "Small prolits and quick returns. B. F. POND, 56 Water St., (under the Pearl st House, NEW YORK. New York, June 19, 1852. 3m. STUiE OFFICE. V A SHI XI, TON - HOUSE, r-ir?;BU?vY, pa. JAKES COVERT, Proprietor, "lOl"LU respectfully announce that he has ' taken tl. is well known a ;tnd, where he will be gralilicJ to see nivi entc.tain his Iriends and Hie travelling pulili.' illy. 1 his house is now replete with even convenience, comforta ble, pleasantly located, handsomely furnished, well ventilated, rendering it in every reaped a desirable stopping place. No expense has been spared in titling up this house. The chambers aro well furnished and the table and bar provided with the best the market can afford. The stable accommodations are extensive and well calculated for travelers. STAGE OFFICE. The stages running from Northumberland to PotlsviUc, stop at this house, where through, and way tickets to Philadelphia can be obtained. Sunbury, March 20, 1852. tf. GLASS, DRUGS, PAINTS, &c, YtllOLLSALE AM) Itr.Till.. riHE Philadelphia Window Glass Ware house, and Drug, Paint, Varnish, Oil and Color Stores, iVos. 33 and 35 North Fourth Street. East side, has tho largest assortment of Window, Picture, Coach, ( use, Hot-House, and other GLASS, How to Read oh th Railway. By holding a card or slip of paper over the line below tho one which you are going to read, the eye is freed from the disturbances caused by the motion of the carnage, and you read with comfort. "Your house is on. fire '." bawled a Strang, er, rushing into the parlor of a sober citizen "Well, sir," was the calm, klovr rejoinder, "to what cause am I indebted for the extra ordinary interest yon seem to take in the af fairs of my house. Thtee Years Ago a man in Mississippi cheated us out of twenty dollars, and now nis son cheated ua out of about tne same sum. The young man's propensity to cheat is probably the only thing that he ever came honestly by. Prn(ic. Powga or Speech Restored. The Day tOR(Ohio) City Item says that a enzen of that county, now in his on hundred and ninth Sar, aad who has, for the past two yeara, been deprived of the. power of speech, was lately, by some accident, thrown upon bia head, receiving a sever injury, but strange to ny, be has been ablet to converse as Ru enily a al any period of (lis life. in tne city; comprising upwaius ot io.uuu an- ferent sizes, ranging from the smallest size, up to 38 by CO inches of Sheet, and as large as 5 by 7 feet of Plate Glass, including Lnglish Grown, French, German and American, both Single and Double Thick. Also, a large assortment of Very Thick Glass, for Sky-Lights. Bulk Windows, &c. The Subscriber having a heaTy stock on hand is prepared to fill orders at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Odd sizes of any pattern cut to order. Ground White Lead ! Paint, Varnish, of ev ery description ; Turpentine ; I.iusecd Oil, buib ed and raw ; faint .Mills ; 1'utty ; crushes Dye Woods, &c, &c &c. And also, large supply of fresh imported DRUGS AND MEDICINES. J. II. SPRAGUE. Nos. S3 & 35 North 4th 8t., E. Side. April 10, 1852. ly. THE tit EAT I'ltlZi: DILI) All Alt RIVED ! HICKEIT & TULL, jVo. 118 Chestnut St., above Sixth, Front of JONES' HOTEL. fcnrjrr.i Medal, awarded to them for 1 IT I I their best Travelling Trunks ex hibited at the World's Fair in London, 1851 being the only exhibitors to whom any award was made. Their competition was with all the world, and they have taken 1Mb. i'KIZl. ! TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, &c. To be found in this City, and at very low prices. Call and see. 1IICKEY dc TLLL. Trunk Msnufarturers, 148 Chestnut St. April 10, 1852. tf. that medicine can do. Henshaw, Edmands & Co., Boston Mass. Reese & Coulson, Baltimore. Md. Ladd & Ingraham, Bangor, Maine. Haviland, llarrall it Co., Charleston, S. C. Jacob S. Farrand, Detroit, Michigan. T. H. McAllister. Louisville, Ky. Fronds & Walton, St. Louis Missouri. Joseph Tucker, Mobile, Alabama. Theodore A Peck, Burlington, Vt Haviland, Risley & Co., Augusta, Ga. Isaac D. James, Trenton, N. .1. J. M. Townserd, Pittsburg, Pa. Clark & Co., Chicago, Illinois. E. E. Gay, Burlington, Iowa. M. A. Pantos & Son, Norfolk, V. Edward Bringhurst, Wilmington, Del. John Gilbert Sc. Co., Philadelphia. Pa. Z. 11. & W. II. Oilman, Washington, D. C. J. Wright & Co., New Orleans, Lo. Watson, Wall &. Co., Fort Wayne, Ia. C. C. Richmond & Co., San Francisco, Cal. Lewis & Ames. Tallahasse, Florida. B. R. Strong, Knoxvillc, Tennessee. Chilton & Duer, Little Rock, Ark. Stiller. Slade & Co., Lexington, Mies. N. D. Labadie, Galveston, lexas. Chas. Dyer, Jr., Providence, R. I. Jos. M. Turner, Savannah, Ga. Wade, Eckstein & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES : J. O. Coffin Si Co., Valparaiso, Chili. F. M. Dimond & Co., Vera Cruz, Mexico. Rrcd Rivas Sc. Co., Bogota. New Grenada. S. Provost & Co., Lima, Teru. Morton & Co., Halifax, Nova Scotia, T. Walker & Son, St. Johns. N. B. C. G. Salinas & Co., Rio Janeiro, Brazil. With such assurance, and from such men, no stronger proof can be adduced, except that found in its effects upon trial. Prepared and sold bu JAMES C. AYEB, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Sunbury by H MASSER, and by Druggiats generally throug.ut tlhc State. ISovemlier 1, 1851. lycejtno J. I. DITTEI11X3H; -Yo 78 Ttorth id St., between Areh and Hart St., FHIX.ABEX.PHIA. HEREBY informs tho public that he imports and constantly keeps on hond at his new store, No. 78 North 2d St., a large assortment of Foreign Fancy Goods, Musical Instruments, Pictures 4" Paints, which he will sell at the lowest prices. His stock, in part, consists of, Accordcons, Violins, Muaic Boxes, Parlor and Bar Room Or gans, Melodeons, Seraphines, Mathematical In struments, Magnets, Spy and Opera Glasses, Stationery of all kinds. Pocket Books, Bronze Powder, Dutch Metal, Gold and Silver Leaf, Scales of all kinds, Snuff and Tobacco Boxes, Lilhoirrauhic Paints, Copper Plate and Steel En- itravinKs, and pictures of every variety. AUo Gilt Frame Mouldings of various sizes. Dealers, Country Merchants, and Pedlars, sup plied at reasonable prices. December SO, 1851. tl. "AID AND COMFORT," To Your Own Jleclmnics. GEOPtGE RENN. MAN'l'PACTTRER OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. rriIE subscriber respectfully calls the attention of the public to liis large and splendid assort ment of every quality anil price of which el n not foil to rtxommend itself tocvery one who will examine it, on account of it durable workmanship and splendid 1'mish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No eifort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber ts determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. His stock consists of Mahogany SLAHliJtllN(i, Triii in tlie fniurtlion ofmnnv vnlnn bte Hornet by exhmiRlion by cotisinnt discharge of sali va which tiplit n n into the Btoumnli in ansist digestion. It is a spfcii's of ttilivntion often produced hv Indian To- bocco prowuiff in the (vielure frr.uitd A Tnbkspiionfu. three limes Q week will frequent ly arrest tho flow if it dH- nrt depend on the Tobacco iii the grass, under such circiims'ftiicrs the mutual ttmst be kept in the stable. DI3TEMPK.K. If the powder i eariv and ireelv used. no other remedy need be uteri, it has already cured hun- 1 dredsof IIorsk of this troublesome disease to the surprise of those who used it. If iv t u.ed early, before matter h:is formed in the neck it cnmi"t restore the nniirml perfect ly until the mutter is disrharjred. U-e it early and prevent such n result. A TaLleenoonfu. mice or twice day is enough. GLANDERS This disease 1ms baffled n!l FaRHIERs, Oive this powder a fair trial and it will d wonders in this terrible and hitherto incurable nialndy. It is a disease nf the glinduml system and kept up by imperfect nutrition, in such cases a TaUesnnnnfut everv day twice fir a month or two, in constant succesMtm, will iu nine cases out of a dozen effect a cure, it Ins been fairly tested. Cuighs tind shortness of Urtatli depending on weak lungs, a Tahleaprtom'ul every morning; if it abates once or twice a week root I.O'V.PPiniTKD HOICKS, or where there is anv remains of Pounder or stiffness of motion, Rnd the Hone will nut fatten, or where the hair is rough and stands straight out, the lixvl seemirg to do no good, the powder produces almost immediate improvement of the animal; the digestion improves mid with it all the slug gishuess of the animal dif:ippeare, becoming lively and spirited, and the huir smooth and sltck. COWS. For Cows, we ore fully convinced that it not only impr.vea the quality, but that it increases the amount of Milk. Cream and Butter; some who have tried the ex periment say a Pound a W eek, otl.cis y hall a pound while one person insisted upon it that he made two pounds more a week from h Cows. We think it will be found to average from a i ' to a pound per week on each Cow, if the Cows are pent. ;iy healthy, '"his mkliiionnl amount is made by the conversion of the Hippurie Aetd into Nitro genous oud fatty compounds; ais-i by supplying the oxy gen taken in by the luni:, with the demons of reaeliou; witle'ut taking anv of the Nitroeeuou. pi-rti n of the feed. HOI. LOW HOKN or WOI.K: HOOF DISKASK, and all other diseases of neat rattle depending upon a. bud state of the tinid, are rem ved speedily and ciT'-c'iinllv. Cowl, whi se milk is blue, thin am) watery and where it. does u t yirld much cream, or where Cows trive bloody milk, or which are used to stand long dry, it will be found an a:moM nu'tninie remedy, ny itiipn'vnig the chimin n ol the bloo.! ami eresMii? a hralihy d 'rcsti n ; a Tablespoon ful every day or every other d:iy us it may be iiet-cssaiy UOGS. LIVER COMPLAINT, Jaundice, dyspepsia, chronic on NERVOUS PUUIM 1 I, Wle-AOii OF THE KIDNEYS, AND all disease arising from s disordered liver or atn mach, such as onnaiipalinn, inward Piles, Fullness, of blond to the head. Acidify of the Stomach, Nausea, tl u i ji r. i n KrviaVi, In the ftomarh, sour Eructations, sintrlns: or flulteriiig t Ihs prl oi uie niomacn, swimming fa tne aeaa, nurrim am, ui. breathlnr. Auttarln at the heart, ehokins or suffuratlni sensations when In Irins, pnstsra, Dimness of vision, dote or webs before the sight, Fever and dull pein In the neaci, arnciency or perspiration, yellowness oi tne sain auu eves, nein in the aide . hark, cheat, limha. Ac., sudden flushes of beat burning in the rlesh, constant Imaginings oi evil, and great depression ol spirits, CAN BE EFFECTUALLY CURED BY EOOFLAITB'S CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, mXPAltKO BY DR.C. M. JACKSON, n AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, JS'o. 190 Arch St., Philadelphia. Their bower over the shove diseases it not excelled, if equalled, by any other preparation in the United States, as the cures attest, iu many cases after skill! ul physicians linn laiiea. These Bitten are worthy they attention of invnlids. PoMessinir areat virtues in the rectification of diseases of the Liver und lesser glands, exercising the most searching powers in weakness and all ecu ens ot the Digestive organs, they are, withal, sni'e, certain and pleasant. (From the Boston Uce. The Editor said, Dec. 22d 'Ua. Hoofland'b Celubkated German Bittffs for the care of Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nervous Debility, is deservodly one of the most popu tor medicines of ihe day. These Bitten have been used by thousands, and a friend fit our elbow says he hot him self received an effectual ami permanent cure of Liver Complaint from the use of this remedy. We are convinced that, in tie tise of these Bitters, the pHtient constantly paint strength and vigor a fact worthy of great conside ration. They arc pleasant in taste and smell, end can be used by persona with the most delicate stomachs with safe ty, under any circitnstaiicea. We are speaking from ex perience, and to the articled we advise their use." .'ScTT's Weekly,1 one of the best Literary papers, published, said, Aug )i5 llDa. Hoopla:' German Bitters, manufactured by Dr. Jackson, ure now recommended by tome of the most prominent irembers of the faculty as an article of much eificacy in cases of female weakness. As such it Ihe case, we would advise all mothers to obtain tt bottle, and thus save themselves much sickness. Persons of debi I i lu ted const iditioiis will find these Bitters advantageous to thfir health, as wa know from experience the salutary effect they have upon week systems " Mort Evidence, The "Philadelphia Saturday Gazette," the best family itewspap-i published in the tinied Statea, the editor sne of D) hwfland's German Bitters. "It it seldom i. we recommend what nre termed Pa tent Medicines, to rn- confidence and patronage of our readers; and, therefore, hen we recommend in. Hof- lann s Oertnan Hitters, we wis it to be distinctly under stood that we nte n't sneaking of the nostrums of the day, that are iMiaeri about for a btief period and then for- fallen nftei they haved 'tie their guilty race of mischief, mt of a medicine dng established. mii'vermiUy prized, ana which has met the hearty approval of the Faculiy itself " Kvidcuee upon evidence has been received (like the fnreftoiug) from all sections of the Union, tha last tbre years, and the strongest testimony iu its fuvoi, is, that there is more of it used in the practice of the Tegular Phy sicians of Philadelphia, than all oilier tvstrnms cmbinrd, a l";ict that can easily be established, and fully proving that n scientilic preparation wdl meet with their quiet approval when presented even in (his fnrm That this medicine will cure Liver Complaint and Dys pepsia, no oat) ea n doubt, after using it at directed. It acts sjtci ilically upon the stomach and liver it is pretTerable to cnl mirl m all billius diseases the eflVct it immediate. They enn lie administered to Female or Infant with safety 1 and reliable bt-iurfit, at any time. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At the Cabinet Ware lloom of SEB'N IIOUPT & CO. Market Square, Also at the torver of Fmtm street & the Railroad Thankful fur tha patrons of his friends snit customers during the 17 yeara be ha been in busi ness in this place, he solicits from the puWio a con tinuance) of their IsTors. Uarinj this period be has endeavored to keep up with the improremenU of the ity, and baa accordingly extended hie bust, ness in every branch and variety. The public aro therefore invited to the attention of tho preosal stock of CABINET WARE AND CIIAIS9, MsNrjrACTURICn BY SEBASTIAN H0UPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former stock of tho establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chain. Large Spring Seat Rocking Chairs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Mirblt Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other new style and Fashionable Furniture. Having secured a Hearse and made the neces sary arrangements for the purpose, they are now prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye maids and mistressns, and huirnnds too, Here's furniture of every style and hne, From side boards down to kitchen tables, From rocking chairs to locking cradles Should yon not hare tha readr Jos to pay, We'll wait awhile fur a brighter better aar, Or take potatoes, oats, earn, wheat and rys j Bark, hoop poles, staves, or lumber wet and drr, ur any thing but yokes and threshing Bails, Ffom pigs and turkiea down to little qosils. Come on then friends, come one and all, Keep trade a moving, so "goes on tha ball." UT Orders from a distance promptly sttsnded to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. Sunbury, March 9, 1850. tf IBOLWTi: IV1D AND PENSION AdF.NCY. The attention of the public is called to the ad vrrtisement of Mr- Charles C- Tucker, Attorney and Attcnt at Washigton City. Persons hsv ing claims for bounty Lands or Pensions are in formed ttiut tlie subscriber has made arrangements for the requisite forms, and claianunts calling al his ollicc, can hnve their papers prepared and forwarded to Mr- Tucker at Washington, and by him be properly attended to before the Do parlmciit there. H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Jan. 18,1851 nF.WAHF. OF COUNTRRFKIT3. This nu'.lu-ine h-ts nt iiiiicd thai hih cir.uac-u-r which is nei-eksnrv tor all metlirinr io attain to intlnce ennntetfriter I put lorili n rpiiriiins urlit-le ut llic rim of the lives of ill"!- arc innocently uV.irivtil. look vi:i.i.To Tim marks (if tiii: oi-..uink. They Imve tiic written signnture nf C. M. JACKSON' upon the wrnppi-r, and the name blown in the bottle, with which tln-y nrc sputi-ins. i-'cr sule, wholes:ile anil retail, at the German Medicine Store, Pigs in ihe snmoicr often overitcttt themselves, (jet swel led necks, eou'.in. u'f-era it the l.itn,3 j.n.l I.ivt-i, wlitt'ii cause them t die vcrv 'hrse rn.iv lte nrcpntc(l entirely by putting: a p 'nntl or k Inh intu n Kanel fit swill ; I " VX AKt II street, nun dir lielnw ixth, (late of anu it win n; tne same tunc c usiuciauy nasteti the lulteu- '"ce m-ei.j i-uiancipui.i, ana ny reapecujie ae; Valuable PROPERTY FOR SALE. rl,HK Subscriber who resides in Philadelphia 1. oilers for salo the following property in Mil ton, Northumberland county, viz: The large BRICK BUILDING Suf.i. Divan nntl I.nnngres, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Tliila. delpbia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of his business. He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of CHAIRS. including varieties never before to bo had ir bunbury, such as Miiogai, Black Wairr xn Ci m.r.n .MirLE Ont.ciAN ; ixn Wisnsnn CHAIRS, isn rrv I'uno Stools, which are of the latest styles, and wnrrantcj to be excelled y none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. 1 be subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained abou' the quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. His articles will be disposed of on as eood terms as they can bo purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. I r LAUEKTAKING. Havin?- provided himself with a handsome Heaiisi:, he is now renared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, iu this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. iy Ihe are Koom is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern. GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1S53 tf. Bonnets, Hats and .Millinery Goods! ERCHANT8 and Milliners when in Phil adeltihia to purchase their goods, will find it to tiicir interest to examine our large and fash ionable stock of STB AW GOOOS. We manufacture largely and import the Newest Brim or Forci ii Fabric in our line ; which together with other advanta ges enjbla us to oner liberal inducements to BCTEBS. R. A. CROOKER, & CO., Nos. 47 and 43 Chestnut Street, and No. 6 South Second Street, west side, near Chestnut, Philadelphia. December 27, 1651. ly.cC WM. M'CARTY, BOOKSELLER, Broadway, BTOBUBY, FA. JUST received and for sale, a fresh supply of r,vaJ,t.L,iajAL. 9IISIC A! ! O- 1 mm . lor Dinting ecnoois. ne is also openini at this time, a large assortment of Books, in everv kuuk t ' .......... 1..! . ' reetry. History, novels. Romaneaa. RrUntiR. Works, Law, Medicine, School and Children's noons, amies; ocnooi. rocket and Family. both CJMITH'8 ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN . f ic .. "rv"Ei--sino avery or vart. I GER, a fresh supply just received, and for Travels, Voyaqcs and Adventures, sJl ol which will be sold low, either for cash, or coun try produce. Sunbury, Jan. 31, 1852 tf. JOHN A. II A R It I S Manufacturer, & Dealer in Imported and Domestio Segars, Also, a general assortment of Leaf& Manufactured Tobacco, iONSTANTLV on hand, at the lowest mar- ket price. Corner of Chestnut St., and Wharves, Philadelphia. December S7, 1851. ly. sale by bunbury, Jsu. 10, 1852. U. B. MASSER. BLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blauk Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summons, Ac, for sale by H. If. MASSER. Sunbury April 8, 1851. s5H INGLES. Joint snd Lap Shingles, of first 3 raU quality, for sole by JOHN VOUNO. Sunbury, I'ce. 30, U61.-tf. ARNOLD'S WRITING FLUID and Adhe. ftivi. ami I asoal anusUn.. .. i... H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, nf 10, 1853. USTICES FEE BILLS For sale by , H." B. MASSER. Sunbury, 1851 'S lAZORS A superior article) for sale "storanf HENRY MAUSER, anbury, Fsb. 1,- US0, il wliich is trivimr milk an'l vm are rlf-sirons l' fnttf-niit t!e vme lime, you sh-inid n-'t aix-e mire than a t:il)l?s;nn-iii'ul .iiice a r?vk or it wit! reUiutiie fnrniati"ii of fit liy iiicreiisiti; t'- n:ni-uut of Milk. Let eaeli pt-rsitn try its ciVc-ts tir himself nnj lie wil s.wn be sjtistiifil of its excellent qualities, ami that no Far mer should be with Mit if. For the p'irp se of titirlinij out ,titl f.irther bnw far out justly celebrated CATTLE POWDER, is rntilleJ to the e"nfi'.l?nce of an iuteili-ei.t penp; we have aihiresseit Letters to all ports of the L'nittfd States, where our Pow der has beMi used, and we are able now fr-un the evidence thus brouehl lforo us, to Hssure every Farmer, Diary mau and ilo'se-ni.nt. tln.t it has thus far veiy much eit- ceeoeu our nni Kiinpnii.e e.iperiiiTi-'Ms. itrt it-.c so,litton:ii kii"v; thus Inr obfnmr., s Hopk we will lie eii:d'!ed lo innke Hie Itest anil m-'St rer fi-ct Cattle MF.Dicix:t ever yrt i-u .-red t- a disrernmg pe-iplc. it ar-ts ns a vnhnble proin-ifer of diffesli'-n. im ptovei the quality of ttie Id'fchl iiimI tints inereuses the amount of either i-'nt, Milk and ctnscc,uently of baiter. Kveu in the liealthv Ainm.-d Beware of Connter'iti as the extensive sale of onr powder has indneeil otlieis to ni'ke an Imitation cf it. lach pack lias our wrillrn Signature '.n the end. nnriMG, fkonltiklo co. Philade!phia. J i'y "t, ly. geimrully tliroughait the i-ounli y. PRICKS RKUUCLD. T enable nil classes of invalids to enjoy the advantages of tneir gretil restoniuve imweri. Single Bottle, 75 cents. For sale by H.Masssx, Sunbury, and M. A. M'Cav, "rthuinberhiiul. A.i!(int3U,1iol. ly. FOR Phoenix Fire & Thief Proof Iron Chests. L. XVARRAKTED to stand equal heat wilh any other Chests in the country, and to defy the Burglus' ingenuity. Manufactory, No. 10 Hudson s Alley, running; between 1 bird and Fourth streets, south of Chesnut, and in the rear ef the Girard Rank. M. Sc. S., the proprietors, are Practical Me chanics, and feel confident, from long experience in the manufacture of Iron Chests snd Safes, and a special attention to this particular branch, of giving satisUction to all who may give them a call. N. B. We have selected one of the best min erals ever used aa a non-conductor of heat in this business, and we warrant our Chests and S'jt'ea to be made of the best material and in the p.ost durable manner, and to aland any heat that can be appliod to them. MILNOR St SHAW, Manufactory No. 10 Hudson's Alley. Running between 3rd and 4th streets, S of Cues nut, in the rear of Girard Rank. Philadelphia, Oct, 25, lo5l. ly WW 2 OUSTS. TY MEANS OF THE POCKET .ESCULA- ril.S, or Every one his own Physician ! Tiiiiitt sixtii edition, with up wards of a hundred engra vings, bliowing private dis ease in every shape and form, and malformations of the itenerative system, I'.y lr Wml Yountr. The time lias now nrri- I ved, that persons suffering from secret diseases, need no more brenmo the victim or oiuackert, as by tho prescriptions contained in this book, any one may cure himself without hindrance to business, or the knowledge of the most intimate friend, nnd with oue-tenlb the usual expense. In addition to the general routine of private disease, it fully explains the cause of manhood's early de cline, with observations on marriage besides many other duraitgemc.nta which it would not be proper to enuniorato iu the public prints. I1T Any peison sending TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one copy of this book, by mail, or fiveicopies will be sent for one dollar. Address. Da. W. YOUNG. N .. 152 SPRUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post paid. HIT Dr. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the Di'eapes descrilied in his different publica tions, at his Office, 155 Spruoe Street, every day between 9 and 3 o'clock, (Sundays excepted.) Philadelphia, June 5, 1852. iy. MAEELE MANTJFACT0KY, CHEAP GRAVE STONES. "fHE subscriber informs his friends and the - public, that he continues to carry on the Marble Business in all its branches, at his old stand in Milton, Pa., and is prepared to manu facture MonumentSj Tomls, Gravestones, &e., of the best materials, and most finished work manship, and at the lowest prices. Letter Cutting, English and German iu the most modern and elegant style. Designs for Monuments, Grave Stones, ic, always on liund. N. D Orders for the East side of the river promptly executed by leaving the same at the ollice ot tbe "Sunbury American. ANTHONY HIPP. Milton, May 10, 1851. THOMAS PALMER, COMMISSION MKIJCIIAN T, No. 6, North Wharves. Where the following goods are received and sold on commission, Dried Apples, Peaihes. Tlums, Pears, Cherries, Arc, Green Apples in Barrels or by tbe Bushel, lieans, Peas, Cranberries, Onions, Mercer Po tatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Shelharks. Chestnuts, nouiiu :uts, urnnges, Lemons, Hnisms, rigs. Prunes, Grapes, P.iultrv, Eggs, Butter, Cheese And all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Pro duce. Philadelphia, Dec, in, lg.11. ly. SOAP AND CANDLES! rrVIE subserilier takes this method of inform in Ibc citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that they are engaged in the manufacture of Su.ip and Candles, of the best quality, ut No. 41 Filbert street,, Philadelphia. They'rcapcrtfully invite all who buy for cash, to give him a call as Ibey will find it to to their advantage iu dealing with him for articles in their line. E. DUFFY & SON, 41 Filbert above 9th. December 50, 1851. tf. l'i upper Milton, fornierlv occunied b Messrs Pattersons as a Carriage Makers Shop. The liu'ili'tintr h CO feet front on upper Market street, and 40 feet on Front street, and is two sUirics high. Also a two story BRICK JJLACKSuMlTH SHOP, - ' 40 by 25 feet, on the same premises. The lot is on the comer of upper Murket and Front streets, and is 6i feel front, and 150 feet deep. i ne premises would be valuable for a Foundry or oilier manufacturing purposes, and will be sold on reasonable and accommodating terms by ap- piving eimcr to JAUUU 1.1 KK1GAN, Philadelphia. J. F. WOLF1NGER, Esq.. Milton or II. U. MASSER, Esq-, Sunbury. Philadelphia, Jan. !J5, 1851 tf- I'll I I.AUEL1MU A MEDICAL HOUSE, ESTABLISHED is YEARS AGO BY Dli. KINKELIN, iY. II . Comer oj Third and Union Streets, BETWKEN SPRUCE AND PINE STREETS, UNION HOTEL, SUNBURY, PA. piIE MISS WEITZEIS respectfully inform 1. the Public that they slill continue to enter tain travellers and others at their old established land in Market street, west of the Court House. Their long experience in the business, anil the well established reputation of their House, will, tucy trust, lie a siillicicnt guarantee, that their customers will be well accommodated. March 8, 1851. tf. Ar.2ERICAHOUSE7 P0TTSVILLE, PA. ATRS. MARY WEAVER respectfully informi. - Jthe public and travelling community treneral. y, that she has opened this lares and eommoilioiia HOTEL, furnished ill a superior stvle. From iicr long experience in the businebS of a first rate Hotel, and well known reputation to aernmmo. late, her customers mav depend on beiiirr sunnlied with every thing conducive to their comfort and convenience. Feb. 15. 851tl WM, a. MASON, Engraver and Printer, No 46 Chestnut Street, above Second, PHILADELPHIA. IS prepared to do ENGRAVING and PRINT l.NG, in all their branches. Wedding, Visiting and Business Cards, Ball Tickets, Watch Papers, Labels, Bill Heads, Notes, Checks, Drafts and Diplomas. Seals and Stamps for Corporations, Odd Fellows, Masons, Sons of Temperance, See. All the above engraved in the best manner. Orders by Post promptly attended to. December 27, 1851 ly. NOB AND SPRING MORTISE LAT- lMbS An excellent article, for sale at e usual price by J. W. FAILING. unbury, July 7. 1849 VTURSING BOTTLES Breast pumps, and x v nipple tubes- A supply of these useful arti- clea just received and for sale by JUH.i W- FRII.ING Sunbury, Jan- 18, 1851 tf ROSE OINTMENT Afresh supply of this excellent article for Tetter, ic, just received and lor sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, July 28, 1849. t YEAS,from tha New York Canton and Pekin J. Tea Company. For sale by Sunbury, Dee. S, 1848 J. W. FRILING. afl OLD PENS with and without rases, of a o"B very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sale by 11. B. MABS&K . Sunbury, Dee. 57, 1851. AY RUM An excellent article for sale by HENKY MASSEK bunhuiy Jaa. iTU, 1849 tf. B r PHILADELPHIA. IPTi'.l'V vi-: A Its or ..;.'. ...j .. . . - -. . " -IIU UUIIIKMOBIBI, prartirc ai.'iit m tins city have rendered Dr. K. the iu n rpi-n ami Mii-i-t-Miui piuciiliouer lar and near, in tlie treatment oi' nil disrnsrs of a private nature. Persons atilielcii nil uleejs urv at lite luxly. throat, or les;s, pains in the lii-Hiior Iv?nr9, tiicieurml rhcuinatisin, strictures, gruvcl, disease arising from youthful! exreisea or impurities of the blood, u liercliv tlie constitution has become enfeebled, sis all treated witn suii-ess. He who places himself under the care of Dr. K , may re ligiously confiile iu his honor as a genlleinan, and couhdeut y rely upon bis skill as a physician. TAKH PARTICULAR NOTICE. Young Men who have injured themselves by a certain piactice iudiilceil in a habit frequently learned from vil companions or at school the effects ol which art sightly felt, even when asleep, and destroy both mind ami body, should apply immediately. Weakness and oonstllulional deliiluy loss of muscular energy, physical lassitude and sen erul pMStrotion. irritul.ilily and all nervous attentions, indl. gestion, sluggishness of the livel, and every diseasein any way eoniieiied wilh tho disorder of llis procreatirs fune- tiuu. tuicu, iiuii iuii ijiir iciorou, YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous life or a premalure death. K1NKEMN on Self Prf serration. ONLY 25 CENTS. B nk jllit published is filled wilh useful on ihe infirmities and diaeases of Ihe Generative Orrsns. it anuresses iisntuiite to i Ol TH, MANHOOD aud OU) AGK, and should be read by all. The valuable ailvit e and impressive warning il (ires, will prevent yrarsof misery and suffering and save annual. if .M'-uauiiu ... iNVC. I'.-irents by rending il will learn how to prevent Ihs das. truction of their children. A renilltaiH-e of W cents, enclosed in a letter, ad dressed to DK. KINKEMN. N. W. mmer of THIRDS: UNION Streets, between Suruoe Pine. Philadelahia will ensure a b k, under envelope, per return of mail. rereotisai a aistunee may address Dr. K. by letter, (pos paid.) and bet-tired at borne. PACKAGKS OF MEDICINES, DIRECTIONS, As forwarded by aeuiling a remittance, and put up seeuis from DAMAGE or CI 'IUOSTY. Hojik-sellers, New Asenls. Pedlars. Canvassers, snd si others supplied with the above work st very low rales. pepieuiuer v, leoi.wiy. CTT VT?n IViTMIPO . e ... m....j-.. oaiwito, a lew tlouble ease English Silver Watches, for sale at very low P""" II. B. MASSER, hunbury, April 13, 1851. WMiUV'S PATENT SASH FAS. TENINGS. A cliean snd excellent arti. lic ior lusiemngsasn lor sale by J. V. FRIJ.INO Sunbury, July 7, 1 849. STONE WARE. QTONE milk Pans, stone Jugs and Pitchers, -J and other articlea of stone ware iust received anu ior sate ny JUli. w. r RILING. Sunbury, June S3, 1849 JATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's . writinz and indellible ink. Cotton varn and mps, just receivea ana ior sale by J. ,V. T RILING. Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1848. CJTONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al- monds, P unes and Cream Nuts. Planes of all kinds. Salt and Plaster. Just received and for sale by . JOHN W.FKLUNG. Sunbury, Dec 29. 1849. LAAVKENCE HOUSE. SUNBURY, PA. IP II E subscriber respectfully informs her friends 1 and the puluic gmerally, that she has taken the above well known stand nearly opposite tha Court Mouse, lately occupied by Mr. J. C. Per. kins. 8he trusts that her experience in business, and her efforts to make her guests comfortable, will give entire satisfaction to those who nay fa vor her with their custom. ANN C. MORRIS March 8, 1851 tf. I EXTRACT CF GINGER A fresh supply just received and for sale at thia office. Price S5 cents. Sunbury, Ju y IS, 1851. !5 BLANKS. LANKS of every description can be hail by I tying attheoiuce of Uie Amor kau ri 'ISSUE PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper for i coTsrmg glasses, Su, for sals st ths orTiscof tSs American. J. H. ZIMMF.RMA W, JlSTltE OF Til 12 PEACE. Sunbury, Pa, Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite tiki Public School House. rr Monies ooluKSed and ait basiiisss promptly sod ears fuliy auended lo. AprU SO, 1850 "J A TENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS for btt bottles lor sale by H. B MASSER. 8unbury, April, 13, 1851 vyRlTING FLUID and self esaling Enve " lopea, jast received end for sale by April 19. 1851 H. B. MASSER. BLANK NOTES, waiving th xwnptioa law of $800. far sale b i April 6, 1851 H. B. MASSES. DADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Xedt. cine for aale by HENRY MASAVI. Sunbury. Jan. J7lh. 184 WILEY'S COUGJa- CAKVY. Aa oxemU lent remedy for coughs, colds. For aale at this ollice fOR aale at this office, Superior Black lak. Cattle Medicine at li eta, Furs Eseeoes el Ginger, 15 cents.