SUNBUJIY AME1UCAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. COMMUNICATIONS. For the American. if Mr. Masser : Permit me, through your paper, to announce to the democratic voters of this county, the name of JOHN B. HEL LER, of Chilisquaqne township, as a perron, in every respect, well qualified to discharge the duties of ... .,v , .... .. , r-1... i , ' COUNTY COMM1SS10NE11. Mr, Holler is well known as one of the most active and steadfast demooram in the Coun ty, and as the "vp'per end" in now entitled to the office, 1 hope he will receive the appro val of the approaching democratic convention.,- By giving this notice a place in your paper, you will obliiza many democracis of NORI1TU MBEULAND. Sunbury, July 24, 1852. For the Amehican. - Ma. EniToa : As the lime is not far distant when the democracy of the 1 1th Congressional district will be called upon to elect a candidate for Congress, and a it is highly important that the gentleman select ed should be well qualified for an office in which we all feet so deeply interested, and upon which in a great measure, the success of the democratic parly mutt depend. Per mit us through the columns of your excel lent paper to recommend Major WILLIAM L. DEWART of Sunbury, as a gontleman in every way worthy of the nomination. IMaj. Dewart's qualifications are too well known to need any commendation from ns. He ha always been a firm and consistent demo crat of the Jefleisonian school. His moral character is above reproach, and his strict integrity and amiable disposition has en deared him to all who have had the good fortune to become acquainted with him. His nomination would greatly add to the strength of the party, and we lisk nothing in saying that he will pel a larger majority in this connty than any other man can probably get. MANY DEMOCRATS OF JACKSON. Sunbury, July 17. roR tub Americas. Mr Editor : As the time is drawing near when the democracy of Northumber land countiy will be called upon to select a suitable person for the oflice of Register and Recorder, and as it is of great impor tance that the person so selected should be competent to discharge the duties. Permit me to recommend JOHN P. PCRSEL, Esq., an obliging officer as will be attested by all who have had business with him. It has always been customary with the democratic party to re-elect those who have faithfully discharged the duties of office, and it will be but an act of justice lo Mr. Pursel to do unto him as we have done unto other mem bers of the party to which we belong. A TRUE DEMOCRAT. Sunbury, July 17. For tho American. Mr. Editor : Permit us through the col. umns of your paper tn present the name of the Hon. GEORGE C. WELKER of the bnr. ough of Sunbury, lo lha democracy of this district as a gentleman in every way worthy of their support, as the next candidate for Congress. Judge Welker is well known to nil of os, as a firm, tried and unwavering democrat himself one of the people, familiar with the views and interests of the farmer, laboror mechanio and all the other classes of the community, and ever anxious and ready to do all in his power to promote their welfare, The Judge is no office seeker, but the peo ple want his services in Congress and have almost unanimously urged him to accept the nomination. The delegates from this part of the county will all be in his favor, and if the other townships will but do their duty to the country and tbemselves the Hon. G. C. Wglker will be the unanimous nominee of the county. MANY DEMOCRATS of Upper Mahanoy and Jackson townships. July 10, 1R52. For the American. OCR NFKT LEGISLATOR. M. Editor: As the time is approaching for the people to select a candidate for Legis lators of this county, we would beg leave to present before them, the name of JOHN FARNSVVORTH Esq., of Upper Augusta township. Mr. Farnsworth is a man of intelligence, of animpeachable integrity, and of fixed prin ciples. He is soch a man as we would have represent our county. For a number of yearsi he has been Prothonotary of this county, and has (we believe) given entire satisfaction to all.' For Legislature we want a man of ound reason, discrimination, and firmness' Such I man is Mr. Farnsworth, and in all the requisites for that office, we confidentially assart 4hs( he is competent to perform the duties incumbent upon said office. He has always been a sound, unwavering and eonsisient democrat, and if nominated Northumberland county would (we think) show her appreciation of him by Riving him the largest majority we have rolled up for any nan foe ". UPPER AUGUSTA. JolyiO, 1853. New Advertisements. Estate of DAVID FAUX, Dec'd. NOTICE U hereby given that letters of ad ministration have been granted to the sub scriber on tha estate of Duvid Faux, dec'd., late of Rush township, Northumberland county. All persons indebted to said estate or having claims against the same, are requested to call on the haerJ bar settlement ,U WILLIAM H. KASE, Adm'r. Roeft tp.; July 3, , Van Loan paguerrean Gallery, . . . 159 Cksstnut Street, AT flits sstabrstwl establishment too slwsys pi tm lha Mwe a u moal improved stylus of DAGPERJIKOTYPE TALBOTYPK PORTRAITS, it from St to W pw ro1 ftn ucb cau ,wrstVi uoiuhsJ oM, Wl ddsy-test you "ITWiery of ftuwr owes, frame, to . p.i hand or . -I!bL ord. ai every pioture made aatiau.ry ao4 guZs . a. at m Chmnut at. rhikvuipiu WI'j - ' U'Ki ! V es . - PUBLIC NOTICE. OTlCE is hereby given, that at a sale of the personal property of Michael Gra ham, Thomas Graham and Waiy Graham, by the Sheriff of Nonhnrnbcrlaud cmtiitv, on Saturday the lOih of July insl., "The 'Mon tour Iron Company" puichaed the tallowing described propeity, lo wit : 2 two horse wa gons, I eione wagon. 2 stone flats, 1 lot of quaneying tools, 1 iut of wheelbarrows, S cows, I duck wagon. 3 foot boats, I bay mare, i bay horses and harness, 1 buy mule, 4 carts, I lul of chains, ropes, 4cc, for flats, 1 two horse wagon, 1 one horse wagon, gray horse, t gray mare, I biown mule, 4 sells ot cart harness and 1 claik bay horse and har ness; and that on Monday the I2lh day of Julv instant, fit n Kalp of n.tann;l nmnmlv nl the same parties by the Sheriff of Montour county, ine sain company ptircnaaeil the lol lowing described nrnrtprft. tn u-ii 1 hmvvn C9 - , , . j , ' " "... horse, 1 biown stud home, 2 sells of harness, I two horse wagon, 1 black horse, t iron irrey horse, 2 sells of harness, 1 two hoise wnrron. I orm hmp fhilnui f l.o wheelbarro-rs, (6 or 8.) 1 lot of wheeling plank, 2 cows, and I canal boat, called Thomas ZellllW uhifh n frrcu il iluani iKw.l personal property, they nave left in the pos session of the said Michael, Thotnasand Ma ty, during the pleasoie of the said company; of which all persons will lake notice. J. I', fit J. OhXfc, Agents for the Montour Iron Company. July 24, 1852 31. Agricultural Mectini'. MEETING of the Northumberland Conn tv Agricultural Society will be held at the Court House in Snnbnrv. oil Momlav. August 2d, at 2 o'clock. P M.. for the trans- action of important business. t The Executive Commitle wilt meet at 3 o'clock, P. M., to fix premiums and appoint Committees for the Exhibition. JAMES CAMERON, Vice Pies. Wm. I Greeiioujjh, ) c , David Tauirarl. See"l""es. Sunbury, July 17, 1851. 3t. REGISTER'S NOTICE. TV OTICE is hereby given to all Legatees, ' Creditors and other persons interested in tho Estates of the following named persons, that the Executors, Administrators, and Guardiunsof snid Estates have filed their accounts with the Register of Northumberland county, and thst the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court of said County, on Tuesday the ltd day of August next for confirmation and allowance. ies-2. William teitz, dec'd., settled by his Adm'r Gcoigc Lahr. John Mc W'llli'inid, dec'd.. settled by his Adm'rs Robert McWilliams snd Wm. Fullmer. John Torter, dec'd., nettled by his Exc'rs D. Draulizam and Wm. II. Wapples. Samuel Hhanncn, dec'd., settled by his Adm'r Thomas Shannon. Isaac W. Fsriisworth, dec'd.. final account scttlid by his Adm'r Wm. V. Silverwood. Adam Follmer, dec'd., settled by one of his Exc'rs Wm. Follmer. Eve Kcmpliel, dec'd., settled by her Adin'r Abraham Rothermel. Peter Mc Andrew, dec'd., settled by his Adm'r Michael Haley. John Evert, dec'd., settled by his Adm'r John Evert. Henry Fox, dec'd., settled by his Adin'r Jacob Philips. Majrdalcna Wcnrich, dec'd., settled by her Exe'r Isaac Frymire. William Woolvertun. dec'd., settled by his Adm'rs Wm. H. Muench snd E. F. Wool- vcrton. Solomon Zuern, dec'd., settled by his Adm'r Joseph Zuern. John Ehright. sr. dec'd., settled by his Adm'r Jeremiah Wetzel. Henry, Sarah, Catharine, snd Margaret Ann McGce, minor children of Bernard McGce, settled by their Guardian John li, .Mr Gee. Jesse I. John, settled by his Guardian William Teitsworth. Oliver, Charlotte. Jane, William, Oecar, Charles and Hannah E. Woolvcrton, minor children of Wm. Woolvcrton, dec'd., settled by their Guardian, John J. Wooiverton. Kcuben Rothermel, minor child of Abraham Rothermel, dec'd., settled by his Guardian Samuel S. Wagner. Susannah Bobb, minor child of Michael Cobb, dec'd., settled by her Guardian M. Smith. Matilda Lister, minor child of Michael F.ister, dec'd., settled by her Guardian John Eister. Catharine Eihter, minor child of Michael Eis ter, dec'd., settled by her Guardian John Eister. IisaMla Wilkerson, minor child of Ann Wil kerson, dec'd., settled by her Guardian Sam uel Campbell. Philip Diinin, dec'd,, settled by his Adm'r George Dimm. Peter Shrontz. dec'd., settled by his Execu trix Mary Shrontz. JOHN P. PURSEL. Rerister. Kermter s Olficc, Sunbury, July 3, 1852. Valuable Property. Late the Estate of E. P. SHANNON, Esq., or JVortliumbcrlaiMl AT PRIVATE SALS. THE subscribers, Executors of the Estate of Enhraim P. Shannon, late of the Bor ough of .Northumberland, oiler at private sale, tho following valuable Real Estate, viz: Lot No. 77, corner of Queen and Front Street, en which is erected a two story Brick Building, formerly occupied by the deceased as a Store and Dwelling, and now occupied as such. There are also on the lol two fiame dwellings, &c. Lot No. 52, situated in Market Street, on which is erected a two story while Km me Dwelling, fcc, adjoining John Taggart, Esq., occupied by Ctas. Knous. Lots Nos. 69, 70, 71 & 72, situate in Mar. ket Street, a two story white Frame Dwel. ling, occupied by James Douly, and a stable is erected on lots No. 69 & 70. The undivided half of Lot No. 120, situate on the corner of Duke and 4ih Street, on which is erected a two story dwelling, occu pied by Joseph McCallister. Lot No. 188, situate in Queen Street on which is erected a two story white Frame Building, occupied by John fjuikeit Lot No. CO, situate at Northway and Wa ter Streets, on which are erected two Frame Dwellings and Stabling, occupied by widow Vandliug and John Vandling. Also Ihe undivided fourth part of lot 16C, on which is erected a two stoiy Frame Dwel ling, occupied by John Vandyke. Also ten aeret of cleared land, adjoining lands of John Deshay, on the East side of the Susquehanna, about three miles below Dan ville. Also two adjoining vacant town lots, situ, ated on the corner of Second and Orange streets, numbered in the general plan of Boi. ough, Nos. 215 S: 216. Also four vacant lota on Third and Orange Streets, numbered in ihe general plan ol said Borough, Nos. 209, 210, 211 &. 212. Also four vacant lots framing on Market and Sixth Streets, running East le an Alley, numbered in the general plan of said Bor ough, Noa. 77, 78, 79 & 80. Also four vacant lota fronting on Orange Street, and numbered in ihe general plan of aid Borough, Nos. 185, 186, 187 St 188. . The above property will be sold in parts or parcels to suit purchasers, on reasonable term. For further particulars apply to John Cake, Esq., at Northumberland, or to the subscribers ALFRED KNF.ASS, ) p , THOMAS STRAWBBIDGE, f " rr Northumberland, My 22, s52,-tf. ; THE VERY LATEST ARRRIVAL, rrii'ipro tiisv tup ruP4PF.ST! rillLING & GRANT. RESPECTFULLY inform the public and "the rent of mankind." thst they have just received snd opened the best and cheajwst stock of Spring and Summer Qoodi thst has ever been brought to Sunbury. 1 Their stock consists of every vsrie'y of Dry Goods, viz : C7ofi, Casntneres, Snttintts, Vesting!, Drillings, Ltntis, And all kinds of Summer Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginphnms, Litrs, Chintzes, De l.aincs, Berages, And every variety of goods suitable for La dies wear. Also an extensive assortment of Panama and Palm Leat Hats. Also a largo assortment of GKOCXUIES, frcn. A9 Sugar, Teas, Coflee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a largo assortment of IIAELWAItE and QUEE1TSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also s trcsh supply of DHL' OS AND MEDICINES. Besides the lurgest and most general assort ment of all kinds of goods to bt) had in this place. IV" Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. Sunbury, May 22, 1852. NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. SS. 77ie Common u-tnllh nf Pennsylvania lo the Sheriff of Xoi lhumb'erland County, Greet ing : -s WHEREAS James Carolhers and L. S. Matilda his wile, M.ny E. Acnew by hei guardian. James Carolhers, Adam Totrenco and Elizabeth his wife, Ceorce ILiymnkei and PiiscilU his wfie, Martha Giuliani, Elizabeth, M. Graham. Eveline R. (jnihim, and Mara.irette M. Gra ham, who have for their guaidUu, Robert Milligan, I'luiuiitin lately in our Court of Common Pleas (or liie county aforesaid, to wit : on the ten;h day ol November, Anno Domini, eighteen hundred and fnrly-seveu, brought their action of Pattilion against Hugh Bella, P.iter K.iUlv. William Shannon and Rachel his wite. John Porter, Arthur W Frick, Clarence H. Frick, Dr. S;;muel Jackson, John W. Moore. Dr. Phiueas Jenks, Jesse Heston, Silas Carev, Ann Caiev. Sarah Carey, Mary E. Carey, Thos. II. Coil', Wm. C Coll, and Sarah Colt, the said Tnomas, William and Sarah having for their guatdian Wm. A. Petrikin, Defendants, setting forth that the Defendants aforesaid, with said Plaintiffs, together and undivided, did hold a certain pieco or parcel of land, situate in Coal township, in said county, on or near ilio waters ot Sliainikin Creek, containing 1874 ucrej.9, more or less, bounded on the south by Ihe :op, or near the lop, of Ma h.tuoy Mountains, on the wot by land of John N. Lano and others, on east by lands no or lato of Jacob Hodman, mid on the north by lands of the Miners' Bank of Potts ville and others, which said piece or paicel consists of tracts or parts of tracts unvejed on warrants granted to William Morrison, Thomas Ciimpiain, Robert Camplnin, Thomas Greer, Jame Greer and Edmund Huff, parti tion whereof belwepn said Plainlills and D.'fendan's, they tho snid Defendants, do not permit &e., and in the Court aforesaid, before iho Judges of the same Court at Sin tun y, to wit: on the lllh day of April, A D. 1819, by the judgment cf ihe same Court the said Plaintilfs ag:iiint tho said Defend ant did recover, the partition of the Mid premises tetween Ihe said PlainlifTs and Defendants should be made, which said judgment was carried lo the Sup erne Court of Ihe said Commonwealth, and by a judg ment before the Judges of the said Con it, the aforesaid judgement was reversed and a venire de novo awarded, and the record was thus on the 4th day of Juiip, 1S52, re mitted to the Court of Common Please afore said, as appears of record, &c , and whereas it has been suggested on the record that John Porter afoiesaid is dead, and Rachel Shannon, intermarried with William Shan non, is his devisee that Dr. Phineas Jenks is dead, nnd that Simon S. Jenks, Elizabeth, intermarried with Josenh S. Elsegood, Wil liam Wallace Jenks, Georue A. Jenks, and I'. Fredeiio Jenks are his heirs, and that Ar hur W. Frick died intestate, and Georae A. Frick, Clarence H. Frick, Alexander Frick, Augustus Frii-k, and Maltha, inleimariied with Robeit F. Clark, are his heirs, as ap pears of record, tic. Yel further proceed inaa, as directed by the Supreme Court aforesaid, remeiu lo be made as on the in formation of the said Plaintiffs, we have been civen to understand, wherefo-e ihe said Plaiutifls besought us to provide for them a proper remedy in lhat behalf, and because we are willing that those things which in our name Court are richly acted, should be brought to due execution, we command yoi: that justly and without delay by good and luwful men of your bailiwick you make known to the said persons above mentioned that they be and appear before our Judges at Sunbury, at our Court of Com mon Pleas, there to be held on the first Monday of August next, to show cause, if any they have, why they should not be made partiesto Ihe said action, and also why the said Plaintiffs recovery and execu tion, according to the form and effect there of in the aforesaid action, ousht nol to have and further to do and receive all and what soever our said Court shall consider in thai behalf.' And have you then and there this writ. Witness tha Hon. Alexander Jordan, E-q , President of our said Court at Sunbury, this 22ud day of June, A. D. 1852. JAMES BEARD, Proth'y Sunbury, July 10, 1852. 41. New Arrangements rott Susquehanna Packet Boats. Former Detentions ot the Junction Avoided! ON snd after May 18, 1852, Ihe Packet will leave the Junction daily at 3 o'clock, P. M (or upon the arrival of Ihe Cars leaving Phila delphia at 8 o'clock, A. M.,) and arrive at Wil. liamKpori next day at 10 o'clock, A. M- Leave W'illiamsport, daily, at 11 " A.M. Arrive at Northumberland, at 7 P. M. And at the Junction, at 5 " A. M, In time to take the cars for Philadelphia and Pittsburg ! SUSQUEHANNA BOAT COMPANY. Harrisburg, May 15, 1852. 3 in. Daguerreotype Likenesses FOR ONE DOLLAR! T IIA1LER MASON has the pleasure of " informing the inhabitants of Sunbury and vicinity that be hat opened Room at the Slule House, where he will be in readiness to receive visitor between the hour nf 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Picture taken with any desirable effect of light or shade and colored in the highest perfection of the art and no regard to weather. instruction given and apparatu furnished for 50. N. B. Perfeot utinfaction given in all ca ses or no charge. Sunbury, May 22, 185?. tf. LANK DEEDS printed on' the btst quality of parchment paper, sold at the lowest prices tt this office, by woolosul snd retail NEW STORE. PETER AV. GRAY 1ESPECTPULLY informs the cilirens of Sunbury and vicinity, that ho has commen ced a new store in Whortlelierry street, in the house formerly occupied by Mrs. Gray, and has just received and opened a well selected assort. racnt of , Dry Goods, Consisting In part nf CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, 8ATTINETTS, A nd a general assortment of LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS ' of every variety snd style.' -GROCERIES of every desciiptlon. Also an assortment of HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, And a eencral vsrirtv of other articles such ss are suitablo to tha trade, oil of which will be sold at the lowest prices. Country produce taken In exchange at tho highest prices. Sunbury, May 15, 1853 Cm. PROCLAMATION. VOT1CE Is hereby gien thnt tlin several ' Courts of Common Pleas. General Qunrtcr fessions of the peace, and Orphans' Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northumberland, lo commence at the Court House, in the borough ot Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the 2d day'of August next, and will continue ONE EEK. The coroner. Justices of the Prace suit consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested to be then snd there in their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, inqiiisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several olhces appertaining to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner arc alo requested and commanded to be then and ther attending in their proper persona to prosecute acsinst him, ss shall be just and not to depart without leave st their peril. Jurors arc requested to be punctual in their attendance, st the time appointed aqrcenble to their notices. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 3d day of July, in the year of our Lord ono thou sand cirjht hundred and fifty-two and the In dependence of the United States of America the 76th. WILLIAM B. KIPP, Sheriff. God save the Commonwealth. List of Jurors, P Northumberland County for August T., A, D. 1852. C rand Jurors. Scndurv. Geo. Harrison, James Covert. Delaware. Benneville Linebach. Clilt.lsQUAQCE. Robert A. Grilfin, An drew Keller, Neal Caul. Tt.'RUCT. John Hodman, John ll.iag, sen. Northumberland John Dunham. ' Upper Augusta. George Conrad, Jere miah Oberdorf Jackson. Jacob Gonsert, Nicholas S. Drnmheller. Uri'ER Mahonoy. Samuel Ressler. Gideon Ada n. Lower " Christian Mesoner, Wm. Shaffer, J. B. Lenker. Coal. Daniel Evert. Point. Washington W. Freat. Lewis. Benneville Beibcr. Rrsii. John Pensyl. Shamort. Joseph Hoover. Little MahonoY. George Swinehnrt. Traverse Jurors. Scnbvrv. C O. Bachmau, Charles Buch er, Peter llileman. J A. Shissler. Nokthcmberi and. Daniel Gossier, John Hock. Milton J. B. Reed, Joseph Bound. Delaware Michael Enle. Robert Cast Icr, Peter Kelchuer, Daniel Fullmer, Henry Kriuer, Jacob Huffman. Lewis. Adam Schuyler, Robert Brnnei, Robert Finney, Abraham Weilmau, David Watts. Terbct. Andrew Follmer, Josiah Coie. Point. William Ammerman, Win. L. Cook, Leffard Houchawout. Chilisquaqve. Hugh Caul, Wm. Barn hart, Jacob Kline, Andrew Fetzer, Benjamin Troxel, John Caul. Shamokin. Jacob Leisenring, Wm. Tits worth, Obediah Campbell. Rush Chas. Kase, Samuel Reader, Isaac Scott, Carter Metller. Coal. Jacob Mourpr, Jee Yarnall. Lower Augusta. George Savidge, Ben jamin Kiiegbaum Upper Auousta. Benjamin Katterman. Elijah Chidister. Cameron. Peter Weikel. JacK'ON. Joseph Botdorf, John Buhner. Lower Mahonoy. Michael Laur. Trevorton. Daniel Kelly. niSfFURORSl OF Northumberland Count), fur August 9, 1852. Special Court. Delaware. R. H. Mason. Lewis. Juhn Pollock, James Young, John Roush, J. R. Barr. ClIILISQUAQUE John TrOXeb. MlLToN.James Buoy, Jhn M. Huff. PoiNT.John Nixon, Richard Jones Rush. Wm. D. G.aihart, Philip Bang hart, Rush Gearharl, Benjamin Gearhatt, Jo seph Bailor, Isaac Kase Shamokin John Rnnkel, Jno Soper, Hen ry Repley, Charles Leader. Lower Auouita. Jacob Renn, John Fry. Upper Avccsia. Robert Campbell. Jackson. George T. Trautman, Isaac Reiiz, Henry Wentzel. Coal. Stephen Biitenbender. Lower Mahonoy. Samuel Lease, Peter Bordner, Peter Ileckerl, Jacob Bineaman. Upper MnoNoy.--John Heiiit h. St'suuBY. -Solomon Brociuus, Geo'ge W Smith. Trevorton-. Edward Helfenstein. Cameron. John Long. LIST OF CAUSES FOR Special Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County to be held on Monday the 9th day of Augu.t 18o2. John G Lowrey ) vs Fcignod Issua 'William Allison ) John Love & John Love &. Wm McMims Exr'sof David Love dec'd vs William Allison JAME8 BEARD, Proth'y. Prothonotary's Office, ) Bnnbury, July 3, 1852. S SOAP & CANDLE MANUFACTORY, Vo. 19 ff'ood St., between 2d 3d Sts., and A'o. 17 A'orrA 61ft Street, PHILADF-LI'IHA. John Bancroft Jr. and Son, RESPECTFULLYinform Store-keepers, Mer chants, Ate., lhat they Manufacture and have for Sale, Palm, While, Variegated, Ytllow and Brown Soaps, Mould snd Dipped Candles, all of good quality and at reasonable prices. (7 Cash paid for Tallow and rough Fat AprU 10 185i. ly. HENRY TJ0NNIL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ujjic opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pa. Prompt attention to business jn adjoiuing Counties. IKE Hll.l.Sl.i;. J f wl V ' Bills handsomely printed on etrd vausr ,for 1 at ibuaflice. . PHOCLAMATION. TV'OTlCE l hereby eiven that a Special A Court of Common Pleas, in and lor Ihe County of Northumberland, lo rommenee at i be Court House, in the boiouch of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on Monday the 9h dav of Annual next, and will continue ONfi WEEK. Juror are requested lo be punctual in their atlendsnoe. at ihe time appointed sereesbte lo their notices. i Given under my hand at Snnbnrv, the 3d day of July, in the year of oet Lo'r.l one thou sand eight hundred and fifty. two and th-i Independence of the U. State of America the 76th. ' - ; 1 WILLIAM B. KirP, tslieiiflu God save the Commonwealth. LIST OF CAUSES OR trial In the Court of Common PWs of Northumberland Countv, at August T.. A D., 1652. ' PLAmTlFF. DEFENDANTS. ' ts Wm. Arres v Ira T Clrinent vs Chsrics llnutel vs Richard Goodman vs Geo A Dixon Frederick Krenor Jaeob Weimer Christian Bo.lingur Moses Bower B R Kase Piatt A Flatt vs Henry Mnswr P K Hofi'insn 4- wifo vs II Kulmts, McCartv et al Mott & Sholier rs Daniel Drpisbach Caspar Hock art vs Frederick Herknrt John L Ross vs Innard Roadarmcl ct al John W Pesl vs Geo U Younirman Geo C McKec vs Joseph Lon? Tinbrook for Apple ton vs James Brans lllckok & tantine vs t.tco Armstrong Reuben Facrlv vs Kcrslmer Si Clement Jacob Keller vs Bank of Northumberland, Uakcr rfc Co for Jacob Bloom vs Henry C'onrnd Henrv Klaze &. Eve his wife vs ' Jacob Zarlman's administrator William McCarty vs Samuel Hunter Mary Jnne Bruncrtt al vs William Wilson Becker & Wciller v K D Cumminns. Mary Martx vs Wm II Sprstt Same v John Campbell &. wife Gcorste Shiley vs Ab'rn Dunkullierecr's aduu'x Isaac Tvler vs R M Seydel's adm'r John Brown vs John Oystcf senr's ex' Suailher &. Zeilcr etal vs Thos !S Mackcy Jno Knnrr f-r II. Knorr vs Enoch Howers' adin' James T Sutton &. Co vs Samuel Klo Elizabeth Kricr vs A a Lawrence Daniel Gonscrt vs llcnrv Boh nor Mary Puttcrsun vs Gcorpc Ileckerl Boueparte 'i'hoinpoon etal vs Casper St Cloir Geo Evslcr for Mar. r" vs Eb'er Grccnougll rx'r tin Weaver Wm McDanicl for A W Comfy vs John Jackson et al William Dalius vs II S Haulman John Roynolds vs Iaac Render John Jackson vs James Beard ct al ficoreo Lawrence vs D Marr oi. I Urowu liillinaton for Hunter & Buyers Jacob Haas Same vs Susun ft fSuruli Kcid vs Charles Alexander vs banic eV Wifo vs A W Coitilv vs George Snyder vs Ccnree Hertz John Jackson Jr Simon Snvder A W Comlv Baltzar Garnhart's admr's vs R W Dunn's admr Albin Newberry vs Thomas ltaer Cnindull for J C Morgan vs Geo Milkr's adm'r John Feed's assignee vs E L Piper John Ross & Wife vs Uconrc Fox John King vs Daniel Weidner Same vs Same Washington Mutual In. surance Company vs E Kaufman st al State Mutual Fire Insu- c. vs Same ranee Company Potcr Arnwine &. Mun- C Gosh & Jacob go A Reid v Weiko Jacob B. Masser vs Reuben Fcgely John JJivel & Wife vs D C Caul Joanna Pcndcville vs A E Knpp Gcorije Leitbergcr vs Robert Whiteside Sarah L Keen vs Abraham Brosions Same vs Samuel SaviJge Oliver B Ililliard vs John Hartman J W Peal Indorsee &c vs Joseph Dimmick etal Christ Ac McFadden vs Susanna Reid Reulien Fegely Sc Co vs Hush Bellas Abijnh Bowan vs Win H Thompson Rebecca Lamison vs Thomas Vastine's cxrs Christian Cable vs M Bachman &FMarkIc Robert M Lyon vs A E Kutjner Rebecca Swartx vs Andrew Mi'T.anahan Henry A vs Wm II Bound John L Veager vs Gcorr.e Bright Francis Jodan vs David L Irluiii Henrietta Lewis vs Thomas fiarr r, . , .. . Jacob Reinird snj Daniel Gibson v. Wm KniI( f Kricger for R Fagcly vs J Furinan A K K' :re J B Masser vs KuiNiun rliufiir's ua'.s David Fiiiher vs J W Friliug Daniel Rhodes vs Jacob Wertman J W Teal vs v artin Trwins' adm'r Samuel L Peek vs Jacob Stityel E Juhn for W Camp vs Wolverton I.eisenr'g William Sechler vs Jacob Hoffman ct al R Fsgely Si Co v William Inch Rudolph Duenger vs Tcter Thomas George Brosious vs Dunicl Kample DHoat.firMSwcnyv.Sin.hotice iitnderton Smith's exr's v A C i T G Morris Same Same Wendel L KcfTcr ' vs John F Wo:fingcr William Forsman et al vs John Park Jno Bush Si Wife vs Nathaniel Saxton's adin'r J 4 A Hhisslcr vs Daniel Glenn Reuben Fsgely 6r Co vs John Rasser Sr Co Jacob H Rhoads vs J Foy & J Harman Samuel Ewing vs R D Gumming Joseph Weitrel vs Benjamin Robins John H Good vs R D Cumming JAME8 BEARD, Troth')-. Prothonotary's Otlice. ) Sunbury, July 3, 1852. i THE GREATEST HISTORICAL ANJ) Allegorical Print of the Age, In Commemoration nf lhat wn important event in the AMERICAN REVOLUTION, The British snrriiultriitf llirir arm to GENERAL WASHINGTON After their defeat at YORKTOWN, Virginia, October 1781. rpIIE Engrnvine i exeeuted by Tanner, Vall:ince. Httfir X ncy 4 to , from on orignml druwinc by J. P Ilcnanlt. snd publiihcd by Ueuuiiiu Tuiuier, ligiuvir, I'mlcdcl pbta. The size of the print is 2j by 3t inchen -nd wu or luiiisllv nuUllaued to uhjcnbwt ut SU ui U.e sheet. S " i:XI'LAATIOX. Thk Hittoav. Ill the liret and grand plan are exhibitrd three large Rroupa rf lo princijuil olhcrra, wko were pie kcnt al the transaction, Willi a lullhfnl likenew of e:ieh. In the bi group tt ecu General WaiUiuighin, GeueriU RhLmbeau, Gatieral Lincoln, Colonel Ilumilt'n, an c.ld Fanner eager t oniemnhte the scene, Uill) Hie aerrunt, snd Ihe Hcrae nf General Waabington. In the second group, are American and French Officers; General Knoi, Serrrtary YVueuii, the Duke de liuzua, oad Ihe Muiquia de 1 a Fayette The llurd group i dnpcfiplivs ol lha Bnii.h aurrender. ins tlieir anna. Lrri I'ornwutlia, General O'ilara, Ct'iu in rfore finnncn., Col' net Tjilt-m, wilh two tingris cut olT. LieuUnmn Col'liel Halph Abercnunhie, I.itiitenant Col tiel Uunona. lord Chrwu.n, fce. lxrdOifiiwHia ap neara picaeuting bia sword to the uret General Orbcer he nieela, but Gemral W'ttaliineton ia pninlrd nut u liiiuaa the only peraon lo whnai he i lo aurieuder bia ewrd. On die hcighlaand in Ihe dinlance are the difTcrenl ar nii. and cmwrui of ipecut Ha. The Hon ol rnxretory Wilaou, owoi'icd by lrd Cornwallis and hi HufT, which was bombarded aud pierced wilh laillt. Ihe Marquis ! I Faveite hnvin remarked lhat ihey we e currying di.hos for' the dinner of Ur Cornwallis, asked leaieol General Waahingtoo to earve hun diah of his own cookinir, and immediately ttf ''r K'veml hnnliahelle fell through the tool Oil the Uble, and wnmiled anme, and diapereed Ihe party- Tut Ai.liooev On l lie left ia eructed a monument in hunor of thie illnatnoua heroes who icriaVul their Uvea and fortunes to iiwure lo their ciusens, tha Uberty aud In dependence they now enjnv. PuUiahed at etl by WM. B. I.AME, Philadelphia, and to Ua bad at tbe Olb e of Ihe "AMKRICAN f'OLBlER," No HI Cbumt Street, Philadelphia, as premiums to lhat par'. ITT A liberal discount to Afesls. Pbiladeipoia, June $, IJ. J. H. & W. B. HART, WHOLESALE GROCERS So. 229 .VorA kf ft., above Cailvchilt, ' PHILADELPHIA. A Urge sMortn-ient of Croccncs always on hand, which will be sold at tho lowest prices for Cash or spprovtd Credit. April 10, letJJ. ly. SECOND Fresh Arrival of (ioods at the new store or ( I.W.,TKNKU&(JO.,- (Afarcy opposite Weaver' I Hotel, Murbt St.) Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pa. E beg to announce that we are reviving a rt it i'"W r"' .Taried supply of goods from rliilsdclpkla in addition lo our prcst"t new It" i 1 1" f wl'it'1 we "('r at ,uch l"-1"" B" wo tliitik bovM command a speedy bp.Ic, our philon- 0r'jy I, to s i; clu Ap nnd turn our monpy often t kno. tiiat ,,e year's end lids will psv better tl.un- sicv, t, 211el terc profits, and oar costomeis wiii i;, tho ratf.l:m have th of pods at low pri, d of the best rjusl.ty. Our stx-k ccr.sists or ' Dry Good?," , Hat-du-nrc, Qnct tisxvnrr, GH0CEPIES, WINES AND LICUORi, CarpetB, Trunks, Vri?w, Cai-pet Eaffs, Umbrellas snd IS I.,5,J shoe,, Hats and Cnrw. I.oiiint Glomes Wail Pspsr for Cio-n nd Window Blinil, Oranrjcs. Lemons, "uU and Candy, Salt, Mackerel, Malinon , . Dried Ueef, Pin X- . .... . ...... . nry nams anil Hhouldcrs, Nails, W indow Glass, Paint stuff, Oils and Putty, Car. Pet Chain. C'litlnn 1.un 1 V . -.u J , . e .i , r" "u i urn, wuna variety of rijlier articles. 3 N. I. All kinds or country produce taken In exchange at the hiShest market prices. . , l. vv , l ua ER ec CO. Sunbury, Juno in. 1S52 tv.c JAMES Wholesale and ICftail Clock ESTABLISHMENT. S. K. Corner Second and Cheftnut Sis., PHILADELPHIA TIIEUE msv lie found, ono of the largest ! and best ossortini nts of Clocks and Time pieces in the United States, in (juiuuiijs to suit i purchasers, of from a sinole t'lu. W tn rm and Clocks i embruciuir every variety of style I unu nianuniciurc, suuatiie lor iluircties, Halls, Counting Houses, Pnrlots, Hleopint; Apartments, and Kitchens, Steum and Canal Boats, and Rail Road Curs. Also general sale Agent, for Rnpp's lstely pat ented Scientific Ni.ho Gold Pen. Wholesale and Retail Gold and Silver Pen Holders, and Pencils, and a variety of Fancy Good. Those wishing to purchase will lind it to their interent to cull before purchasing: elsawhere. JAMES BARBER. S. E. Cor. Chestnut !t Snd Sis., PluU. April 10, 18.V, tv. NEW STORE. BEXJAMIX- IIEFFXER EsPECFFULLY informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he h:is opened a new store in the room lately occupied by George Bright, opposite Bolton's Hotel, He has just re ceived a handsome assortment of Spring and u tinner G'oods, consisting in part of Cloths. Cassimers, Cassinets. SUMMER WARE of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: Call rocs, Ginghams, LarrnN, MoiMAClI&c De l.ainct and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goads. GROCERIES of every variety. Also an assortment of Hiirdwat t. Iron and Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of BOOT & KflOCS. Palm lenf and other Hat3 and Caps. Salt. Fisli, 6jc. Also a variety of LIQUORS such as Rrnucly. tiin, "iVinc. &c And great variety of other articles such as arc mi: ib;c to the trade, all ol which wih bo sold at the lowest pi ice. J5"" CoinVy nroJucg taken in cxc'.iance at the !-.!:( ;i e. r-.V !. Is i'i t tb.--I.-i. rK "" ":.Jc-! i . : -ifjlly inform the pub. li.- that t n. : i full operation at their new fou.-lor, , rend;,- to execute t.ijers for stoves of every descri lion k:i the moat reaaoiu ble terms. They invite the attention of STOVE DEAL ERS to their largo assortment of STOVES, all of which are entirely new. nnd got up at --rest expense. Among which aio the Libertv Air Tight Cook, Complete Cook, tar Air Tiyht, Star Franklin, Star Radiator, Jenny Lind Im proved. Fire Kinff Radiators, Salamanders, Can. nons, Uascs, Bare Cylinders, bar Room Stoves, Furnaces, Gas Ovens, Ac, &c. ABBOTT if LAWRENCE. N. D. Country merchants are particularly invited to call and examine our assortment. April 10, !So2. ly. NEW GOODS ! J. R. KAUFFMAX At Ilis New Store In Hollowing Run, TJESPECrFULLY informs his friends and 1 customers, that lie has just received a new stock of goods, which he offers to the public al the lowest prices, viz : Spi lii? and Summer Dry Good. BICJI A3 Cloths, Cassimeres, Satiinetts. Merinos, Movsseline De Lames, Flannels and every variety of goods suitable for the season. Also Silk Hats, Cap, &c. ALSO I An assortment of Hardware. ALSO: All Kinds, ol' Groceries, LI Q CO US. ALSO; A Mitiety of Qucenswars, Crockery, &e, Ilraidrs a variety of othor urticles, suitaLI for furniers. &c All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods at the highest maiket prit-e. Hollowing Run, April 17, 1852. tf. DAVID COOPEeT COMMISSION MKRCJI ANT, FOH THE 6AI.B OF Fisli, Provisions, c, Ao. 9 Xorth Whan-es, PHILACELrHIA. Apiil 10, 1852. ly. H. J. WOLVERTON, AT LA7T. rfcFFICE ill Market street. Sunbury, adhiniac theOlliceofths 'American" ud oppeaile use I'oat uitice. Business promptly attended to in Xorthumber. land and the adjoiuiiift Counties. Kivsa to - Hon. C. W. Hegins and I). Dsn nan, Pottsvillei Hon. A. Jordan snd 11 B. Mas ser, Sunbury. April lOle'iV ly. SUSBURY FERRY! IIENfiV W. Bl'CHEK informs the public thai he has t iVen Ihe Sunbury Ferry snd as lie is now well prxparud willi good and sulfi cient crafts he will be enabled to accommod.aU the public with promptness snd di-opatcii. April 10, l9& 1 t " ,. ( .- -f ,, 4. TREMENDOUS DISCOVERY Jn tlio Wry (lootls Business ! Goods to be sold Chcaper tha tiik CllKAVEST AT THC SlOHE OF IS.WC CAail'UKLl 5 CO., lit I'pprr Atruii:t tovrn.hti, , ' Northumberland County, Td., J,. THO rcspeetfully inform ths public gener' V V sllv, that they have received and openJ a new and well selected stor of V, j. ., . !I'RIM AND (SUMMER GOODS, ' Consisting lit part of : ' ! ; . - ' French. Entlinh and Amtfltan Cloths, ' Btmk and Fancy CiKimtirs, Sallinctts, Chtch, Drillings, .Vksihs, 4'c , Calicos, Linens fjinujuims," Lnvns, and , all linds of Summer Ware, Dclu'.nrs nf every de scriptwn and ' -Style, - Toother with a lul . LaDir.8 Dars (loop, Also a fresh supply of GROCERIES, such as Snsars. llnfTee, Tt;ii. Mo las!!.H,&o , HARDWARE, Nails, Iron, Steel, &c, also a , lartro hsortment tif QUEENSWARE. A frcih supply of DRCrjS & MEDIC IN ESi t'OOT.i nnd bllOES suitablo for men, woinon and childan. IIAT3 and CAPS such ss .Straw, Pulm Leaf and utiier hats. FISH, SALT, CHEE?E&r., f7 All of i.hieh will l,o sold cheap for rurh or in exchange for eonntry proiluce at the highest InsrKi-t ijrire. L'ppcr Augusta. .May IS, 1S.52 U, TliiltTNIXG iJODK. A ''"TER many years' close investigation ind numeroiis e.vpr rimi-nts. Ih.j lVitenti e takes pleasure in informing; the publie tht ho his Sni ved st iIih true ptineiple of protecting families, d-.vcilloifs a-iil ).ro.,ertv from tho destructive influ ence of I.KSliTNiNO. 'lhe clnmiWes that every City, 'J'own. Villnse nnd Countrv )U!s vic tim to annually, through the gross rttglicenro of its inhabitants, is beyond cslruiation, rajicia"v when the reuicJy is aj ea-jy to obtain-tlus is tound in , . . - AR3IIT.iG.E Tatent Magnp.tio Lightning; Rods, and in this alon. This Ro.1 1ms l,een examined by the most scientific centlcmen in the world Professors M'.M i.itric, Juhuson, Wullor and ms ny others that have examined them, recommend and Knuk of them in the highest lerms of af.uro b.ition, snd hato pronounced the, (;c Wlv ,, r.xls in use in this or any other jiiutry for the protection of Lives ami Property. One rijv;in tnqe is to diviJc sin! tluow Lin k li put of the elec tric fini'l hsrnileas lo the rloinls ; in time of a stroke this piufilr! the rod to conduct fhst portion . of fluid that belongs to tho earth without the slightest danger of Ic-aviinr the conductor. 'J'his rod has many other idvantages over tho old one. The only place of niaiiulaclurinu is in I't'iie St. 3 Joocs above V2l Philadelphia, where all prisons are respectfully invited to csll and examine lor (henistlves. For sale Whole sale or Retail by THOMAS ARMITAGE. IT?" The onlv authorized Agent for the Coun ties of L'liion, Juniata, Mullin, Ciinl ui, Lycom ing, Northumberland. Montour. Columbia, Lu zerne, is SAM TEL HOOVER. Harlleton, Union fcninly. Pa. Orders and letters addressed (p-t pnid; lo Mr. Hoover, will be promptly attended lo. May 9, ISM. 4m. TKK;n.N!cii;s Lxcitej::;t .' '. Cash, Steam, Electricity!! Tht Aerial and ail oth'-r tries nt-dM bj Ihe Ll-litnin? Line of 1 11 A T. CLEMKXT. B 'IT'lIO, havmir great fnith in rapid silej and " " small proSts, hasjast tectfived a3 epci.ej a larje assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER COOPS, At his Stoie in Mar.;et Street, Sur.burv, which he oilers to ti,o public st the lowest prices. His e'.ock consU'.i of a genoial asjurtnar.i .( Dry Goods, viz ; Ch'.'is. Cassim'rs. Ccssincts, Jczi?. Dn'.Rvrs. Muslins, Linens. Cabcoes. A'nilm de I Lams. Lavns, Ginphams. Leases. Silk Si Palm Leaf Hats. j , A 'urge assortment of Cooti- ind Shoss, fjr I Men, Women a:id Chi! Iron. I rorci'It:S, j uar, Ten, Coflve, Molasiw. Cheese, Spw ces, Fish Salt, Piaster, j HARDWARE, Viz : Iron and Steel, Nails, Pi cs, Saw;, ia. j QUEENS W ARE, Tea S:t:s, Plates, Dislics, Cvfs, Saucers, $e. LIQUORS, ttiv?. Brardy, Tin, Rnrn, Whirry, fcc CjT Country produeaof all kindi tstenin chanpe at the hi-.lieit tnaiket piice. May 8. 1pM ly. , JOHN A. TASTLORT Manufccturer of Monuments, Toinbs, AND GRAVE ST0NKS OF TH." FINEST Italian nd Avieru-an Marbli. At his Otd Shmd in Xurthvmlerlaml. Pa TlESPECTrVLLY inform ti e public that !! work ill his line will be iruio up of the very best material and Clashed in the latest style of the Eastern cities. Thoe in wtnt of such article) well mad-: ill executed in the test stylo and at the lowest rutea, wiU do well lo call and examine bei'ar they u: cliiso elsewheie. May 13. 195'. lv, The Johnston Ink MANUFACTORY REVIVED, Wh If Lombard St., PHILADELPHIA, r"j"MIE subscriber begs leave respectfully tu in form I'm si kbs irtiicrslly, llut ho hi suc ceeded to the lius-incss of ni.iiiuf.icmrin J'rmt iittr Iut formerly caviied on l-y hi;rand Kathi-r, and Father, and olfera hi ailicle to the trjJe, without any Frrrs. but wilh the simple ri.-li.ine upon lite luiiu: esub!ihed ciiui uct.-r it has home, f- tlin? eoiilidunt of its t;iiirJ! untirc- a'.l.flcUm to all who msv f.ivor him with a call. Tiums Cash. CHARLKs EXEC JOHNSTON. April 10, lnM. If. IT. L-SHINDEL, ATTCPalTET" AT L A77 . Ofc.e tn Maiht street Sunbury, oppouH 1 Wearer's Hold I'KEVESS will be promptly attenile.) III the Counties of Aorlhumberland, tiioii. Columbia and Montour. hunbury, OcU 11. 1S.M. ly. Wil. M. RCCKEFELIXR. .. ATTOIINEY AT LAW, SUA HI KV, lA. Dec 18. mUtf- lyomlnyMtituta iisuraace Company, DR. J. B. MASEll i the liical attent fol Iho above tiimirsn.' Coiupuny, in .N orlKuuiiuS;. land rounry, and is si all rime reifly to wnVt Insuraiu-oi 5iii A" on or personal pi perly. or rmnmin: .'lici-a lor th ...', hunlsury, April !tf, ISjl. tf. "UJLU FEN'."' viiih and without nlt caje VJ Jm', lucivui, snd tor solo Vv lb;masj KR i funbury. ?ril 4 ' '