! n-- ' - . 1 COMMUNICATIONS. For the American. M. Editor : Permit us through the col timna of your paper to present the name nf the Hon. GEORGE C. WELKKR of the bnr. ugh of Sunbury, to the democracy of Ihis district at. gentleman in every wny worthy nf their mtpport, a the next candidate for Congress. Jud(je VVclker in well known to all of us, A firm, tried nitd unwavering democrat Mmself one of the people, familiar w ith lh view anil interests of the farmer, lutmrnr, tneehnnio and all ihu other c.Usc of the community, and ever nnvinns nnd remit In do all in his nowir In dumotn il.oir uelfinn ! The Judge is no ollice seeker, but the pen- i .1 . . . , pia want his services in Cnnnress and hnve almost unanimously nrgfd him to nccept the j nomination. The deleirstos from this pui of the county will all he in his favor, and ii the other townships will but do llieir duly to j the country and themselves tli?? Hon. O. C. I Welker will be the unanimous nominee nf I the county. ! MANY DEMOCRATS ' of Upper Malianoy und Jackson townships, j July 10, 1852. ! For ttie American. OUR. NEXT LICKIM.ATOR. I Mr. EniTou: As the lime is npprniirhii ! for the people to select a candidate for l.e::i- ' lature of this county, we would bcji leave to ; present before Ihern, thn name of JOHN j KARNSWOUTH Ei , of Upper An-jtislti I township. j M". Furiiswittlh is a man of iiiteiliL'enee, I nf unirripi'ach.iblc inlesrity, and of fixed priii- riples. lie is such a man as we would mv 1 represent onr county. For a number of years. , he has been rinlhountary of this county, and has (we believe) given entire satisfaction In j nil. For Legislature we want n man ol sound . reason, diseiiniiunlioit, nnd firmness. Such u man is Mr. Faruswoith, and in all the requisites for that office, we coiili.lenltallv nssert that he is competent to perform the ilmies jncnrnbenl upon said nflioe. lb lias always been a sound, unwavering, and consistent demoi'iat, and if nominated Nnilhnrnlietland county would (we lliink) show her appieci.ilion of him bv aivieu him the largest majority we have rolled npfornny man for years. UPPER AUGUSTA. July. 10. ts52. New Advertisements. NORTH U .1 K E H L A X f) COUNTY. SS. Thr Commnnrralih nf Pennsylvania In the Sheriff of Northumberland County. (Irrcl- --- WHERE S James Car.nhcrs ami S. Matilda his wile, M,i,y E Almicw v- by hei giiaidi.iu. Janice Catolheis. Adam Toirence ami F.li.abe;h his il'e,1 treoie II lymakei ami Pn-cilla his wfie, I Martha Graham, Elizabeth, M. Gmliani. j Eveline . Graham, and Maryareile M. Gra- j ham, who have lor their tuanliao. Robert Mllliu'nn, I'liiiniilfs lately in oio Co ill of I ('omtnoii Pk-as lor the county elme-aid, In , wil . (ill the leiilh day id Novendn i, Aonn Domini, eighteen hnnd'ed nnd fmH-seven, ' 1 routil their action of I'.iililii.n against J Hiiilh Bellas, Pater U.ildv. William Shannon i it. ol Rachel his wile. John Porter. Arthur i V Flick. Claienee II Frick. Dr. Sr.muel ' J ickson. John W. Moore. Dr. Phineas Jeuk--, i Ji-sie lleston, Silas Carev. Ann Caiey, Sarah Carey. Maiv E. Carev. Tlios. H. (.'nit. Win. f. Coll, auif Sarah Coll. Ihe said Thomas. William and Sarah having for llieir soardiaii : Wen. A. Petrikin, Defemlants. setliim forth lliat Ihe Deletid.tiils nlore.said. with said ; Plaintiff, together and undivided, did hold : a certain piece nr parcel of land, situate in ; Coal towiirhip, in Kiid ("mlv, on oi near 1 the waters ol Sliamokin Creek, eoulaiuina: ' 1ST4 aeress, more or les, bounded on the : s nith tv Ihe top. or near the lop, ol Ala. ; hinoy Mitiiilaius. on Ihu west by land of' JjIiii X. I.ane and others, on east hy lands ' ini or late of Jacob Hodman, and on the ! north by lands of the Mineis' Bank ( f Puts- j ville an I hi hers, which said piece or paicel cons'. ls of tracts or parts of tracts wnveyed . til warrants granted to William Moriison, I Thomas Campiain. Ri.bert Camplain. Tlniuia.. ' (ireer, Jauie Greer and Edmund llmi', aili- j lion whereof between said Plaintiff and ! Defeiuhlii's. they the said Defendants, do! not permit Jo1., and in the Conn aforesaid, ! he lore Ihe .bjdyes ol the same Courl at Sun. ! buiv, III wil: on the 111!) day of Apiil. A D. ISI'.I, by the judgment t I' Ihe Kinte (,'ourl the mi ill Plaintills acainst tlio said Defend- I ant did recover. Ihu pailiiinn of the said premises let ween Ihe s.ii I Plaiotiiis and ; Deleudanls slionld be made which said! jtldjnieul as carried lo lie' Sopieuie ("oinl id ihe said Coniinonwenlih, and by n ind inent beloro the Judoes of tins said Court, the aforesaid judgement was leveised and a venire tie novo itwaroeil, ami Hie leeord was Ihus on ihu 4ih day of June, is.v. re- j '. Court of Common Please afore- milled lo III sai l, as appeals of record. &c , and wheieas it has been su;.'2esleil mi Ihe record thai j lohn Porter aforesaid is dead, and Rachel : Shannon, intermarried wi'h William Shan- j inn, is his devisee thai Dr. Phineas Jei.ks' s dead, and that Simon S. .looks, Elizabeth, : ulermarrit'd with Joseph S. Klscno I, Wil- ; arn Wallace Jeuks, Georjre A. Jenks. and '. l'rederiu Jeuks are his heirs, nnd that Ai- bur W. Krick dietl intestate, and (Jeoise A. 'i ick, Clarence H. Fiick, Alexander Fiick,' vujiisliis Fiick, und .Mailha, intermarried .'ilh Robfirt V. Clark, nro his heirs, ns up- ! ears of record, &c. Yel ftnlher pioceed- ig, as directeil by ths Supreme Court foiesaid, remulii lo be mude as on ihe in- ; irmaliou of the said PlmiililTs, we have ' een civen lo uiideisland, wherefiee the ud Plainlifls besought l:a lo pinvidtf for lem ii pioper remedy in that behalf, and een nun we nre widina thai llmsu tilings hu h in onr turns Court Hre rigbly acted, . H'li LI be brought to due execution, we immnud you that justly and wtthonl delay y pood nod lawful men nf your bili'vii k in milks known lo the said persons above ' euliooed that lhey be and appear befote ; r Judge ai Sunbury, al onr Couil nf Com- i on Pleas, there lo he held on I tit Hist I outlay of August next, to show cause, if' y they have, why lhey should not be 1 adti parties lo Ihu said action, and also i by the. said Plainlifls lecovery am! evecii- til, accord in;; 10 the form and efleel there. :.. .i r...-..-.;.i i .... in iii miiiii-iiiii ni-.iiuo, oomii nni io e,tve ii further In do ami receive nil n,,,l .. 1,.., ver our said Court shall consider ,,, thai half. And have you then nnd there this : , ,k:. it. Vitnes3 the Hon. Ai.exandkk Jhuhan, q., President of our said Cuutt al Sunbury, 22nd dav of June, A. D. 1852. JAMES BEARD, ProtlSy sunbury, July 10, 1852. 4t. PORTRAIT' PAINTING. MASON will be in readiness to receive visitors st J. Hsiler Mason's Daguerrpsn oro.rttatc House, pecilen may be setn t hours of the dsy. ' Sunburv, June 6, 1952 If. ist of betters 11KMUMNO iy THE Post OFFICE AT M.XIItni, Jun 30, Morgan Nathaniel Moniz Hartiet Morgan Isaiah P Palmer C Bcnj R Kcilis A Maiy KeilK Snmnef Uuis James s Shive John Smick Geo Minah John Slow Jacob Shipinan Elisnbelh S'ewatl Jane Maiy Scnnliui John T Ticl'O Joseph Taylor Samuel Ttaver John u Unjer John Albert Christian B Baker Sarah Baker John llowcn John Beimel Matthew C Cllideslcr Elijah Cane John Close Manila J D Deals Oiltii'tt E Evans F.vuns ':y"" IS".rail l-.veil John g,.,. jj ? Jf ""wiird Aarun J'"''""" J"'"' ,,,,,,,..,,,.,, y jj JJ Kntiier Edward JS",,!, J;V" Kll"u " FJ iMH.ir V niii Peter w Wick A & C J Y ucutn Henry 2 JSarimnn l).iniel It. H. PACKER, P. M. Mer Bent LIST OF LETTERS RKMAIMMJ IX THE ,mT Ol HI l: At Northumberland, June 30, 1852. B liedleman Jamb Hell Win or (i'i icr R.ildwiu llemy ltih ip Mr bloom Jacob li.irlo K imIm-i h Ilullock E.lward c Cotev Ambrus Cnitchly J or Wm Lawrence Abraham Marliu Keisey McWillianis Jno MeDnwIe Susan Moi'r n.iniel Jlrs Muses John Martin Catharine 0 3 Osman John P Pollock Wm Pols Mr It Ithndenbatiu'i Jacob Roduarmel H 0 S Sanders I.vdia Snvder Daviil Silverwond Malhias Smally R C T Thompson John B Tinner John w Winklemau Susan Weinsbori; Henry Caulield I) B Caisoti Jane Canley ('lias Cleaver (iacy (Nwsly Jacob Cornell Abraham Carence C.ithat ioe Campbell M iraiet D P.llace Joliii Dudley Chas II IVnce Aoilioov n.nvnvie Pal lick F Feaster Gilliam Fi vmire lleurv Fillmau Wm I. II Hudo'in Svlresler D Htiuickcr I- K K'i'zt,,.r Wm R " iUon ,lame D We.twond Rev II C WiUon Andrew' Wilkerson Miss fj Woodward Lavina Wank John A ..i:er iisiiinsi MAKflARET WKIMEK. P. M. HENRY DONNEL, ATTOZlJffS3T AT LAW. Officr oppor-il r Iht Court Ifotmr, Suntoiry, Northumberland County, Pa. Pio'iipi iitieniioti to business in niljoiniiio Coniiiies. "BaTBTS & X. A "nDBLLT" Wi t,nl Jrc'i St.rrf, PHILADELPHIA. TjBAVi: tt.dilishrd a future wln-re the l,cst trude now resort for Household Dry CJiiijiIv, f'rell'l) Paupy (ioiuls. Dress Sillis anil Slniwls. Hosiery, (Hots anil Mills. Cloths. Cnssimcrs ami Yrstings, Muslins nnd Linens by t!ic aice. Datiiiisl; Talile I, incus ami Xupkius, I'a'cut Ilhick Silks lor Dresses, I'ull iock of Mourning (loads. I. A I., are constantly rwiyinz Ilarains from Ihe 7vcw York Mini I'l.iladclphi.i AuctioriB. which Ihcv n il wholesale and retail vor cheap Cor Xclt I 'ash. En w Mm E. Evrk, Washimvton I. I.Asni.1.1.. 'hil;idcl.liia, July 3. lli.VJ. ly. SECOND " FYoh Arrival of (ioods AT THE NI-.W STtlll V. OK i.AV. TKNKH &n) ( Sttclti (ijijtifilf ll'tiii fr'f Hold, Marhrt St ) S-aiibiuy, Ncrthnmberlaud County, Pa. TjiS'l' I e lo announce that wc are rcrriiiinr a r v new and Mined Mipiilv of coods froin Pii'ilaiielphla in addition to our preset new stock j all ol which we oll'er at such prices ns we think should cominiind a ipeedy sale, our philos opby is. to sell cheap and turn our money often ; and vm' know thai at the year's end this will pay us la tter lh. in slow sales und large profits, and on- customers will in the meantime hne the bt lici t of goods at low prices and of the best quality. Our stock consists of Dry (ioods,, Clare! ware. ii3i'ccivi arc, n::ocEi:iEs, wines and lkh'ors, Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Baj3, I'nibrellas and Parasols, Hoots and Shoes, Hals and Cops. Looking (tlasscs. Wall I'a;sr for Rood) and Window Hlind. O ranges. Lemons, Nuts and Candy, Sail, Mackerel, Salmon Dried P.eef. Pbin and Foncv If.ims and Shoulders. Nails, Window Class, Paint Stuff, Oils and Putty. Car pet Chain, Cotton Laps and Yum, with a'variety of n'her articles, .N. 15. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange ut the highest market prices. I. W. TF.NKIi lv CO. Sunbury, June 2ti, ISo'J. ly.e LIST OF CAUSES iUK Special Court of Common Ple;1. nf NorlhioalH-rland Countv to be held nn Monday thr Plh day of August 18o". John (i Luwrey 1 vs Feigned Issue Wiiliam Allison ) John Love e John Love Ai Wm McMims Evr'sof David Love dee'd vs William Allison JAMES HEARD, Prothy. rrolbouolary's Oli'iee, ) Siiuhiiry, July 3, 1632. S Xi:w AKRaN(.KMi:.TS for Ssiscjneliannii Packet lioats. Former Detentions ol the Junction Avoided ! I 8 """ ""' 1K;' " ' ''ket will : leave me Junction daily at 3 o clock, r. M. (or upon the arrival of the Cars leaving Phila delphia, ut M o'clock, A. M.,) and arrive at Wil- uaiiisport i.exl day ut 10 o'clock, A. M. Leave Williaiiisport, daily, at 11 A.M. Arrive at Northumberland, at 7 " P. M. And at the Junction, at 6 " A. M In lime lo lake the car. for Philadelphia and Pnubtii g ! SLsQVElIA.NNA BOAT COMPANY. IUrruburg, May 15, ls5S.-3ra. : 1LAXK lU'EUS printed on the Lent quality of jwrc ..meiit paper, solj at th, luttebt ,. , t bi olle-r by wholcale and rctaii SUN BUltY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. riiOCLAMATION. TOTICE is hereby civen that a Special Court of Common Pleas, in and for thn County of Northumberland, lo commence at the. Court House, in the boionch of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on Monday Ihe 9th day of A usual next, and will continue OXK WEEK. Jurors are requested lo be punctual in llieir attendance, at the timo appoinled nsreenbln lo their notices. Given under my hand al Sunbury, the 3d day of July, in llie venr nf our Lord one thou sand eijrht humiicd hud fifty-two mid the Independence of the U Slnles of Atneiiea the tOih. U1M.IAM n. KII'P, Shcritr. God save Ihe Coninionweallh. LIST OF CAUSES " f)t) tr;..1 i. tlio foorl nf Cntiininn Plrss nf Nortliiiiulierland County, at August T., A D., ri.AINTII'I'S. Frcdciick Keener Jacnh V) ciiiicr ChrisliDii llo'limicr Mosrs ltowcr ft It Knse I)i:i-i:m)ants. vs Wm. Ay res vs Ira T Clruiriit vs (' buries H ousel vs Itirluiril (iombnHii vs (!ei) A Dixon vs lleurv Mnswr Plstl A Plait P K IIolTiuantV wife vs H Kuhnts. McCnrtyetal Molt A Sholwr vs Daniel Drcishach Caspar lleckart vs Frederick Hccknrt John T. lioss vs ta'oiinrd lionilarmel ct al John Y IVal vs Ceo H Younginan (!co C McKce vs Joseph Long Tinhrook for Appletoti vs James lirass I'irkok & ('undue vs Geo W Armstrong licubcn 1'nncly vs Kerslmcr cV Clcineut Jacob Keller vs Hank of Xoithuiiilcrlaiu!, linker tV Co for Jacob lilooni vs lleurv Conrad ... . ,. ,. Jacob Zarttnnn's Henry Mave & Lc hrs wife vs n,1mili,tratur VVillinin McCmlv vs Sainucl Hunter Mary Jane 1J rimer rt al vs Villlam Wilson liecier A Weillcr s R D CiiniminKs. Mary Mart. vs W in II Sprslt Same vs John Campbell cV wife flcoriie Ishiley v Ab'in Dnnkrlberser's nthnr'x Isaac Tyler vs K M N-ydcl's aihn'r John Brown s .lolin Oyster senr's rx'r MinlVner oV eiuler elal vs Thos S Muckey Jno Knnrr fur H. Knorr vs Enoch llowers' adtn'r James T Sutton ci Co vs SumucI Kyle Klizalicth Kticr vs A S Lawrence Daniel (innsrrt vs Henry Bobner Mary Patterson vs (iVorsje Hcckert lioneparlc Thnnipson ctal vs Casier St Clsir Geo hystcr for Mat tin Weaver vs Kb'zcr (irecnough ex'rs vs John Jackson rt si Wni McDaniel for A V Comly William Dalins John Reynolds John Jackton (icorpe Lawrence UilliiiKton for Hunter & Buyers Jacob Hans Sniiic John Jackson Jr Pinion Mnvder A V Comly vs H S llauhnan Isaac Header vs vs James Beard et id vs D Murr & I Brown vs Susan A: Sarah Heid vs ('harles Alexander vs tSamc A: Wife vs A W Comly vs (ieonrc ismtler vs '.'enrie Hcrtr. LJall.ar (uiriihart's ailmr's vs l Y Dnnn's admr Albiu Xewbcrry vs Thomas Iiucr Cniiulnll for J (' Morym vs (icn Miller's aihn'r John Reed's assignee vs E Ii Piper John Ross V Vv'ile (icore Fox John Kimr vs Daniel Weiilncr Same i Washington Mutual In surance Company State .Mutual Fire Insn- nun c Company Peter Arnwine A. Al lin go A Reiil ISame K Kaufinnn et al Sunic C (oh & Jacob Wcike vs Reals1!! Fcyely vs D C Caul s A V, Kapp s Rolipit Yhiiesiile s Abraham Brosions vs Sauiuel Haviilyn s John Hnrtman Jacob It. Masscr John Divt l A Wife Jo.inna Veiidcxille (ionise I.eitln-rjer Sarah I. Keen Same Oliver B Hilliard J W Peal Ii-alorsee cvt' vs Joseph Dimmick et ul t'lnisl tt McF.iddcn s Siisaiiun Reid lieubrn I'reclv A: Co vs Hindi Bellas Mii jah I low jn vs Win H Thompson vs Thomas Yastine's exrs vs M Bachmaii & F Markle A E Kutner ts Andrew McLanaliaii is Win II Bound v (ieorse 1) right vs David L Irland vs 'I houias Uarr ReU'cca I.amisoii ' Intntin n Cable Robert M l.yon RcIk-cc:i Swarl. Henry A la chiu r John I. e.ejcr Francis Jotlau lfenrictla Lewis Daniel (iilisoil Jacob Rejuard VVliiKalder and Krieger for 1 Ftigelv J Ii Mnsser llmid Fisher Hau'cl Riiodes .1 W Peal Samuel I. licck I". John for V Camp William Secb'.cr U Fiig- ly A Co Rudolph lliieiejcr (icore Itrosious vs J Furman ,V K Kl i vs linrhnia SholTi r'sev'rs vs J W Friling vs J.itoh Wcrtmiin vs v'nrlin Irwius' sdm'r vs Jacob Stilzel vs Olverton ,V I.i'isenr'g vs Jacoli Hollinuu at al vs William Inch vs Peter Thomas vs liauiel K a In pie I) Ho.ils for M Swenv vs S Jenkins Willi notice to tcrrelcnsnt .icndertoii Smith's cxr's vs A C cV T (i Morris Same Same Wcudcl I. Kclfcr vs John F Wolfinger ' i 1 1 in in Forsinaii et al vs John Parks Jno Hush & Vile vs Nathaniel Sax ton's udin'r J tV A Shisslcr Daniel t.'ltnn Reuben Fagely iV Co vs John Rasser iV Co Jacob II Rhoads vs J Foy & J Ilariiiall Samuel Ewing vs K I) ('illumines Joseph W eitel vs lienjninin Robins Joidan tV Wdker for .. , Lotlge No 'i'i v """ r"S''ly John S (jood vs R D Ciinunings 4Mi;.S BEARD, Prolh'y. Prothotinlarv's Otl'ice. ) Sunbury, July S. 185; C THE GREATEST HISTORICAL AND Allegorical Print of the Age, In Commemoration of that inosi important event in the AMERICAN REVOLUTION, Thr IlrilMi mirriiulcriiifr lliiir nrms to GENERAL WASHINGTON After their defeal ul YORKTOWN, Viiginia, Oclober 1781. MMIK Kii':ri,viii! is fxcciitisl by Tnmter, Vnlltince. Kcar- 1 Hrv A In. I'roill a lIlillltlinvriliI liv J V. Ilrtllltllt, mul piiLlixlii-il t,y li.'ti i.iiiiin Tanner, Kittfiuvi-r. I'hiliiricl phia The i.e nf Hi,- irinl is lv 111 iacliis mul wu or iSiilally piiUlmlu'it M Snlucrilirrs nl fig in Uc t'.ivti. l:XI'l..NA'llll.. Tin: Hiitobv In the Unit nnd ur.iiul plan nre nhiliilnl ttir. c inr'r cr.iii p . f Hie priiH'iul oii... w, , wcrr ,tc. Mat al ihe tr.nin. tj.'n. ah n luilhlnl likciicha ol mrh. In lh.- lost group lan. r,, l,,n' lal Was haiiilcn, lirnrnil It s-li.iiii!...ini. I i.-.i. rot l.inciln. ClI hi.-I II:. ii, litem, nit eld Karim-r eaui r -i c u iH,.hil ll,r ace nc, Hilly the Krt aat, ami i he II Te ..f liriKTui 'oaliliia;t.-ii. In thr .r .ml i-roap. arc American nml Firnrh OiTirpri; l.i hprnl hin.x. Svihiiv Wila. ii, tlir Dukedc Uuzua, and Ihi- vluiipna tic lj) l-'iivt-tlp Tin- ihinl nr. up i ilmcriplivp of tha Hriiiah urrrnrtpr. n.3 tin ir niina I.rd CiiiiiwuI it, Cifiwial OTIuni, in. in irr Mii.iik n.. Cul iipI Tnilton, with two f napia cut "II. l.lcnl. iiiiil t.Vil.npl H,,ph Alsrrronihip, laclllciuint CI met Diinilfn. I.rd Chrvvton, kr. U.rtl Cnrnwnllii un Imi pii Ki-mina hia rword to the lirat Urntral (lii er he nipcta. hut (.Piit-iul Wtiahiiigti.il i pniia.xl oat In hue ai Hip oiilv pprn.ii to whom hp ia lo auririKlcr hia aword On thp heipl.t. mul in ihp dialnnce arp ihe dinprpm .r. lim a uiul crovvila "I aiin-tnlo,,. Thp ,ip of rWs-rplarr W ilson. npriipied ly Utd I'.siov.illii uisl hia IU. wlis-k vviis hointunleil :iml pirrcpd wilh li!l: ihe .Murqiiia dp la I'nycllp hitvinn risirirkpil thin lhey we p rarryn.s riialu a for Iht dinner el lml Coruvvnllia. ked Imrc is licnrral W.nl.i.i-i.'n I'i M-tve him n dish ol hia ona enolim. and lillinrdiiilrly after apvt ral Ii .inlailirlta fell tlironch the nsif on iiie tamp, linn wenn tni amiip. and diaiwrsed Ihp party The Ai LEUonv f)n Ilia left ia eieelpd a navmniipia in hoii'if ol ticae illuatri.iua heeiea who ancmiced their lives sisl lorlunea to inaure lo their rilizciu, the Liberty and In dependence lliev now eni-iv. I'lll.hahid ut m hy WM. I). I.ANE. Philadelphia, and tn be hud nt the Oiii-e of Hip "AMKItlCAX COITtlF.lt," No. H Clic ftinnt Struct, riiiladelphut, aa prttiniuiaa to that ner. Or A lils-ral diseounl to Agents, rhiutdetplua, June SA, HOfi.- HAND PyS IM'llt'y printed on new type prompirVatksacuted at this orlice. Also blanks, of all kiiah on BUwrior paper. Sunbury, Feb. 1 1, tSbi. iMERSON'S ARTfiTEMUTIC No7"l7lT3 and PoiUr'a Kbelorical Peader, juU sc-eiv-ed and for aaU by V.'.M. Met' APT Y Pnnbury, May I, ISoL PltOCLAMATION. TVOTICE is hereby give ihnt the aeveral A' Courts of Common Pleii, Genrrtl Quarter Sessions of the peace, and Orphans' Court. Court of Oyer nJ Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Norlhumlierland. to commence at the Court House, in the borough ol Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the S1 day of August m-xt, auJ will continue ONE WEEK. The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, arc requested tu be liwn andthcie in their proper per sons, with their Alls, records, inquisition! "d other rcuirmbratitTs. to do those things to their several ottivts appertaining to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner are alsu requested and commanded to 1 then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute aaainst him, as shall be just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my hand at Sunbury. the 3d dsy of July, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight bundled and (ifty-two-aiid the In dependence of the I niicd Slates of America the 711th. WILLIAM Ii. KtPP. ShcrilT. God save Ihe ConinioriweHllh. List of JTirors, OF XorlliiinilH-rlsud Countv for August T., A, D. 1832. (a rami .Itirorw. St'NM'KY. Geo. Harrison, James Covert. DKMWAitK.-t-Beimevillo Liuehaeh. Cim.isoi.Mnt-K. Robert A. Grifiin, An drew Keller, Neal ('.mil. Tcrbi't. John Hoffman, John Hang, sen. XoHTlllMHF.RLANI) John Dunham. Ueer.n Aiiiusta. Georj-s Conrad, Jere miah Oberdorf Jackson. Jacob Gouserl, Nicholas S. Drnmheller. I"pim:r MaiionoV. Samuel Ressler, Gideon Ada ti. Lowi:it Christian Mesener, Wm. Shaffer, J. B. Lenker. CdAt.. Daniel Evert. Point. Washington W. Freas. I.nwts. Benueville Briber. Rrsii. John Pensyl. Siiamoki v. Joseph Hoover. Littlk Maiionoy. George Swinehiirt. Trnverxc Jiu-orsi. Scsncav. C. (). Ilachman. Charles Ditch er, Peler llilettjau. J A. Shissler. XoKTIIf.MBKKI.AM). D.llllel dossier, John Heck. Mll.Tos J. H. Reed, Joseph Bound. Dklawark. Michael Enjjle, Robert Cnl ler, Peler Kelehner, Daniel Fullmer, Henry Kiiuer, Jacob Hodman. Lr.wis. Adam Schuyler, Robert Brunei, Robert Finney, Abraham Weitman, D.iviJ Walls. Tt'KDL'T Andrew Fullmer, Jnsinh Cole. Point. William ATirneim i.t, V,'m. L. Cook, l.ellard llo'iizhawnii' Cliu.istjc.M)rK. llntih '.;. V.'m. linn, harl, Jacob Kline. Andrew !:;::, II i . j i f. I :i Tio.xel, John Caul, Siiamokin. Jacob l.eiseitrii; Wm. 'Pi's worth, Obediah Campbell. Ri sit Chas. Kase. Samuel Reudi r, Isaac. Scott, Carter Meltler. Co a i.. Jacob Monrer, Jesse Varnall. Lowf.r AriilsTA. (ieorge Savidge, Ben jamin Kiieobanm Uppf.r Ai-nt'.-TA. Benjamin Kallerman, Elijah Chidisler Camkron. Peler Weikel. Jackson. Joseph Boldorf, John Buhner. Lowkk Maiiomiy. Michael Lalir. TkF.vnRTtiN. Daniel Kelly. LIST OF JURORS, OF Xortliumbeilatiil Ctniiitx , for August 9, 1 852. Special Court. Dei.awauk. R. II. Masrni, Lewis. John Pollock, James Younir. John Ronsh, .1. R. Barr. Cltll.lMlt'AQI'F. John TlOXt'l. elll.ToN. James Buuy. John M. Huff. Thin T.--.I0I111 Nixon, Richard Jones Rfsii. Wm. D. (ieii'haii, Philip Hani: hail. Ruh Gearhart. Benjamin Geu.ihu.rt, Jo scph Bailor. Isaac. Kac Sii amokin John Rnnke!. Juo Super, IUmi ry Repb'v. Charles Leader. I l.nwKH aii.I'sta. Jacob Itenn, John try. Crrrit Arci'si.A. Robert Campbell. t '! rr ... 1 J.JC,,7' .,e,"-, ' lri,u,",a" ueiiz, 1 1 1 1 1 1 y eiii.et. Cn.vi.. S t'phen Hi Hellbender. LowKti Mahonov. Samuel Lease, Peler Bordoer. Peter lleckerl. Jacob Hingauian. I'ppkii M i!ioNoY.--Jhn lleirich. Si Niituv. iulomoii Hrocious, (ieo'ge W. Smith. Tbi'.vohtos. Edward llelfenslein. Camkron John Lnni. .11 ST liK( KlVKI) AT THE Saddlery and Harness Establishment oi (J. AV. STliOlI, Market Street, Sttuhttry, A new assortment of HIVT, ItrtlNH a 11(1 Ja pit lined .Mounting. Which he ill either male up to order or sell separately for cash nt prices us low if not lower than can Is' had anywhere else. SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, Ti uiiliM. V ul W e, Sic , Constantly kept on hand or manufactured to or der. CARKIACiK TRIMMING done on ihe shortest notice. All persons are invited to cull and examine for themselves. All kinds of produce taken in exthange. Sunbury. May 1. 1N.VJ tf. JOHN A. TAYLOR, Manufacturer of Monuments, Toiiilis. AND Gil AVE STONES OF THE FINEST Italian and Amkiucas Marui.k. At his Old Stand in Northumberland, Pa. IJESPECTFI I.LV inform the public that ull work in his line will be made up of the very best material and finished in the latest style of the Eastern cities. Those in want of such articles well made and executed in the lest style and at the lowest rales, will do well to call and examine before lhey pur chase elsewhere. May 15. 1K55 ly. NEW STORE. PETKli AV. Oil AY T EHPECTKLLLY inlcr n. t!:e citizens of Munbury and vicini', !.Ut .:c J.as , ominen . in the ,)..! has : ji- j.-t- red a new alore in W.:or:! rcc house Formerly orrupirj juat received and opt iu '. y .'irs. Car jy. inciil ol l)l'' fwOOi'.S, Cnnaistiug in part of CLOTHS, CAHHIMERf. HATTINETT8, A nd a general ussortmcnt of LADIES PrvESS AND FANCY GOODS of every variety and style. GROCERIES of every description. Also in assortment of HARDWARE AND QVEENSWARE, And a general variety of oilier articles such aa are suitable to tha trade, all ef which will L sold at the lowaat price Country prodtace taken in. exchange at the hitfhett prices. buiiburj-, MJy li, IS j". linj. THE VERY LATEST 4RRRIVAL, CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! rRXLINd & GRANT. RESPECTFULLY Inform th public onj "the test of msnklnd." that they have just received and opened the best and cheapest stock of Spring' and Summer Goods that has ever been brought io Sunbury. Their stock consists of every vario'y of Drv Goods, viz : Cloths, Cauivirmt, Sattintt Vtstingn, Drillings, tinriij, And nil kinds of Summer Wear. Also a splendid vnrietv of LADIES DRESS k FANCY GOODS, CdJicori, Ginphnms, Linen, Chintzes, De Lainct, llcranes, And every variety of goods auiluble. for La dies wear. Also an extensive assortment nf Panama and Pai.m Lkaf Hats. Also a lurge nssorltncut of (sltOLKItltvS, seen as . Sugar, Teas, Cofl'ee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a larcc assortment of HARDWARE and dUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Piaster. Also a iresh supply nf lint r.r AND .Mr.DICIM'ts. Besides the luryesi and most mineral nssnrl- r ..11 i-1 ... 1 . ..r 1 ,.. t... 1.-.. 1 I,, it.; llllll 1M till JtlOOS Ol ;UUU3 IO DU tli.vi il hup place. I r'" t'nutitrv produce of nil kinds taken in ex change at Ihe hifebest market price. Sunbury, Mrtv 2's, 18.S2. JOHN PHILLIPS & SON. No. 47 South Water Street, hclaw Cheftnttt, PHXZ.A DELPHI A . IMPORTEU.S of Foreign Fruits. Nuts. Wines, Ac. keep constantly on hand the following articles, which they will sell at very low prices for cash. Raisins, Almonds, Currants. Walnuts, Citron, Oround Xllls, Prune Cream Xuls, Dales, Figs, Vanilla beans, Preserved ginger. Tamarinds, Lemon Kvrup, Fire Crackers, Madeira Wine, Claret Wine, Muscat ' Sweet Malaga " Filberts. Sweet Oil. Liquorice, Port Wine, Sherry " Philadelphia, July 3, li.-0. ly. Diij'ncricotvpo Likenesses FOR ONE dollar: T H.MLER MASON' has Ihe pleasure of infm niina the iiihiibilanls of Sunbury and vicinity I hitt he has opened Rooms at the Slate House, w hete he will be in readiness lo receive visiiois between ihe hours of fl A. M. and 5 P. M. Pielmes taken with any desirable effect of liulit or hade and colored in Ihe highest perfection of ihe art and no retard In weather. distinctions given and apparatus furnished for SiiO. N. IL Pei feet satislaelion given in all ca- or nit charge. S'inbiiry. May '22. 1S52. if. NEW STORE. BKXJAIIX IIKKFXKIl n EspI'.CFFI'LLV infornis the citizens' of Nuiibiirv and vicinity, that he Ins opened a new store in the room lately occupied by (ieorcc Bright, opposite Iiolton's Hotel. He has just re ceived n handsome assortment of Springi nnd r.sjisiscr Ciood', censistin; in part of Clods, Casriimcrs, Ctissincts. Sir.MMI'.I! WAIiE of nil kinds, of linen, cotton ami worsted. ALM) C'ultcocN. GliisftiinjM, E.nwiiN, lotisollnt' lie l.;tiiic and nil kinds of Lnilies Drcs4 (ioods. GIIOCEIIIES of every variety. Also ail afsoiliiieut of CI.II 1 IH'C. Iroil ! nnd Steel, Nails. &c. i A Iso an excellent assortment of j QUEEXSWARE. "I" various styles and paiteilis. j Abo sn asserlniciit of HOOT & SIIOF. Palm leaf and other Hats and Caps, i Suit. Fish. cV. Also a variety of LIQUORS such as i Btrnntly. (ain, Whir, sVc. I And a ureal variety of other articles such us lire ' uitalili.' to the trade, nil of which will be sold at the lowest prices. j r Country produce taken in exchange ut ; the Inched pri cs. j .Sunbury, May 1, 15. ly. i aTAlCES 3A?a33?,s""" WltoN'Mntc nml ICclail Clock ! ESTABLISHMENT. .S'. I). Corner Second and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPHIA. l'17'il 1". Ii', may W loiiiul, one of the larcest uiul best assortuienU of Clocks and Time pieces in the I nitcil Mates, in tuaiitities to suit j purchasers, of from a single Clock, to one thou- i and flocks: cnibracun; every variety ol style nil niHiiulac lure, suitable for Churches. Halls, L'nuiitiiiir Houses. Parlois. slcepinti Apurtineuts. uid Kitchens, Attain and Cuual lioats, und iiuil iload t'ars. Also general sale A cent, for fiapp's lately pat ented ieicnlilie Micbe Gold Pin. Wholesale nul Kelail tiohl und Silver Pen llolilrrs. and Pencils, and a variety of Fancy Goods. Those wisbinu lo purchase will liud it to their intrrcsl lo call before purchariiiL' elsewhere. JAMES HARDEll. is. E. Cor. Chesluul V Cud Sts., Phila. April in, liSM ly. It. rtillM'.l.ll S. I. I". II X K I'.ll . V. C. HAIvt'.H. ('onicliii. Hitkcr iS Co.. J1ANTIM 'iTItl'.IIS OK Lamps, Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, '&c. Ki'OKE NO. lili CHESTNUT ST.. Maavfactonj No. 1R1 Cherry St., PHILADELPHIA. April 10, 18SS. tf. The Jolmstoii Ink MANUFACTORY REVIVED HKt A- Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA. TMIE subscriber bfRS leove rcsieclftillr to in- form Piiivrats m nerally, lliat lie has sue ceeded to the llusiness of niuiiufae.tiiriim Print. it tut formerly curried on by hist;riiiiri Father, and Father, and trrtcrs his article to tho trude, without anv run, but with the aimple reliance uMn the loni? established chai after it has borne, feelim? ronlident rf its givinj entire satislaelion to all who m:iv favor him wilh a call. TtaMS Ca.h. 1'liAHLF.s ENEC JOHNSTON. April 10, if. m.1l shTndeiT ATTC?slTE7 LAV". 10 Tic in Market street Sunbury, opposite 1 Weaver's Hotel Bl'HINEbS will lie promptly attend) to in ihe Counties of NorlhuuilierUod, I'nion, Columbia and Montour. tunhury, Oct. 11, Idol. ly. f3UNBTYFERRY. nE.VT.Y W. CL'CHER informs tha public that be has taken the Sunbury Ferry aod as h now well prepured with good and sulS eieot crafts be will ba enahlvd to aceommod tht. public villi prcmptuctJ i'.i J doipit'.h. April I", 1 ..'.-tl. HODS. ArTER many years' ctbsc invesliRstion and numerous i rriinpnll. the Patentee takes pletstir in InforniinB the public that he has arri ved at the true principle oT protecting fainihe. dwellhlBi and properly from the destructive inllu' ence of LKHITNIXG. The calamities tbl every City, 'I'own. Villnpe slid Country fall" vic tim to iiinurdly. throunh the Rross ncgliRcnce of it hdiabilanU,' is !cyonJ Cttluulation, especially when tho remedy is'so esy to obtain llii' is found in ARM ITAsjiF.'S Tatcat Maffnctic Ili?litnino; Rods, and ill ibis alone. This Hod hss been examincJ by the most scientific r,,llvmen in .ho world- Proftssors M Murine, Johnson, W allor und ins- ny other, that have examined them, recommend and siK.k of then, in Ihe likdiest term, of appro- bation, and have pronounced them the only safe ' rods in use in this or any tilhrr country for the , protection of Lives and Properly. One advsu- ! tngc Is to divide, and throw buck a part of the elec tric fluid harmless to the clouds i in time of a i stroke this enables the rod to conduct that portion of fluid that belivmrs to the earth without the slightest dniii;Cr of leaving the conductor,. This rod has many other Sdvnntais over the old one. The only place of imtmifucturiltg is in Vine St. 3 doors uhnfe 12li, Philadelphia, where all persons are rcsnftl'u!ly invited lo call and examine for Ihcunchcs. Tr salo Whole sale or lictail bv THOMAS ARMITAOE. ! ft" The only authorized A treat for the Conn- ties of I 'nion, Juniata, Milllin, Clinton, Lycom I ing, Norlhumbeilaiid, Montour, Columbia, Iiti XcrilC is SAMI i:l iioovek. I llarllr.lon, t'nton euinily, Pit. Orders und letters addressed (post pith!) to Mr. ! Hoover, will be promptly uttended to. i' May 8, IN5S. 4 in. Viilualtlo I'roncrtv. ; Late the Estate Of E. P. SHANNON, Esq., niMirll .h,..!,,,,! i AT FP.ITATS S.L2. ! 'I'I IE subscribers. Evecnlo j of Kpln ii i in P. Shannon, Evecnlors of the Estaln : lie ul Ihu liur- ; I ot'lih ul Aorlhiimbui land, title r al private sale. I i Ihu lillowina valuiiblu lieal Estate, viz! ' Lot No. 7T, corner of Uueeu and Front ' ; Street, on which is erected n two story Htick j liuihliiiL', formerly occupied by I lit deceased i as n Slure and Divellini;. mid now tict'iipied as sin h. Theiu ate ulsj vu t he lot two frame divnllitm, &.c. ! ! Lot No. 5i, siluuled In Market Street, on j which is erected rt two story white Fnimn j j Dtvelliuir, &c. adjoinina John TagaaM, Esi)., ! oecnpiuil by Cl.as. Ktinus. j I.'t X. 6!, 70, 71 & 72, wtimtf In -Mar- j ! l;el Street, a two story white Frarnrt Dwel-: 1 limr, occupied by .lames Dnnly, and a stable ; is creeled on lots No. 60 Jy; 70. The ntulividpil half of Lot No. 120, silunle i ( on Ihe comer nf Duke and 4th Sheet, nn I which is erected ti two story dwelliuu, occti' I j pied by Jusffph McCallisier " j ! Lot No. 188, siluate in Queen Street nn j wlncli is erecteil n two story while frame. I lluildiug, occupied by John Huikert ' Lot Nn. fiO, situate at Northwnv and Wa ter Sijeels, on which rtie elected two Frame i DwlCi:s and Slablini', occupied by willow Vamlrmu und Julin Yiiudlinir. Also ihe undivided fourth pail of lot IfiC, , nn which i9 erected a twoslmy Finmo Dwel ling, occupied by Jehu VaiuUkc. Also len acres nf cleared land, ndjniniti!; ! lands (if John Deshuy, on Ihe Easl side of I fie ; Susquehanna, ubout three miles beluw Dan- . ville. , Also Uvn niljninins vacant Inwti lnfs. situ ated pn lilt? comer nl eeond ami Orange streets, numbered in the general plan of Cot. ungh. Nos. 215 & 210. Also four vacant lots on Third ntul Oianst' Streets, numbered in the ;euHral plan ol said Doronyh. Nos. 209. 210, 211 212. Also four Vacant lols finntin on Market and Sijiih Streeis, luuuiutf Easl loan Alley, numbered in the general plan of &aid li ir nunh, Nns. 77, 78, 7'J 80. Al-n four vacant lots Imutitm m Orange Street, ami nnnibered in ihe leueral plan of said l5oroif".li, Nos. 185. IIP, 187 & I S8. ! Tim nbove pioperly " ill b soltl in parts or parcels lo suit purchasers, on reasonable terms. For fiillhrr parlieulurs apply lo John Cake, Esc., at Nnithuinbei land, or to the subset ibers. AI.FKEl) KN'EASS. ) .. . THOMAS STUAWHIiincE. ( fc Northiimbeilatul, May 22, 1S52. tf. DAVID COOPES, COMMISSION" M I 1 1 C 1 1 A X ' I ' ; ron Tin: sai.i: or Fish, Provisions. iS'c, J'o. 9 A'ortfi IVharvvn, PIIILADELrEIA. Apiil 10. 1 !.j2 ly. II. J. WOLVEKTO:.', ATTC?slTET 1-J2 LAV. OFFICE in Market street, Sunbury, adjoining the Ollice of the "American" und ejiposile the Post ( lllice. Uttsiness jiromptly Rlleiided to in NorlhuinlKr iund and the utljoiuiuij t'ouuiics. R tl En to : Hon. C. W. Hei;ius and I!. Ilau naii, Pottstillc; Hon. A. Joidan and 11 1). .Mas ser, .Sunbury. April I(l,'lH3S. ly. SOAP & CANDLE MANUFACTORY, Ao. 13 Wo'd St. Il,nr id if id Sts., and No. 17 'North bib Street, riIII,.li:i.HII.v. John jiitntroft Jr. :uul Son. IJl'srECTFL'LLY inform store-keepers. Mer chants. Arc, that they Manufacture mid have for Sale, Pahn, While, Variegated, Yellow nnd lirown Soaps, Mould uud Dippetl Candles, ull of good ipialily and at reasonable prices. 117' Cash paid for Tallow and rouijh Fut. April III lisoS ly. NEW GOODS ! J. It. K.U FFMAX At His Nrw Murr in Hulliiwiiig Run, j KNPECTFl'LLY informs his frieiuU and j customers. Hint he has just received a new stock ef goods, which he oilers lo the public ut the lowest prices, vis Spring and Summer lrj (sootls, SICK AS Cloth, Cassimeres, Sttttwerts. Merinos, Myitsneline Vt Lame, Flunneh and every variety of goods suitable for the season. AlsoSilk Hals, Caps, Ac. ALSO : An assortment erf Hurdware. AI.sO: All Kinds, of (Groceries, lilQI'OIlM. ALSO : A variety of QuCenswurc, Crotkery, Ac. Braidrs a variety of other articles, suitable for farmers, & e. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goiuls ut the higlirst market price. Hollowing Kun, April IT, 1882. tft j'sL'et wTb'hXrt, W II O I. K 8 A I. K (J KOI! K U S, No. 22J North &i St , alote CcSlovhill, PHILADELPUIA, A brge assortment of tirucenes alwaya en hand, which will be sold at the br est ptice. ft r Cash or npproTid Credit. April 10, jv;. - lv. 1 If1TIM'jTl"Vl TRnMr-Naoca ExcnnitiNt !': Cash, Steam, Electricity 1 ! The Aerial and a7 Other lines out-doni ly tht Llfflilnlntr I.ln of 1HA T. CLEMENT. TlflllX hsvinc (?re! ftilh It rapid aalea and1 smoll profits, hue just received ana opened a large assortment of KfrflXU AND SUMMER 0WDn. At his HtOre in Mnr.'.et Street, SnMturr, which bs iHti;rs til the pnblio at the loft-esf prftf s. ilis slock consists of a rxenerBf a.ift!ent of iJry tloods, viz I Cafij,'rrf. Cnwirefa. Jean,. Driffrng,, :L '" ,;' , r rl,,,,.. AU..H., .1, "''': dt 1 !-. W.M, (,nfham. B, ngn. Sit k ft. Palm I.kaf HaT", A lutse assortment of Bonis and Shoes, lor Men, Wdtnen nd Children, f.'rorrrlca. Sugar, Tea, Colfee, Molasses, Cheese, Spl ces, Fish Salt, Blaster. HARDWARE, S ir. ! Iron and Sleel. Nails. Files. SaWs, tVtv (J T J E E N S W A R K , Tea Sett.', Plata. Dithtr. Cu,f, Saucers, Ire. I.1QIORS, Winf. Brandy, Gin, Coin. Wliishry, t.r. Country pfodiico nt'all kirubt lui.rn in ex change at Ihe hiffhest market prices. May H, lsfi'.'i ly. "l IBERTY ST 0 V E WORKS, nilOWN STRBET, above Fovrlh, , FHIIiADELPHlAt CJ'MIE undersigned respectfully inform the pu 1 lie Ihrtl thev are in full oncratioit sf tbeif "rw '''''"by. and ready to execute orders for "- "ery description on l,.e most reasons- I!e terms. Thev invite the attention of 5TOVI' DEAL ER t'n their large assortment of sTOV EH. all of which are entirely new, and got up ut great expense. Among which are the Lilierty Air Tight Conk. Complete Cook, rlar Air Tightf Star Franklin, Star Hiuliator. Jenny Lhid Inv proved. Fire King Katliators, Sllamunders, Csm lions, liases, Ijare Cylinders. Ilsr Koonl Stovesy Furnaces, (ins Ovens, Ac., A'C; AUIJOTTo t.AWRENCfl. N. 11. t'nnntry merchants are parliculiirly invited to r ill and evauiine our assortuienU April 111, ISM. ly. " TKEMEXlJOFs'nirCOVKUV In the .Drv (Ioods liusiiifss t fiCoiis TO lit: SfjJ.ii CnnM'i:R THAN till! CiiKArKsT at In r. StoM: or ISA AC ( AMPI.EiJrjCd., lit l'or A us list a townsh.p, Noiilun".berland County, Pa JNO res)ci;ilully ililVuiii the public grner- llv, lliat tnev Have recriveil uJ ujntJ a new aud well selected stock of SPKINti AND SIIMMEI( noni), Consisting in part of Frtmh. Enelish and American Cloth', Llaeh nnd Fnncii Cifsimers, Saltiitett.i, Checks, Drillings. Muslins, tVc , Calicoes, Linens Oiuihnnis, Lairns. mid all limit "' Summer Wan, Delaines nf evru de si ri pi ion and Toethei w i:h a lol nl I..!ir s Ihu . ( ,nov. Also a fresh supply of flHOCEUI F.S, such ns 5ii7rir. Cnlfep. 'I'e.K. .Mo lasses, tec.. HAIihvVAIlE, Nails. Iron, Steel. &c. nlso a larL'o assortment ul til'EENSWAllii. A fiesh M:pp!y ol'LKT'GS A MFI'ICIXtS. UOOTM mid SHOES snitable U men, women and children. HATS and CAP! ncli as Straw, Fstm Leaf und oilier hats. FISH, rALT, CHEESE, &.c, i 'i'' All of which will be sold cheap for cs!i or in evchaopc for country produce at the highest marvel price. I'ppiT Augusta. May iri, 1S32. ly. STAUK OFFICE. AVASINNC rox iiousi:. SUNBURY, PA. . JAMES COVEET, Pwpriettft llOI'LI) respectfully anftonnce that he h taken this veil known stand, where hn will be gratified lo see end entertain his Itielid und the travelling piddle generally. This house is now replete wilh every convenience, eosnforta-' hie, pleasantly located, h.inilsomclv furnished, well ventilated, rendering it in every respect s desirable slopping pi.ice. !o expense has been spaied in tiffing up this house. The i haiubers nre well furnished slid ibf Islile and bar provided with the best tho ; ift.it kt-f call allbrd. The stable flccouiuioilatiiiiis afr extensive and well Chleiilalcil for traveler'. , M'AtiE OFFICE. . ' ' Thr stages running from Northumberland 6 ' P'Jttsvillc, slop at this house, where through and , vtav tickets In Philadelphia cull Ihi obluiued. ! 'nn'.iiiry, March 2H. Iisft;;.- - tf. ; NEW COUNTRY STORE, Ai the Foils of tiie Plum Creek and Tulpe hoibn lload, (near KniahliB'iin's Bkiili Sin ilh Shrp. HF.SPECTFI LLY inl.'fiiis t!e pirblirihat her lets opened u new' Store st the altovr placer mul lu just icceitril a splendid stock of new Spring and Summer Goods, t 'onsiting in part nf : ( lolhs. Cnssimers, SattiiieH, ' F!llLLIi;S and all kinds of linen col tors j mul winded siiinuiet ware. ! ALSO; Callicoes, Muslin dc laiues, lawnts, i (ahiieliniiisi, i And nil kinds of Dress (iottla for Ladira. I Tea, Cor r kg, 5it.a, Molasses, ,Vc. CKOC TRIKtS, ofall ktU BRANDY, GIN, WINE, and ef liit'MOJ'S. ! Hardware. Iron il SUel. tw'ls, it,, ftUEENSWARE. ; hocs, Boots, Caps, Piilm lenf uutV otlvei Ikls, Fish, Salt, &e.. All of which he will sell aV the una seasonal! prices for cash or ccmulry y-Niduur-Muy 8, 1952 -tf. WM. M. R0CXEFElt3, " ATTORNEY AT X,2V7, rice, u, 1851. tr. Lycoming; Mutual Insurant Coapaay, I yi. J.li. MASSFR ktthe loras agent for the lJ abooa Inswranse t'enipunv, itvNonhumher land eiMHity, and ia af all times- saady th t,(Cf lusunsnees aj.tinst tra on real or personal pro perty. renewing yoKciea for the same. Kunburv, April S. 1851. tf. rjOLD PEN with and without silver ee v 1 just rccaivei, and for sale bv H B.MAtfKR fimburv, Anril 1 18.M IEE blLLS- liiiUtca fi Oe,'ar4e ill'ls UnHsruirly prjme j eiiraH p teai. rfnt alt at this elhc. , Vi