SUNMJKY AMERICAN AND SHAM01UN JOUJINAL. TEE SUN BURY. .. SATURDAY, JfLY IT, IM.'. 11. U. M.lSSk.ii, l.,liior ii ml rroprlrtor. V. II. PAI.Mi:il Is our nuilinrizcd atraiit n rj: - Mjiipliuii mill auVwlitiiig nt lui ollice, in l'luiu lelpiu i, Now York, Boston and B illlmore. ' To ABvETirB. The circulation of li.n Shi'imy Amariron smeiiy the ilnti-reiit lnwiu on llie Sanquchsiiiita 1 1 ''acceiled u .quailed by any paper puUiahcd in North tin I'uniisylv-Buta. DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL NOMINATIONS. FOIl PRESIDENT : FKAMvLIN PIERCE, Op Nkw Havpstiiiip. FOR VICF. PRESIDENT: WILLIAM R. KINO, Op Alabama. PRESIDENT! At, ELECTORS. SKNATOimi.. Gnomic W. Woodwaim, of Luzerne. Wilson M'Ca.nhlkss, of Allegheny. AIIIHIIdNAI. DISTRICT. ItuBKHr pATrntsos, of Philadelphia. DiSTillCTS. I. Pelei I.fiL'lll. ?. Ceo. II. Maiiin, 3. John Miller, Ol'THAflMH CASE OF KIPMAPPIJIO. The Boston Bee publishes lite parlicuhirs of anion! bold ami oulragpoim cntflof kid napping at Sleep Full, Siandish, Mu. Last Friday noon, a the sou of Dr. J P Week, a brie,hl, handsom little boy, four years old, was going to school, a horse And chaisu pas god through tlie v i 1 1 u ' o , and ju.l as it reach od the piano whero weie- several children, Iwo women got out ami seized Dr. WuekV buy, mid Inking him inlo the chaise, drove iiii. Dr. Week did not hear of the circum stance liil near dark, when htt went in pur mi it of llio kidnappers. ll appeared that the women drove to Cor ham, IS miles, where they took the cam to Portland. At Portland they took the I cn in built to Lawrence, and arrived in lion on on Saturday ninning, and look -the xflertioon train for f-piiuulield. From thence they proceeded lo Dallon, in Berkshire C. From this ihey traveled fix mile oil foot, mid in the niuhl, the boy in the mean lime Miller, i iuc extreme physical aony. Dr. Week; traced them ill compaiiy with an officer, and found ih'i kidnappers with the kidnapped i hot, in n home Iwo miles from liny neigh bor, in a wild and mountainous region, over the New Yoik line. The women refused lo surrender the bov, und resisted llio olliuer most pertinaciously. In fuel Ihey fought liko ilespeiadnes, and in the encounter the officer was much injured, and Ihe clothes of Ihtt women were nearly lorn from their bodies in the melee. They were finally taken into custody, and convex- :d lo the county jail, wheiu Ihey will re- j main till a requisition is forwarded fu.m i the Governor nl Maine to Ihu Governor of New Voik. The kidnappers carried iheir I t'lnirpe over yi.t hundred tnilrs. One of the women is about .Ml ) cars old, and tin; oilier I about 25. The six miles they travelled on j tout was over a range o! the Green Moon- j tains. 1 1 1 1' i iinines aie suppiessi'tl al the teqtiest of Dr. Weeks. The tnoliier of the child was nearly insane fiom her lo-, but whose arief has ere this been changed lo joy. This is one of the boldest and most novel cases of kidnapping that has occurred of late years. Ci.av, Calhoun .n Wlbsikb. The New Yoik Evpiess, in recording the death of Mr. Clav sa)s : 'It seems but yesterday lhat we heard Mr Clay's voics in the Senate, in all its sweel- lies and power, as he recorded the death and I t,f ar paper, in relation to New .l.rscy Zmc I'nint. Tins '.,1,1 , r i , ! w a r'uiimriitivifl neve nrliolr, but is piuriallv wnrlhv llu' recited Ihe virtues of his associate, John C. . '. ,. . .,, . , (IJ , - ' j aUmtMii il rapit.-ilmt, IniiUt-rs, iaintoir, sun oihers altlOilll. lie was said Mr. Uay, of my i Arno in ailmnlosn mm Ik- nuiilijni-.Uli.iil, ils icinuny own age'. A solemn stillness pervaded Ihe j sivund, its liuiilu'nliipni. on e-minrul Willi lead painl chamber Mr. Clay paused his head drop- 't I'cauty-nnd f mrih, its ilnmhilily. A r-jiumittr lie I nnoii rim nri-.-ihl. iiiilI lit,. nT 1lip : 11 ' ' speaker indicated the powerful woikina of his mind. He felt that this was the last time his voice would be heaid in ihe Senate upon an occasion so solemn and interesting to the whole body. Clay and Calhoun ! co laborers for futty years, from the war of 1812 to the death of the illustrious Senator from South Carolina, opposed through life, but rneelin upon ihe common level of the grave and in the common receptable of the lomb, ami destined, let ns trust, to renewed asunei atiuns in ilia world of spiiits. But one man remains of the great Senatoiial hiu Daniel Websler! Seventy years have passed over the head of the pre.t Senator "f the North, and who shall say how soon tUt- summons of tleuth may come In him Ihe mivivin;; mon. iiment of those Ihiee powerful inteilecls ol the lanJ." 4. V. V. Hock ins, K. M.-Cay, Ji., A. Apple, N. Siiiekland. Abraham Peters, P.ivi.l Filter, K. E. James, .1. (j. 7 . R. 9. 10. II. 12. 13. H. C. Ever, 1 1 .lohn (.'lay'.on, lf. Isaac Robinson, Mi. Henry Feller. 17. .lames Burnside, Maxwell M Caslin lit. .Ins-ph McDonald, 20. W S. Colalmu, 21. Andrew Rnrk, 22. William Dunn, tuo Mi-Keynolds. 23. .1. S. M'Calmonl, P. Damon, 23. Geo. U. Barrel. DEMOCRATIC STATE NOMINATION, rot! tanai, commi.sskm:i;. WILLIAM SE ARIGHT, of Fayette County. KIMTniTft TAUI.K. ItiiHiiiciit Nutier!.. Wr invilf nltciiti"n lu an iitlvrrtiKi-ne-nt in nnnthcr purl tiik nupRcniR roinT Commenced iti sessions at Ibis place on Monday last. Judge Lowrey, did not ar rive until Thursday morning last. Pre vious to this term the judges were in thf habit of holding two sessions a day. They have adopted" a new rule and now hold but one session, viz : from 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. This enables the court to do quite as much business as previously, and gives the lawyers more lime for prepswlion. This it Ihe first court held by the new jud ges. Chief Justice Black was to us an en tire slranei, although his reputation as a prist mid a man of talent had made his name familiar. Judge Lewis was formerly President Judge of this district, and is well knowrl here as on able jurist and one of the best of. judges we ever had on the bench. Judge Woodward when at the bar practised in the Supreme Court at this place, and al ways sustained a hih character as a law yer and a gentleman. Judge Gibson, the "old Chief" as we called him under the old regime, has a world wide reputation as a jurist. His opinions are perfect models of judicial composition, and he is a great fa vorite amonj the profession. The present bench is composed of able men and we trust the good sense ot the people will al ways prompt them to select no other. ; The contest for the nomination in this I district is becoming interesting to aspirants. ; The candidates named in this county, are Major Wm. L. Dewart, Judge .Montgomery, j and Judge Wrlker. A communication in favor of Judge Welker appeared in our columns last week. One in fi,or of Major Dewart will he found in our paper this week. Indeed, Major Dewart has been looked upon as a candidate since the last campaign, when lie received the unani- nious domination of this county, and his THE AOE OP PROGRESS. ' If it were necessary to convince' a man of the utility as well as the comlort and convenience of rail roads, as compared with turnpikes, we would advise him to take a trip between this place and Potts ville in a stage coach. The distance is forty mile the roads, though mountain ous, are fine the air fresh and the scenery beauliful and the time though precious abundant, so abundant indeed that the im patient traveller begins to realise the truth that time and eternity are the same. On Saturday Bt 1 o'clock, P. M., twenty-three individuals, independent of several youngs ters, left the dusty borough of Potlsville, for the bfuutilul green banks of the Susipie hanna, eleven tif whom including ourself, were destined to this place, the rest going to Danville, Cattawissa, &c. Thirteen and a half mortal hours were consumed in the trip, averaging almost three miles to the hour. A few days since, on the Hudson River Rail Road, the same distance was run in lonv-eight minutes: v hat a con ('Oimiiuniciition For the Amkrica.n. M. Editor : As the lime is not far distant when the democracy oT the 1 1th Congressional district will be called upon to select a candidate for Congress, and as it is highly important that ihe xenlleman select, ed should be vtell qualified for hi) nllicu in which we all feel so deeply inleiesled, ami upon which in a great measure, tint success of the democratic, party must depend. Per mit us thionsh the columns of your excel lent paper lo recommend Major WIM.lAM L. DEW ART of Sinilini v, n a ce'illiMunn in every way worlliy of the nomination. Maj. Dewarl's ipialiiiicatiou-i are mi well known ! to need any eouimenilalinii fiom lis. He I has always been a linn mid rousistanl demo- ! cral of I In- Jeifeisonian school. His moial ! characlei is above repnincli, and his pliict : integrity ami amiable disposition has en-, den red him ! all who have had the yond : fortune In bt me ncipiaiiiled i',h him. His nomination would nienllv add In ihe: streiiitth of ihe party, and we iik nothii'u in saying that he will "el a l.i -r mnjuritv in ! $I)C iUarkcts. Philadelphia Market. Jtrt.v 14, 1852. Fi.oi.-n ANu Mkai.. Flour is quiet : mix ed brands are sellma at $4 12i per bbl. for exptnt, and nt S4,l2l a St 4 25 to the home trade. Extra (lour is held nt S4ia5. Rye Ft.otrn. Sales at 3.I2. Cohn Mkal. Last sales of fresh ground at S3 fl2. Wiikat Isnelive j sale of Southern red nt 97 ; mixed SI, and prime white ul 1 ,03. Rvi: Is wanted at 82 cent. Cohn Is in fuir demand ; sales of jellovv afloat, al 6. els. nod while nl (i? cents. Oats. Are dull ; sales of Southern at -Tie, and of Pennsylvania at 44 cents. Whiskey.- Sales in bhs. at 23c. l:hds. nrc veiy scaice. . Baltimore Market. Jim i:i. is:i. GRAIN. Tin.' supp'y of Wii-al i-small fur the Insl day or iwo. Sales of i n 1. 1 In prime reds lo-day at 102 nlll.'l els. : IiiIh at tl. a 1.5. Sales nl new Com, i-i mnul -.,,! i i i. , al til t-H. while, and !( a (it i-N. fur v.-llo-v Damp parcels sell nt -1.5 a 50 el . Sales ol' TAILORING. MARTIN WATERS Having entered Into a co partnership ja the TAILORING BUSINESS, her lenv to inlorm their friends and the publio in general, that they are prepared in every respect to make clothing after I ho most fashionable, styles, and in the most durable manner, mid I lint their prices will he as re. souablt) as can be had in Sunhury or else when', in cash or approved country produce The firm will always have Ihe advantage of Ihe latest fahion plales, hiu! in addition to their acknowledged skill in cuttinir, Ihev will tin assisted by ihe direction of tho most scieniiliu publications rclnliug Id llinl art, now issued fiom Ihe emporiums of fashion in the I'niled Slates. An endeavor will bo made always to huvu work completed when reqniied. Their establishment is situated in Market Sipiaie, Sunhury, reaily nppojie the Post Oiiiee, ill the huildnitf tunnel ly onenpied by .I.ii-i.I, I' tinier as ! tiailer shop, uheie il will be a pli-iiMue lo them to see iheir friends, and in. ike sneli wink for them as is wilhin ihe line of tliejr iliilii'a. Suiitmrv, .Inly 10, 1852. -It. siiiiiurrs SALES. .'I.I ;" ' a els 1 V Virtue of certain writs of IV. Erp. to me We omite l),iq l IJ") a eN. lor Man - I iliit-i lt d will lie hiI,I liv nublie Vrndnp. or trast ill this i'o-ahead are of steam and y '"' ('a" l'r"u"bly Ian I. ami 4 t els lor Penost Ii I out. rv. al the Curl Home, in thr l.oroupl, of ircl. u HIMvt.l . jes 1. 1 reimn It-ill M AN V DEMOCRATS OF JACKSON. Sunbury, July IT. i toil hik. Amkmicw ' Mb Klilroit : As Ihe lime is drawina ' i I near when Hie tleinoi raev nl Norlhiiriiber- counlty ill be called upon lit selecl ! laud electricity ! Tl... :... ...:il u, ...i i.n mi. iiiiis- ouuii .uuitr urn r miiiii i travel between Sunbury and Potlsville in two hours, but even now eight or nine hours is ample time, and all that should be required. The stages between Tamaqua and WiTLhnrre nrn run in nl.rttit .-.., , ,, , , a suitable prison for ihe ulliee of Rt-'-isler en hours, the roads are about the same T, , , , , , . - and lieroider, ninl a it i nl t:i 'i t impoi character, only soinethin'' worse, and the i ...... j t- ' i.nii-r in. ii me per-.Mii so -eieeu'ii snouiii i.e distance in only two miles lets, while the I rnmiint.iiit I.. il,,. , I"-nt ...... ,. mi; oii'l' s, (iTlIIilt fire is fifty rents less. One driver drives j n,e in recommend JoIlN P. ITRsF.L, Esq . the whole tlislance. If passengers Were j u nblisiuu ndicer as will b atlesied by all brought here by 0 or 10 o'clock, hundreds i w'lu have had lusiiif-s with him. It has would take this route who now avoid it, as ! 1ltt':ls ' u cu:omaiy with the democraiii: it would then be. what it should be. ilu. i PnrlJ' to re-elect llmse " h" have faithfully at els. and nl' rdidf. at 21 i Hew Acivertisciv.erit3. ,1.1 IIS. I "i j I Sunl'inv, en VOX DAY tin-2,1 tl.iv of Auirust next, ul 1 o'i 'ii'i-k, P. M., the following described propt-rty In wit : A certain Lot or piece of Ground, Situate in the ho-uimh of .Milieu, ill that part of rjlll' Tlil i; I'l.A'I'KOIIM.-Ceiiirnl Si-etl i said I'ortmyh, railed l'pnr Milieu, hounded on - ninl M 1'iiHT are s.u.l In m-,e writlen j the ninth ly Pine Alley, ent liy lot No. 104, vi rv iiilerpliii lelli rs, wliit-h niav cl lie pn!.- " 'iitli hy IJreiiilw;iy ami west lv lot of Samuel lii.lie.1, (jixiiig iln-ir lieirtv np,r,,v.ij lo llu- m Ktem ,T. Hmkii. it leiie; llie t lern ludf ol" lot No. H i, us muni i-i'i'il in penenil plan of said l-f ( lll llll I'lllllltUZ SO lull!! Ill IM-riltil)ll ill Kin k lull .V Wi'snn's I'aiuiiii anil l'i-lii,,n:iMe stnre. Xo. Ill Clirslniit Htrert. corner ol Kruiikliu Place. I'liil.iilclphiii. .Ian. :it, li:2.- Agricultural Mi'itin. 4 MKI-'. l INt; of (lie Nintluiinbei l Ci.iui. 1 ft Iv A;i Snciety will he held at quickest and most pleasant route lo the discha f I 'lie du:ie of olfii- city, instead of the most tedious, recur to this subject again. We shall I friend.: nnitr itiiiil iti, It.u I n ' v..u..,I..u.. tJRK.lT I ini: l MOMiTltliAI. I... i i. . l i.i . .i .. ,.e suuu.u irtfi.i; tue unanimous : Bcblikotos, Yt., July 10, A. M. Vote of the tiarlv this fall. The Mainr hue ' ti .1.1 i :.. m i , -- "" , i j - , . iiu iriiiviiis i.iMiii.ii in iuii in i? p . many warm personal and political friends, ! still muinu furimisly, and the liht can be I 1 ':" - ""'d of .e,al cas-s I . ,,,,,, , i- . ., ,,i i , i ot Cholera have occurred in Ihe city and . finil u-niiM iinrl-iiiKI..11. m.,ba n a,.., ...... tllstlncllv spen Itnrii llu nliie.e. lliiineti il i : J "m"v - "'""ft ', . , , vicinity tv t i i. the lew .lavs iiwt nasi. Two ot them le.-ulled latallv those ol Mis. Saiah Hie Cnmt 11, m Snnliiiiv. no Mnnd.n. Any.u-1 2,1, al 2 icloek. P M., for Ihe tiatiV- mid il wilii1"'""""' i"!'"l,an' hn.-inex. i be hul no nei r ;.ii..u... P......1 ... .1.' . ""' "",IV" Cimmitle tMll meet at H 1 . , ' o clock. P M . to liv premiums nod Unto him li Wtt li.i.-u .1..., ii. .1.. ..I . ......... i .. . .... ..n. , on-ill- , i.i in ii ioe lor too I- v nio- JA.MF.S CAMKUON, Vice i m. I (lieeiiouh. f I l V l . I Ta-jmi it. ' I ! hers of Ihu p.nly lo which we bi lmio. A TitL'K DEMOCRAT. ! Snnbniv, July IT. - I appoint Pies. in this counlv. a rth;it.x-t-ili'u muKter-puinlur ol' tliat. city muarurtil equal Pliiit-s, el" two yunls itjunip, '-nr-li en niinilnr suifuot-i, pre r.iruil ll,? paint in llir vimt: inannt-r. unit, after prrtarini; wji-hccl thrill, unit c-overi-d ene Willi zinc, mid tlir ntnrr with Imil cf llie utii'! lLickii;-ui, and lltut the result was that it lifik m.'Veu ouncea til' luat, uial but l',iur euncrs f y.iiif, to c-iv tr thf rr!(-t:elive places. Zinc paint, moreuvrr I is nut ri quin-,1 to Ik! le-eovrrt-il ,i often n li-a1. it rrnism j the oi-li-Mi ef Ihr iitnicstilierc lirlter, tloca not riecoiiiMiMi ! nr ml ulf uanily, mid is not ilm-oli-rd by expofnrc to j (.ampin.-!, impure- air. :,Lii vaU-r, er Kiilphur-ius pan from , vaults XJ- RuAi'iNt; Maciiink. Mr. Hetijamin Hendricks of this place, had in successful operation one ol .McCormiclt's Reapers, in his fields in the lower end of the borough, on Wednesday and Thursday last. Quite a number of persons were present to witness the operation. LP" The Commissioners appointed by the Governor to prepare a code ot general i ion miles tiiiant. 1 lie lire commenced I Tim ril.t V Itlttntl li it Illl.l li,l fAn.i unllu ' 1 i Koblnson, (Second sliet I, iienr lio-i) au'ed lT. now been laoin:; 4 luiuis. A "entleman . , ... , , , ,, ,, , i , ,, , , .. , "bodied on I uesdav nihl, and Mis. Halm- who tiruvetl here this mornins I rum Mon- , , , ,. ' . ' I , , . . . , . , , a widow lady rem, Ini;. nt S uv Mill Rim. who 1 tieitl, which place he left yesterday, tie- . . , .,. , .... ; ' .-" took sick lues lay atlemtoti and tiled the inuiiu t. uir .iTiir hi inc i-iiilllilL;iill1"ll as awful and appalline. The llames were ra ging unchecked, and hundreds and thousand of families were wandering about without same uiyhl. I'ttlslmryh 1'iiiua. Something 1' i. iiuim Paine. Ii Is i it... r si n . t I.-.M! . . aws, on- nun. James i urter, j. ions j calamity woultt slop. Botihatn and E. A. Pcnniman. Judge Por- The snppply of water had alieady piven said that Paine, the aler nas irian. has nut ', n shelter In cover them. Tho spark ami j forth an invention t,( siibMantial utility. bnrnitiL' embers were flying in all directions ! is a ventilatiu- dust pioof lad load car. P.y ; Ihu spreading ihe conflapration, and it was I a new and liiiiei.ious ventilatino contrivance, ininn.cin ii id rti-u.iioi ichuii bm,i ti-i,.,ri. hu I.. .. I , i "i"' i ........ ...... .. ..i. v ...u Kiusi. ciiiuuis, s ai Ks nun smiiKe are out, and the intense, heat of tho flames pre vented either the firemen or citizens from nnnioat-hini? the scene to stav ihe Tinore ir?" PmuTivr K-i- Fnr en fnr rish 1 eiiimiinii is inn it lawyer out a rnua- 1' . , ., ' . fltlNTlNG 1M. for taie tor castl, ! J of ihe raym-: element. Kvery one seemed at this ollice, k-g. ol 25, 20 and 12 pounds j l"C """ 10 a stuck will, .error, and as .he wind was vert- each. Price 23 cents per pound. ( Philadelphia lawyer. i hitili, it was feared that nearly ihn whole I city would f ill a prey to tho llames. At ter is certainly a highly competent man and will see that the tiling is done up right. For tale for cash I nn'tmnn is not lawyer but a Phila- out of the cats, within. kept ! ami the nir is kept pine Srrrtftines. Smdmiv. Jnlv 17. 1S.M ti'i i oii'ii xtiTin: Jf)'ni.'K is l-.i-rc'.-y f-.veu llml !ie u!is,-rihcr h.-iK hccn aj-piintc.l an auditor hy the f 1, phaus' Court til' Xnrthiunberl.iiid t-oiuity 1'or tlie purpose of t!iMi'ilulinL' the n-a-su in the linoi!. ol'Josi-pli .lolmsioii aihu'r. ol'.l.ii-ii-t .lolin slim, ilcc'il and that he will ntiend -, hi i.lli.,. in Suiilmry, on Tiicil.iy the 2iih in.-!., for that purpose when al! perwins inlcrcsted can nlti-uil if Ihey think proper. II. 15. MASMOH. Auditor. Sunhury. July IT 'Jt. V:ui I.tiats Diiucrrciiii (litllcrv. I5!l C Iff I nut Strrct. T t!o c,'!--''nei ,1 c-J!ai.!is!inn a'. ,,n can alvvnsj iv , 1 .-iiii- l-a- ii,--. -t nail in ,ki ii. .prove, I sn lc ol ti.xci i:i;i!i.o r pi: ,v t.w.udtypk riiirnt ti rs ,-au ! at ir -in .,11 l i IIM i.-r ct. i.cus ut,T lliaa mii-h jaclurih Tiib Maim: Law. The Portland Arou-. of Wednesday, says, 'There was not a sinole cornmiila! to Ihe watch house tluiiio? the ni'jhl of Ihe linlependauce eelelnnt inn an event unheard id since we were a city, and Incjj befnie A (act liko this is worth . I tTV Tl,., fri-r.M. r Mr tvkrf ""'X vt'oultj f ill a prey to tho flame LT A press of advert,s.nS encroaches , - , ,im f hi, U.avil(!f onr illformnnl M!ltp, a volume ol osse,, considerably upon our l eading matter Which I that the fire hatl already a space lamer tha nave uecn so c.ompteieiy oversiau;;lietl by ..ilv of Trnv we will endeavor lo remedy shortly ' Z'J' We art HmsTCuv'ii Doo A lavouie setter don, fiatnhle for the two volumes of the Presi Till-: Death of lloiaee Smi;h, Esii., lale the military renow n ol'f Jen. Scotl, and Mr. ! The' telegraphic masts and post were .ill : ( ,,!l!itl1 10 Pmlnal, formerly a much respect- i i-idhle,! Iii Han. .la men i Webster, himself, in his lalai sneerll nt ! niiroB.I hieli will .,r..i ,,i nil .......-,;,.... i ei1 idi-"!' of I til is v ,11. Velonin lo thd Hon. Herny Clay, il is said, f'lllinve.l him to Washington last winter; untl on tlie death of his master kept close lo h s remains, but on reaching Philadelphia las' Friday, was chained up at the American H.uise, and unfortunately was lefl behind when Mr. Clay's remains were taken on lo New York. Since then, ho has been anpa- j renliv much dejected, and is very fretful. It i m,,ch wanted and cam Boston, did not forget to .'ive them a sly i t icn with Montreal by that means lor some dents annual messages and accompany in; ; dij in the ribs, on the subject of military 1 '"" 11 P"bable that no such destructive J,,.,ni. ! wnrshm. . will hi. wrn in lit,,,.,,-',,,", ! "d calamitous couflaiiraliou ha ever been !LP" We were Idessed with a heavy and most refreshing rain on Thursday nilil which continued wilh but little intermis sion until 9 o'clock iuv . I: was i ; "'.! '. i -. e, as extract : i known on Ibis continent. Millions upon I ... i I ! ii ,. r f nrnuerlt l.'.a (-.... .1 t m . n.l I uncht also to exp'ers a particular debt of , ' aratllnde lo ihe milliaiv who have accum- r-KsCSTCH. panied i.s as e.cnii. You all know, ijenile-: T,IF- Fire Scbih i:iiTwi:i.vk HcNnur.n men, il is not my fiituue lobe, or In have ! Hot sr Di:stroyi:d ftiirlinqlon, Yt., July iieen M i.rii-eeflil rnllilitre eliiMltin llu.iil,. ' .A ... ... . . . ---j ........ ... i yi e learn tiy Ihe passenuers liv he cars Miners' Journal, i from K.ntupe, a tlespalches. 11 , day the St h ii.-t. is aiiuoiii'ced in I he He hut lecenlly reiilinett beaier ul (iiiverumetital d e l at Readh-o on Thnrs- l,r a:i,1 t r .'Isi-wai' u" ll. it y -a cao .i if rncli pel l'e,! portrait I our I Vf, i on, i at a iniTc not, anal eat!, ilnn't il--la U-sf y,,n l--' hit-ill. fo-ry ari-'tv of I'mi-y i--isc., li-aini--.. Ac. on lain, I or fiiniehrii ,, or,lt r. aii.l i-uiv pic'nrc m.,,1,. fcala.-,-rv ae. I viiiraai.-,l 1 . I,c i I.: !,'. ! ,, ,., N , llU t.'a;i nail ,t- cs at l.'.lt 'a"ttatit it. I.. II IM UM-.I.I, l'!ii!a,l,a;,!,i:: .,,., r. .-:-.' !;-. fllanulaclured hy the New Jersey '. ('unman v. Newark. N. .1 Hi: Sali-ci ili. r roe n pr, -nc,l t i i-v.-rutr or.l.-rn l a, c.vt, ii' l,,r II, cr I,,-., an, al ,!i:t(; ,l ,. ,i.,,,h, Za- f oals, ft t!a- iclnc.-l jiri., viz w.nraniid Klonnd in -al. !' rrntt per III., p,,,, I'- - il-. ,1, II. C 'I Wain-. ,1 .. ' . a. I,,, I"-, is proposed ta send him on to Ashland. the excesrively hot vea;i; rinZ the Tiik Mail Di:i'ki:imti,)s The Snow Hid Shield stales thai the depredations i, the 1 mail by Auileiny J H istin-', the pn-ini aster ai rested at MilUleir '. lei., will amount In lei and applause.) I am nolhui" but a pains- , , . , .52000 or SoOflO. lie? i.iu.eiis of P.,-i!m lukiinr imr.i uniiiinn triii.,!,?.. ; vvho left Mm, tieal Ibis nionnn;, that the (lie , , , i.ikioii, lutut-uoiKinii, tlrihloiniT civilian - j.M,l.. snlieic.l lo the anmuiit ofSluno. ;nuk I. nl; ruin Win-.- ,.n.l II i- w'no r -s ei I,,,; in va, oi li.c ila j (voice. "You are Daniel Webster und that's , has been finally checked. The whole num- ,1, 0f5n0tt. p, r, past week had considerably parched vege- j eunuch,") citing my life, and my health, ' ber of house destroyed is supposed not to or over SoOn. t:lt trtn . sail cut ol Liverpool iiou-.a-da ys, a-seit lhat 1 they care no moie for Asiatic cholera than! rf STr.r.nT I.MPr.oVT.Mr.NTS. Our bor lor o.dinary cholie or sickness uf the Mom-j h Khjri.ies have heen en,.eavori.iS to ucii. aiii!) iih3 a remeuy wn cn iney nro. , , -ir .1 i .. .i J I ' nien.l nnr wavs hv fillnv un t' elow pinces -j j t- i be less than twelve hundred, including 1,olnep iof ,1ti:,t.l .....i , ...;ui I ,1M pw u,Lr?.;uiu alio, j r s , t . tl-l. , , ' , , , in the upper end of Market square. hen smipie as lo relievo all apprehension of fa- I 11 1 . -al resuhs. We shall p.obably lell many of tllH work is WP-' at ll "Sht n'nr readeis nothin:.' new when we ?:ate the ,0 he, it will, no doubt, be a great iinprove- prsscripiion : Common salt, une lablespoon- ' ment, but as it now is, it only moves the lul, red Sl.chi.1 tav or tub Nav v. Rttltimnrt, Jul 11. 1 tin lion. John 1. I nsei'v ' t-CitE roll LiioLcaA. bix t-arlams whfl i to lho mMintninance of ih ConMitii'inn. nml abilily, under the Providence of God, Ih'e ; muy of ,he l,esl in ,,1B ci,v' ,l is impossi- libeilies of my country. (Great npplausu and tie to estimate the loss, cheers.) 1 , R, in-:v. - inprit iselimnH (nrCan r The Iron Horse travelled into ; c..,. ; i.; r .u.. r... .i... u . i ...v.,, i.i nii: .eoi".-'s. ii, on nir uuti lie: I Greensburg, Wrstmoreland county, on the ' "prevented his soldiery from pilhi-rins Ihe j Lot. a Monte says the teiiy objection -he 5th inst., for the first time, from Pittsburgh. !cahdip Cathedral, of Mexico, or from tan- ' has to New England poetry is that it is too He astonished the natives some, and mill- a kins iheir convents, or distnthinj their re- j ,(uv "pi'i'ed. Out o! ninety. seven sonnets titnde iVnm Ihe snr rmmd I n,r ,, ,,.-.. ! tiifion ceremonies, tlurin-7 the lai.1 war w-iili : "'"' she examined m Itos!,,,,, ninely-live OePIier. Ore Inn sl-icnofid. in n halt i ....--... ...r.11) T.-rmul t At-uri httui-v rain ' ... .i ,, ' ' 'I- , ... yUU3r ,,ullu iu, no u w ...u.w ." , ii. ..i.i : i c l . ..:.i. ,,r ,,, . ,. ... ,u ,UUR t uillil'ill. uiliu biutju Willi pint of hot water. I., J. !,..... n,,!,-,. .ml lli ! .. . j amazement, trying to discover where his Post office. j pOWt.r 0f locomotion was secreted. M.. a. in. il,. ; ,t, !.,.. a tun ii.-.,-:;. ,- . ,,- , , ,i. ,.-,! iuii,,,'. ,-,,,-f r,uK- w.. , ..., I'ia o: W ait - I.-...I j il.,-j nr.. -;i -, cent llio -iiniinrr. .i !l . I K is rapi iit nap.-l -, -I ,,-..i iciai-a It -.- -.-si i, :.n , :i,U.c,;.,y ua,l in trc htaatm.l Iha i llir Wlatc I..-., J,-i. ,.'. rv.-a w.m-ii . p-",-. lo -al;. a ' - i.--:, is i, I I, oali a lal.lo. ' , ' '"" ' ao. a i. r.ini Hciuin I' 'HI' ' iai"l I I " ! . I .."sl,. W,,rii H"' wt--l ' "!'". i ' I ill ..!' v.. (l. I.u.-I, . ' c.!,i.-.--', !,,.. Iii. ........ a ,,.,., v i , ii; la.... a v-r., ;.. a,, cii ,i , c-ii'i.,. n,i i,. r i,,,,; -Ik ,-a '. ...ol r'.ni l-t l" il.,s. sia t. i.., , W'"-r 1 ' "" ' -'!' i--l'i..s'. iron Hiailor tt sirs an, I ra, war Irn.-c-. I,li.l-fs. , ,. 1" r 1 r- ii ,i'i,.i-s i-, 1'ioai i.- t.-,.., ,,;:v vain-, I,;.- ,- ''lll'.fM II. I, l., I f:.'ir;y ptc ClltS ai,. i.. i.,r in a ,i i: lorn liorniiuh, eentitinnii 1 -rt mrrs more nr less. whereon ale ert ctcd two story Krniiie llwelliti; House ami a Kiaine Sinhle. Siteil. litlit n ill ceritliiii, anil to lie solj as the property of John 1 livers. A I.St) : A rer'aiti Lot or piece of Crnnnd, Situate in Delaware township, XorlhuinlsrlnnJ county, louniltil hy lands t,f Win. MrUuire, Jaen s l.oech. Ihe heir of Urn. Keller ami others, ; containing ."i aci-es mote or less. Si'7.c! taken in PM'cntion untl to tie soli) as the properly of ijeerm" KrlS r. ' ALSO: The untli'idftl in liely, or half part of sll llist Certain Trai t of Land, I Situate in foil township. Northumhrrlmiil coun ! , inlj oitiinit I n, ,l of .lohn Honl. Mr. Wilson, Peter .Vomer. Mu Intel Kroll, ninl I'leiifii.-k Km ! nn r. conl iiiiinrr KI-7 lien's, und !)(i pen hes nml iti!,nviiiice, nuiceil 2".iJ of October 17II-I, nn a wurrnut to Ziiiinu'nuaii, dated ihe a7lh tl.iv of A ntiust I ?ll.l. Si it',1. laucii in c- ccutuni and lo he sold as : the properly of J.n-oli Loose. I A I. St.): 11 ii ceit iin wtit of r. I'mins, all lhat full, i fipial. uittli iilt-il fourlh part of n : Certain Tract ol Land, ! Situate in Coal township, County tiforrsaitl, I'oini, lei and ilescriheil as follows, to ivil: liL'iu ' imu: at a pine, theot-e hy lauds of John Curstin, ! i.oilh two ilcret-s, west 2J1I perches lit n post, liii'tirc hy lands of Thoinns 1 1 . milloii and Win. , P. Piratic, south MS ileurees, tvr-t Kit! perches to ! a while oak. theme b land of Mailalena .r erson, south lili deiiiccs. ucstlll l perches to a ttliile o,ih, liient e hv land of Samuel Scott, south -llj ilerees, east CI -1-10 perches to u slnnc, liience north i fi ilei;, east, lij-l perches to a post, Ihciice Miulli 2 ile;;. east. (II) peii-hm in a ches li til oak. Ihi-nce In Ian, I of .liiines llcpliurn. north ile;. east. 2."l perches to the place of lieuili niuj, i iintaiiiin ; hv a former survey acres an, I allowance, an, I by a rc-simcy -1M8 ucres autl (ie: t lies and allowance. Scicd. Ial.i u in eecu:iou mid to lie sold ns the properly of lien. Iluexerl alnl I'hoinaa Shurp. ALSO: A Sfipirstinlnr. hv iituei,f a certain writ of IV. -.'.';'. to me ihret-teil, Ihe life estate of the lieit'ildaot of and i.i two Certain Lots of Cround, Siliinle in ti e !.o,-,.ii-;li of Noriliinid-prlantl, Coun ty aforesaid, ho-iod noilh by no lilh-y, east bv I, Is ol Joseph sll.n-e. sol, lli by Prince slrrct, and wi st hy ,-ccaid slreet. t oiitaiuiie; I acre, lli-ce or lc-s. Sei.eil. taken iii eeeution and to 1 c sold as ihe property ol John l.t-i-enriu. V.'M. It. KIPP. Sheriff. Sher'uV's HlV.ce, Sunlnil), July Hi, is1.,-:.- II. ' j n? tl lonns i, v Ms' .- T.M-IM- i- l-,:-,'t. l av i,,-.' a !,. M ; ri"i"-.i it a I , ' irri ,-.l -.i . ai -l ve il ,,::,, i.,.,r , ,i..,n,, ( hiilliaiit-y eni'-a I -m-t liiaa Win!,- I.c;;rt, or ;,n , - i'. rt'n , i.- ,.,-.,'- i, ,v.- in V r' ., .. ' u . I. . .. . , , . . ... .... .. ' ' '"" '"-oioi. se ii-ts neen ii-ii,ii:re,i, aim lias aei'epte.l, the ( wan - nit in.- imihi.. mr m.-l, .-, t.iMi-stv il.r i.i,i Sjeielarjship of Ihe Navy, in the place of i ianc!-!i tl,, ''r'mm lmi" .ti'ii oI'Ik! .'','","'!n'' !',' Hon. W. A. Graham. resio,,e.l. i '( '" '" '''""" " iii,,,,,,,..., ,i e ili-aali. I a,-i iaea- l;'-'-ii l! ;;l-l .) l!,e ri.nci, ,.,4r,. I I, air. "V lat-, -a , ,rie,i -,! ..; ..,s , l--i,s,v- 'i ll"! lo l!,i I c'lct -s-t, . ,i . ' r :' i:,.- aiii. -I i,.u,i,- : a I . Pun '1 1 l.'-Mi i I. a W. I K ,t an- iv , : laiiclll lit in'iliv- Mu. Clay's. Finki krai.. L'.xta jfoi. A ii.. i July 10. The remains of Henry Clay have! 1... I .k: . . ... t.ii. ii vru una v i.j . .a general (jiooin per vades iho whole eotninuuiiy. The city is iLnoeli'd in mmuin. Tho prepaialions for ihe funerai are tol eujtily grand, and ihe body of lum who was ihe. nations piile, .will be couxijued tu i:s last resting place with all becoming ceie. iiiiisiy. ' .Vis WttsrtR is e v ivl u 1 1 1 1 y much cha gruittd Ly the result of the Whiu Convention at lial'.iiuoio. At the close of his speech at Hoston, on I'uday, he scarcely lakes ihe pa I us to Clinical his disappointment, und his contempt lor military men, an I the favor which some of some have received at the hands of .he people. The allusion lo suc cessful military chieftiaus bronchi out roars of deiisive laughter, the .ympathy between Ihe orator and his audience, on that point, seeming lo be perfect. American Bishops in England.-. The Rev. Pishops McCoskry and Delaucey, of Ihe Pio lestanl Episcopal Church, and the Rev. Dr Wainwrijili', huve been most kindly greeted by the dignitaries of ihe Church of England. They wete formally teceived at a sjiecial nieeliuc of Ihe Society for the Propagation nf the Gospel, ane were otherwiso treated with marked distinction. A New Yum letter in th Philadelphia Ledger says : Decidedly the tjuicke.t rail road lime ever made in this part of the country wan that accomplished by a train on ihe Hudson Riv e.r Road on Wednesday the 7lh inst. Rum ring limn from lh depot, Thirty-Second ,t;,-ct. W A 'I any, twu u.'i:s and fifty ei-!:' iiru.iiles ICO uib'.-s- their nation, Th-se partizan foraet to remember thai ! both Gen Scott and Gen. Taylor, were under poslive nnleis, from President Polk, ihrnuoh she says commenced wilh th bronchitis and ended wilh a newly made crave: Rrrnr.T. Mr. Gieely nl' Ihe Tiibnne, ha v. ins saitl he would spit upon one of the planks Mesw i, ii ii, i c ca!, ini.i nu ll, v.- I. tlr , 11 " . il na, r. i : ,i :i s I 1 1 l.'-Mi i - .v f ,.r la.ov, ll,. II, I'.l I . !. I li-tv- a la.',',! lav e.t ,n',.lv . i.l,l po-sc-,1 li. t:,u,l vi-iv- , -.i.i-i' l.V I--.I. , lo-a'a iij-ia llav o'-r n,.i,:.. ' . I,-- I'a nt -a vari -cs n, civ c if ;.,;., a ,, '.V , rt: -a lo n.oc thai p;,. rt-mi-s '1':.- ,oi:l c . v,ai',' w i. ,J tea,,-,',-. ,-. ,'ca,!!y ,:.,.;' v. a, i vvlticll 1 am I e Tue mi'' The present term of the Supreme vry QL,I(.K I'RAVIXLING.-Decidedlv the Court has brought to this olare a larger the war department, lo respect the piopertv '.of the Whi platform, Ihe Rochester Ameri- ; of the Church and the persons of non-combat-j can replies that Ile cannot i ; iei f-fo-i ut us a it ia t v ".i'. nav. .,,v r ( ,.,., j mil'-''. I o in- ii-,-1 Uir Zoic l'un,l r.i.rr..! - in- n. ' t i .: j.. . .l- iinv.ivei ,dii ivju'i iioiv- rirr mutie. Ill tills ' , ,. i ,u.., ,i. . , i . i, . . ' . nomherr.f .trrtnK lbn nn.' nrl nils term i ... . ' """"'"" ', nt... no u.ietnn, ,vB r,ul , v, - rntint rv. was mat nrt-rimrilishpr' hv n ram , i vs. i. . . , ... . .. i j - I'cn i W'ort.s. si, n lr, n Woik'. Hon. John M. Read and Judge Mallory of Philadelphia are among the distinguished members of the liar attending the court thi week. On Monday next the injunc tion issued at the instance of the Susque hanna Rail Road Company, against the Sunbury and F.rie Rail Road Company, to try which has the prior right to occupy the ground between Sunbury rml Hanisburg, will be argued before the judges of the Su preme Court. The counsel un the part of Ihe Susqehauna Rail Road Company, are Hon. F. VV. Hughes, Esq., of Potlsville, John C. Kutikel, Esq., of llarrishurg, and Benj. F. Brewster, Esq., of Philadelphia. On the part ol the Sunbury and Erie Com pany, Hon. William M. Meredith, Judge Campbell, Mr. Fallon of Philadelphia, and J. Maynard, Esq., of Williamsport. The case excites considerable interest in this section, and among those ir, I crested in the rival routes, in Baltimore and Philadel phia. tt.7" The Lycomin Democrat speaking of the Saw Mills near Williamsport, says some idea may be formed of the capacity ol these mills when we stale, that the dou. ble water mill above town is now cutting at the rate of forty-five thousand feet of boards every twenty-lour hours ; or, about ilurtnn milium of fiet per annum; We doubt much .1 there is a mill ol equal capa city in an j ut of the Union. on the Hudson River Road, on the 10th inst. Running lime from the depot, Thirty-Second fctieet, to Albany, 2, hours and 58 minutes, (160 miles.) : cnmpiy. vv e no not mean w impiy mat ei- j SrRAWi.KRiur.s -It is said lhat Mr. Herit-1 ther or ll.ese Genera,, would have permuted, ,., f Bltritieto,. Co., X. J., ill this tear I whe.her under orders or not, so sacrilea.ous rrc,ivH s 000 f,m a., ace and a half of anJ cowardly an onttaf-e ; nor lhat anybody i ,tr0U11, rtulite( in slrawben ies. .M,-ri'. T':,.k, r A I!,-, i V-,lic ,y f .M.rrn-!. A rsat. Jli'licr T Sll 'on A Co . I',, J T !'ii. I' . Urv ll s-k ('. l.-:tlei si,;, on rcas aiiibl- t. I lo- liy the Aj, -I l:r l'oi,i4iai . tv f jnr. .v r-v . o. l; !s..u., Vhau, Plot Jnlv ir, t-',;.cr is entitled lo particular credit for having forbidden or prevented what would have In Tennessee a man has been condemned r- Mr. Webster in his late speech in Boston, states that he came to that cily in 1822. He had given up politics for the purpose of pursuing his profession. The cause ()f the change of his intentions we give in his own language.. But i,o man '.knows his own destine at least I did not know mine. As 1 was s'itlin" iii my ollice, pa, jug over Mansfield and Blackstone, in the year 1823, in Ihe mouth of October, there came n commitiee lo me. iney vim not look liku ehtmls. (Lauuhler.) I ilul not t,ievB ihey had an-, law suiis. Thomas II. Perkins was ehaim,,,. a... other of them is now living Mr. William Stuigis- and ihey stood up straiahl in my piewmce. t inrew uown my law books, and they said "Su w have come to lell you youi tiestniy. lou must give up these law book. We ome lo lell you that on Mon. day nexl you will be rhoien ro renresem iK Cily of Boston in the Congress of ihe United Stales. Wo come to maka no renuent u come to enter inlo no discussion, we take no answer," and Col. Perkins made a graceful bow, and wilh his committee went off. Mr. Clay's Funeral. The num ber of persons estimated to have been pre sent at the funeral of Mr. Clay, in Lexing ton, on Saturday last, is 30 or 40,000. The horses and carriages present if placed in the ny enpi- ! lal mad.j out of Ihe fact sluled, it is well enough t know wheie, if any w here, it be longs. Unit. Camp. Tsiata of DAVID FAUX, Dec'd. (TICK is hevi-hy piveii llim liners nf ml- ... , .r . . - lino Islrnlioo l.,i... l,..,.n 1 ... .1.- ....1. disced .he nation in .he eyes of at! ! . ' 5elh "nP"w "r mar.ymg n,e r (iAVl 7frl,iZ Christendom. Rut if there is to beany enpi- I nlel',! ' of Hush town-hip. .N'oit'-.uiu'.ierlan-l i-ou-iiv.' .l MfaNNI'ss of binh is l,o nbstacle to true I persons intlrhle I to said cslale or huvimj claims merit, in which alone solid glory and lea! no- ! Hefi"" """""l ar'' ""l'-'ed lo rail on the j . . B ' ; suost-r her lor seltlcment. bih.y consist. Wil.i.lAM ll. KAsK, Ajnl-r. I " i Rush lp., July li, 1 lit. Hoori ami's CiF.rtMAN Bittkiis. rilfse i - - ' . . . . . I celebtated Billeis prepared by Dr. CM. (TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTIU'MRF.R Jackson, 120 Arch street, Philadelphia, are, L-ND COl'NTV pe 1 1 1 1 1 in i uu asionisiimg cures iiuouithdul llie whulo country. We can bear witness lo their em o 1 1 L u iMtvv.os io tl, .i.e.. .f f. i...,.l ,.f nor, v. hn I ad lh,. I Ivor P..'.....!,.... .....I i """ " C,,!"''He t'oi lilt Ollice of who had tried almost every oilier meilicine, lil'i.-tt'l" li('C)riK'l. but wilhout eflecl. Afler taking a few hot.; , ,, . , . ' lies of these Bittcis he was entirely cured.- ! ,,ho 'TXl tAcvr'"n; S 1 'Onr liee and To those who are similarly alllicied we re commend them lo take the preparation knowing lhat ihey will cure ihe disease i a manner, as shall give general satislac ...!,... ..f i i i.:..l. .1.1... t. 1 Hon. fu,ie,, ui, anu iiiuiij ilium tu vvtllt ll llt'SU is heir lo." 1 here is a spurious article Farminu in California. Much attention appears to be paitl to farming in California, and the piiees paid for produce must make il a proliiable inveslment of lime, labor ami money. 100,000 acres are said lo be tinder cultivation in the State ; and so well tines it pay, it is expected that three limes as much will be cultivated next year. Oichard and vineyards are growing, and the fencing in of land and reclaiming is proceeding t.eadily. A patv of near five hundred Cuban inva- sionists, it is said, has been formed in Cm- cinnati und Louisville, and lhat they ate ready to depart at a moment's warning. BELLOW CITIZENS :I herewith an- nonuce nivstlf io your kind cousideia- . independent volu place mu in I his. olfiee, I j pletbe myself, In fullil the duties llieieof in Kossuth is about to publish a book lo ho wlvl for the benefit of such Hungarian relu gees as need assistance. A. man was finaj 850 and costs, at St, Louis, last week, ror insulting a lady in the street. Tllfc-ut! Id M .11. ....... procession would have extended a distance . '""-"'" mm in Bristol, Pa , ',-., . inum - ,erce a cott." Them is also one ol 2j miles. It was an in.rxwing scene. in New york nillI1(sJ 111ieti.e fc Ka spurious made in Philadelphia. The only nlace to ! eel the genuine article is 13(1 Arch street, j Philadelphia, of Dr. Jackson, or his agents' throughout the country. i II A U It K I. Respectfully, your obedient servant. GIDEON M. YOlih'S. Sunbury, July 10, 18;VJ. lo. TO THE ELECTORS OP NORTH CM BE IS LAND OOIWTY. IEI.I.OW CITIZENS i KuoiitirBirril hy ma ny of my friend, 1 resierlfully tiller myself us a candidate for lbs Ollice of Uojjfistfi rj Ilot'order, On the 21st nil., by the Rev A. B. Cas par, William Bouar nf Cenlerville, lo Miss ' Skhra Uibiuhovs of Middluburg I At tho upproat-hing election. Should I be elrcl- (BBIjlanlllBIEBHaMallaalHBlia ed, I shall endeavor to leiijer neiiersl sutisl'sc- lion. n.vwi t.l. l tit. .u. Lower M.thonov tp., July 10, 13 S tc. REGISTER'S NOTICE. OTIC I is lierebv civen lo all I.ecatrrs, 1 Crci'o'ois and other persons iiilcrrslcd in the I'.staie-s ol ihe loiloiviui: uimietl persons, that tho lAecutors, Adoiioi-tralors. and (iiianlialis of slid D-tales have tiled their arcounls with the Regislt r of Nnrlhund-eilatiil ctnuity, and that the same will la- prr-ciitcd to the Orphans' Court nf said Counlv. on Tuesday the lid- day of August neit fur connrination and allowance. 1 s.V. WiMiam Sril-., dee'tl., seltled hy hii Adin'r ( it'i" 2c l.nlir. I John Mt iilianis, dei-M.. settlnl hy his Adm'rs Rol-ert Mt-Yillianis snd Wni. Fullmer. John Purler, dec'd., settled by his Exc'rs D.'.iaui und Win. H. Wnpples. Samuel NiHimon, tlec'tl., setllt-vl hv his Atlm'r Thomas Shannon. I-aac V. Eaiusworih, tlec'tl., linal scrount st illed by his Adin'r Wm. V. Silvt-rwootl. Adam Eollnier, tlecM., M-ltlrtl by one of his Exe'is Win. Fullmer. Eve Kemphel, dei-M., ketllcd by her Adin'r Abrahmu llotlicruiel. Pi ter Me Andiew, tlee'il., settled liy his Athn'r Michael llalev. John Evert, di-t-'d., settled by his Adin'r John Even. Hcnrv Fox, tlec'd., settled hv his Adin'r Jacoh Philips. MiiqihiYnri Wenriih, dec'd., settled by her Kxe'r Isnsc Krvmire. William Woolvrrlim. dec'd., settled hv his Adm'rs Wm. H. Mucnt-h snd E. F. Wool- veilon. Solomon Zuern, dec'd., settled by his Adm'r Joseph Zuern. John El rihl. r. dec'd., settled by his AJm'r Jeremiah Wetel. Henry, Surah, Catharine, and Margaret Ann Mt-Oi-p. minor ehiltlreii of Bernard McGse , w illed by their Guardian John B, Mc(!e. Jt se I. John, settled hy his Guardian William Ti-il.-vvoiih. Oliver, Charlotte, Jane, William, Osrsr, Charles and Hannah E. Woolvprttiii, minor children of Wm Woolverlou, tlec'd., nettled 'ny tin ir Guardian, John J. VVoolverton. Ivt'id cu Rolhertnrl, minor tliild nf Abraham Kolln unci, dec'd., bellied by his Guardian Suimiel S. Wagner. Susannah llolih. minor child nf .Michael Bobb, tlec'd., spilled hv her (iuardiun M. Smith. Matilda Einer, minor child of Michael flitter, tlec'd., settled by her (iuardian John Enter. Catharine Faster, minor child of .Michael E la ter, dec'd., settled hy her (iuardian John Eistor. Isabella Wilkerson, minor child of Ann Wil krrson, dec'd., seltled hy her Guardian Sam uel Csmpliell. Phihp Diiinn, dec'd,, aettlsd by bis Adm'r (teoriie Diiiiin. Peter Slironlx, dec'd., setlletl hy his Esecu tri Mary Shronlt. JOHN P. PL RSEL. Register. Ivejister a Ollice. If I 11 I. Ihu IdrtV msl., HENRY FUNK, Esq , uj;ed about 67 years. loculiii for sale bv llio doieo. at this "llicti. sinli) or Sunbui-y, July 3, 18M St. j lVTRACT OF COFFEE. An eieellenl 1 articltt more vvholoaoms and much rhesisti than I 'ofU. it-lf. 'r i ihu ollice. April 17, is:-;