Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 10, 1852, Image 4

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    . 4
s Wimu y AMekican and sir amokin journal.
P 0 C t V 1J .
Oh don't rnn rr-iwe-rulsr l be W'hoj's Jim
The b'Uoy's wiih tnws sn ml?
Who drank with ilcliphl wherever they met.
Ami always went drank lo fticj
In ha oloV frrare jHtr, m thn ccfgo ef the
' In corners ulwtsre tuiil1 nluun 't
They have cone to rest, fm the gay young
Have-d-toppM (T, ono by one.
ttonrl ro inftnemWr
I ho
Ami Ihn piiit at thft fool of the liiil !
Where oft we have lain, lUio' the hoi sum'r
Ami thank to onr utmost filf :
Tho ppiini: U fi 1 U-it wilh tniul, Jim Holmes,
' Anil the, wild- ho" root alt arRtttitl,
Ami tho kikhI oM jug, wi;h it whir-key u
Lies broken utul ppilloil on tho ground.
' !i, don't von tenicuiber tbe lavcitn Jim
A. d the bar keepen, kind nuir true,
j. cl he litllo nook lit Iru cud of I he bar,
Vhfre wc drank tho wiiw that he drew 1
'.' i -r tavern in burned l.i tho giouuii, Jim
Tim bottles are cracked and dry,
i of all the Vboys who spread it then,
'J here remain, Jim, but you and I.
Tiicre is a change in tho things I love, Jim
Of orne 'tis rijj lit sorrowful to think,
For we feel that the wrongs are gicvious to
When they rhanrjo to a levy lo diink ;
J.Jauy llifi months that have passed, Jim
There r a change from the old to the new,
Bui friends will Im false and friendship will
F.ra 1 refuse, Jim, to drink wilh you.
Cecelia it ro us jHattci.
The San Francisco Picayune says that the
rhnrches thre have determined lo 6ing no
more long rruitro tunes they being too slow
for the country and people.
"1 say, nigga, how you sell dem brooms
so in He'll cheapei dan dig indiwidival can do
when, I steal tho stufT 1"
"You fool, 1'oinp, 1 steal mine ready
May ho be shod with lightning, nnd com
pelliul lo wander ovar a desert of gunpow
der. A'. O. Pic.
May he havo sores eyes, ami a chest
nut burr for nn eye ball Bait. Clip.
May ho wither tinder Ibo voluminous
corse of Dr. Slop. Eve. Post.
May bis sorrows double daily, and bis
life lengthen in the same ratio that bis
sorrows are multiplied. Franhford Yeo
man. May every day of his life be more des
potic than the Dey of Algiers. -A'. York
May ho repose his weary limbs at night
on a bed full of fleas, nnd inhale the
odor of ten thtusaud bud bugs. Cin
News. May ho never again be permitted to see
the face of fair woman, and be run to to
death by boarding school Misses practicing
their first lesson of music, without tho privi
lege of seeing his tormentors. - Mcmp.
May hp, upon pulling on n tighl boot
find a live hornet in the bottom ! May he
be rode on a rail after getting bis boot off,
with n sharp odge up, wilh a bushel bag of
sand tied to each leg, by a torch liizhi
procession, and hissed by nil tho boys in ten
miles round. Brownlow's U'hig. J
May a troop of Printei'a Devils, lean,
la:ik nnd hungry, dog his heels by day ; and
may the famine stricken ghost of an editor's
bubo haunt his evening's lulaby, and hiss
minder in hia dreaming ear. Star State Pa
triot. May he be compelled to walk during the
day, with bare feet, over piickly pears; and
sleep at night in a muskeeto ehappaiel,
without a blanket or lariat to keep the ratt!o
snakes off Houston lieacon.
May he have a scolding wife nnd a smok
ing chimney, and bis days be many. Wes
tern Texan.
May ho bo in debt and dunned every hour
of every day by creditors as remorseless as j
..-nyiocK, unit as importune as I lie widow in
l.ily writ. May no sleep come to bis eye
lids, nor rest to his conscience, until the last
mile of his indebtedness is cancelled. May
he be lulhered wiib aquafoilis and shaved
with a hand-saw by a drunken barber, who
liiull rei I lo him dining the operation, eve
ry line and syllublu of the supplement lo
Ynginia Convention.. Frel A'eirs.
May he have to ride on the back of a
rough trotting mule, one thousand miles,
over a bad road, and have a Porcupine sad.
die. American Unionist.
May he bo doomed to the editorship of a
country newspaper, every subsciiber of
w hich is a mean as himself. Ottawa Free
May every dollar he gets prove ns base
coin as he is humanity, himself bo forced lo
beg, and every sentence from his cold heart
freeze fust in his throat, bis under shirt turn
to wasps, nnd ho not suffered lo go down
to his hole in the dirt, "iinwhipl, unconcern
ed anil unslung. Quiney Herald.
May "all the ills which flesh is heir to
torment him through life ; and finally, when
he dies, may he find his Ealanio Majesty rea
dy to ferry him over the river Sty if , and
consign him to the hottest berth in tbe
infernal regions. AT Doiumgh lade.
We had a ohap who got the Mirror three
years without paying for it, and when we
ned him ha was dishonest enough to
deny it ofT. We know ha has not. slept
well ever since. Give him a kick, and
let tbe misetable cieature pass. Tuzttttll
Not enough yet ! M,iy he be stowed into
a barrel of tar and boiled down and japan
ned over. May he thon be kiln-dried and
split up into wooden shoe-pegs ; or msy he
be cut lip and used for oal-lish bait. I'nion
C. inc.
rr the Car
HOAassnsss, brow-
This remedy is offered to the community with
the confidence we feel in an article which sel
dom fiiils to rciilie tlie hn-ppirpst eSec that run
he desired. So wide is the field of its usefulness
and so numerous the rnses of its cures, that al
most every section of the country ahoumls in
persons, puhliely known, who have been restored
from alarming and even desperate diseases of the
lunc,s, by its use. W hen once tried, its superi
ority over every oilier medicine of its kind, is too
apparent to escape observation, nnd where ils ir
lues ore known, the public no longer hcsitale '
what uulidiitc to caiproy for the distressing and
dangerous uUVclions of the pulmonary orgMi,
which are imidcnl to out climate, And not only
in tin- forniidalile attacks upon the lungs but lor
the milder varieties of Ctiuis, Cornns, HoAtiM:, itc, nnd for Ciiii.niti:x it in the plcasanl
est and safest mcdii'ine that can be obtained. No
family t-hould be without it, and those who have
lined it, never will.
Head the opinion of the following Centlciiicn,
who will te rcongniged in the various sections of
country where they arc located each and all as
merchants of the first class and of the highest
character as the oldest and moat extensive
Wholesale Dealers in Medicine wilh an experi
ence unlimited on the subject of which they
sjieak. If there is any valuo in the judgment of
experience, see
Tf'e the undcrsisncd, Wholesale Drusc,ists,
having been for long acquainted w ith Ayer't
L'hcirij Pectoral, certify oar belief that
it is the best and most effect nul remedy for Pul
monary (omplaints ever offered to the jimeri
can People. And trc ttoi'ild, from our knou-l- !
edge of its composition, and extensive vslul
mss, eordialhi commend it to the afflicted as
worthy their lest conjideme. va-l villi the firm
conviction that it iritl do for their ixluf all
that medicine tan do.
lTensbnw, Kdinands iV Co., Huston Mass.
Itecsc tS; Coulson, Didtiiuore, Md.
l.adtl & Iii'-rnilmm, liangor, Maine.
Haviland, Harrull it Co., Charleston, S. C
Jacob S. Fnrrand, Detroit, Michigan.
T. H. McAllister, Louisville, Ky.
yrnncis Walton, St. Louis Missouri.
Joseph Tucker, Mobile, Alabama.
Theodore A Peck, liurlington, Vt.
llavilnml, Kisley it Co., Augusta, Ua.
Isaac D. James, Trenton, N. J.
J. M. Townsend, Pittsburg, Pa.
Clark & Co., Chicago, Illinois.
K. M. Cay, liurlington, Iowa.
M. A. Santos & Son, Norfolk, Yn.
Edward Bringhurst, Wilmington, Del.
John Ciilbert it Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
',. 1). & W. II. Cilman, Washington, 1). C.
J. Wright & Co., New Orleans, La.
Watson, WbII cV Co., Fort Wayne, la.
C. C. Kic fc Co., San Francisco, Cal.
Lewis & Ames, Tsllahasse, Florida.
I). H. Strong. Knowille, Tennessee.
Chilton & Durr, Little Iiock, Ark.
Stiller, Sladc & Co., Lexington, Miss.
N. D. Labiulie. Galveston, Texas.
("has. Dyer, Jr., Providence, H. I.
Jos. M. Turner, Savannah, fia.
Wade, Kekstein & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.
J. f!. Coffin &. Co., Valparaiso, Chili.
F. M. Dimond & Co., Vera Crui, Mexico,
li it'll Itivas : Co., Bogota. New Grenada.
S. Provost & Co., Lima, Peru.
Morion & Co., Halifax, Nova Seolin,
T. Walker & Son. St. Johns. N. 15.
('. G. Salinas &. Co., Kio Janeiro, Brazil.
With such assurance, and from such men, no
stronger proof can be adduced, except that found
in its rftects upon trial.
Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYE It,
Practical Lhcmisl, Lowell, Mass.
Sold in Sunbury by II MASSER, and by
Druggists generally tliruugm i ithc Slate.
November 1, 1H51. lyceimo
rrMIK l'liiliiiU'liiliia WinJow Oluss Vnrc
A liouso, and Druij, l'uiiit, YainUli, Oil ami
Color .Stores,
Nos. 33 and 35 .Yor Fourth Street.
East Me, lias the largest usuortniont of Vimlow.
l'U'turo, C'oueli, Cusp, llot-llotiso, and otlicr
(1 LASS,
in tlie city; romiirisin? upwards of 15,000 ilif-
lerciit sr.eii,
running from the smallest tiizo, up to
H'lirt of Sluet, nml nn litn;e n S liy
!iS liv tiO inc
7 left of I'l-.itc Olasn, ini-luilitig Enijlisli Crown,
Krenrli, (urinan und Anu-rii-aii, liotli
Single and Double Thick.
AUo, a larpe nsKortuirnt of Very 'J'liifk (ilnwi,
fur Sky-I.igliu, Uulk Windows, &e.
Tliu Suliseril-er liaviur a liraxy Moik on hand
is prepared to till indera nt the shortest notii e,
und on the most roanouul.ln teniiH. Odd sizes
of liny pattern cut to order.
Ground Yliite Lead ; Paint, Yarni.ili, of ev
ery iU-nTiptio:! ; Turpentine; Linseed Oil, hoil
ed nnd raw; l'uii:t Mills; Putly ; Uruhe ;
llyo 'oods, tS;e., &c., cVc.
And ii Iho, a larue supply of fresh imported
n. S3 & 35 North 4lh ft., K. Side.
April HI, 1852. ly.
TI1K tatlMT IMlIZr. MtlllL Alt-
iuvi:i :
-Vo. I IS Chestnul St., above Sixth, Front of
rTy)P) 1 TA VE jusl reeclved their Prizo
f'il-ip-lW Medal, awarded lo Ihein for
I T i their liest Travelling Trunks ex
hibited at the World's Fair in London, 1651
being tho only exhibitors lo whom any award
was made. Their competition was with all the
world, and they hue taken THE i'liIZE!
To be found in this Citv, ami at very low price
Call and see. HICKEV it Tl'LL,
Trunk Manufacturers, 118 Chestnut Ht.
April 10, 1853. tf.
G1 OLD PENS with and without cases, pf a
I cry superior quality, just received.
Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sale
Sunbury, Dec. 27, 1851,
C'llNCLEfS. j0int aj ,p Shingles, 0f first
rule quallly, for sale hy
Suulruvy, Dee. SO, 1&9I-UI
- aive and legal envelopes, for aale by
Sunbury, nra 10, 1852.
T1LANK Parvhmeiit I'uiier Deeds and blank
- Morttfnill- It...., Id l-'..Mli.,n. U..n..nnn-
ttc., for sule by
Kuabury .. j
II. U. MAbsEK.
il VU, IM.'.l.
"HE suburrilicr has constructed LIGHT
NINO Ktl on true Jtuihwophical princi
ples, by which liBjliljir; supplied wilh them ro
rcndereif pesfWobltyi sneure against deslrnclion. bjt
lightning. The counoction and insulation of the
rod, s well as the preparation of the ground rod,
is on an entirely new plan, making usees per
fect conductor than asiy here tofore ii use.
Measures have been taken to secure Letters
Patent 6w the improvement.
TV rani is ilcsirous of struraitf tJisrf lives and
properly from destruction by lightning, can have
conductors put up to their buildings in the most
perfect and substantial maimer, by applying ci
ther pornwiaUy by Iwttcr,, to Uio uulmi&ued,
at the following prices :
Fos 40 It. J inch copper rod gold plated
point, itutid lalia
And forty cents for every addititnat foot
over fortv,
Vur 40 ft. inch luhuhir rod's gold pra
ted point, nolid I'latina lip.
For 40 ft. iron rod gold plaUd polul, W
ill pi ill in a tip.
For 40 It. iron rod tilrrr iihilrd iioinl,
And twenty reals lur every adiU.tiul foot over
forty. T. 8. MAC'KEV.
Milton, fvpt. fi, J8.-)t ly. cap 17, 1852.
V. lo IIUTTKH & CO.,
Siiei- M..r In W. O. Ilicttnti, anil llirk 'k A Cnnliiic.
m.ANIv UtMHv M A N f .' F A CT1 ' R K HS.
Tha sul'criliers nspectfully inform their friends
and the pnlilic, that they are uow enrrviug on the
iiliove business lit the OLD STAND occupied by
llickok etc (:o. They (latter themselves that by
careful alteiition to liiKincss, they will merit and
receive a continuance of the patronage so liber
ally enjoyed by the old firms.
I'ailrcntitr attention will be paid to tbe ruling
and binding of every description of blank books
for banks, conntv oltiecs, merchants and private
individuals mid eveiv variety of full and half
bound blank bonks. Old books, periodicals, law
books, music, newspapers, Ar, hound in any
pattern and in any style required.
In addition to the above, they have, and will
at all times keep, a general assortment of STA
TIONKltV, consisting of
M'tlo Wafers
liem r-nritit
letter Slumpfl,
IihIih ItulibrCj
Hwt Tape.
topviiin ,w
Ttltihi 11
litiu'k Ink,
t'rtriuurt' Ink,
(N'pvini Ink.
AiirMM Vrilin; l'luiil, I'.Tasures, Ac.
I "ir Pajier ruled to pattern, and all work wsr-
ranted and done very cheaply.
March 13, 1S52.-
Vocir Own iTIcciinnics.
Of the most Fashionable Style.
'"PHE subscriber respectfully calls the attention
of the public to bis large and splendid assort
ment of every quality and price of
whiih cannot fail to rnommrml itself town on
who will examine it, on nrromit of its riui.ibtc
workmanship nnd splpuilid finish, made up nf the
best utot'k to bo had in tho eity. No effort is
spared in the manufacture of hia vtu ami the
stihserilier U determined to keep up tyith the
many improvements which arc coiiKtuntly being
made. IIU stock cnnnists of Mahogany
ilas, Iivnns and I-oiinpcs,
Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards,
and aU-o VENETIAN UUNDS, equal to Thila.
dotphia manufacture.
BEDSTEADS. f vvcrr nattcrn nn,l nrieo.
in short, every article in this line of his business,
lie also manufactures ull kinds and tonalities of
including varieties never before to lie had ir
Sunbury, such ns Miioi;at, Black Walxi-t
akii Cihi.f.ii Mai'LK Giikciax ; imii WiN-nsnn
CHAIRS, ami i Acr Puxo evroni.s, which arc
of the laleKt styles, and warranted lo lie excelled
by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere.
The subxcrilier is determined that there shall
he no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in
the eilies, as every eonfulcuco ean he entertained
about the quality and fmwh of his ware and
Ilis articles will he disputed of on as good
terms as they can lie purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken in payment for work.
lT l"i DEBT A KINO. Having provided
himself wilh a handsome Hkaiisi:, ho is now
prepared for I'mlcrtakiiitf, and attending funer
uls, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis
tance from this place.
l.V The Ware Boom is in Market Ptreci,
Ih'Iow Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern.
Sunhurv, Jan. 10, 1853 tf.
' S
Xo,ti 2. St., helium Arch and Rare Pi.,
"IIBKF.BY inform the public that he imports
and constantly keeps on hand at his new
store. No. 18 North -d St., a large assortment of
Foreign Fancy (Joous,
.Musical Instruments, Pictures cf Faints,
which ho will sell at tho lowest prices.
Mis stock, ill part, consists of, Acrnrdenns,
Violins. Music Boxes, Parlor and Bar Room Or
4 i lit, Melodeons, Scraphincs, Mathematical In
si i ii menu, Magnets, (Spy and Opera (ilasses,
Stationery of all kinds, Pocket Books, Bronze
Powder, Dutch Metal, Cold and Silver Leaf,
Scales of all kinds, Snuff und Tobacco Boxes,
Lithographic Puints, ('upper Plate and Steel Kn
cravings, and pictures of every variety. Also
(iilt Frame Mouldings of various sizes.
Dealers, Country Merchants, and Pedlars, sup
plied al reasonable prices.
December "0, 1851. tf.
Bonnets, Hats and
Millinery (loods!
F.KCHANTS and Milliners when in Phil
adelphia to tiurehaso their rihmU, will find
it to their interest lo examine our large and fash
ionable stock of
srrcov onns.
e manufacture larsoly and im pout the
NtwKsr Si vlis or
Foreign rabrics
in our line ; which touelher with other advanta
ges enublo us to oiler liberal iiiduceincuts to
B I'VE us.
Nos. 47 and 49 CJiestiiut Sti-eel, and No. 86
South Second ftreet, west side, Hear Chestnut,
Deeeinlier 87, 1851 ly, cf.
Manuruclurer, & Dealer in '
Imported and Domestic Segars,
Also, s general assortment of
I.cafsV Mauuric(ured Tobacco,
ONSTANTLY on hand, at the lowest mar-
ket prices. Corner of Cheslliut t sud
Wharves, Philadelphia.
December S7, 1 MS 11 y.
k5 UEK, a fresh supply just received, and for
ale by . u. MASSEK. :
Kuiibiirv, Jan. 10, rt.V.'.
mh r.rARKD tot
nniiiNrr., rnoNEFiEU) vco.
No. 187 North ThirttStwctt Philadelphia.
MM! IS ptrtrrler In eiittttnt by 0ms united testimony of ntl
who huvfi nwm it to urn um xtiuk ni, oil m we i
I'l.K Mr.DICLVJ-: wIhHi Imvo bwii fehoutrlit nr.orp
worthy inny yearn. ltHlfH we rhallenun un? pTa
to intikv a iwiprio m tmy rnnlcr 1hnt nets in the Kinie
iimiiticr. (, Dte nnitimrhe'prrfcTlly hcnWiv H will either
iiMTtiiift! tb uni'HiHt milk or trini nnd tutttrr ; or thfl
nnimitt will (uipr tv; mpi'lly In f'H. It will ihrrrfnm in
lime Iw ctiiHHk'ri(1 we Imve tin doulit one of tltetlnple tirti
Hi of every runner, who ket'ps ft tli-iry nnd of every
ni'rnm nwmi a hniw II in nut one of thnie kind o.
AIisTiiitKA nirruly swll nn ninmnl np for a iliott
tiiim. tmt it l.v l lie impurity wliirli it v of cnvKrliitg
MIHM'HIO A VM 1 (ulti"li if" rut iflWu nmttrr) int-i I.At
tic atom it hlrink: iiiiiic fi t;ri'ittiir niifitiiit of nntriti'ma
nutter to m fxtmulnl fruiiWiu wnne nniotnit of ih1. tlma
pt nm til y (tulil were tins iifllvc pritieipV oC nutrition
lo puts out of the ityiicin in the fmm of lftHPimir Ann.
Wc iiovft irccivfd a mult iiitrlo of evidence to prove wkut
wr lnvf (wiiit nit t Snilirc t wiv :
AW hnvp tnixeil Hit active niiint. with n ptent nnmt-r
irf VKr.BTAiM.K pltiftln iiimI hnlw, which time nml nw Imve
proved to lit- iia-'inl, iinpr.ivinr tlie nppctiH niut pr 'iriotirtp
Hip'-tin "Htie fo t'naa Piv-urin n hrnllhy e ilit lf of
the Mom!, LfttiH whi'-h Hip M miti 1 at nntnt lie I'TiihH,
It nmy be tliuil for lloirR, Cwi nwl UOiL -nLflf fuUow-
YK!.f.OV WATI1U, n d mirrrou sickiHw, which
nlrtM niiiiiy v;i!u:ilil buiira every yenr, In very ofli-n
eiilirily ntred hv Ihv Ini' uenf thm powder, in nil at tun
it will pruvol tho ilivniw iV'iin roinintr on.
i iii. iiiM'tisc in nwnmg tin i;ifi inm impoverisnm fiiup
of tho lilivid whifh hfi'otiK-R thin, wutcry unil of ull yellow
I hi p'twikr hv mipritvinR the nl n:a(h nnd putti to
the hi hI ii piu,itr qn;mttty of red iKirliclefi, nfl int the
IwM und only "rMlile i Ikmich nf recovery. If tin: In true
in fur in, yii e m riiiii" nnd nipht n tulih'Fponnful in
f''vti, if in the Icfriitiiin onre a day al irmu, it ouJy lo pre
ent the ihfiisr (wire n week.
SJ..Hlii:itlN(i,. Thin if the rniimli'nj of many vnlna
hW W: um hy i Ahnutlnn, l a r niPhiui tliwharpi of ali
va whii h onplit to;tinti t!ie M'tuinch t i nwirt dippptitin.
It ii n KpiTit-ti nf BJilivmi Mi oi'n-n pr-Mhitcd Ity Iscjkn io
htircn t-owiMC in the pontine ground A 'ialh spoonful
llirre tiiiit-A 11 wwk will I r'pin' i- nrreFt tlw M'w, M it
d iran a dt'y-nd on the Toruct o in the shim, niid'-r auch
eirfiiutfitjiiict'ii the nnini:t! nnift Ik kept in the siahh.
IMSTK.M PKlt .If the powth r is early nnd freely iinprl,
no oilier remedy nei'd he mieil, it hsn nlready riirt'd liini
HiwIb of HnUPK-i nf thin ir.iiililenntne diftenne to the surprise
of th-e who nsetl it. If m.t ul early, benre ualtwt l i
formeil uLlhr wxii it euiin t rrU'iio. the nnhiul pMieetry
imiil th iiwou-r is fhwh:irn(l. w it eirly nnd rrveiit
mch n remitt. A 'l'ahlL-HHailid once r twice a day is
OhAXnnnS. This dienre has htiffled nil Farhikio..
litve Ihim p twdi-t u fair trial mid it will do wondi-rs in
l liin terriUe nnd Uith.ftto iiieiid!e maliKly. It i& u ilisi-aa
of (he jrlandnrid nyniein and kept np hy iinperlVet mil rit ion.
in such rose a 'raLhaiponiiil every day twice 0r u in mt a
or tw, iu "iiMimt RjU(Y;Hinii. will in nine unaei out ot a
dozen rfleel a etire, it k'tfl heMi fcwrly t'itl.
Coughs imtl sliorlitewi of lirmih dependmp on weak
hi nirs, a Tal)lep(hniul every morning; if it ut Kites onee
ctr twiee n week .
FOOU hir.V-SIMIHTF.D IMHtSl'.H, or where I here in
nny remains of I'ouiutiT or siurin i of iii Hioti niyl l.
Ilorne wtH n f itten, or where llm hair is roueh nnd
Btiindj utrnitfht ont, the Ch einiinfx t-. do iior mkI, the
Powder pr d tires nlmont itmnediale. improvement of the
nnnnai ; the tnpi-ntioii improves nnd with it nil the si hit -pishm-M
of Ihtt iiiiintnl disappears, bee.oiuiiij lively and
ppirilcd, and the hair smooth and slick.
Fof Mil. kin a Cxwtu wr are fiHy eoc.vmecd tlmt it not
oay imp m yen tlu. nn!ity, Utt thai it increau.' the nmouiU
of .Milk, Cream ami Hutier ; s'mie who have tried tlie ex
pi'riment My n I'otnnl n Week, others sjiv half a pound
while one pers-ui insisted upon it that he nmde two pnniids
more a week iroin li Cinv. We think it will he found
to average fr an ii I f to a pound per week on each Cow,
if the Cows are penttJy IiimIiIiv. This additional nni'iiiiit
is miidc hy the e nvem n of the Hippnrie Aeid into iitro
peii'ns aiwl fatty oon;hiuinls ; tilf i hy supplying the oxy
pcii t:iken in hy tin linii.. wi'h the elenienis if rertetinn ;
with ;nt nk in iinv of the irn;ei.mj portion nf t'.i" ferd,
nnd alt "iher diM Ht' of neat c.illie depending ipon a lad
state nf the tlnirU. nre rn:n ved speedily and iftVelinlly.
Cows, whiiHe iniik is I'lue, thtu and watery and where it
d'if not yielil imioh tueaia or wliere Cows give LIo kIv
nnlk, or whii'h re used lo tand long dry, ii will he found
nn almost im"a!H!ile rt tnedy, hy improving the e indi;i ti nf
the M nd mid ereaiins a hedihy h2enin ; n Tuhiesnonii
ful cverj kty or uvmy oiiic; day us it may be neceiktary
Pigs in the summer often overheat themselves, get swel
led necks, ennghs, uleers in the I.uii's tmtl Liver, widen,
entise thMti t idle very suddenly these nmy he prevented
entirely hy putting u p unid 01 a half into n Itarrt I of swdl ;
snd it will t the tame time considerably hasten Ihc laltcii
ine pr-ieess.
N. II. la aniinnl whieh is pivmg milk nnd yon are
desirous to fatten at the Ktme lime, yon sh 'iiM n -t give
more than a tahlesp onfiil onre a weefe or it will retatd the
formation of fat by mercasimr the ninnnnt of At ok.
Let rui-: pers at try ila eifeets for himself and lie wil
mil he satisfied of its exrellont (juu lilies, and tlial n. Far
mer should le without ii.
For the tiuip so of fiTtftinff out slid fnrthei how f r 0.11
justly eehhrated CATTI.K I'OWDMlt, i entitled to the i
ivonfideni-e of nil lull !h?ent leopoi we havtt iiddrfKsl '
! Letters to nit purls ol the I niteit States, where onr Pow
Uer has heen nwl, ami we arennie now in in tint evidenee
"r""r " ' ,"vr' 1 "r""'r' 1 l:"V
man nun llorse-iaaii. that it lias thus far veiv mtieli ex-
eeedctl our most saniruiiie expt-elnliom.
With the ndditioua! Knowledee thus fnr ohtaineit. We
Hope we will hn rnahled to itiuke the hest met m st per
fect Cattlk Mkihcim: ever yet olfei-ed lo a tlis,-eruiiiir
pt.'ple. It ncls as a vahiahle prom tef of rliresti"u. itu
(n'oves the ipmlilv of the lilonil nnd lluis ineriii"es the
ti'tfuut of either t 'ut, Milk nutl conseinlentlv of Hittler.
I'.'Hi in Ihe healthy Animal
1,-tvare of I 'ounterleits ns It'e extensive sale of our
pow.h r has induced otheis to make an imittilioti ot' it
Illicit Kick has our written Signature on the end., FrtoNi:ni:i.D 4 co,
rhilnrlelphia, July SO, l.11 ty.
Plifxcix Fire & Thief Proof Iron Chests.
WARRANTED to eland equal heat wilh
' any other Chests in the country, and to
tlefy Ihe Btirl is' intrenuitv. Mamifact.irv, No.
It) Hutlson's Alley, riinnin lietweeu Third and
Fourth streets, south of Chesuut, and in ll.e
rear ef the Cirurd Bank.
M. cV. S., tlie pionielor3, are Practical Mo
chiinies, and feel i-olident, from long experience
in the manufacture of t..-i ( bests and Safes, and
a sH'fial attention to this particular branch, of
(riviur satisfaction to all ulu . 'uy give thoiu u
N. Ii. Wc have selected one of tn. 1 ..jt min
erals ever used as a uou-condiictnr of heat in
this business, und we warrant our Chests and
S-jfes to be made of the best material and in the
o.ot durable manner, and to stand any heat
that can be applied to them.
MILNOR & eill AW,
Manufactory No. 10 Hudson's Alley.
Running lietweeu 3rd and 4th streets, s of Chcs
niit, in the rear of Cirard Bank.
Philadelphia, Oct. S.', 1S51. ly
1J O O K 8 K 1. 1, U It ,
JL'ST iccciveil und for sale, a fresh supply of
for Singing Schools. lie is also opening at
this time, a large assortment of Books, in every
branch of Literature, coiuiktiug of
Poetry, History, Novels, Romances, Scientific
Works, Law, Medicine, School and Children's
Books, Bibles ; School, Pocket and Family, both
wiih ami without Cngravinjjs, and every of vari
ety of Binding. Prayer Books, of all kinds.
Travels, Voyages and Adventures, ull o
which w ill Im sold low, cither for cash, or coun
try produce,
'fcunhmy, Jan. 31, 1852 tf,
wivi. a. MASON,
. Fngrnvcr nnd Printer,
No. 43 Che it nut Street, above- Second,
IS prepareJ to do ENCiRAVINO and PRINT
IN O, in all their brunches, Wedding, Visiting
and Business Cards, Bull Tickets, Watch 1'upors,
I. alula, Bill Mends, Notes, Checks, Drafts and
Diplomas. Seals and Stamps for Corporations,
Odd Fellows, Masons, Sons of Temperance, Ve.
Alt tha above engraved in the best iuauner.
Orders by Post promptly attended lo.
December ST, lS51. ly.
CM Ef. An excellent article, for sale al
bull Ihe usuuj price by J W, JILINU,
Sunbury, July 7. IHI'J
JAt'NniCE. DYSI'F.rsiA.
VN'D nil iHpi-:i.'inriliiv' frmn n li ntfrnil tivcf or rto
mnoli. ffurli Rncntiittijii1i'in. iiiwiml l,il'ii, Fnllm'
IiIivhI l. ttli: homl. .N' iilily of Ihn Hloitmcli. Nniinn,
ttwirltmrn, rt!.ciiit- tr, I-'oikI, fullu.'fin or wHffiit in tli
Ptmnnrli, ftnr l'.rilr'lntiiii RjnKfiiff or flittlriiitf nl Itie pit
of Itir Sti'limHt. iviinniinff of lite hi'.iil. pirri.-l liu.l rtiltii'iiil
iKpnlliiiitr, fliittfrutff iil Iliphonr. tll'kinc or fitiff-irolitiK
Hintioii v-hro mil rvmff pinion, IlimtifM of -iwon,
fl'iiaor win In-furrllio tiv'lil, Vrrrr inul ilull piiil til ttir
nend, rtefirifiiry rif pirNpirntiou, Vfllownt of l)m nkin nul
. rmin in "l tie niili; . lim k, lilml, linilw, An., wul.leil
flnflirt of limit huriiiuff in ihc flesh. o.Miu.ii iiitngimngfl
of evil, nn.l (.rivit il.-h-i.iMn of rpirim,
pan im: kfff.cti a t.t.v ct rtt-.n itY
( KI-I Illl ATI n Cl;llllA IHTTKKS,
PRKi'Anr.n nr
Dli.C. M. JAl'WOX,
AT Tlir.
' No. tin An h St., rilhiilt0plili.
Tlll'ir power ovrr tlie iiIkivc ftou-nai'i im nut .v-i.M...I
winiillcil, ly uuv i.llu-r pri'pumlioii in ihc 1'nilnl Siiilc-s,
li tin- riin- alli-vl, ill iiiimy ill tiT dkilllill plo i.-i:iii
lintl I it! loci.
Tliiw l!illiT lire vm'.tiv l'..;- nlli-iilioii of invuliiln
I 'iMi-niii,;i q)t-;.l iiUt.-n in Hie rtfillii-nti-iii nl" Iiki:i.-.i it ul
Itlf l.ivt-f rut.l;lf ..t il:inils. f-xt-rfiyi. i Ihc ni M fii-;irrliiii-
(V.wcri in vt-:ikitcKfl unit .nlfcctlcii-t fil llic tliiri-itl ivo tl y.MiK,
ilicy arc, wiihuJ, kiic. i-cri.iin nml plmmim.
. I I'l'Ml llic Ilom .n Hue. 1
T he L.tilor Riitl, )rc. Mil
')n. iihiifumi-. i Kinmnrirn llirfiint f..t
Itlf f tire of t.iv.-r roiiipl;iinl..litiiiiilire. I yKpi--siji, I'lironiff
r NtTVOIIR l)clitiy, i? Jc.T'f.iv out- I'V I lf in .si p.f j-InrniLMii.-jof
i,e ,:1,.. Tli.-.-'lhllcili lirnc Li eu uwil
livlhoumiiilt, u.hI n fTicii.l lit i.nrvlli.xx mv lie km Inni-:y-il
rcccivctl mi ifr-inril nml pcrir.,n;".il i-tnci-f l.ivcr
Cilllplniiil IV, .in 1 lie line of I hi' rcmiilv. Wc lire c .n inccil
lluil, illlii" list! of III. -sc IliiK-i-M, Ihc prili.-iil rousliuilly
pniui Btn-Tiu'lli unit vi; n i':n-l worlliyof erc.-il c-iw-lc-rnli.iil.
'i'hey lire pl.-.-iMiiiit in imilc mi.l'siiti-!!. nml ivin he
nm (i hy pjr-j..i, w iih the ,.,. th-li.-mA ki -in ,,!,n -illi siil'c.
ly, iiihIitiiii)' i-iri wiiv:iiiici n. We Hre rimkiinl fr ..III tx
pcrii iicc, nml p. the :. i:ii.-i i we ilV;w llii ir HJe."
"froTt'n Wkhv," one of Iho hefct l.iiriury papers
puhlifhat, unid, Aiifr. 'J.
liVit. Honrr.ANti's fiKnxiN IttTrKH., iitunii fnr-i tirt-tl t.y
Pr. Jucksou. lire now rce.uiilnenileil h h ene of the tn.:n't
pC'.eiileul nvtul.erH M' the l:leully u!t"an nrliele ol umeh
e.tieuey ill en.. i.f len.le Wc'tlti..-. Alt Hich i tlis
c;ic, wo -.ll-l iflvieill iiMther. I.I ohtnill II Ih'tMe. ln:.l
thus Bnvc tlictnitc,-e. iimeli pi.-kiie... I'eiK nig nf ileltili',u.
Ii.hI eiini.litiiti.MiH will fiihl th.-He tJitlcrn a;l':inl;i':e'.ujt lo
liteir lieallli, ii- wc kn v Irorn exp-iienee ihe siihilitry
ett'eel tliey Imve ivpou week lO-Mcnm.'
More Evid-me,
Tlx "PliilaiVji.Inn Untunlnv (j:iieHe. ti Unt fiuiiily
lievipniei Miilihshi-tt in llie L niled St.itcn, the i;i)S
Di Ilo-iflaiuVs German Hitters.
It iit Mchl.ii'i i,. we reciiKjieuil wimt nre terin-'it Pit
lent .Methcilles. Pi til- '.'onli'lciiee niirl pntnpi!if;e of onr
leiyicrd; in;.!. lir.-ieiOre, hen we rrc. .ninir-iitl l)r. l..,f.
liiml'. (ierni:i:i limn, wo wm it l-i he ihslinellv uiuh l
to..t lliul we me n l speiikinc of Ihe le Klr-ji-. it' hc
(liiy.lhnt nre n .isi l tihut f-.i n pvn l end then for.
potten uftei Ihey li iveil iie their cniily nice of iiiis.-hief,
I. lit of 11 tneilieiiie I in efl:ihlilie.l, inil'verRiillv ptizeil. nnd
Which Iik loel Ihe hcirly iipprovnl of Ihe F.le'uhy ite!l."
J'.Viilenen upon evidence l,i he'll received (like the
forerroim;) I'loni nil eeliom of the I ni.m, th.i Inst thre
ye.un. nnd Ihe Kir m:.i: ';t te.stim.iiy in itit i, thnt
tlwre V, in ii; ..f it I v.l ill tl.u, .( the reeuhir Pliv.
Mciuii i.f l'hillelcl;.h:;i, th-iu :il ,,t!,er n-'.r.mna e, niihiiic.l.
n f.ict tlint e:in oukiK he eMnhli-hcd. ned fielv prnvner licit
H rcienlilic prcp.iiull 'n will incel wilh llieir (pile! upprovnl
when presented even in Ihii. I'.. nil
Thai thin medicine will cure l.ivcr C.uiiphiiiil mid Piv
pepsi.'i, no one liller llsiinj i! a dnceled. It neln
Hpeeilieally iii,,ii the M niineli and liver it i.s tireilerahle
to c:il ,1111-1 in all hiiii .its diseases the etfi "t is illll.l'-dt itc.
'I'in y e-in he ii-hniiiisvred I i I'euialc or iuumt Willi Kilely
nutl teliahlv- Uiulil, uanv lime.
Thi medicine Icm at.aiiicd that liiIi chaiacter wliieh itc
nceesuiry for all niilicincp Puittainlo induce cuiileifcilers
to put f. rlh ii npurii.'is ailiele at llio risk of the lives of
Ih.we are iiui.iec.itly deacive.1.
LOOK IVI.l.Tl) Till: M.KK OF Tilt-: (.il'.M I.M:.
They Inve Ihe written m luit me of C. At. JA('KS(l
Upon the wnpper, and l lie name blown iutlle h.ittle.wilh
i. ur which ihey nre r-.u: i'liiB.
l-'or, Wfl -Icu.-nc ;.il iettil, 1.1 tlie
German Medicine Store,
No I'JII Altrtl Street, one (to T helow Sixth, (hie of
S7K liner ftlcet.) I'hll nlclphia. and hv respeelai.le tkalcri
generally thneif hont the r niiitry.
puicf.s iti:invi:i).
T" enalje nil elasscn ,S invaliits to enjoy the advautajji'll
M" Ineir meat reti.rative jxiwera.
S'm'rfe iiohh, 7") cents.
Also: For sale hv II. MirH, Sun'.uirv, i.,,d M.
JI'i'av. N'orthii'i.h-rli.iid.
Autj'Wl il,l--il. ly.
roi: i.i cuvts.
xv mi:a.s or t
PI I'S, or livery one hi-i !
own Physician ! Tiinrri. j
eilnioii, wiih up- :
? 1 2 wants ot a hundred cmim. :
ke ' vii.Td Nin.vni .r,.-,t.. .t,.
'"'- '. -- I-""""- "'"
ease III every shape ami !
form, hiid malformations of j
the eeueralive system, I
i: KM- VI in, Voiinur. 1
The time has now uni- !
veil, that persons sulli rinir from secret diseases, j
need no more become Ihe victim of ucackimit. 1
I as by the prescriptions contained in this buck,
j any one may euro hiioseli' without hindrance to
i busiue.-s, or the know h due of the most intimate i
J friend, and wilh one-tenth the usual expense. In j
, H.ldition to the peneral routine of private disease, j
j ii fully explains the cause of manhood's early tie- i
j dine, wilh observations on marriare bc-ddes
! many other dcranseiiicuu which it would nul be-j
j proper to cnumomtu in the public print.
Cl?" Any pesson sendin- TW KNTV-V'IVK
CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one i
copv of this book, hv mail, or five copies w ill be !
i,i (, ,,. ,i..n,.. ' i,i.ii. ii.. i' vni'vn i
No. lT.ii SPKUCK tstrcrt, PH'.LADKI.PIIIA."
I Post paid,
) L'r. YOI'Nfl can be eon-nilicd on any of
Ihe Diseases described in his dit'e rent public:
lions, at his Oliice. l.V- Sprnoe Street, every day
between !) and 3 o'clock. (Sundays excepted.)
Philadelphia, June ft, H.VJ. ly.
'fMIE subscriber informs his fiicmls and the
public, that he continues to carry on l!u.
Marble Business in all its branches, ul his old
stand in .Mi! tan, Pa., and is prepared to immu
Monuments, Tomls, Gravestones,
of Ihe best materials, and most liui .Ucd work
manship, and at the lowest prices.
Letter Cutting, Mnlish and (ierniati in the
I most modern and eler;aut style.
Designs for Monuments, (irave Stones, At'.,
always on hand.
j N. B. Orders for Ihe East side of the river
1 promptly executed by h aving the same nt the
oltice ol llic "Sunbury American.
Milton, May 10, 1851.
1 KlOK and Cold Pens. On hand several cop
- les of the. life of Christ, and also a number of
gold pens which we will sill at Iho Philadelphia
prices. Fur sale at this ullico.
lini.u o.iH iii.fl. , let iioiible rase
English t
h Silver Watches
for sale at very low
prices by
Sunbury, April 12, 1851.
TENINUs. A cheap and excellent arti
t ie lor fastening sash for sale hv
Sunbury, July 7, 1819.
JUUSINC. BOTTLES Breast pumps,
' nipple tubes- A supply of these useful
cles just received and for sale by
Sunbury. Jan IS, 1S5I if
0.?E OINTMENT. A fresh sui'ly ofthi.
excellent article for Tetter, J e., just receivpj
and lor sale by HENRY M.SKR.
Sunbury, July 28. 1819
rOEAS, from the New York Canton and Pkin
J. Tea Comi'any. For sale hy
Bunbury, Dee. 8, 1818
BAY RUM. An excellent article for sale
Sn'ibury Jan. CTlb, 1849 it
fllSSl'E PAPER. Yrllow Tissue pajwr f..r
1 covering glasses, Ac, lor sale al tlie olliectf
I ike A mericaii.
riTr or fiiaAtiRLriiiA.'
It. rt. lJank mitet la iIik
All solvent hanks vn
MAS? ACAtfllTT?.
All solvelll hanks ills
All solvent honks ilis
A3 aiWcitt. imnks ilis
NI'.W VxiUK.
Itauk of Clininlierniiilr.g &u
niuiK ot l.licsier uo. i.-ir
MnnK ol Pel. Co. UheiMrr par
ItaiiKnl (terinnutowil
llnnk of fteltyshurg
llallk Of trtxvistowii
rnrl.Ml tilvenl Nnikl nil
I ilis Ijj b'k n-les iiinler Sj j ills
All Solvents Uniks Villi.
NF.W J lilt SKY
llelvulero Hank ! li'
I'otumereitil Hank I ,tis I (tin1
Montgomery Co Hank pun
Hank of lNo'rtlitiiiihcrrnil. pm
llankof Viltiliurg 1 ilii-
Hank of DoinSllj
nar Far. Hank Mont Holly W
l.'nrllhle Hank
1 ilis F..X, ,U M.iddletown I'l. pnt
Colunihin ll'k ft Il'jeCo ir .Meehanics' Ilk, NevyiHit .
llovelslown Hunk sir.Meeh. Ilk of l!nrlin?toti pur
r.nton Hank par .Meeh. ft Man. Ilk Trent ir
Krie Hank I), dis Mon is Co Hunk 3 tilt
l :xeli-iii;.e H k Pillsliurg I ilis Newark Kk'-J & In Co tilt
Kv-iiance ll'k. Ilrnneh I ilisj'f Jrtiltpt- I:ihk 1 'Ii.
Fanners' ll'k, Backs Co pur' IV 'pie's Ilk I'nllersoll J tlis
Fanners' Ilk, Lancaster parllViiieeloit Itauk nr
Fnrmeri Ilk. ttiiidinti piir.Salctii ll-iukiii!; Co, nr
Fart-). P.fc Schnvlklll Co par Seinerret Co ilank J dis
F A D. f;k WaVuc'h'ir 1 iilieNnutc Ul'-jk al x'n-tideii pal
Franklin Ilk. W'aslili ldis'S1ale Ilk F.hnah'-thton J dm
ll.-urisrairir Hank l ilislSlale llauk Newairk J ills
ll.nies.laiB Hank 1 ilis'State Hk. N. Hnuuwiek par
iflnenner llauK par
Leh"l,ll H.iuh p-ir
Snssc.x hank, rwlou ' ins
Trent -ll llankiut; f
Mereh. ft Man. Hank 1 tils'
Mini-is' ll'k. PotlM-llle ner
I . in. ol ltaak. i
Vwiivv left Delllr C.
I tlis
i Monoinrahela llauk I rlis
tTf 'lik ic'l'-s nnd. r fr,
j a lorsv-e tlel it -tf t;o i., ms
West I'.rauch Hank onr Hank ol lli-lawnre
Vyoeiinc Ilk, Wilkesh'e pari Hank of Smyrna
V".k Hunk. I iltslllelnware I'itv Hank
Wltehfl'imfej ilislllk Wilnic'nft Hrandvw
. X!I
M.VIXK. I'artneis' HkSl.i,.liiwiit.-1
lillk of M iicMink 5 ilJ Fii.u .ia-k. ir par
iMi reaiitile Hk. Ilanior llldis IV L'nder Pa's ! ills
All solvent hanks tlis (HMO.
MOW IIA.MI'SIIIIti;. Vilsilventluinks 2 ilis
All s 'Iv.-iit hanlis 3 ilis'lV'I'.k notep miller r.'s 4 ilis
Hank i
t I ,11 111 I X I
fSI Aiin,
'4 rl
All solvent Itni'ks 2 ilis
IVl'ilderVs, iJ tlis
All s -iveut hanks
hV-'M.Miiii Aim.-it;i::vir:NT irm
j Fnrcs Rrdncrit.
. Office of the Philn, (i Reading Railroad Co.
j Philadelphia, Miirch SB, 1851.
! Two Passenger Trains Daily, (cxtopl Sunday.')
N and after April M, 1851 two trains will
lc run Cich way, duilv, between Philath 1
pliia and Pott.-ville
Leaves Philadelphia at 7 A. M., daily except
Lejvss Pot'.avillent 7 J A. M. dutiy -xcct Sun
days. APrrciixoax ii.xr:.
Leaves Philadelphia at 1)J o'clock, daily, except
Lcaxcs Pottsville nt 3 o'clock, daily, except
7-. i ?;-,
Between Philadelphia and IVt'svilie, $2. 75
1st class ears ami iS3.V!5 Vltl class cars.
Between Philadelphia nnd Ke.nlin?;, 31.75 1st
class ears and $1.45 2d class cars.
Depot in Philadelphia, comer of Broad and
Vine Streets.
Pussciiiicrs cannot cuter the ears unless provi
ut .1 with Tickets,
NOTICE. I'il'ty pounds of hatace w ill he al
lowed toeaeli pasenijer in these lines; and pas-
H-uuers are expre-sly noliil,ilci nm takinn; any- !
Ihinrj as hiirj'jar'c but their weariuc; ajipaivl, wliieh
will be at the risk of its owner. '
By order of Ihc Board of Managers.
April 10, 185 1. Svvrvt-ary.
ryiUV. MISS WEITKIS respectfully inforin
C tho Public that they still r-autiiiuw t.'. etilrr
t:ii tratv'llers and oihers at their obi established
i ind i:i Market sln t f, west of Ihe Couit House.
Their lona experience in the liiuiut-ss, and the
well established reputation of their House, will,
they tnisl, be a niliieit nt o;uar:iiitee, their
customers will be well accommodated.
March S, 1851 tf.
j 1 lis. MARY WBAVF.H respeelfully iiiformi I
the. public and IrmfHinq cnuiiiuiitity ot-iutal-
Iv, tliat she hi.s opt i-.t-d litis lare and commodious '
lloTKI,, fiirnishetl in a superior .Hvle. From!
her long cAporictice in the business of a first rate
Motel, anil wt
II known reputation to accoinmn- :
ners niay depend n b. ina supplied .
ij conducive tu their couiiort and;
date, her cnsloim
with every thinij
th. IX 8M. 1
'I1 It R snbseriber respectfully informs her friends
4 and the public generally, that she has taker,
the above well known stand nearly opposite ihc
Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J. C, VVri
kins. She trusls that her experience in l-iloiu.-.s.
and her ell'orts t make her guests comfortable,
will live entire satisfaction to tlna who may fa
vor her wilh their custom.
March 8, 1S51 tf,
s Sii',ibU7, Pa.
I Cilice in Pt-cr Street, immediately opposite the
! Public School House.
I Is?" Mmiis coll.'t led anil ail l.usim-na H.'inpttj- anil etire
l fialt a!U-ia't d t".
Apiil ill, lJioO.-
,Vu. 6, North Wharves,
Where ihc fallowing goods are received and add
on commission,
Dried Apples, Peaches, Plums, Pears, Cherries,
Ac, (invu Apples in Barrels or by tho Hiwhcl,
Beans, Peas, Cranberries, Onions, Mercer Po
tatoes, Sweel Potatoes, Slielharka, Chestnuts,
('roiu:d Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Jlaisins, I'igs.
Pruiit'i, Crapes, Poultry, Egg a. B uller, Cheese.
And all kinds of Eoryiu und Domestic Pro
duce. Philadelphia. Poc, 13, 1851 ly.
rsI'E subscriber takes this method of inform-
-- lug the citizens of Sunbury and vicinilv
thai they are cngii-jcd in the nmnufucluie ol
Soap and Candles, of the best quality, at No. 44
1'ilbcrt street, Philadelphia. They respectfully
invite ull who buy for cash, to give him if call as
ihey will find it to lo their advantage h t'
with him lor articles in their line..
E. Dl ITY & &ON,
44 Kilherl above Uth.
December 20, lrtl tf,
STO.Nll milk Pali', stone Juij-s mid Pitchers,
und otl.e.r r.ilii ItJj of stoiiti w.irejiiat revceived
and for tale by JOHN V. nill.lNO.
.Sunbury, June 2d, l19.-e.
JA'I'L'NT Ttliws ft all kinds, Harrisons
writing aim unieiiiiiie iiik, v ouoii yarn anu
loi's, just received and for sale by
j. w. rnjLiNG.
Sujibury, Dee. 2, 1818.
Wure, Earthen Wi,rp, IJaiains, Al
monds, P uues and Cream Nutii.
Planes of all kinds.
&'alt and Plaster. Just rwfived and for sale
Sunbury, Dec. 29. 1849.
EXTRACT CF G1NGEU.A fresh supply
itlst received anil foe ,.l Ht Ibis ndiei..
Pi ice 34 oenls.
Sunbury, Ju y
13. 18.51.
. . ' ES' waiv'iJ ,lie exemption
M 4S
law til" !j:ii0, for sale by
April SO, 1851.- H. B.
At llio Cnlilnot Wnre Itoom of
sEirx iTourT & co.
Market Square,
Also at-the corner nf Fawn street the Railrond
Thankfiiit it the patronatre of his friends sn.t.
enstomers lvriii4 tho 1 7 years lie has been in busi
ness in this pliteo. ho solicits from the public a cob-
tiliunnee of theis- ih,rou, l)uritir this period he'
has endeavored to kevp up will Ihe improvements,
of Wis day, and has accor'ly extended his busi-.
ness in every naun;i aju variety 1 he publie are.
therefore invited to. the attentat.), t tlie present
stock of
C-AUINKT Vf.WlK ANncjVVl'-.S,,
4t tU OU .s;0)
'lterc in tttlt'awtn to. their fonutj stock of tli
establishment they uotf iM.ajiufacture
Mahoganyv Walnut & Ca-Seat Chatf,
Lare Sprinu Sent Rocking gfinH
Dnxxinz Bureaus, Centre. Tables,
.Marble Top W'us.k Stands,
and it ruricly of other,
new style und
l a . i o n .i I) I c V it iii i tu vt
lla linij wicutod a Hearse nnd made the neces
sary niraiiKeineuts for the purpose, they are now.
prepared fur Undertaking in all ils branches,
this vicinity or at any convenient distance.
Ye mai ls nnrl mistresses, nail too,
Here's furniture, of every ay Vand hue,
FroiAfille honrils doyru, I'l silelien tables,
From rocking chairs to lt.-kius erottles
Phottld yon not have Ihe ready Jonx to pay,
XAVII wait awhile fir a brighter hftter dur,
Or take nptainta, oats, corn, whcot anil rys;
U:uk, hoap poles, staves, or lumber wet sail ,
tr liny thing Inn yokes nml threshing ftniis,
From pigs nutl lurkies down to little nuaill.
Tome on I lien friends, cine one ami all,
Keep ttmle a moving, so "goes on Ilia Imtl."
IV Orders from a distance promptly altendawi
lo and work of all kinds deieved with dispatch.
SunbtiiT, March 0, 1850. tf
jsor.vrv Bs.d
The attention of the public is called to the ail
veitiw'tneiit of Mr- Charles C. Tucker, Attorney
and Agent at Washiulon City. Persons hav.
ins claims for bounty Lands or Pensions are in-,
formed that the subscriber has. made arrangements,
for the requisite forms, nnd thtiuanl calling at
his otiiee, can have their papers prepared and
forwarded to Mr- Tucker nt Washington, and,
by him be properly attended to More the De-,
p.uliiicut there.
tiuuhury, Jan. 18,1831
J flHK Siitiseriher who resides in Philadelphia,
oners lor sale llic loiiowing property in Mil
ton, Northumberland counly, viz: The large
in tipper Milton, formerly occupied by
M.v,ra t'.-.l'.ersons ns it Carriage Makers Shop. .
The Uiildins is 60 feet front on upper Market
street, and 40 feet on 1' rout street, and is two,
stories hijlli. Also a two story
10 by 25 feet, on the same premise. The lot ia,
on tho corner -uf upper Market and Front streets
and is 6- feel front, ami 150 feel deep.
' The pmuiist-a would he valuable for a Foundry
or other inamiiiicturiii.n purposes, and will he sob!
on and accommodating term by ep-.
plying either to JACOB CARRKSAN.'
J. F. WOLFINCER, Esq- Milton '
H. B. MASSKK. Esq., Sunbury.
Philadelphia, Jan. 25, 1S.'1 if.
fin i. a iTTi, fiir
iV. W. Corner of Third ami (.'i.tiof Street
"iTH'TKKN VKAIts of extausivs
1 e'.,
it, the ii.-:niiieiit of nil tlisvusca "' I'V
ftu4 uuiutarrnr 1
remierett Br. L tb
iv,-iYi.l Jaia;. Vtrmi
Hlilictrft with nicer hm ihe l My, itir-n.t, or U-f. pmt
llu lu;iti'r li"iir), incit urnt rluinn:itisin, tricturi. grit'
ihw:ifc Hiiriins irmii Y'T-VHiill r-xyxue or init.uiitif (
I.I.Hut, wht-n Uy tUn wtuuiitts"t, hits Itrcouie eiiltcblctl,
ull tic:itrtl witli s;;v'-ij.
II who phiera liiinsrli" umlei ih cure uf lr. K., ma i
lipi'MiKly ran tit Ir in his hti-r nn n fiitk-inun. uui uoi.htlei
)' rely mu, liin , ti a jiyiticiiui.
Y"ie M? wliii linvu injnrrfl tlicmfrlvm hy a rrti
i;u'tHc iiitlnltfrtl in 11 h;i!nt lrrtin-iillv Imniril from c
mii:mi'iiii r nt r.hnl the rrVviit ni which nrr Migl'
trli. even whrn :thp, and ilrviruy U till niiiul and lx
aiiniiht npply iimiicilmif ly. Vmkin' Hint c-natituti
tlrltiiity 1 tit' mtiN'Mitur rutTy, pliyjtir:il liiitiid anil f
enil pnistrnti.'ii. irrii;i(iliiy :iud all ihtvub nifrt'tiaut. u
pusti mi. iuu,!iii:ii nf tht livci. inul rvrry ilitrairiii
way ciiiiin 't .1 with the titmnl-r ui the proxtcatp t ii
li uit curtil, ami lull vijior rrsi-irtl.
vionroim life or a premature death.
KINKEI.H on S;! Prfscrution.
This H H'k jilW p.o.iiJi.-o is fetid with useful llllorvfl.
oil tlie iiiliiiiiin.-.ioi.l tlia.-:i. s of the lM-iier:iliva U.
it n..-j ,i.-iiuiike to vin ru,.i.v:u,iiiiaa -
AliK, anil sh. ,iit.l lie reail l.y ull.
Tlie v..lif-0-V uilt it s ami iuij-.r. i:ve ,-;i;.;iii5 U I
Will ye.-ir4"l i-oisi-ry iiik! suiit-t ait.1 auisau
ly 'rn'atoti.tu of l.ivtf.
IVirenla I.. riiltn it W'.ll it-oil hovt lo prevent th
IriKlion of liielr eliihlren.
i ' retell t.niee ,'f 'a't ' rn' S. eui tar.) i.l a leltf-.liev-.i
lo UK. KIKl:l.l,i. W.e'iwr ui'TIIII
t'XIIIX l IB. Iielvverii Hiruee ,V I'ine, I'hilailt
will ensure :t it w,k, iohHt envel-,pe. per return nf mai
P.-r .ns nt n ili-irinee iiiat titl.tresjt lr. U. by letter,
i:i.l,i ami liei-tlre.1 nt liotne.
I'.xv K.vci: of .n:iinNi:s, WRKCTiONf
f.-rw irdnl Ijv st-n.lint. it reiiiillituee, unil nut tipleeul
I) WI AI.i: i.r I'l till '.-TV.
It "k-f.-Hertt. .New Ae.-uts. reill:im. Cniivseia,
i.ll'.Tn nu;t.lieil woli the niive vvtirk ul very low ra
fepieiulK-r , 11.1 1. ly.
(irceu's Oxy?enatetl Hitter, tetluced
Cld Jacob 'I'tiuusetid'slvaparilia.
Swny lie's Syrup of Wild C'hf )
Swuy lie's Yfftfjfugf.
Ayre's I'her.y PectonJ
1 1 r. DiaSu'S l'-all;ire.-.
)r. 'uiUin's do
I'tbbill'aiil Killer-
lv. llaollaiiii's (termini Bitters:
lud;.',n N c-iable Pills
liorst timl L'altle Medicines
l or u!t I'V HENRY MAS
Suiibu..,', jly U, SI9.
Valuable Duolii,
T IFE or Christ, Ivmdsouicly bcsuRil,
J iinr.'s IIistomj ur TBS Ijl.vuin
Itl.ltk DtT-HOOKS 111 I.inuKNS, IUII '
For sale ul Ilia pulJUhurs. pfietvj by
l. B. MAS!
Sunbury, July . MiU
i A PS, An asDoi iuicnt iut received
silk H A i d at fa ke by
ii. MAS
Sunbury, Doc 84e
bar botllpi tor salu by
11. D .
Sunbury, April. IS, ISM
lriTlTIN(TFLriU aitd self seslin
loies, just recuived and for sale b;
April IB. 1S.M. H. P. MAt
LANK of ivcvy dwripiiqn pan b
api rj iug al ihp plBi f tls Amsri
ADll'Si pe.ll,.ald Hone and Cal
cine fr sale hy HENRY MA
ruiilury, Jan. JJth, 1819