The Great Lake Ektkrmim:. We not mistaken in onr expects ions ex pressed yesterday, in reference to the Sun bnry.Md Erie Koa.j. It will be seen by reference to our local column, that the mount of ftro jntiiotn of Dollars, in sub scriptions, was promptly brought tip Inst evening, and there can be now no doubt but the work will be placed not only under eon trnct, but in course of construction, in a very few days. The enerev and decision of pur pose that has brought it to its present posi tion, cannot fail to prove effective in further nd more important efforts, nnd we hope sincerely, that there will ba an end of croaking impracticabilities or rntilcs, and 'hat instead of opposition, the Managers shall be supported by a hearty pond will by the entire community. Daily Ncivs, July I "What did yon hang that cat for, Israel !" 1 For mew-tiny." New Advertisements. LIST OF CAUSES H TOR trial in the Court of Common Plena of Northumberland County, at August T., D., 1852. ri.AWTIFFS. Frederick Kcrnor Jncoli Wcimcr Christian Dollinger Atones Bower I) R Kara DEFENDANTS. vs Vm. Ayrcs . vg Ira T Clement vs Charles llousel vs Richard Goodman vs C!eo A Dixon vs Henrv Manser Piatt & Piatt P K Ilollman ir wife vs II Kuhnts, McCarty et al Molt A Shnlier vs DituUI Prcisliach Caspar lleckurt vs Frederick llcckart Julin I. Ross vii Leonard Rnadarmcl ct nl Jlin V Peal vs Coo B Younmaii Geo C Mi Kco vs Joseph Long 'I'iuhrook for Applcton vs Jumrs Hruss Ilickok ft Cnntiue vs Geo W Armstrong lieulicn Fagely vs Kershner V Clement Jacob Keller vs Bank of Northumberland, Raker ft Co for Jacob Bloom vs Henry Conrad Henry Klar.e ft Eve his wife vs ' J j co! i Zurtiuan's administrator William McCarty vs Samuel Ilunter Mary Jane Uroncrct al vs William Wilson Becker & Weiller vs U I) Cummings. Mary Marti vs Win II Spratt Same vs John Camptell & wife George Sliilcy vs Ali'in Duukcllicrgcr's ndnir'x Isaac Tyler vs It M Scyth-l's adin'r John Brow n vs John Oyster srnr's ex'r Shaffner ft Zeiglcr etal vs Thlw S Maekcy Jim Knorr for II. Knorr vs Enoch Mowers' sdm'r J nines T Sutton ft Co vs Samurl Kyle Elizabeth Krier vs A S Lawrence Daniel Gnnscrt vs Henry Buhner Mary Patterson vs George Ilcckert Boneparto Thompson etal vs Casper St Clnir Ore Evster for Mar- Eb. Urcenongli ex'rs tin eaver Win McDaniel for A W Comly William Dalius John Reynolds John Jackson George Lawrence Hillington for Ilunter & Buyers Jacob Haas Same John Jackson Jr .Simon Snvder vs John Jackson et al vs II S Ilnulman vs Isaac Reader vs Junics Beard et al vs D Marr ft I Brown vs Susan & Sarah Rcid vs Charles Alexander vs Same ft Wife vs A W Comly vs George Snvder vs Ccortrc Hertz A W Comly Baltzar Garnhart's oilmr's vs R V Dunn's admr Alliin Newberry vs Thomas Itascr Crandall for J C Morgan vs Ceo Miller's ndm'r John Reed's assignee vs E L Piper John Ross & Wife vs (iconic Fox John King vs Daniel Weidner Same vs Washington Mutual In- surance Company State Mutual Fire Insu rance Company Peter Arnwine & Mun co A Reid Same E Kaufman at ul Sa me C Gosh & Jacob Wcikc vs Reuben Fegcly vs D C Caul vs A E Kapp vs Robert Whiteside vs Atiriiham Drosions lacob B. Masscr lolm Divcl ft Wile lounna Pendevillc eorge Leitlx-rgcr 5a rah L Keen Same vs Samuel Savidgc vs John Hartman )liver U HilUard W Peal Indorsee fee vs Joseph Dimmit k at al !hrist & McFaddcn vs Susanna Rcid leulven Fecelv & Co vs Hush Bellas biiah Bownn vs Win II Thompson cbccca I.amison hrtstian Cable v Thomas Vustinr's exrs vs M Bachinan ct F Markle vs A E KuiTiier vs Andrew Mcl.anahuii vs Wm II Bound vs (icorsc Bright vs David L Irlund vs '1 houias Barr Jacob Bernard and Wm Kahler o!ert M Lyon eliecca Swartx enry A Lechncr dm I. Ycager am is Joduu eurictta Lewis mid GilMon ieger for R Fagely J Masscr vid Fisher nifl Rhodes V Peal nuel L Beck hn for W Camp lliam Sechler 'iigely &. ('o lolph DueoKcr rgc Brosious vg J Funnan 4- F Klaic vs Barbara Shafler's ex'is vs J W Friling vs Jatob Wcrtman vs V"0rtin Irwins' adin'r vs Jacob Stit7.ol vs Wolverton V I.eiscnr'g vs .la col, II oilman et al vs William Inch vs Peter Thomas vs Daniel Kmn'e K li'.Liiid VL'ilti nntie. loats for M Swrny v. , lrrM,M(.nt derton Smith's exr's vs A V & T Morria Same fc!;""" idel I. KelTcr vs John F Wulunger iom Forsman et al vs John Parks Bush & Wife vs Nathaniel Saxton's adin'r A Sbissler vs Daniel (ilf nn -n Fagely 4- Co vs John Rasser Sr Co i II Hhoads vs J Foy A J lei Ewins v " Ciiniinings b Wciliel v Bcnjulllin Robins n & Welkcr for v wi, Um Fg,.y lge No 23 8 GooJ vs It D Cummings JAMES BEARD, Proth'y. thonotary a Ullice. iry. July 3, 1852.- l.rt. IVB.B & L ANDELL, lh and .Irch Street, PHILADELPHIA. VE established a Store where the best ade now resort for .ehold Dry Goods, ii h Fancy fioods. . Kilki and Shswls, ,ry, Gloves and Mitts, i, . fsssimers and Vesting, ii, ,. .d Linens by the piece, ask Table Linens and Napkins, ,t Black Silks for Dresses, Stock of Mournins Ooods. Li constantly receiving Barnaul from ' York sod Philadelphia Auctions, which ' wholesale and retail very cheap lor Nett E Evite, WASiimr.ToNl. Landell, lelphiaJuly 3, MJ; LIST OF CAUSES Court of Common Pleas of -i. i-rland County to be held on Ihe0thly of August 183 din O Lowrey vs 711lin Allison Feigned Issue r, 4 John Love 1 .Uma Exr'sof i ,ov deo'd it Allison JAMES HFARP. Proth'y. Urtarv's OnTre. ) 1MIOCLAMAT10N. JVTOTICE ts hereby civen that a Special Conn of Common Pleas, in and for the County of Northumbeiland, to commence til the Cnnit House, in the borouph of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M., mi Monday the 9ih day of AnsiiHl next, and will continue ONE WEEK. Jurors are requested to bfl punctual in their attendance, ut the time appointed tifrreenble to their notice. Given tinder my hand at Stnibiiry, the 3d day of July, in the year of onr Lord one thou sand ei-flit lull. died and fKty-two nnd the Independence of the U Slates of America the Clh. WILLIAM B. Kirr, Sheriff. God save the Comn.o:.wca'th. liist of Jurors, F Northumberland County for August T., A, D. 1853. i i n in Jurors. ?fMifnv. Geo. Harrison, James Covert. Pki.awake. lienor ville Linebach. Cnii.lso.i.'Aii'K. Robert A. Griilin, An drew Keller, Neal Caul. Ti iiuut. John Ihiflmnn, John Hang, sen. NoiiTtiu.MOKiii.AND John Diinluim. I'i'PEii Aihjusta. GeurgH Conrad, Jete tit itt li Oberdorf J.uksdN. Jacob tioitscrt, Nicholas S Diumheller. I'l'FEB Mahonoy. Samuel Ressler, Gideon Ada n. Lower " Christian Messner, Wm., J. B. Lenker. Coal. Dmiel Evert. Point. Washington W. Fiens. Lewis. Hennt'ville Beiber. Ki-sii. John Pens!. Siumokin. Josi'ph Hoover. Little Maiionov. Georgo Swineharl. Traverse .Jurors. Siisni'nv. C. O. Hue Inn an, Charles Muell er, Peier llilnman. J A. Sliissler. NiiRTitCMDEKi.AND. Daniel Gosslcr, John Heck. Milton J. U. Reed, Joseph Bound. Delawahe. Michael Euglf, Robert Cast l"r, Peter Kelchner, Daniel Fullmer, Henry Iviioer, Jacob llollinan. Lewis. Adam Schuyler, Tiobeil Brunei, Robert Finney, Abraham Weitmau, David Walls. Ti'RDl'T. Andrew Fullmer, Josiah Cole. Point. William Ammurmun, Win. L. Cook, LefTard Houuhawnut. Cmi.lsg.CAciUE. Huyh Caul, Wm. Ram h.irt, Jacob Kline, Andrew, lienjainiii Tiovel, John Caul. Siiamokin. Jacob Leiscttring, Wm. Tits vorlh, Obediah Campbell. Resit. Chas. Kase, Samuel Reader, Isaac Scull, Carter Metller. C;)Al.. Jacob Muurer, Jes?e Vamnll. LnwEii Auccsta. Gcorga Savidge, Ben j.imin Kiieabaum 1'i't'ER Augusta. Benjamin Kutlcrman, Elijah Chidister Ca m eron. Peter Weikel. Jackson. Joseph Boldorf, John Boliner. Lower Maiionov. Michael Lahr. Thevohton. Daniel Kelly. LIST OF JURORS, OF Xorthumbeiland Couiitj, for August 9, 1852. Special Court. Delaware. U. II. Mason. Lewis. John Pollock, James Younp, John Rnii.-h, J. R. Barr. ClIlLlSOLMQCE John TlOXel. Mll.TuN. James Buoy. John M. Huff. Point. John Nixon, Richard Jones Hush. Win. D. (ica hart, Philip Bun? hail, Rush Cccnihait. Beiij.tiiiin Gcathuit, Jo seph Bailor, li!ie. Kaso Siiamokin John Hunkel, Jno Soper, Hen ry Replev, Chailes Leader. Low eh Af:u.-TA. Jacob Rnnn, John Fry. Titer Aii;u-i.a. Robert Campbell. Jackson. Geoign T. Traulmau, Isaac Heiiz. Henry Wentel Coal. Stephen Biltenbender Low En Maiionov. Samuel Lease, Peter i '.'0 lirtr.liier, Peter Heckerl. Jacob Bmeaman. Upper Maiionov. J dm lletrich. Sunhurv. Solomon Brociuns, Geoico W. S.r.iih. 22 23 24 25 2ti 27 ; 2S Trevorton.--K I ward Helfenstein. C.Mr.RtiN John Lon". SECOND I'pcsh Arrival of (sootls AT THE NEW STORE OF I. r. ti:neu&co., (NVorli; opposife Ifeueer's Jlutcl, Market St.) SunLury, Northumberland County, Pa. VTE Is?? to announce that we are rereUing a ' new and varied supply of goods from Philadelphia in addition to our present new sloi k ! all of which we oiVer at such prices as we think should command a speedy sale, our philos ophy is, to sell cheap and turn our money often ; and we know that at the year's end this will pay us better than slow rales nnd large profits, and our customers will in the meantime liuve the lieuefit of goods at low prices and of the best euulilv. Onr slock consists of Dry (lootls, Hardware, Qui'i'itsiraiT, GROCERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas and Parasols, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Looking Glasses, Wall Paper for Room and Window Blinds, (J run ccs. Lemons, Nuts and Candy, Salt, Mackerel, Salmon Dried Beef, Plain and Fancy Hams and Shoulders, Nnils, Window Glass, Paint Mil IV, Oils and Putty, Car pet Chain, Cotton l.nps and Yarn, with a variety of ether articles. N. B. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange at the highest market prices. I. W. TENER & CO. Sunbury, June 20, 1852 ty.c THE GREATEST HISTORICAL AND Allegorical Print of the Age, In of that most important event in tho AMERICAN REVOLUTION, I The lirilisli Mirr, iidmiii tlitir nrms to GENERAL WASHINGTON After their defeat al YORKTOWN, Virginia, October 1781. rpllK Knprnviiig is execaled liy Tanner, Viillinirr, Kenr 1 iey & Co. I'niiii aa original diuvvitii! tty J. t'. Itenuull, unit iiuMtkht-il liy llriijamia 'runner, Knuraver, IMilludcl. plan. I ut size ul iim trini is ii .11 iiit'iitv .iihi was or iguiully publiKlieil Ui SnIsuTiliers nt Hit ill the slicet. Thk HiTnBV.-lii ttic brst ami L'riind plan are exhibited ttir.-i; larpe i;iihijis 1 llie priiiriil ollieert, who wire pre sent at die transartiiin, Willi u I'iiitliful likt-iu'H of ench. Ill llie hrst cr.iun is seen lienrriil V asliuiL'lnll, Oenernl lticliaiiili(siii, Oeaentt l.ineolii, Coloai-I lliimilt'in, an old t-'armrr enuer to e.iuleninliite the scene. Billy the servant. unit the Horse of lipuerul Wusliintin. la the seciinil irronn, ure Anierieaa nml r leneh tinicers; lii-iieral Km is, siecietary V its in, the Date tie Jjiusuu, unci tti M.uriiis tie Im Kayette Ttic ttnrtl frroun is tiveriitive of Ilia Itrilifh surrrnder inu their linns, l.'irtt Ctirnwullis, (ienerul O'tluni, CXini iii slue l-iimnoiis, Cotntl Tarltiin, with two fiugeis eut If. laeuleiiani Col inel ltalpli Aliereniiiilite, l.ienteiuint Col iiii-I liuiiitiis, 1,-ird C'hevt'n, Ac. JirdCornwallis sp ne:irs iiiesiitiiis his swortl to the first tienernl lltheer ha iiii'i'ls, hut Oeneuil Wuihinptoii is pointed out to hiia as the only peisnii to wit sn tic it to snrrenner ms worn, tin liie heiirhls nisi in the diitnnea are the diflereat ar. itiirs and cmwils nl' spectators. Tha House of Hecrelary Wilsnii, oet'upii'd hy Isird Cornwullis ond his stun", which vviix b ilnlstrdnt and pierced with tsills; the Murquis de l Payette having rcinn kcit that Ihey wee eurryinft diihea tor tne ainaer in iirn urnwniii, assca ksvc hi ucnem, V'asliiiiKU-ii to smve him a dish of his own cookins, and immediately uflrr several b unlislielis fell through the loof isi the Uthte, and woundetl mine, and dispersed the party Tiik Ai Lsaoitt. tin Ihe left is erected a monument in hoti'' of lli'SMS illastri'ms heroes who snrrifired Iheir lives and fortunes lo insula ut their cilisens, the Laberty aud In depeiKtenea thev now etij'iv. Piil-lnlied at M hy WM. B. I.ANK. Philadelphia, snd to he had at the ()(te-e of the "A.MKHICAN CorKIF.R," No. 141 Chesinut Street, l'ltiUitclhia, as prcmiuins to that I an". rty A lits-ial dlseomu to Arrnts. I'lnli'lflphb June 2, If SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. PllOCLAMATION. NOTICE is hereby givsn that thn sevoral Courts of Common Picas, Genersl Quarter Sessions of the peace, and Orphans' Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northumberland, to commence at the Court House, in the borough ol Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the 3d day of August next, and will continue ONE WEEK. The coroner, Justices of the Peace nd consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, sra requested to lie then and there in their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several oll'iccs appertaining to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall lie just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 3d day or July, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and fifty-two and the In dciciideucc of the United States of America the 70th. WILLIAM B. KirP. Sheriff. God save the Commonwealth. DENTISTRY. T1IEO. L1V. CHASE, M.1). SURGEON DENTIST, (or PHILADELPHIA.) AS the pleasure of announcing he has an ollicc for a limited period at the WASHINGTON HOUSE, in sundubv, where he will perform all professional operations WITHOUT PAIN, enabled to de so by long exjicrience and skillfully constructed instruments. Dr. CHASE, will give particular attention to the inseition of Artificial Teeth, (whole sets or parts of sets,) which will lc made at his office in Philadelphia. Persons desirous of having Teeth inserted are assured Hint they can lie made equal in appearance, and as Useful for masticating the hardest aliments as natural ones. Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to call at tire ollicc, if from no other motive than curi osity, and examine teeth constructed by me, and pronounced by all CHEF D'OUVJtES of artistic skill. Sunbury.Junc 20, 185'i, 3t. NOTICK IS hereby piven that the Supreme Court for the Northern District ol Pennsylvania, will commence its annual Session on the second Monday of July next, al the Court House in Sunbury. CHARLES PLEASANTS, Proth'yS C.,N. D. Prothonntary's OlTlcc, ) Sunbury, June 10, 185S J LIST OF CAUSES "OOR nrsnmcnt in the Supreme Court for "- the Northern District of Pennsylvania, for July Term, A. D. 1852. EUR the first half of the term. 1 Covell vs Maffit Luzerne county 2 ('use vs Johnson Susrj'lianna co 3 Andres vs Evans Tioga co 4 Gore el ul vs Powell et al Luzerne co 5 Huston vs Barstow Bradford co 6 The N Y & Erie U H c . Co vs Skinner Susquehanna co 7 Graves vs Cole Tiopa co 8 Jessup et al vs Rose Susquehanna CO 9 Morris vs Case Tioga co 10 Shaw vs Deem " 11 Wrifjht vs Cudwallnder " 12 Stephens vs Seaeh Luzerne co 13 The Dearmout Coal Co vs Ilei.s of Newbold, dee'd et al M,erne McKean's Adin'rs vs McKenn Bradford 15 Hutu. el vs Anson Potior co vs Cole Tioa co vs Koons Luzerne co vs Newman ct al Siistj'hanna vs Steele et al Luzerne co vs Smith Wyoming co vs Kuapp Biailfonl co vs Giiliin Tioga co vs Vasbuij; WvomiiiK co 10 Mann 17 Hoyt et al IS Dayton 19 Koons Adams Bailey Graves Keeler Kit by Barber Same Ross V1 vs Shaw vs B.iird vs Brink vs Flontl Bradford co n it Woming co Mylert ct al vs Sullivan co Sullivan co FOK TUB SECOND HALF OK THE TERM. 29 Caldwell vs Kennel Lycoming co jo I.'.!.. r n:..i.: -.i ... Adin'rs of Cnllahan dec'.l LCOmln3 00 31 32 Appeal by E Menuas et al North'J co Fisher et al vs Kailey Union co 33 McCaity 34 Cole 35 Cummings 36 Cose 37 Seaman 38 Miller 39 Moore etal 40 Meiser vs Hoffman Lycomino co vg Rilleiihouse et al Col co vs Antes et al Lycoming vs Heisely ' vs Spayd Norlh'il co vs Sneiiey " vs Donaldson Columbia co vs Eckhart'a Ailm'r L'nion 41 42 43 44 Hepburn & Miller vs Cameron & Co Lye linlil vs Moll Union co HerroKl vs Mensiie Foreman vs Tanner Lvcomintr co 43 Columbia co vs Montour co Columbia co 4fi Levers vs Colnmbin co " At Slioecker vs llollinan Norlh'il co 18 (icddes & Marsh vs Kluse Union co 49 Snyder vs Middleswarlh " f0 lload Liberty Pole &c "NorthM co .51 Bieber Treas'r Lyc co vs Martin Lye co 52 IVnller vs Caul North'd co 53 Valley tp vs Rush tp Montour co 54 Carpenter vs (Jreen Lycoming co 55 Adm'rof J Snyder tleo'd vs Ziejler Union 5G Keyser vs oxthoimer's Adin'r NoithM 57 Kreight vs Ueigharl Lycoming co 58 8c hock vs Schock's Ex'is Union co NEW STORK PETER y. Git AY T ESPECTFULLV informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that ho has commen ced a new store in Whortleberry street, in the house formerly occupied by Mrs. Gray, and has just received and ojicned a well selected assort incut of 1 Dry Goods, Consisting in part of CLOTHS, CA8SIMER8, 8ATTINETTS, A nd a general assortment of LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS of every variety and style. GROCERIES of every description. Also an assortment of HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, And a general variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the low out prices. Country produce taken in exchange at the highest prices. Sunbury, May IS, 1852. 6nv Notice to Collectors. rilll E Collectors will have time until Tuesday, JL Wednesday and Thursday, the 13th, 14th and 15th of July, lo pay their State tax in order to get Ihe Ave per cent abatement. The Collec tors of Delaware, Lewis, Turhut, Milton and Chilisquaque, will come in on the 13th of July those of Upper Mahonoy, Jackson, Little Maho- noy, Lower Mahonoy, Shainokin, Cameron and Coal will come in on me mu oi juiyt nusn Lower Augusta, Upper Augusta, 8uubury, Knr. thumberland and Point will come in on the 15th of July 1652. Prompt payment is required, 6 per cent will be allowed for payment up to the I . .... r . I . 1 IV . . I J tunes staled aoove, lor me oniercm lownsmpa. WM. WILSON, 1 C. ALBERT, SCom'rs. CHAS. WEAVER, J huubuty, June , isa- w. JOHN PHILLIPS & SON, No. 47 South Wattr Strtet, heloto Cnrsfmir, rHIt.ADBI.PHIA. IMPORTERS of Foreign Fruits, Nuts, Wines, Are.. k-M-n pnnstantlv on hand tha following articles, which they will sell at very low prices for cash. Raisins, Almonds, Currants. Walnuts, Citron, Ground Nuts, Prunes, Cream Nuts, Dates, Filberts. Fins, ' Vanilla beans, Sweet Oil, Preserved (-inner, Tamarinds, Liquorice, Lemon Pvrup, Firs Crackers, Port Wine, Madeira Wine. Claret Wine, Sherry " Muscat " Sweet Malatja " Philadelphia, July 8, 1858. ly. THE VERY LATEST ARRRIVAL, CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! FRILING & GRANT. RESPECTFULLY inform the public and "the rest of mankind," that they have just received and opened the best and cheapest stock of Spring1 and Summer Goods that has ever been brought to Sunbury. Their stock consists of every varto'y ol - Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Camimercs, Sattinets, Vtsting), Drtllmg, Lintns, Antl all kinds of Summer Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginphmns, Larrns, Chintzis, Dt Lames, lierago, A ii I every variety of goods suitable for La dies wear. , Also an extensive assortment of Panama and I'ai.m Hats. Also a large assortment of GROCERIES, St'CIt AS Sugar, Teas, ColTee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a Inrqe assortment of HARDWARE and ftUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a trcsh supply of DRUGS AND MKP1CINT.S. Besides Ihe laifjest unit most rjeneral assort ment of all kinds of goods to be bad in this place. CV" Country produce of all kinds taken in ci- chongc nt the highest market price. Sunbury, May 22, 1853. Daguerreotype Likenesses FOR ONE DOLLAR! JIIAILER MASON has the pleasure of informing the inhabitants of Sunbury ami vicinity that he has opened Rooms at the Slate House, whete he will be in readiness to receive visitors between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Pictures taken with any tlesitablu effect of liyht or shade and colored in the highest perfection of Ihe art and no reonrd lo weather. Instructions given and apparatus furnished for S50. N. B. Perfect satisfaction given in all ca ses or no charge. Sunbury, May 22, 1552. tf. NEW STORE. BENJAMIN HEFFNER RESPECFFULLY informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has opened a new store in the room lately occupied hy George Blight, opposite Uolton's Hotel. Ho has just re ceived a handsome assortment of Spring; and Summer Goods, consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. SUMMER WARE of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: Calicoes, GliiKiniiiN, I.nwnn, MotiKKCIInc Io aUilnca and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every variety. Also au assortment of Hardware. Iron ami Steel, Nails, &e. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, of various sijles and patterns. Abo nn assortment of ROOT & SHOES. Palm Leaf and other Hats and Caps. Salt, Fish, ty. Also a variety of LIQUORS such as It ran (I)'. Gin, Wine, &c. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will he sold at the lowest prices. . If Country produce taken in exchange at the highest pri-cs. Sunbury, May 1, 1852 ly. JOHN A. TAVLOR, Manufacturer of Monuments, Tombs, AND GRAVE STONES OF THE FINEST Italian and American Marble. At his Old Stand ia Northumberland, Pa. ESPECTFULLV inform the public that all work in his line will be made up of the very best material and finished in the latest style of I lie l .astern cities. Those in want of such articles well made and executed in the best stylo and at the lowest rates, will do well to call and examine before they pur chase elsewhere. Moy 15, 185S ly. JUST KECEIVEI) AT TUB Saddlery and Harness Establishment of G. ST HO II, Market Street, Sunbury, A new assortment of Silver, Rraxs and Jitpniiiied Mounting, Which he will either make up to order or sell separately for cash at prices as low if not lower than can tie liaj anywbere else. SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, Trunk. Vullcca, &c , Constantly kept on hand or manufactured to or der. CARRIAGE TRIMMING done on the shortest notice. All iiersons are invited to cull and examine for tbemselvea. All kinds of produce taken in exchange. Sunbury, May 1, 1852. tf. New Arrangements fob Susquehanna Packet Boats. Former Detentions at the Junction Avoided ! fN and after May 1?, 1S58, the Packet J leave the Junction daily at 3 o'clock, P. will daily at 3 o'clock, P. M. (or upou the arrival of tha Cars leaving Phils dclphia at 8 o'clock, A. M.t) and arrive at Wil liamsport next day at 10 o'clock, A. M. Leave Willianisport, daily, at II " A. M, Arrive at Northumlicrland, at 7 44 P. M, And at the Junction, at 6 " A. M In time to take the cars for Philadelphia and 1 iiuourg ! BUKCJUEHANNA BOAT COMPANY. Harriaburg, May 15, 1852 3iu. lMERSON'8 AKITHEmIsTkTNos. ).) 3, -t-i end Porter's Rhetorical Reader, just receiv ed and for sale by WM. McCARTY. Sunbury, May I, 1851 17JEE BILLS.Ju.tices end Constables Fee " Bills handsomely printed on card paper, for sale si mis unite. LIGHTNING KODS. A FTER many years' close investigation and numerous txperiments, the Patentee takes pleasure in informing the public that he hss arri ved tt the true principle of protecting families, dwellings end property from the destructive influ ence of LIGHTNING. The calamities that every City, Town, Village and Country falls vic tim to annually, through the gross negligence of its inhabitants, is beyond calculation, especially when tha remedy is so easy to obtain this is found in ARiUITAGK'S Patent Magnetic Lightning; Rods, and in this alone. This Rod hss been examined by Ihe most scientific gentlemen in the world Professors M'Murtrie, Johnson, Wallor and ma ny others that have examined them, recommend and sxsk of them in the highest terms of appro bation, and have pronounced them Ihe only safe rods in use in Ibis or any other country for the protection of Lives and Property. One advan tage is to divide and throw back a part of the elec tric fluid harmless to the clouds ; in time of a stroke this enables the rod to conduct that portion of fluid that belongs to the earth without the slightest danger of leaving the conductor. This rod has many other advantages over the old one. The only place of manufacturing is in riii St. 3 rfoors above 2th, Philadelphia, where all persons are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. For sale Whole sale or Retail bv THOMAS ARMITAGE. C?" The only authorized Agent for the Coun ties of Union, Juniata, Mitllin, Clinton, Lycom ing, Northumlicrland, Montour, Columbia, Lu zerne, is SAMUEL HOOVER, llartlcton, Union tounty, Pa. Orders and letters addressed (post paid) lo Mr. Hoover, will be promptly attended to. May 8, 1852.- 4m. Valuable Property. late the Estate of E. P. SHANNON, Esq., Of Northumberland JLT PP.ITATE SALE. rilHE subscribers, Executors of the Estate of Ephraini P. Shannon, late of Ihe Bor ough of Norl hu in bet land, ollor nt private sale, the following valuable Real Estate, viz: Lot No. 77, corner of Queen and Front Street, on which is erected a two story Brick Buildiuo, formeily occupied by the deceased ns a Store and Dwelling, ami now occupied as such. Theie ate also on the lot two frame dwellings, &c. Lot No. 52, situated in Market Street, on which is erected a two story white Frame Dwelling;, &e.., adjoining John Taggart, Est., occupied by Ct.ns. Knous. Lots Nos. 69, 70 71 & 72, situate in Mar- l aei oireei, a iwo siory wnne frame wwei- lino, occupied by James Dnuly, and a stable is erected on hits No. 69 & 70. Thti undivided half of Lot No. 120, situate on the corner of Duke and 4th Street, on which is erected a Iwo story dwelling, occu pied by Joseph McCallister. Lot No. 18S, situate in Queen Slreet on which is erected a Iwo slory white Frame Building, occupied by John Burkert Lot No. 60, situate nt Northway and Wa ter Slieels, on which are erected Iwo Frame Dwellings and Stabling, occupied by widow Vandliiio and John Vaiidling. Also the undivided fourth part of lot 166, on which is erected a twnstoiy Fiamo Dwel ling, occupied by John Vandyke. Also ten acres of cleared land, adjoining lands of John Dosha y, nn the East side of the Nisquehuuiiu, about three miles below Dan ville. Also two adjoining vacant lown lots, silil- ated on the corner of Second ami Orange streets, numbered in the goueral plan of Bor ons)!. Nos. 215 & 216. Also four vacant lots on Third and Orange Streets, numbered in the General plan ul said Borough, ios. 203, 210, 211 & 212. Also four vacant lots fronting on Market and Sixth Streets, tunning East to an Alley, numbered in the general plan of said Bor ough, Nos. 77, 78, 79 & 80. Also four vacant lots fronting on Orange Street, ami numbered in the general plan of sal a tforungn, INos. 189, 18b, 187 & 188. The above property will be sold in parts or parcels to suit purchasers, on reasonable terms. For further particulars apnlv lo John Cake, Esq., al Northumberland, or lo the subscribers. ALFRED KNF.ASS. ) , THOMAS STUAWBRIDGE, tx rs Northumberland, May 22, 1S52. tf. H. J. WOLVERTON, ATTOIUTEY AT LAV. OFFICE in Market street, Sunbury, adjoining the Ollicc of the "American" and opposite the Post Ollicc. Business promptly attended to in Northumber land and the adjoining Counties. l!:rKaTo: Hun. C. W. lliuins snd B. Ban- nan, I'ottsville; Hon. A. Jordan ami 11 U. .Mas ser, Sunhurv. April 10, 1855. ly. SOAP & CANDLE MANUFACTORY, No. 19 Wood St , between 2i fr 3d Sis., and No. 17 North 6th Street, liIll.AUKI.PIUA. John Bancroft Jr. and Son, RESPECTFULLY inform Store-keepers, Mer chants, Ac, that they Manufacture and have for Sale, Palm, White, Variegated, Yellow and Brown Soaps, Mould and Dipped Caudlea, all of good quality and at reasonable prices. fT Cash paid for 1 allow and rough r at April 10 1853. ly. NEW GOODS! J. K. KAU1TMAN At His .rw Store in Mlowing Run, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and customers, that he bus just received a new stock of goods, which he oilers to the public ut the lowest prices, tin Spring and Summer Dry Good, guru A3 Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Merinos, Mousscline De Laines, Flannels and every variety of goods suitable for the season. Also Silk Hats, Caps, See. ALSO: An assortment of Hardware. ALSO: All Kinds, of fsroceries, isiqrou$. ALSO: A variety of Queensware, Crockery, it. Besides a variety of other articles, suitable for farmers, &c. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods at the holiest market price. Hollowing Run, April 17, 1852. tt, SUNBURY FERRY! HENRY W. BUCHER informs the public that he has taken the Sunbury Ferry and as he is now well prepared with good and sutli cient erafu he will bo enabled to 'accommodate the public with promptness and despatch. April 10, 1852 tf. BLANK DEEDS printed on the best quality of parchment paper, sold at the lowest prices at this office, by wholesale and retail lUSTICES FEE BILL8 For sale by II. B. MAUSER. Sunbury. IMt.'V lAZORS A superior article ft sale IV,lorf HENRY MASSETt. 6unbuiy, Teh. 1, 1850, TREMENDOUS DISCOVERY In the Dry Goods Business! Goods to c sold Chiafcr than thg Cheapest at tub Stobs or ISAA.C CAMPBELL CO., In Upper AugiiNla ttmnfthlp, Northumberland County, Pa. WHO respectfully Inform the public gener ally, that they have received and opened a new and well selected stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Consisting in part of French, English and American Cloths, Pluck and Fancy Catsimers, Sattinetts, Checkf, Drillings, Muslins, !cc , Culicoes, Linens Ginghams, Lawns, and all kinds of Summer tt'are, Delaines of every de scriplion and Style, Together with n lot of Ladirs Dress Goods. Also a fresh supply of GROCERIES, such as Sugars. Coffee, Teas, Mo lasses, &c, HARDWARE, Nails, Iron, Steel, &c, also a largfl assortment of QUEENSWARE. A fresh supply of DRUGS & MEDICINES. BOOTS and SHOES suitable for men, women and children. HATS and CAPS such as Straw, Palm Leaf and other hats. FISH, SALT, CHEESE, &c, RT All of which will lo sold cheap for cash or in exchange for country produce at the highest market price. Upper Augusta, May 15, 1852. ly. LIBERTY STOVE WORKS, BROWN STREET, above Fourth, PHILADELPHIA. PsHHE undersigned respectfully inform the pub- lie that they are in full operation at their new foundry, and ready to execute orders for stoves of every description on the most reasons ble terms. Thev invite the attention of STOVE DEAL. ERS to their large assortment of STOVES, all of which are entirely new, and got up at great expense. Among which are the Liberty Air Tight Cook, Complete Cook, ttar Air Tight, Star Franklin, Star Radiator, Jenny l.ind Im proved, Fire King Radiators, Salunianders, Can nons, Bases, Bare Cylinders, Bar Room Stoves, furnaces, Gas Ovens, etc., ir. ABBOTT A- LAWRENCE N. B. Country merchants are particularly invited to call and examine our assortment. April 10, 1852. ly. " NEW COUNTRY "STORE, At the Forks of the Plum Creek and Tulpc hocken Road, (near Kreighbaum's Black JACOB AVEIMER, RESPECTFULLY informs the public that he has opened a new Store at the above place and has just received a splendid stock of new Spring and Summer Goods, Consisting in part of Clollis, Cassimers, Sattinets, DRILLINGS and all kinds of linen cotlon and worsted summer ware. ALSO: Callicoes, Muslin de Laines, lawns, Gingham!, And all kinds of Dress Goods for Ladies. Tea, Coffer, ScnAn, Molassks, &c. C; HOC ERICS, of all kinds. BRANDY, GIN, WINE, and all kinds of Liquors. Hardware. Iron an J Steel, Nails, Ac, QUEENSWARE. Shoes, Boots, Caps, Palm leaf and olher Hats. Fish, Salt, &c, All of which he will sell at the most reasonable prices for cash or country produce. Aloy 8, 1852 -tt. . ' JAlLES B.rLEEF,.'3 Wholesale ami ICelail Cluck ESTABLISHMENT. S. E. Corner Second and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPHIA. YVHERF. may be found, one of the largest v and best assortments of Clocks and 1 line picfes in the United Stabs, in quantities to suit j purchasers, of from a single Clock, to one thou- , sand Clorks; embracing every variety of style J ailU IllUlluiatiuir, .uiuiuiv ....... , Counting Houses, Parlois, Sleeping Apartments, and Kitchens, Steam and Canal Boats, and Rail Road Cars. Also general sale Agent, for Rapp's lately pat ented Scientific Nicho Gold Pen. Wholesale and Retail Gold and Silver Pen Holders, and Pencils, aud a variety -of Fancy Goods. Those wishing to purchase will find it to their interest to call before purchasing elsewhere. JAMES BARBER, S. E. Cor. Chcstuut & Snd Sts., Phila. April 10, 1852. ly. It. COHNKUIS. I. l IIAKKK. W. C. BAKKIt. Cornelius, linker t$ Co., MAXl FATl Iti:!!! OF Lamps, Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, &c. STORE NO. 17G CHESTNUT ST.. Manufactory No. 181 Cherry St., PHILADELPHIA. April 10, 1852. tf. I C ..... .... ...l.l r. f 'I......H..M Mol e ' DAVID COOPER, COMMISSION MKKCIIANT, FOR THK BALK OF Fish, Provisions, fje., Vo. 9 A'ortA Wharves, PHILADELPHIA. April 10, 1832 ly. J. H. & W. B. HART, WHOLESALE C. 11 0 C E It S, No. 229 North 3d St., above Callou-hill, PHILADELPHIA. A large assortment of Groceries always on hand, which will lie sold at Ihe lowest prices for Lash or approved Credit. April 10, 1852. ly. The Johnston Ink MANUFACTORY REVIVED If Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA. THE subscriber begs leave respectfully to in form PaiiTsas generally, that he has suc ceeded to the Business of manufacturing i'rxnt ing Ink formerly carried on by his grand Father, and Father, and oilers his articlo to the trade. without any Purrs, but with the simple reliance upon the long established character it has borne, feeling confident of its giving entire satisfaction to all who may favor htm witti a call. Iraxs Cash. CHARLES ENEU JOHNSTON. April 10, 1852 tf. WM7M. ROCKEFELLER, ATTORNEY" AT LAW. Sl.MU KV, PA. Dee. 18. 1851 tf. M. L. SHINDEL, ATT0R1TET AT LAW. Office in Market street Sunbury, opposite 1 Weaver's Hotel ) BUSINESS will be promptly attended to in the Counties of Northumberland, Union, Columbia and Montour, Punbury, Oct. II, 1151 ly. 600 BOOK AGENTS WANTED. Boot!, anlivo and intelligent man, with a small ennilul of finm 3 lo n $100, can make larjje profits by engaging 'nt uo sine oi llio lolloping POPULAR AND USEFUL BOOKS. Cll AMHRHSi 'INFORMATION FOR THK PKOI't.K : "imnr uwyrtipnlni ,,r tsrfiil Kismlnlgr. Tw t.i"K-Di;,.p.U!ll V"lm. c.t,ii t;tl ...its. ' U X!?..illTOnV -IHI. AMKltlCAN Kiwrovn,;, gCT, will. J line FKTKRaiiVamsTUiiroFTiiK f v.nv .... host's hf.Siahkahi.k kvf.ntS Tin th f,Y.OFJJK,l,'A , Ti sirai iK.ta:, vi.Iiihi. rot,, lainina ISii0(K.?,-sa,,lM.wi;,,g,H1iBK,. The Is-st Ilia t"fvi'f Anirnca miMi.hrd ' T(1? tliaTIt Fnorr riuroliiAi. (.iff. of WAsmxriTriv . fpleiKliil H jk. dntiiiiiiiiK txi is-tav., ps( snd I'Sl rte- ' s n ncuprm i. lie ut Wtohmgi'M ' HISTORY OF THE INDIAN W 1'irnt and Fliiin Plntrs. TIIF. TRUE RKFl.BI.IGAN. Gisitniniiw ? InsiuMiml Ail.lrrwi antl the b irst Aimnnl AiMrmri sinl VfrrstiKi s or all tha Presidents of Ilia United Suites, the L'ouMiui. lions of the Important Suites in the L'nion. Ac, Ac Emliellished Willi Portraits of nil Die I'rssidcnis, en. s- ved on steel, and a view of the I'apiud of the L'ut.c Stales. MS) popes. W mo. FOX'9 HOOK OF MARTYR S. A f.Vadsr Family Kdili.m. larae quarto, with 45 Engl:, twistifiilly linnnd in mnr-ieen. gilt. DK COR MKMN'8 IIIMTOR Y OF THK POPF.S. Deo Inrjre octavo pufres, with illuRtrnliniis. Jf)MI-:PIII."R' VOItKS. Fine Kdititm. one Inrtre v lntne. tTt RM SJ nUI LKCTIO.NS ON TIIK WORKS OF KOI). pt. rinnnKf stfdif. of natirk. WtllTK'S HISTORY OF THK Woltl.H. A VnliuiMir tenelnl Hisfory. One large oetnvo votuine, Willi liund- snie Kiieniviiiirs. MVFJ OF GREAT AND rKI.FIIRATKD f'HAR AC- TF.RS : of a I Aires and Cotiittrifs. One large!; 01' HSt pages, with lunocrous Knf rurings. Together wiih a nnmber of other particularly adapted for Popnlar Readii :-. (7 The most liberal discounts wi7i I - -m to Agents who may engage in the sa:c j :; ufiore Valuable hooks. For further particulars, address ipos-.i-i paid,) J. & S. h. GUION, Publi'- ;;..." No. 98 Chestnut Street, Philw! June 26, 1852. Oils, Tallow Grease. r.wA OHIO MINERAL PAINT. Qfsfi HARRELS MACHINERY OIL. IV,. JUU 75 rts per Riillon. 25(10 Gallons ina.:!,i nerv oil, in casks of various sizt-s, 75 cts pi r s'tlO Parrels Boiled Paint Oil, 53 5000 Gallons ' in casks of various siws. " " 350 Rarrels Tanners' Oil. Various kinds and tpialitiea, from 35 to 60 cents per gallon. 1500 Gallons in Casks of various sizes. Va rious kinds and qualities, from 35 to 50 cut' per pillion. 50 Toi Tallow Grease, for Heavy Hearings, and Coarse Marhinery, iu liar re U or Casks, o! any eonsistency required. Price 6 cents per 1!. 150 Tons Ohio Mineral Paint, in Barrels, nt the lowest market price. Marliitrry Oit, warranted not to chill in tho coldest weather, ami considered by those usiny it eiiinl to fSicrin Oil. liuilal I'm nt Oil, eijual to Linseed Oil, other than for white. I am constantly receiving large supplies of the above named articles, and my motto is, "tuiitlt profits and quick returns. B. F. POND, 56 Water St., (under the Pearl st House.) NEW YOiiA New York, June 19, 1S53 3m. CfllDlISSION AND FORWARDING HOtSE- CARR, GIESE & CO., Commission & Forwarding Merchants, Jo. 19, Spettrs Wharf, BALTIMORE. Will receive and sell FLOUR, GRAIN, and ali kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE and ab.o LUMBER. PARTICULAR attention will he given to this branch of the Business, by Lewis W. 11. Gicse, whose whole attention will he devoted to the sale of Lumber, and will occupy nn Office on the Falls Dock, especially for tins purpose. Mr. ! Giesc's long experience, and reputation :is (irst rate salesman, is a guarantee mm me uigncsi market prices will always be obtained. t iT Liberal Cash advances made on Con signments : but in no case will this House iniike nnv advances, until the Produce is received. March 13, 1852. 4mo. TltlCMKNDOLS EXCITEKSNT ! '. Cash, Steam, Electricity ! ! The Aerial and nil other lines out-done by t!i0 LlIitnlii? Hue of UIX T. CLEMENT. VV"HO, having great faith in rapid sales and ' small profits, has just received anu opened a large assortment of SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS, At his Store in MarSet Slreet, Sunbury, which h offer to the public at the lowest prices. His stock consists or a general assortment oi Drv (loods, viz : Cloths. Cassimers, Cassinets. Jeans, Drillings. Muslins, Linens, Lulieoes, Muslin .'c Lain, Lawns, (.'iij:uim.. Beragrs. Stt.K St Palm Leap Hat. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Grocci Jcn, Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese, Spi ces, Fi.h Salt, Plaster. HARDWARE, Viz: Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Sqws, QUEENSWARE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, .' ; i-i ', LIQUORS, Wine. Brandy, Gin, Rum, Vhiskry, Country prod lira of all kinds taken ii ' x cliange at the highest market prices. May 8, 1853. ly. STA(.K OFFICR WASHINGTON HOUSE, SUNBURY, PA, JAMES COVERT, Proprietor. yiH I.D respectfully announce that he !': ' taken this well known stand, where will be gratified to see and entertain his bit . ! and Ihe travelling public generally. This ho i i. is now replete with every convenience, cornier! t bie, puvsantlv located, handsomely furnitlu.l, well ventilated, rendering it in every respect a dcsirnhlo stopping place. .... , . No espense ha been spared in fitting up this house. The chambers are well furnished and the table and bar provided with the best the market can afford. The stable accommodations are cx tensive aud well calculated for travelers. STAGE OFFICE. The stages running from Northumberland to Pottsville. stop at this house, where through and way ticket to Philadelphia can be obtained. Sunbury, March SO, 185? tf. Lycoming Mutual Insurance Company. DR. i. M. MASSER is the local agent for tko above Insurance Company, in Nortlinniln t land county, and is at all times ready to effect Insurance agnlust Are on real or personal pr. pertv, or renewing policies for the same. Sunbury, April 20, 1851. If. GOLD PENS with and without silver rasea just received, and for sale bv U D.'MASSKR futibury, A mil 4 1851 nAND DILLS neatly printed on new typa promptly executed at this oH'n e. Alsu blinks, of all kind on superior psper. Kunbury, IVb. 11, s5J. IIF.Mt Y CAKK. GKO. I.KACUF.. t. ft. OIF.SK V -